

Re: BPFK Section: Aspect

posts: 14214

This sentence:

When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates an event in the aftermath of the situation that is no longer taking place.

makes basically no sense to me. Sorry. Same with the other, similar sentence througout.

I'm not even sure how to describe *why* it makes no sense to me.

I guess it's because it doesn't explain what relationship the tagged sumti has to the rest of the sentence (if any). as written, it sounds like tagging a sumti with ba'o causes the whole sentence to be something that has ceased happening, which I'm pretty sure is incorrect:

mi klama ba'o le nu do klamaI go after you go; agnostic about whether my going has occured, will occur, or is occuring.

Suggested rewrite:

Tagging a sumti with ba'o indicates that the rest of the sentence occurs after the event described by that sumti.

You can probably do better than that, though.
