

PEG Morphology Algorithm

Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:

> So the rule you would favor would be something more like:
> "The vowel pairs aa, ae, ao, ea, ee, eo, eu, oa, oe, oo, ou
> (with or without intervening commas) are equivalent
> to a'a, a'e, a'o, e'a, e'e, e'o, e'u, o'a, o'e, o'o, o'u
> respectively."

The rule I'd favor is that all of these (including the ones with
y, like ay and yo) are erroneous, period.

> {aiaiaiaglu} is not currently a valid fu'ivla, because it
> doesn't have a consonant cluster in the first five letters.

Right, but that was not a rule in (at least some versions of) Loglan.

> That rule for fu'ivla is also quite odd. I would find more
> reasonable to either impose no restriction on the number of
> letters that can precede the cluster, or make the restriction
> to be a maximum of two vowels before the cluster (that's what
> happens with lujvo).

I have no idea what the motivation was for this rule; it was already
a given. I would favor no restriction.

> So the rule you would want is something like "commas are not
> allowed to break what otherwise would be a diphthong in brivla"?

I'd favor "Commas are garbage and shouldn't be allowed"; but that
may be too radical. How about "Commas are used to clarify
pronunciation, not to change it."

John Cowan
O beautiful for patriot's dream that sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law!
— one of the verses not usually taught in U.S. schools