

BPFK Section: Aspect

> Re: BPFK Section: Aspect
> WRT:
> ja'e lo xlamau mi ze'a lo masti be li ji'ixa cu
> de'a sai lumci lo mi flira fo lo mokau jisygau
> To make things worse, I pretty much stopped washing
> my face with any kind of cleanser for about six months.
> "To make things worse" is an added piece of information; ja'e is a causative.

ja'e is a resultative, not a causative.
That things get worse is the result of the rest.

> WRT:
> le kulnu be lo pruxa'u natmi cu ze'u pu'o daspo canci
> The culture of the indigenous peoples was for a long
> time on the verge of being eradicated.
> Very minor: pu'o alone doesn't say "on the verge of" to me. "pu'o zi",
> perhaps?

With the current grammar, {pu'o zi} becomes {pu'o ku zi},
so it would no longer be a selbri tcita example.

> WRT:
> mi'a ponse le kesma'e noi pa'arcau selcfi i ky traji lo ka malkelci
> kei la starflit i lo matra za'o po'urbi'o i lo santa za'o fliba
> Here we had this hopeless lemon of a starship - the biggest
> piece of shit in Starfleet: engines that kept breaking down,
> shields that kept failing.
> To me, "kept" in both places seems to be pretty clearly "ru'i" and not
> "za'o". What event is being surpassed? The event of us wanting them to be
> broken?

They kept breaking down and failing even after being fixed. But yes,
I'll change it.

ki'e mi'e xorxes

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