

BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

> Examples of ta'i Usage
> ta'i ma do cilre la lojban
> "By what method did you learn Lojban?"

This one is regular. Just slightly odd because {cilre} already
has a "by method" place.

> Examples of pu'e Usage
> mi finti lo lisri pu'e lo nu ciska ro da poi mi pensi
> "I invent stories by writing down whatever I think of."

{pruce} has so many event places that it's hard to say
what's related to what by {pu'e}.

Wouldn't the writing of whatever I think be the stages
(or perhaps the only stage) of the process of inventing
stories? If so, this would be an example of {ve pu'e}.

It seems to me that if pu'e tags a pruce, the main bridi
will describe the input, the output or the stages of the
process. Or are the main bridi and the tagged sumti
identified as the same process?

mu'o mi'e xorxes