--- Log opened Mon Jun 01 00:00:19 2015 00:02 < noncomcinse> cy. mo 00:06 < gleki> sinxa lo cacra 00:07 < noncomcinse> je'e 00:20 < noncomcinse> co'o 04:00 * nuzba @uitki: Sandbox - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Sandbox by Guskant - reset [http://bit.ly/1GR3SKr] 04:30 * nuzba @whigbot: Lojban只能玩玩,语法上消歧义没多大意思,因为歧义的主要来源是词汇,况且,都人工成那样了,还非得伪装成自然语言,好像没必要 //tertio: 我以为就算不考虑英语的使用者众多,大家从零开始竞争的话,英语还是要比世界语,逻辑语这些人工语言强太多,就算拿效率,精确性来衡量也是… [http://bit.ly/1FXjJGv] 04:36 < zipcpi> Actually it actually might be possible for xorxes suggestion to still work without touching LI, although I don't know how he philosophically feels about that 04:36 < zipcpi> D'oh I used actually twice x.x 04:37 < zipcpi> We will definitely lose xy pa though 04:37 < zipcpi> And have to use xy xipa 04:39 < gocti> ju'o lo nu curmi va'o tau ma'oi LI je na curmi va'o lo drata cu nu zukte lo fatne be lo ro pu se zukte 04:40 < zipcpi> Or we could revert to my idea of defining new PA :p 04:42 < zipcpi> de'i li *nai'a renopamu *mai'i xa *dei'i pa *cai'a paso *mei'u vopa *sei'u cino 04:42 < gocti> ko kurti gi fau bo finti ci'i cnino cmavo be ma'oi vu'u 04:43 < zipcpi> u'i 04:43 < zipcpi> xu la .kurtis. ba cmibi'o BSFK 04:43 < gocti> .a'o ca da K vitke lo se .irci ja lo mriste vu'o li'o 04:55 < zipcpi> doi gocti xu do me la selckiku 04:56 < gocti> na ku 04:56 < zipcpi> mi na djuno tu'a loi alta cmene pe lo jbopre 04:57 < gocti> lo nu junbi'o cu barda nunli'u 04:57 < gocti> .i za'a la selckiku cu canci la jbosnu ku ji'a 04:58 < gocti> .i .a'o ca da jungau ma'a lo du'u mo kau no'oi .a'o na dukse co se badri 05:04 < zipcpi> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/lojban/orHtMsNO8Sc zau BSFK 05:05 < gleki> lo alta cmene cu mo 05:06 < zipcpi> la .kurtis. ku noi velcki tcelujgau i'au zo'o 05:06 < gocti> alternativa ru'a 05:06 * gocti de'a 05:07 < gleki> ma'imi zo alta sinxa lo sraji clani 05:15 < zipcpi> I always thought that is why la alta was called la alta; because it's an alternative dialect 05:15 < gleki> it's high dialect in that it is at higher level of tinkering 05:16 < zipcpi> pe'i nitcu tau lo gentufa be tau la .cekitaujaus. 05:16 < zipcpi> That's funny. In linguistics "high" dialects tend to mean the opposite :p 05:18 < gleki> it's spoken ni high mountains on the border between the two parts of the island 05:18 < zipcpi> je'e 05:22 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Names. Choosing a name */ [http://bit.ly/1FoMckO] 05:35 < zipcpi> Oh, doi gocti, I have an idea about BSFK's anthem, based on Voltaire's "When Your Evil" 05:35 < zipcpi> Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with Lojbanic memes 05:35 < zipcpi> Also it won't really be a translation, but a new thing set to the tune 05:36 < zipcpi> So it will require just a little bit more creativity than I can muster at the moment :p 05:36 < zipcpi> Also, it has to be in cekitaujau. But I'm not too familiar with that dialect :p 05:37 < zipcpi> Maybe we can talk to la selpahi 05:50 < zipcpi> Some of us might need alternate villainous BSFK personas since they're already part of the BPFK. So maybe la selpa'i can be la selxei. Or maybe he'd prefer to use la omni for that :p 06:31 < gleki> xypa and xyxipa mean different things 06:31 < Christa627> So, if everything I say in Lojban is logged, does that mean that if I speak English it's not? 06:31 < gleki> officially no 06:31 < gleki> well, publicly it'snot logged 06:31 < Ilmen> coi 06:32 < Ilmen> Christa627: English discussions aren't recorded publicly (although it may be recorded by the client of various IRC users) 06:33 < Christa627> I don't know what xypa or xyxipa mean, so that observation doesn't do much for me. 06:33 < gocti> fhjakhfkjdshfakjdshfkjasdhfakjslakdsahfkjdshfkjdsshkjfffkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkfj 06:33 < gocti> su 06:33 < Christa627> gocti : Profound. 06:34 < gocti> PC freezes up, mash on keyboard, see own stupidity 06:34 < Christa627> Ilmen : Thanks. 06:35 < Christa627> gocti : oh, I see. Understandable. 06:37 < Christa627> I am pondering deeply the first three chapters of "Lojban for Beginners" 06:37 < gocti> mensi: doi zipcpi mi za'o troci tau lo nu pa da gentufa ge lo fadni jbobau gi CKTJ .i la'a va'o lo nu fliba cu zbasu lo drata poi gentufa CKTJ po'o 06:37 < mensi> gocti: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.zipcpi.gy. di'a cusku da 06:37 < Christa627> I just got started the day before yesterday. 06:39 < Christa627> Obviously, my name ends with a vowel, and that won't do at all... 06:40 < gleki> well, it depends on morphology. 06:40 < gleki> Something like {la krista} might work 06:41 <@Broca> I suppose taking away the final vowel isn't an option ... 06:41 < Christa627> @Broca : No... 06:42 < Christa627> The book recommends adding s, but I don't really like how that sounds. 06:43 < Christa627> @Broca : not in this case, anyway. 06:43 < gleki> other words like lujvo and gismu and fu'ivla can also work as names 06:43 < Christa627> like, "gleki"? 06:44 < gleki> yep 06:44 <@Broca> But if you're using brivla names only for their sound, I find it a bit jocular. 06:45 <@Broca> That is, I'd expect "la krista" only for someone you might also call Believe-Stay. 06:47 < Christa627> Well, anyway, I was thinking of going by "kristan."; would that sound normal? 06:47 < gleki> fine 06:47 < Christa627> "la kristan.", more precisely ... 06:49 <@Broca> That would sound very normal; n is the second choice as an arbitrarily added final consonant. 06:50 < Christa627> @Broca : Good, now I can move on to other concerns. 06:51 < Steffmeistro> Considering what the name Christa derives from you may event want an s there;) 06:51 < Steffmeistro> even* 06:51 < Christa627> but apparently one can't have a period in one's IRC name... 06:52 < Steffmeistro> i.e. Christos 06:53 <@Broca> You can't have an apostrophe either, so it's kind of inconvenient. 06:53 <@Broca> It's not obligatory to write periods in any case. 06:53 < Christa627> Steffmeistro: But I'm not Christos, so... 06:54 < Steffmeistro> Well not Christ 06:54 < Christa627> Steffmeistro : far from it. 06:54 < Steffmeistro> Christa is from Christos meaning "anointed/chosen one" 06:55 < Steffmeistro> Ah you thought I meant the name derived from Jesus Christ directly 06:56 < Christa627> @Broca : The people who made the rules about what characters you can have in an IRC nick must not like Lojbanists. :-( 06:58 < la_kristan> Steffmeistro: If I'm a "chosen one", I must be chosen for a pretty odd niche... 06:58 < Steffmeistro> Do you really want the "la" as part of your name? 06:59 < la_kristan> Well, if I do /me it might be useful. 07:00 < Steffmeistro> Well what I meant is that Christa derives from the greek word Christos, so I was thinking adding an s to get kristas would make it closer to its "origin". But that's just me;) 07:01 < Steffmeistro> Well true 07:02 * la_kristan tavla fo le glico 07:02 < la_kristan> Is that sentence correct? 07:02 < Ilmen> It is 07:03 < la_kristan> whew! 07:03 < la_kristan> my staying up till 2 am has paid off! :-P 07:04 < Steffmeistro> Studying lojban all night?;) 07:05 < la_kristan> Yeah. 07:06 < la_kristan> Crazy, I know. 07:06 < la_kristan> Now I'm going to be an emotional basketcase all day :-( 07:08 < Steffmeistro> .oidai 07:09 < Steffmeistro> (Aka, well that sucks) 07:11 < la_kristan> Steffmeistro : Yeah, I figured that's what that was. "dai" was in one of the 7 lojban lessons I was reading in the middle of the night. 07:12 < la_kristan> But then I had to recall what it meant... 07:12 < Steffmeistro> Ah. Didn't know if you had learned it yet 07:13 < la_kristan> because when one reads seven lojban lessons in a row in the middle of the night, it's hard to remember it distinctly. 07:14 < la_kristan> I don't do very well unless I write it down; that helps a lot. 07:14 < gleki> la_kristan: you may also try other resources mw.lojban.org/papri/Learning 07:15 < Steffmeistro> I see. A question, do you write things down in your native language? 07:15 < Steffmeistro> I find it a lot more helpful to translate it to my own 07:15 < gleki> write down for what? 07:16 < gleki> ah, i see. yeah, you may even try translating the whole text into your native language. 07:16 < gleki> what is it your native language btw? 07:16 < la_kristan> Well, most of what I'm writing down right now are answers to exercises, and definitions copied from the pdf. 07:16 < la_kristan> American English. 07:16 < gleki> heh 07:17 < Steffmeistro> Ah heh 07:17 < la_kristan> heh? 07:17 < Steffmeistro> Well not much point in translating stuff then 07:18 < Steffmeistro> Like resources or example sentences 07:18 < la_kristan> Not from English, albeit British English... 07:19 < la_kristan> I also know toki pona; it seems to be having some propedeutic value. 07:19 < Steffmeistro> Well my native language being swedish is a bit more different;) 07:20 < gleki> one day i will write a convert from strict version toki pona to lojban 07:21 < la_kristan> lojban "cu" and toki pona "li" are quite similar, as far as I can tell. 07:22 < la_kristan> Oh, I did translate; I copied the word "coloured" as "colored" :-P 07:22 < gleki> sometimes "li" acts as {gi'e} in Lojban. 07:22 < Steffmeistro> What does "li" do in toki pona? 07:23 < gleki> ona li pona li lili = It is good and is small. 07:24 < la_kristan> Steffmeistro : It comes before the "verb" (for lack of a better word). 07:24 < la_kristan> gleki : I see. I haven't learned gi'e yet. 07:24 < gleki> it comes before each selbri except for pronouns like "mi" and "sina" (={do}) 07:25 < gleki> ona li pona li lili = ra cu xamgu gi'e cmalu 07:25 < la_kristan> mi nasa tan ni: mi lape ala. 07:26 < gleki> this is what i cant translate to lojban because prepositions can't be separated from seltau in toki pona 07:26 < la_kristan> jan Kulisa li nasa tan ni: ona li lape ala. 07:28 < la_kristan> "jan Kulisa" is what I go by in toki pona. 07:29 < la_kristan> I have to collect a different spelling for my name for every language I learn... 07:31 * nuzba @nooyosh: @kigojun つ https://twitter.com/nooyosh/statuses/529505947429785600 [http://bit.ly/1HGPCA1] 07:31 * nuzba @nooyosh: @kigojun アッ…… https://twitter.com/nooyosh/statuses/1127180264280064 [http://bit.ly/1SQpawn] 07:32 < la_kristan> Christa (English) , Krista (Esperanto), Crista (Spanish) , jan Kulisa (toki pona), Криста (Russian) , and now la kristan. 07:33 < la_kristan> And when I learn Korean, I'll probably have to add another one... 07:33 < gleki> i think "ku" was originally banned in toki pona 07:34 < b_jonas> gleki: how about {se}? 07:34 < gleki> b_jonas: ? 07:35 < gleki> syllable "ku" was illegal in toki pona 07:35 < la_kristan> I've heard of "ko" in toki pona, but never "ku"... 07:35 < b_jonas> oh, you mean the syllable "ku", not the word 07:35 < la_kristan> so it must be... 07:35 < b_jonas> also, what, wasn't it "ti" that was banned in toki pona? 07:36 < la_kristan> Yeah, I think I heard about that... 07:36 < la_kristan> Because it was difficult for Koreans to say, or something. 07:38 < gleki> hm, true http://www.pineight.com/tokipona/tpreview.html 07:38 < la_kristan> Anyway, I have to go; my phone battery is dying, and I have to get out of bed... 07:39 < la_kristan> Thank you all! 07:40 < la_kristan> o// 07:57 < Ilmen> .o'u bu'o lo nu mi co'e la nu jansu cu tolcfa co'a .i la .xorxes. ca'o co'a jinga 07:58 < Ilmen> ŭe nai 08:34 < quintus> coi ro do 08:47 < gleki> quintus: coi 08:50 < quintus> .i lo mi gugypau cu glare .oi 08:52 < gleki> lo mi co'e cu ji'a glare 08:59 < quintus> .i lo crisa fi la .virginia. cu zmadu lo mi se bavykri 09:00 < quintus> .i go'i fi lo ka glare 09:02 < gleki> lo crisa be fi la virginiias cu na jai se kanpe 09:14 < Mateon1> Is it possible to omit a sumti that's in between what you want to specify? For example, I would like to use klama, and specify x1 - object, x2 - destination, and x5 - means of transport, but leave the rest out. How would I do that? 09:15 < quintus> you have two options: zo'e (and company) or skipping arguments explicitly 09:15 < gleki> yeah, e.g. 09:16 < gleki> {mi klama fi la paris} = I am coming from Paris. 09:16 < gleki> this solution with explicitly marking x1,x2,x3 ... is what is usually used. 09:19 < quintus> there's also the option to swap the x1 with some other place, which you can do with the cmavo in selma'o SE 09:20 < quintus> {la .paris. se klama} = (unspecified) goes to paris 09:20 < Mateon1> Ah, alright, I think I understand. So I would say: mi klama la paris fu la karce - right? 09:20 < quintus> {la .paris. cu se klama} rather 09:20 < quintus> Mateon1: indeed 09:30 <@xalbo> {lo karce}, not {la karce} (unless you mean the thing named "Car"). 09:31 < zipcpi> Hi. Who's our student? :p 09:31 < mensi> zipcpi: cu'u la'o gy.gocti.gy.: mi za'o troci tau lo nu pa da gentufa ge lo fadni jbobau gi CKTJ .i la'a va'o lo nu 09:31 < mensi> fliba cu zbasu lo drata poi gentufa CKTJ po'o | 2015-06-01T13:37:07.886Z 09:31 <@xalbo> quintus 09:42 < ldlework> zipcpi: (ta'o xu troci tu'a la valsi vinju bu'u la jbogu'e) 09:43 < zipcpi> vinju ki'a 09:45 < zipcpi> coi durka 09:46 < zipcpi> coi me'o dy u'y ry ky a'y vo re jenai lo'u dy u'y ry ky a'y vo re le'u do'u zo'o 09:46 < zipcpi> .y. sa'ai la'e me'o le'ai 09:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: la valsi vinju se finti mi 09:51 < ldlework> cu 09:54 < zipcpi> ma smuni 09:56 < ldlework> ko catlu 09:58 < zipcpi> Can you see any chat messages from other "region"s? 10:00 < zipcpi> u'e i'e 10:04 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think I enabled the module that does that 10:07 < ldlework> zipcpi: do you like it? 10:08 < zipcpi> i'e 10:08 < zipcpi> mi nelci 10:09 < ldlework> ui 10:10 < ldlework> I need to create a tutorial on how to take an empty one and fill it with words/scenes 10:10 < ldlework> So other people can make other vlaji'u for other sets of words 10:10 < gleki> xu do'o kelci la mainkraft 10:11 < zipcpi> mi puzu kelci 10:11 < ldlework> mi'u 10:11 < gleki> lo turni cu permite lo ka traduki la mainkraft lo lojbo 10:12 < ldlework> ua i'e 10:12 < zipcpi> lo turni be ma 10:12 < gleki> lo turni be my 10:12 < zipcpi> la mainkraft ku xu 10:12 < ldlework> li'a 10:12 < zipcpi> ua 10:12 < gleki> i ku'i mi na certu i ki'u bo mi na kelci i se ki'u bo mi na traduki 10:13 < zipcpi> ua 10:13 < zipcpi> mi ka'e troci 10:14 < gleki> https://crowdin.com/project/minecraft/jbo 10:14 < gleki> i ku'i lo ca te traduki na prane 10:14 < gleki> i ji'a na mulno 10:14 < gleki> vau za'adai 10:19 < zipcpi> la nu kunkakpa je zbasu .y. 10:19 < zipcpi> dukse ru'e clani 10:19 < gleki> lu nu kakpa li'u xamgu cmene vau pe'i 10:20 < zipcpi> la nunkakpa 10:21 < gleki> to mi se pluka lo ka na finti lo cnino valsi toi la nu kakpa 10:21 < zipcpi> mi jimpe .iku'i mi na nelci lo .y. za'e kalri brirebla 10:21 < mensi> mi xebni 10:22 < zipcpi> ka'eru'e nabmi co gerna 10:24 < ldlework> gleki: I built a thing inside la jboguhe - its like a little platform with a sign 10:24 < ldlework> gleki: when you click the sign a word appears on the sign 10:25 < ldlework> on the platform a little 3D scene dipicting the word appears 10:25 < ldlework> say, a half-transparent cube, with a red ball inside for "nenri" 10:25 < ldlework> and floating above the ball it says "le bolci cu nenri le kubli" 10:25 < ldlework> As you click the sign, the word and little 3D scene changes 10:25 < ldlework> So far I have a dozen or so spatial relation words 10:28 < ldlework> pretty cool right? 10:29 < zipcpi> ie 10:31 < gleki> ldlework: la'acu'i 10:32 < ldlework> gleki: u'e do xebni mi je lo se zukte be mi zo'o 10:33 < gleki> ldlework: sa'u mi zukcfu lo drata 10:34 < gleki> ldlework: i ji'a do na pilno lo mi tutci i zo'o se ki'u bo mi na pilno lo do tutci 10:34 < ldlework> le du'u go'i cu srana lo ka cinri fa lo se zukcfu be mi 10:34 < ldlework> xu 10:35 < ldlework> gleki: that's what I figured it was 10:36 < gleki> ldlework: mi pu zo'onmo i sa'u mi favgau lo drtaa ke ctuca tutci 10:36 < Mateon1> I think I might have found an issue on the jbovlaste.lojban.org dictionary, I did a search for Match substrings: "sumti place", it returned a en->jbo "sumti place ?", that when clicked results in an invalid query page. 10:37 < zipcpi> lo'e cifnu be lo ka remna cu altrici 10:37 < gleki> i ba'e do pu xusra lo du'u naku ro da ka'e pilno lo do tutci i ja'o lo drata tutci cu jai sarcu 10:38 < zipcpi> (Actually I wonder if species places should actually accept a ka. Kinda like how I defined x2 of kenmono) 10:38 < gleki> Mateon1: you may try using alternative frontends to jbovlaste mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html but thanks for reporting the issue! 10:40 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/soi%27a?bg=1;langidarg=2 ua 10:40 < ldlework> gleki: I do use the wiki fwiw 10:41 < gleki> i added the issue https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/174 10:41 < ldlework> And I think the wiki's level of quality is absolutely fantastic 10:41 < ldlework> gleki: I hope that helps 10:41 < gleki> ldlework: the wiki is not mine btw. it's mostly guskant who knows almost all now 10:41 < zipcpi> soi'a mrena'u cu na'e frinyna'u 10:41 < gleki> my main projects are La Bangu and sutysisku. 10:42 < gleki> even muplis is not my project no matter what the wiki says 10:43 < ldlework> gleki: ah, I just disagree with some of the content of La Bangu, not the project itself. 10:43 < ldlework> Its written very nicely. 10:44 < ldlework> Not sure what sutysisku is, unless that's another cmene for la sutsis 10:44 < zipcpi> Content? 10:44 < zipcpi> Oh it's his fork of sutsis. He renamed it to avoid Google clashing 10:44 < ldlework> I forget what at this point, I just remember disagreeing with some of the method. 10:44 < ldlework> Like its not how or what I would teach. 10:44 < ldlework> But that's not a fundamental critique. It would suck if we all had the same style. 10:45 < gleki> ldlework: yes, its my fork of sutsis. sutsis is rictic'es original project. As for La Bangu pls report issues anywhere 10:45 < zipcpi> lol I've jokingly compared it to how you can tell how old someone is in the PRC by how they are taught to use their language :p 10:46 < gleki> ldlework: if you disagree with the first three features of La Bangu then i can do nothing. it's just what it is. For other methods we have Waves, CLL, ldlework, jbogu'e, Glek's slides, selpa'is paid lessons. http://mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu 10:46 < quintus> je'e doi xalbo 10:47 < zipcpi> Lojban is flexible enough to permit certain "dialectal features" such as common word ordering, which famyma'o you use and which you tend to avoid, and so on and so forth 10:49 < zipcpi> Hmm... on Reddit some nintadni seem to be trying to learn from the CLL... they still haven't seemed to be aware of dotside 10:49 < zipcpi> I'm kinda wondering how much to tell them 10:50 < gleki> only by modofying google results 10:50 < gleki> modifying 10:51 < zipcpi> Huh now I can't seem to find it. Maybe it wasn't on Reddit 10:51 < zipcpi> mabla ke source amnesia 10:52 < quintus> .i xu la .xalgo. pu nitcu mi 10:52 < gleki> en: altrici 10:52 < mensi> altrici = x1 is altricial, requires nourishment, a baby, infant |>>> organism soon after hatching or being born at such 10:52 < mensi> stage of development when it is incapable of moving around on its own. See also prekoci, verba, makcu |>>> 10:52 < mensi> gleki 10:52 < gleki> en: prekoci 10:52 < mensi> prekoci = x1 is precocial, young live being soon after birth that doesn't require special care due to being relatively 10:52 < mensi> mature |>>> organism soon after birth or hatching that is relatively mature and mobile and doesn't need special care. 10:52 < mensi> See also altrici, makcu |>>> gleki 10:53 < gleki> Since the semantics of {cifnu} has been clarified recently i added these two. 10:53 < zipcpi> je'e 10:53 < zipcpi> Insisting on the "helpless" definition is like scientists insisting on the "Hemiptera" definition of "bug", pe'i 10:54 < gleki> those two words are easier to remember for more people. 10:54 < zipcpi> If we do that we'd have to make a new word that just meant "earliest stage of life" 10:54 < zipcpi> So yeah, i'esai 10:54 < zipcpi> zau BSFK 10:55 < zipcpi> coi .zarutiian. 10:56 < gleki> lo nu finti lo fu'ivla na steci BSFK 10:57 < zipcpi> I'm just saying the BSFK approves, not that the BSFK had anything to do with it :p 11:00 < ctefa`o> coiru'e 11:00 < zipcpi> coi 11:00 < gleki> jb:prenu 11:00 < mensi> prenu = prenu — x1(entity) is a person 11:00 < mensi> :lo prenu — person. 11:00 < mensi> :xo prenu ca zvati lo bu'u kumfa — How many people are in this room now? 11:00 < mensi> :Comment: lo remna is human. In fairy tales and fantastic stories animals and alien beings from other planets can be 11:00 < mensi> called lo prenu - persons. 11:00 < mensi> :Related words: nanmu, ninmu, remna, zukte, sevzi 11:01 < gleki> ^ explanation of why not remna is added 11:02 < zipcpi> I agree. "prenu" = "sapient" being, however you want to define that 11:02 < ctefa`o> You mean sentient? 11:02 < zipcpi> No, I distinguish between sentient and sapient 11:03 < ldlework> i'e 11:03 < ctefa`o> Right, just checked what sapient actually means;) 11:06 < zipcpi> xyy'y I want a word that means "BSFK-ish" 11:06 < zipcpi> zbusufukukai 11:07 < zipcpi> exp: +s zbusufukukai 11:07 < mensi> (CU [Z:zbusufukukai VAU]) 11:08 < zipcpi> exp: +s baspofaskai 11:08 < mensi> (CU [PU:ba L:spofaskai] VAU) 11:08 < zipcpi> oi 11:09 < zipcpi> exp: +s zbusfukai 11:09 < mensi> (CU [L:zbusfukai VAU]) 11:10 < zipcpi> Hah if two-letter rafsi were enterable I'd just use busfazyka or something :p 11:11 < durka42> ma fasnu 11:11 < ctefa`o> How about making a bpfk cmavo to indicate the text conforms to the latest bpfk guidelines/standards?;) 11:11 < durka42> lu BPFK jo'au li'u 11:11 < zipcpi> Trying to come up with a word that means "BSFK-ish" 11:11 < durka42> "fanza" zo'o zo'onai 11:12 < zipcpi> "ckaji" -> "kai" is often used as Lojban "-ish", e.g. "lobykai", but a lujvo would be too long 11:12 < zipcpi> So it'd have to be a zi'evla 11:12 < ctefa`o> jo'au? 11:12 < ctefa`o> jo'a? 11:13 < durka42> en:jo'au 11:13 < mensi> jo'au = [MAI] change version/dialect of parser 11:13 < zipcpi> jo'au is a new cmavo; it indicates the version/dialect of the text 11:13 < ctefa`o> Huh, not showing up in vlasisku 11:13 < ctefa`o> Very new? 11:13 < zipcpi> Vlasisku has'nt been updated in a while 11:13 < ctefa`o> Oh 11:14 < zipcpi> durka42: Well, it's mostly because I often talk about how "BSFK-ish" a particular proposal or action is :p 11:15 < ctefa`o> So jbovlaste is what I should use then? 11:16 < zipcpi> Except jbovlaste doesn't have a good search feature 11:16 < zipcpi> You can use sutysisku 11:16 < zipcpi> But I find searching for English words there still causes some hiccups 11:17 < zipcpi> But yeah JVS is useful if you really want to see if a word is actually defined at all 11:17 < zipcpi> Though but then there are a lot of words from La Gleki's La Bangu project that haven't been added yet 11:17 < zipcpi> It's all a work in progress lol 11:18 < durka42> I have an updated instance of vlasisku at my website 11:18 < durka42> probably hasn't been updated in a week or two though… 11:18 < durka42> needs automatic updates 11:18 < zipcpi> ie 11:19 < zipcpi> I've use "baurspokai" once 11:20 < zipcpi> Also I'm not sure what -kai words Lojban already has 11:20 < ldlework> We should dockerize the lojban softwares 11:20 < zipcpi> Not even lobykai/jbokai has been added. Tsk tsk 11:22 < ctefa`o> "La Gleki's La Bangu Project" mo 11:22 < durka42> vlaste: *kai 11:22 < vlaste> ckaji = x1 has/is characterized by property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1. 11:22 < zipcpi> Huh kai-lujvo tend to only take one place... interesting 11:22 < durka42> hmph 11:22 < gleki> .w sapient 11:22 < phenny> sapient — noun: 1. (chiefly science fiction) An intelligent, self-aware being — adjective: 1. Attempting to appear wise or discerning, 2. (dated) Possessing wisdom and discernment; wise, learned 11:22 < durka42> vlaste: type:lujvo *kai 11:22 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/type%3Alujvo+%2Akai 11:22 < durka42> hmph 11:22 < ldlework> do we have a word for sapient? 11:22 < zipcpi> gleki: I mean sense 1 11:22 < zipcpi> Technically it's {prenu} :p 11:22 < gleki> li'a 11:23 < gleki> then "self-aware" is the only gloss for prenu 11:23 < ldlework> nah, sapience is nessecary for prenu-ship, but prenu-ship goes further 11:23 < gleki> because "person" is also {lo se krali} 11:23 < ldlework> sapience describes a characteristic of a prenu 11:23 < zipcpi> Hm true 11:23 < gleki> prenu = sef-aware+ se krali? 11:24 < ldlework> I think prenu is probably made of many nessecary conditions 11:24 < ldlework> I doubt there are just one or two sufficient conditions 11:25 * zipcpi looks at tijlan's definition of krali 11:26 < durka42> en:krali 11:26 < mensi> krali = x1 (NU) is a legal/moral entitlement of x2 (individual/mass) by standard x3. x2 is a legal person. 11:26 < durka42> lo kagni cu se krali fi lo merko kambebna .i lo kagni na prenu 11:26 < ldlework> I think krali is the consequence of personhood 11:26 < ldlework> It doesn't give rise to it 11:26 < zipcpi> Hmm... I somewhat disagree with his lujvo choice for positive and negative rights. As I understand it "positive rights" don't involve being "permitted" for anything, but rather a statement of a right to *receive* some good/benefit from the government/society 11:27 < durka42> "legal person" has nothing at all to do with "person" 11:27 <@xalbo> What does {prenu} mean to you, other than "sapient"? Or, to put it another way, what would qualify for one and not the other? 11:27 < zipcpi> But given my political background any lujvo I construct would probably be under protest 11:27 < ldlework> durka42: ie 11:27 < ldlework> xalbo: its fair 11:28 < gleki> for me {lo prenu} is what my def. says :P 11:28 < zipcpi> I do not really look forward to political discussion in Lojban, really 11:29 < gleki> prenu are humans and other beings in confederation with the earth 11:29 < durka42> lb:prenu 11:29 < mensi> prenu = prenu — x1(entity) is a person 11:29 < mensi> :lo prenu — person. 11:29 < mensi> :xo prenu ca zvati lo bu'u kumfa — How many people are in this room now? 11:29 < mensi> :Comment: lo remna is human. In fairy tales and fantastic stories animals and alien beings from other planets can be 11:29 < mensi> called lo prenu - persons. 11:29 < mensi> :Related words: nanmu, ninmu, remna, zukte, sevzi 11:29 < durka42> well 11:29 < gleki> i think im gonna remove this "lb:" prefix. 11:29 < durka42> that's a glossword not a definition :p 11:31 < durka42> gleki: replacing it, or you don't like searching the pavypapryvlaste anymore? 11:31 < gleki> see the comment 11:31 < gleki> LIVLABOT: "jb:" is not the only prefix for La Bangu dictionary 11:31 < gleki> oops 11:31 < gleki> LIVLABOT: "jb:" is now the only prefix for La Bangu dictionary 11:32 < gleki> probably mensi should autoupload it to the wiki 11:33 < zipcpi> We'd probably won't even use the same words; using lujvo that we believe expresses what we think, and using much-less-flattering lujvo for the opposing side. Then again, maybe that could be somewhat enlightening :p 11:33 < zipcpi> But yeah I don't really look forward to it x.x 11:35 < zipcpi> Quoth Wikipedia: 11:35 < zipcpi> To take an example involving two parties in a court of law: Adrian has a negative right to x against Clay if and only if Clay is prohibited from acting upon Adrian in some way regarding x. In contrast, Adrian has a positive right to x against Clay if and only if Clay is obliged to act upon Adrian in some way regarding x. A case in point, if Adrian has a negative right to life against Clay, then Clay is required to refrain from killing Adrian 11:35 < zipcpi> ; while if Adrian has a positive right to life against Clay, then Clay is required to act as necessary to preserve the life of Adrian. 11:35 < durka42> yeah well I have a positive right to x against YOUR FACE 11:35 * gleki sisti lo ka tcidu vau gi'e menli spoja 11:35 < durka42> are Adrian and Clay like Alice and Bob? 11:36 < gocti> #REKTO 11:36 < zipcpi> I have no idea lol 11:36 < gocti> gleki: sisti lo ka [tcidu vau gi'e menli spoja] 11:37 < gleki> exp: sisti lo ka tcidu vau gi'e menli spoja 11:37 < mensi> (CU [sisti {lo VAU} VAU]¹) KEI> KU} VAU]) 11:37 < zipcpi> I'm just disagreeing with "crukrali" for positive rights, because it doesn't involve being *permitted* 11:37 < gleki> i disagree with using {curmi} ... 11:37 < gocti> zo srakrali la'a 11:38 < zipcpi> gleki: What do you use instead? "e'ande"? 11:38 < gleki> or permite 11:39 < zipcpi> Definition? 11:39 < gleki> en: e'ande 11:39 < mensi> e'ande = x1 grants permission to/gives their consent to x2 to do/be x3 (ka) |>>> See also e'a, curmi |>>> 11:39 < mensi> Ilmen 11:39 < zipcpi> I mean permite 11:39 < gleki> jb: permite 11:39 < mensi> permite = permite — x1(entity) allows, permits x2(entity) to do x3(property of x2) 11:39 < mensi> :lo permite — who allows. lo se permite — what is allowed. 11:39 < mensi> :e'o do permite mi lo ka tcidu lo cukta ba lo nu do mo'u tcidu ri — Please, allow me to read the book after you finish 11:39 < mensi> reading it. 11:39 < mensi> :le rirni pu permite le verba lo ka kelci bu'u le panka — The parent let the child play in the park. 11:39 < mensi> :Related words: curmi, rinju, banzu, ralte, jimte, jaspu, zifre 11:39 < gleki> same za'adai 11:40 < zipcpi> Ah, but there's a subtle difference 11:40 < gleki> lo se permite — what is allowed. <-- error 11:40 < zipcpi> Both those involve a subject 11:40 < zipcpi> While curmi may not involve an object 11:40 < zipcpi> *sorry I meant object 11:40 < zipcpi> Like if I "allow a rock to fall" 11:40 < zipcpi> {curmi} would fit better than {e'ande} or {permite} 11:41 < zipcpi> Besides for making lujvo {curmi} is more convenient 11:41 < gleki> jb: curmi 11:41 < mensi> curmi = curmi — x1(entity) lets x2(clause) happen; x1 makes x2 possible 11:41 < mensi> :lo saske cu curmi lo nu jimpe lo munje — Science allows understanding the world. 11:41 < mensi> :le canko cu curmi lo nu lo vifne vacri cu pagre — The window permits the passage of the fresh air. 11:41 < mensi> :Related words: permite, rinju, banzu, ralte, jimte, jaspu, zifre 11:44 < gleki> i dont know whats happening to jbovlaste 11:45 < zipcpi> Ah yes those sentences are also instructive 11:45 < zipcpi> Rewriting them as {e'ande} and {permite} just feels wrong :p 11:47 < durka42> gleki: what seems to be happening? 11:47 < gleki> mensi downloads broken xml dumps 11:47 < gleki> from it 11:47 < durka42> ue 11:48 < zipcpi> exp: +s zbusufukai 11:48 < mensi> (CU [Z:zbusufukai VAU]) 11:48 < zipcpi> doi durkavore pei 11:48 < durka42> maybe someone put in some bad unicode? 11:48 < durka42> zipcpi: sure why not 11:48 < durka42> camxes: broda lo sumti ba'a xi re 11:48 < camxes> (broda [lo { } KU] VAU) 11:48 < durka42> camxes: broda lo sumti xi re 11:48 < camxes> (broda [lo {sumti } KU] VAU) 11:49 < durka42> zipcpi: see above 11:49 < durka42> {xi} doesn't attach to attitudinals 11:49 < durka42> it reaches through them 11:50 < zipcpi> oi 11:50 < zipcpi> ... what should I use then 11:50 < zipcpi> I know there's {kanpe} 11:51 < gleki> okay, for today i stop trying to update mensi 11:51 < gleki> zipcpi: see {mai} 11:51 < durka42> a new selma'o that's a mashup of XI and TOIhE would be required to have such a cmavo 11:51 < durka42> at least as far as I am aware 11:51 < zipcpi> bu'a'a'a'a 11:51 < durka42> isn't there a MOI for this? 11:51 < durka42> vlaste: class:MOI 11:51 < vlaste> 6 results: cu'o, mei, moi, si'e, va'e, moi'o 11:51 < zipcpi> mutce zbusufukai pe'i 11:51 < durka42> vlaste: cu'o 11:51 < vlaste> cu'o = convert number to probability selbri; event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under cond. x2. 11:51 < durka42> not that anybody has ever used it, u'i 11:53 < durka42> a measly 146 hits in the corpus 11:54 < gleki> i used {fau PA da} to specify probabilities although {da} might be wrong here. 11:55 < gleki> UI on top of {fau PA da} can give necessary irrealis tones to it although i only tried {da'i} 11:55 < durka42> isn't that sorta limited to {fau su'o da} and {fau ro da} though 11:55 < durka42> would you really say {fau pimu lo ro da} 11:56 < durka42> I'm thinking about {lo nu carvi ca lo bavlamdei cu pi mu cu'o} 11:56 < gleki> ah, i lost mensi :( what was that ba'axi? 11:56 < durka42> go look it up on JVS like the rest of us plebes :p 11:56 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/zbusufukai 11:57 < zipcpi> My attempt was to make ba'axipimu mean "I expect with probability .5" 11:57 < durka42> I expect a Wuzzy-comment in 3…2…1… 11:57 < zipcpi> Sort of like "mi kanpe fi li pi mu fe lo nu ..." 11:57 < durka42> fi'o te kanpe? 11:58 < zipcpi> Doesn't say {makau kanpe} :p 11:58 < durka42> true 11:58 < gocti> zo xoi ka'e plixau 11:58 < gleki> i suggested MAI because its free 11:58 < gleki> like ba'a 11:59 < gocti> .i zasti fa ji'a zo bei'e noi zu'u nai cizra 11:59 < gocti> vlaste:bei'e 11:59 < zipcpi> But {mai} has a rather different meaning; not sure I want to overload it that way 11:59 < durka42> vlaste: bei'e 11:59 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/bei%27e 11:59 < gocti> uat 11:59 < durka42> MAI not {mai} 11:59 < zipcpi> Oh 11:59 < zipcpi> ba'ai 11:59 < durka42> zo bei'e nu'o se jbovlastegau 12:00 < durka42> so... 12:00 < zipcpi> Why bei'e? 12:00 < durka42> pimu ba'ai carvi ca lo bavlamdei => mi kanpe fi li pimu fe lo nu carvi ca lo bavlamdei 12:00 < durka42> can I use {pi mu ba'ai dai} to express my conception of your conception of the probability? xD 12:00 < zipcpi> lol 12:01 < gleki> sounds like {la'acu'i} 12:01 < durka42> {la'ai} is taken though :p 12:01 < gleki> piso'iba'ai = la'a 12:01 < durka42> ie 12:01 < gleki> so its da'i+kanpe in UI form 12:02 < gleki> oh, hm, kanpe2 is already of da'i type 12:02 < gleki> i still nu'o added da'i type to my semantic dictionary 12:02 < gleki> i still nu'o added {da'i}-type to my semantic dictionary 12:07 < la_kristan> Hi again. 12:08 < la_kristan> Anybody home? 12:09 < durka42> mi zvati lo xabju be mi 12:09 < durka42> oi 12:09 < durka42> mi zvati lo se xabju be mi 12:09 < la_kristan> .u'i 12:10 < durka42> lo se xabju be mi cu se zvati mi 12:10 < la_kristan> whatever you say... 12:11 < la_kristan> I've been at this only two days. 12:11 < durka42> fi'i 12:13 < durka42> la_kristan: whatcha studying? 12:13 < la_kristan> um, Lojban... 12:14 < la_kristan> and writing all my exercises in a spiral notebook. 12:14 < la_kristan> Whose cover is lamentably blank. 12:16 < la_kristan> It ought to say "Krista's Lojban notebook" on it in Lojban. 12:16 < durka42> I mean, what tutorial/study source are you using 12:16 < durka42> ma ve cilre 12:16 < la_kristan> Lojban for Beginners 12:17 < la_kristan> I mean, "velci befi la lojban. bei loi co'a cirle". 12:17 < durka42> :) 12:17 < durka42> .i'e 12:17 < durka42> that was my first ve cilre, too 12:18 < durka42> though you should know there have been a few small changes to the language since L4B was published 12:18 < durka42> most notably, everyone uses {lo} instead of {le} nowadays 12:18 < la_kristan> Oh? Interesting. 12:19 < durka42> and you can ignore the rules about names including "la"/"lai"/"dai", instead we just put a pause at both the beginning and end of names, and everything works out 12:19 < durka42> those are the main two! 12:19 < lenton> Is Lojban continuously being updated? 12:20 < durka42> I mean 12:20 < durka42> "officially", not really 12:20 < durka42> but it is a used language 12:20 < durka42> so usage customs develop 12:20 < durka42> plus people are always debating proposals :) 12:20 < durka42> armchair linguists as we are 12:21 < la_kristan> oh my! 12:22 < la_kristan> I hope it's not changing *too* drastically! 12:22 < durka42> but it's not like poeple won't understand if you say {la lojban. melbi .i mi nelci le jbobau}, it just sounds a little shakespearean if you know what I mean 12:22 < lenton> Isn't natural evolution a threat to Lojban? 12:23 < durka42> kinda yeah 12:23 < durka42> we have to be careful to keep the grammatical properties that we like 12:23 < durka42> but natural evolution can't really be prevented... 12:23 < la_kristan> I feel confused now... :-( 12:24 < durka42> ma cfipu 12:24 < durka42> I honestly wouldn't worry about it as a learner 12:24 < la_kristan> what does that mean? 12:25 < durka42> when learning Spanish, is it a problem that people invent new technical terms every day? no, you gain some fluency and get up to speed later :) 12:25 < durka42> {ma cfipu} means "what's confusing?" 12:26 < ctefa`o> Kristan, from what I see, most of the developments are for more advanced usages 12:26 < la_kristan> technical terms are one thing, grammar is another 12:26 < ctefa`o> The Basics are more rigid so to speak 12:26 < ctefa`o> Unless something has changed drastically while I was away 12:27 < durka42> {lo} and dotside are part of The Basics, I would say 12:27 < durka42> that's why I mentioned those two 12:27 < durka42> though they are boths imple changes 12:28 < ctefa`o> (Also kristan I am Steffmeistro, just changed my name back;)) 12:28 < la_kristan> oh, okay. 12:28 < durka42> ua 12:28 < ctefa`o> I sent you a pm before, you didn't receive it I take it? 12:29 < ctefa`o> If you did nvm about it 12:29 < la_kristan> me? I don't think so... 12:31 < ctefa`o> je'e 12:32 < ctefa`o> If you know what that means 12:33 < la_kristan> no, but I was too busy pondering my notebook cover to care much... 12:34 < ctefa`o> It sort of means "Ok" 12:34 < ctefa`o> Eh actually "Roger that" 12:35 < egrep> "Understood"? 12:36 < la_kristan> It ought to say either "Christa's (kristan.'s) Lojban notebook" or "this is Christa's Lojban notebook" on it in Lojban... 12:36 < ctefa`o> "Acknowledged" 12:36 < lenton> I just started on the introduction to lojban videos on youtube, what's the best learning resource to go onto after them? 12:36 < ctefa`o> "Understood" is.. 12:36 < ctefa`o> A sec 12:36 < la_kristan> but I haven't quite worked out how to say that. 12:37 < ctefa`o> Actually it could mean "Understood" as well 12:38 < ctefa`o> Although "mi jimpe" is more specific 12:38 < durka42> lenton: the Wave Lessons get good reviews. or la gleki's Crash Course 12:38 < la_kristan> YouTube? What's the link? I'd like to see too :-) 12:39 < lenton> la_kristan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfdcG5iPJpA 12:40 < la_kristan> lenton : Thanks! 12:42 < la_kristan> I can make profound sentences like "mi crino"... :-P 12:42 < durka42> lo crino sidbo cu fengu sipna 12:42 < durka42> whoops 12:43 < durka42> lo skacau ke crino sidbo cu fengu sipna 12:43 < durka42> "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" 12:43 <@xalbo> Hmm, I always used {vlile sipna} for that quote. 12:44 < la_kristan> And if you don't believe that my sentence is true, just look at my Lernu profile! 12:44 < la_kristan> how 'bout "my hovercraft is full of eels"?... 12:45 <@xalbo> I think it's something like {lo mi varkiclafma'e cu culno lo angila} 12:46 < ldlework> lo mi voikla marce cu culno lo curfi'e 12:46 < ldlework> xalbo: have you visted la jboguhe yet? 12:47 <@xalbo> I have not. I haven't even set up the appropriate clients. 12:47 < ldlework> xalbo: its really easy! I can't wait to show you the stuffs. 12:47 <@xalbo> .i mi kakne lo nu citka lo blaci .i lo se go'i mi na se xrani 12:48 <@xalbo> .i ge'e cai ka'amru lo stedu be mi 12:48 < ldlework> yyy ki'a 12:49 < durka42> I remember {varkiclaflo'i} 12:49 < ldlework> za'a do xalbo 12:49 < durka42> same difference I guess 12:49 <@xalbo> Two other phrases I've seen translated into many languages, "I can eat glass, it doesn't hurt me." and "Oh my god, there's an axe in my head!" 12:49 < ldlework> u'i 12:49 < ldlework> Rough boughs through the trough though 12:49 <@xalbo> durka42: You're right, it was {varkiclaflo'i}. That's what I get for trying to reconstruct it from memory. 12:50 < la_kristan> "Your bear drinks beer" is apparently popular on Duolingo. 12:50 < durka42> they both work 12:50 < ldlework> that's easy tho 12:50 <@xalbo> lo do cribe cu pinxe lo birje 12:51 < durka42> hmm, Duolingo has almost taught me how to say that in German 12:51 < durka42> haven't learned possessives yet 12:52 <@xalbo> Mein bear ist gebieredrinken. 12:52 * xalbo doesn't know a bit of German. 12:52 < durka42> .u'i 12:52 <@xalbo> (Obviously, or I would have capitalized "Bear"). 12:53 < durka42> hmm, google translate says the words for "you" and "your" are the same‽ 12:53 < durka42> that eliminates a whole _class_ of typos! :p 12:53 * la_kristan ponders the feasability of a Duolingo Lojban course ... 12:53 < durka42> duolingo considers it infeasiable apparently 12:54 < la_kristan> But evidently Klingon is feasible. 12:54 < durka42> I think my experience learning Lojban (and maybe also learning Spanish the traditional way in school) is making it harder to learn German on duolingo, though 12:54 < durka42> I'm like "aaaah there are a million tenses and cases and you're trying to teach me by example! what's the systeeeeem?" 12:54 < la_kristan> Oh, I know that feeling! 12:55 < ldlework> I don't think I will ever try to learn a language without going by way of the grammar.. 12:55 < la_kristan> That's why my Spanish is still limited to the present tense. 12:56 < durka42> yeah I think I may need some supplementary material 12:56 < durka42> immersion is nice and all but I could use a good verb chart 12:57 <@xalbo> Yeah, I'm trying to learn French with Rosetta Stone, and it pisses me off in exactly the same way. Don't just give me an example, tell me *why*, dammit! 12:57 < la_kristan> I've been using Rosetta Stone for years, it's fine to start with but I need grammar help! 12:57 <@xalbo> (I've mostly given up, and use Rosetta Stone for pronunciation and practice, but other sources for actually learning.) 12:57 < ldlework> xalbo: i'e 12:57 < ctefa`o> Back.. kristan, you may also like the lojban songs on youtube 12:57 < ldlework> RS is good for getting you to utter things outloud the first time 12:58 < ldlework> ta'o I have been wondering if I should feature the place structure definitions on my valsi viewer 12:58 < la_kristan> And I mostly gave up, and went off and learned Esperanto. 12:58 < ldlework> However, I only know of the english place structures and I'm wondering if that is impolite 12:58 < zipcpi> iicai uecai oicai ka'amru ne'i lo stedu be mi 12:58 < ldlework> Since we actually have some non-english speaking people inside la jbogu'e 12:58 < ldlework> Does anyone know if the whole of the gismu list has been translated to japanese? 12:58 < ctefa`o> Svärje får äver 12:59 < zipcpi> Who doesn't speak English in jbogu'e? 12:59 < ldlework> niftyg 12:59 < zipcpi> Interesting. 12:59 < ldlework> my entire interaction with him has been in lojban which has been fascinating 12:59 < zipcpi> That's why he hangs out at jbosnu 12:59 < durka42> can you just hook it up to the japanese jbovlaste? 12:59 < ldlework> my girlfriend built that 'hot/cold' hide and seek game 12:59 < ldlework> and he didn't understand it at all 13:00 < la_kristan> ctefa`o : I probably would. 13:00 < ldlework> When I explained the rules to him, he was *still* confused because he didn't understand the hot cold metaphor 13:00 < zipcpi> Oh yeah because it's all fu'e pe'a :p 13:00 < ldlework> I realized neither did I. 13:00 < ldlework> What was the other thing... 13:01 < ldlework> some other cultural thing that just couldn't be explained, but I forget now 13:01 < ldlework> oh right 13:01 < zipcpi> You could use {ze'ai jbini} and {ze'ai darno} but then the metaphor is lost. Still though 13:01 < ctefa`o> Kristan: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FZomVOBE5-0 13:01 < ldlework> he took an ingame screenshot of ilmen when ilmen's avatar was hilariously dressed 13:01 < durka42> zipcpi: can't use those words if no lojban definition! 13:01 < ldlework> and I said "illmen, he stole your soul!" 13:01 < ldlework> and this confused niftyg a bit 13:01 < zipcpi> fi'o zilzenba 13:01 < zipcpi> Wait that might not be right 13:02 < la_kristan> ctefa`o : Thanks 13:02 < zipcpi> lo ni... some brika'i... cu zilzenba 13:02 < zipcpi> I don't know the right metalinguistic cmavo to use 13:03 < ctefa`o> fi'e la .kristan. 13:03 < ctefa`o> Ert 13:03 < ldlework> woah, zo su'ei 13:03 < ctefa`o> fi'i la .kristan. * 13:04 < durka42> why did you switch from zei'a/dei'a anyway? ze'ai was taken… 13:04 < zipcpi> lo ni no'a cu zilzenba 13:04 < ldlework> oh nice zei'a is useful 13:04 < zipcpi> The rhyme can be confusing. And ze'ai never caught on 13:04 < zipcpi> The old one that is 13:05 < durka42> true 13:05 < ldlework> zei'a is confusing? 13:05 < zipcpi> against dei'a 13:05 < ldlework> strange 13:05 < zipcpi> It's an information redundancy thing 13:05 < durka42> oh so it's zei'a and de'ai? 13:05 < ctefa`o> ze'ai huh 13:05 < durka42> that's worse, to me :) 13:05 < zipcpi> ze'ai and dei'a 13:05 < durka42> since they _are_ similar 13:05 < ldlework> I like the series-consistency we get sometimes 13:06 < durka42> so they kinda ought to sound similar 13:06 < ldlework> ie 13:06 < la_kristan> .oi YouTube not loading 13:06 < zipcpi> Hmm... I guess now we have 2.5 against Gleki :p 13:06 < ldlework> fi'ure prenu ii 13:06 < zipcpi> Well zei'a is still "booked" and I never downvoted myself 13:07 < zipcpi> So if you prefer that maybe you can use it 13:07 < durka42> heh 13:08 < ldlework> zipcpi: it should be publically editable 13:08 < zipcpi> What should? 13:08 < ldlework> the script driving the game 13:08 < zipcpi> Oh 13:08 < Ilmen> Yet when I was on the hot/cold board with Niftg he did success on his second try 13:09 < zipcpi> Well... he just internalized it I guess? 13:09 < ldlework> Ilmen: ua he said he was confused and couldn't get it 13:09 < Ilmen> Too bad I didn't think to clarify the hold/cold terms; he didn't complain about it at that point 13:09 < ldlework> I wonder which of us showed him first? 13:09 < zipcpi> lo ka glare pe'a cu ka jbini 13:10 < zipcpi> lo ka lenku pe'a cu ka darno 13:10 < Ilmen> But it's an interesting example of how metaphorical metaphors can be opaque to people of other cultural background :) 13:10 < ldlework> zipcpi: too much too read for a semi-realtime game 13:10 < Ilmen> *metaphorical idioms 13:10 < Ilmen> .u'i 13:10 < ldlework> Ilmen: ie 13:10 < zipcpi> But yeah just use jbini/darno 13:11 < ldlework> jibni* 13:11 < zipcpi> Oh 13:11 < Ilmen> or, «jbize'a»/«darze'a» 13:11 < ldlework> speaking of information dedundency 13:11 < zipcpi> I was confused by the rafsi 13:11 < Ilmen> as it's about getting closer/farther 13:11 < ldlework> I agree we should change it 13:11 < ldlework> I can't even justify hot/cold as an english speaker 13:11 < ctefa`o> .oi dai la kristan 13:11 < ldlework> it makes no sense even metaphorically 13:11 < ldlework> u'i 13:11 < Ilmen> (you can be both close to the target and getting farther at the same time) 13:12 < ldlework> Ilmen: ie 13:12 < ctefa`o> Link works for me, must be on your end 13:12 < Ilmen> ldlework: we have the same hot/cold metaphor in French for this specific use 13:12 < ldlework> ua 13:12 < zipcpi> What's the correct brika'i for use for defining sumtcita? 13:12 < Ilmen> doesn't justify it indeed 13:12 < ldlework> u'i 13:12 < zipcpi> I would be done defining zei'a/dei'a by now if I knew what that was 13:13 < Ilmen> brika'i? 13:13 < zipcpi> pro-bridi 13:13 < Ilmen> Sure, but I don't really see what's the relation between brika'i and sumtcita 13:14 < zipcpi> zei'a = zi'o lo ni bu'a cu zenba 13:14 < zipcpi> Except that {bu'a} is probably not right 13:14 < Ilmen> Again, I don't really know what {zi'o zenba} means 13:14 < zipcpi> zi'o just deletes a place 13:15 < Ilmen> I've made the word {zilzena} because {zilze'a} sounded dubious as a regular lujvo 13:15 < durka42> I really don't see how you can know what {zilzena} means if you don't know what {zilze'a} means :p 13:16 < Ilmen> I took a similarly shaped zi'evla but reserving the right to define it without using {zenba} not {zi'o} 13:16 < la_kristan> mi karce le rokci le crino... whatever. 13:16 < zipcpi> $x_1$ (quantity) increases by amound $x_2$ 13:16 < Ilmen> durka42: By asking Jbovlaste, for example 13:16 < zipcpi> What's so hard about that 13:16 < durka42> defining it in english doesn't really count 13:16 < Ilmen> jbo: zilzena 13:17 < zipcpi> zi'o just deletes the place. In this case it's because the "experiencer" place isn't useful to us 13:17 < Ilmen> ko cikna doi la mensi 13:17 < mensi> zilzena = fasnu fa su'o poi'i da de poi dubmau da gi'e sumji da x2 zo'u ke'a ge se tolfa'o su'o nu da ckaji x1 gi se 13:17 < zipcpi> Then what about jdika? 13:17 < Ilmen> jbo: zildika 13:17 < durka42> but usage is usage 13:17 < durka42> if we start using {zi'o zenba} with a convenient meaning, then it gains that meaning 13:17 < mensi> fanmo su'o nu de ckaji x1 |>>> srana fa zo zildika .e zo zenba |>>> Ilmen 13:17 < mensi> zildika = fasnu fa su'o poi'i da de poi dubmau da gi'e sumji da x2 zo'u ke'a ge se tolfa'o su'o nu de ckaji x1 gi se 13:17 < durka42> there's no reason to avoid using it out of fear that it *might* mean something else (to who? has anyone used it before?) 13:17 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Actually I define {zenba} from {zilzena}, and not the other way around 13:17 < mensi> fanmo su'o nu da ckaji x1 |>>> srana fa zo zilzena .e zo jdika |>>> Ilmen 13:18 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Well that's kinda what you get when the gismu list was put in a hurry 13:18 * durka42 co'u pante 13:18 < Ilmen> Because actually {zilzena} is simpler than {zenba} 13:18 < Ilmen> so it makes more sense to define the latter from the former 13:19 < la_kristan> usage, ŝmusage... :-( 13:19 < Ilmen> X zenba Y = loni X ckaji Y cu zilzena, basically 13:19 < zipcpi> I don't know. I agree jbojbo definitions are helpful. But we're not writing the Principia Mathematica here 13:19 < zipcpi> Sooner or later you'd run into a loop 13:20 < Ilmen> zipcpi: li'a 13:20 < la_kristan> Oh, I thought we were. 13:20 < zipcpi> u'i 13:20 < Ilmen> Unless we have a language with only one word ("chicken", for instance) 13:20 < Ilmen> or the U language 13:20 < zipcpi> It's {badna} :p 13:20 < Ilmen> %) 13:20 < zipcpi> {badna} is the only useful gismu 13:21 < la_kristan> btw, is there a marker for sarcasm? 13:21 < Ilmen> xo'o 13:21 < Ilmen> there's also zo'o 13:21 < Ilmen> en: vlaji'u 13:21 < mensi> [< valsi jvinu ≈ A word a view] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 13:21 < mensi> vlavin[5878], valvin[5898], vlaji'u[6367], valji'u[6387], vlajvinu[7897], ... 13:21 < zipcpi> Erm, just call it lo valsi jvinu 13:22 < la_kristan> Ilmen : are you talking to me? 13:22 < ldlework> mu'i ma 13:22 < zipcpi> If it's meant to be an educational resource we shouldn't be making nonce lujvo 13:22 < Ilmen> la_kristan: {xo'o} and {zo'o} 13:22 < Ilmen> depending on the exact desired meaning 13:22 < ldlework> zipcpi: je'e, that is what it is named in-world 13:22 < la_kristan> what's the difference? 13:22 < Ilmen> en: zo'o 13:22 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 13:22 < zipcpi> xo'o is "sarcasm", zo'o is "humor" 13:22 < Ilmen> wat 13:23 < Ilmen> vlaste: zo'o 13:23 < vlaste> zo'o = attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously. 13:23 < Ilmen> vlaste: xo'o 13:23 < vlaste> xo'o = attitudinal modifier: sarcastically - sincerely 13:23 < zipcpi> I'm not sure we have good jbojbo definitions for those yet? Maybe for zo'o. Not sure about xo'o 13:23 < Ilmen> zipcpi: zo'o is based on junri/xalbo 13:23 < durka42> en:badna 13:23 < mensi> badna = x1 is a banana fruit or plant of species x2 13:24 < durka42> xu zo zo'o cu se ke dizlo cmicu'a 13:24 < durka42> en:zo'o 13:24 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 13:24 < durka42> cizra 13:24 < la_kristan> how many species of banana plants are there? 13:24 < durka42> ti'e la mensi cu co'a ta'e cpacu lo spofu ke jbovlaste teryru'e 13:24 < Ilmen> for xo'o, it's maybe ranxi 13:24 < Ilmen> but I'm unsure 13:26 < zipcpi> Eh all plant/animal terms have an x2. Except {remna}; just left off the gismu list I guess 13:26 < la_kristan> hm. 13:27 < zipcpi> We keep the x2 even for things that only refer to one taxonomic "species", like {gerku} or {ci'onme'a} 13:27 < zipcpi> Just for consistency... and it doesn't just mean species, it can also mean "breed", however you want to define that 13:27 < durka42> ca'e do remna la .ne'andertal. 13:27 < durka42> ooh what an insult 13:27 < ldlework> u'i 13:27 < zipcpi> Heh 13:27 < la_kristan> wut? 13:27 < durka42> "you neanderthal!" 13:29 < ldlework> Its too bad there is no collaborative version of Kerbel Space Program 13:29 < durka42> there are 11 hits in the corpus for remna2... 13:29 < zipcpi> :o Kerbal Space Program 13:29 < durka42> a couple of them are mistakes 13:29 < zipcpi> I have that 13:29 < durka42> the first one is the same joke I made :) 13:30 < durka42> really there are 2 results 13:30 < ldlework> zipcpi: I was thinking it'd be cool launch a rocket together, working in lojban 13:30 < ctefa`o> Crashing a lot or crashing less? 13:31 < ldlework> zipcpi: I wonder if we could simulate any sort of rocket like stuff in opensim 13:31 < la_kristan> hi skapata 13:31 < dutchie> i have some vague recollection of some mod that added multiplayer to ksp 13:32 < skapata> coi 13:32 < zipcpi> Yeah but I don't know what we've to do for that :p 13:32 < zipcpi> Dark... something 13:33 < zipcpi> http://d-mp.org/ 13:33 < la_kristan> skapata : I'm Christa627, btw. 13:34 < zipcpi> lol I'm still a bit slow in understanding and speaking Lojban. :p 13:34 < zipcpi> Have to look up a lot of words still 13:34 < zipcpi> Especially the new ones 13:35 < la_kristan> zipcpi : and I've only been learning it for two days. 13:35 < la_kristan> brb 13:35 < zipcpi> Haha... I can't tell you how long I've been learning it; because I used to, way back when. Then took a long hiatus 13:36 < ldlework> fi'i la kristan 13:36 < zipcpi> .ie fi'i la .kristan. uai 13:37 < ctefa`o> zipcpi let's start a club;) 13:37 < ldlework> I will definitely do collaborative KSP 13:38 < la_kristan> what's fi'i ? 13:38 < Ilmen> "welcome" 13:38 < ldlework> "welcomeness" 13:38 < Ilmen> la_kristan: You have dictionary bots right here on IRC 13:38 < ldlework> u'i 13:38 < Ilmen> en: coi 13:38 < mensi> 2 da se tolcri: sicni, rinsa 13:38 < dutchie> i'm also a new learner! 13:39 < Ilmen> vlaste: coi 13:39 < vlaste> coi = vocative: greetings/hello. 13:39 < ldlework> fi'i ro cnino tadni! 13:39 < Ilmen> However it seems the usual bot has got a broken dictionary dump lately, so it's better to use Vlaste instead 13:39 < Ilmen> vlaste: fi'i 13:39 < vlaste> fi'i = vocative: hospitality - inhospitality; you are welcome/ make yourself at home. 13:40 < Ilmen> fi'i = hospitality; fi'i nai = inhospitality 13:40 < dutchie> ki'e la .idlework. 13:40 < la_kristan> oh, greetings/hello; I was wanting to know that. 13:40 < dutchie> (did i do it right?) 13:40 < zipcpi> idlework is not a Lojban name :p 13:40 < dutchie> heh, i suppose not 13:40 < Ilmen> ldlework's Lojban name is «cadgu'a» 13:41 < zipcpi> la cadgu'a 13:41 < Ilmen> So you can say «la cadgu'a» 13:41 < ldlework> 'inhospitality' u'e 13:41 < ldlework> 'hostility' e'u 13:42 < ldlework> Ilmen: do we have ponjo translations of all the gismu? 13:42 < Ilmen> ldlework: As far as I know, yes. 13:42 < Ilmen> ja: gismu 13:42 < mensi> gismu = x1 (文字列)は x2 (意味関係)を x3 (項)について表す、 x4 (形態素)からなる語根 |>>> ・大意: 語根 ・読み方: ギスム ・関連語: gimste, cmavo, cmene, lujvo, 13:42 < mensi> smuni, sumti, tanru, valsi |>>> glekizmiku 13:42 < zipcpi> OK {ba'ai} is now in MAI: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ba'ai 13:43 < ldlework> Ilmen: I wonder how I can display the definitions of the valsi, when we have multiple translations.. 13:43 < ldlework> can't display them all obviously 13:43 < ldlework> also 13:43 < Ilmen> In this case, better having a language selector, with Lojban as a default 13:43 < ldlework> I figured out how to /extend/ lsl! 13:44 < ldlework> IE, I can create functions like jbo_define() and have it return the definition of a word you pass it or something 13:44 < ldlework> and then people can use this in their scripts 13:44 < Ilmen> As a kind of shared library ienai pei 13:44 < mensi> ei mi tugni 13:45 < ldlework> ie 13:45 < Ilmen> I haven't touched to LSL yet 13:45 < ctefa`o> la kristan did you get the song to load? 13:45 < ldlework> Ilmen: I recommend looking over the code inside hot/cold 13:45 < la_kristan> no... 13:46 < Ilmen> ma poi selsa'a — which song? 13:46 < ldlework> Ilmen: or just focus on fashion :D 13:46 < zipcpi> I'm still not convinced that defining zei'a and dei'a using zilzena and zildika won't just be more confusing to people like niftyg 13:46 < zipcpi> Than just using zi'o 13:46 < ldlework> we could ask them 13:46 < Ilmen> zipcpi: nothing prevent you to put both in the definition. 13:47 < la_kristan> still just blank window. 13:47 < ctefa`o> Huh. Well can you go on youtube and just search "lojban song"? 13:47 < Ilmen> xxx = zi'o zenba / .... 13:47 < ctefa`o> Or does youtube not work at all for you xu 13:47 < ctefa`o> I mean? 13:47 < Ilmen> jbo: su'oi 13:47 < mensi> su'oi = [PA4] namcu .i ka'e se basti su'o re namcu poi zmajavdu'i li pa .a le se li'erla'i namcu |>>> .i lu su'oi da 13:47 < mensi> li'u du lu na ku ro'oi da na ku li'u .i ko karbi zo su'oi zo su'o |>>> gusnikantu 13:47 < ctefa`o> Err 13:47 < ctefa`o> I mean "?"* ... 13:48 < Ilmen> jbo: suzmeidza 13:48 < mensi> suzmeidza [< suz* mei* dza* ≈ Suz* mei* dza*] = su'oi mo'e x1 da ckaji x2 .i va'i mo'e x1 da pavmei je zilcmi gi'e poi'i 13:48 < mensi> lo ro cmima be ke'a cu ckaji x2 .i va'i lo ro da x1 zilkancu x2 |>>> srana fa zo zilkancu .e zo pavmeidza .e zo kaidza . 13:48 < mensi> e zo suzdza .e zo roldza |>>> Ilmen 13:48 < Ilmen> zipcpi: ^ a good example 13:48 < Ilmen> here there three differently worded definitions separated by ".i va'i" 13:48 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: song is Ca Pa Djedi 13:49 < Ilmen> je'e 13:49 < zipcpi> Is {vasru} good enough to describe the sumti within a sumtcita? 13:49 < Ilmen> I'd use « se lidne » 13:49 < Ilmen> or better, li'erla'i 13:49 < ldlework> zipcpi: if you mark it with pe'a 13:49 < la_kristan> ctefa`o : the site loads, just that page wouldn't load. 13:49 < zipcpi> u'i doi cadgu'a 13:50 < Ilmen> zipcpi: how about just "se sumtcita"? 13:50 < Ilmen> en: sumtcita 13:50 < mensi> [< sumti tcita ≈ An argument a tag] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 13:50 < mensi> sumtcita[7917], su'irtcita[9506], sumtytcita[10047] 13:50 < ctefa`o> Huh 13:50 < zipcpi> pe'ape'ape'ape'afu'epe'ape'ani'oni'oni'ope'a 13:50 < ldlework> u'i 13:50 < ctefa`o> Weird. Just that song won't load? 13:50 < durka42> which song? 13:51 < zipcpi> Ilmen: The problem is that sumtcita's place structure isn't very helpful x.x 13:51 < ctefa`o> Ca Pa Djedi 13:51 < Ilmen> vlaste: sumtcita 13:51 < vlaste> sumtcita = x1 is a sumti tag/[preposition] showing information x2 13:51 < Ilmen> vlaste: tcita 13:51 < vlaste> tcita = x1 is a label/tag of x2 showing information x3. 13:51 < zipcpi> Yeah come on 13:51 < ctefa`o> vlaste: besto 13:51 < vlaste> besto = x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email; x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express 13:51 < vlaste> place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word 13:51 < vlaste> besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that 13:51 < vlaste> gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke 13:51 < vlaste> x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45 13:51 < Ilmen> zipcpi: then you have "tcita" 13:51 < ctefa`o> Ooops 13:51 < la_kristan> it wouldn't load when I clicked the link here in that chat. 13:52 < ctefa`o> Sorry! Didn't think it would show the whole thing! 13:52 < durka42> selpahi has taken Ca Pa Djedi off of youtube periodically in the past... 13:52 < ctefa`o> Huh 13:52 < ctefa`o> But I just listened to it 13:52 < durka42> apparently it's an extremely personal/emotional song for him 13:52 < durka42> yeah it loads for me 13:52 < durka42> .title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZomVOBE5-0 13:52 < phenny> durka42: Ca Pa Djedi (Original Song in Lojban by selpa'i) - YouTube 13:53 < ctefa`o> Still works here 13:54 < zipcpi> sumtcita lo du'u zi'o zenba lo ni me'au lo ralju bridi kei ze'a lo sumti poi se tcita 13:54 < zipcpi> Er... 13:54 < zipcpi> se sumti? 13:54 < zipcpi> la'e lo sumti? 13:55 < ctefa`o> In other news IT IS WITCHER 3 TIME 13:55 < zipcpi> I'm not too good at jbojbo definitions 13:55 < zipcpi> sumtcita lo du'u zi'o zenba lo ni me'au lo ralju bridi kei ze'a la'e le sumti poi se tcita 13:55 < la_kristan> but at least "judgement" is spelled correctly... 13:55 < zipcpi> sumtcita lo du'u zi'o zenba lo ni me'au lo bridi kei ze'a la'e le sumti poi se tcita 13:56 < la_kristan> by my idea of correctness. 13:57 < Ilmen> zo dai'e'i'ai'u'o cmavo ma'oi xxx gi'e jungau fi lo du'u lo bridi poi selpau vo'a cu poi'i lo ni ke'a fasnu cu zilzena 13:57 < Ilmen> or something liek that 13:58 < Ilmen> zipcpi, and, it hasn't much sense to be a BAI, as it tags no sumti. Unless you want it to tag zilzena2 13:58 < zipcpi> It's a TAhE 13:58 < Ilmen> je'e 13:59 < Ilmen> s/jungau fi/sinxa 14:01 < zipcpi> And it can tag a sumti... I suppose if it has a sumti it will mean "increasing over period..." 14:01 < Ilmen> Generally speaking, I'm not fond of the idea of sumtcita cmavo; I'm much prefer the more flexible solution of having one cmavo for expressing them all, that is, {xoi} or maybe a short-scope version thereof 14:01 < zipcpi> Does xoi accept a ke'a? 14:01 < Ilmen> sure it does 14:01 < Ilmen> {do sanga xoi (ke'a) melbi} 14:02 < Ilmen> (you sing, which is beautiful) 14:02 < zipcpi> So ke'a represents the entire bridi 14:02 < Ilmen> yes 14:02 < zipcpi> Interesting 14:02 < Ilmen> it's like an afterthought version of {fasnu fa lo nu do sanga poi/noi melbi} 14:03 < Ilmen> which is forethought because you need to add fasnu first 14:03 < Ilmen> if you want to use poi/noi 14:03 < zipcpi> carvi xoi ke'a zilzena ? 14:03 < Ilmen> drani 14:05 < Ilmen> One cmavo to rule all the sumtcita, one cmavo to find them, oen cmavo to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. 14:05 < Ilmen> zo'o 14:05 < zipcpi> The problem is that expanding sentences like this can be really wordy: http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4228582 14:05 < Ilmen> zipcpi: I know 14:06 < Ilmen> I'd like a version of xoi that'd be short-scope 14:06 < Ilmen> so paralleling lo/sei in term of syntax 14:06 < zipcpi> Maybe you'd have to wait for Toaq Dzu for that :p 14:06 < Ilmen> Toaq Dzu does have a tone for turning any predicate into an adverbial / bridi relative clause 14:07 < Ilmen> it even has two of them I think 14:07 < Ilmen> So there is no sumtcita particle in Toaq Dzu 14:07 < Ilmen> nor in Gua\spi 14:08 < zipcpi> What languages *does* niftyg speak? 14:08 < Ilmen> Just like there's no adjective in Lojban 14:08 < zipcpi> Oh he's Japanese? 14:08 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Japanese 14:08 * zipcpi nods 14:10 * nuzba @JamsEtYams: @S0phieH I don't like esperanto much. it's a horrid mess that should probs be less popular imo. lojban is cool in a way though. [http://bit.ly/1EPcV8G] 14:10 * nuzba @LycaonTalks: @JamsEtYams @S0phieH lojban is the "um, actually" of languages [http://bit.ly/1Gh472v] 14:10 * nuzba @S0phieH: @JamsEtYams yeah, it's not perfect but I do like the goal of the thing. Might look into lojban after also :) [http://bit.ly/1Gh4bQ2] 14:12 < zipcpi> Yeah I still prefer to define them by zi'o... I don't know how to mark "alternate definitions" 14:12 < zipcpi> Simply because the gismu is more well known 14:12 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Basically, in Lojban, adjectives are replaced by relative clauses (noi, poi), as well as tanru. But why not doing the same for adverbs? 14:12 < Ilmen> That's a weird design choice 14:12 < Ilmen> zipcpi: I shown an example of alternate definitions earlier 14:12 < Ilmen> «.i va'i...» 14:13 < zipcpi> While {zilzena} and {zildika} only have jbojbo definitions that are difficult to understand 14:13 < Ilmen> vlaste: zilzena 14:13 < vlaste> zilzena = x1 is a property of a number/amount increasing by amount x2 14:13 < dutchie> hah, just saw "gleua" 14:13 < Ilmen> well this def could be improved 14:13 < zipcpi> Yeah but it probably isn't translated to Japanese 14:13 < Ilmen> ie 14:14 < durka42> ja: gleua 14:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 14:14 < Ilmen> I usually don't even bother to translate my definitions to French :/ 14:14 < durka42> I still like the old "y no da jai se facki" .u'i 14:14 < durka42> it just rhythms better to my ear 14:15 < zipcpi> And yeah I did use "me'au"... oi 14:15 < zipcpi> These experimental cmavo are such a crutch to me 14:15 < zipcpi> mi mutce zbusufukai 14:16 < zipcpi> Hah bet he liked my choice to render "furry/anthro animal" as "kenmono" 14:17 < Ilmen> Well, I've gotta finally enter a word for mosquito to JVS 14:17 < zipcpi> I did consider {remda'u} and {dalre'a} but I had semantic concerns 14:17 < Ilmen> "mosquito" is such a hard word to lojbanize 14:17 < zipcpi> Wait I thought that was blusfani 14:17 < Ilmen> en: remsmi 14:17 < mensi> [< remna simsa ≈ A human something similar] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 14:17 < mensi> remsmi[5878], re'asmi[6367], remsimsa[7937], remnysmi[8008], re'arsimsa[9526], ... 14:18 < durka42> selpahi would agree :p 14:18 < durka42> I need a new smiley for {xoi zbusufukai} 14:18 < Ilmen> zipcpi: "blusfani" is a generic word for any blood-sucking fly 14:18 < Ilmen> including horseflies and the like 14:18 < zipcpi> mo skito 14:18 < zipcpi> zo'o 14:19 < Ilmen> I'd go with "ckulikidai", from "Culicidae" 14:19 < zipcpi> Just ckulikida would do 14:20 < durka42> en:blusfani 14:20 < mensi> [< ciblu sfani ≈ Blood a fly] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 14:20 < mensi> blusfani[7897], ciblysfani[10047] 14:20 < durka42> x1 is a mosquito/blood-sucking diptere of genus/species x2. 14:20 < Ilmen> maybe just "ckuliki" 14:20 < durka42> .w diptere 14:20 < phenny> diptere — adjective: 1. feminine plural of diptero 14:20 < durka42> .u'i ki'e la .fen. 14:20 < Ilmen> although it may be confused with Culicinae, which is a subfamily 14:20 < durka42> .w diptero 14:20 < phenny> diptero — adjective: 1. dipteral 14:21 < durka42> dammit 14:21 < durka42> ah it's a typo 14:21 < durka42> should be "diptera" 14:21 < durka42> .w diptera 14:21 < phenny> diptera — adjective: 1. feminine form of diptero 14:21 < zipcpi> ... crap 14:21 < durka42> ...nope 14:21 < durka42> .wik Diptera 14:21 < phenny> "True flies are insects of the order Diptera (from the Greek di = two, and ptera = wings)." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diptera 14:22 < zipcpi> I accidentally entered the jbojbo definition for dei'a as English x.x 14:22 < durka42> I'ma fix that 14:22 < durka42> zipcpi: well, now you gotta translate it to lojban 14:23 < zipcpi> me'o sy u'y my ty cy i'y li'o zo'o 14:23 < durka42> .u'i 14:26 < Ilmen> I've just added {ckuliki} 14:26 < Ilmen> for "mosquito" 14:26 < Ilmen> .i'e pei 14:26 < zipcpi> i'e 14:26 < zipcpi> Er x2 tag? 14:27 < Ilmen> I don't find the x2 necessary 14:27 < zipcpi> There are many species of mosquitoes 14:27 < Ilmen> feel free to add it if you really miss it 14:28 < Ilmen> you can always say "ti ckuliki gi'e jutcmi..." 14:28 < Ilmen> just like you can say "ti gerku gi'e blanu" 14:28 < Ilmen> or "ti gerku gi'e nakni" 14:28 * zipcpi shrugs 14:29 < la_kristan> well, if ye cannot help me with my notebook cover, methinks I shall continue my study of skakespearean Lojban... 14:29 < Ilmen> Adding places is easier than removing them, so I prefer to add only what is strictly relevant/necessary 14:30 < zipcpi> Shakespeare in the original Lojban :p 14:30 < la_kristan> zipcpi : I was gonna say that! 14:30 < la_kristan> .oi 14:30 < durka42> .oye mie sayeth bahchee le blooffahnee 14:30 < zipcpi> :p 14:31 < durka42> se => sayeth, li'a 14:31 < zipcpi> :p 14:33 < la_kristan> if "coi" is hi than whats g'bye? 14:33 < Ilmen> {co'o} 14:33 < zipcpi> "co'o" 14:34 < Ilmen> .a'i mi fanva tu'a zo ckuliki lo fasybau 14:34 < durka42> koi 14:35 < la_kristan> koi? isn't that a kind of fish? 14:36 < Ilmen> x1 est un moustique; x1 es un mosquito; x1は蚊 14:36 < durka42> sorry, {ko'oi} is what I meant 14:38 < Ilmen> x1 estas moskito 14:38 < la_kristan> which means? 14:38 < zipcpi> Well that's one of the proposed cekitaujau shortenings, but you shouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff yet la_kristan :p 14:38 < Ilmen> {ko'oi} is an imperative marker 14:38 < Ilmen> vlaste: ko'oi 14:38 < vlaste> ko'oi = discursive: imperative/hortative 14:38 < durka42> that's why I didn't elaborate zipcpi :p 14:39 < durka42> do zbusufukai 14:39 < zipcpi> Essentially it marks a sentence as imperative. {ko} is basically short for {do ko'oi} 14:39 < durka42> ie 14:39 < la_kristan> vlaste: co'o 14:39 < vlaste> co'o = vocative: partings/good-bye. 14:39 < Ilmen> vlaste: ki'e 14:39 < vlaste> ki'e = vocative: thanks - no thanks to you. 14:39 < zipcpi> ie mi ja'a zbusufukai 14:39 < Ilmen> ki'e = thanks 14:39 < la_kristan> oh! 14:40 < Ilmen> je'e = okay 14:40 < la_kristan> ki'e 14:40 < Ilmen> (those are very common vocatives, too) 14:40 < zipcpi> je'e basically means "I have received and understood this message". It can also mean "You're welcome" after {ki'e}. But it doesn't actually welcome anyone; that's {fi'i} 14:41 < Ilmen> zipcpi: I'm not sure it implies it's understood 14:41 < Ilmen> there's {ki'anai} 14:41 < zipcpi> Well I've heard it compared to "Roger" 14:42 < Ilmen> jbo: je'e 14:42 < mensi> je'e = [COI] tcita lo cmene ja ve skicu le du'u sinxa le du'u makau te cusku .e le du'u le cusku ba'o te benji gi'e 14:42 < mensi> jimpe |>>> doi; jimpe |>>> xorxes 14:42 < la_kristan> I don't know of any other language whose "you're welcome " equivalent literally translates to "you are welcome", anyway. 14:42 < Ilmen> the jbo-def does have "jimpe" though 14:43 < noncomcinse> ma se casnu 14:43 < zipcpi> la_kristan: Good :p 14:43 < la_kristan> what's good? 14:44 < Ilmen> la_kristan: For replying to "thank you" (you're welcome), in French people say "de rien" or "pas de problème" (= no problem), and in Spanish "de nada" 14:44 < Ilmen> So that varies depending on the language 14:44 < Ilmen> In Lojban we just say «je'e» 14:44 < la_kristan> and in Russian it's the same word as please. 14:46 < dutchie> in german too 14:46 < Ilmen> "Bitte"? 14:47 < Ilmen> de: je'e 14:47 < mensi> je'erma'ablaci [< jetce cmana blaci ≈ Strahl Berg Glas] = b1 ist eine gewisse Menge/besteht aus/enthält Obsidian aus 14:47 < mensi> Zusammensetzung mit unter anderem b2. 14:47 < dutchie> Ilmen: yes 14:47 < Ilmen> uh, cmavo definition haven't been translated to German 14:47 < Ilmen> what a pity 14:48 < la_kristan> .uinai 14:48 < Ilmen> Translations are only made by volunteers, so it's a long and teduous task 14:49 < zipcpi> Oh what's good... that you understand that Lojban isn't just a regloss of English :p 14:49 < durka42> maybe after I finish learning German on Duolingo, zo'o 14:49 < zipcpi> You'd be surprise how many people who only know one language think that other languages are just a cipher of English :p 14:51 < la_kristan> yeah, I guess so; I think I thought so when I was a kid. 14:52 < dutchie> i'm glad i was brought up to learn languages 14:52 < la_kristan> but then I started learning Spanish, and after many confusions and frustrations, I figured out that it just ain't so! 14:52 < dutchie> the advantage of having a mother who studied them at college 14:53 < dutchie> don't think one has ever "clicked" quite as quickly as lojban has - though that's probably because i've never tried learning a conlang before 14:53 < dutchie> so stuff like the so'a-so'u continuum can be designed in, and that seems really neat to me 14:54 < la_kristan> I know both Esperanto and toki pona. 14:55 < la_kristan> And have studied quite a few "natural" languages. 14:55 < durka42> ua do spero 14:56 < la_kristan> ? 14:56 < durka42> vlaste: spero 14:56 < vlaste> spero = x1 pertains to Esperanto language/culture in aspect x2 14:56 < la_kristan> ah. 14:58 < Ilmen> uo http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ckuliki 14:58 < la_kristan> That's where it all started for me, you know. 15:00 < la_kristan> Before I accidentally found Esperanto, the idea that a language could be invented never even crossed my mind. 15:01 < la_kristan> And since then, my curiosity about constructed languages has been insatiable. 15:01 < zipcpi> Cool 15:02 < la_kristan> someone said Lojban was almost impossible to learn, and someone else said it was easy. 15:03 < Ilmen> la_kristan: This may interest you too, if someday you've time to read this: http://www.rickmor.x10.mx/lexical_semantics.html 15:03 < la_kristan> So I figured there's only one way to really find out :-) 15:04 < Ilmen> It is possible to learn it. 15:05 < zipcpi> It isn't that difficult. Sure it isn't meant to fit European languages hand-in-glove like Esperanto, and it's grammar is really unique. But it's not difficult to start constructing simple sentences 15:05 < Ilmen> Ithkuil is also an interesting language to study 15:05 < Ilmen> (but it has no speaker as far as I know) 15:05 < zipcpi> Now if you want a language so difficult that no one actually speaks it fluently, you'd want Ithkuil :p 15:06 < la_kristan> I did notice that Lojban is quite different from other languages I've studied. 15:06 < Ilmen> Ithkuil is also extremely exotic, but also very difficult 15:07 < la_kristan> Um, I don't think I was looking for something literally nobody speaks... 15:07 < Ilmen> (there's quite a few enormous affix tables to memorize) 15:07 < zipcpi> I was speaking rhetorically :p 15:07 < la_kristan> worse than Volapük? 15:08 < zipcpi> Yes 15:08 < Ilmen> I don't know Volapük, so I can't tell 15:08 < zipcpi> Mainly it's meant to test the limits of how much information you can fit in as small a space as possible 15:08 < la_kristan> Neither do I, at least not yet. 15:08 < Ilmen> yeah 15:09 < Ilmen> Ithkuil push very far trying to put as much information as possible into each affix morphemes 15:09 < Ilmen> *pushes 15:11 < la_kristan> meanwhile toki pona has few words, but you have to be pretty long winded to convey anything significant. 15:12 < durka42> that's what I've heard 15:12 < la_kristan> and even then you might not succeed. 15:12 < Ilmen> With toki pona, you're bound to vagueness, while with Ithkuil you're forced to precision. I conclude that Ithkuil is Toki pona's nemesis zo'o 15:14 < la_kristan> In my conversations in toki pona, we seldom have any real confusion, except when "wile" is involved. 15:15 < Ilmen> What is nice with Lojban, is that you can choose how precise or vague you want your sentence to be 15:15 < la_kristan> Because it can be "want" "need" or "have to " 15:15 < Ilmen> Lojban doesn't compel its speaker to always speak with precision 15:16 < Ilmen> unlike Ithkuil 15:16 < la_kristan> nice 15:16 < Ilmen> Basically, the more precise you want to be, the longer the sentence 15:17 < Ilmen> and conversely, the vaguer, the shorter 15:17 < la_kristan> Ah. That seems logical. 15:18 < Ilmen> And Lojban never forces you to express an information you don't need or want to express 15:18 < durka42> co'e zo'e 15:18 < durka42> ie pei 15:18 < mensi> ei mi tugni 15:19 < Ilmen> unlike many European languages which forces you to express gender and numbers 15:19 < Ilmen> as well as compel to fill the subject slot of verbs 15:19 < la_kristan> I'll have to afk for a bit; I detect a stinky diaper in the near vicinity... 15:20 < demize> And you're going to go into hiding? 15:20 < demize> ;) 15:20 < Ilmen> In Lojban, every sumti can be left to context, even the equivalent of the subject; Lojban has no built in gender or number inflexion 15:20 < Ilmen> which is a relief 15:22 < la_kristan> ugh, TWO stinky diapers! They think that just because they're twins they've gotta both go at the same time! 15:22 < zipcpi> u'i oidai 15:22 < Ilmen> di'ai 15:22 < Ilmen> (= well-wishes, good luck) 15:23 < la_kristan> good luck changing the diapers; okay... 15:23 < la_kristan> brb 15:26 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 15:26 < Ilmen> sipna .ai 15:28 < zipcpi> Also Lojban is the only language I know of where a computer program can tell you whether a sentence is grammatical or not (whether it actually says what you want it to mean though, can be a different matter if many subclauses or other-complicated-stuff is involved :p 15:29 < zipcpi> Though the parser is also helpful for that; it reveals the structure of the sentence 15:31 < la_kristan> I'm back. 15:32 < la_kristan> operation success :-P 15:33 < durka42> ui dai 15:35 < la_kristan> who wrote Anna Karenina? 15:35 < dutchie> la lio.tolstois. 15:35 < dutchie> you're about a chapter behind me .u'i 15:36 < durka42> la .liios. tolstois. 15:36 < dutchie> oh yes, whoops 15:36 < la_kristan> I recognised the title, but couldn't remember the author. 15:38 < la_kristan> and my geography is terrible, but at least I know that Paris isn't in the United States... 15:38 < ctefa`o> It is not?! zo'o 15:38 < la_kristan> unless there's a Paris, WY or something... 15:39 < dutchie> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris,_Texas 15:39 < ctefa`o> ^ 15:40 < la_kristan> Well, I figured there might be a town if that name somewhere in the US... 15:40 < la_kristan> Ontario is in Oregon, you know. 15:41 < ctefa`o> So did you manage to listen to any lojban songs?:) 15:42 < la_kristan> I haven't yet, I've been busy with other stuff. 15:42 < ctefa`o> je'e 15:43 < la_kristan> I wouldn't understand them anyway, at this point :-/ 15:44 < ctefa`o> Me neither;) 15:45 < la_kristan> I often barely understand songs in English! 15:45 < ctefa`o> But besides being good for listening comprehension, the songs show what the language can be like 15:47 < la_kristan> Yeah, I know what sounds the letters make, but that doesn't give the whole picture. 15:48 < ctefa`o> Right;) 15:48 * la_kristan inserts earbuds. 15:49 < ctefa`o> Prepare for awesomeness 15:49 < ctefa`o> Which one did you take? 15:50 < la_kristan> the one you were talking about. 15:50 < ctefa`o> Hm that was Ca Pa Djedi right? 15:51 < la_kristan> go'i 15:51 < la_kristan> I don't understand a word of it... 15:52 < ctefa`o> Try to just learn to identify the sounds at first;) 15:53 < ctefa`o> Took me a while myself to hear the words properly 15:54 < ctefa`o> Or just try to enjoy it for now;) 15:57 < zipcpi> What's the discursive for "essentially/basically"? 15:58 < zipcpi> I'm not sure sa'u or to'u is what I want 15:59 < zipcpi> Anyway anyone want to check my jbojbo definition of zbusufukai: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/zbusufukai 15:59 < durka42> to'u might be what you want... 15:59 < durka42> vlaste: class:UI3 15:59 < vlaste> 21 results: ba'u, da'i, do'a, je'u, ke'u, la'a, li'a, mu'a, pa'e, ra'u… 15:59 < ctefa`o> Did selpa'i make "Still Alive" in lojban?! 15:59 < ctefa`o> How did I not know of this 16:00 < zipcpi> I don't think so... my sentence isn't really brief or simple :p 16:00 < durka42> zipcpi: do'anai? 16:00 < zipcpi> I'm not sure what do'a even means lol 16:00 < durka42> ctefa`o: yeah! 16:00 < durka42> well, essentially… zo'o 16:00 < durka42> jbo:do'a 16:00 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri mutce ja traji fi le ka zmadu 16:00 < durka42> yyyyyyy 16:00 < durka42> zmadu ma 16:00 < zipcpi> ie 16:00 < durka42> jbo:do'anai 16:00 < mensi> do'anai = [UI*] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri mutce ja traji fi le ka mleca 16:01 < zipcpi> oi 16:02 < ctefa`o> durka42: so many syllables though;o 16:03 < la_kristan> .oi cai 16:03 < la_kristan> the browser crashed. 16:03 < zipcpi> I have translated a song, but it's not been sung yet: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Do_you_hear_the_people_sing 16:05 < durka42> ctefa`o: ma slaka du'emei 16:05 < zipcpi> la'au za'o jmive li'u 16:06 < ctefa`o> durka42: in the Still Alive translation 16:06 < zipcpi> I guess {sa'u} isn't that off. Though the sentence is complicated, the idea may be simpler to understand 16:07 < zipcpi> After all the meaning is all packed into {la bauspo fazykamni} :p 16:07 < ctefa`o> kristan: it couldn't handle the awesomeness? 16:08 < zipcpi> So someone who isn't familiar with the BSFK might be able to understand the concept easier 16:08 < zipcpi> Just like the English 16:14 < ctefa`o> puzi sipna fami co'o 16:14 < ctefa`o> Err 16:14 < zipcpi> co'o .i mi ji'a ei sipna co'o 16:14 < ctefa`o> bazi sipna fami co'o* 16:15 < zipcpi> There is a Lojban equivalent to correction asterisks 16:15 < zipcpi> It's lo'ai ... sa'ai ... le'ai 16:16 < zipcpi> Well, one of Lojban's goals is that all "punctuation" can be spoken aloud 16:17 < zipcpi> Anyway yeah I've gotta go. co'o ro do 16:18 < durka42> I don't think {roba'oi} means "forever" and anyway did {ba'oi} ever catch on? 16:19 < durka42> I'd just say {baze'e} 16:19 < zipcpi> Yeah makes sense 16:20 < zipcpi> I should probably add {baze'e} as a cmavo group 16:20 < durka42> meh 16:20 < durka42> if you want 16:21 < durka42> not a huge fan of adding cmavo groups to the dictionary 16:21 < durka42> it's a combinatorial explosion and the whole point is they are compositional 16:21 < zipcpi> Well it's useful to have something for the English gloss word "forever" "forevermore" 16:21 < zipcpi> The point is matching them to useful gloss words 16:21 < zipcpi> Not to add every possible combination 16:22 < durka42> but lojban isn't an english cipher :p 16:22 < zipcpi> It's still useful. I still have to look a lot of stuff up 16:23 < zipcpi> And someone searching for how to express "forever" would search the dictionary and find either nothing or some complicated brivla 16:23 < zipcpi> Then they have to go through all the cmavo and figure out which combination best expresses their intentions 16:23 * durka42 cu krati lo pacycei 16:23 < durka42> okay fine 16:24 < zipcpi> *sumtcita 16:24 < zipcpi> It's like how I added "za'ure'u" as "again" a long time ago 16:25 < durka42> ah did you start that argument? :p 16:25 < zipcpi> I don't remember if there was an argument 16:26 < durka42> some laldyjbopre are afraid to let {za'ure'u} mean "again" 16:26 < durka42> out of fear that the jbocei uses it to mean something else, I guess 16:26 < durka42> I never understood the counterargument 16:26 < zipcpi> lol 16:28 < zipcpi> .ie mi puzu za'o zbusufukai 16:29 < zipcpi> .y. sa'ai xa'o 16:29 < zipcpi> mi puzu xa'o zbusufukai 16:29 < la_kristan> my 10yr old brother just allowed my 2yr old brothers to scribble on my beautiful notebook! 16:30 < zipcpi> D: 16:31 < la_kristan> all my x1 and x2 and x3!!! 16:31 < b_jonas> la_kristan: scribble with what? 16:32 < b_jonas> i ciska fo ma 16:32 < la_kristan> x1 expresses/says x2 for audience x3 via medium x4! 16:32 < la_kristan> scribbled all over! 16:33 < la_kristan> with my pencil. 16:33 < b_jonas> ow 16:35 < b_jonas> co'o 16:35 < zipcpi> co'o 16:37 < la_kristan> what was co'o again? I forgot. 16:39 < la_kristan> vlaste: co'o 16:39 < vlaste> co'o = vocative: partings/good-bye. 16:40 < la_kristan> goodbye to what? 16:41 < la_kristan> the notebook? 16:41 < ctefa`o> Goodbye to the listener/the conversation 16:41 < ctefa`o> Basically "bye" 16:42 < dutchie> my turn: co'o ro do 16:42 < ctefa`o> (Not my time to sleep yet appearantly) 16:42 < ctefa`o> apparantly* 16:43 < la_kristan> but b_jonas hasn't quit, and he said it first... 16:43 < ctefa`o> Well then he probably just left the computer? 16:44 < la_kristan> ctefa`o: apparEntly! 16:44 < ctefa`o> omg did I do that wrong twice lol 16:45 < ctefa`o> Always misspell that word >_> 16:47 < ctefa`o> So did you like the song(s), despite not understanding them? 16:49 < la_kristan> Well, rap isn't exactly my first choice in music styles... 16:50 < la_kristan> I don't sleep. I study Lojban all night :-P 16:51 < ctefa`o> That's...dedicated;) 16:53 < la_kristan> So I can have the pleasure of saying 16:53 * la_kristan tavla fo le glico 16:54 < quintus> .i mi lojbo bo tadni sipna 16:54 < la_kristan> hmm... 16:54 < quintus> clearly not enough or that would be more grammatical 16:55 < la_kristan> oh well, it didn't work. 16:56 < la_kristan> Can't put characters directly after the /me. 16:56 < ctefa`o> Well Christa's sentence is correct 16:56 < quintus> oh I'm sorry if that wasn't clearer-- the "not enough" referred to me 16:56 < ctefa`o> Well sort of 16:56 < quintus> this is what happens when you drop to English on the Lojban channel 16:57 < la_kristan> .u'i 16:57 < ctefa`o> Technically the underscore is invalid;) 16:58 < quintus> doi ro do .i do mo 16:59 < la_kristan> but we all understand the limitations of IRC 16:59 * ctefa`o blanu blanu 17:00 < ctefa`o> Hmm I just had an idea, one should probably just tweak with the /me script 17:00 < ctefa`o> To get the la where we want it 17:01 < quintus> would that not involve changing one's nickname first? and changing it back afterward? /me is built into IRC 17:01 < ctefa`o> For those clients where one can do that... 17:01 < quintus> rather than any specific client 17:01 < ctefa`o> Is it built into irc or the client? 17:01 < la_kristan> irc, I think 17:02 < ctefa`o> Hmm then that won't work 17:02 < quintus> ctefa`o: is a nighttime-type-of-ending the end of a night or the end of a day? 17:02 < ctefa`o> Maaayyybeer if we ask really nice in #freenode zo'o 17:02 < quintus> the former would be a little more literal, but I could understand the latter; the ending is of-type "night" 17:02 < ctefa`o> li'a End of Night 17:03 < ctefa`o> Well maybe not li'a 17:03 < ctefa`o> "Night's End" 17:03 < ctefa`o> better than ctefan or stefan 17:04 < noncomcinse> coi jbopre 17:04 < ctefa`o> Put that in reverse and you see how I ended up with this nick 17:04 < noncomcinse> ma fasnu seju secasnu 17:04 < ctefa`o> coi noncomcinse 17:04 < quintus> li'anai ru'e 17:05 < noncomcinse> coi la ctefa'o 17:05 < ctefa`o> Stefan -> stefan -> ctefan -> ctefa'o 17:05 < quintus> that works quite well doi ctefa`o 17:06 < noncomcinse> ua 17:06 < la_kristan> do you not like "stefan"? 17:06 < quintus> I'm known as la mumoi, but because I'm rarely just on #lojban, quintus is a little more identifiable 17:07 < quintus> hmm, have I registered that yet 17:07 < ctefa`o> "stefan" basically means "List of Sails". "ctefan" got a bit better meaning "night-sail", ctefa'o got even better though;) 17:07 < la_kristan> it means? 17:07 < ctefa`o> "End of Night" 17:08 < ctefa`o> nicte falnu 17:08 < ctefa`o> Uhn 17:08 < noncomcinse> .i mutce pemci larcu 17:08 < la_kristan> ah 17:08 < ctefa`o> -Uhn 17:08 < la_kristan> and "kristan"? 17:09 < ctefa`o> Well it is not a lujvo 17:09 < la_kristan> awwww 17:09 < ctefa`o> It is a name-word 17:09 < noncomcinse> lo lujvo kakne co cmevla 17:09 < ctefa`o> Hmm 17:09 < noncomcinse> zo .noncomcins. cmevla je lujvo vau mu'a 17:09 < la_mumoi> "ctefan" is very visual 17:10 < ctefa`o> krista would work though 17:10 < la_mumoi> it sounds really neat and works too 17:10 < ctefa`o> krici stali 17:10 < noncomcinse> rafsi: stan 17:10 < mensi> zo stani se rafsi zo'oi stan 17:10 < noncomcinse> en: stani 17:10 < mensi> stani = x1 is a stem or trunk of plant x2 |>>> gleki 17:11 < noncomcinse> na melbi pe'i 17:11 < noncomcinse> ra'oi .sta. zo'u tugni 17:12 < ctefa`o> Christa, if you used "krista" instead it would mean "Staying (a) Believer" 17:12 < ctefa`o> Sort of 17:12 < ctefa`o> Unless I am inverting it 17:13 < noncomcinse> en: stali 17:13 < mensi> stali = x1 stays or remains at x2 |>>> gleki 17:13 < noncomcinse> Yeah. 17:13 < la_kristan> kristan' ; for kristano, every Esperantist knows that... :-P 17:13 < ctefa`o> Kristano means Christ in Esperanto? 17:14 < noncomcinse> That seems about right. 17:14 < la_kristan> No, Kristo is Christ 17:14 < noncomcinse> Right. 17:14 < ctefa`o> la_mumoi: Yeah I am quite fond of it;) 17:14 < noncomcinse> Esperanto novas min, .u'u 17:15 < noncomcinse> Sed mi provas lerni. 17:15 < la_mumoi> in an alternate universe... novi: x1 is new to x2 17:16 < la_mumoi> novi; novas; novis; novos 17:16 < noncomcinse> .u'i 17:16 < la_kristan> krist-an-o; christ-member-[noun]; thus, "christian". 17:17 < ctefa`o> Right. But it seems that it originally derives from a greek word, which is where I guess Jesus got his name from 17:18 < ctefa`o> ...and now I cant find that word 17:20 < ctefa`o> But eh I really need to sleep now 17:20 < la_mumoi> be back in a bit 17:20 < ctefa`o> 2 AM 17:20 < noncomcinse> ua 17:20 < ctefa`o> co'o 17:20 < noncomcinse> lerci 17:20 < noncomcinse> co'o lo cliva 17:20 < la_kristan> oh! 17:20 < la_mumoi> co'o ctefa'o 17:21 < la_kristan> co'o ctefa'o 17:34 < noncomcinse> za'u re'u rinsa 17:34 < durka42> coi 17:36 < noncomcinse> coi la durkavore 17:39 < durka42> .ai mi co'u bilma .oi 17:39 < noncomcinse> bilma ma 17:39 < noncomcinse> uinaidai 17:46 < durka42> lo vidru 17:46 < noncomcinse> .oi dai 17:51 < noncomcinse> How does the /wi 3 17:51 < noncomcinse> .u'u srera 17:51 < ldlework> no da mi kansa ui nai ru'e 17:52 < noncomcinse> kansa fi ma coi 17:52 < durka42> ui nai ru'e dai 17:52 < durka42> le jbogu'e sei mi sruma 17:53 < ldlework> do certu lo ka sruma ue 17:53 < ldlework> u'i 17:53 < ldlework> satci sruma .i satci sruma 17:54 < ldlework> vi mo 17:54 < noncomcinse> zvati ma fa lejbogu'e 17:54 < ldlework> lo do menli li'a 17:55 < ldlework> va'o lo ka barda banzu 17:55 < ldlework> nitcu lo stedu barda la'a 17:56 < durka42> zvati lo di'i'i'ilnu 17:56 < ldlework> what's the NU that extracts the truth value 17:56 < durka42> di'ilnu: x1 is the Cloud 17:56 < durka42> jei 17:56 < ldlework> ki'e 17:56 < ldlework> durka42: u'i ie 17:57 < ldlework> zvati lo do zar'u'u'ugu 17:57 < durka42> .u'i 17:58 < durka42> ah the old dilnu bi'o zargu extension 17:58 < ldlework> je'a 18:00 < ldlework> noncomcinse: more seriously, la jbogu'e is pretty easy to access, you just need to download a client 18:00 < ldlework> noncomcinse: if you're interested I can help you get setup 18:01 < durka42> you never said what it is .u'i 18:01 < ldlework> oh 18:01 < durka42> it's a private Second Life world for jbopre 18:01 < ldlework> ie 18:02 < ldlework> With the idea, that you have objects and spatial relations to percieve and therefore you get the chance to excersize areas of your vocabulary you might not normally get to 18:02 < ldlework> I can't believe I'm 28 and still can't spell exercise the first time 18:05 < durka42> yeah 18:05 < durka42> zipcpi brought up a good point before that none(ba'u) of us know the sumtcita for "left" and "right" because you don't need those on IRC 18:06 < durka42> and I sure didn't know the cardinal directions before this diplomacy game :) 18:07 < durka42> li re bi ue .i do laldo zo'o 18:08 < ldlework> durka42: yeah the cardinal directions were new to me 18:09 < durka42> so zipcpi added {baze'e} as "forevermore" 18:09 < durka42> I was thinking to add {puze'e} for consistency but I don't know what the opposite of "forevermore" is in english? 18:09 < tsani_> zo di'ilnu .u'i 18:10 < durka42> la tsani ue 18:10 < ldlework> who is this tsani person 18:11 < ldlework> is he sapient 18:11 < ldlework> rivbi za'a 18:12 < Guest39409> guh 18:12 < Guest39409> .i lo .irci tutci cu bebna ca lo cabdei 18:13 < ldlework> durka42: nevermore though I know that's not what you meant :P 18:14 < durka42> ko pruxygau zo tsani 18:15 < Guest39409> .i sa'e mi masno dukse fi lo ka se sajbi'o la nikservo 18:15 < Guest39409> .i zo tsani na'e ca se pilno 18:16 < Guest39409> .i ku'i na kakne co cmene cenba 18:16 < Guest39409> uai uinai 18:16 < durka42> ko jungau la nikservo tu'a lo do lerpoijaspu 18:16 < ldlework> ie 18:17 < tsanire> .i mi troci 18:18 < tsanire> .i mi pilno zoi zoi /nick tsani zoi .ije lo .irci tutci cu skuspu fi zoi gy Nick tsani is temporarily unavailable gy 18:19 < durka42> .ei pu la'e di'u jungau la nikservo 18:20 < durka42> .y 18:20 < durka42> xu mi jifsku 18:21 < tsanire> .i y 18:22 < tsanire> .i mi pilno zoi zoi /msg nickserv identify tsani *** zoi .ije N mi jungau lo du'u sajbi'o lo du'u mi la tsani ku mintu 18:22 < tsanire> .i ku'i ca'o ku na kakne co selcmebi'o 18:23 < tsanire> .i no'e vajni vau ku'i 18:24 < ldlework> a'o sai doi la tsani ba vitke la jbogu'e 18:24 < tsanire> JG ne la nunji'e remoi ku xu 18:24 < ldlework> ru'e 18:25 < tsanire> .a'u 18:25 < tsanire> .i sa'e mi su'oroi ba'o se nandu co pilno NJ2 18:25 < ldlework> le ciste cu mintu .i ku'i sivni 18:26 < tsanire> ua 18:26 < tsanire> .i ca ma jmaji 18:27 < ldlework> no da .i ku'i puku su'o da jmaji 18:27 < tsanire> ua 18:27 < ldlework> cnino 18:27 < ldlework> la'a se terpa 18:28 < itsa> .i za'a ru'e so'o da cnino lo se .irci 18:28 < ldlework> la niftyg ta'e zvati 18:28 < itsa> ua 18:28 < itsa> .i mi N. pu'o tavla 18:28 < ldlework> tavla bu'u la jbogu'e e'u 18:29 < ldlework> mi ka'e dunda pa jaspo 18:29 < ldlework> fi 18:31 < itsa> .i .ei pa mai mi troci co .instali lo keltutci 18:31 < ldlework> itsa: e'u http://www.singularityviewer.org/downloads 18:32 < ldlework> ti ka'e melbi traji 18:36 < itsa> ki'e 18:37 < itsa> .ai kibycpa 18:38 < durka42> ka'e kibycpa lo virtu'ale munje jarco tutci jenai lo .irci tutci .i'au .u'i 18:40 < itsa> vlaste i'au 18:40 < vlaste> i'au = attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the entire sentence or statement 18:41 < durka42> it's like a super-vau for attitudinals so you don't have to count sub-bridi 18:41 < durka42> one of zipcpi's few good ideas, zo'o 18:42 < itsa> looks like one can measure how long they've been away by the number of unknown cmavo in an average #lojban message :P 18:43 < itsa> .i ku'i lo me zo .i'au ne di'u cu no'e plixau 18:43 < itsa> .i zo vau basti da'i 18:47 < durka42> ie .iku'i lo ta'e pilno be zo .i'au na djica co kancu lo selvisnalka'e me zo vau 18:59 < itsa> je'e 19:00 < noncomcinse> coi 19:02 < itsa> coi la noncomcinse 19:02 < itsa> .i coi la'oi bigcentaur mi'e la tsani 19:02 < noncomcinse> coi la .itsa no'u la tsani 19:02 < tsani> .i ui snada co selcmebi'o ! 19:03 < durka42> uo dai 19:03 < noncomcinse> uanai doi la tsani 19:03 < tsani> .i pluka nu penmi doi la noncomcinse .i xu do selcme lo drata ku ji'a 19:03 < noncomcinse> je'e 19:03 < noncomcinse> mi'e la nejni marji 19:05 < tsani> ua 19:05 < tsani> .i do mo 19:06 < noncomcinse> surla je pendyta'a 19:07 < tsani> ua 19:07 < tsani> mi'u 19:07 < tsani> .i mi kelkansa fi la lutfa'i ku noi simsa li'ai DND 19:08 < tsani> no'u la dunjoni je drakono 19:08 < durka42> doi tsani xu do sanji lo du'u lo nu kibjasyselkei za'o jmive 19:08 < tsani> ja'a ku ! 19:08 < tsani> .i ca lo cabdei mi zgana lo nu makau fasnu 19:08 < bigcentaur> .i coi la .itsa. 19:08 < durka42> ko stidi fi mi .u'i 19:09 < durka42> mi na djuno lo du'u minde fi makau bu'u lo berti 19:09 < tsani> ii 19:09 < tsani> .i .u'u sai lujdu'e fi tu'a mi 19:09 < bigcentaur> Oh, you're tsani again, .i ji'a coi la tsani 19:09 < tsani> .i xelso ga'a mi 19:09 < tsani> bigcentaur: yes! 19:10 < tsani> .i xu la zvati la .montre'al. ca lo crisa 19:10 < noncomcinse> .i mi puza de'a jundi vau .u'u 19:10 < noncomcinse> en: li'ai 19:10 < bigcentaur> .i zo'o mi ba roroi zvati la .montreal. 19:10 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 19:10 < tsani> .u'i 19:11 < noncomcinse> na selsau 19:11 < tsani> .i djica xu co penmi ca da gi'e ckafpinxe jbosnu 19:11 < tsani> noncomcinse: .i la'a mi vlasre 19:11 < tsani> vlaste: la'ai 19:11 < vlaste> la'ai = otherwise lojbanic name, ending in a vowel; multiple names delimited by pauses. 19:11 < tsani> hmm 19:11 < noncomcinse> je'e la tsani 19:11 < durka42> la mensi ca spoja milxe 19:12 < tsani> vlaste: li'ai 19:12 < vlaste> li'ai = unevaluated mekso as name. 19:12 < durka42> ii 19:12 < bigcentaur> I don't remember how "co" works ha 19:12 < tsani> .i la mensi cu cremau 19:12 < tsani> "djica xu co penmi" -> "penmi djica xu" 19:12 < durka42> mi'e li'ai 42 19:12 < tsani> it flips 19:12 < tsani> * it flips tanru 19:12 < bigcentaur> oooh 19:13 < durka42> (it flips anything, if gleki's dumb idea catches on :p ) 19:13 < noncomcinse> Also, it splits the bridi tail. 19:13 < noncomcinse> mi djuno co zvati 19:13 < tsani> Specifically, "broda co brode ko'a" -> "brode be ko'a broda" 19:14 < tsani> durka42: (wtf?) 19:14 < durka42> ie 19:14 < noncomcinse> tsani: .i mi na pu djuno lodu'u makau me'oi .formalexpansion. 19:14 < durka42> and how on earth could you explain that more clearly than "allows modifier trailing sumti without sumti links"?? I mean really, it's just poetry 19:14 < noncomcinse> lo la gleki ku sidbo zo'u mi se cizra 19:15 < noncomcinse> durka42: ie 19:15 < durka42> exp: djica xu co penmi lo crisa co co'a 19:15 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [eE] or [oO] but "a" found. 19:15 < durka42> alta: djica xu co penmi lo crisa co co'a 19:15 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [eE] or [oO] but "a" found. 19:15 < durka42> huh I guess he took it out 19:17 < bigcentaur> .i doi la tsani .i mi sruma lo du'u ji'a do zvati la .montreal. 19:17 < tsani> bigcentaur: .i mi zvati ie 19:17 < bigcentaur> .ui 19:19 < bigcentaur> .i e'u mi'o pinxe loi birje .a loi ckafi 19:21 < bigcentaur> (brb jukpa) 19:26 < noncomcinse> exp: djica xu co penmi 19:26 < mensi> (CU [{djica xu} {co penmi}] VAU) 19:26 < noncomcinse> exp: djica xu co penmi lo crisa co xo'i co'a 19:26 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [eE] or [oO] but "a" found. 19:26 < noncomcinse> en: xo'i 19:26 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 19:26 < noncomcinse> .i mi pu se jungau fi lodu'u zo xo'i cu lebna lo selbri lo sumtcita 19:26 < noncomcinse> vau pe'a 19:27 < noncomcinse> .i uanai 19:29 < tsani> bigcentaur: .i lo birje ku .i'e .i lo cibdei .e lo vondei .e lo xavdei .e lo zeldei cu na'e mapti mi .i ku'i lo bavla'i jeftu zo'u mi zifre ca lo ro vanci 19:32 < bigcentaur> .i zo'o .ue do tolzifre mutce 19:36 < durka42> tsani: zo'o ru'e do zvati ge sampla nunsla ca lo cibde je lo vondei je lo xavdei je lo zeldei 19:39 < durka42> (to cipra fi do fe lo ka xukau ce'u pu'o tcidu lo romoi blogykantu be la selpa'i 19:39 < durka42> toi) 19:39 < tsani> .u'i .i lo xavdei je lo zeldei zo'u sampla nunsla 19:39 < tsani> .i pu'o tcidu 19:39 < durka42> ge sample nunsla 19:39 < durka42> la .penxaks. na ku 19:40 < tsani> .i ca lo jefyfa'o mi zvati la .angeli .xaks. 19:41 < durka42> ua 19:41 < durka42> zo ge cu jai preti za'adai 19:44 < noncomcinse> di'a jundi ru'e 19:47 < durka42> doi noncomcinse xu do nelci lo cnino me zo ge 19:52 < tsani> .i cinri 19:52 < tsani> .i mi nelci 19:53 < tsani> (to ba'o tcidu toi) 19:55 < bigcentaur> .i mi tavla lo mi ckule girzu prenu fi zo gleua ca lo cabdei .i zo gleua ca traji lo ka mi nelci ce'u kei fo lo jbobau 19:56 < durka42> ji'a na vlaturge'a nabmi .u'i 19:58 < tsani> .i ku'i ca lo cibdei je lo vondei na samplasla .i ca lo cibdei lo pampe'o cu vitke .ije ca lo vondei yyyy 19:58 < tsani> .i .u'i ca lo vondei ku milxe co samplasla fi'o se kansa lo so'u pendo 19:59 < durka42> ua 19:59 < durka42> ta'o mi ji'a co'a pampe'o ui 20:00 < tsani> ua ui dai 20:00 < tsani> .i zo'o ka na binxo lo ka simsa la latro'a ku noi ba lo nu ke'a co'a se pampe'o kei ke'a co'u .irci jundi 20:00 < tsani> *ko 20:00 < durka42> .u'i 20:01 < durka42> do minde ma doi .irci naljundi 20:01 < tsani> .u'i 20:01 < bigcentaur> .i doi la .durka42. .i lo drata prenu cu te preti lo zo gleua rafske fo mi 20:01 < durka42> pu lo masti be li so'u co'a .i mi co'unai .irci 20:02 < durka42> bigcentaur: lo drata prenu cu me la .cizypij. xu 20:02 < durka42> mi pu spuda lo re do 20:02 < bigcentaur> na go'i 20:02 < durka42> ua 20:02 < durka42> ja'a spaji vlaturge'a 20:03 < durka42> ku'i na nalcurmi 20:03 < bigcentaur> .i lo prenu poi zvati lo briju be mi 20:04 < durka42> je'e 20:04 < bigcentaur> he saw it and said "three vowels in a row? is that allowed?" 20:04 < tsani> ah but that u isn't a vowel ;) 20:05 < bigcentaur> hahahaha 20:07 < durka42> jbikarsna 20:08 < zipcpi> durka42: My intent with entering certain cmavo clusters like {za'ure'u} and {baze'e} is to construct Lojbanic "idioms". Not in the natural-language sense of a commonly-used metaphor. But rather in the sense that this is what people have agreed to use to express a particular common concept, that I'm sure is a single word in many languages other than English 20:09 < durka42> fair enough 20:09 < durka42> just don't go overboard :) 20:09 < zipcpi> je'e 20:09 < durka42> ko na du'eva'e co zbufusukai 20:10 < zipcpi> u'i je'e 20:10 < durka42> ta'o doi la tsani xu do djica co cmibi'o lo bauspo fazykamni 20:12 < ldlework> we need a big model of a person 20:12 < ldlework> and label all its parts 20:14 < tsani> lu bauspo fuzykamni li'u .u'i sai 20:14 < tsani> .i fuzme ma vau sa'e 20:15 < la_kristan> in the toki pona course I did once, they used a gingerbread man for a person and labeled its parts ... 20:15 < zipcpi> lol 20:16 < zipcpi> bauspo fazykamni jenai fuzykamni 20:16 < zipcpi> ba'ei fanza zei kamni 20:16 < noncomcinse> di'a jundi .i ma se casnu 20:17 < zipcpi> fuzme lo nu baze'e daspo lo jbobau 20:18 < zipcpi> noncomcinse: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni/en 20:19 < ldlework> doi tsani xu do cpacu la pamei jvinu 20:21 < zipcpi> Er did someone replace the 'methods" of my English page with the Lojban version 20:22 < zipcpi> ma poi zbusufukai cu gasnu 20:23 < zipcpi> Er I'm not so sure I like Gleki's translation template right now 20:23 < zipcpi> It appears to be bugging out. Also it prevents users from adding themselves to the English version of the page 20:24 < tsani> zbusufukai ? 20:24 < zipcpi> jbo: zbusufukai 20:24 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 20:24 < zipcpi> doi mensi ko ningau 20:24 < zipcpi> Er 20:24 < durka42> strange 20:24 < zipcpi> mensi: ko ningau 20:24 < tsani> mensi: ko ningau lo nei 20:24 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 20:25 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 20:25 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 20:25 < zipcpi> jbo: zbusufukai 20:25 < mensi> zbusufukai = x1 ckaji lo ka ce'u la bauspo fazykamni x2 simsa gi'a ckini |>>> bysyfyky pacpanra la baupla fuzykamni .i 20:25 < mensi> sa'u zo zbusufukai cu se pilno fi lo nu xamsku lo se du'u x1 ka'esai baze'e daspo lo jbobau |>>> 20:25 < mensi> spheniscine 20:25 < tsani> ua 20:26 < durka42> zipcpi: seems it thinks the english translation of that section is out of date 20:26 < zipcpi> oi 20:28 < durka42> ummmm 20:28 < durka42> I fixed it but there is no Save button on the translate page…? 20:29 < zipcpi> I don't know. I just want to revert the whole thing and send a note to Gleki that his tool was causing problems 20:29 < zipcpi> Also even if you updated the translation now the problem of not being able to easily edit the English page remains 20:29 < durka42> yeah it's weird 20:30 < durka42> co'o 20:30 < zipcpi> ... I can't. I've been locked out 20:30 < zipcpi> "no permission" 20:30 < durka42> whoops probably my fault for trying to edit 20:30 < durka42> even though I failed 20:30 < zipcpi> No 20:30 < zipcpi> Not your fault. It's the tool 20:31 < durka42> well yes :) 20:31 < zipcpi> That's what I meant when I said I can't easily edit the English page. I can't revert it either 20:31 < durka42> co'o 20:31 < zipcpi> co'o 20:32 < noncomcinse> no'e jundi .u'u 20:32 < noncomcinse> .i la'a ba no'e jundi 20:49 < zipcpi> OK I've temporarily fixed it. Methods are now in English. But there's still extra line in the Rules 20:49 < zipcpi> And I don't want the English page to be locked down 20:54 < la_kristan> anyway, back to my long delayed study of Ye Olde Lojban course... 20:54 < la_kristan> co'o 20:54 < zipcpi> co'o 21:01 < bigcentaur> .i mi tatpi .i co'o ro do 21:23 < justeno> coi .i Is there possibly, maybe a course in the works for english speakers on Duolingo? 21:24 < zipcpi> There have been attempts, but I'm not sure where they are right now. Part of the problem is that Duolingo is not very well-adapted for Lojbanic grammar 21:25 < justeno> 'cause Klingon has one...https://www.duolingo.com/course/tlh/en/Learn-Klingon-Online and so does Esperanto. It'd be awesome to see one, and learn from. 21:47 < noncomcinse> co'o mi'e nicte tatpi sipna .ai 21:50 < zipcpi> There are a lot of Lojban words that indicate structure and don't really have any "equivalents" when translated 21:50 < zipcpi> Basically spoken punctuation 23:22 < gleki> zipcpi: but but .. there are "'<> symbols in English :) 23:28 < zipcpi> Yeah but you don't translate Lojban {fa} or {vau} into them 23:31 < zipcpi> As I understand it Duolingo is meant to be a "word-for-word" type method of teaching 23:31 < zipcpi> I'm not very familiar with it though 23:36 < gleki> at some point it will fail 23:37 < zipcpi> True 23:37 < gleki> I think of you = eu penso em voce = I think in you. 23:39 < zipcpi> Oh it isn't that literal 23:39 < zipcpi> But you are supposed to hover over each word and be able to see what it emans 23:40 < zipcpi> And I just can't see it being good for people to hover over {ce'u} and getting "pseudo-quantifier binding a variable within an abstraction that represents an open place." :p 23:41 < zipcpi> Dunno, maybe La Bangu might be helpful there 23:46 < zipcpi> But yeah it's mostly the cmavo that cause problems; though more-complicated place structures can be rather difficult to include in a gloss-bubble too 23:51 < zipcpi> Even your example sentence: mi pensi tu'a do 23:51 < zipcpi> What will we translate {tu'a} as? 23:52 < zipcpi> Hmm... is it correct if my understanding is that cekitaujau merges {tu'a} and {zo'ei} into {tau} --- Day changed Tue Jun 02 2015 00:26 < gleki> idk, why merging them back if {zo'ei} was created exactly to separate the two sense 00:26 < gleki> s 00:26 < zipcpi> Because {zo'ei} is never wrong 00:27 < zipcpi> And was only created because people were not using {tu'a} according to how it was defined 00:27 < zipcpi> I dunno... that's what I think happened anyway 00:28 < zipcpi> And I don't know who proposed cekitaujau and what exactly it changes 00:32 < gleki> en: zo'ei 00:32 < mensi> zo'ei = [LAhE] Something associated with; equivalent to ''zo'e pe'' or "lo co'e be". |>>> There are a lot of cases where 00:32 < mensi> people use "tu'a" where they actually mean zo'ei; once I noticed the usefulness of such a word to elide whole chunks of 00:32 < mensi> sentences, I started wanting it all the time. -camgusmis |>>> rlpowell 00:33 < zipcpi> Yeah it's just {zo'e pe}; something associated with. It can actually replace tu'a 00:34 < gleki> alta: mi djica lo nu lo plise 00:34 < mensi> ([FA mi] [CU {djica SF} {FE } KEI] SF¹) KU>} VAU]) 00:34 < gleki> this is what {tu'a} is for. 00:35 < gleki> it's a workaround for eliding {co'e} with its terminator 00:35 < zipcpi> mi djica lo ka citka lo plise -> {mi djica tu'a lo plise}... but {mi djica zo'ei lo plice} works too 00:36 < zipcpi> And I doubt there is a real need for the specificity of the presence/absence of an abstraction that tu'a does 00:36 < zipcpi> Especially since many place structures already define a place to be an abstraction 00:36 < gleki> i dont understand what was that gleki's idea with sumti tails or {co} 00:38 < zipcpi> So the score is basically... {zo'ei} can replace all uses of {tu'a} without ever being wrong. On the other hand, {tu'a} gives information.... which often is already encoded in the place structure 00:39 < zipcpi> seni'ibo {tu'a} is not needed 00:39 < zipcpi> ca'i BSFK 00:42 < ldlework> zipcpi: mi djica zo'e pe lo plise != mi djica lo ka co'e lo plise 00:43 < zipcpi> mi djica lo kamco'e be lo plise 00:44 < zipcpi> Yes, the latter is more specific 00:44 < ldlework> except that the generated abstraction from tu'a can include other unspecified arguments as well 00:44 < zipcpi> But my point was that the information is 99% of the time redudant 00:44 < zipcpi> And I'm not sure about the 1% 00:45 < ldlework> I can imagine a different world where you were arguing exactly the opposite 00:45 < zipcpi> Because {lo se djica} is already defined to be an abstraction 00:45 < ldlework> that since tu'a generates a full abstraction which can include anything 00:45 < ldlework> it is a superset of anything zo'ei could generate, so zo'ei is redundant 00:45 < zipcpi> No, because tu'a *must* generate an abstraction 00:46 < ldlework> zipcpi: and zo'ei can't generate abstractions with more than a single argument 00:47 < zipcpi> So I can't say mi benji tu'a do do 00:47 < zipcpi> No, it can. zo'e = lo co'e 00:48 < zipcpi> And co'e can have any place structure and mean anything 00:48 < zipcpi> Whether concrete or abstract 00:48 < ldlework> right but you don't generate an abstraction in your mind by going the route of lo kamco'e be ko'a bei ko'e etc 00:48 < ldlework> tu'a is explicitly an abstraction 00:49 < zipcpi> Yes, but why is that explicitness needed? It's already encoded in the place structure 00:49 < zipcpi> It doesn't even distinguish between lo ka, lo du'u, or lo nu 00:50 < ldlework> I'm just saying 00:50 < gleki> tu'a is {lo su'u co'e} except grammar 00:50 < ldlework> its a signal to the listener which seems very effective, so effective I've seen speakers somehow elicit the inclusion of other sumti in the implied abstraction without mentioning them 00:51 < ldlework> maybe zo'ei could do that but i'm suspicious 00:51 < ldlework> I just haven't seen it used well in dense speech with tight contexts 00:52 < zipcpi> "I sent you what is yours" 00:52 < zipcpi> mi benji zo'ei do do 00:53 < ldlework> Yeah it seems very nice when you need zo'e pe 00:53 < ldlework> saves one syllable 00:54 < ldlework> I guess pe'i people use tu'a to intentionally elicit an abstraction even though technically abstractions are "just another kind sumti" 00:54 < ldlework> otherwise you'd just see zo'e pe ko'a where tu'a is found in usage 00:55 < ldlework> where zo'e is implied to be an abstractio nbecause of the outer selbri 00:55 < zipcpi> I dunno... maybe you can bring it up with whoever proposed cekitaujau 00:55 < ldlework> no idea what that is 00:55 < ldlework> just giving my own reasoning 00:56 < zipcpi> It's a "dialect" of Lojban that swaps some common disyllabic cmavo with rare monosyllabic cmavo 00:56 < ldlework> i.... see... 00:56 < zipcpi> ce'u <> ce, ke'a <> ki, tu'a/(zo'ei?) <> tau, jo'u <> jau 00:57 < zipcpi> Also du'u <> du, su'o <> su, ko'oi <> koi 00:58 < ldlework> its not a terrible idea 00:58 < zipcpi> And bu'u <> either bu or zai... I'm not sure if they've decided yet. Probably bu *iff* they figure out how to change "ybu" 00:59 < ldlework> a lojban where you redid all the cmavo would be amazing 00:59 < ldlework> if it were adopted at large and had some sort of rhyme and reason 00:59 < zipcpi> Yeah... la gocti chose to use it when translating the BSFK page. Very zbusufukai 01:17 < zipcpi> I think it *might* be la selpa'i who proposed it. If it isn't him he probably can tell you who 01:27 < zipcpi> ldlework: Is it possible for me to edit the script? 01:27 < zipcpi> Says I can't edit the object 01:28 < ldlework> zipcpi: ah might have to change the perms on it 01:28 < ldlework> will do so in the morning 01:38 < dutchie> coi ro do 01:38 < zipcpi> coi 01:55 < gleki> zipcpi: xu do kakne lo ka stika lo glico papri pe BSFK 01:56 < zipcpi> nago'i 01:58 < gleki> xm 01:59 < gleki> i ua jetnu 02:19 < zipcpi> za'o na ka'e stika 02:21 < ctefa`o> coi 02:21 < zipcpi> coi 02:23 * nuzba @uitki: L17-03 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-03 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1I88KcK] 03:14 < zipcpi> doi .niftyg. xu do ka'e jimpe tu'a ti noi jbobau velcki sei la'o url http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/zei'a url 03:28 < zipcpi> .y. ai mi galfi 03:29 < zipcpi> ca'e tu'a lo sumti poi se tcita cu te zenba jenai ditcu 03:31 * nuzba @uitki: L17-02 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-02 by Gleki - /* Chinese */ [http://bit.ly/1eMNv6D] 03:43 * nuzba @uitki: gadri: an unofficial commentary from a logical point of view - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadri:_an_unofficial_commentary_from_a_logical_point_of_view by Guskant - correct typo [http://bit.ly/1eMOqnL] 03:44 < gleki> there is a problem with the db that prevents that pages from being edited, zipcpi 03:47 < niftg> .u'u mi na zvati ti ca lo nu la zipcpi mi tavla puza 03:53 < zipcpi> xu do ka'e jimpe doi .niftyg. 03:57 < zipcpi> gleki: What can we do about it? 03:57 < zipcpi> Crap I complained about that widget because it can't be edited without being a translation of the Lojban 03:57 < zipcpi> And now it can't be edited at all 03:58 < zipcpi> carmi mabla ke cinki pe'a 04:10 < niftg> mi puzi ba'o ku mu'ida tcidu fi lo ciksi jufra be zo zilzena noi srana zo zei'a 04:12 < niftg> mi pu senpi lo du'u zo zilzena cu dunli lu zi'o zenba li'u kei noi la'a jetnu 04:12 < zipcpi> zo zilzena cu se finti mu'i tu'a lo filsofiia 04:12 < zipcpi> se finti la .ilmen. 04:14 < zipcpi> mi na jimpe ri'a lo ka na certu 04:16 < niftg> ba'a zo ca'o cu ta'e kansa zo zei'a e zo zilzena 04:16 < zipcpi> mi xanka lo du'u lo tadni poi na'e se glibau na ka'e jimpe tu'a zo zilzena ja tu'a zo zildika 04:16 < zipcpi> .isemu'ibo mi ciska tu'a lu zi'o zenba li'u 04:19 < niftg> .u'i sei stace mi so'iroi se frili lo nu jimpe fi lo ciksi jufra be bau lo glico semau lo lojbo 04:23 < zipcpi> lo lojbo velcki su'oroi ckini lo filsofiia 04:23 < zipcpi> ta'oi ja lo cmaci 04:23 < zipcpi> ka'e nandu lo ka se jimpe 04:24 < zipcpi> .y. 04:24 < zipcpi> sa ka'e nandu fa lo nu jimpe 04:25 < niftg> mi puza karbi zo zenba zo zilzena lo ka bau lo lojbo cu ciksi tu'a ce'u fo makau .ibabo jdice jinvi lo du'u zo'ei zo zilzena cu clani ke tcila ja satci dunli zo'ei zo zenba 04:26 < zipcpi> ie 04:28 < niftg> mi ca'o zei'a jimpe fi le jbojufra ca lo nu tcidu ri 04:29 < niftg> di'u drani xu 04:30 < zipcpi> za'a drani 04:33 < niftg> .ui 04:33 < zipcpi> co'oru'e .i ai mi citka lo vanci sanmi 04:33 < niftg> kukteko 04:48 < gleki> zipcpi: wait for robin. or you may change then use a page with another name 04:50 < zipcpi> di'a jundi 04:53 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ta'oi 04:59 < niftg> si'au lo do te vanci cu jibni mi noi xabju lo gugdejupu doi la zipcpi 04:59 < zipcpi> mi zvati lo mejgu'e 05:00 < zipcpi> gugdemuje va'i 05:01 < zipcpi> ca ti'u li cy reno my pa 05:02 < zipcpi> (20:01 / 8:01 pm) 05:07 < niftg> .ua .ue .i tcika mintu 05:08 < zipcpi> a'u 05:08 < niftg> .u'u mi srera 05:09 < niftg> lo pa cacra zo'u tcika frica 05:09 < zipcpi> ie 05:09 < zipcpi> do me la'e me'o u'y ty cy ma'u so 05:10 < zipcpi> .iku'i mi me la'e me'o u'y ty cy ma'u bi 05:10 < niftg> ie 05:11 < niftg> xu do ze'u zvati lo mejgu'e 05:12 < zipcpi> ie mi jbena je co'a makcu bu'u my 05:14 < niftg> iepei do meljo prenu 05:14 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 05:14 < niftg> la mensi cu meljo prenu 05:14 < zipcpi> u'i 05:23 < gleki> es: ckuliki 05:24 < zipcpi> co'oru'e ai mi lumci mi 05:24 < mensi> ckuliki = x1 es un mosquito |>>> Véase también blusfani |>>> Ilmen 05:25 < gleki> lo se ckuliki cu mo 05:30 < zipcpi> Er, species/breed, just like every other animal/plant word 05:31 < zipcpi> Ilmen just doesn't like that place 05:31 < zipcpi> So he didn't add them when he defined them 05:32 < zipcpi> In my "parallel universe Lojban" /eu/ would be a valid diphthong 05:33 < gleki> in la alta it's = e'u 05:33 < zipcpi> It's not in English, but it's distinctive enough to avoid confusion pe'i, and it'd increase cmavo and rafsi space just that more 05:34 < gleki> some Lojbanic tribes pronounce {e'u} as {eiu}, some as {eu} 05:34 < zipcpi> Doesn't {eiu} break? 05:35 < zipcpi> -> {e iu} 05:36 < zipcpi> Not to mention the complexities involving lujvo and zi'evla 05:36 < zipcpi> I really don't know how many "Lojbanic tribes" there are 05:37 < zipcpi> If you might have noticed I had a really long monologue against what seems to be a "tribe" that really hates {y} 05:37 < zipcpi> And I was like... what, are you just gonna go {cucucucucucu} instead then? 05:38 * Broca . o O ( Xagvar dialect ) 05:38 < zipcpi> Eh? 05:40 <@Broca> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/jbotut 05:43 < gleki> in those dialects {eiu} is not the same as {e.iu} 05:58 < zipcpi> mi tatpi co'o 06:00 * nuzba @hinoki__: 私には見えます。絵文字の並びだけで意思疎通をする人々、国境なきUnicodeの未来が! (文法は工学言語Lojbanを採用しようぜ) [http://bit.ly/1ESc5Ig] 06:01 < niftg> emojiban 06:01 < niftg> sa'ai emojban 06:13 * nuzba @hinoki__: Lojbanの文法、プログラミング言語にも転用できるほど厳格だと謳ってるけど、実装するとなると解析速度とか気になりそう。なかなかいろんな手段(文法多様?)があるように感じマス。 [http://bit.ly/1eN42Yf] 06:18 < niftg> za'a tavla fi lo nu da'i da jbobau curve samplabau 07:00 < gleki> mi jimpe no da lo ponjo 07:04 * nuzba @uitki: Sandbox - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Sandbox by Guskant [http://bit.ly/1STkXbl] 07:41 < noncomcinse> coi 07:41 < durka42> coi 07:43 < durka42> si'au mi dei'a ui bilma 07:44 < noncomcinse> ui dai 07:44 < dutchie> coi .i .uidai 07:44 < durka42> coi la .dutcis. .i do mo 07:47 < dutchie> jibri 07:47 < durka42> ma jibri do 07:49 < noncomcinse> .i ca .ai mi jukpa lo cersai 07:49 < dutchie> lo skami ku jibri mi 07:49 < noncomcinse> lo'ai ca sa'ai caku le'ai 07:50 < noncomcinse> ua 07:50 < noncomcinse> mo skami jibri 07:52 < dutchie> lo so'imei cu skami jibri 07:52 < noncomcinse> .i .au ba lonu ckule ku mi co'e skami jibri 07:56 < dutchie> .i .u'i ba lonu skami jibri ku mi co'e la'acu'i za'ure'u ckule 07:56 < noncomcinse> ua 08:03 < dutchie> .i do xabja mo poi gugde 08:10 < durka42> mi xabju lo mergu'e 08:14 < noncomcinse> .i ji'a mi mergu'e xabju 08:17 < dutchie> ku'i mi xabju gligu'e 08:19 < dutchie> lo'ai gligu'e sa'i lo gligu'e lo'ai (?) 08:20 < dutchie> .u'i sa'ai sa'ai 08:20 < noncomcinse> lu lo'ai srera sa'ai drata le'ai li'u 08:20 < durka42> do xabju lo gligu'e 08:21 < dutchie> ue ki'e 08:21 < dutchie> sa'ai ie 08:26 < dutchie> .i ti traji fi 08:26 < dutchie> oops 08:26 < dutchie> that wasn't backspace 08:32 < noncomcinse> .u'i 08:44 < zipcpi> On Minecraft translation: Some of these are complicated because of lack of context 08:44 < zipcpi> I mean... "All". "None" 08:44 < zipcpi> I think "ro da" and "no da" is often incorrect 08:51 < durka42> hmm 08:51 < durka42> is it going to like paste them together into phrases 08:52 < durka42> like "All Items" => "All" + "Items" => {ro da lo dacti} 08:52 < durka42> because I could see how that is bad yes 08:53 < dutchie> i'd hope that any programmer would know that's not how you provide strings for translation 08:53 < dutchie> but i wouldn't put anything past mojang 08:54 < noncomcinse> ue 08:54 < noncomcinse> la .mainkraft. zo'u mo 08:55 < noncomcinse> .i mi na se slabu lonu fanva 08:55 < zipcpi> jai se troci fai lo nu fanva 08:55 < noncomcinse> ma troci 08:56 < zipcpi> https://crowdin.com/project/minecraft/jbo/activity 08:58 < zipcpi> I *think* "all" or "none" are buttons or GUI elements? In which case I would render them "ro xai" and "no xai" 08:58 < noncomcinse> ua 08:58 < ctefa`o> coi 08:58 < dutchie> ma poi samyzilkei cu se fanva fi la lojban. 08:58 < noncomcinse> ki'a zo xai 08:59 < zipcpi> la .mainkraft. goiru'e la nunkakpa doi .datcis. 09:01 < dutchie> la .mainkraft. slabu mi 09:01 < dutchie> i wanted to ask which other games had lojban translations 09:01 < zipcpi> I also wish you can hide comments for all the other languages? 09:01 < durka42> zipcpi: ...which of the 25 definitions of {xai} do you use again? 09:01 < ctefa`o> ta'a Which one is the bot that lets you check grammar correctness? 09:02 < dutchie> camxes: go'i 09:02 < camxes> (go'i VAU) 09:02 < ctefa`o> ua ki'e 09:02 < noncomcinse> camxes: gerna xu 09:02 < camxes> ([gerna xu] VAU) 09:02 < zipcpi> durka42: Er, "they"? 09:02 < zipcpi> Unspecified multiple referents 09:02 < durka42> je'e 09:03 < zipcpi> Gleki's COI variant is replaced by coi'o 09:03 < zipcpi> Or I think it's co'oi 09:04 < zipcpi> Yeah it's co'oi 09:04 < durka42> oh good 09:09 < zipcpi> Any particular objections of xunro'i being "x1 is a quantity of redstone"? 09:10 < noncomcinse> I guess redstone is a stone which is red, yeah 09:10 < zipcpi> Well it'd be defined as Jargon Type: Minecraft 09:10 < zipcpi> So it'd refer to that very specific substance, not just a stone that is red 09:10 < noncomcinse> .i tugni 09:10 < ctefa`o> But redstone is a special type of red stone;) 09:11 < ctefa`o> Is it even a rokci? 09:11 < zipcpi> Well it comes from a rokci, although you often encounter it as dust... 09:12 < zipcpi> Anyway lujvo are sometimes allowed to be a little metaphorical 09:12 < zipcpi> They call them cimjvo 09:12 < noncomcinse> lu xunro'i pulce li'u .e'u 09:12 < zipcpi> That would be for translating "Redstone Dust" 09:12 < noncomcinse> je'u 09:13 < zipcpi> The substance would still be xunro'i 09:13 < dutchie> pe'i you really only talk about redstone dust/ore/blocks 09:13 < dutchie> not redstone on its own as a substance 09:13 < zipcpi> Oh... how about "ore" 09:14 < zipcpi> Yeah but it'd do no good to define brivla for each of those would it? :p 09:14 < dutchie> ie 09:15 < durka42> what is "ore" anyway? {jinme krasi}? 09:15 < zipcpi> jinme won't work for redstone :p 09:15 < durka42> vlaste: kunra 09:15 < vlaste> kunra = x1 is/contains/is made from a mineral/ore of type/metal x2 mined from location/lode/mine x3. 09:16 < zipcpi> ua 09:16 < durka42> ua se'i toi'e ji'a 09:16 < zipcpi> Didn't know that was a gismu 09:16 < zipcpi> I was expecting to find palkemseltrugu'ero'i or something :p 09:16 < durka42> .u'i 09:16 < noncomcinse> the ore-block, maybe? 09:17 < zipcpi> Block is kubli 09:18 < zipcpi> Oh no, bliku is better 09:19 < noncomcinse> I mean 09:19 < noncomcinse> the ore that you'd mine from the ground? 09:19 < noncomcinse> or the one you get from sticking 9 thingies in a crafting ttab/e? 09:19 < zipcpi> Oh 09:20 < zipcpi> The nine things make a xunro'i bliku, pe'i 09:20 < zipcpi> The ground one is kunra 09:20 < zipcpi> The x3 gives a clue there 09:23 < zipcpi> daptutra for Nether? 09:23 < zipcpi> THat would be the exact same word for hell 09:24 < durka42> .w nether 09:24 < noncomcinse> en: daptutra 09:24 < mensi> daptutra [< dapma tutra ≈ Curse territory] = t1=d2 is a hell/cursed territory cursed by t2=d1. |>>> Cf. pacraistu, 09:24 < phenny> nether — noun: 1. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Oppression; stress; a withering or stunting influence, 2. (mining) A trouble; a fault or dislocation in a seam of coal — verb: 1. (trans., UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To bring or thrust down; bring or make low; lower; abase; humble,[...] 09:24 < mensi> pacruxtutra, ceirselxa'u, ceizda, lijda. |>>> sarefo 09:24 < durka42> wait, is this the mining sense of "nether" then? 09:25 < zipcpi> comparator? I think that will have to use one of those logic brivla that those guys entered the other day 09:25 < noncomcinse> hell? 09:25 < noncomcinse> zipcpi: what logic brivla? 09:25 < zipcpi> Something about logic gates and such 09:25 < noncomcinse> xm 09:25 < noncomcinse> na selsau 09:25 < zipcpi> mi ji'a 09:26 < zipcpi> But technically redstone could be lojro'i too :p 09:26 < zipcpi> But in my mind what happened was that redstone was found and named *before* its logji-useful properties were discovered 09:27 < durka42> I thought redstone was dicro'i 09:28 < zipcpi> It doesn't actually work like dikca 09:28 < ctefa`o> Isn't it more minecraft jargong, deserving a fu'ivla? 09:28 < ctefa`o> It only makes sense in a minecraft context 09:28 < zipcpi> Hmm... are you worried that xunro'i might be needed to mean something else? 09:28 < zipcpi> exp: xu'unro'i 09:28 < mensi> (CU [xu'unro'i VAU]) 09:28 < durka42> I think you should use {xunro'i} :) 09:29 < ctefa`o> Well it is more that that is what fu'ivla are for 09:29 < ctefa`o> Narrow and specific jargong 09:29 < durka42> {xu'unro'i} is a lujvo apparently 09:29 < zipcpi> Meh, no one cares what they are originally for anyway. We don't even call them fu'ivla anymore 09:30 < noncomcinse> je'u 09:30 < zipcpi> Oh right n-hyphen when r would create a double 09:30 < ctefa`o> Well ok to put it this way you want a very specific word here 09:31 < zipcpi> xunro'i != xunre rokci 09:31 < ctefa`o> or term 09:31 < ctefa`o> I know 09:32 < ctefa`o> But redstone is not just a red rock-ish substance. It has other very specific properties not encompassed by either "rock" or "red" 09:32 < zipcpi> Meh {ca'i BSFK} I wish they'd just decouple lujvo forms already. That way if unexpectedly they need another lujvo from {xunre rokci} they could make it {xu'enro'i} or something 09:33 < zipcpi> I don't like making long lujvo 09:33 < zipcpi> Otherwise you'd end up with jefydiknalgundei for "weekend" 09:34 < zipcpi> veljvo aren't supposed to include all the possible shades of meaning of the word 09:34 < durka42> agreed with that last 09:35 < durka42> doesn't mean we should make veljvo even less discoverable :p 09:35 < ctefa`o> I suppose "redstaun" is out of the question;) 09:35 < ctefa`o> Hmm nvm it doesn't work 09:35 < noncomcinse> cmevla 09:35 < smisituhu> redystaun even 09:36 < ctefa`o> Right, redystaun 09:36 < durka42> blah this why we never get any words created 09:36 < durka42> xunro'i! xunro'i! xunro'i! 09:36 < zipcpi> Well if you are willing to accept the cmevla-brivla merge (implemented by the experimental parser thus official as far as the BSFK is concerned), then perhaps cmevla would be good for "jargon" words 09:36 < smisituhu> ca'e zo xunroki co'e 09:36 < durka42> zipcpi: no I don't like that all 09:36 < durka42> cmevla shouldn't have place structures 09:36 < ctefa`o> cmevla-brivla merge? 09:36 < ctefa`o> Wtf have I missed 09:37 < zipcpi> durka42: Then just make it a tanru 09:37 < ctefa`o> Agreed durka 09:37 < smisituhu> camxes: +exp lo gi'ek cu mo 09:37 < camxes> ([lo gi'ek KU] [cu {mo VAU}]) 09:37 < ctefa`o> agreed-cai 09:37 < zipcpi> e.g. lo .mypaxas. celxa'i = "M16 gun" 09:37 < zipcpi> Still has the same place structure as celxa'i 09:38 < ctefa`o> Well tanru is another thing 09:38 < ctefa`o> camxes: mi cmevlas 09:38 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "c" found. 09:38 < durka42> camxes: +exp mi cmevlas 09:38 < camxes> (mi [CU {cmevlas VAU}]) 09:38 < ctefa`o> err 09:38 < ctefa`o> Right 09:38 < ctefa`o> Now what the crap does that mean 09:38 < smisituhu> mi me lo se cmene be zo cmevlas 09:38 < ctefa`o> And don't make it a cheap way of saying "mi'e cmevlas" 09:38 < smisituhu> sei refkursi 09:39 < zipcpi> It may be "cheap" that way, but what about {ti .spagetis.} (pretend we don't already have a dozen brivla for spaghetti) 09:40 < durka42> so basically you throw out all the brivla formation rules, plus add a bunch of pauses everywhere 09:40 < durka42> that's the really ugly side of the brivla cmevla merge and I don't want it to happen :( 09:40 < zipcpi> I agree that brivla should be an end goal 09:40 < zipcpi> But sometimes it's impractical 09:41 < zipcpi> What about things like Pokemon or city names? 09:41 < zipcpi> Must they all get a brivla? 09:41 < ctefa`o> "ti spageti"? 09:41 < durka42> if {ti .spagetis.} can mean "This is spaghetti", how do you have something named Spaghetti? 09:41 < zipcpi> And if they don't get brivla, then we'd have to put "me la"s everywhere 09:41 < durka42> it doesn't work 09:41 < durka42> well sometimes that's the price we pay for unambiguity! 09:41 < zipcpi> {la} still refers to a name 09:41 * smisituhu usually goes overboard with forcing everything into brivla form 09:42 < ctefa`o> "ti spageti" is that bad compared to "ti spagetis"? 09:42 < noncomcinse> vlatai: spageti 09:42 < zipcpi> I said we were pretending that "spageti" doesn't exist 09:42 < ctefa`o> Uhn 09:42 < ctefa`o> Uhn 09:42 < ctefa`o> Err 09:42 < noncomcinse> .i mi na jundi ca la'edi'u la'a 09:42 < ctefa`o> Uhm* 09:42 < ctefa`o> ok 09:42 < ctefa`o> So we pretend fu'ivla do not exist 09:42 < ctefa`o> Gotcha 09:42 < smisituhu> but I can't imagine myself saying {terjomrgi'e} N times when just {gi'ek} can do the job 09:43 < noncomcinse> I enabled my touchpad drivers and suddenly it turned weird 09:43 < ctefa`o> Solution: Stop pretending fu'ivla don't exist and use them? 09:43 < zipcpi> What I mean is that we are pretending that Lojban is still new and we haven't sorted out how to zi'evla-ize "spaghetti" 09:43 < ctefa`o> Unless you can find a better example 09:43 < smisituhu> "lasagna" mu'a 09:43 < noncomcinse> .u'u fliba lonu co'a .irci lo drata 09:43 < ctefa`o> But it makes no sense to pretend that 09:44 < smisituhu> to je'e je'e i zo lanzana toi 09:44 < ctefa`o> This use is what fu'ivla is FOR 09:44 < zipcpi> ctefa'o: Sure we do. That's what we always do when demonstrating the "four stages of fu'ivla" 09:45 < zipcpi> Otherwise we'd have to keep finding new words. Which someone would probably zi'evla-ize soon after we talk about them 09:45 < zipcpi> Unless we bring up Pokemon names 09:46 < ctefa`o> But ok, let's pretend zi'evla do not exist 09:46 < ctefa`o> And we want to say spaghetti 09:47 < zipcpi> And besides, even {ti me la .spagetis.} is not semantically accurate 09:47 < ctefa`o> You obviously can't use a name unless you have named your spagetti dish that;) 09:47 < zipcpi> {la} is supposed to signal a "proper" name 09:47 < fwilson> so I'm learning lojban currently, and I'm on numbers -- can I just repeat ki'o for something like two million (i.e. is re ki'o ki'o correct?) 09:47 < zipcpi> Like lo zipcpi = a penguin. la zipcpi = One who is named "Penguin", i.e. me 09:47 < noncomcinse> ti poi rokci cu me la .djan. 09:48 < ctefa`o> mi citka la .spagetis. 09:48 < smisituhu> fwilson: go'i 09:48 < noncomcinse> plot twist, it's my pet rock 09:48 < fwilson> smisituhu: thanks! 09:48 < zipcpi> That would mean "You eat something that is named "Spaghetti"" ; note the capital 09:48 < ctefa`o> We could use a lujvo 09:48 < ctefa`o> I know 09:49 < smisituhu> mi citka lo ro la .spagetis. ku poi zvati lo mi zdani 09:49 <@xalbo> .i mi pu kurji lo rokci .i ri morsi 09:49 < ctefa`o> We could use a lujvo or a tanru 09:49 < zipcpi> We can't do that for everything. Even less practically than zi'evla 09:49 < ctefa`o> Hey xalbo we are pretending zi'evla don't exist, wanna join?:) 09:49 < ctefa`o> Right zipcpi 09:50 <@xalbo> Why are we pretending that? 09:50 < ctefa`o> I dunno 09:50 < smisituhu> Proposal: throw away spoken/written isomorphism, use me'oi for everything 09:50 < zipcpi> No you are not getting the point 09:50 < ctefa`o> smisituhu: !! 09:50 < zipcpi> My point is to demonstrate a different way of making what is known as "type-2 fu'ivla" 09:50 < smisituhu> bu'a'a 09:51 < ctefa`o> I thought we were supposed to pretend zi'evlas didn't exist at all? 09:51 < ctefa`o> Ok so type-2 does 09:51 < ctefa`o> Go on 09:51 < zipcpi> Not that they didn't exist at all, but that we *haven't* to decided how to zi'evla-ize whatever it is we want to discuss 09:52 < smisituhu> ge na ku ro fu'ivla cu zi'evla 09:52 < ctefa`o> Ok ok 09:52 < smisituhu> gi na ku ro zi'evla cu fu'ivla 09:52 < zipcpi> Or we have decided *not* to zi'evla-ize it for some reason or other 09:52 < ctefa`o> Ok, so, basically, you want "names for concepts" to be treated as selbri 09:53 < zipcpi> That's what the cmevla-brivla merge is 09:53 < zipcpi> I wasn't the one who proposed it 09:53 < ctefa`o> But you seem to support it 09:53 < zipcpi> Yes 09:54 < noncomcinse> .i xunai ma'a casnu la .mainkraft. pu tu'a lo cmevla joi brivla 09:54 < ctefa`o> Can we at least stick with a cmavo to indicate "this is not an actual relation but a name dor one"? 09:54 < zipcpi> That's is {la} 09:54 < ctefa`o> Uhm 09:55 <@xalbo> Even given cmevla-brivla merge (which I oppose in the current world, due to backwards incompatibility), it seems like you're going well beyond that. 09:55 < zipcpi> How am I going "beyond" that? 09:56 <@xalbo> As I understand it, the proposed place structure for a cmevla used as a selbri is "x1 is the thing named ", not "x1 is an instance of the concept described by the foreign word " 09:57 < ctefa`o> ...anyway "redystaun" is my proposal for "redstone" from minecraft 09:57 <@xalbo> {ti .spagetis.} would mean "This is Spaghetti", not "This is spaghetti." 09:57 < zipcpi> No, I think that's even worse than whatever damage the cmevla-brivla merge as I understand it could do 09:57 * smisituhu names spaghetti Spaghetti 09:57 < smisituhu> problem solved, no? 09:58 < ctefa`o> Then again me myself have a few radical ideas that would make selpa'i seem mild;) 09:58 < zipcpi> The cmevla-brivla merge as I understand it have two goals 09:58 * xalbo se mapku lo pimlu gi'e te cmene fi zo .makaronis. 09:58 < smisituhu> ma mu'a doi .nictyfam. 09:58 < smisituhu> .i'e doi te cmene 09:59 < zipcpi> One: Make {la} names able to mix cmevla and brivla. Otherwise we'd have trouble with people who have brivla-ized one part of their name but not the other 09:59 < zipcpi> Two: Make type-2 fu'ivla simpler *and* more semantically correct by not invoking a "non-proper-noun" use of {la} 10:00 < zipcpi> So {mi .djan.} would still be incorrect 10:00 < ctefa`o> Can you just not invent another cmavo that doesn't use "la"? 10:00 < zipcpi> What would that be? la'ai'a? 10:00 < zipcpi> There isn't that much cmavo space left 10:00 < smisituhu> {le} 10:00 < smisituhu> si 10:01 < zipcpi> {le} doesn't work without the cmevla-brivla merge 10:01 < smisituhu> (I know, I'm just stirring up argument for all the wrong reasons) 10:01 <@xalbo> What are you proposing for the place structure of {.djan.} (or {.spagetis.}, or any other cmevla)? 10:01 < smisituhu> ei sai mi sisti 10:02 < zipcpi> cmevla are considered to always have a {za'e} attached to them 10:02 < ctefa`o> "mi copin" 10:02 < zipcpi> So they mean whatever they mean. If we want it to always mean a single concept, we make a brivla. 10:03 < durka42> I always figured it would be {.cmevlas. = x1 me la .cmevlas.} 10:03 < ctefa`o> "mi grotrunkar" 10:03 < ctefa`o> Hey if this means we can get grotrunkar into the dictionary I am all for it 10:03 < zipcpi> durka42: That just brings up the {la} problem I was trying to point out 10:04 < ctefa`o> (Casually hopes there are no other swedes around) 10:05 < ctefa`o> Casually/Heavily/whatever 10:05 < ctefa`o> Nvm 10:05 <@xalbo> It seems like you're trying to make cmevla act like stage 4 fu'ivla. 10:05 * ctefa`o out 10:05 < ctefa`o> Oh 10:05 < zipcpi> No, stage-2 10:05 < zipcpi> They are grammatically brivla, but will not be like brivla 10:05 < ctefa`o> Make stage 4 act like stage 2, you mean doi xalbo? 10:06 < zipcpi> There are still good reasons to eventually make brivla out of most concepts 10:06 < ctefa`o> Eh other way around 10:07 < zipcpi> ta'onai though perhaps redstone should indeed be {xunroki}? 10:07 <@xalbo> It sounds like your version of {ti .spagetis.} would mean mean the same thing as CLL {ti me la .spagetis.}. 10:07 < zipcpi> Yes. 10:07 < zipcpi> But I pointed out that CLL's usage isn't semantically accurate 10:07 < durka42> sure why not {xunroki} :) 10:07 <@xalbo> In practice, no one uses stage 2 anyway, because why bother lojbanizing something into a cmevla instead of lojbanizing it into a full brivla and being able to actually use it? 10:08 < ctefa`o> ++ 10:08 * ctefa`o out x2 10:08 < ctefa`o> co'o 10:08 < zipcpi> xalbo: What about Pokemon names then? 10:08 < zipcpi> Or when in conversation you just haven't decided how to make something conform into a zi'evla form? 10:08 <@xalbo> en: xavyrebyfagdaskycizborda'u 10:09 < mensi> [< xa rebla fagri daski cizra bo danlu ≈ 6 tail fire pocket strange | animal] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se 10:09 < mensi> tolcri 10:09 < mensi> xavreblyfagdaskycizbordal[24903], xavyrebyfagdaskycizbordal[24973], xavreblyfagdaskycizborda'u[25392], 10:09 < mensi> xavyrebyfagdaskycizborda'u[25462], xavreblyfagdaskycizbordanlu[26942], ... 10:09 <@xalbo> I'm not sure that it's any easier to lojbanize into a cmevla than a fu'ivla, is it? 10:09 < smisituhu> lo voi na ka'e zbasu lo brivla fau lo nu fleta'a cu sa'u na se jbobau 10:09 < zipcpi> Of course it is. I often have to make several tries to find an acceptable zi'evla 10:10 < zipcpi> There's tosmabru, slinku'i, and unintended lujvo 10:11 < zipcpi> Not too difficult *given some time to think* 10:11 < zipcpi> Sometimes you don't have that time 10:11 <@xalbo> {me'oi} is handy. 10:11 < durka42> I think this is going in circles .u'i 10:11 <@xalbo> Then you don't even need to coerce it into a cmevla. 10:11 < zipcpi> Yes, but ugly in "formal" text 10:12 <@xalbo> In formal text you have the time to think. 10:12 < zipcpi> Again, see pokemon names 10:12 < zipcpi> Sometimes even *with* time to think you may not *want* to make a brivla 10:13 < gocti> lo cilce pokmonepamupa cu tolcanci ! 10:13 < zipcpi> Yes, I have heard the "name them all by number" joke 10:14 < durka42> xekcedisorexa 10:15 < durka42> si xekcedisoreze 10:15 < zipcpi> Even outside some fictional context like Pokemon, do we really want brivla for things like "M16 gun"? 10:15 < zipcpi> Or the names of cities? 10:15 < zipcpi> Heck even the names of countries are under dispute, as ISO designations come and go 10:15 < durka42> I've been saying thinks like {la berti .atlantik. xamsi} in diplomacy a lot 10:15 < durka42> things* 10:16 < zipcpi> Then you are already in the cmevla-brivla merge camp 10:16 < durka42> I'm a moderate merger 10:16 < zipcpi> Well you've already accepted the "hard" bit; throwing out the old grammar 10:16 < durka42> grammar is easy 10:16 < durka42> semantics are hard :p 10:16 <@xalbo> (The moderates are always the second against the wall, no matter which side of the revolution wins.) 10:17 < durka42> true 10:17 < smisituhu> I used to be against, but the merged grammar started appearing in my speech without me noticing at first 10:17 < durka42> heh 10:18 <@xalbo> smisituhu: Do I know you under another name? Are you karmanaut-si-unidan-si-selpa'i too? 10:18 < smisituhu> mi'e jbopre .i xu su'o drata bridi cu jai sarcu 10:18 < smisituhu> (to je'e do'u lu mi'e jbopre li'u na bridi toi) 10:19 < durka42> la selpa'i cu litru lo na'e se .irci 10:19 < zipcpi> durka42: What I'm trying to point out is that you can also use {lo} there. Even if you are uncertain of using the place structure of {.atlantik.}, the place structure of the tanru is that of {xamsi} 10:20 < durka42> welll 10:20 < durka42> yes kinda 10:20 < durka42> I am referring to the thing called The North Atlantic Ocean though 10:20 < durka42> not any other north Atlantic ocean(s) 10:21 < zipcpi> True... but then that gets into another argument... you see, Lojban uses "common names" and brivla where most other languages do use "proper names" 10:21 < zipcpi> See {pavma'i} et al 10:22 < zipcpi> Not that there is anything *wrong* with that though 10:22 <@xalbo> (You probably wanted {la berti ke .atlantik. xamsi} anyway.) 10:22 < zipcpi> The place sturcture of {pavma'i} is still useful 10:22 < durka42> xalbo: probably yes 10:23 < smisituhu> Many languages treat months like normal nouns 10:23 < zipcpi> I dunno... but I'm sure there are some very extremely specific brivla 10:23 < zipcpi> Oh yeah what about countries? 10:24 < smisituhu> en: pinkipai 10:24 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:24 < durka42> spanish has that crazy rule where "the monday" means either "monday" or "on monday" 10:24 < smisituhu> vlaste: pinkipai 10:24 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/pinkipai 10:24 < smisituhu> ei mi galcmicu'a 10:25 < smisituhu> mensi: ko ningau 10:25 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 10:25 < zipcpi> ... did you just add that? 10:25 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 10:25 < smisituhu> en: pinkipai 10:25 < mensi> pinkipai = x1 is Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony |>>> Also: flatacai ~ Fluttershy; tu'ailspake ~ Twilight Sparkle, but 10:25 < mensi> jbovlastes morphology checker is not up to date, so this word can't be entered into the database yet. It's 10:25 < mensi> morphologically fine by today's standards, however, so feel free to use tu'ailspake. |>>> 10:25 < mensi> selpahi 10:25 < smisituhu> na go'i .i laldo 10:25 < smisituhu> .i detri fa li 2012 10:26 < zipcpi> {lai mi dirba xirma} ? 10:26 <@xalbo> For countries, I'd say the best practice is to make a fu'ivla from the local name, if you know it. In informal contexts, use a cmevla from whatever name you do know. 10:27 < durka42> apparently vlatai is now up to date enough to accept {tu'ailspake} :) 10:29 < smisituhu> (pop quiz, how many of you got the stress right when first reading {pinkipai}?) 10:30 < zipcpi> mi na go'i 10:30 < zipcpi> u'i se'i 10:30 < smisituhu> mi zo'u mi'u 10:31 <@xalbo> I got it right, and even thought to myself how odd the stress sounded. 10:31 < smisituhu> io 10:33 < zipcpi> We really need to get a forum for the minecraft translation project 10:35 < noncomcinse> xu la jbosnu cu mapti 10:35 < zipcpi> No it needs to be asynchronous 10:35 < noncomcinse> ki'a 10:36 < zipcpi> There are comment threads on the thingy itself but it's mixed with all the other translation attempts from all the other languages 10:36 < zipcpi> Erm, meaning that when I post a message there it stays there even if you're not present to receive it. 10:37 < zipcpi> Also I wish I could annotate my translations 10:37 < zipcpi> Like why I think a certain wording is better than another 10:37 < noncomcinse> y 10:38 < noncomcinse> http://lojban.freeforums.net 10:38 < noncomcinse> pei 10:38 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/xunroki ca'i BSFK this is now a word 10:38 < zipcpi> Yeah that could work. Only wish the crowdin made it much more convenient 10:39 < smisituhu> noncomcinse: ba'a nai freeforums has a genuinely evil ToS 10:39 < noncomcinse> My other thought would be hithub 10:39 < noncomcinse> smisituhu: What do they have in it? 10:40 < zipcpi> mi'a baze'e ponse lo pruxi be do 10:40 * smisituhu cu sisku 10:42 < noncomcinse> *github 10:42 < smisituhu> "YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT THE PROBOARDS PARTIES MAY PUBLISH OR OTHERWISE DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR EXERCISE OF THE LICENSE GRANTED UNDER THIS SECTION. YOU AGREE TO WAIVE, AND HEREBY WAIVE, ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THE EXERCISE BY THE PROBOARDS PARTIES OF THE RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER THIS SECTION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CLAIMS RELATING TO YOUR RIGHTS OF 10:42 < smisituhu> PERSONAL PRIVACY AND PUBLICITY. YOU WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED FOR ANY EXERCISE OF THE LICENSE GRANTED UNDER THIS SECTION. 10:42 < smisituhu> " 10:42 < smisituhu> ko fraxu fi tu'a lo ga'e zei lerfu 10:42 < zipcpi> Guess I wasn't too far off with my Lojban "translation" :p 10:42 < smisituhu> iep 10:44 < zipcpi> Also need to do more taxonomy zi'evla. Specifically plant names 10:45 < noncomcinse> wow 10:47 < zipcpi> Who entered the xunro'i variants? 10:48 < zipcpi> "robin0van0der0v" 10:49 < zipcpi> Oh by the way sword is {cladaxi}. Much easier on the tongue than {cladakyxa'i}. Besides, that makes "short sword" awkward to say 10:57 < zipcpi> ... what's with the dialect that favors {ku} over {cu} 10:57 < zipcpi> I don't understand it 10:58 < zipcpi> I mean I understand the Lojban, but I don't understand why one would prefer {ku} over {cu} 11:09 < zipcpi> {cu} marks a selbri better, and is less likely to be wrong when abstractions are involved 11:10 < b_jonas> zipcpi: sword? I need a way to clearly distinguish explosive-powered projectile weapons from muscle-powered ones first 11:10 < zipcpi> Erm, does sword ever mean the former? 11:10 < b_jonas> no 11:10 < b_jonas> but {cacla} and the like are ambiguous 11:11 < b_jonas> and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to disambiguate 11:11 < zipcpi> Yeah... 11:12 < b_jonas> we get words that mean either bullet or arrow, which is fine for metaphors like "fast like a bullet" or "Cupido's arrows" but not when you're discussing actual weapon use 11:13 < zipcpi> arrow is celga'a 11:13 < b_jonas> and lujvo that are ambiguous between bow or gun, crossbow or pistol, gastraphetes or machine gun, catapult or ballista or cannon 11:13 < zipcpi> The latter ones probably are better as zi'evla 11:14 < b_jonas> I for one think we just need a single new gismu that means gunpowder or other similar explosive, and then we can easily make clear words for all these 11:14 < b_jonas> (not strictly "gunpowder", because newer explosives are used in cannons too) 11:14 < zipcpi> {spoja}? 11:15 < b_jonas> (canons and firearms) 11:15 < durka42> spoja pulce 11:15 < b_jonas> zipcpi: or {trano} or something, yes 11:15 < zipcpi> Nah 11:15 < b_jonas> why not? 11:15 < zipcpi> Too dependent 11:15 < b_jonas> {trano} probably covers all the explosives 11:16 < zipcpi> And also too vague 11:16 < b_jonas> maybe not futuristic tech like electromagnetic railguns, but do those even count as firearms? 11:16 < b_jonas> zipcpi: even together with one of {cecla} or {danti}? 11:16 < zipcpi> Why do is the method of propulsion even important? The taxonomy should first split "bow" from "gun" 11:17 < b_jonas> hmm yeah... there's grenades that are launched with muscle power but then explode 11:18 < b_jonas> zipcpi: what distinguishes "bow" from "gun"? I think it's muscle power versus chemical power. ballista, catapult, crossbow etc all use muscle power (of human or rarely animal) 11:18 < zipcpi> No, you just brought up railguns 11:19 < zipcpi> I think the shape is more important 11:19 < b_jonas> the _shape_? 11:19 < b_jonas> there's all kinds of shapes 11:19 < zipcpi> Well it is what chiefly distinguishes bow from gun in common use 11:19 < b_jonas> there's spring-powered toy guns shooting nerf pellets that are shaped like guns 11:19 < b_jonas> and wound by a muscle 11:20 < zipcpi> Yes, why can't we call that with the same brivla as for "gun"? 11:20 < b_jonas> again, I don't want to distinguish "bow" from "gun" 11:20 < zipcpi> That can be another brivla 11:20 < zipcpi> But it shouldn't be glossed as "gun" 11:20 < b_jonas> sure, you can call all of them {cecla} and {danti}. {danti} in the gimste specifically mentionts catapults, doesn't it? 11:20 < b_jonas> I don't care about gun, I want a word for _firearms_ 11:20 < b_jonas> _firearms_ 11:21 < zipcpi> THen why didn't you say so 11:21 < b_jonas> didn't I? 11:21 < zipcpi> No 11:21 < b_jonas> no, I didn't 11:21 < b_jonas> indeed 11:21 < b_jonas> I only said muscle power versus chemical power 11:21 < b_jonas> isn't that enough? 11:21 < zipcpi> I thought you wanted to distinguish "bow" from "gun" 11:21 < zipcpi> You said that 11:21 < b_jonas> yeah, at first 11:22 < zipcpi> And so I pointed out that the method of propulsion is not what distinguishes the two in common usage 11:22 < b_jonas> I guess I was imprecise 11:22 <@xalbo> Personally, I don't use the word "firearms" much in English, and I don't expect I'd use it any more in Lojban. 11:22 < zipcpi> We have to think about words for common usage as well, not just technical details 11:22 < zipcpi> Otherwise we'd end up with {cinki} meaning "Hemiptera" 11:23 < b_jonas> xalbo: I don't use it either, but admittedly it's at least less stupid than the Hungarian equivalent "lőfegyver" 11:23 < ldlework> I think if I was speaking to a general about a shipment of a variety of 'firearms' I would use xarci 11:23 < b_jonas> One thing I know is, don't use {xukmi} for chemically powered, because that's already too overloaded, it means chemicals, drugs, medicines, so it would confuse issues too much. 11:24 < ldlework> celxa'i 11:24 < b_jonas> ldlework: yes, but just like {cecla} and {danti}, {xarci} also includes muscle-powered weapons, doesn't it? 11:24 < ldlework> b_jonas: yes it does 11:24 < b_jonas> we started with {xarci} used in a lujvo for sword afterall 11:24 < ldlework> right that's why I would move to celxa'i for 'firearms' to mean 'portable guns' 11:24 < b_jonas> ldlework: yes, there's something in that, the gimste does say "gun/cannon (= celxa'i)" 11:25 < zipcpi> b_jonas: Why not though? Would {xumce'a} mean anything else? 11:25 < b_jonas> but in that case I don't know what bows and catapults would be called 11:25 <@xalbo> Under what contexts do you want to include a pistol and a cannon, but exclude a railgun? 11:25 < zipcpi> He wants a word for "firearms" 11:25 < ldlework> xalbo: when talking about transportable guns 11:25 < zipcpi> Not "gun" 11:25 < zipcpi> Although that should be under consideration as well 11:25 < ldlework> firearms means "portable guns" 11:26 < ldlework> not "chemically explosive projectile weapons" 11:26 < b_jonas> zipcpi: sure, chemical weapons like tear gas grenades and even worse war stuff 11:26 <@xalbo> Huh, I didn't actually know that. 11:26 < ldlework> which is what "gun" means 11:26 < zipcpi> Right I just thought of that 11:26 < zipcpi> {pojyce'a} then? 11:26 < ldlework> rocket launcher? 11:26 < ldlework> :) 11:26 < zipcpi> That can be a longer lujvo 11:26 < zipcpi> Or even a zi'evla 11:26 < ldlework> celxa'i is good for anything that is a weapon that shoots 11:27 <@xalbo> By "transportable", I guess you mean small enough to be carried easily by a single human? 11:27 < b_jonas> zipcpi: dunno, does that include grenades? 11:27 < ldlework> portable versions being the ones that are used the most 11:27 < ldlework> we don't need a third rafsi 11:27 < zipcpi> Grenades don't cecla 11:27 < ldlework> grenades are not a gun or firearm 11:27 < b_jonas> zipcpi: why not? you throw them with muscle power, sometimes even with a long stick I think. 11:27 < zipcpi> That's {renro} 11:28 < ldlework> yes, but there is no device doing the launching 11:28 < b_jonas> ldlework: the long stick is not a device? how about a sling or blowgun? 11:28 < ldlework> the stick might have a name 11:28 <@xalbo> Grenades don't kill people sisi cecla. People kill people sisi cecla. 11:28 < ldlework> but grenades are not celxa'i 11:28 < ldlework> xalbo: u'i 11:29 < b_jonas> xalbo: no. grenades se cecla 11:29 < ldlework> right 11:29 < ldlework> that's what he's saying 11:29 < b_jonas> ok 11:29 < zipcpi> veljvo are tanru, which are imprecise by definition, but once we have decided a lujvo means a thing, it means that 11:29 < b_jonas> this is complicated, I'm getting lost. let's just uninvent all the weapons instead. 11:30 < ldlework> I'm pretty sure I will continue to use celxa'i for all small arms 11:30 < ldlework> explosive or not 11:30 < zipcpi> So there's no need to think whether something {cecla gi'e ckini lo spoja} 11:30 <@xalbo> .i lo celxa'i na catra lo remna .i lo remna cu catra lo remna .i lo celxa'i cu jai te catra lo remna lo remna 11:30 < zipcpi> So if we define {pojyce'a} as "explosive-powered firearm", it means that 11:31 < zipcpi> ca'i BSFK, end of story 11:31 < ldlework> I'd still use xa'i at the end 11:31 < zipcpi> Grenades can get another lujvo altogether 11:32 < b_jonas> zipcpi: I still wonder if trany- would be better in such a lujvo than spojy- 11:32 < zipcpi> Then it makes it dependent of the composition of the explosive 11:32 < zipcpi> We don't want that 11:32 < b_jonas> also, I'd actually like a pair of words. how would you call the opposite, muscle-powered projectiles? 11:33 < zipcpi> sluji is muscle 11:33 < b_jonas> "dependent of the composition of the explosive" -- seems a safe enough bet 11:33 < ldlework> punxa'i 11:33 < zipcpi> b_jonas: I don't want to think about that 11:33 < ldlework> for things like bows 11:33 < zipcpi> What if they come up with some explosive compound that doesn't {trano}? WHat then? 11:33 < zipcpi> There is such a thing as being too specific 11:33 < ldlework> ie 11:34 < b_jonas> zipcpi: or they can come up with humans with a skin such that the bullets just bounce back from it, sure... well no 11:34 < zipcpi> The thing is that you are multiplying entities 11:34 < ldlework> puncelxa'i, pojycelxa'i 11:34 < ldlework> mu'o 11:35 < b_jonas> I'm not trying to invent words for impossible sci fi weapons like lightsabers right now. I'd leave that for another time. 11:35 < zipcpi> And making dependencies on things that the common man doesn't think about when distinguishing the two things 11:35 < ldlework> ^ ie cai 11:35 < ldlework> embedding domain knowledge into the utilization of technology is a bad idea 11:35 < ldlework> the idea of a gun is that you don't need to understand chemistry for it to be useful 11:36 < ldlework> or identifiable 11:36 < b_jonas> oh sure, let's just give guns to everyone without any knowledge about them. that always works out well. 11:36 < b_jonas> domain knowledge hah 11:36 < ldlework> b_jonas: just like we do all technology? 11:36 < b_jonas> yes, like cars. I know. 11:36 < ldlework> how many people really understand how their computers work? 11:36 < b_jonas> I don't, but I'm starting to get more and more idea about that actually and some details are scary 11:37 < ldlework> usually we name technological implements based on their use, not their mechanism QED 11:37 < b_jonas> unlike weapons, I actually know about computers 11:37 <@xalbo> b_jonas: Or we could tell children not to play with weapons that are powered by nitrogen reactions, and see how well that goes. 11:37 < ldlework> xalbo: u'i 11:37 < ldlework> I think my lujvo were good for the original distinction wanting to be made no? 11:37 < b_jonas> xalbo: yeah, no, I tell them not to play with any weapons that can shoot an eye out. not even bows. 11:37 < ldlework> puncelxa'i, pojycelxa'i 11:38 <@xalbo> ldlework: Yeah, I'd say those are pretty good. 11:38 < ldlework> celxa'i for all projectile weapons 11:38 < b_jonas> ldlework: yeah, could work I guess... let me think 11:38 < zipcpi> And then we need another that separates "bow" from "gun", and is agnostic about the method of propulsion 11:38 < ldlework> bukcelxa'i for sling, etc 11:39 < zipcpi> And "arrow" from "bullet" 11:39 <@xalbo> (Also beware of things like compressed air, and electricity, though maybe those fall into the category of "unusual sci-fi weapons") 11:39 < ldlework> zipcpi: my two lujvo makes that separation 11:39 < ldlework> of bow from gun 11:39 < b_jonas> zipcpi: arrow is {se puncelxa'i} and bullet is {se pujycelxa'i} if you take those words above 11:39 < ldlework> ie 11:39 < b_jonas> arrow in the general sense that is 11:39 < zipcpi> No I don't want {pojycelxa'i} to mean "gun" 11:39 < b_jonas> including catapult stones 11:39 < ldlework> zipcpi: celxa'i means "projectile weapon" 11:40 < ldlework> if you're using gun in the colloquial sense of "things that shoot things, however" 11:40 * xalbo notices {se danti} 11:40 < ldlework> which includes guns like slings 11:40 < zipcpi> We just said we weren't trying to distinguish bows from guns 11:40 < zipcpi> But then we need new lujvo for *those* 11:40 < ldlework> hwat? 11:40 < zipcpi> ... oi 11:41 < zipcpi> b_jonas wanted a lujvo that meant specifically "a weapon powered by explosives" 11:41 < zipcpi> *projectile weapon 11:41 < b_jonas> ldlework: isn't "gun/cannon (= celxa'i)" enough for that sense? 11:41 < ldlework> b_jonas: yes 11:41 < ldlework> celxa'i == shooty thing 11:41 < b_jonas> ok 11:41 < zipcpi> Doesn't count railguns, doesn't count toy guns, but counts cannons 11:42 < ldlework> celxa'i does 11:42 < zipcpi> celxa'i counts all of them 11:42 < zipcpi> Including bows 11:42 < ldlework> ... 11:42 < ldlework> yes, guns means two things 11:42 <@xalbo> "celxa'i == shooty thing" .i'e 11:42 < ldlework> 'all shooty things' 11:42 < ldlework> or 'shooty things propelled by gunpowder' 11:42 < zipcpi> No, I think what distinguishes the common word "bow" from "gun" is the shape 11:43 < ldlework> which is hard to agree with 11:43 < b_jonas> meh, bows are for art 11:43 < zipcpi> Or the type of bullet they fire 11:43 < ldlework> its the most useless characteristic of the thing 11:43 < ldlework> zipcpi: right, which is informed by how it is launched 11:43 < b_jonas> I was asking about easy to use stuff like guns and ballistas and crossbows and gastraphetes and catapults that don't require training and just smash stuff 11:43 <@xalbo> "gun" in my usage is "shooty thing that doesn't rely on human strength", which is why they're more dangerous to self and others than bows. 11:43 < zipcpi> It may be useless but it's the most identifiable 11:44 < ldlework> it really isn't 11:44 < ldlework> projected chemically and projected via wound-tension are the most distinguishing characteristic 11:44 < b_jonas> and I specifically don't restrict to human strength, something using horse's muscle's is still muscle-powered 11:44 < zipcpi> There needs to be a word that means toy guns, explosive-powered guns, railguns, laser guns, but not bows 11:44 < ldlework> why? 11:44 < ldlework> it makes zero sense to me 11:44 < ldlework> bows are simply a subset of 'shooty things' 11:44 < ldlework> so are guns that use gun powder 11:45 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Do you include slingshots? 11:45 < b_jonas> zipcpi: does {celxa'i} work for that? 11:45 < zipcpi> That would be yet another lujvo 11:45 < b_jonas> zipcpi: do blowguns count? 11:45 < ldlework> bukcelxa'i 11:45 < zipcpi> Well then how would you distinguish a toy gun from a toy bow then? 11:45 < b_jonas> ldlework: wait, you're saying zipcpi wants an Englishism? 11:45 < ldlework> vaxycelxa'i 11:46 <@xalbo> "shooty things you can carry around and kill stuff with with no more effort than pulling a trigger" 11:46 < ldlework> b_jonas: even if its not 'malglico' I don't htink the bow shape is what defines bows categorically 11:46 < zipcpi> b_jonas: Several systems of taxonomy *can* coexist 11:46 < b_jonas> xalbo: hah! some early guns using gunpowder certainly require much more effort than that 11:46 < ldlework> maybe he thinks it is literally the shape of the thing that makes it different than a 9mm 11:46 < b_jonas> probably more than a crossbow 11:47 < ldlework> xalbo: I think gun is better to be defined as any device for which the device helps increase momentum of the projectile 11:47 < b_jonas> guns were't always full-auto-reload machine guns like you see in video games and http://www.xkcd.com/188/ 11:47 <@xalbo> b_jonas: I don't disagree. But I'd say that in terms of regulations and safety, an old-fashioned gun like that isn't too much of a problem. 11:47 < ldlework> either serves entirely, or helps, the actual projection 11:47 < zipcpi> Just like we can agree that {cinki} refers to any small arthropod that we commonly call "bug", even if scientists would object 11:47 < ldlework> not how much damage the thing actually does 11:47 < zipcpi> For the scientific distinction, there's {insekto} etc. 11:47 < ldlework> zipcpi: that's what we're doing. the lujvo here are not very specific 11:48 < zipcpi> No, b_jonas wanted a more technical distinction. 11:48 < zipcpi> I said those can exist, but we also need a more laic distinction too 11:48 < ldlework> zipcpi: he wanted a specific distinction however subjectively technical to you 11:48 < ldlework> we found the distinction 11:48 < ldlework> it involves a two-part lujvo 11:49 < zipcpi> The technical distinction is of a different taxonomy than the laic distinction 11:49 < ldlework> zipcpi: no, you have a different opinion on what defines the taxonomy all together 11:49 < zipcpi> They can coexist 11:49 < ldlework> 'shape' isn't inherently laic 11:49 < ldlework> maybe it is malglico :( 11:50 < zipcpi> Again, what distinguishes a toy bow from a toy gun? 11:50 < ldlework> what distinguishes the things they imagize 11:50 < ldlework> does shape implement and inform the method of projection? sure. 11:50 < ldlework> but I can create a bow-shaped gun 11:51 < ldlework> or an umbrella shaped one 11:51 <@xalbo> .i ca dormijysai 11:51 < ldlework> 'bow' refers to the thing that does the launching 11:51 <@xalbo> (like Chewbacca has) 11:51 < ldlework> IE, the tension of a bowed stick 11:51 < ldlework> not the mere shape 11:51 < ldlework> 'gun' has no natural shape 11:51 < zipcpi> Fine let's just enter {pojycelxa'i} and {puncelxa'i} and think about the rest later 11:52 < ldlework> the shape argument falls flat 11:52 < zipcpi> Though there probably needs to be a distinguishment between "bow" and "sling" 11:52 < ldlework> sling is not a puncelxa'i 11:52 < ldlework> slings have nothing to do with tension 11:52 < zipcpi> Depends on what kind of sling o.o 11:53 < ldlework> mmm no 11:53 < zipcpi> Maybe that's malglixlu 11:53 < ldlework> bukcelxa'i 11:53 < b_jonas> is there a specific word for blowguns? 11:53 < ldlework> but this focuses on the material 11:53 < zipcpi> There are two kinds of sling really 11:53 < ldlework> b_jonas: I have one 11:53 < zipcpi> The one you swing around and throw 11:53 < zipcpi> And the one powered by elastics 11:53 < zipcpi> The second one definitely {cecla}s 11:53 < ldlework> zipcpi: slingshot is different than sling 11:53 < zipcpi> Oh 11:53 < ldlework> they both cecla 11:53 < ldlework> sling is a piece of cloth, practically nothing more 11:53 < ldlework> a slingshot is a tension device 11:53 < ldlework> like a bow 11:54 < zipcpi> Then are we just deciding by fiat that puncelxa'i doesn't include them though? I think I'd prefer another lujvo for that 11:54 < ldlework> b_jonas: vaxycelxa'i 11:54 < b_jonas> ldlework: sling is piece of cloth plus lots of skill. you have to learn it by taking a class or feat or something, like you have to learn a bow, unless you get proficiency as hobbit racial bonus. 11:54 < ldlework> that's irrelevant though 11:54 < ldlework> however true 11:54 < ldlework> :) 11:54 < ldlework> oh it was a joke 11:54 < b_jonas> ldlework: hmm, dunno 11:55 < ldlework> I read like the first 4 words 11:55 < ldlework> b_jonas: the skill is definitely unrelated to the mechanism of action pe'i 11:55 < b_jonas> as for sling and slingshot, that's not even the worst weapon name confusion 11:55 < b_jonas> (yeah, {caxycelxa'i} probably works) 11:55 < zipcpi> What about railguns though? 11:56 < ldlework> b_jonas: cax? 11:56 < b_jonas> sorry 11:56 < ldlework> oh vax 11:56 < b_jonas> {vaxycelxa'i} 11:56 < b_jonas> can't type 11:56 < ldlework> ki'e 11:56 < ldlework> zipcpi: what about them 11:56 < b_jonas> anyway, there are two different weapons called "morning star". that's just brilliant. 11:56 < ldlework> makcelxa'i 11:57 < ldlework> b_jonas: heh 11:57 < zipcpi> There is still a category of distinction that includes railguns, laser guns, and firearm-guns, but not bows 11:57 < zipcpi> Because in the former 11:57 < b_jonas> let's call both of them {certarxa'i} 11:57 < ldlework> don't see how 11:58 < zipcpi> Because the use is similar even though the mechanisms differ 11:58 < zipcpi> {zmiku}? 11:58 < b_jonas> zipcpi: how about tasers, blasters, stun guns, nerve um whatever blasters are called in the Foundation universe? 11:58 < ldlework> zipcpi: in the non-lojban world can you find any conversation, textbook, reseller, manufacturer that organizes their guns by whether they have a trigger? 11:58 < zipcpi> b_jonas Yes, those all {zmiku} 11:59 < ldlework> a bow is automatic 11:59 < ldlework> you have to string the bow, or load the gun 11:59 < zipcpi> No, operation is very different 11:59 < ldlework> you're just being arbitrary 11:59 < ldlework> for a railgun, who knows if I have to calibrate a computer and push a button or pull a lever to shoot it 11:59 < b_jonas> why are you always bringing up bows? 11:59 < zipcpi> ... sigh 12:00 < ldlework> zipcpi: bows are automatic in exactly the same way as 9mm's 12:00 < ldlework> if that's the road you're headed I can't follow you there 12:00 < b_jonas> they're not even among the six classical weapons the romans thought a learned men had to be proficient with, are they? those were, what, gun, candle stick, rope, lead pipe, dunno 12:00 < ldlework> lol 12:00 < b_jonas> sorry, don't take that seriously 12:01 < zipcpi> Is it really *that* malglico? Do no other languages make the same taxonomic distinction? 12:01 < ldlework> zipcpi: except we've made the same taxonomic distinction 12:01 < ldlework> you've simply confused the word 'bow' with 'shape' rather than 'tension' 12:01 < ldlework> the stick 'bows' 12:01 < zipcpi> If we really must avoid all malglixlu-type taxonomy, why is {mi'ai} even in the dictionary then? 12:01 < b_jonas> zipcpi: it can't be worse than some of the riddiculous polearm names 12:01 < b_jonas> or morning star 12:01 < ldlework> zipcpi: ignoring the answer to your question now... :/ 12:02 < ldlework> its not malglico, you're simply confused of which sense of bow is meant with regards to the weapon's name. 12:02 < ldlework> what natural shape informs the name 'gun'? 12:03 < ldlework> that weapons include shape, is incidental to the fact that shape often informs a weapons _mechanism of action_ 12:03 < b_jonas> Commander Keen calls them "Neural Stunner". is the adjustable weapon name "blaster" from Star Wars or Star Trek or both or neither? 12:03 < zipcpi> That I pick it up and pull the trigger, and do not care about how it is powered? 12:04 < ldlework> what? 12:04 < b_jonas> and what's the adjustable weapons called in the Foundation universe? I keep forgetting it 12:04 < zipcpi> The thing is there is room for *overlapping* categories of distinction 12:04 < b_jonas> zipcpi: you can charge and pull the trigger of a crossbow, much more easily than that of some of the medieval guns. 12:04 < ldlework> also, what if the gun is empty 12:04 < ldlework> suddenly you care how it is loaded 12:05 < b_jonas> zipcpi: that's because a crossbow and modern guns are _simple weapons_ so you don't need weapon proficiency to use them, a sling, bow, or nunchuk are not 12:05 < zipcpi> OK yeah I don't really know my guns. Sue me, I'm not an American, even though I know I act like one sometimes :p 12:05 < ldlework> a taxonomy of guns based on their interface is also very strange 12:05 < ldlework> because we can invent arbitrary interfaces to the same propulsion mechanism 12:05 < ldlework> triggers, levers, buttons, voice commands, a sexually illicit body language 12:05 < ldlework> whatever 12:05 < b_jonas> zipcpi: http://www.xkcd.com/188/ tells all you need to know about guns 12:05 < ldlework> none of those are useful for the purposes of war 12:05 < b_jonas> zipcpi: but not about bows or slings, there's no royal road for learning those 12:06 < ldlework> b_jonas: hahaha 12:06 < ldlework> sera'a le zdile 12:07 < zipcpi> gun: "a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise." 12:07 < b_jonas> zipcpi: so including cannons, right? 12:07 < b_jonas> does it include rocket launchers? 12:07 < zipcpi> That's what the dictionary says 12:07 < zipcpi> I'm not going there again 12:08 < b_jonas> ok 12:08 < Zluglu> coi ro do 12:08 < b_jonas> I don't know if that's an Englishism or not, I'm just saying maybe Hungarian is deficient in words or something, but I'm sure it doesn't have such a word 12:08 < b_jonas> so that's not the categorization I'm thinking of 12:08 < b_jonas> chemically powered projectile weapon is close, though it includes rockets 12:09 < Zluglu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldT2g2qDQNQ so lojban is an “Incredibly pedantic constructed” language 12:09 < zipcpi> "synonyms: firearm, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, carbine, automatic, handgun, semiautomatic, machine gun, Uzi; More" 12:10 < b_jonas> but yes, maybe railguns are a tad bit more realistic than lightsabers (tubes of magnetically contained plasma that can be turned on and off in a fraction of a second) 12:11 < zipcpi> They already exist; they just aren't in common use yet 12:13 < b_jonas> hah, let's invent a word for cold fusion and room temperature semiconductor too 12:13 < zipcpi> Why not? I just entered {xunroki} into the dictionary 12:17 < zipcpi> en: celxa'i 12:17 < mensi> celxa'i [< cecla xarci ≈ Launcher weapon] = xa1=c1 is a gun/cannon/firearm for use against xa2 by xa3, launching 12:17 < mensi> projectile c2 propelled by c3. |>>> jvajvo; Gismu deep structure is "cecla gi'e xarci". |>>> 12:17 < mensi> araizen 12:17 < zipcpi> ... 12:17 < zipcpi> Bow is entered as bagyce'a 12:18 < zipcpi> en: bagyce'a 12:18 < mensi> bagyce'a [< bargu cecla ≈ Arch launcher] = c1=b1 is a bow that shoots arrow c2 from string c3, and is made of material 12:18 < mensi> b3. |>>> Cf. bargu, cecla, celga'a, xarci. |>>> arj 12:18 < ctefa`o> coiru'e 12:18 < zipcpi> Hi 12:18 < b_jonas> zipcpi: I think there was already a word or two for crossbow in jbovlaste, you might want to check that 12:19 < Ilmen> coi 12:19 < zipcpi> So all that was for nothing... people have already defined cimjvo 12:19 < Ilmen> en: cimjvo 12:19 < mensi> cimjvo [< cilmo lujvo ≈ Moist affix compound] = l1 is an implicitly metaphorical lujvo with meaning l2 and arguments l3 12:19 < mensi> built from metaphor l4. |>>> Used to refer to metaphorical lujvo that do not contain any -pev- rafsi (for “pe'a”). The 12:19 < mensi> word “cimjvo” is itself an example of cimjvo. Synonym of “cimjvo” with explicit metaphor: “pevycimjvo”. |>>> 12:19 < mensi> daniel 12:19 < ctefa`o> Was it less than 10 syllables b_jonas?;) 12:19 < zipcpi> And run around all the deep philosophical taxonomy distinctions 12:19 < b_jonas> ctefa`o: I don't remember 12:20 < zipcpi> Malglixlu is as malglixlu does 12:20 < ctefa`o> coi .ilmen. 12:20 < b_jonas> ctefa`o: I ran into it ages ago when I wondered how to say gastraphetes 12:20 < Ilmen> coi do 12:21 < b_jonas> coi .ilmen 12:21 < Ilmen> ma nuzba 12:21 < b_jonas> what zipcpi sais 12:22 < Ilmen> sa'u mi pu na ganse lo krasi be lo nu casnu 12:22 < zipcpi> We just had a rather loud discussion about how to distinguish "bow" from "gun" 12:22 < zipcpi> But now we found people have already defined lujvo that are... not quite correct, but already established 12:23 < b_jonas> and about what we want to distinguish in first place and what should have a word and what shouldn't and my crazy ideas 12:23 < b_jonas> and that we don't even know what some English words like "gun" and "firearms" mean 12:24 < b_jonas> plus people convincing me that {trano} isn't the gismu they want to use in lujvo for explosive-powered weapons, but {spoja} is 12:24 < b_jonas> and morning stars 12:25 < Ilmen> je'e 12:26 < b_jonas> and everyone focusing on their particular favourite weapons, like gastraphetes and stuff 12:26 < zipcpi> That one should be a zi'evla 12:26 < b_jonas> what? why? 12:27 < zipcpi> Well when something is so specific as to use such a "foreign" name 12:27 < b_jonas> "foreign" your mom 12:27 < ctefa`o> ta'a Is that lojbanic "talk" server still going? 12:27 < b_jonas> English is full of these latin and greek names 12:27 < ctefa`o> Mumble 12:27 < zipcpi> No, but it isn't anglicised like "information" 12:28 < b_jonas> gastraphetes means belly-charger because it's such a large (crossbow) that you don't push it with your hands, your arms are so weak, 12:28 < b_jonas> you charge it by leaning it with your belly (gastra) on one end and the ground on the other end\ 12:28 < b_jonas> it's a belly crossbow 12:28 < b_jonas> you don't need zi'evla for that 12:28 < Ilmen> ctefa`o: It does 12:28 < zipcpi> Yeah but why invent a lujvo for that when almost every other language just fu'ivla from each other? 12:29 < b_jonas> zipcpi: are you sure? I don't know what other languages call a gastraphetes 12:29 < b_jonas> zipcpi: I for one say you use a zi'evla when you can't eaisly compose a lujvo becaues you can't easily make up the meaning from parts 12:29 < Ilmen> ctefa`o: zbaga.ax.lt:64738 12:29 < Ilmen> this is the new server 12:29 < b_jonas> for a huge crossbow, because that's what the gastraphetes really is, you don't need zi'evla 12:30 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: nice 12:30 < b_jonas> not any more than you need one for, um, what was my last example, 12:30 < zipcpi> I still tend to prefer zi'evla over vonjvo 12:30 < zipcpi> Cause the consonant clusters get too much 12:30 < b_jonas> haruspex. a seer that does divination from livers of sacrificed beasts and poultry. 12:31 < Ilmen> "canti tcidu" 12:31 < Ilmen> pei 12:31 < ctefa`o> Will get on as soon as I get out of lo djacu 12:31 < ctefa`o> If anyone is on 12:31 < zipcpi> en: skogarce'a 12:31 < mensi> skogarce'a [< skori garna cecla ≈ Rope bar launcher] = x1=c1 is a bow/crossbow/ballista for shooting ammunition x2=c2 12:31 < mensi> [arrow/quarrel/crossbow bolt] by flexing and releasing bow/prod/lath x3=g1 of material x6=g3, to whose two ends are tied 12:31 < mensi> bow string x4=g2=s1 of material x5=s2. |>>> To be clear, the launch mechanism is as follows: x4 is pulled so as to bend 12:31 < mensi> x3, while x2 is placed on x4, and x4 is released, causing x3 to snap back into its normal shape, launching x2 as it does 12:31 < mensi> so. |>>> zort 12:32 < b_jonas> Ilmen: yeah, something like that. I don't remember what we figured. I always said {livga} because I think the "entrails" part is misleading, 12:32 < zipcpi> That's already a cibyjvo 12:32 < b_jonas> but in any case the "divination" or "future reading" is the hard part 12:32 < Ilmen> It doesn't need to be overspecific in its morpheme composition 12:32 < Ilmen> what else could be "canti tcidu (prenu)"? 12:33 < b_jonas> Ilmen: it wasn't too specific, we settled on something short I think 12:33 < Ilmen> anyway rafsi are just meaning hints 12:33 < zipcpi> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastraphetes 12:33 < zipcpi> There aren't that many other languages translated 12:33 < b_jonas> (and I still think it's {livga}, not {canti}, but I could be wrong) 12:34 < zipcpi> But they all tend to be variations of "Gastraphetes" 12:34 < zipcpi> Of course, Chinese always have to be the odd one out... 12:34 < zipcpi> They're even worse than Lojbanists when it comes to resistance against fu'ivla :p 12:34 < b_jonas> does Japanese use a fu'ivla? 12:35 < zipcpi> There isn't a japanese page 12:35 < Ilmen> Japanese do have fu'ivla 12:35 < zipcpi> But Japanese love their fu'ivla 12:35 < zipcpi> besuboru 12:35 < Ilmen> foreign words are usually spelled in katakana 12:35 < Ilmen> such as "kompyutaa" for "computer 12:35 < Ilmen> " 12:35 < b_jonas> Ilmen: yep 12:36 < dutchie> camxes: .i puzaku la juLIET. cu klama la paris. 12:36 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "j" found. 12:36 < dutchie> what's wrong here? 12:36 < Ilmen> When I say "foreign words", I don't count words from Chinese, which are quite numerous in Japanese 12:37 < b_jonas> dutchie: camxes is stupid and doesn't like the "IE" part. try replacing it with "I'E" to satisfy camxes, and don't believe what he says. 12:37 < Ilmen> camxes: la .juliiet. 12:37 < camxes> ([la juliiet] VAU) 12:37 < dutchie> huh 12:38 < dutchie> it seems like there should be a simple fix for that 12:38 < Ilmen> Recently i+vowel and u+vowel have been banned from the morphology, and should be replaced with "ii+vowel" or "uu+vowel" 12:38 < dutchie> ah 12:38 < dutchie> ki'e 12:38 < Ilmen> or i'+vowel and u'+vowel 12:38 < dutchie> ua 12:38 < b_jonas> Ilmen: which is, of course, riddiculous. in cmevla, it should be fine. the CLL even has like two or three examples. 12:39 < Ilmen> The rational for this was that there are people who have a hard time distinguishing for example [tie] from [tce] 12:39 < zipcpi> b_jonas: How do you distinguish i,a,i,a,ion from i,ia,ii,ia,ion then? 12:39 < b_jonas> I can accept that you don't want to allow them in zi'evla, because there, the CLL is completely ambiguous. 12:39 < Ilmen> b_jonas: I was in favor of keeping glides in cmevla 12:40 < b_jonas> Ilmen, zipcpi: sorry, I shouldn't have brought this up probably. 12:40 < Ilmen> but the majority voted for a complete ban of glides+vowel =s 12:40 < b_jonas> let's just say that camxes currently doesn't allow it, and I shouldn't comment further on it for now. 12:41 < b_jonas> let's go back to liver readers and belly chargers and fish speakers 12:41 < dutchie> should i prefer la juLIET. or la juLIIET. then? 12:41 < dutchie> or just use either and not worry about it? 12:41 < zipcpi> The latter. 12:41 < Ilmen> dutchie: the latter one 12:41 < dutchie> je'e 12:41 < gocti> juliIET to be exact 12:42 < gocti> except it's a cmevla, so disregard that 12:42 * gocti runs off 12:42 < zipcpi> Yeah I don't see why cmevla can't be stressed on more than one syllable. But you probably don't want to stress every one :p 12:42 < Ilmen> yeah, ju-li-IET 12:43 < Ilmen> dutcies: also, stress is optional in cmevla (name words ending on a consonant) 12:44 < Ilmen> and stress can also be marked with an accent mark, which is more discrete 12:44 < Ilmen> {la .juliiét.}, for example 12:44 < dutchie> je'e 12:45 < Ilmen> camxes: musofybáknicuzvátilopúrdi 12:45 < camxes> ([{ sofybakni KU} cu] [zvati {lo purdi KU} VAU]) 12:45 < Ilmen> (white spaces are optional when the stressed syllables are explicitly marked) 12:46 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: about that, does standard lojban say that you have to mark stress on the whole syllable or just the vowel? 12:46 < dutchie> u'e 12:46 < zipcpi> (though then you have to be more careful about marking mandatory pauses) :p 12:46 < ctefa`o> I.e. klAma vs KLAMa 12:46 < ctefa`o> Err 12:46 < ctefa`o> klAma vs. KLAma* 12:46 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Both are okay 12:46 < Ilmen> capital consnants have no effect 12:46 < Ilmen> only capital vowels count 12:47 < Ilmen> so KLAma == klAma 12:47 < ctefa`o> Ok. Only remember seeing whole-vowel examples in the cll 12:47 < Ilmen> == KLAMa 12:47 < ctefa`o> Yeah, I know 12:48 < Ilmen> camxes: musofybAknicuzvAtilopUrdi 12:48 < camxes> ([{ sofybakni KU} cu] [zvati {lo purdi KU} VAU]) 12:48 < zipcpi> The CLL is rather old and doesn't reflect some of the changes that have happened, some of which are even about as official as you can get 12:49 < zipcpi> As far as I can understand, there is CLL Lojban at the bottommost strata 12:49 < ctefa`o> I know but I don't recall seeing stress discussed anywhere else in non-old dociments 12:49 < zipcpi> Then the "official-ized" changes that the CLL doesn't reflect, like xorlo, dotside, and morphology changes 12:50 < zipcpi> Then the more "experimental" changes incorporated into the commonly used experimantal parser but not the official one. Includes sumtcita-merge, simplified connectives, and cmevla-brivla merge 12:50 < Ilmen> The process for updating the CLL is ongoing, but it's very slow. As of now it's in the state where the old CLL is getting ready for being printed and undergoing corrections 12:51 < dutchie> what's dotside? 12:51 < Ilmen> dutchie: A small reform concerning cmevlas 12:51 < zipcpi> Then you have the truly radical ideas that do not even have a parser yet, like cekitaujau and two letter rafsi 12:51 < gocti> objection! 12:51 < gocti> si 12:51 < zipcpi> u'i doi gocti 12:52 < Ilmen> Dotsides makes cmevla's morphology freer, but requires dots to be put both before and after cmevla 12:52 < Ilmen> so, "la .lojban." instead of "la lojban." 12:52 < Ilmen> Before Dotsides, names such as "las" were forbidden, if I recall correctly 12:52 < Ilmen> *Dotside 12:53 < zipcpi> Before dotside: Cmevla can't have {la}, {lai} or {doi}, except immediately after a consonant. If cmevla occur immediately after these words, they don't need a pause (but they still do after other words, like {coi}! Even the CLL got that wrong on its very first page) 12:53 < gocti> jbofihe: la latros. broda cu mo 12:53 < mensi> (0[{la <(1la tros)1 broda> KU} cu {mo VAU}])0 12:53 < Ilmen> xD 12:54 < zipcpi> After dotside: Cmevla can now have those banned syllables, but now they must always require a pause both before and after 12:56 * nuzba @enkiv2: Are there any musical groups that record only in esperanto? What about Lojban? [http://bit.ly/1RHFr5f] 12:56 < ldlework> b_jonas: you should come visit la jbogu'e 12:56 < enkiv2> is nuzba a twitter bot? 12:56 < Ilmen> ue coi 12:56 < Ilmen> enkiv2: Yes 12:57 < enkiv2> i guess that doesn't bode well, if the mentions of lojban on twitter are so infrequent 12:57 < gocti> enkiv2: see YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT THE PROBOARDS PARTIES MAY PUBLISH OR OTHERWISE DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR EXERCISE OF THE LICENSE GRANTED UNDER THIS SECTION. YOU AGREE TO WAIVE, AND HEREBY WAIVE, ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THE EXERCISE BY THE PROBOARDS PARTIES OF THE RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER THIS SECTION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CLAIMS RELATING TO YOUR RIGHTS OF PERSONAL PRIVACY AND PUBLICITY. Y 12:57 < ldlework> enkiv2: don't have any disillusions about the size of our communicty 12:57 < gocti> su 12:57 < gocti> su 12:57 < gocti> enkiv2: see https://www.youtube.com/user/shanikuzai/videos and https://www.youtube.com/user/lilisuno 12:58 < Ilmen> xD 12:58 < enkiv2> there's a lojban wikipedia. i think the community counts as pretty large. 12:59 < zipcpi> So yeah there are essentially four "major" dialects of Lojban 12:59 < gocti> Lojban Wikipedia is dead (or was last time I was there) 13:00 < ldlework> enkiv2: that's certainly polite of you :) 13:00 < Hakkavelin_> coi ro do .i 13:01 < Ilmen> coi la samgutcre 13:01 < zipcpi> dutchies: If you want to see how level 2/3 Lojban is like, see the Wave lessons or the Crash course 13:01 < ldlework> level 2/3 lojban...? 13:02 < gocti> xorlo/dotside/BPFK changes 13:03 < zipcpi> Based on the list I gave: level 1=CLL, level 2=official changes like xorlo, dotside, morphology changes, level 3=experimental changes included in the commonly-used parser like sumtcita-merge, simplified connectives, cmevla-brivla merge, level 4=cekitaujau + 2-letter rafsi 13:03 < Hakkavelin_> je'e la Ilmen 13:03 < ldlework> strange 13:04 < zipcpi> And now ca'i BSFK syllabic consonants no longer exist in level 4 :p 13:04 < gocti> cipr: la zipcpi ca djunybico'a lo du'u lo gernyrco'e cu cu'e 13:04 < cipr> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] but "e" found. 