

Wiki page BPFK Section: Causation sumtcita changed by rlpowell

posts: 2388

<> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 11:09:10AM -0300, Jorge
> Llamb?as wrote:
> > {jarco} could be used, but it covers much
> more ground, because
> > expression is done through a symbol, but
> showing can be direct. We
> > need a good lujvo for "express".
> smuni + cusku, I think.
So {smucku}, but how to fit the places together?
x1 is {cusku1} the expresser
x3 is {cusku3} and {smuni3} the
x4 might be {cusku4 or 2} and {smuni2}}, the
place for the means of expressing (it should
probably be 3 and audience 4)
x2 = {smuni1}
Cute. But now how do we express an emotion or
the like, not a meaning (or is "meaning" in
{smuni} fairly broad?)