Copyright, 1988-91, by the Logical Language Group, Inc. 2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA Phone (703) 385-0273 All rights reserved. Permission to copy granted subject to your verification that this is the latest version of this document, that your distribution be for the promotion of Lojban, that there is no charge for the product, and that this copyright notice is included intact in the copy. This file contains extracts from Ju'i Lobypli on the relationship between Esperanto and Lojban. Note that embedded footnotes formerly found at the bottom of text pages, are not well-separated from that text. From ju'i lobypli #7 - 11-12/1988 An Esperantist Comments Donald Harlow is Editor of a (The?) nationwide Esperanto newsletter. He supplied me with much of my information that I used last issue to rebut the Anglan argument. Mr. Harlow is very skeptical of Lojban's potential for success. His comments: __________________________________________________ I want to thank you for sending me a copy of the August issue of Ju'i Lobypli. Most of it, I fear, is of little interest to me, but the section pp. 30-52 had quite a bit of meat in it - at least from the point of view of those of us who consider language to be a social rather than a linguistic phenomenon.1 Let me first comment on a couple of points Doug Loss raises, particularly in his second and third paragraphs on p. 37. Volapuk did not dialectize in the sense he suggests; there were a few spin- off languages, but by and large its adherents either abandoned the whole idea or converted to Esperanto (the first two Esperanto clubs, in Nurnberg, Germany, and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, started life as "world language" - i.e., Volapuk - clubs; both, as Esperanto clubs, are celebrating their 100th anniversaries this year). Esperanto, too, did not "dialectize." There were a number of spin-off languages, but with the exception of Ido, none of them ever acquired a body of speakers (also with the exception of Ido, none of those mentioned by Doug was a spin-off of Esperanto, as you may recognize from having read chapter 3 of my manuscript). Ido, of course, was a deliberate attempt to "reform" Esperanto by moving it closer to the Western European linguistic "norms" of this century; at its apogee in the nineteen twenties it had about 10% the number of adherents of Esperanto. Having attended meetings of several American Esperanto groups for quite a number of years, I cannot help sympathizing with Doug for having had to attend one (or more). They can indeed be lifeless, boring, and generally avoidable, even for somebody who speaks the language. They do have their moments, however, as at one meeting of the San Francisco group when one of our local Sovietophiles and an Esperanto-speaking Soviet emigre took each other on like Kilkenny cats. From my experiences abroad (London, Shanghai, Suzhou), Esperanto clubs elsewhere are much more lively, and I sympathize with Doug for never having attended one of those. Ralph Dumain's article raises may interesting points, some of which are highly debatable, other of which (at least to me) seem almost self-evident for those with eyes to see. Sapir-Whorf, as Ralph says, is out of favor in America today, but his does not automatically make it wrong; I myself have a soft spot for it. Doug refers to "the fashion in linguistic theories," and Ralph supports this view by listing the various fashions that have come and gone in the last few years. My own opinion is that much of Chomskyism is simply a linguistic refection of the Liberal revolution of the fifties, just as Darwinian "survival of the fittest" is to some extent a reflection of Darwin's social milieu, the cutthroat capitalism of early industrial-age Britain. It is hardly surprising that Chomsky is also known for his left-wing political writings (e.g. American Power and the New Mandarins). Sapir-Whorf is, to some extent, supported by more recent work, such as that of Shinoda in Japan. One term Ralph uses - scientism - reflects a situation which I find as abhorrent as he does, but which you seem to accept as not only unavoidable but desirable. "Scientism," to my way of thinking, is just another religion, this time one that enthrones a certain pattern of thought ("scientific method") at ____________________ 1But language is more than just a social or a linguistic phenomenon; it is first and foremost a means of communication. Most Lojbanists have no particular interest in linguistics or languages, and our geographical dispersion tends to negate any active interest in socializing in the language. The 75-member DC- area community, and the 45-member Boston-area community may, with the first classes in the language, also mark a change in this situation. However, I doubt that most Lojbanists are primarily motivated by social reasons to be interested in the language. It attracts people's attention due to its intellectual opportunities - the desire to think new thoughts and to see the world in a way that it has never been seen before. the expense of all others. It is fundamentally a result of the dogmatization of the Age of Reason, and is far too prevalent today.2 Your comments in response to Jeff Kegler certainly hit the mark! The status of English in the world today is an interesting subject, and one we could go on about for hours. When I was in college, and a relatively new Esperantist, people used to point out to me three third-world countries, none of which had ever been a colony (at least officially...), in which English was used almost as a second official language. These were Ethiopia, Iran and Thailand. Where is English in Ethiopia and Iran today? A sidelight on this question in his PBS series "Africa," Ali Mazruhi attributed the unusual (for Africa) political stability of Tanzania to the fact that the first president, Julius Nyerere, opted to make Swahili rather than English the national language, thus enfranchising millions of people who would otherwise have been excluded from the political process. Other African countries, using English or French or Portuguese, remain under the control of a European-trained elite, with the great mass of the people completely unable to participate - a situation conducive to revolution, coups d'etat and the like. ... 1) Esperanto got its start in a milieu conducive to success: 19th century Central Europe, a region in linguistic ferment, where the language problem was not just an intellectual exercise but an everyday phenomenon: at best irritating, at worst catastrophic, for the individual. The United States is not such a milieu, nor was it in 1887; had Zamenhof invented his language here, it is unlikely that it would ever have attained any degree of success. (There have been a number of language projects invented in the United States; none of them, including well-funded and well-publicized Interlingua, ever went anywhere.) Lojban, whatever its other qualities, is an American invention.3 2) Esperanto of 1887 consisted of a few simple rules and about 800 word- roots, this gave the language a simple, attractive flexibility. Zamenhof requested people to promise to learn to speak it when certain conditions were fulfilled, within a year, several hundred people had, on their own, actually learned the language, to the point at which they were writing literature in it. Loglan/Lojban appears to be undergoing definition down to the last dot on the i ____________________ 2I noted last issue that 'scientism' is unavoidable as a bias in Lojban, and Todd Moody reiterates that above. In fact, it is the basis for its existence. To dislike 'scientism' would inherently tend to cause one to dislike, or at least to distrust, its results. You and I will have to be on opposite sides of the fence on this one. Personally, I think this country has too much of an anti-science bias, and it is killing us in international competition. I was trained in a school that emphasized merging scientism and humanism, or at least worked to bring about better communication between the two, a la C. P. Snow. But these are just my opinions, and I am not the community. Lojban, unlike Esperanto (as you have described it to me), has no ideology - no single cultural or social goal that drives it. If it did, that ideology would be just the sort of cultural bias we are trying to avoid and we would be doomed before we start. 3Funding and publicity do not make a language successful. There must be something that the language offers that cannot be obtained elsewhere and easier. Esperanto offers a large existing community. Lojban offers a new world of thought. However, given a good language, funding and publicity can spread it farther and faster. If there is one thing America knows how to do, alas, it is to advertise. By the way, for all its supposed publicity, I never heard of Interlingua until I had been long involved in this language effort. Most such languages are publicized only among the community of those interested in linguistics and cultural exchange. Our efforts with Lojban are primarily to identify new subcultures that are not traditionally interested in languages, and convince them of the value of the language. If we can do this successfully, the traditional language-oriented groups will naturally follow. Unlike Interlingua, Lojban is coming to fruition at an ideal time (though we almost missed it). The U.S. is starting to become aware of the language problem (there would be no interest in making English 'official' otherwise), we are being affected by it in international competition. And of course, the computer revolution has reached the point where meaningful language processing is possible in real time. I feel that Lojban is a better way to go in developing methodologies for computer processing of language. 10 or 20 years from now, some other solution will have been found if Lojban doesn't fit the bill. and cross on the t. Since its initial Going Public (1960), it does not appear to me that anybody has actually learned to speak it. Could this be partially due to grammatical over-rigidity?4 3) Finally, there seems to me to be a fundamental difference between the Esperantist world-view and that of the Loglanists. Loglanists, or so it seems to me from your newsletter (and that of JCB), are more interested in the language as an end in itself; Esperantists, starting with Zamenhof and coming right down to the present, are more interested in the language as a means to an end, i.e. communication. We want to be able to talk with each other; you, I fear, are more interested in the means than the end. Where you look at "cultural neutrality" in terms of technical features of the language, we look at it in terms of how we behave toward each other. Naturally, there are exceptions in both camps; but the two tendencies definitely seem to be observable. The result, I think, is that Loglan/Lojban may well appeal to those who have an interest in the technical aspect of linguistic engineering; Esperanto will remain the constructed language of choice for those who are more interested in the practical side of things.5 [Excerpt of letter from Donald Harlow to pc]: ____________________ 4The 1960 going public was not comparable to 1887 in Esperanto, but more like 1879. In the International Language Review, he promised a more complete language description in 'a couple of years'. The 1975 Going Public failed because there was no follow-through. JCB failed to let go of the language, and yet could not push it along enough by himself. However, people did learn to speak it; more used it to write in. These people immediately used their knowledge to try to improve it. The changes that came about almost immediately caused everyone who came along later to be lost. A speaking community never developed because there were never more than a few people in any area that had material on the language. No one other than JCB could take the lead because he has never published enough description of the language that anyone could master it enough to teach others. (Scott Layson did however, manage to teach a couple of people, as did JCB himself.) The rigidity of definition you worry about is Lojban's strength, not its weakness. Lojban takes advantage of 100 years more knowledge of linguistics, and what makes a language work than did Esperanto. Lojban's goals also require that definition; otherwise it will become just a strange regularized dialect of English (i.e. Anglan), just as some might say that Esperanto can be said to be a regularized dialect of European. In any case, since Lojban is being developed by more than one person, it is inherently going to take longer. The period from 1975 to 1988 has no corresponding period in Esperanto history; it is the period in which one man's language description was turned into a several hundred person development effort. Since those people were all spare time hobbyists, of course Lojban has taken a long time to come to fruition. We are now in the period of true going public. You should compare 1988 to 1887. We will start carefully, and possibly a bit slower than Esperanto did. We also will be teaching over a much larger geographical area at first than Esperanto. But see where we are in a year or two. Better yet. I note from the material you sent me that Esperanto really started to catch on around 1907, when it was 20 years old. See where Lojban is in 2008, instead of writing us off before the fact. 5Since Esperanto already has a world community, it can afford to be concerned with using the language for the purpose it is intended. Lojban has to build its community first, or there will be no one to talk to. We can't start until we have our '1887 book', which I'm just about to start on. But don't think we aren't interested in using the language, just because we aren't yet. I think a lot of the frustration in our community has been from people who are tired of waiting to use the language. That is why la lojbangirz exists. With our organized planning effort, Lojban will be able to make it, in spite of the handicaps you've mentioned - and it will be stronger afterwards. You are right, however. If you want to talk to someone right now in another country, you cannot use Lojban; you might be able to use Esperanto. This is why we will get our teaching materials translated into Esperanto as soon as we are able. The developments of the period 1887-1889 are far more enigmatic, and it is here that I see the greatest potential for contrast between the intrinsic qualities of Esperanto and those of Loglan. The situation for Esperanto vis-a- vis Volapuk in 1887 was very similar to that of Loglan vis-a-vis Esperanto in 1988; the first was an interloper, without a speaking population, while the second had a well-defined speaking community scattered across the world (Volapuk societies existed in places as disparate as Indonesia and the American Wild West), and if the question of an international language was not definitely settled, almost all aficionados agreed that the question of the constructed candidate was. Nevertheless, the publication of Esperanto in 1887 was quickly followed by the spontaneous development of what you call a "community". The book contained a minimal grammar, about eight hundred words in its vocabulary, and only six examples of how to use the language (three of them were poems); yet two months later Zamenhof opened his front door to find, to his surprise, the first other Esperanto speaker waiting on his front porch to converse with him - in Esperanto! He was quickly followed by others, and by the time of the appearance of the second book, and its supplement, in early 1888, there was already a respectable speaking population, not only in what is now Poland but in other parts of the northwestern Russian Empire as well, and in the Hohenzollern Empire. International language support groups, formerly Volapukist, in several diverse locations went over to Esperanto (in Nurnberg, Germany, and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria); and the first strictly Esperantist group was founded in St. Petersburg. The first Esperanto literature appeared in the same year (Grabowski's translation of a work by Pushkin), and in 1889 the first magazine appeared - at first in French, German and Esperanto, but by the second issue strictly in Esperanto - to provide the nascent community with an institution of its own.6 By contrast, Loglan - which apparently first went public in the early 1960's and has a very well-developed corpus of didactic and lexicographic material - has apparently generated no spontaneity whatsoever.7 There is little ____________________ 6If I am to believe my correspondents (and I do), I don't expect anyone to easily teach themselves the language until the textbook is written and, for many, until they have tapes to listen to. Esperanto was close enough to the local tongues that it could be self-taught from 6 examples. In effect, the people learning Esperanto were using all of their native tongue as an example. Lojban can't do this; moreover, in trying to achieve cultural neutrality we don't want it to. We want people to learn the language as something new. This may prove difficult, but that doesn't mean we can't succeed. 7What corpus are you referring to? There has been scattered short translations and a very small amount of original writing in the language. L1 has no text longer than individual sentences stilted to demonstrate a single point. As a result, the people who have studied the language until now generally haven't been able to write more than individual sentences using a few individual grammatical features, though many can do this quite well - see Jack Waugh's letter for an example. Most of the material published in The Loglanist was torn to shreds by JCB as examples of the language. And JCB himself, while he may have written considerable material in the language, has never evidenced this in publication. This is why JCB's revision to L1 is going to be insufficient to teach the language (unless he is doing a lot more than he has indicated in publication). By the way, nothing from before 1982 has been particularly useful corpus for people still following JCB's version of the language. People have chosen not to deal with the ever-changing target that period provided. The language has been more stable since, but with no current description, there has been nothing to learn. You are wrong about the spontaneity, by the way. There were lots of attempts by people to communicate in the language. They all went to JCB. They all stopped there. A few were published in The Loglanist, as I said, but they were sparse indeed. Jim Carter, however, wrote dozens of pages, including a full Loglan Primer, with an original story composed in it. JCB attacked Carter (because the language did not match JCB's standard) and those who aided his publication during the 1984 politics, and the material was never widely circulated. (We will be updating the story to match Lojban's vocabulary - probably for use in the textbook, with Jim Carter's encouragement.) But of course the best evidence of spontaneity developing is the Lojban effort itself if any speaking population, and what verbal exchanges have occurred in Loglan appear to be forced - an attempt to give the language a tradition, rather than an attempt to use the language for non-linguistic purposes. Few if any individual Esperantists have shown interest in Loglan, and no Esperanto groups have done so.8 There appears to be no spontaneously generated literature, and all the periodical literature I've seen in Loglan appears to be exclusively in English. I'm not qualified to try to explain this difference in results in purely linguistic terms. I have never studied Loglan. Perhaps you have some explanation? ___________________________________________________ from ju'i lobypli #11 - 3/1990 Esperanto and Lojban [Whether you have (or should have) interest in Lojban as a candidate for an "international language" is not a question addressed in the following two articles. To achieve most of its goals, including the scientific ones, Lojban needs to develop an international, multi-cultural speaker base. Lojban can be helped in this effort by the "international language" community, or it can be hurt by it. Perhaps one of the best ways to spread Lojban into other cultures will be to translate the introductory and teaching materials into Esperanto (any volunteers?) In any case, it is to all Lojbanists' advantage to clarify the relationship between Lojban and Esperanto, and to ensure that supporters of each language do not see the other language as a 'rival'.] Probably the most commonly asked questions from new or potential Lojbanists relate to various comparisons between Esperanto and Lojban. Many of these questions come from Esperantists, who of course are the ones most familiar with their language. Some of these are friendly and curious; others are defensive and hostile, seeing Lojban as a threat or competition to Esperanto. Others come from people who have dabbled in Esperanto, and they then want to use their knowledge of Esperanto as a standard for evaluating Lojban's qualities with respect to their personal priorities or goals. And then there are the genuinely confused, who often have seen one of the short eye-catching advertising flyers used by Esperantists to whet people's interest. These questions generally lead to discussions along one of several lines: - Why another international language? Isn't Esperanto good enough? After all, it's already spoken by [insert questionable statistic of your choice between 25,000 and 10,000,000] people. - Is Esperanto a European language? Does the answer mean that non-Europeans will or won't be able to easily learn it? Is Lojban any better? - Can Esperanto be used in testing the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? Can Esperanto be used for machine translation? (and similar questions about applications for which we think Lojban is especially well-designed). - Esperanto had speakers within a few months of its publication, but Loglan/Lojban has been around for 15/25/35 years before even the first speakers gained competence. (This leading to the humorous aside that Loglan is the first artificial language to undergo a schism before anyone spoke it. Probably not ____________________________________________________________ and la lojbangirz. As Nora and I and the others who are finally free to use the language do so, you will no doubt see an outpouring of material in the language. Just don't expect it by next issue. I can't type that fast. 8I suspect there are a number of Esperantists, or attempted Esperantists at least, among the community. Esperanto Centrist Bruce Arne Sherwood has written articles comparing the language to Esperanto and others, though he hasn't learned the language to my knowledge. Why would Esperanto groups be interested in Lojban any more than any other group? Neither JCB nor I have made any attempt to woo Esperantists, either as a group or as individuals. Our anti- competitive thrust, and our focus on drawing members of non-language communities suggests that this won't be a high priority for us. 6 true - Lojban is the first language to SURVIVE a schism occurring before anyone spoke it. la lojbangirz. is now far stronger and less-divided than the Loglan/Lojban community has ever been.) - I want a language that I can use NOW for speaking and writing to other people. Lojban doesn't have anyone speaking the language, especially in other countries. - There are also comments commending the short, free correspondence course that Esperanto supplies. These generally are compared to our considerably more complicated teaching materials. And finally, sparking the following article: - You say Lojban has 600 rules. But Esperanto has only 16. How can you say Lojban is simpler than Esperanto? Athelstan will answer this question, and then Bob will follow with an essay tackling the other issues that stem from trying to compare Lojban and Esperanto. How many rules are enough? by Athelstan Many people are confused or dismayed that Lojban has 600 rules while Esperanto has a mere 16. The key is in the different kinds of rules these are: Lojban's are computer parsing rules, similar to the types of rules used by compiler writers to describe computer languages. Zamenhof's 16 Rules of Esperanto are essentially commentary on 16 topics of language. I have concocted 11 rules of Lojban that approximately correspond to Esperanto's 16. Like Zamenhof's list, the Lojban rules are often groups of rules concerning a single topic. Also, following Zamenhof's example, the rule set is incomplete: the rules do not describe word or sentence order, relative and subordinate clauses, relative pronouns, and numerous other topics of grammar and vocabulary. The 16 Rules of Esperanto Corresponding Rules for Lojban 1) There is no Indefinite Article, there is only a definite article (la), alike for all sexes, cases, and numbers. 