

Wiki page BPFK Section: Epistemology sumt...

On 5/16/05, John E Clifford <> wrote:
> As a result, a number of
> potentially useful expressions have been
> preempted for usages that are unlikely ever to go
> beyond the fabricated examples, while relations
> which they might have accomodated may go without
> Zipfy expressions.

For example?

> It would seem that a more honest and
> ultimately useful approach would be to deal with
> the existing usages (clarifying them perhaps, but
> not forcing them into the molds devised for the
> unused forms) and then acknowledge the
> possibilities for further forms, with some
> indication of the factors that might play a riole
> in their uses (though just how would be left
> open ).

Which usages do you think have been ignored?

>From what I can see, people working on this have
made every effort to find examples from actual usage.
Many BAIs don't have any recorded usage, and
for many it is hard to come up with any sensible
use for them.

mu'o mi'e xorxes