

PEG Morphology Algorithm

Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:

> In cmene and lujvo: iy, uy and yy are added.

I assume you mean cmavo rather than lujvo. "yy" should not be allowed;
it has no defined pronunciation.

> It would be relatively easy to forbid vowel triples everywhere. We just
> add "!(vowel-y vowel-y)" at the end of the vowel rules.

I believe we should do so. This is a break with the past, but a modest one.

> I don't see any reason to make cmene different from cmavo as far
> as vowels are concerned.

The point is that iy and uy are reserved for a morphological mechanism.
Can arbitrary fu'ivla lujvo be constructed using iy after an initial
fu'ivla, iy before and after a medial fu'ivla, and iy before a final
fu'ivla? That was the original design.

As I said before, allowing iy and uy in cmene even when they are reserved
otherwise is safe because cmene are defined backwards.

Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis vom dies! John Cowan <>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies. — Coleridge (tr. Politzer)