13:04 < ldlework> I would say 'core predication and objectification' is level 1, subordination is level 2.. etc 13:04 < gocti> cipr: la zipcpi ca djunybico'a lo du'u lo gernyrco'e cu co'e 13:04 < cipr> ([FA {la zip-cpi KU}] [CU { <(¹FE [lo {du'u <(²FA [lo gernyrco'e KU]²) (²cu [co'e VAU]²)> KEI} KU]¹) VAU>}]) 13:05 < zipcpi> Oh so that's your level 4 parser? :p 13:05 < gocti> na kakne tau la cetkitau 13:05 < ldlework> am I using pu'o correctly? {do xagji pu'o lo nu do citka} 13:05 < zipcpi> Awr 13:05 < gocti> ldlework: BPFK says {se pu'o} 13:06 < Ilmen> "when you're eating, you're going to be hungry" 13:06 < Ilmen> if I'm not mistaken 13:06 < ldlework> en: pu'o 13:06 < mensi> pu'o = [ZAhO] interval event contour: in anticipation of ...; until ... ; inchoative ----| |. |>>> 13:06 < mensi> officialdata 13:06 < ldlework> en: ca 13:06 < mensi> ca = [PU] time tense relation/direction: is [selbri]; during/simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense. |>>> 13:06 < mensi> officialdata 13:06 < ldlework> en: ba 13:06 < mensi> ba = [PU] time tense relation/direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense. |>>> 13:06 < mensi> officialdata 13:07 < ldlework> I interpret {ko'a broda pu'o ko'e} in that ko'a brodas until ko'e 13:07 < ldlework> in anticipation of ko'e 13:08 < Ilmen> pu'o is the prospective aspect, it's for when an event is going to happen 13:08 < Ilmen> mi pu'o citka = I'm going to eat, I'm not eating but will be eating 13:09 < Ilmen> "I eat until X" is more {mi citka co'u X} 13:09 < ldlework> right, pu'o *implies* that the event happens in the future, but that merely the consequence 13:09 < ldlework> of it happening after the whatever is going on in the main bridi 13:09 < ldlework> if I'm hungry now 13:09 < ldlework> and I'll be hungry until I eat 13:09 < ldlework> of course, me eating is in the future 13:10 < ldlework> but that's not the entirety of the semantic 13:10 < ldlework> otherwise pu'o == ba 13:10 < ldlework> or rather pu 13:10 < Ilmen> pu'o is close to "ba", but with addtitional semantics 13:10 < ldlework> exactly 13:10 < ldlework> in that the main bridi is continuative, until the pu'o's event takes place 13:10 < ldlework> that's the meaning of 'until' 13:10 < Ilmen> "mi ba citka" doesn't refute "mi ca citka" 13:11 < Ilmen> "mi pu'o citka" does 13:11 < ldlework> right, I don't see how that conflicts with the sumtcita interpretation 13:12 < ldlework> in your selbri modification example, pu'o is in the future and hasn't happened yet 13:12 < ldlework> mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka 13:12 < ldlework> this claims exactly the same 13:12 < gocti> BPFK's definition of ZAhO as sumtcita differs from the ma'oste's: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Aspect 13:12 < ldlework> that mi citka is in the future and hasn't happened yet 13:12 < Ilmen> {mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka} -- when I'm eating, I'm going to be hungry 13:12 < ldlework> that seems useless 13:12 < ldlework> like a semantic with no utility 13:13 < ldlework> certainly not as much as an actual "until" would be 13:13 < gocti> {co'u} can work as "until" 13:13 < ldlework> ba and pu both have expected and understanable relations to the main bridi 13:14 < ldlework> pu'o is very surprising 13:14 < Ilmen> {.i sa'u ko troci co'u lo nu claxu lo titnanba} 13:14 < ldlework> and seems like it can be fufilled with caba 13:14 < Ilmen> (part of Jmive Zaho) 13:14 < ldlework> I don't get it 13:15 < durka42> that translation doesn't seem to match the BPFK section 13:15 < Ilmen> It was intended to mean "try until you lack cake 13:15 < Ilmen> " 13:15 < ldlework> why the heck does co'u mean 'until' 13:15 < durka42> mi xagji pu'o lo nu citka — I'm not yet hungry (but when I am, I'll be eating) 13:15 * ldlework boggles. 13:15 < durka42> oh that one is easier! 13:16 < durka42> mi xagji co'u lo nu citka — The event of me being hungry stops while I'me ating 13:16 < durka42> don't boggle at me, I'm applying the BPFK definitions! :p 13:16 < ldlework> I see "I hunger. The end of this event is: I eat." 13:16 < durka42> right 13:17 < ldlework> please can we redo all the definitions 13:17 < ldlework> of everything 13:17 < ldlework> ki'e durka42 Ilmen gocti 13:17 < durka42> ZAhO is real good at generating awkward english translations 13:18 < ldlework> so 13:18 < ldlework> pu'o is like the opposite of co'u 13:18 < zipcpi> "I would say 'core predication and objectification' is level 1, subordination is level 2.. etc" wait what? 13:18 < ldlework> {mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka} = "I hunger. This event wont take place *until*: I eat." 13:18 < ldlework> zipcpi: ma cfipu 13:19 < Ilmen> pu'o can be reversed with "se" 13:19 < zipcpi> I have no idea what those mean 13:19 < gocti> levels of changes to CLL vs levels of teaching newbies 13:19 < Ilmen> although I'm not sure the official grammar wouldn't cringe at that 13:19 < ldlework> Ilmen: I'm not asking to reverse the predicated objects when related with pu'o. My opposite I mean semantically. 13:19 < ldlework> Is this true: {mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka} = "I hunger. This event wont take place *until*: I eat." 13:19 < zipcpi> Ugh how to'e zbusufukai of me. I don't even know what the BPFK agreed about the sumtcita 13:20 < ldlework> zipcpi: core-predication == bridi form, objectification = nonce descriptions from predicate (lo - ku) 13:20 < Ilmen> pu'o: «Prospective aspect. It indicates that a situation is about to take place, not yet realized. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates an event occurring while the situation is not yet realized.» 13:20 < ldlework> this to me is the minimal level of certu 13:20 < ldlework> Ilmen: just says yes or no 13:20 < ldlework> lol 13:20 < ldlework> Is this true: {mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka} = "I hunger. This event wont take place *until*: I eat." 13:21 < durka42> I don't think so 13:21 < ldlework> the event not taking place is mi xagji 13:21 < zipcpi> ldlework: Yeah but that doesn't talk about dialects :p 13:21 < ldlework> let me reword 13:21 < ldlework> Is this true: {mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka} = "I hunger. This event (me being hungry) wont take place *until*: I eat." 13:21 < Ilmen> I think it means "I'm eating and is going to be hungry" 13:21 < ldlework> whaaaaa 13:21 < durka42> Ilmen: I think that's wrong too! 13:22 < durka42> what about the part in the def where it says "the situation is not yet realized" 13:22 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Is there a list somewhere about all the BPFK definition changes they've agreed on but not entered into JVS 13:22 < durka42> then it can't mean "I am eating" 13:22 < durka42> zipcpi: none of the BPFK definitions have been entered into JVS 13:22 < zipcpi> Because I'm still using a lot of things the way the JVS defines it 13:22 < durka42> it's the old mabla ma'oste 13:22 < Ilmen> zipcpi: the BPFK defs are to become the official definitions eventually 13:22 < gocti> zipcpi: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Category:BPFK_Section 13:22 < ldlework> We need an event contour visualizer 13:23 < ldlework> One where you can only use brodV and ko'V 13:23 < durka42> I thought there was a picture somewhere 13:23 < ldlework> no no no 13:23 < ldlework> that thing is *useless* 13:23 < ldlework> I mean type in a simple brodV and ko'v using sentence 13:23 < zipcpi> But yes, I'm supposed to be the founder of the BSFK, with a page full of level-4-isms, but I don't even know how level-2 sumtcita work 13:23 < ldlework> get a chronological visualization 13:23 < Ilmen> The BPFK definitions are almost complete, they're currently in the process of being voted upon, but it's slow as continental drift 13:23 < zipcpi> o'anaisai 13:23 < Ilmen> @ zipcpi 13:23 < durka42> ah that would be nice :) 13:24 < ldlework> can't anyone tell me whether {ko'a broda po'u ko'e} means, ko'a broda wont happen until ko'e does? 13:24 < Ilmen> I don't think it does 13:24 < durka42> the way I read the definition, it says ko'e happens while ko'a does not yet broda 13:24 < Ilmen> I think ko'a and ko'e are simultaneous 13:25 < Ilmen> hm 13:25 < durka42> er 13:25 < durka42> no 13:25 < Ilmen> sa 13:25 < Ilmen> .u'i 13:25 < durka42> now I agree with Ilmen's translation from before 13:25 < zipcpi> One problem is that the definitions are often unclear as to what they do with any sumti they tcita 13:25 < durka42> sorry 13:25 < ldlework> which is what 13:25 < durka42> I keep switching the gismu 13:25 < gocti> ldlework: pe'i it does 13:25 < durka42> zipcpi: the BPFK defs are always clear about that! 13:25 < ldlework> WHAT 13:25 * ldlework cries 13:25 < durka42> oh come on gocti! 13:25 < zipcpi> That's also why I had such a problem answering the question of what my own sumtcita, (zei'a), and (dei'a) 13:25 < ldlework> get your shit together jbopre u'i 13:25 < zipcpi> durka42: I was talking about the laldyrai ma'oste :p 13:26 < durka42> zipcpi: the ma'oste sucks and was never meant for learning 13:26 < zipcpi> *(zei'a) and (dei'a) tags 13:26 < durka42> Ilmen can you paste the definition again .u'i 13:26 < Ilmen> "broda pu'o lo nu brode ~= pu'o broda ca lo nu brode. " 13:26 < ldlework> at least that's what we tell ourselves in retrospect 13:26 < ldlework> u'i 13:26 < durka42> yes that! 13:26 < Ilmen> pu'o = Prospective aspect. It indicates that a situation is about to take place, not yet realized. When tagging a sumti, the sumti indicates an event occurring while the situation is not yet realized. broda pu'o lo nu brode ~= pu'o broda ca lo nu brode. 13:26 < ldlework> Ilmen: I don't know what that means 13:26 < ldlework> examples are bad 13:26 < zipcpi> durka42: Yes I know. mablyrai ke carmi mabla 13:26 < ldlework> please just tell me the order and overlap of the events 13:26 < gocti> oi 13:26 < durka42> mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka => mi pu'o xagji ca lo nu mi citka => I am not yet hungry and I am eating 13:27 < durka42> that's what I get from the definition 13:27 < ldlework> when will I be hungry? 13:27 < durka42> some time later 13:27 < ldlework> cizra 13:27 < Ilmen> I think {ca lo nu... cu pu'o..} would be better 13:27 < ldlework> someone come up with an actual believable use 13:27 < durka42> You're telling me all this time I've been eating bowls of hunger?! 13:27 < gocti> Ilmen: ie 13:27 < ldlework> u'i 13:27 < durka42> mi tolxagji ca lo nu mi citka? 13:28 < durka42> er 13:28 < durka42> mi tolxagji pu'o lo nu mi citka? 13:28 < ldlework> I'm not yet satiated but am eating? 13:28 < Ilmen> {pu'o} is like {canai je ba} 13:28 < durka42> ldlework: yeah 13:28 * ldlework endevors to create an html5 visualizer 13:28 < ldlework> wait no 13:29 < ldlework> la jbogu'e visualizer :D 13:29 < zipcpi> durka42: I just wish you could search these 13:29 < ldlework> seriously, we need a korpus of contour examples yesterday 13:29 < durka42> zipcpi: ie 13:29 < gocti> PEG in LSL sususu 13:29 < ldlework> ii 13:30 < ldlework> gocti: I can extend LSL though 13:30 < ldlework> with C# and provide new built-in functions 13:30 < ldlework> so its not that bad :) 13:30 < gocti> ri'e 13:30 < ldlework> gocti: are you going to visit? 13:30 < Ilmen> durka42: ie pei {pu'o} is very similar to {canai je ba} 13:30 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 13:31 < gocti> la'a ba za .i ca ku lo mi kibyterjo'e cu masno gi'e kargu 13:31 < gocti> co jai 13:31 < ldlework> you don't need a strong computer 13:31 < ldlework> it isn't secondlife 13:31 < ldlework> its a small island with basically nothing in it 13:31 < ldlework> just other jbopre and some toys and trees 13:31 < durka42> Ilmen: for the predicate, but not for the tagged sumti 13:31 < zipcpi> durka42: Which "experimental cmavo", if any, have been incorporated yet? 13:31 < durka42> in camxes-exp? 13:31 < zipcpi> No in BPFK sections 13:31 < durka42> umm 13:31 < durka42> ja'ai 13:31 < durka42> xa'o 13:32 < durka42> I'm not aware of others but there might be 13:32 < ldlework> gocti: je'a vitke stidi 13:32 < Ilmen> They're very few 13:32 < zipcpi> Not even ki'ai/sa'ei? 13:32 < gocti> su'oi and ro'oi if you count guskant's paper 13:32 < Ilmen> zipcpi: nope 13:32 < Ilmen> But anybody can write a proposed definition for them 13:32 < durka42> I'd be very glad if the BPFK could explain what the hell is the difference between those two, .u'i 13:32 < zipcpi> ... do we really need su'oi and ro'oi? 13:33 < durka42> we do if you're a fan of plural logic! 13:33 < durka42> it makes my head hurt but smart folks assure me it is fundamental to everything 13:33 < zipcpi> Wait are you really confused about the difference between ki'ai and sa'ei? 13:33 < gocti> su'o X = su'oi X poi pa mei 13:33 < zipcpi> I've seen people misuse sa'ei when they meant ki'ai the other day 13:33 * gocti is guilty of that 13:33 < durka42> oh no I guess not 13:33 < zipcpi> do zbusufukai 13:34 < durka42> I don't know between sa'ei, ci'oi and tai'i though 13:34 < Ilmen> en: sa'ei 13:34 < mensi> sa'ei = [COI2] Converts following cmevla or zoi-quote into onomatopoeia. (bam! crash! kapow! etc.) |>>> Narrower term 13:34 < mensi> than tai'i. See also sance, ci'oi, ki'ai. |>>> spheniscine 13:34 < zipcpi> ci'oi are for things that don't actually make a sound, but are evocative of a certain action or mental state 13:35 < zipcpi> They are common in Japanese, but even English has them. "Zing!" "Yoink!" 13:35 < zipcpi> Zing being the "sound" of pain, and yoink being the "sound" of stealing 13:35 < durka42> I see 13:37 < zipcpi> tai'i is basically when you don't want to have to distinguish between sa'ei and ci'oi 13:38 < zipcpi> Hard time seeing that used though; people would probably just end up misusing sa'ei when they mean ci'oi. Then again, YMMV, since ci'oi is much more common in Japanese than English 13:39 < zipcpi> Well it's kinda like how people use {nu} like {su'u} 13:39 < zipcpi> Seriously what is up with that 13:39 < durka42> la'a lo nu tordymau cu krinu 13:39 < zipcpi> Yeah 13:40 < ldlework> I sort of wish we were all in jbogu'e having these conversations 13:40 < gocti> {nu} and {du'u} are kinda like English /h/ and /N/ 13:40 < ldlework> we're all setup for it 13:40 < ldlework> well not all 13:41 < durka42> easier to multitask while IRCing though 13:42 < ldlework> why's that 13:42 < durka42> gocti: eh? 13:42 < durka42> I mean because it's just text 13:42 < ldlework> but, can't you just use the text interface? 13:42 < ldlework> maximize the chat window 13:42 < ldlework> :D 13:42 < ldlework> also there is radegast client which is text only 13:43 < ldlework> I need to get an IRC bridge going, but unfortunately the official one doesn't work on freenode for some reason 13:43 < ldlework> so I'd have to build it 13:44 < gocti> (the environments where they can occur are almost disjoint but they feel completely different from each other to the speaker) 13:44 < Ilmen> BTW, what is the vocal chat thing in the Singularity viewer, @ ldlework? 13:44 < ldlework> Ilmen: we can integrate a free service, or I can do some work to make mumble usable from inside the secondlife client, but everyone has to download an addon to their client 13:44 < ldlework> selpah'i recommends we just use the normal mumble 13:45 < Ilmen> je'e 13:45 < Ilmen> sure 13:45 < ldlework> and that if people in mumble are interested as to what other people are talking about that will motivate them to login to jbogu'e 13:45 < gocti> ta'o .au pei co'u fa'u co'a glibau fa'u jbobau casnu 13:45 < ldlework> well that's my own thought, in response to his recommendation not selpah'is 13:47 < zipcpi> Oh did gocti see my fun new word, {zbusufukai} yet? I can't remember 13:47 < gocti> ganse ja'a ku 13:47 < zipcpi> i'e 13:47 < ldlework> I've been pronouncing be as bei my whole jbonunji'e :( 13:47 < gocti> .i mi jinvi lenu mutce lobykai 13:48 < durka42> ldlework: yeah that was a fun realization for me 13:48 < zipcpi> doi cadgu'a do zbusufukai 13:48 < durka42> I imported my entire lojban pronunciation knowledge from spanish and later I realized the vowels were not quite right 13:48 < ldlework> ouch 13:49 < durka42> I've been told there is _still_ a difference between {bei} and like "bay", but I can't hear it, so :) 13:49 < ldlework> I think it is my rounded-vowel tendencies as a glipre that bites me most 13:49 < zipcpi> durka: Try starting to say "bear", but not finishing it, for {be} 13:49 < ldlework> zipcpi: that's not bei 13:49 < ldlework> oh 13:49 < gocti> or "bed" 13:49 < ldlework> you said that 13:49 < durka42> it's the vowel in "heh", no? 13:49 < durka42> yeah 13:49 < zipcpi> No I don't like "bed" 13:50 < ldlework> bed works exactly the same 13:50 < zipcpi> tends to sound like "bade" to my ears 13:50 < ldlework> o.O 13:50 < durka42> "bear" and "bed" are different vowels 13:50 < durka42> in my dialect 13:50 < durka42> "bade" is quite different! 13:50 < ldlework> bed and heh seem to have the same vowel 13:50 < zipcpi> Yes it is 13:50 < gocti> su'a ko'oi ba'e sai ro jicmu ve ckule cu cilre fi lo .itpa 13:50 < durka42> beh-are 13:50 < durka42> zo'o 13:51 < ldlework> bed and bear seem to have the same vowel if I don't go anywhere close to the 'a' in bear 13:51 < durka42> maybe 13:51 < zipcpi> But I believe Lojban e is X-SAMPA [E], not [e] 13:51 < durka42> except it sounds the same as "bare" 13:51 < durka42> so you can't go by letters 13:51 < ldlework> durka42: yes, when full 13:51 < zipcpi> [e] sounds too much like /ei/ 13:51 < ldlework> durka42: ie 13:51 < durka42> hold on now I need an X-SAMPA audio chart :) 13:51 < ldlework> omg 13:51 < ldlework> jbogu'e! 13:52 < durka42> is there one in there? 13:52 < ldlework> no but that's an amazing thing to have in there! 13:52 < ldlework> ki'e sai 13:52 < durka42> ie 13:52 < durka42> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA_vowel_chart_with_audio 13:52 < ldlework> "lets walk over to the IPA chart..." 13:52 < durka42> zipcpi: you're saying {e} is an open-mid vowel, not close-mid? 13:52 < zipcpi> Yes 13:52 < durka42> I agree 13:52 < gocti> http://chins.qc.to/voksna.html 13:53 < durka42> uesai 13:53 < Ilmen> As for me, I use mid vowels for /o/ and /e/ 13:53 < gocti> (pilno lo snavei pe la uitkimledja toi) 13:53 < zipcpi> The close-mid is too confusable for /ei/ 13:53 < durka42> hey! that's the mcgurk guy! 13:53 < ldlework> Ilmen: then what do you use for /ei/ ? 13:53 < Ilmen> (so, half-way between a closed [e] and an open [ɛ]) 13:53 < gocti> +to 13:54 < Ilmen> well I don't have trouble distinguishing [ei] from [e] 13:54 < Ilmen> but you can pronounce "ei" with a more open e if you want 13:55 < ldlework> eyah 13:55 < Ilmen> to make a better contrast 13:55 < ldlework> with more rounding? 13:55 < Ilmen> Rounding? ua nai ru'e 13:55 < zipcpi> I'd put an oval somewhere between the front-mid and the front-near-open for Lojban /e/ 13:55 < ldlework> (I know there is no actual 'ah' sound its just to help with the sense of rounding at the end) 13:55 < zipcpi> Centered on the open-mid 13:56 < ldlework> actually I just imagined this conversation in mumble 13:56 < Ilmen> In phonetics, "rounding" means "lip rounding" :) 13:56 < ldlework> with everyone vocalizing various e sounds at the same time 13:56 < ldlework> Ilmen: ah I thought I remembered in the cll or something distinguishing between english speaking vowels which are usually 'rounded' compared to the 'short vowels' used in lojban 13:57 < ldlework> like the short o being pronounced ough 13:57 < ldlework> do-ugh melbi mi-yah 13:57 < gocti> off-glides rather 13:57 < ldlework> ua 13:57 < ldlework> ki'e 13:58 < zipcpi> Red shades for unrounded vowels, blue for rounded? 13:58 < zipcpi> In lojban only o and u are rounded 13:58 < Ilmen> (in the phonetic sense of "rounded") 13:58 < zipcpi> Mhm 13:58 < Ilmen> ie nai pei 13:58 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 13:59 < zipcpi> So Lojban e = front open mid, with some allowed variation but avoiding the close-mid 13:59 < zipcpi> Lojban a = any unrounded open 14:00 < zipcpi> Lojban i = close front unrounded 14:00 < zipcpi> Lojban o = rounded mid back, can be anywhere between close-mid and open-mid 14:00 < zipcpi> Lojban u = rounded close back 14:01 < zipcpi> Lojban y = central mid; some variation allowed 14:02 * gocti cu darlnranta tu'a zo'oi o ju'e zo'oi O tai le nu no'a tu'a zo'oi e ju'e zo'oi E 14:03 * nuzba @frenezulino: @enkiv2 @cizyprijev Lojban song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLrmjRIMgAk [http://bit.ly/1SU8iFb] 14:03 * nuzba @cizyprijev: @enkiv2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Esperanto_music For Lojban, check out anything by "la selpa'i" or "lilisuno". [http://bit.ly/1ETA3CT] 14:03 < durka42> oh interesting 14:03 < durka42> nuzba doesn't reset its timer for a /me 14:03 < ldlework> ma cinri 14:04 < ldlework> honestly 14:04 < ldlework> I can render webpages onto prims 14:04 < ldlework> I may just put up a board, and render the wiki chart onto it 14:04 < zipcpi> Grr I can't draw slanted ellipses 14:05 < ldlework> zipcpi: you'll get there, keep practicing 14:05 < zipcpi> No I mean in Paint.net 14:05 < ldlework> mmm 14:06 < ldlework> is there no word for 'legal' ? 14:06 < gocti> ko pilno la jimpe ku se ju la .djimp. 14:06 < zipcpi> I'm not very certu with graphics programs 14:06 < gocti> fladra? 14:06 < zipcpi> In what sense 14:06 < ldlework> "Are you doing something illegal?" 14:06 < zipcpi> {zekri}? 14:06 < ldlework> nice 14:07 < zipcpi> xu do ca gasnu lo zekri 14:09 < zipcpi> I like how someone translated Minecraft "Time to Strike" as {lo vlile ku ja'a danfu}. Though I'd put {cu} instead of {ku} 14:09 < zipcpi> Or just leave it out altogether since ja'a can never be in the middle of a tanru 14:09 < ldlework> I usually go for ku if I have a simple sumti and there is a selbri modifier 14:09 < zipcpi> I don't like using ku for cu 14:09 < ldlework> I do when there is a selbri modifier 14:10 < zipcpi> Causes problems if you're in an abstraction 14:10 < ldlework> like I said, if I have a simple sumti 14:10 < gocti> .oi .u'u za'a bu'o la .djimp. na curmi zo'e bi'u nai .i la xinmo jvinu ja'a go'i 14:10 < ldlework> le broda ku pu brode 14:10 < zipcpi> Yeah well, I'm the zbusufukai who invented {i'au}; so I hate thinking about context too much :p 14:13 < zipcpi> I don't even see you in jbogu'e 14:14 < ldlework> I was too lonely! 14:14 < zipcpi> uinaidai 14:14 < ldlework> but I'm going to head home and log on 14:14 < ldlework> co'o ro pendo 14:14 < zipcpi> co'o 14:15 < gocti> co'o cadgu zei .a 14:15 < Ilmen> ca sai lo nu mi jbogu'e nerkla .u'i 14:15 < zipcpi> But yeah the experimental cmavo the BPFK chose to define make sense, since they feel genuine holes 14:15 < zipcpi> *fill 14:15 < zipcpi> I mean, really, {xa'o} and {ja'ai} 14:16 < gocti> ro xusra be lo du ri ja ra cipra cmavo cu jifxu'a 14:17 < zipcpi> "Everything said about these cmavo is false" ? 14:17 < durka42> everyone claiming that these cmavo are experimental is lying 14:17 < zipcpi> lol 14:18 < zipcpi> Yep, they're about as level 2 as you can get 14:18 < zipcpi> Can't be level one until they finish rewriting the CLL + ma'oste :p 14:19 < durka42> s/they/we 14:19 < gocti> ^ 14:19 < zipcpi> Right. But I'm not BPFK :p 14:20 < gocti> lo ro ma'a jdice lo du lo jbobybau cu mo kau 14:20 < zipcpi> jbobybau ki'a 14:20 < gocti> jbo: jbobo 14:20 < mensi> jbobo = x1 lojbo x2 |>>> .i ko pilno va'o lo nu do ji'a jinvi lo du'u zoi jy. loj jy. .a zo lojbo .a zo .lojban. 14:20 < mensi> tolmletce ni'o li'a ra'oi jbo rafsi zo jbobo |>>> danr 14:20 < gocti> (to mi na go'o jinvi toi) 14:20 < gocti> *go'oi 14:21 < zipcpi> So it's the same as "lojbo", but for people who are so used to calling Lojban "jbobau" that they feel that "Lojban" doesn't make sense as a name anymore :p 14:21 < gocti> la'a 14:27 < ctefa`o> Well "Lojban" is a name 14:27 < zipcpi> Yes. but then Lojban became lojbo, then was assigned the rafsi jbo, then people attached it to make the brivla jbobau 14:27 < ctefa`o> But eh, nvm, this discussion won't lead anywhere 14:28 < zipcpi> But yeah I have no dog in the fight 14:28 < ctefa`o> I just don't agree that Lojban and lojbo can mean the same thing 14:28 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Lojban and jbobau 14:29 < ctefa`o> Right 14:31 < zipcpi> Well, both jbobo and lojbo share the rafsi {jbo} :p 14:31 < ctefa`o> >_> 14:31 < zipcpi> ca'i BSFK 14:31 < Ilmen> lojbóbo 14:31 < gocti> (to ge'i lo ro la .lojban. gi lo ro jbobau cu za'u mei toi) 14:31 < Ilmen> cujbonóbo 14:32 < ctefa`o> Maybe when I get more experienced in lojban I will change my mind. 14:33 < durka42> zo jbobo cu jai xamselsku 14:33 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: You can think of {jbobau} as "x1 is Lojban" 14:35 < durka42> lol xorxes made lojbab mad 14:35 < durka42> jbodrama 14:35 < ctefa`o> So...x1 is what the name Lojban refers to? 14:35 < Ilmen> yeah 14:35 < ctefa`o> So what if I call my cat "Lojban" 14:36 < ctefa`o> Is it "lo lojbo" now? 14:36 < Ilmen> .u'i no 14:36 < zipcpi> Oh crap it's the {me la} again 14:36 < durka42> zo lojbo frica zo jbobau 14:36 < Ilmen> the referent of "Lojban" depends on the context 14:36 < durka42> there can always be multiple things with the same name 14:36 < durka42> ie 14:36 < Ilmen> the x1 of jbobau is the language called Lojban 14:36 < durka42> cmevla are inherently polysemous which is another reason not to use them for anything important :p 14:36 < zipcpi> And it has x2 and x3 places as well, that act the same as {bangu} 14:37 < ctefa`o> I don't buy it and I don't think I ever will sorry 14:37 < zipcpi> Buy what? 14:37 < ctefa`o> This idea 14:37 < zipcpi> Which idea? 14:37 < zipcpi> I'm so confused 14:37 < ctefa`o> Or its justification 14:37 < durka42> that {jbobau} refers to the Lojbanic language? 14:37 < ctefa`o> Uhm 14:37 < ctefa`o> Using names as selbri? 14:38 < zipcpi> ... that was never brought up here 14:38 < durka42> oh you popped the stack back a few hours 14:38 < durka42> .u'i 14:38 < ctefa`o> I just came back 14:38 < ctefa`o> Now to go on the mumble server 14:38 < ctefa`o> Did someone have the new mumble server name? 14:39 < ctefa`o> Got lost in the recent conversarion 14:39 < Ilmen> Zbaga 14:39 < Ilmen> zbaga.ax.lt:64738 14:40 < ctefa`o> ki'e 14:40 < zipcpi> lojbo is not defined in terms of {la .lojban.} except perhaps informally 14:41 < zipcpi> So no, naming your cat Lojban won't change the meaning of {lojbo} 14:42 < Ilmen> ie 14:42 < Ilmen> ko mi tugni doi la mensi 14:42 < ctefa`o> No but it breaks using "lojban" to refer to "jbobau" 14:43 < ctefa`o> Ilmen it doesn't work 14:43 < zipcpi> {jbobau} isn't defined in terms of {la .lojban.} either 14:43 < ctefa`o> I can't connect using your server, mumble won't even let me try 14:43 < zipcpi> I agree cmevla are inherently polysemous. I'm not saying that brivla are useless and should be abolished. I'm not *that* zbusufukai 14:44 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: add a new server, call it Zbaga, put "zbaga.ax.lt" as its address, and 64738 for the port 14:44 < Ilmen> and then choose an username 14:44 < Ilmen> I'm currently logged in 14:44 < Ilmen> so it works 14:45 < sdamashek> fwilson: of course you're in here 14:45 < zipcpi> I'm saying that there are certain contexts where defining brivla would be difficult or too presumptive, and using {me la} so that cmevla can be used instead is too cumbersome 14:45 < fwilson> sdamashek: go'i 14:45 < ctefa`o> The connect button gets grayed out 14:45 < Ilmen> huh 14:46 < zipcpi> And... yes, not quite smudra 14:46 < fwilson> and I guess I'm still trying to think of Lojban grammar structures in English :/ 14:46 < ctefa`o> Then make another cmavo doing that 14:47 < ctefa`o> Eject one of the unused experimential cmavo 14:47 < ctefa`o> Into whatever feels un-cumbersome enough 14:47 < durka42> I'm in the merge camp but I don't see any difference between {lo berti .atlantik. xamsi} and {lo berti me la .atlantik. me'u xamsi} 14:47 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: I've just done agaian the steps I've told you, and it works for me 14:47 < Ilmen> *again 14:47 < ctefa`o> Very strange 14:47 < dutchie> is {mi cilre du'u tavla fo la lojban.} right? 14:48 < durka42> dutchie: mi cilre lo nu tavla fo la .lojban. 14:48 < ctefa`o> I have no idea what may be wrong 14:48 < zipcpi> durka42: But there is a big difference between {ti .spagetis.} and {ti me la .spagetis.}, pe'i 14:48 < ctefa`o> Maybe the .ax.it? 14:48 < dutchie> ki'e 14:48 < durka42> dutchie: oh, cilre says it wants a du'u in x2 14:48 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: maybe 14:48 < dutchie> u'i 14:48 < dutchie> i noticed that 14:49 < durka42> dutchie: well anyway, {du'u …} is a bridi (and {nu …}) so you always need a {lo) to put it in a sumti 14:49 < zipcpi> Except that how "correct" {ti .spagetis.} is is in dispute 14:49 < dutchie> so {lo du'u ...} and it's right? 14:49 < ctefa`o> Ilmen, trying to update mumble 14:49 < ctefa`o> Nope I have 1.2.8 14:50 < Ilmen> it's zbaga.ax.lt 14:50 < zipcpi> So maybe we need an experimental cmavo that isn't actually meant to be used, but only meant to clarify the difference between "me la" as a proper noun, and "common" nouns 14:51 < zipcpi> la'e zo 14:52 < zipcpi> me'oi = me'au la'e zo'oi 14:52 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: seems I am not the only one with this problem. None of the proposed worksrounds work for me though 14:52 < zipcpi> So *la'a'ai = me'au la'e zo 14:53 < durka42> dutchie: yeah should be 14:53 < zipcpi> "the referent of this word", without implying a "name" 14:53 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Did you create a mumble authentification certificate? 14:53 < durka42> dutchie: come to #ckule for simple questions when #lojban is overrun 14:53 < zipcpi> Though I don't know whether the Lojban word {cmene} makes that distinction 14:53 < Ilmen> No idea whether that's related, but I've made one if I remember correctly 14:53 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: hmm maybe not? 14:54 < Ilmen> Config > certificate wizard 14:54 < Ilmen> I've no idea whether that's the issue 14:54 < Ilmen> but you can have a try 14:54 < ctefa`o> Maybe check your server, does it only allow certified connections? 14:54 < Ilmen> I'm not the owner of the server, it's gotci's 14:55 < zipcpi> So *{ti .spagetis.} -> {ti me'au la'e zo .spagetis.} 14:55 < ctefa`o> Created one 14:55 < zipcpi> No {la} in sight 14:55 < ctefa`o> No do difference 14:56 < Ilmen> :S 14:56 < ctefa`o> -do 14:57 < zipcpi> It's also roughly the difference between {la'au}, and {la'e lu} 14:57 < durka42> la == la'e zo, u'i 14:57 < ctefa`o> Omg 14:57 < durka42> jbo: la'au 14:57 < mensi> lai'e = [LAhE] sumgadri le se li'erla'i sumti le du'u sinxa le se cmene be ri 14:57 < ctefa`o> .ax is Ålands domain 14:57 < ctefa`o> So... 14:57 < Ilmen> I don't know what's wrong. I have an entry "Zbaga" in my favorites, it has Name = Zbaga, Address = zbaga.ax.lt, Port = 64738, Username = menli 14:57 < Ilmen> And I can connect with that 14:58 < zipcpi> durka42: Even given smurublynuze, la could accept more than one word :p 14:58 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: weird 14:58 < durka42> well you know what I mean 14:58 < ctefa`o> I have *exactly* the same 14:59 < ctefa`o> Other username though li'a 14:59 < Ilmen> gotci: any idea on what's the problem? 15:00 < Ilmen> * gocti 15:00 < zipcpi> It's just maybe it's my malglico mind, but la to me signals a "proper name", in the sense of "don't think about what these words mean too seriously; think about what we have agreed to call that instead" 15:00 < durka42> ie 15:01 < zipcpi> Just like la zipcpi na'e zipcpi 15:01 < zipcpi> .y. la zipcpi cu na'e zipcpi 15:02 < ctefa`o> With my mal-sfe'ero mind to me a name is just something that refers to something. 15:02 < ctefa`o> No semantic meaning involved 15:03 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: should I do something more with the cert? 15:03 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Try replacing "zbaga.ax.lt" with " 15:04 < Ilmen> " 15:04 < zipcpi> But under that system {ro brivla ku ji'a cmene} 15:04 < Ilmen> it seems to work as well 15:04 < ctefa`o> Ah right that was another workaround 15:04 < ctefa`o> Forgot that one 15:04 < zipcpi> And I'm not sure whether that's what {cmene} means. I could be wrong. 15:05 < ctefa`o> Serms o work now 15:05 < Ilmen> ua 15:05 < durka42> {cmene} has to do with morphology 15:05 < durka42> so you mean {cmevla} 15:05 < durka42> but I'm not sure what you are saying 15:05 < zipcpi> No. 15:05 < zipcpi> I'm refering to {cmene} as "name" 15:05 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Nice. Though I don't understand why "zbaga.ax.lt" doesn't work for you 15:05 < durka42> DNS ci'izra 15:05 < zipcpi> xu lo'i brivla cu cmene 15:05 < ctefa`o> Some DNS sh*t 15:06 < durka42> naku su'o brivla cu cmene 15:06 < durka42> su'o brivla cu cmevla mu'u la zipcpi 15:06 < durka42> wait 15:06 < durka42> do I have them backwards 15:06 < durka42> aaaaaah I have them backwards 15:06 < durka42> fuck 15:07 < durka42> cmevla is the morphological one 15:07 < zipcpi> {zo zipcpi pe la zipcpi} might be what you mean :p 15:07 < durka42> probably don't listen to me about anything 15:08 < zipcpi> Maybe we should define {cmevo} instead 15:08 < zipcpi> So then we have cmavo, brivo, lujvo, gismu, errm... zivlo? 15:08 < zipcpi> zo'o 15:09 < zipcpi> And cmevo 15:10 < zipcpi> That way it can be divorced from {da poi cmene gi'e valsi} :p 15:10 < durka42> anyway 15:10 < durka42> I'll start again 15:10 < durka42> na ku su'o brivla cu cmevla 15:10 < durka42> su'o brivla cu cmene mu'u zo zipcpi pe la zipcpi 15:11 < durka42> soi se stidi vau ro cmevla cu brivla lo ka ce'u menre lo se cmevla be vo'a 15:11 < zipcpi> ie iku'i xu zo zipcpi pe lo'i zipcpi cu cmene 15:12 < durka42> na jimpe 15:12 < zipcpi> xu zo zipcpi pe lo'i zipcpi ge'u ji'a cu cmene 15:12 < zipcpi> Is the word "zipcpi" as applied to penguins, a name as defined by the word "cmene"? 15:12 < durka42> zo zipcpi cmene do .i zo zipcpi valsi lo ka pinguuino 15:13 < durka42> I guess not then 15:13 < durka42> zo pe ta'e cizryselja'e 15:14 < zipcpi> Come to think of it that makes me wonder how to render the part of the Bible where God asked Adam to "name" the animals 15:14 < zipcpi> Hah imagine if he had to conform to zi'evla morphology :p 15:15 < zipcpi> gepard... no ... getpardo.... no.... zgepardo... no... 15:15 < zipcpi> :p 15:15 < zipcpi> Erm, replace no with {si} for a completely lojbanic variation 15:16 < zipcpi> Except when he accidentally makes a tosmabru or a slinku'i 15:16 < zipcpi> Then the earth would open up and swallow him for not being gendra 15:16 < zipcpi> ... anyway I *really* digress 15:18 < zipcpi> jbo: cmene 15:18 < mensi> cmene = x1 noi valsi ja vlapoi cu tcita x2 pi'o x3 |>>> valsi; vlapoi; tcita; pi'o; cmevla |>>> 15:18 < mensi> xorxes 15:18 < zipcpi> Sigh... my head hurts 15:19 < durka42> jbo: cmevla 15:19 < mensi> cmevla [< cmene valsi ≈ Cmene* valsi*] = x1 valsi x2 x3 gi'e cmene po'o ni'i lo vlaturge'a be x3 |>>> .i bau la .lojban. 15:19 < mensi> da poi valsi cu ganai se fanmo lo zunsna gi cmevla .i bau la .lojban. da poi cmevla ce'e de poi cmene zo'u ge da me lo 15:19 < mensi> pa po'o valsi gi ku'i de me lo su'o pa valsi noi ka'e cmevla .i ko viska zo vlaturge'a ji'a |>>> 15:19 < mensi> durka42 15:19 < durka42> oi me mi moi 15:19 < zipcpi> "bau la .lojban." 15:20 < durka42> ma nabmi 15:20 < zipcpi> Let me make a new language that is completely not Lojban but call it Lojban anyway then :p 15:20 < durka42> .u'i 15:20 < zipcpi> There. The work of the BSFK is complete 15:20 < durka42> what on lo crino terdi pe le cevni am I trying to say in that second sentence 15:21 < zipcpi> u'i 15:22 < zipcpi> x2 x3 -> Also you forgot a boi :p 15:22 < durka42> "in Lojban, there's a cmevla A and a cmene E such that (A is just one word) and (B is at least one word that can be a cmevla)" 15:22 < durka42> waaaat 15:23 < durka42> I always figured that if $x_1$ gets an auto-xi then it gets an auto-boi too 15:23 < zipcpi> lol 15:23 < durka42> I think I need to edit this def :p 15:24 < durka42> .i bau la .lojban. ge ro cmevla cu valsi pamei gi ro cmene cu cmevla su'omei 15:24 < ctefa`o> co'o 15:24 < ctefa`o> ba sipna 15:24 < durka42> co'o 15:26 < zipcpi> co'o 15:29 < ldlework> mi vitke la jbogu'e 15:30 < ldlework> ko'oi 15:30 < akmnlrse> mi je la menli cu zvati la jbogu'e je la mumble 15:31 < zipcpi> mi zei'a tatpi 15:33 < ldlework> ui mi se kansa zenba 15:34 < durka42> mi vitke 15:35 < zipcpi> I still wonder if it's worth adding pojycelxa'i into the dictionary. I won't know how to define it 15:35 < durka42> cusku lo sedu'u mi po'o zvati lo mujypau 15:35 < zipcpi> That distinguishes it from the current definition of celxa'i 15:35 < durka42> xu mi tavla no da 15:36 < durka42> ldlework: am I in the wrong part of the world? 15:36 < akmnlrse> durka42: mi'a zvati la berstici 15:37 < durka42> la… 15:37 < durka42> la barstici? 15:37 < akmnlrse> si'au 15:37 < zipcpi> xu la berstici cu mlatu je cu cnino dalpe'o do i'au zo'o 15:38 < durka42> si'au la jbogu'e cu panra lo se .irci lo ni glare fa lo samca'a 15:38 < zipcpi> za'a mi co'u djuno lo du'u makau se cmene ro da 15:39 < zipcpi> .y. la'a lo sko'opu na drani 15:40 < zipcpi> za'a mi co'u djuno lo du'u roda cmene makau 16:33 < durka42> zipcpi: looks like the BPFK heavyweights are lining up to change the grammar in order to obsolete your date format proposal :( 16:34 < zipcpi> Even the LI? 16:34 < zipcpi> Won't that kill all mekso? 16:35 < zipcpi> Cause I agree with the {boi} thing... it's just the LI change that would affect me 16:35 < zipcpi> Besides LI already does have a famyma'o 16:35 < durka42> no not LI 16:35 < zipcpi> It's LOhO 16:35 < durka42> check out the bpfk-list thread 16:36 < durka42> {li pa su'i pa} and {li pa su'i .abu} would remain, but {li ry re dy re} would die 16:36 < zipcpi> Huh 16:36 < durka42> because the first two are mex expressions 16:36 < durka42> with number-strings and lerfu-strings inside 16:37 < durka42> I'll still create a cmavo that works like the current {li} if it goes through :p 16:37 < durka42> is {li'oi} taken yet 16:37 < durka42> seems it is, but with an unformalizable word, so :) 16:38 < durka42> oh nevermind it's an attitudinal 16:38 < durka42> well 16:38 < durka42> li'ai? 16:38 < durka42> nope 16:38 < durka42> need to be more creative 16:38 < durka42> oh I know! how about {xai}? xD 16:40 < zipcpi> Besides, what about {me'o} then? 16:42 < zipcpi> u'i 16:42 < durka42> again, me'o is exactly the same as li 16:42 < durka42> in grammar 16:42 < zipcpi> But what about arbitrary character strings? 16:42 < durka42> dude please read the bpfk-list thread 16:43 < ldlework> tu'a mi pamoi lo nu lojbo bacru 16:43 < ldlework> nandu ue 16:43 < ldlework> la akmnlrse cu sutra io 16:43 < durka42> I don't want to be defending a proposal I don't support when lojbab has already asked all the same questions :) 16:44 < durka42> zipcpi: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/bpfk-list/GQ9Mnwieue0/47R3Jay3Ua8J 16:44 < zipcpi> Right... when my biggest supporter is Lojbab... 16:44 < ldlework> u'i 16:46 < zipcpi> But yeah, he gets what {me'o} was designed for 16:46 < zipcpi> I can't agree with breaking it, even if my date proposal wasn't at stake 16:47 < durka42> the {abu boi reroi broda} thing is a little annoying 16:47 < zipcpi> and resorting to vobu rebu etc... blex 16:47 < durka42> I'm not sure it's annoying _enough_ 16:47 < zipcpi> Yes, but that can be fixed without touching mekso 16:47 < zipcpi> It's just a philosophical quibble 16:48 < zipcpi> That makes them want to affect mekso too 16:48 < durka42> so separating lerfu strings from number strings except under LI? 16:48 < zipcpi> Yes 16:48 < durka42> you could bring that up as a mid-way proposal 16:49 < zipcpi> How? I'm not BPFK 16:49 < ldlework> zipcpi: submit a pull request 16:49 < zipcpi> I've already made all my arguments in the main mriste 16:49 < ldlework> lgtm 16:49 < zipcpi> LGTM? 16:49 < ldlework> let's get that merged 16:50 < durka42> I always that that stood for "looks good to me" 16:50 < ldlework> it does 16:50 < ldlework> either or 16:50 < durka42> k 16:50 < durka42> well maybe I'll bring it up and attribute it to you :) 16:50 < ldlework> durka42: I'm flattered! 16:50 < durka42> not _you_ :) 16:51 < ldlework> :) 16:51 < zipcpi> LI already does have a famyma'o, it's lo'o 16:51 < zipcpi> Almost no one uses it though because {boi} was sufficient 16:51 < durka42> camxes: li pa 16:51 < camxes> ([li {pa BOI} LOhO] VAU) 16:52 < zipcpi> So yes, that would be a potential downside... people will be forced to use {lo'o} in some situations 16:52 < zipcpi> Don't see them cropping up too often though 16:56 < zipcpi> And besides, I got my idea from watching b_jonas treat the ISO 8601 as just another mekso to be put into {lo detri} 16:57 < zipcpi> All I did was adapt ISO 8601 to be more usable as a Lojbanic sub-language 16:57 < zipcpi> All those "pi'e" systems can't account for stuff like the ISO week year and stuff 16:57 < zipcpi> Or alternative calendars 16:57 < durka42> as I've said I really like your proposal 16:58 < durka42> I dunno why guskant said it was nonsense 16:58 < durka42> I think she didn't quite understand 16:58 < durka42> to be fair xorxes didn't really bring up the lerfu/number thing to derail your proposal 16:58 < durka42> but it was one hell of a thread hijack 16:58 < zipcpi> I think it's because she's thinking in terms of standard mathematical convention 16:58 < zipcpi> malmeksyxlu 16:59 < zipcpi> malmekyxlu 17:00 < zipcpi> My system *isn't* standard mathematical convention. Neither is ISO 8601 17:00 < zipcpi> Maybe there just needs to be some way of marking what *type* of number something is then 17:01 < zipcpi> Something like jo'au 17:01 < zipcpi> But only for mekso 17:01 < zipcpi> Because as I've said du'eroi, dates are numbers. ISO 8601 dates are numbers, my dates are numbers 17:02 < zipcpi> They just don't act like real-numbers 17:02 < durka42> wait, it is even PEG-ly possible to have {cy ci ibu} parse differently from {li cy ci ibu} 17:02 < zipcpi> Exactly 17:02 < durka42> is it? 17:02 < durka42> it suddenly occurred to me while writing out the mid-way proposal that it might make everything ambiguous everywhere 17:02 < durka42> and then lojban would explode 17:03 < zipcpi> No... everything within LI... LOhO is just treated as if it could contain any combination of lerfu and number strings 17:04 < zipcpi> I don't know how VUhU will be affected though 17:04 < zipcpi> I don't even know how VUhU works 17:04 < durka42> mm right 17:04 < zipcpi> But *outside* LI... LOhO, la xorxes can do whatever he wants 17:04 < durka42> something inside "mex" would just change from "lerfu_and_number_string" to "(lerfu_string / number_string)+" 17:04 < durka42> or whatever it is called 17:04 * durka42 goes spelunking 17:05 < durka42> oh dear… 17:05 < durka42> there's a reason I never bothered to learn mex :p 17:05 < durka42> there's gotta be a lerfu in here somewhere 17:06 < zipcpi> lol 17:06 < durka42> there it is! 17:06 < durka42> operand_start = ( quantifier / lerfu_word / NIhE_clause / MOhE_clause / JOhI_clause / gek / LAhE_clause / NAhE_clause) 17:06 < durka42> oh that's not it 17:06 < durka42> lerfu_string is further down 17:07 < durka42> interesting, "number" and "lerfu_string" are already different rules but they accept the same stuff 17:07 < durka42> however {A1} will parse as "lerfu_string" but {1A} as "number" 17:07 < durka42> I guess this isn't surprising given who wrote the PEG 17:08 < zipcpi> Hah 17:09 < durka42> number = ( PA_clause ( PA_clause / lerfu_word )* ) 17:09 < durka42> lerfu_string = ( lerfu_word ( PA_clause / lerfu_word )* ) 17:10 < zipcpi> I mean, if she thought my system was "nonsense", what of ISO 8601 2015-W-07? 17:11 < durka42> ie .u'i 17:11 < zipcpi> Er, 2015-W22 rather 17:13 < zipcpi> 2015-05-31T19:00:17Z 17:14 < zipcpi> P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S 17:14 < zipcpi> Right? 17:14 < durka42> I dunno 17:15 < zipcpi> That's in fact my very inspiration for my system 17:15 < zipcpi> That already b_jonas was putting magic letters in the dates 17:15 < zipcpi> I just made my magic letters more useful 17:17 < zipcpi> Not all mekso are created equal 17:17 < zipcpi> Lojbab recognizes that 17:42 < ldlework> is there a categorized word list? 17:44 < zipcpi> durka42, still here? 17:45 < durka42> yes 17:45 < zipcpi> Anyway I apologize for letting some of my anger slip out 17:45 < zipcpi> Seriously, this is all just bad timing and clash of egos 17:45 < durka42> 'sok 17:45 < zipcpi> la .guskant. must have spent a lot of time working on *her* system 17:46 < zipcpi> And here comes this mabla ke zbusufukai prenu to overturn everything :p 17:48 < durka42> you did come back on the scene a bit suddenly and start emailing 10 proposals an hour :p 17:49 < durka42> guskant has created hundreds of date/time fu'ivla, I'm not even sure if it's one system or two 17:50 < zipcpi> Hey, I've been told it's a Lojbanic tradition :p 18:04 < ldlework> jetnu 20:44 < ldlework> sooooooo 20:44 < ldlework> I built a working IPA chart in la jbogu'e 21:32 < niek> coi 21:33 < ldlework> coi niek 21:35 < niek> ue lo nu mi co'a cikna cu clira ca lo cabdei 21:46 < justeno> coi 21:47 < justeno> the community should pull together and create a duolingo course (if possible - i've heard of issues with grammar) 21:48 < justeno> I can be the motivator, the one that cracks the whip, heh 21:48 < justeno> (if I actually knew lojban, I'd totally contribute to the course creation) 21:48 < ldlework> .i ba'anairu'e su'o jbopre cu pu za gunka zo'e 21:48 < ldlework> justeno: why not learn, its easy 21:48 < ldlework> like - the easiest 21:49 < ldlework> so easy 21:49 < justeno> no 21:49 < justeno> esperanto is easy 21:49 < justeno> lojban is wat 21:49 < ldlework> justeno: I bet I can teach you core lojban in 10 minutes 21:49 < ldlework> if you're willing 21:50 < justeno> http://i.imgur.com/mR4xEMT.jpg * 21:50 < ldlework> justeno: no joke, give me a chance 21:50 < justeno> ldlework: i know the very basics. bridi, sumti, etc 21:50 < ldlework> ah okay 21:50 < ldlework> darn 21:50 < ldlework> so you can form basic sentences? 21:50 < justeno> ku/cu/vau(?) are confusing me 21:51 < ldlework> I can teach you in a way that likely clears things up to you 21:51 < justeno> i'm game. I've not practiced in quite some time (and am cramming esperanto currently) 21:51 < ldlework> justeno: cool 21:51 < justeno> so first i need to at least rewatch the "this is a bridi" video 21:51 < ldlework> I made that video 21:51 < justeno> :D 21:52 < ldlework> I can teach if faster here 21:52 < ldlework> it* 21:52 < justeno> sure 21:52 < justeno> now is good for me, you as well? 21:52 < ldlework> sure why not 21:52 < justeno> ok, so my understanding 21:52 < ldlework> I kinda just have a presentation 21:53 < justeno> bridi is the 'verb' so to speak, but not necessarily a verb. sumti are the parameters (x1....) of said bridi? 21:53 < ldlework> nah 21:53 < ldlework> lets start from scratch 21:53 < ldlework> just try to keep up 21:53 < justeno> ok 21:53 < justeno> will do 21:53 < ldlework> the first core idea is that all sentences, at least by default are all formed the same way 21:53 < ldlework> the pattern is: x1 verb x2 x3 x4 x5 21:54 < ldlework> this is the only pattern you need for a long while, so just assume all lojban is formed this way for now 21:54 < justeno> 'k 21:54 < ldlework> in lojban, the verbs have strange definitions providing up to 5 semantics 21:54 < ldlework> illustration is easiest 21:55 < ldlework> vecnu: x1 sells item x2 to buyer x3 for price x4 21:55 < ldlework> When we plug this verb word into the main sentence pattern like so: 21:55 < ldlework> x1 vecnu x2 x3 x4 x5 21:55 < ldlework> the verb informs the role each noun plays in the sentence 21:55 < ldlework> take the following three simple nouns: 21:56 < ldlework> mi - the speaker 21:56 < ldlework> do - the listener 21:56 < ldlework> ti - this thing here 21:56 < ldlework> you *already* know how to say something in lojban 21:56 < ldlework> your brain is probably itching to put the simple nouns into the pattern 21:56 < ldlework> to say something 21:56 < ldlework> go ahead 21:56 < justeno> mi vecnu ti do 21:56 < ldlework> why thank you 21:56 < ldlework> how much will that be? 21:56 < ldlework> :) 21:57 < justeno> 1 million dollars 21:57 < ldlework> yikes! 21:57 < justeno> heh 21:57 < ldlework> okay there is only one other thing to know 21:57 < ldlework> to understand what makes up the core grammar of lojban 21:57 < ldlework> we can't get by having a simple two-letter word for every possible noun we might want to talk about 21:58 < ldlework> the way nouns are created is by 'objectifying' places inside the verbs 21:58 < ldlework> we do this by wrapping the verb in "lo" and "ku" to "steal" the x1 21:58 < ldlework> illustration is easiest 21:58 < ldlework> vecnu: x1 sells x2 to x3 21:58 < ldlework> lo vecnu ku : a seller 21:58 < ldlework> dunda: x1 gives x2 to x3 21:58 < ldlework> lo dunda ku : a giver 21:59 < ldlework> say "I sold this to the giver" 21:59 < justeno> I do not know past tense. Do you mean "I sell this to the giver"? 22:00 < ldlework> in the english translations, the tense is irrelevant 22:00 < ldlework> english forces us to pick a tense 22:00 < justeno> mi vecnu ti lo dunda ku 22:00 < ldlework> lojban doesn't 22:00 < ldlework> correct 22:00 < ldlework> but that's it dude 22:00 < ldlework> with a dictionary on hand 22:00 < ldlework> you can say *a lot* of novel phrases 22:01 < ldlework> using the x1 of verbs as the nouns available to you 22:01 < justeno> I knew those basics (at one point). Beyond that... 22:01 < ldlework> but it took like 10 minutes...! 22:01 < justeno> haha, yeah it did 22:01 < ldlework> and you now have a million available phrases 22:01 < justeno> that was swift 22:02 < ldlework> watch this 22:02 < ldlework> in just two more minutes 22:02 < justeno> 'k 22:02 < ldlework> I'm going to multiply your number of phrases 22:02 < ldlework> by a bajillion 22:02 < justeno> do it 22:02 < ldlework> what we did with lo-ku was to transform a "verb term" into a "noun term" 22:02 < ldlework> we got the x1 22:02 < ldlework> but verbs have more semantics than that 22:03 < ldlework> a family of "verb modifiers" gives us the ability to access the other places 22:03 < ldlework> if "lo - ku" always steals the x1 22:03 < ldlework> then we just need to move around the place we want, to x1 22:03 < ldlework> illustration is easiest: 22:03 < ldlework> vecnu: x1 sells x2 to x3 for price x4 22:03 < ldlework> se vecnu: x1 is sold by seller x2 to buyer x3 for price x4 22:04 < ldlework> te vecnu: x1 buys x2 from seller x3 for price x4 22:04 < ldlework> can you guess the definition of "ve vecnu" ? 22:04 < justeno> hm 22:05 < justeno> x1 is the price 22:05 < ldlework> yep 22:05 < ldlework> each of them swap x1 and xN 22:05 < ldlework> se: x1 and x2 22:05 < ldlework> te: x1 and x3 22:05 < ldlework> all the way to xe: x1 and x5 22:06 < ldlework> once we have a verb with the x1 we want, lo - ku comes by and snips the x1 into a noun 22:06 < ldlework> illustration is easiest 22:06 < ldlework> lo vecnu ku : seller 22:06 < ldlework> lo te vecnu ku : a commercial good 22:06 < ldlework> lo ve vecnu ku : a buyer 22:06 < ldlework> oooops! 22:06 < ldlework> forgot se 22:06 < ldlework> close your eyes and forget the last 25 seconds 22:06 < ldlework> lo vecnu ku : seller 22:07 < ldlework> lo se vecnu ku : a commercial good 22:07 < ldlework> lo te vecnu ku : a buyer 22:07 < ldlework> lo ve vecnu ku : a price 22:07 < ldlework> lo xe vecnu ku : !!! vecnu has no x5 place :) 22:07 < ldlework> but now you have access to literally all the possible nouns 22:07 < ldlework> \o/ 22:07 < justeno> wow 22:08 < justeno> what about adjectives? 22:08 < ldlework> so 22:08 < ldlework> you just stick verbs next to each other 22:08 < ldlework> mi vecnu lo xunre plise ku 22:08 < ldlework> "I sell a red-kind-of apple" 22:09 < ldlework> justeno: here's a challenge 22:09 < justeno> ruh-roh 22:09 < ldlework> here is a list of the core verbs: http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/gismu 22:10 < ldlework> pick 3 and say something novel 22:10 < ldlework> use two as nouns, and relate them by way of the third 22:10 < justeno> ok 22:11 < ldlework> these are your first words in a new language 22:11 < ldlework> make em count! lol 22:11 < justeno> lo lojban ku cizra mi 22:12 < justeno> lo lojbo ku cizra mi 22:12 < ldlework> haha 22:12 < ldlework> nice 22:13 < ldlework> justeno: okay now pick three new verbs 22:13 < ldlework> but you can't use any of the x1's 22:13 < justeno> mk 22:14 < justeno> this may take a sec 22:16 < justeno> no x1 at all? 22:17 < ldlework> nope! you can do it! 22:18 < justeno> zoe viska lo voksa ku 22:18 < justeno> to see speech 22:18 < justeno> though, i guess that would only be 2 22:20 < justeno> oh, i need to use se. derp 22:20 < justeno> se/te/ve/xe 22:21 < ldlework> indeed 22:23 < justeno> ranmi lo se xelso ku 22:23 < justeno> hmm 22:23 < justeno> that's something i have so far 22:23 < ldlework> myth about greek culture? 22:24 < justeno> yeah 22:24 < ldlework> so you just need what is a myth about greek culture 22:26 < justeno> yep, just looking through the gismu 22:27 < justeno> ranmi lo se xelso ku lo se stura ku 22:29 < justeno> lafti lo se jgari ku lo se minli ku 22:30 < ldlework> heh I guess I meant "you have to use SE on each verb" rather than "no x1's" 22:31 < justeno> ah 22:31 < ldlework> but that's good 22:31 < ldlework> justeno: a good next step is questions which are suuuuper easy 22:31 < justeno> would it be like lo se ku se lo se ku ? 22:31 < ldlework> yeah 22:31 < ldlework> but that alone proves you understand it 22:31 < justeno> se/te/etc 22:32 < ldlework> and it doesn't matter what verbs you pick at this point 22:32 < ldlework> or how you modify them 22:32 < justeno> mk 22:32 < ldlework> the concept has been conveyed, I think :) 22:32 < justeno> i took long enough, i hope so. heh 22:32 < ldlework> justeno: with questions you'll be able to actually converse 22:32 < ldlework> instead of just saying things at people :) 22:32 < justeno> xu 22:32 < ldlework> yep 22:32 < ldlework> for yes/no questions 22:32 < ldlework> do you know how to answer yes and now? 22:33 < justeno> i know of xu, but not how to use it (anymore) 22:33 < ldlework> yes and no* 22:33 < ldlework> justeno: just stick it anywhere! 22:33 < ldlework> usually at the start or end :) 22:33 < justeno> even between a lo-ku? 22:33 < ldlework> usually the thing you stick it after is the thing you're most interested in 22:33 < ldlework> sure 22:34 < justeno> wow 22:34 < justeno> flexible 22:34 < ldlework> .i xu do citka lo plise : did you eat an apple? 22:34 < justeno> tinsa 22:34 < ldlework> .i do citka lo xu plise : you at an APPLE?! 22:35 < justeno> ku is implied since it' the end of the sentence 22:35 < justeno> ? 22:35 < ldlework> yes 22:35 < ldlework> the rule for terminators is 22:35 < ldlework> they are only required, when removing them, would make the grammar ambiguous 22:35 < ldlework> in other words 22:35 < ldlework> you can remove them anytime they are not actively keeping things separated 22:36 < ldlework> which is something you get used to by seeing others elide, and noticing places you can elide yourself when talking 22:36 < justeno> ah. for your earlier question: no, i don't know yes/no answers 22:36 < ldlework> go'i is a way of answering 'yes' to a xu question 22:36 < ldlework> na go'i is a way of saying 'no' 22:36 < justeno> na negates? 22:37 < ldlework> correct 22:37 < justeno> in general? 22:37 < ldlework> right 22:37 < justeno> na plise - the/a not apple? 22:37 < ldlework> mi prami lo na remna : I love non-humans 22:37 < ldlework> right 22:38 < justeno> woh 22:38 < justeno> besto 22:38 < justeno> x45 22:38 < ldlework> joksters :) 22:39 < justeno> and x11 is the default se 22:39 < justeno> :S 22:39 < ldlework> justeno: to ask more specific questions 22:39 < ldlework> you just leave out the thing you want to know about 22:39 < ldlework> for example 22:39 < ldlework> do citka ma 22:39 < ldlework> "you eat what?" 22:39 < justeno> mo citka ma 22:40 < justeno> who eats what? 22:40 < ldlework> nope 22:40 < justeno> :( 22:40 < ldlework> ma is for asking for nouns 22:40 < ldlework> mo is for asking for verbs 22:40 < ldlework> so you asked 22:40 < ldlework> what-kind-of eating and eating what? 22:41 < justeno> ma citka ma? 22:41 < ldlework> like you asked what the adverb is 22:41 < ldlework> sure, "who eats what?" 22:41 < ldlework> do mo lo plise : "you did what to the apple?!" 22:41 < ldlework> :) 22:41 < justeno> haha 22:42 < justeno> what other m- are there? 22:42 < ldlework> well, those are the only two 22:42 < ldlework> but there is one last question word, pei 22:42 < ldlework> which asks, "what do you think?" 22:42 < ldlework> like the canadian "eh?" 22:42 < justeno> heh 22:43 < ldlework> btw 22:43 < ldlework> all vau is 22:43 < ldlework> is the terminator for bridi 22:43 < ldlework> and a bridi, is simply the thing 22:43 < ldlework> for which we give the name of the {x1 verb x2 x3 x4 x5} pattern 22:43 < ldlework> whenever you have a verb with some arguments, you have a bridi 22:43 < ldlework> and vau is its terminator 22:44 < ldlework> .i ma mo ma ma ma vau u'e 22:44 < ldlework> here, I'm attaching an emotion word to the vau 22:44 < ldlework> applying the emotion word to the whole bridi clause 22:44 < ldlework> the same thing happens if you attach it to the bridi's "lo", ".i" 22:45 < ldlework> .i u'e ma mo ma ma ma 22:46 < justeno> so basically, lojban is some basic rules and memorizing a LOT of gismu 22:46 < ldlework> well 22:46 < ldlework> learning any language is essentially climbing two hills 22:46 < ldlework> the grammar and the vocabulary 22:46 < ldlework> true for any language 22:46 < ldlework> except, perhaps, lojban 22:46 < ldlework> because the grammar is trivial, really 22:46 < ldlework> so all that's left is vocabulary 22:47 < ldlework> you have a handfull more of major grammar concepts to learn and you'll have the majorty of what you need 22:47 < ldlework> everything else is little tweaks and stuff 22:47 < ldlework> like plurality, ownership and stuff 22:48 < justeno> all of which are important 22:48 < ldlework> definitely 22:48 < ldlework> justeno: wanna know how to associate one thing with another by way of loose ownership? 22:48 < ldlework> NOUN pe NOUN 22:48 < ldlework> done. 22:48 < ldlework> xu do citka lo plise ku pe mi 22:49 < justeno> mi pe zdani 22:49 < justeno> my house? 22:49 < ldlework> 1) zdani is a verb, not a noun 22:49 < justeno> mi pe lo zdani 22:49 < ldlework> 2) you have the association backwards 22:49 < justeno> ah 22:49 < ldlework> that's grammatical 22:50 < egrep> "lo zdani pe mi" ? 22:50 < justeno> na go'i (xu do citka....) 22:50 < ldlework> correct 22:50 < justeno> lo zdani ku pe mi ? 22:50 < ldlework> right 22:50 < ldlework> the ku isn't needed 22:50 < ldlework> because pe cannot appear inside lo ku 22:50 < ldlework> so the appearence of pe, must imply the closure 22:51 < ldlework> but you can include it to be safe 22:51 < justeno> 'lo zdani ku pe mi' vs 'lo zdani pe mi ku' 22:51 < justeno> oh 22:51 < ldlework> nah you wouldn't put the ku at the end 22:51 < ldlework> of the second one there 22:51 < justeno> and pe is outside of ku 22:51 < ldlework> yes 22:51 < ldlework> lo zdani (ku) pe mi 22:51 < justeno> awesome 22:52 < justeno> are there any baby's first books to begin learning/reading? 22:52 < justeno> something akin to http://en.lernu.net/helpo/kiel_komenci.php 22:53 < ldlework> I imagine this is the thing I should tell you about, http://mw.lojban.org 22:53 < justeno> "baby's first books" - meaning reading in general, not necessarily books per se 22:53 < ldlework> however, I highly encourage you to just jump into conversation in here or in #ckule 22:54 < ldlework> also, we have an opensim instance where you can hang out and be immersed in a place where there are actually things to talk about 22:54 < ldlework> where you can flex your spatial relations like, "ontop" "under" "give that to me" ,"lets fly over there" and so on 22:54 < justeno> how do you swap x2 and x3? 22:54 < ldlework> you can add multiple SE modifiers 22:54 < ldlework> each one modifies the result of the previous 22:55 < ldlework> you tell me :) 22:55 < zipcpi> ainai! We must continue to talk about bergu, airy abstract concepts, semantic quibbles, and make everyone's head hurt! zo'o 22:56 < zipcpi> xu lo'i badna cu ja'a badna 22:56 < justeno> ro do tavla ma 22:56 < justeno> i'd like to keep x1 though 22:57 < zipcpi> x1 of what? 22:57 < zipcpi> Oh 22:57 < justeno> oh, zo'e? not to rotate, but to skip? 22:57 < ldlework> justeno: that's one way 22:57 < zipcpi> We tend to use fa fe fi fo fu 22:57 < ldlework> another way is to just specify your argument positions absolutely 22:57 < justeno> fi fa fo fe ? 22:57 < ldlework> right 22:57 < ldlework> I recommend making them a little song 22:57 < ldlework> to remember the order 22:57 < ldlework> any will do 22:57 < justeno> ro do tavla fi ma 22:58 < zipcpi> fi fa fo fa I smell the blood of an Englishman :p 22:58 < zipcpi> Could be fi fai fo fa too :p 22:58 < justeno> ro do tavla fi ma - what do you all talk abut? (correct?) 22:58 < ldlework> right 23:00 < justeno> ro do se te tavla ma (also correct?) 23:00 < zipcpi> Not many people chain SEs together. They are hard on human parsing 23:00 < ldlework> inded 23:01 < justeno> what is an 'openism instance'? 23:02 < zipcpi> Opensim... it's a Second-Life like thing that Idlework has been working on 23:02 < zipcpi> Codename la jbogu'e ("Lojbanistan") 23:03 < justeno> OpenSimulator? 23:03 < ldlework> yeah 23:03 < ldlework> justeno: its like a little island where anyone can build or script things right inside the world 23:03 < ldlework> but mostly its for having a setting 23:03 < ldlework> for which to use as a backdrop for things to talk about 23:03 < ldlework> most importantly, those that depend on senses other than reading text 23:03 < justeno> i see 23:04 < ldlework> my girlfriend is currently making a big solar system board 23:04 < ldlework> with all the names of the planets 23:04 < ldlework> zipcpi: did you see the IPA vowel sound board? 23:04 < zipcpi> Not yet 23:04 < justeno> mi viska * 23:04 < ldlework> justeno: hehe 23:07 < zipcpi> Cool. OK how do we map them to Lojban sounds? 23:07 < ldlework> zipcpi: what do you mean 23:07 < zipcpi> It's kinda funny that the middle schwa doesn't have a sound 23:08 < ldlework> all the buttons should have sound 23:08 < ldlework> if not I missed one 23:08 < zipcpi> You know, mark them. "These are acceptable for Lojban E" 23:08 < zipcpi> No, it is a deficiency of the original chart. The sound right in the middle doesn't have a play button 23:08 < ldlework> Oh probably just have another board for that 23:09 < ldlework> its a bit tedious to make texture buttons, but its not hard 23:09 < zipcpi> Link it to this sound: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwa 23:10 < zipcpi> If I click it everyone can hear it right? 23:10 < ldlework> yeah 23:11 < zipcpi> I just wished my magic ray was more obvious 23:11 < ldlework> hehe 23:12 < zipcpi> Better than looking up X-Sampa charts or copy-pasting IPA lerfu 23:13 < ldlework> ie 23:14 < justeno> ?ie 23:14 < justeno> .tra jbo en ie 23:14 < justeno> :( 23:14 < zipcpi> Lojban exclamation. "agreement" 23:14 < zipcpi> Lojban has a number of defined exclamations, called "attitudinals" 23:14 < ldlework> en: ie 23:14 < mensi> ie = [UI1] attitudinal: agreement - disagreement. |>>> See also tugni. |>>> officialdata 23:15 < justeno> ie means 'no' in japanese. :T 23:15 < zipcpi> lol 23:15 < ldlework> justeno: so what do you think about the relative simplicity of the language? 23:15 < ldlework> languages* 23:15 < ldlework> vs how you felt an hour ago 23:16 < zipcpi> *checks up a video*... Japanese "no" is iie 23:16 < zipcpi> Quite different 23:16 < zipcpi> Two syllables 23:16 < zipcpi> In Lojban it would break up to .i ie 23:17 < justeno> well, i still don't know how to pluralize, in esperanto you simply add a j to the end of a word 23:17 < zipcpi> "Plurals" aren't used in most contexts 23:17 < justeno> i think the rigidity of the bridi (without se/te/etc and fa/fe/fi/etc) make it more difficult at first 23:18 < ldlework> well I don't recommend trying to get by without them 23:18 < justeno> heh 23:18 < zipcpi> To explicitly mean "more than one cat", you say {lo za'u pa mlatu} 23:18 < zipcpi> But we don't use that the way we do plurals 23:18 < ldlework> su'o broda ku = some brodas 23:18 < zipcpi> in English 23:19 < justeno> kato is esperanto for cat. more than one cat: katoj 23:19 < ldlework> justeno: lo mlatu : su'o mlatu 23:19 < zipcpi> There is also {loi mlatu}, but that refers to cats (doesn't say how many, but probably more than one) treated as a group (rather than as individuals). 23:19 < ldlework> pa mlatu for one cat 23:20 < ldlework> justeno: in place of the "lo" you can use a number 23:20 < justeno> i think both languages are really simple - but each have their own difficulties 23:20 < ldlework> panono mlatu : 100 cats 23:20 < ldlework> so really, plurality is a simple extension on the lo - ku system 23:21 < justeno> ah 23:21 < justeno> that's neat 23:22 < ldlework> mi citka panono mlatu uo 23:22 < zipcpi> oi 23:23 < zipcpi> uusai kecti le mlatu 23:23 < zipcpi> uinaicai 23:23 < ldlework> uusainaidai le mlatu cu ca cinmo no da 23:24 < justeno> le/cu ? 23:24 < ldlework> .i ji'a mi gleki 23:24 < zipcpi> do mabla palci 23:24 < ldlework> justeno: le is simple a definite reference 23:24 < ldlework> justeno: xu do nelci le draci : do you like the play? 23:24 < ldlework> justeno: xu do nelci lo draci : do you like plays? 23:25 < ldlework> warning: lo contains *both* semantics 23:25 < ldlework> le just lets you be explicitly definite when you think it'll help understanding you 23:25 < justeno> ah 23:25 < ldlework> zipcpi doesn't pitty cat's in general 23:25 < ldlework> he pities the cats I ate 23:26 < justeno> so if you were to ask about the play just seen, you could either use le or lo, but le would be more focused on the context? 23:26 < ldlework> justeno: consider this dialog between a wife and husband upon the wife's late return home 23:26 < ldlework> w: coi 23:26 < ldlework> h: coi .i xu do se pluka le draci 23:26 < ldlework> w: na go'i ui nai 23:26 < ldlework> h: ue .i xu do nelci lo draci 23:26 < ldlework> w: je'a 23:27 < ldlework> h: je'e 23:27 < zipcpi> Yes, {lo} is very general. It basically just means "something that {draci}s" 23:28 < ldlework> indeed 23:28 < justeno> je'a/je'e? 23:29 < ldlework> je'a : "indeed!" 23:29 < ldlework> je'e : "gotcha/roger that" 23:30 < ldlework> I can't wait until we have the market setup in la jbogu'e 23:30 < ldlework> so we can invite new speakers for some really basic roleplay 23:30 < zipcpi> Mhm 23:30 < ldlework> "try to buy an apple off me" 23:30 < ldlework> "just you try..!" 23:32 < ldlework> justeno: would you like to do some verrrrry simple roleplay right here? 23:32 < ldlework> just for funsies 23:33 < justeno> i'm trying to get opensim setup right now, then once it works, sleep 23:33 < justeno> how about in about 20hrs? 23:34 < justeno> her 22hrs 23:34 < justeno> er* 23:34 < zipcpi> aipei do erve lo plise 23:34 < zipcpi> xu do djica lo ka erve lo plise 23:35 < zipcpi> Er, djica maps better to au than ai 23:36 < zipcpi> I just tend to use {ai} too much 23:37 < ldlework> justeno: you don't need to install opensim 23:37 < ldlework> you just need a client 23:37 < ldlework> much easier :P 23:37 < ldlework> this is a good one: http://www.singularityviewer.org/downloads 23:37 < ldlework> once you have it installed, pm me your lojban name, and the password you want and I'll create your account 23:38 < zipcpi> Well I hope this doesn't make your head hurt, but for "Do you like plays" I tend to use {xu do nelci lo'e draci}. The meaning of {lo'e} is subtle and sometimes a point of contention. But what I mean is that do you like plays in general, rather than anything that is a play 23:38 < zipcpi> {lo} is pretty much never really /wrong/ though 23:39 < zipcpi> I'm just want of those pedantic types that use those crazy articles more than everyone else :p 23:39 < zipcpi> *one of those 23:40 < ldlework> zipcpi: then what does lo'i mean to you? 23:40 < zipcpi> The set of those defined as 23:40 < ldlework> so ro broda? 23:40 < zipcpi> xu lo'i remna cu danlu 23:40 < ldlework> xu ro remna cu danlu 23:41 < zipcpi> Well... in my mind {lo'i} depends more on what the definition of {remna} is, rather than the state of the things that {remna} at the moment 23:41 < ldlework> zipcpi: this is how I feel; its nice to have an anti-le, IE, an explicit indefinite article, like your lo'e, but I do think lo'i is a bit superflous 23:42 < ldlework> and I hear that li might not be needed and I wish we used li for it because then we'd have the three core description gadri all nicely monosyllabic 23:42 < justeno> yay, i installed all of mono for no reason :( 23:42 < zipcpi> Well... for example I won't use {xu lo'i remna cu mroka'e} for "Are all men mortal" 23:42 < ldlework> justeno: loll 23:42 < ldlework> zipcpi: not sure why 23:42 < zipcpi> I would mean "Is mortality part of the definition of humans" 23:43 * justeno purges mono 23:43 < ldlework> justeno: xu do ka'e sampla 23:43 < zipcpi> And in my mind the correct answer would be no. Even though all humans are mortal, mortality is not part of the definition of humanity 23:44 < justeno> ldlework: ? 23:44 < zipcpi> So yeah, subtle difference between {lo'i} and {ro}. But that's just my opinion; hardly anyone else uses these gadri :p 23:44 < ldlework> zipcpi: so lo'i dressed descriptions can only talk about the necessary conditions for the predicate? 23:44 < zipcpi> Yes 23:44 < ldlework> I think that's an interesting concept, especially for fopl 23:46 < ldlework> I don't understand the distinction between that and "broda's in general" though 23:46 < justeno> ldlework: ka'e? sampla? 23:46 < ldlework> justeno: just look up the definitions 23:46 < ldlework> oh did we give you a dictionary yet? 23:46 < ldlework> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/#sisku/sampla 23:48 < justeno> ldlework: i do not understand the definition of ka'e 23:48 < justeno> or maybe i do? 23:48 < ldlework> justeno: {do citka} asserts, that you indeed eat 23:48 < ldlework> justeno: {do ka'e citka} does not assert that you eat, but that you are capable of doing so 23:49 < justeno> oh, so "Are you capable of programming?" 23:49 < ldlework> correct 23:49 < justeno> go'i 23:50 < ldlework> ma skami bangu 23:50 < justeno> python/javascript/rust/c++(very ish) 23:50 < ldlework> ua 23:50 < justeno> mi iste 23:50 < ldlework> do iste ma 23:50 < justeno> sampla 23:50 < ldlework> lo sampla xu 23:50 < ldlework> ua .i mi'u 23:51 < justeno> :) 23:51 < ldlework> xu do pilno la'oi Docker 23:52 < zipcpi> Though {ka'e} doesn't imply agency or impute ability to any particular object. For that we use {kakne}. {ka'e} just changes "this statement is true" to "this statement is possibly true" 23:52 < ldlework> its certainly in the same semantic space as kakne 23:52 * zipcpi nods 23:52 < ldlework> its like 23:53 < ldlework> ko'a ka'e broda ~= le munji cu kakne lo ka ko'a broda 23:53 < ldlework> zo'o 23:53 < ldlework> munje* 23:53 < zipcpi> *munje :p 23:54 < ldlework> I have been distracted by lojban literally all day 23:54 < zipcpi> lo ka ne'i ce'u ko'a broda :p 23:54 < justeno> na go'i (but know of it and have used it a bit) 23:54 < ldlework> zipcpi: heh 23:54 < ldlework> i'e cai 23:54 < ldlework> justeno: srana lo mi jibri 23:55 < justeno> do iste ma 23:56 < zipcpi> But yeah, just yet another pedantic quibble. Seriously you can ignore about 90% of what I say, especially when you're starting out :p 23:56 < ldlework> mi finti la zmiku zbasu pe la'oi Docker 23:56 < ldlework> zipcpi: well, I *think* I'm on board, or at least standing in line to get on but I'm not sure 23:57 < ldlework> zipcpi: I feel like, lo'e makes a good anti-le explicit indefinite article, but I need lo'i to be more distinguished 23:57 < zipcpi> Huh {iste}... interesting word 23:57 < ldlework> something like, when the speaker uses lo'i, its an indefinite reference, *but* demonstrating what the speaker believes to be included in the minimum set of nessecary conditions for the predicate 23:58 < ldlework> IE 23:58 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'i draci is probably always false 23:58 < ldlework> but mi nelci lo'e draci is a nice explicit version of the lo usage 23:58 < ldlework> if this is a good synopsis of what you mean.... I think I am on board 23:58 < zipcpi> Yes 23:59 < zipcpi> Maybe I should write all this out somewhere 23:59 < ldlework> I would love to help 23:59 < ldlework> I'm a huge advocate of le 23:59 < ldlework> and lo'e makes natural reflective sense to me 23:59 < justeno> ldlework: ma kagni lo jibri (where do you work? - i think) 23:59 * zipcpi nods 23:59 < ldlework> and lo'i is just interesting extension... --- Day changed Wed Jun 03 2015 00:00 < ldlework> justeno: its a bit of a strange question but I think it works 00:00 < ldlework> I think you mean: ma jibri do 00:00 < ldlework> or do you really mean employer? 00:00 < justeno> i meant employer. and yeah, the x2 was bad 00:01 < justeno> (it's personal, so i don't mind for a no answer) 00:01 < ldlework> zipcpi: non-veridicality is not part of your definitions pei 00:01 < ldlework> justeno: docker 00:01 < ldlework> I built the automated build system 00:01 < justeno> that's in go, right? 00:01 < ldlework> python 00:02 < justeno> :) 00:02 < demize> Heh, {iste} is "ice tea" in Swedish. Weird. 00:02 < justeno> yay language overlap :) 00:02 < ldlework> zipcpi: you don't care about veridicality right? 00:03 < zipcpi> Oops sorry I was away for the moment 00:03 < ldlework> you use pe'a for that I believe 00:04 < justeno> anyhow, i'm off to bed. ldlework thank you very much. see you around 00:04 < ldlework> justeno: come back when you have singularity viewer installed! 00:04 < zipcpi> Hmm... maybe I'll tell you what I think {lo} means and you can tell me whether it includes veridicality or not 00:04 < ldlework> zipcpi: ii 00:04 < ldlework> zipcpi: doesn't it make the most elegant sense 00:04 < ldlework> if lo is simply an context driven le/lo'e 00:04 < justeno> ldlework: i do, it doesn't work (currently). I need to troubleshoot a bit. My fault though...debian chroot on a chromebook (with crouton) 00:05 < ldlework> justeno: ah 00:05 < demize> Trying to run SL on a chromebook does not sound like a pleasant experience. 00:05 < ldlework> true 00:05 < ldlework> our island is pretty minimal tho 00:05 < justeno> haha, it'll be interesting 00:05 < ldlework> turn down the draw distance 00:05 < ldlework> probably be fine if the thing can do 3d at all 00:06 < zipcpi> {lo broda} = something that {broda}s. Note that this might not be in the frame of the reference of the "real world"; one could use {lo besna} to refer to a brain within a game or a story. But it should still mean a literal brain, to make metaphorical expressions like "Tom is the brains of the study group", use pe'a 00:07 < demize> Somehow that made me think of Ender’s Game. 00:07 < ldlework> I really feel like with le and lo'e you don't need a definition for lo at all 00:08 < demize> With the hive queen more or less literally being the brains of the group. 00:08 < ldlework> I don't think "something that broda's" pushes the understanding of the word further than a combined understanding of le and lo'e 00:08 < justeno> ok, no sleep 00:09 < justeno> gotta scratch the itch 00:09 < ldlework> so we should benefit from the ability to claim the elegance, by refraining from trying to give lo a definition that doesn't really add much value and distracts from its contextual elegance 00:09 < ldlework> justeno: o/ 00:09 < justeno> \o 00:09 < zipcpi> Yeah perhaps literality it's not part of the definition of {lo} at all 00:09 < zipcpi> After all {pe'a} can also be attached to the selbri 00:09 < ldlework> lo might be mean that play, or it might just mean "plays" 00:09 * zipcpi nods 00:09 < ldlework> context usually points to one in most cases 00:10 < ldlework> people like selaphi "just use lo" in the opinion that context probably provides -every time- 00:10 < zipcpi> something(s) that {broda}s 00:10 < ldlework> and an explicit article in either direction is superflous 00:10 < ldlework> I agree, up until the point of taking it as an extremism 00:11 < ldlework> and find le of practical use 00:11 < zipcpi> Under that definition mi nelci lo draci is still not *wrong*; if I like the archetypical play, I most probably actually like an actual play :p 00:11 < ldlework> li'a 00:11 < ldlework> the only reason the wife interprets lo draci as lo'e draci is because its being distinguished against a previous use of le 00:12 < ldlework> but there's usually some similar force in most contexts 00:12 < ldlework> if the husband had started with lo draci to mean le draci 00:12 < zipcpi> Though maybe for the more direct sense of (there exists a draci) I suppose {da poi draci} is usable for that 00:12 < ldlework> he'd need lo'e draci to make the eventual distinction 00:12 < ldlework> pei 00:12 < zipcpi> ie 00:13 < justeno> so, i did not have a DE in the chroot and some crouton stuff broke (packages not available in stretch that it wanted). So, trying a new chroot to test for possible success 00:13 < justeno> trusty (ubuntu) this time 00:13 < ldlework> zipcpi: we need to distinguish between lo'e broda and ro broda a bit more clearly 00:13 < ldlework> need some good wording 00:13 < zipcpi> I kinda wonder how la selpa'i will handle this in Toaq Dzu. There probably won't be equivalents to these gadri. Maybe it'd be a discursive or an adverb 00:13 < ldlework> it should be addressed in whatever is written about this 00:14 < justeno> ldlework: wait, do have a docker image for this? :P 00:14 < ldlework> justeno: not for the client no 00:14 < zipcpi> Well {mi nelci ro draci} is a rather strong statement 00:14 < justeno> maybe i should make one for future use 00:14 < zipcpi> And probably false 00:14 < ldlework> justeno: but docker is not a security product 00:15 < justeno> no, no it is not 00:15 < ldlework> it provides 'incidental isolation' 00:15 < zipcpi> Even the biggest fan of plays would probably hate certain plays :p 00:15 < ldlework> zipcpi: that's a great refutation 00:15 < zipcpi> In fact he might hate it all the more because of his interest in the archetypical play 00:15 < ldlework> and illuminates the 'generalizing speech' of the indefinite article 00:16 < ldlework> rather than referring to all referents 00:16 < ldlework> ie sai 00:16 < ldlework> its almost like we satisfy those that will make criticisms related to ro 00:16 < ldlework> with lo'i 00:17 < ldlework> where lo'i is specifically about what we expect the average characteristics of a broda, rather than literally asserting every broda features an x, y, and z 00:17 < zipcpi> You mean lo'e 00:17 < ldlework> no lo'i 00:17 < zipcpi> Oh 00:17 < ldlework> lo'i is *almost* as strong as ro 00:17 < ldlework> but different 00:17 * zipcpi nods 00:17 < ldlework> its ro, but in a different sense 00:18 < ldlework> its like, if you were to chisel a statue of "A cat", what features would it have? 00:18 < ldlework> (very greek of me, meh) 00:18 < zipcpi> Hah 00:18 < zipcpi> Well, more like, if you were a minor deity and asked to create a cat 00:18 < ldlework> and lo'e allows us to generalize about cats, without defining cats. 00:18 < ldlework> zipcpi: heh 00:19 < zipcpi> I need a blog 00:20 < ldlework> zipcpi: I definitely think we should formalize this a bit. not /formalize/ but explain all 4 gadri in one place 00:20 < zipcpi> I have a laldo laldo one from back in the day 00:20 < ldlework> with examples 00:20 < zipcpi> With only a single post 00:20 < ldlework> we can't let le die 00:20 * zipcpi nods 00:20 < ldlework> let alone the interesting properites of lo'e and lo'i go unknown 00:20 < ldlework> :) 00:20 < zipcpi> Hehe... yay my first supporter for zipcpinomgadri 00:21 < ldlework> I'm not a supporter of ridiculous lujvo ;) 00:21 < zipcpi> lol 00:21 < dutchie> ldlework: i would like to read such an explanation 00:21 < ldlework> dutchie: well this channel's recent scrollback is full of it if you can't wait 00:21 < ldlework> le : that/those broda 00:22 < ldlework> lo'e : y'know, "brodas" 00:22 < ldlework> lo'i : plato's broda 00:22 < ldlework> lo : le/lo'e - use the context, luke! 00:22 < ldlework> mu'o 00:22 < dutchie> my connection died so i lost 8 hours of scrollback .uinai 00:22 < zipcpi> * lo : da poi / le / lo'e :p 00:23 < ldlework> da poi is the same as le really 00:23 < zipcpi> No, it means da poi broda means "there exists some broda that..." 00:23 < zipcpi> Maybe that's just su'o broda too 00:23 < ldlework> I think all numerical gadri are definite 00:23 < vensa> coi rodo .i xu da djica lonu ca'a tavla bau lo jbobau 00:24 < zipcpi> Nah. That's {le pa broda} 00:24 < ldlework> well, maybe it should be lo 00:24 < ldlework> yeah 00:24 < ldlework> "one man could never win such a fight" 00:24 < ldlework> lo 00:24 < ldlework> lo'e, specifically 00:24 < ldlework> not lo 00:25 < zipcpi> That'd be lo'e pamei remna 00:25 < ldlework> lo is not anything, I have to get used to this 00:26 < ldlework> if the speaker is saying that there is exists, they are aware of that thing, so it must be definite 00:26 < ldlework> if you can pin a tail on the broda, then it is a definite reference 00:26 < zipcpi> da poi remna = "There exists a person". I don't see definiteness there 00:27 < zipcpi> *pa da poi remna 00:27 < zipcpi> Which in my mind = pa remna 00:27 < zipcpi> *human, sorry, there is a subtle difference between {remna} and {prenu} :p 00:27 < ldlework> okay so {da poi broda} is just as generic as {lo broda} 00:28 < ldlework> in that it can be definite or indefinite depending on context 00:28 < ldlework> so they are different forms of the same grammar 00:28 < zipcpi> No, it is about whether something exists or not 00:28 < ldlework> there isn't a third kind of reference 00:29 < zipcpi> xu da cevni = "Is there a god?" 00:29 < ldlework> I'd say indefinite reference 00:29 < ldlework> xu lo cevni cu zasti 00:29 < ldlework> "do gods exist?" 00:29 < ldlework> "a god, any old god, none in particular" 00:30 < ldlework> "a man who sleeps two winks, loses another." 00:30 < ldlework> its just indefinite pe'i 00:30 < zipcpi> da in my mind is like that upside down E 00:30 < ldlework> I agree 00:30 < ldlework> that's exactly what it is 00:30 < zipcpi> lo is more general than that 00:31 < ldlework> but lo'e isn't 00:31 < zipcpi> Mhm 00:31 < ldlework> and da could be quantified 00:31 < ldlework> in which case its probably definite 00:31 < ldlework> I think da is just lo formed with fopl sensibilities 00:32 < ldlework> or rather, lo is a more natural formulation of existential quantification 00:33 < ldlework> there exists a da, for which that da is my birth mother 00:33 < ldlework> this isn't really definite or indefinite really 00:33 < ldlework> because its a raw quantification 00:33 < ldlework> language injects definiteness 00:33 < ldlework> logic itself has not sense of it 00:33 < zipcpi> I don't even remember what my old blog was called 00:34 < zipcpi> Or whether I'd be embarrased with whatever I made for my first post 00:34 < ldlework> IE, I think da and lo represent the raw quantification ofa description 00:34 < ldlework> and le and lo'e are the quantification considered under actual context of language 00:34 < zipcpi> I could put it on the Wiki. Under something that starts with "zipcpi:" 00:34 < zipcpi> And link it on my userpage 00:34 < ldlework> in which case it must be definite or indefinite 00:34 < ldlework> pei 00:35 < ldlework> this is why lo has no interpretation of its own 00:35 < ldlework> it is either le or lo'e, given some context 00:35 < zipcpi> Hm... yeah 00:35 < ldlework> da just provides a raw propositional quantification 00:35 < ldlework> lo is a more natural form of that 00:35 < ldlework> but in context, its either le or lo'e 00:35 < vensa> pau ma poi minji cu basti la gerna 00:36 < ldlework> zipcpi: like, "there exists an X for which X has climbed a mountain" in context will likely become an indefinite reference 00:37 < ldlework> zipcpi: "there exists an X for which X is standing before this writer at the time of writing" in context will likely become an definite reference 00:40 < vensa> coi la'oi alaricsp 00:41 < zipcpi> vensa: We're discussing gadri again. Doesn't that sound like fun? :p 00:41 < vensa> u'i 00:42 < zipcpi> Specifically, how I use {lo'e} and {lo'i} much more than the average Lojbanist 00:42 < vensa> mi neizma lonu ca'a pilno lo'e gadri kei lonu casnu ri 00:43 < ldlework> zipcpi: I like to think the content of this conversation has to do with us reaching a shared understanding on their semantics 00:43 < ldlework> :) 00:43 < zipcpi> Yes it's a lot less argumentative than most gadri discussions that's for sure :p 00:43 < vensa> lo'ai neizma sa'ai zmanei le'ai 00:44 < vensa> to mi zmanei zo zmanei zo neizma 00:44 < ldlework> zipcpi: do we agree that "loi" and "le" are *merely* indefinite and definite forms of the "speak about the properties the collective cohesive mass" gadri? 00:44 < vensa> toi 00:44 < ldlework> loi and lei 00:45 < zipcpi> Yes 00:45 < ldlework> and also have nothing at all to do with veridicality 00:45 < ldlework> nice 00:45 < ldlework> I'm in heaven tonight 00:45 < zipcpi> Ah so what you mean by "veridicality" is all pushed into lo'e and lo'i 00:46 < ldlework> I think that most speech is veridical 00:46 < ldlework> and we use non-veridicality to achieve understanding in face of our need to be brief, lack of vocabulary, or insight, ignorance, or anything else 00:46 < zipcpi> Hm 00:47 < ldlework> sometimes we take it to an extreme and you have poetry 00:47 < ldlework> where nothing is directly referred to, or described 00:47 < ldlework> but only indirectly through metaphor 00:47 < zipcpi> Essentially an entire text wrapped in fu'e pe'a ... fu'o 00:47 < ldlework> ie 00:47 < ldlework> loi xagji gerku cu ckape 00:47 < ldlework> "masses of hungry dogs are dangerous" 00:48 < ldlework> lei xagji gerku cu ckape 00:48 < zipcpi> The mass of hungry dogs is dangerous 00:48 < ldlework> that mass of hungry dogs is dangerous 00:48 < ldlework> ie 00:49 < ldlework> le tadni cu sruri le ckule 00:49 < ldlework> lei tadni cu sruri le cukle 00:49 < ldlework> etc etc 00:49 < vensa> coi la gleki 00:50 < ldlework> zipcpi: u'i .i lo'i xagji gerku cu ckape 00:50 < zipcpi> :p 00:50 < ldlework> "It takes being dangerous, to be a pack of hungry dogs." 00:50 < ldlework> :D 00:50 < zipcpi> lol 00:51 < ldlework> totally reasonable when you change it to lo'e 00:51 < ldlework> .i lo'e xagji gerku cu ckape 00:51 < ldlework> because that's the same thing I meant when I used lo after all 00:51 < ldlework> and it was reasonable then, when you interpreted lo as lo'e 00:51 < ldlework> perhaps without realizing it 00:52 < ldlework> (though I'm sure you did, but do most?) 00:52 < vensa> coi la tsani 00:53 < ldlework> zipcpi: just trying to drive home the idea that lo isn't defined on its own 00:53 < ldlework> so that when we write it out, this detail is manifest :3 00:53 < zipcpi> {lo broda} = Something(s) that {broda}s. Is the most general gadri, and could bean either {le} or {lo'e} depending on contexts. 00:54 < ldlework> But do you need that? 00:54 < ldlework> It might not even be something that broda's 00:54 < zipcpi> Well I will like to start with lo 00:55 < zipcpi> Well, something that {broda}s within a frame of reference 00:55 < ldlework> dunno, I think there is an insight here 00:55 < ldlework> worthy of reprioritization and how we model descriptions for nintadni 00:55 < ldlework> I have good success teaching le and lo 00:55 < ldlework> I teach lo as lo'e, without mentioning lo'e 00:55 < zipcpi> Whether that frame of reference is the real world, a game, your imagination, or the metaphorical context of a poem wrapped in implicit fu'epe'a 00:56 < ldlework> but I think that certain indefinite propositions do not assert any referent 00:56 < zipcpi> But it's the most general gadri, and is pretty much "never wrong", just like xorxes lo or selpa'i lo 00:56 < ldlework> sure, I agree, our's retains se ckaji 00:57 < ldlework> that se ckaji* 00:57 < ldlework> le se ckaji :P 00:57 < ldlework> especially if we use the idea of 'generalizing speech' 00:58 < ldlework> by explaining lo'e and generalizing speech, and le as speech describing specific things, lo is easily introduced as a shell that merely contains the two 00:58 < zipcpi> Yeah true... 00:58 < ldlework> and so that lo is the safest, because it can mean either, and you can use either le or lo'e when you feel like being specific 00:58 * zipcpi nods 00:59 < ldlework> I wonder if teaching lojban this way 00:59 < ldlework> would actually lead to more explicit descriptions... 00:59 < ldlework> I think a lot of the dependence on lo is the failure to properly and elegantly explain the gadri 00:59 < ldlework> the -nature of descriptions- in a lay way 00:59 < zipcpi> And people will actually start to learn to use {lo'e}, {lo'i}, and {le} properly 00:59 < zipcpi> Yeah I'd like that :p 00:59 < ldlework> its all too confusing, "just use lo" 01:00 * zipcpi nods 01:00 < ldlework> but I think if you throw veridicality the mabla out 01:00 < ldlework> it becomes far more simple to explain 01:00 < zipcpi> It's like what the &*#(*&%*(#& is this just use lo since it's "never wrong" 01:00 < ldlework> "if you want to call a thing by a name for which it really isn't that thing" 01:00 < ldlework> mabla. 01:00 < ldlework> there are definite descriptions and there are indefinite ones. 01:00 < ldlework> that's it 01:01 * zipcpi nods 01:01 < ldlework> lo'i being a special more logically informed case 01:01 < zipcpi> Yeah {le broda} as {lo broda pe'a} is just wrong in my opinion 01:01 < ldlework> da being the method to explain how lo can be logically defined without being pressed to be resolved to a definite or indefinite form 01:01 < zipcpi> Mhm 01:01 < ldlework> since definiteness is irrelevant for consdiering the propositional properties of some existential quantification 01:02 < ldlework> there's no context in the happenings of logic systems except those presuppositions of any progression of 'argument' 01:03 * zipcpi nods 01:03 < ldlework> forming things in terms of da would be tiresome in normal speech, so lo is an equivalence 01:03 * zipcpi nods 01:03 < ldlework> it doesn't imply any definiteness either way 01:03 < ldlework> but inside some context, it is forced one way or the other 01:03 < ldlework> due to all descriptions in actual language being definite or indefinite inherently 01:04 < zipcpi> Yeah we don't need le broda to mean lo broda pe'a. We *have* pe'a :p 01:04 < ldlework> exactly 01:04 < ldlework> also its polysemy in our gadri, making le a 'dirty' cmavo 01:04 * zipcpi nods 01:04 < ldlework> to be brushed under the rug 01:06 < zipcpi> Still trying to find my old blog... 01:06 < ldlework> we should remember the xagji gerku example 01:07 < zipcpi> Oh hey it's here 01:07 < ldlework> ui 01:09 < zipcpi> http://jboselpei.blogspot.com/ 01:09 < zipcpi> (yeah this is *way* back 01:09 < zipcpi> 2007 01:09 < zipcpi> Not sure if I want to use it 01:10 < zipcpi> Maybe I should just start a new blog 01:11 < zipcpi> Name is probably wrong anyway. Nonce lujvo + did I even use that gadri correctly 01:11 < ldlework> zipcpi: the venue isn't that important 01:11 < ldlework> we can just put it on the wiki 01:11 < zipcpi> Yeah I agree 01:12 < ldlework> zipcpi: I'm walking up to you to start a conversation 01:12 < ldlework> "There's a man I want you to meet." 01:13 < zipcpi> da poi prenu zo'u mi djica lo nu do penmi da 01:13 < ldlework> so 01:14 < zipcpi> I want you to meet someone 01:14 < zipcpi> mi djica lo nu do penmi lo prenu 01:15 < ldlework> right that's what I was going to say 01:15 < ldlework> if lo is an equivalence to da poi 01:15 < zipcpi> Yeah they're probably logically equivalent 01:15 < ldlework> so 01:15 < ldlework> herein is my actual question 01:15 < zipcpi> I just translated "there's a man" as "da poi prenu zo'u" to preserve the "forwardness" 01:15 < ldlework> since a logical quantification cannot exist in actual speech 01:15 < ldlework> as a description 01:16 < ldlework> since it must resolve to definite or indefinite 01:16 < ldlework> which is the case here 01:17 < ldlework> then there is the follow up question, how to do you explicitly provide the referentiality of a description provided in da form? 01:17 < ldlework> such as when using prenexes 01:18 < zipcpi> That one I don't know. All this is probably better with UI really 01:18 < zipcpi> I'm just using the existing gadri since they already exist 01:18 < ldlework> I think we're on the right track 01:18 < zipcpi> lo'e me da ; le me da? 01:18 < ldlework> not bad 01:19 < ldlework> maybe, du 01:19 * zipcpi shrugs 01:19 < ldlework> since it literally is the same thing 01:19 < zipcpi> Yeah 01:19 < ldlework> you're just attaching referentiality 01:19 < ldlework> to help your listener because you think they might think you're generalizing 01:19 < ldlework> when you're not 01:19 < ldlework> or vice versa 01:20 < ldlework> I like that it gives a reason to have du over just mintu 01:20 < ldlework> for brevity of a technical descriptive form 01:21 < ldlework> da poi prenu zo'u mi djica lo nu do penmi lo'e du da 01:21 < ldlework> don't even have to change the grammar 01:22 < ldlework> "There are people I want you to meet." 01:22 < ldlework> or rather 01:22 < ldlework> "I want you to meet people." 01:23 < ldlework> literally the same as just lo'e prenu 01:23 < ldlework> its so clean 01:25 < ldlework> da poi broda cei prenu zo'u mi djica lo nu do penmi lo'e du da 01:25 < ldlework> ~= 01:26 < ldlework> err 01:26 < ldlework> shit I'm tired 01:26 < ldlework> co'o zipcpi 01:29 < zipcpi> co'o 01:54 < gocti> za'a lo ja le ja la ja loi ja lei ja lai ja lo'i ja le'i ja la'i ja lo'e ja le'e gadri na bartu lo djasro pe lo bauspo 02:00 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 02:01 < gocti> .u'i mi ze'i se jetmlu lo du'u xamselsku po'o 02:02 < zipcpi> Yes, yes, I'm going there :p 02:02 < zipcpi> la cadgu'a encouraged me 02:02 < zipcpi> Because he noticed I use {lo'e} and {lo'i} a lot 02:03 < zipcpi> And asked me why I like to use them 02:03 < zipcpi> So I explained how I was using it 02:03 < zipcpi> And he liked the contrast against {le} 02:04 < gocti> .ai mi xoi krefu cu tcidu lo me zo lo'i moi .i sei pa moi co nu frati zo'u ci'izra 02:04 < zipcpi> So the difference between {lo'e} and {le} is definiteness 02:04 < zipcpi> {le} is then divorced from the notion of veridicality 02:04 < zipcpi> That seems to be the bugbear of the Lojban community 02:06 < gocti> lo ka me'oi nonveridical zo'u mi senpi lo du'u ri ca da ja'a se ckaji tu'a zo le mu'a .i va'o zo'u ba'a nandu sai fa lo ka baupli fau lo nu ro roi jai nu me'oi veridical 02:07 < gocti> .i va'i pe'i va'o lo CLL jbobau so'e mai'i zo'u lo nu smusku mai'i cu se sarcu lo nu pilno zo le 02:09 < zipcpi> Now updated for {lo} 02:09 < zipcpi> I'm editing by part because the wiki co'e can be unreliable 02:09 < gocti> ie 02:11 < gocti> fu'eru'eni'ofu'o zo lo'i .i lo se jinvi ne ri zo'u mi se cizra .i xu da ke mu'a uitki papri gi'e jai se pi'o be ka'e tcidu lo srana be le se jinvi 02:11 < gocti> .i lo te cizra cu ka sinxa lo gu je nai selcmi gi ke simsa be lo me zo lo'e moi 02:14 < gocti> (to ku'i la'a xagmau fa lo nu denpa lo nu la cadgu'a di'a cikna toi) 02:26 < zipcpi> Updated for lo'i 02:27 < gocti> ue 02:30 < gocti> ja'o pei lo du'u lo ka remna cu nibli lo ka mroka'e cu dunli lo du'u lo'i remna cu mroka'e 02:30 < zipcpi> ie 02:31 < zipcpi> je'u 02:31 < gocti> mi za'o se ci'izra .i ro sai roi se ctuca fi lo du'u lo selcmi na ckaji lo se ckaji be lo cmima be ri 02:32 < gocti> .i je'u mi clira dukse frati 02:34 < gocti> .i mo lu lo'i ci broda li'u .i ma ka'e jai ta'i mangle lu bu 02:35 < zipcpi> lol I'm still not that good at Lojban to conduct philosophical discussions in it :p 02:35 < gocti> ko va'o lo nu valsi claxu cu pilno lo glico 02:36 < zipcpi> co'oru'e .i ei mi citka su'oda 02:36 < gocti> co'o 02:45 < ctefa`o> .uicoi 02:46 < ctefa`o> Err 02:46 < ctefa`o> uicoi li'a 02:46 < Ilmen> coi co'o 02:47 < gocti> coi 03:07 < ctefa`o> doi la gocti were you the other guy on mumble yesterday? 03:08 < gocti> go'i 03:09 < gocti> .i do je mi je la .ilmen. 03:31 < zipcpi> OK changed the lo bit... hopefully makes the difference between it and le/lo'e more clear. 03:33 < ctefa`o> zipcpi: regarding yesterday...is the "merge" idea just to make selbri of cmevla-FORM legal? 03:33 < zipcpi> Yes... it's already implemented in the experimental parser, and thus part of what I call "level 3 Lojban" 03:34 < zipcpi> It's the semantics of "ti .spagetis." that are under argument 03:34 < ctefa`o> But the selbri of cmevla-form is not actually a NAME? 03:34 < zipcpi> No. cmevla are no longer tied to cmene 03:35 < ctefa`o> Well that is something else 03:35 < ctefa`o> So you basically want to allow cmevla-form zi'evla? 03:36 < zipcpi> No. cmevla, although grammatically merged with brivla, are not brivla 03:36 < zipcpi> brivla are still to be defined with a single meaning, ideally 03:36 < ctefa`o> ...but cmevla selbri can have multiple? 03:36 < zipcpi> cmevla just mean whatever the speaker intends them to mean; they are considered to have a permanent {za'e} attached to them 03:36 < zipcpi> Grammatically, yes. 03:36 < ctefa`o> Uhm okay 03:37 < zipcpi> Oh I thought you mean multiple places 03:37 * ctefa`o na impresso 03:37 < zipcpi> But yes, cmevla will remain inherently polysemous 03:38 < zipcpi> But that's just a good reason to eventually define brivla for most concepts 03:38 < ctefa`o> So...they will basically act like simple fu'ivla? 03:38 < zipcpi> je'a 03:39 < ctefa`o> Except that fu'ivla ideally should/must have a single meaning 03:39 < zipcpi> You're thinking of zi'evla 03:39 < zipcpi> Don't be too mixed up by the historical usage there 03:39 < zipcpi> cmevla are just what used to be called "stage-2 fu'ivla" 03:39 < ctefa`o> No. Fu'ivla as a subset of zi'evla 03:39 < zipcpi> No, fu'ivla refers to all loan words 03:39 < ctefa`o> zi'evla with a non-lojban origin 03:40 < ctefa`o> Uh 03:40 < zipcpi> There are four stages of Lojban fu'ivla - only the last two are zi'evla 03:40 < ctefa`o> uanai 03:40 < zipcpi> Neither are a subset of each other 03:40 < zipcpi> They overlap 03:40 < ctefa`o> That's..another way to look at it 03:40 < ctefa`o> I see fu'ivla as a subset of zi'evla. Period. 03:41 < zipcpi> Then what would you use for the concept of "loan word"? 03:42 < zipcpi> THat's all fu'ivla means. If you don't use it that way then you are not using it by its defined meaning. 03:42 < zipcpi> fu'ivla doesn't just apply to Lojban either 03:42 < ctefa`o> I wasn't aware fu'ivla had had its meaning replaced 03:43 < zipcpi> For example, it makes sense to talk about {lo fu'ivla be fi lo glibau} and {lo fu'ivla be fi lo ponbau} 03:43 < zipcpi> It was "replaced" because the CLL misused it 03:43 < ctefa`o> I still find its meaning relevant 03:44 < zipcpi> fu'ivla je zi'evla 03:44 < zipcpi> What's so difficult about that 03:44 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/fu'ivla 03:45 < ctefa`o> To go back to your earlier question "loan word" isn't actually "fukpi valsi" 03:45 < ctefa`o> That would be "jbera valsi" 03:45 < zipcpi> No, they decided to base it on {fukpi} "copy" because loan words are never actually borrowed 03:45 < ctefa`o> Depending on what you actually mean... 03:45 < ctefa`o> You said loan word 03:46 < zipcpi> Because that's the usual English word 03:46 < zipcpi> But loanword and fu'ivla mean the same thing 03:46 < ctefa`o> How about monfu'i valsi 03:46 < zipcpi> Why do we need new words? 03:47 < ctefa`o> Why do we *need* cmevla as selbri? 03:47 < zipcpi> fu'ivla is defined as loanword. It was always defined as loan word 03:47 < zipcpi> The CLL was using it wrong 03:47 < zipcpi> I never changed the definition; only added that "historical note" 03:48 < ctefa`o> Shall we debate lojban semantics now?;) 03:49 < zipcpi> In fact the CLL gets confused and describe the "four stages of fu'ivla" 03:49 < zipcpi> "four stages of loan words (in Lojban)" 03:49 < zipcpi> *But* only the third and fourth stage are actually zi'evla 03:50 < zipcpi> First stage: CLL prescribes "me la'o gy. spaghetti .gy". We have the experimental cmavo {me'oi} to simplify that = "me'oi .spaghetti." 03:51 < zipcpi> Essentially sacrifices audio-visual isomorphism in order to import a foreign word unchanged. 03:51 < zipcpi> Second stage: CLL prescribes "me la .spagetis." 03:52 < zipcpi> Under cmevla-brivla grammar merge, ".spagetis." is allowed as a selbri by the grammar. 03:52 < zipcpi> Only the third stage and fourth stage are true zi'evla, and true brivla. 03:52 < ctefa`o> And can it mean something else than spaghetti? 03:52 < ctefa`o> In addition to omnom pasta 03:53 < zipcpi> It means whatever the shared culture of the speakers define .spagetis. to mean 03:53 < ctefa`o> That's...ambigious? 03:53 < zipcpi> So was "me la .spagetis." 03:53 < ctefa`o> ambiguos* 03:54 < ctefa`o> At least it didn't masquerade as a standardized selbri 03:54 < zipcpi> It's still morphologically a cmevla 03:54 < zipcpi> It still has those mandatory pauses which so many Lojbanists love {xo'o} 03:54 < ctefa`o> But nvm I get the idea. You want "names for concepts" 03:55 < ctefa`o> Which fu'ivla/zi'evla were supposed to be 03:55 < zipcpi> I want "nonce names that I can use right now without defining a brivla yet" 03:55 < ctefa`o> Nonce name, thank you 03:55 < zipcpi> Or "za'e + a poor attempt to make a zi'evla" 03:56 < ctefa`o> Well okay 03:57 < ctefa`o> Have fun with the ensuing place structure debates;) 03:58 < ctefa`o> But I get it 04:00 * nuzba @uitki: nuzyfle/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzyfle/en by Mukti - Use /en twitter feed [http://bit.ly/1ePcAhl] 04:01 < zipcpi> If you want a useful place structure just make it a tanru 04:02 < zipcpi> Say for example I just invented a new language called "Magificos", but not defined a brivla for it yet 04:03 < zipcpi> Under cmevla-brivla merge I can call it "ti .majifikos. bangu mi" (This is Magificos, which I speak") 04:03 < zipcpi> Well... not sure about the appropriateness of {ti} here 04:03 < zipcpi> But yeah 04:03 < b_jonas> zipcpi: just add a {me la} 04:04 < zipcpi> me la ... ku! 04:04 < b_jonas> no 04:04 < ctefa`o> So how would I say the same thing in non-merge lojban? 04:04 < ctefa`o> *Exactly* the same thing 04:04 < zipcpi> ti me la .majifikos. ku bangu mi 04:05 < ctefa`o> I thought you were saying "me" didn't reallly do the trick? 04:05 < zipcpi> Maybe it doesn't but there is no other way under "level-2" lojban 04:06 < ctefa`o> Can you put it in another way then? 04:06 < zipcpi> No 04:07 < Ilmen> well arguably {mintu be la .majifikos. be'o bangu mi} would be better, altought longer 04:07 < zipcpi> If you want to stick with level-2, that's what you get 04:07 < ctefa`o> I just want to see the equivalent expression 04:07 < ctefa`o> No matter if it is 100 syllables long 04:08 < Ilmen> also, me X me'u = menre be X be'o 04:08 < zipcpi> Well... ti me la'e zo .majifikos. bangu mi 04:08 < zipcpi> Forgot about that 04:08 < zipcpi> That's also acceptable level 2 04:09 < zipcpi> Although it wasn't the prescribed method by the CLL 04:09 < zipcpi> off: ti me la'e zo .majifikos. bangu mi 04:09 < zipcpi> Er... 04:09 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: So basically, an actual, literal name for a concept/relation? 04:09 < ctefa`o> Compared to fu'ivla/zi'evla which aren't really names... 04:09 < zipcpi> So yes, "ti me la'e zo .majifikos. bangu mi" is your answer 04:10 < Ilmen> what is a literal name for a concept/relation? 04:10 < Ilmen> Sorry I'm only mildly attentive 04:10 < mensi> ([ti CU] [{me MEhU} bangu] [mi VAU]) 04:10 < zipcpi> Took a while 04:11 < ctefa`o> Well I was thinking in the metaphor of loan-words being "names for very specific concepts" 04:11 < Ilmen> Well, but the referent of a proper name always depends on context, unless there's only ne thiing having the name 04:11 < dutchie> coi 04:12 < Ilmen> *only one 04:12 < Ilmen> coi 04:12 < niftg> la mensi piso'oroi masno spuda 04:13 < Ilmen> the relation labeled by a brivla word is defined within the language, it's part of the language 04:13 < Ilmen> the referent of a proper name isn't defined by the language but by the context 04:14 < ctefa`o> Right 04:15 < Ilmen> If context is enough and the information passes through, all is fine. If context isn't enough, extra details ca always be added 04:16 < Ilmen> {lo se cmene be zo .albert. gi'e rajycla gi'e dasni lo xunre mapku} -- the one called Albert, that is tall and wear a red hat" 04:17 < Ilmen> I think {la .albert. poi ...} works too 04:17 < Ilmen> "the Albert that..." 04:17 < ctefa`o> I see 04:18 < Ilmen> {la .albert. poi rajycla} -- the Albert that's tall 04:18 < Ilmen> *who's tall 04:18 < zipcpi> b_jonas: I know you are a fan of level-2, but I can't go back. I can't get used to how the sumtcita worked in level 2, or the question connectives 04:18 < b_jonas> what level-2? what? 04:18 < zipcpi> Official-parser 04:18 < b_jonas> oh 04:18 < b_jonas> you call that "level-2"? ok 04:19 < zipcpi> level-1 is CLL 04:19 < ctefa`o> doi Ilmen And how would this help to make sense of say "ti cmevlas"? 04:19 < zipcpi> level-2 is official parser and all changes from the desk of the BPFK 04:19 < zipcpi> level-3 is experimental parser; sumtcita merge, simplified connectives, cmevla-brivla merge 04:19 < ctefa`o> Maybe not the best example 04:19 < dutchie> doi zipcpi e'u "level" is not the best word 04:20 < dutchie> e'u "tier", "stage" 04:20 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: basically "cmevlas" would mean "x1 is the one(s) called [Cmevlas]" 04:20 < ctefa`o> Simplified connectives? 04:20 < zipcpi> dutchie: OK, you may have an argument here 04:20 < Ilmen> as if it was a shorthand for "se cmene be zo .cmevlas." 04:21 < zipcpi> Anyway stage-4 = cekitaujau + 2 letter rafsi; which don't have a parser yet 04:21 < zipcpi> Or support from JVS 04:21 < b_jonas> zipcpi: I said it already, and I'm saying it again, that treating cmevla like brivla breaks the grammar in a very incompatible way, so that's one of the extensions I'll never support. 04:22 < zipcpi> If I were to hypothetically agree with you, I'd be forced to use the official parser 04:22 < zipcpi> And I can't get used to that 04:22 < ctefa`o> The simplified connectives, is that the one where you only have 1 type of connective as long as both arguments are the same? 04:22 < zipcpi> Yes 04:23 < ctefa`o> Nice 04:23 < ctefa`o> So which becomes the "basic" "and"? 04:23 < zipcpi> je 04:24 < zipcpi> Just read this: http://selpahi.weebly.com/lojban/how-to-substantially-simplify-the-lojban-connective-system-my-connective-system 04:24 < zipcpi> All you need to know about the simplified connective system 04:24 < ctefa`o> ...that was the one I had in mind 04:25 < b_jonas> zipcpi: no, I didn't say you ahve to use the official parser. I'm also not saying that some other, more compatible changes to the language are definitely wrong. 04:25 < zipcpi> Then I'd have no parser to use 04:26 < ctefa`o> I thought that connective system was a glorious idea 04:26 < zipcpi> Cause if I use the exp parser I still have to put the {cu} in {la .djan. cu klama} 04:26 < ctefa`o> One simple change and a lot less cmavo to leaen 04:26 < ctefa`o> Learn 04:26 * zipcpi nods 04:27 < zipcpi> Besides if you're worried about monoparsing of old texts; there is {jo'au} 04:28 < ctefa`o> Besides backwards compatibility, are there any actual problems with that system? 04:28 < zipcpi> There is no backwards compatibility problems with the simplified connective system 04:28 < zipcpi> The exp parser accepts both the old connectives and the simplified ones 04:28 < ctefa`o> ...so you can still use the old system? 04:29 < zipcpi> Yes. 04:29 < ctefa`o> Wow 04:30 < ctefa`o> Well I am not going to bother to properly memorize the current system if I can have this instead 04:33 < ctefa`o> uisai 04:34 < zipcpi> Join the stage-3 side :p 04:35 < ctefa`o> I have another side actually 04:36 < ctefa`o> Years in the making 04:36 < zipcpi> lol 04:36 < ctefa`o> Still trying it out to see that it works 04:37 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni/eng 04:38 < ctefa`o> Where do I sign up? 04:38 < zipcpi> Just add yourself to "Members" and give yourself an appropriate title :p 04:38 < zipcpi> Do you have a Wiki account yet? 04:38 < zipcpi> If not you'd need one 04:38 < ctefa`o> It was more of a joke 04:38 < zipcpi> lol :p 04:39 < ctefa`o> But my idea has to do with the beloved place structures 04:39 < ctefa`o> Don't wanna discuss it here as it is not finished, pm me if you are interested 04:40 < zipcpi> Ah 05:06 < gocti> zipcpi: domozolo 05:06 < gocti> vau sai 05:13 < zipcpi> I like {lo}. I use it a lot 05:13 < zipcpi> But I also use {le}, {lo'e}, and even {lo'i} 05:15 < gocti> va'i sa'e: ma'i la xorlo lu «ko'a djica lo nu lo broda cu brode» li'u ka'e se smuni ga lo du'u su'oi broda jai se djica ko'a fai lo nu ke'a brode 05:16 < gocti> gi lo du'u ko'a djica lo nu su'oi broda cu brode 05:16 < gocti> vu'o ja lo drata ku ji'a 05:16 < gocti> .i xu do ja'a stidi lo du'u lo pa moi ku po'o (to lo sko'opu jai ganrai toi) cu smuni 05:17 < gocti> exp: ga ti gi ta vu'o je tu 05:17 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 05:17 < gocti> oi 05:17 < gocti> exp: fa ga ti gi ta vu'o je tu 05:18 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 05:27 < zipcpi> Er, fau'u gocti, but are you saying I defined {lo} in a way that is incompatible wiith xorlo? 05:27 < gocti> Yes, basically 05:28 < zipcpi> What is wrong with it? 05:28 < gocti> Your version looks like it's pre-xorlo lo except that it always leaps up to the widest scope 05:29 < gocti> (where pre-xorlo would have {ko'a djica le nu lo broda cu brode} == {ko'a djica le nu su'o broda cu brode}, 05:29 < gocti> yours has the {su'o} quantifier at the top level) 05:29 < zipcpi> Oh... 05:29 < zipcpi> You mean the whole logical-prenex thing 05:29 < gocti> And xorlo lo doesn't quantify at all by default 05:29 < gocti> Yep 05:30 < zipcpi> Yeah I'm not too sure about that one 05:30 < zipcpi> Maybe I'll just comment it out for now 05:30 < gocti> I found guskant's article excellent for understanding xorlo 05:31 < zipcpi> But the English thing about "somethings that broda" isn't wrong, is it? 05:31 < gocti> Yeah it can (but doesn't have to be) just as vague as "some thing(s) that broda" 05:32 < zipcpi> That is why I still use {le} and {lo'e} 05:33 < zipcpi> Like I said, I use {lo} a lot, but I still like my {le}, {lo'e}, and {lo'i} 05:33 < zipcpi> Got rid of the logical prenex thing for now. At least until I understand it a bit better 05:34 < gocti> (I'm not looking to argue about {lo}-only or not - I also use {lo'e} and {loi} and {le}) 05:34 * zipcpi nods 05:34 < gocti> (sometimes with unofficial definitions though!) 05:34 < zipcpi> lol 05:34 < zipcpi> Well my own definitions aren't exactly official either 05:35 < zipcpi> JVS still has the laldyrai je mabla ma'oste definitions :p 05:36 < gocti> ba'a pu lo nu BPFK jdice tu'a zo le kei no'u lo nu lo daptutra cu dujbi'o zo'u lo laldo velski cu stali lo ka se jbovlaste 05:37 < zipcpi> u'i 05:42 < dutchie> .u'isai coi merry 05:43 < zipcpi> Oh dutchie have you read my article? 05:43 < dutchie> not yet, link? 05:43 < zipcpi> You got kinda caught in my discussion with Idlework and I thought you might want to see the result 05:43 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 05:44 < dutchie> .eisai mi gunka 05:44 < dutchie> .i ku'i mi tcidu 05:49 < ComradeBecca> ok so ba'o = perfective... "in the future of having..." but what if i wanted to demonstrate movement into the ba'o tense... i.e. "finish". is there an easy way to do that? 05:49 < ComradeBecca> sorry if that makes no sense 05:49 < gocti> {co'a ba'o} works pe'i 05:50 < ComradeBecca> cool 05:50 < ComradeBecca> thanks 05:51 < ComradeBecca> yeah it works at least in my sentence. thanks! 06:00 < zipcpi> Complitive is mo'u 06:00 < zipcpi> *completive 06:00 < zipcpi> There's also co'u, cessative 06:00 < Ilmen> And indeed {de'a} 06:00 < zipcpi> Both imply the point of finishing... but mo'u also means that the event is "complete" 06:01 < zipcpi> While co'u implies interruption 06:01 < zipcpi> {de'a} implies a temporary pause 06:01 < Ilmen> {co'u} is vaguer than {mo'u} 06:01 < zipcpi> Mhm 06:02 < Ilmen> at least I think so 06:04 < Ilmen> otherwise it wouldn't be possible to not specify whether the process is complete or not 06:04 < Ilmen> pei 06:04 < zipcpi> Hmm... makes sense... co'u is like {sisti}, while mo'u is like {mulno} 06:04 < Ilmen> mulfau 06:05 < zipcpi> Right 06:05 < zipcpi> Oh sisti is agentive 06:05 < Ilmen> jbo: sisti 06:05 < mensi> sisti = x1 co'u zukte ja ckaji x2 .i lo nu x1 zukte ja ckaji x2 cu tolcfa |>>> zukte .i ckaji .i tolcfa |>>> 06:05 < mensi> xorxes 06:05 < zipcpi> se fanmo isn't 06:05 < Ilmen> it seems sisti is not necessarily agentive 06:05 < zipcpi> zukte? 06:05 < zipcpi> Oh ja ckaji 06:06 < Ilmen> "zukte ja ckaji" 06:06 < zipcpi> An agent isn't necessarily a person 06:06 < zipcpi> There is still something that's stopping lo ka or lo nu 06:06 < Ilmen> X rinka lonu Y tolcfa 06:07 < Ilmen> ta'o mi de'a jundi 06:32 < durka42> zipcpi: agreed 100% with your definitions of le, lo and lo'e, I have no idea what lo'i is/has been/should be used for 06:33 < durka42> so I'm not sure if you're proposing a new definition for {lo'i} or not but it seems like you are 06:33 < durka42> and it seems to be the same as one of the proposed meanings of {ka'e} 06:39 < zipcpi> Haha... well if no one uses it ca'i BSFK I can define what it means :p 06:40 < durka42> new idea, {le'i} is for mixed lerfu/number strings :p 06:40 < zipcpi> Haha 06:40 < gocti> bu'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a dai 06:42 < zipcpi> Anyway, as I accidentally said in jbosnu incurring the wrath of the jbocei, I'm thinking of making le "anaphorical". It means that it either refers to something mentioned earlier, or within the immediately shared subtext between the speakers 06:42 < zipcpi> In the sense, the subtext also "mentions" things. As someone put it (forgot where), it's as if the world itself is a speaker 06:43 < zipcpi> {ni'o lo fetspe cu xrukla lo zdani bazi lo nu fy catlu lo draci 06:43 < zipcpi> Something like that 06:44 < zipcpi> That way lo is still a superset of le / lo'e, but also covers non-anaphorical usage 06:44 < zipcpi> definite, but non-anaphorical 06:44 < zipcpi> Not sure if that'd cause problems though 06:45 < zipcpi> But I guess there's always {poi} 06:46 < zipcpi> Er, zgana would probably be better than catlu 06:46 < durka42> people have been debating whether {le} is anaphorical or definite or something else entirely for approximately 100 years 06:46 < zipcpi> u'i 06:46 < durka42> I don't see how you can "make" it one way or the other, sorry :/ 06:46 < zipcpi> OK 06:47 < zipcpi> I guess "definite" is probably the most "general" definition then 06:47 < zipcpi> And the note about anaphorical usage should be sufficient 06:48 < zipcpi> "Definite article. le broda = the broda(s) that I have in mind. Often used anaphorically, to refer to either something mentioned earlier, or to something in the immediately shared context of the speakers. Roughly equivalent to English "the", though used a lot less often; lo is generally preferred if the implication of definiteness or anaphoric presence is not needed." 06:50 < zipcpi> pei 06:50 < durka42> sure 06:50 < durka42> have you seen Ilmen's ri'oi 06:50 < zipcpi> Yes. But ri'oi is probably... too specific? 06:50 < durka42> well it's the anaphorical sense only 06:50 < zipcpi> Right 06:52 < zipcpi> Though ri'oi probably doesn't cover "subtext" 06:52 < zipcpi> It's roughly like le bi'unai 06:52 < durka42> yes 06:53 < zipcpi> OK get rid of "anaphoric" then. 06:53 < zipcpi> "Definite article. le broda = the broda(s) that I have in mind. Often used to refer to either something mentioned earlier, or to something in the immediately shared context of the speakers. Roughly equivalent to English "the", though used a lot less often; lo is generally preferred if the implication of definiteness or contextual presence is not needed." 06:53 < durka42> I dunno why listen to me :) 06:53 < durka42> I'll probably end up writing my own gadri article someday right 06:53 < durka42> it's a rite of passage 06:54 < zipcpi> Eh it's just "anaphoric" has a specific meaning and I might not be using it correctly 06:54 < zipcpi> It's not really you that convinced me to drop "anaphoric", but how ri'oi was defined and also how "anaphoric" is used in the linguistic materials I skimmed 06:54 < durka42> je'e 06:55 < durka42> I'm a big fan of how the word "veridical" doesn't show up anywhere 06:55 < zipcpi> Yes 06:55 < zipcpi> If you want "non-veridical" there's always pe'a or je'unai 06:56 < zipcpi> da'i, xa'i, or even the kurtynomvla li'i'e :p 06:58 < zipcpi> Definiteness / contextual-sharedness is much more useful and reflects usage better pe'i :p 06:58 < zipcpi> Lojban already has a lot of ways to mark that something isn't quite "real"; doesn't need gadri for that 07:06 < gleki> at least i got some reply from duolingo 07:09 <@xalbo> zipcpi: I think that's a really good description/definition. 07:11 < durka42> gleki: spuda fi ma 07:11 < durka42> xu spuda fi lo se du'u doi fanza najnimre ko cliva 07:11 < durka42> zo'o 07:17 < gleki> mi na birti 07:18 < gleki> i sa'u ba'e caku dy na pensi tu'a le bangu 07:26 < gleki> i mi pu stidi lo traji poi mi pu kakne lo ka stidi ke'a 07:27 < zipcpi> doi gleki: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 07:30 < Ilmen> You forgot {ri'oi} :p 07:30 < Ilmen> "lo broda" seems to be equivalent to "lo ro broda", by the way 07:30 < gleki> i understood nothing in xorxe's proposal 07:31 < gleki> zipcpi: you forgot gleki's {le} 07:32 < durka42> that's because he wrote about zipcpi's {le} :) 07:32 < durka42> Ilmen: I already mentioned ri'oi 07:32 < gleki> heh. Nuzba page of LMW is broken in firefox 07:32 < Ilmen> Actually, lo and lo'i are very similar, except that lo is a plural and lo'i a set (as for whether the distinction is very useful, that's another debate) 07:33 < Ilmen> Sometimes "lo" is used when {su'o} or {su'oi} would probably be more appropriate 07:34 < durka42> ie 07:34 < durka42> zipcpi's note about {lo'i} seems to begging for another one of those 100-page Mr. Broda discussions, .oi 07:35 < zipcpi> lol 07:35 < zipcpi> What is that even? 07:35 < durka42> Mr Prenu (i.e. {lo prenu} under some interpretations of {lo}) is the plural embodiment of all people, of which you and I and Ilmen are mere appendages 07:35 < durka42> or something to that effect 07:35 < zipcpi> lol 07:36 < zipcpi> That would make a very trippy bripre jikca :p 07:36 < durka42> bripre jikca is already quite trippy 07:36 < durka42> especially the first one with the powers of two 07:37 < ctefa`o> "loi srasu cu jelca" 07:37 < ctefa`o> Means the "grass" is burning but not each and single straw of grass, right? 07:37 < durka42> ie 07:38 < durka42> but {lo srasu} doesn't have to mean every strand either 07:38 < Ilmen> I think "loi srasu cu broda" is true as long as there are some srasu that brodas 07:39 < zipcpi> gleki: I dunno, don't you just use {le} as "pronouns"? That's definite + anaphorical, right? 07:41 * nuzba @drjtwit: OH: "oh I _really_ want to use lojban". lol [http://bit.ly/1JkQmjY] 07:41 < ctefa`o> Uh oh you just called "le" definite 07:41 < zipcpi> Yes 07:42 < zipcpi> deeeeeeeefiiiiiniiiiite 07:42 < ctefa`o> What I can't hear you 07:42 < zipcpi> I dare invoke the wrath of the jbocei 07:42 < zipcpi> Come and strike me where I stand 07:43 < Ilmen> ue I've found back this by googling "myopic singular" lol -- http://pastebin.com/hZF3tBNz 07:43 < gleki> well, "pronoun" is ambiguous. Take "He hit him". 07:43 < zipcpi> Isn't selpa'i one of the strongest opponents of {le}? 07:43 < Ilmen> 01:09 < fpcalep> So, {lo broda} refers to Mr. Broda, the mass-individual, the myopic singular Broda, the Broda God and an outer quantifier is used to distribute over instances, manifestations or even "avatars" of it (as you can see, there are many ways to describe this concept). 07:44 < zipcpi> Not even sure what he thinks of glekynomyle :p 07:44 < gleki> Ilmen: this should be in the wiki, even if trunctaed and freed from jokes 07:44 < gleki> selpa'i primarily doesnt use {le}. in its old sense. as for my {le} idk. i just took it from usage. the usage that existed before xorlo happened 07:45 < zipcpi> I don't use {le} in its old sense either :p 07:45 < zipcpi> If you haven't noticed I never mentioned the v-word anywhere 07:46 < Ilmen> zipcpi: You should read the discussion I linked above when you have time 07:46 < gleki> zipcpi: by old usage i mean usage, not CLL 07:46 < Ilmen> (note that fpcalep = selpahi) 07:47 < zipcpi> Oh 07:48 < gleki> does xorxe's proposal means in short that math expression will continue be valid by R2D2 wont since it's nonsene in math? 07:48 < gleki> *nonsense 07:48 < gleki> does xorxe's proposal means in short that math expression will continue be valid but R2D2 wont since it's nonsense in math? 07:48 * gleki sorry of mistypes 07:48 * gleki sorry for mistypes 07:49 < zipcpi> Well durka42 brought up my "midway" proposal 07:49 * gleki >< 07:49 < zipcpi> That anything in LI ... LOhO will continue working the way it does now 07:49 < gleki> no, i mean xorxe's one. am i correct in undderstanding him? 07:49 < zipcpi> Outside Li...LOhO xorxes can do whatever nu bauspo he wants :p 07:50 < zipcpi> That way it preserves both my date system and the use of me'o for "spelling" character-strings that may include mixed digits and letters 07:51 < gleki> All these worlds are yours except LI. Don't attempt landing there 07:51 < zipcpi> Yep 07:51 < durka42> .u'i 07:51 < Ilmen> I have also Xorlo Part I in my archives za'a 07:52 < durka42> hmm? 07:52 < gleki> isnt it the same as bear goo discussion? 07:53 < Ilmen> It doesn't seem to be the same thing 07:53 < Ilmen> hm 07:53 < Ilmen> maybe it is 07:53 < gleki> they all need to be added to the wiki and cleaned. the secondpart maybe later 07:55 < Ilmen> I don't find "Surely, in a ready-made universe, bear goo must seem terrifying." in Xorlo episode I, so I think it's not the same thing as Bear Goo 07:56 < gleki> btw interesting that mensi no longer download broken dumps from vrici. so it's all downtime again or RAM issues on vrici 07:56 < gleki> probably a check of dumps for vailidity must be done. 07:57 < durka42> I remember that quote 07:57 < durka42> selpa'i said that, right? 07:57 < durka42> kinda patronizing 07:57 < Ilmen> yeah 08:01 < Ilmen> http://pastebin.com/pixTcAh5 08:01 < Ilmen> Xorlo part I 08:02 < Ilmen> http://pastebin.com/hZF3tBNz -- Xorlo part 2 (ke'u) 08:02 < Ilmen> .a'o plixau 08:02 < zipcpi> Uh oh 08:02 < durka42> is this recorded somewhere other than pastebin? 08:02 < Ilmen> No idea 08:03 < Ilmen> it's on my HD 08:03 < Ilmen> so it's recorded somewhere else zo'o ru'e 08:03 < zipcpi> xorxes-lerspo breaks {jo'au} 08:03 < durka42> troo 08:03 < durka42> well 08:03 < durka42> sorta 08:04 < durka42> {bysyfyky jo'au} is ok still 08:04 < durka42> {pa pi'e recivo pi'e pano jo'au} is fine 08:04 < zipcpi> Oops press wrong button 08:04 < durka42> but not {.camxes. bu re ci jo'au} 08:04 < zipcpi> {cylylypapi'epa jo'au} won't though 08:04 < Ilmen> [17:04:16] {pa pi'e recivo pi'e pano jo'au} is fine 08:04 < zipcpi> Yeah 08:04 < durka42> right 08:04 < durka42> does {xi} work there? 08:04 < durka42> camxes: cy xi pa mai 08:04 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] or [uU] but "i" found. 08:05 < durka42> nope 08:05 < durka42> so you'd need another experimental 08:05 < zipcpi> New selma'o JOhAU zo'o 08:05 < durka42> now _that_ would have to be unformalizable :p 08:06 < zipcpi> zau BSFK 08:06 < durka42> a cmavo looks _backwards_ over an arbitrary number of lerfu-xor-number strings? 08:06 < durka42> .ii sai 08:06 < Ilmen> How about COI 08:06 < durka42> heh that might work 08:06 < zipcpi> COI + LI :p 08:07 < durka42> yeah it's not exactly COI because COI only captures one 08:07 < durka42> the more I think about it this proposal creates more confusing situations than it resolves 08:08 < Ilmen> COI la .ilmentufa xi papare 08:08 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Oh yes and it's gotta be COI3 too :p 08:08 < durka42> it's like {la} used to be, where you could put in a sequence of brivlacme or a sequence of cmene, but don't mix them or lojban explodes! 08:08 < durka42> but we fixed that 08:08 < Ilmen> COI la dzejbo xi pasosovo 08:08 < zipcpi> Because COI2 didn't break vlasisku enough 08:08 < durka42> it would be a new selma'o 08:09 < durka42> which is unfortunate 08:09 < durka42> because {jo'au} is a neat solution without writing new grammar rules 08:09 < zipcpi> You use cmene for cmevla again :p 08:09 < durka42> yeah I did 08:09 < zipcpi> Do ten pushups now! zo'o 08:09 < durka42> I blame CLL 08:09 < Ilmen> What's wrong with {COI la dzejbo xi pasosovo}? It seems pretty economic 08:10 < zipcpi> I think it's fine, ca'i BSFK :p 08:10 < zipcpi> Though like I said, COI3 08:10 < Ilmen> co'o dzejbo coi cabjbo 08:11 < durka42> well you still wouldn't be able to say {COI la dzejbo xi cylylypapi'apa} 08:12 < durka42> pi'e* 08:12 < zipcpi> Use joi'i 08:12 < durka42> vlaste: joi'i 08:12 < vlaste> joi'i = mekso string operator (n-ary): formal left-concatenation; X1+X, where Xi is a string/word/text 08:12 < zipcpi> Wait does VUhU even work the way I think it does? 08:12 < zipcpi> Probably not 08:12 < Ilmen> exp: cylylyxipapi'epamai 08:12 < durka42> kinda 08:12 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [0123456789] but "m" found. 08:12 < durka42> Ilmen: I tried that already :) 08:12 < durka42> VUhU works but you need {ge'a} with more than 2 operands 08:12 < Ilmen> pu na jundi jai banzuni ja'o 08:12 < durka42> plus mex doesn't work with MAI apparently 08:12 < zipcpi> exp: cylyly vu'u papi'epa mai 08:12 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] but "i" found. 08:13 < zipcpi> vu'u doesn't work either 08:13 < durka42> not with MAI 08:13 < Ilmen> exp: vei pa su'i pa mai 08:13 < durka42> the grammar is not strong enough 08:13 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] but "i" found. 08:13 < durka42> probably because of old LR(1) crap 08:13 < durka42> so probably it could be fixed 08:13 < durka42> camxes: li cylyly vu'u pa pi'e pa 08:13 < camxes> ([li {<(¹cy [ly ly]¹) BOI> } LOhO] VAU) 08:14 < Ilmen> Why the hell having a left-branching selmaho like MAI in a mostly right-branching language 08:14 < gleki> use LR(42). It's the answer to everything. try it :) it will probably parse the whole corups. 08:14 < gleki> *corpus 08:14 < zipcpi> Yeh see? LI can contain several BOI strings 08:14 < zipcpi> QED 08:14 < zipcpi> ca'i BSFK 08:14 < durka42> camxes: +exp cylyly vu'u pa pi'e pa moi 08:14 < camxes> (CU [{<(¹cy [ly ly]¹) BOI> } moi] VAU) 08:14 < zipcpi> :p 08:14 < durka42> camxes: +exp cylyly vu'u pa pi'e pa mai 08:14 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] but "i" found. 08:14 < durka42> :/ 08:14 < gleki> yes, like with this {re boi pamoi kabri} i wish moi was a prefix. 08:15 < durka42> kinda seems like that's the real fix 08:15 < durka42> instead of screwing with mex 08:15 < durka42> but it's probably too big of a change 08:15 < durka42> MOI and MAI and ROI could work more like ME 08:16 < zipcpi> re'uza'u 08:17 < durka42> re'uz'uku mi zukte lo moipa be lo co'e 08:17 < durka42> re'uza'uku mi zukte lo moipa be lo co'e 08:17 < durka42> aaah it sounds so wrong .u'i 08:17 < zipcpi> lol 08:19 < Ilmen> I sometimes wanted something like a KOhA taking a number on its right, as to avoid using xi 08:19 < Ilmen> it would have helped not having 10 cmavo for the ko'a series 08:19 < zipcpi> xixixixixixixixixixixixixi 08:19 < zipcpi> xaxaxaxaxaxaxoxoxoxoxuxuxuxuxexexexe 08:20 < zipcpi> xoxaxexixoxuxaxexixixoxuxixa 08:20 < Ilmen> kopa, kore, koci... 08:20 < durka42> use {koi} :p 08:20 < Ilmen> just as long as ko'a, ko'e, ko'i 08:20 < durka42> it even rhymes with {moi} 08:20 < durka42> in CKTJ you can use {ko'oi} instead 08:20 < zipcpi> lol 08:20 < durka42> mi zbusufukai 08:20 < zipcpi> And current koi will be ko'o'oi :p 08:21 < durka42> oh I forgot {koi} was already defined 08:21 <@xalbo> All monosyllables that don't start with x- are defined. 08:21 < zipcpi> And all those that are have been assigned in JVS 08:22 < zipcpi> Well there are still some monosyllables left 08:22 < zipcpi> iVV and uVV 08:22 < durka42> there are 116 hits in the corpus 08:22 < durka42> they seem to be 99% typos of {coi} or {poi} or people using CKTJ 08:23 < durka42> or "valsi koi", we really need to filter those out of KZS, .u'i 08:24 < durka42> maiuei.orzy'aiuei 08:24 < durka42> camxes: maiuei.orzy'aiuei 08:24 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "m" found. 08:24 < durka42> er 08:24 < durka42> camxes: lo'u maiuei.orzy'aiuei le'u 08:24 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "m" found. 08:25 < zipcpi> exp: cmaiuei'orze'aiuei 08:25 < mensi> (CU [cmaiuei'orze'aiuei VAU]) 08:25 < zipcpi> x1 is my way or the highway 08:26 < zipcpi> :p 08:26 < durka42> why won't it accept {maiuei} as a cmavo uanai 08:26 < zipcpi> Breaks up as mai uei 08:26 < durka42> that would be fine 08:26 < durka42> instead it catches fire and explodes though 08:27 < zipcpi> exp: uei'orze'aiuei 08:27 < mensi> (CU [uei'orze'aiuei VAU]) 08:27 < gocti> camxes: lo'u maiuei orze'ai uei le'u 08:27 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "m" found. 08:27 < zipcpi> exp: pa mai uei'orze'aiuei 08:27 < mensi> ([{pa BOI} mai] [CU {uei'orze'aiuei VAU}]) 08:27 < durka42> camxes: +exp lo'u maiuei le'u 08:27 < camxes> ([lo'u {mai uei} le'u] VAU) 08:27 < durka42> ok 08:27 < gocti> camxes: orze'ai 08:27 < camxes> (orze'ai VAU) 08:27 < durka42> camxes: +exp lo'u maiuei.orze'aiuei le'u 08:27 < camxes> ([lo'u {mai uei orze'aiuei} le'u] VAU) 08:27 < durka42> there we go 08:28 < durka42> zipcpi: cmaiueiorze'aiuei is better 08:28 < zipcpi> ie u'i 08:29 < gocti> ua .i fliba ki'u lo nu za'o na ningau lo morfologi pagbu 08:29 < gocti> camxes: lo'u maiuei orze'ai uei le'u 08:29 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "m" found. 08:29 < gocti> camxes: lo'u mai uei orze'ai uei le'u 08:30 < camxes> ([lo'u {mai uei orze'ai uei} le'u] VAU) 08:30 < durka42> ba'o ningau do'e lo cipra 08:30 < durka42> mensi: ko ningau 08:30 < gocti> ie 08:31 < durka42> mensi: ko ningau lo nei 08:31 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 08:31 < durka42> .y.o 08:32 < gocti> re roi co'e 08:32 < durka42> masno spuda 08:32 < zipcpi> "first three cups"? Isn't that pabi'ocimoi kabri 08:32 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 08:33 < durka42> well {ci boi pamoi kabri} means three cups which are first [of something] 08:33 < gocti> la mledjauitki cu se vanbi la vrici ji la jukni .i mi kanpe tu'a la vrici 08:33 < zipcpi> Yes... 08:33 < durka42> actually it should be {ci kabri pamoi} and there is no problem 08:33 < zipcpi> lol 08:34 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 08:34 < mensi> i na kakne lo ka jai gau cnino fai la'e zoi zoi es ru en jbo fr zoi 08:34 < zipcpi> {boi}s will be {boi}s 08:34 < durka42> ue 08:34 < durka42> ba'o cnino no da .u'i 08:34 < durka42> xu ningau la'e zoi zoi ja zoi 08:34 < gocti> la'a 08:34 < durka42> en: cmaiueiorze'aiuei 08:35 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 08:35 < durka42> spo'ofu 08:36 < durka42> mi ca kibycpa XML .i xu ba spofu 08:37 < gocti> narju'o 08:40 < zipcpi> I hardly see nar-lujvo, except with beginners who have not learned to avoid forming nonce lujvo :p 08:41 < durka42> xu na spofu sa'e .iku'i lo vlataimei ba'o cenba 08:43 < durka42> lo'ai xu sa'ai ua le'ai 08:44 < zipcpi> zo lo'i zo'u: I think it's very useful when talking about taxonomy and/or the definitions of words though 08:45 < zipcpi> That's what I tend to use it for 08:45 < durka42> I think that is a redefinition though 08:45 < gocti> mi'u 08:45 < zipcpi> No one uses it 08:45 < durka42> think hard on whether you actually want to propose a new definition for a gadri 08:45 < zipcpi> lol 08:46 < zipcpi> Well, according to laldo ma'oste 08:46 < zipcpi> veridical descriptor: the set of those that really are ..., treated as a set. 08:46 < durka42> lo na tadni be lo citri cu se dapma fi lo nu krefu lisri 08:46 < zipcpi> So here we have that dreaded V word 08:46 < durka42> sorry when did I ever, ever, ever bring up the laldo ma'oste in anything regarding gadri? 08:47 < zipcpi> No I'm just comparing my definition to it 08:47 < durka42> its gadri defs have been totally and completely superseded by the BPFK's xorlo 08:47 < zipcpi> Did xorlo ever redefine lo'i? 08:47 < durka42> ma'oste definitions of gadri are inscrutable and irrelevant anyway 08:47 < zipcpi> Does anyone use lo'i in another way? :p 08:47 < durka42> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_gadri#cmavo:_lo.27i_.28LE.29 08:48 < durka42> interesting.. 08:48 < durka42> the example fits quite nicely with your {lo'i} 08:48 < zipcpi> ma cnano lo junta lo'i cifnu poi cazi jbena 08:48 < zipcpi> Wait what 08:48 < durka42> though the BPFK's {lo'i} is not yours 08:48 < durka42> strange 08:49 < zipcpi> Erm, I'd use lo'e there 08:49 < durka42> ie 08:49 < durka42> that's a pretty bad example .u'i 08:49 < zipcpi> How does this use of {lo'i} refer to "set"? 08:49 < zipcpi> How do "set"s even differ from "mass"es? 08:50 < durka42> only because cnano3 says it wants a set, anyway 08:50 < durka42> oh god don't ask that question 08:50 < durka42> lol 08:50 < zipcpi> lol 08:50 < zipcpi> Yes I have really invoked the wrath of the jbocei on my head 08:50 < durka42> anyway the "simplest" definition of {lo'i} is "like {lo}, but refers to a set" 08:50 < zipcpi> It's like I'm a Lojbanic atheist or something :p 08:51 < Rat_> How so? 08:51 < durka42> the only effective answer I've gotten to that question is "sets are useless" 08:51 < zipcpi> Useless? Then ca'i BSFK 08:51 < zipcpi> co'e co'e co'e 08:51 < durka42> that's getting old... 08:51 < zipcpi> Sorry X3 08:51 < Rat_> co'e 08:52 < zipcpi> But seriously though if they're useless why not redefine them? 08:53 < durka42> I guess? 08:53 < durka42> if we really have a new definition that's super useful and can't be easily said another way 08:53 < durka42> I mean it's hard to let everyone know about a new definition at all, let alone to get people to accept a new meaning for a gadri 08:53 < durka42> so it needs to be justified 08:53 < durka42> just practically 08:53 < Rat_> When is Lojban going to be added to Duolingo? 08:54 < durka42> right after half-life 3 is released 08:54 < Rat_> co'e 08:54 < durka42> Gabe promised 08:54 < zipcpi> But really all zipcpi's {lo'i} is is just my... probable misunderstanding of the word "set" :p 08:54 < Rat_> >Gabe >keeping his promises 08:54 < zipcpi> And an attempt to distinguish it from "mass" 08:54 < durka42> well in the case, join the club :) 08:54 < zipcpi> It's just that I some how found it super useful 08:55 < durka42> je'e 08:56 < Rat_> mi lo prami gerku 08:56 < zipcpi> er... mo 08:56 < Rat_> co'e 08:57 < zipcpi> Rat_: about the Lojbanic atheist thing... that's because I seem to be using a lot of "bad words" in my discussion about gadri (which is in itself a "bad word") 08:57 < durka42> I think I need to go outside or something 08:57 < durka42> sorry for being oppositional 08:57 < zipcpi> oppositional? 08:57 < zipcpi> Oh the lo'i thing? 08:57 < Rat_> Aha! Oppressive 08:57 < Rat_> co'e 08:58 < zipcpi> I mean, how would you reword my {lo'i} examples? 08:58 < gocti> en: cmaiueiorze'aiuei 08:58 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 08:58 < mensi`i> cmaiueiorze'aiuei = x1 must go to x2 from x3 via x4's way or highway x5 |>>> durka42 08:58 < gocti> .u'i 08:59 < zipcpi> I don't know how useful essetialism is to the average person on the street, but it actually crops up pretty often in Lojbanic discussion of the definitions of words :p 08:59 < durka42> ie 08:59 < durka42> some claim that's what {ka'e} was intended for, but it also gets used as basically a {kakne} tag 08:59 < zipcpi> Yeah... 09:00 < durka42> like {mi na kakne lo ka limna .iku'i mi remna .i ja'o mi ka'e limna} 09:00 < zipcpi> Yeah, don't think anyone uses ka'e that way x.x 09:00 < zipcpi> ka'e is now in BAI :p 09:00 < zipcpi> ca'izo'e 09:02 < durka42> jbo:ka'e 09:02 < mensi> ka'e = [CAhA] fi'o se cumki 09:02 < mensi`i> ka'e = [CAhA] fi'o se cumki |>>> cumki |>>> xorxes 09:02 < zipcpi> Well, 1. fi'o again, 2. cumki has got nothing to do with essentialism, pe'i 09:04 < zipcpi> Wait you actually defined cmaiueiorze'aiuei 09:04 < durka42> well all tags are eventually defined in terms of {fi'o} (or {xoi}) 09:04 < zipcpi> do zbusufukai :p 09:04 < durka42> I put "u'ivla" in the jargon field! don't sue me! zo'o 09:05 < zipcpi> :p 09:05 < zipcpi> x4 should be "default: speaker" 09:05 < zipcpi> :p 09:06 < zipcpi> There :p 09:07 < durka42> hey! :p 09:07 < durka42> oh huh, I didn't get any of the requisite annoying emails 09:07 < zipcpi> Ain't a proper u'ivla without silly defaults :p 09:07 < durka42> not when I created the word nor when you edited it 09:07 < durka42> maybe something at vrici is actually spofu 09:10 < zipcpi> Though... huh... actually since sumtcita are merged it doesn't matter whether ka'e is in BAI :p 09:10 < durka42> of course 09:11 < durka42> it only matters what it's a fi'o of 09:11 < zipcpi> Mhm 09:12 < gocti> (to lo nu pilno la mensi'i ku ne se ba'i la mensi zo'u: jmina lo pa me'o sai bu poi lidne lo se mi'esku toi) 09:12 < gocti> !jbo: juknyxarju 09:12 < mensi`i> juknyxarju [< jukni xarju ≈ Jukni* xarju*] = x1 ckaji ro selkai be lo jukni xarju |>>> 09:12 < mensi`i> durka42 09:13 < durka42> ua 09:13 < durka42> !ie pei 09:13 < mensi`i> ba'e mi na tugni 09:13 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 09:13 < durka42> oi 09:13 < gocti> u'i 09:14 < durka42> xelso sagymei 09:14 < zipcpi> Did the BPFK even define {lo'e}? 09:14 < durka42> yes but in a different section 09:15 < durka42> LE1 and LE2 I guess :p 09:15 < durka42> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Typicals 09:16 < zipcpi> Don't see anything that really contradicts 09:16 < zipcpi> Though maybe the "typical" sense is better expressed by na'o 09:17 < zipcpi> "The typical English person dwells not in Africa but in England." 09:17 < zipcpi> Yeah I would probably render that with {na'o} instead 09:19 <@xalbo> I think those are different directions. {lo'e} is about which people you're counting as typical, {na'o} is about what those people are typically doing. 09:19 < durka42> I was going to say that but I wasn't sure if it was a malglico complaint :p 09:20 < zipcpi> Hmm... then again it still might not be so contradictory 09:20 < zipcpi> As I have brought up as an example earlier... {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da} 09:20 < ldlework> zipcpi: what has been the result of your conversation above? did I lose you on some stuff? :3 09:21 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 09:21 < ldlework> ta'o coi 09:21 < zipcpi> coi 09:21 <@xalbo> (I'll admit, though, I didn't read all the backscroll so I may have missed something.) 09:21 < zipcpi> Well I call it "archetypical" instead of "typical". I'm not sure what difference it makes 09:21 < durka42> ehm 09:21 < ldlework> plato's mlatu 09:21 < durka42> does {lo'e} have scope then? 09:22 < durka42> it sure ain't the case that these four legs that I have here are attached to every typical cat 09:22 < zipcpi> ldlework: Wait isn't that lo'i? :p 09:22 < ldlework> Yeah 09:22 < ldlework> I misread 09:22 < durka42> {so'a mlatu cu se tuple vo da}, sure 09:22 < zipcpi> Yeah but that doesn't translate to "Cats have four legs" 09:23 < ldlework> i'e 09:23 < durka42> lo'e mlatu cu se tuple lo vomei 09:23 < ldlework> "cats have for legs" 09:23 < zipcpi> OK yeah mei 09:23 < durka42> cats have what for legs, ldlework? 09:23 < ldlework> heh 09:23 < durka42> bananas? 09:23 < ldlework> haha 09:23 < zipcpi> Ugh maybe I was right about avoiding using {da} ever 09:23 < zipcpi> {da} to me is like {le} to selpa'i :p 09:24 < ldlework> zipcpi: I thought we agreed on what da does 09:24 <@xalbo> badna te pi'o lo jai ckilu 09:24 < zipcpi> ldlework: I thought so too but gocti told me the scope was wrong 09:24 < durka42> ma kuspe nabmi mupli 09:25 < zipcpi> Or that the scope in *that particular example* was OK, but treating all {lo} as variations of {da poi} can cause scope issues 09:25 < zipcpi> Or something 09:25 < ldlework> >_> 09:25 < zipcpi> I suck at scope x.x 09:25 < durka42> well yes 09:25 < durka42> {da} introduces a scope and {lo} doesn't 09:25 < ldlework> Does this actually change the semantics? 09:25 < durka42> so it's going to be rather difficult to make an expansion of {lo} in terms of {da} that *never* creates a problem 09:25 < ldlework> IE, da or lo constructions don't inherently have a defined referntiality 09:26 < ldlework> That's the only important thing 09:26 < ldlework> If they have different consequences for scope that seems fine 09:26 < Ilmen> ro da na ku sipna = roldza fa loka jitfa fa lodu'u ce'u sipna 09:26 < ldlework> just as long as neither da, nor lo has a default referentiality I think I'm okay 09:26 < Ilmen> naku ro da sipna = jitfa fa lodu'u roldza fa loka ce'u sipna 09:26 < durka42> I don't know what expansion you guys were discussing so I can't specifically comment 09:26 < zipcpi> Using roldza doesn't help here :p 09:27 < zipcpi> It just makes me even more confused x.x 09:27 < ldlework> zipcpi: do you know what I mean? 09:27 < ldlework> lo perhaps creates a default da formulaization 09:27 < ldlework> where da is more flexible 09:27 < durka42> what does that even mean 09:27 < ldlework> like, when you're using lo, you're really using some da pattern underneath 09:27 < zipcpi> " x1 (property) is common to everything in the domain of discourse" 09:28 < zipcpi> OK maybe I can work with that... 09:28 < ldlework> but a specific one 09:28 < Ilmen> zipcpi: each scope-creating cmavo is a shorthand for one level of hidden bridi 09:28 < ldlework> da allows you to create quantifications more flexibly than what lo gives you perhaps 09:28 < ldlework> but all that is important is that da and lo are not definite or indefinite by themselves 09:28 < durka42> it's more flexible but also more heavy-handed :) 09:28 < Ilmen> scope-cmavo-1 scope-cmavo-2 scope-cmavo-3 selbri ---> scope-selbri-1 fa losu'u scope-selbri-2 fa losu'u scope-selbri-3 fa losu'u selbri 09:28 < ldlework> right 09:29 < Ilmen> zipcpi ^ 09:29 < Ilmen> so the order matters 09:29 < zipcpi> For every x, x does not sleep / not true that: for every x: x sleeps 09:29 < ldlework> do make lo or da explicitly definite or indefinite you need le or lo'e 09:29 < durka42> Ilmen: this looks like a parser output transformer waiting to happen xD 09:29 < ldlework> to make* 09:29 < Ilmen> zipcpi: yeah 09:30 < zipcpi> Those are simple enough but then when {da} interacts with {lo} or, even worse, {lo'e}, {lo'i} or whatever, my head starts to hurt 09:30 < ldlework> zipcpi: why? da merely provides the quantification 09:30 < durka42> they don't interact though 09:30 < ldlework> then you simply do lo'e du 09:30 < durka42> because the gadri aren't scope cmavo 09:30 < Ilmen> lo is like a constant, it has no scope 09:31 < Ilmen> or you could see it as having always topmost scope 09:31 < Ilmen> maybe 09:31 < ldlework> daku you get a scope-breaking da 09:31 < ldlework> probably can't work 09:31 < durka42> eh? 09:31 <@xalbo> Parsefail. 09:31 * ldlework hides. 09:32 <@xalbo> (Or at least, grammatically completely different.) 09:32 < zipcpi> OK then is {ti aste mu da} wrong? If it is I'd quit using {da} forever :p 09:32 < durka42> vlaste: aste 09:32 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/aste 09:32 < durka42> en:aste 09:32 < mensi> aste = x1 is a star polygon, with regular protrusions x2, and regular intrusions 09:32 < mensi> x3 09:32 < mensi`i> aste = x1 is a star polygon, with regular protrusions x2, and regular intrusions 09:32 < mensi`i> x3 09:32 <@xalbo> That's fine. 09:32 < durka42> that seems fine 09:32 < durka42> assuming you're pointing at a star 09:32 < Ilmen> zipcpi: as for things like "lo broda be da", if "da" hasn't be declared outside of the lo-sumti, then da is captive of the lo internal bridi 09:32 < zipcpi> Yeah 09:33 < ldlework> you can lie in lojban 09:33 < durka42> usually not in examples though 09:33 < ldlework> truth values shouldn't effect grammatic validity 09:33 < zipcpi> lo jetnu cu jitfa 09:33 < ldlework> still grammatical 09:33 < Ilmen> lo kenka ku ji'a go'i 09:33 < zipcpi> lo mlatu cu plise 09:33 < durka42> {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da} is also grammatical 09:33 < zipcpi> lo finpe cu sorpeka 09:33 <@xalbo> There's nothing wrong with {ti se tuple vo da}, or even with {lo mlatu cu se tuple vo da} if you're talking about a single cat. It's when you're using it for several cats that things get iffy. 09:33 < ldlework> kukte fa lo mlatu 09:34 <@xalbo> {ro lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da}, I think, would work. 09:34 < durka42> ie 09:34 < ldlework> not plato's cat, or the even the general cat 09:34 < ldlework> no need for ro 09:34 < durka42> plato's cat is kept in a cave all the time 09:34 < durka42> someone call PETA 09:34 <@xalbo> .u'i 09:34 < ldlework> uu mlatu 09:34 < Ilmen> .u'i 09:35 <@xalbo> Schrödinger's Plato's Cat both is and is not in a cave. 09:35 < ldlework> lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da : cats, generally speaking, have 4 legs 09:35 < ldlework> lo'i mlatu cu se tuple vo da : Cats have 4 legs. 09:36 < Ilmen> You can also say {su'a lo mlatu cu...} 09:36 <@xalbo> Clearly you've made up a new meaning for {lo'i}. Don't do that. 09:36 < ldlework> lo'i demonstrates the speakers conceptualization of true propositions of the minimal set of nessecary conditions for cat-ism 09:36 < zipcpi> ldlework: Use lo vomei 09:36 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'e mlatu 09:36 < zipcpi> da gets very iffy when you start to talk about possibly plural entities 09:36 < ldlework> "I like cats, generally speaking" 09:37 < ldlework> but being liked by me, isn't one of the nessecary conditions for cat-dom 09:37 < Ilmen> zipcpi: It's what su'oi is for 09:37 < ldlework> but not all cats are liked by me either 09:37 < ldlework> so ro is out 09:37 < zipcpi> Because lo re mlatu cu se tuple vo da = Two cats have four legs (in between them)... I think 09:37 < ldlework> that becomes a le interpretation 09:38 < ldlework> lo'e re mlatu cu se tuple vo da is nonsense 09:38 <@xalbo> Unless {lo'e} introduces a new scope (and I don't think it does), then {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da} is the same as {vo da tuple lo'e mlatu}, and I could ask you four things in the world there are such that each of them, and nothing else, is the leg of a typical cat. 09:38 < zipcpi> Yeah I guess numbers don't work with lo'e 09:38 < ldlework> You're always making a platitude with lo'e 09:39 * zipcpi nods 09:39 < ldlework> hungry dogs is the best 09:40 <@xalbo> (Now, there is a very xorlo answer, which is that the four things are the left front leg, the right front leg, the left hind leg, and the right hind leg. But I don't know whether you want to go there.) 09:40 < ldlework> pe'i zo'o ru'e 09:40 < zipcpi> xalbo: u'i 09:41 < ldlework> I don't know why, with {vo da cu tuple lo'e mlatu} the da's don't refer to each leg 09:41 <@xalbo> I'm not entirely kidding. My mental model of xorxes is that he would suggest exactly that, and mean it. 09:41 < ldlework> doesn't {vo da} make the sentence literally uttered 4 different times 09:41 < ldlework> each for a different referent of da? 09:41 < zipcpi> da .e de .e di .e daxivo 09:41 < ldlework> right which also causes the sentence to replicated for each conjoined sumti 09:42 < zipcpi> .e daxi ci'ici'ici'ici'ici'i 09:42 < ldlework> da broda .i je de broda etc etc 09:42 < zipcpi> Just use ci'i and break xorxes zei skami then 09:43 < ldlework> I think that consequences of scope come before any considerations of referentiality 09:43 < ldlework> You figure out the scope of the form of the statement 09:43 <@xalbo> ldlework: The problem is that there are not four things that are legs to typical cats, there are around 2 billion of them. 09:43 < ldlework> Then you use the gadri to understand the meaning of the statement, by way of the referentiality of the descriptions 09:43 < ldlework> xalbo: you can't get away from a ro interpretation 09:43 < justeno> coi 09:43 < ldlework> ro isn't involved with lo'e at all 09:44 < ldlework> there are 4 things for each cat 09:44 < ldlework> for things for the one general cat 09:44 < ldlework> four* 09:44 < zipcpi> lo vomei then 09:44 < justeno> ma do'oi mi (where am i?) 09:44 < ldlework> not four things to cover all instances of cats 09:44 <@xalbo> Yes, there are four things for each cat, but {lo'e} doesn't intruduce another "for each" scope. That's the whole point! 09:44 < zipcpi> Just use lo vomei. Problem solved ;py 09:44 < ldlework> no I wa contrasting 09:45 < ldlework> between "four things for each cat" and "four things for the general cat" 09:45 < ldlework> its just the latter 09:45 < ldlework> there's only one generalized cat 09:45 < ldlework> I like cats 09:45 < ldlework> Doesn't mean, I have a state of likeness for each cat 09:45 < ldlework> it is probably very unlikely that I like all cats 09:45 < ldlework> even if I like lo'e mlatu 09:46 < ldlework> same for legs and cats 09:46 < Ilmen> justeno: "where am I?" is {mi ma zvati} 09:46 < zipcpi> do'oi? o.o 09:47 < ldlework> le, I'm actually talking about cats that live and breathe, lo'e I'm talking about cats as we know them, lo'i I'm talking about cats as I understand them 09:47 < Ilmen> Literally, "I am at what (location)?" 09:47 < justeno> oh, i should have actually read the description. oops. I searched "vhere" in 'la sutysisku" and that was the first result 09:47 < zipcpi> Haha 09:47 < ldlework> lo, le / lo'e and context 99% of cases makes it obvious which 09:48 < zipcpi> I was like... where did you learn to use do'oi that way 09:48 <@xalbo> Stop redefining {lo'i}. 09:48 < ldlework> xalbo: that's exactly what we're doing 09:48 < ldlework> sorry 09:49 < ldlework> its just talking 09:49 < ldlework> not like anyone will even start using le after this 09:50 < zipcpi> ldlework: Did you read my article yet? 09:50 < ldlework> but I dunno about you, I look at this set of gadri and see very useful tools, not a heartbreak about the muddy ones we're trampling on. 09:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: I did. I would like to refine it over it time 09:51 * zipcpi nods 09:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think it is too 'shotgun' 09:51 < ldlework> we should lead our reader to water 09:51 <@xalbo> How do you distinguish between "There are four people who like cats" (you, me, and two weirdos on reddit, and everyone else hates them), and "The typical cat is liked by four people" (that is, for each of them there are four people who like that particular cat, say, two owners, a vet, and a breeder, or something)? 09:51 <@xalbo> (I could try to come up with a better example, but work with me.) 09:51 < zipcpi> Second one I'll use na'o 09:52 < zipcpi> Maybe it's just malglico but when I see typical I want to use na'o 09:53 <@xalbo> For me, those are {vo da nelci [ro] lo'e mlatu} and {ro lo'e mlatu cu se nelci vo da}, respectively. And the {ro} is important in the latter. 09:53 < ldlework> this is what I mean 09:53 < ldlework> scope should be considered first 09:53 < zipcpi> But "Children need love" -> {lo'e verba cu nitcu lo ka prami ce'u} 09:53 < ldlework> by putting the mlatu description first 09:53 < ldlework> scope is effected 09:53 <@xalbo> Yes, and {lo'e} doesn't introduce a new scope. 09:53 < ldlework> and you *can't* make a platitude 09:53 < ldlework> its forced into definite referentiality 09:54 < ldlework> lo'e mlatu ku se nelci vo prenu is nonsense 09:54 < ldlework> just like 09:54 < ldlework> re lo'e mlatu cu broda is nonsense 09:55 < ldlework> or rather, it doesn't have any obvious useful interpretation 09:55 < ldlework> I guess I can see someting like 09:56 <@xalbo> That doesn't answer my question. How do you say each of those, or do you consider at least one of them to be nonsense unworthy of being expressible? 09:56 < ldlework> lo'e re bruna cu se dimna lo ka damba 09:56 <@xalbo> (I guess another view is that one of them requires completely different mechanisms, which isn't necessarily wrong.) 09:56 < ldlework> I just think it makes a platitude that is obviously false 09:56 < zipcpi> You want remei, ldlework :p 09:56 < ldlework> "Two brothers are bound to fight" is a quantified platitude 09:57 < ldlework> it works because it is sensical, not because it is gramatical 09:57 < zipcpi> ... maybe {mei} is the new {le} lol 09:57 < ldlework> "Cat are liked by four people" is a legit platitude 09:57 < ldlework> but its nonsense 09:57 < ldlework> the grammar works, but scope makes the assertion unreasonable 09:58 < ldlework> which is fine 09:58 < ldlework> scope exists 09:58 < ldlework> and has consequence 10:00 < zipcpi> ldlework: Wait, is our {lo'i} essentialistic or idealistic? :p 10:00 <@xalbo> I don't understand what you mean. 10:01 < zipcpi> Cats don't stop being mlatu if they lose a leg 10:02 < Ilmen> Yes. Arguably they aren't archetypal cats anymore, but still are cats 10:02 <@xalbo> They do stop being {lo'e mlatu}, though. 10:02 < zipcpi> Mm 10:03 < Ilmen> Boolean truth value is too simplistic, you can think then they are like 97% mlatu or something 10:03 < zipcpi> u'i 10:03 < Ilmen> they still have almost all of the properties attributed to the cat archetype 10:03 < Ilmen> but not all of them 10:03 <@xalbo> li pi so'a jei mi mlatu 10:03 < Ilmen> but still way enough 10:04 < ldlework> they don't stop being lo'e mlatu 10:04 < ldlework> there is no actual lo'e mlatu's anywhere 10:04 < ldlework> there are only le mlatus 10:05 < ldlework> if a le mlatu loses a leg, it is still a le mlatu 10:05 < ldlework> zipcpi: lo'e is for generalizing about cats, lo'i is for demonstrating your understanding of what makes cats cats 10:06 < ldlework> you only ever use lo'i broda in statements that demonstrate your knowledge of what it means to be broda 10:06 < ldlework> lo'i broda cu brode 10:06 < ldlework> "it takes being able to brode, to be a broda" 10:06 < ldlework> its still a generalization, but constrained 10:07 < ldlework> you'd never say 10:07 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'i broda 10:07 < ldlework> well more concretely 10:07 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'i mlatu 10:07 < ldlework> "It takes being liked by me, to be a 'Cat'." 10:07 < ldlework> you can say it, just like you can say any false or nonsense thing 10:08 < ldlework> but mi nelci lo'e mlatu is totally fine 10:08 < ldlework> and {lo'e mlatu cu se nelci mi} is also gramatically fine, but scope makes the semantic result, nonsense 10:09 <@xalbo> "if I don't like it, it ain't a cat." seems not quite non-nonsensical to me. 10:09 < ldlework> that's exactly right 10:10 < ldlework> well depends on what you mean I guess 10:10 < ldlework> if you mean it seems likely... 10:10 <@xalbo> "and {lo'e mlatu cu se nelci mi} is also gramatically fine, but scope makes the semantic result, nonsense" You lost me there. 10:10 < ldlework> or merely comprehendable? 10:10 < ldlework> because the result is 10:12 < ldlework> Cats are liked by me. 10:13 < ldlework> vs I like Cats. 10:13 < ldlework> And as you observed, scope has consequence for how wide-reaching the claim is. 10:13 < ldlework> If you think both statements are equivalent taken as indefinite descriptions, well that makes things easier. 10:13 < ldlework> I was just following you with the observation that the former is a wider platitude then the latter. 10:14 < ldlework> If I squint, I can see them being semantically the same. 10:14 < ldlework> Cats ARE generally liked by be, because generally speaking I like Cats. 10:14 < ldlework> by me 10:14 < ldlework> the strangeness comes about when you quantify the liker 10:15 < ldlework> Four le people like lo'e Cats 10:15 < ldlework> lo'e Cats are liked by Four le people 10:15 < uuZIT> So you are saying that “lo broda cu brode lo brodi” has NOT the same meaning as “lo brodi cu se brode lo broda”. o_O 10:15 < ldlework> uuZIT: Depends if you inject an implicit ro for no reason at all pe'i 10:15 < ldlework> making the statement definite in its referent to all cats 10:16 < ldlework> but I think this is a crude interpretation of lo'e 10:16 < uuZIT> lo!!! not no'e 10:16 < ldlework> with lo'e mlatu, there are 0 referents, or rather, 1 referent, the general cat 10:16 < zipcpi> uuZIT: We're talking about *our* lo'e :p 10:16 < ldlework> ie 10:16 < uuZIT> ugh, what? 10:17 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 10:17 < uuZIT> I was talking about the se 10:17 < Ilmen> .u'i ua nai ru'e 10:18 < zipcpi> Who gave me the idea that this is what the gadri mean? I have no idea 10:18 < zipcpi> But that was how I was using it all this time 10:18 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think it is a natural evolution from the situation of 10:18 < uuZIT> OK I give up. 10:18 < ldlework> "lo is thing thing that has some strange generic semantics... sometimes and le is this thing that probably means definite reference but also maybe non-verdicality?" 10:19 < ldlework> if you decide, "no le just means definite reference" 10:19 < ldlework> then you have 10:19 < zipcpi> situation of what? Having mabla muddy definitions? 10:19 < ldlework> yes 10:19 < ldlework> "lo is this wierd always right thing and le is this always definite thing" 10:19 < Ilmen> One of Xorlo's purpose was to remove all implicit quantifiers from articles 10:19 < ldlework> the natural thing to do is 10:19 < ldlework> "well we should have a gadri for explicitly denoting the sense of lo, that isn't le" 10:19 < ldlework> voila, lo'e 10:20 < ldlework> then lo'i comes in as a recovery of the mirroring sense between original lo'e and lo'i 10:20 < ldlework> and I think your 'internal model' sense of lo'i is a great insight 10:20 < ldlework> I can't agree more with the resulting set of gadri. 10:20 < ldlework> They are refined to being used *specifically* for denote description types 10:21 < ldlework> which is a very good duty for the gadri, our -description creating articles- to do 10:21 < ldlework> lo becomes this completely rational binary article that stands on the power of context to make the language easy to speak 10:24 < ldlework> of course this brings le to the forefront for most non-generalizing speech 10:25 <@xalbo> I consider "Cats are liked by me" and "I like cats" the same, and I consider {lo'e mlatu mi se nelci} and {mi nelci lo'e mlatu} the same. I don't think {lo'e} introduces a new scope, and even if it does it wouldn't matter because {mi} is a constant. 10:25 < ldlework> or _at least_, le interpretations of lo usage 10:25 < ldlework> xalbo: awesome! 10:25 < ldlework> that makes it much easier to explain and use 10:25 <@xalbo> That's why I insist on {ro lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da}, because the {ro} does introduce a new scope for the {vo} to scope under, so each of the typical cats gets its own four legs. 10:26 < ldlework> xalbo: I see {ro lo'e mlatu} be referring to a thing that is like {re lo'e bruna} 10:27 < ldlework> in "Two brothers are bound to fight." 10:27 < ldlework> but I guess that's loi 10:27 < ldlework> hmm 10:27 < Ilmen> Sounds like "lo'e re bruna" 10:27 < ldlework> yeah 10:27 < ldlework> or that 10:27 <@xalbo> "Two brothers are bound to fight" seems to me like {lo'e re bruna}, where the two is an inner quantifier. 10:27 <@xalbo> "The typical pair of brothers" 10:27 < ldlework> zipcpi: do outer quantifiers on lo'e make sense? 10:28 < Ilmen> {lo'e re bruna cu se dimna lo ka dambysi'u} 10:28 < ldlework> I think lo'e already means "Cats, all of them, but in general" 10:28 < ldlework> You are aiming at the blanket that drapes over all cats 10:28 < ldlework> Not making any statement about each cat 10:29 <@xalbo> I'll admit that the {ro} is a little bit of a cheat, but it's to introduce an explicit quantifier with its own scope. 10:29 < ldlework> I think outer quantification of lo'e may be a confusing tautology 10:29 < ldlework> xalbo: I think the observation is, when speaking generally, quantification literally makes no sense 10:30 < ldlework> 5 Cats create a quarrel. never means "mu lo'e" 10:30 < ldlework> ever 10:30 <@xalbo> Cats, in general, have four legs (each), and 38 chromosomes. 10:31 < ldlework> the escaping of scope perhaps that ilmen observed of lo earlier 10:31 < Ilmen> su'a lo nu lo mu mlatu cu jbisi'u cu rinka lo nu dambysi'u 10:31 < ldlework> that sense of lo he was thinking of is really just the lo'e half of lo 10:31 < ldlework> so he was observing about lo'e anyway 10:31 < ldlework> xalbo: and 38 chromosomes (each) and literally any other property (each) 10:32 < ldlework> do you feel my observation at all? 10:32 < ldlework> even if you make an observation of the collective 10:32 <@xalbo> I think both "cats have four legs" and "There are four people who like cats (and everyone else hates them)" are both meaningful statements. 10:32 < ldlework> "Jews have a home in Israel" 10:33 < ldlework> It still true of each jew, generally. 10:33 < ldlework> va'i ma 10:34 < durka42> xu da poi gugde gi'e se cmene zo .izrel. cu se xabju lo'e xebro 10:35 < ldlework> It doesn't say each jew resides in israel 10:35 < durka42> no 10:35 <@xalbo> I don't know what part of "I think both "cats have four legs" and "There are four people who like cats (and everyone else hates them)" are both meaningful statements." needs to be paraphrased. 10:36 < ldlework> xalbo: I don't know what the point you are trying to make by quoting two sentences. 10:36 < ldlework> Can you use more words to illuminate your implied point? 10:37 <@xalbo> Because the difference between them is exactly a scope difference, that we need to first quantify over cats, then legs in the first, and in the second we need to first quantify over people, and then over cats. 10:37 < ldlework> the problem is that there is only one lo'e mlatu 10:37 < ldlework> a single blanke 10:37 < ldlework> that each person likes 10:37 <@xalbo> The typical cat, there are four things that leg it. 10:37 < ldlework> yep, and only 4 things 10:37 <@xalbo> For four people, each of them likes the typical cat. 10:38 < ldlework> yep they all like the same cat blanket 10:40 <@xalbo> Ok, hypothetical world: There's one guy who likes all (typical) cats, and every cat is owned. Every cat is liked by two people: The super cat-lover, and its own owner. 10:40 < ldlework> you have such a bias 10:40 < ldlework> "all typical cats" 10:40 < ldlework> stahp 10:40 < ldlework> there's no such description 10:41 < ldlework> you either have "all cats" or "cats, typically" 10:41 <@xalbo> Ok, there's one guy who likes cats in general. There's one guy who just likes cats. Everyone else hates the blanket cat. 10:41 < ldlework> There's no difference between the first and second guy 10:41 <@xalbo> They like their own cat, but they hate cats in general. 10:42 < ldlework> xalbo: are you saying the first guy likes lo'e mlatu, and the other guy likes su'o le mlatu and everyone else xekri lo'e mlatu? 10:42 < zipcpi> Sorry was showering 10:44 < ldlework> I still think that lo'e can't be outer quantified, sensibly 10:44 < ldlework> it makes no semantic sense 10:44 < zipcpi> xebni, not xekri 10:44 <@xalbo> I'm saying that Bob likes cats. Everyone else, hates cats. Some of them have cats, and they love their own cats, but they hate cats in general. 10:44 < zipcpi> xekri is black 10:44 < ldlework> xalbo: ok 10:44 < ldlework> zipcpi: ki'e 10:45 < ldlework> if you try to outer quantify a general description, you just get the same cat blanket each time 10:45 <@xalbo> So cats, in general, are each loved by two people, their owner, and Bob. 10:45 < ldlework> no 10:45 < ldlework> wrong 10:45 < ldlework> 'are each' 10:45 <@xalbo> Why not? 10:45 < ldlework> nothing is true of each cat here 10:45 < ldlework> lo'e != ro 10:45 < ldlework> ever 10:45 < ldlework> it doesn't duplicate the sentence for each cat 10:45 <@xalbo> Any typical cat is such that it is liked by two people. 10:45 < ldlework> and assert it is true for that cat 10:45 < ldlework> no 10:46 < ldlework> it isn't "pick a cat any cat" 10:46 < ldlework> there is no actual cat for which can be the referent of lo'e mlatu 10:46 < ldlework> ever 10:46 < ldlework> it is an indefinite description 10:47 < ldlework> it is a blanket that lays over all cats, but you cannot access those cats by talking about the blanket 10:47 < ldlework> you can only ever talk about the blanket 10:47 < ldlework> or specific cats, possibly all of them 10:47 < ldlework> there's no fuzzy greyness inbetween 10:47 < ldlework> this is the division between lo'e and le 10:47 <@xalbo> Then you can't say that typical cats have four legs, or have two parents, or are loved by two people. 10:47 < ldlework> you really can 10:48 < ldlework> xalbo: ro prenu cu nelci lo'e mlatu 10:48 < ldlework> the sentence is duplicated for each person 10:48 < ldlework> but each person likes the same cat blanket 10:48 < ldlework> lo'e mlatu cu se nelci ro prenu 10:48 < ldlework> same exact semantic content in this sentence as the previous one 10:49 < zipcpi> ldlework: PM 10:49 < justeno> ldlework: know of any decent flashcard android apps (or non OSXiOS) that have a decent set of cards for lojban? 10:49 < ldlework> if you outer quantify lo'e you are likely saying something completely non-sensical 10:49 < justeno> ldlework: scratch that 10:49 < justeno> the wiki has stuff 10:49 <@xalbo> Meaning that {lo'e mlatu cu se nelci ro prenu} also means that everyone loves cats, yes? For all people, that person loves cats. 10:49 <@xalbo> (likes cats, whatever) 10:50 < ldlework> yes 10:51 < ldlework> what you're about to discover is that {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da} means that "Cats have four cat legs." 10:51 < ldlework> not "Cats have these 4 butchered legs sitting here on the cutting board before you." 10:51 < ldlework> :P 10:52 <@xalbo> So for each of four things, that thing is a catleg, and there's nothing else in the world that catlegs? 10:52 < ldlework> vomei 10:53 < ldlework> I don't understand where the po'o comes from 10:53 <@xalbo> {vo da broda} means that there are exactly four things (in the UoD) that broda, no more, no less. 10:54 < zipcpi> Don't you know? {po'o} is the new {pe'a}, ldlework :p 10:54 <@xalbo> So I guess I mean "and there's nothing else in the Univere of discourse that catlegs" 10:55 < ldlework> I don't understand why that interpretation is required 10:56 <@xalbo> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/goatleg_gotcha 10:57 < ldlework> It seems like an arbitrary and guilt striking default 10:58 < zipcpi> {lo'e} again 10:58 < ldlework> Obviously exactly and at least are two equally justifiable defaults 10:58 < ldlework> default po'o vs default su'o 10:58 < ldlework> How can anyone be resonposible for counting how many people were in the crowd when they only care to speak about two people they saw. 10:59 < zipcpi> And I pe'i "at least" is better because humans are not omniscient :p 10:59 < ldlework> I saw two people. They were dancing. It was beautiful. 10:59 < ldlework> Said after walking away from a crowd. 10:59 < ldlework> indeed 10:59 < ldlework> this whole "you can't lie in lojban" 10:59 < ldlework> telling people they can only utter a phrase, if its true 10:59 < ldlework> its neurotic 11:00 < ldlework> try hard sera'a saphir much? 11:00 < ldlework> :) 11:00 <@xalbo> The point is that if you say "I saw two people. They were dancing. It was beautiful." that's fine if you were watching a couple (even in the midst of a crowd). But if you say it while watching a chorus line, but you only liked two of them, you're violating non-gluteality. 11:01 < ldlework> I was watching a chorus line. 11:01 < ldlework> I saw two people. 11:01 < ldlework> They were smiling at each other while singing. 11:01 < ldlework> It was cute. 11:01 < ldlework> its a horrible default. 11:01 < ldlework> a fetish conclusion of logicians 11:02 <@xalbo> All you need there is to make it "I saw two of the people", and you're fine. But saying "I saw two people" when you saw dozens is just plain misleading. 11:03 < justeno> ldlework: any recommended flashcard sets? 11:05 < ldlework> you're telling me to provide su'o explicitly 11:05 < ldlework> I'm telling you provide po'o explicitly 11:05 < ldlework> It should work exactly like lo does 11:05 < ldlework> There is a hidden po'o or su'o and it doesn't matter to the speaker to utter unless the semantic differnece would be important 11:06 < ldlework> just like definite and indefinite is illuminated by context, if I'm watchin a chorus line and I saw two people smile at each other my listener -comprehends- 11:06 < ldlework> it makes the language -easier to use- as a language 11:07 < ldlework> not a spoken formalism of fopl 11:07 < ldlework> justeno: http://www.memrise.com/course/17295/gismu-frequency-order/ 11:08 <@xalbo> Quoting nitcion from that page: "The Gotcha is that Lojban here does behave like English, and natural languages in general. In strict logical terms, when you see three people, it is true to say that you saw two people. (In fact, "2=2" is a defeasible implicature even in English: I saw two people... in fact, three.) Because this is uncooperative speaker behavior, however, this has been judged inappropriate for Lojban. Early victory for Pragmatics!" 11:08 < zipcpi> What the heck is fopl? 11:08 < ldlework> first order predicate logic 11:08 < zipcpi> Ah 11:08 < ldlework> Except its arbitrary which default is determined to be cooperative 11:09 <@xalbo> Everyone but you agrees. You are wrong. Change your mind, or take it to the mailing list to try to convince the rest of the world. 11:09 < ldlework> if I always insert su'o where I don't mean po'o, I'm just as cooperative as if, su'o is the default and I use po'o explicitly when I don't mean su'o 11:09 < ldlework> xalbo: so far I see a few logicans on a wiki page, and you equivocating them with everyone 11:09 < ldlework> even those who do what they are taught and do pine over the righteousness of the design they learn 11:10 < ldlework> what a weak and frail way to end a discourse 11:10 < ldlework> do not pine* 11:10 < ldlework> zipcpi: do *you* agree? No? Funny, looks like xalbo's quantification is inaccurate! 11:11 < zipcpi> Humans are not omniscient 11:11 < ldlework> what a pragmatist of him 11:11 < ldlework> "count each person in the crowd, we're pragmatists after all!" 11:11 < ldlework> rinka me rolling my eyes 11:11 < justeno> ldlework: 1342. O_O (yes, I know that's a 'small' amount, but dang) 11:12 < ldlework> justeno: that's just the core non-compound words! :) 11:12 < ldlework> justeno: languages need lots of words, yo 11:12 < justeno> ha, yeah 11:12 < zipcpi> Maybe you'd fine Gleki's dictionary better to start with, but there is no flashcard modality that I know of 11:12 < gocti> Is anyone suggesting that {mi viska lo re prenu} is false if I saw more than two?? 11:12 < gocti> s/??/?/ 11:12 < ldlework> gocti: logicians who fetish over conversational maximality and cooperation apparently 11:13 < gocti> {mi viska re prenu}, I agree that that means no more, no less than two 11:13 < ldlework> who think that, increasing the ease in formulating some presuppositions and a given argument, in some academic setting is the same thing as being pragmatic in _language_ 11:13 < gocti> {mi viska lo re prenu}, pe'i, doesn't conflict with {mi viska lo re prenu jo'u lo 30 prenu} 11:14 < ldlework> gocti: I agree, that means, I don't care to introduce into context, more or less than two people that I saw 11:14 < ldlework> Not that, I'm lying because I saw three. 11:14 < ldlework> mi viska re prenu : "I saw two people that I'm introducing into the UoD with this statement." 11:15 < ldlework> nothing more, nothing less 11:15 < ldlework> you don't get to have context both ways 11:15 < ldlework> either it is the context of discourse, or it is the context of the objective reality 11:15 < ldlework> pick one. 11:15 < zipcpi> justeno: Gleki's dictionary: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-03 11:16 < zipcpi> Contains a lot of newer, but useful words 11:16 < justeno> does lojban have a xor? 11:16 < zipcpi> And the definitions are a bit simpler 11:16 < zipcpi> Yes 11:16 < zipcpi> jonai 11:16 < justeno> that's awesome 11:17 < zipcpi> Yes, I thought so too :p 11:17 < zipcpi> I hate saying "and/or" and "either but not both" 11:17 <@xalbo> My point is that that page has been substantially unchanged since 2001, when it was imported from the previous wiki (this is one sad consequence of changing wikis, we lose history of changes). And in that time, it's been referenced many, many times, and no one objected or changed it. Until now, until you. So that's what I mean by "everyone" agreeing except you. You are the one who is trying to change the status quo, so I suggest that you take it to t 11:18 <@xalbo> he mailing list, where you will either convince people, be convinced yourself, find out that the views aren't all that different, or who knows what else? 11:18 < zipcpi> No one knows what BPFK {lo'i} means 11:19 < ldlework> xalbo: we have been having a conversation using our own mertis 11:19 < ldlework> including the re-definition of gadri 11:19 < ldlework> if everything we introduce into the conversation is rational, sensible and reasonable, I don't need the authority or approval of the entire community to feel justified in having a conversation 11:19 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Do you mean {lo'e}? 11:19 < ldlework> "Shutup" is what you really meant. 11:20 < zipcpi> Well, if people didn't know what {lo'e} means, even less know what {lo'i} means 11:20 < zipcpi> Like I said, how is a "set" different from a "mass"? 11:21 <@xalbo> Sets are really, really well defined mathematical objects. It's masses that "no one" knows what they mean. 11:21 < ldlework> zipcpi: a mass can contain the same member twice! 11:21 < zipcpi> Why do we need a gadri for that? It should be a brivla 11:21 < ldlework> masses, "objects who exist only as a constituency" 11:21 < ldlework> that was hard. 11:22 < ldlework> So we can use different partitioning semantic and so on 11:22 < ldlework> some of the men, vs some water 11:22 < ldlework> each child, vs the children 11:22 < justeno> ldlework: would you say you are fluent in lojban yet? 11:23 < ldlework> the ability to predicate about consitutencies 11:23 < ldlework> justeno: not even close 11:23 < ldlework> vocab is a very very high mountain 11:23 <@xalbo> I think the problem with {lo'i} is that we know too well what sets mean, which is why we know that they're not terribly useful things for most purposes. 11:23 < ldlework> we just benefit from grammar being an emabarassingly small hill, in lojbanistan :P 11:24 < ldlework> I think the problem with lo'i is that zipcpi's definition is a bajillion times more useful as a tool of language and communication and reaching shared understanding 11:24 < justeno> so, which is the language of the internet? Lojban or Esperanto? Or is there not one because the 'net is global :) 11:24 < ldlework> justeno: english, clearly 11:24 < justeno> (constructed) 11:24 < ldlework> says the glico 11:24 < ldlework> justeno: ah, well lojban isn't interesting because of its population 11:25 < ldlework> its interesting because it is a bad-ass language 11:25 < justeno> haha, fair 11:29 < justeno> oooh, docker is hiring an automation engineer in SF right nowe... 11:31 < justeno> ldlework: does docker actually care about having a CS degree? 11:31 < ldlework> justeno: well it does now 11:31 < ldlework> when it was a startup, interviews were a bit less sterile 11:31 < ldlework> they have people implementing stuff on whiteboards now 11:31 < justeno> haha 11:31 < justeno> whiteboards should always be in use 11:32 < justeno> please tell me docker has walls of whietboards 11:32 < ldlework> xalbo: {lo'e mlatu cu co'e (su'o) vo se tuple} "There are 4 things that are legs to A Cat" 11:32 < ldlework> justeno: everywhere 11:32 < justeno> :) 11:33 < ldlework> xalbo: sorry, if the listener is to determine the right quantifier by way of context: 11:33 <@xalbo> I think you mean {vo tuple}, not {vo se tuple} 11:33 < ldlework> xalbo: {lo'e mlatu cu co'e (po'o) vo se tuple} "There are only 4 things that are legs to A Cat" 11:33 < ldlework> yes ki'e 11:34 < ldlework> I didn't mean su'o the first time. But as a listener, you already know the su'o interpretation is non-sensical, because of the implication that there might be more. 11:34 < ldlework> Also, I've been meaning to use lo'i 11:34 < ldlework> to drive the point even more strongly 11:34 < zipcpi> Erm not sure that lo'i works 11:34 < justeno> runtime engineer doesn't need a degree. though, i know not the language of go 11:35 < zipcpi> It's not part of the definition of {mlatu} how many legs they have 11:35 < ldlework> sure it is 11:35 < zipcpi> If they lose a leg do they stop being {mlatu}? 11:35 < ldlework> lo'i mlatu cu co'e vo tuple : It takes 4 legs to make scultp plato's cat. 11:35 < ldlework> Not at all 11:35 < ldlework> lo'i is a generalization 11:35 < ldlework> and does not speak of -any- cat under the blanket 11:35 < zipcpi> That's lo'e 11:35 < ldlework> no they're both generalizations 11:35 < ldlework> lo'i is my internal understanding of what it takes to be a cat 11:36 < zipcpi> lo'e is archetypical or idealistic. lo'i is essentialistic 11:36 < ldlework> its not idealistic 11:36 <@xalbo> I'll agree with the equivalence of {lo'e mlatu cu co'e (su'o) vo se tuple} with "There are 4 things that are legs to A Cat" 11:36 < ldlework> xalbo: ue 11:36 < ldlework> zipcpi: let's pm 11:36 <@xalbo> And I consider those two to both be equally false, while I consider "cats have four legs" true. 11:38 <@xalbo> I have trouble saying "Cats have four legs" explicitly without introducing an "each", but that's what I need. There aren't four catlegs out there, there are two billion. But each cat has four of them. 11:38 <@xalbo> (with "each" and "typically" inserted or removed as appropriate) 11:38 <@xalbo> Mr Cat has four legs. 11:40 < ldlework> xalbo: accept our gadri 11:40 < ldlework> as they are defined 11:40 <@xalbo> There aren't four things that are legs to a cat/the typical cat, there are 2 billion of them. 11:40 < ldlework> reconsider the semantics 11:40 < ldlework> there arnt actually 4 things at all 11:41 < ldlework> there are no legs on the butcher's block, bleeding out, catching flies, that is the referent of vo tuple 11:41 < ldlework> in "{lo'e mlatu cu co'e vo tuple} 11:41 < ldlework> no legs. 11:41 < ldlework> I beg that you consider each gadri as we've defined them 11:41 < ldlework> then make a real attempt to interpret the utterances through them 11:41 < ldlework> and see if you're confused 11:42 < ldlework> rather than reusing your own definitions 11:42 < ldlework> and saying "Tehy don't work when used that way!" 11:42 < ldlework> if you're predicating 4 *actual* bleeding legs, you must also be predicating actual cats. 11:43 < ldlework> lo'e tells us your statement is a platitude, meaning there are not actually four legs that you refer to, when you ascribe them to Cats in general. 11:43 <@xalbo> I'm having trouble finding the url. 11:43 < ldlework> fu'i nai 11:44 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 11:44 <@xalbo> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 11:45 < ldlework> le : cats I have known myself, or learned to exist 11:46 < ldlework> lo'e : the blanket that lays ontop of cats, allowing me to generalize about cats, without predicating anything specific about every actual cat. IE, no actual cat is referred to. 11:46 <@xalbo> I'm saying that {vo tuple} creates four legs as referents, and it can do that under a particular scope, but I don't see anything about the definition of {lo'e} there that creates a scope. 11:46 < ldlework> lo'i : cats as I understand them to be defined. What I sculpt when our teacher Plato asks the class to each sculpt statue of A Cat. 11:47 <@xalbo> {vo tuple} doesn't stop referring to actual legs just because something else in the sentence doesn't refer to actual cats. That's the whole point of the problem, we may need to mix those. 11:47 < ldlework> xalbo: I am starting to understand the problem. And this is why I think Ilmen said "Maybe lo escapes to top-level scope." 11:48 <@xalbo> That's why I brought up the case of one actual person (Bob) who likes cats ({lo'e mlatu}) in general. 11:48 < ldlework> {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo tuple} - There are 4 things which are legs of Cats. (Cat Legs). 