111122223 3 ({<[({<[(lu ie a'a ie o'onai ru'e ) `` (Agreed!) (I'm attentive!) (Agreed!) (Grrr!) (-weak) LU UI UI UI UI+NAI CAI 3333 3 3 4 444 4 ({<[cu'u sa'a] [mi (noi {<[ca ki] (as) said by ] me , which at the time (of) : BAI UI KOhA NOI PU KI 4 445 5 55 55 vilkla > <[(zo'a {le vorme}) ({fi'o violent+goes tangential (to) the door [modal based on] LUJVO FAhA LE GISMU FIhO 5 55 5 55444 433 } {le janco })]>} ku'o)]> 3rd place of mild+injures the shoulder , SE LUJVO LE GISMU KUhO 33 3 33 3 33 <[se ra'a ] ma >} {pezyjicla }) 2nd place of pertained to by who?/what? [figurative:]+stirs SE BAI KOhA LUJVO 22 li'u]> '' LIhU 223 3 3 333 33 3 3332 2 i <[(mi {vi }) ({pu })] [ . Me here (at) the nest before sits of type idle I KOhA VA LE GISMU PU GISMU CO GISMU 2 2 3 33 3 i ca bo] [mi (terbei { <[le (se {du'u that 4th place of expresses the 2nd place of fact that NOI SE GISMU LE SE NU 556 66 6 6 66 6 <[(lu'o { joi } lu'u) the mass composed of veion together with nitcion , LUhI LA NAME JOI LA NAME LUhU 6 6 6 6 77 7 7 (goi {ko'a })]>})] cu [djica ({le })]>})]>})]>})]>})]>} here (at) it VA KOhA 22 2 3 32 2 22 3 i { <[na (se . `` who?/what? what? '' not true 2nd place of I LU KOhA GOhA LIhU NA SE 32222 spuda )]>}) responds GISMU 2 22 2 22 22221 i (ko'a { <[la fraktur]>})] . It-1 attentive discusses fraktur I KOhA GISMU GISMU LA NAME 12 2 22 2 22 22211 i [(mi zo'u ) ({la fraktur} {})]> . Me such that: fraktur not-particularly- interesting I KOhA ZOhU LA NAME NAhE GISMU 1 122 2 22 2 3 3 3 i ku'o})]>}) gi'e (denpa {})]>})]>})]>})]>} carrier the mass of all coffee me GISMU LE GISMU KOhA 11122223 3 33 3 333 ni'o {<[({<[(le {mi jubme}) cu (xekri {<[se _ The me table (is/does) black 2nd place of NIhO LE KOhA GISMU CU GISMU SE 3 3 4 4 4433332 ja'e ] [lo (ni {to'ercitno })]>})] therefore some degree of opposite-of-+young BAI LE NU LUJVO 2 33 3 3334 4 i [ra ({ve srakysku } {<[(zo mi ) . It 4th place of scratches+expresses quote-unquote: me I KOhA SE LUJVO ZO KOhA 44 443 3 44 44 ce'o ({prami bu })] ce'o [lu ({le cmacrnalgebra}) and then lover as a letter and then `` the cmacrnalgebra JOI GISMU BU JOI LU LE LEhAVLA 333322 li'u]>})]> '' LIhU 2 2 33 33222 i } . Me fond the table I KOhA GISMU LE GISMU 2 223 3 33 33 3 i {mi <[(de'a morji ) ({fi <[la veion] e . Me while pausing (from) remembers x3= veion and I KOhA ZAhO GISMU FA LA NAME A 3 33332 23 32222 [la nitcion]>})] gi'e [(co'a pensi )]>}) nitcion and on starting cogitates LA NAME GIhA ZAhO GISMU 22 2 22 2 2233 3 i ({mi si'a } { <[({so'a } . Me similarly, 2nd place of interesting almost every I KOhA UI SE GISMU PA 3 3 3 4 43333 33 3 3 {klesi }) ({ra'a nai } {le category of some symbol system pertained to by -not the GISMU BE LE GISMU GISMU BAI NAI LE 3 3 44 4 <[mu'u (le {sucta 3rd place of rule exemplified by the abstract SE GISMU BAI LE GISMU 55444 4 cmacrnalgebra})]>} gi {mecritli cmacrnalgebra or/and/then/whether less-than+ritual LEhAVLA GI LUJVO 44 5 55 5 <[mu'u (loi { exemplified by the mass of all natural and/or artifactual BAI LE GISMU JA GISMU 554444333322221 bangu })]>})]>})]>})] language GISMU 12 2 2 22 23 i [(la'e di'u ) (mukti {} kei) (noi {<[ki'u ke'a ] me student lojban , , which because he/she/it KOhA GISMU LA NAME KEI NOI BAI KOhA 3 3 34 43333222211 mi > })]>})]> me present at Lojbanic+family KOhA GISMU LA LUJVO 11222 2 223 no'i <[({ cu <[(klama co _ Some carrier+person (is/does) goes of type NIhO LE LUJVO CU GISMU CO 3 33 3 3 4 veirgau ) ({le })]>})] [gi'e ba bo] some big intensely - coffee and after - LE GISMU GISMU BO GISMU GIhA PU BO 2 3333 3 3 33 [nalsirkla ({<[mo'i ze'o ] ku> <[na'e other-than-+directly+goes moving outward other-than- LUJVO MOhI FAhA KU NAhE 4 43 3 3333222 2 (mo'i fa'a )] [le jupku'a ]>})]>} { moving towards the cooks+room MOhI FAhA LE LUJVO 2 2 22 3 3 3 i ua ru'e } {simlu <[fa (le {nu ca } for a while (during) before not true and at the time (of) ZEhA PU NA JA PU 4 4 433332222 zvaju'o ) (mi )]>})]>}) present-at+knows me LUJVO KOhA 2 22 2221 1 i (mi'a {})] [ . We, not you, mutually greeter I KOhA GISMU GISMU 1 1 222 2 2 i la'a ru'e ] [mi ({ facki } . (it's likely!) (-weak) me after , a short time discoverer I UI CAI KOhA PU ZI GISMU 22 2 3 3 3 3 333322221111 {})]>})]>}) the reason of the event of quick+brings-about LE GISMU BE LE NU LUJVO