

BPFK Section: Causation sumtcita

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 19:00 -0700, Robin Lee Powell wrote:

> How about adding this to the Preface section (and, of course, it
> would need to be stuck in the CLL somewhere; ideas?):
> !!! Implicit sumti Raising
> If a gismu place specifies that it normally takes an abstraction, or
> a particular type of abstraction (ka, nu, etc), then if a concrete
> object appears in that place, it should be considered to have "tu'a"
> in front of it. This also applies to BAI and SE BAI sumti tcita in
> which the underlying gismu place requires an abstraction.

I don't like this, mostly because I actually recently came up with
something else:

"ko senva tu'a lo melbi" = "Dream of beautiful things."
"ko senva lo melbi" = "Have beautiful dreams."

I'm unsure about the correctness of this, but I find it rather elegant.
Theodore Reed <>