

Controversial points in the morphology

posts: 1912

> On Tuesday 15 February 2005 20:18, Jorge "Llambías" wrote:
> > --- Pierre Abbat wrote:
> > > How would you lex this?:
> > > /lobabariyXANtyzmababariyGARnygrilexotciMINiytca/
> >
> > Hmm... as a single brivla.
> I was thinking {lo babariyxantyzma ba bariygarnygri le xotciminiytca}.

But then how would we distinguish from {lo ba bariyxantyzma} or
{lo ba ba riyxantizma}?

> So you're making a class of brivla that require a pause

brivla that start with a vowel require a pause, too, becasue
initial vowel always must start with a pause. Similarly, cmene
always must start with a pause (unless preceded by doi/la/lai/la'i).
Otherwise cmavo forms and brivla forms would fall off.

> and that don't
> necessarily have a consonant cluster in the first five letters (or first two
> syllaboids, if it's changed to that).

Right, but that's more a consequence of brivla rules than a requirement
for anything. That rule doesn't exclude any candidate fu'ivla.

> This is too big a change for me to
> agree with it.

OK. I guess we will vote on each issue separately.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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