1) The articles la, le, lo, li, and lu are the name, non-veridical, veridical, numeral, and utterance articles, respectively. lai, lei, and loi are the mass articles and la'i, le'i, and lo'i are the set articles corresponding to the first three above. lo'e is the typical/average article, and le'e is the stereotypical article. None vary by number, case or sex. Comment: This is the one rule where Lojban is not as succinct as Esperanto in covering the same ground. 2) Substantives end in o. To form the plural j is added. There are only two cases: nominative and accusative; the latter is obtained from the nominative by adding n. Other cases are expressed by preposition (genitive de, dative al, ablative per, etc.) 2) sumti (arguments) assume the case of the sumti place they occupy. The place tags fa, fe, fi, fo, and fu may be used to explicitly state the place. Also, the case tags bai, bau, di'u, etc. may be used to specify the case. Comment: Lojban words do not change endings, so the corresponding rule only deals with determination of cases. Note that this is a conglomeration of four rules, each in its own sentence. 3) The Adjective ends in a. Case and number as for substantives. The Comparative is made by means of the word pli, the Superlative by plej; with the Comparative the conjunction ol is used. 3) Any selbri may modify any other selbri by position. Comparatives and Superlatives are formed by simple modification. 7 Comment: The Lojban rule describes a secondary function, as there are no separate words that act only as adjectives in Lojban. The Esperanto rule consists of six rules this time; the second sentence is short but refers to two separate rules inside Rule 2. 4) The cardinal Numerals (not declined) are: unu, du, tri, kvar, kvin, ses, sep, ok, nau, dek, cent, mil. Tens and hundreds are formed by simple junction of the numerals. To mark the ordinal numerals a is added; for the multiple, obl; for the fractional, on; for the collective, op; for the distributive, the preposition po. Substantival and adverbial numerals can also be used. 4) The digits are pa, re, ci, vo, mu, xa, ze, bi, so, and no (zero). pi is the decimal point. Numbers are formed by junction of the digits. li ... boi surround simple numbers as sumti. To mark the ordinal, the post-position moi is used; similarly mei for the collective. pi ... mei surrounds the fractional. Comment: These two Rules correspond closely for the first seven parts, but the last sentence of Zamenhof's rule invokes rules from Rule 2 and Rule 3, adding ten rules in all for a total of seventeen rules directly and indirectly contained in this paragraph. 5) Personal Pronouns: mi, vi, li, si, gi (thing or animal), si, ni, vi, ili, oni; possessives are formed by adding a. Declension as for substantives. 5) Anaphora: ko'a, ko'e, etc; mi, do, ko, ti, ta, tu, ri, ra, ru, zu'i, zo'e; possessives are formed by position or with prepositions pe, po, po'e. Comment: These are of similar length except that Rule 2's substantive declension rules are included. I count six rules, therefore, to Lojban's three. 6) The Verb undergoes no change with regard to person or number. Forms of the verb: time being (Present) takes the termination -as; time been (Past) -is; time about-to-be (Future) -os; Conditional mood -us; Imperative mood -u; Infinitive - i. Participles (with adjectival or adverbial sense): active present -ant; active past -int; active future -ont; passive present -at; passive past -it; passive future -ot. The passive is rendered by a corresponding form of the verb esti and a passive participle of the required verb; the preposition with the passive is de. 6) The selbri undergoes no change. The tense markers pu (past), ca (present), ba (future), vi, va, vu (space), etc. may be used with any selbri or within sumti. nu, ka, ni, etc. are the abstraction operators. For the imperative, use the anaphorum ko. Comment: Without reference to any other Rules, Zamenhof has packed Rule 6 with sixteen rules. Lojban's nine include the abstraction operators, which have no counterpart in Esperanto. Also, I have counted the tense markers as three separate rules, but they should probably count as one, like any of the other lists. 7) Adverbs end in e; comparison as for adjectives. (not applicable) Comment: This is covered under Rule 3 on modification. 8) All Prepositions govern the nominative. (not applicable) Comment: Lojban has no cases in the sense used here, so it needs no rule corresponding to this one. 9) Every word is Pronounced as it is Spelt. 7) Every word is Pronounced as it is Spelt. 10) The Accent is always on the second-last syllable. 8) The Accent is always on the second-last syllable (names may be marked for irregular stress). 8 11) Compound Words are formed by simple junction of the words (the chief word stands at the end). Grammatical terminations are also regarded as independent words. 9) lujvo are formed by simple junction of the gismu or rafsi, substituting or inserting y where appropriate. Comment: As Zamenhof left off variant compounding rules, I felt equally free in leaving out the more extensive lujvo-making considerations. 12) When another negative word is present the word ne is left out. 10) na acts to negate a bridi, and is never an intensifier. Comment: I have recently examined a treatise on the scope of negation in the natural languages. It is medium-sized, and an inch and a half thick; both of these two Rule statements obviously miss a lot of ground. [Bob's note: the current Lojban negation proposal covers all of the ground of negation with 4 cmavo, and involves 47 of the 600-odd machine grammar rules. But it requires a lot of explanation to cover all of natural language negation, as will be seen in JL12.] 13) In order to show direction towards, words take the termination of the accusative. (not applicable) Comment: see comment on 8, above. 14) Each Preposition has a definite and constant meaning; but if the direct sense does not indicate which it should be, we use the preposition je, which has no meaning of its own. Instead of je we may use the accusative without a preposition. (not applicable) 15) The so-called Foreign Words, that is, those which the majority of languages have taken from one source, undergo no change in Esperanto, beyond conforming to its orthography; but with various words from one root, it is better to use unchanged only the fundamental word and to form the rest from this latter in accordance with the rules of the Esperanto language. 11) Nonce le'avla are marked with le'a and a marker rafsi as appropriate, and should conform to Lojban orthography. Comment: Zamenhof's Rule here does not seem to admit of any major group of languages that are not closely interrelated. That is, he assumes that if a word varies, it varies from one fundamental root word. I have included a description of borrowed terms as the closest approximation to this rule. 16) The Final Vowel of the substantive and of the article may sometimes be dropped and be replaced by an apostrophe. (not applicable) Please note the overall structure of the 16 Rules. The first 8 cover eight major parts of speech in Graeco-Roman grammar; articles, nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and prepositions. The last 8 cover seven aspects of the same grammatical philosophy: pronunciation, accent, compounding, negation, case usage, borrowings, and elision. (Rule 14 should really be di- vided and shared between Rule 8 and Rule 13.) This means that any language with a Graeco-Roman grammar form can be described by similar rules. They may be long rules, including lots of sub- rules, but Zamenhof started this practice with the Esperanto rules. They may ignore a lot of the grammar, but again this is in keeping with the example set. In fact, with slight adjustments to the Rule topics, any language may be described with approximately 16 rules, if the rules are sufficiently complex (and allow for all the exceptions that are inherent in natural languages). In some cases, a language's rule set may not even be as complex as Esperanto's; this is the case with Lojban. 9 In order to have a meaningful comparison between numbers of rules, the complexity of those rules must be nearly uniform; the machine parsing rules (of which Lojban has about 600) come closer to meeting that ideal. Unfortunately, there are no figures on the number of such rules required by Esperanto; we must rely on indirect evidence of their number. Esperanto's dependency on case de- clensions probably alone requires a complete set of rules comparable to Lojban's FOR EACH CASE. It is not my intention here to prove that Lojban is 'better than Esperanto' or that Esperanto is in some way 'defective'. It is rather to show that the comparison of two languages is a complex task, and not to be decided by comparing raw numbers. Each of these languages is complex in itself, and yet much simpler than the natural languages. [Bob's note: Even comparing languages by counting machine parsing rules is risky, unless you count rules the same way. We've used the number 600 as the machine rule count for Lojban in the above article. However, that number is a count of each individual rule line in the current machine grammar proposal, which was not written to minimize the rule count, but to modularize the grammar into separate, small chunks that can be readily understood. An earlier JL article compared Lojban's rule count to the 'BNF rules' used to define common computer languages like C, Pascal, or ADA; such a comparison can only be approximated. The Lojban rules are much simpler than those used in BNF rule descriptions, which are generally use compression conventions that are not directly testable with YACC for unambiguity. Eventually, probably after we baseline the YACC grammar, someone will rewrite the Lojban rules in the shorter, more readable BNF format. The result will be much shorter than the current rule set - perhaps 250-350 rules, within the same order of magnitude as computer languages.] On Comparing Esperanto and Lojban, by Bob LeChevalier First let me state a guiding principle for evaluating the two languages. Lojban is not 'in competition' with Esperanto. These are two separate languages with separate goals and applications. These may overlap, but are not identical. Evaluating two languages is like 'comparing apples and oranges'. If forced to choose between an apple and orange, you will do so for purely personal reasons, based on your needs and desires of the moment. Similarly, if your goal is to learn an artificial language and you don't have time to learn both Lojban and Esperanto, you will end up choosing based on your own personal reasons. (Learning a language, even an artificial one, is a fairly abstruse goal in itself - you usually have some longer range purpose for such a major effort, a purpose that will probably dictate the language you learn). Competition would be pointless. Partisan support for one language doesn't make that language 'better' for others; it can, however, spark counterproductive rivalry. Far better instead to work to attract new people into discovering reasons for learning our respective artificial languages. By encouraging these new people, as well as supporters of our respective languages, to be as informed as possible about both languages, intelligent choices can be made towards indi- vidual goals. If Lojban becomes widely used, it might become a meaningful candidate as a universal 'second language', just as Esperanto now is. If Esperanto continues with healthy growth, then at that time there might be a basis to speak of a 'choice' for 'world language' between Lojban, Esperanto, and possibly other candidates. The decisions will then be made by nations and cultures on the ba- sis of THEIR personal desires and goals - the same non-competitive situation, but at a higher level. For Lojban to reach that level of viability, its various applications will have to be proven - there must be computer implementations, accomplishment of useful scientific research, and thousands or millions of speakers, before Lojban can be talked of as a 'world language' as Esperanto now is. If Lojban becomes such a force for consideration as a world language, then I think that demon- strating enough growth to 'catch up to Esperanto' as well as enough usefulness OUTSIDE of the international language movement to survive until then, will be 10 convincing evidence that Lojban is suited for world acceptance. Furthermore, if Esperanto hasn't succeeded as an international language by the time Lojban is proven viable for global consideration, then Lojban's 'higher momentum' and extra applications should the cause it to be considered 'more' viable. Meanwhile, if Esperanto does succeed, then Lojban will continue to be used and useful for its other purposes. Each language will succeed or fail at its own goals on its own merits. Neither language has been accepted yet, and neither language will be accepted at the expense of the other. There is no point in talking of competition, espe- cially when many Lojbanists are at the same time Esperantists, and who have no desire to 'make a choice'. Let's keep the community of artificial language aficionados together, bucking the tendency in that community towards disharmony and schism. So let us try to compare apples and oranges. There are four major areas of criteria wherein Esperanto and Lojban can be compared - aesthetics, usefulness, scientific or linguistic merit, and success. I'll discuss each in turn. Aesthetics The first basis of comparison is aesthetic. There are a few aesthetic qualities - sound, rhythm, ease of pronunciation, simplicity, elegance, completeness - but the standards of 'good' in these qualities are cultural at best, and individual at worst. I am most irritated by people, not having made an effort to learn the language, who say that Lojban seems 'cold', 'mechanical', 'inhuman', 'complicated', 'hard to learn', or deficient any other measure of aesthetic quality; they have absolutely no knowledge basis on which to make such an evaluation! The aesthetics of language is totally determined by knowledge. All languages have beauty, when looked at from an internal perspective. You have to see, and to understand, the sounds, the forms, the structure, and the poetry, before you can determine whether a language has properties that attract you. Michael Helsem's writings in le lojbo ciska this issue may demonstrate this to you. Whether you like his poetry or not, he clearly has found something in the language that inspires him to explore further. He couldn't have found this without trying to express his own ideas in the language. Most people make a first evaluation of Lojban based on two sentences in the brochure, and a couple more if they get the Overview. These sentences can be evaluated by a newcomer only in translation, and whatever virtue Lojban has is obviously going to be lost by translation into English. The sentences are longer than the colloquial English translation, so Lojban seems complicated (heightened by people's perception that logic is complicated). The frequent reference to 'logic' in our introductory materials makes people think of Vulcans, whereupon they presume that a logical language must inherently be cold and inhuman. Similarly, people criticize our 'Chicken McNugget' gismu - it seems like the wrong way, to them, to build a 'warm, human' language. A newcomer sees a heavy emphasis on the rules of the language, on computer applications, and on lin- guistic principles, in our introductory descriptions, which makes Lojban seem 'cold' and 'mechanical'. A third group of critics see Lojban words as unaesthetic because of particular sounds that they find difficult to say, or simply because the words are enough different from English that they think it will be hard to learn them. I believe that all of these evaluations are based on misconceptions caused by the way we describe the language and by the readers' cultural prejudices. However, we can't possibly tell a casual newcomer enough about the language for him/her to aesthetically evaluate it. There are too many possible misconceptions to deal with; in this newsletter alone I've written 3 or 4 essays that try to dispel misconceptions among readers with far more information than the person who casually picks up our brochure. Esperanto appeals aesthetically to European-family newcomers because they grasp the simplified European principles relatively easily. They can read Esperanto text and recognize dozens of cognates, giving them a feeling that they already practically know the language. Esperanto will always have this 11 advantage over Lojban, since Lojban requires an interested person to learn a bit more before she/he can see the simplicity and the patterns. We need to make introductory Lojban materials good enough that a newcomer feels compelled to learn enough about the language to properly evaluate aesthetic features. WHEN PEOPLE LEARN ABOUT LOJBAN, THEY STAY WITH US. Our dropout rate among such people is only a couple of percent per year. Several people have tried to write a one-or-two page handout on Lojban, but it's awfully hard to describe something as complex as a human language in just a couple of paragraphs. On the other hand, at Worldcon, we saw numerous 1-page Esperanto handouts that showed great advertising sophistication, reducing all of Esperanto to some graphics and a catchy slogan that plays to the emotions. I would feel dishonest trying to do the same. Our handouts give information, quite dense information at that. Our only catchy slogan so far is ".e'osai ko sarji la lojban.", which of course also loses something in the translation. Perhaps Lojban promoters can learn from Esperanto in other ways. Esperanto has a correspondence course for newcomers, which Lojban doesn't. It isn't even on our priority list yet, although Athelstan's mini-lesson may eventually serve much the same basic purpose - to give people the warm, fuzzy, feeling that they can indeed learn the language, and that it is aesthetically pleasing - then they will be willing to start the hard work necessary to actually learn it. Only the people who move beyond such introductory lessons actually learn and use the lan- guage. On a more practical note, it will be impossible to evaluate the aesthetics of Lojban until it is spoken by reasonably fluent speakers. Only the first tidbits of Lojban poetry have now been written, by one poet, so the enormous power of the language to convey ideas has hardly been tapped. The aesthetics of Lojban are being evaluated on such trivial grounds as whether one likes the apostrophe as a representation for the vowel buffer (pronounced like an h - but NOT an h), or whether the consonant clusters at the beginning of "cfari" and "mrilu" seem pronounceable. Esperantists have a similar problem, with four alphabetic letters not found on any typewriter or computer keyboard. But Esperanto has speakers, poetry, novels - a community of people using the language - to give it the aura of 'humanity'. It did not have these 100 years ago, when people first made the choice to learn the language. Lojban will have these things, too, and in a very short while. 