

Controversial points in the morphology

On Tuesday 15 February 2005 15:20, Jorge "Llambías" wrote:
> Both {skalduna} and {critata} (like every fu'ivla) can be used
> in final position.
> Both {skalduna'y-} and {critata'y-} (like for every fu'ivla) can
> be used in non-final position.
> {skalduny-} fails slinku'i: {le skaldunyna'a} = les-kal-dun-na'a,
> so it cannot be used as a rafsi for {skalduna}.

But what about {sicyskaldunybau}?

> > > "cmene can have inital rafsi by adding iy". Can names have "iy"
> > > internally, or is that disallowed like la/lai/la'i/doi? Must the name
> > > be entirely unstressed if it doesn't have the penultimate syllable? I
> > > don't think it causes a problem, but I'm not yet sure.
> >
> > This too is crazy. {uiliym} has "iy", and it has no consonant cluster, so
> > {uiliymiytavla} is not a word and would parse wrong.
> In PEG it should parse correctly. Any number of iy are allowed
> in cmene. You can think of {uiliym} as a hyphened name "Will-M",
> or not, according to your taste.

How would you lex this?:

> In this case, {lekybumoi} is either a non-lojban word or
> it is {le ky bu moi}, depending on whether we require officially
> that every Cy cmavo must always be followed by a pause or only
> when necessary. I prefer the latter, and that's what PEG does now,
> but it could be done the other way too.

What is necessary depends on the method - valfendi requires a pause between Cy
and the following word that has CVV, CV'V, or CCV in it, unless that word is
a cmegadri followed by a cmevla or a cmevla preceded by a cmegadri, in which
case the cmegadri is broken off on both sides. Me, if the Cy is followed by
{bu}, I put the pause after {bu}.

..i toljundi do .ibabo mi'afra tu'a do
..ibabo damba do .ibabo do jinga'u la ma'atman.