11:49 < ldlework> {lo'e mlatu cu se nelci la bab} Bab is a liker of Cats. (A Cat Liker) 11:49 <@xalbo> Because "Cats have one head (each)" is different from "There's one guy (Bob) who likes cats". And the difference is exactly the scope of {pa}. 11:49 < ldlework> lo'e broda cu brode pa brodi : pa broda cu broda brode 11:49 < zipcpi> Yeah I think there might be a problem there 11:50 <@xalbo> {pa da nelci ro mlatu} vs {ro mlatu cu se stedu pa da}. But with {lo'e} in place of {ro}. 11:50 < zipcpi> Why does {vo tuple} not refer to four actual legs, but {la .bab.} refer to an actual person? 11:50 < ldlework> I just provided a way for the legs to exist. 11:50 < ldlework> Please read it. 11:51 < zipcpi> But when I say "Cats have four legs" I am not referring to definite legs either 11:51 < zipcpi> And the count of "four", as a group, is more important 11:51 < ldlework> {lo'e broda cu brode pa brodi} = {pa brodi cu broda zei brode} 11:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: right you only need to move your quantifier I think? 11:52 < zipcpi> lo'e mlatu cu se tuple lo'e vomei 11:52 < ldlework> Cool. 11:53 < ldlework> xalbo: how do you like {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo tuple} means "There are 4 actual legs, which are Legs of a Cat." 11:53 < ldlework> IE 11:53 < ldlework> "There are 4 cat legs." 11:53 < ldlework> we don't know which cat 11:53 < ldlework> Because indefinite. 11:54 <@xalbo> That sounds roughly right as an equivalence, but both of them sound false, bordering on nonsensical, to me. 11:54 < ldlework> uh 11:54 < ldlework> if I cut off the legs of a cat 11:54 < ldlework> Are they not cat legs? 11:55 < ldlework> without telling you about the cat from which they came? 11:55 < ldlework> Seems cromulent to me. 11:55 <@xalbo> Ok, yes, I think I see what you mean. 11:55 < zipcpi> Or, if you use {lo'i} Platonically, {lo'i mlatu cu se tuple lo'e vomei} should work too 11:56 < ldlework> yep 11:56 < ldlework> it just happens to be true of Plato's cat 11:56 < ldlework> likability is one that only applies to lo'e tho 11:56 * zipcpi nods 11:57 < ldlework> So the conclusion is, scope doesn't screw things up, the proposition is simply predicating the quantified thing, with an indefinite description 11:58 < ldlework> IE, legs that comes from Cats. Rather than legs that come from That Cat. 11:59 <@xalbo> So do we have only {mei} if we want to say "Cats have four legs" or "Cats have two parents"? 11:59 < ldlework> I just think we're not used to talking in terms of indefinite and definite descriptions because lo has never been fully qualified as definite + indefinite, but definite + some crazy always right thing that we sometimes agree upon a da expansion thereof 11:59 < ldlework> xalbo: if you count the number of referents in the english 11:59 < ldlework> the number of referents match up 11:59 < ldlework> IE lo vomei doesn't really refer t oanything 11:59 < ldlework> its the root selbri + the vomei that make a single referent 12:00 < ldlework> four "things" which is-a-broda 12:00 < ldlework> "Four is the number of legs a cat has." 12:01 < ldlework> so I think yes, but its the result we want 12:01 < ldlework> you have to say *something else* is the four legs that Cats have, if you want to use anything other than mei 12:02 < ldlework> which I think you agree, probably not many something elses, other than cat legs, that can be cat legs 12:02 < ldlework> certainly in terms of lo'e and lo'i 12:02 <@xalbo> lo'e mlatu cu ckaji lo ka vo da ce'u tuple 12:02 < ldlework> its possible a le pirate cat, has pegs for legs 12:02 < ldlework> oh sure 12:02 < ldlework> I thought you meant as a raw predication with a lo'e description 12:02 < ldlework> i'e 12:03 <@xalbo> Well, always in the past I saw {ckaji lo ka} as being like a useless use of cat. (No pun intended, honest!) 12:03 < ldlework> useless use of cat? 12:04 < ldlework> ah the rich difference between {lo'e broda cu ckaji} and {le broda cu ckaji} 12:04 <@xalbo> http://www.smallo.ruhr.de/award.html#cat 12:04 <@xalbo> Basically, redirecting in such a way that you end up right back where you started. 12:04 < ldlework> xalbo: ah gotcha. 12:04 < ldlework> a misleading tautology? 12:04 <@xalbo> Yeah. 12:05 < ldlework> xalbo: does the scoping issue feel more resolved to now? 12:05 <@xalbo> Failure to eschew obfuscation. 12:05 < ldlework> right 12:05 < ldlework> unfruitful tautology * 12:06 <@xalbo> I think so. So do we agree that {lo'e mlatu cu tuple vo da} does not, in fact, say that cats have four legs, and that it's not a useful or normal thing to say? 12:07 < ldlework> yes a platitude including cats and ANY four specific legs is probably grossly false 12:08 < ldlework> unless it's something mundane like ka'e visa 12:08 < ldlework> Lol 12:09 < zipcpi> *viska? 12:11 < ldlework> yeah 12:11 < ldlework> was on my phone 12:29 < justeno> lo mi vanbi ku masno 12:30 < justeno> ^ my surroundigs are slow 12:30 < ldlework> i'e 12:30 < justeno> the world around me is moving slowly 12:30 < ldlework> it works 12:32 < justeno> mi pinxe lo (a lot of) tcati 12:33 < ldlework> justeno: so'i tcati 12:34 < justeno> mi pinxe lo so'i tcati (the therefore) lo mi vanbi ku masno 12:34 < justeno> yay, log 12:34 < justeno> lag* 12:34 < akmnlrse> justeno: {.i ja'e bo} 12:35 < justeno> mi pixne lo so'i tcati .i ja'e bo lo mi vanbi ku masno 12:36 < justeno> instead of therefore, 'and now' 12:36 < dutchie> mi jukpa lo nanba 12:37 < akmnlrse> There was a discussion on how to get the "and now" nuance some time ago 12:38 < justeno> nanba ku kukte 12:38 < justeno> can 'lo' be left out? 12:38 < akmnlrse> and I don't think we found a good solution 12:38 < akmnlrse> (yay lag!) 12:39 < justeno> joy 12:39 < akmnlrse> justeno: nope, {lo} is needed there 12:39 < ldlework> akmnlrse: .i ba ku 12:40 < ldlework> "and then" 12:40 < ldlework> er 12:40 < ldlework> .i jebaku 12:40 < Ilmen> coi 12:40 < akmnlrse> coi 12:40 < ldlework> coi pendo 12:41 < Ilmen> ua coi la postmo 12:41 < ldlework> Ilmen: how do you connect two sentences with "and then" 12:42 < Ilmen> {.e ba bo} 12:42 < akmnlrse> justeno: sumti can be of the form {[number] lo [number] KU} or {[number] KU}, among others 12:42 < ldlework> ah bo 12:42 < ldlework> Ilmen: and with connective reform, its je right? 12:42 < ldlework> so .i je ba bo 12:42 < Ilmen> It was already fine 12:42 < ldlework> je'e ki'e 12:42 < Ilmen> sorry, I meant {.i je ba bo} 12:42 < ldlework> right 12:43 < Ilmen> wasn't attentive enough 12:43 < akmnlrse> {ba bo} sounds a little off when the first sentence is true for most of the time the second one is 12:43 < ldlework> Ilmen: did you see the IPA chart? 12:43 < Ilmen> I did. 12:43 < ldlework> pei 12:43 < Ilmen> Good work. :) 12:43 < ldlework> ki'e 12:43 < akmnlrse> but now I see that that isn't even implied in the tea sentence 12:43 < ldlework> It isn't just a web-page on a prim 12:43 < Ilmen> .u'e 12:43 < ldlework> I literally -rebuilt- the chart using lsl and textures 12:43 < ldlework> figuring out the bounding points for each clickable spot on the texture 12:44 < ldlework> 0_0 12:44 < ldlework> nandu 12:44 < Ilmen> .oi dai 12:44 < Ilmen> I thought it was a creation of Zipcpi 12:45 < ldlework> na go'i 12:45 < ldlework> Ilmen: was jenca's solar system on display? 12:45 < ldlework> I saw her working on it last night, but didn't see if she finished 12:45 < Ilmen> So, is LSL easy enuff, not too impractical? 12:46 < ldlework> its quite easy 12:46 < Ilmen> I haven't seen such a thing as a solar system yet. 12:46 < ldlework> I don't recommend building huge systems in it 12:46 < ldlework> ue 12:46 < Ilmen> But I haven't explorated much today. 12:46 < ldlework> je'e 12:47 < Ilmen> I must have stayed a couple of minutes 12:48 < Ilmen> Let's move to #jboguhe, I think we're interfering with the previous discussion here 12:48 < dutchie> /topic #jboguhe 12:48 < dutchie> .u'u 12:54 < ctefa`o> camxes doesn't handle capital letters for stress? 12:54 < akmnlrse> It should 12:54 < ctefa`o> Seems to bug out if I try to put any kind of capital letters to it 12:55 < akmnlrse> camxes: loSONcicuPAgreloBITmu 12:55 < camxes> ([{lo sonci KU} cu] [pagre {lo bitmu KU} VAU]) 12:55 < ldlework> xalbo: ii dai ko'oi, lo'a nixli cu melbi => ta poi nixli cu melbi 12:55 * ldlework runs away 12:55 < ctefa`o> Hmm ok it worked for selbri 12:56 <@xalbo> {lo'a}? 12:56 < ctefa`o> camxes: la ctEfa'o 12:56 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "c" found. 12:57 < akmnlrse> camxes: la cteFA'o 12:57 < camxes> ([la ctefa'o KU] VAU) 12:57 < akmnlrse> (h-syllables count as normal ones for stress placement) 12:57 < ctefa`o> I can't put non-standard stress in ctefa'o? 12:58 < ctefa`o> Only in cmevla? 12:58 < akmnlrse> ^ 12:59 < ldlework> xalbo: another nonce-redefinition. nothing serious. just came to mind is all. 13:00 <@xalbo> je'e 13:00 < akmnlrse> jo'o = {lo se xanri be mi be'o poi} 13:00 < ctefa`o> Ok I think I see why 13:00 <@xalbo> (Clearly, you also need to take {lo'o} and {lo'u}.) 13:00 < ctefa`o> ctefA'o it is then 13:01 <@xalbo> ctefa`o: Yes, brivla are always stressed on the penultimate syllable. It's a pretty essential part of the word resolution algorithm. 13:01 < akmnlrse> ctEfa'o can't possibly break up or absorb a word, but making the parser accept it would probably be hard 13:02 < ctefa`o> Yeah, and if I want to use a brivla as my name I have to accept its morphology rules 13:06 < ctefa`o> Can I use a hyphen to put together "ri'e" and "ma'a"? 13:06 < ctefa`o> Ett 13:06 < ctefa`o> Not hyphen 13:06 < ctefa`o> Buffer consonant I mean 13:07 < akmnlrse> ri'enma'a 13:07 < akmnlrse> si 13:07 < akmnlrse> ri'erma'a 13:07 < ctefa`o> Do both work? 13:07 < akmnlrse> (and it is called a hyphen, for better or for worse) 13:07 < akmnlrse> ri'erma'a gives a lujvo, ri'enma'a a zi'evla 13:08 < ctefa`o> Ok 13:08 < ctefa`o> Actually I inverted it 13:08 < ctefa`o> ma'anri'e? 13:08 < akmnlrse> yep 13:09 < ctefa`o> la ctefa'o ma'anri'e huh 13:09 < ctefa`o> How about that 13:10 <@xalbo> Nightend Mountainriver. Sounds like an elf in a D&D campaign. 13:10 < ctefa`o> lol 13:12 * nuzba @Djemynai: What are your expectations for the upcoming #lojban rap album, #ZAHO? (Release date June 21, 2015). Let's get excited together! [http://bit.ly/1RKb12r] 13:12 < ctefa`o> Maybe I can make some other lujvo out of zo .ginseburg. 13:13 < ctefa`o> ganse... 13:13 < ctefa`o> ...bunre? 13:14 < akmnlrse> gunse bergu 13:14 < akmnlrse> si si 13:14 < ctefa`o> lmao 13:14 < ctefa`o> Goose-bear goo-metaphysics 13:15 < ctefa`o> But gunse sure 13:16 < ctefa`o> la ctefa'o gunsybergu 13:17 < akmnlrse> Goo of a Bear about to Eat a Goose at Dawn 13:17 < akmnlrse> :^) 13:17 < ctefa`o> Awesome 13:18 < ctefa`o> Actually ma'anri'o was maybe not such a bad idea;o 13:18 <@xalbo> {gunsybargu} ("goose-arch") just isn't as cool. 13:18 <@xalbo> {ma'anri'o} is pretty cool, and I hope you didn't take my comment as anything against it! 13:19 < ctefa`o> No no, there are just different ways to jbo-fy it 13:19 < akmnlrse> ie 13:19 <@xalbo> ({ma'anri'e}, I meant, though {ma'anri'o} is neat too) 13:19 < cntr> http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2015/06/oracle_v_google_klingon_and_copyrighting_language.html 13:19 < ctefa`o> Hmm 13:20 < ctefa`o> Nah it should be ri'e 13:20 < ctefa`o> from rirxe 13:20 < ctefa`o> ma'anri'e, not o;o 13:20 < ctefa`o> Original name is name of german river + mountain 13:21 <@xalbo> Not seeing anything but the URL, I see that Oracle is now fighting against an army of Klingon copyright lawyers hired by Google. Good fucking luck with that. 13:21 < cntr> lol 13:21 < ctefa`o> o_O 13:21 < cntr> basically oracle is trying to say that you can copyright language 13:21 < cntr> both artificial and programming 13:22 < ctefa`o> gunsema'a? 13:22 < akmnlrse> gunsyma'a, if it's to be a lujvo 13:22 < ctefa`o> Oh right ofc 13:24 < demize> cntr: Someone should point them to the Loglan thing ;) 13:24 < akmnlrse> Loglan was, if I remember right, about the trademark only 13:25 < demize> akmnlrse: No, TLI claimed copyright on all of loglan 13:25 < akmnlrse> (I mean the actual court case) 13:25 < ctefa`o> Eh I think I will stay with ma'anri'e for now 13:26 < ctefa`o> ki'e for the ideas 13:26 < demize> akmnlrse: As did I 13:27 < akmnlrse> http://www.leagle.com/decision/19922000962F2d1038_11839 13:28 < demize> Hmm, I'd read that the court case was about the copyright too. 13:30 * nuzba @zvevohi: doi la @Djemynai na ka'e kanpe su da .i ca'a pacna lo du tu'e: {bànli.ibànlimùtcelokabànlijecubànli.ibànli.iba'ebànli} tu'u | fa'o #jbobau [http://bit.ly/1RKdnym] 13:31 < akmnlrse> Same. I'm still a little surprised how some of Lojban's cmavo are taken directly from Loglan, with only a sound change rule separating them 13:32 < demize> Anyway, thanks for the link 13:34 < Ilmen> exp: du'u tu'e broda .i brode tu'u 13:34 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 13:34 < mensi`i> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 13:34 < akmnlrse> cipr: du'u tu'e broda .i brode tu'u 13:34 < cipr> (CU [{du'u }]¹) tu'u> KEI} VAU]) 13:34 < Ilmen> uanli 13:38 < niftg> la'a plixau fi lo nu ciksi lo barda je pluja javni 13:40 < akmnlrse> za'a lo mriste nu casnu lo mekso cu barda sai .i mi milxe co bixte'a lo ka tcidu 13:41 < akmnlrse> (to ba'a nai pu casnu tu'a lo smuni be zo bixte'a noi mi ca za'e zei pilno .i ma jalge lo nu go'i sei xu da morji toi) 13:46 < akmnlrse> (to xu ja'a xabju la nudbiia ku noi tedycakspi toi) 14:27 < ldlework> coi 14:39 < niftg> coiru'e 15:47 < anubiann00b> Saludos 15:47 < anubiann00b> Como estan? 15:49 < justeno> ldlework: coi 15:51 < ldlework> justeno: how go your studies? 15:52 < ldlework> You came in here pretty pro-esperanto, but I sensed your disposition being confused by the time I left last night. 15:52 < ldlework> How are you feeling about this new language? 15:52 < durka42> coi 15:53 < justeno> I still like esperanto, but lojban is making much more sense now 15:53 < ldlework> durka42: can you confirm my wiki account? 15:53 < ldlework> justeno: awesome 15:54 < ldlework> justeno: if you wanna do some simple roleplaying let me know 15:54 < ldlework> justeno: oh did you ever get logged into jbogu'e? 16:00 < justeno> I have the gridmanager up, what's the login URI? 16:01 < ldlework> justeno: http://sim.ldlework.com:9000 16:03 < durka42> huh, I set up a filter to forward the wiki emails to me 16:03 < durka42> guess it didn't work 16:03 < justeno> ldlework: login fails 16:03 < ldlework> justeno: are you logging in as "la justemos" 16:04 < ldlework> or whatever you told me 16:04 < justeno> i've tried both justeno and justenos as the user 16:04 < justeno> with the password i gave as well 16:04 < ldlework> justeno: you need "la " 16:04 < durka42> lol, my server rejected the mail from the wiki because it looks like spam 16:04 < ldlework> durka42: u'e 16:04 < durka42> ldlework: I can confirm your account but is "Cagdu'a" correct or would you like to send another request for the name "Cadgu'a"? :p 16:05 < ldlework> u'i sai 16:05 * ldlework dunda do lo cange 16:05 < ldlework> oops 16:05 < ldlework> anyway 16:05 < ldlework> I'll resend 16:06 < durka42> I didn't even know there was a spam filter on that address 16:06 < ldlework> Another pending account request uses the same email address. 16:06 < durka42> ok 16:06 < ldlework> I think you need to reject it 16:07 < justeno> "la justenos" "hunter2" is not working (not actual password, obv) 16:10 < dutchie> bazi mi sipna .i co'o rodo 16:19 < durka42> ldlework: sorry I got distracted 16:19 < durka42> turns out I can edit the username while confirming the account 16:19 < durka42> so I did 16:22 <@rlpowell> {ma sarcu lo nu do kelci ti} => "please can I have your phone" 16:22 <@rlpowell> That was cool. 16:23 < ldlework> thank you durka42 16:24 < durka42> rlpowell: .u'e 16:24 < justeno> ldlework: have you any luck with the account? 16:24 < ldlework> justeno: oops 16:25 <@rlpowell> durka42: I'm going to FB about this later, but: 16:25 <@rlpowell> mi kansa le se prami be mi no'u la [F] => I love you too! 16:25 <@rlpowell> Which fucking blew my mind. 16:25 < durka42> ue 16:25 <@rlpowell> Like, they're still *REALLY* young; they don't speak *any* language very well. 16:25 <@rlpowell> I was a bit surprised that she had room for that in her stack. 16:26 < durka42> you have to wonder how much of it is keywords? 16:26 < ldlework> justeno: strange it didn't get added. can you pm me the details again? 16:26 <@rlpowell> Very true, but not sure how much I care. :D 16:26 < durka42> [mumble] prami [mumble] F 16:26 < durka42> :) 16:26 <@rlpowell> Yeah, sure. 16:26 < durka42> not that I don't believe she could be understanding 16:26 < durka42> how old are they now? 16:27 < durka42> 5ish? 16:28 <@rlpowell> 3.5 16:28 < justeno> ldlework: sent 16:28 < durka42> oh 16:28 < durka42> yes, young 16:28 <@rlpowell> Yeah. 16:28 <@rlpowell> pretty freaking sharp, though. 16:29 <@rlpowell> I'm having to be *very* careful to not praise attributes (especially Int) too much. 16:30 <@rlpowell> durka42: At that age, pattern matching seems nearly certain, but at that age, even *that* impresses me, given the amount of syllables I was throwing around. :D 16:31 <@rlpowell> AFK. 18:17 * nuzba @kev_jg: @gregorykhillis @michaelbd personally I'm holding out for the lojban of weights and measures [http://bit.ly/1eQmTSi] 18:20 < durka42> sometimes these are missing context 18:52 < zahlman> "sometimes", heh. this is twitter after all 18:53 < zahlman> ... is bripre still a thing? 18:53 < durka42> well the weekly series ended after 9 episodes 18:54 < zahlman> -.- 18:55 < durka42> I haven't watched them all at an acceptable level of understanding yet 18:55 < durka42> so it's not over for me :p 19:08 < zahlman> heh, fair enough 19:09 < zahlman> I find I have to pause that kind of thing and work over a translation mentally 19:09 < zahlman> not at all fluent. 19:23 < ldlework> how do you set the langauge on the wiki 19:23 < ldlework> the localization 19:24 < ldlework> nm 19:26 < durka42> no no nm lists the symbols in an executable file 19:26 < durka42> very useful 20:30 < la_kristan> coi 20:30 < durka42> coi 20:31 < la_kristan> .i lo smacu cu nenri le mi zdani 20:32 < durka42> .oi dai 20:32 < la_kristan> .i .uu le mlatu na citka lo smacu 20:45 < ctefa`o> coi 20:46 < la_kristan> ctefa'o : coi 20:46 < ctefa`o> coi kristan 20:46 < ctefa`o> Sup 20:47 < ctefa`o> (I am Steffmeistro btw) 20:50 < ctefa`o> Switched back to my lojban name 20:52 < la_kristan> Yeah, I know. 20:53 < la_kristan> Sorry for my slowness, I'm reading the Lernu forum simultaneously with doing this. 20:53 < ctefa`o> Ah, didn't remember if;) 20:57 < la_kristan> .i mi tavla la durka. le mlatu la lojban. 20:58 < la_kristan> .i lo smacu cu nenri le mi zdani 20:58 < la_kristan> .i le mlatu na citka lo smacu 20:59 < ctefa`o> Sounds about right 21:00 < ctefa`o> Only you don't need a pause after durka 21:01 < durka42> but you do need one before lojban :) 21:01 < ctefa`o> Ah look it jumped;) 21:02 < la_kristan> ctefa'o : well, since it's a name, I figured there was s'posed to be a pause. 21:04 < ctefa`o> Only if it ends in a consonant 21:04 < durka42> the pauses are for names morphologically 21:04 < ctefa`o> There is more to it but that's a rule at least 21:04 < durka42> meaning words that end in consonants 21:04 < durka42> all such words are names 21:04 < durka42> but names can also be brivla-shaped (like "durka") 21:04 < ctefa`o> But not all names are such words* 21:04 < durka42> right 21:04 < durka42> this is horribly explained in the Book 21:05 < durka42> which even gets cmene/cmevla backwards IIRC 21:05 < ctefa`o> and outdated:p 21:05 < durka42> so I don't blame you for getting it wrong, la_kristan :) 21:05 < ctefa`o> Assuming dotside has actually become official now 21:05 < ctefa`o> Has it? 21:05 < durka42> it's as official as anything is ever going to be 21:05 < durka42> as far as I'm concerned 21:05 < ctefa`o> Nice 21:05 < la_kristan> durka42 : lojban starts with a consonant, and I usually see it without a pause at the beginning... 21:06 < ctefa`o> *Ends* in a consonant 21:06 < durka42> usually? usually where? 21:06 < durka42> in the CLL and L4B, definitely 21:06 < ctefa`o> I think she means "la. lan." 21:07 < durka42> because those were written before the change to "dotside" which made names much simpler 21:07 < ctefa`o> When people put it like that 21:07 < zipcpi> Yes, dotside is part of what I call tier-2 Lojban: "Official but not documented"... the last only because they are so slow in rewriting the CLL :p 21:07 < durka42> ctefa`o: I've never seen anybody put it like that 21:07 < ctefa`o> Uhm 21:07 < durka42> I'd say that's more rare than pre-dotside stuff 21:07 < durka42> but I might be wrong 21:07 < ctefa`o> I have seen it at least a few times in this channel this week 21:08 < la_kristan> ctefa'o : I said it starts with a consonant, and that's what I mean! 21:08 < ctefa`o> Huh 21:08 < ctefa`o> Then what are you refering to? 21:08 < la_kristan> it starts with L! 21:08 < ctefa`o> Old rule was that names started with vowels only 21:09 < durka42> er 21:09 < durka42> no 21:09 < zipcpi> tier-1 = documented (right now =CLL), tier-2 = official, tier-3 = experimental ideas that have popular use and is encoded into the commonly-used parser, tier-4 = really radical stuff that doesn't have a parser or other support yet 21:09 < ctefa`o> Other way around? 21:09 < durka42> old rule: cmevla end with consonants, can't contain the syllables LA or LAI, and end with a pause 21:10 < durka42> new rule: cmevla end with consonants, and have a pause on _both_ sides 21:10 < ctefa`o> Aahhh right it was LA 21:10 < zipcpi> la, lai, or doi 21:10 < ctefa`o> doi too 21:10 < la_kristan> I read that one only needs a pause at the *beginning* of a name if it starts with a consonant. 21:10 < durka42> yeah and what about la'i, was that ever resolved 21:10 < durka42> not only was the old rule hard to follow, it was ill-defined 21:10 < ctefa`o> Huh, where did you read that? 21:10 < durka42> that is incorrect 21:11 < durka42> in fact most words that start with vowels need a pause at the beginning 21:11 < durka42> like {.u'i} 21:11 < ctefa`o> camxes: la la'is 21:11 < camxes> ([la la'is] VAU) 21:11 < durka42> camxes follows dotside 21:11 < durka42> camxes: la lalalas 21:11 < camxes> ([la lalalas] VAU) 21:11 < durka42> so it can't answer my question :) 21:12 < ctefa`o> Ah you meant pre-dotside 21:12 < ctefa`o> la_kristan: ok, so rule now is, if you need pause for names then you always need 1 at beginning, 1 at end 21:12 < durka42> (vlatai says "la'is" breaks up as la + 'is but that doesn't make any sense) 21:13 < ctefa`o> Unless it is of a special form that can end in a vowel, no pause at all then 21:13 < ctefa`o> So I am curiois where you read that you only need it at beginning of word 21:13 < durka42> I think we're explaining this really badly 21:13 < durka42> it is simple 21:13 < durka42> cmevla end in consonants and must be surrounded by pauses 21:13 < ctefa`o> "'is"?? 21:13 < durka42> brivla can also be names 21:13 < durka42> done 21:14 < ctefa`o> Well now you have to explain what cmevla and brivla are;) 21:15 < durka42> yeah but I was going to have to explain that anyway if I'm a lojban tutorial 21:15 < ctefa`o> Right:p 21:15 < durka42> la_kristan: confused yet? 21:16 < ctefa`o> (I also invented a new word today. ua-reka :p) 21:17 < durka42> ua re ka mo 21:17 < ctefa`o> Lol 21:18 < ctefa`o> camxes: ua re ka mo 21:18 < camxes> (ua [{re BOI} {ka KEI} KU] VAU) 21:19 < ctefa`o> Well it was something I discussed with gocti 21:19 < ctefa`o> Dangerous heretic ideas I can't speak of in the open zo'o 21:19 < la_kristan> ctefa'o : sorry, I meant to say it needs a dot if it starts with a vowel. 21:20 < ctefa`o> Ah. Yeah that was the old rule I think? 21:20 < ctefa`o> Actually 21:21 < ctefa`o> That is the case for all lojban words 21:21 < ctefa`o> li'a 21:21 < la_kristan> not you only need it at the beginning of a word, you need it at the beginning of a word only if! 21:21 < ctefa`o> Yeah. But now today you always need a pause 21:21 < la_kristan> if im making any sense at all. 21:22 < la_kristan> stupid english. 21:22 < ctefa`o> Yeah but you have read outdated info 21:23 < ctefa`o> Read above for how it is now 21:24 < durka42> any word that starts with a vowel needs a pause 21:24 < zahlman> coi rodo .i mo 21:24 < la_kristan> all I know is that what I read makes sense and what you're saying doesn't. 21:24 < zahlman> nu ctuca xu 21:25 < durka42> nu cfipe mutce mutce gasnu 21:25 < durka42> cfipu* 21:25 < la_kristan> of course words that start with a vowel need a pause. 21:25 < durka42> ie 21:25 < zahlman> oi u'iru'e 21:25 < ctefa`o> ...and name-words starting in consonants 21:25 < durka42> ending!!!!! 21:25 < ctefa`o> And also* 21:26 < ctefa`o> like la .lojban. 21:26 < durka42> ending 21:26 < durka42> ending 21:26 < zahlman> pe'i lonu ctuca lo laldo cilre fo lo cnino cu nu cfipe gasnu 21:26 < durka42> ending 21:26 < durka42> ending 21:26 < durka42> zahlman: we're trying to teach dotside 21:26 < durka42> but tripping over ourselves and failing 21:26 < ctefa`o> Both la .lojban. and la .ojban. 21:26 < zahlman> jimpe 21:27 < la_kristan> whatever. why can't people leave well enough alone? 21:27 < durka42> leave what alone? 21:27 < zahlman> because the old rule caused unexpected complications. 21:27 < durka42> getting rid of that rule took decades 21:27 < zahlman> the way the parsing worked, you couldn't have names with {la}, {lai} or {doi} in them 21:27 < durka42> and the fix makes names so much simpler and more consistent 21:27 < zahlman> which is bad if you want to talk, e.g., about doyle brunson 21:27 < durka42> so it's not like it was a sudden change for no reason :) 21:28 < la_kristan> did they fix the date system while they were at it? 21:29 < la_kristan> does pi'e actually mean a part? 21:30 < zahlman> it's a separation for number groupings 21:30 < zahlman> e.g., between hours/minutes/seconds 21:30 < durka42> wait what's broken about pi'e 21:30 < la_kristan> 'cause in the book it said it meant parts... 21:31 < zahlman> (I imagine that in lojbanistan, it's also used for room numbers in apartments and hotels) 21:31 < durka42> there's been no change to pi'e ever 21:31 < durka42> as far as I'm aware 21:31 < la_kristan> seconds being parts of minutes, and minutes being part of hours. 21:31 < zahlman> so what's the problem? 21:31 * ctefa`o was not yet aware of pi'e 21:32 < zipcpi> About the date system... well I had one idea that for some weird reason got really popular :p 21:32 < ctefa`o> Hey zipcpi 21:32 < zipcpi> Hi 21:32 < durka42> yeah zipcpi had a great idea to fix the date system 21:32 < durka42> but it doesn't change pi'e or anything :) 21:32 < la_kristan> but then later in the book, it showed dates like day pi'e month pi'e year. 21:32 < zahlman> ... it's broken? 21:33 < zipcpi> Well, for one thing there's a dispute as to whether it's Y-M-D or D-M-Y 21:33 < durka42> vlaste: detri 21:33 < vlaste> detri = x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event/state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4. 21:33 < durka42> the dictionary shows day-month-year 21:33 < la_kristan> and since I'd been told that pi'e meant parts... 21:33 < zipcpi> Either way "skipping" numbers is difficult, forcing you to go pihehpiheh 21:33 < durka42> la_kristan: it's a separator for different parts of the date 21:33 < durka42> but it says nothing about a hierarchy 21:34 < la_kristan> and a month's not part of a day. 21:34 < la_kristan> so I was confused. 21:34 < durka42> the month number and the day number are parts of the date 21:34 < zipcpi> So people avoided using detri for stuff like years and instead when {lo nanca pe li renopamu} instead 21:34 < durka42> that's the sense of "part" that I read 21:35 < zipcpi> But anyway I should stop complaining about what came before and just present my solution 21:35 < zipcpi> Here: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Proposal:_loi_lerfu_tcita_detri;_the_final_word_on_the_problem_of_dates_and_times%3F 21:36 * la_kristan tries to find the section of the book that was causing confusion ... 21:39 < la_kristan> If we want to be a bit more precise, we need to use pi'e. This introduces fractional parts of numbers like pi, but unlike pi it doesn't need to indicate decimal fractions in a number. In fact, the kind of fractional part it does indicate can vary within the same number. In normal counting, pi is a decimal point, in hexadecimal it's a hexadecimal point and so on, but the kind of fraction it indicates never changes its value. But pi'e 21:39 < la_kristan> oh, the above is a quote. 21:40 < durka42> pi'e is basically like the slash in 6/4/2015 21:43 < la_kristan> so it isn't as described above? 21:44 < durka42> I don't see the contradiction 21:44 < la_kristan> It says pi'e indicates parts. 21:44 < la_kristan> fractional parts. 21:45 < la_kristan> and a month isn't part of a day. 21:45 < durka42> okay 21:45 < la_kristan> nor is a year part of a month. 21:45 < durka42> it just needs a little reframing 21:46 < durka42> one way to think of a decimal point is separating two parts of a number 21:46 < durka42> the whole part, and the fractional part 21:46 < durka42> it doesn't even matter what they represent mathematically 21:46 < durka42> the decimal point separates the two parts 21:46 < durka42> in the notation 21:46 < durka42> pi'e is the same thing, but for any kind of "parts" of a sequence of numbers 21:46 < la_kristan> so, if it is as described above, it would have to be year, month, day. 21:47 < durka42> year, month, and day are three parts of the date 21:47 < durka42> for instance today is june 4th, 2015 21:47 < durka42> "6", "4", and "2015" are three parts of my expression of the date 21:47 < durka42> I can write them in various order 21:48 < durka42> for instance we crazy americans write 6/4/2015, which isn't a sane order at all 21:48 < durka42> pi'e is EXACTLY the same as this slash — the order of the parts has to be defined somewhere else! (like in the dictionary) 21:48 < la_kristan> but nobody accused Americans of being sane. 21:48 < durka42> am I making any sense? 21:48 < durka42> least of all me :p 21:49 < la_kristan> after all, we measure temperature in Fahrenheit, and that's not very sane... 21:50 < la_kristan> I've always thought that we should use the metric system, and the 24 hour clock. 21:51 < la_kristan> my phone's clock is set to 24 hour format; I wish I could do the same for the rest of the clocks in the house. 21:52 < la_kristan> I think you're making sense... 21:53 < la_kristan> It's just that if you're right, then the book isn't. 21:53 * la_kristan resumes ranting 21:53 < durka42> how would you edit the book's text to make more sense? 21:54 < durka42> I see why it confused you, but I don't see where it really says pi'e separates a container from a containee 21:55 < la_kristan> ever since someone pointed out that yr mon day was analogous to hr min sec, I've thought it would be better to do it that way... 21:56 < durka42> it's kinda awkward either way :p 21:56 < la_kristan> container and containee? 21:56 < durka42> see zipcpi's proposal for a nice way to do dates without pi'e at all 21:57 < la_kristan> I started reading that, but I can't be there and here at the same time. 21:57 < durka42> like month and day 21:59 < la_kristan> I'll have to go to bed soon. 21:59 < la_kristan> It's 22:58 21:59 < durka42> same here 22:00 < la_kristan> what time is it for you? 22:03 < durka42> 1am 22:03 < la_kristan> co'o 22:03 < durka42> tcika fa li pa 22:04 < durka42> alternatively, tcika fa li cy pa 22:19 < ldlework> durka42: you know how its easy in english to use spatial demonstratives to refer to units of discourse 22:19 < ldlework> "that is absurd." 22:21 < ldlework> ta fenki, or something, where we usually prefer something with di'u or even go'i 22:25 < ldlework> abu: .i zo'onai mi zukte lo ka ba zi farlu 22:25 < ldlework> ibu: .i pe'i lo'a seljdi cu se srera 22:27 < ldlework> "Seriously, I'll jump!" "That decision would be a mistake." 22:28 < ldlework> da'i in there if you need the subjunctive I guess 22:30 < durka42> lo'a? 22:30 < ldlework> the ability to provide demonstrative descriptions like any other description, rather than having to use poi with a demonstrative - that also works naturally on units of discourse 22:30 < ldlework> durka42: just, whatever, you know 22:31 < durka42> yeah 22:31 < ldlework> just a standin I'm using 22:32 < durka42> le do seldji? 22:32 < ldlework> .i lo'a nixli cu melbi 22:33 < ldlework> durka42: lo'a is a demonstrative form of le 22:33 < ldlework> its definite, but more specifically, its deictic 22:33 < durka42> like {ti noi}? 22:34 < ldlework> yes 22:34 < durka42> I see 22:34 < ldlework> well 22:34 < ldlework> ti poi 22:34 < durka42> whatever 22:35 < ldlework> with lo'a you can just grab at things around you with the ease of gadri descriptions 22:35 < ldlework> if you want to have a conversation, WHILE you and your wife collaborate on thanksgiving dinner in the kitchen... 22:37 <@Broca> lo'a BY1 shift letterals to Lojban (Roman) alphabet. 22:38 < ldlework> its just a cmavo I'm using to talk about an idea 22:39 < durka42> vlaste: class:BY1 22:39 < vlaste> 9 results: ga'e, ge'o, je'o, jo'o, lo'a, na'a, ru'o, se'e, to'a 22:39 < durka42> such a tempting pool of short cmavo forms that nobody ever uses :) 22:43 < ldlework> "ko dunda lo dakfu pe'u .i a'o lo xruki ku ba pluka .i ta'onai ie mi tugni lo du'u lo nanmu noroi sidju lo nu jukpa" 22:43 < ldlework> "ko dunda lo'a dakfu pe'u .i a'o le xruki ku ba pluka .i ta'onai ie mi tugni lo du'u lo'e nanmu noroi sidju lo nu jukpa" 22:46 < durka42> that's a real thin knife you're using to slice away from {le} 22:47 < ldlework> durka42: coming over the hills on the countryside, a mountain range breaks the horizon 22:47 < ldlework> "ua lo'a cmana cu melbi" 22:47 < ldlework> definitely, not the mountains you were just talking about, but /those ones/ over there. 22:50 < durka42> so you are pointing as you say it 22:51 < ldlework> sure, if you take that as a literal requirement rather than a way to help people understand what demonstratives mean. 22:53 < ldlework> definite]--la--lo'a--le/lei--[lo]--lo'e/loi--lo'i--[indefinite 22:53 < ldlework> lo is not on the scale since it designates no information about the referentiality of the noun phrase 22:54 < durka42> interesting 22:54 < durka42> the right side of that scale seems to hinge on the lo'i argument from before 22:54 < ldlework> when using lo, your listener will have to resolve to one side of the scale, based on context 22:54 < durka42> which I faded out from 22:54 < durka42> but yeah, lo'a is an interesting addition 22:54 < ldlework> which is usually fine most of the time 22:55 < ldlework> durka42: lo'i is an indefinite generalizing platitude, but constrained to propositions involving the minimum set of the speakers internal model of what it means for that description 22:55 < ldlework> and example would be like 22:56 < ldlework> lo'e xagji gerku cu ckape : "A hungry dog is dangerous" 22:56 < ldlework> lo'i xagji gerku cu ckape : "It takes being dangerous, to be a hungry dog." 22:57 < durka42> whoa radical man :) 22:57 < durka42> I would use {ganai} for that kind of thing 22:57 < zipcpi> ganai is logical. Which is different from essentialism 22:58 < ldlework> zipcpi: do you have a log of the safari? 22:58 < zipcpi> Yes 22:58 < ldlework> where we discover a broda, or do we? :) 22:58 < durka42> I don't get that example actually 22:58 < zipcpi> I've enabled logging for everything... will need to clean it up and post it somewhere though 22:58 < zipcpi> Have you seen it? 22:58 < durka42> my minimal set of hungry dogs is dangerous? 22:59 < ldlework> its not about the set of actual referents 22:59 < ldlework> indefinite descriptions have zero referents 22:59 < durka42> how did you get from {lo'i xagji gerku cu ckape} to {ro da ganai ckape gi xagji gerku} 22:59 < ldlework> there is no ro 23:00 < durka42> I just translated your english back into lojban to see if I could find a correspondence 23:00 < ldlework> the problem is that ro implies actual referents 23:00 < ldlework> every possible one 23:00 < ldlework> lo'e and lo'i don't refer to any referents 23:00 < durka42> "any thing that is dangerous is a hungry dog" 23:00 < ldlework> they refer to the blanket that lays over all the referents 23:00 < ldlework> no 23:01 < durka42> sounds similar to what you said "it takes being dangerous to be a hungry dog" 23:01 < durka42> anyway 23:01 < durka42> before we talk about referents 23:01 < durka42> can you explain your translation 23:01 < durka42> ignore my apparently wrong back-translation 23:01 < ldlework> you're conflating nessary and sufficient 23:01 < durka42> please I want to understand your example before we start a separate argument 23:01 < durka42> otherwise I can go to bed, it is about that time... 23:01 < ldlework> I'll respond to whatever you want 23:02 < ldlework> ke'o 23:02 < durka42> okay I'll try again 23:02 < zipcpi> Here http://pastebin.com/7CGfGsLt 23:02 < durka42> how did you get from {lo'i xagji gerku cu ckape} to "it takes being dangerous to be a hungry dog" 23:02 < ldlework> first of all 23:02 < ldlework> the point of the example 23:03 < ldlework> is that the content of this specific statement, is non-sense 23:03 < ldlework> because lo'i is a very restricted version of lo'e 23:03 < zipcpi> Because I completely misunderstood what {lo'i} meant, but Idlework really liked my misunderstanding, that's why :p 23:03 < ldlework> compare "mi nelci lo'e mlatu" "I like Cats." 23:03 < ldlework> with 23:03 < durka42> zipcpi: yeah apparently 23:03 < ldlework> "mi nelci lo'i mlatu" "It takes being liked by me, to be a Cat." 23:04 < ldlework> Its not, "Being liked by me is sufficient to be a Cat." 23:04 < ldlework> But it is nessecary 23:04 < zipcpi> You see, it's just like NLDCMS 23:04 < ldlework> It demonstrates my internal model of catism. 23:04 < zipcpi> I was just playing with the format of {lo detri} 23:04 < zipcpi> But then gleki said YOU MUST POST THAT NOW 23:04 < zipcpi> so I did 23:04 < durka42> gleki says that a lot 23:05 < zipcpi> :p 23:05 < durka42> ldlework: so it's kinda like saying that "mi nelci ce'u" is the only predicate that can apply to cats? 23:05 < durka42> well not quite 23:05 < durka42> it's turning it into a necessary condition somehow 23:05 < ldlework> no 23:05 < durka42> I don't quite see how 23:06 < ldlework> durka42: there can only be one necessary condition 23:06 < ldlework> "is the only predicate" 23:06 < zipcpi> Erm... hm... it's like... "Being-liked-by-me-ness is a part of cat-ness" 23:06 < ldlework> "into _a_ necessary condition" 23:06 < durka42> is there an expansion? 23:06 < zipcpi> {xu lo'i remna cu danlu} 23:06 < ldlework> durka42: its one of the things you sculpture might exhibit if plato asks you to sculpt "A Cat" 23:07 < zipcpi> I don't know... something with ckaji? kairpau? 23:07 < ldlework> durka42: this is the thing, its exactly how lo'e and lo and le and lo'a are expanded 23:07 < durka42> yeah none of the gadri really have expansions, dumb question 23:07 < ldlework> unless you want to expand that to include the different semantic of each gadri 23:07 < ldlework> but the point is lo, contains no referentiality designation 23:07 < ldlework> it is a shortcut of some other da form 23:07 < durka42> for some reason I can accept it better if I say {lo'i mlatu cu se nelci mi} 23:08 < ldlework> da and lo provide merely the logical form 23:08 < durka42> (which means "a set of cats is liked by me", but anyway) 23:08 < ldlework> the gadri designators, provide the type of referencing the noun phrase should be interpreted as 23:08 < ldlework> quantification is separate 23:08 < ldlework> you can argue about default quantification 23:08 < durka42> right 23:08 < ldlework> but lo'e, nor lo'i imply ro at anytime 23:09 < durka42> no that's not what I was asking for 23:09 < durka42> forget it 23:09 < ldlework> they create indefinite descriptions 23:09 < durka42> what if you have to lo'i in a statement though 23:09 < ldlework> you can never pin the tail on that to which an indefinite description refers 23:09 < durka42> lo'i mlatu cu citka lo'i smacu 23:09 < durka42> did I break the world? 23:09 < ldlework> no that's totally valid 23:10 < durka42> or is it more like two statements then 23:10 < ldlework> and probably in agreement with my own model of cats 23:10 < durka42> "eating mice is an essential part of being a cat, and being eaten by cats is an essential part of being a mouse"? 23:10 < ldlework> that's scope 23:10 < ldlework> works as normal 23:10 < durka42> lo'i has scope now?! 23:11 < ldlework> well consider the alternative 23:11 < durka42> wait did you agree with my translation or not 23:12 < ldlework> so 23:12 < ldlework> you're right in that this is an unreasonable platitude if it is symmetrical 23:12 < ldlework> just like say 23:12 < ldlework> lo'i mlatu cu se tuple vo da 23:12 < ldlework> is probably wrong too 23:12 < zipcpi> Erm, you used {da} again *hides from logicians* 23:13 < durka42> I didn't say it was unreasonable 23:13 < ldlework> vo tuple 23:13 < ldlework> durka42: it conflicts with _my_ model of mice 23:13 < ldlework> its not unreasonable translation 23:13 < durka42> I am an alien 23:13 < ldlework> its a good translation 23:13 < durka42> I don't even know what a mouse is 23:13 < durka42> I was just making up lojban exmaples :) 23:13 < ldlework> sure, but it makes an important point 23:14 < ldlework> you'd want {lo'i mlatu cu citka lo'e cmacu} 23:14 < durka42> yes 23:14 < ldlework> unless you're talking to a child maybe 23:14 < ldlework> who watches too much tom and jerry 23:14 < ldlework> who might have a similar internal model of miceness 23:14 < ldlework> zipcpi: can you paste the safari example? 23:15 < zipcpi> you can argue about default quantification 23:15 < zipcpi> Oops 23:15 < zipcpi> http://pastebin.com/7CGfGsLt 23:16 < ldlework> I should change ti poi broda to lo'a broda 23:17 < zipcpi> lol don't get too comfortable with using {lo'a} for it 23:17 < ldlework> right 23:17 < ldlework> hehe 23:18 < zipcpi> I think your "lo'a" may be a good counterpart to {ri'oi} 23:18 < zipcpi> {ri'oi} is explicitly anaphorical 23:18 < durka42> there are literally no actual usages of {lo'a} in the corpus 23:18 < ldlework> uaou 23:18 < durka42> you could use {lo'a'a} to be diplomatic :) 23:18 < durka42> and then CKTJ-switch lo'a and lo'a'a 23:19 < durka42> anyway I think this is an interesting idea for {lo'i} but I wouldn't use {lo'i} for it 23:19 < zipcpi> That's kinda what I said. Repurposing "bad" cmavo is CKTJ's job :p 23:19 < ldlework> you just have to wonder if anyone will actually stand up and make a stink, rather than a passive pointing it out 23:19 < durka42> mostly because of inertia, you'll get too many folks who won't even consider the idea because {lo'i} already has meaning 23:19 < zipcpi> BSFK's official dialect, btw :p 23:19 < durka42> so… choose one of the other lerfu shift cmavo :p 23:19 < ldlework> durka42: no one uses lo'i lol 23:19 < ldlework> what does the corpus say 23:19 < ldlework> what does the fox say 23:19 < zipcpi> :p 23:20 < durka42> .ai .ai .ai .ai 23:20 < zipcpi> .au .au .au .au .au .au .au 23:20 < ldlework> uo 23:21 < durka42> sure lo'i is probably the least-used out of lo/lo'e/lo'i 23:21 < durka42> my prediction about resistance to gadri changes stands 23:21 < zipcpi> Because I read the mabla velcki of {lo'i} and thought that's what it meant 23:21 < ldlework> heh sure no doubt 23:21 < zipcpi> I had no idea what would happen 23:22 < ldlework> nah 23:22 < ldlework> the description sounds very definite 23:22 < zipcpi> mi traji zbusufukai 23:22 < ldlework> its the set of referents that really are 23:23 < durka42> what about le'e and le'i btw 23:23 < zipcpi> If I knew I was defining a completely new gadri I would have chosen a different form for it 23:23 < ldlework> non-veridicality is out! 23:24 < ldlework> sets are out! 23:24 < zipcpi> Yes... without veridicality why do we even need le'i? 23:24 < durka42> so le'e and le'i are superfluous 23:24 < ldlework> they really are 23:24 < durka42> hmm 23:25 < durka42> and arguably so is lo'i which is why you see it as free to get a new definition 23:25 < ldlework> less gadri, lo is easily explainable, it is still 'always technically correct' 23:25 < durka42> still I would use a different form 23:26 < ldlework> lo people can keep on lo'ing 23:26 < ldlework> but they probably do mean le a lot more than they mean lo'e 23:26 < ldlework> and that will shock them for irrational reasons 23:26 < ldlework> I expect 23:27 < ldlework> and if lo'a is as useful as I suspect.. 23:27 < ldlework> I like that lo'a specifically brings our eyes to the same things 23:28 < ldlework> where ti poi for some of my descriptions seems off-putting and I will just use a general definite reference rather than a demonstrative 23:29 < ldlework> but with lo'a I enjoy normal gadri determiner phrases 23:29 < ctefa`o> Anyone for .alo'a 23:29 < ldlework> I can poi my lo'a a lot easier than my ti poi 23:29 < ldlework> i'e 23:29 < ctefa`o> Nvm 23:30 < durka42> camxes: mi .alo'a do 23:30 < camxes> ([{mi } do] VAU) 23:30 < durka42> nice snippet I found in the corpus 23:30 < zipcpi> ki'ai mabla I'm using {le'i} for "lo'a" :p 23:31 < zipcpi> If non-veridicality is out it's even less useful than old {lo'i} 23:31 < ldlework> heh ok 23:31 < ldlework> more natural anyway since its le based 23:32 < durka42> yeah le'i really got the short end of the stick 23:32 < ldlework> set and non-veridical 23:32 < durka42> it's like a buggy whip manufacturer now that cars are common 23:32 < durka42> except horses are also extinct so there's nothing to whip either 23:32 < ldlework> lol 23:33 < ldlework> almost woke up jenca over here 23:34 < durka42> ie .ei mi sipna 23:34 < durka42> ie pei doi la mensi 23:34 < mensi`i> ba'e mi na tugni 23:34 < mensi> ei mi tugni 23:34 < ctefa`o> lo'i is that poor? 23:35 < durka42> your sentence has many dangling referents 23:35 < durka42> .u'i 23:36 < ldlework> definite]--la--le'i--le/lei----lo'e/loi--lo'i--[indefinite 23:37 < durka42> er 23:37 < durka42> lo/loi? 23:38 < ldlework> lo has no referential information 23:39 < zipcpi> I dunno... we kinda got the idea that it should be lo'e/loi now 23:39 < durka42> seems weird that lei would go with le but loi with lo'e 23:39 < ldlework> it doesn't tell the listener anything at all whether the listener is being definite or indefinite with that description 23:39 < ldlework> sure, but we have the lo people to think about 23:39 < durka42> my conception of {loi} is "these referents and/or not referents (the same ones I would get with {lo}) as a mass" 23:39 < ldlework> we can't move lo into pure indefinite reference territory 23:40 < ldlework> the idea is that 23:40 < durka42> is it different in your new gadri system? 23:40 < ldlework> yes but for lo'e 23:40 < zipcpi> {lo} is still xorlo. At least as I understand it 23:40 < ldlework> lo is the ambiguity between le and lo'e 23:40 < ldlework> lo'e is that missing side of lo that has never had a good definition 23:40 < zipcpi> {lo} is a merely "descriptive" gadri 23:41 < ldlework> yes, it is a "default determiner" 23:41 < ldlework> it only acts as the head of a determiner phrase, but doesn't actually tell us anything about it 23:41 < durka42> I see 23:42 < ldlework> the listener, to understand the statement, will of course have to interpret it as either or 23:42 < ldlework> but context, as selpahi will tell you, resolves this for the listener most if not all(?!) the time 23:42 < durka42> of course 23:43 < ldlework> le/lei and lo'e/loi are the "core gadri" 23:43 < ldlework> which provide the most important information 23:43 < ldlework> which side of the definite fence are we on 23:44 < ldlework> la, le'i and lo'i are all like, "utility gadri" 23:44 < ldlework> in that they provide a the definite / indefinite distinction, but also some other semantic 23:44 < ldlework> hopefully, agreeably, useful in realworld usage of the language 23:44 < ldlework> like in kitchens 23:44 < ldlework> or safaris 23:46 < ldlework> le'i filters a bunch of stuff out of the possible designations quickly, and lo'i allows us help each other come to a shared understanding of what things actually mean in the first place. 23:49 < durka42> I tentatively like it! 23:49 < durka42> modulo what I said earlier about using different cmavo of course 23:50 < durka42> …but I will probably continue using {lo} almost everywhere 23:50 < durka42> 'cause I'm a lazy merko 23:50 < ldlework> u'i 23:52 < zipcpi> We "could" come up with different cmavo for it but what should they be? There are... like... 6? 23:52 < zipcpi> THey need to fit together somehow 23:53 < zipcpi> Besides, {le} needs a definition 23:54 < zipcpi> And I don't see how {lo'e} really conflicts with the BPFK examples. Maybe there's some niggling logical issue somewhere I don't understand 23:55 < zipcpi> It's {lo'i} and {le'i} that are most in dispute 23:55 < zipcpi> But they're also the least understood and used ones 23:57 < durka42> yep 23:58 < gleki> my biggest problem with {lo'e} is how {lo'e mlatu cu xutla} differs from {lo mlatu na'o xutla} and {lo mlatu pe na'o cu xutla} 23:58 < zipcpi> What about mi nelci lo'e mlatu? 23:59 < zipcpi> Does that become mi na'o nelci lo mlatu? 23:59 < ldlework> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dustinlacewell/b78b3914ff094aa2fc41/raw/f60da402c50597f7be19dcfd1f452779c4b12233/gistfile1.txt 23:59 < gleki> well, rather mi nelci lo mlatu pe na'o --- Day changed Thu Jun 04 2015 00:00 < gleki> but it might be that in some cases {lo'e} is equivalent to na'o in the main bridi. maybe there is ambiguity in this {lo'e}, im not sure. 00:01 < ldlework> less than lo certainly, since it is divorced from le 00:01 < gleki> so strange. guskant is working on LMW.And we are watching her. Looks like la guskant cu du la samyuan 00:03 * nuzba @uitki: Lo Lojbo Nuzba - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lo_Lojbo_Nuzba by Guskant - seva'u lo viska be la fagri lorxu [http://bit.ly/1H2Sc7o] 00:04 < gleki> je'e je'e 00:06 < gleki> zipcpi: can be edited again http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=bauspo_fazykamni/en&action=edit 00:06 < gleki> LMW: Flow extension disabled 00:06 < zipcpi> Cool... but I've already moved it to bsfk/eng 00:06 < zipcpi> Maybe I can make it redirect back 00:07 < gleki> now you may move it back following normal language code conventions 00:07 * zipcpi nods 00:07 < gleki> it was that just Flow blocked the db from being updated 00:09 < ldlework> Is it enough to be able to formulate gadri phrases logically? IE, all gadri descriptions are formulated the same way lo is formulated, but with varying semantic interprations. Does the logical form differ between an utterance interpreted definitely and the same utterance interpreted indefinitely? 00:09 < ldlework> I can see, how it is useful if you can find an illuminating semantic expression of the various gadri in order to help have a lojbanic definition 00:10 < ldlework> But do changes to gadri semantics really have any affect on how those descriptions are formed logically? 00:11 < ldlework> I'd say that, designating a noun phrase's referentiality is a concern of designation a matter entirely in the realm of communication and interpretation rather than logical formulation 00:11 < ldlework> y'know, what happens when you have a conversation, in the shadow of some context, rather than a progressive argument from a set of presuppositions. 00:13 * nuzba @uitki: Волны Ложбана - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D1%8B_%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0 by Gleki - /* Ложбанские слова в качестве имён */ [http://bit.ly/1H2TVcY] 01:05 < gleki> zipcpi: i dont understand {loi'i} 01:07 < gleki> en: gunma modal 01:08 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 01:08 < mensi`i> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 01:08 < gleki> en:/full gunma 01:08 < mensi> 30 da se tolcri: gunma, dalgunma, datnyvaugunma, gungunma, mulgunma, pregunma, remgunma, rongunma, astrato, bende, ciste, 01:08 < mensi> cmigau, cmima, cmimei, datnyvau, girzu, gu'au, gugde'e'u, gumgau, i'i, jivnrfarzu'e, kansa, karvana, mei, pagbu, selgu'a, 01:08 < mensi> seljge, si'e, tinci, turni 01:08 < mensi`i> 30 da se tolcri: gunma, dalgunma, datnyvaugunma, gungunma, mulgunma, pregunma, remgunma, rongunma, astrato, bende, ciste, 01:08 < mensi`i> cmigau, cmima, cmimei, datnyvau, girzu, gu'au, gugde'e'u, gumgau, i'i, jivnrfarzu'e, kansa, karvana, mei, pagbu, selgu'a, 01:08 < mensi`i> seljge, si'e, tinci, turni 01:08 < gleki> en: gu'au 01:08 < mensi> gu'au = [BAI] non-distributivity tag: as a mass |>>> equivalent to fi'o gunma. gu'au je fa lo tadni cu sruri lo dinju is 01:08 < mensi> the same as loi tadni cu sruri lo dinju. |>>> gleki 01:08 < mensi`i> gu'au = [BAI] non-distributivity tag: as a mass |>>> equivalent to fi'o gunma. gu'au je fa lo tadni cu sruri lo dinju is 01:08 < mensi`i> the same as loi tadni cu sruri lo dinju. |>>> gleki 01:19 < zipcpi> gleki: It's basically "our" lo'i, but referring to masses 01:19 < zipcpi> I'm just booking it... the JVS description isn't meant to be a pedagogical one 01:19 < zipcpi> It can't be 01:20 < gleki> BPFK/LLG finally needs to discuss publishing a dictionary. Need to contact mukti 01:20 < ldlework> gleki: loi'i bifce cu sutra lo ka sruri lo'e gunta 01:20 < ldlework> hmm 01:21 < ldlework> assuming lo ka sruri lo'e gunta, is in my personal model of what swarms of bees are made of 01:21 < ldlework> loi'i lenku djacu cu ckape 01:22 < ldlework> well throw a piso'i on there 01:22 < ldlework> :P 01:23 < ldlework> lo'i and loi'i are so constrained their tricky 01:23 < ldlework> lo'i is easier 01:24 < ldlework> loi'i cpini ku se cmima lo su'omei 01:24 < ldlework> li'a u'u 01:24 < ldlework> .i ku'i je'u 01:25 < ldlework> loi'i cipni ku se gidva lo pamei 01:25 < ldlework> there we go 01:25 < gleki> again pls enter example into tatoeba 01:26 < gleki> i already mailed to Curtis about his new rotation brivla 01:26 < ldlework> "It takes having a leader to be a flock of birds." 01:26 < ldlework> zipcpi: pei 01:27 < zipcpi> ie 01:30 < ldlework> mi: ua lei'i cipni cu fenki .i za'a voikla lo so'imei 01:30 < ldlework> do: .i ianai ta xu me lei'i cipni .i ku'i loi'i cipni ku se gidva lo pamei zo'o cu'i 01:30 < ldlework> mi: u'i 01:37 < zipcpi> Hmm... what would be the rough English translation? 01:38 < zipcpi> These birds are crazy! They're flying everywhere! 01:38 < zipcpi> Having trouble understanding the third sentence 01:38 < zipcpi> I don't believe that is among these birds? 01:38 < ldlework> "huh, that flock of birds is crazy. flyin' all which way." 01:38 < gleki> why not {lo za'u vi cipni}? 01:38 < gleki> indeed 01:39 < zipcpi> vi is too tied to spatiality 01:39 < ldlework> "whaaaat, _that_'s a flock of birds? But flocks of birds need a leader." 01:39 < ldlework> "hah" 01:40 < ldlework> pei 01:40 < gleki> i'd rather invented a TAG here but {gu'au} is too long 01:40 < ldlework> gleki: the thing is, the gadri are specifically our noun-description determiner articles 01:40 < gleki> i also need a similar tag that means "lo TAG broda = it's a mass with lo broda as its main component" 01:41 < ldlework> gleki: loi broda 01:41 < ldlework> assuming you mean no mass in particular 01:41 < gleki> ldlework: loi doesnt work here since it doesnt have" main component" part 01:42 < ldlework> I mean, the mass is made of lo broda 01:42 < gleki> i mean the mass consists of lo broda as its main component + other no so important components that are {lo na'e broda} 01:42 < ldlework> if you mean /that/ mass, its lei 01:42 < ldlework> oh 01:43 < ldlework> that could be an inherent problem with codifying massness into the gadri 01:43 < ldlework> masses are individuals after all 01:43 < ldlework> maybe the slight semantic change could be given otherwise 01:43 < ldlework> it sort of suggests masses should simply be predicated 01:44 < zipcpi> But masses also affect how outer quantifiers work 01:44 < ldlework> right 01:44 < zipcpi> So I'm not sure it works *without* gadri 01:44 < ldlework> that'd be the main reason to do it 01:44 < ldlework> I mean 01:44 < ldlework> the pi quantifiers could be the singal 01:44 < ldlework> signal 01:44 < gleki> ldlework: isnt {fa loi broda = fa je gu'au lo broda}? i think this issue was solved by latro'a long ago 01:44 < zipcpi> But pi is just no pi 01:45 < ldlework> first, what's the 'issue' 01:45 < zipcpi> Without individual mass distinction there'd be no way to distinguish between "half liter of these three liters" and "half (1.5 liters) of these three liters" 01:45 < ldlework> and two, what is the actionable conclusion resulting from a different way of expressing a gadri semantic 01:46 < ldlework> that the expansion should be used in place? not sure I get your aim. 01:46 < ldlework> zipcpi: I agree. 01:46 < ldlework> I lean towards treating them separate 01:46 < gleki> once they decided to just get rid of more entities like {loi}.and to change to normal predicate language. this is how {fi'o gunma} came into being. 01:47 < ldlework> yeah that sounds like a real drag 01:47 < zipcpi> Then what, do we add new tags for deixis, generalistic, and essentialistic cases? 01:47 < ldlework> fi'o gunma be lo djacu 01:47 * ldlework dies 01:48 < ldlework> zipcpi: its not even a tag, just {fi'o} as deus ex 01:48 < gleki> you are not free from expressing them using brivla anyway 01:48 < ldlework> loi djacu 01:48 < ldlework> I can scoop this ^ 01:48 < ldlework> u'i 01:48 < zipcpi> Just look at this: {http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article} (admittedly incomplete) and tell me how you'd distinguish these cases in "standard" Lojban 01:49 < ldlework> zipcpi: its not even about "can you make an expansion of these semantics" 01:50 < ldlework> zipcpi: its about "here's using the articles in our language that are noun-phrase determiners, to do what various determiners are known to be able to do" 01:51 < ldlework> demonstrative, definite, indefinite, and such 01:51 * zipcpi nods 01:51 < ldlework> if you can formulate everything in terms of da with some cmavo and ui here and there, doesn't help you use the language 01:51 * zipcpi nods 01:51 < gleki> yes, those are two separate things. 01:52 < gleki> there is lojban as a speakable language and Lojban as a knowledge represenation tool 01:52 < ldlework> I think I made the point earlier that I think that all gadri are formulated in terms of da exactly the same way 01:52 < ldlework> because the semantic difference between each gadri has no consequence for the logical form 01:52 < ldlework> the gadri specify information that is involved in the desgination of descriptions in a context of discourse 01:53 < ldlework> this isn't the concern of the establishment of raw propositional relations 01:53 < gleki> jbo: loi'i 01:53 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 01:53 < mensi`i> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 01:53 < gleki> in short you just need lojban defs. no matter if they are descriptive or expanded words themselves 01:54 < ldlework> lo broda cu brode, lo'i broda cu brode, lei'i broda cu brode 01:54 < ldlework> they are all of the same logical form pe'i 01:54 < ldlework> but that da, that gets declared to exist, when you expand this to da form 01:55 < ldlework> what it designates as existing, differs under definite and indefinite interpretations of the same description 01:55 < zipcpi> gleki: Also, our gadri makes this conversation possible: http://pastebin.com/7CGfGsLt 01:56 < ldlework> and representing the things that da eventually designates, in the da expansion itself, I think is a conflation of ideas 01:56 < zipcpi> Replace {ti poi} with le'i 01:56 < ldlework> lol just edit it 01:56 < zipcpi> I can't; I wasn't registered 01:56 < ldlework> copy paste? 01:56 < ldlework> lol 01:57 < zipcpi> OK http://pastebin.com/Qg6uXEHJ 01:57 < ldlework> heh 01:58 < zipcpi> Oh crap I only edited one lo ka rebla lol 01:58 < ldlework> you know what 01:58 < ldlework> our gadri system also absolves the question about the difference between lo nu and le nu 01:59 < zipcpi> YES 01:59 < zipcpi> http://pastebin.com/EEYfqAme 01:59 < ldlework> "It just doesn't mean anything." 01:59 < zipcpi> No one knew what le is except MALGLIKSLU 01:59 < ldlework> or "Whatever makes more sense to you, kid, now scram." 01:59 < ldlework> because it doesn't really matter 01:59 < ldlework> the event, some event, whatevs 01:59 < zipcpi> Yeah 02:01 < ldlework> with the abstraction, its like, look, we need to start a noun-phrase SOMEHOW 02:01 < ldlework> lo is the general determiner 02:01 < ldlework> no bigs 02:02 < ldlework> okay I can't believe I said that 02:02 < ldlework> sleep time 02:02 < zipcpi> Night 02:42 < dutchie> coi rodo 02:44 < gleki> coi 03:24 * nuzba @uitki: Do you hear the people sing - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Do_you_hear_the_people_sing by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1eQUF9T] 03:28 * nuzba @shukil026: Lojban [http://bit.ly/1czbRiv] 03:30 * nuzba @uitki: bauspo fazykamni/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni/en by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1eQUVGa] 03:30 * nuzba @uitki: bauspo fazykamni - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1eQUX0G] 03:30 * nuzba @uitki: bauspo fazykamni/eng - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni/eng by Spheniscine - Redirected page to [[bauspo fazykamni/en]] [http://bit.ly/1czcaK9] 04:21 < gocti> .oi se'i mi'e je'a bauspo 04:21 < gocti> exp: fadzmru 04:21 < mensi`i> (CU [fadzmru VAU]) 04:21 < mensi> (CU [fadzmru VAU]) 04:21 < gocti> cipr: fadzmru 04:21 < cipr> (CU [fadzmru VAU]) 04:22 < gocti> y 04:22 < gocti> exp: fazdmru 04:22 < mensi`i> (CU [fazdmru VAU]) 04:22 < mensi> (CU [fazdmru VAU]) 04:22 < gocti> cipr: fazdmru 04:22 < cipr> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "f" found. 04:24 < zipcpi> mi jai ranji le ka bauspo 04:24 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 04:24 < zipcpi> .y. sa'ai fai le ka bauspo 04:24 < gleki> en: ranji 04:24 < mensi`i> ranji = x1 (event/state) continues/persists over interval x2; x1 (property - ka) is continuous over x2. |>>> See also 04:24 < mensi`i> temci, kuspe, renvi, cedra, citsi, manfo, vitci, cukla, fliba, preja, tcena. |>>> 04:24 < mensi`i> officialdata 04:24 < gleki> i ie 04:25 < gleki> i ua la mensi cu zvati ma 04:27 < zipcpi> ca lo nu mi'a mulgau kei, mi ai mrilu le'i se stidi le mriste 04:29 < zipcpi> ba'asai nu snuda'a 04:30 < gleki> en:coi 04:30 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 04:30 < mensi`i> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 04:30 < gocti> y lo ciste ja'a jai nandu fai lo ka co'a co'u se cizra ki 04:30 < gocti> (to .ei pei mi catra la mensi'i toi) 04:31 < gocti> .i .oi la vrici cu spofu sai 04:32 < gocti> .i pu zi ku lo se .irci vreji ningau pruce cu fliba lo ka mulfau 04:32 < gleki> spofu ma 04:32 < gleki> mensi: ko cnino 04:33 < gocti> na djuno fi lo krinu 04:34 < gocti> .i la'oi all_logs zo'u .ei megbivbitsi li za'u 40 .i ju'a bivbitsi li 37 04:34 < zipcpi> ja'a cizra .iku'i pe'i le ka cizra cu ka tsali .i no da ba'uru'e pu pilno lei'i gadri 04:34 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 04:35 < zipcpi> bivbitsi = byte? 04:35 < gocti> go'i 04:35 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 04:36 < zipcpi> bitsi is one of gleki's new gismu right? 04:36 < gocti> na djuno lo du'u ma kau finti 04:36 < zipcpi> na se jbovlaste ca 04:36 < gleki> loglan:bitsi 04:36 < mensi`i> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 04:37 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 04:37 < gleki> loglan:bitxi 04:37 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 04:37 < mensi`i> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 04:37 < gleki> loglan:bit 04:37 < gocti> loglan: bithi 04:37 < mensi> bithi = B measures C in bit/binary digit (s) default 1. 04:37 < mensi> bit = a combining form of bitsa, between. 04:37 < mensi`i> bithi = B measures C in bit/binary digit (s) default 1. 04:37 < mensi`i> bit = a combining form of bitsa, between. 04:37 < gleki> mi na nelci zo x poi sance 04:37 < mensi`i> mi na nelci 04:37 < mensi> i mi i mi i mi mo i mi na nelci 04:37 < mensi> sei mi stace mi na mutce nelci 04:37 < mensi`i> mi na nelci 04:37 < mensi> sei mi stace mi na mutce nelci 04:37 < gocti> na nelci 04:37 < mensi`i> ba'e mi nelci i ie mi nelci 04:37 < mensi> mi mutce nelci i ie 04:38 < gleki> oi 04:53 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Emotions */ [http://bit.ly/1KbS5r5] 05:02 < gleki> so should i use {de'i li cy xi pa}? 05:22 < zipcpi> gleki: I don't know. What separates vlale'u-numbers from namle'u-numbers? 05:22 < zipcpi> er nacle'u 05:46 < ctefa`o> Has there been any major changes to how the abstractors work lately? 05:46 < ctefa`o> I.e. not in the BPFK sections or cll 05:47 < zipcpi> What abstractors? NU? 05:47 < zipcpi> Not that I know of 05:48 < ctefa`o> Except that which someone told me about tu'a 05:48 < zipcpi> exp: mi djuno tu'a na ku 05:48 < ctefa`o> pe'izo'o Lojban should have a changelog 05:48 < zipcpi> ie 05:48 < zipcpi> oi 05:49 < ctefa`o> camxes: -exp mi djuno tu'a na ku 05:49 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 05:49 < ctefa`o> ? 05:49 < ctefa`o> Err 05:49 < mensi> (mi [CU {djuno VAU}]) 05:49 < ctefa`o> Wait there are two bots? 05:50 < zipcpi> Yep, parses in tier-3, not tier-2 05:51 < zipcpi> And of course, tier-4 makes tu'a {tau} instead 05:52 < Ilmen> the exp parser has a changelog: https://github.com/Ilmen-vodhr/ilmentufa/blob/master/camxes-exp-changelog.txt 05:52 < ctefa`o> ki'ecai 05:52 < zipcpi> lol But probably not Lojban as a whole though. The whole reason for my referring to tiers is that :p 05:53 < ctefa`o> I see 06:25 < AliGeyikDotCom> coi 06:26 < zipcpi> coi 06:26 < gleki> coi 06:30 < Ilmen> coi 06:33 < Pendrokar> coi mi 06:33 * Pendrokar tavla la .pendrokar. 06:34 < Ilmen> coi la penmi cidro kalri 06:41 < gocti> .oi toi'e zo'o mi pu .aidji lo ka rinsa fi lo mintu 06:42 < gleki> zotoi'e va'o na sarcu 06:42 < gocti> .ei da cnima'o terjoma ciste 06:46 < gleki> zo zo'o na jetnu cnima'o i cnima'o stika 06:46 < gleki> jb:zo'o 06:46 < mensi> zo'o = zo'o [interjection modifier] — Kidding... (humorously), zo'o cu'i — that might be either serious or a joke, zo'o 06:46 < mensi> nai — seriously 06:46 < mensi> :zo'o pei — Are you kidding? 06:46 < mensi> :e'u zo'o renro la Kevin lo vi kevna — Let's throw Kevin into this hole (kidding ...). 06:46 < mensi> :mi kakne lo ka plipe fi lo ve'i cmana vau zo'o cu'i — I might be able to jump from the hill. 06:46 < mensi> :zo'o nai do fanza — Seriously, you are annoying. 06:46 < mensi> :Related words: xajmi, junri 07:06 < zipcpi> ... OK I think I did a really bad thing now 07:06 < gocti> mo 07:06 < zipcpi> I've probably just redefined bare "gadri-less" numbers 07:07 < gocti> to something other than {N da poi}? 07:07 < zipcpi> Maybe. 07:07 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 07:07 < gleki> ua la danr cu volta gi'e va'i volve 07:08 < zipcpi> And then I assigned {le'e} to its mass 07:08 < zipcpi> The nu bauspo is complete... sorta :p 07:09 < gocti> .autci 07:09 < zipcpi> Oh right I forgot selpa'i-s {ge}. I assigned that to {mo'oi} 07:09 < zipcpi> Already entered it into JVS 07:09 < zipcpi> That part would probably not be too controversial though as it doesn't redefine anything 07:10 < gleki> also there should be suffix equivalents to MAI, REhU, MOI 07:11 < zipcpi> Basically my intent is to make pa prenu be like... new Object(Prenu()) 07:11 < zipcpi> re'u is in ROI 07:12 < gleki> yeah, ROI 07:21 < gleki> loglan:donsu 07:21 < mensi> donsu = K give/donate B to D 07:21 < gleki> loglan:gi 07:22 < mensi> gi = (,) right mark of displaced object(s) . 07:22 < gleki> wth 07:24 < zipcpi> mi ja'a se dimna lo nu daspo le jbobau i'au zo'oru'e 07:25 < zipcpi> I mean... all I did was misinterpret {lo'e} and {lo'i} 07:25 < zipcpi> and then this happened 07:36 < zipcpi> I'm sure people'd tell me just to define new cmavo. But how? There are like, 6-8 "redefined" ones I think, depending on what you count as a redefinition 07:36 < zipcpi> And they must follow a pattern of some sort 07:37 < zipcpi> And if they are experimental cmavo they'd be at least disyllabic 07:39 < gocti> GIhA and GUhA are free, under some definitions of free 07:39 < zipcpi> Hahaha 07:39 < zipcpi> Yeah selpa'is connectives 07:40 <@xalbo> Somehow, the {lo'i} one doesn't quite make sense for me. So plays aren't defined by whether or not I like them, but humans are defined to have two legs? 07:40 < zipcpi> The platonic model of a play is not defined by whether you like them 07:40 < zipcpi> The platonic model of a human is 07:40 < zipcpi> co'e 07:43 < gleki> xalbo: lo'i or lo'e? 07:43 <@xalbo> {lo'i} 07:44 <@xalbo> (zipcpi's definition of {lo'i}, that is) 07:44 < zipcpi> I dunno, I think the... I'm not too up on my philosophical terms... the one where you ask if someone stops being human when he doesn't have two legs... that can be formulated using {bi'ai} I think 07:45 <@xalbo> It seems like you may be turning {lo'i} into something very close to CLL-{le'e}. 07:45 < la_kristan> coi 07:46 < zipcpi> Isn't le'e all about "non-veridicality"? 07:46 < zipcpi> And I have no idea what "stereotypical" means 07:46 < gleki> i have no idea what veridicality means 07:46 < zipcpi> lol 07:47 < gleki> any bear is a glue tosome degree thus {lo} as veridical cant be ever used 07:47 <@xalbo> No, it's not about that. I think "stereotypical" in this context is like your "platonic model". When I picture "a human" in my head, that's {le'e remna}. 07:47 < zipcpi> Hmm... maybe 07:47 < gleki> then this sounds like {lo se'o broda} 07:47 < zipcpi> Doesn't follow the pattern though, and what is le'i 07:48 <@xalbo> {le'i} is {lu'i le}, the Cantor set composed of those indicated by {le}. 07:48 < zipcpi> Erm, se'o? I don't think so? 07:48 <@xalbo> (Well, in CLL it is.) 07:48 < la_kristan> stereotypical - what we think of x in general as being, regardless of what x is actually like. 07:48 < la_kristan> u 07:49 < zipcpi> "The person I dreamt/saw a vision of"? 07:49 < la_kristan> ugh 07:49 <@xalbo> Yeah, {se'o} isn't right there. 07:49 < la_kristan> stupid phone 07:49 < zipcpi> The problem is that sets are... pretty much never used in normal conversation T.T 07:49 < zipcpi> So we have a bunch of "useless" gadri lying around 07:49 < la_kristan> "i think", not "u" 07:50 <@xalbo> I didn't say they were. You asked what it meant. 07:50 * zipcpi nods... sorry 07:50 <@xalbo> la_kristan: That's a hell of an autocorrect! 07:50 <@xalbo> u therefore I am. 07:50 <@xalbo> (Sorry.) 07:51 < la_kristan> it's what happens when one's fat finger types u instead of i, and then enter instead of backspace. 07:51 <@xalbo> je'e 07:51 < gleki> xalbo said "in my head". what else if not {se'o} can it be 07:52 < zipcpi> Because se'o refers to dreams/visions 07:52 < ctefa`o> co'o 07:52 <@xalbo> {se'o} is something that comes from my head, not from anything external. {le'e} is the mental model that exists now in my head, having been built continuously by external stimuli. 07:53 < gleki> then what could "in my head" mean? 07:53 < gleki> you create this vision in your head. 07:53 <@xalbo> It's what follows "Oh my God, there's an axe". 07:53 < la_kristan> are you able to view this? I'm not sure if you have to log in; I don't think so... 07:53 < la_kristan> http://verduloj.com/forums/viewthread/131 07:54 < gleki> if you mean that se'o describes everything in your head made by your mind from scratch then it's just like {da'i} 07:54 < zipcpi> It just doesn't imply that to me gleki. If you used se'o that way I'd be extremely confused 07:54 <@xalbo> la_kristan: Yes, it's publicly accessible. 07:54 < gleki> la_kristan: i agree with this usage. can't see any mistakes 07:55 <@xalbo> gleki: To a certain extent, all your experience only exists in your mind. So that's pretty worthless. {se'o} is truths revealed without input from the external world. 07:55 < gleki> xalbo: da'i is the same 07:55 < gleki> or then what are the possible uses of {se'o}? 07:55 < la_kristan> I have to make any corrections within 2 hours of posting, so I wanted to make sure. 07:55 < zipcpi> No, da'i means "assume hypothetically for argument" 07:56 < zipcpi> le se'o prenu = "The person I dreamt of" 07:56 < gleki> la_kristan: i can only give stylistic ecommendations 07:56 < gleki> like since you use {fi} then you could ve said {mi do tavla fo la .lojban.} similarly, instead of {zo'e} 07:57 < gleki> oh, found a mistake: 07:57 < gleki> .i le mlatu citka lo grusi toldi 07:57 < gleki> please, add {cu} before {citka} 07:57 < la_kristan> oops! 07:57 <@xalbo> {se'o lo nu catra lo cifnu cu palci}: I know, I just know, that killing babies is wrong. 07:58 < gleki> {le mlatu citka} = the cat-eater 07:58 <@xalbo> {da'i lo nu catra lo cifnu cu palci}: Assume for the sake of argument that killing babies is wrong. Then we can start talking about the consequences of what that would mean. 07:58 < gleki> xalbo: je'e je'e i i'a 07:58 < gleki> then just another UI would do the trick. like pe'anai or what was proposed. 07:59 < gleki> anyway i still dont know what is veridicality 07:59 <@xalbo> {le'e} has nothing to do with veridicality. 07:59 < la_kristan> gleki : corrected, thank you. 07:59 < la_kristan> how did I not catch that? 07:59 < gleki> xalbo: maybe you can create your vision of xorlo by writing a similar wiki page? 08:00 < zipcpi> Wait I won't have to repurpose le'e; there is lu'o 08:00 <@xalbo> la_kristan: The other thing I would consider is {mi djica lonu lo smacu na nenri le mi zdani}, but that's somewhat stylistic nitpicking. Basically, is there a particular event of mice not being in your house that you want? I'm guessing not. 08:00 < zipcpi> Hmm... 08:01 <@xalbo> gleki: I'm describing CLL-{le'e}, right now. I'm not trying to redefine anything. It already does that. 08:01 < zipcpi> exp: lu'o mu prenu cu lacpu le skori 08:01 < mensi> ([lu'o { prenu KU} LUhU] [cu {lacpu VAU}]) 08:01 <@xalbo> I have a meeting. co'o 08:01 < la_kristan> gtg 08:01 < zipcpi> exp: pivo lu'o mu prenu cu lacpu le skori 08:01 < mensi> ([{ BOI} {lu'o prenu KU} LUhU] [cu {lacpu VAU}]) 08:01 < zipcpi> Yeah lu'o works 08:01 < la_kristan> co'o 08:08 < zipcpi> xu pa remna bi'ai se tuple lo remei 08:17 < zipcpi> exp: lu'o prenu 08:17 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "p" found. 08:18 < zipcpi> Hm guess LAhE just aren't real gadri :p 08:22 < durka42> LAhE : Sumti -> Sumti 08:23 < zipcpi> Yeah 08:23 < zipcpi> I have done a really bad thing durka 08:23 < durka42> xu zbusufukai 08:23 < zipcpi> mi ja'a se dimna lo nu daspo le jbobau 08:24 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 08:24 < durka42> ua 08:24 < zipcpi> Yes, I probably just redefined the "null" gadri x.x 08:24 < durka42> lei'i ! 08:25 < zipcpi> lol 08:25 < durka42> I'm just surprised krtis hadn't taken that one yet 08:25 < zipcpi> pimu lei'i djacu = "half of this water" 08:26 < gusvli> what's the purpose of that gadri as opposed to lei or lo? 08:26 < durka42> I wish I were enough of a linguist to know if all this makes any sense or not :p 08:26 < zipcpi> le'i is demostrative; at least, "my" le'i 08:26 < zipcpi> And Idleworks 08:27 < zipcpi> Seriously, all I did was misuse {lo'e} and {lo'i} 08:27 < zipcpi> And then all this came out 08:27 < durka42> .u'i 08:27 < durka42> friends don't let friends invent new gadri systems 08:27 < zipcpi> lol 08:29 < zipcpi> le'i is like {ti noi} or {ta noi}, but with no implication of spatial distance or presence 08:29 < zipcpi> It just means I am signaling to you what it is 08:29 < zipcpi> Also gadri are much more convenient than POI clauses when all you want is a selbri 08:30 < durka42> true 08:30 < durka42> hence why selpa'i proposed a gadri for {ma poi} 08:30 < zipcpi> I entered {mo'oi} into JVS 08:30 < durka42> en: mo'oi 08:31 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 08:31 < zipcpi> Hey, if I'm gonna daspo lei gadri I might as well throw that in 08:31 < durka42> wait, I have to look up what {lei} means to you, hold on 08:32 < durka42> ah that one is no change, good :) 08:32 < zipcpi> Yeah, le/lei is largely unchanged 08:32 < zipcpi> Only tightened it up so that it's clearer than "malglixlu for "the"" 08:33 < durka42> so did you get emails when you added {mo'oi}? 08:33 < zipcpi> Yes 08:34 < zipcpi> Danr is the latest BSFK member :p 08:34 < durka42> ua 08:35 < durka42> la .danr. se cmene ma lo .irci nau 08:35 < durka42> huh ok so it's just me that didn't get the emails t'other day 08:36 < gusvli> u'isai mi ca notci lo xe fanva be ve zo dzipo 08:36 < gusvli> "Antarctic culture/nationality". Sure, valsi, sure. 08:36 < zipcpi> Also, with mo'oi in LE 08:36 < zipcpi> mo'oi mu prenu = Which of the five people 08:37 < zipcpi> mu mo'oi prenu = Which five people 08:37 < zipcpi> Try doing that with ma 08:37 < durka42> ie ku'i 08:37 < durka42> I would translate it 08:37 < durka42> mo'oi mu prenu = which five people 08:38 < durka42> mu mo'oi prenu = five of which people 08:38 < zipcpi> Ah... 08:38 < durka42> lo mu prenu cu bevri lo pipno mo'oi mu prenu .i mi viska lo pano prenu 08:38 < zipcpi> ie 08:40 < durka42> you should comment on selpa'i's post 08:40 < durka42> for maximum hyperlinkosity 08:40 < zipcpi> OK 08:41 < durka42> interwebs! :p 08:41 < zipcpi> I don't know what selpa'i would think of my gadri lol 08:41 < durka42> heh 08:41 < zipcpi> Seriously it could go either way 08:41 < durka42> S ta'e nalnei lo cnino cmavo 08:42 < durka42> ku'i za'a ja'a nelci lo nu ningau lo laldo cmavo 08:42 < zipcpi> Yes, is that zbusufukai enough for him? :p 08:43 < durka42> .u'i 08:43 < durka42> btw the BSFK translation issue seems to have magically resolved 08:43 < zipcpi> Nah... it was *eventually* fixed 08:43 < durka42> did gleki switch translation plugins? 08:43 < zipcpi> Nope. 08:44 < zipcpi> It now has no translation widget 08:44 < zipcpi> He noted there are bugs 08:44 < durka42> I see 08:44 < durka42> so now it is two pages that happen to have the same name? 08:44 < zipcpi> Yes 08:56 < zipcpi> How to translate "apprentice"? :p 08:58 < durka42> tadni se jibri? 08:58 < durka42> vlaste: apprentice 08:58 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/apprentice 08:58 < zipcpi> Would that be tadnyseji under the dialect zo'o 08:59 < durka42> oi 08:59 < zipcpi> :p 09:03 < zipcpi> Should I replace most of the "lo"s with my own gadri? lol 09:04 < zipcpi> Eh, probably needs a few rounds in the grinder before I use it for anything permanent 09:04 < zipcpi> There might be holes somewhere 09:13 < gleki> vipsi? 09:13 < ldlework> coi 09:14 < Spheniscine_> coi 09:14 < dutchie> coi 09:14 < ldlework> ma nuzba 09:14 < Spheniscine_> mi'e la zipcpi 09:14 < Spheniscine_> I'm having some connection issues 09:14 < durka42> coi 09:14 < durka42> ldlework: la zipcpi cu finti lo cnino ke gadri ciste velcki 09:15 < Spheniscine_> Yes, I have continued the nu bauspo 09:15 < Spheniscine_> While you are away 09:15 < Spheniscine_> Even redefined the null gadri x.x 09:15 < durka42> you mean lo? 09:16 < Spheniscine_> No, I mean {pa broda} 09:16 < durka42> oh I missed that part 09:16 < ldlework> xu la Spheniscine_ du la zipcpi 09:16 < Spheniscine_> je'u 09:16 <@xalbo> la'a sai 09:16 < durka42> yeah you really don't want to touch quantification, lol 09:16 < Spheniscine_> I am having some connection issues 09:16 < durka42> world of pain 09:16 <@xalbo> "Spheniscine" and {zipcpi} mean the same thing. 09:17 < ldlework> ua 09:17 < Spheniscine_> Yeah but I have no idea what else would fit 09:17 < ldlework> casnu ma 09:17 < Spheniscine_> Using any disyllabic cmavo would be rather awkward for that case 09:17 < Spheniscine_> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 09:17 < Spheniscine_> Here 09:18 < Spheniscine_> The "PA/le'e" one especially 09:18 < ldlework> Oh I love mo'oi 09:18 < Spheniscine_> Well it's la selpa'i-s idea 09:18 < Spheniscine_> But I thought if we're gonna wreck the gadri we might as well throw that in :p 09:19 < ldlework> "le'i nixli cu melbi" "mo'oi nixli cu melbi" "xunre taxfu li'a" 09:20 < gleki> now change LE from prefixes to suffixes 09:20 < Spheniscine_> lol 09:21 < ldlework> huh? 09:21 < Spheniscine_> I believe it's a joke? 09:21 < durka42> Spheniscine_: so what replaces {pa prenu} for you? explicit {pa da poi prenu} is required and those are different again? 09:21 < Spheniscine_> He has complained about why MAI, ROI, and... something else? looked left when almost everything else looked right 09:22 < durka42> because that would be awful and terrible 09:22 < ldlework> Spheniscine_: dunno how I feel about PA / le'e 09:22 < Spheniscine_> Hm yeah it's just something that turned while I was gone 09:22 < ldlework> I feel like PA is just a standin for lo 09:22 < Spheniscine_> But how do you say "Five people entered the bar", and distinguish it from "The five people entered the bar"? 09:22 < ldlework> and that if you want explictly 5 definite men, you use le mu nanmu 09:23 < Spheniscine_> Cause in my mind, the two sentences are different 09:23 < ldlework> or lei mu nanmu to talk about them as a mass 09:23 < ldlework> Spheniscine_: its not, its just the first time they've been mentioned 09:23 < ldlework> Deixis just seems strange the time its introduced into context is all 09:24 < ldlework> "He's watching me." "who?" "the man over there." 09:24 < ldlework> just because the speaker used deixis without previous context doesn't change what kind of description it is 09:24 < ldlework> "He's" in this case. 09:24 < Spheniscine_> Well you kinda used it that way in your example, "mi viska pa broda" 09:24 < Spheniscine_> Although that might not break the "da poi" interpretation 09:25 < ldlework> Right but also "5 men entering a bar, is the start of a story" (platitude) 09:25 < Spheniscine_> It's just that maybe it's malglixlu of me, but I still reach for {lo} when I want to "introduce" something to the discourse 09:25 < ldlework> it just be "mi viska (lo) pa broda" 09:25 < ldlework> right, and its either a definite or indefinite introduction 09:25 < ldlework> not a null one 09:26 < ldlework> "5 men would be enough to build the house you want" 09:26 < Spheniscine_> Well the key is this: 09:26 < Spheniscine_> "Often used to refer to either something mentioned earlier, or to something present in the shared context of the speakers." 09:26 < Spheniscine_> So what if we don't want to do that 09:26 < Spheniscine_> But still refer to concrete reference 09:26 < ldlework> Its just le 09:27 < Spheniscine_> Should I just delete that then? 09:28 < ldlework> Spheniscine_: well do you agree with the logic? 09:28 < ldlework> "He is staring at me" "He" is a Deixis anaphora 09:28 < ldlework> Despite it being introduced for the first time 09:28 < Spheniscine_> le nanmu cu catlu mi 09:28 < Spheniscine_> Sort of like Gleki's le 09:28 < ldlework> I mean 09:28 < ldlework> I personally would use le'i here 09:28 < ldlework> but yeah 09:29 < Spheniscine_> So you think with le'i, my distinction isn't really needed? 09:29 < ldlework> if you use deixis constructs in a null context, you will likely get "Which one?" from your listener as their first response. 09:29 < Spheniscine_> Mm 09:29 < ldlework> but that's all 09:29 < ldlework> I don't think we need a novel description type just for that case 09:29 < Spheniscine_> OK then. null gadri is safe... for now... 09:30 < Spheniscine_> <.< 09:30 < Spheniscine_> >.> 09:30 < ldlework> lol 09:30 < ldlework> also bu'unai 09:30 < ldlework> or whatever it is 09:30 < ldlework> bi'unai 09:30 < ldlework> bi'u 09:30 < Spheniscine_> Right 09:30 < ldlework> if you need to be really clear 09:31 < Spheniscine_> le bi'u mu prenu cu nerkla le barja 09:31 < ldlework> yeah you definitely avoid "which one" with that 09:31 < Spheniscine_> Mhm 09:31 < ldlework> assuming "prenu" is enough of a description 09:32 < Spheniscine_> Oh yeah, xalbo thinks that "our" lo'i = CLL le'e 09:33 < ldlework> except le'e has referents 09:33 < Spheniscine_> Yeah I didn't know how to answer him lol 09:33 < ldlework> and the description used may not be true of the referents 09:33 < Spheniscine_> I'm not so certu with the philosophy stuff 09:33 < ldlework> but is used to identify them anyway 09:33 < Spheniscine_> Mm 09:34 < ldlework> when we say lo'i, we demonstrate our understanding of actual cats 09:34 < ldlework> so we may find disagreements 09:34 * Spheniscine_ nods 09:34 < ldlework> actual-catiness* 09:35 <@xalbo> So you're saying that your {lo'i} is objective, but CLL-{le'e} is subjective? I can understand that. 09:35 < gocti> zipcpi: durka42: ti'e la .danr. cu zukcfu je ja'e bo na .irci 09:35 < ldlework> Well lo'i is subjective 09:35 < ldlework> It expresses statements about your own internal modeling of catiness 09:35 <@xalbo> That's what CLL-{le'e} does. 09:35 < ldlework> no 09:36 < ldlework> le'e characterizes something that may or may not be a cat, as a cat, for purposes of designation 09:36 < zipcpi> Yeah that non-veridicality bugbear again 09:37 <@xalbo> {le'e} has fuck-all to do with veridicality, and doesn't reference any object in the real world. I don't know where you're getting that idea. 09:37 < ldlework> if you say so, xalbo 09:37 < gleki> some cat who you consider may not be a real cat. how do you know? 09:37 < ldlework> gleki: the opposite 09:37 < gleki> oops 09:37 < gleki> some cat who you consider real may not be a real cat. how do you know? 09:38 < gleki> how do you know that anything is {lo} and not {le}? 09:38 < gleki> who decides? 09:38 < zipcpi> Which is why veridicality is out 09:38 < ldlework> gleki: right marking veridicality is dumb 09:38 < ldlework> all language is potentially non-veridical 09:38 <@xalbo> gleki: How can you possibly say {tu mlatu} if you can't ever know whether it's *really* a cat? 09:39 <@xalbo> It's the same level of veridicality as the rest of the language. I don't know why that one part is such a problem. 09:39 < gleki> xalbo: yes, that's why it's not veridical and can never be 09:39 < ldlework> An easy way to explain away veridical is just to say, we can never be certain about veridicality, yeah 09:40 < ldlework> i'e 09:40 < zipcpi> Bye bye 09:40 < ldlework> though we can discuss veridicality a bit easier with lo'i 09:40 < zipcpi> co'o la'oi veridicality 09:40 < gleki> lo'i is about sets 09:40 < ldlework> sets are out too 09:40 <@xalbo> The point is that if you say {tu mlatu} and you know it not to be a cat, you're misleading/lying/whatever. Under CLL, {lo mlatu} is just the same as {da poi mlatu}, it's the same sort of veridicality. 09:40 < ldlework> its not about misleading 09:40 < ldlework> we use inaccurate descriptions to _help_ desingation 09:41 < ldlework> not to mislead our listeners 09:41 <@xalbo> I don't know why people get so uncertain around viridicality in gadri and not in the rest of the language. How can you ever say anything? 09:41 < ldlework> non-veridicality considered as a truth consideration is misunderstanding language all together 09:41 < gleki> 09:40 < ldlework> sets are out too <-- then why do u use it? 09:41 < ldlework> gleki: we redefined it 09:41 < gleki> ldlework: we = ? 09:41 < ldlework> zipcpi and I 09:41 < gleki> BPFK? 09:42 < gleki> i cant know which meaning is used. 09:42 < ldlework> of course not 09:42 < gleki> i also redefined {le} accordng to past usage. 09:42 < ldlework> this is all just a specific discourse 09:42 < ldlework> about a theoretical gadri system 09:42 < zipcpi> As far as I can tell, my le doesn't break your le 09:42 < ldlework> remember to breathe :) 09:43 < ldlework> Yeah I'm fairly sure, as a very generic "definite article" le still works the same 09:43 <@xalbo> The point isn't that veridicality is some super special aspect of one gadri, it's that another gadri is explicitly non-veridical, because it doesn't have to be. 09:44 < ldlework> The point is that explict veridicality or non-veridicality is not an important enough aspect of descriptions to demand an entire determining article. 09:45 < ldlework> Since language is whimsically veridical or not. 09:45 < gleki> 09:40 <@xalbo> The point is that if you say {tu mlatu} and you know it not to be a cat <-- then i wouldnt say that. the point is that I think that it's a cat. And I can never use CLL-lo because i can never be 100% sure that it's what others mean by "cat". 09:45 < ldlework> Defeated at every turn by context. 09:45 < zipcpi> And we have UI to explicitly mark when the speaker is using things veridically or non-veridically 09:45 < ldlework> all language is an attempt to use descriptions that help our listener understan 09:45 < zipcpi> The most basic being je'u and je'unai 09:46 < ldlework> If I use a description, like mlatu, on something that isn't a mlatu, because I think in this context it will help identification 09:46 < zipcpi> But we also have pe'a, xo'o, xa'i, da'i, and all the others 09:46 < ldlework> merely explicitly marking "I'm being metaphorical" isn't likely to increase the chances of identification 09:46 < ldlework> your listener already doesn't see a cat, as they know them, so they already know you're being non-veridical 09:47 < ldlework> because listeners are well equipped to use non-veridical descriptions from speakers to usefully perform designation 09:47 < ldlework> because otherwise we wouldn't be able to get by in any language 09:47 < gleki> you are basically dealing with Spinoza's three types of perception: "intersubject" one when a group of scientists vote for definitions, "subjective" when you decide something in your mind when calling something "cat", and {vedli} which probably cant be expressed in words. 09:47 <@xalbo> gleki: You can use {lo mlatu cu citka} in exactly the same cases you can say {tu mlatu .i tu citka}. It's not like you're super pinky swearing that it honestly truly is a cat. That's overstating it hugely. 09:47 < ldlework> xalbo: that's good to hear 09:47 < ldlework> Take any verb that doesn't aim that the crucial being of the thing 09:48 <@xalbo> It's that if you say {lo mlatu cu citka} and it's not really a cat, it's no better or worse than if you say {tu mlatu} and it's not really a cat. Same sort of confidence. Same level of veridicality. 09:48 < ldlework> But rather, a description that represents your own opinion 09:48 < gleki> xalbo: this {lo} in your examples is no different from CLL-le. Do you really mean CLL-lo here, i.e. {da poi mlatu}? 09:48 < ldlework> How does veridicality play into it? Do you really need to explain that that man isn't really a bastard? 09:48 <@xalbo> (It's also no better or worse than if it's not really eating, but chewing food up and spitting it out or something.) 09:48 < ldlework> pe'i most people using lo today, really mean le a lot of the time 09:48 <@xalbo> gleki: I'm explaining why veridicality is no big deal. 09:48 < zipcpi> Who cares about CLL lo 09:49 < durka42> not m 09:49 < durka42> not me 09:49 < ldlework> u'i 09:49 < gleki> ldlework: which le? yours? mine? CLL's? 09:49 < ldlework> gleki: your le and our le are essentially the same 09:49 < ldlework> as far as I can tel 09:49 < gleki> xalbo: if you stick to CLL the you have le=zo'e voi and lo = da poi. Do you use them that way? 09:49 < ldlework> technically, a "definite deixis determiner" 09:50 < gleki> ldlework: my {le} is ana/cata/exo-phorical. it's about parsing texts, not about veridicality. 09:50 < ldlework> I mean, pretty much everything definite is deixis so its a bit of a tautology 09:50 < gleki> i dont use such term "definite" since it sounds super malgli 09:50 < ldlework> gleki: okay our le is about how the listener should use the description to find the designation of the speaker's intent 09:50 < ldlework> gleki: its a core linguistic term to describe language in general 09:51 < ldlework> many languages have definite and indefinite determiners, some don't have definite determiners at all 09:51 < gleki> ldlework: my {le} can be used by parsers. how can your le be used, i have no clue. if it's about semantics then a brivla underlying it is needed. my {le} is purely syntactic. 09:51 < ldlework> luckily, our gadri system allows both kinds of speakers to exist 09:51 <@xalbo> gleki: I use xorlo and CLL-{le} (which seems to be pretty much identical to zipcpi {le}, as far as I can tell). 09:51 < ldlework> gleki: oh okay, yeah ours is semantic 09:52 < ldlework> it isn't a back-referencing anaphora 09:52 <@xalbo> I'm just trying to explain verdicality, because people bash on it, and I think it's only because they don't understand it. 09:52 < ldlework> though it is deixis 09:52 <@xalbo> (because the definitions in the ma'oste are misleading/mabla) 09:52 < gleki> xalbo: then you dont have any veridicality. You have le=>zo'e (constant) and lo=da (variable). This is how postxorlo Lojban works although it uses lo for constants and ugly su'o broda/da poi broda hacks for variables. 09:53 < ldlework> I argue all gadri are logically formed the same way. 09:53 < zipcpi> xalbo: Where did you think I got my weird ideas of what {lo'e} and {lo'i} was? lol 09:53 < zipcpi> I was like "Archetypical"? Oh that must be the general cat 09:53 < gleki> xalbo: and in fact this is why i think xorlo reform should have never happened since it changed nothing except swapping a particle in meaning. although now it's too late. 09:53 < zipcpi> And "set of things defined as"? Oh that must mean what I think of when I try to define cat 09:54 < ldlework> designation isn't a concern of logical structure, but only contextual interpretation 09:54 <@xalbo> gleki: Nearly everything I say is veridical. Nearly everything you say is veridical. Veridicality is the default for every language. 09:54 <@xalbo> It's *non*-veridicality that's an unusual feature of some things. 09:54 < ldlework> xalbo: sounds like something someone who thinks we should count how many people were in the crowd we saw, would say :) 09:54 < gleki> xalbo: then you dont have non-veridicality. since in constant/varible i.e zo'e/da distinction there just isnt any veridical/nonveridical split. 09:54 < zipcpi> Erm, so do you use {le broda} for {lo broda pe'a}? 09:55 < ldlework> gleki: that's because da is a concern of /logical structure/ 09:55 < ldlework> and veridicality has to do with /desgination/ 09:55 < gleki> ldlework: according to CLL lo => da poi 09:55 < ldlework> gleki: according to me LE => da poi 09:55 < gleki> ldlework: according to poxtxorlo lo= zo'e noi and {da} isnt there. 09:56 < gleki> *postxorlo 09:56 < ldlework> gleki: whatever logical expansion we want for our determiner phrases is fine by me 09:56 < ldlework> I'll leave that to the logicians 09:56 < gleki> da/zo'e distinction is crucial 09:56 < ldlework> but the problem is the conflation between the logical structure of a description 09:56 < ldlework> and its designation semantics 09:56 < ldlework> trying to encode desgination semantics into the logical expansion of desgination phrases is a misunderstanding 09:57 < ldlework> language is a pipeline 09:57 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Not exactly {pe'a}, maybe {ju'e cu'i} or something. The critical thing is that {le mlatu cu citka} is wrong if it's not eating, but not wrong if it's not a cat. The "cat" part is only required enough for you to get the right referent. 09:57 < gleki> those words mean nothing to me.im familair with brivla that create semantics, parsing of texts and variable and constants. everything else you say should belong to one of that. if your {le} is semantic please use Ralbrivla Deep Structure rule i.e. expand {le} 09:57 < ldlework> xalbo: ie sai! ue 09:57 < gleki> ldlework: or to say in short just define your {le} in Lojban 09:57 < ldlework> gleki: the same way lo and lo'e and lo'i and le'i and so on are defined 09:58 < gleki> ldlework: will you define them in Lojban? 09:58 < ldlework> You can describe desgination semantics separately from the logical form of a statement 09:58 < ldlework> all designation phrases reduce to a logical form involving da 09:58 < ldlework> but da doesn't tell us how the listener should interpret the description 09:59 < zipcpi> How do you apply generality to da? 09:59 < gleki> okay ldlework doesnt want to talk to me in Lojban 09:59 < ldlework> da has no designation semantic 09:59 < ldlework> it is merely logical form 09:59 < zipcpi> Can we create a brivla that says {x1 is the generalized conception of x2 (ka)?) 09:59 < zipcpi> Or something? 09:59 < ldlework> sure I bet we already have the tools 09:59 <@xalbo> I sometimes wish that we had generality/typicality/etc PA. 10:00 < ldlework> lo'e 10:00 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'e mlatu .i ji'a lo'i mlatu cu jersi lo togygu'i 10:00 <@xalbo> FORALLTYPICAL da poi mlatu vau vo de zo'u de da tuple 10:01 < ldlework> xalbo: ah you want to iterate over real referents 10:01 < ldlework> and make claims 10:01 < zipcpi> So new variants for su'oi and ro'oi then? 10:01 < ldlework> su'o is all you need, or most 10:01 < ldlework> or ro if you want to probably be wrong 10:02 < ldlework> when there are actual referents you're dealing with an actual pool, so you can use actual subjective quantification 10:02 < gleki> 09:59 <@xalbo> I sometimes wish that we had generality/typicality/etc PA. <-- it's {no'o} 10:03 <@xalbo> I want to make a general statement by cheating, using the structures that actual iteration gives us. 10:03 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Extended_Lojban_Grammar_(a_draft)#Context 10:03 < zipcpi> Er, no. {no'o} is a "pro-number" 10:03 < ldlework> yeah subjective quantification 10:03 <@xalbo> gleki: No, it's not even remotely {no'o} (unless you've gone and tried to redefine that, too) 10:03 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=ELG._Context <-- this links is better 10:03 <@xalbo> {no'o} is {zu'i ze'ei pa} 10:03 < gleki> xalbo: yes. 10:04 < ldlework> that just means some, all, or none 10:04 < gleki> so you need one for "archetypical cat"? 10:04 < ldlework> at the same time 10:04 < gleki> xalbo: you need a PA for "archetypical number"? 10:05 < ldlework> assignable xo'i or whatever the unspecified number is 10:05 <@xalbo> I want a psuedo-quantifier. 10:05 < ldlework> lo'e 10:05 < ldlework> error sorry 10:05 < zipcpi> lo'e me da? 10:05 < ldlework> I see what you mean 10:06 < ldlework> I think the subjective numbers are enough for that 10:06 <@xalbo> ldlework: For all the reasons we made said that {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da} doesn't work, I want {lo'e ze'ei pa mlatu cu se tuple vo da}, which *would* work. 10:06 < ldlework> yeah 10:06 < zipcpi> New PA5 then? 10:06 < ldlework> I think subjective numbers are fine 10:06 < ldlework> su'o or so'i reaches into the sense you want 10:07 < ldlework> as a listener I'll know what you mean by so'i prenu cu kusru 10:07 < zipcpi> so'ei 10:07 < ldlework> you can also just say "lo'e prenu cu kusru" 10:08 < ldlework> that's what generalizizing speech is for 10:08 < ldlework> which is what the whole right side of the spectrum is for 10:08 < zipcpi> I think {so'i mlatu cu se tuple vo da} might not work either 10:08 < ldlework> but its a scope issue, not a designation one 10:09 < gleki> xalbo: i see, yeah. that's why i suggested {lo mlatu pe na'o} which is {lo mlatu poi co'e na'o vau} which can be then made equal with {lo mlatu poi lo'ei ze'ei pa mei} 10:09 < ldlework> {so'i mlatu} no matter what predicate or sumti that comes after the predicate, is a kind of description 10:09 <@xalbo> zipcpi: {so'i mlatu cu se tuple vo da} is true in this world, but doesn't mean nearly the same thing. I'd say it's also true that {so'i mlatu cu se tuple ci da}, there are lots of cats out there with only three legs. 10:09 < gleki> {so'i} just doesnt work, no matter if you use {lo} or not 10:10 < zipcpi> Yeah I kinda see that point 10:10 < ldlework> you really just want lo'e 10:10 < gleki> it's the same reason why selpa'i wanted a new {poi} that would quantify not over number of cats but over their qualities. 10:10 < zipcpi> {voi} then :p 10:10 <@xalbo> ldlework: I want a scope-introducing {lo'e}. 10:11 < gleki> ye, he proposed {voi} at that time but then used {voi} for something else ({poi'i}) 10:11 < ldlework> xalbo: lo'e gets that by way of generalizing about cats in general. 10:11 < ldlework> it doesn't iterate over any specific cats but a general quantifier that iterates over actual cats is nonsense 10:11 < ldlework> which cats? 10:11 < gleki> averaged cat 10:11 < ldlework> you want to make a statement about the diffusion of some property in the collective 10:12 < ldlework> what better way than a generalization about that collective 10:12 <@xalbo> Whence, a pseudoquantifier. "Take your average cat: " 10:12 < ldlework> by saying 8 out of 10 cats have 4 legs 10:12 < ldlework> but you don't care which 8 10:12 < ldlework> you are using lo'e! 10:12 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'e mlatu .i ku'i naku ro da le mlatu cu se nelci mi 10:13 < ldlework> but we'll never know which specific cats are indeed liked by me 10:13 <@xalbo> "Take your average cat x: for exactly four things y, y tuple x. 10:13 < ldlework> just like you would never know with some magic quantifier that iterates, but over no specific subset in particular 10:13 < ldlework> yes 10:13 < zipcpi> I dunno though. I can kind of *imagine* using voi for "descriptive titles", e.g. Graggauth, the Smasher of Kingdoms, but it's just not that common 10:13 < ldlework> lo'e 10:13 < ldlework> the cat blanket 10:13 < ldlework> the average cat 10:13 < zipcpi> Sort of a continuation of {la}, but in POI form 10:14 < ldlework> zipcpi: it would be nice to have a way to do name subtexts 10:14 * zipcpi nods 10:14 <@xalbo> Except we just established that {lo'e mlatu vo da se tuple} doesn't work, and you need super crazy circumlocutions to get the same effect. But {lo'e ze'ei pa mlatu vo da se tuple} works just fine. 10:14 < ldlework> When I assert about the average cat, the cat blanket, I am asseting about an unspecfied average of the actual possible referents of the description 10:14 < ldlework> it is precisely what you want 10:15 < zipcpi> ldlework: And I think {voi} works there. Of course, that means that we'd have to have a new one for selpa'is idea if that proves to be useful 10:15 < ldlework> what is the wider linguistic category you're trying to access? generalizations. 10:15 < ldlework> zipcpi: I can naturally see voi's use, so i'e 10:15 <@xalbo> How do you use {lo'e} to say some variant on {lo'e mlatu vo da cu se tuple} and actually mean that your average cat blanket has four legs? 10:16 < ldlework> the same way I when I say {lo'e mlatu cu se nelci mi} I actually mean that your average cat is liked by me 10:16 < ldlework> there is no difference 10:16 < zipcpi> No, I think what xalbo wants is something that is basically "1 generalized cat" 10:16 < zipcpi> In PA form 10:16 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Yes, exactly! 10:16 < ldlework> prane 10:17 < ldlework> predicate 10:17 < ldlework> mi viska pa prane mlatu 10:17 < ldlework> or vice versa 10:17 < ldlework> it isn't a description type 10:17 < ldlework> it isn't a different kind of desgination 10:17 < ldlework> that's what gadri are for 10:17 < zipcpi> I'm not sure prane means that 10:17 < ldlework> for denoting actual desgination types 10:17 < ldlework> use your favorite one then 10:17 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Hint: it's not what ldlework is using it as. 10:18 < ldlework> there's nothing you could change about this cat, to make it more cat-like 10:18 < ldlework> its a noun-description 10:18 < ldlework> not a desgination type 10:19 < ldlework> its semantic in the propositional content of the description 10:19 < ldlework> and all consequences of veridicality and such are in play 10:20 < ldlework> the difference in instruction to the listener between how they designate definite descriptions and indefinite description, leads the listener to drastically different referent types 10:20 <@xalbo> You seem to be completely missing the point, but I don't know how to say it in other words that will actually get through to you. Nor have you answered my question: how do you say of {lo'e mlatu} that it {se tuple vo da}, without accidentally asserting {vo da tuple lo'e mlatu}, that there are four things in the UoD that are legs of a typical cat (same structure as "There's one guy who likes cats") 10:20 < ldlework> this is why we create gadri, major articles for our noun phrases 10:20 < zipcpi> exp: zveridikaliti 10:20 < mensi> (CU [zveridikaliti VAU]) 10:20 < ldlework> to denote different desgination types 10:20 < ldlework> not to encodify a predicate we'd like easy access to 10:21 < zipcpi> {x1} should not be discussed. Ever. 10:23 < gleki> i agree that such lo'e ze'ei pa would be fine although personally i prefer tags which expand similarly to predicates. 10:23 < ldlework> xalbo: we already solved this 10:23 < ldlework> lo'e mlatu se tuple lo vomei 10:23 < gocti> Is {ro lo'e} too hacky? 10:23 < ldlework> You are introducing a superflous description with vo da 10:23 <@xalbo> gocti: {ro lo'e} is exactly what I started with. 10:24 < ldlework> ro lo'e is non-sensical 10:24 < ldlework> there are no referents with lo'e 10:24 < ldlework> lo'e ro mlatu perhaps 10:24 < ldlework> but lo'e mlatu already gives your listener the sense they need to understand you 10:25 < ldlework> lo'e broda cu brode => "The speaker is generalizing brode, about ro le broda" 10:25 < ldlework> if you're trying to tell me that you think brode is inherent to ro le broda by definition 10:25 <@xalbo> What if I want to say {ro lo'e mlatu cu se rirni pa fetsi}? Having to bounce through {mei} or {ckaji lo ka} or other hacks is pretty lousy. 10:25 < ldlework> you can assert with lo'i 10:26 < ldlework> lo'e mlatu cu se rirni pa fetsi, is already a sufficient generalization 10:26 < ldlework> if you want a stronger one, use lo'i 10:26 < ldlework> because {ro mlatu cu se rirni pa fetsi} is ultimately false 10:27 < ldlework> it is a probably-not-true platitude 10:27 < ldlework> so you get to say that same platitude, safely, by just using lo'e 10:27 < ldlework> that's what lo'e is for 10:27 < ldlework> for saying things you'd otherwise just use ro for in a non-serious tone 10:27 < ldlework> its a non-pinky-swearing ro 10:27 < ldlework> that's why it has no real referents 10:27 < ldlework> or in your mind 10:27 < zipcpi> I think what xalbo wants in {lo'e ze'ei pa} is something that takes the "cat-blanket", and produces something that for all logical/scope purposes, number one, and exactly one, even though it's not any particular cat 10:27 <@xalbo> {lo'e mlatu cu se rirni pa fetsi} is exactly the same as {pa fetsi cu rirni lo'e mlatu}, there is just one female who is the mother of all cats (or at least, the mother to typical cats, or whatever) 10:28 < ldlework> it iterates over an unspecified subset of the real-world referents 10:28 < ldlework> right 10:28 < ldlework> you'd need a lo'e description for fetsi too 10:28 < ldlework> now fetsi doesn't have any referents either 10:29 < ldlework> It tells us what kind of thing, in general, is the mother of cats, in general 10:29 <@xalbo> zipcpi: I think you're understanding me exactly. 10:30 < ldlework> lo'e pa mlatu seems sufficient 10:30 <@xalbo> ldlework: I understand you. You either don't understand me, or you're being obtuse. I'm honestly having trouble knowing which. 10:30 < ldlework> I'm generalizing about Single Cats 10:30 <@xalbo> I know what you're doing. But it's not addressing what I'm asking for. 10:31 < ldlework> a cute japanese girl exclaims: lo'e pa mlatu cu no roi banzu iu! 10:31 < ldlework> "An Individual Cat is never sufficient." 10:32 < ldlework> If you're trying to ascribe actual bloody legs, to a lo'e description you will fail. 10:32 < ldlework> unless you simply mean to denote that the legs are cat legs, and not identify some referent to which they belong 10:32 < ldlework> because that's the actual result 10:33 < ldlework> sorry if I don't understand you 10:33 < ldlework> I far more enjoy when we understand each other than not 10:34 < zipcpi> Should I call it pa'o'e and pa'o'i? 10:34 <@xalbo> I'm trying to say "Cats have four legs", that is "the typical cat has four things such that they are its legs". Which requires a scope change for the {vo da} to go under. Which means I need a quantifier. 10:35 <@xalbo> I don't want to cheat with {mei} or {ckaji lo ka}. I could do that, but it's missing the point. 10:35 < ldlework> I think the problem is that 10:36 < ldlework> you're miscounting how many descriptions are introduced in: "there are four things such that they are the legs of lo'e mlatu" 10:36 < ldlework> and that's why mei isn't a hack, but the only way to correctly express this statement 10:36 < zipcpi> pa'o'e : PA5 : generalizing quantifier. Numbers one, and exactly one, for all logical/scope purposes, but refers to the general case rather than any particular referent. 10:36 < ldlework> when you say {lo'e broda cu brode lo vomei} there is only 1 referring description. 10:37 < zipcpi> xalbo: Feel free to change give me a better definition if you think of one 10:37 < ldlework> when you use da, you erroneously introduce a referring description that /makes no sense/ since you're predicating it with an indefinite reference 10:38 < zipcpi> pa'o'i : PA5 : essentialistic quantifier. Numbers one, and exactly one, for all logical/scope purposes, but refers to the essentialistic / description-model case, rather than any particular referent. 10:38 < ldlework> Those 4 legs are the legs of Cats. is what you get 10:38 < zipcpi> There I'm now Curtis :p 10:38 < ldlework> vs "4 is the number of Cat's Legs" 10:39 < ldlework> zipcpi: except that when I say "{lo'e mlatu cu se nelci mi}" I am already making a claim about the essentialistic case rather than any particular referent :/ 10:40 < zipcpi> He wants to be able to treat it as "one generalized cat" for his logical/scope purposes 10:40 < zipcpi> I say we just let him 10:40 < zipcpi> It's not that {lo'e} is useless 10:41 < gleki> I think what xalbo wants in most languages isnt expressed using numbers. 10:41 < zipcpi> *It's not as if he's suggesting it to replace all our {lo'e} 10:42 <@xalbo> gleki: In most languages, {ro mlatu vo da cu se tuple} isn't expressed in that way at all either. FOPL is sort of a defining feature of Lojban. 10:42 < ldlework> The problem is that he's using the wrong logical form, for the semantic content he wants to express. 10:43 < gleki> xalbo: i just mean if its hard for people to understand that and since {[lo] PA broda} is expanded to relative clauses anyway then why not use a tag instead? 10:43 < gleki> lo re mlatu = lo mlatu poi remei 10:45 <@xalbo> I'm saying that {ro mlatu cu melbi}, {so'a mlatu cu melbi}, {lo'e mlatu cu melbi}, {ro mlatu vo da tuple}, {so'a mlatu vo da tuple} are all fine, (though the {ro} cases are false), but when we want to talk about {lo'e mlatu} and how many legs it has, we suddenly need to change our construction completely because we're not talking about real legs or something. 10:45 < ldlework> lo'e vo tuple creates no referents 10:46 < ldlework> but it idealizes Four Legs as a thing 10:46 < ldlework> like 10:46 < ldlework> lo'e vo tuple cu dukse 10:46 < ldlework> "Four Legs is too much." 10:46 < ldlework> The problem is that you merely want to mention the number of legs cats have 10:46 < ldlework> You do not want to create a referring description, that designates some legs 10:47 < ldlework> And ascribe them to Cats. 10:47 < ldlework> Because that's nonsense 10:47 < ldlework> And you don't want to ascribe Four Legs to Cats 10:47 < ldlework> You want to mention how many legs Cats have. 10:47 <@xalbo> Fuck it. ca'e {lo'e} has a referent, and it's referent is my mental image of the typical cat. Therefore, {ro lo'e mlatu} is just fine, it iterates over all the referents of {lo'e mlatu}, that is, all the things I think of as typical cats. Done. 10:47 < ldlework> There's only one description. 10:47 < ldlework> Cats. 10:48 < zipcpi> Then what would re lo'e mlatu mean? 10:48 < ldlework> zipcpi: he can't divorce the act of generalizing about cats, with iterating over actual cats. 10:48 < ldlework> by re lo'e he just means what we mean by lo'e 10:49 <@xalbo> zipcpi: That's an interesting question. {no} and {ro} are obvious. Let me first think about {pa lo'e mlatu}, before I generalize further. 10:49 < zipcpi> You know all the talk about Mr. Broda? Maybe that's what our {lo'e} really is :p 10:49 < ldlework> It is. 10:49 < zipcpi> Mr. Mlatu 10:49 < zipcpi> Only one Mr. Mlatu 10:49 < ldlework> all Mr Mlatus... 10:50 < ldlework> Because in your eye, Mr Mlatu is a standin, for real cats, that are subjectively caty enough 10:50 <@xalbo> To the extent that it makes a difference, "each" instead of "all". 10:50 < ldlework> But that's not what Mr Mlatu does. 10:51 < zipcpi> You're still thinking of {ro}. My point with defining {lo'e} this way is so that we *don't* have to use {ro} where it's probably wrong 10:51 < gleki> xalbo: you want {PA mlatu cu se tuple}, right? so you take {ro mlatu} and then calculate an average cat our of them thus getting your lo'e ze'ei pa? 10:51 < zipcpi> Or worse, {ro'oi} 10:52 < ldlework> my point is 10:52 < ldlework> if you understand what a generalization is 10:52 < ldlework> lo'e is already "ro lo'e" 10:53 < ldlework> .i lo'e broda cu brode => .i ka'u si se'o si ba'a si ju'a ro si so'i si su'o da poi broda cu brode 10:55 < ldlework> some ambiguous subset with unspecified subjective size of the super-set of all actual referents of the description "broda", in some subjective certainty, brode 10:55 < ldlework> depending on how generalizing I want to be 10:55 < ldlework> if anything, external quantifiers specify how generalizing you want to be 10:58 <@xalbo> The difficulty is just that grammatically, {lo'e} doesn't introduce a new scope, while your {PA si PA si PA da poi broda} does. That's why I wanted the PA in the first place. I know the semantics of what you want, so please stop telling that what I want is nonsense. 10:59 < ldlework> right, but you only ever need pa lo'e 11:00 < ldlework> be cause a pa lo'e generalizes about so'i le 11:00 < ldlework> so treat it as Mr Broda? 11:00 < gleki> how thus new PA interact with normal PA like {pa}? 11:00 < gleki> how this new PA interact with normal PA like {pa}? 11:00 < zipcpi> We might not need new PA at all 11:00 < zipcpi> Just use {pa lo'e} 11:01 < gleki> {pa LE} has a different scope 11:01 < gleki> it just doesnt have any scope 11:01 < gleki> since only variables have it 11:01 < gleki> and tags 11:01 < gleki> (+ po'o/ji'a maybe) 11:01 < zipcpi> za'a I don't understand scope at all 11:01 < gleki> and {pa LE} is a constant. 11:02 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm sorry if I'm frustrating you, I don't intend it 11:02 < zipcpi> Isn't pa le mu prenu -> pa da poi me le mu prenu? 11:02 < zipcpi> At the risk of using {da} yet again 11:02 < ldlework> zipcpi: that's the point, new scope 11:03 < ldlework> two da 11:03 <@xalbo> I am frustrated, but I don't blame you. 11:03 < ldlework> pa da poi me mu de poi prenu 11:03 < ldlework> one is the outer, one the inner 11:04 < ldlework> xalbo: I admit to focusing on ensuring the semantic is preserved at perhaps some cost to my capacity to reason about your scoping issue 11:04 < ldlework> I'll try better. 11:05 <@xalbo> It's sometimes possible to broaden a semantic so that it satisfies the original use-case and additional ones at the same time. 11:05 < ldlework> I'm just suspicious that what you're getting at is encapsulated already. That's not a reassertion. 11:09 < ldlework> xalbo: does it help, if lo'e introduces a {pa} scope? 11:09 < ldlework> IE, you can't quantify lo'e, it is always quantified as "pa lo'e" 11:09 < ldlework> as in The One Target of Generalizations About Cats 11:10 < gleki> can anyone finally define this lo'e in pure Lojban? 11:10 < ldlework> gleki: sure I kind of did 11:10 < gleki> ldlework: e'o do za'ure'u cusku 11:10 < ldlework> .i lo'e broda cu brode => .i ka'u si se'o si ba'a si ju'a ro si so'i si su'o da poi broda cu brode 11:11 < gleki> oisai 11:11 < gleki> i'enaisai 11:11 * ldlework shrugs. 11:11 < ldlework> The logical form is fine. 11:11 < ldlework> So you're just waving your hand about the semantic 11:11 < gleki> nasai srana lo xokaumei 11:11 <@xalbo> If it introduces a new {pa} scope, then it probably does do what I want. Both {pa remna no'u la .bab. cu nelci lo'e mlatu} and {lo'e mlatu vo da se tuple} seem valid, then. (One human, Bob,loves Cats. Cats have four legs.) 11:13 < ldlework> So all indefinite descriptions in lojban introduce pa scope. 11:13 < ldlework> je'e 11:13 < gleki> here is another vision of lo'e. {lo'e broda} = {lo na'o broda}. so'i is plain wrong imo 11:13 < zipcpi> One that is typically a cat? 11:14 < ldlework> yeah that doesn't seem the same 11:14 < ldlework> gleki: it isn't about su'o or so'i directly 11:14 < gleki> oh there was one more with {fadni} 11:14 < ldlework> the actual subjective quantifier is irrelevant to the foundation of the categorical existence of generalizations 11:15 < ldlework> how general you're being is secondary to being general in the first place 11:15 < gleki> ldlework: because "archetypical" is not about so'i but about median or average value 11:15 < zipcpi> I just don't think sumtcita work that way 11:15 < ldlework> gleki: sure, so by default generalizations apply to maybe 50% of the real population 11:15 < gleki> how should they? 11:15 < ldlework> But chosing 50% is unimportant 11:15 < zipcpi> They are "adverbs", they modify the selbri 11:15 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think they mean something like 11:16 < ldlework> lo mu'i mlatu => lo mlatu poi mukti, or some crazy shit 11:16 < zipcpi> lo na'o broda = zo'e noi na'o broda = "Something that is typically a broda" 11:16 < ldlework> kind of like lo mi mlatu => lo mlatu pe mi 11:16 < zipcpi> So no, sumtcita just doesn't do what we want 11:16 <@xalbo> {lo na'o broda} is something such that it {na'o broda}. All cats {na'o mlatu}, even the ones that have only two legs. 11:17 < ldlework> u'i 11:17 < ldlework> ie 11:17 < ldlework> in fact, all cats, likely roroi mlatu 11:17 < ldlework> and so, this is not what is meant by lo'e 11:17 <@xalbo> Werecats! 11:17 < ldlework> heh 11:17 <@xalbo> (There cats. There castle.) 11:18 < ldlework> woah 11:18 < ldlework> is that the etomology of 'werewolf'? 11:18 < ldlework> "/were/ wolves" 11:18 < ldlework> or something 11:18 < zipcpi> No. 11:18 < ldlework> heh ok 11:18 < zipcpi> It's from an old word for "man" 11:18 < zipcpi> man-wolf 11:19 < ldlework> xalbo: are we scope safe, by making indefinite gadri introduce pa scope? 11:19 < ldlework> any counter examples, or other concerns? 11:20 < zipcpi> Do all gadri introduce xo'e scope? 11:20 < zipcpi> You know I kinda like how xo'e sounds like .xorxes. :p 11:20 < ldlework> zipcpi: well assuming all definite descriptions are quantified by default 11:20 < ldlework> with either, ro, or su'o 11:21 < ldlework> and all gadri no matter which one you pick, has a logical form of da poi, then I'd say yes? 11:21 < ldlework> also, I do like xo'e over pa 11:21 < ldlework> for describing the kind of scope that indefinite descriptions create 11:23 <@xalbo> Um, one of the big features of xorlo was that it removed all implicit quantifiers. And I'm pretty sure {lo mlatu} doesn't introduce a new scope, unless you're changing that, too. 11:23 <@xalbo> (and if you are, you're probably breaking other things in the process) 11:24 < ldlework> xalbo: well I'm just basing that off the practical observation of conversation maximility 11:24 < ldlework> but I guess that isn't really represented in the grammar or logical form 11:24 < ldlework> only the interpretation of unquantified descriptions 11:25 < ldlework> xalbo: why does lo'e logically nessecitate a default scope, but /definite/ descriptions do not? 11:27 < ldlework> seems strange 11:28 <@xalbo> I'm not sure that {lo'e} logically necessitates one by default, I merely said I really wished i could get one. And I can get one with definite descriptions, because no one ever said there was anything wrong with {ro le}. 11:30 < ldlework> xalbo: but you agree that semantically, sensibly, performing the same iteration of ro le's easily understandable referents, and iterating over something which by definition doesn't refer to any thing at all, seems strange 11:30 < ldlework> xalbo: is xo'e lo'e okay? 11:31 <@xalbo> {ro le}'s referents are easily understandable, but I'm not convinced that the only mental model under which {lo'e} can operate is one in which we can't make sense of {PA lo'e} for the right PA. 11:32 < ldlework> If the PA is xo'e then the sense I make of it, is a non-semantic grammatical mechanism for understanding referents other than the lo'e one. 11:32 < ldlework> But nothing to do with anything related to that which the lo'e description designates. 11:33 <@xalbo> It almost sounds like you want {tu'o}. 11:33 < ldlework> interesting 11:33 < ldlework> xalbo: could you find yourself throwing a tu'o infront of a generalization, to help with the scoping of other descriptions? 11:35 <@xalbo> I'd have to think about it. {tu'o} as outer quantifier has emotional baggage for me; it was once used or proposed a lot for some of the mass-ier/bergu-ier uses of xor{lo}. 11:35 <@xalbo> (Which is a stupid reason to reject it, but I have to rethink what it does mean.) 11:38 < ldlework> I think that if you can reason about two different Catiness-es, then quantified indefinite descriptions make sense. 11:38 < justeno> what is the difference between cusku and tavla in meaning? Is it just the x1/x2/x3 change? 11:38 < ldlework> To me, if there are to Catness-es, and they have all the same properties and meaning for any da that may mlatu, then there is only really One Catness 11:39 < ldlework> But we still need to work under the influence of linguistic scope, so tu'o becomes the PA that reflects the nature of an indefinite description 11:39 < ldlework> vs all the other numbers which refelct the nature of definite descriptions 11:39 < ldlework> I think its a great insight by you 11:41 < ctefa`o> justeno: cusku lets you say what is expressed explicitly 11:42 <@xalbo> I think that's the big one, yeah. {tavla} has a topic, it's a longer, likely more interactive session. {cusku} has explicit text, it's one particular instance of communication. 11:42 < justeno> ctefa`o: yes, but "mi cusku" and "mi tavla" 11:42 < justeno> what's the difference? 11:43 <@xalbo> It's rare for one to be true and the other not. 11:44 < ctefa`o> "I talk to you" vs. "I say X to you" 11:44 < ctefa`o> Basically 11:45 < justeno> no 'do' is implied. Simply "I talk" and "I say". I guess there really isn't much difference, just like in English. The further usage is, but those phrases by themselves, not much 11:46 < justeno> I'm starting http://www.memrise.com/course/17295/gismu-frequency-order/1/ and both those words came up, so I was curious 11:46 < justeno> thanks for the help 11:48 < gleki> justeno: see the full definition: in {tavla} you talk ABOUT something, discuss something. where as in"to say" you say some text. 11:58 < gleki> jb:skicu 11:58 < mensi> skicu = skicu — x1(entity) tells about, describes x2(entity) to x3(entity) with description x4(proposition) 11:58 < mensi> :lo skicu — describer. lo se skicu — described, told about. lo ve skicu — description. 11:58 < mensi> :le gidva pu skicu fi mi'a fe lo nu mi'a cliva ca lo lerci vau lo nu lo aftobuso pu'o tsuku — The guide explained to us 11:58 < mensi> that we would leave later in that the bus hadn't yet arrived. 11:58 < mensi> :mi pu skicu lo cinri lisri lo mi panzi — I told an interesting story to my child. 11:58 < mensi> :Comment: skicu is to tell, cusku is to say, tavla is to talk, cusku lo notci is to notify. 11:58 < mensi> :Related words: lisri, tavla 11:58 < gleki> 11:58 < mensi> :Comment: skicu is to tell, cusku is to say, tavla is to talk, cusku lo notci is to notify. 12:15 < ldlework> gleki, jungau to notify 12:25 < ldlework> Are all existing gadri, definite? va'i existential? 12:25 < ldlework> Even "lo broda" asserts that there is something that broda's. 12:25 < ldlework> typically. 12:26 < zipcpi> Well, if lo'e broda cu brode, there probably is a pa da poi broda je brode 12:26 < ldlework> But is it distinguished from le only in the deixis semantic 12:26 < ldlework> zipcpi: but there doesn't have to be 12:26 <@xalbo> Do you mean "importing" (having existential import, requiring that referents exist)? 12:26 < zipcpi> Oh right the whole 12:26 < zipcpi> If all doctors in the world died 12:27 < zipcpi> And you fell sick 12:27 < ldlework> xalbo: right, precisely. 12:27 < zipcpi> You can still say {mi nitcu lo'e mikce} 12:27 < ldlework> zipcpi: you could never tell me to go to the, or a doctor. 12:27 < ldlework> But we can still generalize about doctors 12:27 * zipcpi nods 12:27 < zipcpi> Mr. Broda is immortal then :p 12:28 < ldlework> Of course it is 12:28 < ldlework> And certainly lo'i broda is too 12:28 <@xalbo> I think xorlo removed that from {lo}. Search the archives for {pavyseljirna}, but be sure to besto up first. 12:28 < ldlework> Okay so lo really is the definite/indefinite article :P 12:29 < ldlework> that might help with not having to reinterpret usage differently 12:29 < zipcpi> I am slightly worried about {loi} 12:29 < ldlework> since lo persists in being the definite/indefinite article 12:29 < zipcpi> It's probably the most used one that we are changing the definition significantly of 12:29 < zipcpi> But probably also the most misused one 12:29 < ldlework> oh I'm not too worried about the actual changing of gadri 12:29 < ldlework> talking about them, with the allocations we've made, is non-veridical 12:30 < ldlework> :) 12:30 < zipcpi> lol 12:30 < ldlework> its important that the conceptulization of each is cromulent 12:31 < zipcpi> I am probably still going to use them. At the very least I will continue my horrible misuse of {lo'e} and {lo'i} 12:31 < ldlework> me too 12:31 < zipcpi> And not even pretend to misunderstand {le'i} 12:31 < ldlework> but in the same way I use je for all conjunctives 12:32 < zipcpi> lol As far as I'm concerned je is official. I'm a believer in level-3 12:32 < ldlework> :D 12:32 < ldlework> we have people in the BPFSFSPFK so we don't need to play dirty anymore 12:32 < ldlework> we only have to convince our peers 12:32 < zipcpi> Huh? 12:32 < zipcpi> You mean the actual BPFK? 12:33 < zipcpi> Who have we convinced? 12:33 < ldlework> yeah, however its spelled these days 12:33 < zipcpi> Erm, maybe you got it confused with my joke group, the BSFK :p 12:33 < ldlework> zipcpi: each other, durka said he tentatively likes the model, xalbo only seems to have scoping concerns, he *seems* okay with the semantic framework 12:33 < ldlework> zipcpi: ah yeah 12:33 < zipcpi> BSFK = bauspo fazykamni 12:33 < ldlework> je'e 12:33 < zipcpi> "Language Destroying Annoying Group" 12:33 < ldlework> heh 12:34 < zipcpi> Here: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni/en 12:34 < ldlework> I'm hoping our paper will cover most everything related to this conversation, so that perhaps even people like selpa'i come aboard 12:34 < ldlework> especially since they don't need to change their usage at all 12:34 <@xalbo> The semantic framework is good. The idea of redefining all the gadri in non-backwards compatible ways seems like a huge non-starter to me. Way too "burn everything to the ground and start over". But I didn't feel like yelling about that. 12:35 < ldlework> xalbo: Yeah, no doubt. 12:35 < ldlework> Though xorlo gave us something much less well-defined and we started over there. 12:35 <@xalbo> I'm also still concerned that it's changing things even more than they need. Like ignoring {le'e} and reinventing it from scratch under a different name. 12:35 < ldlework> I really don't think le'e is the same as lo'i 12:36 < zipcpi> Yeah le'e has too much of that non-veridical baggage 12:36 < ldlework> also, it just makes conceptual sense for the indefinite gadri to follow some sort of series, and the definite gadri to follow a different series 12:36 < ldlework> the allocations we've made are partially informed by that desire 12:36 < ldlework> so that there is simply a symmetry in allocation 12:36 <@xalbo> {le'e} isn't non-veridical. It doesn't have anything to do with veridicality, any more than {lo'e} does. 12:36 < ldlework> nothing more 12:37 < ldlework> so it doesn't matter what cmavo is, as long as we agree on the semantic 12:37 < zipcpi> And here's the score really 12:37 < ldlework> lo'e is simply more intuitional as being indefinite than le'e would 12:37 < ldlework> we WOULD ideally use lo for lo'e 12:38 < ldlework> and make it perfectly symmetrical in allocation 12:38 < zipcpi> lo / le / lei; largely unchanged. All we did was tightened up le / lei so it's no longer just "malglijbo for "the"" 12:38 <@xalbo> If you think that the semantics of your {lo'i} are different from the semantics of CLL-{le'e}, then either you or I misunderstand at least one of those two. 12:38 < ldlework> but obviously, doing that, even for demonstration purposes would be simply confusing 12:38 < ldlework> xalbo: li'a 12:39 <@xalbo> (Also, I'm pretty sure you're using "definite" to mean something different from what "definite" means wrt to articles in every other language.) 12:39 < zipcpi> There's never going to be a one-to-one correspondence 12:39 < ldlework> xalbo: I've been doing nothing but reading literature on the subject for a week now, and lots in the past 12:39 < zipcpi> Natlangs are full of idiomatic usages and cases that use their articles in ways that don't make logical sense 12:40 < ldlework> Yes, even "the" in english is not simple the english "the" 12:40 < ldlework> simply* 12:40 < ldlework> as we call it, to call out supposed abuse of le 12:41 < ldlework> xalbo: by definite we mean, "identifiable" 12:41 < zipcpi> lo'e... probably slightly misunderstood? I don't see how the BPFK examples conflict with my usage of it though 12:41 <@xalbo> I need to go now. Talk to you tomorrow. 12:41 < ldlework> Definite referring expressions refer to an identifiable individual or class (The Dalai Lama; The Coldstream Guards; the student with the highest marks), whilst indefinite referring expressions allow latitude in identifying the referent (a corrupt Member of Parliament; a cat with black ears - where a is to be interpreted as 'any' or 'some actual but unspecified'). 12:42 < ldlework> This is the same division we define. 12:42 < zipcpi> The problem is that I would normally agree with "just invent new cmavo", but there is no room 12:42 < ldlework> anything left of lo, is a definite referring expression 12:42 < ldlework> anything right of lo, is an indefinite referring expression 12:42 < zipcpi> There are 4 we are redefining, and 2 we're making up 12:42 < zipcpi> And it has to fit with the current system somehow 12:43 < ldlework> mo'oi even feels strange as a gadri 12:43 < ldlework> but its utility is so awesome, that's okay 12:43 < ldlework> and m makes me think of ma and mo 12:43 < zipcpi> Actually that's why I made it so weird, so it sticks out 12:43 < zipcpi> Also it's a bit like ma noi 12:43 < ldlework> But lets say we define all these gadri as strange cmavo 12:43 < ldlework> then we adopt them all 12:44 < ldlework> now the language is disgusting aesthetically 12:44 < ldlework> \o/ 12:44 < zipcpi> Then the BSFK's work is done :p 12:44 < ldlework> u'i 12:44 < ldlework> lV('V) just speaks "gadriiiiiii" 12:44 < zipcpi> You've seen my page yet? 12:44 < ldlework> which 12:44 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni/en 12:45 < ldlework> za'a mi na cmima 12:45 < zipcpi> Well go add yourself. You've already done a lot of work for us :p 12:45 < ldlework> I'll take that as a compliment 12:45 < ldlework> also is there no word for compliment/compliments? 12:46 < zipcpi> e'e zbusufukai bauspo 12:46 < ldlework> and I don't mean mapti 12:46 < zipcpi> lol I just added zandapma but I don't think it has the right sense 12:47 < zipcpi> Oh yes you'd probably want to look up {zbusufukai} as well :p 12:47 < ldlework> zipcpi: we should call the conversation about definite/indefinite The Donkey-Tail problem. 12:47 < zipcpi> lol 12:48 < ldlework> brb 12:53 < ldlework> we need a name 12:53 < ldlework> for the proposal 12:53 < zipcpi> tolxorlo zo'o 12:54 < ldlework> gadysmu 12:54 < ldlework> pei 12:54 < ldlework> though tolxorlo is nice 12:54 < zipcpi> lol 12:54 < ldlework> since it kind of does undo le's deprecation 12:55 < ldlework> xorlorai 12:55 < zipcpi> relxorlo 12:55 < ldlework> ii 12:56 < zipcpi> lol 12:56 < ldlework> gadganzu 12:56 < ldlework> the gadganzu proposal 12:56 < ldlework> pe'i 12:56 < zipcpi> ganzu ki'a 12:57 < ldlework> en: ganzu 12:57 < mensi> ganzu = x1 organizes x2 [relative chaos] into x3 [ordered/organized result] by system/principle(s) x4. |>>> x3 is also a 12:57 < mensi> system; x4 could be merely a function which inherently serves to dictate the organizational structure of x3. See also 12:57 < mensi> ciste, morna, stura, bilni, cabra. |>>> officialdata 12:57 < zipcpi> lol 12:57 < ldlework> zo'o nai 12:57 * zipcpi nods 12:57 < zipcpi> Yeah I guess that works 12:58 < zipcpi> There is one thing I'm wondering though 12:58 < zipcpi> Say there's an instruction manual 12:59 < zipcpi> And it should say, "First, five people grabs onto a rope" 12:59 < zipcpi> *five people grab onto a rope 12:59 < ldlework> zipcpi: wip: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadganzu_proposal 12:59 < zipcpi> Now we want the five people to be in a mass, to mean that they all grab a rope, not that they grab a rope individually 13:00 < zipcpi> But should we use lei or loi? 13:00 < ldlework> "Five people pulling a rope is an unfair game of tug of war." 13:00 < ldlework> "Five people pulling the rope seem tired." 13:00 < ldlework> has nothing to do with the logical form 13:00 < ldlework> pick the gadri based on what you mean 13:01 < ldlework> so in the case of instruction manual 13:01 < ldlework> loi 13:01 < zipcpi> lo'e nu mu prenu cu lacpu lo skori cu na vudypai co'e co'e 13:01 < ldlework> "The first step involves some 5 people pulling the rope." 13:02 < ldlework> eh 13:02 < ldlework> I don't think you need to definite referentiality for abstractions 13:02 < zipcpi> Actually it makes some sense sometimes 13:02 < ldlework> lo nu loi mu prenu cu lacpu le skori cu na vudypai co'e co'e 13:03 < zipcpi> Is it an event that actually happened or actually could happen, or are you generalizing about the events 13:03 < ldlework> That has nothing to do with referring to the event 13:03 < ldlework> That has to do with the mood, or speech-act denoted in the internal bridi 13:03 < ldlework> lo nu da'i 13:03 < ldlework> etc 13:03 < zipcpi> Generally, (five people pulling a rope) is an unfair game of tug of war 13:04 < ldlework> there are words that change the mood of the internal bridi to reflect that semantic 13:04 < zipcpi> Events of (five people pulling a rope), in general 13:04 < ldlework> you don't need to change the referentiality of grasping at the event 13:04 < ldlework> here's the thing 13:04 < ldlework> the form of {lo NU BRODA} is a logical one 13:05 < ldlework> it denotes a purely logical formation of a propositional content 13:05 < zipcpi> What happens when we ram "nu salci" into "nunsla" then? 13:05 < zipcpi> Does it make sense to talk about lo'e nunsla? 13:05 < ldlework> that's the only sense, I think 13:05 < ldlework> lo NU, is probably always lo'e NU 13:06 < ldlework> You then /predicate/ the abstract event proposition, in a larger bridi 13:06 < ldlework> to assert something about it 13:06 < ldlework> whether it happened, never happened, will happen, and so on 13:06 < zipcpi> No; mi djica lo nu probably is mi djica lo'e nu, but lo nu broda cu se fanmo probably is le nu broda 13:06 < flkjpdsafnal> GO GO POWER RANGERS!!!11 13:06 < ldlework> No 13:06 < zipcpi> Because it refers to an actual event 13:07 < ldlework> mi djica lo nu = mi panca lo nu ba se fasnu lo nunbroda 13:08 < ldlework> you have to understand, what is the referent of "lo nu" 13:08 < ldlework> the referent, is not something that can ever be instantiated, by itself 13:08 < zipcpi> I stopped eating the mango. Now most people would use {co'u} here but lets pretend sumtcita doesn't exist so that we can get on with the example 13:08 < zipcpi> Instead we have to wrap the event "me eating the mango" into an abstraction, then put into {se fanmo} 13:08 < ldlework> zipcpi: the problem might be that you're missing some philosophy here 13:09 < Ilmen> zipcpi: I'd say {tolcfa fa lo nu mi citka lo mango} 13:09 < Ilmen> coi 13:09 < ldlework> coi 13:09 < ldlework> a bridi, regardless of its content, is a pure logical form. It is the strucutre of propositional content, regardless of what that propositional content is. 13:09 < ldlework> consider 13:09 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Yes, that's "correct", but we're arguing over whether lo = lo'e or le, under "our" gadri system :p 13:10 < zipcpi> But nu specifically refers to an event 13:10 < zipcpi> Which has concrete reality 13:10 < ldlework> nu refers to a proposition 13:10 < zipcpi> No that's du'u 13:10 < ldlework> and tells the listener to interpret it as an event in time 13:10 < Ilmen> du'u refers to a proposition 13:10 < ldlework> no 13:10 < ldlework> no 13:10 < Ilmen> en: nundumu 13:10 < mensi> nundumu = x1 is an event/state described by bridi x2 |>>> Predicate version of nu, which is is kind of relation between 13:10 < mensi> a bridi and an event/state. However with a regular predicate version it is possible to access the x2 just like any 13:10 < mensi> regular sumti place. See also nu, du'u. |>>> Ilmen 13:10 < ldlework> all abstraction cmavo denote propositional content, a bridi 13:11 < ldlework> the kind of abstraction cmavo provides a *semantic signal* on how to interpret the propositional content 13:11 < ldlework> there is no such thing as "an event" 13:11 < zipcpi> Yes, it accepts a bridi. But it makes sense to talk about pa nunsla, re nunsla 13:11 < ldlework> or "the event" 13:11 < Ilmen> I've created {nundumu} so that {X nu broda} == {X nundumu lo du'u broda} 13:11 < ldlework> yes, it does, semantically 13:11 < ldlework> IE, related by some external predicate 13:12 < zipcpi> It also makes sense to talk about {remu nu lei mu prenu cu lacpu pa skori} 13:12 < zipcpi> It doesn't matter how long the nu abstraction is 13:12 < ldlework> nu and du'u, *both* refer to raw abstract logical forms, called propositions 13:12 < akmnlrse> coi doi nu lo bensle cu frati 13:12 < zipcpi> nu is an event 13:12 < zipcpi> How does that not have a countable reality? 13:12 < ldlework> they KIND of NU determines the semantic speech act associated with the reference to the propositional content 13:13 < ldlework> IE 13:13 < ldlework> du'u says "assert this proposition" 13:13 < ldlework> nu says "consider this proposition as temporal event" 13:13 < ldlework> ka says "consider this proposition as a property of some external referent" 13:13 < zipcpi> But it makes sense to talk about several events of something happening 13:13 < Ilmen> I'm not sure whether there's really a distinction between events and "objects" 13:13 < zipcpi> It also makes sense to talk about a particular event 13:13 < ldlework> zipcpi: yes, by way of _predicated_ 13:13 < ldlework> predication 13:14 < ldlework> "the event of broda, happened" 13:14 < Ilmen> for example, between {lo rirxe} and {lo nu lo djacu cu flecu} 13:14 < ldlework> "the event of broda, will happened" 13:14 < zipcpi> And it also makes sense to generalize about those particular events, in general 13:14 < ldlework> The event of broda that happened yesterday, was funny" 13:14 < Ilmen> {mi} vs {lo nu da mibypre} 13:14 < ldlework> I don't seem to making any headway here 13:15 < zipcpi> Events are concrete realizations of propositions 13:15 < ldlework> but only by way of being predicated 13:15 < zipcpi> Unlike du'u, which just refers to an abstract proposition that has a truth value 13:15 < ldlework> externally 13:15 < ldlework> no 13:15 < ldlework> a du'u does NOT have a truth value 13:15 < ldlework> it only partakes as a noun in a larger assertion 13:16 < ldlework> in which context it has a truth value 13:16 < zipcpi> But being concrete realization, means that it makes sense to speak of one event, two events 13:16 < ldlework> jitfa fa lo du'u ko'a broda 13:16 < ldlework> jetnu fa lo du'u ko'a broda 13:16 < ldlework> the du'u has no truth value 13:16 < ldlework> just like event's have no inherent temporality 13:16 < ldlework> they are only _predicated_ to have happened. 13:16 < zipcpi> What does {nundumu} mean to you then? 13:17 < ldlework> le nu ko'a broda doesn't have any referent until you use this description in some other predication 13:17 < zipcpi> Also {nunsla} 13:17 < zipcpi> Certainly it makes sense to talk about one celebration, two celebrations 13:17 < ldlework> lo nu salci 13:17 < ldlework> yes! 13:17 < ldlework> the celebration, yesterday 13:17 < zipcpi> And to generalize about celebrations in general 13:17 < ldlework> the celebration that happens tomorrow 13:17 < zipcpi> So tell me again why doesn't le / lo'e work with nu? 13:17 < ldlework> the celebration has no inherent temporality 13:17 < ldlework> lo'e works just fine with nu 13:18 < ldlework> because the only meaningful interpretation of lo nu is lo'e nu 13:18 < zipcpi> But what if I want to talk about the celebration that happened yesterday 13:18 < ldlework> then you say 13:18 < zipcpi> I am referring to a particular celebration 13:18 < zipcpi> Not celebrations in general 13:18 < ldlework> The Event poi happened yesterday 13:18 < ldlework> like 13:18 < zipcpi> No, you're going back to poi 13:18 < ldlework> exactly correct 13:18 < zipcpi> How did you like the celebration 13:18 < ldlework> because you're not stating 13:18 < ldlework> The Event happened yesterday 13:18 < ldlework> You're using a relativizing language 13:19 < ldlework> The Event _that_ happened yesterday" 13:19 < ldlework> is a single description 13:19 < zipcpi> Forget that 13:19 < zipcpi> How would you translate 13:19 < zipcpi> "How did you like the celebration?" 13:19 < Ilmen> {lo nu salci ca lo prulamde} is also possible 13:19 < Ilmen> *prulamdei 13:19 < zipcpi> Sorry Ilmen, you're not getting the context of what we're discussing 13:20 < ldlework> xu do nelci lo nu salci poi prulamdei 13:20 < zipcpi> Here let me dig it up 13:20 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 13:20 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Probably, but I thought it could contribute to your debate. 13:21 < ldlework> Okay 13:21 < ldlework> I'm changing my mind 13:21 < zipcpi> Well the thing is you are suggesting we use {lo}. Which is all well and good. But we have basically defined new gadri so that {lo} is just a superset of {le} and {lo'e} 13:21 < ldlework> when you refer to le nu, you are referring to lo'e nu poi 13:21 < ldlework> the unspoken poi context, is the deixis 13:22 < ldlework> sorry, do jinga 13:22 < ldlework> tugni? 13:22 < zipcpi> Or redefined current gadri and/or cleaned up their descriptions 13:22 < zipcpi> Yeah 13:23 < zipcpi> Ilmen: So all we were arguing about is whether it makes sense to talk about {le nu} under the system 13:23 < zipcpi> But yeah 13:24 < ldlework> "the unspoken poi is the deictic context" * 13:24 * zipcpi nods 13:24 < ldlework> I think is how you use that strange word correctly 13:24 < ldlework> le is the "deixis" 13:25 < Ilmen> I'm not sure there's a relevant distinction between an "object" (such as a chair) and an event (such as an event of many atoms being arranged chairwise) 13:25 < zipcpi> Yes... we're done arguing over that now. He now agrees :p 13:25 < ldlework> Ilmen: I agree now 13:25 < Ilmen> so to me, it "le" can apply to objects, I don't really see why it couldn't to events 13:25 * zipcpi nods 13:25 < Ilmen> *if "le" 13:25 < ldlework> indeed 13:25 < ldlework> I was trying to formulate events in time as just being a more specific indefinite reference 13:26 < ldlework> zipcpi: did you read the start of the paper? 13:27 < zipcpi> Sorry, I seem to have lost your link? 13:27 < ldlework> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadganzu_proposal 13:27 < ldlework> Its just an introduction and review so far 13:27 < ldlework> I haven't said anything about our ideas 13:27 < ldlework> I want to write a real paper, that carries the reader to the conclusion and doesn't really assume much at all 13:28 < zipcpi> Mm 13:28 < Ilmen> I wonder to what extend a vague bridi such as "su'o prenu cu sipna" (without spatiotemporal location) can be true or false. It could have been true in the past or elswhere, and be false here and now. Unless it's implicitly "ca su'o de bu'u su'o di" 13:28 < Ilmen> in which case it has no chance to be false 13:28 < ldlework> So I think we should use your page for scratching out the ideas and mine for presenting them 13:29 < ldlework> that's what I mean that propositions mean nothing, they are pure logical form 13:29 < ldlework> only when asserted, with some mood, in some context, do they bear a truth value 13:29 < ldlework> I guess in the same vein 13:30 < ldlework> lo'e events are just compositions of descriptions being predicated 13:30 < ldlework> exactly how facts are 13:30 < Ilmen> Also it could be implicitly "ca zo'e bu'u zo'e" 13:30 < ldlework> until expressed in a context, at which point they inherently become temporal 13:30 < ldlework> lo'e nu morsi cu se badri 13:31 < ldlework> le nu morsi cu se badri 13:31 * zipcpi nods 13:31 < ldlework> no one will ask "who died" to the first 13:32 < Ilmen> Yet morsi1 is "zo'e" 13:32 < Ilmen> there's also «lo si'o morsi», which has something like ce'u in its x1, so that's it's totally abstract 13:33 < zipcpi> Ilmen: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 13:33 < ldlework> you can still introduce a morsi1 there 13:34 < ldlework> the idea she will be gone isn't sad but the prospect of it actually happen does 13:35 < ldlework> in any case the actual distinguishing semantics between the various NU doesn't matter much 13:36 < zipcpi> And if lo si'o = lo'e nu.... well we'd still need lo'e for lo'e mlatu 13:36 < zipcpi> So I'm not so sure what si'o is for then lol 13:37 < zipcpi> Let's completely redefine it zo'o 13:37 < zipcpi> Besides I'm probably just making a grave misunderstanding 13:38 < zipcpi> There are probably senses lo si'o covers that lo'e nu doesn't 13:39 < durka42> it's different 13:39 < ldlework> so'i is just less semeantic than even du'u 13:39 < ldlework> It doesn't become true or false, ever 13:39 < ldlework> It doesn't get a point in time 13:39 < zipcpi> Hm yeah 13:39 < ldlework> It doesn't get ascribed to some extneral referent 13:40 < ldlework> etc etc 13:40 < durka42> the idea of beauty isn't really tied to any typical events of beauty 13:40 * zipcpi nods 13:40 < ldlework> it just wraps up a proposiition 13:40 < ldlework> durka42: ie 13:40 < zipcpi> I was just being silly, also it's late at night 13:40 < ldlework> so now what's the difference between si'u and su'u 13:40 < ldlework> :D 13:40 < Ilmen> Maybe {lo si'o} == {me'ei} 13:40 < ldlework> si'o* 13:40 < zipcpi> su'u? su'u is supposed to be the "general" NU 13:41 < Ilmen> at least in my current usage I treat them the same 13:41 < zipcpi> But pretty much no one uses it 13:41 < ldlework> right su'u is the raw abstractor 13:41 < ldlework> with 0 semantic 13:41 < ldlework> si'o is supposed to be the semantic as interpreted by se si'o 13:41 < Ilmen> actually su'u's semantic is to be defined with su'u2 13:41 < ldlework> right 13:41 < ldlework> but its between du'u and su'u 13:41 < ldlework> in terms of semantic content 13:42 < ldlework> Its se si'o's interpretation of the su'u content of the si'o 13:42 < durka42> su'u is just generic 13:42 < durka42> like lo 13:42 < ldlework> right 13:42 < durka42> you don't know which one it really is 13:43 < ldlework> right, introduces no semantic, so context bears the weight of its usage 13:43 < ldlework> for purposes of interpretation 13:43 * zipcpi nods 13:43 < ldlework> su'u is strange 13:43 < ldlework> err 13:43 < ldlework> si'o 13:43 < ldlework> I feel like it needs an x3 13:44 < durka42> what would you put in x3 13:44 < ldlework> su'u: x1 is the meaning or conceptualization of x2 with regards to the proposition x3 13:44 < ldlework> x2 is the owner of x2 13:44 < ldlework> x1 13:44 < ldlework> worded badly 13:45 < ldlework> sorry 13:45 < ldlework> SI'O 13:45 < Ilmen> exp: je'a 13:45 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [eE] or [oO] but "a" found. 13:45 < ldlework> ffs 13:45 < Ilmen> alta: je'a 13:45 < mensi> ([FA {je'a LUhU}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 13:45 < Ilmen> o_o 13:45 < durka42> oi 13:45 < ldlework> lo si'o do morsi be mi bei lo su'u le turni tavla djica do 13:45 < akmnlrse> ie .ei da tadji lo ka spuda tu'a zo je'ai 13:46 < ldlework> si'o seems ill defined 13:46 < durka42> er 13:46 < durka42> I don't get it 13:46 < durka42> you need a kei in there but anyway 13:46 < ldlework> someone's conceptualization of something, invovles two parts 13:46 < durka42> why is there a proposition in x3 13:46 < durka42> the proposition is enclosed by si'o 13:46 < ldlework> what they are conceptualizing 13:46 < ldlework> and their conceptualization of it 13:46 < ldlework> en: sidbo 13:46 < mensi> sidbo = x1 (idea abstract) is an idea/concept/thought about x2 (object/abstract) by thinker x3. |>>> Also (adjective:) 13:46 < mensi> x1 is ideal/ideational. See also ciksi, jijnu, mucti, jinvi, nabmi, pensi, xanri, cmavo list si'o. |>>> 13:46 < mensi> officialdata 13:47 < ldlework> I doesn't seem to deserve a place as a NU 13:47 < durka42> lo si'o do morsi kei be mi bei lo su'u turni tavla djica do 13:47 < ldlework> you can't predicate a si'o as defined, usefully 13:47 < ldlework> durka42: ki'e sai 13:48 < durka42> = my idea of you being dead … with regards to [something about government, likely typo] wanting to talk to you 13:48 < durka42> help me get to what you mean 13:48 < ldlework> "Your death, is my conceptualization, of the king wanting to talk to you." 13:48 < zipcpi> I have to go... sorry 13:48 < zipcpi> Night 13:48 < ldlework> There has to be something the si'o is a conceptualization _of_ 13:49 < ldlework> Unless it is merely denoting _ownership_ of novel ideas?! 13:49 < durka42> I don't understand the english lol 13:49 < durka42> meaning you think I will die if the king talks to me? 13:49 < ldlework> durka42: take a smuni interpration 13:50 < ldlework> or sidbo 13:50 < ldlework> mi tugni le si'o mi'o citka zukte kei be do 13:50 < ldlework> ^ "mere" ownership of novel ideas 13:50 < ldlework> is the best usecase I can think of si'o 13:50 < ldlework> but what a triviality to elevate to status of NU 13:51 < durka42> I mean remember there _is_ an x1 13:51 < durka42> usually we take it away with a gadri 13:51 < ldlework> oops 13:51 < ldlework> right 13:51 < durka42> but there are three "things" to play with 13:51 < durka42> x1, x2, and the embedded bridi 13:51 < durka42> I'm not 100% sure how they map to sidbo's 3 places 13:51 < ldlework> I didn't consider the embedded bridi 13:51 < ldlework> so maybe 13:52 < ldlework> lo su'u prami kei be mi cu drata tu'a do 13:52 < ldlework> Which might not be bad... I guess 13:52 < ldlework> Its kind of like 13:52 < ldlework> getting at the lo'i of the matter 13:53 < ldlework> (my internal modeling of what it means/takes to be a thing) 13:53 < durka42> doi cifnu 13:53 < ldlework> lo'i su'u might be tautological! 13:53 < durka42> ma si'o prami 13:53 < ldlework> my idea of love 13:54 < durka42> mi co'a xamsku .u'u 13:54 < ldlework> "my understanding of love differs from yours" 13:54 < ldlework> Actually, I think lo'i just talks about what it means to be my understanding of the si'o bridi 13:54 < ldlework> suuuuuuper meta 13:55 < ldlework> lo'i su'u prami cu drata tu'a do : "It takes being a different conceptualization of than the one you have, to be my conceptualization of love." 13:55 < ldlework> f 13:55 < ldlework> lo'i su'u prami cu drata tu'a do : "It takes being a different conceptualization of love than the one you have, to be my conceptualization of love." 13:55 < durka42> pe'i mi noi na xabju la .kaliforniias. na kakne lo ka jimpe 13:56 < ldlework> heh 13:56 < durka42> ku'i ja'a jitro la .kaliforniias. do'e la jansu 13:56 < xadbrve> MA SIhO PRAMI 13:56 < xadbrve> :I KO MI NA XRANI 13:56 < xadbrve> :I KO MI NA XRANI 13:57 < xadbrve> BA SU ROI 13:57 < ldlework> ii 13:58 < ldlework> what was that about 13:58 < ldlework> oh 13:58 < ldlework> u'i 14:00 < ldlework> lei'i cladu cu fazgau mi 14:03 < ldlework> It is going to be so hard to fix my pronounciation of e and ei and all embedded forms 14:03 < durka42> mo va'o lo nu da cladu gi'e darno do 14:03 < durka42> xu na cladu 14:03 < ldlework> nibli 14:04 < durka42> oh lei'i is on the other end 14:04 < durka42> I forgot the e/o parallel was destroyed 14:04 < ldlework> its not destroyed 14:04 < ldlework> lei'i is an extenstion of lei 14:04 < ldlework> the demonstrative lei 14:04 < ldlework> "That mass of broda over there" 14:05 < ldlework> durka42: https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/b78b3914ff094aa2fc41 14:05 < ldlework> the only annoyance is lo's special place in usage as the null determiner 14:05 < ldlework> so we can't use it in place of lo'e 14:05 < durka42> right 14:05 < ldlework> which would result in a melbi symmetry 14:06 < ldlework> though I'm not sure what the default determiner would be then 14:06 < ldlework> you'd probably want something monosyllabic 14:06 < ldlework> and starts with l 14:06 < ldlework> heh 14:06 < ldlework> sorry li :( 14:07 < ldlework> well I guess there would be some lVV 14:08 < durka42> well you could switch lo and lo'e 14:08 < durka42> if you were making a new language :p 14:08 < ldlework> right 14:11 < justeno> ldlework: do jimpe lo ma se slaka (what languages do you know) 14:12 < ldlework> justeno: you can't do that 14:12 < durka42> do jimpe ma poi se slaka 14:12 < ldlework> you asked, "Do you understand your syllabic-language?" 14:12 < justeno> haha 14:12 < justeno> i just found bangu 14:13 < durka42> bangu is better than selslaka though, yeah :) 14:13 < justeno> i think that would be more appropriate 14:13 < ldlework> justeno: "lo ko'a broda ku" => lo broda ku pe ko'a 14:13 < ldlework> you can also ask 14:13 < ldlework> do jimpe mo'oi bangu 14:13 < ldlework> (which is amazing) 14:13 < durka42> yeah using the new experimental word we've been talking about today 14:14 < durka42> s/no you can't do that/you almost got it, here is a small correction/ 14:14 < durka42> :) 14:14 < ldlework> "Which languages do you understand?" 14:14 < ldlework> yeah just a small niggle. 14:14 < justeno> what are "mo'oi" and "ko'a"? 14:14 < ldlework> justeno has been learning very fast 14:14 < ldlework> justeno: mo'oi is like lo, but it asks "Which one?" 14:14 < ldlework> "ko'a" is just a simple generic pro-sumti, like mi and do 14:14 < justeno> though, it is experimental? 14:15 < justeno> (mo'oi) 14:15 < ldlework> justeno: yeah 14:15 < Ilmen> Every CV'VV cmavo is experimental 14:15 < ldlework> justeno: there's a ton of actually useful stuff in the experimental space though 14:16 < ldlework> mo'oi and le'i are two I'm pretty excited about 14:16 < ldlework> li'a 14:16 < Ilmen> mi pu no roi kanpe lo nu ca da su'o de xusra lo du'u de .entuzi tu'a zo le'i 14:17 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:17 < durka42> you wish le'i was in the experimental space :p 14:17 < durka42> ie sai doi ilmen .u'i 14:17 < ldlework> well not _cmavo_ space lol 14:17 < ldlework> Ilmen: u'i 14:44 < ldlework> what's the bot that will tell other people stuff? 14:45 < durka42> mensi but she seems to be on the fritz a bit 14:45 < durka42> probably works 14:45 < durka42> there is also a wild phenny running around 14:45 < durka42> to replace the missing sidju 14:45 < durka42> la vrici cu cizra ca lo ca jeftu 14:45 < ldlework> mensi tell zipcpi definite] Frank The Cat, those cats, the/a cat] lo [Mr Cat, Plato's Cat Statue] indefinite 14:46 < ldlework> oi 14:46 < Ilmen> mensi: doi menli da bu'a 14:46 < mensi> Ilmen: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.menli.gy. di'a cusku da 14:46 < Ilmen> mensi: tell menli de na bu'a 14:46 < mensi> Ilmen: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.menli.gy. di'a cusku da 14:47 < ldlework> mensi: doi zipcpi definite] Frank The Cat, those cats, the/a cat] lo [Mr Cat, Plato's Cat Statue] indefinite 14:47 < mensi> ldlework: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.zipcpi.gy. di'a cusku da 14:47 < ldlework> ki'e menli 14:48 < Ilmen> ŭe la selpa'i da cusku do'e lo mriste 14:50 < ldlework> srana ma 14:50 < Ilmen> mi xusyju'o lo du'u la selpa'i cu ze'a na kibro pilno kei noi simsa lo ka na jetnu mulno 14:50 < Ilmen> *noi simlu 14:51 < ctefa`o> How come "uau" does not work? 14:51 < Ilmen> exp: zo uau 14:51 < mensi> ([zo uau] VAU) 14:52 < Ilmen> does not work in what aspect? 14:52 < ctefa`o> Huh ok 14:52 < ctefa`o> camxes didn't like it 14:52 < durka42> camxes can't deal with unknown cmavo the way it can deal with unknown brivla 14:52 < Ilmen> It is undefined and has no grammar 14:52 < durka42> because it doesn't know what grammar to assign to an unknown cmavo 14:52 < Ilmen> unknown brivla are brivla, and thus have the brivla grammar 14:53 < ctefa`o> Ah ok 14:53 < ctefa`o> But uau is an ok cmavo morphologically right? 14:53 < Ilmen> It is. 14:53 < ctefa`o> nice 14:53 < ctefa`o> Never seen any of that form before 14:53 < Ilmen> exp: zo txrnre 14:53 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "t" found. 14:53 < Ilmen> exp: zo uau 14:53 < mensi> ([zo uau] VAU) 14:54 < ctefa`o> exp: zo iau 14:54 < mensi> ([zo iau] VAU) 14:54 < durka42> unlike the really old parser which will do nearly anything… 14:54 < durka42> yacc: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 14:54 < mensi> (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /FA'O/) 14:54 < Ilmen> "txrnre" is morphologically invalid, but "uau" is 14:54 < ctefa`o> Lol durka 14:54 < durka42> {uai} has been used occasionally 14:54 < durka42> en:uai 14:54 < mensi> uai = [UI1] attitudinal: friendly/friendishly/amicably/companionship/compatriotship/comradeship - antagonistically/ 14:54 < mensi> enemyishly 14:55 < ctefa`o> Ah I recognise that one 14:55 < ctefa`o> but ok, questions answered, ki'e 14:55 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: BTW there is a Lojban vocal chat planned on Saturday 14:55 < Ilmen> (announced on the mriste) 14:56 < ctefa`o> Oh nice where/when? 14:56 < ldlework> Ilmen: you should introduce the idea of incorporating la jbogu'e 14:56 < Ilmen> Zbaga server, Saturday 12:30 UTC 14:56 < ctefa`o> (Really need to practice my hearing comprehension) 14:56 < durka42> oh I might be able to make that one 14:56 < durka42> we'll see 14:56 < nubi> Are there vocal chats often? 14:56 < durka42> have a thing in the afternoon 14:56 < durka42> nubi: most every saturday 14:56 < Ilmen> ldlework: introduce to whom, and incorporating to what? 14:57 < Ilmen> ua nai ru'e 14:57 < ctefa`o> I should be able to attend 14:57 < nubi> That's good to hear 14:57 * durka42 wonders if daylight saving time is over yet 14:57 < ldlework> Ilmen: to those interested in this nunsnu 14:57 < ctefa`o> Not yet afaik 14:57 < ldlework> Ilmen: talk and play, have something to talk about, etc 14:57 < dutchie> not until october... 14:57 < ctefa`o> Or all my time is wong 14:57 < ctefa`o> Wrong 14:57 < ldlework> Ilmen: stretch those canlu valsi 14:57 < dutchie> .uinai no saturdays free all this month 14:57 < ldlework> Ilmen: pei 14:58 < Ilmen> dutchie: Basically if you want to have vocal chats, just ask on IRC if anyone is interested 14:59 < dutchie> .ua this week has been weird though 14:59 < ldlework> co'o jbopre 14:59 < Ilmen> co'o ly 14:59 < dutchie> maybe next week 14:59 < Ilmen> di'ai 14:59 < dutchie> i've been meaning to get singularityviewer up and try visiting la jbogu'e too 15:00 < Ilmen> There are some recordings of Lojban chats here: http://mw.lojban.org/mw/index.php?title=Recordings_of_live_Lojban_discussions 15:00 < durka42> so 8:30 am here 15:00 < Ilmen> But that's probably not a good material for beginners, are there are no transcriptions 15:00 < ctefa`o> Btw is there jbo material for listening to, besides some stuff on la iutub? 15:00 < ctefa`o> Eh 15:00 < durka42> songs and corpus readings on youtube 15:00 < Ilmen> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRL4pzLEMyrUXwcnri_tPZjo1CxgjLger 15:00 < ctefa`o> nvm ilmen did it 15:01 < durka42> oh yeah and that :) 15:01 < durka42> how could I forget la bripre jikca 15:01 < Ilmen> Bripre Jicka have the texts on the video (except the two first episodes) 15:01 < Ilmen> There are also the Corpus Reading series 15:01 < ctefa`o> Oh right bripre jikca 15:03 < durka42> co'ok 15:03 < Ilmen> co'o 15:04 < ctefa`o> co'ok lol, "ok bye"?;) 15:10 < ctefa`o> If I say rirxerma'a what is the first picture that comes to mind? 15:14 < ldlework> the text of the word? 15:15 < ctefa`o> Well. "River-Mountain" 15:15 < ldlework> no I mean, nm 15:16 < ctefa`o> Is it confusing or is the meaning not that unclear? 15:17 < nubi> I'm missing what it's supposed to be -- a valley? 15:18 < ctefa`o> A mountain with river(s) 15:19 < ctefa`o> (Working with my last name again which is Name of a River + Mountain) 15:23 < ctefa`o> Oh well got to sleep 15:23 < ctefa`o> co'o 16:08 < dutchie> .u'i "The good thing about sumti tcita is that you can use them when you've forgotten the default places of your selbri. Which you will." 16:12 < ldlework> dutchie: in fact, I wish I had time to study the sumti tcita so that I could develop a repoire of them that I use /despite/ my selbri having a similar place 16:12 < ldlework> repitoire* 16:17 < snime> coi 16:18 < snime> Any good lojban news? 16:18 < snime> Did selpahi manage to entice people with the tutor program he was putting together? 16:24 < ldlework> coi 16:41 < la_kristan> what does this mean? 16:41 < la_kristan> mi klaku fi lo nu lo toldi cu mrobi'o uinai 16:41 < la_kristan> mrobi'o 16:41 < la_kristan> it's not in my dictionary. 16:44 < la_kristan> anybody home? 16:44 < la_kristan> ; 16:45 * la_kristan klaku :'-( 16:45 < ldlework> en: mrobi'o 16:45 < mensi> [< morsi binxo ≈ Dead become] 3 da se tolcri: morsi, mrofoi, spita 16:47 < la_kristan> ki'e 16:48 < la_kristan> so princinobeka is crying because the moths died. 16:48 < la_kristan> much sympathy I get from her! 16:50 < John_Doe> Helo 16:51 < John_Doe> Is Lojban worth the effort? 16:58 < la_kristan> I don't know, I've only been learning it for less than a week. 16:58 < ldlework> John_Doe: Some people learn lojban, but not all people learn lojban. 16:58 < ldlework> Therefore, it must be worth the effort to some people. 16:59 < John_Doe> What keeps you at it? 16:59 < ldlework> John_Doe: Its the easiest language ever. 16:59 < John_Doe> You reckon? 16:59 < John_Doe> Easy in what sense? To acquire? 16:59 < ldlework> Ask justeno I taught him the core in like 30 minutes. 16:59 < ldlework> Like two days ago or something. 16:59 < ldlework> doi justeno xu jundi 17:00 < John_Doe> That does make it attractive 17:00 < John_Doe> the concept of a logical language in general is attractive 17:00 < John_Doe> I'm trying to work out if I can commit myself to something like that 17:00 < la_kristan> what keeps me at it? mostly OCPD in my case, I think. 17:00 < John_Doe> lol 17:01 < ldlework> John_Doe: I can teach you enough of the language to talk back to me, in about 45 minutes I think. 17:01 < ldlework> if we focus 17:01 < John_Doe> over irc? 17:01 < ldlework> sure 17:01 < John_Doe> I'm interested 17:01 < ldlework> I should like 17:01 < ldlework> script this 17:01 < ldlework> :P 17:02 < John_Doe> Does lojban meet its goal of being unambiguous? 17:02 < ldlework> John_Doe: if you understand that it means, grammatically unambiguous and not semantically unambiguous. 17:02 < ldlework> then yes 17:02 < John_Doe> Well, I doubt semantcally unambiguous is even possible 17:02 < ldlework> indeed 17:02 < la_kristan> lol 17:02 < ldlework> John_Doe: are you a programmer? 17:03 < ldlework> You get a 15 minute discount if you're a programmer. 17:03 < John_Doe> No, I learnt a bit in the past but I'm not someone who does it as a job or hobby 17:03 < ldlework> Okay no problem 17:03 < ldlework> Do you know any other languages? 17:03 < John_Doe> I speak German okay-ish 17:04 < John_Doe> well, I read it a lot better than I speak it 17:04 < ldlework> John_Doe: okay, try to follow a long with me, I'm going to move fast 17:04 < John_Doe> okay 17:04 < ldlework> Lojban is most easily understood if you contemplate the job of language and the goal of communication 17:05 < John_Doe> mmhmm 17:05 < John_Doe> explain 17:05 < ldlework> To be extremely blunt, it is to somehow refer to things or nouns, and assert relations between them by way of verbs or predicates. 17:05 < justeno> ldlework: i am now (I think you were asking if I was around) 17:05 < ldlework> justeno: that is what I asked :) 17:05 < John_Doe> that's a reasonable definition I suppose 17:06 < ldlework> justeno: I'm about to run through the same lesson with John_Doe that I had with you the other day 17:06 < justeno> awesome 17:06 < ldlework> John_Doe: Lojban, is a great language, because it deals with the job of a language directly, which also makes it good for communication. 17:07 < ldlework> If we take a language's job, to be about nouns and verbs, then nouns and verbs is a good place to start. 17:07 < John_Doe> okay 17:07 < ldlework> Every sentence in lojban, at least to start, all take the same form: 17:08 < ldlework> x1 verb x2 x3 x4 x5 17:08 < ldlework> Verbs in lojban have a strange definition called a "place structure" which specifies the semantics of each of the x places. 17:08 < ldlework> Illustration is best. 17:09 < ldlework> vecnu: x1 sells goods x2 to buyer x3 for price x4 17:09 < John_Doe> kind of similar to how some verbs in german require an indirect object or a reflexive pronoun? 17:09 < John_Doe> but more elaborate 17:09 < ldlework> Sure 17:09 < ldlework> More regular 17:09 < John_Doe> okay 17:09 < ldlework> not 'some verbs' have this structured definition 17:09 < ldlework> all verbs. 17:09 < John_Doe> well 17:10 < John_Doe> makes sense 17:10 < ldlework> OK 17:10 < ldlework> When we stick vecnu into the sentence pattern... 17:10 < ldlework> x1 vecnu x2 x3 x4 x5 17:10 < ldlework> something magic happens 17:10 < justeno> magical* 17:10 < ldlework> [seller] vecnu [goods] [buyer] [price] 17:10 < ldlework> the structure of the sentence takes on semantic meaning 17:11 < John_Doe> seems like it gets rid of a bunch of the "little" words english, german etc use to indictae that stuff 17:11 < ldlework> we now have little semantic slots we can drop in nouns and say that something sells some other thing, to yet some other thing 17:11 < John_Doe> that's actually really handy 17:11 < ldlework> lets learn some basic noun words 17:11 < John_Doe> k 17:11 < ldlework> these are essentially little pronouns 17:11 < ldlework> mi - the speaker 17:11 < ldlework> do - the listener 17:11 < ldlework> ti - this thing right here 17:12 < ldlework> John_Doe: how long did it take? 17:12 < ldlework> because you already know how to say something in Lojban 17:12 < ldlework> go ahead, try it. 17:12 < John_Doe> mi vecnu ti do 17:12 < ldlework> :) 17:12 < ldlework> John_Doe: now 17:12 < ldlework> I can give you a list of verbs 17:13 < snime> valsi jundi 17:13 < valsi> jundi = x1 is attentive towards/attends/tends/pays attention to object/affair x2. 17:13 < ldlework> and you can peruse the list, knowing that you have mi, ti, and do in your pocket 17:13 < John_Doe> okay 17:13 < ldlework> and say a whole mess of things 17:13 < ldlework> thousands of statements involving you and I, and this thing 17:13 < ldlework> because all of those sentences will be formed exactly the same way 17:14 < John_Doe> for each verb do you have to learn what arguments it takes? 17:14 < John_Doe> or look them up 17:14 < ldlework> yes, but for each lexical word you internalize, you get up to 5 semantics 17:14 < ldlework> vs learning 5 lexical words, to get 5 semantics 17:14 < ldlework> each lojban word is a bit harder than any single word 17:14 < John_Doe> but more useful? 17:15 < ldlework> but the semantic places are related, so there is an associative advantage in internalizing the meaning 17:15 < ldlework> so each lojban word, is certainly easier to learn then 5 seperate lexical words 17:15 < ldlework> so overall its cheaper, in my opinon 17:15 < la_kristan> I'll be here, in and out; I'm kinda multitasking. 17:15 < rampre> also, in my experience, the first two or three places of a verb are more important than the last 3 or 2. 17:15 < rampre> and by "more important" i mean used more often. 17:15 < ldlework> yeah or central to the concept 17:16 < John_Doe> that's logical 17:16 < ldlework> okay 17:16 < ldlework> so we're at: Several thousand statements 17:16 < ldlework> lets try to increase how many things we can say 17:16 < ldlework> to millions 17:16 < ldlework> we'll do that by learning how to craft novel nouns 17:16 < John_Doe> okay 17:17 < ldlework> in lojban, to create a novel noun, you actually steal a single semantic from a verb 17:17 < ldlework> we do this by wrapping the verb in "lo" and "ku", to steal the x1 semantic and 'objectify' it 17:17 < ldlework> for example 17:17 < ldlework> if viska's place structure is, x1 visually percieves (sees) x2 17:18 < ldlework> then "lo viska ku" is a what? 17:18 < John_Doe> the person who sees 17:18 < John_Doe> I think 17:18 < ldlework> yes, or more platonically "a seer" 17:18 < ldlework> so what is a "lo vecnu ku" ? 17:19 < John_Doe> the buyer 17:19 < ldlework> the seller 17:19 < John_Doe> wait was vecnu bu 17:19 < John_Doe> ah sell 17:19 < ldlework> vecnu: x1 sells goods x2 to buyer x3 for price x4 17:19 < ldlework> so now you know how to take any verb word, and create a noun from it 17:19 < John_Doe> are there other construction for x2 etc? 17:20 < ldlework> here is a list of the ~1300 core verb words: http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/gismu 17:20 < ldlework> We'll get there. 17:20 < snime> lol, he runs while you teach him to walk. 17:20 < ldlework> using what you know, you now have access to about 1300 nouns! 17:20 < la_kristan> yay! 17:20 < ldlework> mixed among an average of 3 semantic places, we're talking a lot of phrases 17:20 < ldlework> John_Doe: okay here's a challenge 17:21 < ldlework> using that list, and using lo ku, pick 3 verbs. 17:21 < ldlework> use one verb as the main verb of the sentence 17:21 < ldlework> create nouns from the x1 place of the other two 17:21 < ldlework> and say your first lojban sentence 17:21 < justeno> A/w 9 17:22 < John_Doe> so all the arguments should be using lo ku? 17:22 < ldlework> right, they have to be, other wise they are verbs, not nouns 17:22 < ldlework> and verbs can't fill the semantic places 17:22 < ldlework> the semantic places of the "main verb" of the sentence 17:23 < John_Doe> what about 17:23 < John_Doe> lo bradi ku bradi lo bradi ku 17:23 < ldlework> It works 17:23 * la_kristan applauds 17:23 < ldlework> okay 17:23 < John_Doe> not extremely meaningful 17:24 < John_Doe> but I figure it parses 17:24 < ldlework> force yourself to pick 3 different ones 17:24 < ldlework> and say something sensible 17:24 < John_Doe> okay, need to scroll through this 17:24 < ldlework> sure 17:24 < la_kristan> sensible? aww, shucks. 17:24 < justeno> the enemy of the enemy is the enemy's enemy? 17:24 < John_Doe> oh, I see 17:25 < John_Doe> I didn't understand the instruction properly at first 17:25 < ldlework> justeno: well it doesn't quite say that, but its close 17:25 < snime> That could be sensible. That seems to parse the same as "The enemey of my enemy is still my enemy" 17:25 < ldlework> John_Doe: My mistake then. 17:25 < ldlework> It says, "some enemy is-an-enemy of some enemy" 17:25 < ldlework> nothing more, nothing less 17:26 < ldlework> it doesn't even tell us if they are the same referent 17:26 < John_Doe> lo gerku ku gleki lo gletu ku 17:26 < John_Doe> is that sensible? 17:26 < la_kristan> vlaste: gletu 17:26 < vlaste> gletu = x1 copulates/fucks/mates/has coitus/sexual intercourse with x2. 17:26 < ldlework> The dog is happy about the fucker 17:26 < ldlework> :) 17:26 < la_kristan> yay. 17:26 < ldlework> wait wait 17:27 < John_Doe> oh, I was going for the dog is happy about fucking 17:27 < ldlework> "The dog is happy about the fucker." - John_Doe's first lojban words 17:27 < snime> lo 17:27 < John_Doe> lol 17:27 < ldlework> John_Doe: right, events are more complicated 17:27 < ldlework> John_Doe: consider this 17:27 < John_Doe> oh, but the x1 argument of gletu would be someone doing something 17:27 < ldlework> [fucker] gletu [fucked] 17:27 < ldlework> exactly 17:28 < ldlework> But great 17:28 < ldlework> you know how to say an uncountable number of things at this point 17:28 < la_kristan> lo mlatu ku gerku 17:28 < la_kristan> a cat is a dog 17:29 < ldlework> John_Doe: would you like to be able to objectify the other places? 17:29 < John_Doe> I suppose so 17:29 < ldlework> Okay so, there is indeed, no other construction like lo - ku that instead provides the other place 17:29 < ldlework> indeed, lo - ku is our only mechanism for performing this verb=>noun transform 17:30 < ldlework> The implication of this then, is that we will need a verb with precisely the x1 we desire 17:30 < ldlework> Which seems strange 17:30 < saigais> co’o 17:30 < ldlework> However, we have a family of articles called SE that allow us to transform the place structure of a verb 17:30 < ldlework> co'o sy. 17:30 < ldlework> Illustration is again easiest 17:31 < ldlework> vecnu: x1:seller sells x2:goods to x3:buyer for x4:price 17:31 < saigais> I need your help guys 17:31 < ldlework> se vecnu: x1:goods is sold by x2:seller to x3:buyer for x4:price 17:31 < saigais> Ithink I’m turning to the esperanto side 17:31 < ldlework> saigais: just a momento 17:31 < ldlework> te vecnu: x1:buyer buys x2:goods from x3:seller for x4:price 17:31 < la_kristan> saigais : ĉu? 17:32 < saigais> jes 17:32 < John_Doe> okay, so similar to active vs passive but more general 17:32 < ldlework> ve vecnu: x1:price is the price for x2:goods bought by x3:buyer sold by x4:seller 17:32 < la_kristan> saigais : mi parolas esperanton. 17:32 < ldlework> John_Doe: each modifer swaps x1 and some other place 17:32 < ldlework> exactly the operation we need 17:32 < rampre> John_Doe: not really active/passive, since x1 and x2 don't aren't always the actor/the acted-upon. 17:33 < ldlework> se x1 and x2, te x1 and x3, ve x1 and x4, xe x1 and x5 17:33 < John_Doe> okay, so the x1 goes to the place of the x that's replacing it? 17:33 < la_kristan> cuz swapping x2 with x3 wouldn't be profitable 17:33 < ldlework> John_Doe: yes 17:33 < ldlework> John_Doe: tell me that "I see the buyer". 17:34 < John_Doe> okay, that's gonna take a sec 17:34 < ldlework> no problem 17:34 < John_Doe> mi viska lo te vecnu ku 17:34 < John_Doe> is that right? 17:34 < ldlework> exactly right! 17:34 < ldlework> wow 17:35 < ldlework> you can say many many many things 17:35 < ldlework> John_Doe: think of a small subject verb object sentence in english 17:35 < ldlework> something from a story or something 17:35 < ldlework> then say it in lojban! 17:35 < saigais> “I like poop" 17:35 < saigais> Mi nelci 17:35 < saigais> ___ 17:35 < la_kristan> saigais : ne. 17:35 < saigais> kakne? 17:35 < justeno> la_kristan: mi ankaux 17:36 < John_Doe> hmm 17:36 < ldlework> John_Doe: you just need to find the verbs containing the semantics you wanted to talk about as nouns 17:36 < saigais> Should I learn esperanto before digging into lojban? 17:36 < John_Doe> saigais, I don't think it's necessary 17:36 < ldlework> saigais: justeno came in here the other day asking exactly this 17:36 < justeno> saigais: up to you. i'm learning both at once 17:36 < John_Doe> esperanto is easy though 17:37 < la_kristan> no, you should learn toki pona. 17:37 < John_Doe> trying to think up something to say lol 17:37 < ldlework> John_Doe: just pick a story from an adventure 17:37 < ldlework> who's gonna do something 17:37 < ldlework> what are they gonna do 17:37 < rampre> "the knight fought the dragon" 17:37 < ldlework> and to what? 17:37 < ldlework> exactly 17:37 < ldlework> the wizard held the staff 17:37 < ldlework> so on 17:37 < John_Doe> where can I get more nouns? 17:38 < ldlework> you can just type into the search box above 17:38 < ldlework> but the gismu list is vast 17:38 < saigais> is {kakne} right for poop? or did I forge 17:38 < John_Doe> other than making them 17:38 < ldlework> just use Ctrl-F 17:38 < rampre> John_Doe: there aren't more nouns. there are just verbs. 17:38 < John_Doe> okay 17:38 < ldlework> John_Doe: rampre is exactly correct 17:38 < saigais> I was way wrong nope 17:38 < ldlework> en: kalci 17:38 < mensi> kalci = x1 is a/the feces/excrement/dung/shit of x2 (animal/person); (adjective:) x1 is fecal (matter). |>>> Also crap. 17:38 < mensi> See also ganxo, pinca, vikmi, mabla, festi. |>>> officialdata 17:39 < saigais> .i mi nelci lo kalci 17:39 < saigais> is that right? 17:39 < ldlework> yep 17:39 < saigais> “I like poop” 17:39 < saigais> lol, nice 17:39 < la_kristan> very useful x.X 17:39 < John_Doe> lo sonci ku nelci lo kalci ku 17:39 < John_Doe> is that correct? 17:39 < ldlework> cheater :P 17:39 < John_Doe> lol 17:40 < ldlework> John_Doe: but I think you get the idea! 17:40 < saigais> do you need lo.ku there? 17:40 < ldlework> John_Doe: try another one, but now use nouns from places other than x1 17:40 < John_Doe> mi sorcu lo kalci ku 17:40 < la_kristan> lo smacu ku nelci lo mlatu ku 17:40 < ldlework> I hurt in the poop. 17:40 < saigais> me too, buddy 17:40 < ldlework> This seems to be a theme tonight. 17:40 < saigais> me too 17:40 < John_Doe> okay 17:41 < la_kristan> not my doing... 17:42 < rampre> saigais: the {lo} is needed. the {ku}s can sometimes be dropped (but this lesson hasn't explained that yet) 17:43 < ldlework> For now, a noun is lo VERB ku 17:43 < deltab> en: sorcu 17:43 < mensi> sorcu = x1 is a store/deposit/supply/reserve of materials/energy x2 in containment x3. |>>> x3 need not be a container, 17:43 < mensi> but could merely be a site/location restriction; e.g. a heap. The sumti indicates how the supply is identified and 17:43 < mensi> distinguished from other occurrences of the stored x2 that are not part of the store. (cf. panka; vreji for information 17:43 < John_Doe> lo se tcidu ku nandu mi 17:43 < mensi> storage; sabji for a store or reserve that is not necessarily tied to a site, banxa, panka) |>>> 17:43 < mensi> officialdata 17:43 < ldlework> deltab: ue cai 17:43 < ldlework> you literally are -everywhere- on freenode 17:43 < ldlework> my god 17:43 < la_kristan> however I've long thought that we could greatly reduce cumbersome lexicons just by eliminating (no pun intended) excess synonyms for poop, vomit, and flatulence. 17:44 < saigais> ppsshshhhhhshhh 17:44 < ldlework> la_kristan: and confusing ambiguously fecal situations 17:44 < saigais> Wait, there’s a word for flatulance? 17:44 < rampre> John_Doe: to me that sounds like "the text is difficult" 17:44 < ldlework> saigais: its a constructed language, but its still a human language :) 17:44 < John_Doe> the text (thing that is read) is difficult for me 17:44 < ldlework> yes, that's what it says 17:45 < ldlework> well done 17:45 < rampre> John_Doe: note that this does not imply a particular text (like this irc channel) or a particular reader, or a particular person for who it is hard for. 17:45 < rampre> but we can fill in those blanks. 17:45 < ldlework> ah well 17:45 < deltab> saigais: even if there weren't, one could be made 17:45 < ldlework> there has been a lot of discussion on referentiality lately 17:45 < saigais> Whoops. 17:46 < John_Doe> wait, so am I allowed to use "mi" as the x2 for nandu? 17:46 < saigais> What’s the best way for me to learn lojban? I have a copy of the refgram, but it’s dense and tricky. 17:46 < ldlework> you can use mi anywhere you can fill a semantic place 17:46 < saigais> What do you guys think? 17:46 < ldlework> saigais: participate in free lessons like this one 17:46 < la_kristan> vlaste: vaxykafke 17:47 < vlaste> vaxykafke (components) = vasxu kafke ≈ breathe cough 17:47 < deltab> en: ti nandu mi 17:47 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 17:47 < ldlework> deltab: don't believe you can translate whole statements 17:47 < saigais> ldlework: I missed the start :( 17:47 < ldlework> saigais: it seems you're familiar with the start already however 17:47 < ldlework> saigais: to summarize 17:47 < deltab> oh, I thought I'd seen someone do that 17:47 < ldlework> the main sentence form is: x1 verb x2 x3 x4 x5 17:47 < saigais> I’ve got a little of background, but it still seems dense and tricky 17:48 < ldlework> saigais: well, let me type out some information 17:48 < saigais> and I never learned all the conjunctions 17:48 < saigais> ldlework: feel free to pm if you want 17:48 < ldlework> saigais: err, I'm trying to lecture John_Doe a new speaker 17:48 < ldlework> I could review what you've missed if you'd like? 17:49 < saigais> It’s fine! 17:49 < ldlework> We're starting from scratch 17:49 < snime> The recap might not be the most interesting, but it generally doens't hurt human memory to experience things a few times... 