

BPFK Section: Aspect

coi robin mi do ckire lo nu pinka

> I'm a little surprised that you didn't include any of the various complements
> to za'o that have been proposed (starting to early, starting too late, ending
> too early, probabyl others). Any particular reason?

I've now added xa'o (occuring too early).

za'o is not really about starting or ending, it is not a change of state
point like co'a/co'u/mo'u/di'a but about an aspectual region, like ca'o.
We have:

region 1 | expected start | region 2 |expected end | region 3

ca'o says the event occurs in region 2.
za'o says the event occurs in region 3.
xa'o says the event occurs in region 1.

To refer to the actual points of early/late start and early/late
end is a different issue. (Not too sure how to do them right now.)

> "acheivative" makes perfect sense to me: it is the moment of acheivement of
> the event.

Isn't that {mo'u}?

> "achievative" makes sense for mi co'i klama, but "punctual"
> makes sense for mi klama co'i le nu do klama. Not sure what, if
> anything, to do about that.
> Last thing: your proposal really should include keywords. Allow me to
> suggest that in cases where you've changed the aspect word that the keywords
> include both versions.

Should the keyword be something like "initiative" or something like
"start", or something like "from"? What are they for?

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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