

BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

John E Clifford scripsit:

> The point is that nothing in {le nu mi'o casnu cu
> nu la lojban bangu} requires that Lojban be used
> in the discussion; indeed there is nothing there
> about uses of Lojban beyond its potential to be
> used, implicit in its being a language. And,
> insofar as an event is an s-t block in which the
> defining predication holds, every event now is
> one in which Lojban is a language (for someone --
> not necessarily us — to convey a message — not
> necessary the one being discussed). You meant, I
> think, {lo nu mi'o casnu cu nu mi'o pilno la
> lojban lo bangu} or some such.


John Cowan
There is a Darwinian explanation for the refusal to accept Darwin.
Given the very pessimistic conclusions about moral purpose to which his
theory drives us, and given the importance of a sense of moral purpose
in helping us cope with life, a refusal to believe Darwin's theory may
have important survival value. --Ian Johnston