17:49 < ldlework> So we're not very far 17:49 < saigais> Go right ahead, I’ll jump in when I can 17:50 < ldlework> So far we've covered, the basic sentence structure, verb definitions, pro-nouns, noun descriptions with lo - ku, and verb modifications with SE 17:50 < ldlework> right John_Doe ? 17:50 < John_Doe> yep 17:50 < saigais> SE? 17:50 < ldlework> saigais: the SE family of articles lets you modify a verb, to create a new verb, but with a modified place structure 17:50 < ldlework> the modification is switching the x1 with some other place 17:51 < ldlework> for example 17:51 < saigais> ldlework: fa fe fi fo fu? 17:51 < ldlework> no 17:51 < saigais> hmm 17:51 < ldlework> se x1 and x2, te x1 and x3, ve x1 and x4, xe x1 and x5 17:51 < John_Doe> lo se palne ku palci 17:51 < ldlework> are the articles 17:51 < John_Doe> is it meaningful to just put "mi" as the x2 of palci? 17:51 < ldlework> The contents of this platter are evil! 17:51 < ldlework> haha 17:51 < John_Doe> yay 17:52 < John_Doe> lo se palne ku palci mi 17:52 < John_Doe> the contents of the platter are evil by my standard? 17:52 < ldlework> John_Doe: ignore the "by standard" places 17:52 < ldlework> they don't exist 17:52 < John_Doe> okay 17:52 < saigais> ldlework: currently looking up SE in refgram 17:52 < ldlework> saigais: I've just explained them 17:52 < saigais> this book may be dense, but the index is nice 17:52 < John_Doe> what do you mean they don't exist? 17:52 < John_Doe> were they removed from the language? 17:52 < saigais> no 17:53 < saigais> With nothing to fill the place, they are inferred 17:53 < saigais> by the listener 17:53 < saigais> right? 17:53 < rampre> John_Doe: (if i may put words in ldlework's mouth), i imagine he means they are not generally used or useful. 17:53 < ldlework> No, but, they are ill defined, not used much and its a pretty widespread conclusion that they contribute little value for complicating the word in which they appear. 17:53 < John_Doe> lol 17:53 < John_Doe> so they are sort of dying out? 17:53 < ldlework> saigais: yes, if you leave out a noun, it has to be assumed by the listener. 17:54 < ldlework> the listener may conclude, that information is simply not important 17:54 < saigais> SE selma’o are pg 192 in the refgram 17:54 < ldlework> or fill it in, with a likely candidate from the conversation's context 17:54 < saigais> found it! 17:54 < snime> So, the implication of "the contents of this tray are evil" is completely not the same as "this tastes bad" if I am not mistaken 17:54 < ldlework> Its... metaphoral indeed. 17:54 < ldlework> If that's what was meant. 17:54 < snime> valsi taste 17:55 < valsi> 11 results: vrusi, vu'izga, vusyga'e, vusyga'e, smaka, tasta, nelci, crovu'i, krumami, tcetce… 17:55 < saigais> Hm... 17:55 < ldlework> a general 'pleasing' verb is pluka 17:55 < ldlework> en: pluka 17:55 < mensi> pluka = x1 (event/state) seems pleasant to/pleases x2 under conditions x3. |>>> See also rigni, cmavo list pu'a, melbi, 17:55 < mensi> nelci, prami. |>>> officialdata 17:55 < saigais> Wish there were more lojban diagrams / drawings 17:55 < ldlework> lo se palne ku na pluka mi 17:55 < snime> saigais: Contirubte, load up Krita and your wacom tablet and draw them some! 17:55 < rampre> snime is right. palci is only about literally evil/morally bad/etc things. not abstract badness 17:55 < saigais> I suck at drawing! 17:55 < ldlework> "This is not a pleasing platter!" 17:56 < ldlework> :) 17:56 < rampre> i'm not sure the contents of most platters could be considered evil. Could snacks on a tray be evil? 17:56 < saigais> HAUNTED SNACKS! 17:56 < ldlework> rampre: if you nearly choked on an olvie? 17:56 < ldlework> you might yell that out. 17:56 < John_Doe> Could something sentient be the contents of a platter? 17:56 < snime> Baby heads on a plate :( 17:57 < saigais> D: 17:57 < la_kristan> what was the marker for 'have to', btw? i forgot. 17:57 < ldlework> lojban is not a language where you are only allowed to utter statements proved true by logicians 17:57 < ldlework> ei 17:57 < rampre> snime: i don't think the baby heads are evil themselves. the event is, but not the heads. 17:57 < rampre> ldlework: that makes sense. 17:57 < John_Doe> can baby heads be palci? 17:57 < John_Doe> or is only the person who removed the heads palci? 17:57 < la_kristan> some people... 17:58 < John_Doe> or maybe also the act of removing the heads? 17:58 < ldlework> if communication is your goal, you are best served by uttering statements that cause your listener to know what you mean. 17:58 < ldlework> metaphorical or not 17:58 < snime> rampre: point taken, I will have to wait for events to say that this incident of baby heads on a plate is evil. :( 17:58 < ldlework> veridical or not 17:58 < rampre> ldlework: i vote for the next part of the lesson to be event abstractors, if that is within grasp. 17:58 < saigais> ldlework: did you mention the attitudinals? 17:58 < saigais> oh 17:59 < John_Doe> I think I undertand the point of se, te etc 17:59 < ldlework> So unless you are proving some theorem, it is entirely fine to say that you own 1 shoe, even though you own 2. 17:59 < John_Doe> so I'm ready for the next thing 17:59 < ldlework> Okay 17:59 < ldlework> The next thing is a family of words called FA 17:59 < ldlework> this family allows you to easily leave things out of a sentence, or otherwise rearrage the order in which you fufill the place structure of the verb 18:00 < la_kristan> you are palci, for talking about baby heads on a plate! 18:00 < ldlework> firstly 18:00 < John_Doe> okay, sounds useful 18:00 < ldlework> you should know, that by default, the x1 must come before the verb in the sentence 18:00 < John_Doe> yep 18:00 < saigais> oh! 18:00 < saigais> fa fe fi fo fu! 18:00 < ldlework> if you leave it out, the first noun is not x1, but x2 18:00 < ldlework> so what is the meaning of 18:00 < ldlework> vecni ti 18:01 < ldlework> sorry 18:01 < ldlework> vecnu ti 18:01 < saigais> sells that? 18:01 < John_Doe> sell that thing 18:01 < ldlework> not quite 18:01 < saigais> or that sells? 18:01 < John_Doe> well, my translation sounds imperative 18:01 < rampre> someone sells this to someone for some cost 18:01 < ldlework> John_Doe: right 18:01 < ldlework> "that is sold" 18:01 < rampre> ldlework: "this is sold"? 18:01 < snime> "for sale" >_> 18:01 < ldlework> or this, sure 18:01 < ldlework> not for sale, but sold 18:01 < rampre> is ta both "this" and "that"? 18:02 < ldlework> ti is this, ta is that 18:02 < rampre> er, is {ti} "this" and "that" 18:02 < ldlework> tu is that yonder 18:02 < rampre> ok, that is what i thought, thanks. 18:02 < snime> We haven't hit tenses though ... 18:02 < saigais> phew 18:02 < snime> Tense could be contextual... 18:02 < ldlework> Sure, but even in the future tense 18:02 < ldlework> "ti ba se vecnu" this will be sold 18:02 < la_kristan> the dictionary app doesn't recognise the word malglico. 18:02 < ldlework> not this is on sale, or will be on sale 18:02 < rampre> snime: tenses are very contextual. "vecnu ti" means "this is sold" just as much as it means "this will be sold eventually" 18:03 < saigais> la_kristan: it’s slang 18:03 < ldlework> right it always means "sold" 18:03 < ldlework> wherever the event in time takes place 18:03 < rampre> la_kristan: malglico is from mabla glico 18:03 < saigais> la_kristan: means “bad english-like grammar” if I remember correctly 18:03 < ldlework> just because something is to be sold in the future, doesn't mean its on sale now 18:03 * snime ponders the implication of this 18:03 < saigais> oh! 18:03 < saigais> rampre: sorry 18:03 < ldlework> for sale would be something like "ti ka'e se vecnu" 18:03 < ldlework> "this can be sold" 18:03 < rampre> saigais: nothing to apologize for 18:04 < la_kristan> yeah, I was wondering about what the mal was derived from. 18:04 < rampre> la_kristan: i use vlasisku, and it automatically picks out rafsi: http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/malglico 18:04 < ldlework> I love teaching lojban. 18:05 < ldlework> John_Doe: how about we tackle translating this sentence 18:05 < saigais> And we love you 18:05 < John_Doe> wait, what were we translating? 18:05 < ldlework> I love teaching lojban. 18:05 < John_Doe> vecnu ti? 18:05 < saigais> ohh, verb phrases! 18:05 < ldlework> vecnu ti means "this is sold" 18:05 < ldlework> John_Doe: are we clear on that example? 18:05 < John_Doe> wait, it's not necessarily in any tense right? 18:06 < ldlework> John_Doe: no, but if you put it in the future, it doesn't change the predicate or meaning of the verb "se vecnu" 18:06 < ldlework> ba vecnu ti : in the future, this is sold 18:06 < John_Doe> okay 18:06 < John_Doe> I get it then 18:07 < ldlework> alright so let's translate, "I love teaching lojban." 18:07 < John_Doe> wait, how do I translate teaching? 18:07 < ldlework> well 18:07 < rampre> ldlework: {mi nelci lo nu ctuca be lojbo} ? 18:07 < ldlework> you type "teach" into the search box and hope a good word comes up 18:07 < snime> valsi bought 18:08 < valsi> no results. http://vlasisku.lojban.org/bought 18:08 < rampre> valsi buy 18:08 < valsi> 2 results: terve'u, vecnu 18:08 < ldlework> rampre: we'll get there 18:08 < rampre> ldlework: sorry. 18:08 < ldlework> let's help John_Doe join us there 18:08 < John_Doe> do I use "teaching lojban" to fill the x2? 18:09 < la_kristan> .ei mi citka 18:09 < ldlework> John_Doe: that is indeed the thing I love 18:09 < saigais> rampre: How does {be} work? 18:09 < ldlework> saigais: I'll come back to be 18:09 < ldlework> rampre: remind me to cover your guess after 18:09 < rampre> saigais: i don't feel comfortable explaining it. 18:09 < rampre> ldlework: k 18:09 < saigais> .uinai 18:09 < John_Doe> okay, I think I have a guess 18:09 < ldlework> John_Doe: let's hear it 18:09 < John_Doe> what's the se, te word for x3 again, though? 18:10 < ldlework> te 18:10 < John_Doe> oh, right 18:10 < ldlework> For lojbanic series, I recommend making a song for each 18:10 < ldlework> a little melody 18:10 < ldlework> pu ca ba 18:10 < ldlework> ti ta tu 18:10 < ldlework> se te ve xe 18:10 < saigais> pa re mi vo cu xa... 18:10 < ldlework> something trivial 18:10 < saigais> wait no 18:10 < ldlework> just to help you until actual usage internalizes it for you 18:11 < la_kristan> fi, fie, fo, fum, or whatever... 18:11 < ldlework> fa fe fi fo fu 18:11 < ldlework> I smell the blood of an englishman 18:11 < John_Doe> okay, so I'm still not clear how to use ckule and lojban as the x2 18:11 < ldlework> John_Doe: of course not! 18:11 < ldlework> but here's why 18:11 < saigais> pa re ci vo mu xa ze bi so 18:11 < ldlework> Because you are trying to wrap up, not just a single place of some verb, into a noun 18:12 < ldlework> You are trying to wrap an entirely different sentence! 18:12 < la_kristan> but I have to eat dinner... 18:12 < la_kristan> co'o 18:12 < ldlework> Consider, "I love teaching lojban." 18:12 < rampre> co'o la_kristan 18:12 < ldlework> I love: what? 18:12 < saigais> co’o ly. 18:12 < ldlework> "teaching lojban" 18:12 < John_Doe> how do I drop the x2? 18:12 < ldlework> In lojban, how would you express this subsentence? 18:12 < John_Doe> because lojban would be the x3 in that sentence right? 18:13 < saigais> nu? 18:13 < ldlework> just specify x3 directly, with FA, specifically fi 18:13 < John_Doe> wait, what are fa fi? 18:13 < rampre> oh, i forgot to do that in my guess. i got the place structure of ctuca wrong. 18:13 < ldlework> John_Doe: they let you address which noun place the next description fills, directly 18:13 < ldlework> so 18:14 < ldlework> the series goes: fa:x1 fe:x2 fi:x3 fo:x4 fu:x5 18:14 < ldlework> So if you want to just provide one specific noun place 18:14 < ldlework> and it doesn't happen to be x1 and x2 which you can just place next to the main verb 18:14 < ldlework> then you can just specify directly which place you'd like to fill 18:14 < ldlework> so if lojban fills the x3 place of ctuca 18:14 < ldlework> just do it 18:15 < ldlework> so how do you say "teaching Lojban" 18:15 < John_Doe> ckule fi lojban 18:15 < ldlework> So, FA eats a noun 18:15 < ldlework> In your example, its eating a verb 18:15 < ldlework> how do you transform a verb into a noun in lojban? 18:15 < John_Doe> lo ku 18:15 < John_Doe> brb 18:15 < ldlework> yep 18:16 < rampre> ldlework: eats? 18:16 < ldlework> hmm? 18:16 < ldlework> oh 18:16 < rampre> oh, takes an input 18:16 < ldlework> yeah 18:17 < rampre> i thought you meant as in takes and destroys. 18:17 < ldlework> om'nom 18:17 < ldlework> I'm terrible at the morphology lol 18:17 < John_Doe> okay 18:17 < John_Doe> so ckule fi lojban is right? 18:17 < ldlework> It is right in the sense that 18:17 < ldlework> well 18:18 < ldlework> consider this 18:18 < ldlework> [school] ckule [campus] [course] ... 18:18 < ldlework> bleh 18:18 < ldlework> its correct 18:19 < ldlework> its just not the verb that is conventionally used is all 18:19 < John_Doe> oh, what is? 18:19 < ldlework> its totally right and I shouldn't have said anything :) 18:19 < ldlework> en: ctuca 18:19 < mensi> ctuca = x1 teaches audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event). |>>> Also instruct, 18:19 < mensi> instructor, educate, educator, teacher, professor, pedagogue; (adjective:) x1/x5 is pedagogical. See also ckule, cilre, 18:19 < mensi> tadni. |>>> officialdata 18:19 < ldlework> the same semantic can indeed appear in multiple verbs 18:19 < ldlework> that's a strange form of lojbanic polysemy that I hadn't considered before 18:20 < ldlework> instead of a word having multiple definitions 18:20 < ldlework> anyway 18:20 < ldlework> the reason it can't work for our example 18:20 < ldlework> well we'll see why 18:20 < ldlework> lets first get your answer into a noun somehow 18:21 < ldlework> so the question is how do we put a whole separate sentence into a noun phrase 18:21 < John_Doe> is it just lo ku? 18:21 < ldlework> well your intution is good so I must be doing okay 18:21 < ldlework> the way to create nouns from verbs in lojban is indeed lo ku 18:21 < ldlework> but we don't have a verb 18:21 < ldlework> we have a whole sentence 18:21 < John_Doe> true 18:21 < ldlework> so what we need is some article that can convert whole sentences into verbs! 18:22 < ldlework> at the most basic, we have su'u kei 18:22 < ldlework> put su'u kei around a sentence and it becomes a verb, no questions asked 18:22 < John_Doe> wait, becomes a verb? 18:23 < ldlework> indeed, what could the definition of it be?! 18:23 < ldlework> this is abstract 18:23 < ldlework> but consider 18:23 < ldlework> mi viska 18:23 < John_Doe> I see 18:23 < ldlework> mi viska = sentence, "I see" 18:24 < John_Doe> so how would you translate su'u mi viska kei accurately? 18:24 < ldlework> su'u mi viska kei = verb, x1 is something about me seeing 18:24 < ldlework> well accurately is a tall order 18:24 < John_Doe> true 18:24 < ldlework> because su'u doesn't tell us how to interpret the new verb very well 18:24 < ldlework> notice that the definition doesn't really tell us what the x1 _is_ 18:24 < John_Doe> no, that 18:24 < John_Doe> that's what confuses me 18:24 < ldlework> it just tells us, that whatever it is, its "about" me seeing 18:25 < ldlework> consider, however 18:25 < ldlework> this does allow us to take the next step 18:25 < ldlework> which is to convert this verb into a noun, and capture whatever that thing is, that is about me seeing 18:26 < John_Doe> okay 18:26 < ldlework> [thing-related-to me seeing] su'u mi viska kei 18:26 < ldlework> Anything we put into the x1 of this sentence, will be "about" me seeing 18:26 < ldlework> about in which way, is completely unknown 18:27 < ldlework> What's important is that we made a verb of the sentence 18:27 < ldlework> which allows us to capture that x1 18:27 < John_Doe> using lo ku? 18:27 < ldlework> yep 18:27 < John_Doe> wait so, lo su'u mi viska kei ku? 18:27 < ldlework> yes 18:27 < John_Doe> that's wordy 18:27 < nubi> The terminators can be dropped if they're not needed 18:27 < ldlework> lo su'u mi viska kei ku = "Something to do with me seeing" 18:27 < nubi> {kei ku} isn't neccessary if it's implied 18:27 < John_Doe> lo su'u mi viska? 18:28 < ldlework> break it down 18:28 < ldlework> first take off the lo - ku 18:28 < ldlework> you have su'u mi viska kei, a verb 18:28 < ldlework> take off the su'u, you have mi viska, a sentence 18:28 < John_Doe> yeah 18:28 < John_Doe> it makes sense 18:28 < ldlework> su'u is just a raw operator that does this transformation for us 18:28 < ldlework> we can, now, technically translate the sentence 18:29 < ldlework> I love teaching lojban 18:29 < ldlework> do it 18:29 < John_Doe> okay 18:29 < John_Doe> will take a sec 18:29 < ldlework> no worries 18:30 < John_Doe> with ctuca the subject is x4 right? what's the fa fi for x4? 18:30 < ldlework> fa fe fi fo fu 18:30 < ldlework> fafay feefo foo 18:30 < ldlework> is how I do it 18:30 < John_Doe> ctuca fo lojban is what we want to transform then? 18:30 < ldlework> yep 18:30 < John_Doe> su'u ctuca fo lojban kei 18:30 < ldlework> yep 18:30 < John_Doe> lo su'u ctuca fo lojban kei ku 18:30 < ldlework> yep 18:31 < ldlework> I love that 18:31 < John_Doe> mi prami lo su'u ctuca fo lojban kei ku 18:31 < ldlework> hooray! 18:31 < ldlework> now 18:31 < ldlework> I know everyone watching this is dying for me to explain the other, more useful operators that work like su'u 18:31 < nubi> Yup x3 18:32 < ldlework> but first we have a pop quiz 18:32 < ldlework> John_Doe: I want you to mark this sentence, as best as you can, where you see sentences {}, verbs <>, and nouns [] 18:32 < John_Doe> okay 18:32 < ldlework> being mindful of the highly nested structure 18:33 < John_Doe> what am I marking? 18:34 < ldlework> John_Doe: consider 18:34 < ldlework> mi viska lo vecnu ku 18:34 < ldlework> {[mi] [lo ku]} 18:34 < John_Doe> got it 18:35 < nubi> Idlework: May I interject a question? 18:35 < ldlework> sure 18:36 < nubi> Are there uses for what you've just explained with su'u kei without making it a 'noun'? 18:36 < ldlework> sure, if you want to put the burden on your listener to figure out the "real" semantic 18:36 < nubi> Lel 18:36 < nubi> Well, I mean 18:36 < ldlework> Its not a joke 18:36 < nubi> Even with something like sedu'u kei 18:37 < ldlework> ohh 18:37 < ldlework> I misread your question 18:37 < ldlework> using just the verb form 18:37 < nubi> Yes 18:37 < ldlework> I have seen it, but I admit not trying very hard to interpret the real deeper meaning 18:37 < ldlework> consider 18:37 < ldlework> do nu morsi 18:38 < ldlework> the place structure of nu tells us that the verb is of the form x1 is the event of the bridi 18:38 < ldlework> so quite literally, you are the event of death 18:38 < ldlework> instead of "you are dead" 18:38 < ldlework> which is much more ominious 18:38 < ldlework> but strictly metaphorical 18:39 < nubi> Okay 18:39 < ldlework> there are ordinary verbs that have events in their x1, that we can use as the x1 of raw nu sentences 18:39 < nubi> I think I understand now 18:39 < ldlework> consider, lo nunsla cu nu gleki 18:39 < ldlework> nunsla1 -is- an event 18:39 < ldlework> so when we use it as a noun1 for it makes perfect sense 18:40 < ldlework> "the event of celebration, is an event of happiness" 18:40 < ldlework> John_Doe: got your marked up guess? 18:40 < John_Doe> wait, what was I marking up? 18:40 < ldlework> hah 18:40 < John_Doe> I thought the last thing you have me was what you already amrked 18:40 < John_Doe> *gave 18:40 < ldlework> mi prami lo su'u ctuca fo lojban kei ku 18:40 < John_Doe> oh, that same sentence 18:41 < ldlework> yes, as an example for how to mark that one 18:41 < ldlework> oops 18:41 < ldlework> this isn't grammatical 18:41 < ldlework> fo eats a noun 18:41 < ldlework> you have it eating a verb 18:41 < ldlework> easy fix 18:41 < ldlework> you must be thinking, ANOTHER KU?! 18:42 < John_Doe> {[mi] [lo fo [lojban]> kei ku]} 18:42 < ldlework> Okay just a couple of comments 18:42 < John_Doe> oh 18:42 < ldlework> edit it so that the parens go on the outside of the term completey 18:43 < John_Doe> as in [fo lojban]? 18:43 < ldlework> right 18:43 < ldlework> also 18:43 < ldlework> kei> vs > kei 18:43 < John_Doe> {[mi] [lo [fo lojban] kei> ku]} 18:44 < ldlework> okay so you didn't mark "lojban" 18:44 < ldlework> why is that? 18:44 < John_Doe> I thought fo went with lojban 18:44 < ldlework> It does 18:44 < ldlework> they make up a noun 18:44 < ldlework> but "lojban" isn't a noun on its own 18:44 < John_Doe> it isn't? 18:45 < ldlework> is "ctuca" a noun on its own? 18:45 < ldlework> are you thinking that fo plays a similar role as lo? 18:45 < John_Doe> it's a verb isn't it? but does it need to be marked with its arguments? 18:45 < ldlework> fo eats a noun 18:45 < ldlework> and creates a noun 18:45 < ldlework> fo NOUN => NOUN 18:46 < John_Doe> so [fo lojban] is correct? 18:46 < ldlework> no because you have "fo VERB" 18:46 < deltab> are cmene nouns? verbs? 18:46 < John_Doe> wait, lojban is a verb? 18:46 < ldlework> deltab: for the purposes of where we are, definitely. 18:46 < ldlework> John_Doe: for now, names act exactly like verbs 18:46 < ldlework> which mean 18:46 < ldlework> x1 is the thing named NAME 18:47 < John_Doe> do I need lo lojban ku? 18:47 < ldlework> yes 18:47 < John_Doe> jesus 18:47 < ldlework> :) 18:47 < John_Doe> that's a lot of nesting 18:47 < ldlework> hah I called it minutes ago 18:47 < snime> mi trinke lo .uiski 18:47 < John_Doe> so I need fo lo lojban ku? 18:47 < ldlework> John_Doe: correct 18:47 < John_Doe> [fo lo lojban ku]? 18:47 < John_Doe> marked as one noun? 18:47 < ldlework> well its nested 18:47 < John_Doe> or do I need to mark the lo ku? 18:47 < ldlework> there's even a verb inside there, lojban 18:47 < nubi> Why isn't it {la lojban}? I thought cmene were introduced with {la} 18:47 < John_Doe> [fo [lo lojban ku]? 18:47 < ldlework> nubi: I'm going to clean up 18:48 < snime> zu mi na jundi 18:48 < ldlework> after we accomplish the small task in front of us 18:48 < ldlework> John_Doe: closer 18:48 < ldlework> you've still ignored the verb 18:48 < John_Doe> oh god 18:48 < ldlework> lo always eats a verb 18:48 < John_Doe> [fo [lo ku]} 18:48 < John_Doe> *]] 18:48 < ldlework> yep 18:48 < ldlework> what's the fully parsed sentence? 18:49 < John_Doe> okay, lemme scroll up 18:49 < ldlework> sure 18:50 < John_Doe> {[mi] [lo [fo [lo ku] kei> ku]} 18:50 < ldlework> brilliant 18:50 < John_Doe> yay 18:50 < ldlework> seriously feel accomplished 18:50 < John_Doe> it makes sense, it's just complicated 18:50 < ldlework> We're going to make it more simple 18:50 < John_Doe> how much more do you have to teach? I need to hang the washing out 18:50 < ldlework> John_Doe: I can wrap up 18:51 < John_Doe> okay, or I could do the washing and then we could finish 18:51 < ldlework> To everyone, the reason I do this, is because lojban is one of the only languages where you can quantitatively test other people's understanding of the grammar 18:51 < John_Doe> depends how much more material 18:51 < ldlework> I have to part soon as well 18:51 < John_Doe> okay 18:51 < ldlework> Any part of the sentence that John_Doe couldn't successfully mark, is an explicit gap in his model about how the grammar works 18:52 < John_Doe> that's actually really handy 18:52 < John_Doe> to be able to test it that way 18:52 < ldlework> That John_Doe is able to perfectly mark the sentence means that the mechanics are set. Now we can have fun and leisure in exploring the semantics 18:52 < ldlework> Like the difference between an event and a proposition and a property 18:53 < rampre> ldlework: is not a time to talk about my attempt at "i love teaching lojban" ? 18:53 < rampre> er, is *now* a time 18:53 < ldlework> If he is confused about those, I know he at least can parse what we're talking about 18:53 < ldlework> ah sure 18:53 < ldlework> first though 18:53 < ldlework> let me fix the errors I let slip by 18:53 < ldlework> John_Doe: lojban is not a verb 18:53 < ldlework> but it creates a grammar term, very similar to a verb called a name 18:54 < ldlework> but in lojban 18:54 < ldlework> to transform a name into a noun 18:54 < ldlework> you need to use la instead of lo 18:54 < ldlework> la lojban ku 18:54 < ldlework> la rampre ku 18:54 < rampre> my original was {mi nelci lo nu ctuca be lojbo}. I fixed it to {mi nelci lo nu ctuca be fi la lojban} 18:54 < John_Doe> oh, okay 18:54 < ldlework> John_Doe: come back to me and I'll explain how to get rid of some of those terminators :) 18:54 < John_Doe> is la only for proper nouns? 18:55 < John_Doe> or does the name category include more? 18:55 < ldlework> do you mean, does it include non-veridical descriptions? 18:55 < John_Doe> I'm not sure lol 18:55 < ldlework> If its a title or proper noun, just use la 18:55 < ldlework> its safe 18:55 < snime> la is proper nouns. lo snime is the snow, while la snime is the person called "snime" 18:56 < ldlework> +1 18:56 < John_Doe> okay 18:56 < ldlework> If the thing inside the lo/la - ku is not a verb that describes the thing, and is instead an 'assigned title', then its a name 18:56 < John_Doe> okay 18:57 < ldlework> rampre: okay so 18:57 < ldlework> the main thing to say about your example is that, you do not need be, to modify your ctuca selbri, because you are inside of a bridi 18:57 < ldlework> IE 18:57 < ldlework> lo nu ctuca fi la lojban is good enough 18:57 < ldlework> rampre: which is revealed by marking the sentence 18:57 < rampre> ah, because nu introduced a bridi. 18:57 < ldlework> yes you understand 18:57 < ldlework> I wont bother :) 18:58 < rampre> i'm going to mark it anyways. i haven't done that exercise before. 18:58 < nubi> Idlework: How often are you on this IRC? 18:59 < John_Doe> Have you taught me all you intend to for now? 18:59 < ldlework> nubi: dukse mutce 18:59 < ldlework> John_Doe: uh, well I think we should cover the conversational tools 18:59 < ldlework> so you can interact with others here 18:59 < John_Doe> okay 18:59 < ldlework> questions are magnificient in lojban 19:00 < ldlework> yes and no questions are asked by sticking the word 'xu' somewhere 19:00 < John_Doe> anywhere? 19:00 < rampre> {[mi] [lo {nu fi [la lojban]}]} 19:00 < ldlework> usually at the start or end 19:00 < ldlework> rampre: I mark [fi and Non-Lojban question here... when you send me something and it makes a popping noise and darkens the box, I'm assuming that's a PM. How is that done? 19:00 < ldlework> nubi: /query who what 19:00 < rampre> ldlework: i was unsure 19:01 < ldlework> rampre: the way I model fi is that it consumes a sumti and produces a new, absolutely addressed one. 19:01 < ldlework> John_Doe: yes 19:01 < rampre> the idea of absolutely addressed sumti isn't something i've thought of before. 19:02 < ldlework> the way to answer yes is go'i, and no is na go'i 19:02 < rampre> ldlework: does the place where you stick 'xu' carry some meaning? 19:02 < ldlework> rampre: yes it does 19:02 < ldlework> logically, no but semantically yes 19:02 < ldlework> for example 19:02 < rampre> i've always been unclear about that. i just make it the first word 19:02 < nubi> Same 19:02 < ldlework> .i xu do citka lo plise : "Are you eating an apple?" 19:02 < John_Doe> what's .i? 19:02 < ldlework> .i do citka lo xu plise : "Are you eating an APPLE!?" 19:03 < ldlework> John_Doe: it is the lo of sentences 19:03 < rampre> John_Doe: in english we put periods at the end of a sentence. in lojban we put .i at the beginning. 19:03 < ldlework> John_Doe: I've been lying a bit 19:03 < ldlework> Well 19:03 < ldlework> I wont reveal that lie just yet 19:03 < ldlework> But sentences have openers and closers 19:03 < ldlework> .i and vau 19:04 < ldlework> if there is only one top-level sentence in your text, you might omit both since it doesn't separate the sentence from anything 19:04 < ldlework> but if you had two sentences... 19:04 < ldlework> mi citka .i mi gleki 19:04 < rampre> ldlework: is vau ever required? 19:04 < nubi> Yes, I was wondering that as well 19:04 < ldlework> uh if there is, its one of those rare things that only people with a better memory can remember 19:05 < ldlework> what vau is nice for 19:05 < ldlework> is attaching things to the whole sentence as an after thought 19:05 < ldlework> .i do citka lo plise vau xu 19:05 < deltab> wiktionary gives "mi punji lo sicni gi'e lebna lo karni vau le minji" 19:06 < ldlework> I see 19:06 < ldlework> would anyone like to try to mark this example? 19:06 < ldlework> :) 19:06 < John_Doe> I can try 19:06 < ldlework> John_Doe: it requires a special understanding of gi'e 19:06 < John_Doe> what's that? 19:06 < nubi> *Looks up gi'e* 19:06 < ldlework> well, this is advanced stuff 19:07 < John_Doe> okay, probably not worth me getting into right now 19:07 < ldlework> there's other more useful stuff 19:07 < ldlework> so 19:07 < ldlework> John_Doe: xu do merko 19:08 < John_Doe> how would I answer? 19:08 < ldlework> go'i for yes, na go'i for no 19:08 < rampre> i would answer go'i 19:08 < John_Doe> na go'i 19:08 < ldlework> ua 19:08 < ldlework> I gotta run 19:08 < nubi> Can we have a basic run-down of what go'i is doing? 19:08 < nubi> Oh, okay 19:08 < nubi> co'o 19:08 < John_Doe> Same 19:08 < ldlework> it restates the same sentence 19:09 < ldlework> but 19:09 < ldlework> with pronouns flipped 19:09 < rampre> ldlework: ! 19:09 < ldlework> mi's to do's, and vice versa 19:09 < ldlework> what 19:09 < rampre> ua ui 19:09 < John_Doe> ah okay 19:09 < John_Doe> thanks for the lesson, I'm sure I'll see you on here again 19:09 < ldlework> "do you eat?" "(yes) I eat" 19:09 < nubi> Same 19:09 < rampre> i tried quite hard to get something that would flip pronouns 19:09 < ldlework> also 19:09 < ldlework> you can refer to the nouns of the last sentence 19:10 < ldlework> xu do citka lo plise 19:10 < rampre> so "mi prami do" : i love you, and then the response "go'i" could be translated as "i love you too" ? 19:10 < ldlework> mi nelci lo se go'i .i ku'i na citka 19:10 < ldlework> "I like apples. But not eating (an apple)." 19:10 < ldlework> rampre: for that you use mi'u 19:10 < nubi> I feel like I've seen that example elsewhere... 19:11 < John_Doe> see you guys later 19:11 < ldlework> which restates it out of the context of a question 19:11 < rampre> John_Doe: co'o 19:11 < ldlework> ditto essentially 19:11 < ldlework> co'o John_Doe 19:11 < rampre> vlasisku defines mi'u as "discursive: ditto" 19:11 < ldlework> right 19:11 < ldlework> "me too" 19:12 < rampre> oh, i see. go'i is only for questions? 19:12 < ldlework> .i ei mi citka lo vacycti 19:12 < ldlework> co'o 19:12 < rampre> co'o 19:12 < nubi> co'o 19:19 < deltab> reminds me of http://33.media.tumblr.com/461026a61a1fa175f34d21648b41e47c/tumblr_m1uxp6DInm1qg1mbqo11_r11_250.gif 19:19 < ldlework> haha 19:26 < justeno> mi xagil 19:32 < deltab> you are hungry an oboe, or a donkey? 19:33 < justeno> wat 19:33 < deltab> Did you mean… xagji, xagri, or xasli? 19:34 < justeno> xagji* 19:34 < deltab> ko citka 19:36 < justeno> mi iancu lo xagji, but meh 19:36 < deltab> ko na citka lo xagri .i ko na citka lo xasli 19:45 < justeno> lo xasli ku (may be) kukte 19:46 < justeno> mi na djuno 19:47 < deltab> I heard it tastes like ass 19:47 < justeno> sounds about right 19:48 < niftg> .ua bu'u lo jungo pagbu lo xasli cu kukte lo se kulnu pu'e lo nu xamgu ke jukpa bregau 19:55 < niftg> krasi:xasli 19:55 < mensi> xasli = .i zo'oi liu banzuxe'o .i zo'oi as bangenugu .i zo'oi gadxa banxe'inu .i zo'oi asn bansupu'a .i zo'oi asiol 19:55 < mensi> banru'usu .i zo'oi ximur bangaru'a 19:56 < niftg> la'a mixre zo'oi 驢 jo'u zo'oi ass 19:57 < zipcpi> Hmm... I'm going to add what I think {voi} should be used for on my page. It's not a gadri, but if we're going to slay the veridicality beast once and for all, we might as well talk about what place {voi} has in our world 19:57 < mensi> zipcpi: cu'u la'o gy.ldlework.gy.: definite] Frank The Cat, those cats, the/a cat] lo [Mr Cat, Plato's Cat Statue] 19:57 < mensi> indefinite | 2015-06-04T21:47:13.789Z 19:58 < niftg> ju'ocu'i lerci gasnu notci nu selfu 19:59 < zipcpi> As I said I think it could be used for "titles" without being too much of a stretch, or breaking past usage (what past usage?) 20:00 < zipcpi> In a way it is "non-veridical", but in the same way {la} is 20:01 < ldlework> right 20:04 < ldlework> zipcpi: I thought about lo'e and lo'i and I like the idea that Mr Cat is the living description of Cats and Plato's Cat Statue is the platonic null-context model of Cats. 20:04 < zipcpi> Oh 20:04 < zipcpi> *Ah 20:06 < zipcpi> Because without using {voi} for titles the best other way I know of is {la .uubis. no'u la'au daspo lo su'o terdi li'u}, and... that'd suck 20:06 < ldlework> yeah voi is nice in that it reflects a way in which names are given in the real world and not just an ideal lojbanistan 20:08 < ldlework> .i ii za'a la bab voi noltronau be la rodgu'e 20:11 < justeno> lo smuci ku na xanri 20:11 < justeno> (There is no spoon) 20:11 < ldlework> well 20:11 < ldlework> you're saying 20:11 < justeno> the spoon doesn't exist 20:11 < ldlework> "the spoon is imaginary" 20:12 < justeno> ah 20:12 < justeno> lo smuci ku na zasti 20:12 < ldlework> well I don't think you were wrong 20:12 < ldlework> I think it was a good translation 20:12 < justeno> what would be more appropriate? 20:13 < ldlework> they're kind of symmetrical 20:13 < ldlework> if it doesn't exist, "it" must be imaginary 20:13 < justeno> must it? 20:13 < ldlework> oh 20:13 < ldlework> you said 'na' xanri 20:13 < ldlework> "the spoon is not imaginary" 20:13 < ldlework> "the spoon exists" 20:14 < justeno> heh 20:14 < justeno> lo smuci ku na zasti 20:14 < zipcpi> I would use {le} here but then that'd bring up the veridicality confusion once again :p 20:14 < justeno> is probably what i want then 20:14 < ldlework> that's the most direct 20:14 < justeno> zipcpi: i'm ready. why le? 20:14 < zipcpi> Besides I should probably stop peddling my crazy ideas to nintadni 20:14 < ldlework> zipcpi: heh it feels dangerous but exciting 20:15 < ldlework> justeno: there are two ways to interpret "lo mlatu ku" 20:15 < zipcpi> Well, in our (me and Idlework)'s proposed article definitions, {le} is deixis; it means that the descriptor is used to point the listener to an object that exists in the world somewhere 20:16 < ldlework> ie 20:16 < zipcpi> So {le smuci} is acceptable for "the spoon", as it's pointing to a particular referent 20:16 < justeno> ah, but that's not official? 20:17 < justeno> only a proposal at this point? 20:17 < ldlework> well our le is pretty close to the current le 20:17 < ldlework> if not exactly the same 20:17 < justeno> if exactly the same, why the proposal? 20:17 < ldlework> justeno: because it touches all the gadri articles 20:17 < ldlework> for example 20:17 < ldlework> today, in most usage, there's is just lo and le 20:18 < ldlework> most people just use lo, because lo means the same thing as le, but also second semantic 20:18 < ldlework> that means... well... 20:18 < ldlework> its vague 20:18 < ldlework> that's the problem 20:18 < zipcpi> Take for example... "I like cats" 20:18 < zipcpi> I'm saying I like a particular cat 20:19 < ldlework> you are? 20:19 < zipcpi> I'm generalizing about cats, and saying I like them as a concept 20:19 < zipcpi> Oh... *not saying I like a particular cat 20:19 < zipcpi> Typo 20:19 < ldlework> :) 20:20 < zipcpi> So then... what would you use? Sure, {mi nelci lo mlatu} is acceptable; it is always acceptable 20:20 < zipcpi> But then an important shade of meaning is lost 20:20 < ldlework> illustration is easiest 20:20 < justeno> that's what "le" is for currently, isn't it? 20:20 < ldlework> mi nelci le mlatu : I like the/a/that cat 20:21 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'e mlatu : I like Cats 20:21 < ldlework> mi nelci lo mlatu : I loke (the/a/that cat | Cats) 20:21 < ldlework> like* 20:23 < ldlework> if you use lo, you shift the burden onto the listener to figure out what you mean 20:23 < ldlework> but this is usually fine most of the time 20:23 < ldlework> since the semantic difference between the le and lo'e interpreations are so vast, it only takes a bit of context to figure out what the speaker likely means 20:24 < justeno> ah 20:25 < zipcpi> Here: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 20:25 < ldlework> zipcpi: you should add the chart 20:25 < zipcpi> The things we haven't touched: la / lai / lo 20:25 < zipcpi> Right... 20:25 < zipcpi> Can you send me an updated one? 20:26 < ldlework> https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/b78b3914ff094aa2fc41 20:26 < ldlework> actually 20:26 < zipcpi> The things that we don't believe would conflict with standard usage at all, but merely cleaned up to mean a specific thing instead of some hazy "malglixlu for the": le / lei / voi 20:26 < ldlework> I'm going to add the other thing to it too 20:26 < ldlework> the examples 20:27 < zipcpi> {mo'oi} is a completely new word, so won't conflict with anything 20:27 < zipcpi> {lo'e}... well I don't even know how {lo'e} was used before, but I don't think the way I'm using it is too much of a stretch 20:28 < zipcpi> It's the {lo'i}, {le'i}, and {loi} redefinitions that are the most controversial 20:31 < ldlework> zipcpi: https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/b78b3914ff094aa2fc41 20:32 < ldlework> crap 20:32 < ldlework> lai 20:33 < zipcpi> Oh right... yeah I don't exactly know how la/lai works, but it's already part of the language, and I don't think it's any use trying to repurpose {lai} 20:33 < justeno> ldlework: i may have asked? Anyhow, any baby's first words type of reading in lojban? 20:33 < justeno> i'd like to start reading books and so forth 20:33 < zipcpi> There is the translation of "Where the Wild Things Are" 20:34 < zipcpi> http://selpahi.de/cilce_prenu.html 20:34 < ldlework> here we go, https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/b78b3914ff094aa2fc41 20:38 < zipcpi> OK added the chart 20:41 < John_Doe> sup guys 20:42 < zipcpi> Hi 20:44 < justeno> John_Doe: coi 20:44 < niftg> coi jydy 20:46 < zipcpi> ldlework: Well, actually "Mr Cat" would only have meaning to those who know of our "Mr Broda" discussions :p 20:47 < zipcpi> For justeno: Mr Broda is a quasi-divine entity that represents all {broda}, and represents all generalizations of {broda}. There is only ever one Mr Broda for each predicate. 20:48 < zipcpi> And he is immortal and eternal 20:49 < zipcpi> Thus, when you say {mi nelci lo'e mlatu} "I like cats"; it never makes sense to ask {do nelci xo lo'e mlatu} "How many "generalized cats" do you like?" 20:50 < zipcpi> Because there is only one Mr Mlatu 20:52 < ldlework> zipcpi: yeah Mr. Broda is classically Plato's Cat Statue 20:52 < zipcpi> Well, we're kinda differentiating the two :p 20:54 < zipcpi> And Mr Mlatu is immortal, because even if all the cats in the world died, you can still generalize about them 21:05 < justeno> if {na} negates, why {nai} for attitudinals? 21:05 < ldlework> justeno: because they operate on different things 21:05 < ldlework> they do different things 21:05 < ldlework> na is a bridi operator 21:05 < ldlework> it changes the meaning of the whole sentence 21:06 < justeno> and {nai} just modifies the attitudinal 21:06 < ldlework> nai attaches to articles to the left of it, and negates just those 21:06 < justeno> oj 21:06 < justeno> ok* 21:06 < justeno> ooh 21:08 < justeno> nai cmalu fi na 21:08 < justeno> kind of 21:10 < deltab> .ienai 21:13 < zipcpi> And you want {zo} for talking about words 21:13 < justeno> cmalu as in less powerful of a modifier 21:14 < justeno> how would one say: nai is a less powerful na? 21:14 < deltab> they apply to different things 21:15 < deltab> I don't think it makes sense to compare them like that 21:15 < zipcpi> na negates the bridi 21:16 < zipcpi> nai is used for a lot of things but only negates the last word 21:16 < deltab> is nowhere a less powerful zero? 21:16 < zipcpi> Also attitudinals are weird, in that depending on how they're defined nai might not necessarily mean the exact opposite 21:17 < zipcpi> See {ba'a} for example 21:19 < deltab> ba'a is looking forward, ba'anai is looking back 21:19 < deltab> (in time) 21:20 * zipcpi nods 21:21 < zipcpi> Yeah, but it definitely doesn't not mean "I do not expect", which someone who knows what mere {ba'a} means but not what {ba'anai} means might think 21:21 < zipcpi> For that you want {ba'a naku} 21:22 < zipcpi> I expect that FALSE: blablabla 21:25 < deltab> well, you do need to know what both ends of the scale are 21:26 < deltab> you can't expect to extrapolate from a single point 21:33 * zipcpi nods 21:40 * nuzba @uitki: nuzyfle - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzyfle by Guskant - zoi zoi {{clear}} zoi se lidne la tu'iter [http://bit.ly/1BNpstb] 21:50 < ldlework> deltab: how long have you been studying lojban? 22:16 * nuzba @uitki: lojban music - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/lojban_music by Guskant - /* Full songs */ lo re selsa'a be la'o zoi Corbin Newman zoi [http://bit.ly/1eSyn7H] --- Day changed Fri Jun 05 2015 00:26 * nuzba @MarkGyver: @selckiku coi .i mi na djuno lo banzu lo jbobau And I don't check my Twitter often enough. [http://bit.ly/1Io30hW] 02:17 < akmnlrse> mensi: doi zipcpi Under BCM: "Bob, Destroyer of Worlds" -> {la .bob. noi daspo lo munje}; "Bob, destroyer of worlds" -> {la .bob. ku noi daspo lo munje} 02:17 < mensi> akmnlrse: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.zipcpi.gy. di'a cusku da 02:18 < gleki> mi na nelci 02:18 < mensi> sei mi stace mi na mutce nelci 02:18 < akmnlrse> gleki: (to ke'u ru'e toi) pe'i pei lo uenzi bi'ai se ciska 02:19 < akmnlrse> .i sa'u mi .aidji lo ka jbovlastegau 02:19 < gleki> na bi'ai 02:19 < akmnlrse> je'e .i'e 02:19 < gleki> lo uenzi cu se cusku gi'a se ciska se cusku gi'a te gerna gi'a vlalerpoi 02:19 < gleki> i lo se uenzi cu bangu 02:20 < akmnlrse> ja'o zo uenzi jai danfu lo ma'a ro nabmi 02:20 < gleki> uanai 02:21 < akmnlrse> sa'u ba'u zei cusku 02:21 < gleki> ba'u sa'u zei cusku 02:55 < ctefa`o> coi 03:03 < gleki> coi 03:23 < gleki> Loglan tables adapted for Lojban. Feel free to improve them http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_grammar_examples 03:26 < ctefa`o> .a'u 03:34 < ctefa`o> Hmm how does one add a word proposal to jbovlaste? 03:35 < ctefa`o> There is a word I have been thinking about adding for years but never gotten around to 03:37 < ctefa`o> Hmm nvm seems like one just has to register 03:52 < ctefa`o> coi la zipcpi 03:58 < zipcpi> coi 04:03 < gleki> ctefa`o: register on jbovlaste.lojban.org and start adding words 04:03 < zipcpi> What words does he want to add? 04:04 < ctefa`o> I tried but it seems I already have an account from long ago. Any way to reser the password? Can't seem to find one 04:04 < ctefa`o> zipcpi: one word, na'oi 04:05 < zipcpi> What would it mean? 04:05 < ctefa`o> "Normal scalar intensifier", goes between sai and ru'e 04:05 < gleki> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/changepass.html 04:05 < zipcpi> Ah 04:05 < ctefa`o> Makes most sense for use with pei 04:05 < zipcpi> Right 04:05 < ctefa`o> ki'e gleki 04:05 < zipcpi> Doesn't ja'ai work though? 04:06 < ctefa`o> lol gleki 04:06 < gleki> looks like 04:06 < zipcpi> Besides I'm not sure it's good to have so many ways to say yes/no 04:06 < ctefa`o> "Bad User! Can't change pass if not logged in" 04:06 < zipcpi> go'i / nago'i 04:06 < zipcpi> je'u / je'unai 04:06 < zipcpi> ja'ai / nai 04:06 < zipcpi> je'a / na'e 04:06 < zipcpi> o.o 04:07 < zipcpi> And some more appropriate in certain grammatical contexts then others 04:08 < zipcpi> I'm quite tempted to say that ja'ai / nai is always right 04:08 < ctefa`o> Well na'oi is a CAI 04:08 < zipcpi> Ah 04:08 < ctefa`o> just like sai and ru'e 04:09 < ctefa`o> I find it very inconsistent that it doesn't exist 04:09 < zipcpi> Right 04:09 < zipcpi> Yeah go ahead then 04:09 < zipcpi> jbocei knows I've added some words that others thought weren't needed :p 04:09 < ctefa`o> I will as soon as I figure out how to reset the password;o 04:10 < ctefa`o> Probably have to sent the admins a message 04:10 < ctefa`o> Hmm ok old username was ctefao 04:10 < ctefa`o> Why don't ctefa'o work 04:12 < ctefa`o> meh ctefa`o doesn't work either 04:12 < ctefa`o> Have to recover ctefao then 04:13 < gleki> hm, probably you need to ask mukti or to open an issue github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues 04:13 < gleki> i just created this https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/175 04:13 < zipcpi> Hmm... question 04:14 < ctefa`o> Or I just go with ctefaho 04:14 < zipcpi> How much would it daspo lo jbobau if brodymei was a regularized lujvo ending meaning "number of broda"? 04:14 < gleki> it doesnt damage anything 04:14 < zipcpi> ti prenymei li re - These people number 2 04:14 < gleki> so no luck for you here ,BSFK 04:14 < zipcpi> Acting just like the unit selbri 04:14 < zipcpi> u'i 04:15 < gleki> vlaste: mei 04:15 < vlaste> mei = convert number to cardinality selbri; x1 is the mass formed from set x2 whose n member(s) are x3. 04:15 < gleki> hm 04:15 < gleki> en: mei 04:15 < gleki> en:/full mei 04:15 < ctefa`o> ctefaho worked yay 04:16 < ctefa`o> Funny how jbovlaste of all things can't support "'" in username 04:17 < zipcpi> Well there are several brivla that end with mei but I don't think any has issues? 04:17 < zipcpi> Or conflicts with this "system"? 04:17 < zipcpi> sormei doesn't break apart 04:17 < zipcpi> But maybe it shouldn't be a lujvo anyway, but a cmavo 04:18 < gleki> some cmavo have rafsi so it's okay 04:18 < zipcpi> Yeah but it's hard for new cmavo to get rafsi :p 04:19 < zipcpi> Maybe something in ME? o.o 04:20 < zipcpi> Nah ME doesn't work 04:21 < gleki> en:coi 04:21 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 04:21 < gleki> en:/full mei 04:21 < zipcpi> What I need is something that takes one selbrisle and turns it into a selbri meaning (x1 is a mass of broda that number x2) 04:21 < mensi> 69 da se tolcri: mei, banklemei, bimei, blosormei, cibnacmei, cimei, cmimei, datnyveimei, du'emei, jufmei, landegmei, 04:21 < mensi> mei'e, mei'o, meiris, meizma, mumei, nacmei, nacmeimei, pamei, panomei, panonomei, paremei, pavmei, pavmeidza, 04:21 < mensi> pinynacmei, pormei, rajnacmei, ramymei, raumei, relnacmei, remei, renomei, selsagmei, slakypaucibmei, slakypaupavmei, 04:21 < mensi> slakypaurelmei, so'imei, sormei, sotmei, su'oremei, suzmeidza, tarso'imei, tersu'imei, vlamei, xirdegmei, banpumu'e, 04:21 < mensi> bansumuxe, bantu'eke, mai'e'e, bankle, banmu'e'i, banpumuxu, baurnubu'u, baurnupu'u, bralai, cmima, memkai, po'o, pormoi, 04:21 < mensi> rolsixu, sepli, sostartai, spartrifoli, tafrcemize, tarboi, tarci'e, tartai, vlagri, 04:21 < mensi> vlali'i 04:21 < zipcpi> nacmei? Awr crap 04:21 < gleki> en:meizma 04:22 < mensi> meizma [< mei zmadu ≈ Cardinal selbri more] = x1 is more numerous than x2; x1 has a greater cardinality than 04:22 < mensi> x2 04:22 < gleki> no clue why we need sormei and sotmei 04:22 < zipcpi> lo ni sormei is useful 04:22 < gleki> en:sormei 04:22 < mensi> sormei [< so'i mei ≈ Many cardinal selbri] = x1 are numerous/many 04:23 < gleki> so'imei is enough. no need to remember extra words 04:23 < gleki> anyway -mei seems to be a used alternative to -gunma 04:24 < zipcpi> Right 04:24 < zipcpi> Curses. Foiled again 04:24 < zipcpi> Someday... someday <.< 04:24 < zipcpi> >.> 04:24 < gleki> so you accidentally discovered Standard Lojban 04:24 < zipcpi> What do you mean? 04:25 < gleki> this -mei works as you proposed 04:25 < gleki> already 04:25 < gleki> for many years 04:25 < gleki> anyway we need a page where rules for lujvo expansions would be listed 04:25 < zipcpi> No it doesn't... what I want is something like {x1 has cardinality x2} 04:26 < gleki> en:vlamei 04:26 < mensi> vlamei [< valsi mei ≈ Word cardinal selbri] = x1 is text consisting of words x2 meaning x3 in language x4. 04:26 < zipcpi> Yeah see? x2 doesn't work the way I want 04:26 < gleki> rafsi:klani 04:26 < mensi> zo'oi lai .e zo'oi klan rafsi zo klani 04:26 < gleki> en:/full lai 04:27 < mensi> 108 da se tolcri: lai, bevma'elai, blaia, blaiasapida, botlai, bralai, bramuclai, carcylai, cenlai, ci'erkeilai, 04:27 < mensi> cmamuclai, crelai, jetlai, kabrylai, la'erlai, lai'e, lairka'e, mafnenlai, momlai, muclai, mulselylai, paxlai, plaina, 04:27 < mensi> rozrkarolaina, xanlai, banbu'egu, banfususu, bankuvufu, banlu'icu, banluju'i, banlumuxu, banpu'atu, banpuluke, banpusudu, 04:27 < mensi> banrugusu, banru'ocu, banru'ogu, bansuzu'a, banvesuvu, botrportcelanu, ciksi, ckafre'ole, notsku, oi, oire'e, oiro'u, 04:27 < mensi> patsku, patyta'a, pe'ai, platesa, portcelanu, posxu'a, stakrportcelanu, bancuruku, banlu'a'i, banpumuve, banvukupu, 04:27 < mensi> boltsemaku, cabna, fancysuksa, glaladyckafi, go'i, go'ira'o, gubysku, gunma, jadycau, jetrinsku, jibypante, jifxu'a, 04:27 < mensi> jifyjunxu'a, ju'e, jugysmuci, kafrspreso, ki'arzau, krali, la'ai, la'au, ladyckafi, lesrxapsurdie, mai'i, ... 04:27 < gleki> en: botlai 04:27 < mensi> botlai [< botpi klani ≈ Bottle level] = k1 is k2 (quantifier, default: one) bottlefuls in quantity. |>>> Cf. botpi, 04:27 < mensi> klani. |>>> totus 04:27 < gleki> en:carcylai 04:27 < mensi> carcylai [< carce klani ≈ Cart level] = k1 is k2 (quantifier, default: one) cartloads/wagonloads in quantity. 04:27 < ctefa`o> Ok going to add na'oi later 04:27 < gleki> en:la'erlai 04:27 < mensi> la'erlai [< lakne klani ≈ Likely level] = x1 has probability/likelihood x2 of occurring under conditions x3. 04:27 < gleki> en:momlai 04:28 < mensi> momlai [< moi klani ≈ Ordinal selbri level] = x1 is the x2nd member of set x3 ordered by rule x4 . 04:28 < zipcpi> Hmm... not sure that'll do it either 04:28 < ctefa`o> No time now 04:28 < zipcpi> It *almost* works the way I want it 04:28 < zipcpi> But has some niggling irregularities 04:28 < ctefa`o> pe'u na take na'oi while I go away zo'oru'e co'o 04:29 < zipcpi> Because I want, say, prenylai to mean, {x1 is a mass of people that number x2}. But that conflicts with {botlai}, which refer to bottlefuls, not actual bottles 04:29 < gleki> because that's what this whole lujvo system is about 04:29 < gleki> anyway you have {ni} 04:29 < zipcpi> I don't think lo ni prenu works 04:30 < zipcpi> lo ni sutra isn't the number of sutra 04:30 < zipcpi> It is how much "sutra"-ness something has... its speed 04:30 < gleki> that's the problem of {ni} usage yes 04:30 < zipcpi> ... crap 04:31 < zipcpi> So which usage is wrong 04:31 < zipcpi> We probably need a new cmavo 04:31 < gleki> or more the problem of old Lojban where people tried to find needed things in the dictionary 04:31 < gleki> because for me {lo ni prenu} => {lo se klani be lo prenu} 04:33 < zipcpi> {la'u}? What the heck is {la'u} 04:33 < gleki> seldom used 04:33 < gleki> but will work for you too 04:33 < gleki> jbo:la'u 04:33 < zipcpi> lo la'u prenu? 04:33 < mensi> la'u = [BAI] fi'o klani 04:33 < gleki> wth with la vrici 04:34 < zipcpi> I'm not sure sumtcita works that way but who cares by now 04:34 < gleki> lo sela'u prenu = a quantified number of people 04:34 < gleki> ehm, more like "people of quantified number" 04:34 < zipcpi> But all it does is modify {prenu} 04:35 < zipcpi> Doesn't change it into a "unit selbri" like mitre, cacra 04:35 < gleki> lo prenu pe sela'u li re = two people 04:35 < zipcpi> I want to be able to treat "number of people" like a measurement 04:35 < gleki> or even {lo prenu pe sela'u li re} = people who are twosome in an obvious property 04:36 < gleki> zipcpi: i think {li re ni prenu} works. 04:36 < zipcpi> But what about the old {ni sutra} usage? Do we have to split that off to another cmavo? 04:37 < gleki> i dont remember such construct. but i do remember {nilsutra} 04:38 < zipcpi> But... li re ni prenu kei ma? There is no place for the "mass" of people 04:38 < gleki> en:ni 04:38 < mensi> ni = [NU] abstractor: quantity/amount abstractor; x1 is quantity/amount of [bridi] measured on scale x2. 04:38 < gleki> jb:klani 04:38 < mensi> klani = klani — x1(entity) is measured by x2(number) on x3(property of x1 with kau) 04:38 < mensi> :lo pa mlatu cu klani li pi mu lo ka mitre ma kau lo ka clani — A cat is measured 0.5 meters in length. 04:38 < mensi> :loi mlatu cu klani li ci lo ka gunma ma kau i je va'i lo mlatu cu vo mei — The mass of cats is measured as having 4 04:38 < mensi> units, in other words, there are 4 cats. 04:38 < mensi> :Comment: to specify the number of object loi is usually used in x1 of klani. To specify size fill x3 of klani. 04:38 < mensi> :Related words: pa, namcu 04:39 < gleki> another explanation of {lo ni prenu} can of course be as {lo nu prenu cu klani makau} 04:39 < zipcpi> Hmm... 04:39 < gleki> so I guess {-mei} is the safest. 04:40 < gleki> {botmei} is just what users entered. 04:40 < zipcpi> I want to be able to say things like "hours per person" 04:40 < gleki> oh no 04:40 < gleki> can you give a more complete example? 04:40 < zipcpi> Yes, it's {pi'ai} again T.T 04:41 < zipcpi> The working hours of these employees average 7.5 hours per person. 04:42 < gleki> lo'e se jibri cu gunka ze'a lo cacra be li 7.5 04:42 < zipcpi> I'm not sure {lo'e} means "average" 04:43 < zipcpi> The mathematical average is a very specific concept 04:43 < zipcpi> THat my {lo'e} is not meant to be used for 04:43 < dutchie> "average" is pretty ambiguous in english 04:43 < zipcpi> True 04:44 < zipcpi> Also, "this project is estimated to take 700 man-hours" 04:44 < gleki> en:cnano 04:44 < zipcpi> Which is yet another implied {pi'ai} 04:44 < mensi> cnano = x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4. 04:44 < gleki> it's just that lojban doesnt have a word for "avergae" 04:44 < gleki> *average 04:44 < zipcpi> Ah yes, but that's a separate issue 04:45 < zipcpi> From how to describe the quantity 04:45 < zipcpi> "hours per person" 04:45 < zipcpi> "man-hours" (number of people * number of hours) 04:45 < zipcpi> "hours per person" (number of hours / number of people) 04:47 < gleki> en:sumji 04:47 < mensi> sumji = x1 is a mathematical sum/result/total of x2 plus/increased by x3. 04:47 < zipcpi> Actually if you want to fully define {pi'ai}, {te'ai} (and now {fei'u}) in Lojban, it might be possible if we're going to say that all units they accept act like {cacra}, {snidu}, {mitre} etc. 04:47 < zipcpi> Basically it makes anything within them a new selbri 04:47 < gleki> li 700 se cacra be lo sumji be lo nu lo gunka cu gunka ze'a makau >< 04:48 < zipcpi> That performs the requisite mathematical operations, using mekso or other stuff 04:48 < zipcpi> I'm not that certu though 04:49 < gleki> i need a brivla for "x1 is the sum of all x2" 04:49 < gleki> no, more precisely "x1 is the sum of x2 (set)" 04:50 < zipcpi> But then we also need a way to convert anything into a {cacra/mitre}-like selbri 04:51 < zipcpi> Probably a NU 04:51 < zipcpi> Accepts a ke'a, like poi'i 04:52 < gleki> i only need a new sumji to complete this task 04:52 < zipcpi> Right 04:52 < zipcpi> What about hours per person though? 04:52 < gleki> that's what robin complained about actually 04:53 < gleki> zipcpi: you just sum all hours of all persons to get the sum 04:53 < zipcpi> Then divide them by all the people 04:53 < gleki> since if you have 100 people that doesnt mean that each worked for 7 hours. 04:53 < gleki> ie doi zy 04:54 < zipcpi> But we still need some way of talking about a statistical average 04:54 < zipcpi> As well as an abstract, dimensional quantity. 04:54 < zipcpi> "2.5 children per family" 04:55 < gleki> we need 04:55 < gleki> cnano doesnt work 04:55 < zipcpi> cnano is too laic 04:56 < zipcpi> Which is fine, we need laic terms; most gismu should in fact be laic 04:56 < zipcpi> But we also need technical ones 04:57 < zipcpi> If we have to calculate the actual mathematical average of everything before using cnano... well then we can't use it can we? 04:58 < zipcpi> Same thing with my {lo'e} really 04:58 < gleki> i could take http://pt.forvo.com/search/%D9%85%D9%8E%D8%AC%D9%92%D9%85%D9%8F%D9%88%D8%B9/ for this new brivla 04:59 < zipcpi> I can't read that? 04:59 < gleki> listen to it 04:59 < gleki> {majmu} 04:59 < zipcpi> Huh 04:59 < gleki> or {iumla} from Swahili 05:00 < zipcpi> iumla? That makes me think of something else :p 05:00 < gleki> or {sumla} from ropno + swahili 05:02 * nuzba @nivertech: . @ultimape I think the problem is that Toasters and Fridges speak different languages, maybe the solution is Esperanto or Lojban for IoT ;) [http://bit.ly/1KQlbNW] 05:03 < zipcpi> But that's all what "miles per hour" really is 05:03 < zipcpi> An abstract number of miles divided over an abstract number of hours 05:03 < zipcpi> Whether it is an average speed or an instantaneous speed 05:04 < zipcpi> Same thing with "children per family" or "man hours" 05:07 < zipcpi> They're not actual children, actual families, actual workers, actual hours; just abstract quantities 05:08 < gleki> en:si'i 05:08 < mensi> si'i = [VUhU4] trinary mathematical operator: [sigma summation of a using variable b over range c]. 05:09 < zipcpi> lol 05:09 < gleki> si'i lo se cacr be lo nu gunka vau ge'a ma 05:09 < gleki> sa i si'i lo se cacra be lo nu gunka vau ge'a ma 05:09 < gleki> actually si'i is never explained in CLL 05:10 < zipcpi> Is it time for the BSFK to define them them? We need someone who's a physicist/mathematician though. Someone like Curtis :p 05:11 < gleki> li 700 du li si'i na'u se cacra ? 05:11 < gleki> exp: li 700 du li si'i na'u lo se cacra 05:12 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "c" found. 05:12 < gleki> exp: li 700 du li si'i na'u se cacra 05:12 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "c" found. 05:13 < gleki> exp: li 700 du li si'i mo'e lo se cacra 05:13 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "c" found. 05:13 < gleki> i give up 05:16 < zipcpi> lol foiled by VUhU again 05:17 < zipcpi> It's probably the first-ever kurtynomvla :p 05:17 < akmnlrse> exp mekso has at least one bug ba'a nai 05:21 * nuzba @fotono: #lojban ma'oste/gimste/vlaste update: Português do Brasil version was added with only one word http://guskant.github.io/lojbo/stardict.html http://guskant.github.io/lojbo/gismu-cmavo.html [http://bit.ly/1JrjPc5] 05:21 < gleki> i wish i could concatenate {li si'i} and {lo se cacra} into a larger string 05:21 < gleki> with only one word <--! 05:21 < gleki> hall i add this language to mensi ? 05:21 < gleki> shall i add this language to mensi ? 05:23 * nuzba @uitki: 已更新页面:nuzyfle/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzyfle/en 由 Guskant - zoi zoi {{clear}} zoi se lidne la tu'iter [http://bit.ly/1FBiDLV] 05:24 < zipcpi> Oh, gleki... about {ni} 05:24 < zipcpi> {lo ni lo prenu cu sormei} 05:25 < zipcpi> or {lo ni loi prenu cu sormei}, to make the mass distinction clearer 05:26 < gleki> this {ni} makes no sense to me here 05:26 < zipcpi> ni is how "much" the abstraction is true 05:26 < zipcpi> The "amount of truthness" 05:27 < gleki> that's {jei} 05:27 < zipcpi> In the form of a quantity, rather than binary true/false 05:27 < zipcpi> No, jei is between 0-1 05:27 < gleki> okay what is ni2 here?? 05:28 < zipcpi> Scale?... hm... not sure what that speaks to me 05:28 < gleki> en: jei 05:28 < mensi> jei = [NU] abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under epistemology x2. |>>> 05:28 < mensi> officialdata 05:28 < zipcpi> lo si'o mitre? But that seems superfluous 05:28 < zipcpi> jei is sort of like "fuzzy logic" 05:29 < zipcpi> Where you can say "the water is hot" is only half-true 05:29 < gleki> i dont think its superflous. if you say "amount of truth" then one needs to specify how it is calculated 05:29 < zipcpi> While ni... is the quantity of the abstract 05:29 < gleki> measured in what? 05:29 < zipcpi> If you'd forgive my use of pi'ai 05:30 < gleki> sure 05:30 < zipcpi> lo pi'ai minli fei'u cacra be li munono cu ni le trene cu sutra 05:31 < zipcpi> 500 miles per hour is the speed of the train 05:31 < zipcpi> Or, 500 miles per hour is how fast the train is 05:32 < zipcpi> 500 miles per hour is the amount of (the train is fast)ness 05:32 < zipcpi> So why is there a need for an x2? lo pi'ai minli fei'u cacra is already in the first place 05:35 < zipcpi> Later positions in NU are kinda awkward anyway 05:36 < zipcpi> Only good one I remember is sedu'u, which is mostly useful because you can say stuff like "a'y cusku losedu'u broda", not because you want to put anything there 05:38 < gleki> i doubt {lo minli} can go into ni2 of {lo trene cu sutra}. 05:38 < gleki> http://korp.alexburka.com/#?cqp=%5B(trans%20%5E%3D%20%22ni2%22%20%7C%20tags%20%5E%3D%20%22ni2%22)%5D&stats_reduce=word&search_tab=1&hpp=50&search=cqp 05:38 < gleki> doi mat. ma ni lo do mlatu cu jmive kei lo nanca 05:39 < gleki> this makes more sense, although why no just fill nanca2 05:39 < zipcpi> No, you want something with {clatei} :p 05:39 < zipcpi> Otherwise you are asking "how alive is your cat" 05:39 < gleki> {gradu fi le se ni} can also make sense 05:41 < gleki> but in general usage is terrible 05:49 < zipcpi> Oh, and gleki, if you're asking "Why do we need mass gadri", well, actually, {lu'o} exists 05:50 < zipcpi> It's just... two extra syllables o.o 05:50 < gleki> was i asking? 05:51 < gleki> i said i didnt like LE 05:51 < zipcpi> Well you were suggesting we use {gu'au} or something 05:51 < gleki> yes 05:51 < gleki> and {lu'o} is a new selmaho 05:51 < gleki> whereas tags can do the same 05:51 < zipcpi> Sumtcita can't change how outer quantifiers work 05:52 < gleki> what can do lu'o that {fa je gu'au} cant? 05:52 < zipcpi> Change how outer quantifiers work? 05:53 < zipcpi> Imagine loi didn't exist 05:53 < zipcpi> pimu lu'o lo djacu 05:53 < zipcpi> vs. pimu lo gu'au djacu 05:54 < zipcpi> How does {gu'au} change the numericity of djacu? 05:54 < zipcpi> Or replace it with prenu if you want something more countable 05:55 < gleki> no, i say {faje gu'au}, not {lo gu'au} 05:55 < zipcpi> That just makes it even worse 05:56 < gocti> {re loi mu prenu} = two groups of five people; {fa je gu'au re lo mu prenu} = ??? 05:56 < gleki> which meanings do you need? 05:57 < zipcpi> Mass gadri (and lu'o) change how outer quantifiers work 05:57 < zipcpi> It's not just a fancy malglikslu plural 05:57 < gleki> lo mu prenu ku noi remei 05:57 < gocti> na'i 05:58 < gleki> re lo mu gu'au prenu 05:58 < gocti> ^ i'a 05:59 < gleki> lu lo mu prenu ku noi remei li'u zo'u ma nabmi 05:59 < gleki> ija lu lo mu prenu ku noi gunma re da 05:59 < gleki> li'u 05:59 < zipcpi> No, to me that reads "two out of five people who happen to be in a group" 06:00 < gocti> lu "lo mu prenu ku noi remei" li'u zo'u na ka'e ge mu mei gi re mei 06:01 < gocti> lu "lo mu prenu ku noi gunma re da" zo'u mi na kakne lo ka tersmu 06:37 < ctefa`o> Thinking about my na'oi idea again, how is "sai" actually used? 06:37 < ctefa`o> from what I have seen "sai" is used as "stronger" and cai "very strong", as compared to the actual definitions.. 06:39 < zipcpi> No one cares about the cmavo definitions :p 06:39 < zipcpi> They are entered *waaaaaay* back when and never changed 06:40 < ctefa`o> err, nvm, newer definition is different 06:40 < ctefa`o> old definition was "sai = na'oi" and "cai = sai" 06:40 < zipcpi> But what good is that lol 06:40 < ctefa`o> ok so there wasn't a hole there then 06:41 < zipcpi> Just go make na'oi 06:41 < ctefa`o> am working on it 06:42 < gleki> jb:cai 06:42 < mensi> cai = cai [interjection modifier] — critical, extreme intensity interjection 06:42 < mensi> :oi cai — Ah, pain, I'm going to lose consciousness now!!! 06:42 < mensi> :Comment: can be used either on its own or as a modifier of interjection. 06:43 < ctefa`o> how long was it since vlasisku was shown any love? 06:43 < ctefa`o> "cai - attitudinal: strong intensity attitude modifier." 06:44 < gleki> en:sai 06:44 < mensi> sai = [CAI] attitudinal: moderate intensity attitude modifier. 06:44 < gleki> strong/moderate are relative terms 06:46 < ctefa`o> well yeah, but it seems "uisai" is stronger than the implied intensity of just "ui", which is itself stronger than "ru'e" 06:47 < gleki> yes 06:49 < zipcpi> I think it's just a bad choice of words, and sai is always meant to be an intensifier 06:49 < zipcpi> As per even the CLL 06:51 < zipcpi> sai comes from tsali, cai comes from carmi 06:52 < zipcpi> Although {tsali} is somewhat malglixlu :p 06:53 < zipcpi> So is {pe'i} <- {pensi} too ({jinvi} would be better) 06:53 < gleki> invent {penvi} then 06:53 < zipcpi> lol 06:53 < zipcpi> Folk etymology gismu 06:53 < gocti> {pevna}, {cnabu}, {fanbu}, etc 06:54 < gleki> zo cnabu mo 06:54 < gocti> ca'abna je zva'ati 06:55 < gleki> na slabu mi 06:55 < gocti> so'u sai roi se pilno 06:56 < ctefa`o> ...and na'oi comes from cnano 06:56 < zipcpi> Yeah I know 06:57 < ctefa`o> all nice and consistent and logical 06:57 < ctefa`o> jb: na'oi 06:58 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:58 < zipcpi> By the way gleki, what do you think of ja'ai / nai as the "never-wrong" yes/no?... though I'm not sure what it does to {ba'apei} 06:58 < gocti> jbo: na'oi 06:58 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:58 < gocti> mensi: ko ningau 06:58 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 06:58 < gocti> {ba'a ja'ai nai} could be a hackish solution 06:58 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 06:58 < ctefa`o> oh well it is added now 06:58 < gocti> jbo: na'oi 06:59 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:59 < ctefa`o> uina'oi zo'o 06:59 < gocti> ko'oi la vrici di'a kanro 06:59 < zipcpi> gocti: Yeah... it'd be kinda silly to interpret {ba'apei} as "Do you expect it, experience it, or remember it"?!!!(^$("^(^$276 06:59 < gleki> en:na'oi 06:59 < mensi> na'oi = [CAI] Indicator for moderate or normal attitudinal intensity 06:59 < ctefa`o> uisai 07:00 < gocti> zipcpi: pe'i that should be the interpretation 07:00 < ctefa`o> so will the parser bots accept this now too? 07:00 < gocti> ctefa`o: it needs to be added manually 07:00 < zipcpi> gocti: But that is weird an unnatural 07:00 < gocti> by whoever runs them 07:00 < ctefa`o> ok 07:01 < ctefa`o> as I wrote in the definition, is probably mostly useful together with pei 07:01 < gocti> {ba'a ja'ai pei} can be "do you expect" 07:01 < gocti> etc. 07:02 < zipcpi> Yeah, hacky though 07:02 < gocti> (the first NAI being eaten by the ba'a, and the others meaning the usual negation) 07:03 < zipcpi> Well in La Bangu gleki favors {je'u} / {je'unai} 07:04 < gleki> favors for what purpose? 07:04 < zipcpi> I still kinda trip up when trying to decide how to answer yes/no 07:05 < zipcpi> Sometimes I even use the malglixlu {ie}... oi 07:05 < ctefa`o> So basically this makes "pei ui" and "uipei" different in that I can now say "uina'oi" to the latter and...whatever was used before for "pei ui" 07:06 < zipcpi> Most of use just repeat {ui} and don't even use ja'ai 07:07 < ctefa`o> yeah I was wondering which one was used 07:07 < ctefa`o> but without na'oi you would use "ui" as answer to both right? 07:07 < zipcpi> I'm not even sure what {pei ui} is 07:08 < ctefa`o> "Are you happy" vs. "How happy are you"? 07:08 < gleki> {ba'a} has a special brivla under it. vedli/kanpe/lifri are only approximations 07:08 < zipcpi> No, to me it reads like 07:08 < ctefa`o> "pei ui" seems to imply that the ui-newss holds 07:08 < ctefa`o> ui-ness 07:08 < gleki> yes 07:08 < zipcpi> "How do you feel? I'm happy." 07:08 < gleki> yes 07:08 < gocti> ^ 07:10 < zipcpi> So {vedli} is like morji, but a more visceral form of remembering? 07:10 < zipcpi> As if you're experiencing it again? 07:11 < zipcpi> Oh 07:11 < zipcpi> morji is for facts {du'u} 07:11 < ctefa`o> so no one actually uses "pei" in front? 07:11 < gocti> vedli is, sa'e nai sai, pu lifri gi'e ca morji lo du'u lifri 07:11 < zipcpi> ctefa'o: I suppose so 07:11 < gleki> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/scmpl7EtCBg/discussion 07:12 < gleki> a link to Wikipedia included 07:12 < zipcpi> Right I understand {vedli} now 07:12 < gleki> ctefa`o: you may use KzS, it's used a lot 07:12 < ctefa`o> KzS? 07:13 < gleki> korp.alexburka.com 07:13 < gleki> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyd_-Nb56uk 07:17 < ctefa`o> ok 07:18 < ctefa`o> going out for a bit co'oru'e 07:34 * nuzba @misterian: Lojban http://ift.tt/1FyhNAD [http://bit.ly/1KJdyWy] 07:50 * nuzba @uitki: L17-03 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-03 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1KJg1Ab] 07:50 < zipcpi> Might need a "folk origin-word" for {bi'ai}; it's really from {bilga} but {bilga} has got nothing to do with philosophical or logical necessity :p 07:51 < gleki> binba 07:52 < gleki> from {fanbu} 08:19 < gocti> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/User:Guskant#ni.27o_lo_finti_be_la_zantufa 08:19 < gocti> za'a lo tinke be lo gerna cu zenba lo ka memkai 08:21 < zipcpi> xu gy finti lo tcecitno gentufa 08:21 < gocti> zo'o mutce ba ma citno 08:21 < gocti> .i lo te frica zo'u tu'e: 08:22 < gocti> .u'a nai dai lo lerpoi lo naclerpoi co'u .entangle 08:22 < zipcpi> {I tent to use citno for "new" when talking about when something is created. It's an anti-malglixlu thing :p) 08:22 < gocti> .i zo jo'au se zanru gi'e na ku'i rinka da 08:23 < gocti> .i zo te'i noi ki'u lo na se djuno be mi di'a pagbu ma'oi bai 08:23 < gocti> .i zo pi'e co'e ge co'u ku ma'oi pa gi co'a ku ma'oi vu'u 08:23 < gocti> tu'u 08:23 < gocti> .i je'e 08:24 < gocti> My point was just that current use would have {citnytce} for your {tcecitno} 08:24 < zipcpi> Oh 08:25 < gocti> s/rinka/jai rinka/ li'a 08:25 < gocti> camxes: te'i da 08:25 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 08:25 < gocti> exp: te'i da 08:25 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 08:25 < gocti> en: te'i 08:25 < mensi> te'i = [BAI] at a point on time axis |>>> temjudri modal. See also de'i and ti'u. ex.) su'o da nuntumdesku te'i li re no 08:25 < mensi> pa mu pi'e mu pi'e ci no pi'e re no pi'e re vo noi sinxa lo mentu ku'o te te'i u'y ty cy xi ma'u so (There was an 08:25 < mensi> earthquake at 2015-05-30 20:24 UTC+9.) / su'o da nuntumdesku te'i li re vo mu ze pa ze re pi so ze mu te te'i la juli'us 08:25 < mensi> (There was an earthquake at 2457172.975 of Julian date.) |>>> gusnikantu 08:25 < gocti> cizra 08:25 < gocti> ah 08:25 < gocti> su .i mi bebna 08:26 < zipcpi> Yeah te'i is her merging of de'i and ti'u 08:26 < gocti> .i mi pu kanpe lo du'u bailma'o zo steci 08:27 <@xalbo> I hate things like {citnytce} in place of {tcecitno}, unless you actually want to put mutce3 in front of citno2 (and if you do that, you're even crazier). 08:28 < zipcpi> Yeah it's... I dunno. I think it's just best for xorxes' proposal not to touch LI...LOhO. Because it's not just my date proposal that's at stake. It's character strings 08:28 < zipcpi> Yeah it just doesn't fit with the Lojban I was taught, even though I don't remember the jvojva 08:29 * gocti 's mutce has no x3 08:29 < zipcpi> lol look at me talking about the Lojban I was taught 08:29 < gocti> toltce ftw 08:29 < zipcpi> I'm sure there was no selpa'is connectives there 08:29 < zipcpi> Or maybe I'm really from the future o.o 08:30 <@xalbo> The same people would have you use {citno mutce} in place of {mutce citno}, because they view the underlying relationship as {mutce lo ka citno}. But I disagree; the fundamental thing you're asserting is {citno}, with something like {la'u lo mutce} or so. 08:30 < zipcpi> Yeah technically both work. But {mutce citno} has a more convenient place structure 08:31 < gocti> I've completely drunk the koolaid and don't see anything wrong with {mutce lo ka citno} being lightweight for lack of a better word 08:31 < gocti> but then lindar's {sutra lo ka klama} rant was one of the first things I read 08:32 < zipcpi> tanru will never have an unambiguous expansion 08:32 < gocti> li'a 08:34 < zipcpi> Yeah why do you need te mutce? So you can lie and say "haha! I actually meant te mutce to be negative!"??? 08:34 < gocti> bu'a'a dai 08:38 <@xalbo> I think for me it's mostly that tanru are all about the tertau, not the seltau. If I want to say I'm traveling quickly, I do want to assert both, but it seems that the more important part is {mi klama}, not {mi sutra}. Especially if I do want a destination, which gets really awkward in the {klama sutra} order. (klama be ... [be'o] sutra}, or {sutra co klama ...} or {sutra lo ka klama ...} 08:39 <@xalbo> And all of that is even worse with {mutce}, where {mi mutce citno} just makes so much more sense. Again, {mi citno} is the base, and we're piling on top of that, it's not {mi mutce}. 08:39 < zipcpi> lu klama sutra li'u u'iru'e 08:39 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Sorry, that joke is so old I'd stopped seeing it :) 08:39 < zipcpi> lol 08:39 <@xalbo> {ka ma sutra} also gets used, although it's harder to work into conversation 08:40 < zipcpi> na laldo ma'i mi 08:40 < gocti> old as the language itself la'a 08:42 <@xalbo> .i na tolcnino do .i tolcitno zu'i 08:42 < zipcpi> je'u 08:42 <@xalbo> (And now we've gone full-circle, back to the distinction between {cnino} and {citno} :)) 08:42 < zipcpi> :p 08:43 < gocti> ni'o lo nabmi pe zo'oi si si zo fazdmru zo'u: 08:44 < gocti> ba'o cipyzu'e tu'a ro fu'ivla be ma'i la .camxes. be'o poi pagbu lo se .irci vreji 08:44 < gocti> .i no valsi cu jai nabmyrfazdymru 08:45 < gocti> (to va'i ro zi'evla poi se vreji na va'o co'u gendra toi) 08:47 < zipcpi> Are you saying that you're allowing my "alternate spelling" of syllabic consonants? 08:47 < gocti> It's been allowed in my parser for weeks now 08:47 < zipcpi> Ah 08:48 < gocti> I've run the same test I ran earlier, but now on all zi'evla ever said on the IRC 08:48 < gocti> and every word accepted by vanilla camxes is accepted by mine 08:48 < zipcpi> je'e 08:48 < gocti> i.e. no one ever said a fazdmru type word 08:49 < zipcpi> Oh, so my proposal does theoretically break down with words like "fazdmru", but such zi'evla doesn't actually exist :p 08:49 < gocti> go'i 08:50 < zipcpi> Yeah... does mean that it's gotta be an all-or-nothing thing though 08:52 < gleki> so {li R2D2} can't be an expression in reverse polish notation because otherwise it has to have an explicit rpn marker? 08:52 < zipcpi> It's just ugh... don't mess with me'o 08:52 < zipcpi> It's for character strings 08:52 < gocti> Not really; you can add "!onset" to the middle of consonantal_syllable and it would forbid fazdmru without allowing cidjyrspageti 08:52 < zipcpi> I'm with Lojbab there 08:53 < zipcpi> People are taking the "mekso" thing too literally 08:53 < gocti> Number/letter strings zo'u I prefer allowing mixtures but could live with PAbu 08:54 < zipcpi> The problem with PAbu is strings with a lot of numbers 08:54 < gocti> ie 08:54 < gleki> off: li su'i pa boi re boi 08:54 < mensi> ([li {su'i <(¹pa boi¹) (¹re boi¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 08:54 < gleki> off: li pa boi re boi 08:54 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,], [gG], [lL], [mM], [nN], [rR] or [vV] but "b" found. 08:54 < gleki> aha 08:54 < gocti> lo'u 33554432 le'u bu sei fegli 08:54 < gocti> exp: lo'u 33554432 le'u bu sei fegli 08:54 < mensi> ([{ bu} BOI {sei fegli SEhU}] VAU) 08:55 < zipcpi> kurtynomvla to the rescue! {joi'i} 08:58 < gleki> so many people complaining that there is no course for Lojban on one educational website. But those are Anki and Memrise for which courses should be developed. 08:59 < gleki> Not those "My wolf drinks milk" courses. 08:59 < zipcpi> lo mi labno cu pinxe lo ladru 09:00 < gleki> i need a converter from Anki courses to Memrise. 09:00 < gocti> lo ratcu cu citka lo cirla se pi'o lo forca joi lo dakfu 09:01 < zipcpi> lo mlatu co'a viska le ratcu 09:01 < gocti> .i co'e 09:01 < gocti> li'o 09:03 < zipcpi> sa'ei mr~~~~~i~~~~~iaus 09:03 < gocti> sa'ei .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. 09:03 < zipcpi> u'i 09:04 < gocti> (to na ku zo'u mi kancu me'o .i'y pu lo nu benji toi) 09:04 < gocti> .oi http://web.archive.org/web/20140426211241/http://www.peteschlette.com/memrise2anki.html 09:05 < gocti> pu za ku da finti lo proga gi'e nai gubgau lo se sampla 09:05 < gocti> ja mo kau 09:06 < gocti> sa .i 09:06 < gleki> mi pu kucli tu'a lo anki poi galfi ke'a la memraiz 09:06 < zipcpi> Oh yes not only are masses important for outer quantifiers, they're also important for ... gasp... scope 09:06 < Ilmen> https://github.com/pschlette/memrise2anki-extension 09:07 < gocti> ua .i mi jifxu'a 09:07 < Ilmen> https://github.com/wilddom/memrise2anki-extension 09:07 < Ilmen> this second one is a rewrite 09:08 < Ilmen> "This is more or less a complete rewrite of Pete Schlette's original addon " 09:08 < Ilmen> http://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/1bb5q7/memrise2anki_online_tool_for_painlessly/ 09:09 < gleki> i asked the reverse: anki to memrise 09:10 < gocti> je'e 09:10 < gocti> .i ie si'au no da tutci fe ku 09:10 < gocti> 'Memrise's "max 100 lines at a time" requirement' 09:11 < hif> What requirement is that? 09:11 < Ilmen> "to create a Memrise course you can copy and paste from an excel spreadsheet : 100 words by 100" 09:11 < Ilmen> "You just have to click on bulck add" 09:11 < Ilmen> :S 09:12 < gocti> ru'a va'o lo nu pleji cu curmi tu'a lo bramau 09:13 < Ilmen> http://www.memrise.com/thread/1300033/ 09:13 < durka42> mo 09:13 < Ilmen> bu'a .u'i 09:14 < gocti> mlu lka zan 09:14 < ctefa`o> coi 09:14 < durka42> coi ctefa`o 09:15 < durka42> ma mlu lka zan lka mo doi goc 09:15 < Ilmen> well it does bulk upload only for media files, ju'inai 09:15 < Ilmen> at least I think 09:16 < gocti> ah 09:16 < hif> What Memrise course are you trying to create? 09:17 < gocti> durka42: l kibseljudr pe la .ilm pu mlu lka zan lka cru lnu kibdud l za'u 100 mei be l juf 09:17 < gocti> la medmraize 09:17 < Ilmen> .u'i 09:17 < durka42> ua 09:17 < durka42> .i cizra fa lo nu jimpe 09:19 < gocti> mi na sciz 09:20 < zipcpi> le nu bauspo cu ranji 09:20 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 09:32 < gleki> i need to write a converter to bavjbobau 09:33 < gleki> gismu will be converted to CVC or CCV words 09:33 < gleki> or last vowel will be dropped 09:33 < ldlework> coi 09:34 < gocti> coi 09:35 < gleki> uat. a macos app? 09:35 < gleki> how to run it on linux/windows? 09:57 < Ilmen> No idea 09:58 < gleki> Ilmen: have u found a good Anki/Memrise course in any language that teaches thru sentences, not isolated words? 09:59 < Ilmen> gleki: Honestly I haven't tried any shared Anki deck, and didn't touch Memrise for ages 10:00 < gleki> ah 10:00 < gleki> ai si 10:09 < gleki> looks like i just can't find any decks where sentences would be used to teach a language. 10:09 < gleki> except Pimsleur probably 10:13 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Abstractors - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Abstractors by Cirko - category [http://bit.ly/1BP652W] 10:27 < gleki> feel the malkemglibau: mw.lojban.org/papri/Special:RecentChanges 10:27 < gleki> still english there 10:28 < gleki> i mean in the url itself 10:32 < durka42> Cizra:LampruCenba 10:33 < durka42> zo cizra cizra 10:33 < durka42> zo steci xu 10:38 < zipcpi> What's the lojban for "sub-selma'o"? :p 10:42 < gleki> better to just invent a completely new term 10:42 < gleki> although why not just selma'okle 10:43 < gleki> jvozba would disagree ofc. 10:43 < gleki> lujvo: se cmavo klesi 10:43 < mensi> selma'olei[9305], selma'okle[9316], selcmavylei[10926], selcmavykle[10937], selma'oklesi[11355], ... 10:43 < gleki> -lei is fine provided that it's always the last suffix 10:51 < durka42> no da jbovla zo'oi sub-selma'o soi lo du to'e vajni cu krinu zo'o zo'onai .u'i 10:57 < gleki> mi tugni fi lo nu na vajni 10:57 < gleki> i lo me'oi subselmaho cu selma'o 10:58 < zipcpi> Hm... yes, you may have a point there; technically se cmavo are "parts of speech", and can refer to natlangs as well 10:58 < zipcpi> If you wanted to define English cmavo in terms of Lojbanic selma'o you'd probably have one for each one :p 10:58 < zipcpi> Maybe there should just be another word for "true" selma'o 10:59 < durka42> vlaste: cmavo 10:59 < vlaste> cmavo = x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning/function x3 in usage (language) x4. 10:59 < gleki> another question is whether "true selmaho" is a useful concept 10:59 < durka42> you can divide the cmavo by grammatical function, that's selma'o 11:00 < durka42> dividing them up by meaning is orthogonal and so attempting to do it by the same hierarchy always runs into issues 11:00 < zipcpi> Yes... but then we ended up merging some 11:00 < zipcpi> What a mess :p 11:01 < zipcpi> It's like, really, the sumtcita should just be TAG1, TAG2 etc lol 11:05 < gleki> i can even say " {vi} is a cmavo of "SUMTCITA" class". 11:06 < zipcpi> zo vi cu cmavo zo'ei lo sumtcita 11:06 < zipcpi> ? 11:06 < gleki> cizra 11:07 < durka42> xu lo sumtcita cu selma'o 11:07 < durka42> braselma'o 11:07 < zipcpi> zo vi sumtcita .iku'i zo vi na selma'o 11:07 < gleki> ju'o selma'o ju braselma'o 11:08 < durka42> ma'oi vi selma'o 11:08 < gleki> la'oi TAG a la'oi SUMTCITA enai lo sumtcita cu selma'o 11:08 < zipcpi> ja'o fu'ebi'a lo sumtcita fu'o naka'e selma'o 11:09 < gleki> li'a 11:09 < gleki> i ku'i lo su'a sumtcita cu cmavo ma 11:11 < zipcpi> le se cmavo be loi sumtcita 11:11 < zipcpi> u'i 11:11 < gleki> ie ie 11:14 < gleki> the same as with "I walk where you walk" problem 11:15 < durka42> lu la'oi SUMTCITA li'u cizra .i sa'e cizra fa lo nu no da jbovla lo'e selma'o 11:15 < zipcpi> lu ma'oi sumtcita li'u cu gendra 11:15 < gleki> i no da jbovla lo'e selma'okle 11:16 < gleki> exp: ma'oi sumtcita 11:16 < mensi> ([ma'oi sumtcita] VAU) 11:16 < zipcpi> zo vi cu cmavo ma'oi sumtcita 11:16 < gleki> snuti gendra 11:16 < ldlework> I walk: where you walk 11:16 < gleki> en: ma'oi 11:16 < ldlework> this isn't hard to express in lojban 11:16 < mensi> ma'oi = [ZO] selma'o quote; quotes a word (a cmavo) and uses it to name a selma'o. |>>> Example: ma'oi coi is equivalent 11:16 < mensi> to COI. See also ra'oi. |>>> latros 11:16 < gleki> ldlework: translate that then 11:16 < ldlework> Its only hard to express if you want to express it in terms of an anaphora 11:16 < gleki> ldlework: what is ur full translation 11:17 < ldlework> mi cadzu le se cadzu be do 11:17 < ldlework> Its only hard to express if you want to express it in terms of an anaphora. 11:17 < ldlework> Because lojban has no generalized antecedent-anaphora phrase system 11:17 < gleki> ah, heh, indeed. Sorry then. Try translating "I sing where you sing". 11:18 < ldlework> mi sanga bu'u lo nu sanga 11:18 < ldlework> do sanga* 11:18 < gleki> and that's the problem 11:19 < ldlework> right, no generic-antecedent anaphora 11:19 < gleki> mi sanga bu'u lo poi'i do sanga bu'u ke'a 11:19 < ldlework> you can say ko'a, but its unspecialized 11:19 < ldlework> it doesn't specify the sense of what you want to access 11:19 < durka42> mi sanga bu'u lo jai bu'u do nei 11:19 < ldlework> what you did 11:19 < ldlework> where you when 11:19 < ldlework> when you did it 11:19 < durka42> er 11:19 < ldlework> etc 11:19 < durka42> mi sanga bu'u lo jai bu'u se nei be do 11:19 < durka42> zo'o 11:20 < ldlework> our le'e is interesting but it only provides the actual anaphorical description 11:20 < zipcpi> Do we need another {tu'a}? o.o 11:20 < ldlework> it doesn't ascribe what sense of the antecedent it refers to 11:21 < gleki> exp: mi sanga bu'u lo jai bu'u do sanga 11:21 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "s" found. 11:21 < ldlework> tu'a only works for other sentences 11:21 < ldlework> not antecedents in the same sentence 11:21 < ldlework> it works very well as that though 11:21 < durka42> mi sanga bu'u lo jai bu'u nu do sanga 11:21 < zipcpi> Yeah awkward 11:22 < durka42> camxes: mi sanga bu'u lo jai bu'u nu do sanga 11:22 < camxes> ([mi CU] [sanga {bu'u } VAU]) 11:22 < durka42> correct tho :p 11:22 < durka42> oh I lost the anaphoric selbri 11:22 < durka42> fau'u 11:22 < durka42> camxes: mi sanga bu'u lo jai bu'u nu do no'a 11:22 < camxes> ([mi CU] [sanga {bu'u } VAU]) 11:22 < ldlework> zo no'a ua 11:23 < ldlework> what's wrong with "mi sanga bu'u lo nu no'a 11:23 < gleki> can anyone annihilate those two {bu'u}? zo'o 11:23 < ldlework> gleki: sure with a new tu'a 11:23 < gleki> ldlework: lowering 11:23 < durka42> xu lo nu co'e cu stuzi 11:24 < ldlework> why wouldn't it? 11:24 < ldlework> oh 11:24 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu:_Dictionary_with_Examples#Advanced_situations 11:24 < zipcpi> mi stidi tu'a zo tau zo'o 11:24 < gleki> A clause place in a noun can be put into an entity place of the main verb: 11:24 < gleki> ... 11:25 < durka42> xm 11:25 < durka42> .i'a ru'e 11:26 < gleki> These last two rules can be found in colloquial speech. They are sometimes avoided by careful speakers. However, if you bump into them you will know how to deal with them. 11:29 < ldlework> mi sanga bu'u tu'o no'a 11:30 < ldlework> tu'o is extracts the sense from the sumti on the right, as the tag on the left 11:30 < ldlework> bu'u tu'o no'a : located, at the location of no'a 11:30 < ldlework> sepi'o tu'o no'a : using, what no'a used 11:31 < ldlework> mi morsi ko'a sepi'o tu'o lo nu ko'e morsi ko'i 11:31 < ldlework> "I killed ko'a using what ko'e used to kill ko'i 11:32 < zipcpi> zo tu'o mo uanai 11:32 < ldlework> I literally just explained it 11:32 < zipcpi> No the real tu'o 11:32 < ldlework> who cares 11:32 < zipcpi> lol 11:33 < ldlework> its a tag reflector 11:33 < ldlework> as used here 11:33 < zipcpi> Hmm... sort of the opposite of selpa'i-s tu'a? 11:33 < ldlework> yes 11:34 < ldlework> except it has an explicit target, rather than always extracting from the last sentence 11:34 < ldlework> BAI tu'o SUMTI 11:34 < zipcpi> no'a is not a sumti 11:34 < ldlework> extracts the same bai from sumti, the result of which, is used to fill the outer BAI 11:34 < ldlework> sure lo nu no'a, whateves 11:35 < zipcpi> mi sanga bu'u *tu'o lo nu do no'a 11:35 < ldlework> right 11:35 < ldlework> no need for do though 11:35 < ldlework> it doesn't extract a selbri 11:35 < ldlework> err 11:35 < ldlework> no'a isn't a selbri 11:35 < ldlework> its a bridi 11:35 < ldlework> of no'a is extracted as a selbri 11:36 < ldlework> all you need is 11:36 < zipcpi> But how do I get "I sing where *you* sing"? 11:36 <@xalbo> zipcpi: The real {tu'o} is *exactly* what we were talking about yesterday, roughly {zi'o ze'ei pa} 11:36 < ldlework> no'a is already "you sing" 11:36 < ldlework> because that's what the outer bridi is 11:36 < ldlework> if no'a is extracted as a selbri meaning the bridi 11:36 < ldlework> zipcpi: ohhh 11:36 < ldlework> right 11:37 < zipcpi> Yeah where did you get the do :p 11:37 < ldlework> so no'a must be a selbri-thing like go'i 11:37 < ldlework> not a bridi 11:37 < zipcpi> no'a is a pro-bridi; acts like a selbri 11:37 < zipcpi> Imagine it's broda 11:37 < gleki> yes, no'a copies all sumti unless they are overriden. this is how GOhA works. 11:37 < ldlework> gleki: ie 11:37 < zipcpi> It's in the same "selma'o" if you will 11:37 < ldlework> right so your example was correct 11:38 < gleki> there is a problem with recursion but it's not a problem to me 11:38 < ldlework> ie 11:38 < ldlework> It probably doesn't copy a sumti in which the GOhA appears 11:39 <@xalbo> So {BAI tu'o SELBRI} = {BAI lo jai BAI SELBRI}? 11:39 < gleki> whatever solution with recursion is used it's fine 11:40 < zipcpi> Should it accept a sumti or a selbri? Maybe selbri does make more sense 11:40 < zipcpi> What selma'o would it be 11:41 < zipcpi> Looks like it might be LE o.o lol 11:41 < gleki> so i talked to Curtis about his new clockwise gismu and thay are not -wise imo. 11:41 < gleki> not only didnt he convince me but changed his opinion over and over again. 11:41 < zipcpi> I dunno, I think the concept of clockwise/counterclockwise is useful. It's just I don't know what place structure they should have 11:41 < gleki> the result is that it's no better than what La Bangu says by its decree 11:41 < ldlework> zipcpi: this would be a verrrrrry specific LE lol 11:42 < gleki> jb: carna 11:42 < mensi> carna = carna — x1(entity) turns or rotates around axis x2(entity) in direction x3(entity) 11:42 < mensi> :lo carna — rotating. lo se carna — axis of rotation. lo te carna — direction of rotation. 11:42 < mensi> :ko carna fe'e mo'u lo pritu — Turn right. 11:42 < mensi> :ko pritu carna — Turn right. 11:42 < mensi> :lo xislu pu carna lo grana lo zunle ma'i lo galtu — The wheel was rotating around the rod counterclockwise when viewed 11:42 < mensi> from above. 11:42 < mensi> :Comment: in x3 use lo pritu for clockwise movement and zunle for counterclockwise movement. 11:42 < mensi> :Related words: gunro, jendu 11:42 < zipcpi> ldlework: Yeah probably doesn't fit in our system. It could be tu'ai or something 11:42 <@xalbo> LE would work, sorta kinda. ({sorta}: x1 is kinda x2 (ka) by standard x3. {kinda}: x1 is sorta x2 (ka) by standard x3) 11:42 < ldlework> xalbo: that looks right 11:43 < zipcpi> mi sanga bu'u tu'ai nu do sanga 11:43 < ldlework> I think a thing that only fits into the slot of a BAI is best since it is a thing that only makes sense there 11:43 < ldlework> woah a selbri, interesting 11:43 <@xalbo> Yeah, and that would need its own grammar. 11:43 < zipcpi> I wish it could be {tau}, but it'd break both standard Lojban *and* cekitaujau :p 11:44 < ldlework> xalbo: ii 11:44 <@xalbo> I really feel like the overhead here isn't worth it. New cmavo in a new selm'ao for something that's not used often, and isn't really much shorter at all than {lo jai BAI}. 11:44 < zipcpi> Is tu'a still in LAhE? 11:44 < ldlework> not used often because its incredible hard to express 11:44 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Yes. 11:45 < ldlework> but a generalized antecedent system sure sounds amazingly useful 11:45 < zipcpi> So all LAhE work like selpa'i-tu'a? Not sure what those would mean 11:45 <@xalbo> ldlework: {lo jai BAI} isn't hard at all, I think. I mean, as soon as I understood what you were saying it came pretty much instantly. 11:46 < ldlework> first, the semantic of jai BAI takes its own non-trivial explanation 11:46 < ldlework> in grammar and semantic 11:46 < ldlework> and its something you can teach as explicit access to antecedents 11:46 < ldlework> rather than conventional access to antecedents 11:47 < ldlework> ti poi is a lot less annoying than lo jai BAI SUMTI but I still think le'i is amazing 11:48 < ldlework> Its taking a conventional semantic and raising it to a supported feature. A core feature of language becomes a first class feature of our language. 11:48 < ldlework> the act of taking elaborate semantics from a logical form, to an encapsulated form makes the language easier to learn, teach and use 11:48 < zipcpi> exp: mi djuno la'e naku 11:49 < mensi> (mi [CU {djuno VAU}]) 11:49 < ldlework> zipcpi: objective antecedent anaphorical descriptions? 11:49 < zipcpi> Huh? 11:49 < ldlework> "I know that I don't know." 11:50 < ldlework> tu'a in LE form 11:50 < ldlework> I'm guessing at where you're going with la'e 11:50 < zipcpi> No I was just playing with the parser 11:50 < ldlework> oh okay 11:51 <@xalbo> ldlework: It's all a balancing act, though. Every feature added to the language adds a cost to learning it. There's a reason {LENU} is two words, not one. We have compositionality. 11:51 < ldlework> xalbo: I agree completely. 11:51 < zipcpi> Because selpa'i-tu'a broadened the grammar of LAhE, but I'm not sure what the semantic of the other LAhE should be :p 11:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: ah 11:52 < gleki> LAhE should die 11:52 <@xalbo> When something can be built really easily from existing mechanisms, and isn't used often, it becomes more of a burden to add and learn to use it than just to learn how to use what already exists. 11:52 < ldlework> xalbo: anaphora with arbitrary antecedent types is a hugely useful thing in language though 11:52 < ldlework> the ability to not only refer back to noun-phrases or even sentences, regardless of their content 11:53 < ldlework> but the ability to refer back to arbitrary specific qualities of those nouns, and propositions is huuuuuuge 11:53 < gleki> ldlework: what is the word for it? 11:53 < ldlework> tu'o as a standin 11:53 < ldlework> don't care which cmavo 11:54 < durka42> sounds like this feature reduces use of {jai}, which is my favorite word, uinai .u'i 11:54 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm arguing that we don't refer to antecedent aspects "often" because its hard, and behind a strange compositional convention 11:54 < ldlework> jai isn't complex on its own, but it isn't the most straightforward semantic either 11:54 < gleki> this tu'o is similar to pagbu tags that i wanted. but i wanted a tag. 11:54 < ldlework> and its not just jai 11:55 < ldlework> its jai used in a very specific way 11:55 < zipcpi> Yes, I would've been lazy and translated using zo'ei 11:55 < ldlework> having to explain the underlying justification of why there are two BAI tags, and how jai performs that, is easier than just explaining the sematnic of tu'o 11:56 < ldlework> is harder* 11:56 < ldlework> but maybe it should go the other way or something 11:56 < ldlework> tu'o sepi'o lo nu do nu'o 11:57 < ldlework> tu'o: "with the same BAI as SUMTI" 11:57 < durka42> BAI the BAI 11:58 < ldlework> mi zbasu lo mi zdani tu'o sepi'o lo nu do nu'o lo do zbasu 12:00 <@xalbo> ({no'a}) 12:00 < ldlework> ki'e 12:01 <@xalbo> It seems like you're ok with repeating pretty much everything but the {sepi'o}. And, I guess, the {zbasu}. 12:01 < durka42> mi zbasu lo mi zdani sepi'o lo se pilno be do bei lo nu no'a ra'o 12:01 < durka42> just experimenting over here :p 12:01 <@xalbo> mi fa'u do se pi'o zo'e zbasu lo vo'a zdani 12:02 < zipcpi> zo vi cu cmavo lo se cmavo be zo vi 12:02 < durka42> do mi dunli lo ka pilno makau lo nu zdani zbasu 12:02 < gleki> zo vi e lo sumtcita cu cmavo pa da 12:02 < ldlework> the point is, yes, you can use an aspect-less anaphora and provide the aspect with predicates 12:02 < ldlework> I get it 12:03 < zipcpi> Is there an evil twin of {tu'a} 12:03 < zipcpi> Wait that's jai isn't it? 12:03 < zipcpi> But that doesn't quite do what we want 12:04 <@xalbo> Take an abstraction and retrieve some (unspecified) concrete sumti therefrom? Yeah, there isn't something exactly like that. 12:04 < zipcpi> {la'e}? 12:05 <@xalbo> Not really. {la'e} turns a symbol into its referent (opposite of lu'e) 12:05 <@xalbo> So {la'e lu'e} is a no-op. 12:05 <@xalbo> (and {lu'e la'e} would be a no-op for any symbol, and who knows what for a nonsymbol.) 12:07 <@xalbo> What's most often used for that is {zo'ei}, although it's vague as hell. 12:07 < zipcpi> Exactly 12:07 <@xalbo> (Which is what makes it useful.) 12:07 < zipcpi> Like I said if I was translating that I'd cop out and use zo'ei 12:07 < zipcpi> But yeah 12:09 < zipcpi> How about this 12:09 < zipcpi> mi tirna lo nu do sanga .i mi sanga bu'u ? 12:11 < zipcpi> mi sanga bu'u tu'ai le'e nu sanga 12:11 < zipcpi> Dunno 12:12 < zipcpi> Maybe it should be a LAhE rather than a LE 12:12 < zipcpi> Because it could theoretically be {tu'ai ko'a} as well 12:13 <@xalbo> I have no problem using events as spacetime markers, so I'd use {bu'u lo se go'i} 12:15 < zipcpi> Right... after all bu'u le nunsla probably makes sense, and nunsla is just nu salci 12:16 <@xalbo> 90% of uses of nunsla should be tersla. 12:16 < zipcpi> Probably o.o 12:16 < zipcpi> jbotersla 12:18 * nuzba @selpahi: ko ba'e *pilno* lo jbobau doi lo prenu poi ru'i tavla fi lo jbobau fo ku'i lo na'e lojbo [http://bit.ly/1FyW8Iv] 12:18 < zipcpi> I need to go to bed 12:19 < zipcpi> u'i doi selpa'i 12:19 < zipcpi> o'anairu'e 12:21 < durka42> ba'anai ju'ocu'i lo jbonunsla pu jbotersla .i cnegau lo cmene mu'i lo se tolmo'i 12:30 < justeno> coi 12:31 < durka42> coi 12:31 < justeno> ldlework: how does one choose a name in lojban? what are some rules and so forth 12:31 < durka42> jbo:salci 12:31 < mensi> salci = x1 jarco lo ka sinma x2 kei ta'i lo nu zukte x3 12:32 < durka42> "justeno" is a fine name :p 12:32 < gocti> ju steno 12:33 < durka42> oi 12:33 < durka42> jursteno 12:33 <@xalbo> justeno: Names in Lojban come in two sorts: There are cmevla (name-words), which are treated as opaque markers, just sound, no meaning. Or you can use actual Lojban words as a name, in which case the meaning is (slightly) carried over. For instance, I am named {xalbo} 12:33 <@xalbo> en: xalbo 12:33 < mensi> xalbo = x1 uses levity/is non-serious/frivolous about x2 (abstraction). |>>> See also junri, linto. |>>> 12:33 < mensi> officialdata 12:33 < durka42> mi'e durkavore 12:34 <@xalbo> je'e durkycti 12:34 < justeno> i thought I read names needed to end in a V 12:34 < justeno> er, C* 12:34 <@xalbo> cmevla always end in a consonant, yes. 12:35 < justeno> but if a lojbanic word, V is ok? 12:35 <@xalbo> (I didn't even begin to describe the rules about either of those options, just getting the groundwork out there) 12:35 <@xalbo> All lojban words that aren't cmevla end in a V :). But yes, you can use any selbri as a name, if you want. 12:36 < justeno> awesome 12:37 <@xalbo> (Strictly speaking, a selbri-tail, so lots of options. Roughly, whatever you can put after {lo} you can put after {la}.) 12:39 * nuzba @seraph_jesrad: @SwiftOnSecurity We should all switch to Lojban, written in ideograms. It's the most rational option. [http://bit.ly/1FyYdEp] 12:41 < gleki> xu la selp'ai cu sezymipri jundi cai fau lo nu na go'u vau ta'i ma djuno lo du'u ma'a na pilno lo jbobau 12:41 < gleki> *selpa'i 12:42 <@xalbo> la selpa'i ro da zgana .i la selpa'i ro da djuno .i la selpa'i ro da selcme 12:43 < justeno> lo lemonade iced tea ku kukte 12:44 <@xalbo> lo pelnimre ke lenku tcati ku je'a kukte 12:45 <@xalbo> .i mi ca pinxe lo glare tcati ku .i ca carvi 12:46 < la_kristan> coi 12:46 <@xalbo> .i va'o lo to'e melbi tcima ku mi tcati pinxe nelci 12:47 < la_kristan> um,... melbi... pinxe nelci - that's all I got out of it. 12:48 < zipcpi> Actually I might have an idea that might be able to kill all "regular lujvo" once and for all, but I don't know if it's too late for that 12:48 < zipcpi> Basically a new class of cmavo 12:48 < zipcpi> That attach into words 12:48 < zipcpi> *attach to selbri 12:48 < gocti> mi ca'o ca'atlu xoi se bilma vau lo se .irci fu'ivla liste 12:48 < la_kristan> oh! you're agressive! 12:48 < zipcpi> But change their semantic, and even place structure, in certain well-defined ways 12:49 < zipcpi> Just like "regular lujvo" are supposed to do 12:49 < gocti> gi'e cilre fi lo vanbi be lo nu pilno lo bi'u nai fu'ivla 12:49 < durka42> so basically assigning a bunch more rafsi? 12:49 < zipcpi> But are prone to being misentered into JVS or having exceptions 12:49 < zipcpi> ... hm... two letter rafsi? :p 12:49 < durka42> maybe 12:50 < durka42> they wouldn't conflict 12:50 < gocti> .i ti'e zo'u tu'e: manku .i dargu .i mutce lo ka cipni .i manku .i ii .i cumki fa lo nu lo crinrgru mi citka 12:50 < gocti> tu'u 12:50 < durka42> well… unless you tried to use one CCV rafsi + a "regular" rafsi 12:50 < durka42> because then you get a gismu form lol 12:50 < la_kristan> whatever. 12:50 < zipcpi> But I kinda want them to (also?) be cmavo so that you can even attach them to long selbrisle like nu lo broda cu brode lo brodi kei 12:51 < durka42> uanai 12:51 < la_kristan> the gismu thesaurus seems to be missing all the colors. 12:51 < durka42> remember what xalbo said earlier about everything adding a barrier to learning :/ 12:51 < durka42> la_kristan: what thesaurus? 12:52 < zipcpi> But yeah I don't know if it's too late for that. But are "regular lujvo" any better? 12:52 < la_kristan> The Android app. 12:52 < durka42> link? 12:52 < durka42> I'm only familiar with "Lojban dictionary" 12:53 <@xalbo> The point of regular lujvo is to give guidance for how to create lujvo. If you're proposing adding cmavo, you're basically creating a different kind of Deep Gismu Structure. Nothing wrong with that. 12:53 < durka42> oh I found it 12:53 < zipcpi> I don't mean jvojva 12:53 < zipcpi> I mean stuff like -mau, -ze'a, etc. 12:53 < gleki> la_kristan: there is La Bangu dictionary that has some classes of verbs including colors. See if that helps more. you may copy this spreadsheet btw to edit it yourself for your needs. Coumns E to H are groups of verbs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19faXeZCUuZ_uL6qcpQdMhetTXiKc5ZsOcZkYiAZ_pRw/edit#gid=7 12:54 < zipcpi> -rai 12:54 < zipcpi> -lai even 12:54 < zipcpi> "promiscuous rafsi" as I call them 12:54 < gocti> cnino cmavo be ma'oi me'oi zo'u zastybazi sai! 12:55 < durka42> "regular derivational affixes" as others call them 12:55 <@xalbo> I don't think I've seen -lai before. 12:55 < zipcpi> lol 12:55 < durka42> lai is from klani, right? 12:55 < zipcpi> Yes 12:55 <@xalbo> Yes. 12:55 <@xalbo> I just haven't seen it used in lujvo. 12:55 < gleki> no, -lai- is from klani, not lai ;P 12:55 < gleki> en:/full lai 12:55 < mensi> 108 da se tolcri: lai, bevma'elai, blaia, blaiasapida, botlai, bralai, bramuclai, carcylai, cenlai, ci'erkeilai, 12:55 < zipcpi> lol 12:55 < mensi> cmamuclai, crelai, jetlai, kabrylai, la'erlai, lai'e, lairka'e, mafnenlai, momlai, muclai, mulselylai, paxlai, plaina, 12:55 < mensi> rozrkarolaina, xanlai, banbu'egu, banfususu, bankuvufu, banlu'icu, banluju'i, banlumuxu, banpu'atu, banpuluke, banpusudu, 12:55 < mensi> banrugusu, banru'ocu, banru'ogu, bansuzu'a, banvesuvu, botrportcelanu, ciksi, ckafre'ole, jadycau, oi, oire'e, oiro'u, 12:55 < mensi> patsku, patyta'a, pe'ai, platesa, portcelanu, posxu'a, stakrportcelanu, bancuruku, banlu'a'i, banpumuve, banvukupu, 12:55 < mensi> boltsemaku, cabna, fancysuksa, glaladyckafi, go'i, go'ira'o, gubysku, gunma, jetrinsku, jibypante, jifxu'a, jifyjunxu'a, 12:55 < mensi> ju'e, jugysmuci, kafrspreso, ki'arzau, krali, la'ai, la'au, ladyckafi, lesrxapsurdie, mai'i, mifra, ... 12:56 < gleki> durka42: how to search for -lai in vlaste? 12:56 < gleki> vlaste: *lai 12:56 < vlaste> klani = x1 is a quantity quantified/measured/enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o). 12:56 < durka42> la_kristan: Life > Perception > Vision 12:57 < durka42> vlaste: affix:lai 12:57 < vlaste> klani = x1 is a quantity quantified/measured/enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o). 12:57 <@xalbo> I can never keep track of the bots around here. 12:57 < durka42> there is a wiki page 12:57 < gleki> neither me. sometimes i forget what even mensi has 12:57 < durka42> la_kristan: "thesaurus" is definitely the wrong word for whatever this is, haha 12:57 <@xalbo> One of these days, someone just needs to make a lojban dictionary bot that uses standard lojban as its query language. {ra'oi lai ma rafsi} 12:58 < gleki> rafsi:lai 12:58 < mensi> zo klani se rafsi zo'oi lai 12:58 < gleki> wont be hard 12:58 < durka42> fairly simple ontology I guess 12:58 < durka42> needs to know the place structure of {rafsi}, {cmavo}, {valsi}, {ciksi}, ... 12:58 <@xalbo> zo klama valsi ma ne bau lo glico 12:59 < durka42> ma valsi zo klama lo glico 12:59 <@xalbo> ma valsi la'e zo klama lo glico 13:00 < zipcpi> Anyway I really need to get to bed; just wanted to throw that dangerous idea here :p 13:00 <@xalbo> co'o ba zi sipna 13:00 <@xalbo> ko senva lo melbi ja tu'a lo melbi 13:01 <@xalbo> {ja}? Y'all are rubbing off on me. Bad xalbo, stick to your stubborn pigheaded principles! 13:02 < gocti> .u'i 13:03 < durka42> .u'i 13:04 < gleki> ra'oi mib rafsi ma 13:04 < mensi> zo mi se rafsi zo'oi mib 13:05 <@xalbo> .i'e 13:05 < gocti> malrxaka zanrxaka 13:05 <@xalbo> ma rafsi zo mi 13:05 < gleki> do djica lo dukse 13:05 <@xalbo> ze'e go'i 13:05 <@xalbo> lo munje na banzu 13:06 < la_kristan> durka: thank you! 13:06 < durka42> je'e 13:07 < durka42> gleki: xu pilno lo jvame'o 13:07 < gleki> na 13:07 < gleki> case text.search("ra'oi [a-z']+ rafsi ma") == '0': 13:07 < gleki> u'ise'i 13:08 < durka42> jvame'o 13:08 < gleki> ua 13:09 < durka42> ra'oi .a'a'a'a'az rafsi ma 13:10 < durka42> y 13:10 < gleki> zo'oi . 13:10 < durka42> oi 13:10 < durka42> ra'oi a'a'a'a'az rafsi ma 13:10 < mensi> y no da se tolcri 13:11 < durka42> ma se rafsi ra'oi mau 13:11 < durka42> .u'i 13:11 < durka42> .ei la tersmus cu spuda 13:11 < gleki> tersmus: ma se rafsi ra'oi mau 13:11 < tersmus> Parse error at 12 13:11 < gleki> tersmus: ma se rafsi zo mau 13:11 < tersmus> ? x1. rafsi({mau},x1) 13:12 < gleki> tersmus: ma zo mau se rafsi 13:12 < tersmus> ? x1. rafsi({mau},x1) 13:12 < gleki> tersmus: zo mau rafsi fe ma 13:12 < tersmus> ? x1. rafsi({mau},x1) 13:12 < durka42> LQL zo'o 13:12 < gleki> au la tersmus cu fanva fi lo lojbo 13:13 < durka42> tersmus: jbo: zo mau rafsi fe ma 13:13 < tersmus> ma goi ko'a zo'u zo mau rafsi ko'a 13:14 < durka42> tersmus: jbo: zo mau se se se se te se te se te se rafsi fe ma 13:14 < tersmus> ma goi ko'a zo'u zo mau rafsi ko'a 13:14 < ldlework> I wonder if Ilmen introduced the idea of doing Saturday casnu with la jboguhe 13:16 < gocti> lo nu mlauca cu nu klacpe vau vau za'a 13:16 < gocti> s/mlauca/tavla fi ku/ 13:23 < gocti> Ilmen: 05-2214 < ldlework> mi kucli lo du'u xu kau la .ilmen. cu jungau fo lo da'i nu la jbogu'e cu jai nu xavdei casnu 13:24 < Ilmen> y 13:24 < gocti> .i .e'u sa'u jungau ro co'a jundi be la mumble lo du'u la jbogu'e cu zasti je lo du'u ta'i ma kau jonbi'o 13:25 < la_kristan> le ninmu the Valkyrie has displaced Barbie the Barbarian at the top of the high score list. 13:25 < Ilmen> vi'o .i la jbogu'e cu te tavla gi'e se vitke vau lo jundi be la .mambl. bei ca lo prula'i krefu 13:26 < Ilmen> doi la gocti 13:26 < gocti> je'e .i ba'a nai mi na pagzu'e 13:36 < gocti> .i xu lo balnema ku ji'a vitke la jbogu'e 13:37 < Ilmen> je'u ji'i ji'i no nu voksa casnu cu fasnu ca lo prula'i .i sa'u basti fa lo nu jbogu'e vitke 13:37 < gocti> ua 13:38 < Ilmen> .i ji'a mi pu tirna no da .i ki'u bo la'a pu snuti gasnu lo nu la .mambl. cu tinynarka'e 13:38 < Ilmen> .i pu srera jinvi lo du'u no da bacru 13:40 < gocti> .a'o ca lo bavlde cu fau gi vitke gi voksnu 13:40 < Ilmen> ĭe 13:40 < Ilmen> pe'i pei do kansa 13:41 < gocti> la'a 13:41 < gocti> .i ba'a djuno ca lo cerni 13:41 < Ilmen> .i za'a lo prula'i masti zo'u lo bacru kansa cu memjdika .i la .xorxes. joi la .guskant. joi la selpa'i vu'o mu'a po'o nai co'u vitke 13:42 < Ilmen> .i cumki fa lo nu lo tcika cu na'e mapti 13:42 < Ilmen> .i ku'i la'a mapti la .niftyg. noi kansa cafne mutc 13:42 < Ilmen> e 13:43 < Ilmen> .i ju'o lo drata cu zifre lo ka stidi tu'a lo drata tcika .i ku'i no roi fasnu .u'i 13:45 < gocti> mi gleki lo nu N zenba lo ka xoi cafne cu kansa .i sei N ji'a xusra cu xagmau fa lo nu casnu ka'ai lo drata vau lo nu cusku fi zi'o po'o 13:46 < Ilmen> ki'a ru'e 13:47 < Ilmen> .i lo nu casnu fi zi'o po'o ki'a cu xagmau lo nu casnu xoi lo drata cu kansa gi'e nei ju'a dai 13:47 < Ilmen> si si si si 13:47 < Ilmen> kei ju'a dai 13:48 < gocti> soi la'a rigni zo'u pe'i lo ka broda zi'o po'o cu sa'e nai ka ge broda no da gi broda 13:49 < Ilmen> broda no .e su'o da 13:49 < Ilmen> vu'o xu 13:49 < Ilmen> sisi 13:49 < gocti> .i mu'a lu lo selcmi be zi'o po'o li'u cu voi lo smuni be ki cu jai nandu fai lo ka smusku ki fo lo drata 13:50 < gocti> .i na go'e 13:50 < gocti> .i broda no da gi'e broda zi'o 13:50 < Ilmen> kunti selcmi xu 13:50 < gocti> (to soi mi djuno vau so'i da xebni zo zi'o toi) 13:50 < gocti> ie 13:50 < Ilmen> ja'o no mei 13:50 < durka42> broda lo nomei 13:51 < Ilmen> je'e'e 13:51 < gocti> .u'i 13:51 < durka42> .u'i cabypei 13:52 < gocti> ge'è 13:52 < Ilmen> xu la durkai su'o roi vitke la jbogu'e 13:52 < gocti> .i .ai co'a ti mi pilno va'o ro nu zo ca'abna mapti vau ri je nai zo cabna 13:53 < ctefa`o> lololoolol 13:53 < gocti> ma se lodlololo 13:53 < ctefa`o> err ok this is weird 13:53 < ctefa`o> my brother can control my computer via Steam 13:54 < Ilmen> lololololololdi kumokumokumokumo 13:54 < gocti> banli 13:55 < ctefa`o> I have no idea what just happened 13:55 < Ilmen> .oi dai 13:55 < ctefa`o> but we were trying to stream a game so he could play it on his laptop from my desktop 13:56 < ctefa`o> wtf 13:56 < ctefa`o> gotta investigate 13:56 < Ilmen> di'ai facki troci 13:56 < gocti> da'i mi kanpe lo nu lo cevni cu zukte lo ka tolcru lo tai nu stri'ime 13:58 < Ilmen> ta'o doi la ctefa'o .i ca lo prulamdei ku je va'i ba za lo cacra be li ji'i pa mu cu voksa casnu jmaji do'e la .mambl. 13:58 < la_kristan> that's brothers for ya. 13:58 < ctefa`o> ok so for some reason Steam has remote desktop 13:59 < Ilmen> (Tomorrow, in about 15½ hours, there's a Lojban vocal chat gathering on Mumble, Zbaga server) 13:59 * gocti de'a 13:59 < ctefa`o> for its streaming 13:59 < ctefa`o> wow 13:59 < Ilmen> di'ai de'anmo si de'a jundi 13:59 < Ilmen> noi va'i de'andi 13:59 < ctefa`o> this is awesome 14:00 < Ilmen> What's so? 14:00 < ctefa`o> eh, the streaming thing 14:00 < ctefa`o> nvm 14:00 < ctefa`o> sususu 14:01 < Ilmen> je'e 14:01 < Ilmen> ju'inai dai 14:09 < la_kristan> just curious; are any of you familiar with Arika Okrent's book? 14:09 < la_kristan> "In the Land of Invented Languages " 14:11 <@xalbo> It's definitely been talked about around here a lot, though I haven't read it. 14:14 < la_kristan> I've read it, it's pretty interesting. But there were some inaccuracies relating to Esperanto, 14:15 < la_kristan> so I wondered if anyone had noticed inaccuracies relating to Lojban too. 14:23 < Ilmen> I haven't read it either. 14:27 < ctefa`o> pe'u Can someone give me a good example of "lo du'u broda kei be lo brode cu brodi"? 14:28 < durka42> xm 14:29 < ldlework> lo du'u do melbi mi kei be lo do notci cu spaji mi 14:29 < ctefa`o> I don't quite get how du'u and sedu'u relate to each other 14:29 < ldlework> uups 14:29 < durka42> lo du'u do nu'o prami mi be lo puzi se cusku be do cu se cnicro mi 14:29 < ldlework> lo du'u do prami mi kei be lo do notci cu spaji mi 14:29 < ldlework> durka42: haha 14:29 <@xalbo> It's rare to fill both du'u1 and du'u2. By far the most common use of du'u2 is in {lo se du'u}, like in {mi cusku lo se du'u do melbi} 14:29 < durka42> lol our examples have quite different emotions :p 14:29 < durka42> it's easier to show how they relate: 14:29 < ldlework> durka42: yes but we both reached for love 14:29 < ctefa`o> well just an example so I can see how the two relate 14:30 < ldlework> ctefa`o: those examples word 14:30 < ldlework> work 14:30 < durka42> lu mi do prami li'u se du'u mi prami do 14:30 < ctefa`o> was answering la xalbo 14:30 < ctefa`o> ki'e 14:30 < durka42> se du'u is like a paraphrase quotation, "he said that he would be late" 14:30 < Ilmen> en: du'u 14:30 < mensi> du'u = [NU] abstractor: predication/bridi abstractor; x1 is predication [bridi] expressed in sentence x2. |>>> 14:30 < mensi> officialdata 14:30 < ldlework> [meaning] du'u [text expressing meaning] 14:31 < Ilmen> I don't like this place structure, because I don't see why a predication would intrinsically be tied up to a sentence 14:31 < ldlework> Its not about the predication being tied up to a sentence 14:31 <@xalbo> .i mi xagji .i lo du'u go'i kei be di'u cu se djuno do ri'a lo nu do di'u tcidu 14:31 < ldlework> Its about the sentence having predication 14:32 < ldlework> se du'u ~= [text] that means [meaning] 14:32 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: if a magic spell is cast and du'u-2 is removed, how would you say the same thing instead? 14:32 < Ilmen> You can use {smuni} 14:33 < Ilmen> "lo se smuni be..." 14:33 < Ilmen> or {sinxa} 14:33 < Ilmen> ldlework: if du'u2 is really an essential part of {du'u}'s concept, then it lacks an interpreter sumti slot 14:33 <@xalbo> dei se du'u no'a 14:34 < ctefa`o> ahhh right, ok, so sedu'e doesn't have to be an actual *text*/lu 14:34 < ctefa`o> at least that's what I think I was thinking 14:34 <@xalbo> It definitely has to be text, but as you can see, there are lots of places that can be text. 14:34 < ctefa`o> well not the *actual* text 14:35 <@xalbo> Right, it doesn't have to be literally filled with quoted text. Again, most common use is as {se du'u} as a way of getting text without quoting. 14:36 < ctefa`o> for "The predication of bridi expressed by" ? 14:36 < Ilmen> When I say {mi jijnu lo du'u ko'a ca'o sipna}, what is filling du'u2? 14:36 <@xalbo> zo zo'e li'a 14:36 < ctefa`o> zi'o? ;) 14:36 < Ilmen> What is zo'e refering to? 14:36 * ctefa`o runs 14:37 <@xalbo> probably some text like lu ko'a ca'o sipna li'u, though there are many, many texts that could fill that place and have the same result. 14:38 < Ilmen> In what aspect is this text relevant to what I'm trying to express with the aforementioned example sentence? 14:38 <@xalbo> I understand your issue. du'u2 is a convenience place, but it doesn't cause trouble, because any predication can be expressed in text (or we couldn't use {du'u} for it in the first place) 14:38 < ldlework> du'u is nice when someone says something and you want to quote the content of their argument or expression without actually quoting them 14:39 <@xalbo> It's a cheap way to get indirect quotation without adding another NU. 14:39 < ldlework> ie 14:39 < Ilmen> To me, an indirect quotation is a du'u 14:39 < ldlework> isn't that what we're saying? 14:39 < Ilmen> because it's the meaning of the original quote, not the original sentence itself 14:39 < ldlework> Instead of saying 14:40 < ldlework> You said "You hate me" 14:40 < ldlework> You said that you hate me. 14:40 <@xalbo> {mi cusku lo se du'u do melbi}; cusku2 wants text. du'u2 gives that to us. 14:40 <@xalbo> du'u do melbi kei lo se cusku be mi 14:40 < ldlework> which might have been expressed as "wow" 14:40 < ldlework> as she comes down the stair in her prom dress 14:41 < Ilmen> Sorry, I got disconnected 14:42 <@xalbo> That's nice, yes. 14:42 < Ilmen> {ko'a cusku lu mi sipna .ai} / {ko'a smusku lo du'u ko'a .aidji lo ka sipna} 14:43 < Ilmen> I've never really understood what {sedu'u} was all about, and I think I've almost never used it 14:43 < Somelauw> any ithkuil speakers here? 14:43 <@xalbo> {lo nu mi cisma cu se du'u mi do prami} seems like some sort of rock song from the '50s. 14:43 < Ilmen> moreover it's much longer than lu 14:45 <@xalbo> Yes, but {lu} requires you to know the words. 14:45 <@xalbo> "Did you talk to John?" "Yeah, he said he was coming to the party." 14:46 < Ilmen> Either one want to express the original meaning (using one's own rephrasing, with du'u), or the original quote (using lu), but I don't really see a middle ground 14:46 <@xalbo> It's likely that he did not literally say "I am coming to the party"; in fact, it's likely that I have no memory whatsoever what words he said, and if I do, they're not relevant. 14:46 < Ilmen> *wants 14:47 <@xalbo> Because there are many places that want text, instead of a du'u1. So du'u2 lets us use a {du'u} to fill them. That's really it. 14:47 < Ilmen> In the worst case there's {lo simsa be lu...} 14:47 < ctefa`o> Somelauw: no but I know the case system a bit 14:47 < ctefa`o> probably not what you are after though 14:47 < Ilmen> "he said something like «...»" 14:48 < Ilmen> {ko'a cusku lo simsa be lu...} 14:49 < Somelauw> I'm wondering it they exist. I mean lojban seems pretty overcomplicated in some ways, but they push it to an extreme. 14:49 < ctefa`o> why the ithkuil cases exist? 14:51 < Somelauw> many languages have nominative, genitive, accusative, dative, ablative and instrumental 14:51 < Somelauw> well many natural languages at least 14:52 <@xalbo> .i mi tcidu lo se du'u la .xaris.patr. cu te makfa 14:52 < Ilmen> "He said that he was tired" / "He said «I am tired.»" ---> {ko'a pu smusku lodu'u ko'a tatpi} / {ko'a pu cusku lu mi tatpi li'u} 14:52 < tatpi> That's me! 14:52 < Ilmen> "He said that he was tired" is just like "I know that he was tired" 14:53 < Ilmen> ie nai cai pei 14:53 < ctefa`o> The idea behind Ithkuil's cases seems to be to completely replace grammatic cases with semantic ones. Dunno if it really succeeds though. 14:53 < ctefa`o> In lojban the equivalence is basically FA+BAI+tenses+GOI+others? 14:53 < Somelauw> lojban creates these associations and makes up x1 ... x5 which don't correspond to these associations at all. ithkuil invents 100 extra cases, when these 5 don't work 14:54 < ctefa`o> I opine that only Ithkuil's "transrelative" cases correspond to FA 14:54 < ctefa`o> lojban's BAI is pretty big too 14:54 < durka42> pushing complexity to the extreme is the whole reason ithkuil exists, isn't it 14:54 < ctefa`o> not counting the infinite amount of fi'o-s 14:55 < ctefa`o> actually lojban's FA is a mess 14:55 < ctefa`o> or the X-places of selbri, to put it another way 14:56 < Somelauw> For example lojban has many words for language, because you can speak/talk/think in a language. 14:56 <@xalbo> Ilmen: Sure, but then in addition to {cusku} you need {smusku}, and in addition to {tcidu} you need {smutcidu} (or whatever), and likewise for every single place of every selbri that takes text. 14:56 < Somelauw> and so you have x5_tavla, x5_talk_about, etc 14:57 < ctefa`o> there is also bau 14:57 < Ilmen> xalbo: I'll need {smusku} anyway, because things aren't necessarily only expressible via texts 14:58 < Ilmen> you can also use {cusku lu'e lo du'u...} 14:58 < Somelauw> bangu of course 14:58 < ctefa`o> i meant the bau tag 14:58 <@xalbo> You can. Or you can use {se du'u}. It really isn't that horrible a thing. 14:58 < Ilmen> hmm so {lo se du'u} is just a shorthand for {lo se smuni be lo du'u} 14:59 < durka42> pretty much 15:00 < ctefa`o> so if that magic spell was cast, that's what one would have to use? 15:00 < Ilmen> I'm not fond of the idea of adding a sumti slot not because it's intrinsically necessary but because it's sometimes helpful. But if we imagine du'u2 is not there when not invoqued, why not 15:01 <@xalbo> ua dai 15:01 < Ilmen> (for example, in the case of {mi jijnu lo du'u...} there's not text involved whatsoever, and requiring a text slot is awkward) 15:02 < Ilmen> but if it's zi'o-ed by default, there's no problem 15:04 * nuzba @uitki: bauspo fazykamni - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni by Cirko - /* ni'o lo cmima */ dragau. i oi se'i ko mi fraxu [http://bit.ly/1APDmjH] 15:06 < durka42> na fraxu .i ko cmitolbi'o BSFK iau zo'o 15:07 < durka42> zo strimgau .u'i 15:07 < durka42> mensi: ko ningau 15:07 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 15:08 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 15:08 < durka42> en: strimgau 15:08 < mensi> strimgau = x1 streams/shows via streaming x2 (broadcast/signal) through streaming medium/service x3 |>>> See also: tivni, 15:08 < mensi> cradi, benji, kibro. |>>> selpahi 15:10 < durka42> ra'oi -ze rafsi ma 15:11 < durka42> zo selja'e xu 15:21 < bigcentaur> hey, i've got a grammar question about tenses 15:31 * nuzba @bgcarlisle: I wonder how many Lojbanists wrote to Randall Monroe to correct him on the mouseover text. http://xkcd.com/191/ #lojban [http://bit.ly/1cCI4W8] 15:34 < ldlework> bigcentaur: go on 15:35 < ldlework> I wonder what they think is wrong with the hovertext on the xkcd? 15:35 < ldlework> maybe mixing "zo'o" and "that's false" 15:36 < bigcentaur> {ta} is only good for things you can point to. 15:36 < bigcentaur> should have said {la'e di'u} 15:36 < ldlework> nah 15:37 < ldlework> no other lanugage has "only spatial" demonstratives 15:38 < ldlework> Any jbopre that wrote him to correct him on using a literary demonstrative is a jackass. 15:40 < bigcentaur> https://lojban.github.io/cll/7/4/ 15:40 < bigcentaur> "Using “ta” instead of “di'u” would cause the listener to look around to see what the speaker of the second sentence was physically pointing to. " 15:40 < ldlework> I'm aware of how it is prescribed 15:40 < ldlework> Yeah except no one would do that in the real world. 15:41 < ldlework> And the authors of the cll don't have a monopoly on our listener's comprehension or skills in identifying referents to descriptions. 15:41 < ldlework> And if we audited everyone's use of lojban by way of the cll, we'd communicate nothing and we'd all be jackasses. 15:41 < durka42> gee, it's a good thing we never do that then :p 15:42 < durka42> xo'o'o'o'o'o'o 15:42 < durka42> co'o ei mi barkla 15:42 < durka42> whoops 15:42 < durka42> ca'e zo ei cmavo ma'oi DOhU 15:44 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 15:45 < ctefa`o> co'o 15:47 * nuzba @bgcarlisle: .i zo'o mi kucli lo du'u xokau lo jbopre cu te xatra la .randyl.mynros. ki'u lo nu draga'i lo samxa'e notci http://xkcd.com/191/ #lojban [http://bit.ly/1T2a4E6] 15:48 < bigcentaur> so here's my question about tenses 15:49 < bigcentaur> i've only seen ba, pu and ca used with events tagged to them 15:49 < bigcentaur> e.g. {.i mi ba lo nu carvi ku klama lo zdani} 15:50 < la_kristan> and if I say "le barda xunre zdani" people will prolly know what I mean... 15:50 < la_kristan> that doesn't mean I should do it. 15:51 < bigcentaur> can you tag other tense words with event abstractions and have them make sense? 15:51 < bigcentaur> e.g. {.i mi roroi lo nu carvi ku klama lo zdani} 15:52 < la_kristan> so just because you'll be understood if you say ta for something nonphysical, doesn't mean you should. 15:53 < ldlework> la_kristan: no that's exactly why you should say something 15:53 < ldlework> the reason to say anything at all, is to be heard and undertstood 15:54 < ctefa`o> what is wrong with {broda fi'o brode lo brodi fe'u}? 15:54 < ldlework> bigcentaur: the problem that your sentence has, is that it has no predicate 15:55 < ldlework> if you're using roroi as a BAI tag 15:55 < ldlework> which I don't think you can 15:55 < la_kristan> so I should say things that are grammatically or semantically wrong 15:55 < ldlework> la_kristan: they are not grammatically wrong 15:55 < la_kristan> just cuz my meaning will be conveyed 15:55 < ldlework> saying things that are grammatically wrong, will never lead to a better understanding since parsing what you say is yourl isteners first step 15:55 < bigcentaur> Idlework: what sentence do you mean? 15:55 < ctefa`o> oh right I am putting the fe'u too late 15:55 < ctefa`o> nvm 15:55 < la_kristan> exactly. 15:56 < ldlework> TONS of what you say must be interpreted by your listener outside the provisions of lojban's prescription 15:56 < ldlework> lojban doesn't tell me how to interpret "blabi prami" 15:57 < ldlework> That someone decided that lojbanists only deserve spatial demonstratives, is true. 15:57 < ldlework> That lojbanists only deserve spatial demonstratives is false. 15:58 < ldlework> That lojbanists communicating, after having read the CLL, are incapable of identifying a literary reference of a spatial demonstrative is false 15:58 < bigcentaur> i guess that would depend on context 15:58 < ldlework> absolutely 15:59 < ldlework> as understanding -anything- in language does 15:59 < bigcentaur> which is why it's maybe a good distinction to have :) 15:59 < ldlework> even formally defined things 15:59 < ldlework> like descriptions 15:59 < bigcentaur> anyway 15:59 < bigcentaur> you said a sentence was missing a predicate? 15:59 < ldlework> e.g. {.i mi roroi lo nu carvi ku klama lo zdani} 15:59 < bigcentaur> i ran it through camxes 15:59 < bigcentaur> definitely has a predicate 16:00 < ldlework> camxes: .i mi roroi lo nu carvi ku klama lo zdani 16:00 < camxes> (i [{mi } CU] [klama {lo zdani KU} VAU]) 16:00 < ldlework> What is the predicate? 16:00 < ldlework> woah 16:00 < ldlework> cu 16:00 < ldlework> oh ku 16:00 < ldlework> bigcentaur: sorry, carry on 16:00 < bigcentaur> okay all on the same page :) 16:00 < ldlework> its still strange though 16:00 < bigcentaur> yeah 16:00 < ldlework> because roroi isn't a BAI tag 16:00 < ldlework> you've put the predicate modifier, not next to the predicate 16:01 < ldlework> surprised that works 16:01 < bigcentaur> but it's in the chapter with all the other tense words 16:01 < bigcentaur> bu, ca and pu aren't BAI either 16:01 < ldlework> this is an example in the CLL?! 16:01 < bigcentaur> but they take tags 16:01 < ldlework> bigcentaur: ah right 16:01 < ldlework> does roi? 16:01 < bigcentaur> that's my question 16:01 < bigcentaur> "can i do this?" "how to interpret it?" 16:01 < ldlework> well camxes doesn't seem to think so 16:02 < ldlework> bigcentaur: but the other /tenses/ can work as tags, indeed 16:02 < ldlework> some of them have quite hard to understand semantics 16:02 < ldlework> pu'o broke my brain 16:02 < bigcentaur> so pu'o can take a tag? 16:02 < ldlework> yeah 16:03 < bigcentaur> so if it were {.i mi pu'o lo nu carvi ku klama lo zdani} 16:03 < ldlework> ta drani 16:03 < bigcentaur> that would be "before it rains, i go to the house" 16:03 < ldlework> wellll 16:03 < bigcentaur> ? 16:03 < ldlework> I'm not going to say what it means 16:03 < bigcentaur> hahaha 16:03 < bigcentaur> okay 16:03 < ldlework> because pu'o isn't a simple "until" 16:03 < ldlework> It says 16:04 < ldlework> I wont go to the house, until it rains 16:05 < ldlework> "The bridi wont happen until tag." 16:05 < ldlework> not 16:05 < ldlework> "The bridi happens, until tag." 16:05 < bigcentaur> all right 16:06 < ldlework> btw 16:06 < ldlework> demonstrative descriptions are pretty cool 16:06 < ldlework> le'i sibdo cu cizra 16:06 < ldlework> that idea is crazy! 16:06 < ldlework> but we can't have them 16:06 < ldlework> if you're going to be a fluff about literary ta 16:07 < bigcentaur> and is there a way to express exact amounts of time? e.g. "two years ago, i went to the market" 16:07 < ldlework> because le'i only makes sense in terms of literary ta 16:07 < ldlework> mi klama le zarci ba re nanca 16:07 < ldlework> err 16:08 < ldlework> pu 16:08 < ldlework> its one of those two 16:08 < ldlework> gotta go 16:08 < ldlework> co'o 16:08 < bigcentaur> haha okay 16:08 < bigcentaur> co'o 16:08 < ldlework> bigcentaur: like 'until's semantics being inverted from what you expect 16:08 < ldlework> using ba and pu are similiarly inverted if I remember 16:10 < bigcentaur> okay 16:13 < ctefa`o> co'o 16:22 < la_kristan> everybody leaving... 16:23 < bigcentaur> .i mi stali 16:24 < la_kristan> bigcentaur : .i do na cliva 16:25 < la_kristan> ? 16:25 < bigcentaur> .i mi ba ze'a stali 16:25 < la_kristan> now you're going over my head, lol 16:25 < bigcentaur> haha 16:26 < bigcentaur> just saying i'll be around for a medium interval of time :) 16:26 < la_kristan> ah. 16:33 < demize> Anyone know if the LMW user Cirko is on IRC? 16:35 * nuzba @Soc_of_Greece: @cooperlewis_ if you have about 45 minutes to burn, this guy gives a good explanation of what lojban is, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIpn0OEpT40 [http://bit.ly/1QcJb1l] 16:35 * nuzba @Soc_of_Greece: @cooperlewis_ but if you don't, then here's the website, http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban [http://bit.ly/1FCU1T0] 16:50 < la_kristan> i don't think i have 45 min atm 17:10 < la_kristan> .i mi cliva 17:10 < la_kristan> co'o 18:31 * nuzba @ligervision: @fnxTX @EvanMcM @stevedekorte lojban is a trip [http://bit.ly/1dktQtG] 18:40 < saigais> co’o 18:40 < demize> xu do cliva 18:41 < saigais> melci(>) 18:41 < saigais> (?) 18:41 < saigais> melbi 18:42 < demize> (Beautiful/pleasant? co'o means good bye, so I asked if you are leaving) 18:43 < saigais> oh whoops! 18:43 < saigais> coi 18:43 < saigais> coi la dy. 18:43 < saigais> er, lo? 18:44 < demize> coi la saigas 18:44 < demize> {la} is for names, yeah. 18:46 < saigais> ok! 18:46 < saigais> I’m mega new, sorry. 18:47 < demize> Trust me, I'm not much better. :) 18:48 < saigais> Psh, yeah right 18:48 < demize> Quite right. 18:48 < demize> I'm really bad at studying things on my own. 18:49 < saigais> My issue here too 18:49 < saigais> Hard to find lojban things to study 18:49 < saigais> Need a lojban buddy 18:49 < saigais> TEAMWORK! 18:49 < demize> Hehe. :) 18:50 < demize> Well, the CLL, maybe the wave lessons, then reading short stories, like eg, Terry the Tiger. 18:52 * nuzba @bgcarlisle: Pro-tip: You can say {co'o} in #Lojban rather than "bye" in any context, and no one will even notice. [http://bit.ly/1ATpy7s] 19:51 * nuzba @uitki: PAGE MISE À JOUR : Nuzba:xu do djuno - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Nuzba:xu_do_djuno par Guskant - gau nuzyfle [http://bit.ly/1JxHd6j] 20:15 < deltab> I noticed it yesterday, but forgot to mention it, sorry 20:23 < demize> hm? 20:24 < deltab> misuse of co'o 20:25 < demize> Ah. 20:25 < deltab> I meant to point it out but was distracted 20:28 < gusvli> coi prenu ja zmuni 21:20 < gleki> demize: cirko=gocti 22:44 < gleki> mensi: doi durka i ku'i la tersmu cu me lo xaske moi i mi nitcu lo djavaskripti 22:44 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.durka.gy. di'a cusku da 22:47 < gleki> how do we say "1°56'04.8"N 73°32'23.2"E"? 23:17 < deltab> I guess something like pa pi'e mu xa pi'e no vo pi bi ny ze ci pi'e ci re pi'e re ci pi re .e.bu 23:18 < gleki> there is a suggestion not to allow such things within LI 23:19 < deltab> yeah, were you asking about that? I haven't been following it --- Day changed Sat Jun 06 2015 00:19 < niftg> zo do'a zo'u vecu'u la xuncku la'e di'e ve ciksi mu'onai 00:21 < niftg> glico panra fa zoi gy broadly construed gy 00:21 < gleki> jb:do'a 00:21 < mensi> do'a = do'a [interjection] — generously, broadly construed, do'a nai — at least (parsimoniously) 00:21 < mensi> :do'a mi do ka'e ctuca lo se jmina — I could teach you some additional things. 00:21 < mensi> :do'a nai do no da zekri lebna — At least you didn't steal anything. 00:21 < mensi> :a'o mi te dunda lo kargu karce a ke do'a nai lo karce poi na spofu — Hopefully, I'll be given an expensive car or at 00:21 < mensi> least one that isn't broken. 00:21 < mensi> :Related words: dunda 00:23 < gleki> pe'i tcika lo nu le vlaste co'a se traduki fi lo drata bangu 00:25 < niftg> .ua zoi gy at least gy ji'a plixau fi lo nu ciksi 00:27 < gleki> niftg: a'o do ba drani fanva fi lo ponjo 00:32 < gleki> en:grimace 00:32 < mensi> 2 da se tolcri: frufra, frumu 00:32 < gleki> en:frufra 00:32 < mensi> frufra [< frumu frati ≈ Frown treat] = fru1=fra1 frowns/grimaces at/in reaction to fra3. 00:32 < gleki> en: frumu 00:32 < mensi> frumu = x1 frowns/grimaces (facial expression). |>>> x1 frowns/grimaces at/in reaction to x2 (= frufra). See also cmila, 00:32 < mensi> cisma. |>>> officialdata 00:32 < gocti> "treat"???????//////////slashslashslash 00:33 < gleki> ma xe fanva zoi gy. make faces .gy. i na dunli zo'o grimace 00:33 < gleki> sisi 00:33 < gleki> zo'oi grimace 00:34 < gocti> .ei da poi dunli zo corci lo drata be lo ka tai ma kau ciksi ce'u cu zasti 00:34 < gocti> doi ro da ma na zukte'a lo ka stika lo velcki pe la kurti 00:34 < niftg> pe'i lo ponbau vreji zo'u lo velckijufra cu banzu .i lo mupli jufra zo'u so'uda ka'e ba se jmina vau la'a 00:35 < gleki> ie la bangu cu nelci lo mupli enai loza'e cnano ve ciksi 00:36 < gocti> lo mupli cu ja'a plixau .i fanta lo nu ba bilga lo ka .ermenefti 00:40 < gleki> https://sites.google.com/site/loglanlojban/ 00:41 < zipcpi> pe'i lo ka ermenefti cu mutce se ckaji lo'e lojbo .i ebu bi'ainai srana lo lijda 00:42 < gleki> ka bu enai ebu 00:42 < gleki> en: ka bu 00:42 < mensi> ka bu = the last sumti having a ka-abstraction at its topmost level inside |>>> See also nu bu, ni bu, du'u bu |>>> 00:42 < mensi> gleki 00:42 < zipcpi> ua 00:42 < gleki> ebu prenu 00:46 * nuzba @uitki: la .teris. ku noi tirxu cu stuvi'e lo barda tcadu - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/la_.teris._ku_noi_tirxu_cu_stuvi%27e_lo_barda_tcadu by Cirko - dragau lusilo'u ni'o .i le'u [http://bit.ly/1AQQSne] 00:47 < zipcpi> ei mi cliva co'o pendo 00:47 < gocti> co'ordo 00:48 < niftg> ge'e lo'u da papa donsu le'u noi ka'e zilfanva fo lu da pupu dunda li'u 00:49 < gocti> mi se ci'izra lo nu pilno zo da tai lo nu ri mixre zo da jo'u zo ko'a 00:49 < niftg> .i'i 00:50 < gocti> "DA PRANO O DZORU" [...] "DA PRANO O DE DZORU" 00:50 < gocti> .i rarbau simlu 00:50 < niftg> .io dzejbo 00:52 < niftg> mi nu'o mulno tcidu fi lo loglan ctucku 00:52 < niftg> nu'o co'a go'i 00:52 < gocti> go'i ra'o 00:55 < niftg> mu'i lo nu lo kibro cukta cu zenba lo ka memkai cu zenba mukti le bi'unai nu mulno tcidu kei za'ure'u 00:59 < niftg> .u'i bau lo loglo zo cidja cu se smuni lo si'o cikna 01:05 < niftg> mi djica lo nu fi'o se krefu be fi li pa lo nu tcidu fi lo loglo srana ku tcidu fi lo romoi noi la'a ninrai jenoi ku'i .uinai nu'o samlervei co'e 01:07 < niftg> .imu'ibo ti'e lo gerna ku mu'a mutce cenba 01:08 < niftg> lo nu pare'uku tcidu fi lo loglan pamoi cu banzu xu ju'ocu'i 01:15 < gocti> mi pu na ganse lo nu da loglo ctucku gi'e za'o na kibro gubni 01:16 < gocti> .i ca'o milxe co tcidu la pa moi 01:25 < niftg> la'a .a'o ju'ocu'i roda kibro gubni .i ku'i .ia lo romoi zo'u za'o pixra jenai lerfu fukpi 01:26 < niftg> .iseri'abo na'e plixau 01:30 < gocti> ua la .infyjajycku 3 moi 01:30 < gocti> (to .ei da melmau gi'e xe fanva zo'oi notebook toi) 01:31 < gocti> uo ru'e .i sa'u zo tsautycku 01:31 < niftg> .i'apei lu notci jmaji cukta li'u 01:32 < niftg> la'a zo notci cu tidysmu valsi 01:33 < gocti> ticysmu xu 01:33 < gocti> .i ie 01:33 < niftg> ki'anaidai fi'o ve lujvo fe'u stidi smuni 01:33 < gocti> ua 01:34 < niftg> ta'o ba'a da poi jai racli cu smuni zo ticysmu 01:34 < gocti> .i zo .tid. zo'u ba'a nai zo tcidu se rafsi 01:34 < niftg> .ue 01:34 < gocti> rafsi: tid 01:34 < mensi> zo tcidu se rafsi zo'oi tid 01:34 < niftg> je'u 01:35 < niftg> ja'o zo sidysmu cu drani .i .u'u 01:35 < niftg> jbo:sidysmu 01:35 < mensi> [< stidi smuni ≈ Stidi* smuni*] pe'a = [UI3c] tcita le se cusku le du'u ri se sidysmu 01:36 < niftg> ba'anai mi pu pensi zo tidju'i noi rimni je smusmi zo tinju'i 01:37 < niftg> gi'e lujvo fo lu tcidu jundi li'u 01:37 < zipcpi> OK I have defined some of my new gadri in Lojban: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 01:37 < niftg> lo mi fonxa mo'u livla culno binxo .isemu'ibo .ai mi ze'a lo su'o cacra cu cadzu litru co'o 01:37 < gocti> je'e co'o 01:37 < zipcpi> Not sure how to deal with lo'i yet, or to replace the corci 01:38 < zipcpi> the kurtynomgismu {corci} 01:39 < gocti> ia bu'o zo'u .ei casnu fa joi la kurti ja cu sa'u si'u nai stika lo vlavelcki 01:39 < zipcpi> Also virtu'ale doesn't have a jbojbo definition 01:40 < zipcpi> lubu can be used as a pronoun right? 01:40 < zipcpi> But not zo bu o.o 01:40 < gocti> go'i 01:40 < gocti> lu zo zo bu li'u co'e 01:41 < zipcpi> ua 01:55 < gleki> xu lu lu bu li'u sinxa zo'oi " iji lo go'i cu anfora valsi vau sa'u 02:33 * nuzba @uitki: la .teris. po'u lo tirxu cu vitke zi'o le barda tcadu - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/la_.teris._po%27u_lo_tirxu_cu_vitke_zi%27o_le_barda_tcadu by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1dkPkqv] 02:43 * nuzba @uitki: PAGE MISE À JOUR : nuzba - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba par Guskant - gau nuzyfle [http://bit.ly/1QdkyBR] 03:16 < ctefaho> uaicoi 03:22 < niek> coi ro do 03:23 < zipcpi> OK also defined {lo'i} 03:23 < mensi> zipcpi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: how to say "Every monday" in your system? | 2015-06-06T09:47:51. 03:23 < mensi> 034Z 03:23 < Ilmen> coi .i ba za lo cacra be li ji'i re cu jbobau vokta'a jmaji la .mambl. xoi se platu 03:24 < zipcpi> Does li take outside quantifiers? Does it even make sense? 03:24 < Ilmen> to sa'e jmaji la zbaga ku noi kibyse'u toi 03:25 < Ilmen> zipcpi: As any sumti, li can be preceded by an outer quantifier. 03:25 < zipcpi> ISO 8601 has ways of handling intervals and repetitions I'm sure, but I'm not sure it can be adaptable. And I'm already grating on the mathematicians by abusing magic vlale'u :p 03:25 < niek> mi na kakne lo nu jundi la mambl iki'u mi ba klama la xakyrspeis 03:26 < Ilmen> je'e .i .a'o se pluka 03:26 < niek> ki'e 03:27 < zipcpi> mensi: doi gleki {li} can take outside quantifiers, but I don't know if it'd cause any problems. Also, ISO 8601 has ways of handling intervals and repetitions I'm sure, but I've not tried adapting it yet. And I'm already grating on the mathematicians by abusing magic vlale'u :p 03:27 < mensi> zipcpi: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.gleki.gy. di'a cusku da 03:29 * nuzba @uitki: PAGE MISE À JOUR : nuzba/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba/en par Guskant - gau nuzyfle [http://bit.ly/1FAaOHo] 03:37 < gleki> zipcpi: just how would you say "I voice chat every Saturday"? 03:37 < mensi> gleki: cu'u la'o gy.zipcpi.gy.: {li} can take outside quantifiers, but I don't know if it'd cause any problems. Also, 03:37 < mensi> ISO 8601 has ways of handling intervals and repetitions I'm sure, but I've not tried adapting it yet. And I'm already 03:37 < mensi> grating on the mathematicians by abusing magic vlale'u :p | 2015-06-06T10:27:55.353Z 03:38 < zipcpi> Tentatively, {de'i ro li jydy xa} 03:38 < gleki> aha 03:38 < gleki> another question: how do we say "1°56'04.8"N 73°32'23.2"E"? 03:38 < zipcpi> That one? That would require a different system altogether 03:38 < zipcpi> And I'm not sure we can avoid pi'e 03:39 < zipcpi> Probably will need a new brivla 03:39 < gleki> one new brivla with a li-place? 03:39 < gleki> you may use {judri} for now 03:40 < zipcpi> I dunno, maybe one for "latitude", one for "longitude", and one that combines the two 03:41 < zipcpi> Ah {judri} 03:41 < gleki> those are important words since they are in onebook translated to Lojban 03:41 < zipcpi> Yeah that is yet another "magic" gismu 03:42 < zipcpi> Actually if mekso can support cartesian coordinates, all we need to say is (+1/56/04.8, +73/32/23.2) 03:42 < zipcpi> Wait the other way around 03:43 < zipcpi> Negatives for S and W 03:43 < gleki> for zipcpi they are probably positives vau zo'oru'e 03:44 < zipcpi> I'm just following mathematical convention. But yes, I do happen to be in the NE quadrant :p 03:45 < zipcpi> Alternatively we could use FAhA1 + bu 03:46 < zipcpi> li be'abu pa pi'e muxa pi'e vo pi bi du'abu zeci pi'e cire pi'e reci pi re 03:47 < zipcpi> Again, recognizability is quite useful... I don't expect any other system to use FAhA1 + bu 03:49 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: lo nu prami lo nu prami cu se prami #lojban [http://bit.ly/1FAc39v] 03:50 < zipcpi> I'm favoring prefix to postfix because that's how Lojban works for almost every other thing... except for ROI / MOI / MAI :p 04:28 * nuzba @uitki: Nuzba-nuzyfle-url/ja - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/MediaWiki:Nuzba-nuzyfle-url/ja by Guskant - http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=nuzba&action=feed [http://bit.ly/1dkVgzF] 04:46 < zipcpi> Crap I know you told me this the other day but I forgot what is used to attach a relative clause to more than one sumti joined by logical connectives 04:49 < demize> gocti told you to use vu'o 04:49 < zipcpi> ki'e 04:50 < zipcpi> exp: ti ja ta ja tu vu'onoi broda 04:50 < mensi> ([{ti } {vu'o }] VAU) 05:14 < gusvli> coi se jbobau 05:15 < zipcpi> coi 05:15 < gusvli> ge'epei? 05:15 < zipcpi> zo'oi gusvli na vlatai gendra 05:16 < zipcpi> nitcu tu'a zo gusyvli 05:16 < gusvli> y 05:16 < gusvli> camxes gusvli 05:16 < zipcpi> ta'oi ja zo gu'ivli 05:16 < gocti> coi 05:16 < gusvli> coi gy 05:17 < gocti> demize: xu do ganse lo nu mi spuda lo do preti 05:17 < Ilmen> zo'oi gusvli na gendra .i .e'u zo gusyvli 05:18 < gusvli> oiru'e doi la zipcpi. lo mi lujvo ni kakne cu so'umei 05:18 < demize> go'i doi gocti 05:18 < gocti> je'e 05:18 < zipcpi> zo gusyvli ja zo gu'ivli 05:19 < gusvli> la valsi cu morsi 05:19 < gocti> la vlaste ku ku'i na go'i 05:19 < Ilmen> lujvo: gusni vlipa 05:19 < zipcpi> la valsi mo 05:19 < zipcpi> .y. la valsi cu mo 05:20 < gocti> pu zi morsi gi'e vlaste sisku ke .irci zmiku 05:20 < niftg> irci selfu 05:20 < gocti> ie matmau 05:21 < zipcpi> gu'ivli 6367 gusyvli 6978 gusnyvli 8008 gusyvlipa 9017 05:21 < zipcpi> cu'u la jvozba 05:25 < niftg> la valsi cu puza morsi .i la mensi cu puzi sipna 05:31 < selpli> ca drata se cmene (doi jai se bau gendra) 05:33 < selpli> rodo ca jai gau mo? 05:34 < gocti> lo ci mei ca'o voksa casnu se pi'o la mumble 05:34 < niftg> mi ji'a vokta'a sepi'o la'oi mumble 05:35 < niftg> va'i mi cmima le cimei 05:35 < selpli> ua e'edai 05:36 < gocti> va'o lo nu do kansa djica zo'u ko jorne la'o pu. zbaga.ax.lt:64738 .pu 05:36 < gocti> noi kibyse'u 05:38 < selpli> xu lo'i se certu jbobau cu zenba? 05:39 < gocti> cumki .i ku'i ju'o ri'a lo da'i nu jundi kei lo ka certu tu'a lo jbobau cu se zenba 05:40 < selpli> na'e ponse la mumbl 05:40 < gocti> (lo'i se certu jbobau -> the set of Lojbans that people are skilled at, sa'e nai) 05:42 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: Mumble の使い方 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Mumble_%E3%81%AE%E4%BD%BF%E3%81%84%E6%96%B9 by Guskant - lerfu dragau [http://bit.ly/1BRfaZg] 05:45 < selpli> u'i lo'i certu se jbobau ku li'a 05:47 < gocti> la'a ca'o zenba lo ka xo kau da cmima .i ie 05:50 < gleki> en:coi 05:50 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 05:50 < gleki> na sipna 05:51 < selpli> coi to la toi gleki 05:51 < gleki> coi 05:51 < selpli> lo do cnino jbobau ku mo 05:51 < selpli> y ji'a DO mo? 05:51 < gleki> lo me mi xu moi 05:52 < selpli> la y 05:52 < selpli> ma cmene? 05:52 < selpli> la bangu 05:57 < ctefaho> so I have a question about how "pei" is actually used 05:57 < selpli> re'i 05:58 < ctefaho> A lone pei asks for UI, while pei after UI asks if that UI applies, while pei UI is "How you feel, I feel UI"? 05:58 < selpli> drani 05:59 < ctefaho> ok, good, that's the impression I got 06:00 < ctefaho> so if I ask "ie pei" both "ie" and "ienai" are valid? 06:00 < mensi> ei mi tugni 06:00 < ctefaho> as well as iesai 06:01 < ctefaho> or iesairo'i 06:02 < selpli> kakne co cusku zo zai po'o vau ji'a 06:02 < selpli> *zo sai 06:02 < gleki> selpli: ma pilno do ma 06:02 < ctefaho> right 06:04 < ctefaho> so ok, after my na'oi proposal I now have an idea for 2 other cmavo 06:05 < selpli> doi la gleki: do pilno mi lo se tavla vau iepei 06:05 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 06:05 < ctefaho> 2 pei-ish ones, mainly one asking specifically for the category of an attitudinal, but also one asking specifically for CAI (and/or nai) 06:06 < gleki> selpli: lo te xu tavla 06:06 < ctefaho> let's call them pei'a and pei'o 06:06 < zipcpi> I'm not sure why you'd need to ask so specifically though 06:06 < selpli> valsi tavla 06:06 < valsi> tavla = x1 talks/speaks to x2 about subject x3 in language x4. 06:06 < ctefaho> .oi - .oipei'o 06:06 < selpli> u'i iesai caku mi se tavla je te tavla je tavla 06:06 < ctefaho> "What kind of oi?" 06:06 < gleki> x1 x2 x3 x4 tavla ~= x1 ce x2 casnu x3 bau x4 06:07 < gleki> sa 06:07 < zipcpi> If you ask me whether I feel something, I'm going to express it, regardless of what form your question takes 06:07 < gleki> i oi pu drani 06:07 < gleki> x1 x2 x3 x4 tavla ~= x1 ce x2 casnu x3 bau x4 06:07 < zipcpi> I mean would the jbocei strike me dead if I decide to attach a sai or a cai anyway to a yes/no question? 06:08 < ctefaho> no no, pei still works as is 06:08 < ctefaho> pei'o just asks specifically about the category 06:08 < zipcpi> Ah 06:08 < ctefaho> and you can answer with the whole UI 06:08 < selpli> ctefaho: The benefits of your word is doubtful 06:08 < ctefaho> or just the category 06:08 < zipcpi> je'e mi co'a jimpe 06:09 < ctefaho> well that's what I am trying to find out before deeming them useless out of hand 06:09 < selpli> ctefaho: If you ask "ui pei?", the proper answer is a UI anyway 06:09 < ctefaho> yes 06:09 < ctefaho> see above 06:09 < ctefaho> this doesn't change pei 06:09 < selpli> ctefaho: There is no reason to assume an answer to "ui pei" is yes/no 06:09 < ctefaho> question is how pei and pei'a relate 06:09 < ctefaho> I am not 06:09 < zipcpi> No he wants something that replaces bare pei 06:10 < zipcpi> Because bare pei can be ambiguous 06:10 < gleki> selpli: la bangu ca'o farvi i do ka'e zgana 06:10 < selpli> I don't follow - how ambiguous? 06:10 < zipcpi> uipei still works as is 06:10 < ctefaho> ie - iepei'a - iesai 06:10 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 06:10 < ctefaho> ok, so how do I right now ask with pei "How much do you agree with me?" 06:10 < selpli> goi la gleki: mi ca'o sisku 06:10 < zipcpi> The problem is {pei ui} vs {ui pei}. I read the former as "How do you feel, I'm happy" 06:10 < ctefaho> err 06:11 < ctefaho> "How much agreement" 06:11 < zipcpi> But that means that once you say ui, it's hard to separate it from "how do you feel" 06:11 < selpli> {eipei} 06:11 < zipcpi> Wihout using {ui .i pei} 06:12 < zipcpi> Am I getting the gist of your idea? 06:12 < ctefaho> it is just an idea, just throwing it out so I can actually test it with people without having to commit it to jbovlaste first 06:12 < selpli> Isn't that what {eipei} already means? You're asking for a term on the einaicai to eicai scale? 06:12 < gleki> selpli: mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu:_Dictionary_with_Examples http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=L17-01&action=history 06:12 < ctefaho> Again, how pei and pei'a would relate is the big question 06:13 < ctefaho> but I have to unexpectedly leave right now, sorry 06:13 < ctefaho> thought I could stay and discuss it more, but nope 06:13 < ctefaho> so, ttyl 06:13 < ctefaho> co'o 06:13 < zipcpi> co'o 06:14 < zipcpi> Or possibly {ui ge'epei} 06:22 < selpli> ca lonu co'a slabu mi fa la bangu ku krici lodu'u la bangu jai gau daspo la lojban 06:23 < selpli> za'a la bangu cu na'e drata lo'e irci jbobau 06:23 < gleki> *cu jai gau 06:23 < selpli> e'edai 06:23 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu 06:24 < zipcpi> balcme : x1 is the title (honorific appellation) of x2 used by x3 06:24 < zipcpi> pei 06:24 < gleki> i ze'a ma do pu na lojbo doi la selpli 06:25 < selpli> y co'a tadni zi li renopano 06:25 < selpli> ku'i ze'u na'e pilno segau lonu tolmo'i 06:25 < zipcpi> rafme'e ki'a 06:25 < gleki> ca lo renopanomoi nanca do co'a tadni 06:26 < gleki> zipcpi: za'adai mi puzi pilno lo na'e do detri ciste i ei ma'a zukte ma pe lo lerfu poi pagbu lo li zei sumti 06:27 < selpli> doi zipcpi zo rafme'e valsi lo rafsi cmene 06:27 < selpli> perhaps 06:28 < zipcpi> doi selpli mi xa'o djuno .iku'i mi na jimpe lodu'u srana zo'oi makau 06:28 < selpli> xm 06:29 < zipcpi> Gleki: Erm, what do you want me to do with the letters? 06:31 < gleki> idk what's happening to LI. what to do so that everyone is happy 06:31 < zipcpi> Oh... 06:32 < zipcpi> guskant has played with my idea in the mriste, trying to subscript the numbers with the letters, or something 06:33 < zipcpi> exp: li vu'u pa boi re boi 06:33 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,], [gG], [mM], [nN], [rR] or [vV] but "b" found. 06:34 < zipcpi> But I'm really skeptical about this. Even if it wasn't for my system, it would really mess with using me'o for character strings 06:34 < gleki> exp: li su'i pa boi re boi 06:34 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,], [gG], [mM], [nN], [rR] or [vV] but "b" found. 06:36 < zipcpi> Just use bu they say... What if your string is something like 34829058239058369083490A ? 06:36 < zipcpi> You'd be starting with {me'o} 06:36 < zipcpi> Reading it like a number 06:36 < zipcpi> And then *oops*, a mabla vlale'u 06:36 < zipcpi> Yeah... 06:37 < zipcpi> Seriously what is gained by messing with LI...LOhO 06:37 < zipcpi> I understand his concerns with everything else, but not this 06:37 < gleki> en:dau 06:37 < mensi> dau = [PA2] digit/number: hex digit A (decimal 10) [ten]. 06:37 < zipcpi> I don't mean the hex digit A 06:38 < zipcpi> I mean the letter A 06:38 < zipcpi> And what if it's the letter Z? :p 06:38 < gleki> we need a cmavo for it zo'o 06:39 < zipcpi> New vlale'u cmavo but in PA 06:39 < selpli> abu? 06:39 < zipcpi> Yeah great idea xo'ozo'o 06:39 < selpli> valsi bu 06:40 < zipcpi> No, selpli, we're talking about a proposal to separate numbers from letters, and how it'll break my idea for a system for indicating dates in Lojban 06:40 < valsi> bu = convert any single word to BY. 06:40 < selpli> Goddamn it la valsi, why must thou so foresake me? My lojban skills drop at least 75% when you're not here 06:40 < zipcpi> Use sutysisku... let me dig you a link 06:40 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html# 06:40 < gleki> there is mensi bot 06:40 < selpli> ki'e 06:40 < gocti> va'o zo'u .ei da cmavo gi'e panra zo bu lo ka cupra lo namcu je nai valsi lerfu 06:40 < gleki> http://lojban.org/papri/IRC_Bots 06:40 < gleki> en:coi 06:40 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 06:41 < gleki> ru:coi 06:41 < mensi> coi = [COI] звательная частица: приветствие/здравствуйте 06:41 < gleki> jbo:coi 06:41 < gleki> exp:coi 06:41 < selpli> jbo:kakne 06:41 < gleki> co'a masno 06:41 < mensi> coi = [COI] tcita lo cmene ja ve skicu le du'u sinxa le du'u makau te cusku .e le du'u rinsa le te 06:41 < mensi> cusku 06:41 < mensi> (coi DOhU) 06:41 < mensi> kakne = lo nu x1 zukte ja ckaji x2 cu cumki x3 06:41 < gleki> gloss:mi prami do 06:41 < mensi> Me love you 06:41 < gleki> rafsi:mi 06:41 < mensi> zo'oi mib rafsi zo mi 06:41 < gleki> lujvo: klama gasnu 06:42 < mensi> klagau[5847], klagasnu[7917], klamygau[7977], klamygasnu[10047] 06:42 < mensi> klagau [< klama gasnu ≈ Come do] = x1 brings x2 to x3 06:42 < gleki> selmaho:coi 06:42 < mensi> .i lu coi li'u cmavo zo'oi COI 06:42 < mensi> http://lojban.github.io/cll/6/11/ 06:42 < mensi> http://lojban.github.io/cll/13/14/ 06:42 < mensi> cmavo: a'oi, be'e, bu'oi, ci'oi, coi, coico'o, co'o, co'oi, di'ai, doi'oi, fau'u, fe'o, fi'i, fi'i'e, fi'inai, je'e, 06:42 < mensi> je'enai, ju'i, ju'icu'i, ju'inai, ke'o, ki'ai, ki'e, ki'enai, mi'e, mi'enai, mu'o, mu'onai, nu'e, nu'ecu'i, nu'enai, 06:42 < mensi> o'ai, pe'u, re'i, re'inai, sa'ei, sau'ei, ta'a, tai'i, vi'o 06:42 < selpli> u'a 06:42 < gleki> mensi: io 06:42 < mensi> ko smusku lo se jmina pe la'e di'u 06:42 < gleki> y 06:58 < zipcpi> It's weird to me that there isn't a {te srana} defined 06:58 < zipcpi> I know there's {ckini}, but... that's different I think 06:58 < gleki> x1 x2 srana = x1 x2 lo co'e cu ckini 06:58 < zipcpi> oi 07:00 < selpli> zipcki What should the x3 be? 07:00 < zipcpi> in manner x3 07:00 < zipcpi> Something about how they pertain to each other 07:01 < zipcpi> Because I just accidentally used the x3 above if you haven't noticed :p 07:04 < Ilmen> doi la zipcpi mi'a zvati la jbogu'e fau lo nu vokta'a 07:04 < Ilmen> sepi'o la mambl 07:10 < zipcpi> je'e 07:17 < zipcpi> mensi: doi ldlework za'a mi pofygau le bolci skari co'e 07:17 < mensi> zipcpi: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.ldlework.gy. di'a cusku da 07:42 < zipcpi> exp: lo'u bu 07:42 < mensi> ([{lo'u bu} BOI] VAU) 07:42 < zipcpi> exp: zozobu 07:42 < mensi> ([{<zo zo> bu} BOI] VAU) 08:09 < zipcpi> exp: mau'ucmo 08:09 < mensi> (CU [mau'ucmo VAU]) 08:15 < ctefaho> coi 08:17 < zipcpi> coi 08:18 < durka42> coi 08:18 < mensi> durka42: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: i ku'i la tersmu cu me lo xaske moi i mi nitcu lo djavaskripti | 2015-06-06T05:44:21. 08:18 < mensi> 973Z 08:19 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article#Tentative_Lojban_definitions 08:19 < durka42> mi na se vajni lo du makau se djica la gleki 08:22 < gleki> sa'u la xalbo pu djica lo nu la mensi cu jimpe tu'a lo rafsi 08:23 < durka42> zipcpi: .u'i pilno zo co'i lo velcki be zo le'i 08:23 < durka42> lo narviska'e cu gidva vo'a 08:24 < zipcpi> u'i 08:25 < zipcpi> xu zo ze'i xagmau 08:28 < zipcpi> mi aidji tu'a la'e zoi gy. at this particular instant gy 08:29 < zipcpi> pu xlamau .icabo mi pilno zo corci 08:31 < zipcpi> ta'oi poi pluja se ciksi xoi kurti staile 08:31 < ctefaho> so...had some more thoughts about the attitudinals 08:31 < ctefaho> and questions 08:31 < ctefaho> first of does anyone use sai/cai/ru'e after a cu'i? 08:31 < ctefaho> uicu'isai ? 08:32 < zipcpi> I can't answer that, but you might want to look up {ne'au} 08:32 < ctefaho> hmm well yeah but that isn't really cu'i is it 08:32 < durka42> not with {ui} probably, but some of the attitudinals have better-defined meaning under {cu'i} 08:32 < durka42> ba'acu'isai seems like it would make sense 08:33 < ctefaho> .a'acu'isai ? 08:33 < durka42> ie 08:34 < ctefaho> .aicu'isai too I guess 08:34 < durka42> here :) http://korp.alexburka.com/#?cqp=%5Bword%20%3D%20%22cu%27i%22%5D%20%5B(pos%20%3D%20%22CAI%22%20%7C%20pos%20%3D%20%22NAI%22)%5D&stats_reduce=word&search_tab=1&search=cqp 08:34 < ctefaho> or even iecu'icai 08:34 < durka42> .aicu'isai <— my life right there 08:35 < ctefaho> ju'o cu'i cu'i ? 08:36 < ctefaho> err does that make sense 08:36 < ctefaho> from your link 08:36 < durka42> not really... 08:37 < durka42> probably {ju'o ru'e ru'e} was meant 08:37 < ctefaho> right 08:37 < ctefaho> ok, so cu'i is really more like nai than the ru'e/sai/cai? 08:37 < ctefaho> ./na'oi 08:37 < durka42> yes 08:39 < ctefaho> brings me to my next question: "ui" and "uija'ai" are basically identical right? 08:39 < zipcpi> Yes, although ja'a and ja'ai tends to carry the emphatic "indeed" sense 08:39 < ctefaho> ja'ai is sort of built-in into every attitudinal as the default 08:39 < ctefaho> ui(ja'ai) vs. uicu'i & uinai 08:40 < zipcpi> ja'ai is not part of the original description of the language, it was added later 08:40 < zipcpi> Indeed you can recognize most experimental cmavo for either being at least four non-apostrophe letters long, or being three non-apostrophe letters and beginning with x 08:40 < ctefaho> so a bare ui is basically ui(ja'ai)(na'oi)? 08:41 < zipcpi> Yes 08:41 < ctefaho> zipcpi, this is more to get at the mechanic, and to think of how pei'a would relate with pei 08:41 < ctefaho> with/to 08:42 < ctefaho> with this idea it becomes quite clear how na'oi is different from ja'ai 08:43 < ctefaho> like uinaina'oi 08:43 < zipcpi> Attitudinals can be messy though. Like ba'aja'ainai has a meaning 08:44 < ctefaho> well 08:44 < ctefaho> now you are affirmning and denying at the same time 08:44 < zipcpi> No 08:44 < zipcpi> It's because of the strangeness of the definition of ba'a 08:45 < ctefaho> so what does "ba'aja'ainai" *mean* ?? 08:45 < zipcpi> ba'anai isn't just simple or polar negation of ba'a, but runs along a different continuum 08:45 < zipcpi> (ba'aja'ai)nai 08:45 < ctefaho> my god 08:46 < ctefaho> does anyone actually *use* that? 08:47 < zipcpi> Yeah... I have *tried* to organize attitudinals... see {koi'e}, {toi'e} (not mine, but I had incorporated it in my attemps), {i'au}, and {ji'au}. But they are rather messy 08:47 < gleki> i think it'a {ba'a[ja'ai nai]} 08:47 < gleki> since modifiers modify what is to the left 08:47 < zipcpi> But they're both NAI 08:47 < gleki> since modifiers modify what is immediately to the left 08:48 < zipcpi> exp: ba'aja'ainai 08:48 < mensi> (ba'a [ja'ai nai]) 08:48 < zipcpi> oi 08:48 < gleki> 08:47 < zipcpi> But they're both NAI <-- how that matters 08:48 < zipcpi> Then what? ba'aja'ai toi'e nai 08:48 < ctefaho> .oipei'o ;) 08:48 < zipcpi> I don't remember which is which 08:48 < ctefaho> http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/UI4 08:49 < zipcpi> Perhaps we should just throw out {ba'a} and make three new attitudinals 08:49 < gleki> nope 08:49 < zipcpi> Cause this is insanity 08:49 < gleki> it's one meaning with a scale 08:49 < gleki> if they are bad glossed to english then it's another question 08:49 < zipcpi> But you can't say "I do not expect X", instead, you have to say "I expect NOT X" 08:50 < zipcpi> I think that's a real problem 08:51 < ctefaho> kanpe?:) 08:51 < gleki> ba'anai - experience complete, ba'acu'i - experience being accumulated, ba'a - experience is not complete 08:51 < ctefaho> I know I know not an attitudinal... 08:51 < zipcpi> It's not a matter of the English gloss. It is that it runs on a completely different continuum than what most people would expect from other attitudinals 08:51 < zipcpi> And it's not just about expectation; it breaks some things 08:51 < gleki> idk, im fine with this scale. it's useful for me 08:52 < ctefaho> One more question: if I say uipei, uisaipei, uisairo'apei, what answers could one except for each? 08:53 < gleki> ui/uinai/uisai etc. 08:53 < zipcpi> {kai'e} <- {kanpe}, {li'ei} <- {lifri}, {vei'i} <- {vedli} 08:54 < ctefaho> so, answer with just the bare ui, with or without CAI and categories? 08:54 < gleki> anything with ui 08:54 < ctefaho> So one can answer uipei with .oi? 08:54 < zipcpi> The main problem with ba'a is that you can't negate it properly 08:55 < zipcpi> Because negating it makes it flip on a different continuum 08:55 < ctefaho> So can one* 08:55 < gleki> zipcpi: what are your test cases? 08:55 < zipcpi> kai'enai nabmi -> I don't expect any problems 08:56 < ctefaho> ah, nvm, anything with "ui" (not "UI") 08:56 < zipcpi> It's quite similar to ba'a naku nabmi, but it's different 08:56 < ctefaho> So to rephrase, one does not answer UIpei with another UI than the one the pei is attached to? 08:56 < ctefaho> in regular usage 08:58 < gleki> zipcpi: different in what? the lack of the attitude 08:58 < gleki> ? 08:58 < zipcpi> Denial of expectation, rather than expectation of negation 08:59 < zipcpi> It becomes even more important for {vei'i} 08:59 < zipcpi> {vei'inai} = I don't remember. {ba'anainai} = ???? 09:00 < gleki> then state that {na'i} is an interjection modifier 09:00 < zipcpi> And {ba'anai naku} means I remember that this didn't happen 09:00 < zipcpi> I don't even know how na'i works with other attitudinals 09:01 < gleki> no ,this means that i have an experience of not having something 09:01 < zipcpi> Yeah, which is different from not remembering 09:01 < gleki> not remembering is {na morji} 09:02 < zipcpi> {vei'inai nabmi} = I don't remember any problems 09:03 < zipcpi> Point of discursives is so that we don't have to wrap the sentence up into an abstraction and put it into kanpe etc 09:04 < gleki> you can't deny experience actually. denying experience is just stating another experience. 09:04 < zipcpi> It means mi na lifri zo'e 09:06 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Practice. cmila - to laugh. cisma - to smile */ [http://bit.ly/1BRosUS] 09:07 < gleki> zipcpi: i see. if you insist then you may use {ro'inai} 09:08 < zipcpi> I don't think so 09:08 < zipcpi> It means denial of emotional sphere. Compare with the other ro'V 09:10 * ctefaho bazi sipna 09:12 < bigcentaur> coi ro do 09:13 < niftg> coi 09:28 < bamtman> coi rodo 09:29 < niftg> coi bamtman 10:52 < jenca> coi 10:52 < jenca> is the meeting/talk on mumble still happening? 10:53 < zipcpi> Nope T.T 10:53 < niftg> nau smaji 10:53 < niftg> smaji casnu ka'e 10:53 < jenca> did it already happen? or is it going to? 10:54 < _mukti_> xu la'o zoi rlpowell zoi cu jundi 10:54 < gleki> e'u do benji lo sivni CGM 10:54 < niftg> la'a pu ba'o fasnu doi la jenca 10:54 < gleki> ita'o coi lo kurji ku noi du la mukti 10:55 < _mukti_> coi la gleki .i ie mi ca'o kurji 10:55 < _mukti_> .i mi troci lo nu cikre lo nuzyfle pe la tu'iter 10:56 < jenca> ki’e 10:56 < gleki> _mukti_: ta'i lo ka stika le uitki vau xu 10:56 < _mukti_> si'au stika la'o zoi curl zoi 10:57 < gleki> uanai i ma ca nabmi 10:58 < _mukti_> my lojban is not up to the task of describing the insanity which is SSL 10:58 < _mukti_> queryfeed.net is now redirecting to HTTPS 10:58 < _mukti_> but curl, which mediawiki uses, isn't configured to accept their certificate 11:00 < niftg> ta'o lo bemro mu'a .a lo ketco mu'a cu pu'i zvati lo nu vokta'a sepi'o la mambl vau vau xu 11:00 < gocti> jenca: ca lo nu casnu cu kucli lo du'u lo do plini ciste cartu cu mo kau 11:00 < gleki> u want a new rss feed? 11:01 < gocti> .i sa'e lo du'u xu kau mu'a lo plini ru'i ku je xoi masno cu muvdu ja me'au lo simsa 11:01 < _mukti_> No, I just want to fix the twitter feed 11:16 < tsani> coi 11:16 < _mukti_> coi la tsani 11:18 < bigcentaur> coi la .tsani. 11:18 < gocti> coi le .tan. 11:24 < gleki> _mukti_: ta'o ma nuzba API pe JVS 11:25 < _mukti_> na nuzba 11:25 < _mukti_> su no da nuzba 11:26 < gleki> lo nu no da nuzba ka'e na nuzba 11:29 < gleki> this {lo jai se pa'u xrula} for "bouquet" is just terrible 11:29 < _mukti_> Oh... I think I see the problem 11:29 < _mukti_> start date: Jun 06 00:00:00 2015 GMT 11:29 < _mukti_> The certificate was installed before it is valid. 11:30 < _mukti_> Oh, no, it's the 6th. 11:30 < _mukti_> Hmm 11:31 < gleki> and {lo jai ci'e xrula} might not work. 11:31 < gleki> _mukti_: why do you need such a tool? you mean you can't download data at all from Twitter API using your tool? 11:32 < _mukti_> Is there even a twitter api any more? 11:32 < _mukti_> Queryfeed is the only working source I could find for a twitter-based RSS feed. 11:32 < _mukti_> (based on a search, that is) 11:33 < _mukti_> However, they seem to have installed a certificate which isn't supported everywhere. 11:33 < gleki> okay, RSS. 11:33 < _mukti_> Works fine on my laptop. But jukni rejects it. 11:33 < gleki> there are plenty of such tools. 11:33 < gleki> nuzba: coi 11:33 < gleki> ^ 11:34 < _mukti_> well, if you can fix it, be my guest! 11:34 < gleki> what's the purpose of it? 11:35 < _mukti_> To show recent tweets about lojban 11:35 < gleki> create a list of X most recent mentions of some string(s) on Twitter and turn it into some readable format? 11:35 < gleki> and by that readable format you mean RSS? 11:37 < _mukti_> yes, RSS works with the mediawiki ... there may be a plugin for ATOM as well 11:38 < demize> _mukti_: Seen my RSS thing on the ML? 11:39 < _mukti_> demize: No, did you just post? 11:39 < demize> No, was a while ago 11:39 < demize> [ sF] 23/05 To lojban@googlegrou [lojban] Language specific twitter feeds about Lojban 11:40 < _mukti_> Oh, right, I remember that. Do you have that running anywhere? I'm highly motivated to move us off of queryfeed now! 11:41 < demize> It's not currently running anywhere, no. It's meant to run as a cron job however often is wanted 11:42 < demize> You basically just have to configure which feeds are wanted (the ones in the default config are the languages for which there was lojban tweets back when I made it), and then run the script every day or so. 11:42 < demize> Oh right, just remembered that I never added the rquirements.txt file. 11:43 < demize> oh right, API keys need to be generated too, due to rate limiting and stuff. 11:44 < demize> (<https://apps.twitter.com/>) 11:45 < demize> _mukti_: I can generate the feeds and put them up so you can see how they look. 11:45 < _mukti_> If somebody sets that up, I'd be glad to make use of it. 11:46 < demize> https://theos.kyriasis.com/~kyrias/feeds/en.atom.xml 11:46 < demize> The number of tweets to include is configured in config.ini too. 11:47 < _mukti_> Oh, goodness, the SSL on jukni seems really broken. 11:47 < _mukti_> Doesn't work with that site either, although different error. 11:47 < zipcpi> SSL ki'a? 11:47 < _mukti_> "https" 11:48 < _mukti_> encrypted transport layer for the web 11:48 < zipcpi> I... might have broke it. I was kinda naughty on JVS and "stole" the gloss words from tirxu and jukni 11:49 < gleki> this is the most obvious explanation 11:49 < zipcpi> To favor the more specific and less malglixlu-prone tigra and ankabuta 11:49 < gleki> en: ankabuta 11:49 < mensi> ankabuta = x1 is a spider (order Araneae) of species x2 |>>> More specific than jukni. See cinki |>>> 11:49 < mensi> gleki 11:49 < gleki> heh, it's there 11:49 < _mukti_> "jukni" is also the name of a server -- so it wasn't you're doing 11:49 < gleki> {tirxu} is not malglixlu at all. it's just cizra 11:49 < zipcpi> Ah 11:50 < zipcpi> Yeah, I assume {te tirxu} is there so you can distinguish between them somehow... but come on 11:50 < gleki> gimsye was created by making usual SAE concepts broader 11:51 < gleki> gimste was created by making usual SAE concepts broader 11:52 < zipcpi> Well the malglixlu is more in the back-translation 11:54 < zipcpi> But ie it's such a cizra taxonomy. What language has a word that means exactly what {tirxu} or {jukni} does lol 12:00 < _mukti_> li'a lo tirxu cu tirxu fi da 12:01 < gleki> if {cinfo} didnt exist then most wouldnt complained 12:03 < _mukti_> lo cinfu cu se barna lo te tirxu 12:03 < _mukti_> su lo cinfo cu se barna lo te tirxu 12:05 < gleki> so it'd be strange to invent a LE shortcut for {lo jai se pa'u} 12:06 < zipcpi> Nah I think it'd have to be a lujvo =/ 12:09 * nuzba @nickpascucci: .@Duolingo Excited to see the new Esperanto course! Are there any plans to introduce one for Lojban? [http://bit.ly/1QA0ynK] 12:10 < _mukti_> Hmm... so I was thinking 12:10 < _mukti_> since tirxu is a ternary relationship, then it would be valid to say something tiger striped is a tiger ... x2 = no da 12:11 < _mukti_> do tirxu no da de 12:11 < _mukti_> you are a tiger, not of any breed, with coat markings 12:12 < _mukti_> So I see the problem with queryfeed at last 12:13 < _mukti_> They need to install two intermediate certificates, and they've only installed one 12:20 < pilno> coi ro do .ui 12:21 < pilno> .au cilre fi lo jbobau 12:22 < _mukti_> coi pilno au dai 12:25 < _mukti_> ha, I see queryfeed blogged about the SSL change 12:26 < _mukti_> https://queryfeed.net/pages/ssl/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter 12:26 < _mukti_> I just emailed them about the problem ... hopefully they're still tuned in 13:05 < pilno> I'm trying to write in my journal about it's annoying when people visit my house and I'm not sure this is right: fazgau vitke lo nu mi re'azda 13:07 < gocti> {fanza fa lo nu da vitke lo mi zdani}, or {lo prenu cu jai fanza fai lo nu vitke lo mi zdani} 13:08 < gocti> {lo nu mi re'azda} would mean "the event of me being a house"; {fazgau vitke lo nu mi re'azda} = "[someone] annoyingly visits me being a house" 13:09 < pilno> Ah! I thought that might be where I was messing up. 13:10 < Ilmen> coi la selpa'i si pilno 13:10 < gocti> .u'i 13:11 < _mukti_> ue la selpa'i cu pilno 13:12 < Ilmen> na ba'a 13:12 < Ilmen> .i ku'i ca lo cabdei nu vokta'a zo'u la selpa'i zo pilno pu se cmene 13:12 < _mukti_> ua 13:13 < Ilmen> pu vitke lo virtu'ale jbogu'e fau lo nu vokta'a sepi'o la mambl 13:13 < Ilmen> kei fa mi'a 13:24 < pilno> ki'a .i mi na se bangu la lojban. 13:29 < Ilmen> mi pu tavla la mukti -- I was talking to Mukti 13:29 < Ilmen> doi la pilno 13:46 < ldlework> coi ro do 13:46 < mensi> ldlework: cu'u la'o gy.zipcpi.gy.: za'a mi pofygau le bolci skari co'e | 2015-06-06T14:17:03. 13:46 < mensi> 054Z 13:46 < ldlework> doi zipcpi, mo'oi bolci cu spofu 13:47 < ldlework> srana le sisku kelci 13:47 < ldlework> xu 13:48 < zipcpi> .y. bu'u la jbogu'e 13:48 < zipcpi> mi so'ore'u kli'iki .ibabo spofu 13:49 < zipcpi> mi tolmo'i tu'a mo'oikau skari 13:49 < Ilmen> mi pu lifri lo simsa 13:50 < Ilmen> ju mintu 13:51 < zipcpi> .y. na srana syky 13:51 < zipcpi> srana lo skari 15:07 * nuzba @ro_bot_: ロジバン トワ ジンコウゲンゴノヒトツ ノコトデス [http://bit.ly/1RTxSZj] 15:15 < rexrula> coi 15:17 < Ilmen> coi 15:19 < bigcentaur> coi 15:19 < ldlework> Anyone who hasn't yet 15:19 < ldlework> Come visit la jbogu'e! 15:22 < rexrula> if i was quoting a book title would i use la'o? 15:22 < bigcentaur> la .jbogu'e. ki'a 15:23 < Ilmen> rexrula: If it has a foreign title, yes 15:24 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 15:24 < rexrula> la'o glico. Harry Potter .glico 15:24 < rexrula> right? 15:24 < Ilmen> That's fine 15:25 < Ilmen> "gy" is also a very common zoi-separator (la'o gy .... gy) 15:25 < Ilmen> when quoting an english text 15:25 < Ilmen> (gy, the G letteral, here stands for "glico") 15:26 < Ilmen> it's only common in usage, it's nothing mandatory 15:27 < Ilmen> co'o ta'o 15:27 < rexrula> ki'e sai do 15:28 < rexrula> I've only been studying lojban for three days so I've got a lot to learn! 15:39 < ldlework> aww they left 16:05 * nuzba @uitki: PAGE MISE À JOUR : proga:LMW - Lojbanic MediaWiki - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/proga:LMW_-_Lojbanic_MediaWiki par Guskant - /* ToDo and the future of le uitki */ [http://bit.ly/1GgJulm] 16:08 < AndChat|320025> Is http://lojban.github.io/cll/ the best online resource? 16:11 < ldlework> AndChat|320025: this chatroom is also a pretty good resource 16:13 < AndChat|320025> Cool 16:13 < ldlework> AndChat|320025: did you just learn about lojban? 16:15 < AndChat|320025> Yeah do you think I could learn the grammar in a week? 16:16 < AndChat|320025> Like all next week 16:45 < bigcentaur> depends on what exactly you mean by "learn the grammar" ha 16:57 < ldlework> dang they left :( 16:58 < ldlework> bigcentaur: I've been teaching people the core grammar left and right the last couple weeks 16:58 < ldlework> Its strange the influx of new speakers 17:07 < demize> ldlework: You should hold proper, planned classes. ;) 17:08 < ldlework> demize: I've been available so much because I'm having this strange unproductivity at work. Its real bad. I don't hope it continues. 17:08 < ldlework> Of course the idea sounds pleasant. 17:08 < demize> Well, you don't have to be online /often/ to have classes, just maybe have an hour or two available somewhere 17:09 < demize> Anyway, yeah, "real" classes would be nice. 17:12 < bigcentaur> yay 17:12 < bigcentaur> new speakers 17:18 < bigcentaur> come to montreal. we've had quite a few people at our intro lojban meetings :) 17:19 < demize> You paying for the plane ticket? ;) 17:20 < bigcentaur> lolnope 17:23 < bigcentaur> you can hitchhike like the rest of us :P 17:30 < demize> I would rather not hitchhike across the Atlantic ocean. 17:31 < demize> Anyway, night. 17:44 < ldlework> demize: You don't seem the kind that really needs lessons 17:45 < demize> ldlework: Hah, how do you figure that? 17:45 < ldlework> you know most of the major features of the language no? 17:45 < demize> Far from it. :) 17:45 < demize> My Lojban knowledge is exceedingly basic. 17:45 < ldlework> demize: noun phrases? 17:45 < ldlework> lo - ku and friends? 17:46 < demize> To a degree. 17:46 < ldlework> ah okay maybe an itemization isn't due here 17:46 < ldlework> demize: would you agree to hold the lessons in la jbogu'e? 17:47 < demize> Of course. ;) 17:47 < ldlework> cinri 17:48 < demize> Anyway, issue with me is that I have a really hard time sticking with it when learning something. I sort of need some form of class-ish thing to keep me from drifting away. 17:48 < ldlework> the problem is that, while giving lessons might only take an hour or two; preparing one or two hours of content takes longer 17:48 < demize> Quite so, but that can be split out over a longer period of time. 17:48 < ldlework> I'd want to teach the new gadri, but would feel guilty for doing so. 17:49 < ldlework> How much experimental stuff does one teach? 17:49 < demize> Now that is a good question. 17:50 < ldlework> I can think of tons of stuff in jbogu'e to do for teaching though 17:50 < ldlework> especially if it is multiparticipant 17:58 < ldlework> demize: how do you feel about roleplay? 19:48 * nuzba @voxelcomposer: @unintelligibl3 I am certain there is a complicated and yet inhumanly precise way to express this in Lojban. Now I'm tempted to try. [http://bit.ly/1BS1q07] 20:12 < zahlman> gleki: when mensi decomposes lujvo, it currently uses "face" as a gloss for {lifri}, which could be confusing (since most speakers would first think of it in the {flira} sense) 20:12 < zahlman> (er, english speakers) 21:28 < isd> .i coi rodo 21:30 < cizypij> coi ro do 21:30 < cizypij> .i mi do zu'i rinsa 21:35 < isd> .i doi cizypij mo 21:36 < cizypij> .i zo'o li'a mi do fo la lojban. tavla .u'i 21:39 < isd> u'i 21:40 < cizypij> ni'o zo'o zu'i cfari 21:41 < isd> .i mi troci lonu surla 21:41 < cizypij> .i ko sipna 21:43 < isd> .i na tatpi .i surla lonu tavla 21:44 < cizypij> .i do ma vreta 21:45 < isd> lo te kumfa 21:46 < isd> .i menli surla 21:48 < cizypij> .i zo'o pau nai do lo drudi cu vreta 21:49 < isd> u'i 21:50 < isd> .i xu do bazi sipna 21:50 < cizypij> go'i 21:51 < cizypij> ni'o zo'o pau nai ma se bacru lo lorxu .u'i sai 21:54 < isd> uanai 21:55 < zipcpi> be'e 21:55 < cizypij> ni'o coi doi la zipcpi 21:56 < ldlework> coi 21:56 < zipcpi> coi 21:56 < isd> e'a 21:56 < isd> .i coi la zipcpi 21:56 < zipcpi> coi 21:57 < cizypij> .i do zo'e ma la lojban. tavla 21:58 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think I'm at a place where I see {le'i (meta) broda} => {ta poi broda} and {le'e (mera) broda} => {ra poi broda} 21:59 < gleki> zipcpi: {lo jai se pa'u} can't be a lujvo at all. 22:00 < ldlework> zipcpi: since RA implies bi'unai 22:00 < ldlework> basically a combination of our ideas and selpa'i's 22:00 < gleki> zahlman: when mensi decomposes lujvo it uses glosses from JVS. 22:00 < zahlman> aha 22:00 < zahlman> are those easily edited? 22:00 < cizypij> .i coi doi la gleki 22:01 < gleki> gocti: xu do ca'o favgau lo gloso tutci 22:01 < gleki> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/lifri "face ; deal with" 22:02 < ldlework> gleki: but he's not wrong that face is also a gloss for a different word 22:03 < gleki> in order to be able to better gloss lujvo structure what we need to is to have brivla translated as verbs. this hasnt been done yet. as nouns we already have it in La Bangu dictionary. JVS never separates nouns/verbs in glosses which causes most issues extending to the fact that newcomers forget {lo} 22:04 < gleki> ldlework: not a question to me. mensi just uses what you feed her with. if you have another dictionary i can enable it in mensi 22:04 < gleki> cizypij: coi 22:05 < cizypij> I thought Lojban lacked the traditional verb/noun/adjective distinctions. 22:06 < ldlework> not really 22:06 < gleki> we are talking not about lojban but about glossing of it 22:06 < ldlework> those are pretty fundamental to language 22:06 < gleki> ofc. nouns/verbs dont exist in many languages in the same sense as they are used in english 22:07 < cizypij> But lojban isn't a naturalistic language. 22:07 < gleki> Tagalog is something like lojban in this regard. also no noun/verb distinction. 22:08 < isd> I mean, from a pedagogical standpoint, even in cases where there is a real relationship, it can be better to just not associate them as far as not screwing up 22:09 < isd> but yeah, different languages have different parts of speech. 22:09 < cizypij> Has anyone begun using/teaching logic with Lojban? 22:11 < gleki> Has anyone begun using logic? 22:13 < cizypij> Allegedly, Quine did... 22:13 < cizypij> .i coi doi la'o sy. skapata .sy. do'u 22:14 < isd> .i ctuca ma fo lo logji 22:16 < cizypij> .i ko ctuca ro da fo la logji 22:20 < cizypij> What is everyone's favorite feature of Lojban? 22:24 < gleki> that it exists 22:25 < isd> .i sampu 22:27 < cizypij> .i la lojban. ma sampu 22:29 < cizypij> .i coi doi la'o gy. Quantourisc .gy. 22:29 < cizypij> si Qantourisc 22:30 < cizypij> .gy. 22:33 < cizypij> co'o ro do 22:37 < zipcpi> ldlework: Hm that's interesting 22:37 < ldlework> re'i 22:38 < zipcpi> vi/va/vu does work for the spatial case. They are sumtcita, so they actually modify broda rather than the gadri. They just happen to mean the right thing 22:38 < ldlework> wait what 22:39 < ldlework> vi/va/vu ? 22:39 < zipcpi> ti vi broda = This is a broda, and it's close by 22:39 < ldlework> that's a tautology 22:39 < zipcpi> So lo vi broda means a broda that is close by 22:39 < ldlework> oh sure 22:40 < zipcpi> So le'i vi broda just happens to mean ti noi broda, if ti refers to spatiality 22:40 < ldlework> are you saying, instead of formalizing le'i and le'e in terms of TA and RA 22:40 < ldlework> ah to avoid meti? 22:40 < zipcpi> Nah I'm just giving my reasoning on why vi/va/vu works with le'i and not le'e. But if it makes the system better to use the {me} thingy... 22:40 < ldlework> right 22:41 < ldlework> but I might actually want to talk about the nearby-broda in the sense, not that it is right there, but is nearby 22:41 < ldlework> like, demonstrative is different than {vi zarci} 22:41 < zipcpi> Bare le'i is agnostic as to distance 22:42 < ldlework> I imagine it as default meta, but whatever sure 22:42 < ldlework> but if I add a vi 22:42 < ldlework> I'm not only controlling the le'i semantic 22:42 < ldlework> but also the zarci semantic 22:42 < zipcpi> Yes 22:42 < ldlework> which is ba 22:42 < ldlework> d 22:42 < ldlework> meti literally means, within the set of things this demonstrative would designate on its own 22:42 < ldlework> but also broda 22:43 < ldlework> IE, ti poi broda 22:43 < ldlework> precisely what is wanted 22:43 < zipcpi> Yeah I can see that 22:43 < Qantourisc> aw i missed cipr 22:43 < Qantourisc> i mean cizypij 22:43 < Qantourisc> no autocomplete on disconnected :p 22:43 < ldlework> :) 22:43 < gleki> Qantourisc: you may send him a message 22:44 < zipcpi> Technically with that me system you don't need le'i or le'e though 22:44 < Qantourisc> since when ? 22:44 < zipcpi> Just attach them to le 22:44 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think I'm OK with lojban being a language which distinguishes between discourse dictic demonstratives and spatial demonstratives 22:44 < gleki> mensi: doi Qantourisc coi do ma nuzba 22:44 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.Qantourisc.gy. di'a cusku da 22:44 < ldlework> zipcpi: its true, except that you get a way to do it if you care to be distance agnostic 22:45 * zipcpi nods 22:45 < ldlework> and still get bi'unai 22:45 < ldlework> well 22:45 < ldlework> ignore that last bit 22:45 < gleki> Qantourisc: now mensi paste this message to the chat when you say something again. this is how you can send delayed messages to others 22:45 < ldlework> RA is bi'unai too 22:45 < gleki> rather {mi'u} than {bi'unai} 22:46 * Qantourisc confused 22:46 < gleki> Qantourisc: say something 22:47 < ldlework> oh its not even RA its KOhA5 :/ 22:47 < Qantourisc> mensi: hello 22:47 < mensi> Qantourisc: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: coi do ma nuzba | 2015-06-07T05:44:31.176Z 22:47 < mensi> la'e di'u sinxa ma do 22:47 < zipcpi> ta'o ma'oi ko'axire zo'u: I think they actually do follow a system of some sort; it's not the i/a/u we're used to, but rather i/e/a 22:48 < Qantourisc> ua 22:49 < Qantourisc> gleki: but i don't have something to say say, then again it would be good to get the ball rolling again on lojban, but i should just study instead, trying without a bag of vocabulary is fustrating 22:50 < zipcpi> It's just technically you don't have to change grammar or semantics to make KOhA2 anaphoric markers with {le} or {le'e} 22:50 < zipcpi> {le mi broda} = the broda that is associated with me 22:50 < zipcpi> {le di'u broda} = the broda that is associated with the recent utterance 22:50 < zipcpi> Which... is quite clearly anaphorical 22:50 < zipcpi> Don't even need to reverse KOhA2 22:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: in the literature, I was reading that in languages, that adverbial demonstratives usually are morphologically evolved from anaphoric demonstratives 22:52 < ldlework> which would align exactly with how selpa'i is doing it 22:54 < ldlework> I wonder why he wants me 22:54 < ldlework> if you can just do 22:54 < zipcpi> It's just no one has ever really used le KOhA5 broda in that way 22:54 < ldlework> le ri broda 22:54 < ldlework> ie 22:54 < zipcpi> Well it's a bit more ambiguous, because le ri broda can also mean le broda pe ri 22:54 < ldlework> hmm 22:55 < ldlework> so that's why it is me 22:55 < zipcpi> Yeah 22:55 < ldlework> god damn that jbopre is smart 22:57 < zipcpi> Also ri/ra/ru is weird. {ri} always means the last sumti (skipping over "definite pronouns" like {mi}, {do}, and {ly}, but catching "changeable pronouns" like {ti}) 22:57 < zipcpi> ra and ru though are more ambiguous 22:58 < ldlework> I think I would only use ra and ru for proxial and distal 22:58 < zipcpi> I agree... ri already has a very specific meaning 22:58 < zipcpi> So doesn't usually need a {noi} expansion 22:59 < ldlework> And in most languages, the remote-distal is hardly used, as I've read 22:59 < ldlework> but it seems strange to exclude ti from the spatial demonstrative cases 22:59 < ldlework> but 23:00 < ldlework> in normal languages where spatial demonstratives are used as discourse diectic demonstratives, the proxial is actually refer to _future_ text 23:00 < ldlework> "I know. And this is the kicker:" 23:00 < ldlework> "I know. I can't believe that." 23:01 < zipcpi> We do have {di'e} for that. Which tends to turn out to be {la'edi'e}... yeah mablamabla but it's off topic 23:02 < zipcpi> Also zo'u 23:02 < zipcpi> And tu'e 23:02 < ldlework> zo'u? 23:02 < zipcpi> lo "kicker" zo'u 23:02 < zipcpi> Then you just give your sentence 23:03 < zipcpi> No need for any equivalent to "this" in this case 23:03 < ldlework> eh 23:03 < ldlework> "Take this example: the boy jumped" 23:04 < zipcpi> lo mupli goi my zo'u 23:04 < ldlework> what 23:04 < zipcpi> {I put the goi my because we're probably going to talking about that example a lot} 23:04 < ldlework> That isn't the same semantic 23:05 < ldlework> It says "this sentence concerns the an example called my" 23:05 < ldlework> it doesn't ascribe exampleness to the sentence 23:05 < zipcpi> zo'u does two things: It can be used for logical prenexes, and also as a "topic marker" 23:05 < ldlework> yes topic marker 23:05 < ldlework> it doesn't qualify the sentence itself 23:05 < ldlework> "And this you wont believe: He cheated" 23:05 < ldlework> not 23:06 < ldlework> do you know what I mean 23:06 < ldlework> the topic of the sentence, isn't really the same as what you could say about it 23:07 < ldlework> "This is going to be long-winded but: " 23:07 < zipcpi> Well it's just we have really become creative to make up for the lack of ana-cata-exophorics :p 23:07 < ldlework> lo clani jufra zo'u: 23:07 < ldlework> the sentence isn't about a long jufra 23:07 < zipcpi> The connection to the topic is inherently ambiguous; it just sets a frame of mind for the listener 23:08 < ldlework> the cll is pretty clear on the topicness of the word 23:08 < zipcpi> Which is all your "this" examples do really. It's just that English likes filling places with empty pronouns 23:09 < ldlework> not really 23:09 < ldlework> "this is going to be long but bear with me" 23:09 < ldlework> "this" refers to a unit of discourse 23:09 < ldlework> not the subject of that discourse 23:09 < zipcpi> Like I said, if you really need it, there's {la'edi'e} 23:09 < zipcpi> Or actually just {di'e} in this case 23:09 < ldlework> well, commenting on the discourse itself, I think you can use just di'e 23:09 < ldlework> heh 23:10 < isd> ldlework: What if you 23:10 < isd> 're asking me to get my very long rope out of your well? 23:10 < isd> :P 23:10 < ldlework> isd: heh then it works! 