

BPFK Section: lerfu Shifts

posts: 152

On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 12:08:52PM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> But I'd rather use the implication arrow itself for an implication arrow,
> and something like {lo nibli sinxa} to talk about them.

I'd like to draw more attention to this useful comment.

While the rest of the thread goes off with Stupid Zai Tricks, I want to
step back and ask: why in holy heck would you want to say an
_implication arrow_ out loud?

If you're expressing some logical statement, you don't say the arrow,
you say "implies" or "nibli". The arrow is a shorthand.

Compare the following two mathematical statements, and observe which one
would actually be spoken.

"For all x and all y, x equals y implies y equals x."

"Upside down capital A, x, upside down capital A, y, x, equals sign, y,
double arrow pointing to the right, y, equals sign, x."
mu'o mi'e rab.spir