

Magic Words

posts: 14214

On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 07:52:06PM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> --- wrote:
> > Re: Magic Words
> > grammer.300 claims that ZEI works on ZOI, ZO and LOhU...LEhU
> > clauses. I'm pretty sure this is just a YACC side effect; it
> > certainly seems amazingly ridiculous to me. If anyone disagrees,
> > let me know.
> I disagree.

OK. Tell me what is special about these constructs that something
that binds together words:

zei ZEI lujvo glue
joins preceding and following words into a

should be able to bind these things, which are clearly not single
words, as well?

And if it can bind these things, why not'u, or tu'e...tu'u,
or any other grouped construct?