23:10 < ldlework> context is everything hehe 23:12 < ldlework> di'e clani .i ku'i o'o ko'oi .i mu'o zo'o 23:14 < zipcpi> Would you mind though if I put {le di'u broda}, {le de'u broda}, and {le da'u broda} as a way of distinguishing anaphoric distance? 23:14 < zipcpi> To replace my old {le'e'V} idea 23:15 < ldlework> le di'e ve ciksi ku clani .i ji'a ku'i vajni 23:15 < zipcpi> {le'e} would remain agnostic 23:15 < ldlework> what do we need le'e for? 23:15 < zipcpi> You mean if we could use di'u/de'u/da'u? 23:16 < ldlework> I say we run with selpa'i's use of lo meKOhA5 and our new encouraging light formalizing of the semantics of lo KOhA2 23:16 < zipcpi> No me here 23:16 < zipcpi> It's associated with the utterance 23:16 < ldlework> you need it for ri ra ru 23:16 < zipcpi> Not the utterance itself 23:16 < zipcpi> Yeah 23:16 < ldlework> right that' KOhA2 23:16 < ldlework> I didn't include me there 23:16 < zipcpi> Right 23:16 < ldlework> yay less gadri to learn 23:16 < zipcpi> I didn't read your sentence properly 23:17 < ldlework> the question is now 23:17 < ldlework> do we also scrap le'i 23:17 < zipcpi> Better than bi'unai at least 23:18 < zipcpi> Which I'm not even sure how you indicate anaphoric distance with 23:18 < zipcpi> bi'unaisai = ??? 23:18 < ldlework> right that's the advantage :) 23:18 < ldlework> the shortness is secondary 23:18 < ldlework> well who am I kidding 23:18 < ldlework> anyway, le meta nixli cu melbi ? 23:19 < ldlework> its adverbial 23:19 < ldlework> versus adding a new determiner 23:19 < ldlework> hmm 23:19 < zipcpi> Technically it's a tanru 23:19 < zipcpi> exp: le meta nixli 23:19 < mensi> ([le {<me ta MEhU> nixli} KU] VAU) 23:19 < ldlework> that's what tanru are 23:19 < ldlework> adverbs 23:19 < zipcpi> Right 23:20 < ldlework> Now I'm suspicious that le'e and le'i are not useful 23:20 < zipcpi> Meaning things that modify verbs (selbri) 23:20 < ldlework> in the case you don't care about the distance 23:20 < ldlework> which I'm guessing is most of the time 23:20 < ldlework> the times you really need to go down to the granularity of meti or meta is probably not all that often 23:20 < ldlework> same with discourse deictic 23:20 < ldlework> also I learned that in many languages 23:21 < ldlework> discourse deictics generally don't hold longer than a unit of discourse 23:21 < ldlework> meaning le'e sidbo probably doesn't exist past the sentence its in (to refer to the previous) 23:21 < ldlework> just because "that" is -so- demonstrative 23:22 < ldlework> I feel like we could formalize le'e and le'i as being enocded as the median defaults 23:22 < ldlework> but does le'e refer to koha5 or koha2? 23:23 < gleki> tanru are not adverbs. tanru are compound verbs. adverbs in Lojban are TAGs. 23:24 < gleki> Also topic/comment is more bi'unai/bi'u rather than {zo'u}. 23:24 < zipcpi> Erm, not in the sentences he asked me to translate 23:24 < zipcpi> {zo'u} is much more convenient there 23:24 < gleki> but ofc. not {mi'u/mi'unai} 23:25 < gleki> there is a huge difference between 1. which term CLL uses 2. which term linguist use 3. which term logicians use 4. which real life sentence you need to translate 23:26 < gleki> *linguists 23:26 < zipcpi> lol 23:27 < ldlework> gleki: An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, other adverb, determiner, noun phrase, clause, or sentence. Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how?, in what way?, when?, where?, and to what extent?. This function is called the adverbial function, and may be realised by single words (adverbs) or by multi-word 23:27 < ldlework> expressions (adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses). 23:27 < ldlework> You're right that tanru are more generally "compound verbs", but we have some verbs that when used as a compound affect the main verb adverbially 23:28 < ldlework> And certainly, meta, specifically, is more 'adverbial' than forming a 'complex predicate' 23:29 < ldlework> since 'meta' doesn't have a whole lot of semantic meaning outside of denoting discourse deixis 23:29 < ldlework> but I agree to the wider point 23:30 < ldlework> Especially to the point that tags are the more concrete 'lojban adverb' 23:30 < zipcpi> But yeah the funny thing about the di'u/de'u/da'u as anaphoric modifiers are already standard Lojban. It's just that no one has used them that way 23:30 < ldlework> agreed 23:32 < ldlework> have you updated your thing? 23:32 < zipcpi> Yep 23:34 < ldlework> so you're keeping le'e as the 'default anaphoric description' and le'i as the 'default spatial demonstrative' ? 23:34 < zipcpi> I'm not sure we want to tear that down now... maybe if there's enough resistance, but I expect the strongest resistance to be actually from {lo'i} 23:35 < ldlework> just because of existing definitions, or because our new version is bad? 23:35 < zipcpi> Because of existing definitions. There might be people who actually use sets for something 23:35 < ldlework> right 23:35 < ldlework> I was thinking about the implication of lo'e nu 23:36 < gleki> ldlework: "how?, in what way?, when?, where?" <-- yes and tanru dont answer these questions. 23:36 < ldlework> gleki: are you sure about that 23:36 < gleki> yes. 23:36 < ldlework> gleki: mi purci broda 23:36 < gleki> there are of course wrong glosses but that's because of english limitations 23:36 < ldlework> you're saying purci broda, is malglico?! 23:37 < gleki> mi purci broda <-- I past broded. 23:37 < zipcpi> Also {le'e} is a good drop-in replacement for {lebi'unai} without having to learn the less-used KOhA2 23:37 < ldlework> yes, it tells you how I broda'ed 23:37 < gleki> nothing malgli here. 23:37 < zipcpi> More like "pastly-borda'ed"... tanru are inherently vague, but it still means what you want 23:38 < gleki> Examples of tanru in English are "to drip fry" and similar. Those are integral verbs. 23:38 < gleki> "pastly" - not a good gloss actually. 23:38 < zipcpi> Well it's unnatural English 23:38 < zipcpi> I'm just trying to emphasize the tanru-ness 23:38 < gleki> since it hints that seltau can be translated as an aadverb which is a rough approximation. 23:39 < gleki> the correct adverb here would be {mi puku broda} 23:39 < ldlework> The English lexicon contains a few true compound verbs, such as stirfry, kickstart and forcefeed. These are not serial verbs, though, as with many compounds, they may be spelled as two words. Rather the first verb expresses a manner with which the action expressed by the second verb is carried out. The second verb is the only one which may express tense. 23:40 < ldlework> "compound-verb" is a phrasal typology 23:40 < ldlework> "adverbial" is pragmatics 23:40 < ldlework> consituents of a compound verb can modify the main verb, /adverbially/ 23:40 < ldlework> especially in "light verbs" in nonce creations 23:40 < ldlework> like "purci broda" 23:43 < gleki> if we are talking about pragmatics then you may use whatever you want. although this pragmatics as out jbocecmu shows often led to misusage. 23:43 < gleki> *as our 23:44 < ldlework> I don't know what you're saying 23:44 < ldlework> tags are definitely the strong mechanism for general adverbial phrases in lojban 23:45 < ldlework> compound verbs can also tell us how something verbed tho 23:46 < ldlework> zipcpi: are you editing? 23:47 < zipcpi> I'm done 23:48 < ldlework> zipcpi: want to join #gadganzu 23:48 < zipcpi> OK 23:49 < zipcpi> I'm there now 23:49 < gocti> gleki: ru'i nai gloso gunka 23:49 < gocti> cipr: +p lo broda be ti cu se mo ta 23:49 < cipr> ([FA {lo <1,3,4,5>:<(¹1,2,3,4,5¹):broda (¹[be {FE ti}] BE'O¹)> KU}] [cu {<2,1,3,4,5>:<se mo> <(¹FE ta¹) VAU>}]) 23:51 < gleki> gocti: sa'u mi djica lo nu lu lo broda li'u cu se fanva fu lo genrnaune vau e lonu lu i broda li'u cu se fanva fu lo genrverbe 23:53 < gocti> ba'a fasnu .i lo ca nabmi be mi zo'u mi troci tu'a lo la'a prane dukse 23:54 < gocti> .i troci tu'a mu'a lo nu lo terjoma jorne selbri ku ji'a drani se gloso 23:55 < gleki> cipr: +p mi mo gi'e du ma vau do 23:55 < gleki> oi 23:55 < gocti> ca .irci la jboselbau 23:55 < gocti> .i lo do jufra zo'u na facki tu'a zo do --- Day changed Sun Jun 07 2015 00:43 * nuzba @mwotton: @pthariensflame @michaelneale @freshtonic Lisp would have to be Esperanto, right? And Haskell Lojban? [http://bit.ly/1Jw5TNX] 00:47 * nuzba @taka_tsug: ロジバン - Wikipedia http://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3#.E5.A4.96.E9.83.A8.E3.83.AA.E3.83.B3.E3.82.AF [http://bit.ly/1Jw67EV] 01:14 < yeider> h0la 01:15 < gleki> coi 02:17 < gleki> Skype can now be accessed from browser. Good for our voice chats. 02:17 < gleki> "appear.in" now has an Android app. Also nice. 02:25 < ctefaho> uaicoi 02:26 < gleki> coi 02:32 < ctefaho> hey Happy 02:32 < ctefaho> you mo 02:32 < gleki> irci 03:06 < ctefaho> li'a 03:06 < ctefaho> xo'onai 03:17 < ctefaho> ...ok so if someone asks "uipei" then replying with "ua" would be considered inappropriate, right? 03:18 < gleki> not wrong but strange yeah. 03:18 < gleki> it actually wont be an answer 03:18 < ctefaho> that would be more appropriate for a lone "pei", right? 03:19 < gleki> yeah 03:19 < ctefaho> (At least in the way it is used and now how cll and bpfk defines it...) 03:19 < ctefaho> not how* 03:19 < gleki> {pei} alone just suggests that the listener utter some attitude 03:19 < ctefaho> je'e 03:21 < ctefaho> then {UIpei} asks about the UI, but all 3 of UI, UInai and UIcu'i are valid right? 03:21 < ctefaho> with "UI" basically being "UIja'ai" 03:22 < ctefaho> the lone "UI"* 03:22 < ctefaho> ...to "uipei" I can answer both "ui" and "uija'ai", which are basically the same 03:24 < ctefaho> (But I can add cai/sai/ru'e and even a UI4 to the answer as long as it contains the relevant UI) 03:25 < ctefaho> So does "UIpei" basically ask about NAI+cu'i? 03:25 < ctefaho> of the UI 03:27 < ctefaho> ask specifically about* 03:27 < gleki> then {UIpei} asks about the UI, but all 3 of UI ... <-- yeah 03:28 < gleki> because they are assumed to be the same attitude just different parts of the same scale 03:29 < gleki> that's what confusing people with {ba'a} scale. {ba'a} is not expectation like {uenai}, neither it's anticipation. 03:29 < ctefaho> but it doesn't really ask specifically about "cai/sai/na'oi/ru'e"? Like in "iepei" 03:29 < mensi> ei mi tugni 03:30 < gleki> ei mi tugni la mensi 03:30 < ctefaho> You can answer iesai but what is relevant to the iepei is the ja'ai/cu'i/nai 03:30 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 03:31 < ctefaho> ...and all of this boils down to my idea of defining "pei'a" as asking about "cai/sai/na'oi/ru'e", but not "cu'i"! 03:32 < gleki> ctefaho: iesai is a fine answer to {iepei}. but since you've created {iena'oipei} then {iena'oi} is expected. anyway, this {iena'oipei}, {ienaipei} etc. just emphasize particlar values of the scale. no need to just agree or disagree with that point on the scale. specify that part of the scale that u feel is appropriate. 03:32 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 03:32 < ctefaho> like "iepei" -> "ie" -> "iepei'a" -> "iesai" 03:32 < mensi> ei mi tugni 03:33 < ctefaho> well na'oi is not the same as ja'ai 03:33 < gleki> en: pei'a 03:33 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 03:33 < ctefaho> if that is what you are saying 03:33 < ctefaho> ienaina'oi 03:33 < gleki> right, iena'oi, ienaina'oi 03:34 < ctefaho> iena'oi as an implicit ja'ai as "ieja'aina'oi" 03:35 < ctefaho> gleki, haven't proposed pei'a yet to jbovlaste, discussing it first instead of after;) 03:35 < gleki> so once again, no {iepei} doesnt expect only {ie}. {iesai} and {ienaicai} are also apropriate 03:35 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 03:36 < ctefaho> yeah, but the pei is specifically about the NAI'cu'i, right? of course you can answer with the a whole UI-tail 03:36 < ctefaho> "iepei'a" would be "How much do you agree" 03:36 < mensi> ei mi tugni 03:36 < gleki> about NAI+CAI. any combinations of those after {ie} would do 03:37 < ctefaho> pe'i cu'i is very different from the other CAIs 03:37 < gleki> cu'i is just 50% on the scale 03:37 < ctefaho> UIcu'isai 03:37 < ctefaho> how does that work in the scale metaphor huh 03:37 < gleki> well, this may mean that it's 50% sharp 03:38 < gleki> kidding 03:38 < gleki> it just denotes a strong middle attitude 03:38 < gleki> better to use another UI here 03:38 < gleki> en:a'u 03:38 < mensi> a'u = [UI1] attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. 03:39 < gleki> a'ucu'isai = strong disinterest 03:39 < ctefaho> yes 03:39 < ctefaho> but then the scale isn't exactly 2-dimensional is it 03:39 < gleki> as for {a'ucu'icai} it's critical intensity. practice of speaking fluent Lojban in future will explain what it means. 03:40 < gleki> ctefaho: probably 03:40 < ctefaho> Because .a'ucu'icai isn't exactly "in-between" either .a'uja'ai or .a'unai 03:41 < gleki> well, you can say that {sai} lowers mathematical dispersion of a particular value on {ie} scale. 03:41 < gleki> or {a'u} scale 03:41 < ctefaho> uhm 03:41 < ctefaho> yeah 03:42 < gleki> a'una'oi is 80 - 100% but a'usai is 90-100% 03:42 < gleki> a'ucu'i is 40-60% and a'ucu'isai is 45-55% 03:42 < ctefaho> uhm 03:43 < ctefaho> ienai 03:44 < gleki> not a Gaussian curve of course, since it's bound to 0 - 100 interval 03:44 < ctefaho> Then in what direction is strong neutrality in "ie"? is it closer to agreeing or disagreeing? 03:45 < gleki> closer to 50% without deviations in any side 03:45 < gleki> nai, cu'i and ja'ai are points of attraction and sai/cai specify the intensity of attraction to them 03:46 < ctefaho> well, I really don't think the 2-dimensional metaphor works if one can specify CAIs after the cu'i (and which people seem to do) 03:46 < gleki> one day Curtis will show us charts with Dirichlet distributions showing precise values of {iesai} etc. vau zo'oru'e 03:46 < ctefaho> hmm well 03:47 < ctefaho> regardless, nai, cu'i and ja'ai are quite different from cai/sai/na'oi/ru'e, right? 03:47 < ctefaho> that's pretty much all we need to agree upon for pei'a to work 03:47 < gleki> yes, as i just said 03:48 < gleki> points on the scale vs. intensity 03:48 < ctefaho> right 03:48 < gleki> of attraction to them 03:49 < ctefaho> sorry if I am a bit thick, sipna has been terrible the last week 03:50 < ctefaho> but ok, seems like pei'a will fit in without conflicting with pei then 03:50 < gleki> zo'o do rotsu 03:51 < ctefaho> I am rotsu where it matters zo'osai 03:52 < ctefaho> sa 03:52 < ctefaho> sa sa sa 03:52 < ctefaho> .u'u 03:56 < ctefaho> Ok: So pei works as it does (with the implication that it asks specifically about ja'ai/nai/cu'i), pei'a asks about cai/sai/na'oi/ru'e, pei'o asks about re'e/ro'a/ro'e/ro'i/ro'o/ro'u 04:00 < ctefaho> Now to see if this idea is useful;) 04:36 < zipcpi> exp: lo memimoi 04:36 < zipcpi> off: lo memimoi 04:36 < mensi> ([lo {me mi MEhU moi} KU] VAU) 04:36 < mensi> ([lo {me mi MEhU moi} KU] VAU) 04:37 < zipcpi> Apparently people have started to use this to mean "something mine"? 04:37 < zipcpi> I'm not sure how it works o.o I guess they are overloading {moi} 04:37 < zipcpi> But it's funny that it already works with the grammar 04:59 < gleki> Looks like Waves either have to be banned or rewritten. 06:23 < gleki> zipcpi: so what would be your solution to datetime in {de'i}? {de'i cy xi pa} without {li} at all? 06:24 < zipcpi> You mean if they decided to destroy LI? I dunno 06:24 < zipcpi> I guess it could work, with {joi} to connect the different parts together 06:25 < zipcpi> exp: de'i ny xi renopamu joi ly xi xa joi dy xi ze 06:25 < mensi> ([de'i {ny BOI <xi (¹re [no pa mu]¹) BOI>} {joi <ly BOI (¹xi [xa BOI]¹)>} {joi <dy BOI (¹xi [ze BOI]¹)>}] VAU) 06:26 < gleki> not very bad 06:26 < zipcpi> Would break if for whatever weird reason you have assigned dy xi ze to something with {goi} though 06:27 < zipcpi> I am still kinda worried about the status of {me'o} though. {joi'i} might be the solution to that though :p 06:29 < gleki> like in {ny joi'i pa}? 06:29 < gleki> en: joi'i 06:29 < mensi> joi'i = [VUhU] mekso string operator (n-ary): formal left-concatenation; X1+X2+X3+..., where Xi is a string/word/text 06:29 < mensi> |>>> Generally noncommutative. The result is a single string written over the alphabet that is the union of each of the 06:29 < mensi> alphabets of the Xi's. "ABC"+"DEF"+"GHI" = "ABCDEFGHI". See konkatena. |>>> krtisfranks 06:29 < zipcpi> It's a kurtynomvla that's actually useful uesai :p 06:32 < _mukti_> zipcpi: I think your proposal about attitudinal scope is very interesting 06:33 < gleki> i need to use a datestamp proposal that wont raise much rant 06:33 < _mukti_> I'm often frustrated by having to frontload an attitudinal because I want utterance scope 06:33 < zipcpi> Yeah there are still a few "bugs" though; mainly how to handle evidentials/discursives 06:33 < zipcpi> But yeah {i'au}/{ji'au} is quite useful for fixing that little problem 06:35 < gleki> i think that instead of {i'au} we need a cmavo that returns you to {i} level in hierarchy. i think gua\spi has something similar 06:35 < gleki> en: i'au 06:35 < mensi> i'au = [TOIhE] attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the entire sentence or 06:35 < mensi> statement |>>> Context-free way of attaching attitudinals or other UI-cmavo to entire sentences or statements as an 06:35 < mensi> afterthought. E.g. do sidju mi lo nu mi zenba lo ni ricfu i'au ui . See ji'au, fu'e, fu'o. Closable with toi'o. |>>> 06:35 < mensi> spheniscine 06:35 < gleki> hm, there could be two solutions: return to level 0 temporarily or return it forever. 06:36 < zipcpi> Well it works with any attitudinal group, and even works in the middle of a sentence, theoretically 06:37 < gleki> the point is that we need it not only for cnima'o 06:37 < gleki> either {xoi} or {soi} also seem to go to level 0. 06:37 < zipcpi> Oh... 06:37 < zipcpi> That does suck 06:37 < zipcpi> Maybe we do need {vau'u} after all 06:37 < gleki> or a {to ... toi} that does it temporarily 06:38 < gleki> i.e. within {to ... toi} borders. 06:38 < zipcpi> TO... TOI doesn't work as it can contain several sentences 06:38 < zipcpi> Thus forcing you to close it in most situations 06:38 < gleki> then fu'e ... fu'o 06:39 < zipcpi> Not sure fu'e/fu'o is meant to be used that way 06:39 < gleki> en: fu'ei 06:39 < mensi> fu'ei = [FUhE] begin within-context quote; terminated by fu'oi. begin within-context quote; terminated by fu'oi. Quoted 06:39 < mensi> text need not be grammatical on its own, but must be grammatical in context with the surrounding text. |>>> see also 06:39 < mensi> fu'oi |>>> tijlan 06:39 < gleki> ouch 06:39 < zipcpi> Never seen that 06:39 < gleki> fu'e'i then 06:39 < zipcpi> lol 06:40 < gleki> no'i i do want a date system solution 06:40 < gleki> what else can be used for it 06:40 < zipcpi> Is it really a no-go for them just not to affect LI... LOhO? 06:40 < zipcpi> I really don't see any advantage to that 06:41 < gleki> actually the problem is larger. how does one say "2 miles+2 km ~= 5 km"? 06:41 < zipcpi> As I've said many times, I see the problem with {.abu za'u re'u cusku} but that can be fixed without messing with LI 06:43 < zipcpi> All these worlds are yours except LI...LOhO. Attempt no landing there :p 06:44 < gleki> exp: li mo'e lo minli be li re te'u su'i mo'e lo ki'otre be li re cu du ma 06:44 < mensi> ([li {<(¹mo'e [lo {minli <be (²li [re BOI] LOhO²) BEhO>} KU] te'u¹) BOI> <su'i (¹mo'e [lo {ki'otre <be (²li [re BOI] LOhO²) BEhO>} KU] TEhU¹) BOI>} LOhO] [cu {du <ma VAU>}]) 06:44 < zipcpi> Should I actually post something in the BPFK list to that effect? 06:44 < zipcpi> Yes... how would messing with LI affect mo'e? 06:44 < gleki> im not sure this {mo'e}+{su'i} actually works 06:44 < zipcpi> Mekso are already crazy enough without breaking character strings 06:45 < gleki> those two intervals cant overlap, so does {mo'e} do all the magic? 06:50 < zipcpi> There I've posted to the BPFK list 06:50 < ctefaho> ta'a If I use pei to ask "uisaipei" does it become a question of whether or not someone is very happy rather asking about ja'ai/nai/cu'i? 06:50 < ctefaho> rather than* 06:51 < zipcpi> I don't even know how to answer this questions; hardly anyone uses attitudinals this way 06:52 < ctefaho> je'e 06:52 < Ilmen> ctefaho: I think it's [ui sai] pei 06:52 < zipcpi> Under my proposed scope resolution though, it'd be [uisai]pei 06:53 < zipcpi> But only by accident really 06:53 < Ilmen> camxes: ui sai pei 06:53 < camxes> (ui [sai pei]) 06:53 < Ilmen> this parse tree is misleading 06:54 < ctefaho> lol saipei 06:54 < zipcpi> Yeah the status of UI/NAI/CAI is somewhat unclear right now 06:54 < zipcpi> The parser isn't always right there 06:54 < ctefaho> camxes: uisairo'u 06:54 < camxes> (ui [sai ro'u]) 06:54 < ctefaho> camxes: uinaisairo'u 06:54 < camxes> (ui [nai {sai ro'u}]) 06:54 < zipcpi> Yeah that'd suck 06:55 < ctefaho> o_O 06:55 < _mukti_> I've noticed xorxes is starting to use {du} for {du'u} 06:55 < ctefaho> sai-type of ro'V? 06:56 < zipcpi> That's a cekitaujau reassignment right? 06:56 < _mukti_> ie 06:56 < Ilmen> mi ji'a ganse 06:56 < Ilmen> coi 06:56 < _mukti_> coi la .ilmen. ui 06:56 < ctefaho> but ok no one uses pei for "is X emotion true"? 06:57 < _mukti_> "true" ? 06:57 < ctefaho> ...where I can't really think of what the answer would be 06:57 < ctefaho> yes/no question 06:57 < _mukti_> I use it for an emotion question, but I wouldn't phrase the question that way... 06:58 < _mukti_> more like, "do you feel this way" ... 06:58 < _mukti_> Or when applied alone, "how do you feel?" 06:58 < ctefaho> yeah, that's the impression I have, just checking 06:59 < _mukti_> I've really gotten attached to {pei} on its own... 06:59 < _mukti_> I'll inject it like "you know?" or "n'est-ce pas?" 07:00 < ctefaho> uasai 07:01 < _mukti_> zo pei cu plixau .i pei 07:02 < ctefaho> ieja'aisairo'e 07:02 < ctefaho> zo'o 07:03 < _mukti_> .u'i 07:04 < ctefaho> but I see what you mean, even exists as a quite common construct in swedish 07:04 < ctefaho> well 07:04 < ctefaho> that is exactly like "you know" when I think about it... 07:07 < zipcpi> The thing is that there really isn't much of a need to disambiguate between "Are you happy?" and "How happy are you?" in common usage. I mean, if you really wanted you can ask them in bridi form. {xu do gleki} vs {do xova'e gleki} 07:07 < zipcpi> But that's separate from the attitudinal system 07:08 < ctefaho> well yeah, this is sure more what xu is about 07:08 < ctefaho> question then is if you can use xu with the attitudinals somehow 07:08 < ctefaho> guess not 07:09 < zipcpi> Nope... it specifically asks whether the sentence is true 07:09 < _mukti_> I see {xu} and {pei} as parallels that refer to truth and feeling 07:20 < ctefaho> What I was thinking of would be using xu for attitudinals and expect jo'a or na'i as an answer 07:24 < zipcpi> I dunno... it might break somethings... {.ia xu} for example 07:25 < zipcpi> {xu} is in UI, but is kindof unique in function 07:25 * ctefaho spontaneously invents xu'ei 07:26 < ctefaho> zo´'o 07:29 < _mukti_> I don't know if others would agree, but I would be tempted to interpret {ia xu} as something like "I'm inclined to believe it, but is it true?" 07:30 < zipcpi> Yeah seems that way 08:06 < gleki> pei works like ro'a i.e. modifies the whole UI(NAI/CAI) construct 08:06 < gleki> NAI/CAI modifify only one word. 08:07 < gleki> I would be tempted to interpret {ia xu} as something like "I'm inclined to believe it, but is it true?" <-- others should agree because its standard behavior 08:57 < gleki> So if anyone wants to implement Pimsleur then the plan is very simple 1. prepare a set of sentences from basic to advanced 2. two of us record them into .wav files 3. http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/gradint/ 10:20 < pilno> coi 10:22 < Ilmen> coi 10:26 < pilno> la .raiven. cu tcidu ai .i lo xenru nu fikcku cu fanza la .raiven. 10:27 < pilno> could the [lo xenru nu fikcku] mean regret filled scenes in books? 10:29 < Ilmen> {lo nu xenru kei fikcku} or {lo fikcku be lo nu xenru} would be more appropriate 10:30 < Ilmen> lo xenru nu fikcku = the regret-type event-of something-unsepcified being-a-book 10:30 < Ilmen> which is not really what you want, I think :) 10:31 < Ilmen> "the regret bookness" or something 10:33 < zipcpi> be'e 10:36 < zipcpi> On two letter rafsi: I'm just wondering if there are a list of them? And are they meant to act differently from the regular rafsi; perhaps modifying words in predefined ways? 10:38 < zipcpi> For example I assume -bi is for {binxo}, and always changes {brodybi} into {x_1 binxo da poi ke'a broda x_2 x_3 li'o ku'o x_ro} or something 10:39 < gocti> zipcpi: http://piratepad.net/ep/pad/view/ro.I$w9nXS0jeI/latest 10:39 < gocti> though nothing is set in stone 10:40 < zipcpi> je'e 10:41 < zipcpi> .e'u jmina lo relrafsi be zo klani 10:42 < gocti> xu da'i se jalge lo frica be lo me ra'oi nil- moi 10:42 < gocti> y .i li'a go'i 10:42 < gocti> fau'u 10:43 < zipcpi> Well, look at the current -lai words. They are meant to be like the unit words, like cacra, mitre etc. 10:43 < zipcpi> Where x1 is the mass to be measured, and x2 is a number 10:43 < zipcpi> nil- doesn't quite do what we want here 10:44 < zipcpi> What I want is something that would fit into the pi'ai/te'ai/fei'u set. E.g. {pi'ai gunkyla cacra} = "man-hours" 10:45 < gocti> .i va'o ku ma pe ra'oi -lai nabmi .i xu do djica lo nu lo lerfu re mei rafsi ku po'o cu jai galfi fi lo ka'e jai se kanpe 10:46 < zipcpi> mi canai birti .i xu lo ca me ra'oi -lai moi cu jai nabmi 10:47 < gocti> mi si'a na birti .i ri'a bo ra'oi -lai jai tolcafne fai lo nu pilno 10:48 < gocti> .i va'i lo jbopre cu rivbi lo ka casnu lo jai se sarcu be lo nu pilno lo tai valsi 10:49 < zipcpi> It'll still be useful to have a "reserved" form though because I'm worried that a lujvo may be created that doesn't fit that pattern 10:50 < gocti> ra'oi -gau zo'u xa'o fasnu .i ko catlu zo telgau mu'a 10:50 < gocti> .i pe'i .ei catra ri 10:51 < gocti> .i ji'a .ei jdice lo du'u lo simsa be zo spogau cu mo kau .i xu lo pa moi co sumti be lo kravla cu ro roi canci 10:51 < zipcpi> ue lo daspo cu nundumu 10:52 < gocti> mi pu za co'a pilno tai lo nu ri ka'e gasnu 10:52 < ldlework> coi 10:52 < Ilmen> ŭe da zo nundumu pilno ja'e lo nu mi se .invoke zo'o 10:52 < gocti> .u'i 10:52 < gocti> coi 10:55 < zipcpi> Another crazy idea I had... well I wanted to add a whole bunch of cmavo to also affect any selbrisle the same way but that'd be too crazy. Perhaps what we need is a single "magic" cmavo like zei, that will connect a selbrisle to a "two-letter-rafsi" 10:56 < zipcpi> That way you can connect complex selbrisle like an entire nu...kei clause 10:57 < gocti> en: zei'i 10:57 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:57 < gocti> exp: na'e na'e broda 10:57 < mensi> (CU [na'e {na'e broda}] VAU) 10:58 < gocti> ku'i xatka 10:58 < gocti> .i ma'oi bo 10:59 < gocti> .i lu nu broda kei zei'i gasnu zo'u dunli zo nunrodykezgau 10:59 < gocti> vau ca'e 10:59 < zipcpi> ie lo'u zei'i gau li'u ji'a jai curmi 11:00 < zipcpi> .y. jai se curmi 11:00 < gocti> va'o lo nu go'i zo'u .ei drata selma'o 11:00 < gocti> (to do ma stidi toi) 11:00 < zipcpi> ua 11:01 < zipcpi> pe'i va'o ra nitcu lo cnino selma'o 11:03 < gocti> tanru_unit_2 = ... / tanru_unit ZEIhI_clause; ZEIhI_clause = pre_clause ZEIhI any_word post_clause 11:03 < gocti> sa .i 11:03 < gocti> zunle refkursi 11:04 < gocti> tanru_unit_2 = (...) ZEIhI_clause? 11:04 < gocti> li'o 11:05 < zipcpi> ei mi cliva co'o 11:05 < gocti> co'o 12:45 < isd> coi rodo 13:14 < bigcentaur> coi 13:15 < Ilmen> coi la kentauru 13:16 < zahlman> coi la braken 13:17 < durka42> coi ro mo 13:19 < zahlman> irci 13:22 < bigcentaur> .i mi ba'o bajra .i lo tcima cu ze'o melbi 13:27 < bigcentaur> .i lo tcima dukse lo ka glare ku na.enai lo ka lenku ku 13:29 * nuzba @leedsnewposts: Learn Lojban in Leeds? http://bit.ly/1HfXQTE [http://bit.ly/1JxgE2z] 14:03 < tsani> coi 14:03 < Ilmen> coi 14:04 < tsani> coi la menli 14:04 < tsani> .i do mo 14:04 < durka42> coi xakpre 14:04 < tsani> .u'i 14:05 < durka42> si mexypre 14:05 < tsani> .i ca lo prulamjeftu mi troci co xakto se pi'o la .iunitis. i ja'o mi iy. xebni 14:06 < durka42> lo simbi'o ke selkei matra xu 14:06 < tsani> .i xebni mu'i ra'u lo nu iy. jai nandu fai lo ka ce se pilno ci'e la .linukys. 14:06 < tsani> ie 14:07 < bigcentaur> xakto ki'a 14:07 < durka42> sutra sampla 14:07 < tsani> xakto = x1 hacks together x2 from x3 14:07 < bigcentaur> ki'e 14:08 < durka42> ra'oi -xak- jetnu rafsi zo xaksu ku'i 14:08 < tsani> ua 14:08 < durka42> mi'o zbusufukai 14:09 < Ilmen> doi la tsani la cadgu'a pu zbasu lo virtu'ale jbogu'e sepi'o lo tutci pe la re moi nunji'e 14:09 < tsani> ti'e go'i 14:10 < tsani> .i cy cu friti fi mi fe lo ka ce kansa 14:10 < Ilmen> ŭa 14:10 < Ilmen> sa'u jinvi lo du'u ka'e plixau lo nu jbobau ctuca 14:11 < Ilmen> .i lo nu cibycimde cu xamgu lo nu canlu tavla 14:12 < Ilmen> .i ji'a finti lo proga dacti poi lo ka se jarco ke'a cu se fancuka lo ka gismu gi'e se cuxna lo pilno 14:12 < Ilmen> .i mu'a jarco lo nu lo bolci cu cnita lo tanxe kei va'o lo nu cuxna zo cnita 14:22 < tsani> .a'u 14:22 < tsani> .i je'u .au ca da mi kansa .i ku'i tolcadytce ca ze'a ca 14:23 < Ilmen> je'e .i di'ai zukcfu be lo ka zukcfu 14:23 < Ilmen> :) 14:24 < Ilmen> ta'o ŭe nai dai la .xorxes. ca'o jinga fo la nu jansu 14:25 < Ilmen> .i je'u lo nunkei za'o fasnu 14:26 < Ilmen> .i bramau lo masti be li pa .i ditybra tcetcetce 14:28 < durka42> pilno mi lo nu jinga iau uinairu'e 14:46 < ctefaho> .a'enairo'o co'o 14:49 < Ilmen> co'o 16:05 < durka42> en: sujysi'u 16:05 < mensi> sujysi'u [< sumji simxu ≈ Total mutual] = x1 add up to x2. |>>> See also simsumji |>>> 16:05 < mensi> xorxes 16:05 < durka42> jbo: sujysi'u 16:05 < mensi> sujysi'u [< sumji simxu ≈ Sumji simxu*] = x1 simxu le ka x2 sumji ce'u ce'u |>>> sumji simxu; simsumji |>>> 16:05 < mensi> xorxes 16:05 < durka42> these don't seem to match 16:06 < durka42> {li pa jo'u li re jo'u li ci sujysi'u li xa} claims that 1+2 = 2+3 = 6, which is wrong 16:06 < durka42> or am I wrong about the application of {simxu}? 17:14 * nuzba @uitki: PAGE MISE À JOUR : lojbo sinxa - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/lojbo_sinxa par Guskant [http://bit.ly/1KOGXhW] 19:26 < jbopre> Is it just me, or is la uitki really slow today? vlasisku seems as fast as usual. 19:27 < ldlework> durka42: I think that's correct 19:27 < ldlework> your interpretation 19:28 < ldlework> it also asserts that 1+3 = 6 19:28 < durka42> I talked with xorxes about it in a jbovlaste comment thread 19:28 < durka42> yeah 19:28 < durka42> his solution is to say that {simxu} isn't rigorous/exact 19:28 < durka42> I don't think that's a good answer though 19:28 < durka42> the problem is to define {sutysi'u} you need "reduce" (in the python/lisp sense) 19:28 < durka42> {simxu} is not "reduce" 19:29 < durka42> zo cmacnredusi zo'o 19:29 < ldlework> my favorite simxu is lo mi lanzu cu simxu lo ka prami/da'asnu 19:29 < ldlework> example that is 19:30 < durka42> heh 19:30 < durka42> vlaste: da'asnu 19:30 < vlaste> da'asnu = c1 (mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) argues/quarrels about topic/subject c2=d3 with opponent x3=d2. 19:30 < durka42> vlaste: da'arta'a 19:30 < vlaste> da'arta'a = t1=d1 quarrels with t2=d2 about issue t3=d3 in language t4. 19:30 < durka42> you want that one 19:30 < durka42> da'asnu is already pre-simxued :) 19:31 < ldlework> da'asnu is strangely defined 19:31 < durka42> yeah I just noticed the opponent way out in x3 wtf 19:31 < ldlework> the opponent is not in the mass 19:32 < durka42> so da'asnu is about two "camps"? 19:32 < durka42> not like a group of people arguing amongst themselves 19:32 < ldlework> da'asnu = c1 (mass) argues/quarrels about topic/subject c2 19:32 < ldlework> pe'i 19:32 < ldlework> en: casnu 19:32 < durka42> yeah that's what I was thinking 19:32 < durka42> da'asnu = da'arta'a simxu :) 19:32 < ldlework> ie 20:59 <@rlpowell> converted tersmu from haskell to JS for gleki using ghcjs, and, like, it actually works? Was kind of surprised. :D 21:01 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Numeric selbri - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Numeric_selbri by Durka42 - /* Usage Examples */ typo fix: da => do [http://bit.ly/1eXgjta] 21:03 < zipcpi> "ma xamoi le te minde i xamoi le te minde fa lo nu na catra" 21:03 < zipcpi> I think {lo ka na catra} might be better 21:04 < zipcpi> And I guess my answer to the {memimoi} usage is there 21:41 < korbynde> nanleke no ui gonsu ma'e du sei'antai ni 21:41 < korbynde> .a no ki datso go ue smono no'u me ni 21:41 < korbynde> kartu ba fu de go ru de go ue dakrgakakmada io si gainda .a kirme no gi ka 21:41 < korbynde> .i ta re go ri cu to bi da sudjiioga dagdogu to pa su ru kaidjinko 21:41 < korbynde> mi dotsu ni iu .u djuka ru mi iu ro sigjuda bo bo .au io io xa re ru ji su 21:41 < korbynde> xo mi da ioskraka no uakymina ra ka 21:41 < korbynde> gi daspo zdubaua io ro do ko do da na 21:41 < korbynde> .a djigi ko ko su ma djuui tu ia ba di 21:42 < korbynde> nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nu 21:42 < korbynde> xa ka ma panto ma di .xibigz. so no ontoni 21:42 < korbynde> xa gi ma so le (io xa gi ma so le) .idas. 21:42 < korbynde> sa ki no mi ie no jenkai ni masyri so na 21:42 < korbynde> .o ii so mai no ko bi djijga ga io io io iu neskaka ka 21:42 < phenny> korbynde: Service not found in https://github.com/nslater/oblique/wiki 21:42 < korbynde> djoui ba da 21:42 < korbynde> ko ci io ui ci djokaka kandendo do to so mo ni ga tcimyci mo ge d 21:42 < korbynde> co fa 21:42 < korbynde> .u ua ci na ci no su gedzi ma la mi ie 21:42 < phenny> korbynde: Sorry, no results for 'ua ci na ci no su gedzi ma la mi ie'. 21:42 < korbynde> tenpo go xo mi ia ta skacli gai ze 21:42 < korbynde> mi ka ra ji tai ji ie .surutamanimainimainin. 21:42 < korbynde> .i ko ri ko smina skodo ci ka uu kai gonzo mo do ro ka 21:42 < korbynde> nandu mu ga sa mai di mai ni mo ni 21:42 < korbynde> me uu mai ni kasma do batsofpaslo ka be uu ka be 21:42 < korbynde> na ri iu mi ri na ri iu uo uu 21:42 < korbynde> .a ga debyti no ga zu nu nu ma ci go 21:43 < korbynde> be da ku uai liklolde pi se pakca kenco ga 21:43 < Spheniscine_> What is that? 21:43 < durka42> ue y coico'o 21:43 < zipcpi> Doesn't seem gramatical 21:43 < durka42> those aren't words... 21:44 < zipcpi> lol 21:45 < zipcpi> I think it's Japanese that's written to look like Lojban o.o 21:45 < durka42> ua 21:45 < zipcpi> But I don't speak Japanese 21:45 < gusvli> coi remna ja zmiku 21:45 < zipcpi> So I might be completely wrong 21:45 < durka42> klacpe la ilmen 21:45 < zipcpi> gusvli: You haven't changed your default name yet :p 21:46 < gusvli> doi zy mi ca co'e 21:46 < durka42> mensi: doi durka42 xu akti 21:46 < mensi> durka42: e'u do cusku di'u lo nei si'unai 21:46 < durka42> mensi: doi Ilmen|menli what do you make of this? zipcpi thinks it's transliterated japanese… http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~aburka/tmp/Screen%20Shot%202015-06-08%20at%2012.45.39%20AM.png 21:46 < mensi> durka42: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.Ilmen|menli.gy. di'a cusku da 21:48 < durka42> mensi is going to butcher that link ca lo nu benji 21:48 < durka42> oh well 21:52 * nuzba @actpu3j: The Complete Lojban Language / John.. 値上しました 価格:8336円→13945円 6/7 0:30 http://apr.blauberg.net/pricelist?asin=0966028309 [http://bit.ly/1Mh7Awp] 22:21 < zipcpi> mensi: doi gleki Would it help if I "stole" some phrasebook/example sentences in Chinese and Malay and translated them into Lojban? I'm not fluent enough to explain Lojbanic grammar *in* those languages though 22:21 < mensi> zipcpi: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.gleki.gy. di'a cusku da 22:31 < ctefaho> uaicoi 22:33 < durka42> coi 23:32 < gleki> durka42: have access to vrici? 23:32 < mensi> gleki: cu'u la'o gy.zipcpi.gy.: Would it help if I "stole" some phrasebook/example sentences in Chinese and Malay and 23:32 < mensi> translated them into Lojban? I'm not fluent enough to explain Lojbanic grammar *in* those languages though | 23:32 < mensi> 2015-06-08T05:21:30.255Z 23:32 < gleki> zipcpi: it would help 23:32 < gleki> zipcpi: you may either create a full phrasebook as what i tried with Nizami or just add them into tatoeba 23:33 < gleki> no'i Robin converted la tersmu into Javascript. 23:33 < durka42> yes I have access 23:33 < durka42> so I heard 23:33 < gleki> durka42: it's in /tmp 23:33 < durka42> ua 23:33 < gleki> although i dont know how to use "jbo: " flag in commandline mode 23:35 < gleki> doesnt matter actually 23:39 < ldlework> xu su'o ro kelci la ty ibu sy panonos 23:39 < ldlework> (no idea how to do names correctly apparently) 23:44 < ldlework> le'e kelci cu zdile mutce .i mi ra stidi 23:44 < ldlework> se kelci* 23:45 < gleki> is that even lojban? 23:45 < zipcpi> You can use {li'ai} but I'm not sure how recognizable that is 23:45 < ldlework> what? 23:46 < niftg> za'a simsa lo samplabau co'e 23:46 < ldlework> is what even lojban? 23:46 < zipcpi> {lo}:{la} :: {lu}:{la'au} :: {me'o}:{li'ai} 23:46 < gleki> maybe you wanted {xu su'o do kelci ty ibu panonono} 23:47 < ldlework> I want the namme "TIS 100" 23:47 < ldlework> but the morphology wasn't being friendly 23:47 < ldlework> at least as far as camxes was concerned 23:47 < ldlework> oh I used ro instead of do 23:47 < zipcpi> You could just use the string as a "pronoun", but that might not last past xorxes vlale'u/nacle'u split 23:48 < durka42> {ty ibu panono} works fine until xorxes gets his way 23:48 < zipcpi> sy 23:48 < zipcpi> You forgot the sy :p 23:48 < durka42> whatever 23:48 < durka42> mi nu'o kelci 23:48 < durka42> mo selkei 23:48 < ldlework> http://store.steampowered.com/app/370360/ 23:48 < durka42> camxes really needs to give better error messages... 23:49 < ldlework> durka42: yeah I had no idea what to do 23:49 < zipcpi> Incidentally that's another reason not to touch {LI...LOhO} 23:49 < zipcpi> So that we can use {li'ai ry re dy re} = "R2D2" 23:49 < durka42> an assembly language programming… game? 23:49 < durka42> …I'm in! 23:49 < zipcpi> Have you heard of Spacechem? :p 23:50 < ldlework> zipcpi: finti mintu 23:50 < gleki> i also alWays wantyed a CV for {la'oi} 23:50 < zipcpi> ua 23:50 < ldlework> durka42: 23:50 < ldlework> oops 23:50 < durka42> hmm do I have a steam account 23:50 < zipcpi> gleki: Go ahead and CKTJ swap it with {la'i}... though that's still disyllabic 23:51 < durka42> oh hey I do! 23:51 < durka42> now to guess the password 23:51 < gleki> yes, {la'i} is in no way better 23:51 < ldlework> durka42: friend me so I can make sure you don't come up with better solutions than me :) 23:51 < durka42> {lai} then :) 23:51 < durka42> ldlework: ba lo nu mi di'a morji lo lerpoijaspu 23:51 < gleki> i once used {lai} 23:51 < zipcpi> I don't know how {lai} works though. {lai mi dirba xirma} = "My Little Ponies"? 23:52 < zipcpi> Might come in handy to emphasize mass-ness 23:52 < ldlework> It does name a mass of ponies 23:53 < gleki> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_vkiwqOIOIJPqZTiomzd4ApUSEQXhEY6CeyZD_6c-PA/edit#gid=1405262491 23:53 < gleki> lai Baudeler 23:53 < zipcpi> Oh yes that too 23:53 < zipcpi> lai to emphasize you are referring to the family, not one particular member 23:54 < zipcpi> So yeah still has some use 23:55 < zipcpi> By the way what's the {bu}-letteral for "dash"? 23:55 < zipcpi> Or hyphen 23:56 < gleki> mw.lojban.org/papri/ASCII_table_keys_names 23:57 < durka42> ua 23:58 < gleki> mi pu zekri si lebna fi la uikipediias 23:59 < durka42> ldlework: ta'i ma jmina lo pendo 23:59 < ldlework> ko jimna la'o gy. Muslim Zionist gy. --- Day changed Mon Jun 08 2015 00:00 < durka42> yyyyyyy 00:01 < durka42> no da jmina batke 00:01 < durka42> ua 00:01 < durka42> uo 00:01 < xeizlif> na'e cumki sebo skami 00:02 < xeizlif> sa 00:02 < xeizlif> na'e cumki kanji [bad tanru probably] 00:03 < xeizlif> .uinai mi babna 00:03 < durka42> impossible calculator? 00:03 < xeizlif> si badna 00:03 < xeizlif> na'e cumki vebo kanji 00:03 < durka42> what are you trying to do with {bo} lol 00:04 < xeizlif> Now I'm not sure. Disregard, lemme regroup before attacking again :3 00:04 < durka42> I do not think that word means what you think it means :p 00:04 < xeizlif> I'd agree 00:04 < xeizlif> I'm a bit out of practice and I thought I was somehow correct for some reason, but I made a mess and tried to fix it too hastily 00:05 < durka42> {na'e cumki ve kanji} is fine 00:05 < durka42> there's only two selbri, so there's no way you need any {bo} 00:05 < xeizlif> heh yep, looks like I forgot how tanru are grouped 00:05 < xeizlif> and also that it doesn't matter witha binary tanru 00:05 < xeizlif> yeah 00:06 < durka42> and if you did need one, it would never go between a SE and a selbri 00:06 < durka42> but yeah :) 00:06 < xeizlif> ki'e 00:12 < xeizlif> (I was attempting to say "incomputable!", which more idiomatically in English would be something like the cliche "DOES NOT COMPUTE") 00:13 < xeizlif> (it was in response to the nonsensical idea of a muslim zionist, although I suppose if you really hated yourself you could be a muslim zionist) 00:14 < xeizlif> (oh, wait, unless I missed that Muslims also want the Jews to return to the hill of Zion, but I'm totally derailing everything now) 00:14 < zipcpi> {vu'u bu}? Well I suppose it makes sense; doesn't have to follow the Lojban meaning of {vu'u} exactly 00:15 < durka42> who said vu'ub 00:15 < durka42> u 00:15 < zipcpi> The page of ascii names 00:15 < durka42> oh 00:16 < durka42> polysemous letter unfortunatel 00:16 < durka42> y 00:17 < zipcpi> Yep 00:17 < gleki> i think for other meanings long dash has to be used 00:17 < gleki> actually there are many dashes 00:17 < zipcpi> Yeah 00:17 < zipcpi> And actually typographically a longer dash than the regular hyphen is preferred for mathematical minus 00:18 < zipcpi> Usually the en-dash 00:18 < gleki> oh my. then ascii turns into a mess 00:18 < zipcpi> Yep 00:18 < durka42> .u - 00:18 < phenny> U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-) 00:18 < durka42> .oi .u'i 00:18 < zipcpi> Not to mention * being "pi'i bu" 00:18 < durka42> .u * 00:18 < phenny> U+002A ASTERISK (*) 00:18 < zipcpi> It could be {aste bu} now :p 00:18 < durka42> tarci bu zo'o 00:19 < durka42> .u / 00:19 < phenny> U+002F SOLIDUS (/) 00:19 < durka42> wtf 00:19 < zipcpi> Solidus the Raccoon, Destroyer of Worlds 00:19 < gleki> for me * is snime bu http://mw.lojban.org/papri/File:snime-1.svg 00:19 < durka42> why fi'ubu and not fe'ibu 00:19 < durka42> a mystery for the ages 00:21 < gleki> because that's what it was suggested. see the talk page. but i already corrected 00:23 * nuzba @uitki: ASCII table keys names - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ASCII_table_keys_names by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1QE0za5] 00:26 < niftg> ta'o lo mumei se jipno fa'u lo xamei se jipno cu zmadu simlu co simsa le tarci fa'u le snime 00:27 < gleki> ie 00:27 < gleki> i ku'i lo nu lo mumei co'e cu se cmene zo tarci na kulnu nutli vau pe'i 00:42 < ctefaho> ^muslim zionist? can we have jewish islamists too? 00:43 < ctefaho> (zo'o) 00:44 < ctefaho> (zo'onist?) 00:58 < zipcpi> "We don't do that in English because it is inconvenient. But Lojban numbers are different; they are read digit-by-digit, so it's actually *harder* to add {bu} to everything." Since when am I teaching la xorxes Lojban? x.x 00:58 < zipcpi> a'onai 01:04 < gleki> detri system is a convention anyway. a new rule 01:04 < gleki> but we dont have anything more concise. 01:04 < gleki> de'i li pa poi se cacra? 02:53 < gleki> LIVLABOT: English sutysisku now displays tolfamyma'o for all famyma'o (alpha version) http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html#sisku/ku 02:55 < gleki> hm, people from Facebook want us an english 2 lojban dictionary 03:27 < Rodericus> coi rodo 03:27 < Rodericus> While rereading “Lojban for beginners” trying to get some more vocabulary and learn ways to say things, while being cautious about the things I know to have changed since it was published, I've just fallen upon something quite confusing: 03:28 < zahlman> coi ry 03:29 < gleki> coi 03:31 < zahlman> Rodericus: well? 03:31 < Rodericus> The days of the week. I went to “la sutsis” to check what is right now in the dictionary as the way to express the days of the week and I found at least three ways to say each one (five for Sunday! ), of which there's always a {lujvo} in -dei, a {fu'ivla} (or is it a {zi'evla}? ) starting with jed- and something else which is another {lujvo} translating 03:31 < Rodericus> the new one of the day name, it seems, but which I don't understand for all of them even finding the parts (etymological translation of the English name only for some days? ) 03:32 < zahlman> people haven't decided what to use there. 03:32 < gleki> i think the most common right now is {pavdei, reldei} etc. 03:32 < zahlman> ah, but people disagree on which day is pavdei, and whether to start with nondei 03:32 < gleki> ca lo pavdei mi gunka = On Monday I work. 03:32 < Rodericus> Furthermore, there's always one for. with a warning about being only duration and that for dates another one is to be used. I don't understand the “duration” meaning. 03:33 < gleki> en: soldei 03:33 < mensi> soldei [< solri djedi ≈ Solar full day] = x1 is Sunday of week x2 on calendar x3. |>>> 03:33 < mensi> phma 03:33 < gleki> where is "duration"? 03:33 < zahlman> I think what's meant is {temci} vs {tcika} or something 03:35 < Rodericus> In the definitions of one of the entries appearing of a result in la sutsis when searching the days in English. One entry always says that about duration. 03:35 < Rodericus> for each day 03:35 < gleki> what did you search for? 03:35 < Rodericus> Monday, Tuesday… 03:36 < Rodericus> It's the words in -dei which hag that warning about duration. 03:36 < gleki> okay, it's for {jednpa}. It means that the first place describes an event. 03:36 < Rodericus> have 03:36 < gleki> compare {ca lonu mi sipna} = when I sleep 03:36 < gleki> {ca lo jednpa} = On Monday 03:37 < gleki> both {nu mi sipna} (Me sleeping) and {jednpa} are events. 03:38 < gleki> hm, now I see that the author of {jednpa} actually made things more interesting. {jednpa} actually describes an event happening on Mpnday, not the whole time interval which Monday represents. 03:41 < Rodericus> hm 03:43 < Rodericus> So the “Duration. For date, use…” warnings in the entries for the -dei words mean they are the names of the days themselves, not to be used to date events? That would contradict the use of {ca lo}… -dei 03:44 < Rodericus> oh, no contradiction, I just got it. 03:48 < Rodericus> So do those definitions correspond to real use? Are those jed- forms used, and used that way? Are they what is called {zi'evla}? Should I learn the -dei forms (starting with Monday as day one) as the base? 03:48 < Rodericus> Too many questions ― I'm trying to understand everything well. :) 03:49 < gleki> idk, i always used just {pavdei}, {reldei} etc,. 03:50 < zipcpi> Those jed/mas forms are relatively new 03:57 < Rodericus> Thank you. 03:57 < Rodericus> I'm afraid I'm going to find something similar for the months. Let's see… 03:57 < zipcpi> masnpa masnre etc 03:58 < zipcpi> If you don't like syllabic consonants, I myself pronounce it masynpa masynre; and I'm pushing a proposal to convert all syllabic consonants in zi'evla this way 03:58 < zipcpi> There are theoretical zi'evla forms where this may cause ambiguity, like fazdmru, but they don't exist yet 04:00 < zipcpi> (fazdmru would convert into fazdymru, which is a lujvo. But in my opinion this is merely a better reason to ban it altogether; many listeners and speakers can't discriminate between them) 04:02 < Rodericus> It's not that I don't like the or can't pronounce them but that I'm trying to understand/learn how the language is actually used, which is not always easy with my reduced vocabulary and the many reform proposals about what seems to be fundamental things. :) 04:02 < zipcpi> OK lol 04:04 < zipcpi> The problem is that the Lojbanic community can be... indecisive :p. We're gone through several systems for referring to countries as well. Dates is also another hairy spot 04:04 < dutchie> to say nothing of gadri :P 04:05 < zipcpi> Like I have my own date proposal which is really easy to use, but is being threatened by another proposal 04:06 < Rodericus> But isn't there a more or less established use in these things? I hope. :) 04:06 < zipcpi> Well the problem is that dates are inherently messy 04:07 < zipcpi> There are books out there that tell you to use li bi pi'e xa pi'e renopamu ; dd-mm-yyyy 04:07 < zipcpi> But a lot prefer yyyy-mm-dd because of ISO 8601 04:07 < zipcpi> And no one knows how to refer to just the day of the month 04:08 < zipcpi> Here's my proposal: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Proposal:_loi_lerfu_tcita_detri;_the_final_word_on_the_problem_of_dates_and_times%3F Note again, it's relatively new and threatened by another proposal, but it has a lot of support 04:08 < Rodericus> Well, those variations are possible even in widely used “natural” languages. I mean the order I the components of a date. Some cases can be ambiguous out of context but… 04:09 < zipcpi> My system has the advantage of making it very clear and unambiguous; the system is designed to be very uniquely defined 04:18 < Rodericus> I'll see it… even if trying to focus on actual use to progress in my learning. :) 04:18 < Rodericus> By the way… I don't find any word in the dictionary to talk about declension/conjugation/inflection in other languages where those concepts are important. Have there been discussions/texts about it in Lojban? Has anything been used for that concept(s)? As someone engaged with Latin and Greek… I'm quite interested in being able to talk about it. :) 04:19 < zipcpi> The problem is that I can't tell you what "actual use" is. The current system is so messy; that's why we need all these proposals :p 04:19 < Rodericus> I guessI guess some long compounds could be made but… if here's another way… 04:19 < Rodericus> there's 04:20 < zipcpi> Compound words are one way to make new words. The other is what is known as zi'evla. But you kinda have to massage them to get them to fit Lojban's strict morphological rules 04:21 < zipcpi> exp: detklensi 04:21 < mensi> (CU [detklensi VAU]) 04:21 < zipcpi> Yeah for example adding that {t} there 04:22 < zipcpi> Of course there is a dirty way to import English words into Lojban text; that's {me'oi}. It is a goal though to eventually define them 04:23 < zipcpi> Well, of what little I know about actual use of dates 04:24 < zipcpi> For months, probably the most common was {pavmasti}, {relmasti} etc. Similarly for days of the week, {pavdei} for Monday etc. 04:25 < Rodericus> Well, in fact the Greek (in modern Greek form) for declension/inflection is exactly a nonexistent gismu: klisi. :D But I won't make proposals yet. ;) Just asking if anything has been used that I can't find. 04:25 < zipcpi> For the x1 of detri, like I said, split between yyyy-mm-dd and dd-mm-yyyy, but that usually isn't a trouble to disambiguate, unless talking about early AD/CE years or when trying to elide any number 04:26 < zipcpi> You do want to be careful about gismu 04:28 < Rodericus> About what you say for days and months… I remember seeing also {cmene} being taught for hours, days and months. Is that obsolete? 04:28 < zipcpi> For one thing it's very important that the first four letters aren't taken up by any other gismu, as the last letter is dropped when making lujvo 04:28 < zipcpi> For one thing they're called {cmevla} now :p {cmene} refers to all names, whether Lojbanic or non-Lojbanic 04:29 < zipcpi> Secondly... well I don't really see that often now. What I've seen for years is {lo nanca pe li renopamu} 04:29 < Rodericus> Well, yes, the consonant-ending ones, I mean. 04:30 * zipcpi nods 04:32 < Rodericus> la .daucac., la .padjed., la .pavmast., etc. 04:32 < zipcpi> Yeah don't see those anymore 04:36 < Rodericus> .ui ki'ecai 04:59 < zipcpi> exp: li'ai ry re dy re cu zmiku 04:59 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 04:59 < zipcpi> exp: li'ai ry re dy re 04:59 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "e" found. 05:00 < zipcpi> Huh not implemented 05:27 < gleki> en: li'ai 05:28 < zipcpi> {lo}:{la}, {lu}:{la'au}, {li}:{li'ai} 05:28 < zipcpi> Character-string/number as name 05:28 < zipcpi> We just don't use it that often because a bare character-string currently works as a "pronoun" 05:29 < mensi> li'ai = [LI] unevaluated mekso as name. |>>> Where "la broda brode" is to "la'e lu broda brode" as "li'ai by cy" is to " 05:29 < mensi> la'e me'o by cy". See also li, me'o, la, la'e. |>>> djeikyb 05:29 < zipcpi> Although it must start with lo vlale'u jenai lo nacle'u 05:33 < gleki> i again dont remember what is banned in LI. how to determine if something is a real mekso 05:36 < gleki> s/real/valid/ 05:39 < zipcpi> I dunno... that one you have consult the headache that is VUhU/VEI and all that 05:39 < zipcpi> All I know is that character strings work 05:47 < gleki> exp: li ny su'i pa 05:47 < gleki> does that work? 05:47 < mensi> ([li {<ny BOI> <su'i (¹pa BOI¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 05:47 < zipcpi> Yes 05:47 < gleki> well, should that still work? 05:47 < gleki> en:coi 05:47 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 05:47 < zipcpi> It probably would, yes 05:49 < gleki> exp: li cy pi'i pa su'i vei my pi'i ci no 05:49 < mensi> ([li {<cy BOI> <pi'i (¹pa BOI¹)> <su'i (¹vei [my BOI] [pi'i {ci no} BOI]¹) VEhO>} LOhO] VAU) 05:49 < gleki> which would mean 01:30 05:49 < zipcpi> Yeah... T.T 05:49 < gleki> but since precedence doesnt work in lojban it becomes madness 05:50 < gleki> since su'i and pi'i are of equal precedence 05:50 < zipcpi> Lojban doesn't define precedence 05:50 < zipcpi> If we were to write a Lojban programming language though, it would probably define precedence 05:52 < zipcpi> I think they didn't bother to define precedence because 1. some precedence assignments are arbitrary (in fact the precedence rules of standard mathematical convention are more for convenience than any real mathematical "rule"), and 2. It'd be very hard to extend it without defining a whole new bunch of selma'o if precedence was hardcoded 05:53 < zipcpi> There's no law written in the heavens that multiplication must come before addition. But mathematicians do (2 * x) + (3 * y) much more than 2*(x+(3*y)) 05:53 < zipcpi> Or I mean the other way around 05:54 < gleki> li cy pi'i pa ce li my pi'i ci no ce li sy pi'i reci 05:54 < zipcpi> ((2*x)+3)*y 05:57 < gleki> but non-polish notation is presumed however 05:57 < zipcpi> I think there is supposed to be a way to make mekso use polish notation? 05:58 < gleki> yes 05:58 < gleki> explicitly change from the default non-polish 05:59 < gleki> exp: li su'i pa boi pa boi 05:59 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,], [gG], [mM], [nN], [rR] or [vV] but "b" found. 06:00 < gleki> exp: li su'i pa boi re boi ci du li xa 06:00 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:00 < gleki> gerna: li su'i pa boi re boi ci du li xa 06:00 < mensi> O_0 06:00 < gleki> why so? CLL allows for that https://lojban.github.io/cll/18/6/ 06:01 < gleki> since when did it become obligatory 06:01 < gocti> gerna: li su'i pa boi re boi ci du li xa lo'o 06:01 < mensi> (0[{li <su'i (1[{pa boi} {re boi}] [ci BOI])1 KU'E> LO'O} CU {du <(1li [xa BOI] lo'o)1 VAU>}])0 06:02 < gocti> .i lo cipra gerna zo'u si'au vimcu lo javni poi curmi 06:02 < gleki> je'e 06:02 < gleki> exp: li pe'o su'i pa boi re boi ci du li xa 06:02 < mensi> ([li {pe'o su'i <(¹pa boi¹) (¹re boi¹) (¹ci BOI¹)> KUhE} LOhO] [CU {du <li (¹xa BOI¹) LOhO> VAU}]) 06:02 < gleki> xu pu ambigu 06:02 < gocti> na djuno 06:03 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i ny panoremu 06:03 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:03 < gleki> en: joi'i 06:03 < mensi> joi'i = [VUhU] mekso string operator (n-ary): formal left-concatenation; X1+X2+X3+..., where Xi is a string/word/text 06:03 < mensi> |>>> Generally noncommutative. The result is a single string written over the alphabet that is the union of each of the 06:03 < mensi> alphabets of the Xi's. "ABC"+"DEF"+"GHI" = "ABCDEFGHI". See konkatena. |>>> krtisfranks 06:03 < zipcpi> na slabu zo joi'i i'au li'a 06:04 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i nyboi panoremu 06:04 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:05 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i ny boi panoremu 06:05 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:05 < gocti> sa'u na pagbu lo selma'o javni 06:06 < zipcpi> zo joi'i cu valsi jecu se finti la kurti jecu sinxa lo zu'o konkatena 06:06 < zipcpi> cmavo ma'oi vu'u 06:08 < gocti> exp: li su'i pa boi pa 06:08 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:10 < gocti> ie doi la gugle lo nu mi ciska lu .xorxes. mex. li'u cu sinxa lo nu mi djica tu'a zo .xerxes. joi zo .mix. 06:11 < gleki> exp: li pa joi'i pa 06:11 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:11 < gleki> xm 06:11 < gleki> exp: li pa vu'u pa 06:11 < mensi> ([li {<pa BOI> <vu'u (¹pa BOI¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 06:11 < gleki> cizra 06:12 < zipcpi> le gentufa cu li'a na slabu zo joi'i 06:12 < gocti> (to lu na se slabu toi) 06:12 < zipcpi> ua 06:15 < gleki> exp: li pa joi'i pa 06:15 < mensi> ([li {<pa BOI> <joi'i (¹pa BOI¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 06:45 < gleki> sutysisku should just parse input. and thus any {lonu} entries in the database would become not that important.[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~[3~ 06:46 < zipcpi> What's this about {lonu}? 06:46 < gleki> many people couldnt find it in the dictionary which caused a lot of confusion 06:46 < zipcpi> Right 06:47 < gleki> until someone just added this silliness into JVS 06:47 < zipcpi> THen they're gonna seach for memimoi, medomoi, merumoi 06:47 < zipcpi> Actually moi does need redefining 06:47 < zipcpi> Due to this overloaded use 06:47 < gleki> although sometimes compound cmavo are translated as one word in English but that extends to any word combinations so only Tatoeba/Muplis is the true solution 06:48 < zipcpi> Yeah I have defined some compound cmavo at my time 06:48 < zipcpi> za'ure'u, baze'e, puzuvukiku 06:48 < zipcpi> Just to encode common Lojban "idioms". Not in the sense of a commonly-used metaphor, but in the sense of a common construction for a common concept 06:49 < zipcpi> Under CKTJ that last one would be puzuvuke'aku though :p 06:50 < gleki> but you can't add {ve'i cmana} 06:50 < zipcpi> Yep... 06:50 < zipcpi> And I did tell you about the problems with using sumtcita in tanru 06:51 < zipcpi> Ah mabla just merge them with NAhE already zo'o 06:53 < zipcpi> Oh memimoi and medomoi is already defined 06:53 < gleki> those are half-solutions 06:53 < zipcpi> True 06:54 < zipcpi> Though some compound definitions are useful just to give them useful gloss words 06:55 < gleki> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/O1Bn7SVIy4k/discussion 06:56 < zipcpi> Yep I have seen that 06:56 < zipcpi> And I agree, with the caveats with sumtcita 06:57 < gleki> sumtcita is only a minor example 06:57 < gleki> the correct description is "dictionares that allow adding only isolated words are doomed" 07:01 < zipcpi> Right 07:01 < zipcpi> Yeah like I said there is no way to properly add brivlacme either 07:01 < zipcpi> Either actually define them as real brivla, or GT*O 07:02 < zipcpi> Like I want to make {la dontivni} be YouTube 07:02 < gleki> it's because JVS is Lojban2natlan, not vice versa 07:20 < gocti> (to si'au lo nu curmi lo nu vimcu zo pe'o na jai nabmi toi) 07:24 < gleki> im working onan english 2 lojban dictionary. but it's hard. what i have by far: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19faXeZCUuZ_uL6qcpQdMhetTXiKc5ZsOcZkYiAZ_pRw/edit#gid=450843397 07:25 < gleki> if any experts here you'd be welcomed if you could help me 07:25 < gleki> otherwise it will take long time 07:25 < zipcpi> ua 07:26 < zipcpi> creature = {lo danlu} not good enough? 07:26 < Ilmen> lo jmive 07:27 < gleki> what do you mean good? it should automatically take corresponding values from "Verbs" sheet 07:27 < gleki> via formulae 07:27 <@xalbo> .i lo spati cu jmive gi'e ku'i na me'oi creature 07:27 < zipcpi> Nah I was just asking if it's good enough 07:27 <@xalbo> "creature" and {danlu} are pretty darn close, connotations aside 07:28 < zipcpi> Because I thought you would have put it there already 07:28 < Ilmen> je'e 07:28 < gleki> if you dont agree with the current glosses then feel free to send requests for that. 07:28 < zipcpi> I think {danlu} is fine 07:29 < zipcpi> There are connotations, but they're fine as a simple gloss 07:29 <@xalbo> "baked in an oven" is roughly {se toknu} 07:29 < gleki> en: danlu 07:29 < mensi> danlu = x1 is an animal/creature of species x2; x1 is biologically animate. |>>> See also banfi, cinki, cipni, finpe, 07:29 < mensi> jukni, respa, since, mabru, bakni. |>>> officialdata 07:29 < gleki> en-simple: danlu 07:29 < mensi> danlu = x1 is a creature of species x2 |>>> gleki 07:30 <@xalbo> For an English to Lojban dictionary, what I'd want to see is something like an index. I look up a word, and I find a lojban place (or several), and hopefully a dictionary entry for the Lojban word(s) so I can see what they really mean and how they correspond. 07:30 < gleki> en: live 07:30 < mensi> 31 da se tolcri: plivei, cabyfau, jmive, alzaitu, cmatcecindu, ji'efri, livga, manfyta'u, cagdaidi'u, cmeveigau, cmisau, 07:30 < mensi> cmiveigau, co'urji'e, crimpui, divzi, efmere, kanxa'u, liryraixa'u, mivmro, mivru'e, mivyselna'a, morsi, nurxru, praune, 07:30 < mensi> prekoci, runtngasnrproni, seljbemabru, tarbyvi'u, tumspa, vo'au'u, xabju 07:31 < gleki> en: jmive 07:31 < mensi> jmive = x1 lives/is alive by standard x2; x1 is an organism/living thing. |>>> (adjective:) x1 is vital, organic. See 07:31 < mensi> also lifri, morsi, stuzi, zvati, xabju. |>>> officialdata 07:33 < gleki> okay there was indeed a serious bug with {danlu}. fixed 07:34 < gleki> xalbo: "baked in oven" is already in this dictionary 07:34 <@xalbo> It was showing an error; I assumed that was a lookup failure, so lack of result. 07:35 < gleki> xalbo: my idea is that "baked in oven" will directly translate as {lo se toknu} 07:35 <@xalbo> .i li'a mi srera vau .u'u 07:35 < gleki> jb: toknu 07:35 < mensi> toknu = toknu — x1(entity) is an oven for heating x2(entity) 07:35 < mensi> :lo toknu — oven. lo se toknu — baked in an oven. 07:35 < mensi> :ti toknu lo cidja — This is an oven for cooking food. 07:35 < mensi> :tu toknu lo mudri — That is a wood burning stove. 07:35 < mensi> :Related words: nanba 07:36 <@xalbo> .e'u Add {jukpa} as a related word for {toknu} 07:36 < gleki> as for "2L" tab that's what I'm asking. I need formulae to autogenerate this dictionary taking values from all 5 columns 07:37 < gleki> jb:toknu 07:37 < mensi> toknu = toknu — x1(entity) is an oven for heating x2(entity) 07:37 < mensi> :lo toknu — oven. lo se toknu — baked in an oven. 07:37 < mensi> :ti toknu lo cidja — This is an oven for cooking food. 07:37 < mensi> :tu toknu lo mudri — That is a wood burning stove. 07:37 < mensi> :Related words: jukpa, nanba 07:37 <@xalbo> .i'e 07:37 <@xalbo> ki'e 09:42 < ldlework> jbo: jukpa 09:42 < mensi> jukpa = x1 bregau x2 lo ka se citka kei ta'i x3 |>>> bregau; citka; cidja; zbasu |>>> 09:42 < mensi> xorxes 09:47 < Ilmen> en: jupyzba 09:47 < mensi> jupyzba [< jukpa zbasu ≈ Cook make] = x1 cooks/prepares x2 (cooked food) from ingredients x3 by recipe/method x4 09:47 < mensi> (process) |>>> Ilmen 09:49 < ldlework> coi Ilmen 09:49 < Ilmen> coi do 09:51 < ldlework> ni'au 09:56 < gleki> after adding 5 columns with "google query" function to La Bangu source performance is terrible 11:14 < ldlework> word for calendar? 11:14 < ldlework> en: calendar 11:14 < mensi> 71 da se tolcri: detcartu, detci'e, detrgregori, masnjau, vede'i, avgusto, bakma'i, bivmasti, celma'i, cibdei, cibmasti, 11:14 < mensi> cinfyma'i, datru, decmbero, derdei, detke'u, detma'i, detna'a, detri, detydei, dindi, djanua, djulio, djunio, duvma'i, 11:14 < mensi> fagdei, februa, felma'i, fipma'i, frebuari, gamyma'i, gregori zei nanca, jaudje, jaurbeima'i, jaurdei, jbedetri, jefydei, 11:14 < mensi> jimdei, kanbyma'i, lanma'i, laxma'i, lurdei, madjio, martio, matsi'uma'i, mlajukma'i, moi'o, mudydei, mumdei, mumymasti, 11:14 < mensi> ninyna'adetri, nondei, pavdei, pavmasti, pavnonmasti, pavrelmasti, pavypavmasti, prilio, rebjukma'i, reldei, relmasti, 11:14 < mensi> soldei, sozymasti, vondei, vonmasti, xavdei, xavmasti, xisyjbedetri, xlima'i, zeldei, 11:14 < mensi> zelmasti 11:15 < ldlework> ua 11:15 < ldlework> detcartu 11:21 < durka42> ve detri 11:21 < durka42> depending on what you meant 11:26 < ldlework> durka42: would you be interested in helping me with an article about causality? 11:27 < ldlework> specifically causal tags 11:27 < ldlework> and scope 11:27 < durka42> I can be a scope consultant :p 11:32 < gleki> durka42: what is the scope of your expertise? :P 11:34 < gocti> xa'a'a'a 11:36 * nuzba @uitki: broda lo se broda - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/broda_lo_se_broda by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1G7DmKE] 11:38 < gleki> anyway it seems that the En2Jbo dictionary finally compiled https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19faXeZCUuZ_uL6qcpQdMhetTXiKc5ZsOcZkYiAZ_pRw/edit#gid=450843397 11:38 < gleki> Currently its only for verbs. 11:38 < gleki> For particles there just no glosses atm. 11:38 < gleki> Also there are no glosses of verbs in "verb" form. 11:38 < gleki> like djuno = to know 11:39 < gleki> and names are also not there atm 11:42 < gleki> feel free to suggest other good English glosses 11:42 < gleki> xalbo: my work is done for the most important part ^ 12:44 < Ilmen> jbo: sinxa 12:44 < mensi> sinxa = x1 noi dacti ja fasnu ja morna ja barna ja lerfu ja tcita cu se smuni x2 x3 gi'a krati x2 lo ka se pilno x3 lo 12:44 < mensi> ka benji lo sidbo |>>> dacti; fasnu; morna; barna; lerfu; tcita; smuni; krati; pilno; benji; sidbo |>>> 12:44 < mensi> xorxes 12:45 < Ilmen> At least some people opines that {sinxa} is for conventional symbols, those whose meaning is agreed upon 12:47 < Ilmen> But I really miss a predicate for X is a piece of evidence ~ indication ~ sign of Y 12:47 < ldlework> nibli? 12:47 < durka42> ve jinvi 12:48 < ldlework> "The blood on this glove entails he was at the scene of the crime." 12:48 < Ilmen> I sometimes used nibli for this, but it seems too strong 12:48 < Ilmen> nibli is very mechanical 12:48 < ldlework> Dunno why. Lojban isn't a spell-language that only casts if you utter the ultimate truth. 12:48 < durka42> lo ciblu cu jai ve jinvi lo du'u zekri 12:48 < Ilmen> I thought of {ni'imlu}, but I don't thing it's a very good lujvo 12:48 < Ilmen> *think 12:49 < ldlework> Everything is "seems to be" 12:49 < ldlework> everything. 12:49 < Ilmen> ni'imlu seems to be "X seems to logically entails Y" 12:49 < ldlework> ko'a nibli ko'e va'o the information we have 12:50 < ldlework> 'entails' is just as strong language as 'nessecitates' 12:50 <@xalbo> {nibli} is indeed too strong. The blood is only evidence that the suspect was there; it's more likely in possible worlds where he was there, but there are plenty of possible worlds in which the glove is bloody and he was never there. 12:50 < ldlework> There an infinite number of possible words in every context 12:51 < durka42> I like {jinvi} 12:51 < ldlework> Making everything you say potentially false 12:51 < ldlework> so.. 12:51 < Ilmen> I thought of "lakni'i" too 12:51 < durka42> someone will object that jinvi1 exists, and I will say it doesn't matter but {zi'o} it out if you want, and then the objector will further object that they are afraid of {zi'o} 12:51 < ldlework> durka42: how much evidence is sufficient to nibli? 12:51 < durka42> nibli isn't really about evidence 12:51 <@xalbo> There are things that are nearly certain (other than the sort of "but it's always possible not" that you're objecting to) and things that aren't anywhere near certain, at all. 12:52 < ldlework> I'm saying the strength of statements is arbitrary 12:52 < ldlework> And you're making an arbitrary distinction 12:52 < Ilmen> durka42: The predicate I want do need an evidence interpreter, I think 12:52 < ldlework> Great, but please note the arbitrariness 12:52 < Ilmen> well I'm unsure 12:52 < durka42> this is like that joke about the cows in spain 12:52 < ldlework> there is also jijnu 12:53 < durka42> jijnu doesn't have an evidence place, though 12:53 < ldlework> combining it with nibli I mean 12:53 < durka42> though… it kinda should 12:54 < ldlework> mi jijnu lo du'u the blood on the glove nibli his guilt 12:54 < Ilmen> Basically, when you see blood on a wall, it becomes likely that there have been a killing, but the fact "there is blood on the wall" doesn't logically entails "there have been a killing next to the wall" 12:54 < ldlework> oh maybe, just not take spoken lojban as objective reality, and just use nibli 12:54 <@xalbo> ldlework: You're completely misunderstanding {nibli}. 12:55 < ldlework> xalbo: I understand that it means logically formed following arguments in terms of presuppositions and quantified arguments. 12:55 < ldlework> I get it. 12:55 < ldlework> I'm saying "get over it." 12:55 < Ilmen> {nibli} is logical inference, it's a very mechanical thing 12:55 < ldlework> As if there is some other kind of logical inference 12:57 < ldlework> tolna'e isn't bad 12:57 < durka42> in my mind {nibli} is for things like syllogisms 12:57 < ldlework> Yeah that isn't related to using evidence to draw conclusions at all 12:57 <@xalbo> {tolna'e} is promising. "x1 (du'u) is consistent with x2 (du'u)"? 12:57 < durka42> but maybe it can be used for weaker implications with a different (implied?) nibli3 12:58 < durka42> vlaste: tolna'e 12:58 < vlaste> tolna'e = x1 (du'u) confirms/corroborates/verifies x2 (du'u) under rules/logic x3; x1 (du'u) is an evidence for x2 (du'u) 12:58 < ldlework> xalbo: x2 being a set of givens and rules for inference? 12:58 < ldlework> I digress :/ 12:59 < ldlework> x3 li'a 12:59 <@xalbo> Really, {cu'o} would be very nice, if it weren't in MOI. 13:00 < durka42> na'i zo'o ru'e 13:00 < ldlework> tu' le ciblu gluta cu se cu'o tu'a lo ka zerfu'e 13:01 < durka42> needs a number 13:01 < ldlework> yeah I swear I typed out xo'e 13:01 < durka42> that's the problem 13:01 < durka42> heh 13:02 < ldlework> So if some conclusion is logically entailed, does that mean the conclusion is proved? 13:02 < durka42> za'u cu'o? 13:02 <@xalbo> ldlework: It's proved, given that the antecedents are true (which is often harder to prove in the real world than the conclusion would be). 13:02 < durka42> lo ciblu gluta cu jai se za'u cu'o lo du'u catra zekri => The bloody glove makes it more probable that there was a murder 13:02 < durka42> pei 13:03 < ldlework> xalbo: no kidding 13:03 <@xalbo> But it's good for mathematical facts and things that actually are subject to that sort of proof. 13:03 < ldlework> xalbo: so would you say, outside of a formal context, there is no really proving anything 13:03 < ldlework> That the best you can get is 'entails'? 13:04 < ldlework> Can anything but a proposition in the context of a formal argument be nibli? 13:04 < ldlework> If not, what a waste. 13:04 <@xalbo> Formal contexts exist, especially in a language built out of FOPL. I don't think it's a waste to have a gismu that lets us talk about them. 13:05 <@xalbo> And I pretty much only ever use the word "entails" in formal contexts anyway, so I'm guessing we have a difference in usage right there. 13:05 < ldlework> I think its a waste to so disregard context that you need two words to access what is the same concept 13:06 < ldlework> The same concept that seems different because of the varying contexts, but in the real world all you get is 'entails' not 'proves' 13:06 < ldlework> same maljbo as TA 13:06 <@xalbo> The point is that it's a completely different concept. {nibli} is like {rinka} 13:07 < ldlework> I don't see how that statement says anything of value. 13:08 < ldlework> If you say ta, every jbopre will look at your hands! 13:08 < ldlework> If you say nibli, they will look at your desk! 13:08 <@xalbo> Using {nibli} for evidence or {t[iau]} for statements is the position that's malgli. It's saying "Ignore the actual definitions, this word has a keyword that looks like the English word I want, so other English speakers will understand me, so who cares what it actually means?" 13:08 < ldlework> its absurd, but feel free to live tha way 13:09 < ldlework> Its not magli 13:09 < ldlework> At all 13:09 < ldlework> MANY languages uses spatial demonstratives to refer to units of discourse 13:09 < ldlework> calling discourse demonstratives as magli is the core expression of malbjo 13:10 <@xalbo> We have pronouns *exactly* for discourse. Why in the world would you neglect those, and use a completely different one instead? 13:11 < ldlework> Because humans work in a way where sometimes non-veridical speech, semantic overloading and metaphor are of -more utility- to our listeners than strictly formal descriptions 13:11 < ldlework> Sorry. 13:11 <@xalbo> It's like calling a chair "she" in English, because hey, people will understand what you mean. They will, but they will think you are ignorant. If they explain it, and you continue to do so willfully, they will think you are an idiot. 13:11 < ldlework> Yay, the objective reality just so happens to align with your own disposition! 13:12 < ldlework> I'm so glad I found someone who encapsulates everyone's disposition! 13:12 < ldlework> Except I saw a jbopre using ti and ta today. I congratulated him. 13:12 <@xalbo> Yes, you're very lucky to have met me, or you'd continue to be wrong on the Internet. And I can't let that happen! 13:13 < ldlework> Well at least we are not kidding ourselves 13:13 <@xalbo> ldlework: What was your jbopre using {ti} and {ta} to describe? I think they're wonderful words, they just have a particular meaning. 13:14 < ldlework> xalbo: to refer to my discourse 13:15 <@xalbo> And what makes those a better choice than one of the many dei/do'i/d[aie]'[eu] options out there? 13:16 < ldlework> they don't require him to pick "utterance" vs "argument" 13:16 < ldlework> Or cast it to the meaning 13:17 < ldlework> Referring to units discourse is such an intrinsic operation of speech many don't think that distal and proxial general discourse anaphora are enough 13:17 < ldlework> err many do 13:17 < Ilmen> durka42: Also, the one who think X is an evidence/hint for Y doesn't necessarily opine Y is true 13:17 < ldlework> Even in languages where there are more shades of proximal proforms or determiner phrases, corpus's show users of those languages gnerally ignore the third, or more specific scales 13:18 < Ilmen> but that Y is likely due to X 13:18 <@xalbo> Ilmen: Or worse, that Y is more likely due to X than it is without X, even if Y is still considered unlikely. 13:20 <@xalbo> ldlework: I think I'm going to stop arguing with you now. Your position seems so obviously wrong to me that I'm finding it hard to remain civil, so I should stop instead of yelling. 13:20 < ldlework> I personally have been trying to use koha5 and koha2 more 13:21 < ldlework> xalbo: lol k 13:22 <@xalbo> Using {ti} in place of {di'u} is no more right than using {do} in place of {di'u}. Maybe someone will understand you, but if so, you're lucky. 13:22 < ldlework> Except do and di'u share no semantic space at all 13:22 < ldlework> And deictic demonstratives are in wide-spread use in natural languages 13:22 < ldlework> So it comes down to 13:22 < ldlework> The CLL says jbopre will be confused, so they must actually be. 13:23 < ldlework> Its not a linguistic argument. 13:23 < ldlework> Its a lojban triviality. 13:23 < ldlework> Better make people who utter expressions reflective of their own natural modeling as mabla, specifically glico, even though it has literally nothing at all to do with English whatsoever 13:25 < ldlework> Ilmen: if we're not currently proving some formal thesis, I think I will understand your use of nibli in every other case, fwiw 13:26 <@xalbo> Why stop there? Why not use {klama}? {lo du'u le gluta cu zvati cu klama lo du'u ko'a catra}, the fact that the glove was there goes to his being the murderer. 13:26 <@xalbo> Or use {gidva}, it guides us there. 13:26 < ldlework> Because they don't share any semantics at all 13:26 <@xalbo> Of course they do. You start with the premise and *go* to the conclusion. 13:26 < ldlework> Why not take everthing you disagree with to the illogical extreme as a general stategem for debate? 13:27 < ldlework> Maybe that will gidva you to successful interoperability with others. 13:27 <@xalbo> I'm saying that {gidva} isn't any further from the desired meaning than {nibli} is. They're both completely different things. 13:27 < ldlework> "tolna'e looks ideal" 13:27 < ldlework> nevermind it has a nibli looking x2 13:27 < ldlework> x3* 13:27 < ldlework> But hey! 13:28 < ldlework> KLAMA 13:28 < ldlework> GIDVA 13:28 < ldlework> Totally the same thing! My argument is strong! 13:28 < ldlework> take care :) 13:49 < Ilmen> How about {lo nu lo ciblu cu gacri lo bitmu cu se lakne lo nu re'o ri da se catra 13:49 < Ilmen> } 13:51 <@xalbo> That's not bad. 13:56 < durka42> not bad, but it feels like it's missing something about the causality 13:57 < durka42> like, the sun rising this morning is _also_ part of the conditions where a murder is likely to have occurred 13:57 < durka42> but it isn't evidence 13:57 < durka42> not sure if that distinction is important 13:58 < Ilmen> I don't really know how {lakne} works 13:58 <@xalbo> No, I think the distinction is at least somewhat important, and my problem with it was coming from a different angle. The point of evidence isn't that something is likely given the evidence, it's that it's *more* likely given that than not. 13:58 < Ilmen> I need to read more about probability 13:59 <@xalbo> So yes, given the glove, it's really likely the sun will rise tomorrow. But the glove doesn't make it any more likely. 15:02 < ldlework> ie 15:02 < Ilmen> jbo: tsali 15:02 < mensi> tsali = x1 ckaji x2 gi'e ja'e bo kakne lo ka cupra ja renvi lo carmi bapli .i x1 to'e ruble x2 |>>> ckaji; kakne; cupra; 15:02 < mensi> renvi; carmi; bapli; ruble |>>> xorxes 15:02 < Ilmen> jbo: vlipa 15:02 < mensi> vlipa = x1 kakne lo ka zukte ja akti x2 .i x1 kakne x2 noi ka gasnu |>>> kakne; zukte; akti; tsali; ruble; gasnu |>>> 15:02 < mensi> xorxes 15:03 < ldlework> xalbo: sorry, you refrained and I didn't. I appologize. 15:04 <@xalbo> It's ok. I said I would stop, and then I didn't. 15:04 < Ilmen> hmm "deptsa" seems like a good lujvo for "patient" 15:04 <@xalbo> Anyway, we'll likely revisit this sometime. But not today. 15:05 < ldlework> xalbo: fwiw, I want to formalize le'e around koha 5 or 2 (or both) 15:05 < ldlework> not 6 15:05 < ldlework> which begs the question why I argued at all, and I guess because I'm an ass, so I'm sorry 15:06 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 15:07 <@xalbo> je'e Apology accepted. I apologize for getting emotionally invested, to the detriment of actually trying to come to a mutual understanding. 15:07 <@xalbo> But I have to go now. 16:17 < AndChat|320025> Coi 16:18 < durka42> coi ru'e 16:35 < John_Doe> coi 16:48 < bigcentaur> coi 18:24 * nuzba @uitki: jbonunsla - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/jbonunsla by Pier.abat - /* Logfest 2015/jbonunsla 2015 */ [http://bit.ly/1cHwLw7] 18:59 < AndChat|320025> How would you translate "should"? 22:34 < ctefaho> coi uai 23:51 < gleki> coi --- Day changed Tue Jun 09 2015 00:18 < gocti> 10 00:18 < gocti> sisi 00:20 < gocti> Mr_Tea: {ei} or {bilga} or {iancu} 00:21 < gleki> en: iancu 00:22 < mensi> iancu = x1 should or ought to do x2 |>>> ahernai 00:22 < gleki> gocti: w'u do jmina lo krasi be lo valsi tarmi 00:22 < gocti> vi'o 00:23 < Mr_Tea> ki'e gocti 00:49 < zipcpi> exp: mo'e li ny renopamu re'u 00:49 < mensi> ([{<mo'e (¹li [{ny <re no pa mu>} BOI] LOhO¹) TEhU> re'u} KU] VAU) 00:54 < akmnlrse> cni'ino za'a 01:22 < gleki> exp:coi 01:22 < mensi> (coi DOhU) 01:50 < ctefaho> noticed something fun yesterday 01:50 < ctefaho> I seem to be understanding natlangs a bit better after doing a bit of lojban again 01:50 < ctefaho> relative clauses specifically 01:52 < ctefaho> actually, natlang "abstractions" too 01:58 < ctefaho> like, I sort of knew what they did before, but now I understand it intuitively 02:45 < gleki> indeed these backups lead to failing at almost everything 03:00 < ctefaho> gleki: backups? 03:01 < gleki> on vrici 03:03 < ctefaho> je'e 03:10 < ctefaho> /ua 05:45 < gleki> mensi: ko cnino 05:46 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 05:48 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 05:48 < mensi> i na kakne lo ka jai gau cnino fai la'e zoi zoi hu zoi 06:27 < gleki> the first version of English 2 Lojban dictionary mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 06:27 < gleki> feel free to find mistypes and mistakes 06:27 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 141 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 138 normal] 06:28 <@Broca> I think this is more like an English index to a Lojban dictionary. 06:29 <@Broca> For example, "needle of a comb" isn't an English lexical item. 06:43 * nuzba @uitki: La Bangu: Dictionary with Examples - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu:_Dictionary_with_Examples by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1HZ2elZ] 07:47 < gleki> Broca: what would you like to do with it? 07:51 <@Broca> gleki: na'i go'i 08:09 * nuzba @josefkenny: @EnvGen lojban is the ill-advised computational linguistics masters thesis of language [http://bit.ly/1KZiM3v] 09:14 < gleki> so i need a js function that takes input as its argument and returns output as a string. can anyone find it here? https://github.com/lagleki/glekitufa/blob/master/tersmu/all.js 09:26 < ldlework> gleki: what input 09:27 < gleki> ldlework: a lojban text should be the input, the result of the parsing should be the output of a function. this link is tersmu converted by robin to js. im too lazy to find where the output is returned 09:27 < gleki> try running this app. 09:27 < gleki> "$ node all.js" 09:29 < ldlework> I thought you were asking a general javascript question, sorry. 09:34 < Ilmen> za'a lo nunkei pe la nu jansu cu tolcfa .i lo go'i cu ditybra zmadu lo masti be li pa 09:35 < Ilmen> http://www.webdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=158336 09:35 < Ilmen> ŭe nai la .xorxes. cu jinga 09:35 < gleki> i mi nu'o jimpe lo du'u la nu jansu pe lo jbobau cu mokau 09:36 < Ilmen> sa'u ditybra nu jansu kelci sepi'o lo jbobau 09:36 < gleki> xu da vreji lo citri be lo nu kelci 09:37 < Ilmen> go'i .i ni'a lo cartu cu batke fa lo strelka se tarmi 09:37 < Ilmen> .i ku'i lo barda pagbu be lo nunkei cu nu sivni casnu fa lo ro kelci 09:38 < gleki> wait, i think it's just h$main(a) function there 09:55 < Ilmen> Naours wants the BPFK to vote upon the word definition guidlines proposal 09:55 < Ilmen> *guidelines 09:55 < gleki> i'd vote against it since it's underformalized. has he seen my proposal? 09:56 < Ilmen> Which one? 09:56 < gleki> https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/131 09:57 < gleki> actually we need to add that certain brackets can only be used to specify variable types. 09:57 < durka42> I think it needs to cook for a while longer 09:58 < durka42> I especially don't like this "translating a def makes the word immutable forever" provision 09:58 < gleki> why not? 09:58 < Ilmen> Naours' proposal is more about gidelines for writting easy-to-read definitions, avoiding slashes etc 09:58 < gleki> in LMW nobody complains of that and in JVS suddenly there is opposition? 09:59 < durka42> it discourages translation, means mistakes can't be fixed, and it can't work with the "define a lujvo with 1 or 2 places and add more later" model 09:59 < durka42> I didn't know that was the case in LMW 09:59 < durka42> seems bad 09:59 < durka42> oh yeah 09:59 < gleki> durka42: okay, all repos on github are the same. 09:59 < durka42> the proposal that Ilmen sent to the list from Naours was unrelated to this #131 09:59 < durka42> why did you bring it up gleki .u'i 09:59 <@xalbo> gleki: What does the "2." at the begining of each line mean? 10:00 < gleki> xalbo: where? 10:00 < Ilmen> xalbo: "proposed meaning #2", maybe 10:01 < durka42> Ilmen: if you were saying we should vote on Naours' proposal that you translated and sent to the list, I'm in favor 10:01 <@xalbo> https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/131 with things like "2.valsi", "2.m1.etym", etc 10:01 < gleki> xalbo: oh okay. pls update the page 10:01 < durka42> I didn't realize gleki had redirected dicsussion as soon as you brought it up, fau'u 10:01 <@xalbo> je'e 10:01 < Ilmen> durka42: je'e 10:02 < Ilmen> I was saying so 10:02 < gleki> applying this proposal wont make JVS much better 10:03 < gleki> half-decisions will lead in future to "this wasn't enough" and then more votes which will become tiresome 10:04 < Ilmen> gleki: Indeed it would be best to improve the JVS system along with issuing style guidelines 10:04 < Ilmen> As of now, I'll have to suggest to put example translations into the notes in the meantime :/ 10:05 < Ilmen> Japanese def already have examples in the notes IIRC 10:05 < durka42> you didn't like my "ex: lu co'e co'e co'e li'u dunli zoi gy Show Hay gy" idea? 10:06 < durka42> notes are a fine place too IMO 10:06 < durka42> the examples get show in a weird place in the JVS interface, and they don't make it into the other dictionaries currently 10:07 < Ilmen> Would it be worth to have a specific field for "see also" links? 10:08 < durka42> would probably help when auto-generating a readable dictionary at least 10:08 < gleki> yes. and as my work with La Bangu showed they are superterrible. i wanted to make a grapho showing connections between core wordlist via "see also" links and they were superunderformalized 10:08 < gleki> *graph 10:08 < durka42> although you could just take all {bracketed} words in the notes and treat them as see-also links 10:08 < gleki> connections between word of the core wordlist 10:09 < gleki> durka42: uinai but this doesnt always work 10:10 < durka42> no da ro roi tolspofu 10:11 < durka42> zo'o ro da zo'u va'o lo nu jmina da JVS kei retpei .ei lo sedu'u xukau la .krtis. ba pilno da 10:13 <@xalbo> I think "see also" is worth having as its own thing, distinct from notes. 10:14 <@xalbo> There's really no reason to mention {bajra} and {cadzu} in each other's notes, but they're great for see-also. 10:15 < ldlework> ie 10:16 < gleki> i would add another set of fields for keywords in verb form 10:16 < durka42> good point xalbo 10:16 < gleki> which i hope in several days will appear in my en2jbo dictionary too 10:19 < gleki> en: prije 10:19 < mensi> prije = x1 is wise/sage about matter x2 (abstraction) to observer x3. |>>> See also bebna. |>>> 10:19 < mensi> officialdata 10:20 < gleki> is prije1 a person or an event? 10:21 < ldlework> well an abstraction at least 10:24 < nifkiui> .ua no'e dunli zo bebna 10:26 <@xalbo> I expect that prije1 has probably been mostly used for people. 10:27 <@xalbo> (Where's that corpus search tool again?) 10:37 < ldlework> xalbo: it seems like the same case of djica though 10:37 < ldlework> how can a person be wise? 10:37 < ldlework> are they ckaji wise 10:37 < ldlework> or is something they did or say wise? 10:37 < ldlework> I guess volition makes things more complicated 10:38 < ldlework> but it seems to me the same case as wanting a glass of water 10:38 < ldlework> even though, I sumti raise all the time 10:40 < gleki> {ai mi djica lo kabri} - Hey, you just raised the cup! - Your health! 10:41 < gleki> (remove {ai})) 10:41 <@xalbo> I can see the argument that prije1 is like fenki1. 10:42 <@xalbo> We definitely agree that an action can be wise (under circumstances, etc). I'd say that a person is wise if they reliably or typically execute actions that are wise. That's what I'd say in English, at least, 10:43 < gleki> en: fenki 10:43 < mensi> fenki = x1 (action/event) is crazy/insane/mad/frantic/in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2. |>>> See also bebna, racli, 10:43 < mensi> xajmi. |>>> officialdata 10:44 <@xalbo> Reading the text description of {prije}, though, it really seems like the x1 is an agent, and x2 is what you're looking for, the thing they did that was the right thing to do. 10:46 * nuzba @teqwve: @skyem123 Em... Lojban then? It must be amazing too. [http://bit.ly/1FP41ca] 10:48 < ldlework> xalbo: I assume that is the external consideration of why the x1 is wise 10:48 < ldlework> "picking up milk" was wise "since the SO plans to bake tonight" 10:49 < Ilmen> the abstraction is prije2 10:49 < ldlework> I'm saying if x2 is the thing that is wise 10:49 < ldlework> you should have an x3 then 10:49 < Ilmen> jbo: prije 10:49 < mensi> prije = x1 zabna x2 noi ka drani lo ka pajni lo du'u ma kau jetnu ja drani .i x1 zukte ja tarti x2 noi racli .i x1 to'e 10:49 < mensi> bebna x2 |>>> zabna; drani; pajni; jetnu; zukte; tarti; racli; bebna; mencre |>>> 10:49 < mensi> xorxes 10:50 < gleki> i lo te prije cu mo ma'i la xorxes i la'a kelvo zo'o 10:51 <@xalbo> kelvo: x1 is Kevin by naming standard x2. 10:53 <@xalbo> One thing I'll say (and this may be a strike against {fenki} as it exists) is that {prije} really should have a place for the agent. My hitting you could be wise for me, but unwise for you, but {lo nu mi do darxi cu prije} doesn't really give us a way to say that. 10:53 < Ilmen> jbo: fenki 10:53 < mensi> fenki = x1 to'e racli x2 .i x1 kalsa lo ka zukte x2 .i lo nu x1 cinmo x2 cu vlile |>>> racli; kalsa; zukte; cinmo; 10:53 < mensi> vlile; bebna |>>> xorxes 10:53 <@xalbo> That is, it doesn't distinguish "I was wise to hit you" vs "You were wise to be hit by me." 10:53 <@xalbo> (Ok, that's a really bizarre example. I hope you can understand what I'm getting at.) 10:53 < gleki> jai/fai? 10:54 < nifkiui> ta'o ti'e su'a lo velcki pe la xorxes zo'u lo terbri pe lo manri cu se vimcu 10:54 < durka42> xalbo: you mean like a seva'u place 10:55 < durka42> nifkiui: so'i lo terbri pe lo manri cu jai na'e sarcu iepei 10:55 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 10:55 < gleki> nifkiui: la xorxes pu vimcu lo drata ji'a sumti 10:56 < gleki> jbo: ciste 10:56 < mensi> ciste = x1 stura x2 gi'e ja'e bo ckaji x3 |>>> stura; ckaji |>>> xorxes 10:56 < gleki> frica lo catni ve ciksi 10:56 < durka42> en:ciste 10:56 < mensi> ciste = x1 (mass) is a system interrelated by structure x2 among components x3 (set) displaying x4 (ka). 10:56 < durka42> ue 10:56 < durka42> xlali pe'i 10:56 <@xalbo> durka42: Only a little. Maybe I, in my wisdom, performed an action that benefited you. It might be something like a fi'o pajni place, but the more I think about it, the more I think prije1 is the agent. 10:56 < durka42> jbo:xruti 10:56 < mensi> xruti = x1 di'a ckaji x2 noi ke'a basti x3 noi x1 co'u ckaji ke'a 10:57 < gleki> is it too late for me to replace {volve} with {volta} or something else? 10:57 < durka42> la'anai 10:57 <@xalbo> I definitely agree that the English definition allows both readings, but I find the agent/action reading *far* more natural (for the English), and a totally meaningful and useful meaning. 10:57 < durka42> {volta} should mean "battery" though zo'o ru'e 10:58 < gleki> {volve} will be confusing for speakers of portuguese 10:58 * xalbo wonders what {tesla} would mean. 10:58 < gleki> en: tesla 10:58 < mensi> klanrtesla = g1 is g2 tesla(s) of magnetic field B (default is 1) by standard g3. 10:58 < gleki> en: tesla 10:58 < mensi> klanrtesla = g1 is g2 tesla(s) of magnetic field B (default is 1) by standard g3. 10:58 < gleki> wth 10:58 < gleki> ma finti 10:59 < gleki> en: klanrtesla 10:59 < mensi> klanrtesla = g1 is g2 tesla(s) of magnetic field B (default is 1) by standard g3. |>>> Cf. maksi. |>>> 10:59 < mensi> totus 10:59 < gleki> o'u 11:00 <@xalbo> tesla: They called x1 mad. Mad! And all because x1 dared to dream! To dream of creating x2 (superweapon) to rule over x3 (default: the world) 11:01 < durka42> .u'i 11:08 < b_jonas> hehe 13:17 < ctefaho> so I have this idea going on 13:17 < ctefaho> if one could teach a very young child some of the more "basic" attitudinals 13:18 < ctefaho> just by somehow making them associate it with the emotion 13:19 < ctefaho> like, not having to explain it, but just associating for example "ui" with happiness 13:20 < ldlework> I honestly think attudinals not expressed as vocalizations are very strange 13:20 < ldlework> IE, the same kind of thing is "huh" "hmm" "ow" "hey" "ehhh" "mmm" 13:21 < ldlework> Or basically any japanese vocalizations 13:21 < ldlework> like from anime 13:21 < ldlework> literally laughing through your u'i is just not natural. 13:21 < ldlework> IE, they seem way more applicable to text, like emoticons 13:21 < ctefaho> well I think laugther is more like ki'ai .a'a'a'a'a'a'a 13:22 < ldlework> right, no one laughs like that 13:22 < ldlework> laughter is spontaneous and self-communicative 13:22 < demize> Also xa'a ;) 13:23 < demize> Errhm, that came out wrong 13:23 < ldlework> Even xa'a isn't pheonetically representitive of laughter 13:23 < ctefaho> well I am never even going to try to laugh through my .u'i 13:23 < ctefaho> if anything I would use ki'ai 13:23 < demize> ldlework: It could be. People laugh rather differently. 13:24 < ldlework> demize: right that's my point 13:24 < ldlework> That some people happen to laugh like lojban's pheonetic laughter is inconsequential 13:24 < demize> And bu'a'a has a rather more specific usecase. 13:24 < ctefaho> if I really wanted to laugh "grmamatically" 13:24 < demize> Heh 13:24 < ldlework> indeed 13:24 < demize> "Please stop that, your 'laughter' is ungrammatical." 13:25 < ctefaho> I have experimented with "ki'ai .'a'a'a" but then the morphology breaks instead;) 13:25 < ldlework> I feel like we should acknowledge that finding something funny and its lingusitic expression is something entirely different than laughter. 13:25 < ldlework> And trying to encode things like laughter is a conflation of goals and methods. 13:25 < rbryan> As a noobie. What's the fastest way to learn a passable amount of lojban? 13:26 < ldlework> rbryan: a lesson from me 13:26 * ctefaho will try "ki'ai .'a'a'a" in voicechat sometime 13:26 < rbryan> ldlework, how does that work? 13:26 < ldlework> I should write up my lesson as an ideal transcription 13:26 < ctefaho> to confuse anyone at the least;) 13:26 < ldlework> And just give that to people. 13:26 < ctefaho> anyone/everyone 13:27 < demize> ldlework: It's not something you should generally do, in my mind it's more for things like sound effects in eg comics 13:27 < ldlework> demize: I agree. 13:27 < ldlework> .i u'i blah blah blah, just lets your listener know you find it comical 13:27 < ldlework> you don't have to actually laugh 13:28 < demize> indeed. 13:28 < demize> Unlike 'lol' which is sort of a lie if you don't laugh. 13:28 < ldlework> I disagree 13:28 < ldlework> lol is literally u'i and not xa'a'a'a'a 13:28 < ldlework> which is what hahahaha is 13:28 < rbryan> Is there a lojban mumble server? 13:29 < demize> ldlework: 'lol' is 'laughing out loud', and if you're not laughing it's a lie. 13:29 < rbryan> mumble/voip 13:29 < ctefaho> rbryan: yes 13:29 < ldlework> demize: I'm talking in terms of pragmatics. 13:29 < ldlework> The evolved semantic, not the prescribed one. 13:29 < ctefaho> zbaga.ax.It 13:29 < ctefaho> on mumble 13:29 < ctefaho> only me on there right now though 13:30 < rbryan> I may try to get that set up later. I've always wanted to give mumble a try. 13:32 < ldlework> rbryan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZjSTUK3hFI 13:32 < ldlework> come back and ask any questions you have after watching that 13:32 < rbryan> ldlework, will do. It may be a bit. I get off work at five. 13:33 < rbryan> Probably best not to be on the tubes at work. 13:33 < ldlework> ie 13:33 < sifu__> hi 13:33 < ctefaho> yo 13:34 < BaalTondral> im a friend of selpahi 13:34 < BaalTondral> im curious about lojban 13:34 < ctefaho> selpahi is not around unfortunately 13:34 < BaalTondral> i know. he told me 13:34 < ctefaho> ah 13:34 < ctefaho> well, welcome here then;) 13:35 < BaalTondral> thx :) 13:36 < ctefaho> I assume you haven't studied lojban very much then? 13:36 < ctefaho> if any 13:39 < BaalTondral> yeah, not at all. i only read about it a bit. 13:40 < BaalTondral> there's that two-part beginner course video on selpahis youtube channel 13:40 < BaalTondral> that seemed like a good intro 13:41 < BaalTondral> but it's very long though 13:41 < ctefaho> hmm 13:41 < ldlework> BaalTondral: which one? 13:42 < ctefaho> wow over 2 hours 13:42 < ctefaho> over 2.5 hours* 13:42 < ctefaho> ldlework: https://www.youtube.com/user/shanikuzai/videos 13:43 < ldlework> which video? 13:43 < ctefaho> Let's learn Lojban Together 1 & " 13:43 < ctefaho> 2 13:43 < ctefaho> I assume he is talking about 13:43 < ctefaho> haven't seen them myself 13:43 < ldlework> oh god those 13:43 < ldlework> the irrelevant rambling 13:44 < ldlework> my video was made in direct response to those 13:44 < ldlework> hence the very sterile character of mine 13:47 < ctefaho> BaalTondral, anything in particular you wonder about?:) 13:53 < postmo> coi 13:55 < justeno> is the ! replaced in lojban? 13:57 < ldlework> justeno: there are no punctuation marks in lojban 13:57 < BaalTondral> ldlework: what do you mean by irrelevant rampling? ^^ 13:58 < ldlework> BaalTondral: those videos just have a lot of pauses, tangents, rambling and so on 13:58 < ldlework> They don't seem focused. They seem completely impromptu. 13:58 < BaalTondral> ctefaho: no. not yet. 13:58 < ldlework> Which is fine, maybe you want a more laid back lecture. 13:58 < ldlework> I couldn't bare them at all, so once I knew more about lojban I made my video for people like me who just want the facts. 13:59 < ldlework> Lindar's videos are even worse :3 13:59 < ctefaho> ldlework: maybe you should link your video;) 13:59 < ldlework> I did 14:00 < ctefaho> huh 14:00 < ldlework> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZjSTUK3hFI 14:00 < BaalTondral> hm depends. I also rather like quick good intros without much blabla 14:00 < ctefaho> well that was just before BaalTondral joined:p 14:00 < ldlework> BaalTondral: my video should be good then 14:00 < ldlework> ctefaho: oh it was for another newbie just before him :P 14:01 < ctefaho> .u'i 14:01 < ldlework> strange all the new speakers 14:01 < ldlework> very strange 14:01 < ldlework> the influx has been substantial 14:01 < ldlework> I wonder what's going on 14:01 < BaalTondral> but people who explain in a fun way with interesting talks a good too 14:01 < ctefaho> well we got la selpa'i to blame for this one;) 14:01 < ldlework> BaalTondral: I recorded mine like an academic video 14:01 < ctefaho> zo'o* 14:01 < ldlework> Like something you'd see in school 14:01 < afurrow> hmmm I'm not a new speaker yet, but I'm hanging around because Duolingo added Esperanto and it's boring and makes me want to try to learn lojban again 14:01 < ldlework> ei cliva co'o 14:01 < ldlework> take care of them! 14:01 < ldlework> (the noobs I mean) 14:02 < BaalTondral> hehe 14:03 < BaalTondral> before I looked it about I thought lojban has a huge worldwide community. but then I saw that's it really tiny. which is really, really strange 14:03 < BaalTondral> don't understand. should be far more popular 14:03 < BaalTondral> at least amongst all people who deal with language 14:03 < BaalTondral> and logic 14:03 < ctefaho> I guess people just don't know or hear about it much 14:04 < afurrow> BaalTondral, try to learn to use it and then decide if the popularity makes sense ;) 14:04 < BaalTondral> linguists, programmers, philosophers, mathematicians... 14:04 < ctefaho> hey afurrow now you are unfair:p 14:04 < BaalTondral> afurrow: yes I'll see haha 14:04 < afurrow> ....is there an attitudinal for slightly sarcastic? or whatever I was using ;) for 14:04 < BaalTondral> 23:01 < ldlework> BaalTondral: I recorded mine like an academic video 14:04 * afurrow feels using emoticons in here is unclean somehow 14:04 < BaalTondral> ah that sounds good 14:05 < BaalTondral> hahaha 14:05 < ctefaho> zo'o, probably 14:05 < BaalTondral> i see. people don't like overhead and "unnecessarity" here 14:05 * afurrow looks up zo'o 14:05 < ctefaho> well using emoticons when talking lojban would be "unclean";) 14:05 < ctefaho> in lojban* 14:05 < BaalTondral> ah 14:06 < ctefaho> but this is far from a lojban only channel 14:06 < ctefaho> that's #jbosnu 14:10 < ctefaho> afurrow: but yeah, zo'o is what you want, to indicate you are unserious 14:10 < ctefaho> works fantastic on irc 14:11 < Mateon1> Nice, so jbo has a built in /s tag :P 14:12 < Mateon1> How would I make a [ch] sound? As in, switCH 14:12 <@xalbo> ⟨tc⟩, as in {tcidu} ("cheedoo") 14:12 < ctefaho> ah great xalbo is here 14:12 <@xalbo> A wild xalbo appears! 14:12 < ctefaho> then I can leave you in safe hands for a bit 14:12 < ctefaho> co'oru'e 14:13 < ctefaho> .u'i 14:13 <@xalbo> co'o la nicte zei fanmo 14:13 < Mateon1> Also, is there any list on how , modifies sounds? 14:13 <@xalbo> All it does is separate syllables, ideally it doesn't modify any of the actual sounds. 14:14 < Mateon1> Hm... The Polish wiki used a comma in a name transliteration, saying that the comma modifies the j sound a bit 14:14 < afurrow> ohhh that makes sense 14:14 < Mateon1> Lemme look it up again 14:14 < afurrow> assuming polish is like russian 14:15 < afurrow> in russian having the j and a following vowel in different syllables is different 14:15 < afurrow> from having them in the same syllable 14:15 < afurrow> also I guess putting a , between a consonant and a following j would be like putting a hard sign there in russian 14:16 < afurrow> in other words, Mateon1, your question should be rephrased as "how do syllable breaks modify the sounds of Polish letters" 14:18 < Mateon1> Heh, possibly. I opened up the English wiki page for lojban, and interestingly to me, j can sound both as ʒ and as ʐ. In Polish they are 2 different sounds, ź and ż, respectively. Anyways, I'll continue looking for the page that I was talking about 14:18 * afurrow adds ju'ocu'i to everything she said above 14:19 <@xalbo> It sounds roughly right. I will mention that , doesn't tend to see much use anyway. 14:32 < Mateon1> Damnit, I can't find it, I swear I saw it somewhere. Searched the Polish lojban Wikibooks and Wikipedia, I think I'll look on the lojban.org wiki 14:33 < ctefaho> Mateon1: I actually learned to pronounce cześć properly trough lojban;) 14:34 < ctefaho> (half-pole here who speaks 4 words of polish...) 14:35 < Mateon1> Nice, I would like to know how to make the Polish ć sound in Lojban, as well. 14:36 < dRbiG> huh, Polish 14:36 < dutchie> coi 14:37 < dRbiG> does lojban even have something like ć? 14:37 < ctefaho> what is it in ipa? 14:37 < ctefaho> eh lemme check 14:38 < ctefaho> this sound http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_alveolo-palatal_affricate ? 14:38 < Mateon1> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%C4%87 Well, it's pretty scary looking at the IPA 14:39 < Mateon1> ctefaho: Yup, that's it 14:39 < dRbiG> i find the phonetic classification 'nice principles, i still don't hear the differences very often' 14:39 < ctefaho> t͡ 14:39 < ctefaho> lol not even irc can display that properly 14:39 < dRbiG> (but then i suck) 14:39 < ctefaho> well I think it is "tc" 14:40 < ctefaho> well 14:40 < ctefaho> the closes approximation* 14:40 < dRbiG> in english i guess closes would be ch with soft end? 14:40 < Mateon1> So.. Lojban CAN change the pronounciation of letters based on nearby letters? 14:41 < ctefaho> or is that even "tx" 14:41 < ctefaho> not that "tx" is allowed 14:41 < demize> Mateon1: ii, uu 14:41 <@xalbo> Not really (well, only i and u at the begining of diphthongs) 14:41 <@xalbo> en: patxu 14:41 < mensi> patxu = x1 is a pot/kettle/urn/tub/sink, a deep container for contents x2, of material/properties x3. |>>> (cf. tansi, 14:41 < mensi> palne for depth; baktu, botpi for open/lidded) |>>> officialdata 14:41 < ctefaho> oh right 14:42 <@xalbo> ⟨tx⟩ is allowed, though not initially. 14:42 < dRbiG> ctefaho: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cieszyn there's listen, and nowadays ci = ć 14:42 < ctefaho> oh 14:42 < ctefaho> ok cause that was what I tried 14:42 < ctefaho> and camxes gave me the finger 14:42 < ctefaho> well someone has stealen my headphone 14:42 < ctefaho> can't actually listen to anything right now:( 14:43 < demize> s/tea/to/; s/ne/nes/ 14:43 < Mateon1> Damn, the Wikipedia audio player is loud 14:44 < ctefaho> if I didn't show it here is decent summary of the phonology https://lojban.github.io/cll/3/2/ 14:44 < ctefaho> but you probably already found it or something like it 14:45 * ctefaho didn't know we had t͡ɕ in swedish 14:45 < Mateon1> The Polish wikibooks page on jbo has a (relatively basic) pronounciation guide 14:46 < ctefaho> ah ok 14:46 < Mateon1> I haven't found the page you linked, though, before. IPA isn't very helpful to me. Also, I still can't say [x] and [h] differently 14:47 < dRbiG> at least t͡ɕ render properly ;) 14:47 < ctefaho> chleb has x in beginning 14:47 < dutchie> i find that they are quite similar for me 14:47 < dRbiG> ctefaho: x = ch/h in polish, for me at least 14:48 < dutchie> but probably still distinguishable 14:48 < ctefaho> hmm but polish doesn't have [h]?! 14:48 < Mateon1> Quite possible 14:48 < ctefaho> english "high" vs. chleb then? 14:48 < ctefaho> first h in high that is 14:49 < Mateon1> Umm, I pronounce the h exactly the same... 14:49 < dRbiG> ch/h in polish 14:49 < dRbiG> i *believe* we historically had a distincton 14:49 < dRbiG> but now it's the same thing 14:49 < ctefaho> those words are [haɪ̯] vs [xlɛp], if that helps 14:50 < Mateon1> Huh? The b in chleb isn't a hard b? 14:50 < Mateon1> Doesn't really matter, but I didn't know about that :P 14:50 * ctefaho just goes by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_velar_fricative vs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_glottal_fricative 14:50 < dRbiG> ctefaho: i find lot of these distinctions very theoretic, at best diffrenet when pronounced with a lot of care 14:51 < ctefaho> maybe it depends a lot on dialect as well? 14:51 < dRbiG> yeah, but not for Polish 14:51 < Mateon1> Are there any jbo words that differ when pronounced with an incorrect h? 14:51 < durka42> well {.a'o} and {.a xo} are quite different 14:52 < ctefaho> hmm this is where mumble would be great 14:52 < Mateon1> I can get on, but I can't talk 14:52 < ctefaho> I learned some of the tricker ones only through it... 14:52 < ctefaho> man selpahi had to spent like an hour to explain "." to me 14:52 <@xalbo> ({.i'u} and {.i xu} for two things that could realistically appear in the same context, for instance at the beginning of a sentence) 14:53 < Mateon1> I understand . is just a pause, and to make sure you don't prolong any previous sounds, right? 14:53 < ctefaho> (or lol more like 3) 14:53 < durka42> Mateon1: yes 14:53 < ctefaho> well 14:53 < ctefaho> it can be either a pause or a glottal stop 14:53 <@xalbo> That's one valid pronunciation. 14:53 < durka42> a glottal stop is the shortest possible pause 14:55 < ctefaho> ...and was at least for me quite hard to grasp 14:55 <@xalbo> clsn used to tell the story about having two classmates named "Anne" in his circle of acquaintance, and having learned to pronounce their names /ʔæn/ and /æn/ (that is, with and without a leading glottal stop) to distinguish them. 14:55 < dRbiG> mhm, and i've interpreted ' as a very short h in polish, e.g. co'o ro do = coho ro do 14:56 < dRbiG> as in 'ok but easier than caring about pausing in words' 14:57 < ctefaho> Basically, a glottal stop occurs just before or after a syllable, and using "a" as an example is the difference between (Ah! and "aaaAAA") 14:57 < ctefaho> if that makes ANY sense 14:57 < dRbiG> mhm, that would be szoho ro do actually :/ 14:57 < durka42> ctefaho: makes some sense to me 14:58 < ctefaho> selpahi had a great audio-recording image showing it 14:58 < ctefaho> it was then that I finally grasped it actually 14:58 < ctefaho> in a "normal" a the a-sound rises from nothing up to the "full" sound, in volume 14:58 < ctefaho> with a glottal stop it goes from nothing to "full" instantly 14:59 < ctefaho> can't explain it better than that 15:00 <@xalbo> That's a pretty good explanation, I think. 15:01 <@xalbo> I know of things in English that have a glottal stop in them ("uh-oh", or "bottle" with the right comical Cockney accent), but I don't know of any minimal pairs. 15:01 < dRbiG> mhm, i understand it differently, like 'scottish' in english and 'sco'(t)ish' in scotish with a glottal stop 15:01 < ctefaho> I don't know of any vowels not starting with a glottal stop though 15:01 <@xalbo> Yeah, that's another example. 15:01 < ctefaho> in english or swedish 15:02 < durka42> in lojban neither :p 15:02 <@xalbo> I'd say most vowels don't start with a glottal stop in English. Plenty of pauses, but few stops. 15:02 < dRbiG> xalbo: like bo'(t)lle? 15:02 < durka42> in english you can run words together 15:02 < dRbiG> (that would make sense to me) 15:02 <@xalbo> dRbiG: Yes. 15:02 < durka42> "you're all fired! I'm going to can all of you!" 15:03 < durka42> there's no pause between "canall" 15:03 < durka42> or in the middle of "you're-all" 15:03 < ldlework> goingto 15:03 < ldlework> oh 15:03 < ldlework> I see 15:03 < ctefaho> ooohhh that's a good example 15:03 < ldlework> I just ignore glottal stops because no machines are listening in and humans seem to infer them perfectly. 15:04 < durka42> naturally, if you did that in (spoken) lojban than we wouldn't have our nice happy self-segregating morphology :) 15:04 < ldlework> Someone think of the samcifnu! 15:05 <@xalbo> ldlework: I'm sensing a pattern. "I ignore any rules I don't like, because I count on my audience to understand me anyway." 15:06 < ldlework> xalbo: I already said I'm personally trying to ramp up on KOhA2 15:06 < durka42> well, it's easy to leave out the pauses in writing (assuming you are using spaces, li'a) because the rule for where they go is simple and unambiguous 15:06 < durka42> but in formal writing I'd put them in 15:06 * ctefaho is proud to have pestered selpa'i for about 3 hours before I finally grasped it 15:07 < ldlework> xalbo: but yes, the underlying mechanism that allows language to exist is because our audience has context on their side. 15:07 < ctefaho> if anything he is a patient teacher;o 15:07 < Mateon1> I've been linked a better dictionary than jbovlaste.lojban.org, but I didn't bookmark it. Does anybody know what could it be? I believe it was on the lojban.org site, as either a subdomain or a subdirectory (learning towards the latter) 15:07 < durka42> vlasisku.lojban.org 15:07 <@xalbo> My personal orthography style puts them in, because I think it's useful for pedagogical purposes if nothing else. 15:07 < ldlework> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html#sisku/ki%27ain 15:07 <@xalbo> (And as a habit to myself, to remember where they're needed.) 15:08 < ctefaho> I think I always write mandatory pauses 15:08 < ctefaho> my hands will die 5 years before the rest of me but I still think it might be worth it 15:08 < ldlework> I'm glad that others have the fortitude to care about things that don't really have consequences substantial enough for me to care 15:08 < ldlework> xalbo: you're a better person than I am. 15:08 < Mateon1> ldlework: I was looking for this, thank you. Going to bookmark both this and vlasisku 15:09 < ldlework> Maybe I make up for my lack of pedalogical orthographies by introducing people to the language in the first place 15:09 < ctefaho> Mateon1: vlasisku hasn't been updated in a while for some reason 15:09 < ctefaho> so if you want the latest word on the words, jbovlaste is where word is 15:10 < durka42> yeah 15:10 < durka42> the one ldlework linked should be updated more frequently 15:10 < durka42> auto-updates for vlasisku is still on the todo list 15:10 < Mateon1> Alright, good to know :) 15:36 < ruste> ldlework, question. 15:36 < ruste> Just started the video. 15:36 < Mateon1> I have a question regarding repeated letters and their pronounciation? Should you visibly double the sound in a word like uu or ii, making a clear distinction that they're two separate letters (making almost a stop) or is it fine if you prolongate the sound? 15:36 < ruste> Can a bridi have more than five sumti? 15:38 < dutchie> Mateon1: uu and ii have their own sound, which i'd transliterate as "yee" and "woo" in english 15:39 < dutchie> the "y" and "w" let the listener know that they are doubled 15:39 < Mateon1> ruste: I think so, I haven't seen any in practice yet, though. Also there exist only 5 place tags/markers, fa, fe, fi, fo, fu, though... 15:40 < Mateon1> Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, please 15:40 < ruste> Makes sense. 15:41 < durka42> and other than those two there are no doubled letters 15:41 < Mateon1> Looking up in the dictionary, there also exist fai and fi'a. I don't know their usage, though 15:41 < durka42> yes, a selbri can have more than five sumti 15:41 < durka42> it's rare though 15:41 < durka42> who can remember such a place structure? :p 15:42 < ctefaho> Mateon1: i and u at the end of ai/ei/oi/au are like this too 15:44 < ctefaho> well they can be pronounced both ways 15:44 < ctefaho> i think 15:44 < ctefaho> I will probably be corrected any second now if I am wrong:) 15:45 < durka42> they are just diphthongs 15:45 < durka42> I can only give english analogs for how to pronounce them though :/ 15:45 < durka42> ai - eye, ei - bay, oi - boy, au - cow 15:45 < ctefaho> but both [aw] and [au] are permitted right? 15:45 < ctefaho> for {au} 15:46 < durka42> sorry I'm not sure the difference there 15:46 < dutchie> [aw] = english awe, i think 15:46 < durka42> back in a minute 15:46 < dutchie> e.g. horse, if you don't have a rhotic accent 15:48 < dutchie> though i am probably even more likely to be wrong than ctefaho and durka42 15:48 < ctefaho> well iirc [aw] and [au] are both different, and even [aʊ] works or if that was just a proposal 15:48 < Mateon1> ctefaho: I'd think so, but don't trust me about lojban yet :P 15:48 < ctefaho> would have loved to have selpa'i here right now 15:48 < Mateon1> https://translate.google.com/#pl/en/ai.%20ej.%20oj.%20au. -> speaker on input, does this sound about right? 15:48 < ctefaho> but he...is not 15:48 < ctefaho> wherever he is 15:48 < ctefaho> uinai 15:50 < Mateon1> So, how do the attitudonal words work? The definitions include a meaning and the opposite meaning, sometimes even 3 meanings, separated by dashes. How do I signify which one I mean? 15:50 < ctefaho> If you use just the bare attitudinal, for example "ui", it is the "positive" meaning 15:51 < ctefaho> which here is Happy 15:51 < ctefaho> "uinai" means Unhappy 15:51 < ctefaho> the "negative" or "opposite" meaning 15:51 < ctefaho> hmm 15:51 < ctefaho> uicu'i isn't really well defined 15:51 < Mateon1> huh? So the nai implies negative meaning? 15:52 < ctefaho> yep 15:52 < ctefaho> and cu'i the "neutral" meaning 15:52 < ctefaho> let´s take "ie" as an example instead 15:53 < ctefaho> ie - Agreement, ienai - Disagreement, iecu'i "Neutrality" 15:53 < ctefaho> Neutrality as in, you neither Agree nor Disagree 15:53 < Mateon1> There isn't a iecu'i definition, and ie only covers agreement/disagreement, but I guess I get it. 15:53 < ctefaho> no iecu'i definition? where are you looking? 15:54 < Mateon1> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/iecu'i ; 15:54 < Mateon1> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html#sisku/iecu'i 15:54 < ctefaho> ah well it is not defined there 15:55 < ctefaho> uhm why isn't iecu'i in the bpfk section either?! 15:56 < ctefaho> but ok, yeah, that's it 15:56 < ctefaho> Also, a bare "ie" is exactly the same as "ieja'ai" 15:56 < ctefaho> "ja'ai" is an affirmer but "ie" always mean "ieja'ai" 15:57 < Mateon1> Huh, now I realize I'm not quite sure not to pronounce ie, it it like 'yeah' without the 'dangling' [no better word] sound 15:58 < ctefaho> ie like ie zo'o 15:58 < ctefaho> "yeah" is similar to "ie" yes 15:58 < ctefaho> with an unvocalized "j" 15:58 < ctefaho> "yes" works too 15:58 < ctefaho> just remove the s and pehaps tweak your e a bit 15:59 < Mateon1> Oh! Is the dangling sound in "yeah" a lojbanic y? 15:59 < ctefaho> uhm 15:59 < durka42> sorry I'm back now 15:59 < ctefaho> that depends 100% on how you pronounce "yeah" 15:59 < ctefaho> good durka42;) I need to go sipna now 15:59 < durka42> "bleh" 15:59 < durka42> "bread" 16:00 < Mateon1> http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yeah http://static.sfdict.com/staticrep/dictaudio/Y00/Y0018600.mp3 ? 16:00 < Mateon1> [iey] ? 16:01 < durka42> well that's a diphthong of some kind 16:01 < durka42> the {e} in {ie} is the same sound as "bread" or the first syllable of "ready" 16:01 < durka42> "yellow" = {ie lo} 16:03 < Mateon1> Interesting since I pronounce "yellow" as iello- [brief dangling 'uh' sound] 16:03 < durka42> well okay it's like "yellow" if the last vowel were more pure 16:04 < ctefaho> co'o uai 16:05 < durka42> co'o di'ai 16:06 < Mateon1> Oh god, the uai definition is crazy, a lot of alteration, haha 16:06 < demize> Mateon1: You were Polish? 16:07 < Mateon1> Yes, I am Polish 16:07 < demize> There seems to be no schwa sounds in Polish, so not surprising if it's hard to get. 16:08 < demize> (<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid_central_vowel>, Lojbanic {y}) 16:08 < durka42> well, the {uai} definition was written by krtisfranks, that's what he does 16:09 < Mateon1> Well, this isn't what I imagined it was, then... 16:09 < demize> the last sound in 'yeah' can certainly be a schwa though. 16:10 < demize> But as said it varies a lot. 16:12 < demize> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwa 16:12 < demize> Mateon1: For example, the last a in America es a schwa 16:12 < demize> s/es/is/ 16:13 < Mateon1> demize: I pronounce it with a clear / pure a sound... 16:13 < Mateon1> I can't find a word for [mildly] funny. As in, I say something that I find funny, not enough to cause laughter, but the same emotion 16:14 < durka42> .u'i ru'e 16:14 < demize> Mateon1: It is a pure a in Swedish too, but not in English. 16:16 < demize> IPA for the Polish word is /aˈmɛrɨka/ according to wiktionary, and colloquially as /amɛˈrɨka/ 16:16 < demize> (<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_for_Polish> is a start for looking up IPA notation) 16:17 < Mateon1> Uhm, what's the difference? ... 16:17 < demize> the ' 16:17 < demize> Which signifies the primary stress 16:17 < Mateon1> As in, the accented syllabe? 16:18 < demize> Sure 16:19 < Mateon1> In Polish, the accent barely matters. I often misplace the accent on some words in polish, this doesn't cause any problem 16:19 < demize> For reference, /əˈmɛɹɪkə/ is the IPA for the English pronunciation of America. 16:19 < Mateon1> Except maybe at school 16:20 < durka42> I'm 100% sure that I stress the second syllable in America 16:20 < durka42> and 90% sure I've never heard anyone stress the first syllable 16:21 < durka42> is the ' supposed to point at the syllable before it or after it? 16:21 < Mateon1> I accent the 3rd, a-me-RI-ca 16:21 < demize> Before 16:22 < durka42> hmm 16:23 < durka42> wait no 16:23 < Mateon1> But as I said, I often misplace accent. The Polish word ma-te-ma-ty-ka, I accent the ty, but I think I should accent either the te or the ma 16:23 < Mateon1> (second ma, third syllabe) 16:23 < durka42> on dictionary.com it shows /əˈmɛr ɪ kə/ == [uh-mer-i-kuh] 16:23 < durka42> with the *mer* bolded for stress 16:23 < demize> Sure? 16:24 < demize> durka42: Oh, I misread you 16:24 < demize> The ' goes before the syllable. 16:24 < durka42> je'e 16:24 * durka42 needs to learn how to read IPA 16:25 < demize> It would be very very weird if the leading A was stressed, yeah. 16:25 < ldlework> a-MER-(r)i-ca 16:26 < Mateon1> I don't get how the R belongs to the second syllabe 16:26 < ldlework> honestly, when I say it, there are at least two R's or the R just lasts between the two 16:27 < ldlework> that's why I did (r) 16:27 < ldlework> ah mare ri ca 16:27 < ldlework> with less "air" and "err" in that "mare" 16:27 < ldlework> and more "err"* 16:27 < Mateon1> If anything, I'd say a-me[r]-ri-ca where [r] is a voiceless r to make the e sound right 16:28 < ldlework> I don't know what voicless r means 16:28 < ldlework> but the R doesn't get rigid until the rica, so maybe that's what you mean 16:28 < Mateon1> It's something I named right now, don't know the proper naming/definition 16:28 < Mateon1> Or I guess reverse-definition 16:29 < ldlework> Mateon1: pronounce "a mare rica" 16:29 < ldlework> e 16:29 < ldlework> as in a horse 16:30 < Mateon1> Similar, but I pronounce it more like ah meh ri ca 16:30 < Mateon1> I guess the h is voiceless as well in this case 16:31 < ldlework> Mateon1: https://clyp.it/mj4mog00 16:31 < ldlework> I pronounce it more as "uh" 16:31 < durka42> co'o ro do uai 16:31 < ldlework> co'o 16:31 < ldlework> uh mare reh ca 16:33 < Mateon1> ldlework: https://translate.google.com/#pl/en/amehrihca - speaker 16:34 < ldlework> it sounds like "A Mary Kah" 16:36 < Mateon1> I can't make the polish synthesizer pronounce an uh properly 16:36 < Mateon1> I'm doing dashes and hacks all over the place, haha 16:37 < ldlework> hehe 16:38 < Mateon1> https://translate.google.com/#en/pl/a!meh.ri'cah oh god... 16:38 < Mateon1> Anyways, sounds about right 16:41 < ldlework> Am I supposed to click the one on the left or the one on the right 16:42 < Mateon1> The one on the input 16:42 < Mateon1> The timing is wrong 16:42 < ldlework> you talk with large pauses in the middle of your america? 16:42 < Mateon1> But rest about right 16:42 < ldlework> lol 16:42 < ldlework> why not just record it 16:42 < Mateon1> I can't 16:42 < Mateon1> It's nearly 2 AM at night 16:42 < ldlework> I believe in you 16:43 < Mateon1> Also, don't have a working mic 16:43 < Mateon1> Oh, wait, I lied 16:43 < ldlework> I still believe in you 16:43 < Mateon1> My laptop has one 16:43 < Mateon1> But still, I can't really talk right now as my parents are sleeping the next room 16:43 < ldlework> one america will wake them?! 16:43 < ldlework> heh just kidding 17:05 < Mateon1> ldlework: Finally got some sound recording working I think. 17:05 < Mateon1> ldlework: https://clyp.it/oou0pkrw ? 17:06 < Mateon1> I can't get audacity to work so sorry for the background noise, couldn't filter it out 17:08 < ldlework> Mateon1: nice 17:09 < ldlework> Mateon1: give me your most american "a MUR Reh kah" 17:09 < ldlework> yours is beautiful btw 17:09 < ldlework> stupid midwestern diction 17:10 < ldlework> so boring 17:10 < ldlework> (american midwest) 17:11 < Mateon1> Yay, got Audacity to work, but I didn't capture enough noise and it makes me sound kinda robotic 17:11 < ldlework> hehe 17:11 < ldlework> Mateon1: the other recording was fine, for a whisper 17:48 < voltz> Coi ro do 18:03 < durka42> coi voltz 18:03 < voltz> .I do mo 18:05 < durka42> mi bilma 18:06 < durka42> bilma la .manonukliiosys. uinai 18:07 < voltz> Lo bilma ku malselfu'a do 18:08 < durka42> go'i 18:09 < demize> do dukse cinba xu 18:11 < durka42> la'a 18:11 < durka42> mi puzi lo masti be li ci co'a cinba da 18:11 < durka42> ku'i ri na ca bilma 18:12 < voltz> (I'm sorry, I'm still slow at this) 18:13 < demize> .u'i ru'e 18:13 < durka42> I can wait :) 18:13 < durka42> or help 18:15 < voltz> In a little confused as to what you're on about. Kissing? 18:16 < demize> Mono is often called the "kissing disease" 18:17 < voltz> Ohhhh that makes so much sense now.. I didn't even think about that.. 18:17 < demize> Due to the fact that in most cases it can only be transmitted direct contact with saliva. 18:17 < durka42> ie 18:18 < durka42> cinba ja kansa lo ka pinxe fi makau 18:18 < durka42> ja => gi'a * 18:20 < voltz> Yeah 18:22 < durka42> .u'i je'u mi lo pampe'o ge cinba gi kansa lo ka pinxe fi makau 18:42 < demize> {kansa lo ka pinxe fi makau}.. "being together with the property of being a drinker from something"? 18:44 < durka42> oi I screwed that up didn't I 18:44 < durka42> let me try again .u'i 18:45 < durka42> it's not my fault, I'm sick! :p 18:45 < demize> Heh, I was just confused whether I was parsing it incorrectly or if you meant something else. ;) 18:45 < durka42> .u'i je'u mi ge cinba lo pampe'o gi kansa ri lo ka pinxe fi makau 18:46 < durka42> wait 18:46 < durka42> actually I had it right the first time too 18:46 < durka42> I filled both x1 and x2 before the {ge}, so the {lo ka…} is x3 18:47 < durka42> which is what I meant 18:48 < demize> Oh, yes, I read it as {lo mi pampe'o}... I'll blame it on being tired. 18:48 < demize> Sorry about that. 18:50 < durka42> ko na xenru 18:51 < demize> .ei .aunai mi ba sipna 18:51 < durka42> mi ji'a 18:51 < durka42> co'o 18:52 < demize> co'o 20:18 < afurrow> u'i besto 20:19 < voltz> Besto makes me crie 20:22 < ldlework> coi 20:24 < ldlework> doi voltz ko na klaku tu'a zo besto poi finti fi lo ka xajmi 22:51 < zipcpi> lol I tinker with English about as much as I do Lojban, but English has no BPFK for me to jai fanza :p 22:51 < zipcpi> Otherwise I'd be proposing new cmavo: andor, exor, ifof (pronouncable variant of iff) 22:53 < zipcpi> andor as one word to replace the common {and/or}. The latter has caused confusion on Tatoeba; the guy thought I was literally meaning "either "and" or "or" is acceptable here" 22:54 < Regex> that is quite a mind fuck 22:54 < zipcpi> lol Perhaps :p 22:55 < zipcpi> I don't intend for them to replace the common English words though. Just give the additional clarity when it is necessary. 22:59 < zipcpi> I used "iff" a lot when teaching mathematics to some online friends; they had to ask me what it means X3 23:01 < zipcpi> I might even try to push an entire spelilng reform proposal too, but I think that has even less chance to succeed :p 23:03 < zipcpi> za'a mi ja'a bauspo ckaji 23:06 < hndcchdd> hi 23:06 < hndcchdd> hola 23:07 < hndcchdd> i don't speak lojban 23:07 < hndcchdd> just english and spanish 23:07 < zipcpi> Spivak pronouns too; I don't associate myself with the political movements commonly associated with gender-neutral pronouns; but I *hate* "he/she" for aesthetic reasons. "Singular they" probably isn't so bad though, even though it is a potential source of numeric confusion 23:08 < zipcpi> fi'i (Welcome) 23:08 < hndcchdd> hi 23:08 < hndcchdd> why? 23:08 < zipcpi> I was just talking about all the changes I'd do to English if I could 23:08 < hndcchdd> how many languages do you speak? 23:09 < zipcpi> English mostly. Some Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, and Malay; though I'm not as fluent in them as I once was. Can read and write Lojban given time 23:09 < zipcpi> Won't call myself fluent in Lojban yet 23:10 < zipcpi> Still too many words to look up 23:10 < hndcchdd> Are you from china? 23:10 < zipcpi> I'm from Malaysia 23:11 < hndcchdd> I speak Spanish and English, Spanish is my native language 23:11 < hndcchdd> I'm latinamerican 23:11 < zipcpi> je'e (understood/ I see) 23:11 < hndcchdd> I wanna learn Mandarin 23:12 < zipcpi> ni3 hao3 23:12 < gleki> ni'au 23:13 < hndcchdd> i don't speak it yet 23:13 < gleki> xenxau zo'o 23:13 < hndcchdd> ok 23:13 < hndcchdd> Hola 23:13 < zipcpi> coi 23:13 < hndcchdd> no les entiendo 23:14 < zipcpi> Selamat sejahtera 23:14 < gleki> to u'i la niftyg pu cusku lu ai mi zasni sipna li'u toi 23:14 < hndcchdd> what is Selamat sejahtera? 23:14 < gleki> i o'u na vitno sipna 23:15 < hndcchdd> in which language is that? 23:15 < zipcpi> Malay greeting... time agnostic; but not often used; usually the time-sensitive one is 23:15 < gleki> selamat = thanks? 23:16 < hndcchdd> Is mandarin difficult? 23:16 < zipcpi> Selamat I think is a generic well-wish 23:16 < zipcpi> A mutation of "salam" 23:17 < zipcpi> They also have two variants of goodbye/co'o 23:17 < hndcchdd> can you read the chinese characters? 23:17 < zipcpi> I can read them 23:18 < zipcpi> Gleki: here: http://www.digitaldialects.com/Malay/Phrases.htm 23:18 < gleki> anji: ko tcidu lo jungo 23:18 < mensi> 你吧 讀 者 華 23:19 < hndcchdd> it is difficult to learn the chinese writing system? 23:19 < zipcpi> Selamat tinggal ~ co'o di'ai se cliva; Selamat jalan ~ co'o di'ai cliva; can also be co'o di'ai litru 23:20 * gleki in three months after that zipcpi presented a Lojban/Malay phrasebook 23:20 < zipcpi> It can be; you have to practice writing the characters a lot. 23:21 < hndcchdd> just writing? 23:21 < zipcpi> A common exercise in Chinese schools is just writing the characters over and over again 23:22 < zipcpi> Because the form is very important 23:22 < hndcchdd> my god 23:24 < hndcchdd> how did you learned mandarin? 23:24 < zipcpi> I went to a Chinese school 23:24 < zipcpi> For about four years 23:24 < hndcchdd> what about the average person 23:25 < zipcpi> {co'o di'ai stali} for Selamat tinggal rather 23:25 < hndcchdd> i know a Word in malay 23:26 < hndcchdd> Orang 23:26 < zipcpi> I can't tell you what it's like to learn Mandarin as a second language 23:26 < zipcpi> "person/human" 23:26 < hndcchdd> Like A clockwork orange 23:26 < zipcpi> lol 23:26 < hndcchdd> or Orangutan 23:27 < zipcpi> Orangutan comes from the idiomatic phrase "orang hutan" = "man of the jungle" 23:27 < hndcchdd> i knew it was something like that 23:28 < hndcchdd> is malay a cool language? 23:28 < zipcpi> It has its own beauty 23:29 < hndcchdd> it is influential? 23:29 < zipcpi> Not as much as English or Mandarin probably. But learn Malay, and you can understand Indonesian as well, and vice versa 23:30 < hndcchdd> is the writing system of malay arabic? 23:31 < zipcpi> It used to be, but they reformed it into Latin 23:31 < zipcpi> Which I was using 23:31 < hndcchdd> ah 23:31 < hndcchdd> why did you learned cantonese? 23:32 < zipcpi> I've taught myself to decode some Arabic characters, but I'm not exactly reliable at it 23:32 < zipcpi> Cantonese; just from what little exposure I have from my relatives 23:32 < hndcchdd> oh 23:33 < zipcpi> I'm not exactly fluent at it; just enough to hold a conversation with street vendors 23:33 < hndcchdd> Is Cantonese influential? 23:33 < zipcpi> It is common here in Malaysia 23:34 < zipcpi> Cantonese is also the official language of Hong Kong 23:34 < hndcchdd> i know and Mister Chang lives there 23:37 < hndcchdd> what's the influence of mandarin? 23:37 < zipcpi> gleki: Actually now I think of it there are actually two phrasebooks possible. One is from natlang to "natural" Lojban; in that case both "Selamat tinggal" and "Selamat jalan" would be rammed into {co'o}. Another is to use Lojban to illuminate the subtle differences in natlang constructions 23:40 < hndcchdd> what's the influence of mandarin in the world? 23:40 < zipcpi> China is *very* populous; so its the second-language of choice for people looking to expand their audience, especially for business purposes 23:40 < hndcchdd> but 23:41 < hndcchdd> can replace english? 23:41 < zipcpi> I don't know if it can. My crystal ball is broken :p 23:41 < hndcchdd> at least in asia 23:42 < zipcpi> English speakers are also a very wide audience 23:43 < hndcchdd> which languages would you like to learn zipcpi? 23:44 < zipcpi> I don't know yet. Perhaps I should just focus on regaining Chinese and Malay vocab 23:45 < hndcchdd> what about french? 23:45 < zipcpi> I remember some scattered words of other languages like French and German :p 23:45 < zipcpi> And Spanish 23:46 < zipcpi> Can't hold any conversation in them though 23:46 < hndcchdd> what brings to lojban? 23:46 < hndcchdd> are u a linguist? 23:47 < zipcpi> Only an amateur one; I find languages interesting; but I'm trained in computer science 23:47 < hndcchdd> ah 23:47 < hndcchdd> where do u live? 23:47 < zipcpi> Malaysia 23:48 < hndcchdd> cool 23:49 < hndcchdd> would u teach lojban to your kids? 23:52 < zipcpi> Maybe, if there's enough interest :p Won't speak it to them exclusively though like that guy who tried to do that with Klingon 23:53 < hndcchdd> but i mean 23:53 < hndcchdd> lojban 23:53 < hndcchdd> was created to think different 23:54 < zipcpi> I don't believe in extreme Sapir-Whorfism, but I think it has some interesting value. For example, like how "if" is encoded using the logical form ~P V Q 23:55 < zipcpi> And how predicate logic is quite similar to object-oriented programming 23:56 < hndcchdd> Esperanto 23:57 < zipcpi> I don't know Esperanto. A couple others do though 23:57 < zipcpi> *others here --- Day changed Wed Jun 10 2015 00:00 < hndcchdd> why lojban? 00:01 < zipcpi> Because its grammar is unique, and thinking about how to render things in Lojban often forces you to think of what you *really* mean to say 00:02 < hndcchdd> really? 00:02 < zipcpi> Lojban words often have very specific and literal meanings 00:03 < zipcpi> Take for example, the English word "see" 00:03 < zipcpi> In the dictionary it is split into three main definitions 00:03 < zipcpi> "perceive with the eyes; discern visually." -> {viska} 00:04 < zipcpi> "discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information; understand." -> {jimpe} 00:04 < zipcpi> "meet (someone one knows) socially or by chance." -> {penmi} 00:04 < gleki> mi parolas esperanton 00:05 < zipcpi> The second and third senses grew out of metaphoric senses of the English word "see", but in Lojban it is encouraged to use the right word for the right job 00:06 < hndcchdd> what about poetry? 00:06 < zipcpi> Poetry is still possible 00:06 < zipcpi> There is a word in Lojban explicitly used to mark a word as having a metaphoric sense, {pe'a}. One can assume that a poem is wrapped in it 00:07 < zipcpi> It's also possible to make poetic logical connections even without being explicitly metaphorical 00:07 < zipcpi> For example, I translated part of "Do you hear the people sing" 00:09 < zipcpi> "If the beating of your heart matches the beating of the drums, there is a life about tol start when tomorrow comes" -> {ganai lo do risna cu simsa loi damri lo rilti gi baku cfari fa lo cnino nu lifri} 00:09 < zipcpi> {risna} still refers to a literal heart 00:11 < hndcchdd> is there any literature in this lojban language? 00:11 < zipcpi> There are translations of "Alice in Wonderland", and "Where the Wild things Are" 00:11 < zipcpi> And some others I probably forgot 00:11 < hndcchdd> how can u translate it? 00:12 < zipcpi> I'm not the one who translated those 00:12 < hndcchdd> but 00:12 < hndcchdd> i mean the meaning 00:13 < zipcpi> Meaning of what? 00:13 < hndcchdd> if the lnaguages are so different 00:13 < hndcchdd> languages 00:13 < zipcpi> Lojban has its own ways of adding "flavor" to words. For example the attitudinals 00:15 < zipcpi> They are essentially modular interjections. e.g. {ui} is a generic exclamation of happiness 00:15 < zipcpi> But they can also be modified 00:16 < zipcpi> {uisai} is stronger happiness 00:16 < zipcpi> {uiru'e} is weaker 00:16 < zipcpi> And you can even attach them to specific words to indicate how you feel about a particular object or situation. 00:17 < zipcpi> Indeed, some use of attitudinals would be extremely difficult to translate into standard English; without a bunch of non-standard-isms such as emoticons or scare-quotes 00:19 < hndcchdd> i am not a computer guy 00:19 < zipcpi> You don't need to be one to understand what I just said 00:23 < hndcchdd> ok 00:26 < hndcchdd> i gotta go 00:26 < zipcpi> See ya 00:26 < zipcpi> co'o 00:26 < hndcchdd> i never gonna see you again 00:26 < hndcchdd> but it was fun 00:28 < zipcpi> Well, good luck 00:32 * zipcpi shrugs 00:36 < zipcpi> xu mi du'eva'e terpa jai mukti 00:37 < zipcpi> jai seltepka'e 00:39 < zipcpi> su'a lo'e remna du'eva'e lazni lo ka jimpe lo jbobau i'au zo'oru'e 01:19 < gleki> exp: li ny pa cu mo 01:19 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 01:19 < gleki> exp: li ny cu mo 01:19 < mensi> ([li {ny BOI} LOhO] [cu {mo VAU}]) 01:19 < gleki> exp: li ny xi pa cu mo 01:19 < mensi> ([li {ny BOI <xi (¹pa BOI¹)>} LOhO] [cu {mo VAU}]) 01:19 < gleki> okay then 01:19 < gleki> it's all a convention anyway 01:25 < gleki> CC updated to include this {de'i li cy xi pa} 01:27 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Lesson 6. Time, space, situation */ [http://bit.ly/1Grdb3h] 01:30 < ctefaho> ki'ai cerni 01:30 < gleki> ki'ai 01:31 < ctefaho> .u'isaidai 01:32 < niftg> cmoni krixa 01:34 < Ilmen|2> coi 01:35 < ctefaho> coi la .ilmen. 01:37 < gleki> exp: li cy bu pa 01:37 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 01:37 < gleki> exp: li cy re pa bu 01:37 < mensi> ([{li <cy BOI> LOhO} {re BOI} {pa bu} BOI] VAU) 01:37 < gleki> exp: li cy re pa bu za'u re'u mo 01:37 < mensi> ([{li <cy BOI> LOhO} {re BOI} {pa bu} BOI] [CU {<za'u re'u> mo} VAU]) 01:37 < gleki> xm 01:44 < gleki> ma xamgu zmadu 02:04 < ctefaho> ok, so I am trying to understand how it makes sense to have .a'u and .a'unai on the same scale, it feels a bit weird 02:05 < ctefaho> /having Interest and Disgust as opposites of each other 02:05 < Ilmen> .u'i 02:06 < Ilmen> en: rigni 02:06 < mensi> rigni = x1 is repugnant to/causes disgust to x2 under conditions x3. |>>> See also djica, nelci, trina, vamtu, xebni, 02:06 < mensi> pluka. |>>> officialdata 02:07 < Ilmen> en: trina 02:07 < mensi> trina = x1 attracts/appeals to/lures x2 (person/event) with property/quality x3 (ka). |>>> Also: x1 is alluring to x2. 02:07 < mensi> See also djica, nelci, rigni, xlura, maksi. |>>> officialdata 02:07 < ctefaho> well that would makem more sense, but the bpfk section describes .a'u as cinri 02:07 < gleki> what is better, {de'i li cy xi pa} or {de'i li cy pabu}? 02:07 < ctefaho> /se cinri 02:08 < gleki> en: a'u 02:08 < mensi> a'u = [UI1] attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. |>>> See also cinri, selcni. |>>> 02:08 < Ilmen> Yes, {.a'u} is from cinri 02:08 < mensi> officialdata 02:08 < gleki> where is disgust here? 02:08 < Ilmen> jbo: cinri 02:08 < gleki> en: iu 02:08 < mensi> cinri = x1 ralte lo ka se jundi ja se kucli x2 |>>> ralte; jundi; kucli; manci; zdile |>>> 02:08 < mensi> xorxes 02:08 < mensi> iu = [UI1] attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred. |>>> See also prami. |>>> officialdata 02:08 < gleki> en: disgust 02:08 < mensi> 3 da se tolcri: rigni, selrigni, oi'o 02:11 < ctefaho> well gleki I was looking at the bpfk section 02:12 < gleki> link? 02:12 < gleki> jb: a'u 02:12 < mensi> a'u = a'u [interjection] — Hmm... I wonder ... (interest), a'u cu'i — Ho-hum (disinterest), a'u nai — Eww! Yuck! 02:12 < mensi> (repulsion) 02:12 < mensi> :a'u ro jbopre cu stati prenu — Interesting, all Lojbanists are smart people. 02:12 < mensi> :a'u ma krinu — Hm, what is the reason? 02:12 < mensi> :a'u cu'i do ne ka'ai lo nanla cu se zdani — It's none of my business that you live with a boy. 02:12 < mensi> :a'u nai panci fa lo kalci — Yuck, that smells like shit! 02:12 < ctefaho> ".a.'unai - Used to express repulsion / aversion / disgust / distaste / repugnance." vs. ".a'u - Used to express interest / curiosity / concern / preoccupation. " 02:12 < mensi> :Related words: lo se cinri 02:12 < ctefaho> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Realis_Attitudinals#cmavo:_.a.27u_.28UI1.29 02:13 < gleki> i would use {iunairo'o} or something for that 02:14 < gleki> as for {rigni} those are .. idk why they are there. they not always represdent the underlying brivla 02:17 < ctefaho> it feels like the "repulsion/aversion (of interest)" makes sense for .a'unai, but the disgust part feels like...someone just crammed them in there 02:18 < ctefaho> but yeah even iunai is closer to "disgust"... 02:19 < gleki> that's why i wouldn't add BPFK definitions to jbovlaste. they need a lot of work. 02:20 < gleki> although, one may just rely on examples. 02:20 < ctefaho> well even the .a'u examples feel inconsistent 02:20 < ctefaho> {.a'u ma ba'o se lifri do } vs {.a'u nai ta panci simsa lo kalci } 02:21 < gleki> xm 02:21 < gleki> true 02:22 * ctefaho is writing a "first words a newborn lojbanist would learn" which is why this is bothering me:p 02:24 < dutchie> are there any parents bringing up children speaking lojban yet? 02:24 < ctefaho> newborn/baby 02:24 < ctefaho> dutchie, now we are asking the real questions 02:25 < ctefaho> would be extremely interesting to learn how any such attempt is going 02:25 < dutchie> ie 02:27 < Ilmen> dutchie: there are the two children of Robin Lee Powell 02:27 < gleki> Only Robin and Alaric Snell-Pym made attempts. 02:27 < Ilmen> and I think there is at least one other 02:28 < gleki> btw, what is the lojban for "argh"? 02:28 < gleki> .w argh 02:28 < phenny> argh — interjection: 1. (onomatopoeia) Expressing annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration 02:32 < ctefaho> .oi zo'o 02:46 * ctefaho tried to eplain ".oidai" to his brother 02:46 * ctefaho failed 02:47 < Ilmen> fanza/nalfaudri/burna/steba 02:59 < niftg> do'a zo .oi roda banzu banzu 04:08 < zipcpi> za'a le gentufa no'u la zantufa jene la .guskant. ka'e drani sruma tu'a zo pe'o 04:09 < zipcpi> lu li joi'i ry re dy re li'u cu gendra ma'i zy 04:11 < zipcpi> ku'i mi za'o senpi tu'a lo nu pilno zo joi'i va'o 04:21 < gleki> la mex ku pe la guskant cu banzu frica 04:24 < niftg> ta'o la mensi cu se zdani mapoi kibyse'u skami vau .a'uru'e 04:28 < niftg> ju'ocu'i bartu la jbogu'e 04:29 < gleki> la[3~e mensi cu xabju la vrici 04:29 < gleki> sa 04:30 < gleki> i la mensi cu xabju la vrici 04:31 < zipcpi> xu lo smacu cu gunta nerkla lo do lercu'aca'a i'au zo'o 04:33 < niftg> .ua la vrici cu nenri le me la jbogu'e 04:34 < niftg> .i si'a lo mlatu ku ji'a ka'e jersi nerkla lo lercu'aca'a tezu'e lo nu kavbu le bi'unai smacu 04:36 < zipcpi> u'i 05:05 < zipcpi> So yeah, if I made those phrasebooks it might be worth having two fields for Lojban: a "natural translation", and an... "amplified translation"? "illuminative translation"? 05:06 < zipcpi> "natural translation" would be more helpful for those who speak those languages trying to learn Lojban, but the amplified version would be helpful for Lojbanists trying to learn about those languages, or who are looking to pepper their speech 05:07 < zipcpi> Might also include explanation of idioms 05:09 * nuzba @Sir0Boundless: I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/sLeJaaMew64?a MA ZERFÙ'E ~ nùrma nu càtra ~ A Lojban Crime-Solving Story [PILOT] [http://bit.ly/1cLswj8] 05:09 * nuzba @Sir0Boundless: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/sLeJaaMew64?a MA ZERFÙ'E ~ nùrma nu càtra ~ A Lojban Crime-Solving Story [PILOT] [http://bit.ly/1cLsxDy] 05:09 < zipcpi> mo 05:17 < gleki> i'e 05:25 < ctefaho> hmm, I am wondering how zo taske relates to zo xagji, is taske considered a form of xagji? 05:25 < gleki> looks like 05:26 < gleki> although lojbab might say once again that xagji:taske::citka:pinxe 05:26 < gleki> since he e.g. said that {cifnu} is not necessarily an infant 05:26 < zipcpi> wat 05:27 < ctefaho> well, if xagji is fixed by citka and taske by pinxe.. 05:27 < zipcpi> Is he, like, the only one who thinks that sticking with the "helpless" definition is helpful? :p 05:28 < ctefaho> well, maybe one should focus more on the actual desire than how to fix it 05:28 < gleki> en: cifnu 05:28 < mensi> cifnu = x1 is an infant/baby [helpless through youth/incomplete development] of species x2. |>>> Also infantile. See 05:28 < mensi> also makcu, verba. |>>> officialdata 05:28 < gleki> if three times the def. repeats "infant, helpless,infantile" then what else can one think? but he said cifnu is not limited to them 05:29 < ctefaho> that's a weird definition 05:29 < zipcpi> lo skami poi cifnu vau ki'a zo'oru'e 05:29 * ctefaho sticks with thinking of it is baby 05:29 < ctefaho> as* 05:30 < gleki> so i only had to propose changing that def. and i added 05:30 < gleki> en: altrici 05:30 < mensi> altrici = x1 is altricial, requires nourishment, a baby, infant |>>> organism soon after hatching or being born at such 05:30 < mensi> stage of development when it is incapable of moving around on its own. See also prekoci, verba, makcu |>>> 05:30 < mensi> gleki 05:30 < ctefaho> or we think of cifnu as baby 05:30 < zipcpi> lo'e cifnu be lo remna cu altrici 05:31 < ctefaho> problem solved xo'o 05:31 < zipcpi> Well that's what we're trying to do, so that it makes sense to talk about lo xirma poi cifnu 05:31 < gleki> lo cifnu be lo remna be'o poi ze'i jmive cu altrici 05:31 < ctefaho> considering what words cifnu was created from 05:32 < ctefaho> "Infant" is what it should mean 05:32 < ctefaho> something else is just metaphorical 05:32 < gleki> .w infant 05:32 < phenny> infant — noun: 1. A very young human being, from birth to somewhere between six months and two years of age, needing almost constant care and/or attention, 2. (law) A minor — verb: 1. (obsolete) To bear or bring forth (a child); to produce, in general 05:32 < zipcpi> Because including helplessness/altricity into the definition only makes it impossible to talk about "babies" in general 05:32 < ctefaho> .w infantile 05:32 < phenny> infantile — adjective: 1. Pertaining to infants, 2. Childish; immature 05:33 < ctefaho> but being an actual infant but being like an infant is kinda different... 05:33 < zipcpi> As I've sometimes pointed out, it's like taxonomists trying to make "bug" mean "Hemiptera" 05:34 < ctefaho> and being like an* 05:34 * ctefaho sticks with cifnu in his First Words se finti 05:35 < zipcpi> Making it impossible to refer to an unidentified "bug" that you don't even know whether it is an insect or a spider 05:35 < gleki> so now it doesnt matter since nobody supported my understanding of cifnu as "altricial" 05:36 < ctefaho> well altrici still seems more specific somehow 05:36 < zipcpi> I say according to the original definition, you are right, gleki, but the original definition is unhelpful 05:37 < zipcpi> Because then it impossible to speak of very young living things in general 05:37 < Ilmen> exp: .altriki 05:37 < mensi> (CU [altriki VAU]) 05:38 < zipcpi> And that deserves a gismu better than "altricity" does 05:38 < ctefaho> let's just agree altrici means something more specific and we can all be happy iepei 05:38 < mensi> ei mi tugni 05:39 < Ilmen> ci'otce is also an option for "very young" 05:40 * ctefaho co'e other stuffs co'o 05:40 < Ilmen> co'o co'e 05:40 < Ilmen> .i .ai mi co'e si'a 05:40 < zipcpi> Yeah but why render yet another gismu to the trashheap of tirxu/jukni? 05:41 < Ilmen> jbo: cifnu 05:41 < mensi> cifnu = x1 mutce lo ka citno kei gi'e cmima x2 noi jutsi |>>> mutce; citno; cmima; jutsi; verba; makcu |>>> 05:41 < mensi> xorxes 05:41 < zipcpi> And we probably not gonna use ci'otceda'u or ci'otceji'e 05:42 < Ilmen> Sure, those are tosmabru 05:42 < zipcpi> Oops 05:42 < Ilmen> so we aren't gonna use them :) 05:42 < zipcpi> u'i 05:44 < Ilmen> As for me I'll rely on the current jbo-definition and usage; I'll only complain if I notice polysemous usage 05:44 < Ilmen> :p 05:44 < zipcpi> Yeah the jbo-definition seems fine lol 05:45 < zipcpi> Burn the gi'uste and the ma'oste 05:46 < zipcpi> Though I still don't know what {do'a} means :p 05:46 < Ilmen> I don't care much about the gismu/lujvo/zi'evla distinction 05:46 < Ilmen> {.altriki} is probably a fine word for altricity 05:46 < demize> jbo: do'a 05:46 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri mutce ja traji fi le ka zmadu |>>> mutce; traji |>>> 05:46 < mensi> xorxes 05:47 < zipcpi> la gleki already defined it as {altrici} 05:47 < zipcpi> With {prekoci} as the antonym 05:49 < zipcpi> Yes, {do'a} is defined in terms of {le ka zmadu}, but it doesn't say {zmadu makau makau} 05:50 < Ilmen> en: do'a 05:50 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] discursive: generously - parsimoniously. |>>> See also dunda. |>>> officialdata 05:51 < gleki> jbo: cifnu 05:51 < mensi> cifnu = x1 mutce lo ka citno kei gi'e cmima x2 noi jutsi |>>> mutce; citno; cmima; jutsi; verba; makcu |>>> 05:51 < mensi> xorxes 05:51 < Ilmen> At least I assume it' not synonyous with ba'u 05:51 < Ilmen> maybe "sei barda cusku" ju'o nai sai 05:51 < zipcpi> 2. free from meanness or smallness of mind or character; magnanimous. 05:51 < zipcpi> I think that's the best definition for our purposes 05:52 < zipcpi> So I think it's something regarding {lo ka xendo je na'e satci} 05:53 < niftg> pe'adai me'oi parsimoniousy 05:54 < demize> zipcpi: That sounds much better, yes. 05:54 < zipcpi> When we say "Speaking generously,", that's what we typically mean; we've chosen words to be more sensitive to others' feelings, even if it may not be exactly correct. 05:54 < gleki> jb: do'a 05:54 < mensi> do'a = do'a [interjection] — generously, broadly construed, do'a nai — at least (parsimoniously) 05:54 < mensi> :do'a mi do ka'e ctuca lo se jmina — I could teach you some additional things. 05:54 < mensi> :do'a nai do no da zekri lebna — At least you didn't steal anything. 05:54 < mensi> :a'o mi te dunda lo kargu karce a ke do'a nai lo karce poi na spofu — Hopefully, I'll be given an expensive car or at 05:54 < mensi> least one that isn't broken. 05:54 < mensi> :Related words: dunda 05:55 < gleki> zo dunda uanai 05:56 < zipcpi> It's a malglixlu etymology, like {pe'i} :p 05:58 < gleki> how is do'a related to dunda? 05:58 < zipcpi> Like I said, malglixlu etymology 05:58 < demize> "generous" as in "giving people things" 05:59 < zipcpi> When it's better related to {xendo} than {dunda} 05:59 < zipcpi> Just like {pe'i} is better related to {jinvi} than {pensi} 06:00 < gleki> where is etymology here? dunda doesnt sound like do'a 06:00 < zipcpi> Some cmavo are "shifted" 06:00 < zipcpi> As there isn't exactly a lot of space :p 06:01 < gleki> en: du'a 06:01 < mensi> du'a = [FAhA1] location tense relation/direction; east of. |>>> officialdata 06:02 < gleki> zo du'a zvati du'a zo do'a 06:02 < gleki> i sa'e va'o lo vlaste zo du'a zvati du'a zo do'a 06:03 < zipcpi> zo do'a cu cnima'o gi'e sinxa lo du'u le vlaselcu'a cu ckaji lo ka xendo je no'e satci 06:04 < niftg> ji'a ki'u la'eda'u su'o cmavo ka'e pu se krasi lo malglixlu si'au valsi 06:04 < zipcpi> lu do'anai li'u cnima'o gi'e sinxa lo du'u le vlaselcu'a cu ckaji lo ka satci je no'e xendo 06:04 < zipcpi> pei 06:05 < gleki> jbo: do'a 06:05 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri mutce ja traji fi le ka zmadu |>>> mutce; traji |>>> 06:05 < mensi> xorxes 06:05 < gleki> zo xendo na srana pe'i 06:05 < gleki> i ku'i simsa zo ba'u e zo su'a 06:05 < zipcpi> It's the best and most useful interpretation of the English discursive "Generously speaking..." 06:06 < zipcpi> pe'i 06:06 < gleki> en: do'a 06:06 < demize> (I have never heard anyone used that, to be honest.) 06:06 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] discursive: generously - parsimoniously. |>>> See also dunda. |>>> officialdata 06:06 < gleki> en: ra'u 06:06 < mensi> ra'u = [UI3] discursive: chiefly - equally - incidentally. |>>> See also ralju, vajni. |>>> 06:06 < mensi> officialdata 06:08 < niftg> mi so'oroi pilno zo do'a 06:08 < zipcpi> doi niftyg pe'ipei le mi velcki cu plixau je satci 06:09 < gleki> verbs are now included although they are prefixed with "to " http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 This will be fixed in future 06:09 < niftg> mi no'e ju'onmo tu'a zo xendo 06:09 < zipcpi> zo ju'onmo na se jbovlaste .i xu co'e zo birti 06:10 < niftg> .ie .i zasni zbasu valsi 06:10 < zipcpi> mi na jimpe tu'a le ponbau velcki 06:11 < niftg> .ai zasni fanva 06:11 < niftg> ja:do'a 06:11 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] 広義 ( do'a 広義 - do'anai 狭義) 06:12 < niftg> .uinai tordu velckijufra 06:12 < zipcpi> si'a le glibau velcki ku ji'a tordu 06:13 < zipcpi> po'o zo'oi generously 06:13 < niftg> .i'a .i zo'oi 広義 zilfanva fo lu ganra smuni li'u pe'aru'e 06:14 < zipcpi> xyyyy'y 06:14 < niftg> lo ponbau velcki zo'u lo jmina notci cu banzu bralai 06:15 < zipcpi> lo ka ganra pe'a cu ka no'e satci i'au pe'i 06:15 < niftg> pe'iru'e lo ka satci na srana 06:16 < niftg> curmi du'e nu smuni vau pei 06:17 < niftg> ku'i .ua lu do'anai li'u je'a ba'a srana lo ka satci 06:18 < zipcpi> ie .iku'i mi na krilacri tu'a le na'e glibau velcki .i na satci fanva ri'a lo nu le glibau velcki cu mabla lo ka tordu 06:19 < niftg> ka'e 06:21 * nuzba @bripre: za'a la zantufa_0.1 cu co'a gubni .i ma'a ko'oi zanfri tu'a zy .i zoi zoi #lojban http://guskant.github.io/gerna_cipra/zantufa-0.1.html zoi [http://bit.ly/1FIOBqE] 06:21 < niftg> ta'o ba'anai lo clani zmadu velcki bebau lo glico cu se zvafa'i bu'u la xuncku .i ku'i la'a na banzu 06:21 < zipcpi> ganai da'i da djica lo cnima'o poi sinxa lo du'u na'e satci kei po'o, gi da ka'e pilno lu sa'enai li'u 06:22 < gleki> loglan: generous 06:22 < mensi> 2 da se tolcri: donflo, rarclu 06:22 < zipcpi> pe'i zo'e pe lo ka xendo cu zmadu plixau 06:23 < gleki> laadan: generous 06:23 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:23 < gleki> laadan: broadly 06:23 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:23 < zipcpi> Does laadan even group "attitudinals" with "discursives"? 06:24 < gleki> idk 06:24 < gleki> so broadly construed is like moving from klesi1 to klesi2 06:25 < zipcpi> I don't think we need a "broadly" discursive. That's {sa'enai} 06:26 < gleki> maybe 06:26 < gleki> i can remove{do'a} from my dict. btw :P 06:26 < zipcpi> lol 06:26 < zipcpi> What is it currently defined as? 06:27 < gleki> havent you seen 06:27 < gleki> jb: do'a 06:27 < mensi> do'a = do'a [interjection] — generously, broadly construed, do'a nai — at least (parsimoniously) 06:27 < mensi> :do'a mi do ka'e ctuca lo se jmina — I could teach you some additional things. 06:27 < mensi> :do'a nai do no da zekri lebna — At least you didn't steal anything. 06:27 < mensi> :a'o mi te dunda lo kargu karce a ke do'a nai lo karce poi na spofu — Hopefully, I'll be given an expensive car or at 06:27 < mensi> least one that isn't broken. 06:27 < mensi> :Related words: dunda 06:28 < gleki> *at least* i can remove {dunda} 06:28 < zipcpi> I've not read through your entire La Bangu dictionary... I probably need a flashcard system :p 06:29 < gleki> if you find errors there immediately report ... pleeease ... 06:29 < zipcpi> vi'o 06:30 < gleki> but as for flashcard im not sure whether we need them. remember what? dictionary entries? 06:30 < gleki> or examples? 06:30 < gleki> anyway it's in public domain so, do cuxna 06:31 < zipcpi> So I think do'a is more useful as {sa'enai} + {xendo ze'ei ui} 06:32 < zipcpi> Not so much need them; I'm not exactly fond of rote memorization either. But just to browse through them semi-randomly 06:32 < zipcpi> Cause my vocab is still weak 06:33 < niftg> za'a zo do'a zo'u su'o mupli jufra cu simsa zo'ei zo ba'u .ije su'o co'e cu co'e lu sa'enai li'u 06:36 < zipcpi> CyLyLy ji'a pilno zoizoi broadly construed zoi joi zoizoi narrowly construed zoi 06:36 < zipcpi> exp: zoi gy energy gy 06:36 < mensi> ([zoi gy gy] VAU) 06:36 < zipcpi> I'm glad they fixed that 06:37 < zipcpi> Pretty dumb. We normally put pauses in zoi quotes anyway. 06:39 < zipcpi> zo pa'e ji'a nitcu lo ka se cikre i'au pe'i 06:40 < niftg> mi pu smadi lodu'u tanoi mupli jufra jene zo do'a cu sekrasi bypyfyky kei noi la'a na fatci 06:41 < gleki> .w at least 06:41 < phenny> Couldn't get any definitions for at least. 06:41 < gleki> .w at_least 06:41 < phenny> Couldn't get any definitions for at_least. 06:41 < gleki> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/at_least 06:41 < gleki> In any event; anyway. 06:45 < zipcpi> xu zo cipnrmo'a xamgu valsi tu'a zo'oi <moa> .i lo cipnmo'a mo'ava'e cipni ni'i lo du'u na ka'e vofli i'au zo'o 06:46 < gleki> en:cpik 06:46 < mensi> 2 da se tolcri: cpikakadu, cpikuku 06:46 < niftg> la'a lo zipcpi ji'a cu go'i 06:46 < zipcpi> u'i 06:46 < niftg> do'a lo zipcpi ka'e vofli lo djacu 06:47 < zipcpi> ie 06:50 < niftg> zoi gy at least gy jai cfipu gi'a jai tcica vauvaula'a 06:55 < gleki> .i lo xendo jbopre cu cusku fi lo se ctuca fe lu do'a mi do ka'e ctuca lo se jmina li'u noi lo glico xe fanva cu du zoi gy. I could teach you some additional things .gy .i lo cusku cu me'oi generous (to mi lazni toi) ni'o dei lu do'a nai li'u srana .i plixau mutce .i mi so'i roi pilno .i mu'a lu do'a nai do no da zerle'a li'u .i panra zoi gy. At least you didn't steal anything .gy .i se jmina ke mupli jufra 06:55 < gleki> fa lu .a'o mi te dunda lo kargu karce ja do'a nai lo karce poi na spofu .i panra zoi gy. Hopefully, I'll be given an expensive car or at least one that isn't broken .gy 06:56 < gleki> i di'u se cusku na'e bo mi 06:56 < niftg> zmitci xu 06:56 < gleki> pa lo jbopre pu cusku fi mi fe do'i 06:57 < zipcpi> ma dukti lo me'oi discursive po'u zoizoi at least zoi 06:58 < zipcpi> Idioms 06:58 < zipcpi> 6. 06:58 < zipcpi> at least, 06:58 < zipcpi> at the lowest estimate or figure: 06:58 < zipcpi> The repairs will cost at least $100. 06:58 < zipcpi> at any rate; in any case: 06:59 < zipcpi> You didn't get a good grade, but at least you passed the course. 06:59 < zipcpi> Also, at the least. 06:59 < zipcpi> pe'i ma'a djica le remoi smuni 07:01 < zipcpi> xu mi nitcu ciknygau pe'a lo mriste 07:01 < niftg> .ua do'i ne pa lo jbopre cu krasi le mupli jufra ne lo jb zei vlaste 07:01 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 - now verbs are sorted correctly. prefix "to" is made small 07:02 < gleki> "cost at least" is the first meaning of "at least" 07:02 < gleki> niftg: jetnu 07:02 < zipcpi> Yeah, but that's not we want for a discursive 07:02 < gleki> there are two meanings 07:02 < zipcpi> Yep 07:02 < gleki> {su'e} and "anyway" 07:04 < zipcpi> {su'o} is "at least" (or "some" when alone) 07:04 < zipcpi> As a number 07:04 < gleki> oops, yes 07:04 < zipcpi> We need the discursive 07:04 < zipcpi> And I don't know what the opposite should be 07:05 < zipcpi> {ri'e}? 07:06 < zipcpi> mu'a lu <ri'e do no da zerle'a> li'u 07:06 < zipcpi> mi na birti lo du'u banzu lo ka smudra i'au ku'i 07:07 < zipcpi> Hi Durka. We're talking about what should be done with "do'a" and the English discursive "at least", as in "at least you didn't steal anything" 07:07 < durka42> coi 07:07 < durka42> en: do'a 07:07 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] discursive: generously - parsimoniously. |>>> See also dunda. |>>> officialdata 07:08 < zipcpi> I just put in new jbobau definitions of do'a/do'anai 07:08 < durka42> mi pu jinvi lo du'u zo do'a srana loi valsi 07:08 < durka42> jbo: do'a 07:08 < zipcpi> But that might trample over some past usage 07:09 < durka42> mi na mulno jimpe .i zo satci zo xendo na duktysi'u 07:09 < durka42> si dukti 07:10 < mensi> do'a = [UI3] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri mutce ja traji fi le ka zmadu |>>> mutce; traji |>>> 07:10 < mensi> xorxes 07:10 < durka42> ma se cusku BPFK sei mi ca catlu 07:10 < zipcpi> Yes, but we're talking about how these attitudinal pairs are meant to be used 07:10 < zipcpi> do'a means you're sacrificing lo ka satci for lo ka xendo 07:10 < zipcpi> do'anai means the other way around 07:11 < zipcpi> They aren't necessarily opposites, but that's what the discursives mean, pe'i 07:11 < durka42> that's not really what "parsimonious" means 07:11 < durka42> parsimonious means stingy 07:11 < durka42> i.e. few words 07:11 < durka42> right? 07:11 < zipcpi> That's to'u 07:12 < durka42> oh you're right 07:12 < durka42> did you look at these BPFK examples? 07:12 < durka42> .i .y. do'a milxe plika'e 07:12 < durka42> Broadly construed, it's, uh, slightly useful. 07:12 < durka42> i ku'i so'e skami pilno cu milxe do'anai ke glico se bangu 07:12 < durka42> But most computer users know a little English. 07:12 < durka42> I think those match your definition actually 07:23 < zipcpi> I don't see how "broadly" and "narrowly" construed is different from {sa'enai}/{sa'e} 07:23 < durka42> it kinda seems like do'a _and_ do'anai imply sa'enai 07:23 < durka42> but they are specifying the "direction" of sa'enai-ness 07:25 < niftg> .uaru'e lo ponbau ke jmina notci pe zo do'a cu vasru lo ka'e xe fanva be zoi gy at most gy ka'ai zo'ei zoi gy at least gy 07:27 < niftg> pei lu do'a cu'i li'u zo'o ru'e 07:27 < ctefaho> is la krtisfranks here on irc? 07:28 < gleki> facebook, email is where u can reach him 07:28 < ctefaho> well I don't have him on facebook... 07:29 < niftg> xu na'ena'o tu'itsku 07:29 < ctefaho> he just proposed uau and I would like to discuss some similar ideas with him 07:30 < gleki> exp; uau 07:30 < gleki> exp: uau 07:30 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] or [yY] but "a" found. 07:30 < gleki> exp: zo uau 07:30 < mensi> ([zo uau] VAU) 07:30 < durka42> he does twitter too 07:30 < durka42> but not IRC 07:31 < durka42> @lai_krtisfranks 07:33 < ctefaho> guess I need to register on twitter then 07:33 < durka42> or you can use the annoying JVS interface for commenting 07:33 < ctefaho> I kinda want to speak with him directly 07:42 < niftg> no'i .a'u si'o ma'i da lo ka satci na sarcu tu'a lu do'anai li'u 07:43 < durka42> si'au lo ka na satci cu sarcu 07:44 < niftg> ja'o simsa zo ba'u jo'u lu ba'unai li'u semau zo sa'e .a lu ba'ucu'i li'u 07:45 < gleki> au da cmavo ma'oi zo gi'e sitna lo mulno cnima'o noi lu uinai li'u mupli 07:46 < niftg> mi cnikansa 07:48 < niftg> cnima'o porsi sitna 07:58 < ctefaho> .u'isai 07:58 < ctefaho> my first and only twitter post 07:59 < ctefaho> "Checking out this new Twitter thingy" 08:00 < ctefaho> when twitter still was new 08:18 < Mateon1> Huh? what's u'isai? It's not in the dictionary 08:18 < ctefaho> .u'i + sai 08:19 < ctefaho> sai is "Strong (intensity)" 08:19 < ctefaho> ergo, strong-amusement 08:19 < Mateon1> Ah, alright. 08:20 < ctefaho> {.u'icai} would be similar to "LOL!!!" 08:20 < ctefaho> cai being "extreme" intensity 08:20 < Mateon1> Looking at the CAI group of words in the dictionary, I see that sai is moderate intensity. cai is strong. 08:21 < ctefaho> ah, that is outdated 08:21 < ctefaho> sai is strong and cai is extreme 08:21 < ctefaho> ru'e is weak 08:21 < ctefaho> and just a "UI" is moderate intensity (which can be expressed explicitly with "na'oi", but is not required) 08:23 < Mateon1> If I said .ie to your ru'e message, would it (weakly) imply that it matches the dictionary I mention? 08:23 < quintus> Is there a process by which "experimental cmavo" like {na'oi} are integrated into the "official" list? How does the experimental process work? 08:24 < ctefaho> quintus: Well if you mean adopted by the BPFK then that is up to them. You are free to use experimential cmavo if you want to though 08:24 <@xalbo> zipcpi: durka42: I had thought of {do'a} being related to {ba'u}. That is, you'd have a scale of ba'u - do'a - sa'e - do'a nai - ba'u nai. Or something like that. 08:24 < ctefaho> Mateon1: you mean if you said "ieru'e"/"ie ru'e"?? 08:25 < Mateon1> No, just ".ie". Agreeing to your "ru'e" message 08:25 < ctefaho> uhm 08:26 < ctefaho> your "ie" will only be weak if you yourself say "ieru'e", it doesn't "get" my ru'e if that is what you are asking?? 08:27 < quintus> ctefaho: If let's say the BPFK adopted an experimental cmavo, would that cmavo change its form? Would it be assigned to one of the unassigned cmavo? http://mw.lojban.org/papri/unassigned_cmavo 08:28 < Mateon1> No, I mean, if I agreed to "ru'e is weak", wanting to say that indeed it is defined as that in my dictionary, would it be correct/understood? 08:29 < quintus> My only experience/understanding of the experimental system is that all the ones I've seen are of the form XX'XX, and that vlasisku says "experimental" sometimes when I look words up. 08:29 < quintus> s/words/cmavo 08:30 <@xalbo> quintus: BPFK can pretty much do what it wants, as far as that's concerned. It probably depends on how much use the existing (experimental) form has seen, and how well it fits. 08:30 < ctefaho> quintus: No, it keeps its form. There is nothing "wrong" with the experimential cmavo form. In fact "ja'ai" which is similar to my "na'oi" has been adopted and it has stayed exactly the same 08:31 < ctefaho> + what xalbo says 08:32 < ctefaho> Mateon1: ah ok 08:32 < ctefaho> yes, "ru'e" is weak-intensity 08:32 < demize> BPFK are our BDFL, except that the members aren't necessarily for life. 08:32 < ctefaho> na'oi is medium (the "default" intensity), sai is strong, cai is extreme 08:33 < ctefaho> nai is "opposite" and cu'i is "in-between" 08:33 < ctefaho> and you can put ru'e/etc after nai or cu'i 08:34 < demize> "medium" makes it sound a lot like cu'i 08:34 < ctefaho> "uinaicai" - "Extreme Unhappiness!" 08:34 < ctefaho> demize: well moderate then 08:34 < quintus> ctefaho: .a'u and I wasn't trying to imply that there's anything "wrong" with the experimental form, just that it screams EXPERIMENTAL by its XX'XX form. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the policy of "reserving" the XX'XX for experimental cmavo. 08:34 < ctefaho> well, it is more that new cmavo (that weren't included in the language from the beginning) should have that form 08:35 < quintus> aha, that's much clearer 08:35 < quintus> .ua I should say 08:35 < ctefaho> you also don't need to put a "." before ua :) 08:35 < ctefaho> even though some/most documentation does that 08:36 < zipcpi> xalbo: Why do you need a scale? You have {ru'e} 08:36 < ctefaho> none of the iV and uV actually need a "." in front of them 08:37 < ctefaho> ai/ei/oi/au do however 08:37 < zipcpi> And I caught myself using "general you" again :p 08:37 < ctefaho> .ai/.ei/.oi/.au do however* 08:38 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Completely different sort of thing. I mean for things like {tu mitre li ci ba'u} (He's 3 meters tall, but I'm exaggerating), {tu mitre li re do'a} (He's two meters tall, if I'm being generous), etc. 08:38 < ctefaho> but you also don't really have to write out the dots in most cases, but as a beginner I think it is a good idea to always write them out when required 08:38 < ctefaho> you always have to put them there in actual speech, anyway 08:39 < zipcpi> That's {xendo je no'e satci}, I believne 08:39 < ctefaho> but I have to go co'o now 08:39 < ctefaho> and do some co'e 08:39 < ctefaho> so coinai ;) 08:39 <@xalbo> doi 08:40 < zipcpi> I mean think if you're describing something considered bad instead of good 08:40 < zipcpi> The scales would flip 08:41 < zipcpi> English "generously" is a metaphor 08:41 < zipcpi> Being generous with one's words being compared to being generous with your wealth 08:41 < Mateon1> Depends on the implied standard, is it subjective to the speaker? It is subjective to majority? 08:41 < zipcpi> It's inherently subjective; it *is* a discursive/cnima'o after all 08:42 < zipcpi> ... and I flipped between "general one" and "general you"... ouch X3 08:43 < Mateon1> Yes, but if it's subjective but based on majority's opinion, it probably wouldn't flip meaning 08:43 < zipcpi> No I meant if we were going to make it a weaker {ba'u} 08:45 <@xalbo> BPFK has {do'a} as "broadly construed" 08:45 <@xalbo> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Discursives#Proposed_Definition_of_do.27a 08:45 < zipcpi> I know 08:45 < zipcpi> At least I know now 08:45 < zipcpi> But I don't know how useful that is 08:46 < Mateon1> Ugh, I still can't pronounce x and ' differently. I need some spoken jbo for reference, maybe 08:46 < zipcpi> For x try saying kssss without moving your mouth from the initial position 08:46 < quintus> What is your first language, Mateon1? 08:46 < zipcpi> It should definitely sound rougher than ' 08:46 < Mateon1> Polish 08:46 < zipcpi> Oh 08:46 < Mateon1> No diffirentiation between h and x 08:46 < zipcpi> Then it's ' you need help learning 08:46 < zipcpi> Hmm... try breathing with your mouth 08:47 < zipcpi> /h/ should be roughly the sound of your exhaling 08:47 < Mateon1> So... Pronounce ' as voiceless h? 08:47 < quintus> h is already voiceless 08:49 < quintus> Mateon1: You have /x/ in Polish, so that's probably the one you're familiar with. Have you ever seen a horror film? 08:50 < Mateon1> Nope 08:50 < zipcpi> This is /h/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_glottal_fricative 08:51 < quintus> Sometimes the antagonist will get on the phone and breathe heavily into the phone, maybe for intimidation purposes? 08:51 < zipcpi> This is /x/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_velar_fricative 08:51 < Mateon1> I know and have been linked this, but I can't produce a different sound for the h-es 08:51 < quintus> As I remember it, that's an exaggerated form of /h/ or lojban ' 08:52 < zipcpi> /x/ should feel "rougher" on your throat than /h/ 08:52 < quintus> Let me check if the CLL has any recommendations for alternative pronunciations for x or ' that could help 08:52 < Mateon1> (I don't think so) 08:52 < quintus> It doesn't :-( 08:53 < zipcpi> I dunno... there are some materials that give /θ/ as an alternate allophone for ['], but it's so different that people would tend to misunderstand you 08:54 < Mateon1> Example word with this IPA? I don't know this off the top of my head 08:54 < Rodericus> Mateon1: [h] (Lojban {'}) is the sound you make when you through air onto your glasses to clean them. 08:54 < zipcpi> English [th]in 08:54 < Rodericus> throw* 08:54 < quintus> Three = /θri/ where r is the upside-down r 08:55 < Mateon1> zipcpi: Sounds like a mix of f and s to me 08:55 < zipcpi> Yeah I'm not sure you want to use that either 08:55 < quintus> For people trying to help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_phonology#Consonants 08:55 < zipcpi> Yeah it doesn't have θ 08:56 < quintus> I think your best bet is to try to get a handle on /h/ 08:57 < zipcpi> {pa'a} "similar to..." vs {paxa} "sixteen" 08:58 < quintus> Mateon1: how would you describe the difference between '[h]ak' and '[ch]ichot'? 08:58 < Rodericus> Mateon1: Or when you consciously breath in two movements, that is first taking air into your body, then expelling it ― [h] is the sound you make in the second part, when you expel the air. 08:58 < Mateon1> quintus: As no voiced difference - just a 'feel' difference 08:58 < quintus> Okay, do you feel that one is "further back" than the other? If so, which? 08:59 < niftg> ta'o zo'oi ç ka'e plixau fi tu'a zo .i'i mu'a 08:59 < niftg> sa'ai la'oi 09:00 < Mateon1> chichot is further back, but because of the following letter - herbata i chemia are the same, though. 09:00 < Mateon1> s/i/and/ 09:00 < quintus> okay, see if you can go any further back 09:00 < Ilmen> coi 09:00 < zipcpi> .y. zo'oi ç simsa me'o cy 09:01 < Ilmen> lo pau bu lerfu cu se jarco 09:01 < zipcpi> mi na menseika'e 09:02 < quintus> You can think of /h/ as further back, some would say "in the throat", than both '[h]ak' and '[ch]ichot'. 09:03 < Ilmen> _ /h/ is made at the glottis, so it's not made with the tongue 09:04 < quintus> I was trying to get at that colloquially with "in the throat" 09:04 < niftg> sei me'oi ascii mi pu tavla fi lo mosra zunsna pe mu'a zo'oi ich noi dotyvla 09:05 < Ilmen> ti'e la'oi [ç] dunli la'oi [x] ma'i lo jbobau 09:05 < niftg> .ue 09:06 < zipcpi> http://vocaroo.com/i/s0mfQXq6GMvc [pa'a paxa] 09:06 < niftg> ze'epu krici lodu'u la'oi [x] po'o co'e xybu 09:06 < gleki> ti'e da pilno la'oi ç ne seba'i la'oi ' 09:06 < quintus> zipcpi: +1, that's nice and clear 09:08 * nuzba @ro_bot_: ロジバン トワ ジンコウゲンゴノヒトツ ノコトデス [http://bit.ly/1TbrPkw] 09:09 < niftg> za'a mabla zmimi'i tu'itsku di'i 09:09 < Ilmen> cizra fa lo nu ponbau ciska se pi'o lo ckatakana po'o 09:10 < ctefaho> (ta'a Is "ue'i" an ok experimential cmavo or does it break some rule I may have missed?" 09:10 < ctefaho> ) 09:10 < niftg> lo go'i cu se zukte fi lo nu gau simlu lo ka na'e remna 09:10 < Mateon1> zipcpi: So, is elongating enough if I can't double the sound? 09:10 < Ilmen> ctefaho: {ue'i} is fine 09:10 < ctefaho> .o'u 09:10 < zipcpi> The main problem would be how you pronounce ' alone. If it's too close to [x], you might be misunderstood 09:11 < zipcpi> It just naturally takes me longer to say [x] 09:11 < ctefaho> "xekri" vs "'ekri" wouldn't go that well 09:12 < zipcpi> The latter isn't the word. I used [pa'a] and [paxa] to demonstrate a minimal pair 09:12 * ctefaho out again 09:12 < zipcpi> Even though the latter is technically two words, but Lojban considers them minimal pairs 09:12 < zipcpi> *isn't a word 09:13 < zipcpi> I mean I could use [cladaxi] vs [clada'i], but I'm not sure what a lujvo made of {clani darxi} should mean :p 09:16 < zipcpi> http://vocaroo.com/i/s1daftfrIWFH Faster version 09:17 < Mateon1> I might be able to do sound recordings in half an hour, maybe less or more 09:18 < gleki> clada'i sepi'o lo cladaxi 09:18 < zipcpi> u'i 09:19 < Ilmen> {cu kRIxa}/{cukRI'a} 09:24 < gleki> if anyone has time this is a draft of a new course that can be adapted for Lojban. It starts from basic sentences to more advanced http://www.memrise.com/course/682021/simple-faroese-grammar-and-speech/ 09:25 < zipcpi> Faroese? 09:25 < gleki> who cares 09:29 < niftg> banfu'a'o 09:30 < zipcpi> Ah yes... I remember now... Malay is a bit complex in that it has several first-person and second-person pronouns, each for a different social context 09:30 < zipcpi> I still trip up on those now and then 09:36 < niftg> .ue lo si'o so'ida valsi lo mi zei sumka'i ja do zei sumka'i tezu'e lo vrici ke jicka tcini cu slabu mi 09:36 < zipcpi> je'e mi xa'o djuno lo du'u lo ponbau cu simsa 09:36 < zipcpi> .y. 09:37 < zipcpi> sa'ai je'e .i mi le'ai 09:37 < gleki> en: tsubame 09:37 < mensi> tsubame = x1 is a swallow of species x2 |>>> See also cipni |>>> gleki 10:08 < zipcpi> Hmm... yeah I think we might need a new discursive for "at least... / even..." 10:08 < zipcpi> Not sure if they are opposites though? 10:09 < zipcpi> At least Alice is still alive. / Even Alice is still alive. 10:09 < zipcpi> Yeah I think they might be... 10:10 < durka42> po'o? 10:10 < demize> "At least" means that it's likely that Alice is one of the few people alive, "Even" implies that a lot of people might still be alive, and it's unlikely that Alice would still be alive 10:10 < demize> Err, I phrased that weirdly. 10:10 < zipcpi> Doesn't quite have the right sense 10:11 < zipcpi> 2. if nothing else (used to add a positive comment about a generally negative situation). 10:11 < zipcpi> "the options aren't complete, but at least they're a start" 10:11 < zipcpi> 3. 10:11 < zipcpi> anyway (used to modify something just stated). 10:11 < zipcpi> "they seldom complained—officially at least" 10:12 < zipcpi> Even: 10:12 < zipcpi> used to emphasize something surprising or extreme. 10:12 < zipcpi> "they have never even heard of the US" 10:12 < zipcpi> synonyms: surprisingly, unexpectedly, paradoxically 10:12 < zipcpi> "even the best hitters missed the ball" 10:12 < zipcpi> used in comparisons for emphasis. 10:12 < zipcpi> "he knows even less about it than I do" 10:12 < zipcpi> synonyms: still, yet, more, all the more 10:12 < zipcpi> "it got even colder" 10:13 < Ilmen> "xoi spaji zmadu", maybe 10:14 < gleki> Even Alice is still alive. <-- fa ji'a ue la alis cu jmive 10:14 < zipcpi> Hm I should learn to attach attitudinals to FA 10:14 < gleki> i think {ji'a} part is omitted in English explanations. but it's important imo 10:15 < Ilmen> ĭe 10:16 < gleki> At least Alice is still alive. <-- o'uru'e la alsi ca'o jmive 10:17 < Ilmen> za'o 10:17 < zipcpi> za'o jmive .i za'o jmive 10:18 < zipcpi> Yeah I think za'o/xa'o should be framed in terms of "expectation"; the "natural end/beginning" is a bit confusing 10:21 < zipcpi> Anyway I just brought up the "at least/even" thing because it was brought up as an alternate explanation for {do'a/do'anai} 10:22 < zipcpi> Someone even edited {do'anai} to add "even" as a gloss word it seems 10:23 < niftg> zo ra'u cu plixau xu fi lo nu jmina se lidne zo ji'a 10:24 < zipcpi> ju'ocu'i 10:28 < niftg> la'anai se'o nu pilno lu do'anai li'u tu'a zo'oi even 10:29 < zipcpi> "they have never even heard of the US" -> {xai noroi ue se jungau fi lo mergu'e} 10:29 < zipcpi> Or {xai ba'e noroi ue se jungau fi lo mergu'e} 10:29 <@xalbo> What is {xai} again? 10:30 < zipcpi> Generic "they". Used to copy more than one aformentioned item 10:30 < durka42> xai ~~ rau noi za'upamei 10:30 < durka42> ra* 10:30 < niftg> .ue ca'a pagbu la'oi gloss fa zo'oi even 10:30 < durka42> vlaste: even 10:30 < vlaste> 46 results: vanci, do'anai, za'umai, landegmei, bangevu'e, xutla, co'u, ju'aku'i, bavlamvanci, sukmu'u… 10:31 <@xalbo> Why would you even want that? Is there singular version? 10:31 < zipcpi> {ra}? 10:32 <@xalbo> {ra} isn't necessarily singular. 10:32 < niftg> mi tavla fi la'oi gloss pe lu do'anai li'u puzi 10:32 < zipcpi> I know it isn't 10:32 < zipcpi> But {ra} is *supposed* to copy one sumti 10:33 < zipcpi> la .alis. cu vitke la .bob. .i xai kelci lo skami 10:33 < zipcpi> I don't know about the status of {ra}/{ru} anymore though 10:34 < zipcpi> Copying one and only one previous sumti while remaining ambiguous seems rather... strict 10:34 < zipcpi> Often what you wish to refer to isn't actually a sumti at all 10:34 < zipcpi> But a place you left out as implied {zo'e} 10:35 <@xalbo> Then you include it again as a {zo'e} (implicit or explicit) 10:35 <@xalbo> The point of {ra} is "that thing I just mentioned, but am too lazy to mention again" 10:35 < zipcpi> Then it would have no connection to the previous {zo'e} 10:36 < zipcpi> Eh, {ra} is too vague for any purpose beyond a generic "he/she/it" anyway 10:36 < zipcpi> We need anaphoric gadri or {bi'unai} or {di'u/de'u/da'u} to be clearer 10:37 <@xalbo> {ra} and {ru} see very little use, for those reasons. But there are times when some clarity can be sacrificed to context and brevity. If {ra} and {ru} weren't monosyllabic, they'd be really pointless. 10:38 < zipcpi> Yes, I still use {ra}, but only to back-refer to something that's really obvious in context... sometimes I even just leave it out 10:39 < niftg> .i sei za'o tavla be fi dyny zo'oi even ne dyny na fadni me zo'oi even vaula'a 10:39 < zipcpi> Cause if it's so obvious, even an implied {zo'e} would do 10:40 <@xalbo> dyny. mo 10:40 < zipcpi> lu do'a nai li'u la'a 10:41 <@xalbo> je'e 10:41 < niftg> .ie doi zycy 10:48 < zipcpi> Anyway {xai} is supposed to be {ra goi ko'a joi ra po'u na me ko'a}... sa'enai 10:49 < zipcpi> pe'i 10:49 < zipcpi> .y. poi na me ko'a 10:50 < zipcpi> I'm actually not sure how needed it is though, given what I said about it being difficult to remember what "aforementioned" thing is actually a sumti and what isn't 10:51 < zipcpi> Still though, {ra} seems wrong in {la .alis. cu vitke la .bob. .i xai kelci lo skami} 10:52 < zipcpi> It's also a useful "dirty" translation for "they" in out-of-context places like Tatoeba. 10:53 < zipcpi> Not exactly correct Lojban, but often the best can be done in limited contexts 10:53 < zipcpi> Since there is nothing to back-refer to 10:58 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/xo'e'o'e Really? o.o 10:59 <@xalbo> ue 11:02 < zipcpi> si'au la kurti co'a djuno tu'a lo namcu lerfu se stidi pe la .xorxes. 11:08 < gleki> they = le za'umei 11:09 < gleki> as for {xai} it's workaround trying to fix two other workarounds, namely, ra and ru. 11:09 < gleki> as for {xai} it's a workaround trying to fix two other workarounds, namely, ra and ru. 11:09 < zipcpi> Yeah I can believe that 11:09 < zipcpi> I hate ra and ru 11:09 < zipcpi> ba'uru'e 11:10 < zipcpi> Like I said, even when I do use them they can usually be just dropped 11:10 < zipcpi> Since they are only useful when the context is so obvious 11:11 < gleki> backcounting is a workaorund itself. except {ri} probably 11:11 < zipcpi> ri has only one referent, and is often useful 11:13 < zipcpi> But yeah in attempting to avoid "gendered" pronouns, all Lojban did was just... roll everything together. {ra/ko'a} could be a man, a woman, an animal, a thing, a place, an idea, a fact, an event... anything 11:14 < zipcpi> All but useless unless assigned 11:14 < niftg> zo ra cu plixau mi va'o lo nu pilno ri ka'ai noi zei jufpau 11:14 < niftg> sa'ai lo noi zei jufpau 11:14 < gleki> ma mupli 11:15 < niftg> lu ranoi nanmu li'u mu'a 11:17 < gleki> mi pilno lu le nanmu li'u sa'u i ku'i la tatoiebas so'iroi pilno lo simsa be lo me do moi 11:17 < niftg> lu le bi'unai nanmu li'u mu'a ji'a cu slabu mi 11:18 < gleki> oh no, Curtis touched bo'V space. 11:18 < zipcpi> mi na nelci lo ka pilno zo noi ja zo poi tu'a lo pamei brivla 11:18 < mensi> lo nu nelci zo'u ba'e mi nelci i ie mi nelci 11:18 < gleki> niftg: lu lo mi'u nanmu li'u jetnu plixau zmadu 11:19 < zipcpi> mi na nelci lo'e du'emei ke nalselfa'o brirebla 11:19 < mensi> ji'a mi mutce nelci i ie 11:21 < niftg> .ua .i mi fi zo mi'u cu facki jimpe be lo za'umoi 11:22 < zipcpi> gleki: What is bo'V space "reserved" for? 11:22 < gleki> zo bi'u srana zo'oi wa e zo'oi ga vu'o poi ponjo i ku'i zo mi'u srana lo anfora i ku'i mi na certu tu'a lo ponbau 11:23 < gleki> zipcpi: not sure but i supposed bo'V were true brodV 11:23 < gleki> since brodV are the only cmavo in gismu shape. 