

BPFK Section: Numeric selbri

posts: 2388
Well, I think we need
as a gismu since sorting it out as an analytic lujvo (about the only kind we see) is going to be a pain. I am not clear what notion vaguely in the
space has a reasonable use for probability. It can be added to stress the forlornness of the hope, perhaps, but it really is an addition.

Rob Speer <rspeer@MIT.EDU> wrote:On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 03:32:47PM -0700, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> > While you are dropping (on another thread) superfluous places, the
> > probbability place in {pacna} is a natural to go, since it has no place in a
> > concept that can reasonably be correlated with "hope."
> Yes, I always thought that place of {pacna} was funny for the "hope" gloss.
> In Spanish, "esperar" means both "to hope" and "to expect" (it also
> means "to wait" but that's not relevant here) so I suppose someone thought
> that {pacna} in Lojban could also cover both. But if so, they should have
> used "expect" as the keyword. A place for an expectation value is useful
> to have, but I agree that mixing it with hope/wish/desire just doesn't
> make any sense. And I don't see why {pacna} has to encroach like
> that into {djica} territory either.

I think that the probability place of {pacna} is useful, and that the fault is
in "hope" being the keyword. There are other cases of misleading keywords in
the gismu list.
Rob Speer