

BPFK Section: Hesitation

posts: 14214

On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 03:48:08PM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> > 2. .y. is ignored absolutely everywhere; if we're going to do
> > that we might as well drop the one other word in the language
> > (.y'y.) that begins or ends with .y. as well for morphological
> > simplicity.
> There are at least 17 other words
> that end with 'y',

<blink />

Like *what*? Oh, like by, cy, dy, etc. Whoops.

> but {y} and {y'y} are the only ones that begin with it. I don't
> remember the status of things like {by'y} or {bu'y}, hopefully
> they are outlawed absolutely and forever.

So far as I know.

> I'd vote for this option.

Well, yeah, I kinda figured that. :-)


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