12 Usefulness Turning to the second major area where Esperanto and Lojban may be compared, we examine the qualities of usefulness - what are the uses to which each language may be put, and how well does each language serve those purposes. Es- peranto was designed solely as an international language. Other purposes that could be devised for it are accidental. Lojban was first designed as a linguis- tic tool, but with specific requirements (cultural neutrality, ease of learning, simplicity) that probably are important in an international language, and one (extremism in one or more areas of language structure) that is a disadvantage. For various reasons, the disadvantage of extremism has been ameliorated; most of the extremes in Lojban are optional, and can be avoided by an international user. The advent of computers and the large number of computer professionals has led to a secondary goal of useful computer applications while the language was still being formed, making this a third area of usefulness that is in effect designed into the language. Unless we've really fouled up, Lojban HAS to be potentially useful in more ways than Esperanto is. IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE. This doesn't suffice for a comparison, though. Lojban may have a great deal of unrealized potential, but Esperanto has realized most of its potential. It HAS been used for international communication. It is NOW being designed into an elaborate machine translation system that is expected to bear fruit by 1992. And while most linguists ignore Esperanto because it is not a 'natural language', has few native speakers, and is in effect a simplified European tongue, there are some linguists who have researched Esperanto as a language, and who have used it in linguistic studies such as language education. Lojban is not yet being used for any of these things. However, every application 'discovered' for Esperanto has been designed for in Lojban, and a few more besides. Esperanto has an advantage in application now, but if Lojban survives at all, it will eventually have more and better applications. And because all of these applications are conceived of and being worked on from the start, Lojban won't take 100 years to achieve that large variety of useful application. Scientific/Linguistic Merit In the third area, scientific or linguistic merit, there is also no competition possible. Lojban has 'won the race' by starting at the finish line that Esperanto can never reach. Yet in another sense, Esperanto is also at a finish line, which Loglan/Lojban has had to strive for 35 years to finally reach. When Esperanto was invented, there wasn't a science of linguistics. A few seeds had been planted, mostly along the lines of historical evolution of languages. The concept of inventing a language significantly different than European languages was inconceivable - at least in Europe. Indeed, until my generation, all languages, even Oriental ones, were taught using Latin as the pure, perfect, ideal if dead language that was the model of what a language 'should be'. Of hundreds of international languages invented before Lojban, almost none have a non-European grammar. They were simplified forms of Latin with some a priori or derived set of words to fit onto that Latinate ar- chitecture. Indeed, most of the hundreds of languages I've seen in the Library of Congress stacks are described only as dictionaries, with some small set of rules at the front telling what simplifications have been made to standard European (read Latin) grammar. Esperanto's 16 rules are just such a set. Indeed, Zamenhof apparently intended all things not covered by the rules to be done 'like they are in your own language', as if all languages were alike in such reference. The 16 rules are confusing to anyone who doesn't know a European language, just as Lojban's machine grammar is confusing to anyone not versed in YACC grammars. What is an 'accusative' in any of the Amerind languages, an 'adjective' in Chinese, or perhaps a 'passive'? You can't teach Esperanto without teaching these concepts, which are inherent to the design of the language. A non-European can't learn Esperanto without first learning the concepts and mind-set of European language. The Loglan Project was started some 40 years after what is considered the birth of modern linguistics. Then, in the 1950's, the language was a skeleton - 13 a simple structure with a few hundred words - based on predicate logic, which has been thoroughly studied for 2000 years. By the time the language meaningfully took shape, in the 1960's, modern linguistic theory had undergone the revolution that had pretty much thrown out the Latin ideal. Older versions of Loglan show obvious Latinate biases. Newer versions leading up to Lojban have successively weeded out more and more of them. The Lojban version now being taught has had input from dozens of linguists, and has been examined in comparison with a variety of linguistic theories that weren't around when Esperanto was developed. Loglan/Lojban has changed to account for the rapidly developing field of linguistics. Only recently has there been enough confidence that a baselined Lojban is 'good enough' to meet the stringent linguistic tests that we believe are required for a totally new language to seem 'natural'. Loglan/Lojban has striven for 35 years from scratch to achieve the finish line of 'natural' language. 100 years ago, Esperanto started at the European finish line, taking a few steps back to 'simplify' the European grammar before again 'completing the race'. Lojban moves beyond the restrictions of European grammar. It overtly incorporates linguistic universals, building in what is needed to support the expressivity of the whole variety of natural languages, including non-European ones. Esperanto, on the other hand, will always be constrained to some degree by its Latinate structure. I am particularly bothered by comparisons that note that Lojban has taken 35 years to achieve meaningful conversation, while Esperanto had hundreds of thousands of speakers within 35 years of its founding, including some native speakers. The fact that Lojban took 35 years to reach a point of development where it was speakable is a mark of the amount of work that went into the language, a sign that this spoken language is different, but not inferior to, any that have existed before. Since Lojban's purposes include linguistic experimentation, evaluating Lojban's merit requires noting the mechanisms built into the language that allow, even require, the use of the language for linguistic experimentation. There are roots of redundant expression forms for several types of expression. They will compete with each other for usage as Lojban grows. The choices made by real speakers should reveal NEW facts about language. Lojban also has the cultural neutrality needed to test the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. (Yes, 'logic' could be a European bias. Indeed, Jim Brown intended that Loglan have an extreme bias that would have measurable effects - that is the requirement for a Sapir-Whorf experimental test. But beyond logic, Lojban is exceptionally free from obvious bias.) It has structures built into it that allow comparison with languages of many different families, not just European ones; such comparison will unmask observed Sapir-Whorf effects that are European artifacts in disguise, and will be possible because Lojban's grammar is non- European. And you don't 'have to be logical' in Lojban. The redundant structures allow both hyperlogical and illogical ways of expressing things; you can be as erudite, or nonsensical as you choose. Success Finally, the last criteria - success. Lojban has NO fluent speakers. Esperanto has some large number - the value dependent on your source and whether you or the source is trying to promote or denigrate the language - but certainly a lot more than Lojban. Where's the comparison? Where's the competition? You cannot compare Esperanto's numbers with Lojban's numbers and gain any useful information regarding their relative potential for success. Lojban's couple of speakers are too small to deal with statistically. Thus you can use our numbers to prove practically anything. For example, the number of Lojban students is growing in excess of 8% per month, or 100% per year. Extrapolating on this trend, Lojban would pass Esperanto in 15 years, and would be universally spoken 15 years after that. Reduce the growth rate and the results will be identical - just take longer, as long as Lojban grows faster than Esperanto. This extrapolation is ridiculous of course, and almost any method of predicting numbers is equally worthless, because changes will occur in the world every year that will invalidate any prediction. Just ask the peoples of Eastern Europe. 14 Esperanto is growing in numbers too, though not nearly as fast as Lojban. If it did, there would be no question about ITS eventually being a world language. But Esperanto right now isn't growing fast enough. When the population of the world grows by hundreds of millions per year, Esperanto is losing ground every day - just as Lojban is. Both languages are failures. Two paragraphs, opposite conclusions. Counting speakers is meaningless. Based on numbers, anything will happen tomorrow. Or nothing. Numbers of speakers are meaningless anyway, if the people don't USE the language. The biggest shock for me at Worldcon was sitting next to the Es- peranto table for several days and NEVER HEARING A SINGLE CONVERSATION IN ESPERANTO. I won't say that none occurred (some of the people at the Esperanto tables are reading this), but I didn't hear any. We didn't talk much Lojban at our table either. But our audience of potential conversationalists was much smaller - those of us who had driven up to Boston. The same group of us did speak Lojban for hours in the car going to and from Boston. But Esperantists visiting from all over the country and all over the world were speaking English in preference to Esperanto at their table. Only if a language is used can it be judged successful. And neither language is being used to its potential (Nora and I COULD set time aside each day to talk in Lojban, but we don't.) This will have to change if either language is to achieve 'success', in the sense of being widely used. Lojban has a long-term advantage there, based on the greater potential uses discussed above. If the language is USED by the people who learn it. If the 100-or-more level 3 people out there start sending me sentences, then para- graphs, then texts in Lojban, and eventually start interacting with each other because they don't need us to tell them that they are using the language correctly, then Lojban will be used for its intended purposes. If not, Lojban will be just another dead artificial language. The same is true for Esperanto. Any Esperantist/Lojbanist who gives me the argument that they can use Esperanto now, but cannot use Lojban, is arguing a self-defeating position. If you want to use a language, you will find a way to use it. We have the network in place for Lojbanists to interact with each other, including some people from other countries (though the numbers are still small). But you have to learn the language first in order to use it. The same argument follows for people who are 'waiting for some practical application' before learning the language. The people who are waiting should be making the known applications a reality, and should also be creating new ones. Some of the brightest people in the world are reading this essay; you certainly have the ability to make Lojban (or Esperanto) applicable to your life - but only if you choose to. Lojban applications will naturally spring up from the seeds we've planted. The time that no one seems to have available now for learning the language, could bear fruit and be ripe with reward in just a few years. Meanwhile Lojbanists have the ultimate consolation. Unlike Esperanto, Lojban can achieve one of its goals even while failing as a language. While most of the linguistic community has yet to realize it, the efforts of the past 35 years have probably taught more about the nature of language than any other ex- perimental effort. Every day and every new Lojban speaker adds to that knowledge. If Lojban suddenly is abandoned 5 or 10 years from now as a dead language, or is 'beaten out by Esperanto' as a world language, it will still have succeeded in its original aim - to teach us more about language. This is one aspect in which I can comfortably say that 'Lojban is better than Esperanto'. Side Note on the Discussion Philosophically, I am unconvinced that personal and political decisions should be made in a competitive environment. The prevalent idea seems to be that "for me to be right, you must be wrong" or "for me to be good, you must be bad" is unrealistically simplistic. Within human endeavors, there is no absolute right or absolute good. Whether a language or a person, a candidate should be chosen on the basis of how well the varying needs of everyone concerned will be served, preferably not at the expense of others' needs. An interesting side note occurred to Nora in reading this. The Lojban gismu "xamgu", representing the concept of 'good', has the place structure "x1 is good 15 for x2 by standard x3". Comparatives were also removed from other place structures when the language was redesigned. While Lojban can express comparisons quite easily, they are now avoided in gismu place structures. Thus one need not consider everything as being 'more' or 'better' than something else in order for a basic predicate relationship to be claimed. One needn't decide what something is "bluer than" in order to decide that it is "blue". One needn't decide that something is "better than" something else in order for it to be "good". This seems metaphysically simpler, and now appears to be a more significant qualitative difference from earlier versions of the language than we've perceived before. The metaphysical difference is perhaps significant to a Sapir-Whorf test, since if S/W is true, the earlier design could lead to a culture where people see the world as a competitive place where everything always strives to be more 'broda' (~whatever) than something else, a culture that doesn't seem very pleasant to me in an aesthetic sense. ________________________________ from ju'i lobypli #13 - 8/1990 JL11 Esperanto Discussion A Response from Don Harlow [Don Harlow is editor of the Esperanto League of North America newsletter. His position makes him a natural spokesperson for the Esperanto community in responding to our essays in JL11. However, see also Ralph Dumain and John Hodges in the 'Letters' section below for more comments on Lojban and Esperanto.] Thanks for the latest copy of Ju'i Lobypli. I was particularly interested in Athelstan's comparison of Esperanto's "16 rules" with a similar set of rules for Lojban. Athelstan is quite right in suggesting that "the rule set is incomplete." In fact, the "16 rules" are largely a heuristic device created to introduce Esperanto to persons with a late 19th-century European education, by describing Esperanto in very simple terms relating the language to something more familiar to the student -- i.e., the Indo-European languages. This can be seen by the reference in rule 2 to the "two cases of Esperanto" (Esperanto has as many cases as any other language), the reference in rule 6 to the passive voice of verbs formed by compounding (there are no compound verbs in Esperanto), by the reference to the "imperative mood" in the same rule (the -U ending subsumes, but is hardly restricted to, the traditional IE imperative), and particularly by rule 8; logically, prepositions (which are basically case-forming morphemes) should govern an unmodified noun form, and it is only because of the contrast with the Indo-European languages, where they usually do not, that this rule is necessary. The so-called "Fundamento de Esperanto" is, in fact, about 200 pages long, and includes the "16 rules" (repeated in five different languages), a complete dictionary of some four thousand roots -- an additional four thousand or so have been added to the canon since that time, plus between eight and sixteen thousand unofficial roots that need not be considered part of the language -- and a series of some 42 exercises designed by Zamenhof to demonstrate aspects of syntax and the Esperanto word-formation system. The "16 rules" themselves are, as I say, a heuristic device, and a convenient skeleton on which to hang the language's "flesh." Most of the material in these rules would, today, be better presented in tabular form. A few points about Athelstan's presentation: 1) Athelstan does "not describe word or sentence order...." This seems a bit ingenuous to me, since as far as I can tell word and sentence order play a more significant role in Lojban than they do in Esperanto, and so to describe a "set" of Esperanto rules and equate them to a single Lojban "rule" that is at a much higher level is not quite cricket. An example is rule 3. The Esperanto presentation of the morphology of the adjective is quite complete in four lines; the Lojban presentation says only that "any selbri may modify any other selbri by position," but does not define how this is done (do selbri modify other selbri preceding them? by following them? by sitting in the next line up?) This is like saying that Lojban code is more concise simply because the reader is 16 presented only with a subroutine call, while in the Esperanto code the reader is shown the entire content of the subroutine. The content is there in Lojban; Athelstan has merely found it convenient to overlook it.1 2) Granting Athelstan's contention that several of Esperanto's "single rules" contain other rules, he does himself the favor of counting some of those sub- rules more than once, if they are referred to in another "super-rule." For in- stance, he counts the rule that the direct object is shown by affixing the -N ending at least three times (rule 2, rule 3, rule 5). The computer equivalent would be rewriting the subroutine each time it was called -- at which the compiler would, no doubt, burp. 3) Given that Esperanto's "16 rules" are a heuristic device, they are certainly more complete and successful than those presented by Athelstan for Lojban. Speaking "quantitatively," they are accessible to a much wider range of people than the Lojban rules. The Esperanto rules refer largely to nouns, verbs, adjectives, past tenses, etc., which are terms that are generally recognizable to graduates of the seventh grade, or equivalent (my ten year old daughter is familiar with them, from school). Athelstan's Lojban rules, on the other hand, use unglossed terminology that might confound a college graduate -- anaphora, non-veridical, place tags, etc. (I consider myself moderately well educated, but I had to look up "anaphora" in a dictionary -- and was not much wiser for the experience.) 4) Speaking "qualitatively," Athelstan in many places describes his Lojban rules using Lojban terms that will have no meaning to the casual reader -- a rather recursive sort of action, if you ask me. "Lujvo are formed by simple junction of the gismu or rafsi??? The definition of each one of those terms should be counted as a separate rule (axiom, if you will). 5) Some comments on individual rules: a) The description of participles in Esperanto rule 6 is not properly part of this rule but belongs in the hidden (also for Esperanto!) working of word- building (rule 11 see below); the description of the passive voice properly belongs to the Ekzercaro. I do not, however, fault Athelstan for taking these items as he found them. b) "Every word is pronounced as it is spelt." Pardon me for referring to Loglan rather than Lojban -- and if this is not also true for Lojban, you need not pay attention to this comment -- but this is not completely true for the language. Loglan treats the sound written in English as "CH" as a stop "t" followed by a fricative "sh", written "tc," rather than as, more correctly, a single harsh fricative halfway between the stop and the fricative. Brown was here apparently influenced by the (not invariably phonetic) International Phonetic Alphabet, which in this case appears to have been heavily influenced by French. Esperanto more correctly treats this single sound with a single letter. I am not sure whether Loglan and Lojban treat the single sound written in English as "ts" as two sounds (again as a stop followed by a sibilant, rather than as a single harsh sibilant) or as a single sound/letter ("c") as in Esperanto. (A similar use of two letters to designate an intermediate sound is the occasional use of "kh" in English to describe the Esperanto "h^", a sound intermediate between "k" and "h".) c) Esperanto's Rule 11, of course, refers to the Ekzercaro -- see particularly Exercise 42. Athelstan refers to some sort of "variant compounding rules"; I would be interested in seeing these. The actual rules describing the word-formation system are neat but complex; they were first formulated as late as 1910 by de Saussure, writing under the pen-name "Antido", and expanded by Kalocsay in the 1920's in a well-known essay. The ____________________ 1Your example on p. 25, "X1 is good for X2 by standard X3," which I presume is written in Lojban -- from your past references to Prolog -- as something like "Good X1 X2 X3" -- would indicate that the position rules in Lojban are much more complex than those in English, and vary from property to property. With regard to my later comments on case, the descriptive rule for speakers of Indo- European languages would be: "The property good relates a noun in the nominative case in the immediately subsequent position, a noun in the dative case in the third position, and a noun in the "standardize" case in the fourth position." Hopefully Lojban's rules are more consistent than some of those of English, in which, for instance, the accusative succeeds a positional dative but precedes a prepositional one... 17 latest set appear in the Plen Analiza Gramatiko de Esperanto (1985 edition), where they fill some 148 pages and differ little form Kalocsay's earlier rules. That these rules are of little use and less interest to the practicing Esperantist can be seen from the fact that their earliest codification oc- curred some 23 years after the language began to be spoken; most people can figure the system out after looking at a page or so of examples, and never bother to refer to the rules, to which they don't have access anyway.2 Unfortunately, a couple of Athelstan's comments suggest that he isn't really qualified to comment on Esperanto in general, any more than I am on Lojban (which is why I keep correcting you on Esperanto rather than commenting on various points of Lojban grammar, syntax, etc.). For instance, on p. 20 he refers to "Esperanto's dependency on case declensions." There are no declensions in the traditional/IE sense in Esperanto. The -N ending, to which he is probably referring, defines the target of an action (direct object) or, if no action is committed, the destination of a movement3; it can be applied to adverbs as easily as to nouns and their accompanying adjectives. Again, the terms "nominative case" and "accusative case" in this sense are sops to Indo-European sensibilities; Esperanto has neither one in the narrow sense of a declension. In the broader sense, of course, it does have nominative and accusative cases, as do English, Chinese, or -- one presumes -- Lojban; it also has genitive, dative, instrumental, ellative, terminative, sociative, etc. cases, as do English, Chinese, and -- I again presume -- Lojban. Regarding your own essay "On Comparing Lojban and Esperanto" let me make several short (I hope, as, I am sure you do) comments: 1) Under "aesthetics" you mention a couple of sentences that "are longer than the colloquial English translation"; and in an earlier issue you begged off translating a song from English into Lojban because the translation would be longer than the original. This seems to me to be an acceptance of the old saw that "any translation into any other language will average about 25% longer than the English original" -- and (a word to the wise) it seems to be a very dangerous attitude to take.4 Every translation I make into Esperanto from English comes out significantly shorter then the original. More than that, so far as I know a competent translator can get the same results in just about any language going. I would hope, for the sake of Lojban, that this "expansion effect" is a function of the translator rather than a function of the language. If not, it is a strike against Lojban. 