xrukla:go back same p.s. as klama Ruth 1 spebu'aspe:x1 is married to x2's spouse's brother under convention x3 Ruth 1 cmerinsa:x1 greets/calls x2 by name x3 Ruth 1 velvi'ucrepu:glean:x1 harvests x2 which x4 left in x3 Ruth 2 grustani:ear of grain:x1 is an ear of grain x2 Ruth 2 ceirka'ixu'a:prophet:x1 prophesies x2 about x3 on behalf of x4 who is the god of people/religion x5 sudyselxadni:withered John 5 limla'u:swimming pool same as lalxu John 5 surdei:Sabbath The rest of the days of the week are numbered nondei-mumdei. mumdei may also be called bredei. Note that this is one off from the Hebrew and Greek numbering. soldei, lurdei ... tedydei is not appropriate for the Bible. John 5 selbairgu'a:forced labor, slave:x1 is forced to work at x2 with objective x3 by x4 Exodus 20 jdaseltai:idol:x1 (physical object) is an idol of x2 (abstract, usually a god) Exodus 20 datspegle:commit adultery:x1 fucks x2 who is the spouse of someone other than x1 Exodus 20 xa'ujbi:neighbor:x1 is a neighbor of x2 Exodus 20 xejyzalvi:chew:x1 chews x2 producing x3 Exodus 20 toltu'o:regurgitate se toltu'o, in the context of cows, is cud Exodus 20 jbedju:midwife Exodus 2 bundrciklu:an amount weighed in shekels dekprxinu:a volume measured in hins rarmorsi:dead of natural causes; (food laws) nevelah cicfergau:to tear by wild animals:x1 is wild and makes tear x2 in x3 te cicfergau, in the context of food laws, is tref Ezekiel 4 jipyda'iga'a:battering ram:x1 is a bar of material x2 used by x3 to hit x4 on the x5 with end x6 Ezekiel 4 srugunta:lay siege to:x1 surrounds and attacks x2 with goal/objective x3, surrounding in plane x4 Ezekiel 4 ga'ezga:perceive as having quality:x1 perceives that x2 has quality x3 with sense x4 under conditions x5 mabrnxirake:hyrax also called dassie, daman; none of these names is really appropriate hyrax means "shrewmouse"; dassie "little badger"; daman "sheep"; and it's none of these Exodus 20 cipnrxakuila:eagle vultura:vulture cipnrxalieto:bald eagle (not sure what bird is meant in the Bible but it's a falconiform) cipnrgupa:kite (?) falkone:falcon cipnrkorvo:crow cipnrbatiana:some bird called bat ya`anah in Hebrew glauka:owl cipnrlaro:gull akcipitro:hawk cipnrkosu:some bird called kos flakrokoraka:cormorant cipnrjancufu:probably an ibis but not certainly tinceme:apparently an animal with both avian and reptilian characteristics fipydaklycpi:pelican cipnrvispreda:osprey cipnrkikonia:stork cipnrxarde'a:heron cipnrpupupa:hoopoe spatrskirpo:bulrush (which is not a rush {junkace} but a sedge) misryplespa:papyrus xagryspa:reed (the plant, Arundo, esp. A. donax) maxrnspelta:spelt jaxmuru:some ruminant, perhaps the bubal hartebeest, which is what the word means in Arabic baknrto:some ruminant called t'o nanba garna:bread, the staff of life garna, not grana, because lo garna supports x2 Ezekiel 4 gugrkasdi:the country of the Chaldeans the 's' in "kasdi" is actually a voiceless 'l' as evidenced by the transliterations Ezekiel 1 notpejgau:apostle, missionary:x1 causes message x2 to spread to x3 from x4 seljdabi'o:proselyte:x1 becomes a believer/adherent of religion x2 by performing practice x3 / accepting belief x3 bebyfigre:a fig of the species Ficus sycamorus Not to be confused with the sycamore, which is {platano} and has balls of long thin pyramidal seeds with yellow-green bristles. Luke 19 murzda: x1 (zdani1) is a tent/teepee/etc for/of x2 (zdani2) of type/material x3 (murta3) Song of Solomon 1 firmu'a: x1 is a veil worn by x2 (murta2 = flira2) made of material x3 (murta3) Song of Solomon 1 lanli'e: lanme+lidne: x1 (lidne1) is a shepherd for sheep x2 (lanme2 = lidne2) Song of Solomon 1 xirxelkla: xirma+xe+klama: x1 is a chariot/wagon/horse drawn carriage (any vehicle driven by (literal) horse power) Song of Solomon 1 kiljimca: x1 (kinli1 = jimca1) is a thorn/sticker (as in cactus) of x2 (jimca2) Song of Solomon 2 [ this one kinda sucks... anyone have better suggestion? -jrd ] [ Changed to {julne}. The Hebrew word also means "net". -phma ] cankyli'i: x1 is window lattice Song of Solomon 2 figytricu: figre+tricu: x1 (figre1 = tricu1) is a fig tree of species/cultivar x2 (figre2 = tricu2) Song of Solomon 2 parspa: cpare+spati: x1 (cpare1 = spati1) is a vine (plant which climbs along walls/other plants/etc) of species/strain/cultivar x2 (spati2) Song of Solomon 2 ckaxelkla: ckana+xe+klama: x1 (ckana1 = xelklama1) is a palanquin/litter for x2 (xelklama3) Song of Solomon 3 [ This should have all the places of {xelkla}. -phma ] beicka: x1 is a litter made of x2 for x3 carried by x4 Song of Solomon 3 slosedyta'u: crown: x1 is a crown worn by x2 Song of Solomon 3 xapsele: rose of Sharon (LSG says narcisse, others crocus) Song of Solomon 2 kartujli: lily (not to be confused with kartuli) because tulips are in the lily family. Song of Solomon 2 cidyku'u: cypress Song of Solomon 1 molmolo: myrrh (Commiphora molmol, syn. C. myrrha) Song of Solomon 3 albona: frankincense (Hebrew ha-lbonah) Song of Solomon 3 lirfigre: olynth, breba fig Temperate figs have multiple crops. In F. carica, the first crop is called breba and is small and inferior. Song of Solomon 2 partamu: x1 is a partam (some Persian title) of x2 (?) Esther 1