

BPFK Section: gadri

On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 09:20:16PM +0200, Arnt Richard Johansen wrote:
> By popular request, here are some examples of the non-universal
> (prescribed) usage of {lo}. I will probably find more if I continue to
> look.

For those of you who weren't on IRC at the time, Arnt believes that
xorxes' proposal will invalidate much past usage of lo.

We asked him for examples; these are they.

All my interpretations are based on my understanding of xorxes'
proposal, which I admit is limited.

> do citme'a mi lo nanca be li xa
> You're 6 years younger than me.

You are less than me in any length-6-years time period.

Not seeing a problem.

> la stace pu citka lo cirla
> Frank ate some cheese. (or one or more pieces of cheese).

Honest ate any cheese.

Not seeing a problem; if you care which cheese he ate, use le.

> i abu ca'o menli jdice to sekai le xagrai selka'e pe va'o le nu le
> glare djedi cu rinka le nu abu lifri le nu sipydji je bebna toi le
> du'u xukau le nu pluka fa le nu zbasu lo xrula linsi cu se vamji le
> raktu poi nu sa'irbi'o gi'e crepu loi xrula icabo suksa fa le nu lo
> blabi ractu poi xunblabi se kanla cu bajra zo'a a bu
> (lo blabi ractu = a (1) white rabbit)

Where did "a (1)" come from? It has *never* been the case in Lojban
that "lo blabi ractu" means "one white rabbit".
