

BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

posts: 2388

To summarize and old point about sumtcita: the
connection between a sumtcita and some brivla
mentioned in connection with it is heuristic, not
definitional. That is, the sumtcita may have a
meaning that is not exactly to be found in the
brivla and conversely. Further, even insofar as
the sumtcita and the brivla are directly related,
the sumtcita brings into a sentence the semantics
of only the one place indicated, not the whole
semantics of the brivla. Thus:
1) looking for a transformational equivalent of a
sentence with a sumtcita which has the indicated
brivla as selbri is never decisive for themeaning
of the sumtcita'd sentence, though it is often at
leat helpful in figuring it out.
2) the fact that a brivla has a place does not
mean that that place is usefully to be added to
sentences, so looking for all the possible
variations on a sumtcita to match the place of
the associated brivla is often useless work; wait
until the form is used and then figure out what
it means — don't borrow trouble.