

BPFK Section: Hesitation

On Friday 05 November 2004 19:49, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> > You can't *possibly* be suggesting that a vocally stressed {y}
> > should be considered a real word, but a non-stressed {y} be
> > considered white space, can you?

Only after {zo}, and we already have rules that change word boundaries
depending on which vowel is stressed.

> Furthermore, how the hell do you even stress schwa? I mean, isn't
> that just a *grunt* at that point?

The Albanians seem to do it, e.g. "është". English has some words too, such as
"crumbly" /krYmbli/.

li ze te'a ci vu'u ci bi'e te'a mu du
li ci su'i ze te'a mu bi'e vu'u ci