PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN OLD VERSION. The current version is linked from The Complete Lojban Language.

5. Expressing scales in selbri negation

In expressing a scalar negation, we must provide some indication of the scale, range, frame-of-reference, or universe of discourse that is being dealt with in an assertion. As stated in Section 4, the default is the set of plausible alternatives. Thus if we say:

5.1)  le stizu cu na'e xunre
    The chair is a non-(red-thing).
the pragmatic interpretation is that we mean a different color and not
5.2)  le stizu cu dzukla be le zarci
    The chair walkingly-goes-to-the-market.

However, if we have reason to be more explicit (an obtuse or contrary listener, or simply an overt logical analysis), we can clarify that we are referring to a color by saying:

5.3)  le stizu cu na'e xunre skari
    The chair is of a non-(red)-color
        (as perceived by something under some conditions).

We might also have reduced the pragmatic ambiguity by making the two trailing sumti values explicit (the ``as perceived by'' and ``under conditions'' places have been added to the place structure of ``xunre''). But assume we have a really stubborn listener (an artificially semi-intelligent computer?) who will find a way to misinterpret Example 5.3 even with three specific sumti provided.

In this case, we use a sumti tagged with the sumti tcita ``ci'u'', which translates roughly as ``on a scale of X'', where ``X'' is the sumti. For maximal clarity, the tagged sumti can be bound into the negated selbri with ``be''. To clarify Example 5.3, we might say:

5.4)  le stizu cu na'e xunre be ci'u loka skari
    The chair is a non-(red on-a-scale-of-colorness)-thing.

We can alternately use the sumti tcita ``teci'e'', based on ``ciste'', which translates roughly as ``of a system of components X'', for universes of discourse; in this case, we would express Example 5.3 as:

5.5)  le stizu cu na'e xunre
        be teci'e le skari
    The chair is a non-(red

Other places of ``ciste'' can be brought out using the grammar of selma'o BAI modals, allowing slightly different forms of expression, thus:

5.6)  le stizu cu na'e xunre
        be ci'e lo'i skari
    The chair is a non-(red

The cmavo ``le'a'', also in selma'o BAI, can be used to specify a category:

5.7)  le stizu cu na'e xunre
        be le'a lo'i skari
    The chair is a non-(red
which is minimally different in meaning from Example 5.6.

The cmavo ``na'e'' is not the only member of selma'o NAhE. If we want to express a scalar negation which is a polar opposite, we use the cmavo ``to'e'', which is grammatically equivalent to ``na'e'':

5.8)  le stizu cu to'e xunre
        be ci'u loka skari
    The chair is a (opposite-of red)
        on-scale a-property-of color-ness.

Likewise, the midpoint of a scale can be expressed with the cmavo ``no'e'', also grammatically equivalent to ``na'e''. Here are some parallel examples of ``na'e'', ``no'e'', and ``to'e'':

5.9)  ta melbi
    That is-beautiful.

5.10) ta na'e melbi
    That is-non-beautiful.
    That is other than beautiful.
    That is ugly [in one sense].

5.11) ta no'e melbi
    That is-neutrally beautiful.
    That is plain/ordinary-looking
        (neither ugly nor beautiful).

5.12) ta to'e melbi
    That is-opposite-of beautiful.
    That is ugly/very ugly/repulsive.

The cmavo ``to'e'' has the assigned rafsi ``-tol-'' and ``-to'e-''; the cmavo ``no'e'' has the assigned rafsi ``-nor-'' and ``-no'e-''. The selbri in Example 5.10 through Example 5.12 could be replaced by the lujvo ``nalmle'', ``normle'', and ``tolmle'' respectively.

This large variety of scalar negations is provided because different scales have different properties. Some scales are open-ended in both directions: there is no ``ultimately ugly'' or ``ultimately beautiful''. Other scales, like temperature, are open at one end and closed at the other: there is a minimum temperature (so-called ``absolute zero'') but no maximum temperature. Still other scales are closed at both ends.

Correspondingly, some selbri have no obvious ``to'e'' --- what is the opposite of a dog? --- while others have more than one, and need ``ci'u'' to specify which opposite is meant.