2) You have again quoted the "like it is done in your own language" comment, which was not made by Zamenhof, but in the basic Interlingua textbook of 1950!!! Esperanto is extremely well-defined, partly through the 16 rules as described above, but mainly through the Ekzercaro, which also appeared in the Unua libro in 1887. No reference to outside languages was or is necessary. I thought we'd been over that ground before! As to the Europeanness of Esperanto ... proof of the pudding. Esperanto's greatest successes in the past few years have been outside of the Indo-European language area. (From May to October of this year, a nationwide Esperanto course is running on Chinese television -- a more significant matter, I think, in a country with only one national TV network instead of four or five, and no more than two or three channels in even the largest cities.) ____________________ 2Some of these rules have not yet been codified. For instance, Kalocsay and Waringhien, the authors of PAG, recognize that Esperantists regularly use adjective roots as prefixes for noun roots -- novedzino, dikfingro are common examples -- but do not admit that this usage is grammatically justified. Most Esperantists go on doing this anyway, and they definitely obey a particular rule of word-formation in doing so -- one that, so far as I know, has never been written down, and would be difficult to codify in a few simple sentences. 3Which, if we suppose the -N ending to mark the accusative case in the traditional Indo-European sense, makes vers such as "to go" transitive in Esperanto -- something most IE languages would not allow. 4When I was young I read -- in a number of places -- that no other language is nearly as good as English for swearing. In fact, English is a rather pale language in this regard; compare it with any Eastern European language, for instance. 18 3) The comment that "Lojban took 35 years to reach a point of development where it was speakable" might perhaps have been avoided. Esperanto took some 12-14 years to reach the point (1887) at which Zamenhof considered it optimal; but the Ur-Esperanto of 1878 was already speakable, at least according to the anecdotal information. That it took Lojban (I presume you mean Loglan) 35 years to reach the point at which it was speakable is not, I think, a point in its favor as a means of communication. The rapid growth of Esperanto in its first years after public release was a spontaneous affair. You quote a figure of 8% a month growth in the number of Lojban students. Based on Zamenhof's published address lists -- and making a conservative assumption that only ten percent of those who claimed to be able to speak Esperanto could actually do so -- in the first half year after Esperanto's publication, the number of Esperanto speakers grew at a rate of more than 100% per month. (This high figure, of course, like your own, comes from starting with such a small base; and it dropped considerably by the early 1890's) 4) You attribute some significance to the fact that you "NEVER [HEARD] A SINGLE CONVERSATION IN ESPERANTO" at the Esperanto table at Worldcon. I personally have met only one of the people who worked at that table (and he was there for only an hour or so), and I know that he speaks fluent Esperanto; I can't answer for the others. But when you've sat at a few more tables at conventions, and have carried on a few conversations in Lojban under such circumstances, you will learn an interesting fact: more people -- or at least Americans -- are repelled when they hear a conversation they don't understand than are attracted.5 When possible, I always use English under such circumstances. (This is not always possible; at the last three conferences of the Foreign Language Association of Northern California that I've attended as an exhibitor, my co-exhibitor and I have spoken nothing but Esperanto -- because he's a Rumanian, and not terribly comfortable in English.) Hope that you have found all this of some interest. ______________________________________ Bob responds - That the 16 rules are intended only a heuristic device seems to be lost on many Esperantists, who often try compare the 16 rules to our set of YACC rules, which number about 550; Athelstan's effort was an answer to those critics. See Ralph Dumain's discussion and my response in the letters section below for more on this. Don effectively supports our assertion that the 16 rules have as a subtext the entire grammar of European languages. "The Esperanto rules refer largely to nouns, verbs, adjectives, past tenses, etc., which are terms that are generally recognizable to graduates of the seventh grade, or equivalent". But these terms are only recognizable to students of European languages. The emphasis should be on 'student', by the way. While Don's 10-year old may find the terms familiar, we have found college graduate English speakers who have long since forgotten the terminology of grammar classes. To many of our audience, 'noun' is as bad as 'anaphora' (maybe worse, since no one feels guilty that they don't know what anaphora are. Anaphora are, by the way, the superset of 'pronouns' - the things that stand for and refer to earlier referents in the discussion; 'cataphora', the opposite term, cover variable words that refer to things in future discussion, but 'anaphora' also is used as the general term covering both sets of variable reference words. Based on Don's comment, however, we will start using a Lojban lujvo "ba'ivla" - /bah,HEE,vlah/ for the general concept of 'anaphora'; the source metaphor 'replacer-word' should help people remember what the word means). Athelstan intentionally used specialized Lojban terms that were as opaque to a European language speaker as they would be to a speaker of a non-European language. This may help point out what a Chinese or Swahili speaker suffers reading the Esperanto rules. We don't seriously intend using the 11 Lojban rules as a heuristic device; as Don says, they just aren't very understandable. Furthermore, they cover no more of the Lojban grammar than the Esperanto rules cover of its grammar. However, they do help point out some ways in which Lojban is similar to European languages, including Esperanto. ____________________ 5I was carrying on a private conversation in Esperanto on a BART train a week ago, and was excoriated for this by the middle-aged lady sitting next to me. 19 I remain unconvinced that Esperanto's grammar is unlike Indo-European languages. As an example, contrary to what Don implies, the number and specific cases in a language are not universals, and are significant aids to classifying them. That a language has 'nouns' and 'verbs' and 'adjectives' that work in ways familiar to us, that most sentences have a 'nominative' agent case as the subject, usually appearing before the verb, and an 'accusative' object case that usually appears right after the verb. These are anything but universal, though they are found in most, if not all Indo-European languages. Many languages have no nominative or accusative cases, being organized around cases called 'ergative' and 'passive'. Some languages do not even have a clearly identifiable subject, and Japanese has both 'subjects' and 'topics' that each serve some of the purposes of the Indo-European 'subject'. Now what Don says later about the "-N" ending could be used to argue that Esperanto's cases are different from the Indo-European ones, but by standard linguistic terminology, that ending is a 'declension' that marks its word as being in a case (grammatical role) which differs from the grammatical role it would be in if the declension were not present. Lojban has NO grammatical cases. Linguists and artificial intelligence people can assign 'case labels' to the various sumti places in the structure, but these are not grammatical cases. They are semantic cases that indicate the semantic relationship between the place and the rest of the sentence. In Lojban there are as many potential semantic cases as there are words in the language - an infinite number. The places defined in the place structure are merely those most essential to conveying a relationship. We list the places in the definitions of the words partly to remind people that Lojban bridi express relationships, and to remind them of the essentials of the concept to be related. In one sense, Lojban doesn't even have a 'subject'. Technically, all of the sumti places are 'objects' that are related by the selbri. However, in at least two ways, the 1st (x1) place of any given bridi predicate, whichever of the sumti it happens to be in a given arrangement, has a unique role among the places which might as well be labelled as 'subject', for consistency with the terminology of linguistics. We'll let linguists determine if the x1 sumti re- ally is a 'subject' in the traditional sense, or whether another term better applies. Now it turns out that many of our relations resemble European languages in that the first place is often an agent and the second place is an object. This may represent a European bias, albeit unintentional. The intent is to include places in approximate order of frequency of use in discourse; our model for usage frequency is unfortunately the English language we hear most often. The desire to bring in a broader perspective before finalizing the structures is one reason why we are avoiding baselining the place structures until the last possible minute, and why place structures will be among the first things to be re-evaluated after the 5-year freeze. In any event, the resemblance does not give Lojban the Indo-European cases of Esperanto. There are no case endings, no grammatical requirements such as that adjectives must 'agree' with a particular case. We have 'case tags' in Lojban, but these are optional and even frowned upon for 'cases' in the place structure, and anyway resembles a combination of 'prepositions' and 'adverbs' more than case inflections on words. (They also resemble what Don calls 'case-forming morphemes'; however, in Lojban they are separate words that do not 'govern the form' of any other word.) Lojban has no 'passive voice' either - a 'passive voice' is an artifact of Indo-European grammar which is used less in English and Germanic languages than in other European languages. In Lojban, there are various methods of rearrang- ing the sumti places of a predicate. One might label any arrangement that doesn't have an active agent in the x1 position 'passive', but again, this isn't the same as the European 'passive voice'. (See B. Comrie's books The World's Major Languages and Language Typology and Linguistic Universals for excellent discussions of the typological features of language.) Lojban is distinctly different from any natural language in several ways. The first step in learning Lojban, therefore, involves stepping out of the constraining ideas of natural language to learn these new concepts. Once that is accomplished, then for European speakers, Lojban is probably comparable in learning difficulty to Esperanto; Lojban has a somewhat simpler grammar, but 20 Esperanto's roots are more highly recognizable to Europeans (and English speakers). For Chinese speakers, Lojban may actually be easier, since many features of Lojban's grammar at least superficially resemble Chinese features. "Athelstan ... describes his Lojban rules using Lojban terms ... The definition of each one of those terms should be counted as a separate rule (axiom, if you will)." - Should the definition of each of the Indo-European grammatical terms used in the Esperanto rules have also been counted as 'axioms'? If so, I think Esperanto comes out far the worse for the added criteria. The number of specialized Lojban words we need to discuss the grammar is fewer than the number of words needed to discuss a European language. "Athelstan does 'not describe word or sentence order....' This seems a bit ingenuous to me..." - There are two types of word order that can be talked about. The order of words of particular grammatical type in a sentence is specified by the entire set of rules of the grammar. There is no meaningful 'rule' or 'rules' that govern this kind of word order. The order of the places for a given brivla, on the other hand, is not a grammatical issue in Lojban at all, unlike European languages and Esperanto (I understand that Chinese is also relatively free in word order). Thus, Athelstan did not discuss word order because it is not part of the Lojban grammar. The order of the places is part of the semantic meaning of each word, just as the meanings of 'subject' and 'object' for each Esperanto verb are part of the meaning of that verb. From our perspective, such semantic rules are at a lower level of the language than grammatical rules. Lojban has no higher level rule that can be said to govern the order of places. There may be some patterns, but we haven't really tried to find them. "The Esperanto presentation of the morphology of the adjective is quite complete in four lines; the Lojban presentation ... does not define how this is done (do selbri modify other selbri preceding them? by following them? by sitting in the next line up?)" - The Lojban 'morphology of the adjective' is complete in zero lines, since we don't have adjectives. selbri modify other selbri in many ways, some of which are adjective-like. The modification can be left-modifies-right or right-modifies-left, logical connection, or non-logical connection. In all but the simplest left-to-right modification, there are cmavo that can be translated literally into English or other languages, revealing the order, and we believe that all possible orders and groupings can be represented in some way. Athelstan simply didn't find anything to say about Lojban that corresponded to what was being said in the Esperanto rule. What he said was complete and accurate - position in a Lojban sentence totally determines what modifies what. As for Don's facetious suggestions on how selbri might modify each other by position, I reply in kind: do Esperanto adjectives get written on the line be- fore? Interestingly, in other places, Don excuses his 16 rules for non-specificity: "the description of the passive voice properly belongs to the Ekzercaro" and talking about word-formation rules "they fill some 148 pages". Again, our purpose was to compare what was present in the Esperanto rules with a corresponding level of detail about the Lojban rules. We recognize that neither set of rules is complete; we want to be able to point this out to Esperantists that cite the 16 rules as a statement of Esperanto's simplicity. So Don has made our point for us. "Most Esperantists ... definitely obey a particular rule of word-formation ... -- one that, so far as I know, has never been written down, and would be dif- ficult to codify in a few simple sentences." - Hopefully Lojban is sufficiently regular that no one ever will have to say this about the language. Our word compounding rules are quite rigid, and yet fairly unrestricted. We don't constrain any word from modifying another, and provide some fairly esoteric grammatical conversions to allow you to combine concepts that are grammatically incompatible. "Athelstan refers to some sort of 'variant compounding rules'" - I believe Athelstan was referring to the extensive set of additional rules, not conveyed 21 in the set of 16, that take 148 pages to describe, as well as rules such as the ones Don describes as not written down. "... he does himself the favor of counting some of those sub-rules more than once, if they are referred to in another "super-rule." - Athelstan was merely trying to show that the 'super-rule' grouping concealed the true rule count. The exact number of rules, I'd hoped we had demonstrated, was quite irrelevant. Lojban's 550-odd stated rules, by the way, are expanded by YACC into about 800 unique computer-labelled 'states' which correspond to expanding and repeating each of the 'subroutines' Don refers to as often as is necessary. A Lojban-based computer process does not choke on such expansion, since the expansion is a natural product of YACC. When we say Lojban is grammatically unambiguous, it is because in each of these 800 states, by looking at the next word only, a Lojban processor knows what state to go to next. The grammar process consists simply of jumping from state to state until the end is reached. "Loglan treats the sound written in English as 'CH' as a stop 't' followed by a fricative 'sh', written 'tc,' rather than as, more correctly, a single harsh fricative halfway between the stop and the fricative. Brown was here apparently influenced by the (not invariably phonetic) International Phonetic Alphabet, which in this case appears to have been heavily influenced by French. Esperanto more correctly treats this single sound with a single letter..." - Correct by whose standard? (Correctness always has a standard, as any Lojbanist knows from the place structure of "drani"). The IPA is the standard alphabet of linguistic phonology, and hence is the way that one must describe sounds when talking to a linguist. To claim that the linguistic standard phonetic alphabet is wrong because it doesn't agree with Esperanto seems a bit backwards. The combination of a stop and a fricative is called an 'affricate' and can be treated as either one sound or as two. In Lojban, we treat all affricates, including 'tc' and 'ts', as two sounds; so do most linguists. This is due to the simple reason that if you say the stop and the fricative together, they phonetically blend to form the affricate in a way indistinguishable to most listeners. Thus, if we were to write the affricates as a single letter, we would have to forbid the two-letter combinations that are equivalent. Since no other single letter sound in Lojban can alternatively be expressed as two sounds, to match the Esperanto distinction in only a couple of cases would be inconsistent. (Does Esperanto forbid the two-letter equivalent combinations of the affricates to prevent confusion?) Esperanto's approach causes untold heartache to typists, forcing the addition of non-standard diacritical marks to several letters to fit the language within the Roman alphabet. (There is at least one typo in the Esperanto rules because of this - I forgot to manually go back and add an Esperanto diacritical mark that is not supported by my word processor or printer.) Esperanto is not consistent on the matter of the affricates, by the way. While representing the affricate sounds that are expressed by Lojban 'tc' and 'ts' with a single letter, as well as the voiced equivalent of the first ('dj' = English 'j'), Esperanto does not have the voiced equivalent of 'ts' as a single letter as consistency would require. The sound of 'dz' in it is expressed using two letters in Esperanto words (an example is found in one of Don's footnotes), even though it is a 'single sound' by the identical logic as the other three. In Comrie's book on the languages of the world, similar comments to mine are made in explaining why 'ts' and others are not considered as one in Germanic languages. It is pointed out that linguistically, any stop can be combined with any fricative, and each such 'affricate' combination could be treated as one sound or as two. Examples include 'ps', which will be recognized from Greek, and 'pf' from German. But neither Esperanto nor English nor Lojban treat 'ps' or 'pf' as a single sound. Don is wrong in equating the 'kh'/Lojban 'x' sound with the two affricates. 