

BPFK Section: Erasures

posts: 1912

> On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 05:05:39AM -0800, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> > The paragraph level gets a special name, but otherwise it is just
> > one more level of sentence grouping.
> OK, I'll accept that, but then the question is, what level do we sa
> back to? "ni'o broda .i brode sa .i brodi" == what?

I think that one can only be {ni'o broda .i brodi}.

Now, I would say {ni'o broda .i brode sa ni'o brodi}
has to be {ni'o broda ni'o brodi}, i.e. sa erases
just the last sentence.

If {sa ni'o} was to go back to the previous ni'o, then
{sa ni'o ni'o} would have to go back to the previous
{ni'o ni'o}, and {sa i joik-jek} to the previous
{i joik-jek} (or bare {i}, or ni'o), and {sa i} to the
previous bare {i} or {ni'o}, and so on.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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