

BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

Examples of ja'i Usage

mi cpacu lo bolci ja'i li vo
"I take the ball by rule #4."

mi cpacu lo bolci se ja'i lo nu da poi se darxi cu curmi
"I take the ball by the rule that says that one who is hit is permitted."

mi kavbu do te ja'i la mergu'e
"I arrest you by the laws of America."

In all cases, the idea seems to be that the main bridi event complies
with a rule, which is given by name, by content, or by the community
where it applies. You make this explicit in the definition of {ja'i}:
"the event described by the bridi is enacted according to the rule ...",
but not in the other cases.

We could expand them as:

broda ja'i ko'a = lo nu broda cu mapti lo javni be fa ko'a
broda se ja'i ko'a = lo nu broda cu mapti lo javni be ko'a
broda te ja'i ko'a = lo nu broda cu mapti lo javni be fi ko'a

BTW, is "I arrest you by the laws of America" meant as a performative
(i.e. "I hearby arrest you")? If so, then you might add a {ca'e}.

mu'o mi'e xorxes