'x' is a pure fricative - called an 'unvoiced velar fricative' or an 'unvoiced palato-velar' fricative depending on exactly where the tongue is placed (these are the sounds of German 'doch' and 'ich', respectively). The 'x' sound linguistically has nothing to do with an 'h' sound, which is actually formed in the epiglottal region. That we represent 'x' as 'kh' in English is a convention; it has nothing to do with sounds (notwithstanding this, trying to combine a 'k' with an 'h' will give a reasonable 'x' sound). 22 Unlike English and German, IPA does use a single letter for this sound. (The true velar affricates - combinations of stops and fricatives - aren't pronounceable either as single or double sounds for English speakers - in Lojban, they would be expressed as 'kx' and 'gq', if 'q' is defined as the voiced equivalent of 'x' - found in Arabic as the sound at the beginning of Libyan leader Qaddafi's name.) "... the old saw ... 'any translation into any other language will average about 25% longer than the English original' ..." - Almost any literal translation will take longer than the original. Translating Lojban to English literally is usually even more expansive than 25%, often 2-to-1 or greater; just look at any of our translations here in JL. On the other hand, the reverse di- rection gives the same result. The translator's art involves producing idiomatic non-literal translations that capture the approximate sense of the original. This will sometimes be shorter, sometimes longer, since the source language may be using an idiom that has no counterpart in the target language (which is always the case with Lojban at this point). Also, almost any culturally-based word has to be expanded into a phrase in another language if meaning is to be preserved. If Don is 'always shorter' as he claims, he is undoubtedly omitting subtleties of the source language version that he considers either obvious or irrelevant given the context. If he is correct, he is a true artist; otherwise, his readers are missing useful and perhaps important information. In Lojban, there are other factors, based on its unusual grammar. Where logical structure is always explicit, the convoluted logic of some English sentences has to be expanded to great length; on the other hand the English "it is not the case that" is expressed briefly as Lojban "na". When Athelstan translated Saki (see JL10) he found the resulting text was about the same length or shorter. (There are actually more words, since Lojban words seem to average about 30% shorter than English words; there are also more syllables - Lojban words seldom have syllables more than 3 letters and certainly not as long as 'strengths'.) I doubt that Don's objection to the old saw proves true for all languages, by the way. I suspect that regardless of the translator, most Romanized Chinese (where most words are one or two syllables) translates to Russian (with in- flectional suffixes that are one or two syllables long on most words) resulting in a longer text. "That it took Lojban 35 years to reach the point at which it was speakable is not, I think, a point in its favor as a means of communication." - Wrong. It shows that we were diligent in our research. And with good reason; we know much more about language now than in Zamenhof's time, and we have a tougher and more skeptical audience (the academic world) to please. We also had a bigger job to do, since Lojban was designed from scratch. Whether or not Don is right about the Indo-European-ness of Zamenhof's grammar, there is no doubt that Zamenhof started with European grammar and simplified. We (originally Brown and later others as well) started with nothing except a goal of matching predicate logic structures, and the vague notion of speakability. Because we had no working language to emulate, there were un- doubtedly going to be false starts and re-engineering of major features. I suspect that much of Zamenhof's development period was used to select the root word stock; only a small fraction of Loglan/Lojban development time has gone into word-making. In a sense, Esperanto took the entire evolutionary period of Indo-European grammar to be developed. (Of course, by the same logic, Lojban took 2500 years, since predicate logic was invented, to be developed). (You can also compare the actual Esperanto development period with the time that we've taken to redevelop the Lojban version of Loglan from scratch to avoid copyright - less than 3 1/2 years so far, and I suspect that our design is far more intricately specified than Zamenhof's was when he published. By Don's histories that I've read, I gather that Esperanto was not complete in a sense of being standardized until sometime after 1900. Depending on your definitions, we will be comparably standardized either when the textbook and dictionary are done or after the 5 year baseline period proves the language is stable.) 23 I've been told that a major milestone occurred as late as 1905 when the annual Esperanto meeting was first conducted in Esperanto; at this meeting it could first truly be said that Esperanto was a 'living language'. Lojban should achieve that status in a much shorter time, although possibly with a smaller speaker base. I note that Jim Brown considered his language speakable in 1977, or possibly even earlier (there are reports that a group called the 'Loglan Sogrun' conversed to a minimal extent in the 60's). Brown actually tried to teach the language to college students in the 50's - though with no particular success - and sold books teaching the language starting in 1966. Brown's books of the 60's were probably as complete as Zamenhof's 1888 book, but Brown did not have the follow-through that Zamenhof did, nor the 'market' ripe for the language that Zamenhof had with the simultaneous collapse of Volapk. Also, to put it simply, Brown's books, while they explained things in considerable detail, had no text longer than individual sentences. They were thus at best mediocre in teaching the language for actual use. But this was not a flaw in the language or its design, but rather in its inventor's teaching and writing style. Loglan/Lojban has had an added handicap over Esperanto - a changing plural set of goals which is more than mere 'speakability', and rising standards on what it takes to achieve those goals. The standard of unambiguity changed with the development of computer tools like YACC, and a language thought to be unambigu- ous suddenly wasn't. I believe I've done more work researching language universals than Brown did. The whole point of the JL11 discussion, of course, was that comparison of development periods just isn't practical, and the various numbers in the above discussion should prove this. But Athelstan and I were trying to respond to comments and questions that have been frequently raised by Esperantists. If the '35-year' development effort can be claimed as a strike against us, we have the right to argue it as a virtue instead. "... more people -- or at least Americans -- are repelled when they hear a conversation they don't understand than are attracted. When possible, I always use English under such circumstances." - I was merely observing that at a convention table 'selling' a language, it seemed strange not to hear the language. I would expect that Americans are not much repelled to hear a 'strange' language if they expect to hear one, and one would expect to hear one at an Esperanto table, which is not a BART train. I certainly did, which is why I made the comment. (On the other hand, Americans are often offended to hear a language other than English when visiting a foreign country, but this is the Americans' problem, not the natives. In the US these days, perhaps 10-20% of the people have a native language other than English, so Americans will have to get used to hearing things other than English.) I also have a different philosophy as to what it takes to sell a new language to Americans. If you use English whenever that is a possibility because it is a common language, you merely support the argument that 'we don't need Esperanto (or Lojban) because English is already spoken by most everyone who wants to talk to people from another culture'. Regardless of whether it is true or not, the average American is going to think that you are speaking English because it is easier or more convenient than Esperanto. And if it IS easier for you to speak English than Esperanto to another Esperantist, you are missing out on a prime opportunity to learn to speak it better, while demonstrating that the language is useful to passers-by (something most of them are probably unconvinced of). When I can speak Lojban fluently I will try to speak Lojban at convention tables promoting the language, if the other people manning the table also speak comparably well. If I have problems with people who seem repelled, I'll add a sign inviting them to ask us what we're saying. This will entice people and cause them to see that we think the language is worth speaking when we could be speaking English instead; they will also be curious as to what we are saying, and we'll happily explain. This may not be how it works out in reality, but this is our goal, and our limited experience so far is that using the language in public prompts curiosity and not repulsion. (We've done nicely at conventions with people who notice our buttons with the slogan "e'osai ko sarji la lojban.") 24 If we're wrong, Don can say "I told you so". But if this turns out to be the case, then I am most pessimistic that any language will be acceptable as an International language to Americans. At any given time on the path to accep- tance, there will be Americans who don't know the language. If a foreigner is not going to learn English (in which case English is the international language), then the American must learn Esperanto or whatever before the need arises where it must be used, or she/he won't be fluent when that need arises. And this means speaking the language extensively with English-speaking cohorts before then, by definition. In any event, to go from a few thousand to 250 million Americans speaking a particular foreign language will take some aggressive (and skillful) marketing which may be offensive to some people. Possibly as offensive as the USEnglish people are in promoting English (whether one agrees with their opinions or not, their words and tactics are pushy and offensive). The trick is to market aggressively while minimizing offense. I should note that I while I disagree with Don on this point, I find many of the Esperanto marketing techniques quite skillful, and hope that we Lojbanists can learn from them. This is only practical under a cooperative, as opposed to competitive relationship between the two communities. Masters of Tongue Fu by Donald J. Harlow originally published in The ELNA Newsletter reprinted with permission When people say "International Language" today, they are probably talking about Esperanto. In China, in fact, the language is better known as shi jie yu, which simply means "international language," than as "Esperanto." In those parts of the world where "interlinguistics" is an accepted part of the science of linguistics, articles on the subject -- if they are not purely historical in nature -- will almost certainly refer almost exclusively to Esperanto. Discussions of the literature of artificial languages will concentrate totally on that of Esperanto, since only very underdeveloped literatures exist for other artificial languages, and for most of them, don't exist at all. Any study of the sociology of an artificial language, too, will concern itself only with Esperanto, since only two other artificial languages ever had populations of ad- herents even remotely comparable to that of Esperanto, and then only for very short periods of time. But Esperanto is neither the first not the only "international language." Attempts to create such a language go back at least to the thirteenth century, when the Abbess Hildegarde of Rupertzberg, a lady more recently exhumed -- and justly so! -- by the women's movement, the gnostics, and various musical organizations (how refreshing it is that Hildegarde, one of the earliest of the "Renaissance Men," was a woman!), created her "Lingua Ignota." The philosophers Comensky, Leibniz, and Descartes all wrote about the international language; Bishop Berkeley worked at developing one. In the last century, the Frenchman Sudre created Solresol, a language meant to be whistled or trumpeted, and it enjoyed a very long period of popularity in some circles in France; at one point the French military even considered adopting it, possible because trumpets can be heard over greater distances than shouted commands. Who knows? Had the French followed through with this idea, their defeat in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 might not have occurred, and all later history would have been different. No one knows how many "international languages" have actually been proposed. The figure certainly exceeds a thousand. These range from genuine a priori languages, all of whose material is invented out of whole cloth, to slightly modified ethnic languages, such as Basic English. But of the thousand or so such languages, only a few have ever attained any degree of popularity, and most of that has been spurious -- a creation of the news media, ever in search of some new and interesting story. Chronologically, these most famous of international languages have been: Volapk, Esperanto, Ido, Occidental, Basic English, and Interlingua. For those who know little or nothing about the 25 origins and fates of these languages, I would like to give an introduction to them. Volapk was invented in 1880 by a German priest, Monsignor Johann Martin Schleyer. Schleyer, a polyglot, recognized among his less talented parishioners the need for a language to communicate across national boundaries, and set our to create on. The result was Volapk. The language enjoyed tremendous popularity over the next decade, but, because of certain aspects of its grammar and vocabulary, it generated a strong movement for reforms among many of its speakers; and Schleyer, who saw himself as the language's Pope, so to speak, refused to even consider such reforms. The language's most vocal adherents split into two factions, one supporting Schleyer and on supporting his chief opponent, a French professor named Auguste Kerckhoffs. The resulting struggle destroyed the language, many of whose proponents in any case were shifting their allegiance to the rising (green) star of Esperanto by the end of the eighties. By the beginning of the new century, Volapk was all but dead, though at least one (very small, very irregular) bulletin in the language seems to have appeared as late as 1960. When Bernard Golden went in search of speakers of Volapk on the language's 100th birthday, he found a total of ten -- all of whom also spoke Esperanto. It is worth noting, however, that at its peak Volapk boasted perhaps 100,000 adherents -- though how many of them could actually speak the language is open to question. In this regard, it is interesting that it shared several characteristics with Esperanto. The two of these that are perhaps most important, in my view, are: (1) an agglutinative system of word-formation, in contrast to the standard Indo-European system (more correctly: lack of a system); and (2) the desire of the inventor to solve the problem of communi- cation between people of different languages, not just to invent an artificial language. I don't want to go into Esperanto's history in any detail here. If you want to read a good book about the early period, get a copy of Edmond Privat's Historio de la Lingvo Esperanto, or his Vivo de Zamenhof. I would only wish to say that, more than a hundred years into its existence, Esperanto's eventual fate has not yet been decided. Given that over its history the language has had few friends, except for a (relatively few) far-sighted and courageous souls who have actually gone out and learned it, while it has succeeded in gaining for itself a notable array of enemies -- Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin spring immediately to mind -- the staying power that the language has demonstrated is quite encouraging. Let me only add here that Zamenhof, like Schleyer, was interested not in creating and artificial language but in finding some viable solution to the problem of communication between different peoples. And in Zamenhof's case -- he was a Jew living in late 19th century Russia -- the problem was far from a theoretical one. Zamenhof stated (in his First book) that Esperanto was not our typical European language. Arguments over Esperanto's Europeanness go on even today. Certainly, despite recent modest accretions from Japanese and other non-European languages, Esperanto's lexical material remains primarily European, chiefly Romance, in origin. Other aspects of the language's structure are less convincingly European. Certain tendencies in popular use of the language -- for instance, the occasional doubling of short adjective roots to show emphasis, rather than through use of the -EG suffix -- show a pattern of thought in the language reminiscent of Chinese. I don't intend to argue here over whether Esperanto is fundamentally European or non-European; but certainly many early speakers of the language in Western Europe found it less European (more particularly, less West-European) than they would have liked. This was particularly true in France, where many early leaders of the national Esperanto movement would have preferred a more Francophone, or even Anglophone, tone to the language. A few of these gentlemen, in fact through a rather underhanded process, set themselves up as "reformers" of Esperanto, and in 1907 produced a version of Esperanto that appeared much more in tune with the linguistic norms of the world -- i.e., French and English. For a while, they expected that their new language would replace classical Esperanto, but when this did not happen -- a vast majority of ordinary speakers of the language refused to make the necessary changes in their 26 habits -- the "reformed Esperanto" split off and became an artificial language in its own right, Ido. While Ido shows a decided shift away from Esperanto's agglutinative word- formation system, back towards a more Western European orientation, it does not represent a complete break with the linguistic ideas expressed first in Volapk and then more clearly in Esperanto. The real difference between the two languages lay in the motivations of the men who developed them. It is fairly apparent that the problem of communication was of little interest to Prof. Louis Couturat, Louis de Beaugront, and Major Charles Lemaire, the primary motors behind the development of Ido; they were more concerned with what they saw as Esperanto's linguistic blemishes. This is hardly surprising; the pleasant little conspiracy into which they entered for the purpose of replacing that Russian Jewish eye-doctor as the guiding force in the international language movement shows in them an ethical blind spot that would not fit well with a genuine concern for the communications needs of ordinary people. Insofar as Ido did prosper -- and it prospered, in fact, much more than did any other "international language" except Volapk and Esperanto -- it did so, I believe, despite the people behind it, not because of them. Ido, in fact, appears to have attained a maximum population of about 10,000 adherents by the early 1920's -- not all that far behind Esperanto in that period. But as the ranks of Esperanto swelled through the twenties, to reach more than a hundred thousand by 1930, those of Ido appear to have declined. It nevertheless remains extant even today, though in what seems to be a basically moribund state. Ido, like Esperanto, has actually produced a small original literature -- though, strangely enough, so far as I know the only genuine literary work ever published in Ido, a collection of original poetry, was published by the Kultura Centro Esperantista in Switzerland. A recent newspaper article about another constructed language project referred to Esperantists as "verbal hobbyists." As a matter of fact, Ido did much to cull the verbal hobbyists out of the Esperanto movement very early on. One result of this is that, for many years, the Esperanto movement has been remarkably free of individuals who see the language only as an interesting project, whose main purpose in existing is to improve itself by adopting their recommended reforms. Another result is that the Ido movement ended up consisting mainly of just such people. It is hardly surprising, then, that when yet another "improved" international language came along, it would skim off a far greater percentage of members from the Ido movement than from the Esperanto movement. This language was Occidental, proposed in 1922 by the Estonian Edgar De Wahl. The language's very name gives away De Wahl's motivation. An early Esperantist, he also abandoned the language early on, apparently in protest against its non-traditional structure. Whether he was ever a practicing Idist, I don't know, but suspect that from the time he left Esperanto he followed a very different and more radical route. Occidental, built upon the basis of an earlier project, Julius Lott's Mundolingue, can best be described, I think, as a late and very highly rationalized Romance dialect, with noticeable German accretions. It was, in fact, nothing less than an attempt to codify West Euro- pean thought processes in a constructed language. Supporters of Occidental justified this by asserting that civilization, being essentially European in nature, should be represented by an essentially European language. In this way, the language would help make the blessings of European thought available to the rest of the world -- or help keep the rest of the world under the European thumb, as the more cynical might tend to think. The nineteen thirties were, in some ways, the apogee of language construction; Occidental was merely the most successful and best known of a series of attempts to create a new international language. The famous Danish linguist Otto Jes- persen, for instance, a long-time mainstay of the Ido movement, abandoned the language in favor of his