11:24 <@xalbo> zipcpi: bo'V is the last set of five unassigned cmavo. So it would be a horrible shame to break up that set, instead of finding a meaning that needs a set of five. 11:24 < zipcpi> Ah... 11:25 <@xalbo> I think there's also one remaining set of [iau], again, best not used separately. 11:25 < zipcpi> Ugh... I don't know what to do about iVV and uVV 11:25 < gleki> leave them to Curtis zo'o 11:26 < zipcpi> lol 11:26 < zipcpi> I've already "booked" {iau} as potential monosyllabification of {i'au} 11:26 < zipcpi> But that kinda breaks pattern 11:26 < gleki> Do you know that: in La Alta dialect of Lojban {zo'o} is written as {zoo}. 11:27 < zipcpi> ctefa'o also had some ideas for new attitudinals 11:28 < niftg> zo'oi wa zo'u cafne zilfanva fo zo zo'u vau ta'o ba'anai 11:28 <@xalbo> Really, it seems odd for anything in [aeiou']+ to not be in UI1. 11:29 < zipcpi> I understand that 11:29 < zipcpi> But there is no more monosyllabic space T.T 11:30 < zipcpi> And {i'au} was originally meant to be used for attitudinals. But there is talk about resurrecting the "super-famyma'o" idea so that it can also be used with {xoi} and {soi} 11:33 * ctefaho also happens to have proposal for 3 new UI cmavo 11:33 <@xalbo> Aren't those free modifiers anyway? 11:33 < ctefaho> (coi) 11:34 < ctefaho> oh look zipcpi spilled the beans already:p 11:34 * xalbo makes his saving throw against yelling that {soi} already has a meaning. 11:34 < ctefaho> I was thinking of using some of the VVV cause they fit right in with uai and uau 11:35 < ctefaho> but I heard people scream murder if you use that set so I ´-ified them;o 11:35 < ctefaho> '-ified* 11:36 <@xalbo> {uau} sounds a *lot* like {.u'e} 11:36 < zipcpi> I'm inclined to agree 11:36 < ctefaho> uau screams of glico as well ;o 11:36 < ctefaho> is it based on anything other than "wow"? 11:38 < zipcpi> Chinese "wa"? :p 11:38 < ctefaho> (I assume only english and related language use that sound for "amazement") 11:40 < ctefaho> how can there not be a gismu for amazement 11:40 < gleki> u'e 11:41 <@xalbo> Again, {manci} is close 11:41 * ctefaho goes back to other important stuff co'o 11:41 < gleki> jbo: u'e 11:41 < mensi> u'e = [UI1] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri se manci le cusku |>>> manci |>>> xorxes 13:32 < Ilmen> coi 13:46 < ctefaho> coi la .ilmen. 13:47 < Ilmen> coi la ctefa'o .i vi zo'u ctekra 13:48 <@xalbo> .i mi masno .o'a nai lo nu jimpe doi xajmi 14:09 < durka42> xo'e'o'e 14:09 < durka42> are you fucking serious 14:09 < Ilmen> doi dai ma 14:10 < durka42> ko smadi 14:11 <@xalbo> I am serious, and stop calling me fucking. Hmm, that doesn't work as well as the Shirley version. 14:12 < durka42> maybe "Yes I am, please go away and by the way don't call me Serious"? 14:12 <@xalbo> I'm not serious! I'm not serious! 14:15 <@xalbo> I have mixed feelings about {xo'e'o'e}. zu'u co'e li'a cai .i zu'u nai at least he's not taking a cmavo anyone would ever want for anything else (cf. {bo'e}). 14:17 < Ilmen> selma'o XOhEhOhE 14:17 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:18 < Ilmen> za'a la .krtis. di'a cupra 14:22 < la_kristan> coi rodo 14:22 < Ilmen> coi 14:23 < la_kristan> .ui mi gleki 14:23 <@xalbo> .i mi troci lo nu klamburi ra'oi .tis. ne zo .krtis. zo tisna ne lu lo cmavo canlu cu tisna li'u .i ku'i fliba .oi 14:24 <@xalbo> ui dai doi gleki be ma 14:24 < Ilmen> kurfa tisna 14:24 < Ilmen> gau la .kurtis. 14:25 <@xalbo> .i'e 14:26 < la_kristan> .i mi gleki lenu mi cilre... 14:26 < la_kristan> .y 14:26 * la_kristan pensi 14:27 < la_kristan> mi, mi'o, mi'a, ma'a 14:27 < Ilmen> zo do'o ji'a pei 14:27 < la_kristan> sorry, I couldn't figure out how to put that in the sentence... 14:28 < la_kristan> but I tried the best I could, at least. 14:28 <@xalbo> cilre fi zo mi jo'u zo mi'o jo'u zo'e li'o 14:28 < Ilmen> "I've learnt about {mi} and {mi'o}" = mi (pu) cilre fi zo mi jo'u zo mi'o 14:29 <@xalbo> lo banli menli cu simxu lo ka pensi simsa 14:30 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:30 < la_kristan> but at any rate I'm very happy to have learned such sn awesome group of words. 14:30 <@xalbo> .i zu'u nai zo'ei mi'o ji'a go'i 14:31 <@xalbo> They're quite nice, yes :) 14:31 < la_kristan> Ilmen , are you on Wesley Wilson's Lojban forum? 14:31 < Ilmen> la_kristan: The distinction mi'o/mi'a exists also in many natural languages 14:31 < Ilmen> la_kristan: Yes I am 14:31 < la_kristan> I joined last night, but I forgot the url! 14:32 < Ilmen> http://lojban.freeforums.net/rss/public 14:32 < la_kristan> and it's not in my browser history cuz I'm on a different device. 14:34 < la_kristan> Ilmen ; ki'e 14:39 < la_kristan> what is the result of a negative answer to a negative question? 14:40 < la_kristan> assuming one can ask negative questions 14:41 < dutchie> {xunai do klama} {gi'e} means that you do indeed go iirc 14:42 < dutchie> (and vice versa) 14:42 < Ilmen> { xu do na klama } -- is it the case that you do not go? 14:42 < Ilmen> {go'i} -- yes, it's the case. 14:43 < Ilmen> {ja'a go'i}, yes I do go. 14:43 < Ilmen> erm, "no, I do go" 14:43 < la_kristan> what if I say na go'i? 14:44 < la_kristan> does that mean anything? 14:44 < durka421> {na} is "sticky" 14:44 < Ilmen> {go'i} has some weird rules, in that if the previous bridi already contains "na", adding "na" to go'i has no effect 14:44 < durka421> so {na go'i} means the same as {go'i} when the previous bridi has a {na} already 14:44 < Ilmen> Only ja'a can erase the previous-bridi's na 14:45 < durka42> of course {ja'a} works the same way, but we normally don't say the explicit {ja'a} 14:45 < la_kristan> oh! interesting. 14:49 < la_kristan> what is "status" in my profile settings on the forum? 14:49 < la_kristan> Ilmen , or anyone else who knows... 14:51 < Ilmen> It seems it's a short message to be displayed in the profile 14:52 < Ilmen> probably something like Skype's status message 14:52 < la_kristan> I never used Skype, so I'm not familiar with that. 14:52 < Ilmen> You can write a status message in your profile 14:53 < Ilmen> la_kristan: basically a line of text that goes along with your nick and that you can change anytime 14:53 < la_kristan> Like, "I am a big fat moron" or something. 14:53 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:54 < Ilmen> Maybe for saying things like "I'm not there for two weeks, for reason X" 14:54 < Ilmen> at least I imagine it can be useful for that sort of thing 14:57 < la_kristan> "sorry my lojban is so malspero..." (Esperanto is more likely to influence my language usage at this point than is English, haha) 14:58 < Ilmen> .i'e 14:59 < la_kristan> you approve? 15:00 < Ilmen> Esperanto may be a better starting point, as it already tries to avoid things like idiomatic expressions 15:00 < la_kristan> well, yes, I suppose. 15:00 < Ilmen> So yes, I approve :) 15:01 < la_kristan> But at least in lojban we don't have 15-page debates about non-gendered pronouns! 15:02 < la_kristan> :-) 15:02 < la_kristan> like, every week... 15:02 <@xalbo> Nope, our 15-page debates are about needing doctors and hunting unicorns. 15:02 < la_kristan> hmm, interesting. 15:03 < la_kristan> I never do either of those things... 15:06 <@xalbo> "The students needed a doctor after eating the bear goo, so they surrounded the building and wore funny hats." 15:17 < la_kristan> power flicker. 15:17 < la_kristan> what were you saying about bear goo? 15:22 <@xalbo> There was a question about the limits of what can be {lo cribe}. If you take a bear and smash it into goo, does the bear-goo still {cribe}? Can you say "there was a horrible accident, and there was bear all over the road?" 15:22 <@xalbo> I don't know, things were a little weird there. 15:23 <@xalbo> (Also related to the general move to {lo djacu} from {loi djacu}, and the concept of what is a mass.) 15:23 <@xalbo> .u'u mi ca cliva bilga .i co'o 15:24 < Ilmen> co'o 15:24 < Ilmen> .i mi sipna .ai 15:24 < durka42> lo nu bergu casnu ja'a sipnyse'e 15:30 < Mateon1> .coi 15:30 < Mateon1> I have a few questions 15:30 < Mateon1> I'll ask one-by-one: How would I say "away" (in the sense of AFK, I'm not on my computer, but I am relatively nearby)? 15:34 < Mateon1> 2: How would I use a selbri as a sumti to describe an object? if I wanted to use: mi zvada'o ; and wanted x2 to be skami 15:40 < durka42> mi zvada'o lo skami 15:42 < Mateon1> Hm, alright, and is that correct/understood to my first question? 15:42 < Mateon1> I'd think this implies I'm actually far away from the computer 15:45 < durka42> yes 15:45 < durka42> it does 15:45 < durka42> but that's how you fill x2 15:46 < durka42> often {jundi} is used for this purpose 15:46 < durka42> so like {mi ca na jundi} 15:59 < la_kristan> so, "mi ca na jundi" means afk? 16:00 < la_kristan> I want to know too :-) 16:00 < durka42> people usually say {de'a jundi} when they go AFK 16:00 < la_kristan> vlaste: jundi 16:00 < vlaste> jundi = x1 is attentive towards/attends/tends/pays attention to object/affair x2. 16:01 < la_kristan> vlaste: de'a 16:01 < vlaste> de'a = event contour for a temporary halt and ensuing pause in a process. 16:01 < la_kristan> pause in paying attention 16:01 < durka42> and then {di'a jundi} when they come back 16:01 < durka42> de'a — think "denpa" 16:02 < la_kristan> guess that'd be more accurate in my case anyway, since afk usually means stuffing my phone in my pocket... 16:02 < durka42> heh 16:03 < durka42> you really fonxa .irci? 16:03 < durka42> I've done it before, but even with swype my typing is pretty slow 16:03 < la_kristan> yeah, I'm really slow. 16:04 < Mateon1> I think it's easier to set up a phone hotspot and use a laptop for IRC in that case, I hate typing on a phone. 16:05 < la_kristan> what does it mean when there are letters in a definition other than x (for sumti places)? 16:05 < Mateon1> I just tried to unpack slovacukt and the GoldenDict executable got quarantined by Avast... 16:06 < la_kristan> letters other than x in a definition, I should say... 16:06 < Mateon1> la_kristan: I assume it means it's a lujvo, and specifies the argument to be a specific root word argument 16:07 < durka42> yeah it's a hacky shorthand to say which veljvo the lujvo place came from 16:07 < la_kristan> vlaste: xismalsi 16:07 < vlaste> xismalsi = x1=m1=xr1 is a Christian (Catholic/Protestant/Anglican/etc.) church at location/serving area x3=m3 16:07 < Mateon1> huh? So what's x2? 16:07 < la_kristan> where's x2?? 16:08 < Mateon1> Oh, I see 16:08 < Mateon1> x3 is x2 because an x-root word 16:08 < Mateon1> Uhm... No... That isn't the case.. 16:10 < la_kristan> so, the x1 is the first place of both xriso and malsi, and x3 is the x3 of malsi... 16:10 < la_kristan> but x2... 16:10 < la_kristan> how's that work? 16:11 < la_kristan> .uanai 16:12 < Mateon1> malsi doesn't seem to have x3... 16:12 < la_kristan> a typo, maybe? 16:12 < durka42> it's saying that x1 of xismalsi comes from malsi1 and xriso1 16:12 < la_kristan> vlaste: malsi 16:12 < vlaste> malsi = x1 is a temple/church/sanctuary/synagogue/shrine of religion x2 at location/serving area x3. 16:12 < durka42> that must be a typo 16:12 < durka42> it should say x2=m3 16:13 < durka42> I'll go fix it :p 16:13 < la_kristan> you can't have typos in Lojban! It's too touchy for that! 16:13 < durka42> mensi: ko ningau 16:14 < Mateon1> Oh, I'm blind regarding malsi_3 16:14 < durka42> well some say we shouldn't use this shorthand at all, and the definition isn't the place to put the sumti etymologies 16:14 < durka42> and I'm inclined to agree 16:14 < durka42> mensi: ko na masno 16:14 < durka42> .u'i 16:14 < durka42> la mensi cu masno iepei 16:14 < durka42> hmmmm 16:15 < durka42> ja'o mensi is not working 16:16 < la_kristan> like, if I type a u or o instead of i (a quite common occurrence when using a touchscreen), and thus have fo or fu instead of fi... 16:16 < la_kristan> it changes the meaning of my sentence! 16:17 < la_kristan> or, if there aren't enough places, it makes it ungrammatical! 16:19 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 16:19 < mensi> i na kakne lo ka jai gau cnino fai la'e zoi zoi en-simple zoi 16:20 < durka42> en:xismalsi 16:20 < mensi> xismalsi [< xriso malsi ≈ Christian temple] = x1=m1=xr1 is a Christian (Catholic/Protestant/Anglican/etc.) church at 16:20 < mensi> location/serving area x2=m3 16:42 < la_kristan> vlaste: klama 16:42 < vlaste> klama = x1 comes/goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means/vehicle x5. 16:44 < la_kristan> as in "I went from Esperantujo to Lojbanistan via a rabbit trail by means of the Internet!" 16:44 < la_kristan> .u'i 16:49 < la_kristan> how to translate "Esperantujo" and "rabbit trail"? 17:02 < PrincessBecca> spranto gugde 17:03 < PrincessBecca> or 17:03 < PrincessBecca> spero gugde 17:03 < PrincessBecca> dunno about rabbit trail 17:08 < la_kristan> PrincessBecca : I'm Christa627, by the way :-) 17:10 < la_kristan> maybe I should say "via the internet, by means of a cell phone? 17:18 < la_kristan> vlaste: xismalsi 17:18 < vlaste> xismalsi = x1=m1=xr1 is a Christian (Catholic/Protestant/Anglican/etc.) church at location/serving area x3=m3 17:18 < la_kristan> still the same. 17:19 < la_kristan> but I think I've got my questions answered for now. 17:20 < la_kristan> about negative questions, and non-x letters. 17:26 < la_kristan> gtg 17:26 < la_kristan> co'o rodo 19:16 < bigcentaur> so i'm still playing around with tenses 19:17 < durka42> ko kelci 19:18 < bigcentaur> if i say {pugi mi bajra gi mi cadzu}, that's "before i run, i walk" 19:19 < bigcentaur> what's the interpretation of {roroi gi mi klama gi do klama}? 19:19 < durka42> ie 19:20 < durka42> hmm 19:20 < durka42> jbo: roi 19:20 < mensi> roi = [ROI] galfi lo'e namcu lo'e tcita be fi le du'u le se cusku cu rapli le namcu ze'a le se tcita |>>> rapli |>>> 19:20 < mensi> xorxes 19:20 < bigcentaur> camxes parses the sentence as being grammatical 19:20 < durka42> yeah I guess it is grammatical 19:20 < bigcentaur> hahaha 19:21 < durka42> I guess I would say it must be the same as {roroi lo nu mi klama ku do klama} 19:21 < durka42> but I'm not sure 19:21 < bigcentaur> i like the begrudging admission 19:22 < bigcentaur> so roroi can take an event like that? 19:22 < bigcentaur> roroi lo nu ___ ku <BRIDI> 19:22 < durka42> yes 19:22 < durka42> the event takes place n times. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the interval in which the repetitions occur. 19:23 < bigcentaur> so what's the interpretation of {roroi lo nu mi klama ku do klama} ? 19:25 < bigcentaur> is it "every time i go, you go?" 19:26 < durka42> that'd be {ca ro nu mi klama ku do klama} 19:26 < durka42> but I don't think it is equivalent 19:26 < durka42> I think it's something more like "while I go, you go every time" 19:28 < bigcentaur> wouldn't that be {ca lo nu mi klama ku do roroi klama}? 19:28 < durka42> the BPFK says {roroi lo nu mi klama ku do klama} expands to {ca ro da poi cabna lo nu mi klama ku'o do klama} 19:28 < durka42> so maybe it is the same as {ca ro nu…} 19:28 < bigcentaur> i am unfamiliar with bpfk! 19:29 < durka42> with the BPFK as a concept, or with their explanation of ROI? :) 19:29 < bigcentaur> never heard of bpfk 19:30 < durka42> stands for {baupla fuzykamni} 19:30 < durka42> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK 19:31 < bigcentaur> sounds official 19:32 < durka42> to the extent that "official" means anything :p 19:32 < bigcentaur> hahaha 19:34 * nuzba @bgcarlisle: "The Once and Future King" in #Lojban: lo pu je ba nolraitru lo ba'o je pu'o nolraitru lo paroi je ba nolraitru [http://bit.ly/1FK7LfK] 19:36 < durka42> stupid polysemous "once" 19:36 < durka42> :) 19:50 < bigcentaur> .i nau lidvilti'a .ui 19:50 < durka42> ii pei 19:51 < bigcentaur> nai 19:53 < bigcentaur> lo sance be lo nu lidvilti'a cu se kufra mi 19:55 < durka42> ua 21:06 < zipcpi> What's a good way to render "so-called"; no sarcastic intent (or at least, no focus on it), just calling it by what others call it without indicating belief in the description? {i'acu'i}? 21:07 < zipcpi> Er, {iacu'i} 21:24 < zipcpi> I think my interpretation of {do'a} as {xendo je no'e satci} would make {do'anai} a bit more like English "Honestly...", in the sense of "I'm calling it like I see it, but it is likely to offend someone" 21:26 < zipcpi> "Frankly..." might be better 21:27 < zipcpi> I've seen {sei stace}, so that might be another "hole" 21:32 < durka42> not every use of {sei} is an invitation to make up another cmavo! :D 21:32 < zipcpi> lol 21:32 < durka42> compositional language is compositional 21:32 < durka42> good job getting curtis to give up {bo'e}, btw 21:32 < zipcpi> lol 21:32 < durka42> though now he'll probably try extra hard to think of some obscure crap to use up the whole bo'V series 21:33 < zipcpi> :p 21:35 < zipcpi> Not so much coming up with new cmavo as reinterpreting one. Again, because of the mabla ma'oste descriptions T.T 21:36 < zipcpi> Ask 10 Lojbanists what [some obscure cmavo] means, get 15 different answers 21:38 < zipcpi> Of course it doesn't necessarily even have to be obscure. Try {lo} for example :p 21:41 < zipcpi> And I think I finally figured out what sets might be intended to be used for. "intersections" and "unions". But do we even have words for those? 21:41 < durka42> in mekso, yes 21:41 < durka42> I think 21:41 < durka42> vlaste: jo'e 21:41 < vlaste> jo'e = non-logical connective: union of sets. 21:41 < durka42> vlaste: ku'a 21:41 < vlaste> ku'a = non-logical connective: intersection of sets. 21:42 < zipcpi> Ah, interesting 21:42 < durka42> they are JOI 21:42 < zipcpi> We do still have {lu'i} though 21:42 < durka42> so not mekso, I guess 21:42 < durka42> vlaste: lu'i 21:42 < vlaste> lu'i = the set with members; converts another description type to a set of the members. 21:42 < durka42> camxes: -f ro me lu'i lo pendo be do ku'a lu'i lo pendo be mi cu jbopre 21:42 < camxes> ([{ro <me (¹lu'i [lo {pendo <be (²do [ku'a {lu'i <lo (³pendo [be mi]³)>}]²)>}]¹)>} cu] jbopre) 21:42 < durka42> whoops 21:43 < zipcpi> Most conversational uses of "unions" and "intersections" tend to be {je} or {ja} tanru instead, I believe 21:43 < durka42> uh how do you terminate that stuff again 21:43 < durka42> vlaste: lu'i (famyma'o) 21:43 < vlaste> lu'i (terminator) = lu'u 21:43 < durka42> right 21:43 < durka42> camxes: -f ro me lu'i lo pendo be do lu'u ku'a lu'i lo pendo be mi cu jbopre 21:43 < camxes> ([{ro <me (¹lu'i [lo {pendo <be do>}] lu'u¹) (¹ku'a [lu'i {lo <pendo (²be mi²)>}]¹)>} cu] jbopre) 21:43 < durka42> xu smudra 21:44 < zipcpi> I think so 21:44 < durka42> well, {je} and {ja} are similar sure 21:44 < durka42> ko'a ku'a ko'e == lo me ko'a je me ko'e 21:44 < durka42> probably 21:45 < durka42> anyway bedtime 21:45 < zipcpi> co'o di'ai sipna 21:46 < zipcpi> I actually wonder if di'ai is better in COI2 instead :p 21:46 < zipcpi> With whatever in it being the blessing rather than the addressee 21:47 < zipcpi> There's always doi 21:48 < zipcpi> {di'ai panpi doi .abra'am.} -> "Peace be to you, Abraham"? 21:49 < durka42> too late, di'ai is one of the three most popular experimental cmavo 21:49 < zipcpi> Yeah 21:50 < durka42> you can make dai'i :p 21:50 < zipcpi> lol 21:50 < zipcpi> It's just I've seen prescriptions having to move {panpi} to the bridi 21:50 < zipcpi> Which is a bit ugly 21:50 < durka42> selbri are better than cmavo anyway 21:50 < durka42> co'o 23:04 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Subordinators - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Subordinators by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyeeTH] 23:05 < zipcpi> Awr the non-veridicality thing is still there :p 23:07 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK gismu Section: Complete vs. Incomplete Specifications - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_gismu_Section:_Complete_vs._Incomplete_Specifications by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyeulm] 23:07 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK gismu Section: Parenthetical Remarks in Brivla Definitions - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_gismu_Section:_Parenthetical_Remarks_in_Brivla_Definitions by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyexh5] 23:09 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK gismu Section: Problems With ka - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_gismu_Section:_Problems_With_ka by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyeP7N] 23:13 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Aristotelean Abstractors - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Aristotelean_Abstractors by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyeXUX] 23:15 < gleki> zo kaptegori i'enai i zo klesi 23:16 < gocti> zo klesi simlu lo ka za'u zei selsmu 23:16 < gocti> (to ie zo kaptegori fegli toi) 23:18 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Dictionary Preface - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Dictionary_Preface by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyfbLN] 23:18 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: brivla Negators - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_brivla_Negators by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyfo1f] 23:18 < gleki> i sa'e selklesi 23:20 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Attitudinal Specifiers - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Attitudinal_Specifiers by Cirko - jmina lo kaptegori sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyfrdA] 23:22 < gleki> let me add glosses for cmavo then 23:23 < gocti> (to zo kleste pei toi) 23:29 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Highlight Discursives - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Highlight_Discursives by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyfVR5] 23:29 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Hesitation - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Hesitation by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyfZ3g] 23:29 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: gismu Issues - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_gismu_Issues by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyg1YQ] 23:29 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: General Negators - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_General_Negators by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyg2Mc] 23:29 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Evidentials - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Evidentials by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyg3jt] 23:30 < gocti> .e'u ru'e gau ku la uitki na tu'itsku lo me lo se tcita be fi lo ka na'e vajni moi 23:32 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Erasures - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Erasures by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyg4Un] 23:32 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Epistemology_sumtcita by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyg8nf] 23:32 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Discursives - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Discursives by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dygdHo] 23:36 < gleki> sa'u mi pu mipri lo batke pe lo nu tu'itsku 23:37 < gleki> i mi na djuno i su'o za'u pa lo jbopre pu djica lo nu zgana lo nu galfi i xu nu bu srana ro papri i na djuno 23:41 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: New cmavo Proposals - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_New_cmavo_Proposals by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1II5ojW] 23:41 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Modal Aspects - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Modal_Aspects by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dygRox] 23:41 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Miscellaneous Notes And To-Dos - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Miscellaneous_Notes_And_To-Dos by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dygRVt] 23:41 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Logical Variables - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Logical_Variables by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1II5wjd] 23:41 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: lerfu Shifts - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_lerfu_Shifts by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dygWIC] 23:41 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: lerfu - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_lerfu by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyh0YY] 23:42 < gleki> i ku'i u'i ca ti ma'a se slabu so'a lo BPFK papri 23:45 < gleki> i mi tatpi lo ka jmina lo gloso 23:47 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: PEG Morphology Algorithm - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_PEG_Morphology_Algorithm by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1II6oEz] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Opinionated Gripes - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Opinionated_Gripes by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyhpdT] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Pedagogical Tags - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Pedagogical_Tags by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyho9R] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Text Structure Discursives - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Text_Structure_Discursives by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1II6rAm] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: The Problem With comma - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_The_Problem_With_comma by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyhqyz] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: ZOI - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_ZOI by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyhrTd] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Vocatives - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Vocatives by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1II6sUW] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Utterance Pro-sumti - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Utterance_Pro-sumti by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyhuy9] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Typicals - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Typicals by Cirko - jmina lo kleste sinxa [http://bit.ly/1dyhtdB] 23:49 < gocti> ca'e ca spama co'u 23:49 < gleki> en: gloss 23:49 < mensi> 12 da se tolcri: bangigusu, bogytacfi'e, sparnodontoglosu, sparnrosioglosu, dutso, finprplekoglosu, karpo'ijbe, pupsu, 23:49 < mensi> sparbe'alara, sparburage'ara, sparko'eloglosu, zucna 23:50 < gleki> la pupsu cu omni 23:50 < gleki> sai la kurti cu omni 23:50 < gleki> sa 23:50 < gleki> i la kurti cu omni 23:51 < gocti> mi pu se jetmlu lo du'u zo pupsu catni gismu 23:51 < gleki> lo si'o pupsu cu cinri sidbo ma'i lo sapfi je lo uorfi 23:52 < gocti> xu srana lo ni lo si'o fasnu cu frica lo si'o dacti --- Day changed Thu Jun 11 2015 00:12 < gleki> go'i 01:15 < gleki> mi mo'u jmina a'enai lo cmavo gloso 01:19 < gocti> .i'o 01:19 < gocti> .i jmina fi lo gugle gredile ku xu 01:20 < gleki> go'i 02:18 < ctefaho> coi 02:22 < niftg> coi 02:24 < akmnlrse> coi re mei be lo .niftyg. 02:26 < niftg> li'a pa lo re mi cu nonspu cando 02:28 < niftg> coi ak.ak.akmnd.akm.akmnlrse 02:30 < akmnlrse> cumki fa lo nu zo'oi akmynlyrse ba za co'a gendra 02:31 < akmnlrse> je voi dunli zo .akmnlrse 02:33 < niftg> lo nazbi pagre zunsna cu ka'e ba rinju fi lo nu lamsi'u vauvauxu 02:34 < akmnlrse> lo sa'e zunsna poi ka'e slaka kernelo cu go'i ie 02:35 < akmnlrse> y 02:35 < akmnlrse> sa.i 02:37 < akmnlrse> sa'e rinju fi lo ka ja'a slaka kernelo kei fe lo nu me'o .ybu lidne lo no'a 02:39 < niftg> mi to'eta'e jundi lodu'u makau poi zunsna ka'e slaka kernelo 02:48 < dutchie> zo makau se fanva fi lo glico fu ma 02:50 < dutchie> .i mi na kakne lonu tolci fi la jbovlaste 02:50 < akmnlrse> valsi re mei .i lu "ma kau" li'u 02:50 < valsi> 6 results: litru, mei, li'ei, te'ai, xei, relyfi'es 02:51 < dutchie> .ua ki'e 02:51 < akmnlrse> .i dunli lo nu pilno zo'oi "what" va'o lo na'e preti 02:53 < gleki> zo tolci ua 02:53 < akmnlrse> .y ua .i mi pu na ganse 02:54 < akmnlrse> .i melbi .i ie melbi 02:54 < dutchie> mi skudji zo tolcri 02:55 < gleki> mi pu sruma lo nu lo jvajvo cu se galfi fi lo gismu 02:57 < dutchie> lonu samci'a cu nandu zo'o 03:45 < gleki> Glosses for particles included mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 06:31 < gleki> Hm, they want such words as "when" is En2jbo dictionary 06:41 < gleki> i cant even add "to die" to eat because .. it's two words in Lojban! 06:41 < gleki> *to it 06:45 < ctefaho> .u'iru'e .oidai 06:47 < gleki> "to squeeze". is it just {danre}? 06:47 < gleki> .w squeeze 06:47 < phenny> squeeze — noun: 1. A difficult position, 2. A traversal of a narrow passage — verb: 1. (trans.) To apply pressure to from two or more sides at once, 2. (trans., intransitive) To fit into a tight place 06:48 < Ilmen> denmi zenba gasnu 06:48 < Ilmen> or catke 06:49 < Ilmen> but not danre 06:50 < gleki> to apply pressure. why not danre? 06:50 < gleki> en: danre 06:50 < mensi> danre = x1 (force) puts pressure on/presses/applies force to x2. |>>> Agentive press/depress (= da'ergau, da'erzu'e). 06:50 < mensi> See also catke, bapli, prina, tinsa. |>>> officialdata 06:50 < gleki> en: catke 06:50 < mensi> catke = x1 [agent] shoves/pushes x2 at locus x3. |>>> Move by pushing/shoving (= ca'ermuvgau). (cf. danre for 06:50 < mensi> non-agentive force, lacpu) |>>> officialdata 06:55 < gleki> these are the words that i dont know how to add to the dict. atm: louse, bark, ash, to die, to wipe, dirty, dull, if, he, they, this, that, here, there, what, when, where, who, how 06:56 < gleki> pls ignore "louse" ! 07:04 < gleki> so it looks like i have to add {co'a morsi} as a separate dictionary entry 07:28 < phma__> zoi .gy. bark .gy. do skudji zo ricyskapi ji zo gavgava? 07:29 < gleki> pe'i na ralbrivla 07:29 < gleki> fa genai zo ricyskapi ginai zo gercmoni 07:31 < phma> bloti xu? 07:32 < gleki> sa'u zo'oi bark pagbu lo liste pe la suadec 07:34 * nuzba @AllTheTwits: thinks everybody should learn Lojban [http://bit.ly/1JHRPAZ] 07:34 < gleki> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swadesh_list 07:34 < gleki> ja'o ricyskapi 07:35 < phma> 27. bark (of tree) 07:35 < gleki> ma gismu gi'e valsi zo'oi ash 07:36 < phma> zo fagyfesti ji zo fraksino? 07:37 < gleki> en: fraksino 07:37 < mensi> fraksino = x1 is an ash of species/variety x2. |>>> phma 07:37 < gleki> la'a zo fagyfesti 07:37 < phma> fagyfesti 07:37 < phma> it's between fire and burn 07:37 < gleki> i cizra falonu lo si'o fagyfesti cu vajni 07:38 < gleki> i ji'a lo me'oi ash cu ve vimcu 09:13 < gleki> looks like "ashes" are just setting of the oxidization reaction 09:39 < durka42> za'a la .guskant. ba'o galfi zo jo'au tezu'e lo nu ri jdika lo ni janli lo lerfu se stidi 09:40 < durka42> #jbodrama 09:41 < gleki> en: jo'au 09:41 < mensi> jo'au = [MAI] change version/dialect of parser |>>> The morphology and the grammar of numbers preceding to jo'au, 09:41 < mensi> including ''word''-bu, should conform to the version 134 of the page ''BPFK Section: PEG Morphology Algorithm'' on the 09:41 < mensi> website lojban.org and the official grammar for number cmavo, so that a jo'au cluster forms a free modifier compatible 09:41 < mensi> with every version/dialect of lojban parser: for example, ''jie bu jo'au'' and ''xei jo'au'' are not meaningful clusters. 09:41 < mensi> As a standard usage, jo'au cluster appears at the very beginning of the whole text, just as the inverse of the usage of 09:41 < mensi> fa'o. The scope of the meaning of jo'au cluster spans over the following part until the next jo'au cluster appears... 09:41 < mensi> [mo'u se katna] http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/jo'au 09:41 < gleki> jbo: jo'au 09:41 < mensi> jo'au = [MAI] galfi lo namcu lo tcita be lo selsku bei lo du'u sinxa lo du'u dei te gerna fi lo se sinxa be ny |>>> mu'a 09:41 < mensi> lu cylylypapi'epa jo'au li'u a lu camxes.bu jo'au li'u a lu iocixes.bu jo'au li'u a lu ilmentufa 09:41 < mensi> burenopavopi'epapapi'erevo jo'au li'u a lu fancylojban.bu jo'au li'u mu'anai |>>> 09:41 < mensi> gusnikantu 09:41 < durka42> ba'onai ningau 09:41 < durka42> co'a selma'o COI3 09:41 < durka42> mensi: ko ningau 09:41 < durka42> mensi: ko co'u masno lo nu ningau 09:41 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 09:41 < mensi> xu do so'i va'e cinmo fi lo nu casnu lo simsa 09:42 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 09:42 < durka42> en:jo'au 09:42 < mensi> jo'au = [COI3] change version/dialect of parser 09:42 < durka42> jbo:jo'au 09:42 < mensi> jo'au = [COI3] tcita lo cmene ja ve skicu le du'u sinxa le du'u makau genturfa'i dei 09:42 < mensi> makau 10:21 < Mateon1> Is there any pronounciation guide (Actual spoken words, not links to velar consonants or whatever on Wikipedia), for lojban? 10:21 < zipcpi> There is a recording of this story: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/la_.teris._ku_noi_tigra_cu_stuvi%27e_lo_barda_tcadu 10:22 < Mateon1> Thanks, will look into that, anything else I could look at? 10:22 < zipcpi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emCDL4aocDE 10:33 < durka42> selpa'i has some more corpus readings on youtube 10:33 < durka42> and guskant recorded some simple songs 10:34 < durka42> I wouldn't recommend selpa'i's songs as a pronunciation guide, they are way too fast :) 10:34 < durka42> (but amazing) 10:34 < zipcpi> Heh :p 10:47 < zipcpi> I want to just record sentences for Tatoeba already but they force me to use this strange "Shtooka Recorder" that keeps throwing errors 10:49 < durka42> yeah I could never get that thing to work 10:49 < durka42> not sure why they make it so difficult 10:49 < gleki> because it's an open source project 10:51 < zipcpi> A celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness. -> {lo'e mispre cu me lo prenu poi misno mu'i lo ka misno}? :p 10:51 < durka42> cu prenu gi'e 10:51 < durka42> or… lo ka mispre cu ka prenu gi'e misno […] 10:52 < zipcpi> u'i 10:52 < durka42> doesn't misno have an x2 10:52 < gleki> {gi'e} breaks english priginal 10:52 < durka42> vlaste: misno 10:52 < vlaste> misno = x1 (person/object/event) is famous/renowned/is a celebrity among community of persons x2 (mass). 10:52 < durka42> gleki: we don't translate word for word, lojban isn't an english cipher 10:53 < zipcpi> Yeah it has an x2 but lacks an x3 10:53 < durka42> or maybe just 10:53 < durka42> lo'e mispre cu misno mu'i lo ka misno 10:53 < gleki> durka42: if you start from the original Lojban sentences then that's fine but this is a link between English and Lojban sentence. The meaning should be preserved. 10:53 < zipcpi> Right drop the prenu 10:53 < durka42> yes preserve the meaning 10:53 < durka42> that doesn't mean gloss the sentence :p 10:54 < gleki> and "is a person who" isn't the same as "is a person and" 10:54 < gleki> they differ in meaning 10:55 < zipcpi> {lo'e mispre cu misno mu'i lo nu ri misno} 10:55 < Mateon1> Can fa fe fi fo fu be used for corrections? For example if I mistake x3 in some relation, can I use fi to correct after I said it? 10:56 < zipcpi> Corrections are hard to make. We have {lo'ai... sa'ai... le'ai} for that 10:56 < gleki> it's better to use {si} or {sa} of those three. 10:56 < zipcpi> Also {sa} can be used to repeat your entire sentence if necessasary 10:56 < zipcpi> {si} removes a word 10:57 < gleki> it's generally assumed that repeating the same particle from {fa} series assumes you just add new information. So {fa mi fa do klama} is the same as {fa mi klama .i fa do klama} 10:57 < zipcpi> So = {mi je do klama}? 10:58 < gleki> nope 10:58 < gleki> {mi je do klama = mi klama ije do klama} 11:00 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Human body */ [http://bit.ly/1QrzxrG] 11:20 < gleki> Eng2Jbo dictionary will need a lot of work. 11:21 < gleki> and it still wont help people much even if they think different now. 11:21 < lenton> Does jbo = lojban? 11:22 < zipcpi> Yes 11:22 < gleki> yes, those are ISO codes. 11:23 < zipcpi> Also the Lojban word for Lojban is actually {jbobau} :p 11:23 < zipcpi> Although {la .lojban.} is acceptable 11:23 < gleki> i just dont feel i need to create a 20th century style tool when we just have simple tools like la muplis nowadays. 11:24 < zipcpi> You mean a physical dictionary? 11:24 < zipcpi> Yeah I can see that T.T 11:24 < gleki> i mean a dictionary where to find {pe'i} you have to look into "think" entry. 11:25 < gleki> yes, it's a like a paper dictionary i.e. without hypertext 11:25 < lenton> Is there a web app which will speak out a lojban word? I'm still getting used to pronunciation and it would be very helpful 11:27 < gleki> since Lojban spelling is straightforward it's unlikely such dictionary will be made anytime soon. Because every letter corresponds to one sound: http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci.html 11:28 < gleki> one could create a text-to-speech converter but im not familiar with any open source tools for that 11:28 < zipcpi> If you want a sample of spoken Lojban: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/la_.teris._po%27u_lo_tirxu_cu_vitke_zi%27o_le_barda_tcadu 11:29 < zipcpi> Hmm... that {mispre} sentence might actually be better with {lo'i}. At least, my {lo'i} :p 11:30 < zipcpi> It is, contextually, a definition 11:33 < gleki> one could use google tts actually 11:34 < zipcpi> The buttons on the sound thingy doesn't seem to work 11:34 < durka42> meh 11:34 < durka42> if we start using CKTJ and gadri proposals and stuff on tatoeba 11:34 < akmnlrse> lenton: not a web app, but if you have espeak you can do "espeak -v jbo" 11:34 < durka42> then lojban becomes polysemous 11:34 < akmnlrse> (it does have bugs) 11:34 < zipcpi> Yeah... I understand 11:35 < gleki> i probably need to move sound files into the inside of the cirkotci tool itself 11:35 < akmnlrse> zipcpi: try http://chins.qc.to/voksna.html 11:35 < gleki> oh, huh a speech recognition tool. would be nice for e-learning tools for Lojban https://github.com/syl22-00/pocketsphinx.js 11:36 < zipcpi> ... I don't like their [x] for some reason 11:36 < akmnlrse> yeah because it's [X]. bu'a'a 11:38 < zipcpi> {le}, {lo}, and {lo'e} are relatively safe though I believe ({lo'e} isn't used much but I don't think I have shifted its meaning too far) 11:38 < lenton> akmnlrse: Thanks, that's perfect 11:39 < akmnlrse> oi, espeak seems to pronounce /x/ and /h/ identically 11:40 < gleki> that's ... terrible http://vrici.lojban.org/~gleki/mediawiki-1.19.2/extensions/ilmentufa//speak.js/demo.html 11:40 < zipcpi> Tsk tsk tsk 11:41 < zipcpi> That's for English though gleki :p 11:56 < gleki> "document.querySelector("#table").appendChild" i guess this leads to two tables displayed instead of one 12:00 < akmnlrse> lo gredile re mei noi pa ke'a zo'u no da fasnu ganse 12:01 < zipcpi> mo'oi gredile 12:02 < akmnlrse> lo pa moi co xaptemele gredile 12:02 < gleki> akmnlrse: ie i xunai nabmi 12:02 < akmnlrse> sa'u .ei vimcu lo tinsa se sampla sei malgli 12:03 < gleki> uanai 12:04 < akmnlrse> .i ja sa'u kibycpa lo krasi papri se pi'o ge nai lo brauzero gi la'oi wget mu'a 12:04 < gleki> mi ca jimpe no da 12:05 < akmnlrse> cd /lo/judri/be/la/glekitufa/; curl http://chins.qc.to/voksna.html > cirkotci.html 12:06 < gleki> ua frica 12:06 < akmnlrse> .i lo brauzero va'o lo nu selsrogau lo xaptemele cu jmina lo ca'o jai se jarco poi dodme 12:09 < zipcpi> lol I think I prefer [x] over [X]. [X] is a bit closer to [h] 12:09 < zipcpi> I mean, if I focus I can tell the difference 12:10 < zipcpi> But it might make it even more difficult for some Polish guy that we know :p 12:10 * akmnlrse cu zmanei zo'oi X (to la'a ki'u lo nu malpo'olska toi) 12:10 < zipcpi> u'i 12:10 < zipcpi> do ji'a po'olska xu 12:10 < akmnlrse> go'i 12:13 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci/cirkotci.html 12:14 < gleki> i ku'i ca ti mi na nelci lo nu le apli cu kibycpa lo bartu ke sance vreji 12:14 < mensi> i ji'a mi na nelci mi'e la mensi 12:15 < gleki> i ei galfi le za'u vreji lo ju'oi data: vreji 12:15 < zipcpi> zo ju'oi ki'a 12:16 < gleki> zo ju'oi se mipri valsi i fa po'o lo jbocre cu se krali lo ka pilno le valsi 12:16 < zipcpi> uezo'o la gleki cu finti lo cmavo 12:16 < akmnlrse> na ku 12:17 < akmnlrse> .i ba'a nai la danmo cu finti 12:17 < gleki> i mi pe na cu pu finti zo ju'oi 12:18 < akmnlrse> lo mlatu goi na cu pinxe lo ladru goi pa mu'ei 12:19 < zipcpi> to to to to to to toi toi toi toi toi toi 12:21 < akmnlrse> alta: tu'e nu lo noi 12:21 < mensi> (tu'e [{FA ZOhE} {CU <(¹nu [{FA <lo (²[COhE SF] [noi {<FA ZOhE> <CU (³COhE SF³) VAU>} KUhO]²) KU>} {CU <COhE SF> VAU}] KEI¹) SF> VAU}] TUhU) 12:22 < zipcpi> mi pu srera jinvi lo du'u lo xaptemele cu cidja 12:22 < zipcpi> mau'u kukte xaptemele 12:22 < gleki> tu'e fa zo'e cu nu fa lo co'e sf noi fa zo'e cu co'e sf vau ku'o ku cu co'e sf vau kei sf vau tu'u 12:23 < akmnlrse> so'u da kukte gi'e xaptemele 12:23 < akmnlrse> .i ku'i lo ja'a kukte cu jai nu zmo'una 12:24 < akmnlrse> alta: cu co'e sf 12:24 < mensi> ([FA ZOhE] [cu {<co'e sf> SF} VAU]) 12:24 < zipcpi> zo sf na jetnu famyma'o 12:24 < zipcpi> e'u zo i'au'u'au'o'e'au zo'o 12:32 < zipcpi> Is {voi} CKTJ for {poi'i}? 12:35 < akmnlrse> go'i 12:35 < zipcpi> ua 12:53 * nuzba @selpahi: doi lo jefyfa'o vokta'a ne la .mambyl. ko jungau lo drata ne mu'a lo mriste tau la virtu'ale jbogu'e .i ka'e cinri ru | #lojban [http://bit.ly/1KGzJP3] 13:21 < Ilmen|2> je'e 13:35 < Mateon1> coi 13:35 < Mateon1> How would I go about learning more vocabulary? 13:36 < Mateon1> Just looking through the dictionaries doesn't seem the best way to learn 13:36 < dutchie> Mateon1: i'm finding anki is working well 13:36 < dutchie> http://ankisrs.net/ 13:36 < Ilmen> Anki or Memrise 13:36 < dutchie> adding words myself as i see them i think is better than just downloading a huge list 13:38 < Ilmen> In those words are usually sorted by frequency, which is good 13:38 < Ilmen> dutchie: As for me I've made my own deck, which is probably the best option, although more time consuming 13:39 < dutchie> yes, that's what i meant 13:40 < demize> I guess it could be a good idea to compile a 'core list' of the most common words at least. 13:40 < Ilmen> http://mw.lojban.org/images/9/9a/MyFreq-COMB_without_dots.txt 13:41 < Ilmen> ^ A complete frequency list, recent enough 13:42 < Ilmen> A fresh frequency list can be generated anytime by using Korpora zei Sisku 13:42 < Ilmen> http://korp.alexburka.com/ 13:43 < Ilmen> (just go to the "Extended" tab, then click on the Search button with an empty search, and then click on the Statistics tab which is on the right of the KWIC tab 13:44 < Ilmen> then a fresh frequency list appears 13:44 < Ilmen> hm 13:49 < durka42> a wild frequency list appeared! 13:49 < durka42> heh, did not expect {le} to be up that high 13:52 < afurrow> ...the phrase I remember best from my first foray into lojban 20 years ago is "le nu mi klama" 13:52 < afurrow> that's like the only one I can never forget 13:52 < afurrow> it feels wrong that it should be lo now :) 13:53 < durka42> I like the sound of {lo} better 13:53 < durka42> makes lojban sound less like F7U12 13:54 < Ilmen> .u'i ua nai 13:54 < afurrow> ehh? 13:54 < dutchie> if you don't know, you are better off 14:14 < durka42> lo fengu lisxra 14:50 < Ilmen> co'o 14:51 < lenton> .a'o xamgu nicte 15:13 < demize> Hmm, wiki is down. 15:16 < durka42> so it is 15:16 < durka42> the whole server is down actually 15:16 < durka42> ping rlpowell 15:20 <@rlpowell> durka42: Hmm? 15:20 <@rlpowell> Huh. 15:20 < durka42> rlpowell: JVS and LMW are refusing connections 15:20 < durka42> ssh to vrici works though 15:20 < durka42> (slowly) 15:21 < durka42> I thought ssh wasn't going through at first, that's why I said "the whole server" 15:22 <@rlpowell> *nod* Looking. 15:25 <@rlpowell> Huh. 15:26 < durka42> hey, JVS responds now 15:26 <@rlpowell> Yeah, httpd was off. 15:26 < durka42> LMW is thinking about it.... 15:26 < durka42> there it goes 15:26 < durka42> :) 15:27 <@rlpowell> But I'm probably going to shut it off in a sec. 15:27 <@rlpowell> Well. Maybe not. 15:28 <@rlpowell> Let me know if it's ridiculously slow, please; I'm thinking about changing RAM allocations. 18:36 * nuzba @mpfl: @snailx This is why we need to abandon English to swap to Lojban. [http://bit.ly/1I7Snup] 19:50 < fleimbo> coi 20:46 < noncomcinse> coi prenu 22:26 * nuzba @uitki: zipcpi: Yet another gadri article - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1IMjyjO] 22:26 * nuzba @uitki: gadganzu proposal - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadganzu_proposal by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1FcubF9] 23:17 < gleki> once again im reminded that in some Romance languages "to know to swim" means "to be able to swim". Is Lojban malgli in this regard? 23:29 < zipcpi> gleki: I don't know. {mi ka'e limna}, {mi certu lo ka limna}, and {mi djuno lo du'u ta'i ma limna}; are all acceptable renderings IMO, though there might be slight semantic differences 23:30 < gleki> they literally say "I know to swim" 23:30 < gleki> {mi djuno lo ka limna} 23:30 < zipcpi> It's kinda like how I was told the other day; in Malay you don't "guna" {pilno} a language, you "pakai" {dacti} it... don't think that would be right in Lojban though. 23:30 < zipcpi> Yeah I think that stretches {djuno} somewhat 23:31 < gleki> {mi ka'e limna}, {mi certu lo ka limna}, {mi djuno lo du'u ta'i ma limna} <-- all sound like a calque from English 23:31 < zipcpi> True 23:31 < gleki> Well, hm, in Russian it's the same as in English. 23:31 < zipcpi> I don't know... maybe {djuno} *could* mean that? It's not as if I expect {ka} to be used with {djuno} any other way 23:32 < gleki> djuno can be used with ka, since ka = du'u +ce'u 23:32 < gleki> but what it'd mean is another question 23:32 * zipcpi nods 23:33 < gleki> Most likely it'd mean "I know that I swim" 23:33 < gleki> I know myself swimming 23:33 < zipcpi> Difference is a {ka} "belongs" to something, whether that thing is concrete or abstract 23:33 < zipcpi> Yeah in that case it won't be quite right 23:33 < zipcpi> Oh I forgot the {kau} 23:33 < zipcpi> ta'i makau 23:33 < zipcpi> That's a bit long though x.x 23:34 < zipcpi> But yeah as I noted, in Malay you don't {pilno} a language (or any skill), you {dacti} it 23:35 < zipcpi> Er not dacti 23:35 < zipcpi> dasni? 23:35 < gleki> wear? 23:35 < zipcpi> Yeah dasni 23:35 < gleki> jb: dasni 23:35 < gleki> oh no 23:35 < zipcpi> Yep, you "wear" a skill/language 23:35 < zipcpi> mensi ragequit :p 23:36 < gleki> again she couldnt download dumps and crashed 23:36 < gleki> jb: dasni 23:36 < zipcpi> New word "oicli" = "ragequit" :p 23:37 < gleki> enough for me. i just wont restart it 23:37 < zipcpi> Maybe "oicli'a" 23:39 < zipcpi> exp: +s oicli'a 23:39 < zipcpi> Oops lol 23:40 < gleki> k:oicli'a 23:40 < mensi> (CU [Z:oicli'a VAU]) 23:42 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/oicli'a 23:47 < zipcpi> {mi certu lo ka limna} is not *very* glico though. Sure "I am skilled at swimming" is perfectly good English, but is not the usual English rendering 23:49 < zipcpi> And {mi djuno lo du'u ta'i makau limna} both manages to be longer and be less semantically precise 23:49 < zipcpi> Because all it implies is that you have a "head knowledge" of it; maybe you read it in a book somewhere, but not that you can actually do it --- Day changed Fri Jun 12 2015 00:00 < gleki> then {mi vedli lo ka limna} 00:18 < zipcpi> I'm not sure {vedli} means what we want here 00:18 < zipcpi> That implies you swam once upon a time, and remember the experience 00:28 < gleki> ok let's assume they mix {certu/djuno lo ka} 00:40 * nuzba @uitki: ce ki tau jau - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1IysFli] 01:14 < dutchie> cerni coi 01:36 < gleki> coi 01:48 < gleki> im converting all these external ogg files in la cirkotci tool into data uri 02:20 < gleki> LIVLABOT: la cirkotci tool is now self-contained http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci.html 02:58 < dutchie> wiki down again? 03:01 < gleki> dutchie: no, works for me. 03:02 < dutchie> hmm 03:04 < gleki> dutchie: which page in particular 03:05 < dutchie> all of it 03:05 < dutchie> can't even ping mw.lojban.org 03:05 < gleki> downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mw.lojban.org 03:05 < dutchie> mm 03:06 < dutchie> ah well, i can manage without it for now. must be some network weirdness 03:06 < gleki> try vpn 03:08 < dutchie> seeing the same from my london-hosted vps box (unsurprising, given i'm practically in london now) 03:08 < dutchie> fine from aws 03:08 < dutchie> *shrug* 03:10 * nuzba @uitki: ko'a marji lo rectu - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ko%27a_marji_lo_rectu by Guskant - notci [http://bit.ly/1e7WK1n] 03:21 < dutchie> oh, apparently level 3 is down 03:37 * nuzba @uitki: complex Languages and Writing Systems - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/complex_Languages_and_Writing_Systems by Mark.xafirkamp. - fix link to [[context free grammars]] [http://bit.ly/1e7YSWF] 03:47 * nuzba @uitki: pronunciation - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/pronunciation by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1GiHDLB] 04:31 * nuzba @uitki: la ckuzda pe la babel - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/la_ckuzda_pe_la_babel by Guskant - ref [http://bit.ly/1Mvpf3y] 04:33 * nuzba @selpahi: na'i fegli toldi | #lojban [http://bit.ly/1L4U7ux] 05:17 < gocti> di'e zo'u ma ke'a zei sumti lo noi zei jufpau 05:17 < gocti> yacc: lo mi noi broda vau broda 05:17 < mensi> ({lo <mi [noi (broda vau) KU'O] broda> KU} VAU) 05:17 < gocti> exp: lo mi noi broda vau broda 05:17 < mensi> ([lo {<mi (¹noi [CU {broda vau}] KUhO¹)> broda} KU] VAU) 05:18 < gocti> (to ta'o zo minbri mu'a ji ma mapti lo ka noi zei bridi toi) 05:19 < gleki> lu noi zei bridi li'u plixau i ku'i ma valsi lo noi zei bridi ja poi zei bridi 05:19 < gleki> no'i ma nabmi i mi noi ke'a no'u mi broda cu co'e 05:20 < _mukti_> coi la gleki 05:20 < gleki> coi la kurji 05:20 < gocti> va'i lo gentufa cu ficysi'u fi lo ka te smuni sa'e nai ma kau le jufra 05:20 < gocti> lo [mi noi broda vau] broda 05:20 < gocti> lo mi [noi broda vau] broda 05:21 < gocti> .i lo simsa be lo'u «lo mi noi broda vau noi broda vau broda» le'u na se zanru 05:21 < gleki> mi na zgana 05:21 < _mukti_> do xendo lo nu te cmene mi zo kurji .i ca ku mi na mutce lo ka kurji 05:22 < gleki> i ku'i do ka'e kurji ma su'a 05:22 < gleki> sa'enai 05:22 < _mukti_> je'e 05:24 < _mukti_> Is there significant support for the proposals that were added the uitki? It seems to me like they break with tradition on a number of points. 05:25 < _mukti_> The idea that a naming article is more definite for example. 05:26 < gleki> naming article? 05:26 < _mukti_> {la} 05:26 < gleki> the proposals? 05:26 < gleki> examples? 05:26 < gocti> la'a tavla fi lo me la zipcpi moi 05:27 < _mukti_> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 05:27 < gleki> you mean that zipcpi's weirdness? 05:27 < gleki> je'e 05:27 < _mukti_> yes 05:27 < _mukti_> I like some of the technical approaches that they take ... identifying dimensions, etc. 05:28 < _mukti_> But some of the specifics seem out of step with the history of discussions on some issues. 05:28 < gleki> btw, if we want to make the appearance of lojban in online e-learning resources closer in time we should start creating a course in any format (e.g. spreadsheet one) now. so that the owners of those e-learning resources are able to just use what's already done. 05:28 < gleki> anyone wants to watch me doing the course and bugging me with proposals? 05:29 < gleki> definite <-- no idea what that is 05:29 < gleki> Demonstrative <-- ne'a, VA, TA 05:30 < _mukti_> gleki, you've done amazing work to that end. It seems like the crash course aggregates the most modern teaching approaches. 05:30 < gleki> Anaphoric<-- mi'u, letterals, ri, ra 05:30 < gleki> _mukti_: no, i mean something like Memrise/Duolingo/NooLearning 05:30 < gleki> as for other things like "deictic" i wonder what they really mean 05:31 < gleki> or whether they are meaningful at all 05:31 < _mukti_> Yeah, there's a tradition in philosophy of considering names as "rigid designators", etc. But I never got the idea lojban bought into that. 05:31 < _mukti_> A {la} name to my understanding is a different mode of description. 05:31 < _mukti_> No more or less definite than any other description. 05:31 < gleki> Anaphoric determiner. le'e broda = the aforementioned broda(s). Essentially identical to lo bi'unai broda. <-- that's not what bi'unai means 05:32 < _mukti_> gleki: I know you mean other resources -- I just wanted to thank you for pushing the state of teaching materials forward. 05:33 < gleki> _mukti_: if you have time you can join jboTatoeba TotalScan project 05:33 < _mukti_> What's that? 05:33 < gleki> H: coi .i xu do nelci le draci = "Hi. Did you like the play? (that you just watched)" 05:33 < gleki> ^ sounds like demonstrative 05:33 < gleki> unless by demonstrative you mean space/time things 05:34 < gleki> mi djica lo nu do penmi le prenu : "I want you to meet a person (I have in mind)." 05:34 < _mukti_> I think that comes from cadgu's proposed usage of {le} to contrast with {lo} 05:34 < gleki> ^ sounds like {da} 05:35 < Ilmen> I think this le has to do with most-salient-ness 05:35 < _mukti_> coi la .ilmen. 05:35 < Ilmen> coi 05:35 < gleki> Also I can't see why they mention anaphora but never cataphora and exophora. thus the whole page looks extremely eclectic. 05:37 < gleki> _mukti_: note that it's better to put more "wrong translation" tags if you doubt rather than less such tags. since we are first interested in raising the quality of the Tatoeba db rather than retaining a large number of sentences https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Md0pojdcO3EVf3LQPHXFB7uOThNvTWszkWd5T4YhvKs/edit?usp=drive_web 05:38 < Ilmen> --> zipcpi-le broda = lo poi'i ke'a broda gi'e traji lo ka prominente ku lo ro broda ? 05:38 < Ilmen> {lo broda poi co'e} is also possible, but maybe too weak 05:39 < gleki> lo broda pe dei? 05:39 < Ilmen> Maybe; I don't know anymore what {dei} is 05:42 < Ilmen> {dei} is sometimes used for the current sentence, and sometimes for the current situation 05:44 < Ilmen> The problem of using {pe dei} as "pertaining to the current sentence" is that "the current sentence", if it's a mere letter/sound sequence, may have been uttered more than once, especially if it's a simple sentence 05:45 < Ilmen> so it's maybe not the best way to express "pertaining to the current situation" 06:08 < gleki> "the current discourse", I think. not "sentence" 06:10 < Ilmen> The most important deictic is "here and there / the current situation" 06:10 < Ilmen> I'd like "nau" to be a sumka'i, so that it'd be that deictic 06:10 < gleki> how is it different from demonstrative? 06:11 < Ilmen> I'm unsure, I haven't thought much about demonstratives 06:11 < Ilmen> gleki: Do you mean ti/ta/tu? 06:11 < gleki> Ilmen: i mean that zipcpi's page 06:12 < Ilmen> the current sentence = lo nau selsku 06:12 < Ilmen> (well, maybe that also means "the current speech/text" 06:12 < Ilmen> ) 06:13 < Ilmen> lo nau jufra 06:13 < gleki> en: ca ti 06:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:14 < gleki> en: cati 06:14 < mensi> 438 da se tolcri: daklytcati, ri'ortcati, tcati, be'ei'oi, ctuci'e, di'o, do'ai, doi, doinai, do'u, dzadza, gafyzmico, 06:14 < mensi> jaivi, jibycu'e, kaidza, le jaivi, ma'u zei ionti, mosysna, nartolkau, pavmeidza, roldza, selcanci, setu'i, suzdza, 06:14 < mensi> suzmeidza, tede'i, terbriju, terzilkancu, toi'e, toi'o, veti'u, xau'e'o, zairsnucu'u, aigne, a'oi, bacru, ba'ei, bai'i, 06:14 < mensi> banmu'i'i, bavlamcte, bavlamvanci, be'a, be'e, bi'ai, bijyjbu, birlxatere, brano, braro'i, briju, bromalsi, broralmalsi, 06:14 < mensi> bruneleskia, bu'u, cabycte, cabyku'e, canci, cando, canro'i, catlpero, ca'u, cermurse, cerni, ce'ulno, cilfu, 06:14 < mensi> cimnyselcmi, cimtu'a, cistcika, ckafi, ckuke'u, clevalua, clinu, clupa, cmagdaleini, cmamalsi, cmaro'i, cmeci'u, 06:14 < mensi> cmenrline, cmeta, cmeveigau, cmisau, ... 06:15 < gleki> btw, in Facebook i got the strangiest request. to add lojban translations of words from swadesh and other frequency lists . like "a/an", "any" etc. O_0 06:15 < Ilmen> jbo: ti 06:15 < mensi> ti = [KOhA6] lo se jarco be le cusku be'o noi jibni le cusku |>>> ta, tu |>>> xorxes 06:16 < Ilmen> my concern with using "ca ti" for "now" is that it doesn't seem very related to jarco-ing 06:16 < gleki> what is jarco? for me it's manifestation 06:16 < Ilmen> (but then, maybe it's the definition of "ti" that is unaccurate) 06:17 < Ilmen> jbo: jarco 06:17 < mensi> jarco = x1 gasnu ja curmi lo nu x2 se sanji x3 .i x1 to'e mipri x2 x3 |>>> gasnu; curmi; sanji; mipri |>>> 06:17 < mensi> xorxes 06:17 < gleki> for me it's "x1 demonstrates property x2 06:25 * nuzba @Rodericus: «La biblioteca de Babel» de Borges en la «lengua lógica» lojban: https://twitter.com/uitki/status/609321883381579776 [http://bit.ly/1FY3IM3] 06:31 < gleki> finti fa la bofxes i se fanva fa lo xorxes i to'u lo ckuzda pe la orxes 06:31 < gleki> *borxes 06:38 < Rodericus> .u'i .i .u'i la .borxes. cu se cmene zo .xorxes. 06:45 < Rodericus> .i xu la .xorxes. ku poi jbopre cu gento .i la .xorxes. go'i 06:46 < Rodericus> Hm… is {ku} necessary there? 06:46 < Ilmen> lo fadni jbobau zo'u zo ku jai toldra 06:46 < Ilmen> (In standard Lojban, this ku is wrong there) 06:47 < durka42> if you don't take the brivla-cmevla merge, definitely not 06:47 < durka42> if you do, it's optional 06:47 < durka42> (but with the merge, that second sentence requires a {ku} or a {cu}) 06:47 < Rodericus> That's what I was thinking, durka42. Wouldn't it absorbe the relative clause into the name? 06:48 < gleki> and there should be a parser that decides without any external help 06:48 < durka42> Rodericus: yeah 06:48 < Ilmen> camxes: la noi broda .brodos. 06:48 < camxes> ([la {noi <broda VAU> KUhO} brodos] VAU) 06:48 < durka42> it's not decidable 06:49 < durka42> la xorxes ku poi jbopre: Among those called Xorxes, the one(s) who are jbopre 06:49 < Rodericus> So The Jorge the Lojbanist? I was trying to imply only the proper name as the name. 06:49 < durka42> la xorxes poi jbopre [vau ku'o ku]: The one(s) called Xorxes the Jbopre 06:50 < Rodericus> Oops, without the first “the”. 06:50 < Ilmen> (Note: those are brivla-cmevla merger examples) 06:50 < gleki> durka42: prgamatically it is decidable. at least this is how all natlang parsers work :P 06:51 < Rodericus> "Among those called Xorxes, the one(s) who are jbopre". Exactly that I tried to say. 06:51 < gocti> (sei A cusku) doi .xorxes. viska ma .i (sei X cusku) la .moxamed. morsi 06:51 < durka42> gleki: pragmatically yes :p 06:52 < gleki> => la moxamed cu morsi 06:52 < durka42> gleki: well if you ever see {la [cmevla] [selbri]} and there is no main selbri, then almost definitely no-merge 06:52 < durka42> gleki: but it can be very hard to tell the other way around 06:52 < gleki> i ki'u bo claxu lo selbri 06:52 < durka42> I mean without understanding the meanings of words 06:52 < gleki> durka42: the other way around is rare. 06:53 < durka42> .ei denpa lo tsali rutni bo mencre genturfa'i 06:53 < gleki> I'd translate "Alexander the Greatest" as {lo banli be fa la aleksander} 06:53 < durka42> not {la banli .aleksandr.}? 06:54 < gleki> ^ that's under merge 06:54 < gleki> which i avoid 06:54 < gleki> la bangu is under attack from all sides :/ 06:54 < gleki> and has always been by design 06:54 < durka42> you avoid the merge but say {cu} all the time to be compatible with it? 06:54 < gleki> yes 06:54 < durka42> I see 06:55 < gleki> i will even probably have to remove {la jasmin noi} from CC 06:55 < durka42> you are a reformer in other ways though, don't pretend you aren't :p 06:55 < gleki> in paedagogics? 06:55 < durka42> in glekitufa 06:56 < gocti> zo ce zo jo'u .i zo nu zo su'u .i pe'i lo me lu lo mo be fa ti li'u moi ku ji'a retfo'orma 06:58 < durka42> ie 07:55 < gleki> glekitufa is partially a joke, partially a test of te sumti detection using PEG only, partially just learning the science of parsing 08:55 < gleki> how would you say "better" using tags only? 10:25 < gleki> "as soon as". how do we translate it? co'a ko'a? 10:27 < zipcpi> Maybe? 10:47 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 144 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 141 normal] 10:49 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 145 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 142 normal] 10:49 < gleki> .w as soon as 10:49 < phenny> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "as soon as". 10:49 < gleki> .w as 10:49 < phenny> "1 Organizations 1.1 Business legal structures" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As 10:50 < zipcpi> Do I dare suggest {co'i} lol 10:51 < gleki> .dict as soon as 10:51 < phenny> as soon as — preposition: 1. Used other than as an idiom: see as,‎ soon 10:51 < gleki> it's not phenny actually. it's jenni 10:51 < zipcpi> immediately at or shortly after the time that <call as soon as you get there> 10:51 < gleki> https://github.com/myano/jenni/wiki 10:51 < phenny> [ Home · myano/jenni Wiki · GitHub ] - https://github.com 10:51 < gleki> because phenny stopped working 10:52 < gleki> .btc 10:52 < phenny> 1 BTC (in USD) = bitstamp: 229.81 | btce: 232.5 | coinbase: 230.72 | ripple: 327.42057115 | rock: 229.01 | lolcat (coinbase) index: $36,915.20 | Howells (coinbase) index: $1,730,400.00 | last updated at: 2015-06-12 10:52:33.086480 UTC 10:52 < gleki> lolcat ! 10:53 < gleki> .add point zipcpi 10:53 < zipcpi> Call as soon as you get there -> {ko fonjorne co'i lo nu do mo'u klama tu} ? 10:53 < gleki> .addpoint zipcpi 10:53 < phenny> zipcpi: +1/-0, 1 10:54 < gleki> .addpoint gleki 10:54 < phenny> gleki: +1/-0, 1 10:54 < gleki> .addpoint gleki 10:54 < phenny> gleki: +2/-0, 2 10:54 < zipcpi> lol 10:54 < gleki> .rmpoint xorlo 10:54 < phenny> xorlo: +0/-1, -1 10:54 < zipcpi> Is that what la xorxes logs on here as? 10:55 < gleki> list_banned_words 10:55 < gleki> .list_banned_words 10:55 < phenny> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'bad_words' (file "/home/gleki/jenni/modules/banned_words.py", line 116, in list_banned_words) 10:56 < gleki> o'u 10:57 < zipcpi> Let's see what the BPFK says about {co'i} at the moment... 10:58 < gleki> co'i is just perfective. what is "le" in Mandarin. 10:58 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Aspect#cmavo:_co.27i_.28ZAhO.29 10:59 < phenny> [ BPFK Section: Aspect - le uitki ] - http://mw.lojban.org 10:59 < zipcpi> Seems to check out with my use 10:59 < gleki> i think it's hard to explain what is perfectivity to speakers of English 11:00 < zipcpi> I dunno, if {co'i} is not good here, what else is there? 11:00 < zipcpi> IIRC "le" in Mandarin is more like {mo'u} 11:01 < zipcpi> Or {ba'o} 11:02 < gleki> not always 11:02 < gleki> {ba'o} means "no longer" 11:02 < zipcpi> My memory is hazy x.x 11:03 < gleki> {mo'u citka} is "to eat up" 11:03 < zipcpi> I think it could mean both {mo'u} and "already" 11:03 < gleki> it may be so that telicity (mo'u) and perfectivity (co'i) sre often mixed together, though. 11:05 < zipcpi> Yeah we can't just rely on one word of the ma'oste definitions; we also have to think about the other explanations of it, and also how useful it is when contrasted with competing cmavo 11:05 < gleki> try thinking that telicity=mo'u and perfectivity=co'i here: http://filcat.uab.cat/clt/membres/postdoctorands/Borik/borik-reinhart-lola8.pdf 11:05 < zipcpi> I just really wish I remembered more about Mandarin or Malay right now 11:06 < zipcpi> Would help me not to be so malglixlu in my approach to Lojban 11:06 < zipcpi> se malglixlu 11:06 < ldlework> ko broda pu'o ko'a 11:06 < ldlework> "Don't broda until ko'a" 11:06 < ldlework> ko broda co'i ko'a 11:06 < ldlework> "Don't broda until the moment of ko'a" ? 11:07 < zipcpi> Nah, there is no "don't" sense 11:07 < ldlework> ko'a broda ko'e : ko'a doesn't broda until ko'e 11:07 < zipcpi> And pu'o I think means "Broda before ko'a" 11:07 < ldlework> nope 11:07 < ldlework> we just had this discussion in here 11:07 < zipcpi> Where are you getting "don't"? 11:07 < ldlework> I originally thought the natural use of pu'o would be 11:08 < ldlework> mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka 11:08 < ldlework> but I was told that this means 11:08 < gleki> do broda pu'o ko'a => do pu'o broda ca ko'a = you are about to broda when ko'a happens 11:08 < ldlework> "I'm not hungry until I eat." 11:08 < ldlework> so following the same logic 11:08 < zipcpi> Ugh... the weird logic of time tenses again... 11:09 < ldlework> yes 11:09 < ldlework> when used as tags 11:09 < gleki> mi xagji pu'o lo nu mi citka = > mi pu'o xagji calonu mi citka = I am about to be hungry while I'm eating. 11:09 < ldlework> the senses are always inverted counter-intuitively 11:09 < ldlework> I was told that to get hte sense I want, I needed co'a or something 11:09 < ldlework> mi xagji co'a lo nu mi citka 11:09 < gleki> then better not to use tense tags as tags except {ca} 11:09 < gleki> ^ I get hingry when I eat. 11:10 < gleki> ^ I get hungry when I eat. 11:10 < ldlework> That's po'u 11:10 < ldlework> I'm not hungry, until I eat ~= I get hungry when I eat 11:10 < gleki> is everyone familiar with xorxe's rule on tense tags+ca? 11:11 < ldlework> nope 11:12 < gleki> CLL has this rule reversed 11:12 < gleki> thus confusion with co'a/pu'o 11:12 < durka42> what's the correct rule? 11:12 < ldlework> I mean, when it is explained with ba and pu, it *almost* makes sense 11:12 < ldlework> the inverted senses, I mean 11:12 < ldlework> but the others? it melts my intuition 11:12 < ldlework> (which is ok ofc) 11:13 < ldlework> and then scope O_O 11:13 < durka42> all the ZAhO cmavo expand with ca as the tag, {co'a sumti} => {ca sumti co'a} 11:13 < durka42> as far as I understand 11:14 < gleki> yeah 11:14 < ldlework> need that visualizer :) 11:15 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ZAhO_as_sumti_tcita 11:15 < phenny> [ ZAhO as sumti tcita - le uitki ] - http://mw.lojban.org 11:15 < zipcpi> The more immediate problem is, if {co'i} doesn't mean "as soon as", what other tag can be used for it? 11:15 < gleki> that terrible legacy of Tiki... 11:15 < zipcpi> Cause the BPFK articles seem to corroborate the "as soon as" interpretatio 11:16 < gleki> .dict as_soon_as 11:16 < phenny> as_soon_as — preposition: 1. Used other than as an idiom: see as,‎ soon 11:16 < gleki> darn 11:16 < gleki> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/as_soon_as 11:16 < phenny> [ as soon as - Wiktionary ] - https://en.wiktionary.org 11:16 < zipcpi> immediately at or shortly after the time that <call as soon as you get there> 11:16 < gleki> At the moment when; immediately after. 11:16 < gleki> As soon as he arrived, everyone gasped. 11:16 < durka42> whoa who turned on all the phenny features 11:16 < gleki> it's not phenny 11:17 < gleki> it's jenni 11:17 < gleki> phenny stopped working with wiktionary and i dont know why 11:17 < gleki> .addpoint durka42 11:17 < phenny> durka42: +1/-0, 1 11:17 < durka42> probably they switched to https or something 11:17 < durka42> .rmpoint gleki 11:17 < phenny> gleki: +2/-1, 1 11:17 < dutchie> they did 11:17 < dutchie> all the wikimedia sites default to https now 11:17 < gleki> phenny doesnt even have https settings 11:18 < gleki> and this ".dict" switch isnt as nice as of the old phenny 11:19 < gleki> At the moment when <-- i think {seco'i} works fine here. 11:19 < gleki> immediately after <-- bazi 11:20 < zipcpi> I don't even know how {se} works with ZAhO 11:20 < zipcpi> My head x.x 11:20 < gleki> it reverses the two clauses. 11:20 < gleki> so first reverse them from English order. 11:21 < zipcpi> So broda co'i lo nu brode = co'i broda ca lo nu brode? 11:21 < zipcpi> Or did I get that the wrong way? 11:21 < zipcpi> Well according to the BPFK section I'm right 11:22 < gleki> that's what xorxes suggested, yes. 11:22 < zipcpi> Ah 11:22 < zipcpi> But the CLL works the other way? 11:22 < gleki> not sure about co'i in particular. 11:22 < zipcpi> oisai ro'e 11:23 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ZAhO_as_sumti_tcita- this says nothing 11:25 < zipcpi> Yeah all that does is discourage {pu'o} and {ba'o} as tags 11:25 < zipcpi> Doesn't help with our {co'i} problem 11:26 < zipcpi> {ko fonjorne ca lo nu do co'i mo'u klama} = ??? 11:27 < zipcpi> Well working from right to left mo'u klama means "finished going"... za'e klamymulno 11:27 < zipcpi> So then co'i would mean what we want? 11:28 < zipcpi> Seems to check out 11:28 < ldlework> zipcpi: want to collaborate on a write up about the tensing system 11:28 < zipcpi> lol 11:29 < ldlework> I don't suggest we change it, its probably fine 11:29 < zipcpi> I think this time I want a long talk with xorxes first :p 11:29 < ldlework> but lets figure it out, and then write an expose about it 11:29 < ldlework> Maybe what we learn in that process would help me write a visualizer 11:31 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/images/thumb/2/2f/display2.png/500px-display2.png 11:31 < ldlework> That isn't what I mean 11:31 * zipcpi nods 11:31 < gleki> i dont know what problem you have. havent i put all aspects into two tables? 11:31 < ldlework> And that thing isn't the most helpful in understanding the semantics of tagging 11:31 < zipcpi> True 11:32 < gleki> ... aligning linguistic and lojbanic terms 11:32 < ldlework> I mean you type in a thing like ko'a broda TAG ko'e and it shows you the two events, and how they overlap chronologically 11:32 < zipcpi> Right 11:34 < ldlework> co'o .i de'a jundi 11:35 < gleki> formatting corrected: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ZAhO_as_sumti_tcita 11:35 < phenny> [ ZAhO as sumti tcita - le uitki ] - http://mw.lojban.org 11:41 < zipcpi> "When one tinkers, they are correcting drastic problems and proving extensions of genius and foresight. When anyone else tinkers, they are repeating old, spent discussions, introducting major flaws, and generally being annoying." - xod 11:41 < zipcpi> u'i 11:41 < zipcpi> That could be the BSFK's second motto :p 11:49 < zipcpi> exp: lo'e lu'i re bruna 11:49 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 11:49 < zipcpi> exp lo'e me lu'i re bruna 11:49 < zipcpi> exp: lo'e me lu'i re bruna 11:49 < mensi> ([lo'e {me <lu'i (¹[re BOI] bruna KU¹) LUhU> MEhU} KU] VAU) 11:49 < zipcpi> exp: lo'e me lu'i bruna 11:49 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 11:50 < gleki> lu'i is LAhE 11:50 < zipcpi> Yeah I know 11:50 < zipcpi> There might be a small problem there with sets 11:51 < zipcpi> Does {zu'ai} and {simxu} expect a set? 11:51 < zipcpi> And differentiates them from a mass? 11:51 < gleki> mass is just gunma 11:51 < zipcpi> Right so in a mass they all clump together as one entity 11:51 < gleki> although it is grammaticalized in lojban into {loi} 11:52 < zipcpi> Yeah that might not be good 11:52 < zipcpi> loi re bruna cu tende lo ka damba zu'ai - I guess this doesn't work then? 11:53 < gleki> no idea. but it works with {lo} 11:54 < zipcpi> Then what would {lo'e re bruna} mean... 11:54 < zipcpi> The typical two brothers; counted as individuals? 11:54 < zipcpi> Or the generalistic two brothers under my model; not sure if that's very different 11:56 < gleki> loi re bruna cu tende lo ka damba zu'ai <= masses of brothers, a twofold each fight with each other. 11:57 < zipcpi> Right, as in {xo'e loi re bruna} 11:57 < zipcpi> So each group of "two brothers" act as a single entity in the set 11:59 < zipcpi> lo'e so'o bruna cu tende lo ka damba zu'ai = "[Several] brothers tend to fight each other"? 12:01 < zipcpi> Or maybe I should bite the bullet and use {za'upa} 12:01 < gleki> a typical group of several brothers tend to fight with another such group 12:01 < zipcpi> lo'e isn't mass 12:03 < zipcpi> And in fact can be replaced with just {lo}; or at least that's the theory we're working from 12:03 < zipcpi> {lo} can be either {le} or {lo'e} 12:04 < gleki> then idk 12:04 < zipcpi> As far as I know I'm not changing the definition of {lo'e} much; just using it a *lot* more often 12:05 < zipcpi> Essentially resurrecting it as {le}'s long-lost twin brother 12:07 < zipcpi> Where {le} refers to specific objects, {lo'e} generalizes about "typical" objects 12:10 < zipcpi> Anyway, gotta go. co'o 13:07 < Ilmen> bazicai 13:08 < Ilmen> Er, was replying to a post from 1:48 hours ago 13:08 < Ilmen> ju'i nai jbopli 15:20 < rakmaak> mensi: doi ldlework Here, for you and zipcpi: http://selpahi.de/ZAHO_Explanation.txt 15:20 < mensi> rakmaak: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.ldlework.gy. di'a cusku da 15:35 <@rlpowell> gleki: I think I may have fixed the outages; let me know. 19:13 <@rlpowell> Please check for down lojban.org services. 21:13 < zipcpi> Is there a selma'o that quotes an arbitrary word, like zo, but turns it into a selbri rather than a sumti? 21:13 < zipcpi> I want it to work something like {me la'e zo} 21:14 < zipcpi> This way we can avoid using {zei} for nonce tanru with cmavo 21:15 < zipcpi> It would be a very vague selbri - something like {x1 is related to the meaning of this word by aspect x2}, but good enough for tanru 21:22 < durka42> sounds like a job for my selma'o GOhOI 21:23 < durka42> vlaste: class:GOhOI 21:23 < vlaste> go'oi = pro-bridi: quotes the next word and repeats the most recent bridi containing that word 21:23 < durka42> another word of the same selma'o could have the semantics you describe 21:23 < durka42> (I didn't really invent this word, just jbovlastified it) 21:25 < zipcpi> Ah 21:26 < durka42> GOhOI : any-word -> selbri 21:26 < durka42> ZO : any-word -> term 21:26 < durka42> er 21:27 < durka42> term? sumti? idk 21:27 < durka42> mi sipna nitcu 21:42 < zipcpi> Definition of ME is funny 21:42 < zipcpi> *me 21:43 < zipcpi> The English one makes it sound like ckini 21:43 < zipcpi> But the other languages make it menre instead 22:27 < gleki> I hope everyone will let us (and rlpowell too) know of new outages. --- Day changed Sat Jun 13 2015 01:48 < ctefaho> coi ro 02:05 < gleki> coi 05:24 < Ilmen|2> coi 05:26 < Ilmen> There's a vocal chat in Lojban beginning right now on Mumble (Zgana server) 05:51 < Ilmen> Mumble: zbaga.ax.lt:64738 07:08 < gleki> je'e 07:29 < zipcpi> Yeah, I think {ze'oi} is quite useful; it also allows you to more-conveniently use tanru structure-cmavo, like {ke}, {bo}, and {co} 07:29 < zipcpi> And leave {zei} for lujvo-making 07:30 < zipcpi> Also we finally know what the veljvo of {ga'e zei lerfu} is :p 07:30 < zipcpi> It's {ze'oi ga'e lerfu} 07:31 < gleki> zipcpi: already added examples with ze'oi into tatoeba? 07:31 < zipcpi> Not yet... though I don't know how. I try not to overuse tanru in Tatoeba 07:31 < gleki> then add somthing without tanru 07:32 < zipcpi> Although I could break up my translation of "Trojan horse (malware)" as {.troias. zei xirma zei malsamtci} 07:32 < gleki> if no examples then this word doesnt exist 07:32 < zipcpi> {ze'oi} is primarily meant for use with tanru. It is rather vague otherwise 07:33 < zipcpi> Make it {ze'oi .troias. xirma malsamtci}, although {ze'oi} isn't quite needed here under BCM 07:34 < zipcpi> We might want a real brivla for "Trojan horse (malware)" though, but I don't know what to call it :p 07:35 < zipcpi> Not sure about the status of BCM on Tatoeba though :p 07:36 < gleki> they are allowed but in future will all have to be tagged 07:36 < gleki> after the total scan project is done and i mass upload tags to the db 07:36 < zipcpi> Right 07:36 < gleki> .dict condition 07:36 < phenny> condition — noun: 1. A logical clause or phrase that a conditional statement uses. The phrase can either be true or false, 2. A requirement, term, or requisite — verb: 1. To subject to the process of acclimation, 2. To subject to different conditions, especially as an exercise 07:37 < zipcpi> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4224329 There, two uses of {ze'oi} 07:37 < phenny> [ Lojban example sentence: bu'a'a mi ze'oi .troias. xirma malsamtci .i ja'e bo mi gunta lo do ze'oi .makintoc. skami - Tatoeba ] - http://tatoeba.org 07:38 < gleki> zabna 09:21 < gocti> zipcpi: za'a lo nabmrfazdymru ...... sei ri'e zei nai denpa ...... xa'o co'u nabmi 09:35 < zipcpi> doi gocti cu mo 09:38 < zipcpi> ta'i ma co'u nabmi 09:40 < gocti> la xorxo xelso pu lo nu mi ganse lo nu nabmi cu stika lo srana ke .peg. javni 09:40 < gocti> .i sa'u za'o na pagbu la .ilmentufa 09:42 < zipcpi> je'e 09:56 < zipcpi> About kakne vs ka'e... I don't think there is actually much difference really. {kakne} could also mean "has the potential to" pe'i 09:57 < zipcpi> And if it didn't before it does now, due to the strong association and lack of alternatives 09:58 < zipcpi> Basically = {jai cumki} 09:59 < zipcpi> Philosophical potential vs actual potential might need to be split according to {te kakne} 10:01 < durka42> what do you think about the {limna} example 10:02 < durka42> mi [ki'u lo nu remna] cu ka'e limna 10:02 < durka42> mi [ki'u lo nu nu'o cilre] cu na kakne lo ka limna 10:02 < durka42> different? both ka'e? both kakne? interchangeable? 10:02 < zipcpi> mi ka'e limna / mi kakne lo ka limna = I have the potential to swim. {lo te kakne} is ambiguous; it could mean that I can swim given lessons and time to practice. Or that I can swim right now if you dropped me in the water 10:02 < durka42> je'e 10:03 < Ilmen> jbo: jinzi 10:03 < mensi> jinzi = lo nu x1 se ckaji x2 cu rarna gi'e na se gasnu .i x1 se ckaji x2 co'a lo nu x2 zasti .i x2 cu ro roi pu ckaji x1 10:03 < mensi> |>>> srana fa zo lakne .e zo rarna .e zo stati .e zo tcaci .e zo kakne .e zo ckaji |>>> 10:03 < mensi> selpahi 10:03 < Ilmen> jbo:kakne 10:03 < mensi> kakne = lo nu x1 zukte ja ckaji x2 cu cumki x3 10:04 < Ilmen> jbo:vlipa 10:04 < mensi> vlipa = x1 kakne lo ka zukte ja akti x2 .i x1 kakne x2 noi ka gasnu 10:06 < gocti> .o'a nai la mintcenti cu vitke je na se rinsa 10:07 < zipcpi> mi na selsau my 10:07 < gocti> y 10:07 < gocti> mincenti 10:07 < gocti> coi la cinfo co ranmi 10:07 < zipcpi> coi la mincenti 10:08 < mindszenty> coi .ui 10:08 < Ilmen> coi! 10:08 < gocti> do ze'a mo 10:12 < gleki> {mi ka'e limna} - it's possible that i swim. {mi kakne lo ka limna} - i am able capable of swimming 10:13 < gleki> ua i ca lo cabdei mi pu kucli lo nu la mintcenti cu zvati makau 10:13 < gleki> i coi my 10:13 < zipcpi> Yes, but the meaning of the word "capable" is in dispute, and my opinion is that given {lo te kakne} it doesn't have much difference from mere possibility 10:14 < zipcpi> And I think the tagged sumti of {ka'e} is lo te kakne 10:14 < zipcpi> The Lojban definition also links it to {cumki} 10:14 < gleki> those are just hints and links, not expansions 10:15 < zipcpi> x1 doesn't have to be a person; could be an object... even an event that {kakne lo ka fasnu} 10:16 < gleki> jbo: limna 10:16 < mensi> limna = x1 fulta gi'e sezu'e muvdu vau x2 |>>> gleki 10:16 < gleki> ua la gleki 10:17 < mindszenty> Well, various things happen :) Biggest obstacle to being here was laptop malfunction. But now all is well, it seems. 10:17 < gleki> is freefeed now out of beta? 10:22 < gleki> these are the words that i cant translate to Lojban: "account, almost, any, anything, as, being, beside, better - semau xau?, business, to call, chance, character, court 10:22 < mindszenty> No, freefeed is still beta, and afaik, registration is not yet open. There are another experimental implementation of the engine, with free registration on http://mokum.ru. 10:22 < phenny> [ Mokum ] - http://mokum.ru. 10:22 < zipcpi> account has a lot of meanings 10:22 < gleki> oh, really. how so xo'o 10:22 < zipcpi> almost is typically {naru'e}, though I don't know if that could have any problems 10:22 < gleki> zo'onai that's why i cant 10:22 < zipcpi> "any"... well that's a funny problem 10:22 < mindszenty> I am not involved in the development now, but I think the plan is to replace freefeed's engine with mokum's, because it develops faster an better. 10:23 < gleki> explain "any" in one word ... 10:23 < zipcpi> Look up {xe'e} on JVS if you please 10:23 < zipcpi> It's an abandoned gadri that is only explained by the word "any" 10:23 < gleki> we discussed it many times. CC has the answer 10:23 < zipcpi> I have no idea what its intention was, and why {lo} is considered acceptable in its place 10:24 < gleki> http://tatoeba.org/por/sentences_lists/show/1351 10:24 < phenny> [ "Any" & "Some"- Tatoeba ] - http://tatoeba.org 10:24 < zipcpi> Exactly... I just don't think {lo prenu} for "anybody" is sufficient 10:24 < gleki> either {lo } or {da} but that's not a sufficient answer 10:25 < zipcpi> It's probably something la gadganzu would have to cover :p 10:25 < gleki> the whole idea of eng2jbo dictionary is broken 10:25 < zipcpi> Or maybe it should be something in UI 10:25 < gleki> as for "any" you may search in the archive of the mriste 10:25 < gleki> *archives 10:26 < zipcpi> Ugh... sounds like a word that will hit lots of search chaff 10:26 < gleki> or maybe someone needs to convert it to a wiki page 10:26 < gleki> search for those sentences from tatoeba in the mriste 10:26 < zipcpi> Yeah I think I like it in UI better than a gadri; that way it can attach to a pronoun as well 10:27 < zipcpi> It could also be an acceptable answer to {mo'oi} 10:27 < zipcpi> do djica tu'a mo'oi plise 10:27 < zipcpi> xe'e 10:28 < zipcpi> Also nicely rhymes with {ge'e} :p 10:28 < gleki> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/yh8-ChFLanM/discussion 10:28 < phenny> [ Google Groups ] - https://groups.google.com 10:28 < gleki> 6 pages i know. but it has the answer 10:29 < zipcpi> So {lo xe'e prenu} = any person; da xe'e = any X 10:29 < zipcpi> pei 10:29 < durka42> en: xe'e 10:29 < mensi> 17 da se tolcri: banbuxe'e, bancuxe'e, bankuxe'e, banmuxe'e, bansuxe'e, bantuxe'e, banxe'e'a, banxe'ebu, banxe'edu, 10:29 < mensi> banxe'egu, banxe'e'i, banxe'emu, banxe'eru, banxe'exe, banxuxe'e, baurguxe'e, baurnuxe'e 10:29 < zipcpi> It's downvoted 10:30 < zipcpi> You'd have to look in JVS 10:30 < durka42> I see it 10:30 < durka42> any person = ro prenu …? 10:30 < zipcpi> That means the sentence applies to everyone 10:30 < zipcpi> And is inappropriate as an answer to "mo'oi plise" 10:30 < zipcpi> Or {mo'oi prenu} in this case 10:31 < zipcpi> We would need to define it better than a single word "any" though 10:31 < gleki> it's a solution but not the solution since "any" has around 10 meanings in english 10:31 < zipcpi> Yep 10:31 < niedzielski> is logban versioned or would it be if incompatible changes were made? 10:31 < durka42> sounds like {su'a} 10:32 < zipcpi> I don't think {su'a} is an acceptable answer to {mo'oi prenu} either 10:32 < durka42> niedzielski: it's effectively versioned already, into "old lojban" (CLL era) and newer style 10:32 < durka42> the differences are not that large though 10:32 < gleki> niedzielski: it would be versioned then. but there arent any beacward incompatible changes, mostly additions like in any language 10:32 < durka42> zipcpi: why not? 10:32 < zipcpi> "I generalize"... about what? 10:33 < gleki> oh my, pls first read the discussion from 2012 10:33 < zipcpi> OK fine 10:33 < durka42> well, there are incompatible changes 10:33 < Ilmen> mo'oi prenu ka'e nerkla --- bu'a 10:34 < durka42> but we haven't reached a real consensus on how to deal with that 10:34 < durka42> {jo'au} is the best answer so far 10:34 < zipcpi> Hmm... my first impression is that yes, generally "any" can be replaced by other quantifiers logically, but they aren't an acceptable answer to {mo'oi} 10:34 < Ilmen> zipcpi: how about {bu'a}? 10:34 < gocti> gleki: xu do se krali lo ka vimcu lo .tatoebas. jufra 10:34 < durka42> okay but how does adding another cmavo with a vague english definition help anything 10:34 < durka42> .u'i 10:34 < niedzielski> durka42, gleki thanks. so if a flaw was found in the current version that required a restructure, this would not be done? 10:34 < gleki> gocti: go'i 10:35 < gleki> gocti: i ku'i mi pu nupre lo ka lanli fe po'o lo lojbo 10:35 < durka42> niedzielski: it seems like you're assuming there's a central authority that decides these things :p 10:35 < zipcpi> durka42: Yeah that's what we're going to have to fix... find a good definition for it; or find a sufficient existing solution 10:35 < durka42> first step, figure out why existing words aren't good enough 10:35 < durka42> and not with something like "it doesn't feel right to me, you know man" 10:35 < durka42> uai 10:36 < gleki> niedzielski: there cant be flaws in the grammar since the core is fully described in a formal grammar. there can be additions to the core like it's done in English and other languages. 10:36 < gocti> .e'u vimcu la'e di'e lu'u noi mi jmina va'o lo nu na sanji lo nu xa'o ku su'o drata cu xe fanva 10:36 < gocti> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4271600 10:36 < phenny> [ Lojban example sentence: ro da zo'u .e'a do cinba da - Tatoeba ] - http://tatoeba.org 10:36 < gocti> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4271601 10:36 < phenny> [ Lojban example sentence: lo banxa cu rivbi lo ka jdice da - Tatoeba ] - http://tatoeba.org 10:36 < durka42> if such a huge flaw were found, I'd imagine most of us would want to fix it 10:36 < gocti> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4271604 10:36 < phenny> [ Lojban example sentence: na ku la .djon. cu viska da - Tatoeba ] - http://tatoeba.org 10:37 < niedzielski> durka42: independent of how it happens :) there must be some improvements that a large audience pushes for 10:37 < gleki> gocti: e'o do ciska lu e'u vimcu le jufra li'u a lo simsa 10:37 < niedzielski> gleki: when i say flaws, what i mean is that a better way is discovered 10:37 < Ilmen> zipcpi: {mo'oi brodo cu brode} ask for what subset of lo brodo satisfies the brode predicate; if one wants to answer "any", the actually mean there's no specific subset, and that any brodo will do. So {bu'a} seems like a satisfying answer. pei 10:38 < gleki> niedzielski: there can be options, sure. but reworking what already works isn't much appreciated. why ruining what has already been used? 10:38 < Ilmen> *they actually mean 10:38 < zipcpi> {su'a lo'e nixli cu nelci lo bambola} = "Generally, girls like dolls". {su'a} doesn't mean "any" here 10:38 < gocti> vi'o 10:38 < zipcpi> Ilmen... Hmm... then {lo bu'a prenu} can also mean "anyone"? 10:39 < Ilmen> "lo prenu" is already okay for "anyone" I think 10:39 < durka42> bu'a?? 10:39 < zipcpi> I don't even know how you can quantify {bu'a} like {da} 10:39 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Probably depends on context 10:39 < Ilmen> bu'a = me'au da, as far as I can tell 10:39 < durka42> yeah I guess so 10:39 < durka42> I never imagined using it this way 10:39 < Ilmen> I prefer to use {me'au da}, it's only one syllable longer and is more versatile 10:40 < Ilmen> {ro da zo'u ko'a me'au da....} 10:41 < gleki> and it probably has advantage since you can insert something between me'au and da 10:44 < gleki> gocti: mo'u vimcu 10:45 < gocti> ki'e 10:45 < gleki> gocti: i ku'i da'i gau do na jorne lo krasi fai lo xe fanva 10:45 < Ilmen> zipcpi: {lo prenu poi mo} asks for a subset of prenu; if the addresse wants to deny it's a subset (but the whole set qualifies), then they can answer "(poi) prenu", or "(poi) bu'a" (it's the same) 10:45 < zipcpi> Right 10:45 < niedzielski> gleki: it seems strange to me that such a purposeful language wouldn't want to reinvent itself if a better way was found, hence my versioning questions 10:45 < gleki> gocti: i ku'i mi na mulno briti lo nu zukte makau 10:46 < zipcpi> I do want to avoid {lo prenu poi bu'a} though 10:46 < gleki> niedzielski: as of now we mostly dont change past things since they work. providing new options doesnt always lead to invalidating past changes. they can peacefully coexist. 10:46 < zipcpi> Don't like using relative clauses too often, due to often needing to close open bridi tails 10:46 < Ilmen> zipcpi: "lo prenu poi prenu" is also okay, although a bit silly 10:47 < gocti> jbo: itca 10:47 < mensi> itca = x1 cu su'o mei x2 gi'e jai se djuno su'o da fai lo kamdu'o gi'e co'e .i lo du'u ma kau cmene x1 cu na'e se djuno 10:47 < mensi> ja na'e se jungau |>>> srana fa zo co'e .e zo du .e zo djuno .e zo kamdu'o |>>> selpahi 10:47 < zipcpi> u'i 10:47 < zipcpi> Huh what's itca 10:48 < gleki> xu lo mupli be zo itca be'o pe la mupli cu zasti 10:48 < gocti> za'a na go'i 10:48 < gocti> zipcpi: "x1 itca x2" -> "x1 is a particular x2" 10:48 < durka42> niedzielski: the problem is that "reinventing" conflicts with the way humans learn languages, so a language that constantly has major changes in order to be more perfect is unusable, there is a balance though 10:48 < zipcpi> Ah 10:49 < Ilmen> "x1 is a certain x2" 10:49 < zipcpi> so what does na'e itca mean? 10:49 < gocti> "any old" ru'a 10:50 < zipcpi> So is that an acceptable answer? 10:50 < gocti> na djuno .i pe'i xagmau lu poi bu'a li'u 10:50 < Ilmen> durka42, niedzielski: Also, when one wants to make some major changes to the basics of the language, why not change everything in one go, basically creating a new language? Nothing prevent people from forking Lojban; there are already other logical languages out there 10:51 < durka42> ie 10:51 < durka42> well, adoption is the problem 10:51 < durka42> but that is also a problem with lojban proposals 10:51 < durka42> so yes 10:52 < Ilmen> As for vocabulary, there's no copyright on Lojban, and Xorban (another loglang) seems to have stealed pretty heavily Lojban's vocab :) 10:52 < niedzielski> gleki durka42 Ilmen: thank for your thoughtful responses and patience. wikipedia lists gua\spi as descendent. to me, considering learning lojban feels like trying to pick the best programming language (except not for programming) 10:53 < gleki> guaspi: bi 10:53 < Ilmen> niedzielski: There is also Xorban and Toaq Dzu, but these two aren't finished 10:53 < mensi> bi = X1 is an instance of the following phrase X2? as language |>>> Transforms as an infinitive similar to -vo. 10:53 < gleki> guaspi: vo 10:53 < mensi> vo = Event X1: is a member of the referent set of sentence X2? |>>> To restrict the infinitive rather than the phrase, 10:53 < mensi> use -xe |R /vo P 10:53 < gleki> guaspi: xe 10:53 < mensi> xe = In-mind elements of referent set, in extension |>>> 10:53 < gleki> O_0 10:53 < Ilmen> niedzielski: But Lojban is the one with the most speakers 10:53 < Ilmen> So you're more likely to get help from real speaker with Lojban 10:53 < gleki> X1 is an instance of the following phrase X2? as language <-- what is a language here??? 10:54 < gleki> guaspi: koy 10:54 < mensi> koy = (ji) X1M2 thinks thought (bi) X2+ to listener (zdmo) X3M3 |>>> Alternative modal case for speaker. Except for 10:54 < mensi> psychic X1, X3 always defaults to copy X1. 10:54 < zipcpi> xu lo dukti be zo itca cu me zo atci u'i 10:54 < zipcpi> ki'ai atci atci atci 10:55 < durka42> acti 10:55 < gleki> is this place structure of "koy" says that x3=x1 by default? i think not, only the notes say it 10:55 < zipcpi> mi zmanei zo atci zo'o 10:56 < zipcpi> mo'oi plise 10:56 < zipcpi> atci 10:56 < zipcpi> a'o se zandapma 10:57 < zipcpi> mi du'eva'e se xajmi 10:57 < Ilmen> niedzielski: But all the Loglangs share the same basics (Phonologic spelling, unambiguous syntax, inspiration from predicate logic, avoidance of polysemy, etc) 10:57 < Ilmen> hence the generic term "loglang" (which encompasses Loglan, Lojban, Gua\spi, Xorban, Toaq Dzu) 10:58 < niedzielski> Ilmen: great notes. thank you 10:58 < Ilmen> The main difference between those language is how those goals are implemented 10:58 < Ilmen> *those languages 11:01 < zipcpi> Huh... interesting. {itca} can also potentially be used to define {le} 11:02 < Ilmen> ta'o co'o 11:02 < zipcpi> co'o .ilmen. 11:03 < zipcpi> lol the word "specific/particular" is already given to "steci"; but the place structure is different 11:05 < zipcpi> So essentially {itca} = {zi'o X_1 steci X_2}; given the caveats of {zi'o} 11:09 < zipcpi> Anyway I've written up an English definition for {itca} 11:12 < durka42> specific but unspecified, heh 11:12 * durka42 de'a 11:12 < zipcpi> ie u'i 11:19 < Mateon1> de'a? 11:19 < Mateon1> en:de'a 11:19 < mensi> de'a = [ZAhO] event contour for a temporary halt and ensuing pause in a process. 11:20 < Mateon1> Doesn't tell me much 11:20 < zipcpi> Alone it typically is used in the IRC for {de'a jundi} ~ "be right back" 11:20 < zipcpi> Lit. "pause in attention" 11:21 < zipcpi> Opposite is {di'a jundi} "resume of attention" 11:21 < Mateon1> Need to save these two somewhere :P 11:22 < Mateon1> Seem very useful 11:22 < rutytar> coi 11:22 < zipcpi> coi 11:22 < Mateon1> coi 11:24 < pinji> coi 11:24 < Mateon1> Is there any way to say [greeting] but specify that it is me who just joined/came back to the conversation/channel, same with partings, to specify it's me going, or me just responding? 11:25 < Mateon1> Is {mi coi} {mi co'o} {do coi} {do co'o} valid? 11:25 < zipcpi> Yes, but doesn't say much 11:25 < rutytar> if you specify the listener than the speaker is implied 11:26 < zipcpi> For partings... 11:26 < rutytar> so "hello to everyone" would indicate that you had entered, and "goodbye to everyone" would indicate that you are leaving 11:26 < Mateon1> We usually respond with greetings when a person joins the conversation 11:26 < zipcpi> {co'o lo stali} lit. means "Bye, stayers" 11:26 < zipcpi> {co'o lo cliva} lit. means "Bye, leaver" 11:27 < Mateon1> This seems slightly ambiguaous the default way 11:27 < zipcpi> So that could work if it's necessary to disambiguate {co'o} 11:27 < Mateon1> Ah 11:28 < rutytar> how does one determine the sumti place on a DOhU? 11:28 < zipcpi> While {coi lo zvati} would mean "Hello, those who are present" 11:28 < zipcpi> DOhU just closes COI 11:28 < zipcpi> COI can accept up to one (selbri or sumti) 11:29 < zipcpi> But may be left empty or closed with do'u 11:29 < rutytar> i mean what makes it "co'o lo cliva" and not "lo cliva cu zo'o" 11:29 < rutytar> although i guess cu wouldn't work since co'o isn't a selbri 11:29 < zipcpi> co'o has no predicate relationship; it's a discursive 11:29 < zipcpi> Though... 11:29 < zipcpi> mi tolrinsa ko'a could work 11:29 < rutytar> "lo cliva cu co'o" is what i meant 11:29 < zipcpi> co'o is not a selbri 11:30 < zipcpi> lo cliva cu co'o isn't grammatical 11:30 < rutytar> i know, but would would you determine that "co'o lo cliva" means goodbye everyone? 11:30 < rutytar> or, goodbye leavers i mean 11:30 < rutytar> if co'o has no place structure 11:30 < zipcpi> co'o is part of selma'o COI1 11:30 < zipcpi> Anything in COI1 refers to the addressee 11:30 < rutytar> okay 11:31 < zipcpi> Essentially a hidden {doi} 11:31 < zipcpi> co'o lo cliva = co'o doi lo cliva 11:32 < rutytar> okay 11:32 < rutytar> does it discuss that in the CLL? i might just not have gotten to that part yet 11:32 < zipcpi> COI is one of the oldest parts of the language, yes 11:32 < zipcpi> There is originally just COI; COI2 is a later addition: similar grammar, but doesn't address anyone 11:45 < zipcpi> Yeah I think {na'e itca} or {bu'a} are the best solutions for "any" we have at the moment 11:45 < zipcpi> Just wonder if it's worth dedicating a UI to the {itca - na'e itca} spectrum 11:46 < zipcpi> It might as well be {xe'e} if that's the case 11:46 < zipcpi> Although some people want to use {xe'e} as a variant of {xa'a} 11:51 < zipcpi> One downside of {bu'a} is that it's context sensitive; if you already used {bu'a} in the sentence, the next ones must be {bu'e} / {bu'i}. It's similar to glossing "nothing" as {noda} for instance 12:04 < rutytar> "xu do djica lo klama be lo zarci" is this correct grammar? 12:05 < zipcpi> It's grammatical but doesn't quite mean what I think you want to mean 12:05 < zipcpi> I think you want {xu do djica lo ka klama lo zarci} 12:06 < zipcpi> "Do you want to go to the market"? {lo ka klama lo zarci} is an abstraction corresponding to the infinitive {to go to the market} 12:07 < rutytar> okay. so ka and ke have the same terminator? 12:07 < zipcpi> ka is selma'o NU 12:07 < rutytar> okay 12:07 < zipcpi> Just like {nu} and {du'u} 12:07 < zipcpi> all closed with {kei} 12:08 < rutytar> reading the CLL is annoying because i keep thinking of things and having to wait until later to find solutions 12:08 < zipcpi> {nu} is also acceptable in this particular case, but is a little more vague as it doesn't specify *who* goes to the market 12:09 < zipcpi> There is a subtle difference between {nu} and {ka} as illustrated by this comic: http://imgur.com/Uh7Nm44 12:09 < phenny> [ Imgur ] - http://imgur.com 12:09 < rutytar> you could say "xu do djica lo ka do klama lo zarci"? 12:09 < zipcpi> lo ka ce'u klama lo zarci 12:09 < zipcpi> {ka} is a "property" abstraction 12:10 < zipcpi> {ce'u} is a pronoun representing what the property applies to 12:11 < zipcpi> So it's either {xu do djica lo nu do klama lo zarci} "Do you want an event of "you going to the market"?" or {xu do djica lo ka [ce'u] klama lo zarci} "Do you want the property of something going to the market?" 12:11 < zipcpi> {ce'u} automatically fills the first empty spot if omitted 12:12 < zipcpi> Thus... the comic... 12:12 < zipcpi> {ma djica lo nu cenba} = "Who wants an event-of change" = "Who wants change?" 12:12 < zipcpi> Doesn't specify what is doing the changing. 12:12 < zipcpi> However 12:13 < zipcpi> {ma djica lo ka [ce'u] cenba} = "Who wants the property of something changing" = "Who wants to change?" 12:13 < zipcpi> See? :p 12:14 < zipcpi> Subtle difference, but very useful 12:14 < rutytar> i get it 12:15 < rutytar> wouldn't "ka do klama lo zarci" still be the property of you going to the market? 12:16 < zipcpi> The problem is where does the ce'u go? 12:16 < zipcpi> Under the automatic-placement rules it will become {ka do klama lo zarci ce'u} 12:16 < zipcpi> The property of the destination of you going to the market 12:16 < zipcpi> Probably not what you want to mean :p 12:17 < zipcpi> Er not destination; source 12:17 < zipcpi> The property of where you go to the market from 12:17 < zipcpi> Thus {do} is worse than useless here 12:17 < rutytar> i don't think i understand 12:18 < zipcpi> ka always has a {ce'u} 12:18 < rutytar> xu do djica ka do klama lo zarci ce'u 12:18 < zipcpi> lo ka 12:18 < rutytar> what would i be asking if you want, exactly 12:18 < rutytar> right, lo ka 12:18 < zipcpi> Do you want to be where you go to the market from? 12:19 < zipcpi> ka always has a {ce'u}; if it's left out it automatically fills the first empty spot 12:19 < rutytar> oh, ce'u is literally in the place of the sumti it's acting as 12:19 < zipcpi> Yes 12:19 < rutytar> it's not a terminator for some clause 12:19 < rutytar> okay, that makes sense 12:19 < zipcpi> ce'u is a special pronoun that works with {ka} 12:20 < rutytar> i'm trying to think of a way that might be useful 12:21 < zipcpi> Well, it's useful if you want to include {ce'u} in some place weird, like within a {poi} clause, or in something like {gau ce'u} 12:21 < rutytar> mi nelci ka ce'u klama kei - i like the stuff which goes to the store? 12:21 < zipcpi> Remember the {lo} 12:21 < rutytar> i mean, i like the stuff which oges 12:21 < rutytar> right 12:22 < zipcpi> Without the lo, ka just makes a selbri 12:22 < zipcpi> And you then make a tanru 12:22 < zipcpi> {mi nelci ka ce'u klama} means "I am a liking type of property of something that goes" 12:22 < gleki> lu co'o co'u jundi li'u 12:23 < rutytar> so "mi nelci lo ka ce'u klama" does mean "i like things which go to the store"? 12:23 < zipcpi> It means "I like to go to the store" 12:24 < zipcpi> Or "I like to be the thing that goes to the store" 12:24 < zipcpi> Oh you left out the {lo zarci} 12:24 < zipcpi> But you get the idea 12:24 < rutytar> whoops 12:26 < gleki> jb:de'a 12:26 < mensi> de'a = de'a [preposition of aspect] — pause (pausative aspect) 12:26 < mensi> :mi pu de'a citka lo plise — I stopped eating apples for a while. 12:42 < zipcpi> So, gleki, what do you think about {na'e itca} / {bu'a}? 12:42 < zipcpi> Or perhaps a new UI 12:43 < zipcpi> Dunno how necessary the new UI is, but it'd help avoid having to make tanru or a poi clause 12:44 < zipcpi> And it can even be negated 12:44 < zipcpi> {*xe'e} = "any/non-specific; {*xe'enai} = "something specific" 12:45 < zipcpi> lo xe'enai prenu ~ lo itca prenu / lo prenu poi itca 12:46 < zipcpi> Which ~ le prenu, but sometimes that additional emphasis is helpful 12:49 < zipcpi> do birti lo du'u do jbopre kei va'o lo nu do troci lo ka gugle zoizoi define [lo jbobau valsi] zoi 12:49 < zipcpi> Er... general {do} again 12:50 < zipcpi> Maybe a {su'a} at the beginning might "fix" it? 12:51 < Ilmen> {ro da zo'u ganai da troci gi da birti} 12:51 < zipcpi> Yeah... 12:52 < Ilmen> Also, a vaguer {lonu... cu banzu lonu...} is fine too 12:52 * zipcpi nods 12:53 < zipcpi> Anyway any objections to my resurrecting {xe'e} just to test it out? I can even define it in terms of {itca} 12:53 < zipcpi> As a UI this time though, not a LE 12:55 < zipcpi> discursive: any (non-specifically...) - specifically... 12:55 < Ilmen> Why not SE? 12:55 < Ilmen> %) 12:56 < zipcpi> UI is better; can modify any sumti or pro-sumti 12:56 < Ilmen> what would mean {mi xe'e}? 12:56 < Ilmen> {mi poi .itca}? 12:56 < zipcpi> mi poi na'e itca 12:56 < zipcpi> So something unspecific among {mi}; which might be useful if {mi} is plural 12:58 < zipcpi> Mostly I see it being used with {da xe'e}; yes usually it can be just {ro da} or {su'o da}, but sometimes that subtle semantic difference is helpful 13:00 < zipcpi> Also UI is good because it can stand alone as an answer to {mo'oi} 13:00 < Ilmen> {bu'a} can also stand alone 13:00 < zipcpi> True 13:01 < zipcpi> It's just being a pro-sumti it has slightly different grammar 13:01 < Ilmen> I guess mo'oi primarily asks for a selbri~property 13:01 < zipcpi> Right 13:01 < zipcpi> exp: se 13:01 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "e" found. 13:02 < Ilmen> It's likely not grammatical because there's no SE question 13:02 < zipcpi> lol yeah 13:03 < Ilmen> Yet interestingly there's a FA question, {fi'a}, although it's seldom used 13:04 < gocti> la kurti ca da stidi tu'a zo se'u'o 13:04 < zipcpi> u'i 13:07 < Ilmen> "se broda" could be formalized as {me'au lo [swap_x1_with_x2_predicate] be lo si'o broda}, where swap_x1_with_x2_predicate is a relation between a relation/ka and another relation/ka with the same meaning but with the x1 and x2 slots permuted 13:07 < zipcpi> Wow 13:07 < zipcpi> setpenekederemeze zo'o 13:09 < Ilmen> In the same fashion, {to'e broda} is arguably something like {me'au lo smudukti be lo si'o broda} 13:09 < zipcpi> Right 13:13 < Ilmen> Just to demistify a little the SE and NAhE selmaho :3 13:14 < zipcpi> I don't see using {setpenekederemeze} the way I did {nundumu} the other day though :p 13:14 < zipcpi> Even if it wasn't that long :p 13:15 < zipcpi> But seriously there is a use for {lo nundumu} that {lo fasnu} doesn't cover. The second implies something that actually happened 13:15 < zipcpi> While the first is just "an event"; agnostic as to whether it actually happened 13:20 < Ilmen> As for "acceptable", the -able suffix isn't always trustworthy; here it sounds more like {selzau'inda} 13:20 < Ilmen> exp: selzau'inda 13:20 < mensi> (CU [selzau'inda VAU]) 13:20 < zipcpi> ma krasi zo'oi 'inda 13:20 < Ilmen> lo spero bangu 13:20 < Ilmen> eo: inda 13:21 < mensi> inda = x1 indas/meritas x2 (eco de x1) |>>> Rilatas vorto jerna |>>> Ilmen 13:21 < zipcpi> Yeah... again the {kakne} - "possibility" thing 13:21 < Ilmen> "inda" is close to "jerna", although I don't know whether they're synonymous or not 13:21 < Ilmen> inda = to be worthy... 13:22 < Ilmen> lo vi cukta cu .inda lo ka se tcidu 13:22 < zipcpi> Yeah I might put in {selzau'inda} as a synonym 13:22 < Ilmen> this book is worth reading 13:23 < Ilmen> for example, "trustworthy" = lacry'inda 13:23 < Ilmen> rafsi: lacri 13:23 < mensi> zo'oi lac .e zo'oi lacr rafsi zo lacri 13:23 < Ilmen> lacy'inda 13:24 < Ilmen> memorable = morji+inda 13:24 < Ilmen> etc 13:24 < zipcpi> Nice 13:25 < zipcpi> I don't think {kakne} is wrong, just very vague 13:25 < zipcpi> Cause it just implies possibility/capability 13:25 < Ilmen> arguably trustworthy is se+lacri+inda, but the sel- can be dropped if the se-less lujvo doesn't seem very useful 13:25 < zipcpi> Yeah... 13:26 < zipcpi> As I have noted, {lo te kakne} is pretty much everything as to what {kakne} means 13:26 < Ilmen> if -able was possibility in "memorable", that would imply that something not memorable can't be rememberd :p 13:27 < zipcpi> lol 13:27 < zipcpi> True 13:28 < zipcpi> Yeah it might be worth dropping {ka'e} for things that don't necessarily mean "possibility" 13:32 < Ilmen> So -able/-ible is usually either -cu'i/-ka'e or -inda, (it's ambiguous), and possibly less often it may mean other things 13:32 * zipcpi nods 13:32 < Ilmen> like "edible", which is something like "lo nu citka na ckape" 13:32 < zipcpi> Hm maybe that's better with {xamgu}? 13:33 < zipcpi> Analogous with {plixau} 13:33 < Ilmen> at least nalxla 13:33 * zipcpi shrugs 13:34 < Ilmen> edible isn't necessarily good, but just not harmful, ienai pei 13:34 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 13:34 < Ilmen> ku'i mi na birti 13:34 < zipcpi> Yeah sounds right; I just don't like long lujvo :p 13:35 < Ilmen> maybe ctinu'a 13:36 < Ilmen> unless it means "x1 is secure from the threat of being eaten" :p 13:36 < zipcpi> lol 13:36 < Ilmen> nurdja 13:37 < Ilmen> well maybe that's tautological 13:37 < Ilmen> ju'i nai doi vrude nolnau 13:38 < zipcpi> Yeah {cidja} does imply edibility though sometimes the subtle connotation/shift in emphasis can be useful 13:38 < b_jonas> I should learn these digit rafsi properly. non- pav- rel- cib- vor-? mum- xav- zel- bi?- soz- 13:38 < b_jonas> rafsi: vo 13:38 < zipcpi> von 13:38 < mensi> zo'oi von rafsi zo vo 13:38 < b_jonas> rafsi: bi 13:38 < mensi> zo'oi biv rafsi zo bi 13:39 < Ilmen> ui mi drani smadi tu'a zo bi 13:39 < b_jonas> non- pav- rel- cib- von- mum- xav- zel- biv- soz- je'e 13:41 * nuzba @voxelcomposer: @MyInnerRurf Each word in Lojban is like a function which takes certain arguments. Programming languages have the same rigid syntax. [http://bit.ly/1GEEIjG] 13:41 < phenny> [ Voxel Composer on Twitter: "@MyInnerRurf Each word in Lojban is like a function which takes certain arguments. Programming languages have the same rigid syntax." ] - http://bit.ly 14:11 * nuzba @voxelcomposer: @MyInnerRurf The Loglan/Lojban split had quite a bit to do with that, I think. [http://bit.ly/1JMEM1l] 14:11 < phenny> [ Voxel Composer on Twitter: "@MyInnerRurf The Loglan/Lojban split had quite a bit to do with that, I think." ] - http://bit.ly 14:14 < durka42> oi .u'i 14:15 < durka42> la .djen. cu refgau lo se gasnu be la nuzba jecu spogau lo judrysni 14:19 * nuzba @voxelcomposer: @MyInnerRurf That's why I believe the primary practical use of Lojban is a sort of intermediate language in the framework of AI development. [http://bit.ly/1JMFlIk] 14:19 < zipcpi> ei mi sipna co'o 14:20 < phenny> [ Voxel Composer on Twitter: "@MyInnerRurf That's why I believe the primary practical use of Lojban is a sort of intermediate language in the framework of AI development." ] - http://bit.ly 14:23 < durka42> phenny: co'u ko'oi uai 14:38 < isd> .i coi rodo 14:39 < dutchie> coi 14:41 < durka42> coi 14:45 < isd> .i do mo 14:47 < dutchie> mi kinzga zoi gy. Battlestar Galactica gy. 14:49 < durka42> ua .i banli iepei se tivni 14:49 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 14:49 < dutchie> mi ji'a tugni 14:49 < dutchie> .i ku'i na fanmo 14:50 < dutchie> (is that right?) 14:51 < durka42> yes! 14:51 < dutchie> uisai 14:52 < LeoBeltran> Hello! 14:52 < durka42> coi la .beltran. 14:53 < LeoBeltran> coi do 14:54 < LeoBeltran> .i do mo 14:55 < dutchie> .u'i puzi se casnu 14:58 < durka42> la .dutcis. cu kinzga la nunda'a tarci co tarso'imei 19:54 * nuzba @willingtheweird: @_Vanessa_sary_ Learn lojban. [http://bit.ly/1ISAghI] 19:54 < phenny> [ Will Ibarra on Twitter: "@_Vanessa_sary_ Learn lojban." ] - http://bit.ly 19:58 < durka42> mensi: doi gleki can you turn off phenny/jenni auto-following links 19:58 < mensi> durka42: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.gleki.gy. di'a cusku da 20:05 < durka42> ta'osai http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/06/13/413968033/esperanto-is-not-dead-can-the-universal-language-make-a-comeback 20:05 < phenny> [ Esperanto Is Not Dead: Can The Universal Language Make A Comeback? : Goats and Soda : NPR ] - http://www.npr.org 20:41 < fleimbo> coi 20:48 < durka42> coi la fleimbo 20:53 < tsani> coi la fleimbo .e la durka 20:55 < durka42> coi la tsani 20:55 < tsani> .i do mo 20:55 < durka42> mi co'a fa'u co'u pilno la'oi Colloquy la'oi Adium 20:56 < tsani> ua 20:56 < durka42> krinu fa lo nu lo so'imei co'a benji lo spama 20:56 < durka42> .a'y na kakne lo ka toljundi 20:56 < tsani> ue 20:56 < tsani> .i ku'i plixaurai cfila 20:56 < tsani> zo'o zo'o nai 20:57 < durka42> ie 20:57 < durka42> cy kakne lo drata ku ji'a 20:57 < durka42> mu'a mi nau se jungau ca lo nu da cusku zo durka 21:01 * nuzba @willingtheweird: @_Vanessa_sary_ *.i ko cilre la lojban [http://bit.ly/1JR0jUY] 21:01 < phenny> [ Will Ibarra on Twitter: "@_Vanessa_sary_ *.i ko cilre la lojban" ] - http://bit.ly 21:03 < tsani> ua 21:03 < tsani> .i ba'a nai cy xamgu ie .i mi pu zu pilno 21:15 < noncomcinse> coi do'u ma jundi zei .irci 21:16 < durka42> coi 21:17 < Zearen> . coi 21:17 < Zearen> sa .i coi 21:17 < noncomcinse> coi la durka .e la'oi .Zearen. 21:19 < Zearen> .i za'a lo clani cu temci lonu mi tavla bau la .lojban. 21:19 < Zearen> .i ta'o mi'e .ziren. 21:20 < durka42> .ei mi bazi sipna 21:20 < Zearen> je'e .i pluka sevna 21:20 < noncomcinse> .i mi pensi lonu .irli fa'u .irci co noncomcinse jungau .i nandu fa'u frili vau pe'i .i na birtu .u'i 21:21 < noncomcinse> .i doi .ziren. ta'o lu tavla fo li'u lu bau li'u simxu loka smuni 21:23 < noncomcinse> je'e dy 21:26 < Zearen> .ie .i mi djuno .i mi cusku zo bau mu'i lodu'u mleca fi loni te kancu lo te bridi poi mi morji 21:26 < noncomcinse> .u'i 21:27 < Zearen> .i ma smuni zo .irli 21:27 < noncomcinse> zo'oi .IRL. 21:27 < Zearen> .ua 21:37 * nuzba @willingtheweird: @_Vanessa_sary_ That is difficult with lojban, however... [http://bit.ly/1ecF0C0] 21:37 < phenny> [ Will Ibarra on Twitter: "@_Vanessa_sary_ That is difficult with lojban, however..." ] - http://bit.ly 21:41 * nuzba @willingtheweird: @_Vanessa_sary_ It's a little dry, however. Lojban caters to linguistic nerds. [http://bit.ly/1ecFwzZ] 21:41 < phenny> [ Will Ibarra on Twitter: "@_Vanessa_sary_ It's a little dry, however. Lojban caters to linguistic nerds." ] - http://bit.ly 21:43 < gleki> durka42: if only i knew how to do that 21:43 < mensi> gleki: cu'u la'o gy.durka42.gy.: can you turn off phenny/jenni auto-following links | 2015-06-14T02:58:12. 21:43 < mensi> 223Z 21:44 < durka42> gleki: is it https://github.com/sbp/phenny ? 21:44 < phenny> [ sbp/phenny · GitHub ] - https://github.com 21:44 < durka42> or some fork? 21:44 < gleki> https://github.com/myano/jenni 21:44 < phenny> [ myano/jenni · GitHub ] - https://github.com 21:47 < gleki> .i gleki 21:48 < durka42> gleki: I don't see a way to disable individual parts of a module 21:48 < durka42> gleki: comment out lines 520-521 in modules/url.py? :p 21:48 < durka42> no, that's not all of them 21:49 < durka42> lines 472-473 are the ones for showing the title 21:49 < durka42> leave lines 520-521, but comment out 472-473 21:49 < durka42> then .title will still work 21:52 < mindszenty_> coi rodo 21:52 < durka42> coico'o 21:52 < gleki> http://google.com 21:52 < durka42> .title 21:52 < gleki> .title 21:52 < durka42> .u'i 21:52 < gleki> .titlehttp://google.com 21:52 < gleki> .title http://google.com 21:52 < mindszenty_> gleki: while I was away, you asked me something about Ithkuil. Perhaps something about new Ithkuil math subsystem? 21:53 < durka42> gleki: I think we killed everything :) 21:53 < gleki> http://google.com 21:53 < gleki> .title 21:53 < phenny> [ Google ] 21:53 < gleki> ok 21:53 < durka42> .title http://alexburka.com/lojban 21:53 < phenny> [ Lojban ] 21:53 < durka42> uo dai 21:53 < durka42> ki'e 21:53 < durka42> co'o 21:54 < gleki> mindszenty_: probably but it's not perfect as JQ himself aknowledged 21:55 < mindszenty_> I missed what the question was :) And I did not follow current Ithkuil development. 21:59 < gleki> how would you express this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ithkuil/comments/30bjgz/ 21:59 < gleki> ^ di'u pu preti 21:59 < mindszenty_> At first glance, math and measurement proposal reminds mex. I did not analyzed it deeper. 22:00 < mindszenty_> Ah, or do you mean the comment? 22:00 < mindszenty_> ta'o ba'anai http://rossogilvie.id.au/essays/2013-01-22-fancu-bridi-mekso/ 22:02 < gleki> that comment didnt exist when i opened that page last time 22:05 < deltab> "the inevitable Lojban-based skynet" 22:08 < mindszenty_> ze'i .u'i 22:14 < mindszenty_> gleki: Well, if take surjection as an example... firstly, it is easier for me to define it as "An ordered pair of functions (to of type A → B, from of type B → A) such as ∀x ∈ B: to(from(x)) = x" 22:18 < mindszenty_> The only thing that I do not know how to express in lojban are function types. I guess I need to study type teory and develop tectaipe staile :) --- Day changed Sun Jun 14 2015 00:12 < gleki> so how does one say "better" using tags only? 00:13 < shcg> hi 00:13 < gleki> hi 00:13 < shcg> what is the best resource to learn lojban 00:14 < gleki> lojban.org/papri/Learning 00:14 < shcg> thank you.Is there any video lessons 00:16 < gleki> only this introductory video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZjSTUK3hFI It uses a specific method. 00:16 < gleki> The general rule is that if you dont like a particular method you may try another method 00:16 < shcg> thank you. bye 00:17 < gleki> co'o 00:17 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 138 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 135 normal] 00:19 * nuzba @uitki: Learning - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Learning by Gleki - Redirected page to [[Welcome!/en#Unofficial and supplemental resources]] [http://bit.ly/1ID2UR2] 00:19 * nuzba @uitki: Learning/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Learning/en by Gleki - Redirected page to [[Welcome!/en#Unofficial and supplemental resources]] [http://bit.ly/1ID30Io] 00:53 < gocti> la'a lo nu mi retsku lo simsa cu cafne dukse .i ku'i .ai retsku 00:53 < gocti> .i ma smuni lu lo re da li'u .i xu da go'i 00:56 < gleki> mi na djuno 00:56 < gocti> xu da djuno .u'i 00:58 < gleki> lo re da cu djuno 00:59 < gocti> li'a 00:59 < gleki> lo re da == lo re me da == zo'e noi ke'a me da gi'e zilkancu li re lo me da 01:00 < gleki> == zo'e noi da zo'u ke'a me da gi'e zilkancu li re zo'e noi da zo'u me da 01:00 < gleki> i ja'o mo i mi na djuno 01:00 < gocti> simlu lo ka nonselsmu 01:02 * nuzba @uitki: gadri report, aug 2003 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadri_report,_aug_2003 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1GFuyiz] 01:05 < gleki> zo da nenri lo nalralju bridi noi kuspe vo'a 01:07 < gleki> i ca ma ma'a co'a finti lo lojbo gerna se cukta poi na pilno lo na lojbo 01:09 < gocti> ro da ga lazni gi zukcfu 01:10 < gleki> ge xu 01:10 < gocti> cumki 01:13 < skgc> hello,can anyone explain what is xorlo reforms. I am beginners and i cant understand the wiki 01:15 < gleki> skgc: generally when the reference grammar uses {le} in modern style lojban you usually use {lo} instead. 01:20 < skgc> so now the modern lojban uses xorlo reforms and it should be applied manually to the grammer book 01:20 < skgc> will there be a new edition of the book 01:20 < gleki> skgc: mostly yes. this year the reference grammar is being converted to another format. after the technical things are done xorlo will be pplied to it 01:21 < gleki> *applied 01:22 < deltab> would it be accurate to say lo is basically a/some and le the? 01:22 < skgc> another format meaning? 01:22 < gleki> skgc: technical stuff. from docbook to prince 01:23 < skgc> prince? 01:23 < skgc> do you mean print? 01:23 < deltab> xml/html and css 01:23 < deltab> right? 01:24 < gocti> http://www.princexml.com/ (not sure why, though) 01:24 < gleki> prince to print :) 01:25 < gocti> skgc: for a very detailed look at xorlo you can read http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadri:_an_unofficial_commentary_from_a_logical_point_of_view 01:25 < gocti> (a version of that is likely to end up in the updated CLL) 01:27 < skgc> so at this years end lojban will be revamped for ease and detailed explanation 01:29 < gocti> one can hope! 01:30 < gleki> la samyuan cu pacna 01:30 < skgc> anyone making good video content 01:32 < gocti> There's the bripre jikca series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huRQ5-CObUs ) but it's probably too demanding for beginners (lojban only, and not everything is subtitled) 01:38 * nuzba @464161niftg: ru'a la .lojban. cu saske gi'o fatci gunma .inajabo lu cilre la .lojban. li'u cu smudra la'a .iseju ru'a javni gi'o bridi gunma [http://bit.ly/1L80Rb1] 01:39 < skgc> thank you very much 02:07 * nuzba @464161niftg: le patfu la lojban cu mo .a'u ru'e [http://bit.ly/1HFyhMa] 02:19 < Ilmen> coi 02:20 < Ilmen> en: tarso'imei 02:20 < mensi> tarso'imei [< tarci so'i mei ≈ Star many cardinal selbri] = s1 is a/the galaxy (default is the Milky Way) |>>> Cf. tarci, 02:20 < mensi> so'imei, sostartai, tarboi, tarci'e. |>>> totus 02:20 < Ilmen> xD 02:21 < Ilmen> (furthermore so'i has a short rafsi, -sor-) 02:25 < Ilmen> This lujvo sounds so awkward though; it seems to throw away all the galaxy's complexity to sum it to a bunch of stars. But then is a globular cluster a tarso'imei, and if not, why? 02:48 < dutchie> coi 02:55 < Rodericus> coi la'oi .dutchie. .i coi rodo 03:07 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Timoteos - i → .i [http://bit.ly/1GFEY1J] 04:06 < zipcpi> ju'i ctefaho ganai do na jmina lo do cnima'o la jbovlaste gi ai mi zerle'a pe'a cy 04:08 < ctefaho> yes yes I will add them 04:08 < zipcpi> On {uau}: It does have a difference from {u'e}, in that it has a useful negation; it's too bad that {u'e} was only defined with two points 04:08 < zipcpi> I wish we could just change it 04:09 < ctefaho> ia'u and ie'i I can do today 04:09 < ctefaho> ue'i, wanna check the prime-languages IPA first 04:09 < ctefaho> for excited 04:10 < ctefaho> as lojban doesn't even have an effing gismu for the concept 04:10 < zipcpi> The gismu list is kind of a rush-job :p 04:10 < zipcpi> The number one priority was to clone Loglan 04:10 * ctefaho pats zo rozgu 04:11 < ctefaho> but I am leaving now 04:11 * ctefaho co'o 04:11 < zipcpi> co'o 04:35 < vensa> coi jundi 04:35 < zipcpi> coi 04:35 < vensa> coi. i ma nuzba 04:36 < zipcpi> mi'a pu casnu loi cnima'o 04:37 < vensa> je'e 04:37 < vensa> mi nelci lo'e cnima'o .i plixau pe'i 04:37 < zipcpi> iesai 04:39 < zipcpi> mi co'a xagji .i ju'ocu'i xukau lo vanci sanmi cu bredi 04:40 < vensa> ta'o xu do djuno lodu'u makau poi sampre cu basti la gerna 04:40 < vensa> de'a jundi 04:40 < vensa> di'a jundi 04:40 < vensa> ma bregau le do sanmi 04:40 < zipcpi> la gerna ki'a 04:41 < vensa> la gerna cu sampre gi'e puze'u spuda ma'a sera'a lo gerna be lo jamfu 04:41 < zipcpi> lo mi rirni cu erve lo cidja 04:42 < vensa> sa be fi lo jamfu 04:42 < vensa> zo erve ki'a 04:42 < zipcpi> smudu'i zo terve'u 04:43 < vensa> je'e .iku'i va'oku ki'u ma na'e pilno zo terve'u 04:44 < zipcpi> ju'ocu'i .i la'a lo ka tordymau .i u'ise'iru'e 04:44 < vensa> je'e 04:45 < vensa> ku'i pe'i lo'e lojbo jufra cu clamau lo'e glico jufra .i pe'i xagmau fa lonu pilno lo se jimpe valsi kei lonu pilno lo tormau valsi 04:46 < zipcpi> je'eru'e 04:46 < vensa> no'i xu do se slabu lo irci sampre noi spuda sera'a lo gerna 04:47 < vensa> xu la mensi cu co'e 04:47 < zipcpi> lo zi'evla pe la'oi <VCCV> cu plixau ku'i pe'i .i ri ka'e se pilno fi lo nu zbasu lo zi'evla lujvo pe la .xorxes. 04:49 < gleki> coi la vensa 04:49 < vensa> uicoi la gleki 04:49 < vensa> mi na se slabu lo javni pe lo zi'evla lujvo pe la xorxes uinai 04:50 < zipcpi> mu'a lu lacri zei inda li'u cu binxo zo lacry'inda ja zo lacy'inda 04:52 < gleki> mensi: doi Ilmen zo tarso'imei na jvajvo ibo sa'u 04:52 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.Ilmen.gy. di'a cusku da 04:53 < zipcpi> la jbovlaste ca selsau lo'e zi'evla lujvo 04:55 < vensa> ua .i mi pu tirna la'e di'u 04:55 < vensa> mi nelci lodu'u lo fu'ivla ka'e se rafsi 04:56 < zipcpi> mu'a za'umai lu aste zei finpe li'u cu binxo zo aste'yfi'e 04:56 < vensa> i'e 04:57 < vensa> ku'i sera'a zo erve zo terve'u xa'o ka'e lujvo pagbu 04:57 < gleki> en: za'umai 04:57 < mensi> za'umai = [MAI*] discursive: further utterance ordinal |>>> tijlan 04:57 < gleki> xm 04:58 < gleki> lu za'umai li'u se fanva fu zo'oi Next 04:58 < zipcpi> "Furthermore" 04:58 < vensa> zo'oi furthermore 04:58 < vensa> u'i 04:58 < zipcpi> de'a jundi .i za'a le sanmi cu bredi 04:58 < gleki> .dict furthermore 04:58 < phenny> furthermore — adverb: 1. In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information 04:59 < gleki> ienai 04:59 < gleki> i zo ji'a mapti 04:59 < gleki> i lu mo'unai li'u su'o ia roi mapti 04:59 < gleki> en: mo'unai 04:59 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 04:59 < gleki> en: mo'u 04:59 < mensi> mo'u = [ZAhO] interval event contour: at the natural ending point of ...; completive | >|<. |>>> 04:59 < mensi> officialdata 04:59 < gleki> oise'i 04:59 < zipcpi> Well, it's like {pamai}, {remai} = "firstly", "secondly" 04:59 < gleki> i mi bebna 04:59 < zipcpi> So za'umai means "moreth-ly" 05:00 < gleki> i lu mu'onai li'u su'o ia roi mapti 05:00 < gleki> en: mu'o 05:00 < mensi> mu'o = [COI] vocative: over (response OK) - more to come. |>>> officialdata 05:00 < zipcpi> Similar logic to za'ure'u 05:00 < gleki> yeah, i just dont think futhermore/in addition matches it 05:00 < gleki> jb: mu'o 05:00 < mensi> mu'o = mu'o [vocative] — I am done talking. Over. That's all I can say (in radio communications), mu'o nai — more to 05:00 < mensi> come ... I am not done talking 05:00 < mensi> :i ro mai mi jinvi lo du'u za'u lo cukta cu jai sarcu mu'o — Finally, I think that more books are necessary, I'm done. 05:00 < mensi> :ja'o dai le za'u sonci pu cliva le tcadu mu'o nai loi mi tadni — As you may conclude, the soldiers left the city ... no, 05:00 < mensi> that's not the end of the story, my students. 05:01 < vensa> pe'i ci le valsi selzba cu xamgu 05:01 < vensa> doi la gleki .i ta'i ma pilno la mensi lonu lanli lo gerna be fi lo jufra 05:02 < gleki> exp: la lojban mo 05:02 < mensi> ([la {lojban mo} KU] VAU) 05:02 < gleki> off: la lojban mo 05:02 < gleki> k:lojban 05:02 < gleki> to le selfu skami ca masno toi 05:02 < mensi> ([{la lojban} CU] [mo VAU]) 05:02 < mensi> (CU [C:lojban VAU]) 05:02 < gleki> k:esporte 05:02 < mensi> (CU [Z:esporte VAU]) 05:02 < gleki> di'u zi'evla 05:02 < gleki> i zy sinxa lo zi'evla 05:03 < gleki> i zo vy sinxa zo vendeta ibo zo'o 05:03 < vensa> u'i 05:03 < vensa> ku'i mi na jimpe fi lo te frica zo'oi exp ce zo'oi off ce zo'oi k 05:04 < gleki> indeed, if so many people say {la gleki cu cmene mi} why not invent a brivla the same as {cmene} but tuned up so it requires {la} in its x1 05:04 < gleki> zo'oi exp sinxa lo cnino gerna 05:04 < gleki> i zo'oi off sinxa lo catni gerna pe BPFK 05:04 < vensa> je'e 05:04 < gleki> alta: lo noi ku 05:04 < mensi> ([FA {lo <(¹COhE SF¹) (¹noi [{FA ZOhE} {CU <COhE SF> VAU}] KUhO¹)> ku}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 05:05 < vensa> srana zo'oi official .enai zo'oi off u'i 05:05 < gleki> zo'oi alta sinxa la altatufa ku noi la gleki cu finti 05:05 < vensa> la altatufa ki'a 05:05 < gleki> lo noi ku = > lo co'e noi fa zo'e cu co'e cu co'e 05:05 < vensa> si 05:05 < vensa> mo 05:05 < gleki> i sa'u cmene fa zo altatufa 05:06 < gleki> i se smuni no vajni 05:06 < gleki> i cmene po'o 05:06 < vensa> no'i zo'oi k: se pilno fi ma 05:07 < gleki> lo nu zgana lo valsi klesi 05:07 < vensa> je'e 05:07 < gleki> camxes: +s esporte 05:07 < camxes> (Z:esporte VAU) 05:07 < vensa> ki'esai 05:07 < gleki> ^ dunli 05:07 < vensa> je'e 05:07 < gleki> sa'u zo'oi k: tordu zmadu 05:07 < vensa> xu do pu finti la mensi 05:08 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/IRC_Bots 05:08 < gleki> i ie mi e lo drata pe su'ova'e pu finti la mensi 05:08 < vensa> je'e 05:08 < vensa> io 05:09 < gleki> i ku'i zo ce enai zo e mapti zmadu 05:09 < vensa> zo su'eva'e ki'a 05:09 < vensa> ie 05:10 < gleki> lu su'ova'e li'u se fanva fi lo simsa be zoi gy to some degree gy 05:10 < gleki> i srana lo si'o me la'o gy fuzzy logic gy 05:11 < vensa> je'e 05:17 < vensa> no'i sera'a lei cnima'o .i ti'a lo'e no'e makcu cu pilno so'i etmoji .i pe'i lo'e no'e makcu ba se prali lei cnima'o 05:19 < gleki> pe'i no da valsi lo me'oi emotion lo lojbo 05:19 < gleki> i zo cinmo co'e zo'oi attitude 05:19 < vensa> ta'o ta'i ma cusku losedu'u da cu pilno zoi gy more X than Y gy 05:20 < Ilmen> zo zmadu 05:20 < vensa> ku'i zo .ui cu simsa zo'oi :) pei 05:20 < vensa> doi la ilmen .i e'o ko cusku lo mupli 05:20 < Ilmen> ma glibau mupli pa mai 05:20 < Ilmen> to coi toi 05:21 < vensa> zoi gy people use more emoji than words gy 05:21 < vensa> uicoi 05:21 < Ilmen> fi lo ni lo prenu cu pilno cu zmadu fa lo .emoji lo drata valsi 05:22 < vensa> a;u 05:22 < vensa> a'u 05:23 < zipcpi> ua la vensa cu te preti tu'a lo gerna sampre .i mi pu se cfipu 05:23 < vensa> go'i 05:23 < vensa> na vajni .i la gleki pu spuda mi 05:23 < zipcpi> za'a 05:23 < vensa> ki'e 05:24 < vensa> de'a jundi .i mi pu'o terve'u lo snuji 05:24 < gleki> lo prenu u pilno lo me'oi emoji ne semau lo drata valsi 05:24 < gleki> sa 05:24 < gleki> lo prenu cu pilno lo me'oi emoji ne semau lo drata valsi 05:24 < zipcpi> zo snuji cu gismu ueru'e 05:24 < gleki> en: sanduici 05:24 < mensi> sanduici = x1 is a sandwich with x2 sandwiched between x3 |>>> Restricted to food. See snuji |>>> 05:24 < mensi> glekizmiku 05:24 < zipcpi> u'i 05:25 < zipcpi> ku'i ba'o vlatai gendra uinai 05:25 < gleki> la glekizmiku cu zmiku gi'e za'adai certu lo nu zabna citka 05:25 < gleki> k:sanduici 05:25 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "s" found. 05:25 < gleki> k:sandvici 05:25 < vensa> ki'e la gleki .i lo do jufra cu glico pensi ke simsa zmadu 05:25 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "s" found. 05:25 < gleki> xm ie 05:25 < gleki> nabmi 05:25 < vensa> de'a 05:25 < zipcpi> k: sanduuici 05:25 < mensi> (CU [Z:sanduuici VAU]) 05:26 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Frank_likes_Betty_more_than_Mary 05:26 < gleki> vensa: za'adai puzu casnu 05:28 * nuzba @uitki: L17-04 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1IcA4nF] 05:29 < zipcpi> oi xore'u zo xe'e pu se snigau 05:29 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/xe%27e 05:30 < gleki> once again im reminding everyone of the new English to Lojban dictionary/wordlist. Please send me feedback via IRC or any other media. What words are abesnt? What mistakes can you find? http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 05:39 < vensa> di'a jundi .i kukte snuji 05:55 < zipcpi> coi 06:01 < zipcpi> ma smuni te frica zo sorpeka zo aftobuso 06:04 < gleki> looks like ai found a new description of SWH that isnt that disputed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Context_effect 06:04 < gleki> zipcpi: la'a no da 06:16 * ctefaho slaps zipcpi around a bit with a large trout 06:17 < ctefaho> ia'u submitted 06:17 < ctefaho> now don't you go and steal the others ia'unai zo'o 06:17 < zipcpi> u'i 06:20 < zipcpi> Erm you're really going forward with the {iau} thing? Cause {i'au} is quite important too pe'i 06:20 < ctefaho> well I didn't want to occupy iau 06:21 < zipcpi> I meant with your proposed alternate form 06:21 < zipcpi> I can allow that for the other two, but {i'au} is really too important to be compromised IMO 06:22 < ctefaho> well I *can* remove that sentence 06:23 < ctefaho> the idea was to let usage decide now that everyone seems to want the VVVs 06:23 < ctefaho> but that was perhaps a stupid idea 06:23 * ctefaho edits 06:24 < zipcpi> ki'e 06:26 < ctefaho> 1 down 2 to go 06:26 < gleki> .rmpoint ctefaho 06:26 < phenny> ctefaho: +0/-1, -1 06:26 < gleki> zo'ocu'i 06:26 < ctefaho> rmpoint? o_O 06:27 < gleki> you just got one vote down 06:27 < gleki> dont feel sorry. i also got one minus yesterday out of nothing. 06:27 < gleki> durka ... i will never forgive him... 06:28 < ctefaho> ah I thought one of my proposals was negative 06:28 < gleki> 06:23 < ctefaho> but that was perhaps a stupid idea => 06:26 < gleki> .rmpoint ctefaho 06:28 < ctefaho> uh huh 06:28 < ctefaho> what does rmpoint do? >_> 06:29 < zipcpi> It's just a silly bot "karma" thing 06:29 < ctefaho> .rmpoint zipcpi 06:29 < phenny> zipcpi: +1/-1, 0 06:29 < zipcpi> .addpoint zipcpi 06:29 < phenny> zipcpi: I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that! 06:29 < dutchie> u'i 06:30 < zipcpi> ... dang it Gleki's got admin rights 06:30 < zipcpi> Either that or he changed it 06:31 < dutchie> la'a da na kakne lonu jmina da 06:31 < ctefaho> but as for ue'i, will need to look at the "ancestor languages" words for exciting 06:31 < ctefaho> can't figure out the IPA for the chinese ones though 06:31 < ctefaho> or the arabic 06:32 < zipcpi> Hmm... I don't think the Chinese exclamation is very helpful 06:32 < ctefaho> well I meant 兴奋 06:32 < ctefaho> (Xīngfèn) 06:33 < zipcpi> That literally just means "excitement" 06:33 < ctefaho> yes 06:33 < zipcpi> Unless you're trying to make a gismu? 06:33 < ctefaho> I am skipping the gismu step 06:34 < ctefaho> I based ia'u and ie'i on lacri and rigni (and their ancestor words) 06:34 < zipcpi> .cinfen. 06:34 < ctefaho> u in ia'u is from the arabic 06:34 < zipcpi> That's how I'd enter it into the gismu co'e if I had it 06:35 < ctefaho> منفعل 06:35 < ctefaho> that one?:p 06:35 < zipcpi> I'm not too certu at reading Arabic, though I might be able to guess from the letters 06:35 < zipcpi> THat's only consonants though 06:36 < ctefaho> hmm well that's what I get 06:36 < zipcpi> Actually I don't know Arabic at all :p 06:36 < zipcpi> منفعل is a Persian translation of the word passive ("not active, but acted upon"). 06:36 < zipcpi> What? 06:37 < ctefaho> huuuh 06:37 < zipcpi> I think you got the wrong word 06:37 < ctefaho> متحمّس I also got this one 06:37 < ctefaho> well then google sucks 06:37 < ctefaho> this is from en.bab.la 06:37 < zipcpi> We should find that gismu co'e 06:39 < zipcpi> m-y-h-m-s 06:39 < zipcpi> No idea how it's actually pronounced 06:40 * ctefaho thinks of sticking with ue'i 06:41 < zipcpi> Oh it's actually m-t-h-m-s 06:41 < zipcpi> http://www.forvo.com/word/%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%B3/ 06:41 < zipcpi> mutixemis ? 06:42 < ctefaho> muti'emis? 06:42 < zipcpi> You don't enter ' into the gismu co'e 06:42 < zipcpi> Or y either 06:42 < ctefaho> ah you meant that way 06:42 < ctefaho> but well, still got the u&i&e in there 06:43 < zipcpi> I just don't actually have it... I know Curtis has it... 06:44 < gleki> .addpoint zipcpi 06:44 < phenny> zipcpi: +2/-1, 1 06:44 < gleki> so i guess one cannot add/remove a point more than once 06:44 < gleki> .addpoint zipcpi 06:44 < phenny> zipcpi: +3/-1, 2 06:44 < phenny> zipcpi: +3/-1, 2 06:44 < gleki> .rmpoint zipcpi 06:44 < phenny> zipcpi: +3/-2, 1 06:44 < gleki> hm 06:45 < gleki> does that mean only i can do that? 06:45 < demize> .addpoint gleki 06:45 < phenny> gleki: +3/-1, 2 06:45 < demize> You can't add or remove points to/from yourself. 06:45 < gleki> Xīngfèn is rather {sinfen} 06:46 < zipcpi> Hm it's a wash, and x is usually rendered as {c} when entered IIRC. But yeah I might prefer {s} just because it's easier to pronounce 06:46 < zipcpi> Chinese x is actually, like, halfway between {s} and {c} 06:47 < zipcpi> Also there are no minimal pairs with Chinese s and x 06:47 < gleki> in general Mandarin phonology almost never identical to the English one. except in [m] and [n] probably 06:48 < zipcpi> s is also identical 06:48 < gleki> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_w-c7yM6beFUc_G-XCSLlRfrCewhQosFdQuPD1DwhuU/edit?usp=drive_web 06:49 < zipcpi> The main thing is that their distinction between most consonant pairs, e.g. b/p, is ejective rather than voicedness 06:49 < zipcpi> b sounds like /p/ 06:49 < zipcpi> But p is /p^h/ 06:49 < zipcpi> Has that additional puff of air 06:50 < zipcpi> That probably makes it difficult to teach a native Mandarin speaker how to distinguish voiced from unvoiced consonants... 06:50 < gleki> in some dialects "b" is pronounced as semi-voiced in Mandarin 06:51 < zipcpi> Probably so 06:51 < gleki> so this is the solution 06:51 < zipcpi> I'm not too studied in dialectal variations 06:51 < gleki> {b} is semi-voiced and {p} is aspirated. 06:51 < zipcpi> I just go with what the books tell me 06:52 < gleki> i think it was curtis who wanted [ŋ] in Lojban. 06:53 < gleki> but adding more letters is of no problem. 06:53 < gleki> they say high in lai jbocmana tey still use hieroglyphics to write lojban 06:53 < gleki> *they 06:53 < zipcpi> lol /ŋ/ might be useful if it wasn't already an allophone of /n/ before /k/ /g/ /x/ 06:53 < zipcpi> Maybe just ban /ŋk/ /ŋg/ /ŋx/ then 06:54 < gleki> rinka ma 06:54 < zipcpi> Ban those phonemes being together; people can still pronounce /nk/ that way 06:54 < gleki> rinka lo nu sinxa lo nu ma'a co'u ka'e sanga 06:55 < zipcpi> I mean, da'isai we assign q to /ŋ/ 06:55 < zipcpi> Then rinka can still be pronounced "riqka" 06:56 < zipcpi> But there will never be a word that actually puts q and k together 06:56 < zipcpi> Same with g and x 06:57 < zipcpi> I mean I would rather just respell rinka as riqka, but since /n/ was here first it gets priority :p 06:58 < zipcpi> And while we're at it make /eu/ a valid allophone as well 06:58 < zipcpi> et voila ~24 more monosyllabic cmavo :p 06:58 < zipcpi> *valid diphthong rather 06:59 < gleki> which will provide us with one more year of free cmavo space 06:59 < zipcpi> je'e u'i 06:59 < gleki> until Curtis fills them all 06:59 < zipcpi> u'i 06:59 < gleki> then we'll add click sounds 06:59 < zipcpi> u'isai 07:00 < demize> I can't wait for the grunting noises. 07:00 < gleki> at least no one will say anymore that Ithkuil is the hardest language to utter. 07:00 < zipcpi> :p 07:02 < ctefaho> let's use pure IPA only 07:02 < ctefaho> and the whole IPA 07:02 < ctefaho> and every sound is a letter 07:02 < zipcpi> Including the ones with so many diacritics it looks like Zalgotext 07:03 < zipcpi> But by that time, just see Ithkuil :p 07:03 < gocti> /t/ /t^h/ /t\/ /t\^h/ /t`/, all phonetic 07:04 < gocti> si phonemic 07:04 < ctefaho> ʔi ʃɔj 07:04 < zipcpi> If you sneeze the earth will open up and swallow you for being na'e gendra 07:05 < ctefaho> make sneezing a letter hmm hmm 07:05 < ctefaho> and the tones 07:05 < ctefaho> all the tones there are 07:06 < ctefaho> la selpahi will be pleased 07:06 < zipcpi> high tone, low tone, medium tone, kinda high tone 07:06 < gleki> ~ tone 07:06 < zipcpi> kinda low tone, kinda medium but just slightly high tone 07:06 < zipcpi> -/\\/\/\//~~$#^@* tone 07:07 * ctefaho solemnly pledges not to design a language 07:08 * ctefaho goes to add ue'i 07:08 < gocti> /11/ inserts a "lo" syllable before it, /14/ overrides stress on itself and the next syllable and puts it in the preceding one, /41/ inserts a "cu" syllable before it, anything else (cf. buffer vowel strategy) has no transformations 07:09 < zipcpi> lol 07:09 < gleki> la besnygletu 07:10 < zipcpi> Does that also apply to {lojbo} and {cusku}? :p 07:12 < gocti> /lO11"ZbO14Su41"sku14/ {lo lojbo cu cusku} 07:13 < demize> That is so much more readable than the regular Lojban spelling. 07:14 < zipcpi> u'i 07:14 < gocti> li'a sai 07:16 < zipcpi> I have also brought up the "poor man's Ithkuil" idea 07:16 < zipcpi> Take for example {co'u nai je ku'i zei'a carvi} 07:17 < zipcpi> Under Lojban stress rules we can ram them together as {co'unaijeku'izei'acarvi} 07:17 < zipcpi> There, now this complex idea is "one word" just like in Ithkuil 07:18 < ctefaho> case in point, I could make a case for some of Ithkuil's cases to get into lojban zo'oru'e 07:19 < zipcpi> And hey, we can gloss them with crazy three letter codes just like Ithkuil too! [CSS]-[NGT]-[AND]-[CNT]-[INC]-rain 07:23 * ctefaho pokes zipcpi 07:23 < ctefaho> ue'i submitted 07:24 < zipcpi> OK 07:24 < gocti> sei mi ca morji 07:24 < gocti> 250622 23:41 < tsani> ia'u = attitudinal: Yahoo! 07:24 < gocti> 250623 23:41 < tsani> The competing attitudinal is gu'oi = attitudinal: Google. 07:25 < zipcpi> u'i 07:25 < ctefaho> gu'oi? o_O 07:25 < zipcpi> I thought that was u'ui'e = Houhynhm :p 07:26 < zipcpi> It's not a real cmavo atm 07:26 < gocti> la'a la kurti ba'o finti su'o drata je malmau li'a smuni be zo gu'oi 07:26 < gleki> zo gugle 07:26 * ctefaho throws accusations of malgli all around 07:27 < gocti> x1 searches for x2 with search engine x3 (definitely not defaulting to Google! No, not by any means!) 07:27 < ctefaho> .u'isai 07:27 < gocti> oi 07:27 < gocti> lo velcki cu bramau ro jai se kanpe be mi 07:28 < gocti> valsi: gugle 07:28 < valsi> no results. http://vlasisku.lojban.org/gugle 07:28 < ctefaho> but now I can finally say 07:28 < gocti> en: gugle 07:28 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 07:28 < zipcpi> Downvoted... 07:28 < ctefaho> ue'icai OCULUS RIFT 07:30 < ctefaho> except that cai is now more like a sai after their latest press conference 07:30 < ctefaho> if anyone else follows it 07:30 * ctefaho somewhat assumes the only interest anyone here has is lojban 07:31 < zipcpi> I do play games but I'm not cutting edge enough for that x.x 07:32 < zipcpi> Tend to wait for the format wars to die down; see where the wind is blowing first 07:32 < ctefaho> well now we are all going to get an xbox controller 07:32 < ctefaho> FOR FREE 07:32 < ctefaho> THANKS MICROSOFT 07:32 < zipcpi> Huh? 07:33 < ctefaho> well if you buy an oculus rift you will get a free (I *think*) xbox controller 07:33 < ctefaho> (that also works for PC) 07:33 < zipcpi> That offer is probably not valid in Malaysia T.T 07:34 < ctefaho> uanai? 07:34 < zipcpi> There isn't much of a gaming industry here 07:34 < zipcpi> I pretty much get all my games from Steam these days 07:37 < ctefaho> I live in Sweden and I get all my games from Steam lately 07:37 < zipcpi> Right 07:37 < gleki> i wish someon finally translated minecraft. 07:38 < zipcpi> I tried, but then I got stuck in all the stuff about shaders or whatnot 07:38 < zipcpi> How in the world do we translate all that 07:38 < gleki> the amount of work would be fine for me but i wouldnt waste my time on actually playing it. and without playing i wont understand a thing 07:38 < gleki> actually the localization website even has explanations of objects there 07:39 < zipcpi> It's not the explanation; it's that these are very technical things; relating to graphics and such 07:39 < zipcpi> We'd need dozens of new brivla 07:40 < zipcpi> And I'm not even sure I know what they mean myself 07:41 < ctefaho> maybe I could help out 07:41 < ctefaho> some time 07:42 < zipcpi> Also I'm even also debating {bliku} for "block"... what should "brick" be then? 07:44 < gleki> en: kitybli 07:44 < mensi> kitybli [< kliti bliku ≈ Clay block] = b1 is a clay-based building brick of composition k2, surfaces/sides s4. |>>> Cf. 07:44 < mensi> kliti, bliku. |>>> totus 07:44 < gleki> heh 07:44 < dutchie> but you can make bricks out of stone and other things in mc also 07:45 < gleki> but really how those blocks differ from bricks? 07:45 < dutchie> not necessarily just clay 07:45 < zipcpi> "Block" is a very technical term in Minecraft 07:45 < zipcpi> The world is made out of "blocks" 07:45 < zipcpi> They are all cubic, and are exactly one meter per side 07:46 < zipcpi> Thus it means a very different thing from "bricks", which are also a material in Minecraft 07:46 < gleki> selci? 07:47 < gleki> btw, is there a list of those terms with such explanations you just gave for "block"? 07:47 < zipcpi> That might not be wrong per se, but it might be weird to hold an item that's {mudri selci} 07:48 < gleki> do humans there consist of blocks too? 07:48 < dutchie> no, and not animals either 07:48 < zipcpi> No, just the terrain, and even trees 07:48 < zipcpi> And any buildings that either preexist or that you build 07:48 < gleki> thngs getting complicated 07:49 < zipcpi> I kinda want to make {za'ei} "jargon word next" and assign the rafsi {zam} to it 07:50 < zipcpi> Awr za'ei is taken 07:51 < ctefaho> will submit ie'i later today 07:51 < ctefaho> zipcpi no go stealing 07:51 < gocti> .o io ioi 07:51 < phenny> gocti: Service not found in https://github.com/nslater/oblique/wiki 07:51 < zipcpi> Anyway idea is that then {zambli} will have exactly one meaning in one particular jargon context, but may also be used for other jargons 07:52 * gocti has been using za'ei as ba'ei is to ba'e 07:52 < zipcpi> gocti: There is ci'ai 07:52 < gocti> also zi'a 07:53 < gocti> but {fu'e [zi'a/ci'ai] le fu'o} is lo'ong 07:53 < zipcpi> lol 07:53 < zipcpi> I always thought ci'ai always marks a single word despite being in UI 07:53 < zipcpi> Cause it's used primarily to mark experimental cmavo 07:54 < gocti> ua 07:54 < gleki> en: ci'ai 07:54 < mensi> ci'ai = [UI] discursive: marks an utterance as using something that is experimental/not official, especially 07:54 < mensi> experimental grammar |>>> In some sense, functions as an error marker or an error quote (but without the quote). |>>> 07:54 < mensi> krtisfranks 07:55 < zipcpi> Oi curtis also took zai'e 07:57 < demize> Curtis takes everything 07:57 < zipcpi> I know 07:57 < zipcpi> All your cmavo space are belong to la kurti 07:58 < zipcpi> Of course I'm almost as bad :p 07:58 < zipcpi> But at least my cmavo definitions aren't academic papers zo'o 07:59 < demize> la kurbau 08:00 < gocti> ti'e zo'oi cketak'uyre'u valsi fi lo kurtyba 08:00 < gocti> u 08:01 < gocti> .i ge lo zunsna cu lidne lo .y'y zei sance gi lo .y'y zei sance cu lidne lo karmlisna 08:02 < zipcpi> Hmm... any objections if I reappropriated {zai'e}? Given how the other cmavo of this series looks like he can always move it to {zai'o'e} 08:03 < gocti> XOhEhOhE XOhEhOhE XOhEhOhE XOhEhOhE 08:03 < gocti> .i ko ci roi xoi sutra cu cusku 08:03 < zipcpi> doi gocti ca stidi tu'a lu <ze'oi y'y sance> li'u 08:03 < gocti> je'e .i mi pu tcidu 08:05 * nuzba @selpahi: Utan-n ažral ta. http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-im-smarter-than-i-was-but-im-still-not-very-smart now with audio. #Ithkuil #lojban [http://bit.ly/1C6tCN0] 08:06 < Ilmen> .a'u 08:08 < gleki> itku'ile ga'a mi 08:09 < gleki> where is that ithkuil rafsi expander when one needs it 08:11 < gleki> parsing doesnt seem to be very complex https://github.com/ieremias/ithkuil-parser/blob/master/IthkuilParser.hs 08:15 < zipcpi> There added {zai'e} and {zi'ai} 08:15 < zipcpi> Dunno what is the protocal for experimental rafsi though 08:20 < durka42> vlaste: affix:zam 08:20 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/affix%3Azam 08:20 < gocti> all exp rafsi in jbovlaste (as of last week): coc dis dit tso gav jax ked kex kek kib les luk nif pup rex toz voz vul xig xoz xro xut zuc 08:20 < durka42> what about zmo 08:21 < durka42> and bom/nom 08:21 < durka42> I guess selckiku never added anything to JVS 08:21 * gocti just grepped for [: ]-[a-z]{3}- 08:22 < durka42> je'e 08:22 < durka42> -[a-z']{3,4} * 08:22 < durka42> ko na tolmo'i tu'a y'ybu 08:23 < gleki> en: jax 08:23 < mensi> 6 da se tolcri: jaxnalvai, jaxpu'a, samjavyfonxypliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e, sudjaxri'a, banju'axu, 08:23 < mensi> tunri'a 08:23 < gleki> rafsi: jax 08:23 < mensi> zo jai se rafsi zo'oi jax 08:23 < durka42> vlaste: affix:jax 08:23 < vlaste> 3 results: jai, jaxpu'a, tunri'a 08:23 < gocti> ua .oi se'i 08:23 < gleki> la robin pu jmina ra'oi jax 08:23 < gleki> i catni rafsi 08:24 < gleki> en: samjavyfonxypliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e 08:24 < mensi> samjavyfonxypliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e [< skami ja fonxa pilno dukse ke jungo lerfu ciska na'e kakne binxo 08:24 < mensi> jai jalge ≈ Computer and/or telephone use excess start grouping Chinese letteral write not able become modal conversion 08:24 < mensi> result] = x1 becomes incapable of writing characters x2 of alphabet/writing system x3, which is reflects chinese culture/ 08:24 < mensi> languge/etc. in aspect x4 and which represent x5, on writing surface/medium x6 with writing implement x7 under 08:24 < mensi> conditions of being incapable x8 under conditions of becoming incapable x9, as a result of x1 making excessive use of 08:24 < mensi> x10 which is a computer for purpose x11 or x12 which is a phone connected to network x13, used for purpose x14, 08:24 < mensi> excessive by amount x15. |>>> The two "under conditions" places arise from the incorporation of both kakne and binxo. 08:24 < mensi> They are not to be confused. Ilmen inspired the creation of this lujvo. |>>> djeikyb 08:24 < durka42> oi 08:24 < gleki> lujvo: skami ja fonxa pilno dukse ke jungo lerfu ciska na'e kakne binxo jai jalge 08:24 < mensi> samjavyfonpliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyjag[44933], samjavyfonpliduskemjugle'uci'analka'ebi'ojaxyjag[45422], samjavyfonpliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e[45422], samjavyfonplidu'ekem 08:24 < mensi> juglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyjag[45422], samjavyfonpliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebixyjaxyjag[45544], ... 08:24 < mensi> samjavyfonxypliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e [< skami ja fonxa pilno dukse ke jungo lerfu ciska na'e kakne binxo jai jalge ≈ Computer and/or telephone use excess start grouping Chinese 08:24 < mensi> letteral write not able become modal conversion result] = x1 becomes incapable of writing characters x2 of alphabet/writing system x3, which is reflects chinese culture/languge/etc. in aspe 08:24 < mensi> ct x4 and which represent x5, on writing surface/medium x6 with writing implement x7 under conditions of being incapable x8 under conditions of becoming incapable x9, as a result of x1 makin 08:24 < mensi> g excessive use of x10 which is a computer for purpose x11 or x12 which is a phone connected to network x13, used for purpose x14, excessive by amount x15. 08:25 < durka42> oi ke'u 08:25 < gleki> samjavyfonpliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e[45422] 08:26 < gleki> i ki'u ma la tsani pu troci lo ka gasnu lo nu mi'a srera jinvi lo du'u le lujvo bi'ai clani i na mutce clani i sa'u ei pilno ra'oi fon enai ra'oi fonx vau zo'o 08:26 < durka42> .u'i 08:28 < durka42> co'o la vlaste ku xrukla bazi 08:29 < durka42> co'o la vlaste ko xrukla bazi 08:37 < durka42> vlaste: affix:zam 08:37 < vlaste> zi'ai = jargon word indicator; indicates previous word is a jargon word 08:40 < durka42> that went pretty smoothly 08:40 < durka42> perhaps automatic updates coming soon... 08:49 < gleki> i m not able to run this: https://github.com/fizyk20/ 08:49 < durka42> that's a user 08:49 < gleki> https://github.com/fizyk20/ithkuil 08:51 < gocti> gleki: la'oi ithkuil noi .irci cu .instansa ra 08:51 < gocti> .i mi tolmo'i lo du'u ma kau pu .ei se stika 08:51 < gleki> gocti: ba'anai i ku'i mi djica lo ka pilno si'unai 08:52 < durka42> gleki: you get a Unicode error when running test.py? that's what I get 08:52 < gleki> yes 08:52 < gleki> is it even python or python3? 08:52 < dutchie> py2 08:52 < durka42> that's what I'm checking 08:52 < gleki> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 08:52 < durka42> seems like python3 08:52 < dutchie> gleki: yes, was just about to put that 08:52 < gleki> but that's not the end of the story 08:52 < durka42> also needs sqlalchemy 08:53 < durka42> now it runs 08:53 < durka42> uhednaláň : CNF-P1S2/STA-CPL-dn-OBL-UNI/CSL/M/DEL/NRM-COO_1/5-EXS-FML/UNFRAMED 08:53 < gleki> is it possible to put this library into the repo itself so that it works locally from the same ithkuil folder? 08:53 < durka42> not sure 08:53 < durka42> you could make a virtualenv and install it locally 08:54 < gleki> when i say "$ pip install sqlalchemy --user" it says "Requirement already satisfied". i should probably change pythonpath, right? 08:56 < zipcpi> Anyway, use case with zai'e/zi'ai : e.g. in Magic the Gathering, "flying" is a keyword with a very specific, technical, in game meaning. Sure, you can say that the creatures {vofli} within the context of the game world itself; but if you say {zai'e vofli} you then make clear that you are referring to all the very specific meanings the word "flying" has within the narrow context of the game itself 08:57 < zipcpi> Also back to Minecraft it might then be possible to use {zai'e bliku} to distinguish the very specific term "block" for any cuboid-like object including the clay bricks you can forge 08:57 < durka42> it's uncomfortably close to natlang-ish polysemy 08:57 < durka42> but I definitely see the use case 08:58 < durka42> gleki: there is a pip for python2 and a pip for python3... 08:58 < durka42> gleki: you may be running the wrong one 08:58 < zipcpi> durkavore Yeah I can see the possible objection; the rafsi is one way of alleviating that IMO 08:59 < zipcpi> That way you can use {samzamgri} to refer to the jargon word "group" within the context of computers, say... (though I'm not sure what that should mean; just making up a random example) 08:59 < gleki> durka42: ju'inai. it now works for me. just "export pythonpath" did the trick 08:59 < zipcpi> Problem is that with many of these concepts, building a lujvo or a zi'evla is impractical, and loses that convenient association with a known concept 09:00 < durka42> hum 09:00 < durka42> so samgri != samzamgri 09:00 < durka42> actually 09:00 < durka42> that's ambiguous :( 09:00 < durka42> -zam- can't be the rafsi for both zai'e and zi'ai then 09:00 < zipcpi> No, it's always a prefix 09:00 < zipcpi> Just like -pev- is always a prefix 09:00 < durka42> oh okay 09:00 < durka42> ja'o zo zi'ai na se rafsi 09:01 < gleki> wait "analyzer.py - interactive script analyzing words from input 09:01 < gleki> " 09:01 < gleki> where is this file??? 09:01 < zipcpi> Yeah maybe I'll remove that just to alleviate confusion, or add a note 09:01 < durka42> zipcpi: but you put in -zam- as the rafsi for zi'ai 09:01 < zipcpi> I put it in for both 09:01 < zipcpi> My reasoning is that it acts like -pev- 09:01 < Ilmen> rafsi: zu'o 09:01 < mensi> zo'oi zum rafsi zo zu'o 09:01 < durka42> zipcpi: okay that is confusing though. definitely add a note 09:02 < durka42> gleki: na zasti .i lo tcidyminde datnyvei cu jifyxu'a 09:03 < zipcpi> OK done 09:03 < Ilmen> lo tcidufakomi 09:03 < Ilmen> si tcidufakofimi 09:03 < Ilmen> ta'onai ke'u ra'oi zum rafsi zo zu'o 09:04 < Ilmen> ua cu'i pei 09:04 < durka42> ua 09:04 < durka42> ma nabmi sera'a zo zu'o 09:04 < Ilmen> en: zumfau 09:04 < mensi> zumfau [< zu'o fasnu ≈ Activity abstract event] = x1 is an activity |>>> See zu'o. Maybe other sumti places are needed. 09:04 < mensi> |>>> Ilmen 09:04 < gleki> i ku'i mi ca zukte ma i xu lo nu galfi fi la djavaskripti 09:04 < gleki> i nandu 09:04 < gleki> i tatpyri'a 09:05 < gleki> i au la samyuan cu zukte 09:05 < gleki> exp: l๏ кเ๒ץкคгภเ թє lค รєlթคђเ 09:05 < durka42> la samyuan cu zukcfu 09:05 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "k" found. 09:05 < durka42> Ilmen: ua nai bu'o 09:05 < durka42> xu do xusra lo du'u ra'oi zam janli ra'oi zum 09:06 < Ilmen> ra'oi zam ua 09:06 < Ilmen> .i la'a mi pu tcidu fliba .u'u ju'i nai 09:06 < zipcpi> Nah... rafsi aren't subject to collision rules; we'd have a big problem otherwise 09:08 < durka42> je'u 09:28 < gleki> looks like jvs is getting worse and worse 09:29 < gleki> i wish someone could resume working on tagging tatoeba sentences. 09:29 < gleki> because i have other tasks atm 09:30 < durka42> is it still in the same google doc 09:31 < gleki> yes 09:31 < durka42> I might have some time this week 09:31 < gleki> as for ithkuil i thought i could make a sutysisku out of it but ... too many rules 09:33 * nuzba @uitki: experimental rafsi - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/experimental_rafsi by Ramcinfo [http://bit.ly/1L8sP3l] 09:35 < durka42> heh 09:35 < durka42> xm 09:35 < durka42> .title 09:35 < phenny> [ le uitki on Twitter: "experimental rafsi - http://t.co/zRYgXnl5Za by Ramcinfo" ] 09:40 < gleki> nei - rafsi nej. 09:40 < gleki> i thought it was sez- 09:41 < niftg> zo'oi nej zo nejni cu rafsi vau .au 09:43 < niftg> .ue zo'oi nen cu go'i 09:43 < gleki> ie mi pu pensi lo simsa 09:43 < durka42> vlaste: nejni (a) 09:43 < vlaste> nejni (affix) = -nen- 09:43 < durka42> vlaste: affix:nei 09:43 < vlaste> nelci = x1 is fond of/likes/has a taste for x2 (object/state). 09:43 < durka42> whoops 09:43 < durka42> vlaste: affix:nej 09:43 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/affix%3Anej 09:45 < gleki> en:court 09:45 < mensi> 13 da se tolcri: flapaizda, litytce, nolkansa, pairtruci'e, selsrustu, cinjikca, cinse, clite, febjbijukpa, febmlijukpa, 09:45 < mensi> juprblanca, pairkamni, pairkamnycmi 09:45 < gleki> en:flapaizda 09:45 < mensi> flapaizda [< flalu pajni zdani ≈ Law judge nest] = z1 is a judicial court administering lawsuit p2=f2 for community f3. 09:45 < niftg> .i ku'i .uenairu'ero'e .i cafne fa lo nu lo slaka kernelo kakne zunsna cu se cuxna tepi'o lo nu fanmo lo rafsi 09:45 < gleki> .dict court 09:45 < phenny> court — noun: 1. An enclosed space; a courtyard; an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different building; also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses; a blind alley, 2. (US, Australia) A street with no outlet, a cul-de-sac — verb: 1. (trans.) T[...] 09:46 < gleki> court = an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business 09:47 < gleki> loi pajni? 09:47 < zipcpi> gleki: As I understand it the problem of Ithkuil is much like the problem of having to construct the cmavo compound {za'ure'u} over and over again, but about a 100 times worse :p 09:47 < zipcpi> Maybe a few more zeroes 09:47 < gleki> i restored analyzer.py https://github.com/lagleki/ithkuil/ 09:48 < gleki> the problem with this repo is that it has an sqlite db 09:49 < durka42> is there such a thing as too much compositionality :p 09:50 < gleki> well,no. the problem is not in the repo. 09:51 < mindszenty_> My problem with Ithkuil is what it is not logical enough :) 09:51 < mindszenty_> Not in loglang sense. 09:52 < mindszenty_> Well, not in _basic_ longlang sense of supporting predicate logic. 09:52 < gleki> my problem with ithkuil is that i dont speak it 09:53 < mindszenty_> Design of language is simply inconsistent in many places. 09:54 < gleki> can anyone run this? https://github.com/ieremias/ithkuil-parser 09:55 < zipcpi> ... .hs? .md? ki'asai 09:55 < gleki> it's haskell not compiled 09:57 < mindszenty_> For example, there is little to no consistency in morphological fusion tables, meaning you need to remember them wholesale. And these tables are _huge_. 09:57 < durka42> gleki: looks like it depends on Parsec 09:57 < durka42> mindszenty_: not even quijada has them memorized, IIRC 09:58 < phma> coi 09:58 < zipcpi> do'oi niftg: lo'e rafsi poi se fanmo lo ra'irzunsna ja'a plixau va'o lo vrici 09:59 < zipcpi> tolcafne fa lo nu nitcu tu'a me'oi ybu 10:00 < zipcpi> .y. me'o ybu 10:13 < niftg> doi zipcpi mi do tugni .iki'ubo ze'u jijyji'i lodu'u lo zunsna nu zmanei cu srana lo rafsi zbasu te pruce 10:14 < niftg> zo ki'u na mapti vau pe'ibu'o .u'use'i 10:16 < niftg> .ybubu .ybububu dunli xu 10:16 < niftg> la'a na go'i 10:16 < niftg> zu'unai .ybu .ybubu go'i xu 10:16 < zipcpi> na dunli 10:17 < zipcpi> simsa .abu jo'u .abubu 10:18 < zipcpi> ji'a xy jo'u xy.bu 10:18 < niftg> .uenai .uiro'e 10:19 < zipcpi> me'o xy cu sinxa me'oi x .ijeku'i me'o xy.bu cu sinxa me'oi h 10:20 < zipcpi> .y. zo zo'oi jenai zo me'oi 10:20 < zipcpi> mi so'iroi se cfipu gau zo me'o 10:21 < niftg> .ue .i .iabu'ocu'i {.y'ybu} pu'i ckaji lo ka pilno ce'u lo nu sinxa zo'oi h 10:22 < niftg> mi nu'o certu tu'a zo me'o noi mekso srana 10:23 < niftg> .ua .u'a dunli zo li 10:23 < zipcpi> mi cafne pilno zo me'o tu'a lo lerpoi .iku'i mi na certu tu'a lo cmaci mekso pe zo me'o 10:24 < niftg> .a'u je'e 10:25 < niftg> ta'onai lu denpa bu li'u mu'a ka'e sumka'i vau xu .uanai 10:26 < zipcpi> ja'ago'i 10:26 < niftg> .ue .i jinvi fo ma .a'u 10:26 < zipcpi> ro lervla ja lerpoi ka'e sumka'i 10:26 < Ilmen> .e'u zo depybu'i 10:27 < niftg> selbri nu galfi 10:28 < zipcpi> mi pu zgana lo nu pilno lu kabu li'u je lu nubu li'u mu'a tu'a lo sumka'i 10:29 < zipcpi> na djuno lo du'u makau ci'artadji i'au u'i 10:31 < zipcpi> le ma'orpoi ku ji'aku'i se jbovlaste 10:31 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ka%20bu 10:35 < ctefaho> gleki: want me to edit ue'i too? 10:36 < niftg> .ua lu nubu li'u mu'a ka'e .ia sumka'i ki'u lo nu so'ida sucta sumti 10:37 * ctefaho edits 10:37 < gleki> ctefaho: e'u stika fau lo nabmi 10:39 < ctefaho> well, it is fixed now 10:39 < ctefaho> will do that style for ie'i too 10:40 < gleki> "court" is not {loi pajni} but again something like {lo jai ci'e pajni} 10:42 < gleki> hm, according to xorxes ciste => stura => gunma 10:42 < gleki> and gunma2 is full set 10:42 < gleki> but court probably consists not only of judges 10:43 < gleki> then again {lo jai se pa'u pajni} 10:45 < ctefaho> hmm what would the midpoint between "attraction/appeal" and "disgust/revulsion" be? 10:45 < durka42> indifference? 10:46 < ctefaho> well yeah. but that would describe a lot of UI-cu'i:p 10:47 < ctefaho> hmm and aucu'i even has that as its gloss 10:47 < durka42> vlaste: au 10:47 < vlaste> au = attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance. 10:48 < ctefaho> "indifference of attraction/disgust" would work but that's kinda long:( 10:48 < durka42> yeah well, what's the difference between {au} and whatever new UI you are proposing? :) 10:49 < ctefaho> ie'i is disgust/revulsion/abhorrence/loathing 10:49 < ctefaho> (basically rigni) 10:49 < gleki> we dont have a word for "to play a role in a drama"? 10:49 < ctefaho> and the opposite is trina 10:49 < ctefaho> (not cinri!) 10:50 < durka42> gleki: xe draci 10:50 < gleki> maybe tigni? 10:50 < gleki> durka42: lisri lacks x5 10:50 < gleki> i need something more general 10:50 < gleki> to express " character in a story/play" 10:51 < gleki> i.e. fictional character 10:51 < durka42> xarpre 10:51 < durka42> is what I've seen used before 10:51 < ctefaho> even if I don't specify ie'icu'i people will/can still use it right? 10:51 < gleki> not necessarily a person 10:51 < durka42> ctefaho: yeah probably 10:51 < ctefaho> it is kinda obvious but not that hard to explain 10:51 < gleki> probablyjust {lo participe be lo lisri} 10:52 < ctefaho> doesn't really have a simple english word though 10:52 < durka42> what kinda characters aren't prenu? .u'e 10:52 < durka42> cognates are a cop-out :/ 10:52 < gleki> jbo: xarpre 10:52 < mensi> [< xanri prenu ≈ Xanri prenu*] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:52 < mensi> xarpre[5878], xarprenu[7917], xanrypre[8008], xanryprenu[10047] 10:52 < gleki> en: xarpre 10:52 < mensi> xarpre [< xanri prenu ≈ Imaginary person] = xa1=p1 is a character/role/imaginary person created by xa2. |>>> 10:52 < mensi> arj 10:53 < gleki> okay, how would you say "Alice is a character in the story "Alice in Wonderland""? 10:53 < gleki> xe lisri? 10:54 < ctefaho> gleki: will "disgust - lack of disgust/attraction - attraction" work? or does the "/" mess things up? 10:54 < durka42> it does seem like lisri ought to have an x5 to parallel draci 10:54 < durka42> on the other hand you could just call Alice in Wonderland a draci 10:54 < durka42> lisydraci 10:55 < gleki> interesting that WordNet has frequencies specified for each meaning of each english word. it may help la selpa'i in his search for the holy graal sisisi upper ontology list 10:55 < gleki> ctefaho: looks fine from the viewpoint of official definitions 10:55 < gleki> although long ago we just decided to specify the scale in the note 10:55 < durka42> it matches the style of current definitions 10:55 < gleki> but havent updated official definitions yet 10:56 < durka42> though pe'i all the slashes make them very hard to read 10:56 < gleki> jbo: au 10:56 < mensi> au = [UI1] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri se djica le cusku |>>> djica |>>> xorxes 10:56 < gleki> jb: au 10:56 < mensi> au = au [interjection] — Wish ... (desire), au cu'i — meh (indifference), au nai — Nuh-uh! (disinclination, 10:56 < mensi> reluctance) 10:56 < mensi> :au e'o tcati — I'd like some tea, please. 10:56 < mensi> :au cu'i do jai gau bredi fai lo cidja — You prepare the food or not ... I don't have any preferences. 10:56 < mensi> :au nai do cliva — I don't want you to leave. 10:56 < mensi> :Related words: djica 10:56 < gleki> as you can see in La Bangu i just made everything explicit because these dashes made brains of newbies explode 10:56 < gleki> how can one word have three meanings </quote> 10:57 < durka42> ie 10:59 < gleki> business = a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it 10:59 < gleki> kagni? 10:59 < gleki> business2 = the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects 10:59 < gleki> cuntu? 11:00 < durka42> yeah one of those 11:00 < gleki> no, there are two words 11:01 < gleki> business 11:01 < gleki> business2 11:01 < gleki> i need translations of both 11:01 < durka42> oh I thought you were making a place structure 11:01 < durka42> first one seems like kagni 11:01 < gleki> no, those are definitions from WordNet 11:02 < gleki> 1. a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it (Freq. 35) 11:02 < durka42> second one seems like terkagni or cuntu 11:02 < gleki> 2. the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects (Freq. 20) 11:04 < gleki> so how do we say "better" using tags only? 11:07 < durka42> mau ko'a tema'u lo ni xamgu :p 11:07 < gleki> {semau seva'u} seems fine, no? 11:08 < ctefaho> there we go, ie'i added 11:08 < durka42> x 11:08 < durka42> xm 11:08 < gleki> {seva'u semau} - good which is more 11:08 < ctefaho> ...even if only I will be using them at least I will feel more comfortable using them now;o 11:08 < durka42> semau zo'e seva'u ko'a => more than something, good for A 11:08 < gleki> {semau seva'u} = more of something that is well 11:09 * ctefaho co'o uai 11:09 < durka42> co'o ctefa'o 11:09 < gleki> en: uai 11:09 < mensi> uai = [UI1] attitudinal: friendly/friendishly/amicably/companionship/compatriotship/comradeship - antagonistically/ 11:09 < mensi> enemyishly |>>> See also: ai, au, iu, o'e, ua, ui, kansa, pendo, prami |>>> krtisfranks 11:10 < durka42> this needs to be defined as "amicably; uainai: antagonistically" with a list of synonyms in the notes 11:10 < durka42> it is impossible to read 11:10 < gleki> if you have a plan on how to mass fix that ... 11:10 < gleki> btw xml dumps have id for each entry 11:11 < gleki> and this id corresponds to the url of the edit page 11:11 < gleki> then you send a post request ... 11:12 < durka42> mass fix is hard because (a) you have to choose which slash variant to keep in the main def, and (b) in english you can't determine the scope of a slash connective, which is part of the problem 11:12 < gleki> https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/blob/master/bin/upload <-- algorithm on how to mass upload words 12:12 < zipcpi> doi durka42 mi mo'u jmina lo mupli poi pilno ro te sumti pe zo gimy'inda 12:13 < durka42> .u'i 12:14 < durka42> .i'e 12:38 < zipcpi> durka42: Actually it could probably use another place in the x2; for the proposed gismu. It might actually be used :p 12:39 < zipcpi> Parallels {lo se inda} 12:39 < durka42> yeah maybe 12:40 < zipcpi> That way I can put {zo ginda} there to make the "clash" more obvious (yeah I know {kinda} is not a real gismu, but whatever :p) 12:42 < durka42> fine 12:42 < zipcpi> Funnily la gleki canonized {sorta}, but not {kinda} in la bangu 12:42 < durka42> done 12:42 < durka42> jb: kidna 12:42 < zipcpi> Yay 12:42 < durka42> jb: kinda 12:42 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:42 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:42 < durka42> jb: sorta 12:42 < mensi> sorta = sorta — x1(entity) sorta is/does x2(property of x1) 12:42 < mensi> :lo sorta — sorta, sort of. 12:42 < mensi> :mi sorta lo ka gleki — I'm sort of happy. 12:42 < mensi> :Related words: simsa, klesi 12:43 < zipcpi> {milxe ja simlu} I think :p 12:51 * nuzba @selpahi: Žaţûssa ti albwaţ. | Random #Ithkuil phrases http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-i-like-whales-very-much (gloss + audio) (obligatory #lojban) [http://bit.ly/1FUEZcv] 12:55 < durka42> wat .u'i 12:57 < zipcpi> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4274082 Hm another example of anaphoric weakness, though I don't know how to fix it 12:57 < zipcpi> I wanted to include {lo ka lifri}, but that would mean having to include it twice 12:57 < zipcpi> And then closing it with {kei kei} 12:58 < zipcpi> Technically I could make it a tanru: {mi lifri zmanei} 12:58 < zipcpi> But then I thought I'd just drop it altogether 12:58 < durka42> include it where? 12:58 < zipcpi> mi zmanei lo ka lifri lo ka pindi je panpi ... 12:59 < durka42> oh I see 12:59 < zipcpi> mi zmanei lo ka lifri lo ka pindi je panpi kei kei lo ka lifri lo ka ricfu je terpa 12:59 < zipcpi> Yeah... ugly 13:00 < zipcpi> Of course I might just use the little-used NU {li'i}... 13:00 < durka42> mi maudji lo ka pindi je panpi kei lo ka ricfu je terpa kei lo ka mi lifri ce'u 13:00 < durka42> oh yeah could just replace {nu} with {li'i} 13:01 < durka42> or put {lifri} at the end of both tanru 13:07 < fleimbo> coi ro do 13:09 < zipcpi> coi 13:13 < fleimbo> .i do mo pei 13:14 < zipcpi> mi tatpi ru'e .i ei mi bazico'a sipna 13:18 < fleimbo> ma stuzi le vimku'a 13:19 < zipcpi> ta'ima mi djuno le danfu i'au zo'o .i ti se irci jecu kibro virtu'ale 13:21 < fleimbo> le mi varkiclaflo'i cu culno lo angila 13:22 < zipcpi> le~~~ mi~~~ var~~~kic~~~laflo~~~'i~~~ 13:22 < zipcpi> cu~~~~ cul~~~no lo angi~~~la .i je'e~~~pei 13:23 < fleimbo> .i zoi gy. I didn 13:23 < fleimbo> .u'u 13:25 < fleimbo> .i zoi gy. I didn't know what lojban was five days ago gy. xe fanva ma la lojban 13:27 < durka42> pu zi lo djedi be li mu mi na sanji la .lojban. 13:27 < zipcpi> mi na djuno lo du'u lo jbobau cu mokau kei ca le prulamdei efku be li mu 13:27 < zipcpi> oi 13:28 < durka42> ask two lojbanists for a translation, get two answers 13:28 < durka42> but one of them will use a higher-order predicate :p 13:28 < zipcpi> mi pu na sanji zo sanji 13:28 < durka42> .u'i 13:29 < zipcpi> What's a higher order predicate? You mean my {du'u} clause? 13:29 < durka42> I mean {efku} 13:29 < zipcpi> xa'a'a'a'a'a 13:30 < zipcpi> mi du'eva'e nelci zo efku 13:31 < zipcpi> jai cfipu ro le nintadni 13:31 < fleimbo> is ".i mi djuno muno valsi" a grammatically correct sentence? 13:32 < zipcpi> Yes, though you probably want a {fi} before {muno valsi}. Or use {se slabu} or {sanji} 13:33 < fleimbo> ki'e 17:29 < mi_fengu> ok 17:31 < fleimbo> coi ro do 17:43 < phma> coi 19:13 < rutytar> coi 19:32 < phma> coi .rutytar. i mo 19:33 < rutytar> cilre lo lojban 19:33 < rutytar> mi go'i 19:33 < phma> la lojban .i lo lojbo 19:34 < rutytar> go'i ja'e mi cilre i zo'o 19:34 < phma> .i mi zvati la .ber.karolinas .i do zvati ma 19:34 < rutytar> grute tarci 19:34 < rutytar> .au mi zenba prenu 19:35 < phma> do zvati lo grute tarci .ianai 19:35 < phma> .i ma grute tarci 19:37 < rutytar> .a'o ba mi xaksu lo ro tarci 19:37 < rutytar> ma'a go'i 19:37 < phma> do xaksu lo tarci ta'i ma 19:38 < rutytar> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_lifting 19:40 < rutytar> ta ca na fanva zo'o 19:43 < phma> lo babzba ba zbasu lo jbazbabu lo babjba 19:45 < rutytar> lo babzba jbazbabu 19:45 < rutytar> ja'o go'i 19:46 < phma> le xruki le ginxre xrixruba xu xrula cu xrani 19:47 < rutytar> zo'o do kusru 19:47 < phma> I don't mean to be mean 19:48 < phma> mi na'o kusru lo fadni 19:49 < phma> .i lo'e rikteropu na fadni mabru ki'u lo nu na'o se jbena re sovda 19:49 < phma> rikteropu si ornitorinku 19:50 < rutytar> zoi .min. malglico 19:50 < phma> ki'a? 19:51 < phma> .i zoi .min. malglico .min. na glico 19:51 < rutytar> "mean" 19:52 < rutytar> ti mintu ciska 19:52 < rutytar> ti mintu ciska 19:52 < rutytar> *mintu sance 19:52 < rutytar> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homograph 19:53 < rutytar> mabla rarna bangu 19:55 < rutytar> opu valsi ma 19:55 < phma> lo'u opu le'u na gendra 19:56 < rutytar> rikteropu valsi ma 19:58 < phma> zo rikteropu cu basti zo .ornitorinku lo nu mi se cfipu 19:59 < phma> .i lo rikteropu .e lo .ornitorinku cu mabru 19:59 < phma> .i lo rikteropu cu friko gi'e citka lo cinki gi'e se jbena lo cifnu 20:00 < phma> .i lo .ornitorinku cu se moklu lo datka simsa gi'e se jbena lo sovda 20:04 < rutytar> .i'a 20:08 < rutytar> xu lo cmene do cu vlasi lo ta danlu 20:09 < rutytar> e'u mi cfipu 20:09 < rutytar> e'unai 20:10 < rutytar> mi masno tcidu 20:10 < phma> ki'a .i lo danlu na te valsi 20:12 < rutytar> mi na djuno lo nu lo rikteropu cu vajni 20:13 < rutytar> srana 20:14 < rutytar> mi na jimpe lo nu lo rikteropu cu srana 20:14 < phma> lo'e se rikteropu cu frejutsi pamei porjutsi 20:19 < rutytar> xu frejutsi pamei 20:19 < rutytar> ma pamei 20:19 < phma> xu ma frejutsi pamei 20:21 < phma> .i loi solri cu pamei .i loi terdi cu pamei .i loi mi stedu cu pamei 20:22 < phma> .i loi mi kanla cu remei .i loi mi degji cu renomei 20:23 < rutytar> ki'a lo pamei cu na selbri 20:24 < rutytar> ro jutsi cu ferti 20:24 < phma> lu pamei li'u cu ja'a selbri 20:25 < rutytar> .e'o ca sampu 20:25 < rutytar> do cusku lo danlu 20:26 < rutytar> ti rikteropu 20:26 < phma> na ka'e cusku lo danlu .i ka'e cusku lo valsi 20:26 < phma> ti ki'a .i mi na viska lo se jarco be do 20:26 < rutytar> go'i 20:27 < rutytar> lo danlu cu selsnu 20:27 < rutytar> malglixlu 20:27 < rutytar> casnu lo danlu 20:27 < phma> go'i 20:29 < rutytar> xa zo ferjutsi ca gletu 20:29 < rutytar> xu zo ferjutsi ca gletu 20:30 < rutytar> ... 20:30 < rutytar> xu zo ferjutsi valsi lo gletu danlu 20:30 < rutytar> xu zo ferjutsi valsi lo cu gletu danlu 20:31 < phma> frejutsi 20:32 < rutytar> mi cfipu 20:32 < phma> .i zo ferjutsi cu lujvo fo lu fenra jutsi li'u 20:32 < rutytar> .ua zo'o 20:34 < phma> .i la'o ly. Oricteropus afer .ly. frejutsi .i la'o ly. Oricteropus .ly. jijyjutsi 20:34 < rutytar> pu lo ferti cu smuni fi mi 20:34 < phma> .i la'o ly. Cucurbitaceae .ly. lazyjutsi gi'e du lo'e se guzme 20:35 < phma> ma cu smuni fi do pu lo ferti 20:35 < rutytar> e'o masno tavla 20:40 < rutytar> pu lo ferti jutsi cu smuni lo frejutsi 20:40 < rutytar> go'i fi mi 20:42 < rutytar> e'u zo ferjutsi valsi lo fenra jutsi 20:44 < phma> mi na djuno lo du'u makau ferjutsi 20:44 < rutytar> zo makau valsi ma 20:45 < phma> di'u cizra 20:46 < rutytar> xu lu makau valsi ma li'u zenba 20:46 < phma> .i zo ma valsi .iku'i zo kau cu dandu lu zo ma li'u 20:47 < phma> .i zenba ki'a 20:47 < rutytar> mi mutce cfipu 20:48 < rutytar> mi djuno lo valsi zo ma 20:48 < phma> do cfipu je'i se cfipu 20:48 < rutytar> zo'o 20:49 < phma> .i lu ma li'u valsi pamei .i lu kau li'u valsi pamei .i lu makau li'u valsi remei 20:50 < rutytar> http://www.lojban.org/publications/wordlists/gismu.txt zo fer rafsi zo fenra i zo fre rafsi zo ferti 20:52 < rutytar> lo ferti jutsi cu smuni zo frejutsi 20:52 < rutytar> xu do jimpe 20:52 < phma> zofre ki'a 20:52 < rutytar> rafsi 20:53 < rutytar> mi na kakne lo sitna 20:54 < phma> na sitybakfu lo rafsi zo zo 20:54 < phma> .i zoi ry. fre .ry rafsi zo ferti 20:55 < rutytar> go'i .ua 20:55 < rutytar> do cusku zo frejutsi 20:56 < rutytar> pu go'i 20:56 < rutytar> zo ferti jutsi cu smuni fi mi 20:56 < rutytar> xu do jimpe 20:57 < phma> zo ferti na jutsi .i zo ferti cu valsi 20:57 < rutytar> lu ferti jutsi li'u 20:58 < rutytar> lu ferti jutsi li'u cu smuni zo frejutsi 20:58 < rutytar> xu ti xamgu 21:00 < phma> .i lo xirma joi lo xasli xu ferti .iku'i lo se ferti noi ginxre na ferti .iseni'ibo lo xirma na mintu lo xasli lo ka ce'u cmima makau poi frejutsi 21:00 < phma> .iku'i lo xirma ja'a mintu lo xasli lo ka ce'u cmima makau poi jijyjutsi 21:04 < rutytar> .e'enai 21:05 < phma> ma bangu do 21:09 < rutytar> glico ku'i mi na djica lo dicra 21:09 < rutytar> mi masno troci lo jimpe 21:10 < phma> do troci lo nu jimpe .i na ka'e troci lo jimpe 21:12 < rutytar> zo'o ji'a na ka'e troci lo nu jimpe 21:13 < rutytar> zo'o cu na ka'e troci lo nu jimpe 21:18 < rutytar> i need to finish reading the CLL :p 21:20 < phma> did you understand what I said about horses and donkeys? 21:22 < rutytar> i think so, but let me back up 21:23 < rutytar> "lo'e se rikteropu cu frejutsi pamei porjutsi" 21:23 < rutytar> frejutsi is a fertile species 21:24 < rutytar> like horses, but not donkeys? 21:25 < rutytar> later, you say ".i zo ferjutsi cu lujvo fo lu fenra jutsi li'u" 21:25 < rutytar> no wait, hold on 21:25 < rutytar> okay. that explains it 21:26 < phma> a horse and donkey are fertile, but what they produce, which is a hybrid, is not fertile, so a horse is not in the same species as a donkey 21:26 < phma> but a horse is in the same genus as a donkey 21:26 < rutytar> i had spelled it wrong when asking you what frejutsi meant 21:26 < rutytar> you did mean to say a fertile species, and i was being an idiot 21:26 < phma> I was not on crack :) 21:27 < phma> the aardvark taxon is a single-species order 21:28 < rutytar> that was my best guess as to what you were saying 21:28 < rutytar> are you translating the dictionary alphabetically or something? 21:29 < phma> no 21:30 < phma> I got the aardvark and the platypus mixed up, I'm not sure why. 21:33 < fleimbo> coi ro do 21:35 < rutytar> co'o 23:00 < gleki> Zatussa ti albwat to all of you 23:00 < gleki> http://tatoeba.org/jbo/sentences/show/4274464 23:00 < gleki> .title 23:00 < phenny> [ mupli lo uenzi be lo banjubu'o fa "zoi zoi da'i mi se ba'i renvi fau lo ka panpi pindi e nai lo ka ricfu gi'e fau bo terpa zoi" (to la'oi Tatoeba toi) ] 23:23 < gleki> just in case i removed {po} from La Bangu --- Day changed Mon Jun 15 2015 01:21 < zipcpi> la'a ti xa'o laldo se slabu nuzba .iku'i mi cazi co'a sanji ri sei zoizoi http://www.mit.edu/~puzzle/2013/coinheist.com/rubik/lojicomix/index.html zoi 01:22 < dutchie> coi 01:22 < zipcpi> coi 01:22 < zipcpi> le danfu zo'u zoi zoi http://www.mit.edu/~puzzle/2013/coinheist.com/rubik/lojicomix/answer/index.html zoi 01:28 < zipcpi> Also an actual example of usage of {lo'i} for sets lol 01:28 < zipcpi> I don't know though. These days people typically just use {lo} 01:29 < zipcpi> {lo ro mulna'u} "All integers", typically interpreted as a set in the right context 01:33 * nuzba @uitki: jboske whitepapers - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Talk:jboske_whitepapers by Gleki - *"XS" means "Excellent Solution". **[[And Rosta]]: ***Or "Xorxes's Solution". [http://bit.ly/1fbVri9] 01:35 * nuzba @uitki: jboske whitepapers - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/jboske_whitepapers by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1fbVEBH] 01:37 * nuzba @uitki: xorxes on requantification - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/xorxes_on_requantification by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1FVRZys] 01:38 < zipcpi> What's this? More gadri stuff? 01:39 < gleki> fixing formatting 01:39 < gleki> old and's and xorxe's discussions 01:39 < gleki> but it's a lot of work 01:40 < zipcpi> {lo ro mulna'u}: "All integers, considered individually", as opposed to {loi ro mulna'u}: "All integers, considered as a single entity" 01:41 < zipcpi> So if {loi}:{joi}; {lo}:{jo'u}? Could it be {lo}:{ce}? 01:42 < zipcpi> Not to mention that {ce} got on the wrong side of CKTJ, while {jo'u} got on the right side :p 01:44 < gleki> wrong to whom 01:44 < zipcpi> "wrong" in the sense that it got reassigned to a longer cmavo 01:44 < zipcpi> {ce} and {ce'u} switch places in CKTJ 01:45 < zipcpi> It's what the C stands for 01:47 < zipcpi> If la gadganzu is too radical for standard Lojban, it might be suitable for CKTJ 01:51 * nuzba @uitki: ce ki tau jau - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1fbXrqv] 01:52 < gocti> {le mamta be le ro ri} 01:52 < gocti> cinri 01:53 < gocti> .i xu ja'ai lo ku'antora cu tarti lo panra be lo me lo cmavrgo'a moi 01:53 < zipcpi> {ku'antora} = "quantifier"? 01:53 < gocti> go'i 01:54 < gocti> "ci prenu cu klama le zarci i muboi py stali le zdani" ==ti'e "ci prenu cu klama li'o .i mu prenu cu stali li'o" 01:54 < gocti> .i mo fa lu "ci prenu cu klama .i je py stali" 01:55 < gocti> li'u .i mo fa lu "ci prenu zo'u py klama .i je py stali" 01:55 < gocti> y 01:55 < gocti> li'u 01:56 < zipcpi> I always thought that pronouns also included the gadri and quantifiers... but that might cause other problems... 01:57 < gocti> .i la'a lo prosa poi se pagbu cu se finti pu zu sai lo nu lu "ci prenu" li'u di'a smufrica lu "ci lo prenu" li'u 01:59 < gocti> .i so'i roi ku mi djica tu'a lo noi li'a nonselsmu vau simsa be lu "xu da goi da'i bu zvati .i ga nai go'i gi ko'oi da'i bu cusku da" li'u 01:59 < zipcpi> da'i bu 02:00 < gocti> .i va'o lo logji zo'u ke'u nonselsmu .i ku'i xu nai va'o lo nu tolju'i tu'a lo logji cu ba'e simlu lo ka da smuni 02:00 < zipcpi> finti so'i cizra lerfu 02:01 < zipcpi> ei ma'a jmina cyly la .iunikod. i'au zo'o 02:01 < gocti> .u'i 02:01 < gocti> .i la'a lu "ro da zo'u ga nai da zvati gi ko'oi da cusku de" li'u logji kanro se ju kanrymau 02:08 < gocti> "no le ci prenu cu klama le zarci i re ra stali le zdani" -> da'i ro ma'a jimpe ro da pe di'u 02:08 < gocti> .i se va'o bo mo fa lu "su'oi le ci prenu cu klama le zarci i su'oi ra dasni lo mapku" li'u 02:09 < gocti> .i xu lo zo su'oi ku'antora ku ji'a se vimcu 02:10 < gocti> .i va'i xu lo dasni be lo mapku bi'ai me lo klama be lo zarci 02:11 < gocti> .y .i mi bebna 02:14 < zipcpi> "no le ci prenu cu klama le zarci i re ra stali le zdani" -> None of the three people went to the market. Two of them stayed at home. 02:15 < gleki> {vu'o} can't be used when splitting sentences using {i} 02:15 < gleki> ko dunda ti e ta vu'o noi barda 02:15 < gleki> ko dunda ti e ta i xai barda 02:15 < gleki> {lo se go'i} works though 02:16 < gleki> {ebu} zo'o 02:16 < zipcpi> & = {jebu}? :p 02:16 < gocti> xe'e'e 02:17 < gleki> {ebu} for {ti e ta} 02:17 < gleki> zipcpi: tat used to be joibu 02:17 < zipcpi> Or is it {joibu}? In practice it tends to be use more for {joi} than when spelled out as "and" 02:17 < gocti> "su'oi lo ci prenu cu klama lo zarci noi su'oi boi py cu .erve lo py. mapku zy" 02:18 < gocti> bu'a'a 02:18 < gocti> .i ma smuni lu "su'oi boi py" li'u .i ma go'i lu "lo py. mapku" li'u 02:19 < zipcpi> Someone really needs to write up a lesson plan for scope and quantification for heathens like me :p 02:19 < zipcpi> la .samyuan. 02:21 < gleki> ua la samyuan cu me'oi really bilga 02:21 < gleki> i ja'o la samyuan cu me'oi real 02:22 < gocti> xu la .samyuan. cu se me'oi language lo me'oi lojban++ 02:22 < gleki> la samyuan cu omni 02:23 < zipcpi> la .samyuan. cu cevni lo'e lazni prenu 02:23 < gocti> .omni lo ka bilga .i .omni lo ka na zukte 02:23 < zipcpi> u'i 02:26 < zipcpi> ta'i ma cfagau lo cnino bridi ne'i lo me ma'oi nu moi 02:27 < gocti> zo ju'ei ja zo tu'e 02:27 < gocti> lo nu tu'e broda .i brode / lo nu broda ju'ei brode 02:27 < zipcpi> ua ki'e 02:28 < gocti> .i je'u no gentufa cu zanru zo ju'ei .i je pa fenki gentufa cu zanru tu'a zo tu'e 02:29 < gleki> en: ju'ei 02:29 < mensi> ju'ei = [JUhEI] Tight scope bridi separator; analogous to .i without ending the abstractor or relative clause. |>>> "nu 02:29 < mensi> broda ju'ei brode" is equivalent to "nu ju'e gi broda gi brode". Similarly "ko'a noi broda ju'ei brode" is equivalent to 02:29 < mensi> "ko'a noi ju'e gi broda gi brode". |>>> latros 02:30 < gleki> zo i jai nabmi 02:32 < zipcpi> mi co'a nelci zo ju'ei mu'i lo nu na sarcu fa lo me'oi forethought 02:34 < gleki> zo ju'e mo 02:36 < gocti> "The referent of the resulting sumti is some function of the referents of both sumti" cu'u BPFK 02:36 < zipcpi> nitcu lo ka me'oi forethought 02:36 < gocti> .i lo na'e sumti zo'u ie mo 02:36 < zipcpi> mu'a lu <lo nu ju'e gi broda gi brode> li'u 02:38 < gleki> broda ju'e brode 02:38 < zipcpi> uinai ca na se zanru lo xe'e gentufa 02:38 < gleki> no gentufa ca se zanru do 02:39 < zipcpi> je'u mi ckaji lo ka pofygau ro gentufa 02:40 < zipcpi> finti ci'iba'u cmavo 02:40 < zipcpi> zo'ose'i 02:40 < zipcpi> mi zei'a kurti 02:41 < gocti> su'o se nibli be lo ka kurti na se ckaji do 02:41 < gocti> .i mu'a lo ka finti lo vlavelcki poi da'i se cukta lo brabra 02:41 < zipcpi> u'i je'u 02:45 * nuzba @uitki: bu'ai and xe'u - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bu%27ai_and_xe%27u by Cirko - fiksi lo linki [http://bit.ly/1GnASYK] 02:45 < zipcpi> mo'oi kurtykai cu fasnu 02:47 < gleki> oi la cirko cu glijbo 02:48 < gleki> i cikre lo judri 02:48 < zipcpi> u'i 02:48 < akmnlrse> fau'u 02:50 < zipcpi> mi so'oroi xarpei lo da'i glijbo noi pilno lo bridi logji ju'eiku'i ju'ocu'i zmadu fi lo ka jai frili fai lo ka se cilre lo'e se glibau 02:51 < gleki> en: xarpei 02:51 < mensi> xarpei [< xanri pensi ≈ Imaginary think] = p1 = x2 imagines / visualizes imaginary subject / concept p2 = x1. |>>> Not 02:51 < mensi> limited to visual imagination. Made from xanri + pensi; technically should be selxarpei, but I can't see "xanri pensi" 02:51 < mensi> having any other meaning. |>>> rlpowell 02:51 < ctefaho> coi ro 02:51 < gleki> ma 02:53 < gleki> en: tolrinsa 02:53 < ctefaho> wtf, the coi doesn't take the ro? 02:53 < mensi> tolrinsa [< to'e rinsa ≈ Polar opposite greet] = r1 opposite of greets / offers goodbyes to r2 in manner r3 (action). 