

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 1912

> Re: PEG Morphology Algorithm
> I have the rule:
> CVV-rafsi

I don't know what happened to the rest of what I had written...

Let's try again:

CVV-rafsi <- consonant vowel h? vowel

which allows for example {voe} as a rafsi. This is like
{vo'e}, of rafsi form but not actually assigned.

The alternative would be to make the rule:

CVV-rafsi <- consonant (vowel h vowel / a i / a u / e i / o i)

So for example {voebra} will then be rejected as a lujvo form,
but allowed as a fuhivla.

The choice has more drastic consequences for other words:

If {voebra} is of lujvo form, then {zvoebra} fails the slinku'i
test and so is not a valid fuhivla, otherwise, it is a valid fuhivla.

Conversely, if {voebra} is a valid lujvo, so is {tozvoebra}.
Otherwise {tozvoebra} breaks down as {to zvoebra}.

My preference at the moment is to allow these pseudo-rafsi and
pseudo-lujvo because that makes the rules simpler. Any other

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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