own project, Novial, which was largely a clone of Occidental. But the best-known project of this period probably remains Basic English. Basic English, invented in 1930 by the Englishman C. K. Ogden, was an attempt to simplify English and make it more suitable for international use. Ogden claimed to have reduced the entire vocabulary of the language to 850 words. The problem was that his claims were spurious; the language included far more than 850 words (Ogden did not count "international" words such as alcohol in his 850 27 word vocabulary, though they were considered part of the language; and he added several 1000-word technical vocabularies). Also, many people felt that Basic English was merely a "Trojan horse" for a more standard brand of the language. The event proved this latter group correct; in the 1960's, the British Council, a government-sponsored organization devoted to spreading English among the heathens, bought the rights to Basic English, and since that time it has been used only as in introduction to standard (read: British) English. Though several famous English-speakers supported the language from time to time, among them Winston Churchill and H. G. Wells (who, in The Shape of Things to Come, had the whole world speaking Basic English), no popular movement for this language was ever generated. Because of the growing number of language projects, there was some confusion as to which one would be, or even should be, the ultimate international language. This confusion had begun when Volapk, which had offered such high hopes to the world, fell apart and was replaced by Esperanto; and it had become endemic when the Ido schism occurred in 1907. By the late twenties, with Esperanto and Ido and Occidental and who knew how many other projects vying for attention, it was understandable that the ordinary individual would throw up his hands in disgust. An American Esperantist, Mrs. Alice Vanderbilt Morris -- of the New York Vanderbilts, I believe -- funded the establishment of a new organization to do research into the problem and find some sort of acceptable solution, for instance a compromise between the different language projects. The organization was called the International Auxiliary Language Association, or IALA for short. IALA, located in England, though it did valuable research work, had little luck in convincing anyone to compromise. The Romance-based "naturalistic" languages such as Occidental and Novial would not be ready to yield in the direction of "schematic" Esperanto; and Esperantists at that time were not yet ready to forgive the Idists for the dirty work at the 1907 crossroads. In any case, the Esperantists, who even then made up between 80 and 95% of the entire International Language movement, felt that they had no need to compromise. Furthermore, by the mid thirties they had other and more pressing problems to attract their attention -- proscriptions in Germany and the USSR, for instance. Eventually, IALA, after moving to the United States at the outbreak of war, came under the directorship of Dr. Alexander Gode, and set out to create its own language, which was published in 1950 and given the name Interlingua. Interlingua is even more quintessentially Romance that Occidental, and in its turn attracted away many of the remaining adherents of Occidental, which tried to stave off the inevitable by renaming itself "Interlingue." But again its creator really had no interest in resolving communications problems; he himself stated that his real purpose was to provide the world with a "standard average European" vocabulary, culled from the Romance languages. Interlingua made modest inroads in the American press's coverage of attempts to solve the language problem through the fifties and early sixties, and there exists a small Interlingua movement, mainly in Europe, even today; but the language never had the widespread support that Esperanto developed even in its earliest years. Its one notable success was in giving the coup de grace to Occidental, whose last magazine bit the dust in 1985. To recap the situations of these various languages today: 1) Volapk is a dead issue and has been for the better part of a century. It is not and has not ever been represented by any kind of corpus of literature. 2) Esperanto continues to grow, and today boasts at least two million speakers, perhaps more, of whom some one hundred thousand actively use the language and participate in the movement to promote the language. Some 150 to 200 periodicals appear regularly in the language, not counting local club bulletins. It has a large and growing body of literature, both original and translated. 3) Ido retains a small movement and several periodicals to link that movement, though none of them seem to appear more often than quarterly. It has a very small body of original and translated literature. 4) Occidental is dead. 5) Basic English as a separate language is dead. 6) Interlingua has a small relict supporting movement, mainly in Europe. It has few if any periodicals, and no body of original literature to speak of. 28 Although Interlingua is not the only postwar entry into the international language competition, it is the only one to receive any publicity and to generate a supporting movement of any size. And it is a product of the year 1950. It appears that, to a great extent, the production of such languages peaked in the 1930's, and went largely out of style after the Second World War. Why? I would tend to blame the apparent "success" of English for this. The War gave French, already in decline, a deathblow, and by about 1950 it was apparent that English was destined to become the international language, by default. So what need for Esperanto, Interlingua, Ido, and other entries into the competition? The outcome was already decided. The other postwar projects -- the Romanids, Neos, Intals, Loglans, etc. -- were doomed to obscurity. Esperanto survived this period, and even prospered to some degree, not because people saw it as the coming world language (though there were those who never lost this hope) but because (a) it had already developed an independent infrastructure that could keep it going even through the most difficult periods -- as Soviet Esperantists proved during the period from 1937 to 1956 -- and (b) it had already developed other reasons for existence besides as a solution to the world language problem. But the success of English has always been more apparent than real. The growth of English in the intervening period carried the language from 11% of the world's population to about 8.5% -- not the most inspiring rate of growth. Where English has failed, of course, we have tended to blame local conditions for this, or to assume that this failure is non-representative of the world as a whole -- as when, for instance, after a hundred years of concentrated English teaching has not produced a nation of English-speakers in Japan, we insist that "improved teaching methods" would no doubt resolve this problem, or when columnist Neal Peirce, supporting California's English-only initiative, insists that we tend to retreat from English in this country "while the rest of the world stampedes to English." Forty five years after the end of World War II it is, I think, apparent to anyone that if English has not failed as THE international language, it has certainly come nowhere near fulfilling all those promises that were made for it at that time. Nor is it likely to do so in the foreseeable future, even granting continued U.S. military and economic primacy in the world -- a very unlikely possibility. Which means that the whole question of the international language is open again. It means that the Esperanto movement, barring the sort of deliberate repression we've seen from time to time in Russia and China and Rumania and Germany and elsewhere, will prosper anew. Indeed, it has been doing so since the mid-seventies. And it means that, in the field of artificial languages, Esperanto may begin to see some aspiring competitors spring up. In fact, those competitors are already here. In 1972, an Englishman, Leslie Jones, published his Eurolengo, a basically Romance language based on English and Spanish. A young French teacher made the pages of the Guardian in Britain (favorably) with his Uropi. Two summers ago, several Esperanto clubs in this country received letters from a young man developing a project he called Linguos. Loglan, a product of the late fifties which made the pages of Scientific American in June, 1960, has recently been revived in two different forms. And just the other day the ELNA Central Office received a booklet, mostly in German, about a new Romance-based project called Unitario. None of these projects has, at least in this country, received the sort of publicity that panicked Esperantists in the early fifties when Interlingua appeared. A recent article on Lojban (a schismatic variant of Loglan) that was picked up by the wire services and published in many newspapers around the country, appears to have been less than enthusiastic about the language; with the exception of Uropi, none of the others listed above have even been mentioned in the American press. But I think that we will hear more of them -- and others like them -- in the future. And much of what we hear, as was the case with Ido and Occidental and Interlingua, will not be why they are ideal solutions to the problem of communication between different peoples, but why they are superior to Esperanto. Are they superior to Esperanto? Probably so, at least on their own terms. Ido was superior to Esperanto in its adherence to West European linguistic 29 norms. Occidental was superior to Esperanto in its similarity to other Western languages. Interlingua was certainly superior to Esperanto as a quintessential Romance language. And if what you wanted was a watered-down form of English, Basic English certainly filled the bill better than Esperanto. In Esperanto's own terms -- facility of learning, cultural and political neutrality -- none of these languages was in any way superior to Esperanto, nor even equal to it. The same can be said, I think, about recent and future pro- jects. The mentioned projects fall basically into two categories, from what I have seen of them, Eurolengo, Uropi, Linguos and Unitario appear to be fundamentally what we may call Euroclones, like Occidental and Interlingua. The designers of these languages, apparently unfamiliar with the work of De Wahl, Jespersen and Gode, are making the same mistakes again -- assuming that the world will best be served, and will let itself be served, by an artificial language with nothing to recommend it but its Europeanness. They don't realize that if this is what the world wants, it is more likely to learn Spanish. Loglan and its offshoot Lojban fall into quite a different category. Of the mentioned languages, they have been getting the most publicity. But it should be noted that no language as a priori in its origins as Loglan has ever succeeded in generating a body of speakers. To add to Loglan's difficulties, it was originally created as a means of testing the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (now largely discredited), and for this reason its author claims to have made it as far from ordinary linguistic patterns as he could. This may be a fine way of establishing an experiment, but for purposes of communication it's a non- starter. Loglan will most likely go the way of Barnett's Suma; a few years from now, if you want to learn about it, you will probably be able to get a book out the state library, but nowhere else will any information be available. Esperanto remains the only truly viable artificial international language: easy to learn, relatively neutral, with a wide base of cultural and practical services for the user to call on around the world. Of all the artificial lan- guages extant today, only Esperanto is, not the result of an attempt to create a language, but the result of an attempt to solve a problem. And only Esperanto lives. __________________________________ Bob responds (actually not very much): Funny, I thought Don Oldenburg's article was quite favorable towards the language (and so did he), though I'll admit that the headlines used in some newspapers could be taken as satirical. Certainly the amount of print space given the language was quite significant. But a good news story reports facts rather than conveys enthusiasm, so I can understand Don not finding much enthusiasm therein. "In Esperanto's own terms -- facility of learning, cultural and political neutrality -- none of these languages was in any way superior to Esperanto, nor even equal to it." - This invites all kinds of disagreement. Facility of learning is of course an open question. Esperanto probably has better teaching materials at the moment because of 100 years to develop them; probably many of the other languages proposed would be equally easy to learn. As to cultural neutrality, Don admits early on that Esperanto derives its lexical materials from European languages. Even if Sapir-Whorf is true, it is likely that a language's word-stock has far more overt ties to culture than does grammar. Don has (in letters to us) written about the ideology held by Esperantists - a language with an ideology is the antithesis of politically neutrality. The goal of being a world language is itself inherently political; some cultures will view such a concept as a threat. Lojban's goals as a whole are basically non- political; international language aspects are a side-benefit rather than a primary goal. (In one letter to Dr. Brown, Don actually criticizes us for not having an underlying ethic other than ensuring clear communication - a purely linguistic goal. Apparently Don doesn't realize that a non-linguistic ethic is inherently a cultural bias. If Esperanto has such an underlying ethic, it is false to claim that it is culturally neutral without demonstrating that the ethic is universally accepted in all cultures - an unlikely prospect.) 30 "Of all the artificial languages extant today, only Esperanto is, not the result of an attempt to create a language, but the result of an attempt to solve a problem." - Don says this right after saying that Lojban was designed to test the 'untestable' Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which was 'discredited' primarily because it was untestable (which is obviously bad science). Testing an untestable hypothesis as important as Sapir-Whorf sounds like an attempt to solve a problem to me. So is developing a speakable language with an unambiguous syntax, as well as developing an a priori language that removes con- straints on thought rather than imposing them (as all other attempts I know of tried). There are other problems in the world relevant to language besides the one Esperanto is associated with. "And only Esperanto lives." - A nice slogan, but questionable at best. Don seems to base this on the existence of an original literature. (By most other standards of 'living' Don mentions in his article, at least Interlingua would be considered 'alive', if sick-a-bed.) Michael Helsem seems to be on the road to matching the entire original literary production of Ido and Volapk before Lojban has a single fluent speaker, and I know of at least two or three others that have more than contemplated literary efforts in Lojban, but either want to acquire more skill before trying or (in at least one case) are waiting for people who can read the language without translating it first. ______________________________________ from Ralph Dumain The closest I have come to dealing with linguistics in a long time was attending a linguistics conference here in December. I queried a couple of friends about the current state of linguistic theory, who were rather cynical. They did not feel, however, that any given school of thought was being discriminated against in terms of research funding; the politics is more person- al than doctrinal. The book exhibit was overwhelming; there is more going on than anyone can assimilate -- books on syntax, discourse analysis, you name it - - it's hard to get a grip on. I saw the new book that Mouton has published on interlinguistics (i.e. international planned languages like Esperanto), but it was too expensive to buy even at a discount. There were 6 books in a series on the DLT project, the machine translation system that uses Esperanto as the interlanguage. With two other books I know about, that makes 8 books in all. One of those books includes articles about other machine translation projects, including one that uses the purportedly logical Indian language Aymara as its interlanguage! A few comments on articles in your recent newsletters. The lengthy article that compares Lojban to Esperanto struck me as much to-do about nothing, as no Esperantist today believes that his language only has 16 rules. That was used at one time as a propaganda device by careless people, but I think people are more thoughtful nowadays, at least on that point. Anyway, it is necessary to understand the historical origin of the "16 rules." They are not descriptive but prescriptive. They came from the effort to put and end to the constant attempts at reforming the grammar that people who are never satisfied with the form of Esperanto or any other planned language kept attempting to make. Adopted as part of the "Fundamento," the 16 rules declared those easily describable, non-negotiable, mandatory features of the language. Together with a basic lexicon and a set of examples illustrating the language in use (including syntactic features not explicitly described elsewhere), the "16 rules" formed the Fundamento. Of course, Esperanto like all other languages contains thousands of syntactic rules, some of which are captured in pre- scriptive grammars, and many more of which the speakers are unconscious. Esperanto is learned as other languages are learned, without complete formal grammars at hand, and non-Europeans do not have to learn an Indo-European language before they learn Esperanto, any more than they would have to learn French before they could learn English. Also, Esperanto can borrow words from any language, not just European ones. On the alleged non-competition between Esperanto and Lojban. They are non- competitive if Lojbanists refrain from pushing Lojban as an international language, since the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is of no concern to Esperanto. However, the minute someone makes a claim for a new international language, several issues arise. Anyone coming forth with a new language who looks like a crackpot automatically discredits the international language movement in the 31 eyes of the public, hence Esperantists have a stake in the matter. In the past, this means that somebody hides in their attic for 15 years creating a language, self-publishes a little book describing his new language, and announces in a press conference that he has just created the now world language. It is one thing to have a hobby, it is another to make bombastic proclamations that one's creation (whether of a language, a new monetary system, or any utopian scheme) will change the world when the lack of social realism is so obvious to all. Those kind of people are obvious cranks, and hence they compromise Esperanto whenever they claim that they have concocted a new world language, as if the adoption of an international language were some kind of magic. Hence Esperan- tists have justifiably reacted negatively. Now, I do not claim that Lojban/Lojban is guilty of this extreme behavior. The Washington Post article did not cast Lojban in such a light. You have not yet claimed Lojban to be the future international language. But you have already resorted to dubious propaganda in order to make yourself look good and Esperanto bad. You suggest that, as Lojban is a superior engineering effort than Esperanto, it can quickly catch up even though Esperanto has a century-long head start. The creators of Ido also thought they were superior language engineers, and where are they today? There are social, political and economic reasons why no planned language, Esperanto or otherwise, has been universally adopted, and those obstacles cannot be surmounted by the most able of engineers. Here the narrow, blinkered mentality of the computer specialist is so painfully evident. There is also the supposed cultural neutrality of Lojban that makes it superior to Esperanto. But Lojban has not only neutrality, but cultural nullity. Esperanto had social roots (and still does today) in the circumstances of late 19th century Eastern Europe, and in spite of the provinciality of the Warsaw Ghetto, Zamenhof and Esperanto still managed to attract the admiration and loyalty of people throughout the world. The European "bias" of Esperanto's grammar is a non-issue, as that is the part of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that has been thoroughly discredited. The European lexicon of the Esperanto language is advantageous to technologically oriented non-Europeans, though it may ideo- logically repulse others. But the speech community of Esperanto is most diverse, whereas the community of Lojban is extremely uniform and narrow -- computer nerds, sci-fi buffs, people interested in logic and semantics -- not much of a basis for an international culture, and certainly not an ideologically neutral or even divers culture. Esperantists, in spite of the European bias of their language's lexicon, have risked and even sacrificed their lives in fighting racism and fascism; no Lojbanist I know would ever make such a sacrifice. What is most irritating is misusing facts in order to support misleading generalizations. I accept as truthful the statement that while sitting next to the Esperanto booth at a sci-fi convention, you did not overhear the Esperantists speaking Esperanto to one another. You dishonestly suggest by that example that Esperantists are not even accustomed to speaking the very language they are advertising to others. What hypocrisy, in light of the fact that Esperanto conversation has been going on for a