Some fables by Aesop; translated from the Greek by Nick Nicholas (originally
published in ju'i lobypli 16).

me le cinkrkikada. e lei manti
.i caze'a le dunra le maxri noi se cimri'a ku'o lei manti goi ko'a cu se
.i loke'unai cinkrkikada. goi ko'u noi xagji cu cpedu lo cidja ko'a
.i lei manti cu tavba'u fi ko'u fe lu ki'u ma ca le crisa do si'anai na
jmaji lo cidja li'u
.i ko'u bacru <>
.i ko'a noi ca cmila cu bacru
ni'o le lisri cu se xu'apli
fi ledu'u xamgu fa lenu gunka jundi roda kei fi lenu badri najenai ckape

Cicada and Ants. At the time of winter the ants dried the moistened grain. And
a cicada hungering asked them for food. And the ants said to it: "For what
reason in the summer did you not gather food as well?" And it said "I wasn't
working, but I sang musically." And they said laughing "But if you at
the time of the summer played the flute, dance in the winter."
The myth shows that it is not meet that one should neglect any thing, so that
s/he may not be saddened and imperiled.

me le resprtestudine. e le cicyractu
.i lo resprtestudine kuce lo cicyractu leni sutra cu dabysnu
.isemu'ibo lego'i noi pu zanru jdice tu'a le detri .eji'a le stuzi cu sepli
bajra simjvi
.ilezu'u cicyractu noi ki'u leke'a rarna ka sutra cu na'e gunka jundi lenu
bajra ku'o ca'o lenu vreta te'e le dargu cu sipna
.i lezu'unai resprtestudine. noi sanji leke'a ka masno na sisti lenu bajra
.ije seki'ubo lego'i noi bajra zo'a le cicyractu noi sipna
cu mo'u klama le stuzi sa'a pe le cnemu befi lenu jinga
ni'o le se cusku cu se xu'apli fi ledu'u le rarna se ckaji noi na'e seke gunka
jundi ku'o le nu troci cu so'eroi se tervlimau

Tortoise and Hare. A tortoise and a hare argued on [their] speed. So, having
agreed on the date and the place, they ran [raced] apart. The hare, on the
one hand, who because of its natural speed did not take pains with its running,
lied down by the road and slept. The tortoise, on the other hand, being
aware of its slowness, did not stop running. And thus it, running past the
sleeping hare, arrived at the trophy of victory.
The word shows that natural quality which has not had pains taken over it is
often overpowered by effort.

me le lorxu .e le vanjba
.i lo lorxu noi xagji ku'o ca lenu viska loi vanjba noi dandu lo tricu cu
djica lenu cpacu ra gi'e naka'e cpacu
.i lego'i ca lenu darkla cu tavba'u fi vo'a fe <>
ni'o si'a so'i remna noi na'eka'e xagygau lei cuntu ki'u loka ruble cu fuzysku
le tcini

Fox and grape bunch. A hungry fox, upon seeing bunches of grapes hanging from
some trellis, wished to obtain them and could not. Removing itself it said to
itself: They are sour. Thus too some people unable to improve things because
of weakness blame the times.

me le calkrdanlrkankre .e le mamta be ri
	.i <>
.i leke'unai calkrdanlrkankre cu bacru
ni'o se xu'apli fi ledu'u lei pajni be lei prenu be'o cusku cu .eiro'a vrude
tarti je sa'enai cadzu cei bu'a
.iba'ojenaipubo.ei ra cu ctuca lenu bu'a

Crab and Mother. Not to walk crooked, a crab was told by its mother, nor to
rub its sides on the wet stone. And it said: "Mother, you who teach walk
straight, and watching you I will imitate." That it is meet for the critical
to live and walk straight, and then to teach the same.

me le cipnrkorvo .e le lorxu
.i lo cipnrkorvo noi ba'o kavbu lo rectu cu co'a zutse lo tricu
.i lo lorxu noi viska ra gi'e djica lenu cpacu le rectu
cu sanli gi'e zanru skicu le cipnrkorvo. ri lo xadbraxau je melbi
gi'eji'a bacru ledu'u ge ra nu'o turni .ei lei cipni
gi leda'inu ra cu se voksa lo xamgu cu nibli lenu pu'i turni
.i le cipnrkorvo noi djica lenu jarco fi le lorxu
fe lenu pu'i se voksa lo xamgu cu renro le rectu gi'e cladu krixa
.i le lorxu cu bajra gi'e bacru ba'o lenu kavbu le rectu kei
ni'o le prenu noi bebna ku'o le se cusku cu pilno se xamgu

Crow and Fox. A crow having snatched some meat sat on some tree. And a fox
seeing him and wishing to obtain the meat, stood and praised it as well-
proportioned and beautiful, also saying that he should indeed be king of
the birds, and that this would have happened, if he had a voice. And wishing
to show him that he also had a voice, he threw off the meat and shouted loudly.
And having run to him and snatched the meat he said: "O Crow, and if you
had brains too, nothing would be lacking for you to be king of everything."
The word is opportune for a foolish man.

me le fetcinfo .e le lorxu
.i lo fetcinfo noi se ckasu lo lorxu lenu ra roroi se jbena lo pamei cu bacru
ni'o se xu'apli fi ledu'u loni xamgu cu.ei se merli fi lo klani na.e leni
srana loka vrude

Lioness and Fox. A Lioness being mocked by a fox on always giving birth to
one, said "One, but a lion." That the good should not be measured in quantity,
but in its relation to virtue.