

BPFK Super-Section: BAI sumtcita

posts: 14214

On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 07:25:10AM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> Robin:
> > I'd like to work on coming up with a general template for
> > non-special case BAI / SE BAI and BAI NAI.
> I'd like a general template for all tags, not just BAIs, along the
> lines of the one I propose in
> BPFK Section: sumtcita Formants

That's not quite the kind of template I meant, but that's helpful.

Why the jai?

Don't you mean fi'o selbri1 fe'u *ku* in the first case?

[the problem of ri'a nai vs. mau nai]
> Every BAI can be written as {fi'o broda} for some suitable broda.
> (This can be extended to every tag, but in the case of BAIs the
> broda is always already given.)

> For {BAI nai}, all we need to do is find the corresponding
> {broda}.
> mau = fi'o zmadu
> maunai - fi'o na'e zmadu
> ri'a - fi'o rinka ("x1 causes x2")
> ri'anai - fi'o na'e fanta ("x1 doesn't prevent x2")

Right, see, umm, my problem is *that's not a pattern*. I'd like to
be able to make a general statement about what BAI+NAI means, but I
