

Robin's gadri Proposal

posts: 143

Robin Lee Powell wrote:

>Eimi, please sign off your posts. Thanks.
>On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 12:31:20PM -0700, Eimi wrote:
>>That is, if a gadri has defaults for all the axes, then is it possible
>>for glorking to decide that one really doesn't mean that, instead of
>>explicitly mentioning it. (Example: If we're talking about mythology,
>>do I have to use lo da'i pavyseljirna, or can I just say lo
>>pavyseljirna without implying that I believe they actually exist).
>If we're talking about mythology, I see no problem, although I would
>expect a listener coming in in the middle to be quite surpised at you
>talking about "da poi pavyseljirna", which is what lo actually means.

I wouldn't. Anyone discussing unicorns is (necessarily) working in a
context where they exist. Likewise with discussions of Sherlock Holmes
and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Iraq is the second holiest place in Islam. Bin Laden's now got the Americans in
the two holiest places in Islam, the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq, and he has the
Israelis in Jerusalem. All three sanctities are now occupied by infidels, a
great reality for him.