

BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 18:52:49 -0800, Robin Lee Powell
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 06:36:56PM -0300, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> > > Examples of se ca'i Usage
> > >
> > > lo jenmi cu jibri mi se ca'i lo jbama
> > > "The army is my job, where I have authority over bombs."
> >
> > I translate "I have a job in the army, making (me?) an authority
> > on bombs",
> Is that different from what I said in any substantial way.

I think so, yes. {lo jenmi cu jibri mi} is the source of my
authority (x3 of catni), instead of the realm of application of my

> > derived from {lo jbama cu se catni fi lo nu lo jenmi cu jibri mi}.
> Again, I think this translation is pointless, and it disagrees with
> both the ma'oste and usage.

The point is to have some rule. The ma'oste just gives keywords,
and usage sometimes tends to follow the keywords instead of
following some regular pattern. Maybe my rule is not the best,
but then let's find a better one, not just "follow the keywords".

> > The obvious place for the main event with {ca'i} is the x2 of
> > {catni}, but since for {se ca'i} x2 is not available, the second
> > choice is x3, isn't it?
> Where did you get this bizarre idea that BAI always involves putting
> the main bridi somewhere?

Why bizarre? Isn't that the simplest interpretation of {fi'o broda},
that {broda} relates the main bridi to a new argument? How else
could the new argument be related to the main bridi through

mu'o mi'e xorxes