century in the most diverse of circumstances, while no Loglan/ Lojban conversation in the context of any normal social interaction has ever taken place! I too have staffed an Esperanto booth upon occasion, and I too have only used English to speak to my fellow American Esperantist booth-mates, because it is basically an English-speaking envi- ronment, and I do not generally speak Esperanto in an English-speaking setting although I am perfectly capable of speaking the language. So it seems that in spite of your lip service to non-competition, you are already pitting Lojban against Esperanto in a competitive fashion, and you have also resorted to duplicity in doing so. Under those circumstances, you cannot realistically expect amicable relations between Lojban and the Esperanto movement. You know that I do not tolerate dishonest propaganda on the part of Esperantists, as evidenced by my disagreements with Don Harlow. I surely am not going to let the young upstarts of Lojban get away with any nonsense, especially when they are highly educated people who claim to be able to use their language in order to improve their thinking and their world view. I enclose a photocopy of a commentary on Loglan/Lojban from Rick Harrison's The Alembic. I pass this along for the completeness of your archives, not to torment you. Mark Tierisch's reasoning leaves something to be desired in many 32 parts of this article. Although this article makes Esperanto look good in comparison to Loglan, its reasoning doesn't hold up, especially since Esperanto like all other languages has a lot more than 30 grammatical rules, let alone 16. The only place where I unequivocally agree with Tierisch is where he refers to Loglan as not culturally neutral but as a reflection of the "culture of nerds." The disparaging term "nerd" is hardly necessary, but the description accurately pinpoints the subcultural basis (and hence metaphysical bias) of Lojban: science fiction and computer buffs and the like. Bob responds on a couple of items - I think Ralph has an incorrect view of the Lojban community. You are far more diverse than he claims. A large percentage are computer-literate, and many read science fiction, but not all; in any case, even those two categories define widely varied audiences. I can see that education is inherently a potential bias, but I challenge Ralph or anyone else to state actual metaphysical biases that are common to all members of either group, or to the Lojban community. To tie back to something I said regarding Don Harlow's writings, Lojban's metaphysical diversity can be shown by a wide diversity in political beliefs among the community. Within the Lojban community are sizeable numbers of libertarians, socialists, and anarchists, extremes of both the right and left, along with more mainstream political philosophies. It is an incomplete argument to infer metaphysics from politics, but I think it is a reasonable idea. Whether most Lojbanists (the majority of whom probably oppose both racism and fascism) would die for their beliefs, I cannot say. At least some of our supporters are in the Armed Forces and are committed to die for their country if necessary. Ralph impugns the honor of these and other Lojbanists with his statements. I recognize that Esperanto has had its martyrs. One would hope that martyrdom is not a vital prerequisite to achieving an international language. One 'problem' with martyrdom, is that, while it draws together the community associated with those who have died, that same strong feeling alienates those outside of the community, and causes them to misunderstand. Some may be drawn to a movement that people are willing to die for; others are repelled by the 'fanaticism' that they perceive in such an attitude. In any event, fighting racism and fascism is not what Lojban is about, although I personally would hope that with increased understanding of other cultures that is possible through learning Lojban, people would find it more difficult to persecute those who differ from them. I will admit that any discussion of Esperanto and Lojban will lead to some comparisons. Our purpose in the articles was to blunt the validity of such comparisons. My statements about Esperanto do not claim that anything is 'wrong' with it; I merely feel that Lojban is better designed for the purposes it is meant for than Esperanto is. But those purposes are different from Esper- anto. Only where we talk about the potential for Lojban as an international language is there even a basis for comparison. In this area, though, I stated that Lojban would have no significant role unless both a) Esperanto clearly fails as an international language and b) Lojban's other uses make it attractive as an international language. The international language goal is an incidental one for Lojban (though important to some among Lojbanists, including some who are also Esperantists). There is plenty of room for both languages to successfully achieve their goals. My point is that both languages can gain by cooperation rather than competition. An Esperantist is already more open to the possibilities that make Lojban interesting than a typical member of the non-Esperanto public. Similarly, a higher percentage of Lojbanists are aware of and interested in Esperanto than of the general public. If this commonalty can be harnessed, positive synergistic effects are likely. In this light, my comments about Esperanto being spoken at convention tables should be taken much more positively. I did not and do not claim that Esperantists cannot speak their language. Rather, I believe that the outside image of Esperanto as 'useful' and 'important' suffers when they do not and they can; Lojban will similarly suffer if Lojbanists do not use their language. My calling this situation to peoples' attention, and saying that I plan to do differently, says nothing at all about the relative merits of the two languages. 33 It was a friendly, and I thought constructive, criticism. (As an aside, Ralph is incorrect in stating that Lojban has not been used in 'normal' social conversation. Extensive use, not yet - but surely within a year even this will have changed.) As a final note, Ralph's last reference is to an letter in The Alembic that was a diatribe against Lojban. In it, writer Tierisch (who hasn't ever been on our mailing list and is unlikely to know much about the language) compares Lojban's rules to Esperanto's 16 that we discussed last issue. Ralph mentions this, but just a few paragraphs earlier said "no Esperantist today believes that his language only has 16 rules. That was used at one time as a propaganda device by careless people, but I think people are more thoughtful nowadays, at least on that point." Don Harlow said something similar. Apparently they are wrong. Perhaps the leaders of the Esperanto movement know the significance of the 16 rules, but the community of Esperantists as a whole may not. Tierisch's letter made many incorrect claims about the language and suggested that he felt threatened in some way by Lojban's ideas (perhaps in the way Ralph suggests Esperantists feel about 'crackpot' language inventors). We wrote a re- ply, but The Alembic folded without printing another issue. My own feeling is that people should not feel threatened by ideas that differ from their own. I can understand that Esperantists dislike the 'guilt by association' that comes from association with 'crackpots'. But this is just part of the territory. People like playing with language and new invented 'languages' will crop up all the time. Reacting by disparaging the inventor merely offends the inventor; it doesn't stop other inventors, nor helps Esperanto's image. I think there are better approaches. My main point here is that the positive effects possible if both of our ef- forts worked at promoting created languages in general, as well as our specific versions, instead of knocking at each other. The potential benefits of coopera- tion far exceed the benefits we can gain at each other's expense. ___________________________________________ from John Hodges: ... I took to heart your essay in JL11 that "there is no competition between E. and L., because their goals are different." But I'm not sure your argument succeeds. The goal of E. is to be an international language, to be "everybody's second language". Notice that this is a global ambition, and implies that any other "second" or "international" language is a competitor. They have an established claim to this role, with 100 years of experience, 10,000 books, and 2,000,000 speakers (1990 World Almanac figure). Also some martyrs, persecuted by the Nazis and other militant nationalists. Lojban has three major goals: 1) to be a research tool for scientific study into the relationships between language, thought, and culture - we hope that studies will prove that people think more flexibly and/or more logically in Loj- ban than in any other language; 2) to find computer applications, e.g. in artificial intelligence, human/machine interface, and machine translation; 3) to be an international language. (We welcome anyone to use it for anything, but these are the goals we had in mind during all those years of development.) Goals 1) and 2) are less-than-global ambitions, which genuinely do not challenge Esperanto. But your essay in JL11 keeps goal 3), which does. You soften it by saying that the challenge will not be a serious one for many years, and people should have their own choice on it, anyway. But it is still there, and there may be a practical conflict between goals 3) and 1). Goal 1) is to be a research tool for learning about language, and the relationships between language and thinking. To achieve our scientific goals, we want/need to gather a body of at least several hundred fluent L. speakers from a wide variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds, who can participate in controlled studies. No doubt to get these, we will have to recruit and teach thousands. To gather such a varied body of speakers, we could translate our teaching materials into Chinese AND Hindi AND French AND Spanish AND so forth, or we 34 could translate them into Esperanto, a relatively simple task. If we CAN recruit Esperantists, we should try to do so. But CAN we? It is clear what the Esperanto community can do for Lojban. But what does Lojban offer the Esperanto community? Why should they host our experiment, given the conflict implied by our goal 3)? One line of thought I have explored in recent days (many of my lines of thought are half-baked - I am asking for feedback). Perhaps we should explicitly make goal 3) conditional on prior success in goals 1) and/or 2), and commit to cooperation with the Esperanto community should the event arise. We begin by describing Lojban as "an experimental human language". (I think this is true, anyway. I expect that our first five years of use will show us changes we want to make, when our 5-year baseline expires.) We point out that carrying a Lojban textbook written in Esperanto book in E. book services will hardly threaten the spread of E.; it is just one more cultural opportunity that opens up if you learn E. If the L. experiments to test Sapir-Whorf show that, as we hope, people think more flexibly and/or more logically in Lojban than in any other language, OR IF future computers still find transcribing/parsing/translating Esperanto to be be- yond them, while Lojban is translated with ease, THEN AND ONLY THEN will the question arise of whether to trade in Esperanto for a newer model. By hosting our experiment, the E. movement will have stuffed the ranks of L-speakers with Esperantists, assuring them the loudest possible voice in the future development of Lojban Mark II. Carrying the thought further... How much good would such a voice do them? English speakers have suggested deriving the gismu from English alone; this is still a rotten idea if the favored language is Esperanto. Lojbanized gismu do not resemble their source words closely enough. Even if pure source words are used for gismu, they float in a sea of cmavo that makes the result in- comprehensible to speakers of the source language. Lojban is just too radically different. But current Lojban has rules of spelling and word-formation designed so that today's computers, with PRIMITIVE abilities at pattern-recognition, could transcribe and parse spoken Lojban correctly. The abilities of future computers may allow us to relax those rules. (neural nets, optoelctronics, etc.) For the rationale above to work, Lojban Mark II would have to be rebuilt from the ground up. SO- hypothetical question, for 10 to 20 years hence - if we wished to make a language with predicate grammar, and accommodating the limits of computers of the time. and as compatible as possible with Esperanto, how close could we come? Could, e.g., the prefixes and suffixes of Esperanto substantially replace to cmavo? Could all brivla have only one or two places, mimicking conventional parts of speech, with the remaining places added using lexeme BAI? Could we seriously imagine making a Lojban Mark II that was a superset of Esperanto, so that existing E. speakers and books would remain compatible? Or perhaps one that was designed to make conversion from Esperanto as easy as possible? I am out of my depth here. But if we are to seriously recruit among Esperantists, we may have to commit in advance to something like this, provided the experiments show Lojban Mark II to be a worthwhile effort. Then again, perhaps these thoughts are way off base, and the future of Lojban does not lie in recruiting Esperantists. Are we, ultimately, competitors after all? Bob responds - John stated the 'flaw' in my competition argument better than anyone else, but I still stand by what I said above, that both languages can co- exist without competition between them. There are some hidden assumptions behind a deduced 'unavoidable' competition based on John's logic. The most important flawed assumption is natural for most Americans: that for one language to be 'everyone's second language', there can be no other international language. For monolingual Americans, learning a second language seems onerous enough - why would anyone want to learn two 'international languages'? Simple. One learns different languages for different purposes. Languages are tools for communication; you use the best tool available for the communications job at hand. By this argument, of course, Don Harlow is right in using English to talk to another English speaker, and Esperanto when he wants to talk to 35 someone who doesn't know English as well as they know Esperanto. (Which I agree with in general, making exceptions for the times when the language is on display for outsiders, or when a particular educational purpose would be served.) Especially if Lojban proves Sapir-Whorf true to any extent at all, someone learning Lojban will think differently (and perhaps 'better' by some standard) than if they know only Esperanto or their native language. We have no problem recruiting Esperantists. They have the same range of interests as any other group of similar size. In fact, Esperantists are a fertile recruiting ground because they are already interested in language. Some Esperantists will find the design goals of Lojban, or specific design features, worthy enough for them to further study the language. Then, when they know more, they can decide to study both languages or to just study one. John's argument is flawed here; he assumes that, because the goal for Esperanto is to become "everyone's second language", every Esperantist holds that goal as a nirvana that they cannot turn away from. But Esperanto is not likely to achieve its purpose within our lifetimes. So many Esperantists will be interested in the language that offers them more personal gratification within their lifetime. Some will find this in Lojban; possibly others in some other language. Many, perhaps even most, will concentrate on Esperanto, or will work with Esperanto and Lojban. For these, Esperanto provides the immediate satisfaction of a large speaker population with which to communicate, while Lojban presents a peculiar intellectual challenge that may at some later time prove more rewarding. There is no competition implicit in our existence for such people. An Esperantist who denies the value of learning other languages is as close- minded as the nationalists that oppose Esperanto. Some will be this way, and that is their right. But far more valuable to both Esperanto and Lojban would be cooperation between the two groups. Undoubtedly, Lojban will attract a lot of people that would not be interested in Esperanto (as Ralph says, computer people and other scientists, and science fiction readers, are a natural audience for Lojban). Some of these may not find Lojban to their liking (too different, too small a speaker base, etc.), and may proceed onward to discover Esperanto. The reverse will be true among Esperanto recruits. By having information on both languages available, people can make an informed choice as to which language serves their interests. A side benefit results. A cooperative, open, attitude is presented to the public. This attitude ameliorates the impression that international linguists are fanatical idealists, an impression that turns off a lot of people. Our re- laxed attitude towards international language success has not only reduced Lojban's 'threat' to Esperanto, it has calmed the portion of the Lojban community that opposes the idealistic 'world language' effort. Incidentally, one member of our original class here in the DC-area, Paul Francis O'Sullivan, is a lifetime member of the local Esperanto chapter. He finds no conflict in working with both languages and is translating the brochure into Esperanto for us. (Reviewers are welcome to volunteer.) Jamie Bechtel, our first Lojban 'creative writer', is also an Esperantist, as is poet Michael Helsem. Numerous others, too. We are gaining cooperation from Esperantists. Bruce Arne Sherwood, a 'big name' in Esperanto, taught courses and wrote articles comparing Loglan and Esperanto in the early 1980's, and carried on a lengthy correspondence with pc to ensure that the facts were right. No animosity or competition was evidenced. Mike Urban, an Esperantist known for developing MacIntosh Hypercard teaching software for Esperanto (and one of the Worldcon table representatives), has advised us on some technical points of Esperanto, as well as on teaching software. Etc. We cannot test Sapir-Whorf based on teaching the language through Esperanto. If all of the target population spoke Esperanto as well as Lojban, there would be no way to separate effects of the two languages from each other. We must use monolingual speakers who learn Lojban as their first non-native language, or better, bilinguals raised speaking Lojban and their native language from birth. In this way, Sapir-Whorf effects would be least hidden by uncontrolled variables (a problem mentioned by Ralph that we are indeed concerned with). As for Lojban Mark II, I doubt if it will happen. If there are changes after 5 years, they will be minor, evolutionary ones. That is why we are forcing the 5-year period, to ensure that inertia keeps the language stable. 36 People in the Loglan community are tired of learning a changing target. Regardless of how flawed Dr. Brown's versions of Loglan are, the Lojban development would never have been conceived of, much less completed, if not for Brown's intellectual property claims that forced us to work from outside rather than within the Institute. If Lojban does evolve in new ways, the speakers will be the ones who decide, as John suggests. If the speakers are Esperantists, some of the underlying concepts of Esperanto will find their way into the language. However, as John points out, Lojban and any natural language are too different. Lojban is also too different from Esperanto to offer significant pattern matching. A predicate language is too unlike an Indo-European grammar, or anything that can even be described like an Indo-European grammar. If you rule out changing all the words once again (a relearning burden that would be unacceptably high - as anyone who has used LogFlash with both Institute Loglan and Lojban words can testify), there simply isn't that much that is worth changing. (It is also possible that to make such changes would destroy whatever there is about Lojban that makes it worth 'trading in' for. No. Lojban will stand on its own, and will gain support from Esperantists on its own merits, or not at all. As long as I have influence, I will resist attempts to make there be an 'exclusive or' choice between Lojban and Esperanto among potential speakers. If we do this, there will be no competition. (Hmmm! Could increased competitiveness be a fallout of linguistic confusion between 'inclusive or' and 'exclusive or'? A Sapir-Whorf effect that we might find negated among Lojbanists!) Let's turn to one more letter on Esperanto, from Paul Doudna. Bob's responses to some of them are embedded: I showed the articles comparing Esperanto and Lojban to a friend of mine who is an Esperantist. His reactions were very negative. I must agree with him that many of the points of comparison were not valid. The articles themselves contained some disclaimers, implying that the comparison should not be taken too seriously. In particular, the attempt to compare "rules" I don't think really works. The meaning of the word "rules" is used quite differently in [dis- cussing] the two languages. Here are two suggestions for a more meaningful comparison: (1) Translate some sample sentences in English (chosen equally by Lojbanists and Esperantists) into both languages. Include relevant comments on any peculiar features of the translations. (2) Compare the underlying assumptions behind the two languages. Zamenhof and Brown had in mind quite different concepts of what constituted an ideal language. These concepts of course determined the way the resulting language should be constructed. This type of comparison might be very difficult since in many cases these underlying assumptions are not made explicit. When I heard a talk on Esperanto about a year ago, it sounded almost like the speaker was talking about Loglan/Lojban. There is no ambiguity in Esperanto, it was claimed. (But the two languages mean something different by "ambiguity".) It was further claimed that Esperanto is culturally neutral. (Again, the meaning of "cultural neutrality" is not quite the same in both languages.) Esperanto is completely "logical". (Meaning that the grammar is free of irregularities typical of most languages, not that it is based on a system of logic as Lojban attempts to do.) And of course the spelling is completely phonetic. (Both languages are alike in this respect, although Esperanto doesn't have spoken punctuation.) [Bob: A good response and some good suggestions. Any volunteers among the Esperantists to devise some sentences to translate and/or some lists of assumptions and ideals. We may need Paul to serve as a moderator to point out where our definitions don't jibe.] Have the 600 rules of Lojban been published? I suspect that no matter how many rules are stated explicitly, that there will be a potentially unlimited number of implicit semantic rules that are used in any language to actually understand what any given sentence means. 