

methods of resolving mismatches between place structures and number of overt sumti

On Apr 4, 2005 10:59 AM, John Cowan <> wrote:
> John E Clifford scripsit:
> > Right; but at the same time they call the place
> > structure of {botpi} bloated, that is, containing
> > unnecessary places. If {botpi} is not "bottle"
> > because of the lid place, then it cannot be
> > called bloated, since every place in its
> > structure is essential to it. You can't have it
> > both ways and the thrust seems to be generally in
> > the direction of calling {botpi} bloated. Hence,
> > {botpi} ought to be compatible with current
> > {botpi fo zi'o}.
> I agree with all but the last sentence, which should be
> "Hence people who talk of bloated place structures
> should put up or shut up."

Put what up exactly? A list of bloated place structures?

Obviously what counts as bloated is very subjective, but
it is clear that the more places a gismu has, the more
restrictive its meaning is. Some gismu have very specific
senses. Some useful more general senses don't have
any gismu associated with it. But this is all very opinable.

mu'o mi'e xorxes