

Magic Words

posts: 14214

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 03:20:20PM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> --- Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> > Oh, another thing: in left-to-right processing, BU *always*
> > loses. Not sure this is a bad thing, but wanted to point it out.
> "Always" here means {zo bu}, {zoi bu ... bu}, {da zei bu}, {lo'u
> bu le'u}, {da ba'e bu}, {fa'o bu}.

Also "broda si bu", actually.

> In how many of those does {bu} win with your rules? In fact, does
> it win in any one at all?

Nope, don't think so. Just wanted to point it out, is all.

> But there is always a way to get a lerfu from those words: {zo zo
> bu}, {zo zoi bu}, {zo zei bu}, {zo lo'u bu}, {zo le'u bu}, {zo
> ba'e bu}, {zo fa'o bu} all give a lerfu from the quoted word.


Would you mind collecting your version, clearly labelling it as
such, and putting it at the bottom of the Magic Words page?

It's certainly worthy enough of consideration that people should
have the two versions side-by-side to compare. I'll mark it up with
example comparisons and such.