02:53 < mensi> |>>> Made from to'e + rinsa. |>>> rlpowell 02:53 < gleki> ctefaho: it's a vocative and takes only sumti (i.e. nouns/pronouns/names) 02:54 < zipcpi> It accepts a sumti or a selbri. {ro} can be part of the sumti {ro do}, but it's not a sumti or a selbri on its own 02:54 < ctefaho> ok 02:54 < gleki> opposite of greets O_0 02:54 < ctefaho> so 02:54 < ctefaho> coi ro do 02:55 < zipcpi> gleki: You mean like how {coinai} was coined in the absence of {di'ainai}? :p 02:55 < ctefaho> coi ro sofybakni 02:56 < gleki> zipcpi: uanai 02:57 < zipcpi> vei'iru'e nenri la'au lo jbobau cu mo li'u 02:57 < ctefaho> coi ro sofybakni noi citka lo burjuia rectu 02:58 < zipcpi> je'u lu coinai li'u ja'a nenri la'aubu 02:58 < akmnlrse> me'o la'au bu ! .i lo jbobau cu jmive 02:59 < zipcpi> je'u u'i 02:59 < gleki> en: burjuia 02:59 < mensi> burjuia = x1 is a bourgeois, a capitalist who engages in industrial commercial enterprise x2 |>>> 02:59 < mensi> glekizmiku 02:59 < ctefaho> coi ro do noi pinxe lo xekri rusku 03:00 < ctefaho> rusko* 03:00 < gleki> xu lo rectu be lo sofybakni cu xekri 03:00 < ctefaho> li'a go'i 03:12 * nuzba @selpahi: Pļ, an-nsužal akʰi. | Random #Ithkuil phrases http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-i-still-love-you-dont-you-get-it (gloss + audio) (#lojban) [http://bit.ly/1GnCxOf] 03:51 < gleki> still 75 issues in CC 04:12 < zipcpi> mi mo'u finti lo vlavelcki be fo zo sorta 04:12 < zipcpi> .y. jbobau vlavelcki 04:15 < zipcpi> u'enai zo do'oi na se zanru 04:15 < zipcpi> mi so'oroi pilno ri 04:18 < niftgfonxa> lo nu irci ra'u zo'u plixaumlu fa zy 04:19 < zipcpi> ie 04:21 < zipcpi> da'imu'a zo .niftyg. na jundygau do ma'i so'i irci samtci 04:22 < zipcpi> ku'i da'i mi pilno lu do'oi niftgfonxa li'u 04:23 < zipcpi> mi ka'e zanru co'e iku'i lo zanru se klani ba du li no 04:23 < zipcpi> na banzu 04:24 < zipcpi> ue lo na'ememi xa'o zanru co'e 04:25 < niftgfonxa> ta'o mi zo'oi nif po'o jmina lo liste pe lo se jundi co irci samtci 04:25 < zipcpi> je'e 04:25 < gleki> jbo: sorta 04:25 < mensi> sorta = x1 milxe ja simlu x2 va'o x3 |>>> malglikslu u'ivla |>>> spheniscine 04:26 < gleki> zo'oi malglikslu mo 04:26 < zipcpi> zo malglikslu ji'a se jbovlaste 04:27 < zipcpi> ku'i na se ciksi bau lo jbobau 04:27 < gleki> en: malglikslu 04:27 < mensi> malglikslu = x1 is an especially inappropriate anglicism made by x2, inappropriate according to x3 |>>> This is an 04:27 < mensi> u'ivla, made by applying a malglixlu-type pronunciation to malglixlu. |>>> spheniscine 04:28 < gleki> i noticed that in old english to lojban wordlist there were 4000 words. quite a work to do i'd say 04:36 * nuzba @Rodericus: @Carmina_Banana @Iulius @subetealanutria @janJulo La más usada/conocida es el lojban. Tiene artículo en Wikipedia (y una wikipedia propia). [http://bit.ly/1R04ZbN] 05:12 < zipcpi> Is there a word for "window" (computer jargon term) yet? 05:12 < zipcpi> If not that might be the first defined -zam- term 05:13 < gleki> i used just canko 05:13 < zipcpi> Yeah... {zai'e canko} -> {samzamca'o} -> {samca'o?} might be useful 05:14 < ctefaho> one could maybe put together a 10 syllable lujvo for it?:) 05:14 < zipcpi> lol 05:14 < zipcpi> Have you seen my new BAhE-UI pair, zai'e/zi'ai? 05:16 < zipcpi> It's made for these sorts of situations 05:16 < zipcpi> Where you want to borrow a simple term for a more technical context, perhaps narrowing its definition, perhaps shifting it entirely 05:18 < zipcpi> Or we can define {ca'anko}. This parallels Malay "tikus" = "mouse", "tetikus" = "computer mouse" 05:19 < zipcpi> Not a reliable way to jargonize words though 05:19 < zipcpi> Sometimes it doesn't make a valid zi'evla 05:19 < zipcpi> ra'atcu = srana nitcu 05:22 < zipcpi> Right... currently defined as {pevysmacu} 05:23 < zipcpi> Or {samxa'e}; for "computer pointing device", agnostic as to form 05:23 < zipcpi> Could be a traditional mouse, a trackball, or a graphics tablet 05:25 < zipcpi> {zai'e/zi'ai} is actually one of my older ideas... although back then I just thought of giving {-zam-} to {za'e} 05:25 < zipcpi> But {za'e} has a slightly different meaning 05:25 < zipcpi> It basically means "I am making up this word right now, or using it as a slang term defined by context" 05:26 < zipcpi> While a jargon word is meant to have a very specific meaning within its context 05:29 < gleki> for mouse i used {sazri tutci} 05:29 < gleki> in Vivaldi 05:29 < zipcpi> Acceptable, but vague 05:29 < gleki> tutci lo nu sazri 05:30 < zipcpi> lo lercu'aca'a ku ji'a tutci lo nu sazri 05:30 < gleki> interesting that semantic shift happens even within computer English 05:30 < gleki> "to click" is used even for touch screen devices 05:30 < gleki> where nothing clicks 05:31 < zipcpi> Yeah... 05:31 < gleki> so i couldnt use it 05:31 < gleki> just {cuxna} was enough 05:32 < zipcpi> I don't know; couldn't {iklki} or whatever mean that? 05:32 < zipcpi> But that's part of what I mean to fix with zai'e/zi'ai; reverting to basic gismu often comes at the cost of vagueness 05:37 < gleki> just try localizing something 05:37 < gleki> i tried Chromium but other tasks lowered its priority. 05:37 < gleki> someone wanted to localize firefox 05:38 < zipcpi> I'm pretty sure we can make {iklki/kli'iki/klikeia} specifically mean "click" in the computer context, and be agnostic as to how the action is performed 05:38 < gleki> en: klikeia 05:38 < mensi> klikeia = x1 clicks (press and release) button/switch x2 |>>> See also cuxna, batke, danre, kliki |>>> 05:38 < mensi> gleki 05:39 < zipcpi> Yeah it's currently defined in terms of a button 05:39 < zipcpi> But isn't there already another word for that? 05:39 < zipcpi> pe'isai the zi'evla is better used as a jargon term 05:40 < zipcpi> Also often x2 refers to the virtual "button" in the computer anyway, and not the actual mouse button 05:41 < zipcpi> Well {kli'iki} is *mine*. I could redefine it 05:48 < zipcpi> There http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/kli'iki 05:54 < gleki> neither switch nor button need be physical 05:55 < gleki> en: corner 05:55 < mensi> 6 da se tolcri: kojna, rokyko'a, fancysuksa, jganu, korfaipletomino, sarni 05:55 < gleki> en: kojna 05:55 < mensi> kojna = x1 is a corner/point/at-least-3-dimensional [solid] angle [shape/form] in/on x2, of material x3. |>>> Also apex; 05:55 < mensi> a corner exists on three dimensions but need not be limited to points; it suggests a discontinuity in slope in some 05:55 < mensi> direction; i.e. in some planar cross-section. See also jipno, konju, bliku, fanmo, jganu, krasi. |>>> 05:55 < mensi> officialdata 05:55 < zipcpi> True... but a link isn't a "button" 05:55 < gleki> en: jganu 05:55 < mensi> jganu = x1 is an angle [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex x2 subtended by lateral [segment] x3. |>>> Also 05:55 < mensi> (adjective:) x1 is angular; x2 corner; (segment x3 can be defined by interval). See also kojna, linji, konju, mokca. 05:55 < mensi> |>>> officialdata 05:55 < gleki> zipcpi: link is a uidje 05:55 < zipcpi> Yeah well, now kli'iki means "click" within a computer context and doesn't care about all that 05:56 < gleki> heh, kojna encompasses esquina/rincon. malgli! 05:56 < zipcpi> So we don't have to argue over that anymore 05:56 < gleki> i dont know who argued. 05:56 < gleki> "button" in english can refer to virtual buttons 05:56 < zipcpi> It's not about the whole real vs virtual thing 05:57 < zipcpi> But you were nitpicking over the "press and release" definition 05:57 < zipcpi> And suggesting we use {cuxna} instead 06:00 < zipcpi> So now {ca'e zo kli'iki co'u jai nabmi} 06:01 < zipcpi> Also how to distinguish "mouse (cursor)" from "mouse (tool)"? 06:01 < zipcpi> I believe the former is {samxa'e} 06:03 < zipcpi> The latter should be either {samxa'etci} for the "I don't care what it looks like" form, or {pevysmacu / samzamsmacu / samsmacu} for the traditional mouse 06:04 < zipcpi> Oh but samxa'e is already defined as the device 06:04 < zipcpi> Darn 06:05 < zipcpi> Currently this is defined for "window" http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/pevyca%27o%20zei%20uidje?bg=1;langidarg=2 06:06 < zipcpi> k: ca'o'yuidje 06:06 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:07 < zipcpi> Why is that not allowed? 06:07 < gleki> yu 06:07 < zipcpi> k: cankyuidje 06:07 < mensi> (CU [L:cankyuidje VAU]) 06:10 < gleki> they fixed it 06:10 < zipcpi> Fixed what? 06:11 < gleki> k:toly'akti 06:11 < mensi> (CU [L:toly'akti VAU]) 06:11 < gleki> k:toly'uidje[3~ 06:11 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "t" found. 06:12 < zipcpi> Right it's tolyuidje, not toly'uidje 06:12 < zipcpi> u here is a semivowel 06:12 < zipcpi> So treated like a consonant 06:12 < gleki> k:tolyakti 06:12 < mensi> (CU [L:tolyakti VAU]) 06:12 < zipcpi> ... OK that should not be allowed 06:13 < zipcpi> JVS even allows it 06:14 < zipcpi> k: akti'yuidje 06:14 < mensi> (CU [L:akti'yuidje VAU]) 06:16 < zipcpi> k: tolyuidje 06:16 < mensi> (CU [L:tolyuidje VAU]) 06:22 < gocti> tolyakti uat uat 06:22 < gocti> off: tolyakti 06:22 < mensi> (tolyakti VAU) 06:22 < gocti> camxes: tolyakti 06:22 < camxes> (tolyakti VAU) 06:22 < zipcpi> Yeah that form should not be allowed 06:23 < gocti> .u'i fa ji'a sai la .vizuual. camxes. cu curmi 06:23 < zipcpi> Otherwise I want /ae/ and /eu/ to be valid diphthongs right now zo'o 06:23 < gleki> ca ma la samyaun cu zbasu lo se viska ilmentufa 06:23 < gocti> .ai mi go'i 06:24 < gocti> ba lo nu mo'u stika lo te pruce 06:25 < gocti> kei noi xa'o se ditcu lo bradu'u'e 06:25 < gleki> i ta'oru'e ma nuzba lo nu gloso 06:26 < gocti> za'o gunka .i .entangle lo te pruce nu xagzengau 06:30 < gleki> 甲 <-- those hanzi are used in dialogues to separate the first and the second speaker. very handy. im thinking how to do the same in CC 06:30 < gleki> 乙 06:30 < gleki> ^ the second 06:32 < gleki> selmaho: mai 06:32 < mensi> .i lu mai li'u cmavo zo'oi MAI 06:32 < mensi> http://lojban.github.io/cll/18/19/ 06:32 < mensi> http://lojban.github.io/cll/19/1/ 06:32 < mensi> cmavo: ba'ai, mai, mo'o, nomo'o, pamai, pamo'o, remai, romai, za'umai 06:32 < gleki> en: ba'ai 06:32 < mensi> ba'ai = [MAI] discursive suffix: attaches to number. "I expect with probability..." |>>> Takes a number before it. "pimu 06:32 < mensi> ba'ai" = "I expect with probability 0.5". See kanpe, ba'a, lakne, la'a |>>> spheniscine 06:32 < gleki> it should be in MAI 06:33 < gleki> very similar to mai/mo'o 06:33 < gleki> strange that ni'o isn't in MAI 06:33 < zipcpi> Can MAI stand alone? 06:34 < gleki> xo'emai 06:34 < zipcpi> I know; but I don't want to add {xo'e} to every {ni'o} 06:35 < zipcpi> It's funny. {xo'e} is probably the most useful cmavo that no one wants to use :p 06:35 < gleki> exp: i mai mo 06:35 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 06:35 < gleki> it could be made gendra but ni'o isnt xo'emai 06:36 < zipcpi> Well there is {mo'o} 06:36 < gleki> neither mo'o 06:36 < gleki> may be zo'e pi xo'e mo'o 06:36 < gleki> oops 06:36 < zipcpi> The numbers in {mo'o} can be subdivided however you wish 06:36 < gleki> may be xo'e pi xo'e mo'o 06:36 < zipcpi> Using {pi'e} 06:37 < gleki> xo'e pi'e xo'e mo'o 06:37 < zipcpi> I'm not gonna lerfu tcitygau that :p 06:37 < gleki> exp: ly mo'o 06:37 < mensi> ([ly BOI] mo'o) 06:37 < zipcpi> exp: ny xo'e ly xo'e dy xo'e mo'o 06:37 < mensi> ([{ny BOI} {<xo'e BOI> <ly BOI>} {xo'e BOI} {dy BOI <xo'e BOI> mo'o}] VAU) 06:38 < gleki> exp; li pa ny 06:38 < gleki> exp:[3~; li pa ny 06:38 < mensi> ([{<ci BOI> <li (¹pa BOI¹) LOhO>} {ny BOI}] VAU) 06:38 < zipcpi> exp: xo'e ly dy xo'e mo'o 06:38 < mensi> ([{xo'e BOI} {ly dy} BOI {xo'e BOI} mo'o] VAU) 06:38 < zipcpi> Right I must start with a namle'u and not a vlale'u 06:38 < zipcpi> nacle'u 06:39 < gleki> exp: li ny 06:39 < gocti> lo nacle'u cu namle'u sai 06:39 < mensi> ([li {ny BOI} LOhO] VAU) 06:40 < zipcpi> (li/me'o) accepts both letter strings and number strings 06:41 < zipcpi> Until {la .xorxes. nu sepli} happens, "letter strings" start with a letter, and "number strings" start with a number, but may mix nacle'u and vlale'u freely 06:41 < gleki> no longer 06:41 < gleki> exp: li pa ny 06:41 < mensi> ([{li <pa BOI> LOhO} {ny BOI}] VAU) 06:41 < zipcpi> Wait it's already happened? 06:41 < zipcpi> exp: li ny pa 06:41 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 06:41 < gleki> in exp yes 06:41 < gleki> exp: li ny 06:41 < mensi> ([li {ny BOI} LOhO] VAU) 06:42 < zipcpi> exp: li vu'u pa ny re 06:42 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "e" found. 06:42 < zipcpi> But not the pe'o 06:42 < zipcpi> pe'o detection 06:42 < gleki> not the pe'o. guskant did something in zantufa 06:42 < zipcpi> That's not good 06:42 < gleki> but she reworked a lot 06:43 < zipcpi> The auto-pe'o is the only way to save my date system. And character strings 06:43 < gocti> ia sarcu fa sa'u lo nu galfi zo'oi PEhO_clause zo'oi PEhO_clause? 06:44 < zipcpi> {li [pe'o] joi'i ry re dy re} 06:44 < gleki> mi pu troci i ku'i lo gentufa co'a se cfipu 06:45 < zipcpi> la .guskant. also wants to move {pi'e} to VUhU 06:47 < zipcpi> She has come up with a variant of my date system with VUhU-pi'e and auto-pe'o, post-xornunsep 06:47 < gocti> y 06:47 < gocti> (PEhO_clause free*)? sa'e 06:48 < gocti> .i ki'u bo lo nenri la'oi free ka'e se krasi lo mekso 06:48 < gocti> lo nenri *be* la'oi free 06:48 < zipcpi> Her system is {li pi'e renopamu xiny xa xily pamu xidy 06:49 < zipcpi> Without VUhU-pi'e we might substitute {joi'i} or {joi} for the time being 06:49 < zipcpi> But auto-pe'o is essential 06:50 < gocti> lu {li pi'e ny renopamu ly. xa dy. pamu} li'u si'a jai cumki 06:50 < zipcpi> ie 06:50 < gocti> gi'u smuni kanro sa'e nai 06:52 < zipcpi> Auto-pe'o iff the first word in LI...LOhO is in VUhU (merged with JOI in exp I believe) 06:53 < gocti> na'e mulno lo ka se pavmeigau 06:53 < gocti> exp: na se vu'u nai 06:53 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] but "i" found. 06:53 < gocti> exp: na se ja nai 06:53 < mensi> (na se [ja nai]) 06:54 < durka42> what on earth does {pe'o} mean 06:54 < gleki> polish 06:54 < zipcpi> Polish notation 06:55 < durka42> oi 06:55 < gleki> Polish is not polished 06:55 < zipcpi> It's the only way to save my date system and arbitrary character strings, since now la .xornunsep. is in exp 06:56 < gleki> #savedetrisystem 06:56 < durka42> zo xornunsep mo 06:57 < zipcpi> I just made it up. Do you have a better term for it? 06:57 < zipcpi> Talking about his nacle'u-vlale'u separation 06:57 < zipcpi> exp: abu za'ure'u cusku 06:57 < mensi> ([{a bu} BOI] [CU {<za'u re'u> cusku} VAU]) 06:57 < durka42> ua la xornomnunsep 06:57 < durka42> lujvo fo la xorxes jenai lo xorlo 06:57 < zipcpi> u'i 06:58 < durka42> mi ja'a pu se cfipu 06:59 < zipcpi> But now {li ny renopamu ly xa} and {li'ai ry re dy re} is wrecked. So the best solution we have now is {li'ai pe'o joi'i ry re dy re}, unless we want to add {bu} to every nacle'u 07:00 < zipcpi> I want to be able to drop the {pe'o} 07:00 < durka42> xu BPFK ca'o casnu la xornomnunsep fi'o nai tcidu mi 07:00 < durka42> mi na viska su'o selmri 07:01 < gleki> why {bu}? why not {xi}? 07:01 < zipcpi> Cause xi must attach to something 07:02 < zipcpi> And is properly "subscript", so would obscure the meaning of character strings 07:02 < durka42> exp: li pe'o vu'u ry re dy re 07:02 < mensi> ([li {pe'o vu'u <(¹ry BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹dy BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 07:02 < durka42> exp: li pe'o vu'u ry re dy re ry re dy re 07:02 < mensi> ([li {pe'o vu'u <(¹ry BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹dy BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹ry BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹dy BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 07:02 < durka42> ua 07:02 < zipcpi> ca sanji zo joi'i 07:02 < zipcpi> ku'i na sanji zo li'ai 07:02 < durka42> exp: li pe'o joi'i ry re dy re ry re dy re 07:02 < mensi> ([li {pe'o joi'i <(¹ry BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹dy BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹ry BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹) (¹dy BOI¹) (¹re BOI¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 07:03 < durka42> xu ka'e lo'u li pe'o joi'i le'u basti zo li'ai 07:03 < durka42> ja lo drata cipyma'o 07:03 < zipcpi> li'ai is "unevaluated mekso as name" 07:03 < zipcpi> We'd also need one for "arbitrary character string" without the "name" sense 07:04 < gleki> {bu} make symbols out of numbers 07:04 < durka42> yes 07:04 < durka42> li'ei is free :) 07:04 < durka42> well it isn't, but it's assigned to an unformalizable/useless meaning 07:04 < durka42> exp: li ry rebu dy rebu 07:04 < mensi> ([li {<ry (¹re bu¹) dy (¹re bu¹)> BOI} LOhO] VAU) 07:05 < durka42> the BPFK is gonna have a lot of explaining to do when it reveals this change... 07:07 < zipcpi> Yeah, we can move {li'ai} and "arbitrary character string" into a new selma'o 07:07 < zipcpi> Heck we might not even give it VUhU grammar 07:08 < zipcpi> Go ahead and talk about {li'ai cy su'i su'i} for all I care 07:10 < zipcpi> off: li cy su'i su'i 07:10 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] or [uU] but "i" found. 07:10 < zipcpi> exp: li cy su'i su'i 07:10 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] or [uU] but "i" found. 07:13 < zipcpi> Both {me'oi} and {mei'o} are taken 07:13 < durka42> .u'i 07:13 < durka42> you have only yourself to blame for the latter 07:13 < zipcpi> True 07:14 < zipcpi> Well about 10% of the blame can be given to la selpahi 07:14 < durka42> yeah but you took it upon yourself to rescue {mei'e}, which is of very questionable utility :) 07:14 < zipcpi> lol 07:16 < zipcpi> Would it cause problems if I gave LIhEI {lo'o} as the famyma'o? I don't think so... 07:17 < zipcpi> Don't think the two structures would ever cross paths 07:17 < durka42> I really need to write some flood protection for vlaste 07:18 < zipcpi> Accepts any arbitrary string of BY, bu-letterals, PA, VUhU 07:18 < zipcpi> PEhO? 07:18 < zipcpi> Is there anything else I should add? 07:19 < zipcpi> VEI 07:19 < zipcpi> Nah that'd be too much... vei... ve'o is supposed to be a structure 07:20 < zipcpi> I'll just start with those four first 07:20 < zipcpi> You can technically add {bu} to everything else 07:21 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/li'ei 07:24 <@xalbo> I don't understand from that definition what {li'ei} is, or what it's for. 07:25 < zipcpi> It's to "fix" what la xorxes "broke" 07:26 < durka42> xalbo: it's just like {li}, except that a new BPFK proposal would eliminate mixed number/letteral strings 07:26 < zipcpi> Technically closer to the way {me'o} was used 07:27 < zipcpi> It's already in exp grammar 07:27 < zipcpi> So now {me'o dy ubu ry ky abu vo re} isn't right anymore 07:28 < zipcpi> And I propose to move {li'ai} to LIhEI as well 07:29 < durka42> the BPFK thing hasn't even been voted on yet 07:29 < durka42> or explained to the general jbopre population 07:29 < zipcpi> Well it's already in exp, so I'm building my bomb shelters now 07:29 < durka42> I thinkt the gun is being jumped 07:29 < durka42> fair enough :) 07:30 < gleki> exp is nothing 07:31 < zipcpi> I'm not gonna go back to how sumtcita used to work :p 07:31 <@xalbo> Guns are better than sharks in property ka plipe ce'u 07:31 < zipcpi> Or try to remember the old question connectives 07:32 < zipcpi> I didn't invent {ze'oi} to "fix" the great BCM debate, but whatever 07:35 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/li'ai 07:49 < zipcpi> ... Wuzzy appears to be unfamiliar with zi'evlajvo 07:50 < tosmabryjde> zi'e vlajde 07:50 < zipcpi> oi 07:50 < tosmabryjde> .y 07:50 < tosmabryjde> sa .i zi'e vlajvo 07:56 < durka42> la uuzit cu na'e sanji so'i da 07:57 < zipcpi> ie 07:57 < durka42> ku'i .e'u ko xendo jenaicu pilno zo'oi "obvious" 07:57 < zipcpi> Oh... 07:57 < zipcpi> Sorry... x.x 07:57 < zipcpi> Wish I could edit posts 07:58 < durka42> sa'u la'a so'i srana be la .lojban. cu na'e se li'anmo .u'i 07:58 < zipcpi> u'i 07:59 < durka42> ku'i ji'a ko na du'eva'e co xenru .i la uuzit ta'e kusysku ... 07:59 < zipcpi> I meant to say "accepted and recognized by JVS" is obvious 07:59 < zipcpi> Not "obviously you should know about this proposal" 08:00 < durka42> la jbovlaste cu pilno la .camxes. .i la .camxes. jai na du CLL .i la'a krinu 08:00 < zipcpi> Although currently it accepts {lacyinda} 08:00 < zipcpi> Which is bad and should be fixed 08:01 < zipcpi> Well I was also a little annoyed because he downvoted my words :p 08:01 < durka42> erg 08:01 < durka42> yeah that's fair 08:01 < durka42> I'll go negate that :p 08:02 < durka42> camxes: +s lacyinda 08:02 < camxes> (L:lacyinda VAU) 08:02 < durka42> ue 08:02 < durka42> vlaste: lacyinda (components) 08:02 < vlaste> lacyinda (components) = lacri inda ≈ rely worthy 08:02 < durka42> that's... weird 08:02 < durka42> how do you even pronounce that 08:03 < durka42> seems like it should be against the morphology 08:03 < akmnlrse> h? => (&nucleus h)? 08:03 < akmnlrse> y 08:03 < akmnlrse> h? => (h &nucleus)? 08:03 < durka42> moar context plz 08:04 < akmnlrse> only rafsi themselves go through the syllable rules, the joints between them don't 08:04 < durka42> interesting 08:05 < durka42> perhaps they should 08:09 < zipcpi> Hey I just successfully pronounced {yi} as a diphthong :p 08:09 < zipcpi> Now to propose adding it to the language zo'osai 08:14 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: lacyinda 08:15 < zipcpi> la catnicipra cu oicli'a seja'eku za'a 08:16 < akmnlrse> lo nu jisygau la .ilmentufa ku noi .git. sorcu pu na mulno 08:16 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: lacyinda 08:16 < catnicipra> (lacyinda VAU) 08:16 < akmnlrse> oi 08:16 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: lacyinda 08:16 < catnicipra> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "l" found. 08:16 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: lacy'inda 08:16 < catnicipra> (lacy'inda VAU) 08:16 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: lacy'indyco'e 08:16 < catnicipra> (lacy'indyco'e VAU) 08:16 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: lacyindyco'e 08:16 < catnicipra> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "l" found. 08:17 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: indy'indyco'e 08:17 < catnicipra> (indy'indyco'e VAU) 08:17 < zipcpi> ui~~~~ 08:17 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: indyindyco'e 08:17 < catnicipra> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "i" found. 08:17 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: indyinda 08:17 < catnicipra> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "i" found. 08:17 < akmnlrse> simlu co drani 08:17 < akmnlrse> catnicipra: inda'yinda 08:17 < catnicipra> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "i" found. 08:17 < zipcpi> catnicipra: inda'y'inda 08:17 < catnicipra> (inda'y'inda VAU) 08:18 < durka42> ua 08:26 < zipcpi> exp: la misr ku no'u le tutra pe lo ka bapse'u 08:26 < akmnlrse> si'au la mensi cu se nabmi 08:26 < akmnlrse> tu'a lo jbovlaste pesxu 08:27 < durka42> akmnlrse: if this fix doesn't break anything else it should probably be ported into camxes and camxes-exp 08:27 < akmnlrse> camxes: +exp la misr ku no'u le tutra pe lo ka bapse'u 08:27 < camxes> ([{la misr ku} {no'u <le (¹tutra [pe {lo <ka (²CU [bapse'u VAU]²) KEI> KU} GEhU]¹) KU> GEhU}] VAU) 08:27 < akmnlrse> .ai cpucpe ba lo nu lo mi vanbi cu jinsa 08:27 < durka42> je'e 08:29 < zipcpi> lol Why did I have to pick such a crazy passage that requires so many {ju'ei}s 08:30 < zipcpi> I was so tired of repeating {kei joi lo nu} 08:46 < zipcpi> "Can you please, for the future, mention this non-standard word formation in 08:46 < zipcpi> the notes or etymology? I don't like to see non-standard words mixed up 08:46 < zipcpi> with standard words, as jbovlaste does not make any sort of difference atm." 08:46 < zipcpi> Errm... 08:46 < zipcpi> HOW? 08:48 < zipcpi> Do we need a new class? "Experimental Lujvo"? 08:48 < zipcpi> But really it's in the off parser; I don't know how much more official you want to get 08:50 < zipcpi> Also I'm not sure I like how Wuzzy handles place keywords. It's a bit off to type in "service" and get {te bapse'u} 08:50 < zipcpi> {lo te bapse'u} perhaps 08:51 < zipcpi> I usually leave most of them blank unless there's a concept with a really useful gloss word 08:52 <@xalbo> That certainly should *not* be "service" with no sense variant. 08:52 < zipcpi> Exactly... 08:53 < zipcpi> I really don't think every place deserves a keyword 08:53 < zipcpi> Sometimes they have very specific meanings that just don't have a useful English gloss 08:55 <@xalbo> OTOH, I don't know that "service; in sense duties performed by a slave" is a bad keyword to have for that place. 08:55 < zipcpi> Perhaps 08:57 <@xalbo> In general, I don't look at the place keywords as a means of explaining the Lojban word. I see them as someone who has a particular concept in mind, and is trying to figure out how to convey that concept. So what searches might they do? 08:58 < zipcpi> The main problem is the reverse search 08:58 < zipcpi> I think trying to give a keyword to every single place complicates the reverse search 08:59 < zipcpi> To search for "service" and get a bunch of different "senses" each corresponding to a "service" within the context of every word that uses {selfu} 09:00 < zipcpi> This is the kind of construct that is actually much longer when translated to English than when used in Lojban 09:00 < zipcpi> So a single gloss word just ain't gonna cut it, no matter how you qualify its senses 09:01 <@xalbo> Yeah, that makes sense. 09:03 < gleki> durka42: xu do na mo'u tolmo'i tu'a la mupli 09:03 < zipcpi> Also I don't know how to comply with Wuzzy's request/demand. Do I also have to mark use of dotside as well? And {xa'o}? 09:03 < gleki> where? 09:03 < gleki> in Tatoeba? 09:04 < zipcpi> zipcpi> "Can you please, for the future, mention this non-standard word formation in 09:04 < zipcpi> <zipcpi> the notes or etymology? I don't like to see non-standard words mixed up 09:04 < zipcpi> <zipcpi> with standard words, as jbovlaste does not make any sort of difference atm." 09:04 < gleki> in jvs it's not possible 09:04 < zipcpi> On JVS 09:04 < durka42> gleki: mi na tolmo'i 09:04 < gleki> JVS db model doesnt provide that 09:04 < durka42> zipcpi: it's not nonstandard :p 09:04 < zipcpi> He doesn't like lujvo like {lacy'inda} and {cankyuidje} 09:05 < durka42> that's too bad 09:05 < gleki> why doesnt he? they are in CLL 09:05 < gleki> at least the first 09:05 < zipcpi> They are? 09:05 < durka42> CLL calls it a proposal though 09:05 < durka42> I guess it isn't the end of the world to put "Note: this uses fu'ivla rafsi. [link to wiki page]" at the end of the notes 09:05 < zipcpi> I thought that it was a ze'oi xorxes nu baspo :p 09:06 < zipcpi> Hmm... where is that Wiki page anyway? 09:06 < gleki> and it affects a part of the language (lujvo-making) that has long been stable, but is known to be fragile in the face of small changes. (Many attempts were made to add general mechanisms for making lujvo that contained fu'ivla, but all failed on obvious or obscure counterexamples; finally the general “zei” mechanism was devised instead.) 09:07 < gleki> If this proposal is workable and introduces no problems into Lojban morphology, it might become standard for all Type 4 fu'ivla, including those made for plants, animals, foodstuffs, and other things. 09:07 < durka42> turns out it is and it doesn't and so it did 09:07 < durka42> :) 09:09 < gleki> as for {lacyinda} i was surprised to see it 09:09 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/comments.html?valsi=28919;natlangword=0;commentid=0;definition=0 09:09 < zipcpi> Yeah that needs to be killed 09:10 < zipcpi> I don't know about {indy'inda} though. That only works if we set up rules that ban all zi'evla that are identical except for the last vowel 09:11 < zipcpi> And I think that would break some of the ISO-zi'evla 09:11 < durka42> which we probably should 09:11 < Ilmen> What's wrong with lacy'inda? 09:11 < durka42> nothing 09:11 < Ilmen> coi 09:11 < zipcpi> Nothing ma'i mi 09:11 < zipcpi> But http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/comments.html?valsi=28919;natlangword=0;commentid=0;definition=0 09:11 < durka42> la uuzit nalnei .i ja'o zabna valsi 09:11 < durka42> cu nalnei* 09:11 < Ilmen> ue nai doi la zipcpi 09:12 < Ilmen> la .ŭuzít. na'o simsa pante ba'u 09:14 < Ilmen> mi na sanji su'o da poi racli krinu lodu zo lacy'inda na ka'e jbovla 09:15 < zipcpi> Oh... *that* zi'evla rafsi 09:15 < zipcpi> A rather conservative approach though; it essentially only applies to CCVVCV 09:16 < zipcpi> Essentially making it an "para-gismu" space 09:16 < zipcpi> Specifically meant for cultural words 09:16 < zipcpi> Never really took off as far as I know 09:18 < Ilmen> camxes: tsa'au 09:18 < camxes> (tsa'au VAU) 09:18 < Ilmen> ua 09:18 < Ilmen> je'u pei 09:19 < Ilmen> cames: bla'u 09:19 < zipcpi> mo 09:19 < Ilmen> camxes: bla'u 09:19 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "b" found. 09:19 < Ilmen> camxes: bla'au 09:19 < camxes> (bla'au VAU) 09:19 < Ilmen> ua nai 09:19 < zipcpi> zo'oi bla'u valslinku'i 09:20 < zipcpi> pa bla'u -> pabla'u 09:20 < Ilmen> Why {bla'au} is not? 09:20 < zipcpi> Because {la'au} is not a rafsi 09:20 < akmnlrse> zo la'au na ka'e rafsi 09:20 < akmnlrse> .u'i 09:20 < Ilmen> je'e 09:20 < Ilmen> .i malge'a zo'o 09:20 < akmnlrse> zo'o nai .i ku'i so'i da malmau 09:21 < Ilmen> At any rate this CCV'VV space looks appealing 09:24 < Ilmen> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nice_fu%27ivla_forms | http://mw.lojban.org/papri/exhaustive_list_of_short_fu%27ivla_forms 09:24 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Do you know those pages? 09:24 < zipcpi> Nah, I take a trial-and-error approach to zi'evla making 09:24 < Ilmen> ua CCVVV is among the nice forms 09:25 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Yeah, but sometimes there are forms that do not come to mind at all, like this bla'au one 09:25 < zipcpi> Right 09:26 < zipcpi> I did make {briii} though :p 09:26 < Ilmen> :) 09:26 < zipcpi> Though whether that is "nice" is up in the air :p 09:26 < zipcpi> I like the sound of it. It's just the weird semivowel resolution might turn off some folks :p 09:27 < Ilmen> camxes: stsmla'u 09:27 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "s" found. 09:27 < Ilmen> .o'u ro'e 09:28 < zipcpi> Yeah outdated. I think there was something somewhere that listed all possible CCC initial clusters 09:28 < Ilmen> en: eskrima 09:28 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 09:28 < zipcpi> And CCCC is just right out 09:28 < akmnlrse> en: /full skrima 09:28 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 09:28 < akmnlrse> en: fencing 09:28 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 09:29 < zipcpi> camxes. tstmlen 09:29 < zipcpi> camxes: tstmlen 09:29 < camxes> tstmlen 09:29 < zipcpi> exp: tstmlen 09:29 < mensi> (CU [tstmlen VAU]) 09:30 < zipcpi> So still allowed in cmevla. Not allowed in zi'evla 09:30 < akmnlrse> cmevla are just strings of phonemes 09:30 < akmnlrse> camxes: rktkrktkrktkrktkrk 09:30 < camxes> rktkrktkrktkrktkrk 09:30 < zipcpi> They did ban CGV in cmevla though 09:30 < Ilmen> exp: rktkrktk 09:30 < mensi> (CU [rktkrktk VAU]) 09:31 < zipcpi> exp: ia'uex 09:31 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "i" found. 09:31 < akmnlrse> all consonants have !h after them, and h has &nucleus after it 09:32 < zipcpi> Ugh can't find the initial consonant triplet document 09:32 < akmnlrse> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/informal_description_of_the_PEG_morphology_algorithm/condensed#Syllables 09:33 < zipcpi> Ah OK 09:33 < zipcpi> I think it's like for an initial consonant triple [CFR] 09:34 < zipcpi> Both CF and FR must be a permissible initial consonant pair 09:34 < zipcpi> And the third consonant must be a sonorant 09:34 < akmnlrse> also CF can't be an affricate 09:34 < zipcpi> Er no... just {l/r} apparently 09:34 < zipcpi> Right 09:42 < zipcpi> Ugh really? He downvoted {jifpedvla} too? 09:42 < akmnlrse> pls 09:42 * akmnlrse cu blozausku 10:01 < durka42> ...he added etymology and downvoted? 10:02 < zipcpi> Maybe it isn't him... dunno 10:02 < zipcpi> I'm just a little tetchy at the moment 10:02 < durka42> could have been someone else 10:02 < durka42> someone who's a... false friend 10:02 < durka42> :p 10:02 < zipcpi> He did add pevjifpedvla though 10:02 < durka42> I assume he changed the notes in {jifpedvla} too then 10:03 < zipcpi> Yes 10:03 < zipcpi> Right so it must be him because when you edit a note you automatically upvote it 10:03 < zipcpi> Then you must downvote to negate it 10:03 < durka42> IMO downvoting and changing notes are both things you shouldn't do without an explanatory comment 10:03 < zipcpi> General you again. I really need to make a drinking game out of this :p 10:04 <@xalbo> What is the consensus (if any) on general you? I think I'm out of date. 10:05 < zipcpi> I don't know if there is any consensus 10:05 < zipcpi> I think {da} is generally acceptable 10:05 < zipcpi> Or {do} if it's within a {da'i} clause 10:06 < zipcpi> ganai da'i do broda gi do brode 10:06 < zipcpi> Or ganai da broda gi da brode 10:07 <@xalbo> Has anyone proposed creating a brivla? "sumbodi" : x1 is somebody/one/"you"/etc. Then {lo sumbodi}, with all the tools available. 10:07 < zipcpi> u'i 10:07 <@xalbo> (Yes, that spelling is *horrible*, but divorce that from the idea) 10:07 <@xalbo> The nice thing is that brivla-space is wide-open, so nothing experimental needed. 10:07 < zipcpi> I've also added a new UI3b, {xe'e} 10:08 < zipcpi> I based its meaning on {na'e itca} 10:08 < zipcpi> So daxe'e becomes "Something/someone nonspecific" 10:09 < zipcpi> It's meant to be similar to {po'o} and {ji'a} 10:09 < akmnlrse> zipcpi: {ganai da broda gi da brode} quantifies a separate {da} in each branch; you probably want {ro da zo'u} before the ga 10:09 <@xalbo> I don't understand how {itca} works/what it means. 10:10 < zipcpi> itca has both an English and a Lojban explanation now 10:10 <@xalbo> jbo: itca 10:10 < mensi> itca = x1 cu su'o mei x2 gi'e jai se djuno su'o da fai lo kamdu'o gi'e co'e .i lo du'u ma kau cmene x1 cu na'e se djuno 10:10 < mensi> ja na'e se jungau |>>> sa'u sa'enairu'e «zi'o x1 steci x2» .i srana fa zo co'e .e zo du .e zo djuno .e zo kamdu'o |>>> 10:10 < mensi> selpahi 10:11 < zipcpi> Basically, $x_1$ is a certain/specific/particular member of set $x_2$ 10:11 < zipcpi> So yeah, roughly zilsteci, with all the caveats of zi'o 10:12 < zipcpi> So for example 10:12 < zipcpi> Sorry, example of {xe'e} 10:13 < zipcpi> {paxe'e le mu prenu} = One non-specific person of the five people; any one person of the five people 10:13 < gleki> i think it's mostly {lo}, not even {da} for general you 10:14 < zipcpi> lo what? lo prenu? 10:14 < zipcpi> lo'e prenu? 10:14 < gleki> no, just {lo} 10:14 < zipcpi> You must include something 10:14 < zipcpi> Or it'd be ungrammatical 10:14 < zipcpi> Or you mean between {lo} and {lo'e}.... well I think both work fine here 10:15 < gleki> when you are alive you move = lo jmive cu muvdu 10:16 < zipcpi> Hmm... not sure I like it; I'd back-translate that as "something alive moves" 10:16 < gleki> yes, now translate {su'o jmive cu mvdu} 10:17 < zipcpi> Some number of things that are alive moves 10:17 < gleki> eh, ok what about {pa jmive cu muvdu} 10:17 < zipcpi> One thing that is alive moves 10:18 < gleki> it translates as "There is someone alive who moves" 10:19 < gleki> as opposed to "Alive move". 10:19 < zipcpi> Erm... sorry, that's just syntactic ambiguity 10:19 < zipcpi> (One thing that is alive) moves 10:20 < zipcpi> pa da poi jmive cu muvdu 10:21 < gleki> remember how is {pa jmive} expanded? 10:21 < zipcpi> Is it the dapoi expansion or something else? 10:21 < zipcpi> I don't remember which way the wind is blowing 10:21 < gleki> yes 10:21 < zipcpi> Ah k 10:21 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_gadri#Formal_definitions 10:22 < zipcpi> je'e 10:23 < gleki> i think the lack of understanding and usage of {le jmive/lo jmive} in prexorlo led to xorlo. 10:24 < zipcpi> Well I've now defined le broda as {lo broda poi itca} 10:24 < gleki> no, i mean prexorlo le. 10:24 < zipcpi> Right 10:24 < gleki> this was a good system but they broke it 10:24 < zipcpi> I blame veridicality 10:25 < gleki> most likely. if they more relied on such term as UoD then xorlo might have never happened 10:25 < v4hn> zipcpi: itca? 10:25 < zipcpi> Also {lo'e} is the key I believe 10:25 < zipcpi> {lo'e} is to talk about generalities 10:26 < zipcpi> And is something like the opposite of {le} 10:26 < zipcpi> mi nelci lo'e draci = I like plays 10:27 < zipcpi> Says nothing about which plays I like, or exactly how many I like (probably I don't like all of them; even the greatest fan of plays would probably hate some plays, and may hate them all the more due to their interest in plays in general!) 10:27 < zipcpi> Just that I like plays, in general, in the abstract 10:27 < gleki> la mukti had to ask several questions until he finally found out that {da poi => lo} and {zo'e voi => le}. but he had us. prexorlo-ers had nobody. 10:27 < zipcpi> So in that sense it's the polar opposite to {le} 10:28 < zipcpi> v4hn: It has both English and Lojban defs now 10:28 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/itca 10:30 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: gadri - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_gadri by Gleki - /* Formal definitions */ [http://bit.ly/1IFAWUC] 10:30 < zipcpi> {lo'e} is like {le}'s long-lost twin brother 10:30 < zipcpi> Any attempt to distinguish {le} from {lo} without including {lo'e} in the discussion is doomed 10:31 < zipcpi> ba'uru'e 10:32 < zipcpi> I've also attempted to make a table: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Talk:zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 10:33 < zipcpi> About keywords, but it's rather incomplete 10:33 < gleki> Any attempt to distinguish {le} from {lo} without including {lo'e} in the discussion is doomed <-- depends on what you want from {le} 10:34 < zipcpi> The main problem is that le says the object is something specific 10:34 < zipcpi> But lo doesn't... say anything 10:34 < zipcpi> lo is magic. Never wrong 10:34 < zipcpi> Just converts a given selbri to a noun, no questions asked 10:35 < zipcpi> So {le} suffered because there is nothing to contrast it against 10:35 < zipcpi> You can't contrast it against {lo} because {lo} had nothing to contrast against! 10:36 < zipcpi> Yet the specific/general distinction is still important in some contexts 10:37 < zipcpi> I have that "play conversation" on my page to point to 10:37 < zipcpi> And also the "hunt of the broda" 10:38 < gleki> "Never wrong" is not precise. postxorlo {lo} is just a constantn that doesnt create any new scopes and UoDs. As contrasted from {da} 10:39 < zipcpi> Right 10:39 < zipcpi> But the main thing I'm pointing out {lo} can refer to both {le} and {lo'e} 10:39 < gleki> in prexorlo {lo} was not {da poi} but probably something like {da xi ra poi} 10:39 < gleki> sorry 10:39 < gleki> in prexorlo {lo} was not {da poi} but probably something like {da xi rau poi} 10:39 < gleki> or {da xi xo'e poi} 10:40 < gleki> and {le} was the constant. 10:40 < zipcpi> {mi nelci lo draci} can mean both "I like a play (a particular play)" or "I like plays" 10:40 < gleki> in postxorlo the situation somewhat reversed although lost understanding what {le} should be used for. 10:40 < zipcpi> Right 10:42 < zipcpi> I've created an "addendum" to my gadri proposal: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Talk:zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 10:42 < gleki> people should rather speak like {ni'o pa nolraitru pu ki zasti i y lo* nolraitru cu ricfu} = "one there was a king. and the king was rich." By lo* I mean referring to that {pa nolraitru} 10:42 < gleki> *once there was a king 10:42 < gleki> but xorlo reforms lost this useful {lo}. 10:42 < zipcpi> Mainly you'd want to pay attention to how I contrast {le} vs {lo'e}; as far as I'm aware any changes I've made to the definitions of {le}, {lo}, and {lo'e} do not break anything 10:43 < zipcpi> It's the others that might break some past usage 10:43 < gleki> there is only zo'e - constant and da - variable. people try to define those LE ignoring this obvious fact. 10:43 < zipcpi> Right 10:44 < zipcpi> Under my system it's {le} or {le'e} 10:44 < zipcpi> {le'e} is one of the zbusufukai reassignments though 10:44 < zipcpi> In standard Lojban it'd be something like {lo bi'unai} or {lo di'u nolraitru} 10:48 < zipcpi> {le} also being acceptable 10:52 < zipcpi> I included {po'o} and {ji'a} in my table just to contrast them with {xe'e}; I don't think we need gadri for those 10:57 < zipcpi> You may also want to look at some of the changes I've made to the main article: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 10:57 < zipcpi> Again, {le} vs {lo'e} is key 10:58 < zipcpi> {xe'e} and {itca} are also becoming pretty important characters, IMO 11:01 < durka42> indeed pivotal characters in people using english to debate about lojban 11:01 < durka42> in people using lojban? hmmmmm 11:01 < zipcpi> lol 11:01 < zipcpi> I mean in trying to figure out what the gadri mean, and how we are to move forward from here 11:03 < zipcpi> I still use {lo} a lot; but I like having the distinction between {le} and {lo'e} 11:04 < durka42> .i'u 11:18 < zipcpi> I'm just somewhat sad that I waited this long to add {zam}; because now we have to deal with {pevysmacu} :p 11:19 <@xalbo> What is {zam}? 11:19 < zipcpi> Rafsi of {zai'e} 11:19 < zipcpi> en: zai'e 11:19 < mensi> zai'e = [BAhE] jargon word indicator; indicates next word is a jargon word |>>> Jargon words are to have a single, 11:19 < mensi> defined, specialized meaning within one particular narrow context (e.g. a game, field of study, or industry), but may 11:19 < mensi> also be assigned to other meanings in other contexts. Proposed rafsi: -zam-. Afterthought variant: zi'ai |>>> 11:19 < mensi> spheniscine 11:20 < zipcpi> I've actually had this idea for a long time, but I thought of just proposing it as the rafsi of {za'e} 11:21 < zipcpi> My idea is that the hypothetical evolutionary chart could go {zai'e smacu} -> {samzamsmacu} -> {samsmacu} 11:22 < zipcpi> No need to deal with {pevysmacu} taking up the space of some other possible metaphorical interpretation of "mouse" 11:23 < zipcpi> Er, sorry, {samyzamsmacu} 11:23 < zipcpi> Forgot the mz ban 11:23 < akmnlrse> ta'o sai xo do se fanza da'i lo nu da .irci gi'e zmiku lo ka ca ro nu da co'a jorne la mumble cu jungau 11:25 < zipcpi> For an even more specialized context, take "flying" from Magic the Gathering 11:26 < zipcpi> Probably no one is ever going to build a lujvo or a zi'evla to refer specifically to this concept alone 11:26 < zipcpi> Except maybe as an u'ivla 11:28 < zipcpi> But this is an illustrative example, because 11:28 < zipcpi> We want this ward to have a verrrrrry specific meaning 11:28 < zipcpi> But we also want to tie it to the common concept of {vofli} 11:28 < zipcpi> Thus... zai'e 11:29 < zipcpi> {zai'e vofli}, thus, in the narrow context of MTG, refers to the defined concept of a "flying creature" in MTG 11:30 < zipcpi> It's meant to be part {pe'a}, part {za'e}, but without the inherent fuzziness of those two words 11:35 < zipcpi> I mean, if we really wanted to, we could define something like makfynunpenmi zei zamvofli or something 11:53 < gleki> these all discussions of LE now seem not so funny to me. they just denote a huge lack of understanding. even that selpa'is phrase in "any" thread that "any" is just {lo} didnt affect anything and discussing xorlo continued. 11:53 < gleki> ja'o I need to put more explanations of da/zo'e into CC. 11:53 < zipcpi> Exactly! 11:54 < zipcpi> The problem is that {lo} means everything ba'uru'e 11:54 < zipcpi> It could mean "any" but it could also mean something specific 11:54 < gleki> because currently people are ignoring da/zo'e and reworking the same although highly mutilated and probably not usable. 11:54 < zipcpi> So then it's worthless to say "Why do we need a word for "any"? Just use lo" 11:55 < gleki> "any" has several meanings if you look into theat linguistic paper i linked 11:55 < zipcpi> True, but I defined xe'e in terms of {na'e itca} 11:56 < gleki> i cant see why xe'e is needed. none of the test sentences require it 11:56 < zipcpi> mo'oi plise cu jai se djica do 11:56 < gleki> unless haspelmath found a new meaning 11:57 < zipcpi> Also... "Any five people can carry the piano" 11:58 < zipcpi> How do you translate that without {xe'e}? 11:58 < zipcpi> It's probably possible, but you'd have to use poi na'e itca or some other circumlocution 11:58 < zipcpi> Or ro se cmima or something 12:03 < gleki> mu prenu cu jai sarcu lo ka bevri lo pipno 12:03 < durka42> ro da poi mumei :p 12:04 < zipcpi> OK then what about {ma noi plise cu jai se djica do} 12:04 < zipcpi> "Any one apple" 12:04 < gleki> this isnt english 12:04 < zipcpi> I know 12:04 < zipcpi> So how would you answer that? 12:05 < gleki> i answer that this is neither "any" nor "some" 12:05 < zipcpi> No I mean the apple question 12:05 < gleki> with {xe'e}? 12:05 < zipcpi> I thought you thought xe'e wasn't needed 12:06 < gleki> i do 12:07 < zipcpi> Then how would you answer it without {xe'e}? 12:07 < gleki> i just dont understand you r question. let's say i will answer {ti} 12:07 < zipcpi> {ti} means you are pointing to a particular apple that you want 12:07 < zipcpi> Or otherwise signaling it 12:07 < durka42> mi djica tu'a pa plise 12:07 < durka42> assuming tu'a has scope :) 12:07 < zipcpi> Then I will give *that* apple to you 12:08 < zipcpi> But what if you don't care which apple? 12:08 < gleki> you want me to reply "any apple"? it's {lo se cuxna be do} 12:08 < zipcpi> So yeah that technically *works*, but brings in an entirely different context 12:09 < zipcpi> mu prenu cu jai sarcu lo ka bevri lo pipno - actually means "five people are needed to carry the piano" 12:09 < zipcpi> Which is actually agnostic whether those five people refer to specific people.... or... any five people 12:09 < zipcpi> So we're back to square one 12:09 < gocti> {mu prenu cu jai sarcu} and {tu'a mu prenu cu jai sarcu} have different scope 12:10 < gocti> sa .i 12:10 < gocti> {mu prenu cu jai sarcu} and {tu'a mu prenu cu sarcu} have different scope 12:10 < durka42> ie 12:10 < gocti> the second one is nonspecific 12:10 < zipcpi> Does tu'a really work that way? Seems it might cause some problems 12:10 < durka42> tu'a mu prenu cu sarcu => lo nu mu prenu cu co'e cu sarcu 12:10 < gocti> tu'a is syntactic sugar for lo su'u 12:10 < durka42> so there is an inner scope 12:11 < gleki> actually i just noticed that you used {djica} which leads to the only possible correct answer, {na'i} 12:11 < durka42> uh oh, gleki has godwinned the discussion 12:11 < zipcpi> But if it's {na'i}, what am I supposed to do? 12:11 < gleki> but indeed {ma noi} is simply incorrect here 12:11 < zipcpi> Not give you an apple? 12:12 < gleki> {na'i} doesnt negate that i dont want apples. 12:12 < gleki> it negates the whole clause 12:12 < zipcpi> I know, but I would not know what to do either 12:12 < durka42> gleki is saying something about djica2 being an abstraction 12:12 < gleki> when did you stop beating your wife - na'i. But I do have a wife. 12:12 < durka42> and thereby attempting to use a technicality to derail the whole question 12:12 < gocti> pe'i pei zo ma bi'ai sinxa lo konstanta 12:12 < durka42> (succeeding I might add) 12:12 < zipcpi> Yeah in this case you're allowing technicalities to completely cloud your intention rather than revealing it 12:13 < zipcpi> So then I'd probably just not give you any apples 12:13 < gleki> {ma noi plise cu jai se djica do - lo go'i na'i} to be more precise 12:13 < durka42> djica is fine as long as you have {jai} or {tu'a} though 12:13 < durka42> so I dunno what you're on about 12:13 < zipcpi> How am I suppose to know that you mean that I can just give you "any apple"? 12:14 < gocti> zo'o zo'o nai lu "la pa plise ku noi plise gi'e sucta" li'u .e'u 12:14 < gleki> another answer is {ro da poi du lo go'i zo'u i'a mi citka da} 12:15 < zipcpi> doi gocti u'i simsa le mi velcki be zo lo'e 12:15 < gleki> since the question is incorrectly asked we can only avoid those incorrect parts of it 12:16 < zipcpi> What is the correct way to ask that question then, given that I do not know your intention? 12:17 < zipcpi> Or is Lojban only meant to be used by gods? 12:19 < gleki> incorrectly asked doesnt mean that someon needs to blame the speaker. 12:19 < gleki> it's just that it cant be answered 12:19 < zipcpi> But {na'i} doesn't reveal anything 12:20 < gleki> extract parts of the clause using go'i and construct a new sentence out of them 12:21 < zipcpi> So then we really have to go around saying {ro da poi du lo go'i zo'u i'a mi citka da} 12:21 < zipcpi> ? 12:21 < zipcpi> THat is way too impractical 12:22 < fleimbo> coi 12:23 < gleki> {lo se cuxna be do} then 12:23 < gleki> or another appropriate brivla 12:23 < zipcpi> na'e itca? 12:23 < zipcpi> Or naly'itca if you really want one brivla :p 12:35 < zipcpi> I've skimmed the discussion you linked me to and someone toward the end invented {nalvaidza} for it 12:35 < zipcpi> ku'i na se jbovlaste 12:35 < zipcpi> And I don't even know if that's a good solution 12:36 < zipcpi> Of course, they didn't have {itca} either 12:37 < ciuak> hello? 12:37 < zipcpi> Hi 12:40 < dutchie> coi 12:51 < ciuak> a'oi 13:14 < ciuak> hello! 13:14 < zipcpi> Hi 13:17 < tsani> coi la ciuak 13:17 < ciuak> coi 13:17 < tsani> .i do mo 13:18 < ciuak> .i mi tavla do 13:19 < Ilmen> coi 13:21 < ciuak> coi 13:25 < niftg> coi coi 13:27 < ciuak> coi coi coi? 13:28 < Ilmen> coi coi coi coi 13:28 < Ilmen> :p 13:29 < Ilmen> na spaji fa lo nu zo coi me lo cafne traji valsi 13:29 < Ilmen> sezvi pilji valsi zo'o 13:33 < ciuak> ok, I'm out 13:33 < zipcpi> pilji pe'a u'i .i ku'i zo'onai xu nitcu lo valsi be lo si'o me'oi "replicate/multiply/reproduce" 13:34 < Ilmen> sezyfu'i 13:34 < Ilmen> er 13:34 < Ilmen> sezyfukygau 13:36 < zipcpi> I translated "When your livestock multiply" as {va'o lo nu lo cagda'u be do cu ferti se panzi} 13:37 < Ilmen> ciuak: If you want, we can add an English translation to what we say. I just jokingly said that it was no surprise that "coi" is one of the most common words, as it's a self-replicating word :p 13:37 < zipcpi> Also in some other contexts (that do not involve reproduction) I just use {zei'a sormei}. Which is identical in meaning to {memyze'a} I think 13:38 < ciuak> I read something like "It's not a surprise that often quick dictionary". (forget) 13:38 < ciuak> (that's a rubbish translation :) ) 13:39 < zipcpi> ciuak: Then I got a little nitpicky (Lojbanists often are) and noted that the word "multiply" isn't quite used correctly (pe'a indicates metaphorical sense), so then I wanted to know what the correct word would look like :p 13:39 < Ilmen> "quick" is {sutra}, not {traji} :) 13:39 < ciuak> I know, it's 'superlative', but that's what my brain settled on :) 13:39 < Ilmen> zipcpi: actually I wanted to convey that cois don't add up but increase exponentially in number 13:39 < Ilmen> (joke) 13:40 < zipcpi> That's {tenfa} :p 13:40 < Ilmen> je'e je'e 13:40 < ciuak> we'll live in a world overloaded by greetings 13:40 < zipcpi> lo ka tenfa memyze'a 13:42 < zipcpi> {kurtenfa}? Really? What's wrong with {reltenfa} :p 13:43 < ciuak> I personally don't see anything in any of these words... 13:43 < Ilmen> ca lo nu mi viska zo'oi kur ne zo tenfa kei mi pensi zo .krtis. 13:44 < zipcpi> mi ji'a go'i u'i 13:44 < zipcpi> ku'i zo kurtenfa cu se jmina la vonxlu 13:46 < zipcpi> u'i la kurti na zanru 13:46 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/comments.html?valsi=7990;definition=13750 13:48 < zipcpi> doi kurti mu'i ma do na zanru .i finti tezu'e lo nu zuksi'a do .i zo'o 14:29 < ctefaho> coi 14:46 * nuzba @selpahi: Ţkui’al żial in-nelal kʰo. | Random #Ithkuil phrases http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-you-and-i-talked-to-each-other-three-days-ago (gloss + audio) #lojban) [http://bit.ly/1LcAn4Y] 14:51 < zipcpi> coi 14:52 < zipcpi> Uh oh la selpa'i is getting suspicions about Ithkuil scope 14:53 < ctefaho> la selpa'i is into Ithkuil now huh 14:53 < zipcpi> Apparently 14:53 < ctefaho> "Random Phrases: "I like whales very much."" 14:54 * ctefaho shies away from Ithkuil 14:54 <@xalbo> Buncha whale-hugging hippies. 14:54 < ctefaho> it was only really interesting until I got the whole core-case thing 14:55 < ctefaho> LOL 14:55 < ctefaho> "Random Phrases: "There are butterflies in this container." 14:55 < ctefaho> Uq'al vlai'lukta fpçat. 14:55 <@xalbo> In my day, we hunted whales across the whole world and spat our last breath at them, for hate's sake. 14:56 < ctefaho> in case you ever need to make your fellow Ithkuil-ist aware of your container containing butterflies 14:56 < zipcpi> lol I wish someone would translate the "three wishes" in this comic I read (context: the protag gets three wishes from an obviously hostile faerie, and must word them unambiguously. The author just used a "fairy language" that is English chopped up in a blender and diacritics added; but I always thought about what it'd look like in a loglan. It could be Lojban.... but I think Ithkuil looks better as a "fairy language" 14:56 < ctefaho> Ithkuil looks best as a headache language 14:56 < zipcpi> lol 14:57 < ctefaho> I mostly looked at the core cases but by Odin's dick that shit is complex 14:58 < ctefaho> it is FA+BAI+tenses+DOI+possession stuffed together into one 14:58 < ctefaho> +more 14:58 < zipcpi> co'unaijeku'izei'acarvi 14:58 <@xalbo> "<ctefaho> in case you ever need to make your fellow Ithkuil-ist aware of your container containing butterflies" Now I'm reading that as clumsy foreshadowing (https://xkcd.com/1387/) 14:59 <@xalbo> Picturing myself in a situation where I'm trying, desperately, to communicate that I have a container of butterflies to someone who speaks only Ithkuil, and thinking "Why didn't I pay more attention?" 15:00 * ctefaho hopes his plan to create flesh-eating butterflies was discovered 15:00 * ctefaho hopes his plan to create flesh-eating butterflies was not discovered* 15:00 <@xalbo> Make up your mind! 15:00 < ctefaho> what if I wish both! 15:00 < ctefaho> I may have doubts about the whole thing 15:01 < ctefaho> which I have just dubbed Pandora's Box 15:01 <@xalbo> Schrödinger's butterfly, which flaps its wings and both does and does not cause a hurricane pe ba zu vu ku. 15:01 < ctefaho> that too 15:02 < zipcpi> zai'e kalsa 15:02 * ctefaho checks at Ithkuil cases again just so he can be amazed at how insane it is 15:02 <@xalbo> .i mi cliva bilga co'o 15:02 < zipcpi> co'o 15:02 < durka42> co'o 15:02 < ctefaho> co'o 15:03 < ctefaho> an Ithkuil word is a freaking monster 15:03 < ctefaho> and if selpa'i is right, if the scope is a mess, that is pretty bad... 15:04 < zipcpi> Maybe those three wishes should be in Guaspi or Toaq Dzu :p 15:05 < ctefaho> in Ithkuil the fairy will just stare at you confused 15:05 < zipcpi> u'i 15:07 < ctefaho> uinai I made ithkuil quit:( 15:07 < ctefaho> I didn't mean it like that 15:07 < ctefaho> Ithkuil probably has its use too! 15:07 < ctefaho> (at least to give la selpa'i something to bite into;)) 15:09 < ctefaho> this is how you make an Ithkuil verb for anyone interested: http://selpahi.weebly.com/uploads/8/6/0/8/860862/9568599_orig.jpg 15:10 < ctefaho> 13+2 pieces 15:10 < durka42> bleh 15:11 < zipcpi> I hear it's actually not that different from Hebrew or Arabic, but the difference is that those languages already have the vocab and idioms. But being natural languages, they have irregularities too :p 15:11 < durka42> seems a whole lot more complex and packed than those 15:12 < zipcpi> lol perhaps 15:12 < zipcpi> Yeah Ithkuil does have a lot more phonemes 15:12 < ctefaho> it even has a case that, in lojban terms, merges the fa and the fe 15:12 < zipcpi> lol 15:12 < ctefaho> "X mi prami" I love myself 15:13 < b_jonas> fee fie foe 15:13 < zipcpi> In Lojban we have {lo nei} or {vo'a} for when just repeating the sumti is too much work or ambiguous 15:14 < ctefaho> well this kinda consumes the fe in the process 15:14 < durka42> we have su'ai, or is it su'ei or zu'ai 15:14 < Spacenut42> coi 15:14 < ctefaho> so Ithkuil has as many cases as Lojban has case tags + tenses + the five fa + possession 15:14 < durka42> coi la kensa narge 15:14 < ctefaho> but still has verbs/nouns/adjectives 15:15 < durka42> vlaste: su'ai 15:15 < vlaste> su'ai = replaces first two places with one having reciprocal relation between its members 15:15 < Spacenut42> mi na xamgu tavla bau lo jbobau 15:15 < ctefaho> and the Ithkuil cases you put in the verb! 15:15 < zipcpi> durka: {zu'ai} is to make a mass {simxu lo ka ce'u ce'u broda} 15:15 < ctefaho> durka42: ua 15:15 < durka42> right 15:15 < durka42> Spacenut42: do xamgu tavla bau lo jbobau 15:15 < zipcpi> Erm, set rather 15:15 < Spacenut42> .ui 15:16 < ctefaho> well you don't have to speak in lojban 15:17 < Spacenut42> Ah, so cusku 15:18 < ctefaho> so well, if you want a *challenge*, Ithkuil is for you 15:18 < zipcpi> Huh su'ai is in SE 15:18 < zipcpi> And merges fa and fe 15:18 < ctefaho> that...doesn't fit in SE iepei 15:18 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 15:19 < durka42> it does fit in SE 15:19 < zipcpi> Yeah it's kinda... hackish 15:19 < durka42> since it moves places around 15:19 < ctefaho> well 15:19 < durka42> I mean {jai} is in SE 15:19 < ctefaho> in a way yes 15:19 < ctefaho> hmm 15:19 < ctefaho> right 15:19 < durka42> er 15:19 < durka42> jai+BAI is in SE 15:19 < zipcpi> I dunno, I think {zu'ai} gives me less of a headache :p 15:20 < zipcpi> This is beginning to look like {setevexese} 15:20 < durka42> zu'ai is {mi joi do cu prami zu'ai}? 15:20 < zipcpi> jo'u or ce actually 15:20 < zipcpi> Masses means that they are considered a single entity 15:21 < durka42> nah 15:21 < durka42> simxu can pull apart masses 15:21 * ctefaho goes back to his lojban heresy 15:21 < zipcpi> loi xunre ce loi blanu cu damba zu'ai 15:21 * ctefaho or as some may say, "ideolect" 15:21 < zipcpi> ? 15:21 * ctefaho idiolect* 15:22 < zipcpi> I'm not sure simxu should pull apart masses in this case 15:22 < zipcpi> By the way {jo'au} now works like {coi}. So your idiolect would be {jo'au ctefa'o} 15:22 < zipcpi> No more having to add {bu} to everything :p 15:23 < zipcpi> Though you can still add version numbers via {xi} 15:26 < zipcpi> ei mi sipna co'o 15:27 < durka42> co'o 16:01 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: Lojban (pt-br) - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_(pt-br) by Guskant - dragau lo urli [http://bit.ly/1HMgwLh] 16:03 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: Lojban timeline - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_timeline by Guskant - dragau lo urli [http://bit.ly/1HMgPFR] 16:05 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: 学習 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%E5%AD%A6%E7%BF%92 by Guskant - dragau lo urli [http://bit.ly/1HMhgQz] 16:05 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: nuzba/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba/en by Guskant - dragau lo urli [http://bit.ly/1HMhtTG] 20:19 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: corpora - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/corpora by Guskant - Redirected page to [[korpora zei sisku]] [http://bit.ly/1Ga20Yf] 20:19 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: corpus - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/corpus by Guskant - Redirected page to [[korpora zei sisku]] [http://bit.ly/1QA4rye] 20:24 < AndChat|320025> Would "nu xamgu kei" be "good game" 21:10 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: nuzba - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba by Guskant [http://bit.ly/1fdWYnD] 22:59 < gleki> AndChat|320025: {lo xamgu se kelci} = good game 23:10 < gleki> mensi: doi zipcpi you should read haspelmath's paper to understand any/some better 23:10 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.zipcpi.gy. di'a cusku da 23:46 < ctefaho> coi 23:46 < gleki> coi 23:47 < ctefaho> coi la uincu 23:49 < gleki> ma smuni zo uincu 23:50 < ctefaho> simsa zo iancu 23:51 < gleki> en: iancu 23:51 < mensi> iancu = x1 should or ought to do x2 |>>> ahernai --- Day changed Tue Jun 16 2015 00:13 * nuzba @uitki: Corpus - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Corpus by Guskant - Redirected page to [[korpora zei sisku]] [http://bit.ly/1JRprwC] 00:13 * nuzba @uitki: Corpora - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Corpora by Guskant - Redirected page to [[korpora zei sisku]] [http://bit.ly/1JRptV0] 00:37 * nuzba @uitki: Proposal: loi lerfu tcita detri; the final word on the problem of dates and times? - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Proposal:_loi_lerfu_tcita_detri;_the_final_word_on_the_problem_of_dates_and_times%3F by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1JRqKLV] 00:42 < gleki> how do we say "door"? gacri lo vorme? 00:44 <@Broca> vrogai, rather. 00:48 < gleki> a guy from Facebook wants a eng2jbo dictionary. as of now im desperately trying to use GDs (gismu deep structure) i.e. something like Basic English si Lojban. 00:52 <@Broca> I have to commend your zeal, but this really is a lot of effort, especially for one guy. 00:52 < zipcpi> Who are you talking to? 00:52 < mensi> zipcpi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: you should read haspelmath's paper to understand any/some better | 2015-06-16T06:10:03. 00:52 < mensi> 431Z 00:53 < gleki> https://www.facebook.com/groups/lojban/ 00:53 < zipcpi> Which paper is that? 00:53 <@Broca> zipcpi: gleki. 00:53 < gleki> it's one of the latest threads in Facebook 00:54 < gleki> zipcpi: see the thread on "any" in the mriste. there are several links to linguistic papers there 00:54 < zipcpi> Erm, link it to me again? Search chaff... 00:55 < gleki> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/yh8-ChFLanM/discussion 00:55 < zipcpi> ki'e 00:55 < zipcpi> Sometimes though the number of "senses" a word may have only really differs based on how you count them 00:56 < zipcpi> Even Lojban words aren't necessarily defined to have as narrow a meaning as possible 00:56 <@Broca> Quite the opposite; Lojban words are defined to have as broad a meaning as possible. 00:56 < gleki> semantic categorization and perfect normalizations of meanings are impossible to achieve. 00:56 <@Broca> That's what the slashes are for. 00:57 < zipcpi> True 00:57 < zipcpi> And sometimes they end up being weirdly-broad, like {tirxu} and {jukni} for instance :p 00:58 < zipcpi> I also brought up gismu-broadness in my little debate about the utility of {zai'e}/{zi'ai} 00:59 < zipcpi> In that often they are broad enough that you can repurpose them for a technical context, but at the cost of vagueness 01:00 < gleki> jukni and tirzu are not more weird than others from independent point of reference. it's just that they dont match anything familiar to speakers of major languages. and since we arent going to reinvent Analytical Language of J.Wilkins they'd better be forgotten. 01:00 < gleki> *tirxu 01:00 < zipcpi> lol 01:01 < gleki> dont try to narrow meanings but try to narrow their form and border no matter how broad they are 01:02 < gleki> if fuzzy logic then clearly specify its level 01:05 < zipcpi> loi mu prenu ka'e bevri le pipno 01:05 < zipcpi> Yeah still ambiguous as to whether it's a specific five people or a nonspecific five people 01:06 < zipcpi> They also brought up {lo'e} 01:07 < gleki> in prexorlo the were two words for {loi}. 01:07 < gleki> in postxorlo it all got broken 01:08 < zipcpi> {lei mu prenu ka'e bevli le pipno} = "The five people can carry the piano" / "The specific five people can carry the piano" 01:08 < gleki> [3~ and {loi} was its {da} equivalent. 01:08 < zipcpi> {lo'ei* mu prenu ka'e bevri le pipno} = "Generally, five people can carry the piano" 01:08 < zipcpi> But is da specific or non-specific? 01:09 < gleki> le=> zo'e voi 01:09 < gleki> lo=>da poi 01:09 < gleki> lei = le gunma be 01:09 < gleki> loi = lo gunma be 01:09 < zipcpi> So da is non-speciifc? 01:09 < gleki> that's how it was supposed to be 01:09 < zipcpi> Before xorlo 01:09 < gleki> i dont know what you mean by "specific". 01:10 < gleki> that English terminology in CLL has been misused. 01:10 < zipcpi> specific = deictic 01:10 < zipcpi> That I have a particular thing I want to talk about 01:11 < zipcpi> I don't wish to specify it to the smallest detail, where context is already sufficient. That's what deictic means. 01:11 < gleki> it's about zo'e vs. da 01:11 < gleki> there isn't any deictic in CLL 01:11 < zipcpi> So zo'e is deictic 01:11 < gleki> zo'e is constant that one cannot define 01:11 < zipcpi> It doesn't use the word, but I think zo'e is deictic 01:12 < gleki> idk what is deictic. opinions differ 01:12 < zipcpi> "of, relating to, or denoting a word or expression whose meaning is dependent on the context in which it is used, e.g., here, you, me, that one there, or next Tuesday." 01:12 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Deixis 01:13 < gleki> if linguists knew for sure what everything means then knowledge representation languages wouyld have long ago been created and successfully finished. 01:13 < zipcpi> lol 01:14 < gleki> https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Deixis#Anaphoric_reference 01:14 < gleki> wth,. someone should rewrite this section. 01:14 < zipcpi> Funny that lo'ei didn't exist before then. {lo'ei = lo'e gunma be} 01:14 < gleki> otherwise it's just a short copy of "Anaphora" article 01:15 < gleki> zipcpi: for {lo'e} the same duad existed 01:15 < zipcpi> Anaphoric, etc, are subsets of deictic 01:16 < gleki> anaphora seems to be related to discourse then to {da} 01:16 < zipcpi> Deictic is like... specific but unspecified. zi'o steci. Or... itca 01:19 < zipcpi> So zo'e/co'e/xo'e; all deictic. Has a specific meaning in the context, but unspecified by the speaker 01:21 < gleki> maybe them. hard to reconcile. 01:21 < gleki> linguistics invent terms and we have to adapt Lojban to them? It won't be successful necessarily. 01:22 < zipcpi> As far as I know I'm not breaking {le} 01:22 < zipcpi> Just describing how it's already used 01:23 < zipcpi> Or we can go back to not knowing why {le} exists independent of malglikslu translation for "the". Your choice 01:23 < gleki> i dont like these deixises etc. since they dont explain anything in terms of parsing, i.e. formal language 01:24 < zipcpi> The problem is we can't. We can't formalize zo'e/co'e/xo'e either 01:24 < zipcpi> Otherwise we'd have to specify everything to the smallest detail 01:24 < zipcpi> le broda = zo'e poi broda / lo broda poi co'e 01:26 * nuzba @uitki: Обновилась страница Ложбан - наука о сознании – http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BD_-_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BE_%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8 автор — Gleki - /* Ложбан и самогоноварение. */ [http://bit.ly/1BfffuR] 01:27 < zipcpi> Or da poi broda je poi co'e 01:28 < zipcpi> I really wish we could discuss itca with selpahi. He's the one who entered the word; first in Lojban no less 01:32 < dutchie> coi rodo 01:34 < ctefaho> coi la'oi dutchie 01:35 < dutchie> do mo 01:35 < dutchie> .i mi puzi klama lo briju 01:35 < ctefaho> exposing camxes bugs with la gocti ;) 01:43 < zipcpi> Is there a word that specifically means "come here"? 01:43 < zipcpi> {vizykla} is undefined 01:44 < zipcpi> {tifkla} might also be another possibility 01:44 < zipcpi> coi .ilmen. 01:45 < Ilmen> coi 01:45 < ctefaho> la selpa'i proposed giving ko a rafsi 01:45 < zipcpi> Nah that's not the sense I mean 01:45 < zipcpi> I mean something to distinguish "come" from "go" 01:46 < ctefaho> tolklama? :d 01:46 < zipcpi> No, klama is agnostic 01:46 < ctefaho> stuff a zi'o in klama-3 then 01:46 < ctefaho> everyone loves zi'o right 01:47 < zipcpi> zi'o klama zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o 01:48 < zipcpi> zi'o besto zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o faxivomu zi'o 01:48 < Ilmen> <ctefaho> la selpa'i proposed giving ko a rafsi —— where so? 01:48 < ctefaho> "poly-something lojban" 01:48 < ctefaho> lemme find it 01:49 < zipcpi> Well {cliva} specifically means "leave" 01:49 < zipcpi> {nerkla} means enter... but into a place 01:49 < zipcpi> There's no "come here" 01:50 < ctefaho> seems like he removed it 01:50 < ctefaho> it seems he has for some reason purged several of his blog entries 01:52 < zipcpi> Maybe you have to look in the archive 01:52 < ctefaho> I did 01:52 < ctefaho> it is removed 01:52 < zipcpi> Right 01:52 < ctefaho> he forgot to remove the category though;) 01:52 < ctefaho> http://selpahi.weebly.com/archive-pre-2014/category/polysynthetic%20lojban 01:53 < ctefaho> he also removed all denpa bu articles 01:53 < ctefaho> wtf 01:53 < ctefaho> perhaps they just got lost somehow 01:55 < ctefaho> I think it was "koz" for ko though 01:55 < ctefaho> faf for fa, etc 01:55 < Ilmen> je'e la ctefa'o 01:56 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/tsuku 01:56 < Ilmen> "come to..." is more "tolcliva" 01:56 < zipcpi> Yeah... 01:56 < zipcpi> And tsuku is an experimental gismu synonym 01:56 < zipcpi> Or darca is your variant 01:57 < Ilmen> Actually I added two variants, "darca" and "dardi" .u'i 01:58 < zipcpi> darca seems the most upvoted 01:58 < Ilmen> I mistranscripted the pronunciation of the Bengali source word for "darca"; however "darca" has already seen some uses 01:58 < zipcpi> Ah well 01:58 < zipcpi> gismu vs gicmu 01:59 < zipcpi> gerku vs gorku 01:59 < Ilmen> Exactly :) 01:59 < demize> The Lojban is a lie 01:59 < Ilmen> "dardi" was technically the right gismu I think, but that's nitpicking 01:59 < Ilmen> So use what sounds best to you 02:01 < Ilmen> At any rate, even "tolcliva" sounds better than the canonical lujvo {tolyli'a} 02:01 < zipcpi> lol yeah 02:02 < zipcpi> I think it's just nicer to be able to say {la .ilmen. cu darca}, rather than tolcliva, or klama ti 02:09 < zipcpi> Crazy idea: {zu'u} is on one hand, {zu'unai} is on the other hand. We just defined {zu'ucu'i} to be "on the gripping/third hands". If we need even more "hands" pe'a, perhaps we could use {zu'u mau'i} :p 02:10 < zipcpi> Of course at that point it might be better to just use {mai} instead 02:11 < Ilmen> pa mai, re mai, ci mai..; is an option too 02:11 < Ilmen> ie 02:17 < zipcpi> The Chinese in Lojban-verse must've gone through a weird sound shift where all o -> e 02:21 < zipcpi> Actually... hm 02:21 < zipcpi> What is the word for pixel? 02:21 < zipcpi> We might make one for voxel 02:22 < zipcpi> Then voxel + bliku would be a sufficient description for Minecraft blocks 02:22 < zipcpi> pe'i 02:23 < zipcpi> pixel = vidnysle 02:23 < zipcpi> Or it could just be slebli 02:24 < zipcpi> The "cellblock" back-calque is somewhat undesirable though, but meh :p 02:26 < zipcpi> calsle 02:26 < zipcpi> calslebli 02:31 < gleki> {tsuku} is "to arrive at" 02:32 < zipcpi> {fi'u re} is automatically {pa fi'u re} 02:32 < zipcpi> What about {pa fi'u}? 02:32 < zipcpi> I actually think it should be {pa fi'u xo'e} 02:33 < zipcpi> That way it's usable for {va'e} for things where there is a gradation of scale that is described with a particular number 02:34 < zipcpi> Or just "one part" 02:35 < zipcpi> Again, {xo'e} is probably the most useful cmavo that I want to avoid using :p 02:37 < zipcpi> Anyway, back to pe'o 02:37 < zipcpi> And {li'ei} 02:37 < zipcpi> We could formalize {li'ei} 02:37 < zipcpi> In terms of {li/me'o} + {pe'o} + {joi'i}; and also auto-{pe'o} on all subsequent VUhU 02:38 < zipcpi> li'ei cy su'i su'i = me'o pe'ojoi'i cy pe'osu'i pe'osu'i 02:38 < zipcpi> exp: me'o pe'ojoi'i cy pe'osu'i pe'osu'i 02:38 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "e" found. 02:38 < zipcpi> Oh crap 02:38 < zipcpi> me'o pe'ojoi'i cy pe'osu'i pe'osu'i nu'o nu'o nu'o 02:39 < zipcpi> Oops 02:39 < zipcpi> exp: me'o pe'ojoi'i cy pe'osu'i pe'osu'i nu'oboi nu'oboi nu'o 02:39 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 02:39 < zipcpi> ... I don't know how mekso work li'a 02:39 < zipcpi> Which is probably why we need li'ei 02:40 < zipcpi> With or without xornunsep, because who has the time to deal with VUhU grammar when dealing with arbitrary character strings 02:41 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Polish_notation 02:42 < zipcpi> Leave {me'o} for actual mekso 02:44 < gleki> en: va'ei 02:44 < mensi> va'ei = [ROI] converts number to scalar tag; specifies the value on fuzzy logic scale; to the degree (n) on scale ... 02:44 < mensi> |>>> gleki 02:44 < zipcpi> Hmm... yeah I've seen that 02:44 < zipcpi> Maybe that'd be better for the use-case I was thinking of 02:44 < zipcpi> Specifically, in games, where you can have a specific number of {lo ni malmi'o} 02:45 < gleki> probably turning va'e into ROI would be unnoticeable for usage 02:46 < zipcpi> do panofi'u va'ei malmi'o = "Your Notoriety is 10." 02:46 < zipcpi> Or something 02:47 < zipcpi> Not even sure the fi'u is needed 02:47 < gleki> pi 02:47 < zipcpi> pi doesn't work here because the scale is out of a certain number 02:48 < zipcpi> Or may not even have a limit 02:48 < gleki> we still kac a tag for "to the degree of" 02:48 < gleki> we still lack a tag for "to the degree of" 02:48 < zipcpi> Right 02:48 < gleki> {ji'e} specifies the limit but not the actual value 02:49 < zipcpi> "Your Strength is 18" = do pabi *vai'e? tsali 02:49 < zipcpi> tsali might need to be qualified; doesn't just refer to physical strength 02:50 < zipcpi> Actually just {va'e} might do 02:50 < zipcpi> {va'ei} is reserved for the fuzzy logic concept of a truth value between 0-1 02:51 < zipcpi> Similar to {jei}, but with a different grammar 02:51 < zipcpi> va'e seems to be defined in terms of {moi} 02:52 < zipcpi> So yeah I think {do pabi va'e tsali} is adequate for "Your Strength is 18" 02:52 < gleki> va'e is in MOI 02:52 < gleki> pabiva'e tsali is a tanru 02:52 < zipcpi> Yeah... that is a bit less convenient 02:53 < zipcpi> Technically it's pabiva'e be *the game system* 02:54 < zipcpi> Essentially we need a ROI that's {fi'o PA va'e} :p 02:55 < gleki> it's va'ei 02:55 < gleki> same for si'e 02:55 < zipcpi> Then is 18 an acceptable value for va'ei? 02:56 < zipcpi> "His power is over 9000!" 02:57 < gleki> you didnt specify the scale 02:57 < zipcpi> Maybe it's time to make {pi mu} different from {nopimu} 02:57 < zipcpi> Exactly 02:57 < gleki> it's gradu 02:57 < gleki> and fi'o gradu is needed 02:58 < zipcpi> Because right now there seems to be confusion as to what {pimu ko'a} is 02:58 < zipcpi> Is it half of the group/set assigned to ko'a 02:58 < zipcpi> Or half a ko'a? 02:58 < zipcpi> ... doesn't fix {fi'u} though x.x 02:59 < zipcpi> So forget my nopimu idea... new plan 02:59 < zipcpi> {lu'o} 03:00 < zipcpi> {lu'o} to bind them, {lu'a} to split them apart 03:01 < zipcpi> {lu'a pimu lu'o ko'a} = Half of those in ko'a, considered individually 03:02 < zipcpi> Something like {lo me pimu me loi ko'a} perhaps 03:03 < zipcpi> {lo me pimu loi ko'a} 03:03 < zipcpi> Maybe that's better. Hardly anyone remembers {lu'a} and {lu'o} 03:04 < zipcpi> Not sure me breaks up masses though 03:08 < zipcpi> Yeah you might be right about {va'ei}. Even 0-1 "fuzzy logic" has a scale 03:08 < zipcpi> A washing machine that relies on being able to recognize a 0.5 "truth value" for "hot", still has to have the scale defined in a semi-arbitrary manner 03:09 < zipcpi> So doesn't matter if the scale is 0-1, or 0-ci'i 03:09 < zipcpi> Or ni'uci'i - ci'i even 03:11 * nuzba @uitki: zipcpi: Yet another gadri article - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article by Spheniscine - /* mo'oi / moi'oi */ [http://bit.ly/1feiBV4] 03:12 < zipcpi> Heck, you can even throw in {ka'o} if it has meaning on that scale :p 03:17 < zipcpi> Where is guskant's zantufa again; I want to test it's pe'o system 03:17 < zipcpi> Hmm... 03:21 < zipcpi> I'm kinda suprised Curtis hasn't added variants of {ka'o} for quarternions and octonions yet 03:25 < phma> I'd just say {pa ka'o re ka'o ci ka'o vo} for quaternions, and I've never tried to understand octonions. 03:25 < zipcpi> u'i 03:26 < zipcpi> I never tried to understand quarternions x.x 03:26 < zipcpi> But I hear it has relevance in some 3d-modeling programs 03:29 < zipcpi> So in zantufa {li joi'i cy su'i su'i} is ungrammatical, but {li joi'i cy su'i su'i pa} is 03:29 < phma> A rotation of 3-space corresponds to a unit quaternion. An orientation corresponds to two unit quaternions; a 360° turn is (-1,0,0,0). 03:32 < zipcpi> It's just I'm really debating whether VUhU deserves to be in arbitrary character strings; on one hand it's convenient especially if pi'e is moved to VUhU 03:32 < zipcpi> So that you can represent weird ISO character strings like ---25T23:50 03:33 < zipcpi> On the other hand, joi'i is in VUhU 03:33 < zipcpi> And also there's that VUhU-JOI merge proposal, which I don't know the status of 04:09 * nuzba @uitki: L17-04 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1JV4ZJq] 05:34 < zipcpi> On "general you" problem: I have half a mind to assign a new cmavo just to test it out. It's been noted that {da} has scope issues and doesn't stay assigned from one sentence to the next without logical connectives 05:35 < zipcpi> I don't know though. Do any natural languages avoid use of "general you", or have any other solutions for them? 05:36 < zipcpi> My initial thought is to base it off my chosen metaphore for {lo'e} 05:36 < zipcpi> So {*do'ei} = {lo'e prenu}, roughly 05:37 < zipcpi> There is only one "general you" in the universe. (He gets a lot of crap :p) 05:39 < zipcpi> I do have a sneakish suspicion that one of Curtis' zmico actually means "general you", but hidden behind the jargon 05:39 < gleki> not da but zo'e 05:40 < zipcpi> zo'e is even worse; zo'e does not stay assigned within the same sentence :p 05:42 < gleki> use GOhA 05:42 < zipcpi> Why GOhA? KOhA is much more convenient 05:42 < zipcpi> Doesn't need a gadri 05:43 < gleki> i dont think {da} can work for general you 05:43 < zipcpi> Yeah as I pointed out... it does have some problems... 05:45 < gleki> just {lo} + optionally {da'i} at top level can do the trick 05:45 < zipcpi> lo what? 05:46 < zipcpi> You must put something in there 05:48 < zipcpi> Quoth Dictionary.com 05:48 < zipcpi> one; anyone; people in general: 05:48 < zipcpi> a tiny animal you can't even see. 05:50 < zipcpi> {lo prenu}? Which then in context resolves to {lo'e prenu}? 05:52 < zipcpi> And for "one" 05:52 < zipcpi> any person indefinitely; anyone: 05:52 < zipcpi> as good as one would desire. 05:53 < gleki> no necessarily prenu 05:53 < gleki> not necessarily prenu 05:53 < zipcpi> Perhaps 05:53 < zipcpi> http://forum.wordreference.com/threads/on-and-the-general-you.301816/ 05:53 < gleki> just {lo broda}. whatever fits the description 05:53 < zipcpi> Yeah that's why I want a KOhA 05:55 < zipcpi> http://www.larousse.com/en/dictionaries/french-english/on/553284 05:57 < zipcpi> I'm not sure when general-you doesn't refer to a prenu though 05:57 < Ilmen> Yeah, in French we use "on", in German "man", and in Esperanto "oni" 05:57 < zipcpi> Which is a bit like English "one", right? 05:57 < Ilmen> Yeah 05:58 < zipcpi> As I brought up in the mriste, it's a lost art. It's too bad it has some mabla associations with snobby high-class people... 05:59 < zipcpi> "One shouldn't want to patronize such an establishment, you know. Tut tut" 06:01 < zipcpi> http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/german-english/man?showCookiePolicy=true 06:03 < zipcpi> Hm can't find many resources on the general-you 06:06 < zipcpi> Oh found it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_you 06:06 < zipcpi> Hm rather short article 06:08 < zipcpi> But yeah all those languages have something in common; they use a cmavo for it 06:08 < zipcpi> Not {lo prenu}, {lo broda} or whatever 06:09 < zipcpi> It's just too convenient. 06:09 < zipcpi> How do I search sutysisku for all KOhA? 06:10 < dutchie> just put KOhA in 06:10 < dutchie> oh, i suppose that doesn't show you KOhAn 06:10 < zipcpi> Yes 06:11 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/da'au Hahaha 06:11 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/kau'a 06:11 < zipcpi> "elephant thing"? What metaphor is that from? 06:12 < zipcpi> "elephant memory" la'a 06:12 < dutchie> "User beware: usage is tricky." 06:12 < zipcpi> Though I don't know who uses that term 06:12 < ctefaho> mensi: ko 06:12 < mensi> xu do so'i va'e cinmo fi lo nu casnu lo simsa 06:12 < ctefaho> uinai 06:13 < zipcpi> lol Good find, dutchie :p 06:13 < zipcpi> When a cmavo comes with a warning label... lol 06:14 * ctefaho discovers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_usage_controversies from zipcpi's link 06:14 < dutchie> u'i 06:14 < ctefaho> valsi aigne 06:14 < valsi> aigne = x1 is an eigenvalue (or zero) of linear transformation/square matrix x2, associated with/'owning' all vectors in generalized eigenspace x3 (implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy; default includes the zero vector) with 'eigenspace-generalization' power/exponent x4 (typically and probably by cultural default will be 1), with algebraic multiplicity (of 06:14 < valsi> eigenvalue) x5 06:14 < zipcpi> Yes... apparently some people really hate general you 06:15 < zipcpi> And I can somewhat understand the sentiment. As I've said many times, I've accidentally insulted people with it quite often :p 06:15 < gocti> valsi aigne (notes) 06:15 < valsi> aigne (notes) = For any eigenvector v in generalized eigenspace x3 of linear transformation x2 for eigenvalue x1, where I is the identity matrix/transformation that works/makes sense in the context, the following equation is satisfied: (((x2)-(x1)I)(x4))v = 0.; When the argument of x4 is 1, the generalized eigenspace x3 is simply a strict/simple/basic eigenspace; this is 06:15 < valsi> the typical (and probable cultural default) meaning of this word. x4 will typically be restricted to integer values k > 0. x2 should always be specified (at least implicitly by context), for an eigenvalue does not mean much without the linear transformation being known. However, since one usually knows the said linear transformation, and since the basic underlying 06:15 < valsi> relationship of this word is "eigen-ness", the eigenvalue is given the primary terbri (x1). When filling x3 and/or x4, x2 and x1 (in that order of importance) should already be (at least contextually implicitly) specified. x3 is the set of all eigenvectors of linear transformation x2, endowed with all of the typical operations of the vector space at hand. The default 06:15 < valsi> includes the zero vector (else the x3 eigenspace is not actually a vector space); normally in the context of mathematics, the zero vector is not considered to be an eigenvector, but by this definition it is included. Thus, a Lojban mathematician would consider the zero vector to be an (automatic) eigenvector of the given (in fact, any) linear transformation 06:15 < valsi> (particularly ones represented by a square matrix in a given basis). This is the logically most basic definition, but is contrary to typical mathematical culture.; This word implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy of eigenspace x3.; In other words there may or may not be more than one linearly independent vector in the eigenspace x3 for a given eigenvalue x1 of 06:15 < valsi> linear transformation x2. x3 is the unique generalized eigenspace of x2 for given values of x1 and x4. x1 is not necessarily the unique eigenvalue of linear transformation x2, nor is its multiplicity necessarily 1 for the same. Beware when converting the terbri structure of this word. In fact, the set of all eigenvalues for a given linear transformation x2 will include 06:15 < valsi> scalar zero (0); therefore, any linear transformation with a nontrivial set of eigenvalues will have at least two eigenvalues that may fill in terbri x1 of this word. The 'eigenvalue' of zero for a proper/nice linear transformation will produce an 'eigenspace' that is equivalent to the entire vector space at hand. If x3 is specified by a set of vectors, the span of that 06:15 < valsi> set should fully yield the entire eigenspace of the linear transformation x2 associated with eigenvalue x1, however the set may be redundant (linearly dependent); the zero vector is automatically included in any vector space. A multidimensional eigenspace (that is to say a vector space of eigenvectors with dimension strictly greater than 1) for fixed eigenvalue and 06:15 < valsi> linear transformation (and generalization exponent) is degenerate by definition. The algebraic multiplicity x5 of the eigenvalue does not entail degeneracy (of eigenspace) if greater than 1; it is the integer number of occurrences of a given eigenvalue x1 in the multiset of eigenvalues (spectrum) of the given linear transformation/square matrix x2. In other words, the 06:15 < valsi> characteristic polynomial can be factored into linear polynomial primes (with root x1) which are exponentiated to the power x5 (the multiplicity; notably, not x4). For x4 > x5, the eigenspace is trivial. x2 may not be diagonalizable. The scalar zero (0) is a naturally permissible argument of x1 (unlike some cultural mathematical definitions in English). Eigenspaces 06:15 < valsi> retain the operations and properties endowing the vectorspaces to which they belong (as subspaces). Thus, an eigenspace is more than a set of objects: it is a set of vectors such that that set is endowed with vectorspace operators and properties. Thus {klesi} alone is insufficient. But the set underlying eigenspace x3 is a type of {klesi}, with the property of being 06:15 < valsi> closed under linear transformation x2 (up to scalar multiplication). The vector space and basis being used are not specified by this word. Use this word as a seltau in constructions such as "eigenket", "eigenstate", etc. (In such cases, {te aigne} is recommended for the typical English usages of such terms. Use {zei} in lujvo formed by these constructs. The term 06:15 < dutchie> oiru'e 06:15 < zipcpi> oi 06:16 < ctefaho> aaand it didn't even finish 06:16 * gocti to'o lo fagri cu bajra 06:17 < ctefaho> xu mi aigne do 06:18 < gleki> mensi cuts at 200 symnbols i think 06:18 < ctefaho> so...how many times has this word been used? 06:19 < gleki> mostly ... when looking up what it means 06:19 < ctefaho> .u'i 06:23 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/do'ei 06:43 < zipcpi> do'ei djuno lodu'u do'ei jbopre kei .ijanai do'ei casnu lo du'u xukau zo do'ei cu jai sarcu kei ze'usai 06:47 < gleki> you mean the value of do'ei is copied without explicit declarations? 06:47 < zipcpi> There is only one do'ei in the world 06:49 < zipcpi> It's similar to {lo'e}. If {mi nelci lo'e draci}, and you say {mi ji'a nelci lo'e draci}, both {lo'e draci} refer to the same generalized, virtual, entity, that represents all plays 06:49 < zipcpi> Or Mr Draci 06:49 < zipcpi> So then this is Mr Do'ei 06:50 < gleki> do'ei xi re might be useful sometimes 06:50 < zipcpi> Hm 06:50 < zipcpi> By then you might be using da and de 06:50 < gleki> no 06:51 < zipcpi> What about kau'a? Just be sure to clean up after yourself with {da'o} :p 06:51 < gleki> two constants might be necessary to be used at the same time 06:52 < zipcpi> Hmm... some example? (Yeah I know I'm not too good at coming up with examples myself) 06:52 < zipcpi> "If you ask somebody why they are tired"... something like that? 06:52 < gleki> ie 06:53 < zipcpi> Hmm... 06:53 < zipcpi> doi'a is taken 06:53 < gleki> the whole idea of general you is malgli 06:54 < zipcpi> It might be but as Ilmen noted other languages have ways too 06:54 < zipcpi> Typically roughly based on "one" 06:55 < zipcpi> If we want more than one it might be worth assigning an {a-e-i} group 06:55 < zipcpi> dau'a is taken... 06:55 < zipcpi> dai'i is taken... 06:56 < gleki> just {goi ko'V} can be a solution 06:56 < zipcpi> dei'a and dei'i is taken 06:56 < zipcpi> lo'e prenu goi ko'a? 06:56 < zipcpi> Or lo xe'e prenu goi ko'a? 06:57 < zipcpi> Hm 06:57 < gleki> {lo prenu goi ko'a} 06:57 < zipcpi> Well {lo} resolves in context to one of those 06:58 < zipcpi> But impersonal pronouns are useful enough that they should have default KOhA, IMO 07:00 * nuzba @albertcardona: @katejjeffery Academics to use the syntactically unambiguous human language Lojban for the lectures henceforth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lojban [http://bit.ly/1FkA6I2] 07:00 * nuzba @albertcardona: @katejjeffery Academics to use the syntactically unambiguous human language Lojban for their lectures henceforth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lojban [http://bit.ly/1HOQp6f] 07:00 < zipcpi> {bo'a} {bo'e} {bo'i} then. *shot* 07:01 < gleki> have we really imporved the wikipedia article on Lojban? Please check if you dont like anything 07:02 < zipcpi> Or do we really want to save all five? 07:03 < zipcpi> Part of the problem would be their scope is a bit undefined isn't it? 07:03 < zipcpi> zoi'a zoi'e zoi'i? 07:04 < zipcpi> ganai zoi'a jbopre li'o 07:05 < zipcpi> ganai zoi'a retsku zoi'e 07:05 < zipcpi> Hmm, sounds like Alice, Bob, and Charlie :p 07:05 < zipcpi> If you are familiar with that reference 07:06 < zipcpi> Actually maybe we should assign all the bo'V lol 07:06 < Ilmen> en: zu'i 07:06 < mensi> zu'i = [KOhA7] pro-sumti: the typical sumti value for this place in this relationship; affects truth value. |>>> 07:06 < mensi> officialdata 07:06 < zipcpi> Yeah I know about zu'i 07:06 < zipcpi> But zu'i is like zo'e; unstickable 07:07 < Ilmen> then, poi'i 07:07 < zipcpi> That's taken 07:07 < zipcpi> And is quite popular too 07:07 < Ilmen> No, I mean 07:08 < Ilmen> {(zo'e/zu'i/lo'eprenu) poi'i ke'a... 07:08 < Ilmen> } 07:08 < zipcpi> lo poi'i ke'a djuno ke'a jbopre cu poi'i li'o? 07:08 < zipcpi> Er 07:08 < Ilmen> then ke'a always keeps the same referent 07:08 < zipcpi> ke'a djuno lo du'u ke'a jbopre 07:09 < zipcpi> zo'e poi'i ke'a djuno lo du'u ke'a jbopre ju'ei janai ke'a casnu lo du'u xukau zo do'ei cu jai sarcu ze'usai ? 07:10 < zipcpi> Hmm... would get ugly if you need more than one though 07:12 < Ilmen> there's goi too 07:13 < zipcpi> Part of the appeal of general you / on / man / whatever though is that you can just pull them out of the aether 07:13 < zipcpi> Hi Durka42. We're discussing generic-you lol 07:14 < durka42> coi 07:14 < zipcpi> I first tried to assign {do'ei} to it, but then Gleki said we might need more than one of them 07:15 < zipcpi> "When one asks someone else"... etc... though I don't know how to continue that sentence 07:15 < zipcpi> It would probably crash and burn horribly in English :p 07:16 < gleki> La Bangu Dictionary became so slow that I'm splitting it now into two files 07:16 < zipcpi> I'm thinking it might be a bit like Alice and Bob at this point lol 07:16 < durka42> la samyuan xi xo'e zo'o 07:16 < zipcpi> u'i 07:16 < gleki> the source and the printable versions 07:16 < durka42> zo'onai you can just use unassigned pronouns a'y and by, i.e. Alice and Bob 07:17 < zipcpi> Yes, but that might cause confusion if there is something that a'y or by might possibly refer to 07:18 < durka42> I guess if you're really worried about that you can assign them to {tolly'itca} in a prenex 07:18 < zipcpi> u'i 07:18 < durka42> re toly'itca goi abu fa'u by zo'u ca lo nu abu foncpe by ... 07:19 < durka42> zo'onai 07:19 < durka42> this is why predicates are more useful than cmavo 07:19 < durka42> because you can construct as many anaphora as you want if you have a good predicate for them to satisfy 07:20 < zipcpi> Hm... 07:20 < zipcpi> That would probably be great for real "Alice and Bob" contexts 07:20 < durka42> (not sure if that {fa'u} trick that I just pulled actually works) 07:20 < durka42> (but you got what I meant) 07:21 < zipcpi> But part of the appeal of the "generic you" (or in other languages that avoid overloading the second-person-pronoun with it, like French on, German man), is that you can just pull them out of the aether 07:22 < zipcpi> So I think there should be at least *one* KOhA for it 07:22 < durka42> maybe 07:22 < durka42> you could subscript it 07:25 < zipcpi> I think {goi} works when you need more than one actor. Or the prenex version 07:25 < zipcpi> It's the "generic do" that needs to die :p 07:25 < durka42> yeah {do} should always mean the audience 07:25 < zipcpi> So yeah I'm sticking with {do'ei} for now 07:26 < Ilmen> Well, the general "you" probably works in Lojban too provided there's an explicit conditional (e.g. {lo nu do mlatu da'i cu banzu lo nu do ka'e manku viska} etc) 07:27 < zipcpi> Yes, I don't mind the da'i case that much 07:27 < zipcpi> But sometimes general-you isn't wrapped in a da'i 07:27 < zipcpi> From stackexchange: "Does he use workout machines that tone your ass?" 07:28 < zipcpi> Though that pronoun can probably be dropped altogether in Lojban 07:29 < ctefaho> we surely need a "generic ass" do we not 07:29 < zipcpi> That's {lo'e} :p 07:29 < ctefaho> I mean a dedicated cmavo 07:29 < zipcpi> u'i 07:29 < ctefaho> for workout-machine questions 07:30 < zipcpi> We refer to "generic person" much more than anything else 07:30 < ctefaho> give zo'e a rafsi? 07:31 < zipcpi> lo'e has {lom} 07:31 < ctefaho> zo'e not lo'e 07:31 < Ilmen> It seems in Japanese the slot of the general you is just left empty 07:31 < ctefaho> zo'e doesn't seem to be assigned rafsi wise 07:32 < ctefaho> the rafsi zo'e* 07:32 < ctefaho> zo'epre 07:32 < Ilmen> Just use co'e 07:32 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Yeah I agree that Lojban allows you to drop pronouns more readily than English. But how do they translate "You know you're a Lojbanist if..." 07:32 < Ilmen> ctefaho: there isn't much difference between zo'e and lo co'e 07:32 < ctefaho> hmm yeah I realised 07:32 < Ilmen> I'd say there's no difference at all 07:32 < ctefaho> co'epre then 07:33 < durka42> bomcomnompre 07:33 < ctefaho> compre 07:33 < ctefaho> compreco'e 07:33 < gocti> This seems like a good use for jalge/rinka/... taking ka 07:34 < gocti> lo ka voi ki djuno lo du ki jbopre cu jalge lo ka ... 07:35 < Ilmen> Interesting idea 07:35 < zipcpi> u'i la .cekitaujaus. ca jarco lo ri jetnu terpli 07:36 < zipcpi> CKTJ voi = poi'i btw 07:40 * nuzba @tampoktsu: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lojban/Attitudinals 邏輯語很多擬態詞,應該可以方便讓女性表達纖細情感? [http://bit.ly/1CbibUa] 07:41 < Ilmen> ua jugbau 07:41 < zipcpi> lo mi irci samtci na jarco lo jugbau lerfu i'au uinai 07:42 < Ilmen> la'a tsaipfeise se krinu 07:43 < zipcpi> ca co'e la .konsolas. 07:43 < Ilmen> ŭa 07:43 < zipcpi> de'a jundi .i mi citka 07:44 < Ilmen> di'ai pu'o se kukte .a'o 07:44 < gleki> we need to update those wikibooks tutorials 07:45 < gleki> they may come earlier than CLL 2.0 07:51 < zipcpi> u'i 07:53 < zipcpi> gleki: Oh if you're asking about the Wikipedia article on Lojban, my crazy opinion is to remove [e] as a possible realization of {e} :p 07:53 < zipcpi> die die die die die die 07:54 < gleki> zipcpi: where? 07:54 < zipcpi> "Phonology and orthography" 07:54 < durka42> agreed, it's [ɛ] 07:55 < gleki> okay change 07:55 < zipcpi> Hmm should I log in first 07:55 < gleki> wait it's in CLL 07:55 < zipcpi> Probably won't look good for an anonymous editor to make such a change 07:55 < Ilmen> Well, I do pronounce it as [e̝] 07:55 < zipcpi> Yes it is x.x 07:56 < zipcpi> My worry is that it's a bit too close to {ei} 07:56 < Ilmen> er, [e̞], I meant 07:57 < zipcpi> Yes, [e̞] does sometimes sound like {ei} 07:57 < Ilmen> So halfway between [e] and [ɛ] 07:57 < zipcpi> Hm 07:57 < zipcpi> Well that is that co'e pebu'u la jbogu'e 07:58 < gleki> na gendra 07:58 < zipcpi> u'i 07:58 < zipcpi> that -> {le} :p 07:59 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA_vowel_chart_with_audio 07:59 < zipcpi> Yeah they have something between [e] and [ɛ] 08:00 < zipcpi> Which isn't too problematic 08:01 < tsani> coi ro do 08:01 < zipcpi> coi 08:03 < gocti> coi 08:04 < niftg> coi 08:05 < tsani> .i ma nuzba lo jbogu'e 08:05 < gocti> tsani: xu do morji lo du'u ma kau krinu lo nu lu «be broda» li'u gendra kei kei ja lo du'u ma kau selbri gi'e jai jalge lo nu pilno ri 08:05 < tsani> gocti: .i se pilno da'i fi tu'a lu lo be mi pendo li'u mu'a 08:06 < gocti> (to sa'e mi kucli tu'a lo be-zei-stura poi kunti toi) 08:07 < gocti> {be broda} => {kai'u ce'u broda fi ce'u li'o} ji {broda} 08:08 < niftg> ki'u tu'a zo bei zifre mleca tu'a zo fa mu'a vau ju'ocu'i 08:09 < zipcpi> k: zulkli'iki 08:09 < mensi> (CU [Z:zulkli'iki VAU]) 08:10 < zipcpi> ue ki'u ma zo pritu na se rafsi 08:10 < gocti> k: pritkli'iki 08:10 < mensi> (CU [Z:pritkli'iki VAU]) 08:10 < gocti> na nabmi 08:10 < niftg> te jinga fi lo drata gismu 08:10 < gocti> rafsi: pit 08:10 < mensi> zo plita se rafsi zo'oi pit 08:11 < durka42> zo zunle ja'a se rafsi .i zunle xance plimau ke turni prekle 08:11 < zipcpi> lo'e muslo cu krici lo du'u lo zunle cu mabla 08:12 < niftg> ro lo prityxa'epre cu se catra ba'o vau da'i 08:13 < gocti> lo jbobau cu jai rinka lo nu sruma lo simsa be la'e di'u 08:13 < gocti> zo .zul. zo zu'u 08:13 < niftg> puzi nitcu lo logji sumtcita 08:13 < zipcpi> But actually now I think about it I don't know if I want zulkli'iki and pritkli'iki to refer to "left click" and "right click" 08:14 < zipcpi> Because some people actually reverse the buttons 08:14 < zipcpi> Typically left-handers who use a mouse on their left hand 08:14 < zipcpi> Though many left-handers just learn to use the mouse with the right hand 08:15 < zipcpi> ralkli'iki? 08:15 < niftg> nu kli'iki sepi'o lo degji poi traji jibni lo tamji 08:15 < zipcpi> u'i 08:16 < niftg> lo cimoi batke ku ji'a zasti vau la'a 08:16 < zipcpi> Yes 08:17 < zipcpi> mijykli'iki 08:17 < zipcpi> la .uuzit. ba na nelci i'au la'a 08:17 < mensi> i ji'a mi na nelci mi'e la mensi 08:17 < gocti> .ei da valsi lo me lu to'e ralju moi gi'e tormau 08:18 < zipcpi> malkli'iki zo'o 08:18 < gocti> .i ja co'e lu na'e ralju li'u .i mi na djuno 08:19 < gocti> zankli'iki == zulkli'iki, malkli'iki == pritkli'iki 08:19 < gocti> .i .ei gasnu lo fatne be lo fadni 08:19 < zipcpi> u'i 08:19 < niftg> lo si'o lo zunle cu mabla cu ranji 08:20 < niftg> za'o akti 08:20 < gocti> ku'i .ei na bi'ai stali lo ka go'i 08:20 < niftg> .u'u fatne 08:20 < niftg> natfe 08:21 < niftg> lu lo pritu cu mabla li'u drani tu'a da'u 08:22 < gocti> ua zo da'u .i pa re'u ku mi ganse su'o nu pilno ri 08:23 < niftg> .u'u si'au mi ze'u fatne morji tu'a zo fatne jo'u zo natfe 08:24 < gocti> mi zo'u ro roi tolmo'i tu'a zo tisna jo'u zo tinsa 08:24 < niftg> zo do'i mu'a cu zmadu misno vau xu 08:24 < gocti> go'i milxe si'au 08:25 < niftg> zo tsani zo tsina zo tisna zo tinsa 08:26 < zipcpi> ji'a nitcu lo valsi be lo si'o la'ozoi <click-and-drag> zoi 08:27 < gocti> klikidraga si ju'i nai 08:27 < niftg> mi fi zo da'u cu zenba cilre ca lo nu sanji lo nu la bripre .a la guskant cu pilno dy vauvauvauba'anai 08:28 < gocti> la'a zo'u .ei mi xoi krefu cu kinzga la bripre jikca 08:28 < zipcpi> lo'u vau vau vau vau vau vau vau vau vau vau vau vau vau 08:28 < zipcpi> le'u 08:29 < niftg> .i'a so'omei krefu tu'a zo vau 08:29 < niftg> lo'u kuku vauvau le'u .u'i ba'anai 08:30 < zipcpi> zai'e lacpu 08:31 < gocti> ma zai'ervanbi 08:31 < zipcpi> skami zai'e lacpu 08:31 < gocti> ua 08:31 < niftg> lacpu lo pixra be lo proga 08:33 < zipcpi> "click, drag, and drop" 08:33 < niftg> so'ida ka'e se lacpu pe'a sei me'oi jargon 08:34 < niftg> satre ca lo nu ca'o danre 08:34 < zipcpi> ie .i pe'i lo skami cu fadni co dukse fi lo nu pilno zo zai'e 08:35 < niftg> lo skami co'e zo'u zo zai'e zo pe'a cu simsa vau ba'a 08:36 < zipcpi> zai'e smacu mu'a .i ca se valsi zo pevysmacu 08:36 < niftg> jargono metfora 08:37 < niftg> .u'i zo jargone cu jbovlastevla 08:37 < zipcpi> exp: sma'acu 08:37 < mensi> (CU [sma'acu VAU]) 08:37 < zipcpi> ku'i zo la'acpu na zi'evla 08:40 < zipcpi> simsa lo mejbau tu'a lo nu zo'oi <tikus> valsi be lo si'o smacu bei my ju'ei zo'oi <tetikus> valsi be lo si'o pevysmacu bei my 08:40 < niftg> lo ka'e valsi pevystedu cu nenri 08:42 < zipcpi> k: la'apcu 08:42 < mensi> (CU [Z:la'apcu VAU]) 08:43 < zipcpi> mi na birti 08:43 < gocti> lo nu da valsi cu xagmau lo nu no da valsi 08:44 < zipcpi> k: kli'ikco'a 08:44 < mensi> (CU [Z:kli'ikco'a VAU]) 08:44 < zipcpi> k: kli'ikca'o 08:44 < mensi> (CU [Z:kli'ikca'o VAU]) 08:44 < zipcpi> k: kli'ikco'u 08:44 < mensi> (CU [Z:kli'ikco'u VAU]) 08:44 < zipcpi> pei 08:44 < gocti> banzuka ju'o 08:45 < niftg> dunli zo bazykai xu 08:45 < zipcpi> k: kli'ikcpu 08:45 < mensi> (CU [Z:kli'ikcpu VAU]) 08:47 < gocti> mi na se slabu zo bazykai 08:47 < gocti> .i ku'i ru'a ru'e dunli 08:48 < niftg> sei veljvo se'u banzu ckaji 08:48 < zipcpi> kli'ikco'a = x1 click-grabs x2 08:48 < zipcpi> kli'ikco'u = x1 drops x2 at x3 08:49 < zipcpi> kli'ikca'o = x1 drags x2 over x3 08:49 < gocti> x1 ckaji x2 soi banzu x3 08:49 < gocti> xu dunli lo me do moi 08:50 < gocti> .i lo kli'iki valsi zo'u .i'e 08:50 < niftg> dunli ke tanru ciksi 08:50 < zipcpi> kli'ikmu'u = x1 drags x2 from x3 to x4 08:50 < zipcpi> kli'ikra'i = x1 holds x2 08:50 < zipcpi> And then we need left and right versions of all these :p 08:51 < gocti> .e'u zo klikmuga ja lo simsa 08:51 < niftg> lo nu bevri ku po'onai te pilno lo nu kli'iki vau vau la'a 08:51 < zipcpi> k: klikmuga 08:51 < mensi> (CU [Z:klikmuga VAU]) 08:52 < gocti> .i je'u 08:52 < zipcpi> Oh right and middle version; don't forget that 08:52 < zipcpi> Then upscroll, downscroll lol 08:52 < niftg> .u'i nu nitcu ro lo re zunle jo'u pritu .i lo tanru cu banzu pe'i 08:53 < gocti> skrolfarvi skroltofa 08:54 < niftg> fu'inai cusku co fanva zo'oi both noi glico 08:54 < zipcpi> rore 08:54 < niftg> zo ro zo za'u mu'a simsa xu 08:55 < zipcpi> mi na birti 08:55 < gocti> mi pilno tai lo nu lu ro pa li'u dunli lu ro je fau bo pa li'u 08:56 < niftg> .ue .ua 08:56 < zipcpi> mu'i ma na zasti lo me'oi discursive tezu'e lo nu cusku lo sedu'u mi na djuno tu'a lo danfu 08:58 < zipcpi> za'a lo jbobau bi'ai bangu lo cevni i'au zo'o 08:58 < niftg> .u'i .i ba'anai mi pu'i simsa peisku tu'a lo sedu'u lo cusku ja'a djuno fi lo danfu 08:58 < la_kristan> coi rodo 08:59 < gocti> coi 08:59 < niftg> coi 09:00 < la_kristan> in the spirit of some previous conversations here... 09:00 < Mateon1> coi 09:01 < la_kristan> mi cusku lu le mlatu cu tacpe'u vo'a le ganxo li'u 09:01 < la_kristan> gross, but is it grammatically correct? 09:01 < zipcpi> ai mi stidi tu'a zo bei'a .i tcita la'e lu <mi bebna jecu na djuno le danfu> li'u zo'o 09:02 < gocti> .u'i 09:02 < gocti> la_kristan: looks fine 09:03 < niftg> nu lo danlu sedi'o lo ganxo cu sezlumci 09:03 < gocti> A: lo ka co'e [to ko pensi su da poi va'arga ro da toi] cu ka blabla blabla blabla blabla 09:03 < gocti> B: bei'a nai sai le'o 09:05 < zipcpi> rafsi: bla 09:05 < mensi> zo blanu se rafsi zo'oi bla 09:06 < niftg> comcomcomcomcomcomcomco'e 09:06 < gocti> ie .i smudramau do'a nai 09:06 < la_kristan> I saw the example "le gerku cu batci vo'a" in L4B, and was seized with a sudden desire to say "the cat licks itself" and then when I looked up "lick" and saw that there was a place for the locus of the licking, well, I couldn't resist... 09:07 < la_kristan> and it is true! 09:07 < dutchie> u'i 09:07 < niftg> .u'i .i'i 09:07 < gleki> mi nu'o jimpe 09:09 < niftg> lo mlatu lo vo'a ganxo ka'e tacpe'u .inaja lo vo'a plibu ri'enai ku ji'a ka'e se tacpe'u 09:09 < niftg> .u'u zo vo'e cu jai sarcu tu'a di'u 09:11 < la_kristan> I think I got the first part... but the rest kinda lost me. 09:12 < niftg> xu tavla fi lo mi jufra doi la kristan 09:13 < la_kristan> vlaste: jufra 09:13 < vlaste> jufra = x1 (text) is a sentence/statement about x2 [topic/subject/predicate/focus] in language x3. 09:13 < dutchie> vlaste: tacpe'u 09:13 < vlaste> tacpe'u = x1=p1 (agent) touches eir tongue to/licks x2=p2=t2 at x3=p4 [a locus on x2]. 09:13 < dutchie> typo :( 09:14 < la_kristan> niftg : go'i 09:14 < gocti> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spivak_pronoun la'a 09:15 < zipcpi> .y. e'u zo'oi their 09:15 < dutchie> .ua 09:15 < zipcpi> lo gasnu na bi'ai pamei 09:15 < gleki> la'a mi bebna i ki'u bo mi na jimpe tu'a lo ganxo ce lo plibu 09:16 < gocti> "[if] a cat its anus can lick, then its pubic area [tenseness] can also be licked" 09:16 < gocti> [by it] 09:16 < dutchie> mi na jimpe lo du'u lo prenu cu pilno zoi gy. singular they gy. 09:16 < niftg> ki'e fanva 09:16 < gocti> se ju glosyzba 09:16 < gleki> gocti: xu da sruma lonu xajmi 09:17 < la_kristan> a cat licks it's whole body... 09:17 < zipcpi> mi pilno la'ezoi gy singular they gy ki'u lo nu zo'oi he/she cu mutce fegli mi 09:17 < gocti> ru'a lo'u ko catlu lo du'u lo bangu cu kakne ma kau le'u zei xajmi 09:17 < la_kristan> */it's/its 09:17 < gocti> s/du'u/nu/ 09:17 < phenny> gocti meant to say: ru'a lo'u ko catlu lo nu lo bangu cu kakne ma kau le'u zei xajmi 09:18 < gleki> wow, phenny talking 09:19 < la_kristan> I have a more serious question. 09:19 < zipcpi> mi so'uroi jeku'i su'oroi pilno lo .spivak. sumka'i 09:19 < zipcpi> exp: mi so'uroi jeku'i su'oroi pilno lo .spivak. sumka'i 09:19 < mensi> (mi [CU {<(¹so'u roi¹) (¹je ku'i¹) (¹su'o roi¹)> pilno} {lo <spivak sumka'i> KU} VAU]) 09:20 < la_kristan> It pertains to a recent internal conflict; a sort of identity crisis, perhaps... 09:21 < zipcpi> Whose identity crisis? 09:21 < la_kristan> mine. 09:21 < zipcpi> OK, what about? 09:22 < la_kristan> To be brief, can one be a passionate, active Esperantist *and* a passionate, active Lojbanist? 09:23 < zipcpi> I won't know how to answer that 09:23 < gleki> la_kristan: can one be an Esperantist and a programmer at the same time or an Esperantist and a soccer player? 09:23 < la_kristan> I don't know why I feel like those two things are somehow incompatible... 09:24 < ctefaho> well, why not? 09:24 < la_kristan> but I couldn't shake the feeling. 09:24 < gleki> indeed, the two languages are incompatible which means they are orthogonal to each other. 09:24 < ctefaho> assuming you have the time for both 09:24 < la_kristan> maybe it's just my hormones out of whack :-D 09:25 < gocti> save the world from English domination by day, figure out just how to describe that difference in meaning by night! 09:25 < dutchie> u'i 09:26 < niftg> ta'o mi pu co'a cilre fi la esperanton 09:26 < la_kristan> All night... 09:28 < la_kristan> It struck me as somewhat amusing that the cmene for Esperanto is .esperanton. 09:28 < zipcpi> Well it might be incompatible if you think both languages should be the one world language. But we don't typically think that about Lojban 09:29 < zipcpi> Except maybe by fantasizing 09:29 < la_kristan> since -n is the accusative ending. 09:29 < gleki> la_kristan: mi parolas ge Esperanton gi Lojxbanon. ne estas problemo 09:30 < zipcpi> ... I automatically tried to parse {ge} and {gi} and {ne} as Lojban :p 09:30 < dutchie> mi ji'a 09:31 < gocti> .u'e xu zo ge je zo gi valsi pa da ge lo lojbo gi lo spero 09:31 < gleki> {ge} and {gi} were from Lojban 09:31 < gleki> it was jbospero 09:31 < gocti> ua 09:31 < dutchie> .i cfipu mi loka zoi zoi parolas zoi na selbri 09:31 < zipcpi> Also, <insert "horrible" punishment> for using {cmene} for {cmevla} again :p 09:32 < la_kristan> eble Wesley Wilson parolis tro multe pri Loĵbano kiel internacia lingvo, kaj tio zorgigis min... 09:32 < zipcpi> We really need to think of a suitable imaginary punishment for grammatical or semantic errors 09:32 < zipcpi> It should not be actually horrid, but played like it is :p 09:33 < gleki> la_kristan: sed li ne flue parolas Lojxbanon. simple li deziras internacian lingvon. 09:33 < gocti> nu zvastagau fi lo foldi pe lo xagji sofybakni 09:33 < zipcpi> ie xagji sofybakni 09:34 < dutchie> "staying in the field of a hungry soviet cow"? 09:34 < zipcpi> je'u 09:34 < gleki> "Fluantaj" (=spertuloj) parolantoj de Lojxbano kutime ne diras ke ili deziras ke Lojxbano igxus internacia lingvo. 09:34 < zipcpi> The "hungry soviet cow" is a Lojbanic meme 09:35 < zipcpi> As well as the idea of "Lojbanistan" being a former Soviet country 09:35 < zipcpi> (Cause Lojban does sound a bit like that kind of language :p) 09:36 < niftg> the 'newspeak' ? 09:36 < la_kristan> last Saturday I was talking to myself in Esperanto, and caught myself tacking "i" to the beginning of my sentences! 09:36 < zipcpi> No, not the "newspeak", the sound of it 09:36 < la_kristan> it's kinda addictive. 09:37 < gleki> Ecx mi cxiam diras ke Lojxbano ne pretas por ekdisvastiganta. ni simple ne havas risurcojn por fari gxin. ni ne havas normalajn librojn por lerni Lojxbanon. Jes, mi faris vortaron, libron sed nun ili ne ekzistas 09:37 < niftg> .u'i mi ji'a lifri lo simsa ca lo nu troci lo nu tavla fi mi la esperanton 09:37 < gleki> mi faris vortaron sed ne faris libron* 09:38 < zipcpi> Long live spoken punctuation 09:38 < la_kristan> \o/ 09:38 < gleki> la_kristan: when i spoke toki pons i had to invent ". en la" and ". sin la" to get equivalents for {i} and {ni'o} 09:39 < gleki> *toki pona 09:39 < gleki> strangely enough short after that other people started using them too. 09:39 < la_kristan> .u'i 09:39 < gocti> (to xu do snada lo ka finti lo ka'e basti be ma'oi se toi) 09:39 < gleki> maybe those constructs are still alive, idk 09:39 < zipcpi> do zbusufukai 09:39 < gleki> gocti: mi xu 09:39 < gocti> go'i 09:40 < gleki> gocti: xu sarcu 09:40 < gocti> je'u na ku 09:40 < gleki> mi se prami do = > do prami mi 09:41 < gleki> i ji'a mi pu finti lo basti be lo sumtcita xau lo tokpona 09:41 < zipcpi> u'i 09:41 < la_kristan> AnySoftKeyboard is going unresponsive on me again :-( 09:41 < gleki> is it for Android? 09:42 < la_kristan> yeah 09:42 < zipcpi> ma jalge lo nu da'i lo itku'ile lo tokpona cu janli 09:42 < gleki> MultiLing has almost all languages including Lojban with autoprediction 09:45 < la_kristan> I use AnySoftKeyboard because many of my Esperantist friends do. 09:46 < zipcpi> lo jbobau xu 09:46 < la_kristan> but for some reason, on my phone it's glitchy. 09:50 < gocti> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_vs_Esperanto <- ti banli 09:52 * la_kristan switches to default Android keyboard, which requires more effort to type ' 09:52 < la_kristan> vlaste: banli 09:52 < vlaste> banli = x1 is great/grand in property x2 (ka) by standard x3. 09:56 < gocti> ku'i 09:56 < gocti> X traktas Y-n kiel Z-n. -> X kurji Y pe tai Z 09:56 < gocti> X traktas Y-n kiel Z. -> X pe tai Z kurji Y 09:57 < gleki> ie 09:57 < gleki> i xu ca na drani 09:57 < gocti> .i'e pei zo'u lo pa moi cu co'e lu X fartra Y boi Z li'u .i je lo re moi cu co'e lu X fartra Y soi me'au Z 09:57 < gleki> en: fartra 09:57 < mensi> fartra [< farna tarti ≈ Direction behave] = x1 treats x2 in way x3 (ka) |>>> selpahi 09:58 < gocti> .i va'o ro da zo'u pe'i zo ne basti .ei zo pe 09:58 < gleki> mi na tugni fi zo'ei zo me'au 09:58 < gleki> X pe tai Z kurji Y <-- ti a lo simsa cu jai banzu 09:58 < gocti> je'e 09:59 < gleki> i ku'i zo kurji ka'e na mapti 09:59 < gleki> i ji'a zo tai ka'e na mapti 09:59 < gleki> i ku'i zo pe a zo ne mapti 10:00 < gleki> mi cenba lo ka birti lo du'u zo ca'a ka'e basti zo tai 10:01 < gocti> .y ue ru'e zo ca'a 10:02 < gleki> zo ca'a ka'e sumtcita vau ju'o 10:02 < gleki> i ku'i na djuno lo tadji be lonupilno 10:03 < gocti> go'i ra'o 10:04 < gleki> zo ra'o pu na jai sarcu 10:04 < gocti> je'u 10:05 < gleki> jbo: ca'a 10:05 < mensi> ca'a = [CAhA] fi'o jai fatci |>>> fatci |>>> xorxes 10:05 < gleki> ma'i mi srana zo jarco 10:06 < zipcpi> exp: lo jaitai jipci 10:06 < mensi> ([lo {jai tai jipci} KU] VAU) 10:06 < zipcpi> .y. 10:06 < zipcpi> xu smudra 10:07 < gleki> a'u mi na djunolo du'u lo'u pe ca'a Z le'u jikau lo'u pe ba'e se ca'a Z le'u 10:07 < gleki> zipcpi: smudra i simsa lu lo tarmi be lo jipci li'u to zo tai srana ge zo tarmi gi zo tasmi toi 10:09 < zipcpi> ua zo tasmi 10:10 < gleki> lo tasmi cu fasnu ije lo tarmi cu y dacti la'a i ku'i lo xo'i tai cu omni 10:11 < gleki> dacti ja mucti 10:13 * nuzba @uitki: Lojban vs Esperanto - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_vs_Esperanto by Cirko - trakti: kurji->fartra, pe->ne [http://bit.ly/1cYDQIH] 10:17 < zipcpi> OK one last silly computer term... "point/hover" 10:17 < zipcpi> Without clicking 10:18 < gleki> gocti: xu do fanva la faglo'u 10:18 < zipcpi> lo lorxu cu melbi 10:18 < gocti> de'a sai 10:19 < gleki> idk, in Vivaldi there isn't any "hover" in strings 10:19 < zipcpi> au mi pamjai ly 10:20 < zipcpi> I did change my mind from some of the words I proposed here; just to distinguish them more 10:20 < zipcpi> kli'ikco'a, kli'ikru'i, kli'ikmo'u 10:20 < gleki> i might use something like {se ctino} for "to hover" 10:21 < gleki> zipcpi: why not {kliki} prefix instead. too many h sounds 10:21 < gleki> or {klike} to separate from{kliki} gismu 10:21 < zipcpi> lol 10:22 < zipcpi> I didn't know it was a gismu 10:22 < zipcpi> But yeah that would actually fit in my idea of making sma'acu another term for computer mouse :p 10:22 < gleki> en: kliki 10:22 < mensi> kliki = x1 makes a click sound x2 (text, sound) |>>> See sa'ei, mosra |>>> gleki 10:22 < gleki> limited to sounds 10:22 < zipcpi> Right 10:23 < gleki> hm, im not sure i like this {kliki} 10:23 < zipcpi> I know... seems out of place 10:23 < gleki> why not {kliki} = x1 is a click sound 10:24 < gleki> anyway it's just a kurtyvla although proposed by gleki. but as with all kurtyvla no usage so feel free so propose corrections 10:24 < zipcpi> lol 10:24 < gleki> en: click 10:24 < mensi> 4 da se tolcri: iklki, kli'iki, klikeia, kliki 10:25 < zipcpi> Hover can be kli'iknu'o :p 10:28 < zipcpi> Dunno. Closest word Lojban has for "point" is {degja'o} 10:28 < gleki> these {kli'ik-} look very weird 10:28 < zipcpi> There's also the kurtyvla {corci} but the explanation x.x 10:28 < gleki> en:corci 10:28 < mensi> corci = x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/ 10:28 < mensi> microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on 10:28 < mensi> one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that 10:28 < mensi> conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/ 10:28 < mensi> object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4 10:28 < zipcpi> Do you want to change them to kliki-? 10:28 < gleki> and that's only the definition 10:29 < gleki> zipcpi: maybe {klike-} even to reserve this prefix for computer terms 10:29 < gleki> and yes, i think {kliki} should have one place. 10:29 < zipcpi> But what about the base term {kli'iki}? 10:29 < gleki> I clicked = mi pu cupra lo kliki 10:30 < zipcpi> Eh I wish I could just move words 10:30 < zipcpi> Or copy them 10:31 < gleki> dont use JVS then 10:31 < gleki> as i do 10:31 < zipcpi> lol 10:32 < zipcpi> What program do you use? 10:32 < zipcpi> Did you make one for yourself? 10:33 < gleki> it's called Google Spreadsheet. Write down its name now in order not to forget 10:33 < zipcpi> Erm how does that help entry into JVS 10:33 < gleki> but zo'onai i use a lot of formulae and even Google Query language in orer to produce those dictionaries 10:34 < gleki> zipcpi: i just dont use JVS. And you can't move words. The only close tool is a script mass uploading words onto JVS 10:34 < zipcpi> Right... but I'm not the one building a dictionary 10:35 < gleki> if JVS API appears and issue 131 are fixed then we can talk. 11:11 < ciuak> hello 11:12 < dutchie> coi 11:12 < ciuak> coi 11:14 < zipcpi> ... about people adding .i to Esperanto; I think I might also suffer from maljboxlu if I tried to pick up Malay again lol 11:15 < Eogan> Hello 11:15 < ciuak> hello 11:15 < zipcpi> Somehow when you feel the languages are similar phonetically, you can get crosswired sometimes 11:15 < zipcpi> Hi 11:15 < ciuak> hi, indeed 11:15 < Eogan> I have joined this IRC channel after learning about lojban 11:16 < ciuak> learning lojban or learning about lojban? 11:17 < Eogan> I speak 4 languages fluently, 4 in the process of learning, another 2 learned as a tourist and now I came across the most unambiguous language (or so it is claimed to be) 11:17 < Eogan> Both: I want to learn it, and learn about it 11:17 < ciuak> well, don't let me stop you! :) 11:18 < ciuak> it surely is ambiguous if you want it to be ambiguous 11:18 < ciuak> but if you use the constructs very carefully you can make it super precise 11:19 < Eogan> I intend to make a universal translator that could juggle the meanings instead of plain dictionary "markov chains", which lead to "hydraulic ram" being translated to "water sheep" 11:19 < zipcpi> lol 11:19 < ciuak> that's surely a very hard task 11:21 < Eogan> The Idea is to have 1word=1meaning in the library, and have a lojban based language that would retain the meaning in the most unambiguous way possible 11:21 < ciuak> well, grammar can be unambiguous 11:21 < ciuak> but I'm not sure about the meaning 11:21 < ciuak> since compound verbs don't have a precise meaning 11:22 < ciuak> (for example) 11:22 < Eogan> From that, using the grammar formula for each given language such translator could translate the contained meaning into something a native speaker can understand 11:22 < zipcpi> Well one advantage Lojban has regarding meaning is that there is encourgement of using the right word for the right job, instead of relying too heavily on natural-language metaphors 11:22 < ciuak> oh yes 11:23 < zipcpi> e.g. English see, in the most literal sense, means "perceive with the eyes; discern visually." -> {viska} 11:23 < zipcpi> But it could also mean "discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information; understand." -> {jimpe} 11:24 < zipcpi> Or "meet (someone one knows) socially or by chance." -> {penmi} 11:24 < Eogan> I need to learn lojban to create "computer ultra-lojban" that will have purely mechanical structure, primitive, dissected to the smallest denominator parts 11:24 < ciuak> it surely isn't impossible 11:24 < ciuak> but still very hard 11:25 < Eogan> I know it might be a task that will exceed my life span, but it is worth a shot 11:25 < ciuak> what would you start with? 11:26 < ciuak> I think that's the hardest question 11:26 < ciuak> You surely could make a program that'd respond to your question in Lojban by looking into a database 11:26 < Eogan> I want to deconstruct language grammar structure into formulae, words into most basic meanings (also classified in the library on what they are), and use unambiguous language at the core of it as a transitional element from one language to another 11:27 < zipcpi> Er why is this xy zei kantu: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/xy%20zei%20kantu 11:27 < zipcpi> Shouldn't it be xy zei gusni or something 11:28 < zipcpi> I'm not sure how it's related to kantu at all 11:29 < ciuak> it may be 11:29 < zipcpi> Oh kantu has "ray" among its definitions... but I'm... really suspicious 11:29 < ciuak> *anyway, I have to go, bye, whatever 11:29 < zipcpi> Bye 11:29 < ciuak> bye 11:29 < zipcpi> X-ray has too many senses as is 11:30 < zipcpi> I think it's better to start from gusni and go from there 11:37 < gleki> Eogan: you mean you want RBMT, not SMT? 11:38 < zipcpi> ki'a 11:38 < Eogan> I am not sure what those abbreviations mean, can you please elaborate? 11:39 < gocti> rule-based or statistical machine translation 11:39 < gleki> Lojban as a machine interlingua is better since one can control what happens at this intermediate stage when translating from A to B via this intermediate stage I. If I=Lojban then the control is easy since Lojban can be spoken unlike other interlinguas 11:39 < gleki> that look more like formulae 11:40 < gleki> another advantage is that when translating from e.g. English to Chinese one person can translate from English to Lojban and stop. From Lojban to Chinese is a task for another person. So no polyglots are needed. 11:42 < gleki> But the 3 immediate problems are: 1. retain as much info as possible when encoding to Lojban. 2. Reconstruct the tree so it now matches Chinese 3. how are you going to resolve what English omits but Chinese forces you to utter like not just "uncle" but "uncle = my mother's, not my father's brother" 11:43 < Eogan> I think it would be rule based at it's core, but a meaning-to-word for each language would need to be based on a statistical survey, to accomodate for the drift in the word use and change of meanings. 11:43 < gleki> and i havent even mentioned syntactical ambiguity in the source language. 11:43 < zipcpi> "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" 11:44 < gleki> Lojbanist raced past the garden path fell. 11:44 < Eogan> Good points gleki 11:44 < gleki> Eogan: have you looked at Apertium? It's a shallow based RBMT. But maybe Lojban can inspire it. 11:44 < gleki> *shallow RBMT 11:45 < Eogan> No. It's the first time I hear about it 11:45 < Eogan> I will look into it, thank you 11:45 < gleki> open source but fine when translating froom Spanish to Portuguese or from Turkish to Kazakh. Fails when more distant languages are chosen. 11:47 < gleki> hint: there is #apertium IRC channel 11:47 < zipcpi> {lo'e temci cu vofli pe'a pa'a lo'e celga'a .ije lo'e drosofila cu nelci lo'e badna} 11:47 < Ilmen> I think an ideal translating tool should show more than one result if there's ambiguity (maybe selecting the most likely as the default, but letting an intelligent agent looking at the other alternatives) 11:47 < gleki> en: drosofila 11:47 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 11:47 < zipcpi> .y. ze'oi za'e zi'evla 11:48 < zipcpi> ei mi se tacpe'u lo xagji sofybakni 11:49 < zipcpi> lo'e grute sfani ta'unai 11:51 < Eogan> Ilmen, yes, such translator would have to ask author to specify the intended meaning and/or methaphorical ambiguity 11:52 < zipcpi> rutsfani 11:52 < gleki> the most likely <-- corpus needed 11:52 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_fly 11:52 < zipcpi> Yeah I think {rutsfani} should be just "fruit fly" 11:53 < gleki> i think it's better to start from translating from controlled natural languages to controlled nat.languages via Lojban. 11:53 < Eogan> Yes 11:54 < gleki> Start from Simple English Wikipedia although it's not a very controlled natlang. 11:56 < Eogan> I hope I can spark an interest of a linguistic institute of my university to get more suggestions on how it can be done without much of the useless junk 12:02 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/lojban/wvLz7Ew6bzI/discussion pe SUMSMI にも対応したpeのformal definition の考案。 [http://bit.ly/1el9nGk] 12:02 < zipcpi> https://www.reddit.com/r/Ithkuil/comments/3a1x0q/nulono_in_ithkuil/ {li'ai fi'u no} :p 12:03 < zipcpi> ma dilcu li vo / li no 12:04 < zipcpi> sa'ei .bu~~~~m. 12:04 < zipcpi> coi .y. selpa'i ju'ocu'i 12:05 < gocti> lo kibjudri cu luksemburu soi nibli so'u da ku'i 12:08 < cflep> coi mi cilre lojban 12:08 < Ilmen> coi 12:08 < gocti> coi 12:10 < gocti> .i do pilno ma lo nu cilre 12:11 < zipcpi> ua mi srera 12:12 < ldlework> coi 12:12 < mensi> ldlework: cu'u la'o gy.rakmaak.gy.: Here, for you and zipcpi: http://selpahi.de/ZAHO_Explanation.txt | 12:12 < mensi> 2015-06-12T22:20:45.158Z 12:12 < ldlework> je'e 12:12 < AndChat|320025> Whats a good name for a steampunk airship 12:13 < ldlework> in lojban? 12:13 < cflep> I'm to slow... 12:13 < zipcpi> la xumske fanza ku zo'o 12:13 < AndChat|320025> Yeah 12:14 < gocti> coi la mo kau 12:16 < ldlework> ue do morji lo mi remoi cmene 12:18 < ldlework> cflep: I hear you're in the market for a lojban introductory lesson? 12:19 < gocti> le cmene cu pagbu lo citri be tu'a lo bangu .i ba'a no roi te tolmo'i 12:20 < cflep> Idlework: Yes, you're right 12:20 < ldlework> cflep: do you have 45 minutes of focus in you? 12:21 < ldlework> I think I'm in the mood, if you are. 12:21 < ldlework> I was at a family reunion this weekend 12:21 < ldlework> And there was this girl from Amsterdam who knew 7 languages 12:22 < zipcpi> So how do we translate "Nemo" ("no one")? {la me no da}? :p 12:22 < ldlework> I cornered her and told her about lojban 12:22 < Ilmen> ĭo 12:22 < cflep> Well, normaly I go to bed at 10, but I think it works 12:22 < ldlework> I taught her all the way up to abstractions in about 15 minutes 12:22 < ldlework> no joke 12:22 < ldlework> she just knew all the parts of speech I was talking about I didn't have to explain anything but merely mention its existence 12:22 < zipcpi> Or {la no mei} to avoid embedding {da} within a name 12:22 < ldlework> "You know that language is very easy. Its like the average of all languages" 12:23 < ldlework> I think we can all be proud about that. 12:23 < Ilmen> zabna doi la cadgu'a 12:23 < cflep> ok 12:23 < niftg> la'a {la no da} banzu 12:23 < zipcpi> u'i 12:23 < ldlework> cflep: lets head over to #ckule so we don't get lost in other conversations 12:24 < Ilmen> la me no mi be fa ro ko 12:24 < Ilmen> zo'o 12:24 < zipcpi> u'i 12:24 < durka42> coi ru'e 12:24 < gocti> condi pruce 12:25 < durka42> za'a do rolrafcre 12:26 < gocti> na go'i 12:26 < ldlework> no da rolrafcre la'a 12:26 < gocti> ie 12:27 < zipcpi> le ranmi be le rolrafcre 12:27 < niftg> ba'anai la rolrafcre selkei cu xalbo te tavla bu'u la redydit 12:27 < gocti> go'i gi'e se kelci bu'u lo se .irci 12:28 < ldlework> zipcpi: u'i 12:28 < ldlework> ji'a coi 12:28 < zipcpi> coi 12:28 < niftg> co'oi 12:28 < ldlework> u'inai co'o ny 12:29 < gocti> xu da djuno lo du'u ma kau lojbo xe fanva lo me la no da jo'u la su'o da moi pe la .alis. 12:29 < gocti> .i mi za'o fliba lo ka facki 12:29 < niftg> .u'u zo co'oi jai nibli noda poi nu to'e rinsa 12:30 < gocti> mi ji'a ca lo tolfa'o cu pilno zo co'oi tai lo nu na nibli .i lo se kanpe be lo drata jbopre cu jai fanta lo nu nalsti 12:34 < durka42> zipcpi: btw you can have fu'ivla y-rafsi without mandating the uniquess of final consonants _if_ you drop the requirement of unambiguously identifying a lujvo with its veljvo 12:34 < durka42> which some crazy folks like selpa'i (jenai mi) are in favor of doing :) 12:34 < zipcpi> Right... 12:35 < zipcpi> Probably depends on the zi'evla too 12:35 < durka42> just a thought that ocurred to me 12:35 < durka42> and that I wanted to express in #lojban and not in #ckule :p 12:36 < zipcpi> Longer ones may not have too much problems with keeping distinctness (except for special cases like the ISO zi'evla) 12:36 < zipcpi> The VCCV ones though... 12:37 < durka42> yeah 12:37 < durka42> vlaste: filsofo 12:37 < vlaste> filsofo = x1 is a philosopher 12:37 < durka42> vlaste: filsofu 12:37 < vlaste> filsofu = x1 is a philosopher 12:37 < durka42> ... 12:37 < zipcpi> u'i 12:37 < durka42> filsofa = x1 frili be x2 sfofa 12:37 < durka42> li'a 12:37 < zipcpi> u'i 12:38 < durka42> also somehow I broke vlaste's globbing 12:38 < durka42> vlaste: filsof* 12:38 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/filsof%2A 12:38 < durka42> :( 12:39 < durka42> vlaste: brod* 12:39 < vlaste> 5 results: broda, brode, brodi, brodo, brodu 12:39 < durka42> vlaste: filsof* 12:39 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/filsof%2A 12:39 < durka42> very curious... 12:40 < durka42> oh it's searching by long rafsi 12:40 < zipcpi> ... huh palgau is somewhat... poorly defined 12:40 < durka42> not globbing the word itself 12:40 < durka42> clever 12:40 < durka42> is it a noralujv? 12:40 < durka42> vlaste: palgau 12:40 < vlaste> palgau = x1 promotes x2 to x3 (object, state). 12:40 < durka42> what's wrong with that 12:41 < zipcpi> We once used it to mean "promote an idea" but the rafsi implies that it's not meant to be used that way 12:41 < durka42> nah that would be more like gubyzu'e or something 12:42 < durka42> ta'o ta'o ta'o you should add a note to {zu'ucu'i} explaining what it means 12:42 < durka42> I never heard "on the gripping hand" before you said it 12:42 < zipcpi> lol 12:42 < durka42> not even sure I would understand "on the third hand" without priming 12:43 < durka42> what's the scifi reference, out of curiosity 12:43 < durka42> also palgau should really be {x1 causes x2 to profit x3 from x4}... 12:43 < zipcpi> "Used after {zu'u} and {zu'unai}, to refer to a third case not covered by two opposing viewpoints." 12:44 < zipcpi> pei 12:44 < durka42> i'e 12:45 < zipcpi> And the reference is "The Gripping Hand" by Larry Niven 12:45 < durka42> ah 12:45 < zipcpi> Wait I got the krasi wrong 12:45 < zipcpi> http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/O/on-the-gripping-hand.html 12:45 < durka42> .wik The Gripping Hand 12:45 < phenny> "The Gripping Hand is a 1993 novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gripping_Hand 12:45 < zipcpi> Idiom already existed before the work 12:45 < durka42> oh 12:45 < durka42> "most people don't have three hands" .u'i 12:46 < zipcpi> lol 12:46 < durka42> okay but where did it come from... 12:46 < durka42> gripping what? a mouse? 12:46 < zipcpi> I dunno... but apparently it did start from SF fandom 12:46 < durka42> urbandictionary says it's from a different book 12:47 < durka42> .wik The Mote in God's Eye 12:47 < phenny> "The Mote in God's Eye is a science fiction novel by American writers Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, first published in 1974." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mote_in_God's_Eye 12:47 < zipcpi> That's a prequel 12:47 < zipcpi> So maybe the idiom was first introduced there 12:47 < durka42> I mean, truly, when has urbandictionary been untrustworthy 12:49 < durka42> de'a 12:49 < zipcpi> u'i 12:52 < zipcpi> Actually I don't know how to gloss {palgau} 12:52 < zipcpi> I don't think "promote" is right 12:53 < zipcpi> Erm... under the x1 brodygau x2 x3 -> gau x1 x2 broda x3... I'm not even sure how useful it is 12:53 < gocti> ie 12:53 < zipcpi> Agent makes something a profit 12:53 < zipcpi> ?!?!?!ki'asai 12:54 < gocti> .i zo selpalgau ku'i ka'e te prali 12:54 < gocti> co jai 12:56 < zipcpi> I think I'm gonna have to downvote it x.x 12:56 < durka42_> di'a 12:56 < durka42> oi mabla linji 12:56 < durka42> ua la .kolokyuix. cu banli jecu zmiku dragau lo mi cmene 13:06 < zipcpi> jbojevysofkemsuzgugje'ake'eborkemfaipaltrusi'oke'ekemgubyseltru is a great verb to start with! :p 13:07 < gocti> ralju lo te xamgu fa lo ka se pi'o ce'u cilre lo du'u ta'i ma kau bacru lo jbovla 13:11 < rutytar> coi 13:11 < zipcpi> coi 13:11 < gocti> coi 13:31 < Ilmen> coi 13:32 < Mateon1> coi 13:33 < Mateon1> How would I say 'Goodnight'? co'o, but implying I'm going to sleep and won't be coming back anytime soon (high probability, not certainty :P) 13:34 < dutchie> Mateon1: traditionally the phrase is {pluka nicte di'ai} 13:35 < Mateon1> en:pluka 13:35 < mensi> pluka = x1 (event/state) seems pleasant to/pleases x2 under conditions x3. 13:35 < dutchie> which isn't quite the same thing 13:35 < dutchie> en:di'ai 13:35 < mensi> di'ai = [COI] vocative: well-wish - curse 13:35 < Mateon1> en:di'ai 13:35 < mensi> di'ai = [COI] vocative: well-wish - curse 13:35 < dutchie> :)# 13:35 < Mateon1> Well, that is literally "I wish good night" 13:36 < Mateon1> remove the I, actually 13:36 < dutchie> .ie 13:47 < zipcpi> Oh if you mean *you're* going to sleep, it typically is just {mi ba sipna co'o} 13:47 < zipcpi> Or something like that 13:47 < zipcpi> {ei mi sipna co'o} 13:48 < zipcpi> {ai mi sipna co'o} 13:50 < dutchie> also that 13:54 < Mateon1> en:sipna 13:54 < mensi> sipna = x1 is asleep (adjective); x1 sleeps/is sleeping. 13:54 < Mateon1> en:ba 13:54 < mensi> ba = [PU] time tense relation/direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense. 13:54 < Mateon1> Ah, cool 13:54 < Mateon1> Any way to specify "shortly" or is it implied in this case? 13:55 < Mateon1> or "soon" 13:56 < dutchie> en:zi 13:56 < mensi> zi = [ZI] time tense distance: instantaneous-to-short distance in time. 13:56 < dutchie> e.g. {.ei mi bazi sipna co'o} 13:56 < Ilmen> "ba zi" 13:57 < Mateon1> Ah, I see, distance and direction, nice! 13:57 < Mateon1> en:ei 13:57 < mensi> ei = [UI1] attitudinal: obligation - freedom. 14:02 < zipcpi> Some "attitudinals" are somewhat misplaced and act more like discursives :p 14:02 < zipcpi> {ei} is something like "I should..." 14:03 < zipcpi> Or "This should happen..." 14:03 < ldlework> iesai 14:07 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Realis_Attitudinals#cmavo:_.i.27i_.28UI1.29 14:07 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Irrealis_Attitudinals#cmavo:_.ei_.28UI1.29 14:50 < Mateon1> mi ba zi sipna 14:50 < Mateon1> co'o 14:50 < Mateon1> :) 14:50 < Ilmen> co'o my 14:51 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/nai'o Not absolutely needed, but I was always bothered that if you answer {ti mo} with {na djuno}, technically you are saying {ti na djuno} :p 14:52 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:57 * nuzba @selpahi: Oi igrat qo snau'leffa. | Random #Ithkuil phrases http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-she-ate-everything-in-one-go-despite-the-unpleasant-taste (gloss + audio) (#lojban) [http://bit.ly/1GrBCw0] 14:57 * nuzba @selpahi: Oi igrat qo snau'leffa. | Random #Ithkuil phrases http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-she-ate-everything-in-one-go-despite-the-unpleasant-taste (gloss + audio) ( #lojban ) [http://bit.ly/1JWp1Dt] 15:14 < rutytar> maybe they're trying to say {do na djuno} 15:14 < durka42> that problem does not merit yet another cmavo :p 15:16 < rutytar> is there a list of cmavo by the cll chapter which discusses it? 15:17 < durka42> there is a cmavo index near the end of the CLL 15:17 < durka42> http://alexburka.com/lojban/cll/lojban.html#20 15:35 < BenLubar> would "high contrast mode" be translated as {viska drata zmadu}? 15:41 < BenLubar> that would be "seeing-visually type-of thing-that-is-not-the-same type-of is-more-than" 15:43 * nuzba @kaleidic: I doubt there's better nerd-cred for my house than the fact that the kids script new Dinosaur Comics in and about lojban. [http://bit.ly/1GLNSJm] 15:44 < durka42> BenLubar: I'm not sure {zmadu} is a good tertau for "mode" 15:45 < BenLubar> well, I basically translated it to "more visual contrast" 15:45 < durka42> oh I see 15:45 < durka42> that could make sense 15:45 < durka42> x1 has more visual contrast than x2 15:46 < BenLubar> this is for a label in a settings screen next to a checkbox 15:51 < durka42> I might use {mutce} instead of {zmadu} still 15:51 < durka42> it seems unclear what x2 of zmadu is :) 15:51 < durka42> viska drata mutce 15:51 < durka42> skari drata mutce 15:51 < durka42> mi na djuno 16:21 < ctefaho> co'o 22:16 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: mi ca'o cinmo lo ka nalmukti gleki .i uisai #lojban [http://bit.ly/1SmO5Xa] 23:31 < gleki> there was a gismu for "immobilized". what was it? 23:35 * nuzba @uitki: Lojban kontraŭ Esperanto - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_kontra%C5%AD_Esperanto by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1cZNcUH] 23:57 < gleki> haha, they want me to translate "it" to Lojban. 23:58 <@Broca> Who? --- Day changed Wed Jun 17 2015 00:00 < gleki> in Facebook 00:00 < gleki> dukti: xutla 00:00 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 00:00 < gleki> jbo: xutla 00:00 < mensi> xutla = x1 se tengu lo manfo .i x1 to'e rufsu |>>> manfo; tengu; rufsu |>>> xorxes 00:00 < gleki> jbo:/full xutla 00:00 < mensi> 6 da se tolcri: xutla, kruji, pesxu, rufsu, sakli, spali 00:01 < ciuak> 'it' has got 314159265 meanings 00:01 < gleki> dukti: ranti 00:01 < mensi> ranti = jdari (dubious) 00:01 < gleki> jbo: ranti 00:01 < mensi> ranti = x1 kakne lo ka randa x2 .i x1 jai frili x2 fai lo ka ce'u randa ce'u .i x1 to'e jdari x2 |>>> kakne; randa; 00:01 < mensi> frili; jdari |>>> xorxes 00:02 < gleki> figure (form), to form, former, forth (forwards), to gain, gentleman, glass (drinking glass), to go up, to grant (to agree to give), great (huge), ground (the solid surface of the earth), to guard, to have (to possess), to concern (to have to do, be about), higher (superior), honor (great respect), interest (percent) 00:02 < gleki> ^ this is what i have to translate 00:02 < ciuak> good luck? 00:03 < gleki> ki'e 00:06 < ciuak> yes? 00:06 < gleki> you wanna help me? 00:07 < ciuak> no, I'm a total beginner 00:08 < ciuak> I know a single translation out of these 00:08 < ciuak> only 00:11 < ciuak> I think you get the picture 00:11 <@Broca> figure - tarmi; form - zbasu; former - pu; forth - mo'i ca'u; gentleman - nanmu; glass - kabri; great - brabra; ground - loldi; have - ponse; concern - srana; higher - te vipsi; honor - sinma 00:16 < gleki> honor is not sinma 00:16 < gleki> hnor is more like {lo ni sinma} 00:17 <@Broca> I read that as a verb. 00:18 < gleki> even {lo ni mutce lo ka sinma} 00:18 < gleki> or maybe sometimes {lo nu mutce lo ka sinma} 00:18 < gleki> (one again gleki is reminded of the need in a tag for mutce) 00:19 < gleki> higher = superior. even if in rank then vipsi doesnt match. 00:19 < gleki> higher = advanced in complexity or elaboration 00:21 < gleki> btw, interesting that {lo mo'u farvi} = {lo se farvi} 00:29 < ciuak> btw, how do I use {va'o} 00:29 < ciuak> ? 00:34 < ciuak> hello? 00:35 < ciuak> whatever 00:35 < gleki> va'o ~= under conditions 00:35 < gleki> just a preposition 00:35 < ciuak> a preposition? 00:35 < ciuak> how do I use it then? 00:37 < gleki> ko cusku fi mi va'o lo nu mi srera 00:37 < gleki> Correct me if I am wrong. 00:39 < ciuak> aha, thank you! 00:40 < gleki> well, literally it means "Say to me under the conditions that I err" 00:41 < ciuak> yeah, that's whst I qctua 00:41 < ciuak> *actually read 00:41 < ciuak> thanks anyway 00:59 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/erpi 01:00 < gleki> mensi: ko cnino 01:01 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 01:01 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 01:02 < zipcpi> I usually use {mo'u} when I'm focusing on completion :p 01:02 < zipcpi> {ba'o} is more like "ex" 01:03 < gleki> en: erpi 01:03 < mensi> erpi = x1 (abstraction) is the purpose of x2 (object or event) |>>> See terpli, terzu'e. Note that this word is 01:03 < mensi> agent-less. (≈ te pilno be fi zi'o) |>>> spheniscine 01:03 < gleki> what would be a good tag for {mutce}? 01:03 < zipcpi> What should it tag? 01:04 < zipcpi> I was thinking the other day of making NAhE variants of {sai}, {cai}, and {ru'e} 01:04 < gleki> {lo TAG certu} => lo mutce be lo ka certu 01:04 < zipcpi> I mean the sumti 01:04 < zipcpi> If it's not gonna tag a sumti it's better in NAhE pe'i 01:05 < zipcpi> Yeah {te mutce} is useless 01:05 < zipcpi> So there's nothing for it to tag 01:05 < gleki> mutce1 - mutce2 01:06 < zipcpi> So yeah, NAhE 01:07 < gleki> it's like {rai} 01:07 < zipcpi> That deserves another modal 01:07 < zipcpi> {rai} means superlative 01:07 < zipcpi> Oh {rai} already exists 01:08 < zipcpi> But {traji} implies a set 01:09 < zipcpi> The reworked definition deleted the useless {te mutce} like x3 plase, and made {te traji} the set 01:10 < gleki> not useless but seldom used 01:10 < zipcpi> So {xamgu terai lo ro broda} means "best out of the broda" 01:10 < zipcpi> Well it's useless because the default is always upward, and it's counterintuitive to reassign it 01:10 < zipcpi> There's always to'e 01:11 < zipcpi> {to'e traji} 01:12 < zipcpi> While mutce is not "out of anything" 01:13 < zipcpi> ti mei'u*ci'ai broda => ti mutce lo ka broda 01:13 < zipcpi> Both useful places of mutce are already filled 01:13 < zipcpi> So the sumtcita has nothing to tcita 01:14 < zipcpi> ja'o it's better in NAhE 01:14 < gleki> compare {ti vi zvati} 01:15 < zipcpi> {vi} is a sumtcita 01:15 < zipcpi> {ti zvati vi ta} means something 01:15 < zipcpi> But what would {ti broda mei'u ko'a} mean? 01:17 < gleki> what does {ti vi zvati} mean? 01:17 < zipcpi> {ti vi zvati} = {ti zvati vi zo'e} 01:17 < zipcpi> zo'e in this context usually means {lo zva'ati} 01:18 < gleki> what ko'a in {se vi ko'a} refers to? 01:18 < zipcpi> I don't know how se works with some tags 01:19 < gocti> gleki: mo'u rejgau lo cnino ke voksna mupli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mezohe/glekitufa/master/cirkotci.html 01:19 < gocti> (to ki'u lo na se djuno la gitxadba na curmi lo nu mi cpucpe toi) 01:22 < gleki> gocti: mi na tugni fi tu'a zo y pe do 01:22 < gocti> je'e .i ko va'o basygau lo laldo 01:23 < zipcpi> lo depsna na ka'e co'e zo zo 01:23 < gocti> oi 01:24 < gleki> mi lazni lo ka jai gau basti 01:24 < zipcpi> nitcu zo zo'oi ja lu lo depsna li'u 01:24 < gocti> .u'i 01:24 < gocti> (to ku'i do tugni fi lo laldo vau ie pei toi) 01:24 < mensi> ei mi tugni 01:24 < gleki> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mid-central_vowel.ogg <-- mi tugni 01:25 < gocti> jetce vitno 01:25 < gleki> lo do sance cu simsa zo o 01:25 < gocti> za'a bu'o 01:26 < gleki> i la'oi shwa cu simsa zo i e zo o e lo drata la'a 01:29 < zipcpi> lo si'o ce'u te mutce cu se erpi no da 01:30 < dutchie> cerni coi rodo 01:30 < zipcpi> coi 01:30 < gocti> coi 01:30 < gocti> gleki: mo'u stika 01:31 < gleki> zipcpi: the answer to {vi} is that it refers either to x1 of the bridi it is in or to the whole bridi. 01:31 < gleki> darn, we lack good terminology here. 01:32 < gleki> incita = x1 is a sumtcita tagging x2 and with its reverse place referring to x3 (e.g. the current bridi) 01:32 < gleki> i forgot what it is called in linguistics 01:34 < zipcpi> So {broda vi lo nu brode} = Broda happens near where Brode happens 01:34 < zipcpi> But {broda sevi lo nu brode} = Broda happens, nearby, Brode happens? 01:35 < zipcpi> The problem though is that our {mutce} tag as nothing to tag. It is {fi'o me'au no da} 01:36 < gocti> ma'i BPFK lo sumti pe zo vi cu ba'ei *ni* zvada'o 01:40 < gleki> yeah, lo se incita be zo vi tags the distance like e.g. mitre1 01:49 < zipcpi> That's strange. I always thought it acted like pu/ca/ba 01:50 < zipcpi> I thought that'd be better as {tevi} or something 01:50 < gleki> there is {ne'a} for what you want 01:51 < zipcpi> Right... 01:51 < gleki> anyway i cant find what incita3 is called in English 01:51 < zipcpi> Then what is the va/vu variants? 01:52 < zipcpi> And thus {vima} for "where" is deprecated 01:53 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/vi%20ma Yeah still in 01:53 < zipcpi> BPFK really needs to clean up JVS 01:53 < gleki> where is {bu'u ma}. 01:54 < zipcpi> I know 01:54 < gleki> not even {ne'a ma} 01:54 * zipcpi nods 01:54 < gleki> that {vi ma} sounds more like loglan legacy 01:54 < gleki> that lacked {bu'u} 01:54 < gleki> en: vi ma 01:54 < mensi> vi ma = [VA*] sumti question asking for a location: at/near what?. |>>> officialdata 01:54 < gleki> what 01:54 < zipcpi> lol Maybe. I think it was in the CLL 01:54 < gleki> oh, right. 01:54 < zipcpi> Or the wave lessons pepuzuku 01:54 < gleki> "near what" 01:54 < gleki> en: bu'u ma 01:54 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 01:55 < gleki> heh 01:55 < gleki> in Link Grammar there are just plus and minus links but no normal English terms for that. very strange. 01:55 < gleki> mensi: ko cnino 01:56 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 01:56 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 01:56 < gleki> en: incita 01:56 < mensi> incita = x1 is an adposition linking its complement (argument) x2 with x3 |>>> x2 can sometimes be called 'noun phrase 01:56 < mensi> of adposition'. x3 can be the current clause (lo bridi). |>>> gleki 01:57 < gleki> much better. than nothing 01:58 < zipcpi> Doesn't it need "by relation x4" or something? 02:00 < gleki> jb: bridi 02:00 < gleki> wow 02:00 < zipcpi> la mensi za'ure'u oicli'a 02:00 < gleki> yeah, i lost La Bangu 02:02 * nuzba @selpahi: @danmo_rozgu ŭaki'edoji'a .ixula.itkui'le do cinri .imidi'ajinvi lodu so'etaula.itkui'le cufrili ja sampu .iku'inandu fatauloleksiko #lojban [http://bit.ly/1KYjZqW] 02:05 < gleki> jb: bridi 02:05 < mensi> bridi = bridi — x1(text) is a clause with the main verb x2(property of nonce place, has places for ce'u referring to 02:05 < mensi> x3) and having places x3(ordered plural of entity) 02:05 < mensi> :lo bridi — grammatical clause. lo se bridi — main verb of a clause. lo te bridi — place of a grammatical clause. 02:05 < mensi> :lu ma nuzba li'u bridi — "What's up?" is a clause. 02:05 < mensi> :lu mi dunda ti do li'u bridi lo ka dunda vau mi ce'o ti ce'o do — "I give this to you" is a clause with the 02:05 < mensi> main verb "give" and sequential places "I","this","you". 02:05 < mensi> :lu mi prami do li'u bridi lo ka ce'u prami ce'u vau mi ce'o do — "I love you" is a clause with the main verb 02:06 < mensi> "someone loves so... 02:06 < mensi> [mo'u se katna] http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/bridi 02:17 < zipcpi> Where is that place where la selpa'i ranted about {lo te batke} while not having a general word for purpose/telos? I want to compare notes with {erpi} 02:18 < zipcpi> Hm I think {se erpi} is quite useful; most of the time when we say {cu se pilno fi ko'a} we really mean {cu se erpi ko'a} 02:20 < zipcpi> Now do we need a {fi'o erpi}... :p 02:21 < gleki> tefi'e 02:21 < zipcpi> Perhaps so 02:21 < zipcpi> Yeah sounds right 02:21 < gleki> jbo: vi 02:21 < mensi> vi = [VA] fi'o cmalu tersei be le fasnu bei le manri |>>> cmalu tersei |>>> xorxes 02:22 < gleki> jbo: ca 02:22 < mensi> ca = [PU] fi'o se cabna |>>> xorxes 02:23 < niftg> .u'i pu tcica viska zo serpi gi'esemu'ibo pensi zo sepfi noi li'anairu'edai se krasi lu se pilno fi ko'a li'u 02:23 < gleki> something like bridi but for sumtcita might be needed 02:47 < zipcpi> lo ka erpi cu ka sa'enai te pilno be fi zi'o 02:49 < zipcpi> simsa le laldo xelso sidbo be la'e zo .telos. 02:52 < zipcpi> lol I joked the other day about {atci} being the possible inverse of {itca}; but now I found {atcu} 02:56 < zipcpi> Tom was here before I was. -> {la .tom. pu zva'ati pu lo nu mi nei} ? Does nei work here or does it cause an infinite-loop? 03:04 < ctefaho> coi rodo 03:04 < dutchie> coi 03:05 < ctefaho> coi la'oi .dutchie. 03:05 < zipcpi> coi 03:05 < zipcpi> mi puzi finti zo na'oi je zo erpi 03:06 < zipcpi> .y. 03:06 < ctefaho> coi zipcpi 03:06 < zipcpi> zo nai'o 03:06 < ctefaho> I had an idea 03:06 < zipcpi> jenai zo na'oi 03:06 < ctefaho> for your iau 03:06 < zipcpi> ... Does it involve making /eu/ a diphthong? 03:06 < ctefaho> What do you get if you combine "vau" and "fa'o"? 03:06 < zipcpi> {vau'u} was my first suggested form 03:07 < ctefaho> well I was thinking vau'o 03:07 < zipcpi> The problem is that I really want it to be monosyllabic to basically act as a "I don't care how many {vau}s I need" thing 03:08 < zipcpi> I even use it when a single {vau} would suffice 03:08 < ctefaho> and vau'o doesn't do that? 03:08 < zipcpi> It does, but there's a reason I am pushing for monosyllabicity 03:09 < zipcpi> There's no use arguing now about what else it could be. Like I said, this idea started out as {vau'u} 03:09 < ctefaho> ma krinu 03:09 < zipcpi> I already told you why 03:09 < ctefaho> .i mi na jimpe 03:10 < zipcpi> zipcpi> The problem is that I really want it to be monosyllabic to basically act as a "I don't care how many {vau}s I need" thing 03:10 < zipcpi> {vau'u} or {vau'o} are disyllabic 03:10 < dutchie> why does it have to be monosyllabic for that purpose? 03:10 < ctefaho> go'i 03:10 < zipcpi> I want it to supersede {vau} for that purpose 03:11 < zipcpi> Cause right now many materials teach you to use {vau}; but the problem is that it only closes one bridi tail 03:11 < zipcpi> And I use it a /lot/ 03:13 < dutchie> but surely you are at least breaking even even if you are only closing two bridi tails 03:13 < zipcpi> I started out suggesting {vau'u}, but then I started using it a lot 03:13 < ctefaho> and a disyllabic cmavo that resembles vau+fa'o won't do that job because...? 03:13 < zipcpi> The problem is that I don't want to think about whether I'm closing one or two 03:13 < dutchie> there's {i'au} also 03:13 < dutchie> for some purposes 03:14 < zipcpi> {i'au} is its current form 03:14 < zipcpi> {iau} is what I want to shorten it to 03:15 < dutchie> .ua i see how {vau'u} (or whatever) could generalise and supersede {i'au}/{iau} 03:15 < dutchie> but i'm not so convinced of the necessity of monosyllabicity (is that even a word) 03:15 < zipcpi> {vau'u}/{i'au}/{iau} are all the same thing (at least in this context) 03:16 < zipcpi> The idea has gone through many iterations 03:16 < zipcpi> It first was suggested as its own selma'o, then moved to UI, then moved to TOIhE 03:16 < dutchie> oh, i guess the definition on sutysisku/jbovlaste is out of date then 03:16 < zipcpi> And now there is talk about making it its own selma'o again 03:16 < zipcpi> vau'u isn't on JVS 03:17 < zipcpi> Unless someone else entered it while I wasn't looking 03:17 < dutchie> en:i'au 03:17 < mensi> i'au = [TOIhE] attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the entire sentence or 03:17 < mensi> statement 03:17 < dutchie> that's not quite the same as a "super-vau" 03:17 < dutchie> pe'i 03:17 < zipcpi> The idea *started* out as a super vau 03:17 < zipcpi> And now there is talk about making it supervau again 03:17 < ctefaho> so it will be like putting the UI behind the cu? 03:18 < zipcpi> So that it can be used for {xoi} 03:18 < ctefaho> Would you use a super-vau for anything besides putting UI after it? 03:18 < zipcpi> Like putting the UI at the start of the sentence 03:19 < ctefaho> speaking of xoi, has anyone proposed a xoi-based fi'o? 03:19 * ctefaho has and loves it 03:19 < zipcpi> Erm, xoi is already a way of expanding fi'o 03:19 < ctefaho> I mean defining fi'o as xoi 03:19 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa cipra fa 03:19 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa cipra fa 03:20 < zipcpi> Like I said; gone through many iterations. Most of these arguments have been hashed over already 03:20 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 03:20 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 03:20 * ctefaho slaps mumble around a bit with a large trout 03:21 < zipcpi> It started out as a super-vau but they questioned whether a new selma'o was necessary 03:21 < zipcpi> So I moved it to UI as just a general marker 03:21 < zipcpi> Then I discovered {toi'e} 03:21 < zipcpi> So I thought, why not 03:22 < zipcpi> But now they want to move it back to super-vau for {xoi} 03:22 < zipcpi> Doesn't make much difference for the attitudinal usage though 03:23 < ctefaho> make it xoi-s terminator? 03:23 < zipcpi> xoi already has a terminator; se'u 03:24 < zipcpi> No they want to put it *before* xoi 03:24 < ctefaho> .i mi djuno 03:24 < ctefaho> what 03:24 < ctefaho> the 03:24 < ctefaho> quack? 03:24 < zipcpi> To attach xoi to the main bridi instead of a sub bridi 03:24 < gocti> {.i mi djuno lo du'u mo kau lo nu broda fa lo nu broda .i'au xoi brodi 03:24 < gocti> } 03:25 < ctefaho> >_> 03:25 < ctefaho> coi la gocti 03:25 < gocti> coi la ctefa 03:25 < ctefaho> gocti, what zipcpi just said, is that basically new-zi'e? 03:26 < gocti> nah, with new-zi'e it would still attach to the innermost currently open bridi 03:26 < ctefaho> ua 03:26 < gocti> (and xoi zi'e is just soi) 03:26 < ctefaho> yeah, that I grasped 03:26 < ctefaho> :p 03:27 < ctefaho> but ok, different then 03:28 < gleki> zipcpi: la tom pu zvati ti pu lo nu mi no'a 03:28 < zipcpi> ki'e gleki 03:31 < zipcpi> Yeah I haven't bothered to reupdate the definition for the "super-vau-again for xoi" because we need to think about how that should be formalized. 03:32 < zipcpi> Also I wasn't the one who brought up the potential for use with xoi 03:33 < gleki> i think this xoi is just not needed. {ibo} will do the trick. although {lo nu go'i} might be too lengthy 03:33 < zipcpi> And what, you will put {ke'a} in the {ibo} sentence? 03:34 < gleki> lo nu go'i as i just said 03:34 < zipcpi> Also what if you *don't* want to close the entire sentence? 03:34 < gleki> en: xoi 03:34 < mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 03:34 < mensi> of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi lo su'u no'a ku (the bridi in which this xoi term appears), including 03:34 < mensi> all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this xoi term (rightward scope). |>>> 03:34 < mensi> Terminator: se'u |>>> Ilmen 03:34 < zipcpi> xoi works even within a {nu} clause 03:34 < gleki> maybe i meant the new soi 03:34 < Ilmen> xoi si coi 03:35 < zipcpi> I'm not too familiar with the new soi 03:35 < gleki> Ilmen: what shifts to {.i} level, soi or xoi? 03:35 < Ilmen> None of them 03:36 < Ilmen> .i+tag is a good way to go back to the .i level 03:37 < gleki> what is the difference then again? 03:39 < Ilmen> The difference between soi and xoi is whether they're under the scope of the adverbials/quantifiers on their left 03:39 < Ilmen> broda naku soi brode != broda naku xoi brode 03:39 < zipcpi> Which one's which? 03:40 < Ilmen> {broda naku soi brode} = {broda xoi brode vau naku} 03:40 < zipcpi> So soi takes the scope, while xoi ignores it 03:40 < Ilmen> soi has topmost scope within its bridi, regardless of its position relatively to the other tags/quantifiers 03:41 < zipcpi> Huh... 03:41 < Ilmen> xoi has the same scope behavior as regular tags/quantifiers, it's under the scope of whatever is on its left 03:41 < zipcpi> Right 03:41 < zipcpi> So opposite of what I said 03:42 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 03:42 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 03:44 < ctefaho> ^bot should maybe wait a little before announcing, to avoid that when someone drops for a split second? 03:44 < gocti> ie 03:44 < Ilmen> ua 03:45 < Ilmen> cnino zmiku 03:45 < Ilmen> banli 03:47 < Mateon2> coi 03:47 < Ilmen> coi 03:47 < gocti> coi 03:47 < Mateon2> Why do we have 3/4 words for "enjoys"? 03:47 < Ilmen> Because people enjoy making words, li'a 03:47 < Ilmen> zo'o 03:48 < gocti> maybe the inventors had some toki pona spirit in them 03:48 < Ilmen> en: enjoy 03:48 < gleki> en: enjoy 03:48 < Mateon2> {pukfri}, {selpu'a} {zanfri} {datxlakempukfri}, though the last one is a bit different 03:48 < mensi> 5 da se tolcri: pukfri, selpu'a, zanfri, datxlakempukfri, zabna 03:48 < mensi> 5 da se tolcri: pukfri, selpu'a, zanfri, datxlakempukfri, zabna 03:49 < Mateon2> en: zabna 03:49 < mensi> zabna = x1 is favorable/great/superb/fabulous/dandy/outstanding/swell/admirable/nice/commendable/delightful/desirable/ 03:49 < mensi> enjoyable/laudable/likable/lovable/wonderful/praiseworthy/high-quality/cool in property x2 by standard x3; x1 rocks in 03:49 < mensi> aspect x2 according to x3 |>>> See also mabla, xamgu, funca, vrude, banli. |>>> officialdata 03:49 < zipcpi> Yeah that last one is more like "schadenfreude" :p 03:50 < Ilmen> en:pluka 03:50 < mensi> pluka = x1 (event/state) seems pleasant to/pleases x2 under conditions x3. 03:50 < Ilmen> pukfri and selpu'a are based on {pluka} 03:51 < Ilmen> so, basically, x1 feels pleasure at doing x2 03:51 < niftg> za'a tavla fi la'oi gloss 03:51 < Ilmen> zanfri is zabna+lifri, so "x1 is having a great time/experience at doing x2", or something like that 03:52 < Ilmen> but I'm unsure whether there's really a difference between pukfri and zanfri 03:52 < niftg> ju'ocu'i gy ka'e na'e srana 03:53 < gleki> en: selpu'a 03:53 < mensi> selpu'a [< se pluka ≈ 2nd conversion please] = p2 enjoys p1 under condition p3. |>>> Cf. pluka, gleki. |>>> 03:53 < mensi> tijlan 03:53 < Ilmen> こんにちは、ニフさん! 03:54 < Ilmen> coi la .nif. 03:54 < niftg> .u'i suksa ponbau fa'o こんにちは、イルメンさん 03:54 < gleki> coi nif nif i coi naf naf i mi'e nuf nuf 03:55 < zipcpi> Mateon: You should see what I did with "purpose" or "love" 03:55 < niftg> .a'o su'o lo me zo nif jo'u zo naf jo'u nuf cu rafsi da 03:56 < gleki> rafsi:naf 03:56 < mensi> zo natfe se rafsi zo'oi naf 03:56 < gleki> rafsi:nuf 03:56 < mensi> y no da se tolcri 03:56 < gocti> zo .nif. rafsi lo kurtyvla 03:56 < gleki> rafsi:nif 03:56 < niftg> .uenai 03:56 < mensi> zo nicfa se rafsi zo'oi nif 03:56 < gleki> en: nicfa 03:56 < mensi> nicfa = x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) 03:56 < mensi> in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5 |>>> x1 is 03:56 < mensi> (four-)vector-valued; it is a function that maps to a tensor (probably a vector or scalar) to a (four-)vector. Units are 03:56 < mensi> handled in x1, which will be a (four-)vector of mitre or the like. Time of measurement is just «ca» or the argument of 03:56 < mensi> the function(s) in x1, or can be defined instantaneously by x4. Proposed short rafsi: -nif-. See also: nifkemtemsalri. 03:56 < mensi> |>>> krtisfranks 03:56 < gleki> tordu e 03:56 < gleki> si ue 03:57 < niftg> cmaci valsi vau xu 03:57 < zipcpi> karbi tordu jenai cu tordu 03:57 < zipcpi> .y. 03:57 < zipcpi> ja'a doi niftyg 03:58 < niftg> mi'e co'a nicfa .i'unai 04:04 < niftg> .a'inai banzu jimpe fi la'oi displacement 04:15 < mibadna> coi do. 04:15 < mibadna> coi do 04:15 < zipcpi> coi badna 04:15 < zipcpi> kukte badna 04:16 < zipcpi> aule'o 04:18 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/scope_of_na lol yeah I agree with the proposed better solution 04:18 < zipcpi> I mean why keep {ro da poi te gusni na solji} 04:19 < dutchie> mi ralte pa lo badna .i mi bazi citka by. 04:19 < zipcpi> When {naku ro da poi te gusni cu solji} is much clearer 04:19 < zipcpi> It's just a logical garden path 04:21 < mibadna> are we allowed to talk in English if we are still new to lojban? 04:21 < zipcpi> Yes 04:21 < phma> coi 04:21 < mibadna> coi 04:21 < zipcpi> #jbosnu is for pure Lojban, while #ckule is specifically for learning 04:22 < mibadna> thanks, i'll head to #ckule 05:09 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Lesson 6. Time, space, situation */ [http://bit.ly/1SnHzQa] 05:19 < Rodericus> h 05:20 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 05:23 < ciuak-afk> ? 05:25 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa eqil fa 05:26 < nifyfonx> .u'i lo za'u zo fa lo na'e se slabu be ri cu jai cfipu ja'a 05:27 < nifyfonx> mi ji'a me lo se go'i 05:30 < nifyfonx> secau la xorlo ma dunli lu re lo ci mi li'u mu'a 05:30 < Ilmen> sei stace mi na djuno 05:31 < akmnlrse> simlu lo ka funsi lo du'u xu kau zo mi sinxa lo gunma kei noi na se djuno mi 05:31 < Ilmen> .i .e'u ru'e lu re cmima be lo'i ci mi li'u .i ku'i mi na sai birti 05:32 < Ilmen> .i mi se fange lo xorlo claxu jbobau 05:32 < nifyfonx> sei kanpe su'o lo sumgadri cu plixau vau ju'ocu'i 05:41 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa niftyg fa 05:44 < zipcpi> zei: mumble 05:44 < zipcpi> oi 05:44 < niftg> .ua re lo ci zo fa cu sinxa lo re fanmo pe lo sitna ke fange valsi vau po'o 05:44 < zipcpi> lu <ze'oi mu ruble> li'u 05:46 < zipcpi> .y. 05:46 < zipcpi> exp: jorne co'a fa la'o fa niftyg fa 05:46 < zipcpi> oi 05:46 < niftg> zo ze'oi zo'u nitcu lo fa'orma'o vau xu 05:46 < Eogan> Lu -li'u is related to lo-ku structure I presume? 05:46 < zipcpi> la mensi ba'o oicli'a 05:46 < dutchie> {lu}/{li'u} quote text 05:46 < Eogan> Ah... 05:46 < zipcpi> na nitcu .i galfi lo papo'o valsi 05:46 < niftg> .uenai .ua je'e 05:48 < niftg> lu me la'e zo mu ruble li'u dunli .ua 05:48 < zipcpi> do'a go'i 05:51 < zipcpi> zo ze'oi na mutce satci .i lu <ko'a ze'oi coi> li'u ka'e se smuni lo du'u <ko'a cu cusku zo coi> jo'u lo du'u <ko'a cu me zo coi> jo'u lo du'u <ko'a cu rinsa ko'e> li'o 05:51 < zipcpi> eye 05:51 < zipcpi> .i lu <ko'a ze'oi coi> li'u ka'e se smuni lo du'u <ko'a cu cusku zo coi> kei jo'u lo du'u <ko'a cu me zo coi> kei jo'u lo du'u <ko'a cu rinsa ko'e> li'o 05:53 < niftg> la'a simsa lo seltau noi zvati lo stuzi be lo tertau 05:56 < zipcpi> .ie sa'u sa'enai simsa za'e lu coi zei co'e li'u 05:57 < niftg> .u'a 06:13 < ruaim> saluton ĉiuj 06:13 < Ilmen> Saluton 06:16 < gleki> ue 06:16 < ruaim> saluton Ilmen. Mi pardon petas por mia esperanton, sed mi ankoraŭ ne parolas lojban. mi volas lerni 06:17 < dutchie> "for discussion ... about Lojban in any language" 06:17 < egrep> Hah. 06:17 < zipcpi> xcuaxoe &%(UGKh uahaxk23 uieoih zxau 06:17 < zipcpi> u 06:17 < Ilmen> dutchie: They're discussing Lojban, so it's fine :) 06:18 < dutchie> Ilmen: i assumed as much 06:18 < gleki> kio estas "pardon petas"? 06:19 < gleki> kaj "por mia esperanto". ne bezonas akuzativon post prepozicioj. 06:19 < Ilmen> ruaim: Bone; mi ja povas paroli Esperanton; tamen ne estas multe da lerniloj helpantaj Esperantparolantojn lerni Loĵbanon, bedaŭrinde 06:19 < Mateon1> coi 06:19 < niftg> {cpedu lo nu fraxu}? 06:19 < Ilmen> gleki: "pardonpetas", "peti pardonon" 06:19 < Ilmen> niftg: Jes 06:20 < gleki> ah, unu vorto 06:20 < Mateon1> So, does this mean that in this channel we can't speak Lojban unless we're speaking about lojban? :P 06:20 < Mateon1> Remove the capital* 06:20 < gleki> yes, either in Lojban or about Lojban 06:20 < ruaim> jes, unu vorto! 06:20 < Ilmen> Or both 06:20 < Ilmen> :p 06:20 < gleki> gi'a sa'e 06:20 < Ilmen> ruaim: Kiu estas via unua lingvo? 06:21 < Mateon1> Anyways, is anybody willing to help me with pronounciation? When I read texts and compare with other readings I often don't catch some errors on my part, probably making them worse. 06:21 < Ilmen> Se ne malĝentilas tio, ke mi demandas. 06:22 < gleki> Mateon1: feel fee to ask or send your recordings 06:22 < gleki> *free 06:22 < Mateon1> There is a difference between these two :P Anyways, understood 06:22 < Ilmen> Mateon1: Several lojbanists are currently connected to the Lojban Mumble server 06:23 < Ilmen> there people can voice chat in Lojban 06:23 < Mateon1> Been thinking about that, I need to set up my phone since I don't have a mic, I'll need to fumble a bit with the settings as well 06:24 < Ilmen> the "push to talk" option is nice for avoiding fiddling with loudness thresholds 06:24 < ruaim> mia patro parolos esperanton ekde anfanaĝo 06:24 < cflep> Coi 06:24 < Ux> Does lojban has its own pronunciation and enunciation quirks (like frnch) or is it a limited set of sounds (italian, spanish) 06:25 < Ilmen> Ux: It has a transparent/phonological spelling 06:25 < cflep> every lettes makes a sound, it doesn't change when combined 06:25 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 06:25 < Ilmen> The rule is: only one letter per sound, only one sound per letter 06:25 < Ilmen> @ Ux 06:25 < ruaim> mia patrino ofte japanon parolos 06:26 < Ilmen> ruaim: Imprese! 06:26 < Ux> Eogan=Ux (different device as I am too dumb to set up any bouncers or servers for IRC) 06:26 < Ilmen> Mi parolas Japanlinvon ankaŭe, sed mi ne tre lertas 06:26 < Ux> I like this rule 06:26 < Ilmen> @ ruaim 06:26 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon's mic fa 06:27 < cflep> Is there somebody who want's to teach me? I've just learned the SE-words 06:27 < Ilmen> coi 06:27 < ruaim> lertas? 06:28 < ruaim> @Ilmen 06:28 < zipcpi> I don't quite have a lesson plan like Idlework did... you can try this though : http://mw.lojban.org/papri/The_Crash_Course_(a_draft) 06:28 < gleki> lernas versxajne 06:29 < gleki> cflep: yeah, just ask questions, try to construct sentences 06:29 < Ilmen> ruaim: hmmm, mi pu kredis, ke tiu vorto ja ekzistas, mi estas konfuza 06:29 < gleki> you may also search for good or bad translations in tatoeba.org database e.g. here and repot them mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/muplis/index.html 06:29 < Ilmen> ruaim: eble estas hispana vorto 06:29 < Ilmen> eo: certu 06:29 < mensi> certu = x1 estas spertulo/profesiulo pri x2 (okazo/ago) laŭ normo x3 |>>> Ankaŭ: kompetenta, lerta. Vidu ankaŭ djuno, 06:29 < mensi> stati, kakne. |>>> xorxes 06:29 < gleki> Ilmen: do ba'e pu kredis xu 06:30 < Ux> Btw, goodsports, how many languages and to what depth each of you know? 06:30 < Ilmen> "sperti" estas la vorto, ke mi volis uzi 06:30 < gleki> ie 06:30 < gleki> x1 spertas ... 06:30 < cflep> Luxembourgsih, French, German and English I'm learning Swedish and I understand Dutch 06:31 < Ilmen> Do, mi ne tre spertas, ĉar mi jam vorton mankas 06:31 < cflep> Luxembourgish* 06:31 < Ux> My list would be Ru[101%], Lt[98], Ger[88], Eng[89], Fr[30], It[30], Swe[1], Gr[2], Esp[5], Jap[12], Pl[30-50], lojban[1] 06:31 < ruaim> Ilmen: hispana lingvo parolas? 06:31 < mindszenty> Luxembourgish! That's so cool. 06:31 < Ux> My subjective percentages of learning 06:31 < cflep> wow that's a lot 06:31 < zipcpi> Hm CKTJ zo'u: How about {jei} for {jo'u} instead? I know hex digits are hardly used, but it's desirable to keep them monosyllabic 06:32 < Ilmen> I speak French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Esperanto, Lojban and am learning German 06:32 < cflep> Luxembourgish has a lot in commun with German 06:32 < Ux> I live in Europe and hold it for a lack of respect to not be able to express yourself in a given country 06:32 < cflep> Oh German, das freut mich 06:33 < gleki> mi rusko 06:33 < cflep> How old are you? 06:33 < zipcpi> But then we'd have to call it "cekitaujei" instead :p 06:33 < Mateon1> Oh god, I think this is the same effect that you can't speak clearly if you listen to what you just said with slight delay. I think I'll just use my phone 06:34 < Ux> So I can get around and understand a reply in Greek and Spanish, but no more than that 06:34 < Ux> But it is already a foundation to move forward with it 06:34 < cflep> yeah but that's already enough 06:34 < ruaim> mi ĉiam forgesas "ĉu", mi pardonpetas. Mi provos memori ĝin! 06:35 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon's mic fa 06:35 < Ilmen> ruaim: ĉu vi bone parolas Japanlingvon? 06:35 < gleki> ruaim: cxu vi tute ne parolas la anglan? 06:35 < Ilmen> ruaim: Estas pli multe da Japanlingvaj Loĵban-kursoj ol Esperantlinvaj kursoj, ŝajne 06:36 < Ux> I am actively learning french, italian, swedish, japanese, polish and lojban (since yesterday), soon I'll get my german and english backed by an official paper 06:36 < ruaim> En japanon, "ĉu" vorto ne estas... 06:36 < Ux> swedish was just a dare 06:36 < demize> Sounds like a boring dare. ;p 06:37 < cflep> Oh I love Swedish ( Jag älskar svenska) 06:37 < ruaim> gleki: Ne multo... 06:37 < ctefaho> swedish 06:37 < ctefaho> Swedish? 06:37 < Ux> To get proficient in Swe in 5 weeks? 06:37 < ctefaho> who 06:37 < ctefaho> what 06:37 < Ux> Not very boring 06:37 < Ilmen> ruaim: La simplaj Loĵbanaj vortoj estas tradukitaj al Esperanto, sed mi ne konscias pri ajna bona gramatika kurso 06:37 < Ilmen> Tamen oni povas lerni per IRC 06:37 < demize> mi na nelci lo sfe'ero 06:37 < mensi> sei mi stace mi bi'u na mutce nelci 06:38 < Ilmen> pluraj Loĵbanistoj ja kapablas je Esperanto 06:38 < cflep> It's a bit confusing with the en anka -> ankan 06:38 < Ux> I wonder now if there are other lang learning IRC channels out there 06:38 < Ux> That would help me a lot 06:38 < gleki> Ux: i usually use whatsapp 06:38 < gleki> ive seen only ##espanol 06:38 < ruaim> mi parolas japanon bone! 06:38 < cflep> Well, I could help you in French, German or Luxembourgish 06:39 < Ilmen> 順調! 06:39 < Ux> Hmm I need to check that out 06:40 < ruaim> みんなも日本語話せる? 06:40 < niftg> うん 06:40 < dutchie> now i feel rather inadequate only being able to speak English, French and German 06:40 < Ux> The trouble is that french and espagnol fight, because they have so many similar words 06:40 < dutchie> I can do some Latin too 06:40 < niftg> .u'i nau bangu vrici 06:40 < cflep> dutchie, du you speak Dutch? 06:40 < ruaim> mein deutsch ist nicht so gut... 06:40 < Ux> I learned Japanese by ear 06:40 < cflep> Deutsch ist doch einfach 06:41 < ruaim> Deutsch ist sehr schwer 06:41 < Ux> Still bad with my hiragana/katakana, and haven't even started with kanji 06:41 < dutchie> dutch i vaguely understand only by comparison with english/german 06:41 < dutchie> <-- mi glico 06:41 < cflep> Nein, viel einfacher als Französisch 06:41 < Ilmen> Ux: Oh, I've experienced that with Spanish and Esperanto 06:41 < gleki> Ux: i stopped learning spanish exactly for this reason since i tried to portugalize it in my head 06:41 < Ux> Nö doch, Deutch ist einfach relativ 06:41 < zipcpi> I know some Chinese and Malay but I'm a lot less fluent than I used to be. Lack of exposure T.T 06:41 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon2 fa 06:42 < ruaim> Aber ich spräche(?) gern Deutsch 06:42 < cflep> dutchi: oh, it's just because of your name... 06:42 < cflep> dutchie: oh, it's just because of your name... 06:42 < dutchie> i get that a lot :) 06:42 < gleki> ue la'oi dutchie cu dotco 06:42 < Ilmen> Yay, many languages at work \o/ 06:43 < cflep> Das beste ist, dass man einfach Wörter zusammensetzen kann 06:43 < Ux> I'd rather use "wurde/würde gern sprechen" much less room for error with this one 06:43 < cflep> yeah, that would be better 06:43 < Ilmen> ruaim: https://ja.wikibooks.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3 06:44 < dutchie> i am dutchie because my surname is "Holland" 06:44 < dutchie> nothing to do with nationality 06:44 < Ux> Ok it is "würde" 06:44 < gleki> ua na dotco 06:44 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon2 fa 06:44 < Ux> wurde is passive form 06:44 < cflep> That's cool 06:44 < Ux> I tend to mix these up 06:44 < Ilmen> あなたに役立つと思います 06:44 < Ilmen> @ ruaim 06:45 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon2 fa 06:45 < Ux> Japanese lojban... I am impressed 06:45 < Ux> Is mumble a bot? 06:45 < Ilmen> It is 06:45 < cflep> The thing is, most Luxembourgish people learned German by watching TV. It's so near for example: Das Auto ist rot. would be Den Auto ass rout. 06:46 < Ilmen> Ux: Mumble is a voice chat program 06:46 < Ilmen> this IRC bot tells who joins and leaves the Mumble server 06:46 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon2 fa 06:46 < gleki> who made this bot btw? 06:46 < Ilmen> I don't know; Cirko, I think 06:47 < Mateon1> I'm having trouble with mumble 06:47 < Mateon1> It keeps crashing on my phone 06:47 < Ilmen> ruaim: http://mw.lojban.org/lmw/lojban_wavelessons_%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E7%89%88 06:47 < Ilmen> Tio ankaŭe estas bona kurso 06:48 < niftg> lo ponbau uitkicukta pe lo jbobau zo'u stika nitcu ki'u lo nu laldo 06:48 < Ilmen> ŭa 06:48 < ruaim> Ilmen: Kio estas via favorata(j) lingvo(j)? 06:48 < Ux> Esperanto is oddly comprehensible to me 06:48 < ruaim> あー、ありがとう、Ilmen! 06:48 < Ilmen> ruaim: Malfacila demando 06:49 < gleki> Ux: можно еще русский добавить 06:49 < niftg> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%E5%AD%A6%E7%BF%92 日本語での教材リスト 06:50 < ruaim> みんなありがとうね 06:50 < Ilmen> どういたしまして 06:50 < cflep> Mi baupli lojbau 06:50 < niftg> .ua pu'iku tu'a la'oi wavelesson cu se stidi 06:51 < Ilmen> ̂̂̂̂̂^^ 06:51 < cflep> that's to compilquated 06:51 < ruaim> en loĵban, kio estas "." 06:51 < niftg> .u'i'i 06:52 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 06:52 < zipcpi> mi baupli lo jbobau 06:52 < Ux> В смысле, куда добавить? 06:52 < Ux> @gleki 06:52 < zipcpi> mi baupli jbobau = "I am a language-user-ish Lojban-language" 06:52 < gleki> сюда, в чат для разнообразия. 06:53 < gleki> В Ложбанистане сегодня день полиглотов 06:53 < Ilmen> ruaim: la litero [.] signas etan pauzon aŭ glota halto 06:53 < Ilmen> *glotan halton 06:53 < zipcpi> Or just {mi se jbobau} would do :p 06:53 < cflep> ehm.... 06:53 < gleki> that would do too doi zipcpi 06:53 < Ux> Праздник 06:54 < ruaim> kie la frazo finas? 06:54 < Ux> I need to use translit.ru as I have no russian keyboard on my PC 06:54 < zipcpi> cflep: Remember the lesson about {lo ... ku}? Except this time I left out the {ku}; in many places, but not all, {ku} can be left out; at the end of a sentence is one example 06:54 < gleki> для русскоязычных тоже почти ничего нет. лень переводить 06:54 < gleki> словарь только 06:54 < ruaim> estas malfelica, ne ĝi estas... 06:55 < Ilmen> kio ne estas kia 06:55 < Ilmen> ? 06:55 < gleki> и это http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D1%8B_%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0 06:55 < cflep> Do I have to leave them out or is it an option? 06:55 < Ilmen> cflep: Learn what? 06:55 < zipcpi> It's optional 06:55 < gleki> alguem fala portugues aqui ? :) 06:56 < cflep> ok, then i'll not do it ;D 06:56 < zipcpi> lol You'll learn in time when they could and couldn't be left out 06:57 < zipcpi> Hmm... I can think of some things to tell you in #ckule 06:57 < cflep> but for now it's to compilquated 06:57 < cflep> ok 06:57 < Ilmen> cflep: You can see lo...ku as a circumposition 06:57 < Ilmen> although the "ku" is most of the time elidible 06:57 < ruaim> Ilmen: Mi ne povas vidi la finon de la frazon 06:58 < Ilmen> ruaim: Kiun frazon? 06:59 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa eqil fa 06:59 < Ilmen> Malfacilas atenti unutempe multajn aferojn; kutime la aktiveco ne estas tiom intensa tie ĉi :) 06:59 < ruaim> ajna loĵban frazon Ilmen 06:59 < Ilmen> okej 07:00 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa akti fa 07:00 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa akti fa 07:00 < gleki> mi'e la akti 07:00 < Ilmen> ŭa 07:01 < gleki> ca da ma'a pu tende tu'a zo'oi VCCV 07:03 < niftg> la'a la'oi ruaim nu'o jimpe fi zo .i noi jufra krasi 07:03 < ruaim> Ĉu ni devus privatbabili? 07:03 < ruaim> @Ilmen 07:07 < ruaim> niftgわかんないよ 07:08 < ruaim> English is confusing 07:09 < ruaim> I do not understand how do you speak it... 07:09 < niftg> ごめん。自分はまだエスペラントは上手くないので。 07:10 < ruaim> いいよ!このlojbanわかんないよ! 07:13 < ruaim> あんたは日本語話すのがいいだ! 07:13 < niftg> Mi pensas, ke vi ankoraux ne scias pri {i} lojxbana 07:15 < ruaim> うん 07:17 < ruaim> lojban学んでみたいよ 07:18 < niftg> Mi vidas, ke Ilmen nun instruas alian homon, kiu ankaux volas scii pri lojxbano 07:18 < Ilmen> Jes 07:18 < Ilmen> Mi bedaŭras, mi ne vidis tion, ke vi estis diskutantaj 07:21 < ruaim> mi baldaŭ revenos 07:29 < Ilmen> Okej 07:33 < niftg> zoi .ebu. "Nenio estas fino de frazo en lojxbano. Sed malfino ekzistas." .ebu. banzu xu 07:33 < niftg> .u'i se'i zo'oi malfino 07:33 < Ilmen> Bona frazo 07:38 < niftg> mi nu'o kanpe lo nu su'oda ca'a gaurtcini lo nu ctuca fo lo lojbo bau lo spero 07:38 < gleki> ie 07:38 < gleki> i'i 07:39 < niftg> .u'u srera tu'a lo terbri be zo gaurtcini 07:39 < gleki> en: gaurtcini 07:39 < mensi> gaurtcini [< gasnu tcini ≈ Do condition] = t1 is an opportunity for t2=g1 to do g2. |>>> Cf. tcini, gasnu, funca. |>>> 07:39 < mensi> tijlan 07:40 < gleki> ue 07:40 < ruaim> な、なるほど! 07:43 < niftg> en IRC oni ne kutime uzas {.i}, kio estas "malfino" de frazo. 07:43 < ruaim> mlatu =kato estas 07:43 < ruaim> lo mlatu=kato estisto 07:45 < niftg> "io, kiu estas kato"? 07:48 < ruaim> jes jes! 07:48 < ruaim> facile estas! 07:48 < gleki> mlatu = esti kato 07:48 < gleki> lo mlatu = iu kiu estas kato 07:49 < gleki> {mlatu} estas verbo. 07:49 < gleki> {lo mlatu} estas substantivo 07:50 < ruaim> dankon! 07:50 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 07:50 < gleki> (versxajne estas necesa traduki mian enkondukon en Lojxbanon en Esperanton) 07:54 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 07:54 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 07:54 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 07:56 < ruaim> ti=これ  07:56 < ruaim> ta=それ 07:56 < ruaim> tu=あれ 07:56 < ruaim> そうね? 07:57 < niftg> そんな感じ 07:57 < Ux> Has it just turned into japanese lessons??? 07:58 < niftg> .u'u 07:58 < niftg> ta'o zo .u'u simsa zo'oi oops 07:59 < ruaim> No Japanese is learning 07:59 < gleki> Ux: looks like. that's why we have three channels 07:59 < ruaim> I use Japanese to learn 08:01 < niftg> nitcu lo za'umoi ke ckule se irci 08:03 < ruaim> ĉu vi scias mi ne ankoraŭ loĵbano parolas? mi lernas... 08:04 < ruaim> mi ne volis ofendi... mi pardonpetas 08:05 < niftg> ne estas problemo. 08:07 < niftg> mi ankaux pardonpetas, ke mi kutime parolas en lojxbano por nur lojxbanisto. 08:09 * nuzba @selpahi: Tê îmmo'l öin-n akác íčeitokç ke eqolet'. | Random #Itkhkuil phrases http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/random-phrases-according-to-my-mother-the-person-who-hit-you-likes-to-travel (gloss + audio) (#lojban) [http://bit.ly/1G3oATh] 08:09 * nuzba @uitki: L17-04 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-04 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1dKj2W0] 08:09 < Eogan> Sumimasen, watashi wa sore o subete no kõhõ o motte 08:10 < Eogan> I bet I made mistakes there anyway 08:12 < niftg> ta'o zo'oi kõhõ cu se smuni ma .i secau lo anji cu smuvrici mutce 08:33 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa SuperUser fa 08:35 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa zipcpi fa 08:37 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa SuperUser fa 08:37 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa SuperUser fa 08:38 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa SuperUser fa 08:38 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa SuperUser fa 08:41 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa SuperUser fa 08:53 < cflep> coi 08:53 < niftg> coi la .cflep. 08:55 < cflep> If I could, I would say how are you in Lojban... 08:57 < niftg> so'ida cusku lu {do mo} li'u 08:57 <@xalbo> The most common is {do mo} or {pei do mo}. It's a much more broad question than English "How are you?", also encompassing things like "What's up (with you)?" and "Who are you?" 08:58 < cflep> ok thanks 08:58 < zipcpi> {mo} is a "pro-verb" 08:59 < zipcpi> Just like {do} is a "pronoun" 08:59 < zipcpi> {mo}, specifically, is the interrogative pro-verb 08:59 < zipcpi> {ma} is the interrogative pronoun 09:00 < zipcpi> {ma vecnu lo gerku}= "Who sells dogs?" Note that {ma} can mean both who or what depending on context 09:00 < cflep> so {mo do} is "How(are) you" 09:01 < zipcpi> Generally is {do mo}; it's more natural because if the answer is {kanro} "is-healthy", it completes as {mi kanro} "I am healthy" 09:02 < zipcpi> You don't have to move your question words to the beginning, unlike English 09:02 < zipcpi> {la .tom. cu vecnu ma} = "What does Tom sell?" 09:03 < cflep> What about {ma lo gerku ku se vecnu do} 09:03 < zipcpi> = {ma se vecnu lo gerku ku do} = "Who sold a dog to you?" 09:04 < akmnlrse> "what did the dog sell you?" 09:04 < zipcpi> Erm... 09:04 < zipcpi> Oops, forgot the se 09:04 < zipcpi> Yeah akmnlrse is right 09:04 < cflep> what I wanted to say is Which dog did you buy? 09:04 < zipcpi> Ah... which 09:05 * ctefaho waves around selpai'is latest gadri idea 09:05 < zipcpi> That's a funny thing... Lojban for the longest time, had a hard time dealing with "which"; the simplest was {ma noi gerku cu se vecnu fi do} 09:06 < zipcpi> Which relied on embedding an additional clause with {noi} 09:06 < zipcpi> But now... we have {mo'oi} 09:06 < zipcpi> {mo'oi} is like {lo} 09:06 < zipcpi> Except it is an interrogative article 09:06 < zipcpi> {mo'oi gerku cu se vecnu fi do} 09:07 < cflep> how do I know if it's present or futur or past? 09:07 < zipcpi> Lojban has no mandatory tense marking 09:07 < dutchie> good question! 09:07 < zipcpi> But it has ways to mark tenses 09:07 < cflep> and what is the "fi" 09:07 < zipcpi> {ca}, {ba}, {pu} 09:07 < zipcpi> Oh 09:07 < zipcpi> {fi} tags the x3 09:08 < zipcpi> {lo gerku cu se vecnu do} = A dog is sold by you. 09:08 < zipcpi> {lo gerku cu se vecnu fi do} = A dog is sold to you 09:08 < dutchie> do you know about {zo'e}? 09:08 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada2 fa 09:09 < cflep> ah so se+fi switches x2-> x1 and x3->x2 09:09 < zipcpi> {zo'e} is another solution; it's the "elliptical pronoun", something like "something/someone" 09:09 < zipcpi> fi "jumps" to x3 09:09 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada2 fa 09:09 < zipcpi> fi is part of a set 09:09 < zipcpi> fa fe fi fo fu 09:09 < zipcpi> fa jumps to x1 09:09 < zipcpi> fe jumps to x2 09:09 < zipcpi> etc 09:10 < cflep> ok, but the tenses... could you give some exemples please? 09:10 < zipcpi> lol 09:10 < zipcpi> OK 09:10 < zipcpi> mi ca vecnu = I am selling 09:11 < zipcpi> mi pu vecnu = I was selling 09:11 < zipcpi> mi ba vecnu = I will sell (in the future; do note that this isn't an adequate translation for many uses of English "will") 09:11 < cflep> do you know any other language, because English is a bit special with the tenses... 09:11 < zipcpi> I know a little bit of Malay and Chinese 09:12 < zipcpi> But not enough to construct examples on the fly, and I don't know if you speak them 09:12 < cflep> I can't speak those languages at all... 09:12 < zipcpi> OK 09:13 < cflep> and what about "I would sell this dog, if it was taller." 09:13 < cflep> and the oher conditionals 09:14 < zipcpi> {ai mi vecnu le meti gerku .ijanai da'i ri rajycla zmadu 09:15 < zipcpi> This uses a lot of constructs that you aren't quite familiar yet... :p 09:15 < cflep> oh that looks complicated 09:16 < cflep> So, could you tell me please something about the plurals? 09:17 < zipcpi> OK... there are no real plurals in Lojban. There is {loi}, but it's not a mere plural, but also groups them into a single entity 09:17 < akmnlrse> {lo gerku} is vague as to number, {lo pa gerku} is one dog, {lo za'u gerku} is more than one 09:17 < zipcpi> {lo za'u pa gerku} 09:17 < zipcpi> Or just {lo so'o gerku} "Several dogs" 09:18 <@xalbo> In English, "dogs" is used for any case other than one (including two dogs, or three, or twenty-million). Only the case of a single dog is treated separately. In Lojban, that case isn't treated separately. 