

Number subgrammar

posts: 1912

> Re: Number subgrammar
> Rob:
> > digit digits thousand whole decimal2 decimal1 decimal digitplace
> tuple real indef component fraction complex quantity range fuzzy
> number

I don't understand how what I wrote turned into that. Second try:

> digit <- NO / TUhO
> digits <- digit+
> thousand <- digits KIhO
> whole <- thousand+ digits
> decimal2 <- whole (PI digits (RAhE digits)?)? / PAI

What happens to {ki'o} without leading digits?
What about {ki'o} after {pi} to separate thousandths?

> decimal1 <- MAhU? decimal2 / MAhU
> decimal <- decimal1 CEhI?
> digitplace <- decimal PIhE?
> tuple <- digitplace+
> real <- decimal / tuple
> indef <- PI? RO / TUhO
> component <- real / indef
> fraction <- component FIhU fraction / component

What about {fi'u} without anything in front?

> complex <- fraction? KAhO fraction? / fraction
> quantity <- component / fraction / DAhA quantity
> range <- SUhO quantity?

What about {da'a su'o ci}, "all but at least three"?

> fuzzy <- complex JIhI complex
> number <- quantity / complex / fuzzy / range / indef number

I would allow two quantities/ranges in a row. The meaning would be:

1- When the two ranges intersect, the intersection:

za'ucime'iso = more than three and less than nine.

2- When the two ranges don't intersect, the union:

me'ivoza'uvo = less than four or more than four (i.e. other than four).

3- When one of the quantities is definite and the other indefinite, they
are identified:

rauci = three, which is enough
roci = all three

CLL does not mention 1 or 2 (I think) but it does have examples of 3.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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