

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 953

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, Robin Lee Powell wrote:

>>> Morphology pass: text=( nonLojbanWord=( pravda ) )
>> Feature: it fails slinku'i {le pravda} could be the lujvo
>> lep-ravda.
> Even if there's a pause in there? Seems the slinku'i test is a bit
> overzealous.

The slinku'i test AFAIK applies to single words, not to strings of words.

If we were to allow this, we would have to *enforce* a pause in front of
it, which we never otherwise do for consonant-initial brivla.

Isn't that too much of a privilege to give to a lowly fu'ivla?

Arnt Richard Johansen
The problem is, witchcraft is not fantasy; it is a sinful reality in
our world.