

Wiki page BPFK Section: Subordinators changed

posts: 2388

> John E Clifford scripsit:
> > "not green" can't mean "camel" unless
> > camels definitionally are not green).
> Why isn't it enough that camels are
> contingently not green?
Good enough for practical purposes, but it does
get into problems in Dr. Seuss for example, where
camels might well be green. Of course, even when
something is technically possible --e.g., "not
red" when the fact is "is a spirit" — the first
tendency is to take the lowest level
incompatible, in this case another color. {na'e}
points to that lowest level incompatibility
(however, the ordering of level is dense, so
there is always a lower level than the one chosen
and so, by parity, any one can be taken as lowest
level). the difference is mainly pragmatic, what
our expectations should be: {na'e} another
whatever it is that is denied, {na} no
expectations supported (not that the inference
from 'not a' to any particular b is ever
justified anyhow).