

PEG Morphology Algorithm

Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:

> Any valid vowel pair is accepted in cmavo:
> {.uau}, {miau}, {cuu}, {kiy}, etc.
> I don't want to restrict them in cmavo unless they are equally restricted
> in cmene and fu'ivla.

The iy and uy sequences have *always* been restricted to use in cmene,
because cmene are a wastebasket category that can't threaten the morphology:
the only reason to restrict things in cmene is to preserve audio-visual
isomorphism. Other than that, they are reserved for something so important
and overriding that we absolutely need them. Using iy as fu'ivla-rafsi glue
falls in that category, but allowing them in random user-constructed
fu'ivla definitely does not. As for cmavo, we have more than enough long
cmavo capability without any need to allow iy and uy there.

It's my considered opinion that vowel glides beyond the standard diphthongs
shouldn't exist in Lojban at all, for the same reason that the forbidden
consonant clusters are forbidden: glides too threaten audio-visual isomorphism.
It's very hard to reliably distinguish between {u,au} and {u,uau}, or between
{ua,u} and {ua,uu}. In fact, uu and ii are only tolerable IMHO because they
are always preceded by ".".

It's time to tighten up. Sixteen diphthongs only, and of those, "iy" and "uy"
in cmene only, unless we can prove that "iy" is really fully usable for
fu'ivla-rafsi. The few corpus words that conflict with this should be
replaced one way or another.

But that, he realized, was a foolish John Cowan
thought; as no one knew better than he
that the Wall had no other side.
--Arthur C. Clarke, "The Wall of Darkness"