

Magic Words: left-to-right

posts: 14214

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 07:14:25PM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> --- Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> > Because BAhE says "The construct behaves just as that word by
> > itself.", which implies to me that BAhE is gone for future
> > processing.
> Right. Yes, I think that's the right interpretation.

I don't.

> After all, the other magic words see a single word, so SA should
> too.

SA should be able to back to the last BAhE, IMO.

Hmmm. What does "sa zo ba'e" do in your interpretation? Or "sa zo"
in general, for that matter.

> What do you rules do with {ba'e a bu}, {ba'e a zei da}? Is it {*a*
> bu} or {*a bu*}? {*a* zei da} or {*a zei da*}?

The former in both cases.

> > BAhE gets absorbed, UI does not.
> Yes, that's a difference. But the reason is the left-to-right
> processing. The only way for BAhE to do its thing AND not get in
> the way of the word it modifies is by getting absorbed. UI don't
> need to get absorbed because by the time they get to do their
> thing, the word they modify has already done its own thing. BAhE
> is very sui generis in the language.

So is BU.

I really don't like SA not being able to back into BAhE, but it's a
minor thing.
