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[lojban-beginners] Re: tanru/lujvo for [name] type of thing?

la camgusmis cusku di'e

zo rodzga cu bridi le si'o da .e de vu'o poi tcini zo'u karbi da de gi'e
tcitygau fi pa da ce de kei le zgana se zukte ku ce'o le tcita tcini ku
ce'o le na tcica tcini ku ce'o le zgana ciste

I've seen essentially no attempts to define lojban words in lojban,
though, so take anything anyone says about this with a grain of salt.

I've made a few attempts. I believe I wrote a definition in
lojban for {.iglu} in jbovlaste. Also, things like:


My preferred convention for writing definitions in Lojban is
to put the word being defined in the prenex and then use
ko'a, ko'e, ... for x1, x2, ... in the body of the definition.

For example, your definition would come out as something

zo rodzga zo'u tu'e ko'e e ko'i tcini ije karbi ko'e ko'i ije
tcitygau fi pa lu'a ko'e ce ko'i ije ko'a zgana se zukte ije
ko'e tcita tcini ije ko'i na'e tcita tcini ije ko'o zgana ciste

But I would expect the place structure of {rodzga} to be based
on that of {zgana}. At the very least the x1 should be a Luhmann-
observer, not a Luhmann-observation. If it is essential to have
an observation in x1 then {rodnunzga} would be better, or else
use {nu rodzga}. The place structure of {zgana} seems to offer
what is needed, if we can take the x4 conditions as the "unmarked
state". x3 of zgana is the "observing system". In that case we
could have the simpler definition:

zo rodzga zo'u tu'e ko'a zgana ko'e ko'i ko'o ije ko'a karbi
ko'e ko'o ije ko'e tcita tcini ije ko'o na'e tcita tcini tu'u

or something similar.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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