37 [Bob: On the first: Yes, this issue! Though the number is now closer to 550, depending on how you count. Every word has a 'rule' defining its semantic meaning. If you count those as rules, than a language with fewer words has fewer rules. However, you can turn this around. The universe of discourse for 'all of language' is approximately the same for all languages. A language that divides up semantic space into fewer words tends to end up with words being used for multiple meanings. Lojban has one advantage in that Lojbanists generally try to avoid unnecessary figurative extensions of meaning and to explicitly mark those extension where accurate interpretation is important.] __________________________ from ju'i lobypli #14 - 3/1990 ________________________ Subject: Esperanto and Lojban Participants: neal@druhi.ATT.COM (Neal D. McBurnett) (John Cowan) (David A. Johns) (Eric Pepke) (Loren Petrich) (David M Tate) (Bob LeChevalier) 1. neal: Esperanto is much easier to learn than English or any other ethnic language because it has few irregularities and it has a phonetic writing system. In studies done with English school children it was demonstrated that one year of instruction in Esperanto gave the students the same level of language competence as five years of studying French. Once you learn to conjugate one verb, you know how to conjugate them all! 2. daj: (responding to 1.) I agree 100% that an artificial language is easier to learn as a second language, and as a medium of international communication, something like Esperanto may make more sense than English. In fact, after teaching English as a foreign language for a couple of years, I came to the conclusion that it would make much more sense to teach Pidgin English than real English. But when pidgins become the primary language of a community, they cease to be regular and simple. Why? Is creolization a degenerative process, or do the irregularities have a function in language? I think we need an answer to this question before we assume that we can construct a "logical" language and use it as a real medium of communication. 3. lojbab: (responding to 2.) On the other hand, why not invent a completely regular language, with a 'cultural ethic' that values that regularity, and observe what if any irregularities come into existence. 4. dtate: (responding to 3.) Because you can't create a 'cultural ethic' by fiat. 5. lojbab: (continuation of 3.) Lojban is not limited in linguistic research application to testing Sapir-Whorf; I've given a lot of my own effort to ensuring that the design is robust enough to allow other studies. Pidgins and creoles of the world have all evolved from interaction between two or more al- ready irregular and highly complex languages. Variables to watch in analyzing the evolution of the language are too many and too poorly understood. Lojban is both much simpler and highly regular. Presumably as a result, the variables affecting pidginization and creolization, and indeed all other manner of linguistic change will stand out much better. Furthermore, as a fledgling 'international language' that differs structurally from all of the 'first languages' of the world, the studies of evolutionary processes can be conducted over and again as Lojban interacts with each of the languages and cultures in which it is introduced. 38 Other areas of possible Lojban application include language universals (Lojban is relatively neutral on some of these, supporting many competing forms; the ones that survive or spread as the language becomes a 'living' language' are thus worth studying to find out why.) and universal grammar (if Lojban proves to be acquired by children and adults as easily as natural languages, UG will have to be able to explain it). Note that a small number of Lojban speakers (especially in a specific speaking locale) would be expected to show evolutionary effects more quickly, enhancing the chances of observing such effects during a short research period. We've set an early prescriptive policy towards the language precisely to allow enough of a fluent speaker base to form to preserve some type of linguistic identity to serve as a starting point. 6. pepke: (responding to 2.) "Degenerative" is kind of a loaded term. It may just be the point of view. If you start off with an artificially "perfect" language, just about any change will seem degenerative. 7. lojbab: (responding to 6.) Not in the case of Lojban. ONLY a change that introduces structural ambiguity is automatically 'frowned upon', and I personally doubt there is a major evolutionary force in language that promotes such ambiguity 'for it's own sake' - there would have to be some other explanation for an ambiguity to be introduced. Most other types of changes (word formation rules, phonological changes, preference in word order among them) would not be inherently degenerative. No one in the Lojban community thinks that we've created a 'perfect' language, only an 'adequate' one for communication and linguistic research. 39 ________________________ 8. loren: (later in the discussion) I wonder how Lojban handles (1) words for opposites and (2) verb aspects (if present). 9. cowan: (responding to 8.) The term "opposite" is a bit vague. Among its 1300+ root words, some have "opposites" and some don't. There are words for both "increase" and "decrease"; "beautiful" is a root but "ugly" is not. Since the root words are primarily chosen for ease-of-use in making compounds, this was justified primarily by the desire to make shorter compounds. There is a faction which has argued that there are too many root words (and that opposites in particular should be stripped out); another faction holds that there are too few (that choosing "beautiful" rather than "ugly" is an unwanted bias). In fact, having a list of root words at all is ipso facto a bias, but it is a known bias which can be allowed for. The alternative is having to construct 4-5 million distinct words with no compounding rules at all to cover the vocabulary range of the world's languages. The general Lojban solution lies in the four particles "na'e", "to'e", "no'e", and "je'a", which are four kinds of scalar negation. This is distinct from contradictory negation ("It is not the case that...") which is represented in Lojban by "na" and "naku". "na'e" is nonspecific scalar negation, analogous to English "non-". "lo na'e gerku" means "a non-dog", which in principle could be anything that is not a dog, but probably means some other kind of animal. "to'e" is polar opposite scalar negation, analogous to some uses of English "un-"/"in-". "Beautiful" is "melbi", and "ugly" is "to'e melbi". "barda" ("large") means the same as "to'e cmalu" ("unsmall"), and vice versa. "no'e" is scalar neutral negation. This arises when a scale whose opposing ends are "X" and "to'e X" has a natural midpoint. "no'e melbi" for example might be translated "plain" or "ordinary-looking". "je'a" is affirmation, and has the same meaning as no particle at all. It is chiefly useful to deny one of the other particles in conversation [ed. note, also for emphatic affirmation]. (Lojban also has another type of negation called metalinguistic negation, where the adequacy of the utterance is denied due to category mistake or what have you. The particle "na'i" indicates that what precedes it (or the whole last utterance, if nothing precedes in this utterance) is erroneous in some such way. If a Lojbanist asks another: xu do sisti le zu'o do rapdarxi le do fetspe literally: (True or false?) You cease the activity of repeat-hitting your female-spouse? or idiomatically: Have you stopped beating your wife? a good and sufficient answer is "na'i".) The above sentence could be expressed with the aspect grammar rather than with the word "sisti" (cease), but I don't know the language well enough to do so yet. The tense/aspect system of Lojban is one of the most complex parts of the grammar, and I am far from sure that I understand it altogether. Fortunately, it is 100% optional. Everything it can express can also be expressed semantically through the predicate grammar, or just omitted altogether. Rather than trying to explain the whole thing systematically, I will simply give an unsystematic catalogue of the kinds of things that can be expressed. Note: any of these items may be combined either by logical connectives (and, or, xor, etc.) or by non-logical ones (joined with, mixed with, union, intersection, etc.) It is also worth mentioning that Lojban tense is "sticky" and that once set it propagates to all following untensed sentences [ed. note: This is the default pragmatic interpretation for many contexts; however there may be contextual cir- cumstances where tense does not carry over, such as:] In stories, this is modified a bit by the assumption that narrative flows in time, so each sentence may represent a time later than that of the preceding one. One may, however, by 40 proper use of the time offset machinery, tell stories backwards or inside-out as desired. First, Lojban tense handles both time relations and space relations, where time may be treated either as sui generis or in an Einsteinian way as the fourth spatial dimension. Time and space are formally parallel: for each, there is a way of specifying an origin, one or more offsets from the origin (directions in time or space), and an interval around the point thus determined. In the case of space only, the interval may be specified as 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-dimensional. In addition, there is machinery for representing motions in space, but not in time. Should time travel become practicable, the 4-dimensional facilities of the space motion grammar may become useful. Intervals may also be modified by either or both of two kinds of modifiers. One type is a quantified tense, which may be either objective (corresponding to English "never", "once", "twice", ..., "always" for time, or "nowhere", "in one place", ..., "everywhere" for space) or subjective (things like "habitually" and "continuously"). The other type is an "event contour", handling things like "during", "after the (natural) end of", "after the termination of", etc. There is also a mechanism for specifying the actuality/potentiality status of a predication: things like "can and has", "can but has not", etc. Separate from all this, Lojban prepositions (really case tags) can be used as adverbials also, and are grammatically almost interchangeable with the tenses. Likewise, the tenses can be used prepositionally. "pu" represents the past tense (time direction in the past), but means "earlier than" as a preposition. "bai" on the other hand is the preposition "under the compulsion of" but means "forcedly" when used as an aspectual. This list of prepositions/adverbials/ aspectuals/case tags is extensible to any predicate whatsoever by using the particle "fi'o" which makes a predicate into an aspectual. Mike Urban: While I am a dyed-in-the-wool Esperantist, I agree that attempting to modify or extend Lojban in imitation of various features of Esperanto would be a mistake (I also lose patience with reformers who want to Lojbanify aspects of Esperanto). Esperanto's `affix system is ambiguous' to the extent that the language itself is indeed lexically ambiguous. Not only `affixes' but roots themselves are combinable, and so it is possible to come up with endless puns like the `banano' ones you mentioned (`literaturo' might be a tower of letters, i.e., a `litera turo'). Without the careful, but somewhat restrictive, phonological rules that Loglan or Lojban provides, this kind of collision is inevitable. The borrowing of words in Esperanto (`neologisms') instead of using a compound form is a controversial topic. Claude Piron, in his recent book, La Bona Lingvo, argues (quite convincingly, I think) that the tendency of some Es- perantists to use neologisms, usually from French, English, or Greek, is partly based on pedanticism, partly based on Eurocentrism (``you mean, everyone doesn't know what `monotona' means?''), partly a Francophone desire to have a separate word for everything, and largely a failure to really Think IN Esperanto, rather than translating. In any case, the distinction in Esperanto between affixes and root words has always been a thin one (Zamenhof mentioned that you can do anything with an affix that you can do with a root), and has been getting even thinner in recent years. Combining by concatenation is every bit as intrinsic to the language as the use of suffixes. You asked about Ido and Esperanto. While I have not looked at Ido in a number of years, I recall that the main gripe of the Idists was not that Esperanto was too European - indeed, one of their reforms was to discard Esperanto's rather a priori `correlative' system of relative pronouns (which works rather as if we used `whus' instead of `how' for parallelism with `what/that, where/ there') in favor of a more latinate - but unsystematic - assortment of words. If anything, Idists tended towards a more Eurocentric (or Francocentric) view than Esperantists did. Ido's affix system, however, attempted to be more like Loglan/Lojban. They took the view that predicates did not have intrinsic parts of speech; thus any conversion of meaning through the use of affixes should be `reversible'. Thus, if `marteli' is `to hammer', then `martelo' must mean an act of hammering, not (as in Esperanto) `a hammer'; or, if `martelo' means `a hammer', then `marteli' must mean `to be a hammer'. One result of this is a 41 somewhat larger assortment of affixes than Esperanto possesses, (for example, a suffix that would transform a noun root `martelo' to a root meaning `to hammer') with rather subtle shades of distinction in some cases. The result is a language that is only slightly more logical than Esperanto, but proportionally harder to learn, and no less Eurocentric. Linguistic tinkerers like the Idists underestimated the organic quality of Esperanto, or of any living language. Indeed, one of the valuable aspect of Lojban or Loglan, if either ever develops a substantial population of fluent speakers, will be to observe the extent to which the common usages of the language diverge from the prescriptive definitions. Such effects will, I think, be easier to isolate and analyze in a language that was created `from whole cloth' than in an a posteriori language like Esperanto. [Bob: Following is a last, more scholarly examination of the question of Esperanto and its '16 Rules', written by an expert in the History of Esperanto and International Languages.] COUNTING THE GRAMMATICAL RULES OF ESPERANTO Bernard Golden 16 rules - for propaganda purposes only For more than a century propagandists have tediously and repulsively disseminated the falsehood that the grammar of Esperanto consists of only sixteen rules. Plena Analiza Gramatiko (Complete Analytical Grammar)1 com- ments more realistically on the so-called "complete Grammar of Esperanto" which is the title of the sixteen rules in the Fundamenta Krestomatio (Fundamental Chrestomathy): "To want to limit the fundamentals of Esperanto to that scanty grammar and rely exclusively on it in order to discuss the main questions of our language would indeed be an unscientific and infantile attitude" (P. 18). Such a Lilliputian grammar is evidently insufficient for clarification of how the language is used, and it must be completed by rules formulated in other parts of the Fundamento (Foundation of Esperanto) or illustrated by Zamenhof's own usage. An unsuccessful attempt to estimate the number of rules To the best of my knowledge the first Esperantist who explored the question of the number of grammatical rules in Esperanto is Douglas B Gregor2. He emphasizes that Zamenhof never said that Esperanto has only sixteen rules. It is a question not of sixteen rules but only sixteen descriptive items. "They are simple 16 heterogeneous traits of Esperanto which Zamenhof for some reason wanted to emphasize" (p. 8). Consequently, Gregor gave up trying to ascertain the actual number of rules in Esperanto. Is it not possible to compare Esperanto, even in an approximate manner, with ethnic languages in order to have an idea of the number of its rules? In the study referred to above, Gregor reports that he made an attempt to compare Esperanto with an ethnic language when he compiled a list of 6000 examples illustrating rules about language usage in Italian, but he did not succeed in drawing conclusions about Esperanto. Grammars and grammatical compendia An idea of the magnitude of Esperanto grammar can be acquired from the number of paragraphs or sections in grammatical reference books. For example, Plena Analiza Gramatiko has 436 numbered paragraphs describing the language in detail, but that is a minimum figure for the number of rules because within each paragraph are sections and subsections with discussions of doubtful points and even exceptions not conforming to the published Plena Gramatiko (Complete Grammar). Kalman Kalocsay3 describes the language in 288 paragraphs in which, just as in Plena Analiza Gramatiko, there are several sections and subsections. Does the figure 288 signify simplification of the grammatical analysis of Esperanto or did Kalocsay omit some rules? 42 In a manual titled Gramatiko de Esperanto, Miroslav Malovec4 requires a little over 150 paragraphs and sections to teach the grammar, while Gaston Waringhien's brochure gives a concise overview of the essence of Esperanto grammar in only 66 paragraphs5. The Analytic School According to the doctrine of the Analytic School (Analiza Skolo) founded by Luis Mimo, the ingenious Fundamental set of sixteen rules is incomplete but can be completed by application of logic which determines the structure of the language up to the last detail6. Mimo stresses the point that the sixteen Fundamental rules impress learners favorable but they in no way determine how the language is to be used7. "Now, the rules not given by Zamenhof, which are immanent in the language, have been given by the Analytic School by means of a systematic analysis and control with the help of the sole means of language analysis, logic, which in every case gives the correct answer; just one, because, already having been provided with its elements, nothing in the artificial language can be capricious" (p. 241). Mimo's Kompleta lernolibro de regula Esperanto (Complete textbook of regular Esperanto) was published in 1973. It has a 31-lesson systematic grammar, but the presentation is not complete since the second part has not yet been published. Still another one of Mimo's books exists only in manuscript form: Esperanto por la jaroj du mil (Esperanto for the year 2000). Consequently, the number of rules which can arise from the logical analysis of the 16-rule Fundamental grammar by adherents of the Analytic School is not ascertainable. Conclusion Even if an investigation were to be undertaken for the purpose of listing each separate illustration of Esperanto language usage (as Gregor did for the Italian language), I have the impression that no two grammarians would induce more or less the same number of rules. The only judicious answer to the question about the number of grammatical rules in Esperanto is that which Gregor gave at the end of his study: "the grammatical rules of Esperanto are much more than sixteen; however, Esperanto has fewer rules (i.e. items to be memorized) than other languages." Notes 1 KALOCSAY, K. and WRINGHIEN, G. Plena analiza gramatiko de Esperanto. 4th edition Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio; 1980. 598 p. 2 GREGOR, Douglas B. Kiom da reguloy vere havas Esperanto? Science Revuo. 1982; 33 (1 [139]): 5-9. 3 KALOCSAY, K…l…man. Rendszeres Eszperant• nyelvt…n. Budapest: Tankonyvkiad•; 1966. 243 p. 4 MALOVEC, Miroslav. Gramatiko de Esperanto. Trebic (Czechoslovakia): 1988 102 p. 5 WARINGHIEN, G. A.B.C. d'Esp‚ranto … l'usage de ceux qui aiment les lettres. Paris: SAT-Amikaro; 1967 74 p. 6 SULCO, Rikardo (= Richard Schulz). Sur la vojoj de la Analiza Skolo. Paderborno: Esperatno-centro; 1987 278 p. 7 SULCO, Rikardo (= Richard Schulz). Pledo por unueca lingvo. Paderborno: Esperatno-centro; 1985 287 p. from David Morrow 43 [Bob: David was apparently a bit upset at comments from Ralph Dumain on the Lojban community, and at Donald Harlow's comments.] I am not a "computer nerd" and I am not much interested in science fiction. I am a middle aged blue collar worker, I only own a word processor, and the only fiction I read is usually Middle English or a few types of modern writing that are not speculative. I suspect some Esperantists see a real threat... [With this, let us end the discussion of Lojban and Esperanto, at least until there are more speakers of Lojban (especially those who know Esperanto as well), who can offer facts and experiences, instead of opinions. Thus: 'n' (the end of 'Esperanto and Lojban discussion')]