PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN OLD VERSION. The current version is linked from The Complete Lojban Language.

8. Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series

The following cmavo are discussed in this section:

   vo'a    KOhA    vo'a-series x1 of this bridi
    vo'e    KOhA    vo'a-series x2 of this bridi
    vo'i    KOhA    vo'a-series x3 of this bridi
    vo'o    KOhA    vo'a-series x4 of this bridi
    vo'u    KOhA    vo'a-series x5 of this bridi
    soi SOI         reciprocity
    se'u    SEhU            soi terminator
The cmavo of the vo'a-series are pro-sumti anaphora, like those of the ri-series, but have a specific function. These cmavo refer to the other places of the same bridi; the five of them represent up to five places. The same vo'a-series cmavo mean different things in different bridi. Some examples:

8.1)  mi lumci vo'a
    I wash myself
8.2)  mi klama le zarci vo'e
    I go to the store from itself
        [by some route unspecified].
To refer to places of neighboring bridi, constructions like ``le se go'i ku'' do the job: this refers to the 2nd place of the previous main bridi, as explained in Section 6.

The cmavo of the vo'a-series are also used with ``soi'' (of selma'o SOI) to precisely express reciprocity, which in English is imprecisely expressed with a discursive phrase like ``vice versa'':

8.3)  mi prami do
        soi vo'a vo'e
    I love you
        [reciprocity] [x1 of this bridi]
        [x2 of this bridi].
    I love you and vice versa (swapping ``I'' and ``you'').
The significance of ``soi vo'a vo'e'' is that the bridi is still true even if the x1 (specified by ``vo'a'') and the x2 (specified by ``vo'e'') places are interchanged. If only a single sumti follows ``soi'', then the sumti immediately preceding ``soi'' is understood to be one of those involved:
8.4)  mi prami do soi vo'a
    I love you [reciprocity] [x1 of this bridi].
again involves the x1 and x2 places.

Of course, other places can be involved, and other sumti may be used in place of vo'a-series cmavo, provided those other sumti can be reasonably understood as referring to the same things mentioned in the bridi proper. Here are several examples that mean the same thing:

8.5)  mi bajra ti ta soi vo'e
    mi bajra ti ta soi vo'e vo'i
    soi vo'e vo'i mi bajra ti ta
    I run to this from that and vice versa
        (to that from this).
The elidable terminator for ``soi'' is ``se'u'' (selma'o SEhU), which is normally needed only if there is just one sumti after the ``soi'', and the ``soi'' construction is not at the end of the bridi. Constructions using ``soi'' are free modifiers, and as such can go almost anywhere. Here is an example where ``se'u'' is required:
8.6)  mi bajykla ti
        soi vo'i se'u ta
    I runningly-go to-this
        [reciprocity] [x3 of this bridi] from-that
    I run to this from that and vice versa.