

Robin's gadri Proposal

posts: 14214

On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 02:15:48PM -0700, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> --- Robin:
> > A: mi gasnu co favytcini lo samru'e li pa
> > B: xu cnino samru'e
> > A: go'i
> > B: .ua do gasnu co favytcini fo no da
> We've been here before:
> A: ti botpi
> B: botpi fo ma
> A: botpi fo noda
> B: oi

  • No*.

These are not the same thing.

> A botpi with no lid (or a farvi without stages) is like a patfu with
> no children, a contradiction in terms.

Sure, but developing something from scratch is different than both those
things, is it not?

It seems conceptually strange to me that I couldn't say "mi finti da",
meaning "mi finti da fo zo'i" ("I made shit up") without expecting
substantial confusion on the part of the listener.