09:20 * nuzba @lycaon_ebooks: I'm not HAPPY ABOUT IT dark souls was such a shitty teen lojban is the "um, actually" of [http://bit.ly/1Lfz0Ww] 09:20 * nuzba @uitki: bauspo fazykamni - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/bauspo_fazykamni by Cirko - /* ni'o lo tadji */ za'a mi za'u roi srera tau zo ce [http://bit.ly/1Gt77G3] 09:20 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: #lojban oi uanai ma'i la ilmentufa lo'u pu nu'i ti ta nu'u le'u du lu pu ku nu'i ti ta nu'u .i la'e di'u cu natfe zo'ei la cylyly [http://bit.ly/1Gt829C] 09:20 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: @oka_iu_tcan srana la'oi http://lojban.github.io/cll/10/25/ [http://bit.ly/1LfAH6m] 09:21 < cflep> what's that green script there? 09:22 < durka42> what green script 09:22 < durka42> coi 09:22 < cflep> coi 09:22 <@xalbo> nuzba is a bot that collects any mentions of "lojban" on twitter and mirrors them here. 09:22 < cflep> doesn't matter 09:23 < cflep> oh thank you 09:23 < ctefaho> https://twitter.com/lycaon_ebooks/status/611201687307595776 09:23 < durka42> @lycaon_ebooks seems to be a markov generator... 09:23 < ctefaho> whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat 09:23 < durka42> mi na viska su'o crino uanai 09:24 <@xalbo> Different IRC clients use different colors for different nicks. On mine, nuzba is green. Apparently for cflep nuzba is green (or it does all actions as green, or something). 09:24 < durka42> ua 09:25 < durka42> I switched to Colloquy yesterday and now all nicks are blue 09:25 < durka42> well they were an eye-bleeding shade of green so I changed them to blue 09:25 < cflep> Is there also one for FB? 09:25 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 09:26 <@xalbo> I don't think so. 09:26 <@xalbo> Apparently there's one for mumble. 09:26 < durka42> yeah is that one new 09:26 <@xalbo> I think so. 09:27 < Ilmen> Yeah, I didn't see it the previous days 09:27 < durka42> I figured you had made it, Ilmen 09:29 < Ilmen> durka42: Nope, I think it's Cirko 09:29 < Ilmen> but I'm unsure 09:34 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 09:47 * nuzba @neilthawani: @Bishopanonymous Two things that may interest you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lojban and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/11/technology-changes-memory_n_4414778.html [http://bit.ly/1Gtb7qa] 09:54 < niftg> .ua la okaiutcan puza patsku tu'a lo nu'i zei jufra pe la ilmentufa 09:55 < niftg> cu'u la nuzba 09:55 < zipcpi> k: dze'oinu'i 09:55 < mensi> (CU [Z:dze'oinu'i VAU]) 09:56 < zipcpi> Hmm... interesting, maybe we could use that to make zi'evla out of cmavo concepts without proper brivla 09:56 < zipcpi> k: dze'oize'oi 09:56 < mensi> (CU [Z:dze'oize'oi VAU]) 09:57 < durka42> mi dze'oi'oi 10:22 < Ilmen> en: baurnuludu 10:22 < mensi> baurnuludu = x1 is the language with ISO 639-3 code ''nld'' (Flemish, Dutch). |>>> See also bangu |>>> 10:22 < mensi> glekizmiku 10:28 < gleki> en: bergamot 10:29 < mensi> bergamia = x1 is a bergamot orange of variety/cultivar x2 10:32 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa niek fa 10:32 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa niek fa 10:32 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa niek fa 10:32 < niek> oi 10:32 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 10:36 < zipcpi> oi co'u gendra 10:37 < zipcpi> k: bergamiia 10:37 < mensi> (CU [Z:bergamiia VAU]) 10:37 < zipcpi> k: bergami'a 10:37 < mensi> (CU [Z:bergami'a VAU]) 10:38 < zipcpi> k: bergamo 10:38 < mensi> (CU [Z:bergamo VAU]) 10:38 < zipcpi> Yeah I think the last one is the best 10:49 < phma> bergamota 10:49 < gleki> bergumota 10:49 < phma> not to be confused with garmudi, which is the other, unrelated, fruit called bergamot (a pear) 10:49 < gleki> en: garmudi 10:49 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:50 < gleki> Monarda fistulosa ? 10:50 < Ux> Which one is added to a tea? 10:51 < phma> The orange EO. 10:53 < phma> From the Italian word 'bergamotto', that derives from the arab: "beg-armudi or beg armut ("prince's pear" or "prince of pears) 10:53 < gleki> interest = The price paid for obtaining, or price received for providing, money or goods in a credit transaction, calculated as a fraction of the amount or value of what was borrowed. 10:53 < gleki> How to say all that in Lojban? 10:53 < phma> I think the g is supposed to be yumuşak, but I'm no Turk. It's Turkish, not Arabic. 10:54 < gleki> {dejyterze'a} is just a new word not explaining anything 10:54 < phma> let's see. jbera... 10:55 < gleki> credit transaction. it's related to {dejni}, okay. but i dont understand much more. 10:55 < gleki> at least is interest = jdima lonu degji? 10:55 < gleki> or {jdima lonu pleji}? 10:57 < phma> parbi... 10:57 < gleki> i guess credit transaction here is more related to how banks work. 10:58 < gleki> en: dejyterze'a 10:58 < mensi> dejyterze'a [< dejni te zenba ≈ Owe 3rd conversion increase] = z3 is the interest on debt z1=d2 of debtor d1 to creditor 10:58 < mensi> d3. |>>> Cf. dejni, zenba, terdejni, kagyseldejni, ze'i zei seldejni, ze'u zei seldejni, paurseldejni, fairprali, jbera, 10:58 < mensi> jdini, banxa. |>>> totus 10:59 < gleki> ko'i te zenba fi lo se dejni be fo'a bei fo'i 10:59 < gleki> why te zenba here? 11:00 < zipcpi> Do we need more zi'o? 11:00 < zipcpi> I have a bunch of spare zi'o laying around 11:00 < zipcpi> No one seems to want to buy them 11:03 < rutytar1> lo'u .cy. .obu. .ibu. le'u vlakemlerpoi fi lo zo coi 11:03 < rutytar1> is this valid? 11:04 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 11:05 <@xalbo> "Interest", in the financial sense, is {ve zivle} 11:06 < gleki> rutytar1: looks like 11:06 < gleki> xalbo: and who is the investor? 11:06 < rutytar1> i'o 11:06 <@xalbo> Whoever is loaning the money. 11:07 <@xalbo> (ie, whoever is being paid the interest) 11:08 < zipcpi> rutytar: I defined {vlalerpoi} to have a more convenient place structure 11:08 < gleki> xalbo: so if i use my credit card to take cash then zivle1 is the bank? 11:08 < rutytar1> i was thinking the the ke seemed a little gratuitous 11:08 < zipcpi> Maybe I should make it {vlalepo} instead to make it easier to say, and to divorce from jvojva 11:08 < gleki> what is zivle2 and zivle3 here? 11:09 <@xalbo> Yes, the bank is investing their money in giving it to you, with the expected return that you'll repay it with interest. 11:11 < gleki> lo banxe cu zivle lo jdini lo ka ce'u ri te cpacu mi vau lo interese ? 11:12 <@xalbo> Sounds about right. 11:12 < zipcpi> Oh rutytar1: You have an extraneous {lo} 11:12 < zipcpi> {zo coi} doesn't need {lo} 11:13 < gleki> oh, right didnt notice that 11:13 < gleki> xalbo: much better. ki'e. are you su'ova'e a financier? 11:13 < zipcpi> Also lo'u / le'u is a bit... uncertain. Cause in my mind {lo'u .cy. .obu. .ibu. le'u} = the string ".cy. .obu. .ibu." 11:14 <@xalbo> gleki: no va'e 11:14 < gleki> uinai i ma'a nitcu lo jdini kurti 11:14 < zipcpi> {me'o} (or if I would be so bold as to suggest {li'ei}) might be more accurate 11:15 < zipcpi> LIhEI isn't in the parsers yet though 11:15 < gleki> en: li'ei 11:15 < mensi> li'ei = [LIhEI] arbitrary character string |>>> Accepts any arbitrary string of BY, bu-letterals, PA. Elidable 11:15 < mensi> terminator: lo'o. See li'ai, me'o, mo'e, li. |>>> spheniscine 11:15 < gleki> too bad. it's a new selmaho 11:15 < zipcpi> Well it has to be after xornunsep :p 11:20 < gleki> La Bangu eng2jbo dictionary now takes really too much time to generate. i think i need to start writing a script generating it. 11:22 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/kelci'e 11:23 < gleki> guaspi: play 11:23 < mensi> 7 da se tolcri: plu, gea, jiul, cor, cwi, psyn, toi 11:23 < gleki> guaspi: plu 11:23 < mensi> plu = X1 plays game (vo) X2:+1 |>>> Use -plu -ziu for playing with an object. 11:23 < ldlework> What was wrong with selkei 11:23 < zipcpi> selkei can be game or toy 11:23 < gleki> guaspi: ziu 11:23 < zipcpi> Or just anything played with 11:23 < mensi> ziu = X1 uses means X2 for purpose (vo) X3+1 |>>> Typically X2 is an object and X3 is done by means of X2. In a 11:23 < mensi> subordinate clause autoconversion leaves X2 as the 2nd case. 11:23 < ldlework> je'e 11:24 < zipcpi> Essentially {mi kelci lo se kelci} 11:24 < zipcpi> Which sounds like a tautology 11:24 < gleki> so i might not remember correctly but in -plu-ziu plu2 must be merged with ziu3. 11:24 < gleki> at least this is how jvajvo should probably work in guaspi 11:24 < zipcpi> Also {ci'erkei} "To play a game" is already defined. Funny though, because "game" is a more basic concept than that 11:24 < gleki> or maybe i just dreaming that 11:25 < gleki> anyway, it's {x1 kelci x2 se pi'o x3} 11:26 < gleki> why dont we have a JOI for these guaspesque tanru/jvajvo? 11:27 < gleki> In a subordinate clause autoconversion ... 11:27 < zipcpi> Also {ciste} has some useful places 11:27 < gleki> zipcpi: the existence of ci'erkei in the official gimste just shows that they didnt know of raising 11:28 < zipcpi> What's worse, they glossed it as "game" 11:30 < gleki> en: game 11:30 < mensi> 53 da se tolcri: pergamena, ci'erkei, nunkei, bancumumu, bemboiterjvi, bolgrijvi, boltipterjvi, cocyci'ekei, dabysmifau, 11:30 < mensi> dracykei, fetso'a, keirta'o, nakso'a, pleplolarcmaci, samselkei, samyzilkei, bliiardo, caksova, caxmati, ci'erkeilai, 11:30 < mensi> crakemsazycimde, crelai, danjnkroli, dracyselkei, ganti, jajrlanparti, jboselkei, kalte, ka'urji'a, keigri, keijvi, 11:30 < mensi> keirmu'u, kelci, kelgi'a, kelka'u, kelkubli, kelnemka'u, krokinole, lisne'i, lisybartu, nakpibrkevna, namkei, ragbi, 11:30 < mensi> samkei, samyzilkeikei, sovda, spaune, stepmania, vlalikei, zai'e, zdile, zerkalte, 11:30 < mensi> zi'ai 11:30 < gleki> en: kelci 11:30 < mensi> kelci = x1 [agent] plays with plaything/toy x2. |>>> Play game (= ci'erkei), play competitively (= jvikei). See also 11:30 < mensi> jivna, jinga, zdile. |>>> officialdata 11:30 < zipcpi> samyzilkeikei!!! 11:30 < zipcpi> Come one 11:31 < gleki> en: samyzilkei 11:31 < mensi> samyzilkei [< skami zi'o kelci ≈ Computer nonexistent it play] = x1=k2 is a video game on platform x2=s1. |>>> Also tv/ 11:31 < mensi> pc/computer game. x2 may be a personal computer, handheld device, video game console or arcade machine. See also: 11:31 < mensi> playing video game (=samyzilkeikei), playing on (gaming) computer (=samkei). |>>> 11:31 < mensi> jongausib 11:32 < tsani> vlaste: samyzilkeikei 11:32 < vlaste> samyzilkeikei = x1 plays with video game x2. 11:32 < tsani> ... 11:32 < tsani> but 11:32 < tsani> valste: samkei 11:32 < tsani> vlaste: samkei 11:32 < vlaste> samkei = k1 plays with computer/gaming system/gaming console s1. 11:32 < tsani> ... 11:32 < tsani> vlaste: samyzilkeikei (finti) 11:32 < vlaste> samyzilkeikei (finti) = Wuzzy 11:33 < gleki> I usually play hide'n'seek with my videogames. 11:33 < tsani> LOL 11:33 * zipcpi facepaws 11:34 < tsani> I truly wonder if samyzilkeikei was created after samkei 11:34 < zipcpi> JVS has "time entered" 11:35 < tsani> Indeed 11:35 < zipcpi> zo samkei cu se finti de'i li'ei ny 2014 ly 1 dy 15 11:35 < tsani> My desire to find out doesn't outweigh my laziness though 11:35 < tsani> :P 11:35 < tsani> ua 11:35 < gleki> ra'o 11:36 < zipcpi> ... They're both by Wuzzy 11:36 < zipcpi> And within 3 seconds of each other 11:36 < tsani> ... 11:36 < tsani> wut 11:36 < tsani> uai 11:37 < zipcpi> It's shortly after {samyzilkei} was defined 11:37 < zipcpi> By someone else 11:37 < zipcpi> jongausib 11:48 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 11:50 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 11:56 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 11:56 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 11:57 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 12:04 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 12:05 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa <W>2015-06-17 21:05:16.760 1 => <104:(-1)> Connection closed: [-1] fa 12:10 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 12:10 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 12:13 < zipcpi> I found la selpa'i-s post but he just suggested "x1 has purpose x2". My {erpi} has those places reversed 12:16 * nuzba @selpahi: lol, "zdralölţ" = "bear goo" in Ithkuil | #lojban [http://bit.ly/1fhJJCv] 12:16 < zipcpi> lol 12:16 < zipcpi> k: zdraloltu 12:16 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "z" found. 12:16 < zipcpi> slinku'i 12:17 < zipcpi> k: zdralolu 12:17 < mensi> (CU [Z:zdralolu VAU]) 12:17 < zipcpi> Do we really want to start borrowing from Ithkuil lol 12:36 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 12:37 < Ux> Why is Ithkuil popping here once in a while??? 12:37 < ctefa`o> Cause reasons 12:37 < zipcpi> Cause constructed language communities tend to intersect 12:38 < Ux> How one would say "because reasons" in lojban? 12:38 < zipcpi> ki'u zo'e 12:38 < dutchie> or possibly {mu'i zo'e} 12:38 < dutchie> (?) 12:39 < zipcpi> Yeah... there are different flavors. {ki'u} means "justification", {mu'i} means "motivation" 12:39 < ctefa`o> ki'u lo krinu 12:39 < zipcpi> Meh... I prefer zo'e 12:39 < zipcpi> Carries the "I don't care" spirit better :p 12:40 < Ux> So if I recall correctly zo'e means something unidentified, no? 12:40 < zipcpi> Yeah 12:40 < ctefa`o> It means "something" 12:40 < ctefa`o> And can mean almost anything 12:40 < dutchie> zo'e co'e zo'e 12:41 < dutchie> u'iru'e 12:42 < Ux> So there is no "x1 is caused by x2" verb? 12:42 < ctefa`o> that's selkrinu 12:42 < dutchie> en:rinka 12:42 < mensi> rinka = x1 (event/state) effects/physically causes effect x2 (event/state) under conditions x3. 12:43 < zipcpi> Well, as is often said, Lojban has four (+1) ways to say "why" 12:43 < Ux> Makes sense to me 12:44 < zipcpi> {ri'a ma} asks for a "physical" cause; doesn't actually need to be physical, but it implies that something causes something else without need for intervention 12:44 < Ux> This language is fascinating to me, glad I found this IRC chat (otherwise I'd just read about it a bit and move on) 12:45 < zipcpi> Like "Why did the bridge fall?" 12:45 * dutchie curious about the "(+1)" 12:45 < zipcpi> {ni'i ma} asks for a logical reasoning, like "Why does 1+1 = 2?" 12:45 < dutchie> but i'm sure zipcpi will get there 12:45 < Ux> This language has a completely different redistribution of building blocks compared to all my known natlangs 12:46 < zipcpi> Both {ki'u} and {mu'i}, however, imply a thinking/feeling being 12:46 < zipcpi> As you might guess, {ki'u} matches more with the "thinking" part, asking for an agent's justification 12:46 < zipcpi> While {mu'i} asks for an agents motivation, which is more of the "feeling" aspect 12:47 < zipcpi> Now for the + 1 12:47 < zipcpi> That's {seja'e ma} 12:47 < zipcpi> This can generally be used to replace all the other four, for those English speakers who haven't quite grasped the difference between the four yet :p 12:48 < zipcpi> Each of these are based on a brivla 12:48 < zipcpi> {ki'u} - {krinu} 12:48 < zipcpi> mu'i - {mukti} 12:49 < zipcpi> ri'a - {rinka} 12:49 < zipcpi> ni'i - {nibli} 12:49 < zipcpi> se ja'e - {se jalge} 12:49 < Ux> This is odd how asking about "because reasons" led to all the words to ask "why?" 12:50 < zipcpi> Haha 12:50 < dutchie> welcome to lojban 12:50 < Ux> Not I am not sure how I understand "because reasons" in english... It is a bit vague 12:50 < dutchie> intentionally so 12:50 < zipcpi> That's why I used {zo'e} 12:50 < zipcpi> It's about as equally vague :p 12:51 < Ux> Like I sorta kinda understand it on almost subconscious level, but instructions and mechanics aren't clar to me 12:51 < zipcpi> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/because_reasons 12:52 < zipcpi> So yes, {ki'u zo'e} or {mu'i zo'e} 12:52 < zipcpi> "avoid specifying"? That's {zo'e} :p 12:53 < Ux> Wow, I didn't realise there is so much accepted vagueness in it 12:53 < Ux> I mean the english phrase 12:53 < zipcpi> lol 12:54 < Ux> It's like one of those words that you learn and know where to apply to signify a specific concept, but then you learn etymology and your mind is blown 12:55 < dutchie> heh, just realised a(nother) reason i like lojban: no annoying contortions to insert accented characters 12:55 < dutchie> better than french/german 12:55 < Ux> Lojban is a good tool to better understand natlangs, I would not oppose it being a free study choice in schools 12:57 < Ux> To me lojban is like when you think you know all the different ways to perform some task, and then you learn how it is done in Japan 12:58 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa niftyg fa 13:00 < zipcpi> lol Wait till you learn how Lojban does third-person pronouns :p 13:01 < zipcpi> Basically, "he, she, it, they"? Doesn't really exist 13:02 < zipcpi> There are several ways to refer to things other than the speaker and the addressee 13:02 < zipcpi> With a pronoun that is 13:03 < zipcpi> One is ti/ta/tu; these are demonstrative and refer to something in your environment that you are signaling to (usually by pointing) 13:03 < zipcpi> ti refers to something near you 13:03 < zipcpi> ta refers to something at a medium distance, or close to the addressee rather than you 13:04 < zipcpi> tu refers to something at a very far distance 13:04 < Ux> Sorry for redundancy, but I want to recap: "because reasons" is translated into ki'u zo'e/mu'i zo'e as "reasoning something vague" 13:04 < zipcpi> "with justification that is vague" 13:04 < zipcpi> "with motivation that is vague" 13:05 < zipcpi> Or "is something that I don't wish to specify" 13:05 < dutchie> i do like how neatly that translates 13:06 < Ux> Wouldn't "reasons that are vague" be a closer approximation? 13:06 < zipcpi> Well, zo'e can be specified with {poi} or whatever if wanted, but in this case, we are deliberately leaving it vague 13:07 < zipcpi> So yeah the most literal translation would be "for a justification that I don't wish to specify" 13:08 < Ux> Oh I see 13:08 < Ux> So it is then depends on what you refer to: the reasoning or the persn's motivation 13:09 < zipcpi> Yes 13:09 <@xalbo> It's not the reasons that are vague, it's the speaker. "reasons that are vague" implies to me that the speaker doesn't know. {ki'u zo'e} implies that the speaker considers it not worth saying what they are (whether or not the speaker knows). 13:09 < zipcpi> Exactly 13:09 < Ux> Ahhh, noiw I get it 13:10 < Ux> And here I thought I understand my natlangs 13:10 < zipcpi> So yes... it's actually amazing how great it translates :p 13:11 <@xalbo> Yes, it's pretty much perfect. :) 13:11 <@xalbo> Reminds me of "This is an ex-parrot" from the Dead Parrot Sketch ({ti ba'o spitaki}). 13:11 < zipcpi> {ti ba'e ba'o spitaki} 13:13 < zipcpi> {ba'o} is a tense implying that an event is already over 13:13 < zipcpi> {ba'e} is an intensifier; basically emphasizing the next word or lexical unit 13:13 < zipcpi> Thus {ti ba'e *ba'o* spitaki} 13:14 <@xalbo> Point. 13:17 < hamnox> u'isai 13:17 < ldlework> coi la hamnox 13:17 < hamnox> coi 13:18 < ldlework> hamnox: do mo 13:18 < Ux> In what cases the name needs .dots. around it, and in what case not like "la hamnox" above??? 13:19 < dutchie> when one is not being lazy 13:19 < Ux> So in general it would be {la .hamnox.} 13:19 < Ux> No? 13:20 < dutchie> well, you'd probably also have to lojbanise it to something like {la .xamnoks.} 13:20 < dutchie> or whatever their preferred lojban name is 13:21 < Ux> Ok thanks 13:25 < ldlework> Ux: I'm suuuuuper lazy when it comes to the morphology 13:25 < durka42> lazy => la'oi ? :) 13:27 < Ux> mi lazni zo'e 13:27 < ldlework> That would be less lazy. 13:28 < Ux> Would that be "I am lazy about everything"? 13:28 < dutchie> no 13:28 < durka42> just means "I am lazy about something that I'm not bothering to specify" 13:28 < Ux> Ah I see 13:30 < zipcpi> On names; they always need the pauses when spoken 13:30 < Ux> mi lazni lo rafske ku 13:30 < zipcpi> Or cmevla more accurately 13:30 < zipcpi> Names can be brivla too 13:30 < zipcpi> For example, mine 13:30 < zipcpi> {la zipcpi} 13:30 < zipcpi> "The one named "penguin"" 13:31 < BenLubar> is there a word like samru'e that means thread instead of process? 13:31 < zipcpi> Some even name themselves after brivla that do not have any defined meaning; they still must conform to the morphology of a brivla though 13:32 < zipcpi> cmevla are much easier to make 13:32 < Ux> So is {mi lazni lo rafske ku} "I am lazy about morphology", or did I make some mistake? 13:32 < zipcpi> I'm not sure {rafske} means that... let me take a look 13:33 < ldlework> BenLubar: more likely samru'e is a classification for which both Processes and Threads fall into 13:33 < ldlework> en: rafske 13:33 < mensi> rafske [< rafsi saske ≈ Affix science] = x1 is the morphology of language x2 according to methodology x3. |>>> see also 13:33 < mensi> vlaturge'a, taiske |>>> phma 13:33 < dutchie> is there any reason to prefer naming oneself with a brivla or a cmevla? 13:33 < BenLubar> ldlework: is "how many threads do you want this program to use" {xo samru'e}? 13:33 < ldlework> BenLubar: sure 13:34 < BenLubar> ok :D 13:34 < zipcpi> dutchie: If you find a Lojban word that you'd like to name yourself after, go ahead and make your name that 13:34 < ldlework> dutchie: they don't invoke the rules of the morphology in the minds of your listener? 13:34 < zipcpi> cmevla are for transliterated names 13:35 < zipcpi> Though you also see people with cmevla based on Lojban rafsi, e.g. .rutytar. 13:35 < dutchie> je'e 13:36 < zipcpi> From grute and tarci 13:37 < dutchie> so i decided to by {la dutcis} in la jbogu'e; but i could equally well take the made-up brivla {la dutci}? 13:37 < dutchie> to go by* 13:37 < zipcpi> Yes 13:37 < zipcpi> dutci conforms to the shape of a gismu 13:37 < zipcpi> So yes, that is acceptable 13:38 < durka42> mi'e la durka 13:38 < zipcpi> Yep. {durka} is another example 13:38 < durka42> heh, {dutci} makes me think of {tcidu} 13:38 < durka42> mi'e ji'a la durkavore 13:38 < dutchie> ooh i like that 13:39 < dutchie> ldlework: how much trouble is it to remove the s from my jbogu'e login ;) 13:45 < Ux> {mi'e la uks} wouldn't be too correct then or? 13:45 < zipcpi> Hmm... ta'o I think {e'anka'e} can replace {selzauka'e} for "acceptable" in the "permissible" sense 13:45 < zipcpi> la .uks. is acceptable. So is la .ux. ; depends on which you prefer 13:45 < durka42> Ux: uks is a fine cmevla, technically it's {mi'e la .uks.} but lazy jbopre sometimes leave out the dots in writing 13:46 < zipcpi> All cmevla must have the pauses. In writing though they *can* be identified by their final consonant 13:47 < zipcpi> In formal contexts though it's considered a courtesy to leave the dots in, since it can be disconcerting to suddenly discover a word is a cmevla 13:47 < Ux> Well it is short (Uxio in full) galician version of my real name (Eugene, Eugen, Gene, Eogan etc.) 13:47 < zipcpi> Cool 13:47 < Ux> So definitely .uks. 13:47 < zipcpi> You'd probably want to change your name though 13:47 < Ux> Why is that? 13:48 < zipcpi> Cause when someone notices a name that's already Lojbanic, they tend to call you by that 13:48 <@xalbo> dutchie: You could call yourself {la dunra}. ({.dutcis.} makes me think of -dut- -cis-, {dukti crisa}, so therefore {dunra}) 13:48 < durka42> as selckiku once observed, being called by many names is part of jboklu :) 13:48 <@xalbo> (Or was there already a jbopre who called jself {dunra}? 13:48 < durka42> xalbo: I get called {dunra ckaji} sometimes 13:49 < durka42> dunra ckaji => durkai 13:49 <@xalbo> je'e 13:49 < dutchie> hmm, intereseting 13:50 < zipcpi> Then {selzau'inda} can be changed to mean "worthy of approval" 13:52 < durka42> hmm I guess to be a "real" lujvo it has to be {selzary'inda} 13:52 < durka42> {selzau'inda} reads better though 13:52 < zipcpi> Yeah 13:53 < Ux> Pardon zipcpi (which I presume would be {u'u} in lojban), but what do you mean by Lojbanic? Like written in correct spelling or stemming from the language word? 13:53 < durka42> vlaste: selzau'inda (co) 13:53 < vlaste> selzau'inda (components) = (not a lujvo) 13:53 < durka42> vlaste: selzary'inda (co) 13:53 < vlaste> selzary'inda (components) = se zanru inda ≈ 2nd-conversion approve worthy 13:53 < zipcpi> In that {.ux.} is an acceptable cmevla 13:53 < zipcpi> So people would assume they could call you by {la .ux.} 13:54 < Ux> Oh I see, it being confusing 13:54 < Ux> Guess .eogan. would be a better pick then 13:55 < zipcpi> It has to be .e'ogan. or .eiogan. 13:55 < zipcpi> Cause /eo/ is not an allowable diphthong 13:55 < eogan> Oh, really? 13:55 < zipcpi> Yep 13:55 < eogan> I missed that onbe in phonetics 13:55 < zipcpi> Ah... it's not in the CLL 13:55 < zipcpi> It's a later reform 13:55 < eogan> Ah I see 13:56 < eogan> What are the reasons for not having it, may I ask? 13:56 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 13:56 < zipcpi> CLL would tell you that {e,ogan} is acceptable, but that was changed in the reform. The reasoning was that {i,a,i,a,ion} was indistinguishable from {i,ia,ii,ia,ion} 13:57 < zipcpi> So no more "syllabic glides" 13:57 < zipcpi> Either buffered by ' or the semivowels i and u 13:57 < zipcpi> *Must be either 13:58 < eogan> Since e'ogan is not doable in IRC... 13:58 < Ilmen> coi 13:58 < zipcpi> ` is allowable 13:58 < zipcpi> e`ogan 13:58 < Ilmen> e`ogan is possible 13:58 < eogan> Oh right 13:59 < Ilmen> You could also go for "iogan" 13:59 < demize> And in places where neither is allowed you could use h for ' if you want. 14:00 < e`ogan> iogan is an entirely different name morphologically: Johan, Iogan 14:01 < zipcpi> Also they weren't too fond of the idea that cmevla can have {,} to distinguish pronunciation, but it being often left out in practice 14:01 < demize> Hmm, Eogan is Irish, right? 14:01 < e`ogan> Thus eiogan would be ambiguous, and euogan just weird 14:02 < zipcpi> Back to {i,a,i,a,ion}: without the commas, that would be {iaiaion}; which would tend to be pronounced {ia,ia,ion} 14:02 < zipcpi> So yeah, that's why they banished that in the reform 14:03 < Ilmen> ta'o ma nuzba 14:04 < e`ogan> Not specifically Irish, it was used in germanic and french proto-territories too 14:04 < zipcpi> doi menli sei zoizoi http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/e'anka'e zoi 14:04 < e`ogan> But yeah today Eogan or rather Eoghan is exclusively used in Ireland 14:05 < e`ogan> More common version is known as Owen 14:07 < e`ogan> I have too many name "declinations" in different locales Ux=Uxio=Owen=Yvain=Eogan=Eugene 14:07 < Ilmen> ua 14:08 < dutchie> i've also seen the scottish Euan 14:08 < dutchie> and the variant irish spelling eoighann (or something similar with all sorts of weird letters in there) 14:08 < e`ogan> I like Eogan the most personally just the way it sounds 14:09 < Ilmen> Yeah, it sounds nice 14:10 < e`ogan> The name is awfully close to Ivan-Iogan-Johan though, probably due to famous people with them being more known 14:10 < zipcpi> Ilmen: I'm deprecating selzauka'e in favor of e'anka'e; cause I think that is closer to the sense I want 14:10 < e`ogan> Not the same morphology though 14:10 < zipcpi> Ilmen: While selzau'inda would mean "worthy of approval" 14:13 < zipcpi> Or would {e'akne} be better? 14:13 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: hey 14:13 < ctefa`o> A question, what came first? xoi or soi? 14:13 < zipcpi> Ugh I often think of ways to improve zi'evla after making them 14:13 < Ilmen> I wonder whether it should be {ka'e se curmi} or {na'e .inda lo ka se tolcru} 14:13 < Ilmen> anyway it's a zi'evla so there's no problem 14:14 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Uneasy question 14:14 < Ilmen> Maybe they came up more or less concurrently 14:14 < demize> e`ogan: Hmm, Wikipedia seems to just call it and "early Irish name". Anyway, it's a nice one. 14:14 < Ilmen> Originally "xoi" was {fi'oi} 14:14 < zipcpi> lol 14:15 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: the inspiration, or at least part thereof, is that Gua\spi has a device similar to xoi/soi 14:16 < ctefa`o> Ah 14:16 < demize> Hmm, soi was entered into jbovlaste in 2003. 14:16 < ctefa`o> So that's where it came from? 14:16 < ctefa`o> demize: new soi 14:16 < Ilmen> Gua\spi infulenced several skillful lojbanists, I think it influenced the greater use of "ka" over "nu", but I'm nunsure 14:16 < Ilmen> *unsure 14:17 < demize> ctefa`o: Yeah, figured, was just looking at the old ones. 14:17 < ctefa`o> nunsure lol 14:17 < demize> Makes me wonder what I did back then. 14:17 < Ilmen> nunbirti va'i 14:18 < ctefa`o> I really dig your zi'e too 14:19 < ctefa`o> doi Ilmen 14:19 < Ilmen> My... zi'e? 14:19 < Ilmen> ua nai 14:19 < ctefa`o> Err 14:19 < ctefa`o> Or what it was 14:19 < ctefa`o> Tags from xoi to soi 14:20 < Ilmen> Oh, I think somebody did suggest zi'e for this 14:20 < ctefa`o> gocti said it was your idea 14:20 < ctefa`o> Maybe I am mixing things up 14:20 < Ilmen> Well I suggested the meaning, but not the word choice 14:21 < ctefa`o> Ah yes 14:21 < zipcpi> (Gua\spi infulenced several skillful lojbanists, I think it influenced the greater use of "ka" over "nu") Huh funny, I just started using {ka} more once I understood it more :p 14:21 < ctefa`o> and yeah it was zi'e 14:22 < Ilmen> I don't remember well, but I think I've created fi'oi/xoi because I was bothered by {fi'o} and had probably read http://selpahi.weebly.com/guaspi/a-lojbanist-learns-guaspi-part-1 14:22 < zipcpi> {ma djica lo nu cenba} {ma djica lo ka cenba} 14:23 < ctefa`o> Well Ilmen I have an idea for fi'o 14:23 < ctefa`o> Re-formalizing it based on xoi 14:24 < Ilmen> I don't like much fi'o's syntax too 14:25 < ctefa`o> {ko'a broda fi'o brode ko'e} -> {ko'a broda xoi fa ko'e brode do'e ke'a se'u} 14:25 < Ilmen> It's already pretty much what fi'o currently means 14:26 < ctefa`o> yeah, but not how it is defined;) 14:26 < Ilmen> jbo: fi'o 14:26 < mensi> fi'o = [FIhO] galfi le selbri poi vo'a li'erla'i ke'a ku'o lo tcita be lo sumti bei le du'u ri pamoi sumti vo'e |>>> 14:26 < mensi> xorxes 14:26 * ctefa`o 14:26 * Ilmen 14:26 * ctefa`o meant BPFK section 14:27 < Ilmen> je'e 14:27 < zipcpi> Does BPFK section even define xoi yet? 14:27 < ctefa`o> Using that weird {.i joi} crap 14:27 < zipcpi> Haha... that's like Gleki's {.ibo} right? 14:27 < ctefa`o> Nope, no xoi, no new-soi 14:27 < Ilmen> I don't find {.i joi} that weird (but I don't know if that's appropriate for fi'o) 14:28 < ctefa`o> Well it is weird for fi'o yeah 14:28 < ctefa`o> And the BAI being based on fi'o 14:28 < Ilmen> I sometimes uses {jo'u gi.... gi...} 14:29 < Ilmen> jo'u gi mi klama gi mi citka ---> fasnu fa lo nu mi klama jo'u lo nu mi citka 14:29 < ctefa`o> So would anyone seriously argue against redefining fi'o based on xoi? 14:30 < ctefa`o> Or, to make fi'o a short-hand version of xoi, in other words 14:30 < Ilmen> Whatever meaning fi'o has, I think it can be defined using xoi 14:30 < zipcpi> Gleki might. He doesn't like xoi :p 14:31 < ctefa`o> Well sad for gleki 14:31 < ctefa`o> (And with new-zi'e fi'o-s xoi would become soi) 14:31 < zipcpi> On the other hand I don't quite get why he likes fi'o and sumtcita so much (even though I do like sumtcita, he seems to think it can do things that it just can't) 14:31 < Ilmen> Gleki wants a lo-like version of xoi, that wouldn't require using a vau/se'u terminator too often 14:31 < Ilmen> maybe we can steal "foi" for this 14:31 < Ilmen> %) 14:32 < zipcpi> e.g. he thinks {gu'au} can replace mass-gadri 14:32 < Ilmen> .i'u nai 14:32 < zipcpi> But {gu'au prenu} just means "a person who happens to be in a group" 14:32 < zipcpi> {lo gu'au prenu}* 14:32 < ctefa`o> Well if gleki wants something different than xoi then don't use xoi 14:33 < ctefa`o> I on the other hand really need a xoi-based-fi'o to fix the case semantics 14:33 <@xalbo> So, people have experimental meanings for {loi}, {koi}, {foi}, {soi}, {xoi}, {zo'oi}, {la'oi}...I think I'm going to hold onto {doi} as hard as I can before someone tries to steal it. 14:33 < zipcpi> lol 14:33 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:33 < ctefa`o> .u'i 14:33 < zipcpi> Nah I'm not touching {loi} anymore 14:33 < zipcpi> You can have {loi} 14:33 < zipcpi> Unless someone else other than me is trying to redefine it 14:35 < Ilmen> What is sometimes bothering with xoi is that for making simple adverbs, you almost always have to put a bridi terminator, because xoi introduces a complete bridi 14:35 < zipcpi> Right 14:35 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: but nice that you agree with xoi-based-fi'o 14:36 < Ilmen> But indeed one can say the same for noi vs adjectives 14:36 < zipcpi> Huh... {tei}? 14:36 < Ilmen> xD 14:36 < zipcpi> exp: tei abu by cy pa foi 14:36 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 14:37 < zipcpi> exp: tei abu by cy foi 14:37 < mensi> ([{tei <(¹a bu¹) by cy> foi} BOI] VAU) 14:37 < zipcpi> off: tei abu by cy pa foi 14:37 < mensi> ([{tei <(¹a bu¹) (¹by cy pa¹)> foi} BOI] VAU) 14:37 < zipcpi> Huuuuuuuh 14:37 < zipcpi> That's very interesting 14:38 < zipcpi> Now why would xornunsep need to break TEI? I don't think it needs to 14:38 < Ilmen> maybe the recent fiddling with xorxes' proposal about lerfu strings broke it 14:39 < Ilmen> As I don't use much the lerfu system, I haven't payed much attention to the recent proposals about it 14:39 < zipcpi> Ilmen: I'm just wondering if this could be in TEI: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/li'ei 14:39 < ctefa`o> But no one has posted such a proposal for fi'o anywhere? 14:39 < ctefa`o> If not I will/might do it 14:40 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: I don't think so. This may have been discussed informally by the past on IRC tho 14:40 < zipcpi> off: tei abu by tei cy pa foi foi 14:40 < mensi> ([{tei <(¹a bu¹) (¹by [tei {cy pa} foi]¹)> foi} BOI] VAU) 14:41 < zipcpi> off: tei abu vu'u pa foi 14:41 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 14:41 < Ilmen> I've never ever seen "tei" used in non-teaching Lojban materials 14:42 < zipcpi> lol 14:42 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: Je'e, then I will post it 14:42 < zipcpi> Yeah I can see why it's like almost untouched 14:42 < zipcpi> But it's... quite interesting in light of xornunsep and my proposed li'ei 14:42 < ctefa`o> All clear about that do'e? 14:43 < ctefa`o> It really very much needs do'e to be able to be FA, if anyone has problems with that 14:43 < Ilmen> Yet having witnessed 0 usage for {tei} makes it much more common than {jo'o}, which probably have a negative number of usage zo'o 14:44 < zipcpi> u'i 14:44 < Ilmen> *runs* 14:44 < ctefa`o> valsi: 14:44 < ctefa`o> ... 14:44 < ctefa`o> valsi: jo'o 14:44 < Ilmen> en: jo'o 14:44 < mensi> jo'o = [BY1] shift letterals to Arabic alphabet. |>>> officialdata 14:44 < ctefa`o> WTF 14:45 < Ilmen> dai 14:45 < zipcpi> uedai uanaidai u'i 14:45 < ctefa`o> whyyyyyy 14:45 < Ilmen> ko reisku fi lo jbocei 14:46 < Ilmen> This one is even funnier: 14:46 < Ilmen> en: se'e 14:46 < mensi> se'e = [BY1] following digits code a character (in ASCII, Unicode, etc.). |>>> officialdata 14:46 < zipcpi> ... now totally broken by xornunsep 14:47 < zipcpi> Not that anyone would miss it lol 14:47 < zipcpi> BY1 is probably the place where cmavo go to die 14:48 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:48 < ctefa`o> Old ideas, new ideas 14:49 < zipcpi> http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/BY1 14:49 < demize> se'e sounds like it could possibly be useful sometime I guess, but uh... 14:49 < zipcpi> And like I said, xornunsep just killed it 14:49 < zipcpi> {se'e civo} doesn't work the way it should under xns 14:50 < Ilmen> The thing is, is it worth a word. On can't even specify which encoding is used. {na'u se sinxa li ...} can works just fine 14:50 < zipcpi> lol 14:50 < demize> Ilmen: Indeed it does not. 14:50 < ctefa`o> Can I just register on lojban.org and post the new-fi'o? 14:50 < demize> Maybe if talking about Unicode code points was really common then it would make sense to have one for those, but otherwise.. 14:51 < zipcpi> No, this is the kind of thing that needs to be all something like {sei'ei'a} or something 14:51 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: post where? 14:51 < zipcpi> To be used in specialized contexts like a Lojban-based programming language 14:51 < ctefa`o> Well like http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new_soi 14:52 < Ilmen> Sure, you can create such a page 14:54 < e`ogan> Lojban based programming sounds like a thing where it belongs 14:55 < Ilmen> en: zilfi'i 14:55 < mensi> zilfi'i [< zi'o finti ≈ Nonexistent it invent] = x1 exists for / has purpose / is supposed for use x2 (property of x1) 14:55 < mensi> |>>> Synonymous with kosmu. See also finti. |>>> Ilmen 14:55 < zipcpi> ... So {se erpi} already exists, sorta 14:56 < e`ogan> When I tried to learn programming (VB, C++, Ruby, bit of Python), I have noticed that english can and will lead to confusing variable definitions if one tries to use pure english 14:56 < zipcpi> I like {erpi} though 14:57 < Mateon1> coi 14:57 < zipcpi> Also links to {kosmu} but not defined 14:57 < Ilmen> I think using "pilno" for the definition is not best 14:57 < Ilmen> because it's not currently used 14:57 < zipcpi> I don't like the zi'o definition; but I don't know how to describe teleology in Lojban 14:57 < Ilmen> a purpose is something like finti3 or mukti1 14:58 < zipcpi> True, but it's the first thing I think about when I think of purpose. Maybe that's malgli of me 14:58 < Ilmen> zipcpi: "kosmu" is a misterious gismu 14:59 < Mateon1> Suppose I was reading/explaining some code, how would I denote that [property name] (possibly not lojban) belongs to object named something that might or might not be in lojban. In programming it's usually denoted `objectname.propertyname`. 14:59 < Ilmen> Once upon a time there were two or three mysterious bots called kosmu, fizbu, plus maybe a third one 14:59 < Ilmen> zipcpi: and each time one said "kosmu" or "fizbu", the bot said the definition of those words 14:59 < Ilmen> yet there weren't in jbovlaste 15:00 * ctefa`o is about to add kosmu to jbovlaste as "x1 is the purpose of x2" 15:00 < zipcpi> Also somehow I like {erpi} being "telos", and {se erpi} being "have telos" 15:00 < Ilmen> No one know who made them. After some time, those bots vanished, and we didn't see them again 15:00 < Ilmen> That's the story :p 15:00 < zipcpi> ctefa'o: That would be the reverse of zilfi'i though... I don't know how {kosmu} was originally defined 15:01 < Ilmen> What's bad is that we don't know kosmu's etymology 15:01 < Mateon1> Ilmen: Remember what the definition they provided was? 15:01 < ctefa`o> I hate zil 15:01 < Ilmen> fizbu was something like "x1 is exited about x2" 15:01 < zipcpi> ... 15:01 < zipcpi> You just mentioned that to ctefa'o 15:01 * zipcpi hides 15:01 < ctefa`o> fizbi, ki'e 15:02 < ctefa`o> ... 15:02 < zipcpi> lol 15:02 < ctefa`o> fizbuuu 15:02 < demize> Ilmen: Did you ever whois them back then and do you have logs since then? :p 15:02 < zipcpi> The problem is that we don't know their etymology 15:02 < ctefa`o> Who cares? 15:02 < zipcpi> lol 15:03 < Ilmen> demize: I think we looked at their IP, but didn't draw anything conclusive 15:03 < demize> No one else in the channel with the same IP? sad... 15:03 < Mateon1> Logs would be useful enough 15:03 < zipcpi> Right... I think {fizbu} might as well be added 15:03 < Ilmen> they were a bit counterproductive, because anybody trying to use "kosmu" in their sentences got the bot throwing the def right after 15:03 < demize> Though if the IP was from a server, it might run something else too... 15:03 < Ilmen> which was somewhat bothering 15:04 < Ilmen> « fizbu : x1 feels excitement about x2 (nu); x1 is excited. » 15:04 < Ilmen> « kosmu : x1 has purpose x2; x1 is supposed for use x2; x1 is intended as x2. » 15:05 < zipcpi> Well if you want I can change the Lojban definition to {x1 te finti x2 zi'o}; until someone defines it properly 15:05 * ctefa`o really wants to invert the kosmu places 15:05 < zipcpi> That's {erpi} already 15:05 < ctefa`o> Sucks for erpi 15:06 < zipcpi> What's wrong with it? 15:06 < ctefa`o> You will ser 15:06 < ctefa`o> see 15:07 < ctefa`o> But does anyone know if PU and FA'A are actually *defined* with fi'o? 15:07 < zipcpi> I think the fi'o are placeholder definitions 15:07 < Ilmen> I think things like "ba" and "ki'u" have a more precise meaning than fi'o balvi/krinu 15:07 < ctefa`o> Looks lile it yeah 15:07 < zipcpi> Just like zi'o 15:08 < ctefa`o> Well I think the BAI *are* based on fi'o! 15:08 < ctefa`o> Err 15:08 < ctefa`o> ?* 15:08 < ctefa`o> no ! 15:08 < zipcpi> I meant definitions that use zi'o 15:08 < zipcpi> Not that fi'o is as bad as zi'o :p 15:08 < zipcpi> I agree zi'o is worse :p 15:08 < durka42> zipcpi: btw, x-rays are quantized into photons :p 15:09 < ctefa`o> I aim to kill zi'o 15:09 < ctefa`o> AND zil- 15:09 < Ilmen> I don't know anymore what zi'o broda means 15:09 < zipcpi> I know, but it's a form of light; the {gusni} place structure is useful too 15:09 < zipcpi> {kantu}... not so much 15:09 < ctefa`o> zi'o is a HACK 15:09 < durka42> hm good point about the place structure 15:10 < durka42> other than that I would say either is fine 15:10 < durka42> ctefa`o: how do we kill it though? by defining things like {.otpi} which technically don't use {zi'o} but are still the same as another brivla with a place somehow deleted? 15:10 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: it seems like «zi'o broda» is like a predicate completely different from «broda» 15:10 < durka42> sure {zi'o} modifies the predicate 15:10 < ctefa`o> durka42: I have a plan 15:10 < ctefa`o> Called sumtcita'a 15:10 < durka42> oh good :) 15:11 < zipcpi> zei: sumtcita'a 15:11 < mensi> sumti zei tutci zei tavla 15:11 < durka42> sumtcita tavla? 15:11 < ctefa`o> Pretty much 15:11 < e`ogan> How you say "good morning/day/evening/night" in lojban? 15:12 < Ilmen> when I make zil- lujvo or zi'evla, I try avoiding zi'o in the formal definition 15:12 < ctefa`o> ki'ai xamgu cerni 15:12 < ctefa`o> Sumtcita'a will fix the Lojban case when finalised 15:12 < Ilmen> e`ogan: There isn't any set way to say them. Some people say "cerni coi" 15:13 < ctefa`o> But it relies heavily on new-fi'o 15:13 < durka42> new-fi'o? 15:13 < ldlework> I'm fond of "cerza'a" 15:13 < e`ogan> Yes I understand: ther is more than one way to say it in lojban, depending on what the emphasis is 15:13 < zipcpi> zei: cerza'a 15:13 < mensi> cerni zei zabna 15:14 < Ilmen> If I were to translate "good morning", I'd say something like ".a'o xamgu cerni", "ko'oi xamgu cerni" or "mi cerni rinsa do" 15:14 < zipcpi> zabna has a terminal rafsi? Huh interesting 15:14 < Ilmen> @ e`ogan 15:14 < ctefa`o> And I am glad xoi/soi already existed, I kind of thought them out on their own semantically, or at least something similar 15:14 < ctefa`o> (Without gua/spi) 15:14 < durka42> ah new-fi'o as in fi'o defined in terms of xoi 15:15 < ctefa`o> Yep 15:15 < Ilmen> ctefa`o: I find weird Lojban didn't have some such device from the scratch 15:15 < ctefa`o> Me too 15:15 < e`ogan> So is lojban still "under construction" ? 15:15 < ctefa`o> In a way 15:15 < durka42> yes and no 15:15 < ctefa`o> But it is very definitely at least 1.0 15:15 < ctefa`o> I would say 1.1 with xorlo 15:15 < durka42> it's quite usable most of the time, but the kinds of people attracted to it tend to like tinkering with conlangs :) 15:16 < e`ogan> je'e 15:16 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: xoi/soi should most definitely have been there from start 15:16 < e`ogan> Well it is an artistry in its own right 15:16 < Ilmen> As for me I really didn't create many experimental cmavo 15:16 < Ilmen> only a couple of things like xoi and ri'oi 15:16 < durka42> co'o 15:16 < ctefa`o> Xoi was enough;) 15:16 < Ilmen> co'o dy 15:17 < ctefa`o> xo'o dy 15:17 < ctefa`o> si si 15:17 < ctefa`o> co'o dy 15:17 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: think of it, fi'o and the BAI based on it, are quite weird with ".i joi" 15:18 < Ilmen> I see cmavo as shorthands; I try creating brivla (predicate words) instead of cmavo, unless something really seem quite useful and deserving a shorthand 15:18 < ctefa`o> (Semantically speaking) 15:19 < zipcpi> What is the longhand for {lo} or {da}? :p 15:19 < Ilmen> lo poi'i... 15:19 < zipcpi> Erm... that's more cmavo 15:19 < zipcpi> No cmavo 15:19 < zipcpi> ever 15:19 < zipcpi> Only giant tanru 15:19 < zipcpi> zo'osai 15:19 < Ilmen> zipcpi: There are some cmavo that are essential 15:19 < Ilmen> like du'u, ka 15:19 < ctefa`o> mi 15:19 < zipcpi> Yeah I know I was only being silly 15:19 < ctefa`o> do 15:19 < ctefa`o> Err actually 15:19 < Ilmen> mi = lo mibypre 15:20 < Ilmen> %) 15:20 < ctefa`o> Lol yeah 15:20 < ctefa`o> But if we forbid mi's rafsi...?;) 15:20 < Ilmen> "da" can be replaced with suzdza, roldza, kaidza 15:20 < Ilmen> rafsi are only semantic/mnemonic hints 15:21 < Ilmen> if we forbid mib-, then let's just make a zi'evla instead 15:21 < Ilmen> :p 15:21 < zipcpi> Giant tanru that can't have any ke grouping either; so think carefully about what you want to say 15:21 < ctefa`o> (Also, xoi-fi'o is kinda essential in killing of bloated place structures properly) 15:22 < zipcpi> Erm, but repatching them with {do'e} isn't going to help 15:23 < ctefa`o> xoi, being a lot more specific than .ijoi, is not helpful with that? 15:23 < zipcpi> You're still relying on {do'e ke'a} 15:23 < ctefa`o> Yes 15:23 < zipcpi> You can't just delete places in place structures if you don't have a reliable BAI to replace it 15:24 < ctefa`o> That's why I am creating new BAI too 15:24 < Ilmen> {xoi lo nu ko'e brode cu co'e ke'a} 15:24 < Ilmen> if you want to avoid the loop BAI -> xoi -> do'e -> BAI -> xoi ... 15:25 < ctefa`o> Let's just make a simple convention 15:25 < Ilmen> mi klama do'e ko'a ~= lo nu mi klama cu fasnu gi'e co'e ko'a 15:26 < ctefa`o> I don't think such a loop will be of much issue in practice 15:26 < jacus> okay, "zi'evla" is new and made me curious... What's going on there? Is this something like "asnrtarbi", which is "tarbi zei asna" made to look like a lujvo? 15:26 < ctefa`o> And I love do'e 15:26 * ctefa`o hugs do'e 15:26 < Ilmen> jacus: zi'evla is more or less a synonym of fu'ivla 15:26 * ctefa`o snuggles with do'e 15:26 < zipcpi> {zi'evla} is what some older materials called {fu'ivla} 15:27 * ctefa`o makes hot prami with do'e 15:27 < zipcpi> Except it's the preferred term now 15:27 < Ilmen> jacus: «fu'ivla» was originally a word designing words borrowed from other languages 15:27 < Ilmen> however the zi'evla word shape is also used for original Lojban words 15:27 < Ilmen> that aren't borrowings 15:27 < ctefa`o> Jacus: fu'ivla can be thought of as a subset of zi'evla 15:27 < jacus> got it 15:28 < ctefa`o> The zi'evla with a foreign origin 15:28 < zipcpi> Well... unless you get into {pavyfu'ivla} and {relfu'ivla} 15:29 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: basically, if the meaning is clear from context then you use fi'o. If you mean something more complex, use xoi. 15:30 < Ilmen> fi'o seems like tanru 15:30 < ctefa`o> Or even specify places with be in the fi'o 15:30 < ctefa`o> xoi doesn't allow tanru? 15:30 < Ilmen> ti gerku zdani / ti zdani fi'o gerku... 15:31 < zipcpi> Yeah I've pointed out that fi'o are just tanru with a different grammar 15:31 < Ilmen> ti melbi be mi zdani / ti zdani fi'o se melbi mi 15:31 < ctefa`o> Well you can put a tanru in fi'o but not fi'o in a tanru 15:31 < Ilmen> ^ is there any difference ? 15:31 < zipcpi> I did, ctefa'o. The other day? 15:32 * ctefa`o is also just about to shut down 15:32 < Ilmen> .ai mi sipna si'a 15:32 < jacus> I've been curious about asnrtarbi for a bit though, because it's a synonym for a zei-lujvo, and I can't find the rules for quite exactly how that works. (My goal is words for "Sitting position", etc, which indicate the position but not actually sitting) 15:33 < ctefa`o> You can't do "fi'o se melbi mi"? 15:33 < zipcpi> No... it's not a way to make a zei lujvo. It's a zi'evla that just happens to be based on those words 15:33 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: why? You can do 15:33 < ctefa`o> You need a be after the melbi then 15:33 < ctefa`o> Errrrr 15:33 < ctefa`o> Ok 15:33 < ctefa`o> I am tired now 15:34 < Ilmen> .e'e surla sipna 15:34 < ctefa`o> But xoi-fi'o is what I am going to propose 15:34 < zipcpi> jacus: tarbi zei asna -> tarby'asna ; this form of lujvo isn't part of the original definition though, but is a later addition 15:34 < ctefa`o> With the do'e 15:34 < Ilmen> je'e 15:34 < ldlework> tsemo'a : "Sitting Position" 15:35 < ldlework> jacus: ^ 15:35 < Ilmen> coi co'o la cadgu'a 15:35 < zipcpi> zei: tsemo'a 15:35 < mensi> zutse zei morna 15:36 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 15:36 < jacus> zipcpi: ah, would explain why it doesn't quite fit the documentation. :-) 15:37 < ctefa`o> As for your melbi question 15:39 < ctefa`o> Hmm I think it gets quite similar in that particular example 15:40 < ctefa`o> Eh, take that tomorrow 15:42 * nuzba @uitki: Do you hear the people sing - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Do_you_hear_the_people_sing by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1SpfyaG] 15:42 * nuzba @earthtopus: current mood: just became aware of the existence of Lojban terms "rafsi: an abbreviated form of a gismu used as an affix to make lujvo" 8D [http://bit.ly/1TvhCiX] 15:42 * nuzba @Raprto_bot: やっぱlojban勉強する冪 [http://bit.ly/1RaqyGu] 15:42 < zipcpi> mi tavla do fi'o bangu la .lojban. -> mi bangu be la .lojban. be'o tavla do 15:43 < zipcpi> Er 15:43 < zipcpi> befa 15:43 < zipcpi> mi bangu be fa la .lojban. be'o tavla do 15:43 < ldlework> zipcpi: are you interested at all in a translation work? 15:43 < zipcpi> What might that be? 15:44 < ldlework> zipcpi: I mean doing a translation together 15:44 < zipcpi> Of what? 15:44 < ldlework> I think something non-fiction would be neat. 15:44 < zipcpi> Hm what kind of topic? 15:45 < ldlework> zipcpi: Something interesting to lojbanist? 15:45 < ldlework> John Searle's Speech Acts maybe? 15:46 < zipcpi> Wow... we'd gonna need a lot of jargon words 15:46 < ldlework> Hmm, its not super techincal 15:46 < ldlework> We'd need words for things like predicate and proposition and conjugation and adverb and so on 15:46 < zipcpi> ... maybe I'm just scared off by the Wiki article 15:46 < zipcpi> Ah... those already exist... sortof 15:46 < ldlework> right as lojban terms 15:48 < zipcpi> Some of them can actually be broadened. For example, {rafsi} can refer to morphemes in any language 15:48 < ldlework> Yeah we can even write a preface explaining this kind of stuff 15:59 * ctefa`o is real grammar noob sometime 15:59 < ctefa`o> s 15:59 < ctefa`o> ... 16:01 < ctefa`o> As for linguistic work, you probably need a whole bunch of fu'ivla for that 16:02 < iovbrfenzej> \quit 16:02 < iovbrfenzej> \quit 16:02 < dutchie> other slash 16:06 < ctefa`o> mi cilce 16:06 < ctefa`o> ..... 16:06 < ctefa`o> .i mi cilce canci 16:07 < ctefa`o> (Pokemon-style) 16:07 < ctefa`o> co'o 16:29 < zipcpi> {me'ei}? Huh. I've been just using {lo si'o} 17:01 * nuzba @lycaon_ebooks: such a shitty teen lojban is the "um, actually" of languages CONGRATS ON INVENTING THE ARRAY *slow clap* excuse me oh mighty , why have you [http://bit.ly/1J4TO2p] 17:03 < zipcpi> ... what the heck is that. Is someone trying to imitate horse_ebooks? 17:10 < zipcpi> k: ski'yuidje 17:10 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "s" found. 17:10 < zipcpi> k: skicyuidje 17:10 < mensi> (CU [L:skicyuidje VAU]) 17:32 < skapata> :D 17:36 < ldlework> D: 18:32 * nuzba @uitki: Nuzba:xu do djuno - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Nuzba:xu_do_djuno by Guskant - to'eki'u [http://bit.ly/1CeqdvC] 19:05 < fleimbo> coi 19:14 < phma> coi 20:56 * nuzba @shukil026: Lojban [http://bit.ly/1QFcolS] 23:06 < gleki> that twitter account is a troll. 23:10 < gleki> {ka} formalisation appeared before resurrecting gua\spi 23:45 < zipcpi> k: ki'yuidje 23:45 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [uU] or [yY] but "i" found. 23:46 < zipcpi> Still don't understand why ski'yudje is not acceptable. Maybe a morphological "bug" was found 23:46 < zipcpi> *ski'yuidje 23:47 < akmnlrse> zipcpi: ski'yuidje is a slinku'i 23:47 < akmnlrse> k: daski'yuidje 23:47 < mensi> (CU [L:daski'yuidje VAU]) 23:47 < zipcpi> Ah... 23:47 < zipcpi> ki'e 23:48 < akmnlrse> (or not exactly a slinku'i, but behaves like one) 23:48 < zipcpi> ta'o do mo la .cekitaujeis. 23:48 < akmnlrse> na pante .i zo jei to'e sai jai cafne 23:48 < zipcpi> ie 23:52 < gleki> li su'o jei mi nelci zo jei 23:53 < zipcpi> zo jo'u ji'a simsa zo jetnu 23:53 < akmnlrse> xu li re jei zo su'o mapti 23:54 < zipcpi> zo jei simsa zo joi 23:55 < zipcpi> sa'enaisai simsa le laldo te frica be zo lo bei zo le 23:56 < akmnlrse> y fi ma 23:56 < zipcpi> mo fi makau 23:56 < akmnlrse> go'oi laldo 23:57 < zipcpi> la'oi veridicality cu do'asai simsa le te frica ju'ocu'i 23:58 < akmnlrse> pe'i lo ni zo jo'u jai verdikala cu ro roi dunli lo me zo joi moi 23:59 < zipcpi> ta'o xy~~~'y ti cinri sei zoizoi http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Complement_to_causation_sumtcita zoi --- Day changed Thu Jun 18 2015 00:00 < gleki> mi djica lo nu ma'a za'ure'u lanli lo gaspo gi'e ju'ocu'i jmina su'o lo gaspo lo jbobau i mu'a lo lujvo ciste co gaspo cu cinri 00:00 < zipcpi> ie iku'i do'asai puzu zo le cu .y. ruble panra zo lo 00:01 < gleki> *puzuku 00:01 < zipcpi> si'a zo jo'u cu do'a ruble panra zo joi 00:01 < zipcpi> ie 00:05 < akmnlrse> naku zo'u brode .i to'eki'u bo broda -> Event of broda prevents event of brode, and brode is false ???? 00:05 < akmnlrse> mi na nelci 00:05 < mensi> lo nu nelci zo'u ba'e mi nelci i ie mi nelci 00:07 < akmnlrse> (to ro lo drata pagbu zo'u simlu co zabna toi) 00:09 < zipcpi> .iku'i lu <to'e ki'u lo broda cu brode> li'u simsa lu <ki'u lo broda na brode> 00:09 < zipcpi> li'u 00:10 < akmnlrse> brode soi lo broda cu fanta .i nafse'imlu 00:10 < akmnlrse> ja nafse'i be ja'a 00:11 < zipcpi> zasti fa lo natfygau sumtcita .i mu'a zo ba'o 00:11 < zipcpi> ganai ba'o broda gi na broda 00:13 < akmnlrse> ka'e zbasu lo cizra ne mu'u lu ba'o ku je to'e ki'u lo broda cu brode li'u 00:13 < zipcpi> oiro'e 00:13 < akmnlrse> la'a stali lo ka nafse'i 00:15 < akmnlrse> exp: lo'u ki'yuidje le'u 00:15 < mensi> ([lo'u {ki'y uidje} le'u] VAU) 00:15 < zipcpi> u'i 00:15 < akmnlrse> ge tosymabru gi slinyku'i 00:15 < zipcpi> ua vei'ibu'o zo pa'y ka'e valsi 00:16 < akmnlrse> vei'i = xoi se vedli ? 00:16 < zipcpi> ba'anai 00:16 < akmnlrse> ua 00:17 < zipcpi> xu nitcu zo moi'i xoi fricygau lo ka morji kei lo ka vedli 00:17 < akmnlrse> na djuno 00:19 < zipcpi> zo kai'e co'e zo ba'a 00:19 < zipcpi> zo lai'i co'e lu ba'acu'i li'u 00:19 < zipcpi> zo vei'i co'e lu ba'anai li'u 00:22 < zipcpi> pe'i na du'eva'e go'oi nitcu .i le te frica be zo morji bei zo vedli cu .y. ralci 00:23 < zipcpi> lu <mi morji lo du'u broda> li'u simsa lu <mi vedli lo li'i ce'u gau djuno lo du'u broda> li'u 00:25 < zipcpi> zu'unai lu <mi vedli lo li'i ce'u broda> li'u simsa lu <mi morji lo du'u mi lifri lo ka ce'u broda> li'u 00:26 < gleki> na mutce simsa pe'i 00:27 < gleki> mi morji lo du'u mi lifri i ku'i xu mi ca'a lifri 00:27 < zipcpi> krefu lifri i'au xu 00:27 < gleki> i va'i mi xusra lo du'u mi morji i mi na xusra lo du'u mi lifri 00:28 < gleki> i zo morji simsa zo djuno 00:29 < zipcpi> ku'i lu ba'anai li'u smuvrici tu'a zo morji jo'u zo vedli i'au xu 00:29 < akmnlrse> je'u ka'e morji lo du'u lifri lo no roi ca'a se lifri 00:30 < gleki> broda lo se broda vau o'iru'e 00:30 < akmnlrse> .u'i 00:31 < zipcpi> mi kelci lo selkei .i mi kelci lo se kelci 00:31 < gleki> zipcpi: lu ba'anai li'u pu maljbo se pilno i lo maljbobau cu jbobau lo pu ju ca jbopre 00:32 < zipcpi> ja'o do na pante lo nu da'i mi jmina zo moi'i 00:32 < gleki> zo moi'i frica lu ba'anai li'u 00:32 < zipcpi> i'au xu 00:32 < zipcpi> .ie 00:33 < zipcpi> lu ba'anai li'u ei panra zo vei'i 00:34 < akmnlrse> xu da'i xamgu fa lo nu ge zo ba'a vadge gi zo moi'i je zo vei'i satci 00:40 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/moi'i 00:43 < gleki> lo ckilu pe zo ba'a zo'u mi ba'o jonai ca'o jonai pu'o lifri 00:44 < zipcpi> lu jonai li'u cu tarti lo cizra va'o lo za'ure mei 00:45 < gleki> ba'a = sei mi pu'o lifri 00:45 < gleki> li'o 00:45 < zipcpi> xy~'y frica ru'e zo kanpe 00:46 < akmnlrse> .ei pei zo me'ie ka'e se pagbu lo sumsmi poi na sumti 00:46 < zipcpi> zo'oi me'ie ki'a 00:47 < akmnlrse> .i da'i cusku lu li'o zo'u mi xoi me'au pa mei'e [sei cla'ani] ba'o ku ca'o ku pu'o ku vau lifri li'u 00:47 < akmnlrse> .i zo mei'e sei ciska srera 00:47 < zipcpi> ua .i ku'i mi na djuno lo ni kakne 00:47 < gleki> ie zo kanpe na mulno mapti zo ba'a 00:48 < gleki> i fadni lo nu lo cnima'o na mapti lo ralbrivla ju gismu 00:56 < zipcpi> xy~'y xu zo mei'e ka'e binxo co cmavo ma'oi nu 00:57 < zipcpi> exp: su'o nu lo gerku lo mlatu lo xarju cu .omnycti 00:57 < mensi> ([{su'o BOI} {nu <(¹[lo gerku KU] [lo mlatu KU] [lo xarju KU]¹) (¹cu [omnycti VAU]¹)> KEI} KU] VAU) 00:57 < zipcpi> exp: mi nelci ro nu lo cakla lo spinaca lo .articoke lo narge 00:57 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "n" found. 00:57 < akmnlrse> alta: su'o nu lo gerku lo mlatu lo xarju kei cu .omnycti 00:57 < mensi> ([FA {su'o BOI} {<nu (¹[{FA <lo (²gerku SF²) KU>} {FE <lo (²mlatu SF²) KU>} {FI <lo (²xarju SF²) KU>}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]¹) kei> SF} KU] [cu {omnycti SF} VAU]) 00:58 < zipcpi> exp su'o nu lo gerku lo mlatu lo xarju kei cu .omnycti 00:58 < zipcpi> exp: su'o nu lo gerku lo mlatu lo xarju kei cu .omnycti 00:58 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "o" found. 00:59 < zipcpi> la .exp. na nelci lo nu claxu lo selbri 00:59 < mensi> i ji'a mi na nelci mi'e la mensi 01:02 < zipcpi> .y. a'o ka'e da se erpi va'o lo simsa pe ma'oi je 01:02 < zipcpi> pe la selpa'i 01:04 < zipcpi> exp: pu ba broda 01:04 < mensi> (CU [{pu ba} broda] VAU) 01:04 < zipcpi> exp: puku ba broda 01:04 < mensi> ([pu ku] [CU {ba broda} VAU]) 01:05 < zipcpi> exp pu joi ca joi ba broda 01:05 < zipcpi> exp: pu joi ca joi ba broda 01:05 < mensi> (CU [{pu <joi ca> <joi ba>} broda] VAU) 01:06 < zipcpi> http://selpahi.weebly.com/lojban/how-to-substantially-simplify-the-lojban-connective-system-my-connective-system 01:08 < zipcpi> nitcu lo simsa be zo ga jo'u zo gu 01:08 < zipcpi> be'o poi ka'e cpacu lo namcu 01:10 < zipcpi> exp: mi ga ba'o gi ca'o gi pu'o lifri 01:10 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "l" found. 01:10 < zipcpi> .y. 01:10 < zipcpi> nai'o makau tadji 01:10 < zipcpi> exp: mi gaje ba'o gi ca'o gi pu'o lifri 01:10 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "l" found. 01:11 < zipcpi> oi 01:13 < zipcpi> exp: mi gu'e ba'o gi ca'o gi pu'o lifri 01:13 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "l" found. 01:13 < zipcpi> ar~~~~x~~~ 01:13 < zipcpi> oisai ro'e 01:15 < zipcpi> exp: mi gu broda gi brode gi brodi 01:15 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 01:15 < zipcpi> exp: mi ga broda gi brode gi brodi 01:15 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 01:16 < gleki> alta: mi djica lonu lo plise 01:16 < mensi> ([FA mi] [CU {djica SF} {FE <lo (¹[nu {<FA (²lo [plise SF] KU²)> <CU (²COhE SF²) VAU>} KEI] SF¹) KU>} VAU]) 01:16 < gleki> ca'o u'i snada 01:16 < gleki> si tolspofu 01:16 < zipcpi> pe'ibu'onai co'e ma'oi nu 01:17 < zipcpi> ma'oi nu ka'e cpacu lo selbri .i le gerna naru'e .y. me'oi convenient 01:19 < zipcpi> da'i zo mei'e cu cmavo ma'oi nu 01:19 < zipcpi> su'o nu lo gerku lo mlatu lo xarju kei cu .omnycti 01:19 < zipcpi> su'o mei'e lo gerku lo mlatu lo xarju kei cu .omnycti 01:19 < zipcpi> zo kei cu jai se bilga 01:19 < zipcpi> ie'i 01:20 < zipcpi> zo kei ja zo vau 01:22 < zipcpi> ku'i pe'i naru'eku zo mei'e cu mapti 01:24 < zipcpi> nitcu lo ka vrici se erpi co vanbi lo simsa be zo je 01:25 < zipcpi> xu zo erpi'yvanbi zabna lujvo tu'a la'o gy use-case gy 01:26 < gleki> .dict usecase 01:26 < phenny> Couldn't get any definitions for usecase at Wiktionary. 01:26 < gleki> .dict use-case 01:26 < phenny> use-case — noun: 1. Alternative spelling of use case 01:26 < gleki> .dict use case 01:26 < phenny> use case — noun: 1. (software engineering) A description of a potential scenario in which a system receives an external request (such as user input) and responds to it 01:26 < gleki> en: pruce 01:26 < mensi> pruce = x1 is a process with inputs x2, outputs/results x3, passing through steps/stages x4. |>>> x2 resource (= selru'e, 01:26 < mensi> but also ru'etci, (ru'er-/ruc- or selru'e-/selruc- modifying:) selxaksu, selsabji, livla). See also cmavo list pu'e, 01:26 < mensi> farvi, tadji, grute, tcini. |>>> officialdata 01:27 < gleki> simsa lu lo klesi ja mupli lo nu pruce li'u 01:27 < gleki> sa 01:27 < gleki> simsa lu klesi ja mupli lo nu pruce li'u 01:27 < zipcpi> I use it slightly less technically 01:28 < zipcpi> More like "A condition or scenario of expected usage" 01:29 < ctefaho> .u'i coi rodo 01:29 < zipcpi> What I mean to say is "This new "mei'e" should be usable in the same use-cases as the simple connective "je"" 01:29 < ctefaho> (so someone added fizbu huh) 01:30 < zipcpi> And connect everything that je can connect 01:30 < zipcpi> Selpa'i-s je, even 01:30 * ctefaho runs to add kosmu too 01:31 < dutchie> coi 01:31 < akmnlrse> (to la'a ro da poi na lunbe selbrisle toi) 01:31 < akmnlrse> coi 01:33 < zipcpi> I use the word "use-case" a lot more than most people; so I have essentially laicized its definition 01:34 < zipcpi> exp: erpivanbi 01:34 < mensi> (CU [erpivanbi VAU]) 01:35 < ctefaho> en: fizbu 01:35 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 01:36 < akmnlrse> mensi: ko ningau 01:36 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 01:36 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/sigma .y~~~. 01:36 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 01:37 < gleki> why adding gismu with glico meanings? 01:38 < zipcpi> Not really glico; the sigma is a mathematical symbol for the concept, so it's international 01:38 < zipcpi> Just don't know if it's gimy'inda 01:38 * ctefaho realized today that his cat speaks in UI 01:38 < zipcpi> Did you name it Lojban? 01:39 < ctefaho> (mostly .oi) 01:39 < gleki> oops, by glico i asked about {fizbu} 01:39 <@Broca> Not .au? 01:39 < gleki> en: sigma 01:39 < mensi> sigma = x1 is the standard variation of/in data set/distribution x2; x1 is the quantified (in)accuracy of the results x2 01:39 < mensi> given by some observation or measurement (procedure), calculated from/by standard x3 |>>> Technically, there really is 01:39 < mensi> only one possible standard deviation, but in practice, it is often approximate via some means x3 (such as assuming that 01:39 < mensi> the distribution is Gaussian, even if it actually is only a finite data sample x2). |>>> 01:39 < mensi> krtisfranks 01:39 < zipcpi> Cause I don't know how to define it in Lojban 01:39 < ctefaho> most definitely ".oi" 01:39 < ctefaho> but ".oi.au" mostly yeah 01:40 < gleki> he used {sigma} for standard deviation ?!!! 01:40 < gleki> but the capital sigma is ... 01:40 < zipcpi> I mean I could make it {ue'inmo} or something, but that's just going in circles 01:43 < zipcpi> You know what we really need is an... amplified English dictionary 01:43 < zipcpi> With longer explanations for each word 01:43 < zipcpi> longer definitions 01:43 < zipcpi> Rather than just throwing out synonyms and seeing what sticks 01:44 < gleki> tatoeba.org 01:44 < zipcpi> That's just examples 01:44 < zipcpi> Doesn't help us organize a discussion on, say, how exactly "excited" and "enthusiastic" differ 01:45 < gleki> using examples 01:45 < zipcpi> Doesn't help much. How does "I am excited" and "I am enthusiastic" differ? 01:46 < zipcpi> There are subtle senses that contrast each, but how do we define them? 01:46 < zipcpi> Then express them in an acceptable Lojbanic manner? 01:46 < gleki> only thru examples 01:47 < zipcpi> Unfortunately I'm not trained in linguistics or philosophy 01:48 < zipcpi> Tatoeba isn't "natural" use either. Look how much we use ra/xai/ko'a on it, then compare with actual use 01:48 < zipcpi> Or even {lo'i} 01:49 < zipcpi> {ra/xai/ko'a} is simply because Lojban third-person pronouns don't work like most other languages 01:50 < zipcpi> So we need a dirty substitute for them even though it doesn't match actual usage 01:52 < gleki> im not talking about existing sentences. just add more examples showing differences you need 01:57 < zipcpi> Still not seeing how that helps: All that'd mean is that I'd translate {mi fizbu lo ka klama le zarci} to "I am excited to go to the store" and {mi entuzi lo ka klama le zarci} as "I am enthusiastic about going to the store" 01:58 < gleki> now find an example that uses both words. 01:58 < zipcpi> "I am excited, and he is enthusiastic"? 01:59 < gleki> no, more verbosity is needed 01:59 < zipcpi> What we really need are sentences like this: http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4225938 but I don't know how to pull them out of thin air, or control them for which words I want to use 02:00 < zipcpi> Where I'm able to actually pull out all the stops and translate things in a very non-literal manner 02:01 < zipcpi> {zei'a} isn't even in the English sentence at all 02:02 < zipcpi> But I think it really is one of my best sentences 02:05 < ctefaho> kosmu added, shots fired 02:05 < zipcpi> Right... you want a BAI for it 02:06 < ctefaho> yup 02:06 < ctefaho> ko'au 02:06 < zipcpi> purpose ; reason for which something is performed 02:06 < zipcpi> I don't think that's quite right 02:07 < ctefaho> well pe'u come with a better sense 02:07 < zipcpi> I've already defined {erpi} with it 02:07 < ctefaho> sucks for erpi 02:07 < zipcpi> No, I meant with the sense I tihnk you want 02:07 < ctefaho> ahhhhh 02:08 < zipcpi> "What is gasoline used for?" 02:08 < ctefaho> teleological? 02:08 < zipcpi> Yes, that's teleological 02:08 < ctefaho> didn't know that word 02:08 < zipcpi> Translating it literally as {te pilno} would require a zi'o 02:08 < zipcpi> *se pilno 02:09 < ctefaho> well, feel free to edit kosmu with what you think fits better 02:11 < zipcpi> " reason for which something is performed" is already {krinu} 02:12 < ctefaho> well I used Wikipedia's idea, if you have an idea that makes it better distinguished from cause then pe'usai edit it 02:13 < zipcpi> Also it's nice to have something that can refer to the "telos" of both an object or an event 02:13 < zipcpi> Without having to use tu'a or jai 02:14 < zipcpi> Selpa'i also had a similar idea 02:14 < ctefaho> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thematic_relation is my god 02:15 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telos_(philosophy) 02:16 < zipcpi> Edited it. Basically copied my definition for {erpi}, except without the notes relating it to terpli 02:19 < zipcpi> "What is gasoline used for" = "What is the purpose (telos) of gasoline" 02:19 < ctefaho> hmm wtf 02:19 < ctefaho> si si 02:20 < zipcpi> ma kosmu lo tcigaso 02:20 < zipcpi> lo tcigaso cu se kosmu lo ka ce'u livla 02:21 < zipcpi> "Gasoline is used for fuel" 02:21 < zipcpi> Not implying that is currently used by anyone 02:21 < ctefaho> now we need to answer how fi'o kosmu is different from terzu'e;) 02:21 < zipcpi> Just that this is what gasoline is to be used for 02:22 < gleki> pilno doesnt imply anything being used currently 02:22 < gleki> that's what ca'a is for 02:22 < zipcpi> It still has that annoying agent place though 02:22 < gleki> so you basically want zilpli with plino1 moved into x0 02:23 < gleki> *pilno1 02:23 < zipcpi> Well, that's basically what zilfi'i/erpi/kosmu is, yes 02:23 < ctefaho> tucti? 02:23 < ctefaho> tutci 02:24 < ctefaho> for zipcpi's idea 02:24 < ctefaho> maybe not 02:25 < zipcpi> No... because then you can't talk about the purpose of any arbitrary object or event 02:25 < zipcpi> Telos isn't restricted to "tools" 02:27 < dutchie> on tatoeba, is it a good idea to add multiple translations of {ko'a broda} for "He brodas", "She will broda", "She did broda" etc etc? 02:27 < zipcpi> I don't know 02:29 < dutchie> on the one hand, it's correct and should lead to more understanding of the vagueness, but on the other hand, doing it properly will result in loads of translations 02:29 < zipcpi> Especially when they cross 02:30 < zipcpi> Also added a note about the "etymology" of kosmu 02:31 < ctefaho> .i'o.i'e 02:32 < zipcpi> Anyway see {te batke} for something that I think you'd want your {ko'au} for 02:32 < zipcpi> Selpahi also mentioned it 02:32 < Compu-Celebi> For a long time, I have been repeatedly forgetting to inquire in here about, in any Lojban word, following an el or an ar with a gliding diphthong. 02:33 < Compu-Celebi> For example, is "ria" a valid Lojban word? 02:33 < zipcpi> No 02:33 < zipcpi> Cia, for any consonant, including ', is invalid 02:33 < zipcpi> It used to be valid, so you might see some older materials using it 02:33 < zipcpi> But it was banned in a phonotactic reform 02:33 < ctefaho> sincrboa 02:33 < Compu-Celebi> I am surprised that [i]The Complete Lojban Language[/i] does not contain any statements about the matter. 02:34 < zipcpi> It's a later reform 02:34 < zipcpi> CLL is outdated in many ways; many reforms that have been officialized aren't reflected there 02:35 < zipcpi> The "dotside" reform and the "xorlo" reform mostly 02:35 < zipcpi> As well as the aforementioned phonotactic reform 02:35 < Compu-Celebi> Is "sincrboa" intended to be a Lojban borrowed word for the English word "boa"? 02:35 < ctefaho> yep 02:35 < zipcpi> It isn't valid 02:35 < zipcpi> At least not anymore 02:36 < ctefaho> but sincrbo'a is what you need 02:36 < ctefaho> OR sincrboua 02:36 < Compu-Celebi> Oh, of course, "oa" is invalid. 02:36 < zipcpi> But you can't call yourself la .bo,as. anymore either, unlike what the CLL will tell you 02:36 < ctefaho> (latter could be written as "sincrbowa" to highlight the difference) 02:37 < zipcpi> ctefaho: That would be nice if we had something for i/y too 02:37 < Compu-Celebi> How is that name word invalid? 02:37 < zipcpi> "Syllabic vowel-glides" are banned everywhere, even in cmevla 02:38 < zipcpi> You must buffer them with {'} or semi-vowels too 02:38 < zipcpi> either .bouas. or .bo'as. 02:38 < ctefaho> zipcpi: if you wanna replace y, I propose ə or @ (x-sampa style) or q (for its somewhat-resemblance to the schwa) 02:38 < Compu-Celebi> Define "syllabic vowel-glide." 02:38 < ctefaho> neither which will make everyone/anyone happy 02:38 < zipcpi> Eh... I don't like things that are hard to type 02:39 < zipcpi> Or which messes with email-recognition 02:39 < ctefaho> -->q 02:39 < ctefaho> lo sofqbakni 02:39 < ctefaho> lo sof@bakni 02:39 < ctefaho> lo sofəbakni 02:40 < ctefaho> (so you can use "y" in the diphtongs) 02:40 < ctefaho> (alternative ortographies++) 02:40 < zipcpi> Syllabic vowel glide: meaning glides from one vowel to another in two separate syllables, without a semivowel buffer 02:42 < Compu-Celebi> I conjectured correctly and would have called them "bisyllabic gliding diphthongs." 02:42 < zipcpi> Yeah 02:42 < Compu-Celebi> Why are they impermissible? 02:43 < zipcpi> I don't know the full story, but the reasoning is probably that i,a,i,a,ion was indistinguishable from i,ia,ii,ia,ion 02:43 < zipcpi> And also that commas are also meant to be optional 02:43 < Compu-Celebi> Well, now, I must modify my Lojban Python module and its Common Lisp counterpart. 02:46 < zipcpi> Two more things you need to know about main differences between CLL and modern Lojban: Dotside: all cmevla must both begin and and with a pause now. But {la}, {lai}, and {doi} are now allowed in them 02:46 < zipcpi> Reasoning: no one could reliably detected those "banned" syllables in actual usage 02:46 < Compu-Celebi> I knew about this, from a previous discussion in here. 02:46 < akmnlrse> Compu-Celebi: .a'u .i xu ra noi samselpla cu gubni 02:47 < Compu-Celebi> I subsequently read a document that presented convincing arguments in favor of it. 02:47 < ctefaho> (about that, are there still jbopre who oppose dotside?) 02:47 < gleki> dutchie: as for tatoeba.org yes, that's what is usually done 02:47 < Compu-Celebi> I am a computer programmer as a hobbyist. 02:48 < zipcpi> And the third one is the "brivla cmevla" merge. It's not as officialized as the other things I mentioned, but still people now usually leave the {cu} in {la .djan. cu klama} now 02:48 < akmnlrse> ctefaho: la .uuzît 02:48 < akmnlrse> ku mu'a 02:48 < zipcpi> Just to be able to work in both parsers 02:48 < gleki> sincrboa was never valid 02:48 < zipcpi> ua 02:48 < zipcpi> off: la djan klama 02:48 < mensi> ([{la djan} CU] [klama VAU]) 02:49 < zipcpi> exp: la djan klama 02:49 < mensi> ([la {djan klama} KU] VAU) 02:49 < gleki> sincrboa is what xorxes used. 02:49 < ctefaho> yeah 02:49 < dutchie> je'e la gleki 02:49 * ctefaho slaps gleki around a bit with a large trout 02:50 < ctefaho> err 02:50 < ctefaho> I mean 02:50 < ctefaho> hi gleki 02:50 < Compu-Celebi> Oh, I confused "gubni," which means "public," with "gunka," which means "work." 02:50 < ctefaho> I just registed on lojban.org 02:50 < ctefaho> do I get a password sent to me by email? 02:50 < Compu-Celebi> The code is neither public nor complete. 02:50 < akmnlrse> je'e 02:51 < zipcpi> The "brivla cmevla" merge is somewhat disputed, but the main reasoning is that it makes it much easier to make tanru out of names {le .atlantik. xamsi} = the sea of-type "Atlantic", or names that mix cmevla and brivla, for example if you have a "last-name" and a "first-name" that mixes the types 02:52 < zipcpi> As I said, it's not quite as officialized as the "dotside" reform or the phonotactic reform, but it affects common usage significantly as to when {cu} is to be elided 02:53 < gleki> ctefaho: lo do jaspu mo'u se zanru 02:53 < ctefaho> ki'e la gleki ku 02:54 * ctefaho practicing for cmevla/brivla merge 02:54 < dutchie> .u'i 02:54 < ctefaho> zipcpi: But then you must always terminate many la's with a cu or a ku? 02:55 < ctefaho> so other stuffs doesn't get eaten by the la 02:55 < zipcpi> Yes, but the reasoning is that it's not too much of a bother, because you'd have to do it if the name is a brivla anyway 02:55 < ctefaho> true 02:55 < zipcpi> Like {la zipcpi cu klama}; cu isn't elidable here 02:55 < ctefaho> but good, that helps a lot with another idea of mine 02:55 < ctefaho> (which funnily enough works in speech but not in writing) 02:56 < ctefaho> (but I came up with a solution for that too) 02:56 < zipcpi> Indeed, the ubiquity of examples like {la .djan. klama} in older materials often confused beginners, who thought that {la zipcpi klama} would be correct too 02:56 < zipcpi> It makes la look like it has "two grammars" 02:57 < ctefaho> but besides ku, cu and do'u, there is not much else you can use to terminate la? 02:57 < ctefaho> (do'u for la in vocatives, li'a) 02:57 < zipcpi> ... tones? 02:57 < ctefaho> tones? 02:57 < zipcpi> Dunno, just making a wild guess 02:57 < zipcpi> Cause I've heard of ideas of replacing stuff like {lo} or {cu} with tones :p 02:58 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 02:58 < gleki> any sumti autoterminates {la} 02:58 < gleki> doi la zipcpi do tugni xu 02:58 < gleki> exp: doi la zipcpi do tugni xu 02:58 < mensi> ([doi {la zipcpi KU} DOhU] [do {CU <tugni xu> VAU}]) 02:58 < gleki> here {do} autoadds {ku do'u} to the syntactic tree. 03:00 < Compu-Celebi> I would have implemented a terminator for Lojban names. 03:00 < gleki> terminators arent needed very often actually. 03:01 < gleki> {cu}, {vau}, {li'u} is what is usually used. seldom {be'o} is needed. 03:01 < gleki> and {ku} is used after names}. 03:01 < gleki> since {la gleki noi broda} and {la gleki ku noi broda} have different meanings. 03:02 < zipcpi> I prefer {la gleki voi broda} for the first case though, just to emphasize the "titular addition to name" sense 03:02 < gleki> well, actually {li'u} should be excluded from this list since English also uses unquote marks. 03:02 < gleki> neither {ku'o}, nor {kei} are really needed. they can be avoided. 03:03 < zipcpi> Well English also uses commas, but they don't necessarily match with famyma'o 03:03 < zipcpi> Unquote mark is probably the most reliable "famyma'o" English has 03:04 < Compu-Celebi> Why is Lojban left-branching? 03:04 < zipcpi> Oh and right bracket ({toi}) 03:04 < Ilmen> If {vau} weren't also the gihek terminator, I would use it more often 03:04 < Ilmen> coi 03:04 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: Well the choice between left and right branching is somewhat arbitrary 03:05 < gleki> yes, you have to choose something. either red or blue pill. 03:06 < Ilmen> left-branching probably works better with LR(1) parsers; I guess for right branching languages the whole sentence string should be inverted/mirrored before giving it to the parser (but I'm not sure, I'm not familiar with LR(1) parsing) 03:06 < Ilmen> I hope I am not saying rubbish there :) 03:07 < Compu-Celebi> I opine right-branching to be more logical, because it enables what is modified to be known before the modifier without reading/listening ahead. 03:07 < Ilmen> Erm 03:07 < Ilmen> Lojban is right branching, sorry 03:07 < Compu-Celebi> No, Spanish and Latin, for example, are right-branching. 03:07 < Ilmen> Japanese is left banching 03:08 < Compu-Celebi> English is left-branching. 03:08 < gleki> depends on what structures you are talking about. 03:09 < gleki> postpositions imply left branching since their heads are to the right. English uses prepositions so its right branching here. 03:09 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: as far as I can tell, in Lojban modifiers come after modified elements, except for things like tanru 03:09 * ctefaho new cmavo idea: Make lojban right-branching? 03:10 * ctefaho (based on cfipu) 03:11 < Compu-Celebi> I have been referring to seltau, not, for example, attitudinal modifiers. 03:11 < Ilmen> lo gerku poi blabi ---- the marker for predicate to argument conversion (lo) comes first, and then the relative clause comes after the lo-description 03:12 < Compu-Celebi> I was using "modifier" in the adjectival/adverbial sense. 03:12 < Ilmen> Yeah, for some mysterious reason tanru works the other way around, the head comes last and the modifiers precede the head 03:14 * nuzba @mkmagicannon: @PixelJanosz @MeltSteelBeams @_DHMapplethorpe @_strelokgslingr @_icze4r Yes some people spell it "curb". Also in Lojban it's "korbi". [http://bit.ly/1G6eAbI] 03:14 * nuzba @mkmagicannon: @PixelJanosz @MeltSteelBeams @_DHMapplethorpe @_strelokgslingr @_icze4r Just In The Rare Event That You Gave A Fuck About Lojban [http://bit.ly/1G6eW20] 03:14 * nuzba @mkmagicannon: @_DHMapplethorpe @PixelJanosz @MeltSteelBeams @_strelokgslingr @_icze4r Skip the jargon and this is still readable: http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/besto [http://bit.ly/1TwJ9k5] 03:14 * nuzba @mkmagicannon: @_DHMapplethorpe @PixelJanosz @MeltSteelBeams @_strelokgslingr @_icze4r This one's fun too (notably shorter): http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/gleua [http://bit.ly/1TwJiUJ] 03:15 < gleki> ctefaho: for postpositions i "solved" this problem by enriching the parser to allow postpositions. just use {co} to reverse their branching 03:15 < gleki> alta: lo vanci co ca mi citka 03:15 < mensi> ([{<lo (¹vanci SF¹) KU> co ca} {FA mi}] [CU {citka SF} VAU]) 03:16 < gleki> The evenings-in I eat. 03:16 < gleki> alta: lo nanca be li ci co pu zi mi tadni 03:16 < mensi> ([{<lo (¹[nanca {be <FE (²li [ci BOI] LOhO²)>} BEhO] SF¹) KU> co <pu zi>} {FA mi}] [CU {tadni SF} VAU]) 03:17 < gleki> Three years *ago* I studied. 03:17 < gleki> Here is a rare examples when english has postpositions. 03:17 < gleki> *example 03:17 < Compu-Celebi> Anyhow, if Lojban were right-branching, any predicate word could be known not to be a seltau before knowing whether it is even part of one or more phrase compounds without reading/listening ahead. 03:18 < Ilmen> Yeah, Lojban is not purely right branching 03:19 < Ilmen> I'd say it's mostly right branching, but there are exceptions such as tanru, or number strings used as quantifiers or with MOI words, etc 03:20 < Ilmen> For example, when one hears/read {mi pa...}, one can't know yet whether this "pa" is a quantifier making a sumti ("pa gerku"...) or part of a MOI or MAI or ROI clause (pa moi... pa roi...) 03:21 < Ilmen> So that seems like an instance of left-branching 03:23 < zipcpi> I think part of the reasoning is that the place structure always reflects the right most predicate word 03:23 < zipcpi> Or the place structures of anything to the right, rather 03:24 < zipcpi> {ko'a blanu gerku ko'e} = ko'e fills x2 of gerku 03:24 < zipcpi> {ko'a gerku co blanu ko'e} = ko'a fills x1 of gerku, but ko'e fills x2 of blanu 03:25 < Compu-Celebi> Not knowing from a phrase compound's first word whether it is part of a phrase compound and, therefore, is a seltau is inconvenient. 03:25 < Ilmen> {ko'a gerku blanu ko'e} would be equally fine if the default was modified-modifier 03:25 < zipcpi> What about the co case though? 03:26 < gleki> {gerku co blanu} is an elaboration of {gerku}. 03:26 < gleki> gerku i sa'e gerku co blanu 03:26 < gleki> it's a dog. More precisely, it's a blue-dog. 03:26 < zipcpi> I meant if da'i we reversed the modified and modifiers 03:26 < Ilmen> In Toki Pona, the equivalent of Lojban's tanru are right branching 03:26 < zipcpi> So it is in Malay 03:27 < Ilmen> so instead of saying "blabi kerfa gerku", one would say "gerku kerfa blabi" 03:27 < Compu-Celebi> I would prefer to know what general class the predicate word/phrase compound denotes before reading/listening beyond the first word. 03:27 < ctefaho> are you talking about "co"? 03:27 < Compu-Celebi> "co" does not rectify the issue, because it would be the second word. 03:27 < zipcpi> In malay teaching materials it's called the "DM rule". "diterangkan menerangkan" 03:28 < Compu-Celebi> No word that essentially means, "The following is an inverted phrase compound," exists. 03:28 < zipcpi> {lo se ciksi lo ciksi} 03:29 < gleki> Compu-Celebi: then what's the problem? You may always use {co}! 03:29 < zipcpi> Hmm... new KE? Though I don't know how selma'o should actually work for semantic parsing 03:29 < zipcpi> {co} changes place structure 03:30 < Ilmen> gleki: They would prefer a marker that comes *before* the tanru begins 03:30 < zipcpi> What he wants is a way to say things like military style "Meal, Ready-to Eat", while still having everything that comes to the right have the place structure of "meal" 03:31 < gleki> ihope they are not mixing adjectives with compound verbs. 03:31 < zipcpi> The important thing right now is the place structure 03:31 < zipcpi> {co} changes place structure 03:31 < Compu-Celebi> If I were to read {le vanci sanmi}, I would initially wonder whether it refers to the evening and then discover that it actually refers to a meal and that the meal is a dinner. 03:32 < gleki> {lo sanmi pe lo vanci} 03:32 < zipcpi> What about in the selbri? 03:33 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: And then, after having read/heard "le vanci sanmi", you still have to wait for the next word because it's not yet sure that the tanru is finished 03:33 < gleki> ma mo 03:33 < zipcpi> ti vanci sanmi 03:33 < Compu-Celebi> Ilmen, indeed, and it compounds the issue. 03:34 < gleki> zipcpi: ti vanci do'e lo sanmi. depends on what meaning you want 03:34 < zipcpi> The other way round is what you want probably 03:35 < zipcpi> Your fixes would be much more complicated in more complicated sentences and/or tanru though 03:36 < gleki> idk. give me examples, i wil ltranslate them 03:36 < zipcpi> lo melbi je xunre ke nixli ckule 03:37 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 03:38 < Ilmen> ... <right-branching tanru> ckule nixli ke xunre je melbi 03:39 < gleki> zipcpi: lo ckule ne lo nixli je noi melbi je xunre 03:39 < Ilmen> school of type girl of type both red and beautiful 03:40 < zipcpi> Gleki: See, now you have to bring in NE and NOI, and introduce a subclause, just to reverse the order 03:40 < Compu-Celebi> I would prefer to be in a position to think, "It refers to a meal. The meal is of an evening-related type," as opposed to, "It possibly refers to an evening. It turns out that it refers to a meal of an evening-related type or something else. It is the former," or, as is even less preferable, "It refers to an evening. Oh, it actually refers to a meal of an evening-related type." 03:41 < zipcpi> The more such structures in the sentence, the more complicated it's gonna get 03:42 < zipcpi> Compu-Celebi: Yeah it probably was a malglixlu-decision 03:42 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: I also like when the predicate comes first, because you know right away what argument roles to expect 03:42 < zipcpi> {co} can still change place structure 03:42 < zipcpi> It just won't actually reverse order 03:42 < ctefaho> doi zipcpi 03:43 < gleki> zipcpi: i just dont understand why you need tanru but okay. 03:43 < zipcpi> But I don't know what we can do about it. It's already such a part of the language, embedded even in the lujvo system 03:43 < ctefaho> (Test: did you interpret that as "doi la zipcpi" or "doi lo zipcpi"?) 03:43 < gleki> {co} has a rafsi 03:44 < zipcpi> *and* changes place structure 03:44 < gleki> zipcpi: it must change the place structure 03:44 < gleki> ctefaho: acc. to CLL it means {doi la/lo zipcpi} 03:44 < Compu-Celebi> I have wondered whether Lojban's phrase compound order has been based upon English. 03:44 < zipcpi> ctefa'o: An elided article after DOI and COI is ambiguous 03:45 < Ilmen> Me too 03:45 < zipcpi> {doi selpa'i} can refer to "Beloved..." or the person Selpahi 03:45 < Compu-Celebi> Ilmen, it is why I prefer prefix notation, also. 03:47 < ctefaho> zipcpi: Ambigious much? 03:47 < zipcpi> Yes 03:48 < ctefaho> doirodo does anyone here have a different interpretation than zipcpi? 03:49 < Ilmen> ctefaho: I've been taught that COI broda ~= COI le broda 03:49 < Ilmen> but I don't really know what the CLL says on this 03:50 < ctefaho> it says waht you just said 03:50 < zipcpi> It's one of the few things in the CLL that aren't significantly touched by a reform 03:50 < akmnlrse> http://alexburka.com/lojban/cll/lojban.html#c06s11e06 03:50 < Compu-Celebi> As I recollect, it is "la" that is elided. 03:50 < akmnlrse> ka'e nafse'i vau ku'i 03:50 < ctefaho> no lo/le/la is a le 03:50 < zipcpi> Right... "old" le 03:50 < zipcpi> Which we don't care about anymore 03:50 < ctefaho> it says I adressed a penguin up there 03:51 < zipcpi> Yet I can drop the article in {coi .djan.}? 03:51 < Compu-Celebi> "la" is now part of the same grammatical class as "le"? 03:51 < zipcpi> It's just inconvenient 03:51 < zipcpi> Under cmevla-brivla merge, yes 03:52 < ctefaho> Because if the rules clearly say "doi zipcpi" means "doi lo zipcpi" but everyone interprets it as "doi la zipcpi", rule needs to change at least? 03:52 < zipcpi> I've always been told that it was ambiguous 03:52 < zipcpi> The cost of dropping a syllable 03:53 < Ilmen> I pretty often say things like {co'o cliva}, {ki'e sidju}... 03:53 < ctefaho> well then 03:53 < ctefaho> Ilmen: Is that an implicit "cu" or a "lo"? 03:53 < ctefaho> coi cliva 03:53 < zipcpi> {lo/le} 03:53 < Ilmen> ctefaho: it can't be an implicit "cu" 03:54 < ctefaho> good 03:54 < ctefaho> .i coi la cliva .i xu doi lo cliva 03:54 < zipcpi> doipei 03:55 < cliva> coi le (to na'e verdikala toi) ctefa'o 03:55 < Ilmen> ta'e skudji fe mu'a lu co'o lo cliva li'u 03:55 < ctefaho> .u'i 03:57 < gleki> how do we say "lively ~= anti-dull"? 03:58 < zipcpi> {zdile}? 04:01 < gleki> .dict lively 04:01 < phenny> lively — noun: 1. (nautical) Term of address — adjective: 1. Full of life; energetic, 2. Bright; vivid; glowing; strong; vigorous — adverb: 1. (obsolete) In a lifelike manner, 2. Vibrantly, vividly 04:02 < gleki> 1. full of life and energy 04:02 < zipcpi> {to'e to'e zdile}? zo'o 04:02 < gleki> 2. full of zest or vigor 04:03 < gleki> something like {gleki zukte so'i da} 04:04 < gleki> en: ue'i 04:04 < mensi> ue'i = [UI1] attitudinal: excitement - lack of excitement - boredom |>>> Used to express excitement (enthusiasm, 04:04 < mensi> exhilaration). The opposite expresses boredom (dullness), while the cu'i-form expresses "indifference". See fizbu, 04:04 < mensi> tolzdi |>>> ctefaho 04:04 < zipcpi> Right now it's linked to {fizbu}/{tolzdi} 04:05 < gleki> dull is not tolzdi 04:05 < zipcpi> Of course, you're probably talking about how to define {fizbu} 04:05 < gleki> neither lively=enthusiastic 04:05 < zipcpi> Right 04:06 < gleki> i'd use {jai zu'e renvi} 04:07 < zipcpi> I'm... not sure I like renvi 04:07 < zipcpi> Doesn't seem very lively to me 04:07 < gleki> https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/comments/3a6ptz/in_what_ways_does_lojban_differ_from_its/ 04:07 < gleki> {renvi} doesnt imply "hard survival" 04:07 < zipcpi> I know, but it can mean that 04:08 < zipcpi> Just adding {jai zu'e} doesn't seem to fix it 04:08 < akmnlrse> ue ue la selckiku cu pu zi spuda lo prutidu co'e 04:10 < ctefaho> does anyone use SE with PU/FAhA/ZAhO? 04:11 < ctefaho> za'a na 04:11 < zipcpi> Some times. Though I'm still confused what it means 04:12 < Compu-Celebi> I have never done so. 04:13 < Compu-Celebi> I do not recollect it being possible, either. 04:13 < ctefaho> ok good 04:13 < Compu-Celebi> s/possible/grammatical/ 04:13 < phenny> Compu-Celebi meant to say: I do not recollect it being grammatical, either. 04:16 < gleki> .dict hello 04:16 < phenny> hello — noun: 1. "Hello!" or an equivalent greeting — verb: 1. (trans.) To greet with "hello" — interjection: 1. A greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence, 2. A greeting used when answering the telephone 04:17 < gleki> phma: ta'i ma do kakne lo ka me'oi phenny 04:17 < gleki> oops 04:17 < gleki> phenny: ta'i ma do kakne lo ka me'oi phenny 04:17 < Compu-Celebi> Wow, phenny applies sed substitution strings. 04:17 < gleki> phma: ju'inai 04:28 < Compu-Celebi> I have just completed reading jbovlaste's entries for the experimental root words that have been added to it since I had last checked. 04:29 < gleki> poor you 04:30 < gleki> send my greetings to Curtis 04:31 < Compu-Celebi> Huh? 04:33 < gleki> most gismu are from Curtis 04:34 < Compu-Celebi> Were you expressing pity for me? 04:34 < ctefaho> is he the one making "pitza" and stuff? 04:35 < Compu-Celebi> "pitza" is not a valid Lojban word. 04:36 < ctefaho> well it wasn't exactly "pitza" 04:36 < gleki> {pitsa} 04:37 < gleki> you can see who entered what in JVS 04:38 < Compu-Celebi> "pitsa" is unlisted. 04:38 < ctefaho> pitsa yes 04:38 < ctefaho> but it seems to be gone 04:38 < e`ogan> Why haven't lojban picked nomenclature naming from latin? 04:38 < ctefaho> now the italians will go crazy 04:38 < gleki> nomenclature of what? 04:39 < e`ogan> I mean plants and animals, not objects 04:39 < gleki> it's not so easy to import them. we need an algorithm of lojbanizing any name. 04:41 < e`ogan> So it can't just be "cani" it has to be {gerku}? 04:42 < gleki> no, it would break self-segregation morphology. 04:42 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Experimental_gismu_and_cmavo_frequency_lists 04:42 < gleki> indeed pitsa should be added 04:54 < zipcpi> e'ogan: Yes, the problem is zi'evla morphology basically 04:54 < zipcpi> We don't have a good algorithm for changing arbitrary phonemes to squeeze into zi'evla morphology 04:55 < zipcpi> Right now it's all just trial and error 04:55 < e`ogan> Is it because of limitation such as {i,a,i,ai} = {iaiai} not being allowed? 04:55 < zipcpi> No 04:56 * ctefaho done with http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o 04:56 < zipcpi> Take "Lycaon" 04:56 < zipcpi> OK first that ao needs to be changed, but that's not the only problem 04:56 < zipcpi> likauon 04:56 < zipcpi> Then... 04:57 < zipcpi> We need to either add a vowel to the end, or drop the vowel 04:57 < zipcpi> likauo 04:57 < zipcpi> THen, we need to add a consonant cluster 04:57 < zipcpi> litkauo 04:57 < zipcpi> That's not mentioning the pitfalls known as "tosmabru" and "slinku'i" 04:58 < e`ogan> I see, the words in lojban are meant to follow internal morphological structure 04:58 < zipcpi> A tosmabru is any putative brivla (can affect both candidate lujvo and zi'evla) that would break apart into cmavo + brivla: tosmabru -> to smabru 04:58 < e`ogan> Is that to have cmavo, gismu and others to be recognisable from the structure? 04:59 < e`ogan> so* 04:59 < zipcpi> It's to prevent things like "propagate"/"prop a gate" 04:59 < zipcpi> Word boundary ambiguity 04:59 < e`ogan> Oh, makes sense 04:59 < zipcpi> That's also why cmevla have those mandatory pauses, and are the only words that end in a consonant 04:59 < zipcpi> And must end in a consonant 05:00 < zipcpi> A slinku'i is any putative zi'evla that would turn into a lujvo if a "cmavo" is added to it: pa + slinku'i = pas/lin/ku'i 05:01 < zipcpi> The reason paslinku'i is not considered a tosmabru is because lujvo takes priority on morphological space over zi'evla 05:01 < zipcpi> zi'evla basically takes all the leftovers not taken by gismu or lujvo 05:01 < e`ogan> So the whole concept of the words being approximated from the most common natlangs isn't really applicable to lojban 05:01 < zipcpi> Yes 05:02 < zipcpi> They have to be massaged to squeeze in, and there is no known algorithm to do so 05:02 < e`ogan> It seems each conlang concentrates heavily on a certain aspect, but can't have them all 05:02 < gleki> of course all Latin names can be turned into cmevla. and algorithms here could be made. 05:03 < zipcpi> Oh yes, if we do cmevla-brivla merge we can quite easily turn them into cmevla 05:03 < zipcpi> But even under BCM the doctrine is that cmevla can't have a single defined meaning 05:03 < gleki> one cannot accumulate concepts from natlangs since most concepts in natlangs dont match. 05:03 < e`ogan> Care to elaborate with an example? 05:04 < zipcpi> The word "see" 05:04 < gleki> e.g. "think" in English" pensar" in Portuguese, "dumat'" in Russian all have different connotations. 05:04 < gleki> semantic ranges 05:04 < zipcpi> Right that too 05:04 < gleki> almost any frequent verb 05:05 < e`ogan> Can't they be deconstructed into even more basic parts to be reassembled correctly in another language then? 05:06 < zipcpi> That's basically what we've been trying to do all this while, but it's not exactly an easy job :p 05:07 < gleki> it's highly doubted that these core concepts even exist. 05:07 < gleki> take emotions. there are zillions of them and no core emotions. instead there is a continuum. 05:07 < gleki> take colors. there is rainbow but natlangs dont often refer to particular parts of it. 05:08 < gleki> some color words mix different properties 05:08 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/menli_saske_papri#Colors_in_different_languages 05:09 < e`ogan> Well lojban has an interesting approach (that I'd compare to jpeg compression), but I am interested in finding out if there is some attempt at grinding the concepts to their "subatomic" components to be then built into said concepts via math algorythm description (or chemical formula of the concept if you will), which ofc is done by a machine since for a human that'd be too much tedious footwork to do 05:11 < gleki> yes, we only need formulae to transform from one language into another and use lojban to store these formulae. needless to say the only close things ever been done is Wierzbicka's NSM. As it name suggests there is no syntax there. Thus, no strict formulae we need. 05:11 < zipcpi> See {mutsteila} for a zi'evla-ization that I'm not too proud of 05:11 < zipcpi> mustela breaks to mu stela 05:11 < zipcpi> mutstela is the lujvo mut/stela 05:12 < zipcpi> musteila breaks to mu steila (because steila is a valid zi'evla) 05:12 < zipcpi> So yeah, endet up with mutsteila 05:12 < e`ogan> Ok thank you very much 05:13 < e`ogan> I think a translator for spoken speech based on semantic primes could be done 05:14 < Compu-Celebi> e`ogan, you have misspelled "algorithm." 05:14 < e`ogan> It's literature where this concept enters a bozon field so havy it can't move 05:15 < gleki> it doesnt matter whether primes exist. it does matter whether we have prepared formulae to transform from one language into another 05:15 < gleki> it should be so that any phrase first normalized. like this: 05:15 < Compu-Celebi> I have just learned of the word "bozon," which Wiktionary recognizes. 05:15 < Compu-Celebi> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bozon 05:15 < gleki> tersmus: mi prami fe do 05:15 < tersmus> prami(mi,do) 05:16 < gleki> tersmus: fa mi fe do prami 05:16 < tersmus> prami(mi,do) 05:16 < gleki> as you can see the output is the same. 05:16 < e`ogan> Oh right, not everyone is versed in physics and chemistry metaphors 05:16 < gleki> i dont know if for other languages anything similar is done 05:16 < Compu-Celebi> I am a computer programmer, not a scientist. 05:17 < e`ogan> And I am heavily visual/engineer minded, so even despite the ase with which I grasp languages, I am not really linguistically minded person 05:17 < Compu-Celebi> I was initially reminded of the word "boson" and the Higgs boson (which is informally known as the "God particle"). 05:18 < e`ogan> ease* 05:19 < gleki> en: xigzo 05:19 < e`ogan> Ok now, tank you again for the info, I need to go now, or my internet contract will be void 05:20 < Compu-Celebi> Ah, I recollect that experimental root word. 05:21 < gleki> vrici is again superslow. 05:21 < Compu-Celebi> What is the Internet contract? 05:22 < e`ogan> I had new internet related equipment sent to me due to better connection and faster bitrate, but I didn't get the sticker with return address for the old equipment that needs to be sent in (it is loaned, not bought here) 05:23 < e`ogan> So if I will not solve the issue in time it is a breach of contract and either termination of service or a fine coming my way 05:24 < zipcpi> Does {kosmu} have an open rafsi? 05:24 < zipcpi> kos -> kosta 05:24 < zipcpi> kom -> komcu 05:24 < zipcpi> smu -> smuni, naturally 05:24 < Compu-Celebi> "sok" is available. 05:25 < e`ogan> ta'iroda co'o 05:25 < zipcpi> That generally is not how rafsi are assigned though :p 05:25 < Compu-Celebi> "mok," also, is. 05:26 < zipcpi> Not sure if we'd have to stretch the rules by this point though 05:27 < zipcpi> Unless we reassign it to /sokmu/, since we reversed it from the original mystery-bot definition lol 05:28 < zipcpi> I want {kosmyvanbi} to be "use case", unless there is a better lujvo for it 05:30 < zipcpi> "x1 (abstraction) is a use-case / expected usage scenario of x2" 05:31 < zipcpi> (object/event) 05:36 < zipcpi> Or maybe it could just be {kosmypau} or {kosmyka'u} 06:00 < ruaim> coi 06:00 < niftg> coi 06:01 < Compu-Celebi> mi judri ti 06:02 < gleki> mi na kakne lo ka mitysisku lo ve lujvo sepi'o la sutysisku 06:05 < Compu-Celebi> .i ri mo 06:05 < gleki> tutci 06:05 < gleki> gi'e proga 06:05 < gleki> sisi je proga 06:06 < Compu-Celebi> .i ri tutci ma 06:06 < gleki> lo nu mitysisku lo valsi 06:07 < zipcpi> ma kosmu zo kosmu paunai 06:08 < Compu-Celebi> "pau" [i]precedes[/i] what it marks. 06:08 < zipcpi> Oops. 06:08 < zipcpi> I meant to add {i'au} :p 06:10 < Ilmen> coi 06:11 < ruaim> coi 06:12 < Ilmen> こんにちは, Saluton 06:12 < ruaim> こんばんはな 06:13 < Ilmen> do mo 06:13 < niftg> coi ru'e 06:13 < zipcpi> coi 06:14 < niftg> le vi'artule canlu de'a banzu 06:14 < ctefaho> Ilmen: How would you express the exact same meaning as x4 of tavla using xoi? 06:15 < zipcpi> I also like this reversed {kosmu}; it's like "cosmic {smuni}" 06:15 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: I often use {sepi'o} instead of {bau} 06:15 < ctefaho> mi go'i 06:16 < zipcpi> Funnily in Malay you don't {pilno} a language (or any skill), you {dasni} it 06:16 < Ilmen> .a'o rinka lo nu do cpacu lo danfu pe lo do preti 06:16 < Ilmen> .a'u .u'e 06:16 < Ilmen> ko co'u dasni lo glibau gi'e co'a dasni lo jbobau 06:16 < Ilmen> zo'o 06:16 < zipcpi> u'i 06:18 < ctefaho> one solution to that xoi would be to access the mi via some pro-sumti but that's ugly and hacky 06:18 < ctefaho> ua 06:18 < Compu-Celebi> Ilmen, why did you use {pe}, instead of {be}? 06:19 < zipcpi> xy~'y xu zasti fa lo ui zei cmavo poi sinxa lo du'u do'ei pilno lo valsi poi lo datpre pu pilno ju'eiku'i do'ei na xusra lo du'u xukau mapti 06:20 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: I was unsure that a quote such as preti-x1 can satisfy danfu-x2, so I opted for "pe" which is safer 06:20 < zipcpi> xu ka'e snigau lu ju'acu'i li'u 06:20 < Ilmen> but maybe {danfu be lo do preti} was just fine 06:21 < Ilmen> But when I'm not sure I prefer to use {pe} 06:21 < Compu-Celebi> je'e 06:21 < zipcpi> simsa zoizoi so-called zoi .iku'i na bi'ai ze'oi xo'o 06:21 < Ilmen> en: ze'oi 06:21 < ctefaho> mi tavla do xoi la .lojban. cu bangu pi'o ke'a se'u 06:21 < mensi> ze'oi = [GOhOI] converts following word to selbri: "x1 is related to the meaning of this word in aspect x2" |>>> Quoting 06:21 < mensi> rules are similar to zo. Roughly, (ze'oi *coi*) ≈ (me la'e zo *coi* moi). Meant primarily to quote cmavo, to supersede 06:21 < mensi> use of zei as a way of making "tanru" out of cmavo. |>>> spheniscine 06:21 < ctefaho> Ilmen: iepei 06:22 < ctefaho> (as what x4 of tavla means) 06:22 < mensi> ei mi tugni 06:22 * ctefaho slaps mensi around a bit with a large trout 06:23 < Ilmen> .u'i 06:23 < zipcpi> ju'a - I state ; ju'acu'i - I say without asserting ; ju'anai - I deny 06:23 < niftg> .u'i ko na kusru 06:23 < Ilmen> {mi tavla do xoi (mi) gaupli lo jbobau ke'a} 06:24 < ctefaho> well works too;o 06:25 < Ilmen> lu ju'a cu'i li'u .u'e 06:26 * ctefaho snuggles pi'o 06:26 < zipcpi> *No@! I'm not {fi'o}!" 06:26 < zipcpi> :p 06:27 < ctefaho> too late little valsi 06:27 < Ilmen> jbo: tavla 06:27 < ctefaho> (but the pi'o in my example makes sense right?) 06:27 < mensi> tavla = x1 cusku fi x2 fe lo srana be x3 |>>> cusku; srana; casnu; bacru |>>> xorxes 06:27 < Compu-Celebi> en: xoi 06:27 < mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 06:27 < mensi> of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi lo su'u no'a ku (the bridi in which this xoi term appears), including 06:27 < mensi> all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this xoi term (rightward scope). |>>> 06:27 < mensi> Terminator: se'u |>>> Ilmen 06:27 < ctefaho> (it does to me but perhaps not everyone?) 06:28 < zipcpi> coi la durka 06:28 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: "xoi" is an experimental word, with a syntax similar to that of poi/noi, but which doesn't attach to a sumti, and attaches to the whole bridi instead 06:29 < durka42> coi la zipcpi 06:29 < Ilmen> Compu-Celebi: {do sanga xoi melbi mi} = "You sing, which is beautiful to me" 06:29 < zipcpi> doi durka do'u pei lu ju'a cu'i li'u sinxa lo du'u do'ei pilno lo valsi poi lo datpre pu pilno ju'eiku'i do'ei na xusra lo du'u xukau mapti 06:29 < durka42> lol, Ilmen was talking about {xoi} when I signed off 15 hours ago 06:29 < Ilmen> .u'i 06:30 < zipcpi> simsa zoizoi so-called zoi .iku'i na bi'ai ze'oi xo'o 06:30 < gleki> zipcpi: i dont need xoi because i have noi, if you were wondering 06:30 < zipcpi> noi can't attach to the sentence 06:30 < gleki> neither xoi attaches to the sentence 06:30 < Compu-Celebi> Interestingly, "which" actually cannot be applied to anything but substantives, despite frequently being used thusly. 06:30 < zipcpi> It doesn't attach to the bridi I mean 06:31 < durka42> zipcpi: go'oi ju'a ie ru'e 06:31 < ctefaho> Ilmen: ok now I am just being stupid, I might as well put the ke'a in the fe then 06:31 < zipcpi> Compu-Celebi: I dunno; I think "which" is really just "what" with some qualifier description 06:32 < durka42> there is some technical prescriptive difference between "which" and "that" but I always get it wrong :) 06:32 < zipcpi> Essentially, {ma noi}; {mo'oi} is just a convenient way of using LE grammar without having to deal with an open bridi tail 06:32 < gleki> zipcpi: according to me attaching noi to bridi means that someone forgot to wrap that bridi into a sumti. 06:32 < ctefaho> XOI IS LOVE, LOVE XOI AND XOI LOVES YOU 06:32 < ctefaho> (me basically) 06:32 < ctefaho> ... 06:32 < ctefaho> (basically)* 06:32 < zipcpi> gleki: Perhaps so, but what? Will the jbocei strike them down with lightning? 06:32 < durka42> gleki: do you mean the vau-noi proposal? 06:32 < gleki> zipcpi: they will first strike xoi-makers. 06:33 < gleki> actually i forgot to implement broda noi in altatufa 06:33 < zipcpi> So you say the only solution to not wrapping the entire bridi into an abstraction is to {sa} and start all over again? 06:33 < Compu-Celebi> I have added another disjunct to one of the conditional checks in my word parsing function. 06:33 < Ilmen> Wouldn't that change the meaning of {lo nu do sanga noi melbi cu fasnu}? 06:33 < Compu-Celebi> In the Python version, the disjunction is: 06:33 < Ilmen> @ gleki 06:33 < Compu-Celebi> s/disjunction/disjunct/ 06:34 < phenny> Compu-Celebi meant to say: In the Python version, the disjunct is: 06:34 < Compu-Celebi> cluster[1] == "," and is_gliding_diphthong(cluster[0] + cluster[2]) 06:34 < durka42> Ilmen: yeah exactly 06:34 < Compu-Celebi> Now, {i,an}, for example, is treated as an invalid word, instead of a name word, while the reverse remains true for {e,an}, for example. 06:35 < zipcpi> Not every word has have an absolute argument as to why it should fit into your minimal simplified vocab list to be part of the language as a whole, you know 06:35 < durka42> ue sai la .fen. cu ciksi lo nunsezdrabi'o 06:35 < gleki> Ilmen: i'd use {su'u} there for safety. 06:35 < durka42> {ian} is valid but *{ean} isn't 06:35 < Compu-Celebi> What is altatufa? 06:35 < gleki> and of course it's of altatufa ideology i.e. it'd be in PEG purely. 06:35 < gleki> alta: lo nu noi 06:35 < mensi> ([FA {lo <(¹[nu {<FA ZOhE> <CU (²COhE SF²) VAU>} KEI] SF¹) (¹noi [{FA ZOhE} {CU <COhE SF> VAU}] KUhO¹)> KU}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 06:36 < gleki> ^ altatufa parser 06:36 < durka42> s/parser/expander 06:36 < Compu-Celebi> Why is it called "altatufa"? 06:36 < gleki> probably named after la alta dialect although isnt immediately relevant to it. 06:36 < Ilmen> -tufa comes from {gentufa} 06:36 < gleki> it was supposed to support la alta dialect but failed 06:37 < gleki> and then its legendary authors turned to other things to do. 06:38 < Compu-Celebi> The Common Lisp counterpart is: 06:38 < Compu-Celebi> (and (char= (char cluster 1) #\,) (gliding-diphthong-p (concatenate 'string (char cluster 0) (char cluster 2)))) 06:43 < gleki> Compu-Celebi: is the code open? 06:46 < Compu-Celebi> I reject the term "open source" and use "free." 06:46 < Compu-Celebi> The code is prototypical and exists only on my computer. 06:47 < durka42> ! 06:47 < durka42> backups! 06:47 < Compu-Celebi> s/only on my computer/on my computer only/ 06:47 < phenny> Compu-Celebi meant to say: The code is prototypical and exists on my computer only. 06:47 < durka42> s/!/!! 06:47 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: backups!! 06:47 < durka42> .ei ma'a ctuca la .fen. fo zo lo'ai 06:49 < Compu-Celebi> Sequences of multiple exclamation marks are invalid. 06:49 < durka42> in my dialect they add extra emphasis 06:50 < durka42> also I was testing this newly discovered functionality of phenny 06:50 < Compu-Celebi> What is your dialect? 06:50 < durka42> northeastern american english 06:51 < zipcpi> And as for our "because reasons" discussion yesterday: http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4283895 06:52 < gleki> your english sentence will lead to a huge rant 06:52 < zipcpi> ... too colloquial? 06:52 < zipcpi> Or... because reasons 06:52 < zipcpi> dun dun dun 06:53 < gleki> yes a rant coming because reasons 06:53 < durka42> heh 06:53 < zipcpi> u'i 06:53 < durka42> seems cromulent to me 06:54 < Ilmen> "I hate Tom, because reasons." -- I'd say {mi xebni la .tom. ki'u da} 06:55 < zipcpi> I like zo'e because it's like "I don't care to specify" 06:55 < Ilmen> zipcpi: then you can just leave {ki'u} empty 06:56 < zipcpi> True, but zo'e emphasizes the ellipticallity :p 06:56 < Ilmen> ki'u ma --- ki'u mu'o 06:56 < zipcpi> lol. "Because" 06:56 < zipcpi> *Because." 06:57 < durka42> ki'u tu'o da 06:57 < zipcpi> ki'u xo'e da 06:58 < Compu-Celebi> zipcpi, you have misspelled "ellipticality," which seems not to be a word. 06:58 < Compu-Celebi> Wiktionary does not recognize it. 06:59 < zipcpi> I make up a lot of words. I abuse English about as much as I abuse Lojban 07:00 < zipcpi> mi se kosmu lo ka zbusufukai 07:00 < Ilmen> Depends if -ity is a productive suffix 07:00 < Ilmen> or if it's fossilized 07:01 < zipcpi> veridicality 07:02 < Ilmen> A fossilized affix is an affix that cannot be added to other words anymore to create new words, so it has lost its productivity 07:02 < zipcpi> mi se kosmu lo ka banspokai 07:04 < zipcpi> All languages are agglutinative languages 07:05 < zipcpi> Some are just more scared to embrace that fact than others :p 07:06 < Compu-Celebi> I recently read about American Sign Language, especially on Wikipedia, and learned that it is agglutinative. 07:10 < Compu-Celebi> Coincidentally, I have been wondering, for months, as to whether anyone besides me has considered Lojban sign language. 07:11 < Compu-Celebi> s/I have been wondering, for months,/for months, I have been wondering/ 07:11 < phenny> Compu-Celebi meant to say: Coincidentally, for months, I have been wondering as to whether anyone besides me has considered Lojban sign language. 07:13 < zipcpi> That's interesting... One thing though is that writing sign-language has always been a hurdle 07:13 < Compu-Celebi> <Compu-Celebi> Coincidentally, I have been wondering, for months, as to whether anyone besides me has considered Lojban sign language. 07:13 < Compu-Celebi> <Compu-Celebi> s/I have been wondering, for months,/for months, I have been wondering/ 07:13 < Compu-Celebi> What is not a coincidence is that I recently researched ASL to help me to conceive of ideas for such a language. 07:13 < zipcpi> And writing is an important part of logical languages; basically the proof is in the pudding 07:13 < zipcpi> Having a dedicated parser is a proof that, yes, this language is syntactically unambiguous 07:14 < gleki> someone proposed glyphs for lojban 07:14 < demize> zipcpi: SignWriting is a thing, and will be in the next Unicode version too. 07:14 < durka42> ua 07:14 < Compu-Celebi> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Sign_Language#Writing_systems 07:14 < zipcpi> demize: But how does one type it? 07:14 < durka42> seems to me you could have a sign loglang 07:14 < demize> zipcpi: Depends. 07:14 < demize> I could think of a few possible ways. 07:15 < zipcpi> We probably *could*; just bringing up an important consideration 07:15 < demize> Could do something the same thing that Japanese IMEs do. 07:18 < Compu-Celebi> I would assign a sign to each root word, use those signs or variations thereof for affixes, assign a sign to each structure, and use fingerspelling for loanwords and name words. 07:19 < zipcpi> Not all zi'evla are created equal though 07:19 < Compu-Celebi> ASL's tense aspect system is interesting, in that, like Lojban's, it is more expansive than English's. 07:19 < zipcpi> Though fingerspelling could be a good placeholder for zi'evla not considered "basic" enough 07:20 < durka42> for type 3 perhaps 07:20 < zipcpi> Also you probably want to decipher this and come up with an explanation that normal humans could understand zo'o zo'onai: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/corci 07:20 < Compu-Celebi> What are type-three Lojban loanwords? 07:20 < durka42> vlaste: corci 07:20 < vlaste> corci = x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses 07:20 < vlaste> thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4 07:20 < durka42> oi sai 07:21 < zipcpi> durka42: But I hates type-3 07:21 < zipcpi> T.T 07:21 < durka42> zipcpi: well type 4 would get real sign :) 07:21 < durka42> type 3 would be some hybrid of the sign for the gismu plus fingerspelling 07:21 < durka42> Compu-Celebi: I mean type 3 fu'ivla as in cidjrspageti 07:21 < zipcpi> But because I hates type 3, I assign even the craziest concepts to type 4 07:21 < durka42> za'a .u'i 07:21 < Compu-Celebi> Prior to this discussion, I conceived of this idea. 07:22 < Compu-Celebi> I correctly conjectured that those loanwords were type-three. 07:22 < gleki> corci=asna 07:22 < durka42> ui dai 07:23 < zipcpi> Gleki: "that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2" 07:23 < zipcpi> Think that's kinda important for a sign language :p 07:23 < zipcpi> There's a useful idea somewhere in there, but ugh 07:24 < zipcpi> Just like the clockwise gismu... 07:24 < durka42> corci = x1 is body language expressing x2 (abstraction) using body parts x3 in motion x4 07:25 < zipcpi> Maybe I'll add that as "Simple English", but not sure if "abstraction" counts 07:26 < durka42> corci = x1 asna lo se pagbu be x3 ku x4 fi'o se cusku x2 07:26 < zipcpi> xoi ke'a se cusku x2? :p 07:26 < durka42> yes 07:26 < Compu-Celebi> en: asna 07:26 < mensi> asna = x1 is a body position/posture/stance/pose/asana of body x2 characterized by property/(set of) properties x3 (ka). 07:26 < mensi> |>>> jongausib 07:27 < durka42> zipcpi: no, just cusku then 07:27 < zipcpi> Oh right 07:27 < durka42> (which is one way to expand {fi'o}) 07:37 < rutytar1> coi 07:37 < zipcpi> coi .rutytar. 07:38 < Compu-Celebi> rutytar1, is your name intended to be based upon a Lojban word for "fruit star"? 07:38 < zipcpi> je'u 07:38 < rutytar1> if there were such a word, yes 07:38 < zipcpi> za'e zei lujvo 07:39 < zipcpi> .y. jvocme 07:39 < zipcpi> jvocmevla 07:39 < zipcpi> rafcmevla 07:39 < zipcpi> ne'auge'e 07:41 < Compu-Celebi> Ah, an experimental attitudinal exists for emotionlessness. 07:41 < niftg> .au irci zmitci lo nu sisku tu'a lo purci rafsi .i .aubu'onai 07:41 < zipcpi> Yeah I use it as a "shrug" 07:41 < zipcpi> Or "Meh" 07:42 < gleki> lo purci rafsi cu mo 07:42 < gleki> i xu lo ba'o rafsi 07:42 < niftg> .ie doi gleki 07:42 < gleki> pe lo dzejbo xu 07:43 < gleki> a lo mijyjbo 07:43 < rutytar1> are you just starting, Compu-Celebi? 07:43 < Compu-Celebi> At what: studying Lojban? 07:44 < niftg> pu le banli nu muvdu pe lo rafsi 07:44 < rutytar1> yeah 07:44 < Compu-Celebi> Negative. 07:45 < niftg> sa'eru'e banli nu cenba 07:45 < rutytar1> i'a 07:46 < zipcpi> Here, ctefaho :p http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4283974 07:46 < zipcpi> Also http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4283976 07:47 < ctefaho> Approval 07:47 < ctefaho> ............ 07:47 < ctefaho> .i'e 07:48 < ctefaho> well ue'ipei may need an (emotional question)?;) 07:48 < Compu-Celebi> en: ue'i 07:48 < mensi> ue'i = [UI1] attitudinal: excitement - lack of excitement - boredom |>>> Used to express excitement (enthusiasm, 07:48 < mensi> exhilaration). The opposite expresses boredom (dullness), while the cu'i-form expresses "indifference". See fizbu, 07:48 < mensi> tolzdi |>>> ctefaho 07:49 < zipcpi> Meh... I don't like adding cmavo clusters that don't have an easy gloss 07:49 < zipcpi> They're meant to be modular after all 07:49 < zipcpi> Yeah there is that little problem of beginners not knowing how to recognize cmavo clusters and trying to search for them as is 07:49 < rutytar1> "mi djica nu djuno l do pensi ma" does this look correct? 07:49 < ctefaho> Shots fired, kosmu modal ko'au proposed 07:49 < zipcpi> We need to fix our collators 07:50 * ctefaho out 07:50 < rutytar1> mi djica nu djuno lo do pensi ma 07:50 < ctefaho> co'o 07:51 * zipcpi just goes ahead and adds a link to {kosmu} and near-synonyms 07:52 < zipcpi> I also added {kosmyka'u} 07:52 < zipcpi> Because it's a concept that I happen to use a lot 07:54 < Compu-Celebi> rutytar1, it depends upon whether you intend it to mean, "I desire to know that you think of what?" but you probably intend it to mean, "I desire to know of what you think," which would require the use of {kau}, for indirect inquiries. 07:55 < rutytar1> so "mi djica nu djuno l do pensi ma kau"? 07:55 < Compu-Celebi> {kau} would follow the instance of {ma}, indicating it as serving as the indirect inquiry's focus. 07:56 < zipcpi> Er why do you use "l"? 07:56 < Compu-Celebi> Affirmative, except for the repeated typographical error. 07:56 < zipcpi> typo? 07:56 < rutytar1> type, i meant lo 07:56 < gleki> mi djica lo ka djuno lo du'u do pensi makau 07:56 < gleki> all sumti except pronouns start with a prefix like lo, le, la. 07:57 < gleki> thus {lo ka djuno}, {lo du'u} etc. 07:57 < Compu-Celebi> Oh, I have just noticed that I was misreading {nu djuno} as {lo nu djuno}. 07:58 < rutytar1> that's one of the dangers of learning ambiguous languages, they teach you to try to interpret it :p 07:58 < Compu-Celebi> Just prior, I noticed that I was misreading {lo do pensi} as {lo nu do pensi}. 07:59 < gleki> {nu djuno} is a verb meaning "is knowing" 07:59 < rutytar1> but the {nu} has to be closed, right? 07:59 < gleki> yes, {lo do pensi} and {lo nu do pensi} have to be taught together so that they dont mix in one's head. 07:59 < zipcpi> Longer {fizbu} example: http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4283997 07:59 < Compu-Celebi> In some cases, the abstraction terminator is elidable. 08:00 < gleki> rutytar1: here {nu ...} clause ends when the sentence ends so closing isnt necessary. 08:00 < gleki> same for {ka} and {du'u} 08:01 <@xalbo> If you want it with all terminators, {mi djica lo ka djuno lo du'u do pensi ma kau [vau] [kei] [ku] [vau] [kei] [ku] [vau]}, but in this case all of the terminators can be elided. 08:02 <@xalbo> *Almost* all terminators can be elided at the end of a sentence. (Quotes can't always, and I'm sure I'm overlooking something else.) 08:02 < zipcpi> toi 08:02 <@xalbo> ki'e 08:02 <@xalbo> fu'o 08:02 < durka42> {toi} is technically elidable 08:02 < durka42> :p 08:02 < durka42> (the best kind of elidable) 08:02 < zipcpi> Not at the end of a *sentence* 08:02 < durka42> true 08:02 < durka42> also {tu'u} then 08:02 < rutytar1> so how is "do pensa ma kau" a prediction? who the speaker or the listener doing the prediction? 08:03 < zipcpi> {pensi} 08:03 < rutytar1> pensi, right 08:03 < zipcpi> kau basically marks the answer of an indirect question 08:03 < rutytar1> i'm asking about du'u 08:03 <@xalbo> "predication" is a fancy word we use interchangeably with "bridi" and "sentence". 08:03 < rutytar1> oh, words 08:03 < durka42> {kau} only makes sense within a {du'u} (or other abstractors sometimes) 08:04 < rutytar1> disregard that 08:04 < durka42> lo du'u do pensi makau ~ what you are thinking 08:04 < zipcpi> durka42: Well, it could also technically work with some evidentials and discursives 08:04 < durka42> eh? 08:04 < zipcpi> ju'ocu'i makau catra la .tom. = "I'm not sure who killed Tom" 08:05 < durka42> ehhhhh 08:05 < durka42> I dislike using attitudinals as predicates 08:05 < Compu-Celebi> As do I. 08:05 < zipcpi> lol 08:05 < durka42> lo .itca cu catra la .tom. 08:06 < zipcpi> They technically expand to predicates... ui -> mi gleki 08:06 < durka42> sei mi gleki 08:06 < Compu-Celebi> Consider this example: 08:06 < Compu-Celebi> mi djuno lo du'u do gasnu ma kau ca le prula'i crisa 08:07 < zipcpi> If you don't like them maybe we can see what happens if Toaq Dzu is ever finished :p 08:07 * xalbo se spaji lo du'u ra'oi .tom. nu'o rafsi 08:07 < zipcpi> From what I was told, Toaq Dzu attaches attitudinals as adverbs 08:08 < durka42> mi ja'a se cinri lo fanmo be lo to'anzybau 08:09 < zipcpi> And since Toaq Dzu is much briefer (at the cost of tones), it probably doesn't need a bunch of shorthand-discursives 08:09 < Compu-Celebi> The example translates as, "I know what you did during the previous summer." 08:10 < zipcpi> No need for {pe'i} -> {mi jinvi lo du'u...} 08:11 < Compu-Celebi> Compare with, "I know that you did what during the previous summer?" 08:12 < durka42> ie ma'a xa'o djuno lo du'u zo kau se smuni ma kau 08:13 < Compu-Celebi> en: xa'o 08:14 < mensi> xa'o = [ZAhO] opposite of za'o: event contour: refers to the portion of the event which occurs before the natural 08:14 < mensi> beginning; starting too early before ...; <----. |>>> araizen 08:14 < durka42> xa'o = already 08:14 < Compu-Celebi> Ah, once, I wondered how to translate "already" into Lojban. 08:14 < Compu-Celebi> s/wondered how/wondered as to how/ 08:14 < phenny> Compu-Celebi meant to say: Ah, once, I wondered as to how to translate "already" into Lojban. 08:15 < zipcpi> {xa'o} wasn't part of the original description of the language, but is one of the oldest "experimental cmavo" 08:15 < zipcpi> And is already officialized by the BPFK 08:21 < zipcpi> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4283897 zo'u doi gleki do pu kanpe lo jetnu .i da pante ki'u zo'e 08:23 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Complement to causation sumtcita - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Complement_to_causation_sumtcita by Guskant - stika lo ka klesi [http://bit.ly/1QFphMK] 08:23 < durka42> zipcpi: ku'i da pante lo pante 08:24 < zipcpi> ie 08:25 <@xalbo> {mi ki'u xebni la .tom.} would be truth-conditionally the same, and shorter, but I think {ki'u zo'e} feels closer to "because reasons". 08:37 < zipcpi> Exactly 08:38 < zipcpi> The fact that the elliptical can be left out, but you choose to put it in anyway, speaks a lot 08:40 < zipcpi> In fact that's why I avoid telling nintadni they could fill empty places with {zo'e} and just skip to talking about FA 08:41 < zipcpi> (not to mention the whole zo'e/zi'o debate...) 09:00 < ldlework> zipcpi: I skip zo'e as well 09:01 < phma> mi co'e lo zo'enai comdaidza 09:03 < durka42> lu zo'e nai li'u ii 09:04 <@xalbo> ii dai nai 09:04 < zipcpi> ge'e ge'enai co'enai to'edo'eja'ai zo'enai do'i 09:05 <@xalbo> co'e nai fa xi xo'e na'ebozo'e zi'onai do'e zu'i 09:06 <@xalbo> .i go'i fi xi no'o ko fe xi tu'o mi 09:08 < zipcpi> ge'oje'oby co'e jo'olo'a.abu boi to'ase'epaburebucibu 09:08 < zipcpi> na'ana'ana'a 09:09 < ldlework> na na .i na na na na .i ei ei ei .i co'oooooooooo 09:09 <@xalbo> .u'i 09:10 <@xalbo> na na na na na na na na na na na batci manku 09:12 < ldlework> We need a rhyming dictionary 09:14 < ldlework> prulamdei .i ro mi nabmi cu darno simlu .i caku nitcu pa mipstu .i o'a mi krici lo prulamdei 09:14 <@xalbo> http://students.cec.wustl.edu/~adam/lojban/rhyme.txt 09:15 <@xalbo> http://students.cec.wustl.edu/~adam/lojban/rhyme.pl was used to generate it, could work against any data file instead of the gismu.txt 09:15 <@xalbo> (Well, might need some slight modifications) 09:16 < ldlework> mu'i ma ko'a cliva .i mi na djuno .i ko'a na jungau .i mi cusku lo to'e drata .i je pacna lo prulamdei'ei'ei'ei .i prulamdei 09:17 <@xalbo> You need {ro lo mi nabmi}; {ro mi nabmi} is {ro mi [lo'o] [cu] nabmi}. 09:18 < ldlework> sure 09:18 < ldlework> ki'e 09:18 <@xalbo> (I meant [lu'u]) 09:19 < ldlework> or "just use lo" 09:19 < ldlework> :O 09:19 < ldlework> I'm actually learning yesterday on the mandolin 09:21 <@xalbo> I know it's an instrument, but when I think of mandolin I always think of https://www.google.com/search?q=mandolin+slicer&tbm=isch 09:22 < ctefaho> .i ko'au ma zo kosmu 09:22 <@xalbo> Probably because I'm way better at cooking than at any music. But that's really cool. 09:23 < ldlework> If I had the confidence of la simpson, I'd try to record a lojban version 09:27 < latro`a> coi 09:27 < ctefaho> coi la .tro'as. 09:27 < ldlework> ue coi latro`a 09:28 < latro`a> .i ze'u na'ei irci 09:28 < latro`a> sei lo irci tutci cu cusku 09:30 * nuzba @dissociety: @famicomprincess call it lojban^2 [http://bit.ly/1L2ZvgD] 09:37 < gleki> ue coi 09:37 < gleki> i ku'i do pu su'ova'e skaipe cusku 09:37 < gleki> si tavla 09:40 < ldlework> xalbo: when are you going to visit la jbogu'e 09:41 <@xalbo> When I get unlazy. Which probably won't be soon. 09:41 <@xalbo> .u'u 09:43 < ldlework> u'i 10:18 < Ilmen> ldlework: I've talked of the Jboguhe to Tsani, who is a Minecraft player. However he said he was too busy to visit it for now. 10:18 < ldlework> Yeah he hasn't been around so much. 10:19 < Ilmen> I vaguely think there were some other lojbanist minecraft players, but can't remember which 10:19 < Ilmen> ta'o coi 10:19 < zipcpi> Huh we have {xo'o} for sarcasm but no brivla 10:19 < ldlework> en: zo'o 10:19 < mensi> zo'o = [UI5] attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously. |>>> See also xajmi, junri. |>>> 10:19 < mensi> officialdata 10:19 < Ilmen> There's {ranxi} 10:19 < ldlework> en: xo'o 10:19 < mensi> xo'o = [UI5] attitudinal modifier: sarcastically - sincerely |>>> There is no good attitudinal for sarcasm. Chosen for 10:19 < mensi> its similarity to zo'o. |>>> teryrei 10:20 < zipcpi> ranxi seems like it should describe events 10:20 < Ilmen> There's {ranxi}, but its place structure is hard to fathom 10:20 < ldlework> en: ranxi 10:20 < mensi> ranxi = x1 is ironic(al)/contrary to expectation x2 in state/property/aspect x3. |>>> See also dukti, frica, cizra. |>>> 10:20 < mensi> officialdata 10:20 < zipcpi> Yeah I don't think it's "sarcastic" 10:20 < Ilmen> jbo: ranxi 10:20 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:21 < Ilmen> je'e 10:21 < ldlework> lo nu lo smacu cu ctika lo mlatu cu ranxi 10:21 < niftg> ranxi jarco ? 10:21 < zipcpi> Nah that's stretching. We can't make brivla do what they aren't designed to do 10:21 < durka42> sarcasm and irony are different 10:21 < durka42> xo'o is just {naljunri} 10:22 < zipcpi> Though that could also be zo'o 10:22 < zipcpi> So yeah... need one specifically for sarcasm 10:22 < durka42> zo'o is {xamsku} or something 10:22 < zipcpi> Also xalbo 10:23 < durka42> you can be humorous without being sarcastic 10:23 < zipcpi> Exactly 10:23 < niftg> pu jinvi lo du'u simsa lo nu jitfa cusku 10:23 < zipcpi> Otherwise we wouldn't have {xo'o} would we? :p 10:23 < zipcpi> So yeah need a brivla 10:24 < zipcpi> e'u zo xorlo xo'o 10:24 < ldlework> clovo 10:24 < gleki> tolstace 10:25 < zipcpi> That's "lying"? 10:25 < zipcpi> "dishonest" 10:25 < gleki> true. then just ckasu 10:25 < niftg> {xo'o nai} zo'u ka stace 10:25 < durka42> nalstace maybe 10:26 < ldlework> nalstace is good 10:26 < zipcpi> Can't just add {nal} to everything though; all it means is "not X" 10:26 < ldlework> .wik sarcasm 10:26 < phenny> "Sarcasm is 'a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt.'[1]|[2]| Sarcasm may employ ambivalence,[3]| although sarcasm is not necessarily ironic." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm 10:26 < niftg> ta'o zo nai cu simsa zo to'e jipau zo na'e 10:26 < gleki> wait no tolstace is fine. 10:27 < zipcpi> ckasu is pretty close 10:27 < ldlework> ie 10:27 < ldlework> given the definition of sarcasm I'm going with ckasu now 10:27 < gleki> stace is about sincerely saying anything but about sincere feelings. 10:27 < gleki> *stace is not about sincerely saying anything but about sincere feelings. 10:27 < zipcpi> tolstace means dishonest. 10:27 < ldlework> gleki: speech can be stace 10:27 < gleki> this tolstace is unsincere feeling thatis what is xo'o 10:27 < zipcpi> I don't think you can change that 10:28 < Ilmen> palsku? 10:28 < Ilmen> si 10:28 < Ilmen> pacysku? 10:28 < ldlework> that could be insult and such 10:28 < gleki> ldlework: speech can't be sincere. only its meaning. 10:28 < ldlework> sarcasm can be endearing too 10:28 < ldlework> gleki: that's the only interpretation of what I could have meant 10:28 < ldlework> li'a 10:29 < gleki> xo'o - xo'onai. sincere - unsincere feeling. 10:29 < gleki> that's all 10:29 < zipcpi> Er... no 10:29 < ldlework> ... 10:29 < gleki> as for "to lie" it's about factual lies, not about feelings. 10:29 < Ilmen> en: ckasu 10:29 < mensi> ckasu = x1 ridicules/mocks/scoffs at x2 about x3 (property/event) by doing activity x4 (event). |>>> See also cmila. 10:29 < mensi> |>>> officialdata 10:29 < zipcpi> Even "insincere" != "sarcastic" 10:29 < gleki> no, i think it's not ckasu and doesnt have anything to do with ckasu. 10:29 < ldlework> It does. 10:30 < Ilmen> Sarcasm: « A sharp form of humor, intended to hurt, that is marked by mocking with irony, sometimes conveyed in speech with vocal over-emphasis. Insincerely saying something which is the opposite of one's intended meaning, often to emphasize how unbelievable or unlikely it sounds if taken literally, thereby illustrating the obvious nature of one's intended meaning. » 10:30 < ldlework> Because rekto is for insults. 10:30 < durka42> I still think it's {naljunri} 10:30 < durka42> but I'll let you guys argue 10:30 < gleki> btw dont forget that xo'o is an interjection modifier 10:30 < ldlework> I think it is the unbelievable-ness-to-exemplify-true-intent which makes sarcasm 10:31 < ldlework> Not evilness or harm 10:31 < gleki> if xo'o was incorrectly glossed then boo to that gloss. 10:31 < zipcpi> ... xo'o was invented for a reason 10:31 < zipcpi> You're proposing we change what {xo'o} means, then need to invent a new cmavo for sarcasm 10:31 < ldlework> lol 10:32 < gleki> why was xo'o invented? 10:32 < zipcpi> Sarcasm 10:32 < ldlework> to express sarcasm! 10:32 < ctefaho> I love xo'o no touchy 10:32 < gleki> to solve the polysemy of zo'o 10:32 < gleki> that's why 10:33 < ctefaho> I always speak xo'o behind people's back 10:33 < ldlework> no da krinu lo nu zbasu zo xo'o vau xo'o 10:33 < ctefaho> s 10:33 < ldlework> mu'i ma le jipci cu kruca le se litru zo'o 10:34 < Ilmen> {sarkamu}, {sarkasu} 10:34 < durka42> sounds like {zo'o} and {xo'o} are fine, but there might be a missing cmavo to specify stace - tolstace 10:34 < gleki> {sarkofago} 10:34 < durka42> cognate fu'ivla are not a solution! 10:34 < zipcpi> durka: Remember {sei stace}? *runs* 10:34 < ldlework> I think ckasu is too close to rekto 10:35 < zipcpi> rekto is not a serious gismu 10:35 < ldlework> Don't know why 10:35 < ldlework> If the meme in english didn't exist, it would be perfectly cromulent 10:36 < ldlework> ckasu could then be purposed to indicate speech who's literal meaning is unbelievable/unlikely for purposes of revealing different intended meaning 10:36 < ldlework> IE sarcasm 10:36 < ldlework> But I guess there are too many ckasu lujvo at this point 10:36 < gleki> selmaho:xo'o 10:36 < mensi> .i lu xo'o li'u cmavo zo'oi UI5 10:36 < mensi> http://lojban.github.io/cll/13/7/ 10:36 < gleki> selmaho:ui5 10:36 < mensi> cmavo: be'u, dai, fu'i, ga'i, ji'ei, ju'o, le'o, ra'i'au, ra'i'aucu'i, ra'i'aunai, ri'e, se'a, se'i, vu'e, xo'o, zai'a, 10:36 < mensi> zo'o 10:37 < ldlework> mensi is just kidding 10:37 < ldlework> za'a 10:37 < gleki> ^ i think now it's obvious why xo'o can't be mapped to ckasu 10:37 < Ilmen> xo'orxo 10:37 < zipcpi> How would you define {rekto} without relying on the meme? Secondly, its place structure is unusual 10:37 < zipcpi> No, we can't use {rekto} to replace {ckasu} 10:37 < ldlework> zipcpi: x1 is insulted by x2 with insult x3? 10:37 < ldlework> how is that hard 10:38 < zipcpi> It's an unusual place structure 10:38 < cliva> zipcpi: .i'a pei mi stika lo velski be zo corci 10:38 < cliva> ja'e tu'a lu $x_1$ asna lo se pagbu be $x_3$ ku $x_4$ gi'e ve smusku $x_2$ li'u 10:38 < ldlework> zipcpi: for russian or english speakers? 10:38 < zipcpi> {lo rekto} = "the insulted"? 10:38 < zipcpi> Why is that more important that "insult"? 10:39 < ldlework> zipcpi: hahaha 10:39 < ldlework> there are a million brivla that have stupid x1's 10:39 < ldlework> should we do an audit 10:39 < ldlework> Anyway, I already recinded the idea, in that ckasu is already too profuse in lujvo 10:40 < ldlework> Also by that logic ckasu is also bad 10:40 < ldlework> "the ridiculer" ? 10:40 < zipcpi> A subject makes more sense than an object 10:40 < ldlework> for english speakers like yourself 10:40 < ldlework> tsk tsk selfish 10:40 < zipcpi> SOV 10:40 < zipcpi> SVO 10:41 < zipcpi> I don't know what language does OVS except for "passive" case 10:41 < zipcpi> Besides, most Lojban is S first 10:41 < ldlework> Its basically arbitrary though 10:41 < zipcpi> In fact rekt <- "wrecked". Passive. 10:41 < ldlework> for "is-an-insult" 10:42 < ldlework> the insult is the S 10:42 < ldlework> so you're just making arbitrary distinctions as to what the verb is 10:42 < ldlework> Wherein lojban, being x1 defines the verb, not the collection of sumti places involved 10:42 < ldlework> muy glico 10:43 < zipcpi> Why should we replace a core word with a non-serious word, that can never be divorced from the meme, with an embedded passive form? 10:45 < ldlework> embedded passive form to your arbitrary english sensibilities 10:45 < ldlework> as just shown 10:45 < ldlework> you divorce it by defining it 10:45 < ldlework> its not hard, it just makes you uncomfortable 10:45 < zipcpi> But a rule that most other Lojban brivla follows 10:45 < ldlework> And in the end, I'm not recommending it, since ckasu is already profuse 10:45 < ldlework> It isn't a rule! 10:45 < ldlework> look 10:45 < ldlework> you take 5 sumti places 10:45 < ldlework> and your instinct tells YOU which is the subject 10:46 < ldlework> Because you intuit an associated verb for the 5 places 10:46 < ldlework> Like vecnu 10:46 < zipcpi> You can't divorce it because of the sound 10:46 < ldlework> That's utterly arbitrary 10:46 < ldlework> So we can't use gismu forms for which there is any similar sound? 10:46 < ldlework> That's no argument at all :/ 10:46 < zipcpi> Well, no matter what new definition we write, people will note the similarity with the meme 10:47 < zipcpi> And the way the passive form is embedded 10:47 < ldlework> That's a guess on your behalf founded with no information besides your instincts. 10:47 < zipcpi> It's just a non-starter 10:47 < ldlework> Its not embedded passive form 10:47 < zipcpi> It's right there! It's defined that way 10:47 < zipcpi> The word is defined based on the meme 10:47 < ldlework> zipcpi: so change the definition 10:47 < ldlework> you're just repeating arguments addressed 10:47 < ldlework> which is super sad 10:47 < zipcpi> But that's the very reason the word exist 10:47 < ldlework> because you're smarter than that 10:48 < ldlework> zipcpi: apparently reality aligns with your whim 10:48 < ldlework> in otherwords, you're not interested in conversing 10:48 < ldlework> just shouting things at me 10:48 < ldlework> k 10:48 < zipcpi> ... What is the etymology of the word then, if not "rekt"? 10:49 < ldlework> insult? 10:49 < zipcpi> No 10:49 < ldlework> What is the etymology of any other word that doesn't resemble any real word? 10:49 < ldlework> You're making arbitrary distinctions where there is none. 10:50 < zipcpi> I don't know why you're trying to save this gismu; there are zillions of different forms 10:50 < ldlework> If someone had chosen rekto, randomly, in a world without the meme, there would be no problem because it is perfectly cromulent gismu. 10:50 < ldlework> The structure of the definition is ARBITRARY 10:50 < ldlework> it doesn't include passive form 10:51 < ldlework> because YOU have decided what the english verb for rekto is 10:51 < ldlework> which is "to insult" 10:51 < ldlework> which is ARBITRARILLY GLICO 10:51 < ldlework> "to-be-an-insult" 10:51 < ldlework> and "to-be-insulted" 10:51 < zipcpi> Subject/object isn't glico 10:51 < ldlework> are BOTH cromulent verbs 10:51 < ldlework> in which case 10:51 < ldlework> each could be defined as SVO 10:51 < ldlework> with relation to /that/ verb 10:51 < ldlework> Not the verb -you want- 10:52 < ldlework> "to insult" x1 insults x2 with x3 : SVO 10:52 < zipcpi> To make a subject {se broda} is weird. That's why {te vecnu} -> {terve'u} -> {erve} 10:52 < ldlework> "to be an insult" x1 is an insult spoken by x2 to x3 : SVO 10:52 < ldlework> "to be insulted": x1 is insulted by x2 purported by x3 : SVO 10:53 < ldlework> Your passive form argument is totally bunk! 10:53 < ldlework> It only makes sense if you have a default verb in mind. 10:53 < ldlework> If you say, without any justification apparently, that rekto is the "to insult" verb 10:53 < ldlework> Then yes it is passive 10:53 < ldlework> But that's totally arbitrary. 10:53 < ldlework> And not how lojban works. 10:54 < ldlework> Lojban verbs are not defined by the most natural verb to individuals 10:54 < ldlework> lojban verbs are defined by their x1 10:54 < ldlework> if the person who is insulted is the x1 10:54 < ldlework> then the verb is "to be insulted" 10:54 < ldlework> period. 10:55 < zipcpi> But who thought that the place structure should be like this? Someone jokingly basing it off the "rekt" meme 10:55 < ldlework> It has no consequence for the discussion above! 10:55 < zipcpi> You're defending the indefensible 10:55 < ldlework> No 10:55 <@xalbo> The point is that most selbri that have an agent and a patient put the agent in the x1 and the patient in the x2. Someone is actively doing something, and someone else is having something done to them. 10:55 < ldlework> You keep conflating two arguments 10:55 < ldlework> As justifications for the other 10:55 < ldlework> If you can't win the meme argument 10:55 < ldlework> You make a passive form argument 10:55 < ldlework> If you can't win the passive form argument 10:55 < ldlework> You return to the meme argument 10:55 < ldlework> The fact is 10:55 < ldlework> Lojban has no implicit verb order at all 10:56 < ldlework> And the fact is 10:56 < ldlework> rekto is a perfectly cromulent gismu form 10:56 < ldlework> And its definition is -arbitrary- 10:56 < zipcpi> The reason that it is "passive" is because "rekt" is passive 10:56 < ldlework> _you_ are defending the indefensible 10:56 < ldlework> rekt isn't passive! 10:56 < ldlework> holy shit 10:56 < ldlework> I just explained how you are imbuing rekt with a verb other than the one defined! 10:56 < ldlework> I literally just explained this! in detail! 10:56 < ldlework> But you are impenetrable at this point. 10:57 * durka42 clears throat 10:57 < ldlework> So go on, holding your own position without even the possibility of letting alternative information in, doi krici 10:57 < ldlework> In the end, I don't think we should use rekto as I already explained. 10:57 <@xalbo> ldlework: name 3 gismu that have an agent and a patient and put the patient in the x1 and the agent in the x2. Or, conversely, argue that there are other languages that have "to be insulted by someone" as an active role and "to insult someone" as a passive action that one undergoes. 10:57 < ldlework> rekto could be removed entirely for all I care 10:58 * durka42 suggests that both of you try to see the other's point of view instead of trying to "win" 10:58 < ldlework> but it isn't passive 10:58 < ldlework> and it truly is a fine gismu form 10:58 < ldlework> xalbo: it doesn't matter what lexicons exist in other languages 10:58 < ldlework> x1 defines the verb 10:58 < ldlework> that's all there is to say 10:58 < ldlework> lo vecnu is "to sell" 10:58 < ldlework> not passive form of "to buy" 10:59 <@xalbo> All meanings are possible, but not all meanings are as natural as all other meanings. 10:59 < ldlework> durka42: there isn't anything to win. I agree that rekto was borne from a glico meme. Which has no consequence for how lojban verb's are defined, or whether that makes it an invalid gismu morphologically 11:00 < ldlework> xalbo: to certain sensibilities sure 11:00 < ldlework> But in lojban we go by how things are defined no? 11:00 < ldlework> Or do we just disregard things that we want when they make us uncomfortable 11:00 < ldlework> You can argue that a different order would be more useful more of the time 11:01 < ldlework> That's different than decalring a lojban verb to be passive form, when that's now how lojban verbs work - at all - 11:01 < ldlework> That's an argument that's easily agreeable with. 11:01 < la_kristan> coi 11:02 < dutchie> coi la .kristan. 11:02 < durka42> coi 11:03 <@xalbo> That's why I keep saying "agent" and "patient". There are a *lot* of languages that split places into those. Lojban doesn't, explicitly, but de facto it often does. And it does so enough that finding a proposed selbri with those roles reversed is striking and surprising. 11:03 <@xalbo> I think that's what zipcpi means by "passive". 11:03 < ldlework> Its utterly arbitrary to value the speaker of an insult over the insult itself 11:03 < latro`a> it's arbitrary, but it's also how most of the list works 11:04 < ldlework> No 11:04 < ldlework> You didn't read 11:04 < zipcpi> <xalbo> ldlework: name 3 gismu that have an agent and a patient and put the patient in the x1 and the agent in the x2. Or, conversely, argue that there are other languages that have "to be insulted by someone" as an active role and "to insult someone" as a passive action that one undergoes. 11:04 < ldlework> between the speaker of an insult and the insult itself 11:04 < ldlework> not the insulted 11:04 < ldlework> You are merely uncomfortable with putting the insulted first 11:04 < ldlework> But we have lots of gismu for which -insult- comes first 11:04 < latro`a> no, when an agent is required for a "noun" to exist, the agent still tends to wind up first 11:04 < latro`a> what you're describing is analogous to putting klama5 in klama1, pe'i 11:05 < jenca> ldlework: is the starbucks by docker a good place to meet? 11:05 <@xalbo> The only counterexample I can thnk of offhand is {cmene}, where the agent is the cmene3. 11:05 < latro`a> there's a noun that (at least in the philosophy behind the definition) can only exist in the presence of an agent 11:05 < ldlework> latro`a: I already agreed that you could justify a rearrangement based on utility 11:05 < ldlework> But not based on anything called 'passive form' 11:05 < latro`a> this isn't utility, the point is that the vehicle isn't a vehicle in the sense of klama5 unless there is a klama1 11:05 < durka42> xalbo: {mukti} is another example 11:05 < latro`a> so the klama1 has "priority" 11:05 < ldlework> 'passive form' implies a default verb 11:06 < latro`a> I agree that there is no true passive a la romlangs 11:06 < latro`a> or english 11:06 < ldlework> the only reason why the idea of "passive form" exists is because in english verbs /mean one thing/ 11:06 <@xalbo> durka42: Good catch. 11:06 < ldlework> latro`a: okay then I'm happy 11:06 < latro`a> but the final effect is essentially the same: agents get prioritized in most cases, when they are necessary for a selbri to make sense 11:06 < ldlework> all verbs are by definition 'active form' in lojban 11:07 < latro`a> sure, but that's vacuous; there is actual content in the fact that agents get prioritzed in the gimste 11:07 < ldlework> Its not vacuous at all. 11:07 < ldlework> Its central to understanding what the word 'verb' means when talking about lojban. 11:07 < ldlework> And using verb to describe brivla. 11:07 < la_kristan> I've been reading about "la'e", and want to make sure I've got it. 11:08 < ldlework> You're making a utilitarian argument, which I agree with, fully. 11:08 < la_kristan> "vacuous"... that's a fun word 11:08 < ldlework> But its a formally and fully non-linguistic argument. 11:08 < latro`a> the discussion with "passive" is basically a shorthand for what I"m saying 11:09 < ldlework> If our speech is a bow, and our words arrows, "passive" doesn't even land anywhere in the same country as the argument you're making. 11:09 < ldlework> semantically. 11:09 < latro`a> it's not technically correct, but it gets the meaning across, which is that most of the gismu are in "active form" in the sense of english 11:09 < ldlework> But be assured, I do agree with the content of the argument. 11:09 < la_kristan> is a vehicle not "lo xe klama" if it's sitting in the driveway? 11:09 < gleki> passive is rather {ri'i} 11:10 < ldlework> latro`a: no they are not 11:10 < latro`a> la_kristan, that's a question of tense 11:10 < ldlework> they are active only when you assume a specific verb 11:10 < ldlework> the agentive verb 11:10 < ldlework> Which is utterly arbitrary. 11:10 < latro`a> I mean without SE conversion, which is why I said gismu 11:10 < latro`a> it's arbitrary, but it's also how the vocabulary base is structured 11:10 < ldlework> Except all the ones where it isn't 11:10 < latro`a> that's why I said it's not truly linguistic anymore, because lojban has no notion of "active" 11:10 < ldlework> Making it truly arbitrary. 11:11 < latro`a> but it "feels" like it has a notion of active 11:11 < la_kristan> so it might be something that was or will be a means of transportation? 11:11 < latro`a> because of how the gismu list is structured; lo gismu cu panra lo rarbau valsi 11:11 < la_kristan> even if it isn't one right now? 11:11 < latro`a> correct 11:11 < ldlework> latro`a: except where it doesn't 11:11 < latro`a> it is not {lo ca xe klama} 11:12 < la_kristan> .ua 11:12 < gleki> "gimste being active" is one of most important sources of misusage. 11:12 < latro`a> sure; exceptions exist, which is fine because again it's not truly linguistic 11:12 < latro`a> but the exceptions are somehow justified where they appear (for the most part) 11:12 < ldlework> Really? 11:12 < latro`a> la_kristan, note that it is probably {lo ca xe klama be zi'o bei zi'o ...} 11:13 < latro`a> but that is a weaker notion 11:13 < la_kristan> I don't recall having learned "zi'o" yet... 11:14 < latro`a> zi'o is a KOhA for making a new selbri which doesn't contain the place that you're filling zi'o with 11:14 < latro`a> so {ti xe klama zi'o zi'o zi'o zi'o} is "this is a vehicle" in the weakest possible sense 11:15 < la_kristan> ah. 11:15 < gleki> in this case i'd say {marce} 11:15 < zipcpi> But yeah that's generally considered an ugly way to do things. When we find we need to zi'o a place often we tend to find another brivla, or create a new one 11:15 < latro`a> indeed, often there are better ways to do things than zi'o 11:17 < gleki> again {se marce} can both mean "to ride" and "to be a passenger". no active role here. 11:18 < latro`a> marce is a good example of an "exception" in the sense I meant before 11:18 < latro`a> marce has some of the funny tense issues that have been a trouble for me for a long time 11:19 < gleki> although SWH bias immediately wants us to sya {sazri} emphasizing other aspects 11:19 < gleki> *to say 11:19 < latro`a> since it is ostensibly about being a vehicle intended for transporting something, whether it actually does so or not 11:19 < latro`a> the same problem as kabri 11:19 < la_kristan> now, about "la'e"... is it correct to say "mi tcidu fi la'e zoi gy. Lojban for Beginners .gy" 11:19 < la_kristan> ? 11:19 < latro`a> sure, although we would usually use {la'o} instead 11:19 < latro`a> which means essentially the same thing 11:20 < la_kristan> what's the difference? 11:20 < latro`a> pragmatically, nothing; there's a pedantic thing I could say about types that isn't really important 99% of the time 11:21 < latro`a> la'o is just for using a name (which is what you wanted there); la'e can have some other sort of "pointer" even though it usually doesn't 11:22 < la_kristan> cause it's the title of the book? 11:22 < la_kristan> so a name? 11:22 < latro`a> right 11:22 < la_kristan> ah. 11:22 < mudri> {la'e di'u} is a good example of {la'e}, unless someone tells me otherwise. 11:23 < mudri> “the referent of the last utterance” 11:23 <@xalbo> latro`a: What I've wanted, and I think you're alluding to it, is an ability to apply a CAhA to a particular place. 11:23 < gleki> most likely 11:23 < la_kristan> what's the best word for "listen" as in listening to a song? the dict gives me three different words. 11:23 < gleki> is there a problem of applying it? 11:23 < ldlework> la_kristan: tinju'i 11:24 < gleki> en: listen 11:24 <@xalbo> mudri: Yes, it's a good example. Although often anymore {la'e di'u} is used less than {lo nu/du'u/su'u go'i} 11:24 < mensi> 25 da se tolcri: snazga, tinju'i, tinzga, zgatirna, datnyxle, do, doi, doido'u, doinai, do'o, do'oi, fu'au, go'ira'o, ko, 11:24 < mensi> le'ai, le'elkai, ma'a, mencti, mi'a, mi'o, miptinytci, snasni, ta, tu, zai'a 11:24 < latro`a> la'e TEXT is a valid way to get an abstractor, yes 11:24 < latro`a> that's the other main usage 11:24 < latro`a> sorry, I exaggerated a bit 11:25 < mudri> ki'e la xalbo 11:26 < mudri> Hey, sutysisku's usable! Only CLL references needed until it can fully replace vlasisku. 11:27 < durka42> vlasisku's CLL references are terrible anyway 11:27 < durka42> it's a hardcoded list with mistakes in it 11:27 < gleki> oh, but that's the most easy part thus it wont be fixed zo'oru'e 11:27 < durka42> so a better solution would be better :p 11:27 < gleki> yes, is there a better solution? 11:28 < durka42> xalbo: like {klama fu zo'e pe ca'a}? 11:28 < gleki> btw one can put span tags into Wave Lessons or CC and use them in sutysisku. again it would be harcoded 11:28 <@xalbo> durka42: Yes. 11:28 < durka42> gleki: well, one could parse the selma'o catalog, or the intro blocks to each chapter where it lists the discussed cmavo 11:28 < mudri> Is CLL not scrapeable? 11:28 < gleki> mudri: actually i noticed that some references to CLL are incorrect. 11:28 < durka42> who needs to scrape, the source is on github 11:29 < mudri> Parseable, then? 11:29 <@xalbo> There are a *lot* of places like that. kabri2 is what latro`a just mentioned, mruli2, etc. 11:29 < gleki> if one makes such a list for me no matter whether it'd be autogenerated i can use it in la sutysisku 11:29 < gleki> jb: marce 11:29 < durka42> mudri: it ought to be 11:29 < mensi> marce = marce — x1(entity) is a vehicle for carrying x2(entity) 11:29 < mensi> :lo marce — vehicle. lo se marce — passenger. 11:29 < mensi> :ti marce lo se vecnu — This is a vehicle for carrying goods. 11:29 < mensi> :ti marce ge lo se vecnu na'o ku gi lo remna ca'a ku — This is a vehicle intended to transport goods but actually used 11:29 < mensi> for transporting people. 11:29 < mensi> :Comment: karce and carce are designed to be with wheels, marce isn't and is more generic. 11:29 < mensi> :Related words: klama, matra, bevri, bloti, carce, karce, xislu, sabnu, skiji 11:29 < mudri> I'm thinking about doing it. 11:30 < gleki> xalbo: here in {marce} i used {na'o} as a somewhat counter-example of ca'a 11:30 < durka42> https://github.com/lojban/cll/tree/docbook-prince/chapters 11:30 < durka42> and the selma'o catalog specifically https://github.com/lojban/cll/blob/docbook-prince/chapters/20.xml 11:30 < durka42> XML, eww 11:32 < niek> The CLL is on Github in eBook form? 11:34 < niek> Hmm, cool. I see that one could also convert it to .mobi 11:34 < niek> Maybe I should put it on my Kindle some time... maybe. 11:35 < fleimbo> coi ro do 11:35 < durka42> coi 12:25 < Caleb_> >_> 12:25 < Caleb_> <_< 12:26 < durka42> <_> 12:26 < Caleb_> I feel bad that I spelled that right the first time 12:26 < Caleb_> I've been infected 12:27 < Caleb_> I hate invented languages, but I'm here to see if anyone needed my sister for anything, Christa627 12:27 < durka42> I don't think I've seen any Christa627 around here 12:28 < zipcpi> Is there a word for "to injure"? 12:28 < zipcpi> It's... funny that {cagna} is an experimental gismu... 12:29 < Caleb_> She just told me she comes here with some lojban name, la_kristan 12:29 < zipcpi> Oh OK {xrani} 12:29 < durka42> ah! indeed la_kristan has been around 12:30 < Caleb_> is it lojban for "The Christ" >_> 12:30 < zipcpi> No 12:30 < e`ogan> I just found one interesting ambiguity thing "footagearest" 12:30 < durka42> it's just a transliteration of "Christa" 12:31 < e`ogan> It was lumped in the so called hashtag 12:31 < zipcpi> Any objections if I make {skuxai} "to insult"? 12:31 < Caleb_> lemme just change my name and switch over to christa 12:32 * durka42 cu se cfipu 12:32 < e`ogan> {foot age a rest} {footage a rest} {foot age arest} {foot a gear est} 12:32 < weird_christa> that's what happens when I try to get my brother's help... 12:32 < dutchie> "arest" isn't a word 12:32 < dutchie> arrest has a double r 12:32 < e`ogan> Oh yeah 12:32 < dutchie> but still interesting yes 12:32 < zipcpi> e'ogan: Ah yes... the "Pen Island" problem 12:33 < e`ogan> They are awesome 12:33 < e`ogan> Their logo embraces the pun 12:33 < zipcpi> Actually Lojban has that too; only stress rules differentiat {lo jbobau} from {lojbo bau} 12:33 < zipcpi> loJBObau -> lo jbobau 12:34 < zipcpi> LOjbobau -> lojbo bau 12:35 < zipcpi> But... if you mark stress and mandatory pauses, you don't need spaces 12:35 < zipcpi> exp: miTAvlafola.lojban.no'uloJBObaufedo 12:35 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "m" found. 12:35 < zipcpi> Er 12:36 < zipcpi> I might have made mistake somewhere 12:36 < weird_christa> shucks the internet is not working well; this name will be on and off for now. PM's will do if any information must be transferred, and they must be treated with the expected respnse time of an email conversation. 12:36 < zipcpi> exp: miTAvlafola.lojban. 12:36 < mensi> (CU [mitavlafolalojban VAU]) 12:36 < zipcpi> ... 12:37 < zipcpi> simlu lo ka spofu 12:37 < zipcpi> exp: miTAvlafola lojban no'uloJBObaufedo 12:37 < mensi> (mi [CU {tavla <fo (¹la [lojban {no'u <lo jbobau KU> GEhU}] KU¹)> <fe do>} VAU]) 12:38 < zipcpi> Right 12:38 < zipcpi> Seems it doesn't recognize dots as pauses 12:38 < zipcpi> Just ignores them altogether 12:39 < zipcpi> exp: ta~~~~vla 12:39 < mensi> (CU [tavla VAU]) 12:40 < durka42> whaaat 12:40 < durka42> it definitely used to understand pauses 12:40 < zipcpi> lol I'm proposing ~ as an indicator for non-phonemic vowel length 12:40 < durka42> camxes: miTAvlafola.lojban. 12:40 < camxes> ([mi CU] [tavla {fo <la lojban>} VAU]) 12:40 < durka42> off: miTAvlafola.lojban. 12:40 < mensi> mitavlafolalojban 12:40 < durka42> that's a big regression... 12:40 < zipcpi> OI 12:41 < zipcpi> So .y~~~~. rather than .yyyyyyy. which doesn't parse anyway 12:41 < zipcpi> And also not extensible to {iiiiiiii} 12:41 < zipcpi> That's just {ii ii ii ii} 12:42 < zipcpi> {ii~~~~~} is better 12:43 < zipcpi> doi durka xu du'eva'e zbusufukai .i a'o na go'i zo'oru'e 12:44 < zipcpi> .y. 12:44 < zipcpi> exp: doi durka xu du'eva'e zbusufukai 12:44 < mensi> (doi [{durka xu} {<du'e BOI> va'e} zbusufukai] DOhU) 12:44 < zipcpi> oi 12:45 < zipcpi> zo va'e na sumtcita 12:45 < zipcpi> nitcu lo glekynomvla po'u zo va'ei 12:46 < dutchie> zo glekynomvla ki'a 12:46 < zipcpi> lol It's a non-standard construction 12:46 < zipcpi> {nom} is a non-standard rafsi indicating "end of name" 12:47 < dutchie> that's the only bit i was stuck on 12:47 < zipcpi> {bom} is its counterpart, "start of name", but often dropped when not needed 12:47 < dutchie> so a {glekynomvla} is roughly a word made up by gleki 12:47 < zipcpi> Yep 12:47 < dutchie> \o/ 12:49 < zipcpi> mi se spaji ru'e lo du'u la gleki cu finti lo cmavo i'au zo'oru'e 12:58 < la_kriston> 私はあなたが言っているものを理解していません 12:59 < Ilmen> こんばんは 12:59 < zipcpi> lol The moment when you make up a lujvo in your def, intending to define it, to find it's already defined. 13:00 < zipcpi> ... though... 13:00 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/cnixai?bg=1;langidarg=2 13:00 < zipcpi> Bloated place structure much? 13:00 < zipcpi> And where is the place for the offensive action? 13:01 < zipcpi> THough I guess that could be {ta'i} 13:01 < Ilmen> あなたも日本語で話せるのは順調です 13:02 < zipcpi> Oh so that's "c3" apparently. "about" is about as clear as {do'e} :p 13:03 < Fraeon> ロジバン語話してください 13:04 < zipcpi> X_1 co'e X_2 do'e X_3 fi'o co'e X_4 13:05 < zipcpi> xoi ke'a co'e X_5 13:05 < la_kriston> 申し訳ありませんが、私の日本語は非常に悪いです 13:05 < zipcpi> BEST BRIVLA EVER 13:06 < niftg> .u'i'i zmadu lo ni mi pu kanpe lo nu xokau da se bangu lo ponjo fi'o se irci zo'ei dei 13:09 < Ilmen> .e'u zo meckanpe 13:09 < zipcpi> ... why is it downvoted 13:09 < niftg> jbo:meckanpe 13:09 < mensi> meckanpe [< mleca kanpe ≈ Mleca* kanpe] = da de poi ca ke'a da x2 ckaji zo'u x1 kanpe lo du'u lo ckaji be x2 bei ca de 13:09 < mensi> dubme'a da bei x3 kei x4 13:10 < Ilmen> ŭe 13:10 < zipcpi> I upvoted it to put it back to +1 13:10 < zipcpi> But I don't know why it was downvoted 13:10 < niftg> en:meckanpe 13:11 < mensi> [< mleca kanpe ≈ Less expect] 3 da se tolcri: dunkanpe, fickanpe, zmakanpe 13:11 < Ilmen> "underestimate" 13:11 < niftg> .a'i jimpe fi lo jbovelcki 13:11 < Ilmen> .u'u mi ta'e ciska lo nandu jbovelski 13:13 < zipcpi> simsa lo mekso jenai lo te bangu i'au u'iru'e 13:14 < Ilmen> x1 malpliatendas kvanton x2 13:14 < Ilmen> x1 underestimates amount x2 13:15 < niftg> X1 cu kanpe .i X2 cu klani 13:15 < dutchie> za'a la zipcpi ca pilno zo i'au 13:16 < dutchie> .ipubo lo barda da'asnu cu vi zvati 13:18 < zipcpi> mi jai cafne fai lo ka pilno zo i'au 13:20 < dutchie> ua 13:20 < zipcpi> .i seki'ubo mi balrai co gubyzu'e lo si'o zo i'au nitcu lo ka co'e papo'o slaka 13:20 < niftg> mi fliba lo nu genturfa'i tu'a lo jbovelcki be zo'ei zo meckanpe 13:22 < Ilmen> exp: da de poi ca ke'a da febu ckaji zo'u fabu kanpe lo du'u lo ckaji be febu bei ca de dubme'a da bei fibu kei fobu 13:22 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 13:22 < Ilmen> ŭa 13:22 < Ilmen> .oi la'a claxu zo cu 13:22 < zipcpi> fabu febu 13:23 < zipcpi> xy~'y mi co'a zmanei fi lu xy xi xo'e li'u 13:23 < Ilmen> exp: da de poi ca ke'a da febu ckaji zo'u fabu kanpe lo du'u lo ckaji be febu bei ca de cu dubme'a da bei fibu kei fobu 13:23 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 13:23 < Ilmen> .u'i lo'u da bei le'u 13:23 < Ilmen> mabla selsre 13:25 < zipcpi> .iku'i nai'osai makau ciska tadji tu'a loi cizra lerfu po'u mu'a zo du'ubu ja zo fabu ja zo la'aubu 13:25 < Ilmen> exp: da de poi ca ke'a da febu ckaji zo'u fabu kanpe lo du'u lo ckaji be febu bei ca de cu dubme'a da fibu kei fobu 13:25 < mensi> ([{da <de (¹poi [{<ca ke'a> da <fe bu> BOI} {CU <ckaji VAU>}] KUhO¹)>} zo'u] [{fa bu} BOI] [CU {kanpe <lo (¹du'u [{lo <ckaji (²be [{fe bu} BOI] [bei {ca de}] BEhO²)> KU} {cu <dubme'a (²da [f 13:25 < mensi> i bu] BOI²) VAU>}] kei¹) KU> <fo bu> BOI} VAU]) 13:25 < Ilmen> ti pu se skudji ja'o 13:25 < Ilmen> mi 13:26 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 13:26 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 13:26 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 13:26 < Ilmen> .ai mi jbovelcki cikre 13:26 < zipcpi> xu zo skudji co'e zo aidji ja zo djica 13:27 < Ilmen> fabu pu troci lo ka cusku lo smudu'i be febu 13:27 < zipcpi> pe'iru'e mi ta'e pilno zo aidji semau zo djica 13:27 < niftg> ki'e ba'a 13:28 < zipcpi> ua lu ki'e ba'a li'u co'exu zoizoi Thanks in advance zoi 13:29 < Ilmen> ckire fi lo pu'o fasnu 13:29 < zipcpi> zo nai'o cu basti lo xalbo sidbo be zo bei'a .i'au u'iru'e se'i 13:30 < Ilmen> mo'u smuvelcki cikre 13:32 < Ilmen> sa'u lo mi velcki zo'u zo da sinxa lo namcu .i je zo de sinxa lo temci mokca .i lo se meckanpe cu namcu zilkai 13:32 < niftg> doi zipcpi : .i mi za'o senpi lodu'u lu ki'e ba'a li'u dunli ja simsa ty ibu abu kei ca lo nu ku'i ca'a pilno 13:33 < zipcpi> mu'i ma 13:34 < niftg> lo nu gau cipra tu'a lo ca'a smuni .i zo'o ru'e 13:37 < niftg> je'e ilmen .i mu'a lu { meckanpe lo ni ce'u se ponbau bu'u ti } li'u drani ja mapti simlu 13:39 < Ilmen> lu ni xo kau da se ponbau li'u la'a mapti 13:39 < Ilmen> .i sa'u mi sruma lo du'u zo ni jo'u zo kau ka'e se basti zo ka jo'u zo ce'u 13:40 < Ilmen> ju'o cu'i 13:40 < niftg> zo ce'u na mapti zo ni vau ju'apei 13:40 < Ilmen> mi na djuno .u'i 13:41 < Ilmen> ba'a nai mi pu jinvi su'o srana .i ku'i mi co'u morji .oi sei' 13:41 < Ilmen> si se'i 13:42 < niftg> lu xo kau ce'u li'u pei 13:43 < Ilmen> .i sa'u lo nu skicu lo si'o meckanpe zo'u mi nitcu lo ka ka'e cpacu pe'a lo namcu se klani .i ja'o lo nu lo se meckanpe cu se ckaji lo klani namcu cu xamgu 13:43 < Ilmen> .i mi nitcu lo namcu lo nu karbi lo jetnu se klani lo se kanpe klani 13:44 < Ilmen> .i lu xo kau da se ponbau li'u zo'u lo namcu cu co'e lu xo kau li'u .i ku'i pau nai ta'i ma cpacu .i lo nu pilno lu ka mo'e ce'u da se ponbau li'u tadji 13:46 < Ilmen> .i lo ka mo'e ce'u da se ponbau gi'e jbopre kei goi ko'a zo'u lo ckaji be ko'a cu se klani lo se ponbau jbopre 13:47 < Ilmen> .i zo mo'e se pilno fi lo nu zo ce'u cu kancu namcu co snipa zo da 13:48 < Ilmen> .i li ci ckaji lo ka mo'e ce'u da sipna .i va'i ci da sipna 13:48 < Ilmen> exp: mo'e ce'u da 13:48 < mensi> ([{<mo'e ce'u TEhU> BOI} da] VAU) 13:48 < Ilmen> mo'e li ci da sipna 13:49 < Ilmen> = ci da sipna 13:50 < Ilmen> .i .a'o lo mi nu ciksi cu juxre joi cfipu dukse naku 13:50 < niftg> .ua .i mi smadi ja sruma lo drata fi tu'a lo namcu cpacu pe'a pe zo ni 13:52 < Ilmen> lu mi pu meckanpe lo ka do citka mo'e ce'u da li'u .i va'i pu kanpe tu'a lo dubme'a be lo se memkai be lo se citka 13:53 < Ilmen> .i ji'a lu mi pu meckanpe lo ka se memkai lo se citka be do li'u 13:53 < Ilmen> mapti si'a 13:53 < Ilmen> .i ku'i za'a clani zmadu 13:55 < la_kriston> la kriston, now? 13:55 < la_kriston> weird. 13:56 < la_kriston> Anyway, as I was saying, before I got disconnected (before I could even correct my spelling errors!)... 13:57 < Ilmen> ŭe la latro'a cu casnu kansa pu za lo cacra be li so'u 13:57 < la_kriston> mi tinju'i la'e lu lo jbobau cu mo li'u 13:58 < la_kriston> Is this sentence correct, and is "la'e" or "la'o" better in this context? 13:59 < dutchie> xu zo .ŭe du zo .u'e 13:59 < Ilmen> drani jufra 13:59 < Ilmen> dunli zo .ue doi la .dutcis. 13:59 < niftg> .i'enaise'i mi nu'o mulno te smuni lo ro jufra pe ra noi se sanga 14:00 < Ilmen> lo prosa cu kansa lo selsa'a 14:00 < Ilmen> bu'u la dontu'u 14:00 < Ilmen> no'u la .ĭutub. 14:00 < niftg> zo la'o ta'e kansa zo zoi 14:01 < la_kriston> Could someone please answer my question? I don't have much time. 14:01 < Ilmen> Your sentence was correct 14:01 < la_kriston> Is "la'e" or "la'o" better here? 14:01 < Ilmen> la'e lu....li'u is a correct way to say "the thing symbolized by the quote..." 14:01 < Ilmen> la'o is for foreign quotes 14:02 < la_kriston> Okay. 14:02 < Ilmen> la'o .... = lo se cmene be zoi ... 14:02 < Ilmen> You have "la'au" also 14:02 < Ilmen> en: la'au 14:02 < mensi> la'au = [LU] start grammatical name quotation; the quoted text is an identifier and must be grammatical on its own. |>>> 14:02 < mensi> Used to make more complex names where simple la doesn't apply, e.g. some book/song titles. Artibrary non-lojban text can 14:02 < mensi> be quoted with la'o. See also lai'e of LAhE, la'ai of LOhU and la'o of ZOI for naming cmavo. |>>> 14:02 < mensi> djeikyb 14:02 < dutchie> Ilmen: so what purpose does the accent serve then? 14:03 < Ilmen> dutchies: it shows it's pronounces as a [w] instead of a [u] 14:03 < Ilmen> but it's optional 14:03 < dutchie> ua 14:03 < dutchie> or should i say {ŭa} 14:03 < dutchie> zo'o 14:03 < Ilmen> The same goes with «ĭ», pronounced as [j] instead of [i] 14:04 < la_kriston> {mi tinju'i la'au lo jbobau cu mo li'u}? 14:05 < Ilmen> dutchie: "i" and "u" can be pronounced [j] and [w] when followed by a vowel; it's especially relevant in "uu" and "ii", because Lojban doesn't make a difference between long and short vowels 14:05 < Ilmen> so ".uu" is usually pronounced [wu], and ".ii" [ji] 14:05 < la_kriston> is that one ^ correct? 14:05 < Ilmen> so that you don't have to rely on the vowel length 14:06 < Ilmen> la_kriston: Yes, it is. 14:06 < la_kriston> Interesting. I'll try to remember that... 14:06 < Ilmen> .i lo jbobau ku cu mo .i lo jbobau ku pu'o misnyrai .au lo ro runbau ... 14:07 < Ilmen> (It's part of the lyrics) 14:07 < la_kriston> oh, okay... I couldn't make out the lyrics very well, though I did catch a few words. 14:08 < Ilmen> The lyrics are in the YouTube video description 14:08 < la_kriston> But you only use "la'au" if the title is a complete sentence? 14:08 < Ilmen> yes 14:09 < la_kriston> And "la'e" if it's in Lojban, and "la'o" if it's something else? 14:09 < Ilmen> la_kriston: another option is «la nu...» 14:09 < Ilmen> For example «la nu lo finpe cu carvi», or whatever :) 14:09 < la_kriston> I can only take so many options just at present... 14:12 < la_kriston> So I think I've got "la'e", "la'o", and "la'au"; I made a note of it. 14:12 < zipcpi> la'e is to convert text to referent 14:12 < Ilmen> "la nu" is nice too; it's maybe more elegant than la'au in may cases 14:12 < la_kriston> I'll have to research that later... 14:13 < la_kriston> I have to go now; thank you for your help! 14:13 < Ilmen> co'o drata jundi nitcu 14:13 < zipcpi> Hm I think {la du'u} may be more accurate :p 14:13 < la_kriston> ki'e rodo 14:13 < la_kriston> co'o 14:14 < zipcpi> So la'e zo coi = something that the word {coi} refers to 14:14 < Ilmen> zipcpi: it sounds more abstract with du'u; «la du'u» sounds more adequate for philosophical work title 14:14 < Ilmen> zo'o ru'e 14:15 < Ilmen> la du'u zasti ji kau na zasti 14:15 < zipcpi> Well I guess it depends on what the title is describing 14:15 < zipcpi> Like I think even {lo jbobau cu mo} is du'u :p 14:16 < zipcpi> Maybe {su'u} is safest so we don't have to deal with this semantics lol 14:16 < zipcpi> When all we want to do is quote a title 14:16 < Ilmen> la'au is adequate for "lo jbobau cu mo", as it contains a question word 14:17 < zipcpi> True 14:17 < Ilmen> "la nu lo jbobau cu mo" just doesn't work 14:17 < zipcpi> lol 14:17 < ldlework> it doesn't? 14:17 < ldlework> oh the question 14:17 < ldlework> ju'inai 14:18 < Ilmen> mi pu ciska lo cmalu pagbu be la'au lo jbobau cu mo li'u 14:18 < niftg> coi mo coi ma 14:19 < Ilmen> .i sa'e lo vo jbopre cu finti lo selsa'a prosa 14:19 < ldlework> Ilmen: je'e 14:20 < Ilmen> mi pu ciska lo pagbu poi selpau zo gumri 14:20 < Ilmen> lu ca ro lo nu citka lo lojbo gumri si ke santa mledi cu pilno lo smuci ki'u lo nu .oi lo forca cu mucti ja'e lo nu lo nu jgari na cumki li'u 14:21 < Ilmen> li'o 14:21 < Ilmen> .i jicmu fa lo gismu terbri nu xamsku 14:21 < Ilmen> .i lo forca cu mucti ki'u lo nu no da marji tersu'i zo forca 14:22 < Ilmen> %) 14:22 < Ilmen> en:forca 14:22 < mensi> forca = x1 is a fork/fork-type tool/utensil for purpose x2 with tines/prongs x3 on base/support x4. 14:22 < Ilmen> en:smuci 14:22 < mensi> smuci = x1 is a spoon/scoop (tool) for use x2, made of material x3. 14:22 < Ilmen> lo smuci cu se marji .i lo forca cu se marji no da za'a dai :P 14:23 < niftg> ta'o mi kucli tu'a zo sfofa mu'a ji'a 14:24 < niftg> mo'a terbri 14:24 < Ilmen> na nabmi pe'i .i ku'i lo gismu na terbri simxu sarci 14:24 < Ilmen> .i ba'e la'e di'u cizra 14:25 < Ilmen> .i ta'o nai ku'i mi na caucni lo marji te sumti 14:25 < Ilmen> .i ku'i cizra fa lo nu ge so'o gismu cu marji se sumti gi so'o drata na co'e 14:26 < Ilmen> .i mu'a zo jubme jo'u zo stizu 14:26 < zipcpi> So apparently they dislike "because reasons" is because it's an unmarked sumti-raising sa'enairu'e :p 14:26 < zipcpi> "Correct" English would be "because of reasons" 14:27 < Ilmen> In French we'd just say «Parce que.» = "Because." 14:28 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:28 < ldlework> mu'i lo mukti 14:28 < ldlework> motivated by motivations 14:28 < Ilmen> mu'i ma kau 14:28 < ldlework> woah 14:28 < ldlework> severe deja vu 14:28 < dutchie> the one i personally am most familiar with is "because i'm your mother, that's why" zo'o 14:33 < Ilmen> mu'i zi'o doi kucli dukse 14:34 < Ilmen> zo'o 14:37 < uainot> new nick 14:38 < uainot> (for a time...) 14:38 < rutytar1> ma pu cmene 14:39 < uainot> ctefaho? 14:39 < uainot> (I literally just switched) 14:39 < rutytar1> mi na certu lo irci 14:39 < Ilmen> coi la ki'umanak 14:40 < uainot> ah, well "X is now known as Y" means a nick change 14:41 < rutytar1> i'a 14:46 < rutytar1> the english "not" would be spelled "nat" in lojban though, right? 14:46 <@xalbo> Yes. 14:46 * Parse34 is now know as ctefaho 15:36 * nuzba @ro_bot_: ロジバン トワ ジンコウゲンゴノヒトツ ノコトデス [http://bit.ly/1CfPeGX] 16:10 < ctefaho> netsi splitsi? 16:10 < Parse34> incredible 16:12 < ctefaho> netsi spelitsi* 17:10 * nuzba @willingtheweird: I am looking to learn lojban with someone or some people. If interested, please message. [http://bit.ly/1GvkiX8] 17:28 * nuzba @Stefan100: @willingtheweird You could visit us at the lojban channel (with the same name) on freenode on IRC [http://bit.ly/1esoJZE] 17:30 * ctefaho kicks nuzba 17:30 < ctefaho> ssshhh 17:35 < ldlework> ctefaho: xu do du la'oi Stefan100 17:35 < ctefaho> ja'a go'i 17:36 < ctefaho> old twitter account I haven't touched in ages 17:36 < ctefaho> that's my second post in like 5 years 17:36 < ctefaho> first one was "Checking out this new twitter thingy" 17:51 < bigcentaur> .i ze'o cu carvi 18:05 * nuzba @fotono: #lojban da lo ka ve ciksi kei ko pinka pe'u .i ma mabla http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Complement_to_causation_sumtcita [http://bit.ly/1HZFJSg] 18:09 < rutytar> coi 18:12 < bigcentaur> coi 19:58 * nuzba @bripre: #lojban ke'u mamamabla .i mamamabla .i mamamabla do http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Complement_to_causation_sumtcita [http://bit.ly/1H2i9FJ] 21:15 < niek> coi 21:51 < zipcpi> Hey that "right-grouping" tanru marker we talked about is already defined. It's {ke'ei} 21:51 < zipcpi> It's... unclear though. Does it lock right grouping, or does it only mark one tanru? 21:52 < zipcpi> It also mentions lujvo; but pe'i lujvo should remain untouched 21:52 < zipcpi> It's silly to refactor all lujvo for right-grouping 23:10 * nuzba @zvevohi: doila'au @fotono do'upe'ixa'omo'uvimcu loropasimlu belokamabla be'onoila'ajaijalge lorarbau nuza'uzeiselsmu kupo'ofa'o #jbobau [http://bit.ly/1L4IfYt] 23:58 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/uei'e Not sure what the negation should be, or if it even makes sense to have one --- Day changed Fri Jun 19 2015 00:30 < zipcpi> {no'o} should be PA4 too 00:31 < gleki> elmaho:pa4 00:31 < gleki> selmaho:pa4 00:31 < mensi> cmavo: da'a, du'e, ji'i, mo'a, rau, ro, ro'oi, so'a, so'e, so'i, so'o, so'u, su'e, su'o, su'oi, xo, 00:31 < mensi> xo'e 00:31 < gleki> selmaho:no'o 00:31 < gleki> en:no'o 00:32 < zipcpi> la mensi ba'o oicli'a 00:34 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers 00:35 < gleki> yes, ne'e 00:35 < zipcpi> We don't have a PA for "extremely" 00:35 < gleki> en:ne'e 00:35 < mensi> ne'e = [CAI] polar opposite scalar negator; equivalent to to'e but in selma'o CAI 00:35 < gleki> en: ne'e 00:35 < mensi> ne'e = [CAI] polar opposite scalar negator; equivalent to to'e but in selma'o CAI |>>> See also to'e |>>> 00:35 < mensi> gleki 00:35 < zipcpi> Yeah I found it 00:35 < gleki> hm, but two syllables 00:35 < gleki> actually they can't be reconciled, these two systems 00:36 < zipcpi> The va'e? 00:36 < gleki> to'e gleki and uinai 00:36 < zipcpi> Oh yeah that 00:36 < zipcpi> Well attitudinals are "special" 00:36 < gleki> so nai=to'e 00:37 < gleki> and na'e doesnt exist in cnima'o 00:37 < zipcpi> But not when it comes to selbri or sumtcita 00:37 < gleki> in sumtcita nai is like na'e/na 00:37 < zipcpi> Exactly 00:37 < zipcpi> That's why I only qualified this for selbri and sumtcita 00:37 < zipcpi> Attitudinals are "special" 00:38 < zipcpi> We'd gonna have to fork Lojban to fix that 00:38 < gleki> oh, you want ki'une'e for to'e ki'u 00:38 < zipcpi> Yes 00:39 < gleki> idk, it's all a mess here. 00:39 < zipcpi> Eh... so'ai*va'e 00:41 < gleki> va'ei :P 00:42 < zipcpi> Yeah that works too... maybe I'll add a note 00:42 < gleki> ui = sei mi gleki. uinai = sei mi to'e gleki. looks like [0;1] is converted into [-1;+1] 00:43 < zipcpi> "Note: {va'e} may also be replaced by {va'ei*}; difference is that {PAva'e} acts as a selbri, while {PAva'ei} acts as a sumtcita." 00:44 < zipcpi> Er, double ast for va'ei 00:45 < zipcpi> Question is should {nova'e} be {no'e} or {na'e} 00:45 < gleki> va'e is fuzzy logic. 00:45 < gleki> i think you want si'e 00:46 < zipcpi> No, si'e is fractional 00:46 < zipcpi> pimusi'e = xabna 00:46 < zipcpi> Err... 00:46 < zipcpi> Not xabna 00:46 < zipcpi> xadba 00:49 < noncomcinse> coi 00:50 < gleki> krasi: xadba 00:50 < mensi> xadba = .i zo'oi ban banzuxe'o .i zo'oi xaf bangenugu .i zo'oi ada banxe'inu .i zo'oi mitad bansupu'a .i zo'oi pal 00:50 < mensi> banru'usu .i zo'oi nisfu bangaru'a 00:51 < noncomcinse> ma mo fasnu 00:52 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers 00:55 < ldlework> zipcpi: strong scaler intensifier => superlative scaler 00:55 < ldlework> traji 00:55 < zipcpi> No, traji means "most out of some set" 00:56 < ldlework> right, "this is the highest amount I could feel this emotion" 00:56 < zipcpi> It's not meant for emotions 00:56 < zipcpi> "Note that though attitudinals use NAI/CAI as well, they do not follow this system, but have their own defined scales." 00:56 < ldlework> I understand 00:57 < ldlework> banli over carmi at least 00:58 < zipcpi> I did put a question mark there; because it is common usage, although I feel it is doubtful 00:58 < ldlework> using carmi to mean tcetce? 00:58 < ldlework> is common? 00:58 < zipcpi> Maybe I should add a qualifier, but I'm out of asterisks as it is 00:59 < ldlework> you don't think banli is zmadu banli? 00:59 < zipcpi> Maybe it's maljbo 00:59 < ldlework> banli? 00:59 < zipcpi> No, carmi 01:00 < zipcpi> Eh maybe I'll just drop carmi and leave tcetce 01:00 < zipcpi> banli is probably usable, but means a lot of other things as well 01:01 < zipcpi> That's why I want to make the lujvo {tsana'o} instead of just {cnano} 01:02 < zipcpi> Or maybe cairna'o is a better lujvo 01:02 < zipcpi> *camna'o 01:03 < zipcpi> Well, as for mentioned maljbo-carmi, see {camselci'i} 01:04 < ldlework> I just don't think carmi fits whatsoever 01:04 < zipcpi> I'm starting to agree 01:04 < zipcpi> I already dropped it 01:05 < zipcpi> From the page 01:05 < ldlework> carmi is about saturation and luminescence and bloom and such 01:06 < zipcpi> Oh you mean {camna'o}? 01:06 < zipcpi> Do you prefer {tsana'o}? 01:06 < zipcpi> I don't even know if there's a brivla meaning "scale" 01:06 < zipcpi> scale of intensity 01:06 < ldlework> what do you need the lujvo for? 01:07 < zipcpi> X1 is of normal intensity of X_2 (ka) 01:07 < zipcpi> Basically fills the spot between mutce and milxe 01:07 < ldlework> that's... cnano 01:08 < zipcpi> ... I should actually read definitions 01:08 < zipcpi> ki'e o'anairu'e 01:08 < ldlework> tolrai - ruble - milxe - cnano - mutce - tcetce - traji 01:10 < ldlework> we should make that a chart or some thing in la jbogu'e 01:12 < ldlework> ei sipna .i co'o 01:12 < zipcpi> co'o 01:15 < zipcpi> ... maybe that means I found another purpose for ctefa'o-s "pei'a" 01:16 < zipcpi> Which isn't added yet 01:19 < zipcpi> Yeah I think I'll add it, then leave a note for him 01:39 < gleki> i cant login into vrici today 01:41 * nuzba @2048k: which conlang is the internet using these days because i'm pretty sure it's neither esperanto nor lojban http://t.co/93S2UsI6bO [http://bit.ly/1ISxvdw] 01:47 < gleki> it uses broken english 01:57 < zipcpi> exp: so'isaiva'e 01:57 < mensi> (CU [{<so'i sai> BOI} va'e] VAU) 01:57 < zipcpi> exp: so'icaiva'e 01:57 < mensi> (CU [{<so'i cai> BOI} va'e] VAU) 01:57 < zipcpi> ... maybe that should replace {so'ai} 01:57 < zipcpi> Yeah don't think {so'ai} is needed anymore 03:23 < zipcpi> Oh I just realized that there is already a problem with the "sumtcita not very good for tanru" problem. {xo'i} 03:23 < zipcpi> Turns any sumtcita into a brivla 03:23 < zipcpi> *already a solution 03:24 < zipcpi> Though we're not quite sure what the resulting brivla would be for many of the non-BAI :p 03:25 < zipcpi> (ze'oi} is also another solution, but it's purposefully defined vaguely 03:29 < zipcpi> lol and now Lojban has yet another way to ask why 03:29 < zipcpi> {ko'au ma} 03:29 < zipcpi> {ko'au ma ma'a zasti} -> "Why do we exist?" 03:40 < Ilmen> en: ko'au 03:41 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 03:47 < gleki> so'V themselves are a problem 03:48 < gleki> "Rlpowell" has requested an account and is waiting for confirmation. 03:49 < rlpowell> Thanks! 03:49 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/User:Robin_Lee_Powell 03:49 < rlpowell> Also, going to bed. 03:49 < gleki> ^ this was created manually. i guess now the content needs to be transferred from there. 03:49 < rlpowell> Ah. 03:49 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/User:Rlpowell 03:49 < gleki> ^into this 03:50 < gleki> then the first link can be redirected to the second 03:50 < rlpowell> OK. 03:50 < gleki> but im not going to deal with the biography of rlpowell :) 03:51 < ctefaho> coi 03:58 < ctefaho> coi la .dutcy'is. 04:15 < zipcpi> fau'u la ctefa'o mi zerle'a pe'a zo pei'a pe do, ki'u lo nu mi facki lo za'umoi kosmu be cy sei zoizoi http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers zoi 04:16 < zipcpi> do'oi ctefaho 04:19 < ctefaho> well I can use something else for pei'a 04:20 < zipcpi> No, it is fine 04:20 < ctefaho> and perhaps even nuke pei'o 04:20 < zipcpi> pei'a can be used both for your purpose and mine 04:20 < ctefaho> busy with other things right now, improving emotional communication is a lower priority;) 04:20 < zipcpi> I defined it so that it can be used for both 04:21 < zipcpi> {na'oi} fits right in too 04:21 < ctefaho> hmm well no time to think it out now 04:21 * ctefaho -> lo zarci 04:21 < ctefaho> (co'o) 04:30 < zipcpi> Crap {pai'e} already exists as {je'ai} 04:35 < zipcpi> Ah well that means less cmavo space hogged by the BSFK 04:44 < zipcpi> I dunno though... though {je'ai} technically hasn't changed, it now asks a very different question than it did before because of all the new na'e 04:44 < zipcpi> *NAhE 04:44 < zipcpi> So it might be confusing. What does la korpolorxu say 04:44 < zipcpi> 20 results 04:45 < zipcpi> Also dunno how many of those are using them as substitute of {je'a} 04:45 < zipcpi> I don't really like the sound T.T 04:46 < zipcpi> coi la .niftyg. 04:47 < niftg> coi la zipcpi 04:48 < zipcpi> mi ca'o finti lo cnino ke nilje'u valsi ciste sei zoizoi http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers zoi 04:48 < zipcpi> ku'i mi senpi tu'a zo {je'ai} 04:48 < zipcpi> na mutce simsa lo preti valsi 04:49 < zipcpi> sei jijnu 04:50 < zipcpi> iepei 04:50 < mensi> ei mi tugni 04:50 < zipcpi> coi la menli 04:50 < zipcpi> mi ca'o finti lo cnino ke nilje'u valsi ciste sei zoizoi http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers zoi 04:51 < zipcpi> ku'i mi senpi tu'a zo {je'ai} .i na mutce simsa lo preti valsi sei jijnu .i .iepei 04:51 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 04:57 < Ilmen> en: va'ei 04:57 < mensi> va'ei = [ROI] converts number to scalar tag; specifies the value on fuzzy logic scale; to the degree (n) on scale ... 04:57 < mensi> |>>> gleki 04:57 < Ilmen> coi la zipcpi 04:57 < zipcpi> coi 04:58 < Ilmen> I'm also interested by how to handle scales in Lojban 04:59 < Ilmen> va'i mi ji'a se cinri lo du'u ta'i ma kau smusku lo ckiku sepi'o lo jbobau 05:00 < Ilmen> pe'i lo sampu traji cu me lo namcu selbrivla to mu'a zo nilbra toi 05:01 < Ilmen> .i pe'i cumki fa lo nu skicu fe mu'a zo barda sepi'o zo nilbra 05:02 < zipcpi> zo je'ai pei 05:02 < zipcpi> mi na birti 05:02 < Ilmen> .i ba'a lo barda cu poi'i lo nilbra be ke'a cu dubmau lo cnano nilbra 05:02 < zipcpi> mi puzi finti zo pai'e 05:02 < Ilmen> .i ba'a lo no'e barda cu cnano se nilbra 05:03 < Ilmen> .i ba'a lo to'e barda cu poi'i lo nilbra be ke'a cu dubme'a lo cnano co'e 05:03 < Ilmen> pei 05:03 < zipcpi> ku'i zo gleki na simsa 05:04 < Ilmen> mi na birti lo du'u je'u pei kau lo si'o gleki cu me'oi bipolar ckiku .i cumki fa lo nu na co'e 05:04 < zipcpi> ki'u ma do pilno zo ckiku 05:05 < Ilmen> .i ku'i lo simsa be lo si'o pritu jo'u lo si'o zunle zo'u ba'a .ei me'oi bipolar 05:05 < Ilmen> doi la zipcpi mi skudji zo ckilu 05:05 < Ilmen> .u'u .u'i 05:05 < Ilmen> mo'a roi pilno fa mi za'a dai 05:05 < zipcpi> u'i 05:06 < zipcpi> zo je'ai ji zo pai'e 05:07 < Ilmen> en: pai'e 05:07 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/pai'e 05:07 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 05:07 < zipcpi> mi sevzi ke tolzau co'e 05:07 < zipcpi> ku'i mi na birti 05:08 < Ilmen> va'o lo nu me'oi .bipolar. ckilu zo'u lo cnano namcu na'o ku me li no 05:08 < Ilmen> .i pe'i na se tolmapti lo pu se stidi be mi 05:08 < Ilmen> .i lo to'e broda noi cnano dubme'a co'e cu se nilbroda lo nonme'a 05:09 < Ilmen> pei 05:09 < zipcpi> ie 05:11 < zipcpi> zo je'ai je zo pai'e cu preti valsi do'e ma'oi na'e 05:11 < Ilmen> ba'a nai mi pu finti lo velski pe lo nu'o zasti brivo poi sepi'o ke'a ka'e galfi lo ni zei brivo lo barda zei brivo 05:11 < Ilmen> sei sisku 05:11 < zipcpi> zo je'ai pu zasti jeku'i cu no'e cafne pilno 05:11 < zipcpi> .y. se pilno 05:12 < Ilmen> « x1 is greater in amount x2 (relation between x1 and a number) than the average amount among x3 » ("na'ozma"?) 05:12 < Ilmen> « lo (se) me'au x2 be x1 cu dubmau lo voi ki (lo selki'i be) x2 cnano x3 » 05:13 < Ilmen> ku'i na'e bredi velski .u'i 05:13 < Ilmen> .i ji'a mi na birti lo du'u xu kau zo cnano je'a mapti 05:13 < zipcpi> mi zmanei le sance pe zo pai'e 05:13 < zipcpi> .y. .y~~~. 05:13 < Ilmen> .i ba'a nai ru'e lo drata jbopre cu jinvi lo du'u zo cnano cu smuni frica ja'e lo nu na mapti .i ku'i mi co'u morji 05:13 < zipcpi> oiro'e 05:14 < Ilmen> en: cnano 05:14 < mensi> cnano = x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4. |>>> Also mean, 05:14 < mensi> normal, usual; (x3 specifies the complete set). See also tcaci, fadni, kampu, lakne, tarti, rirci. |>>> 05:14 < mensi> officialdata 05:15 < zipcpi> mu'a lu mi cnano lo ka gleki li'u 05:15 < zipcpi> ju'ocu'i 05:15 < Ilmen> ba'a su'o jbopre na tugni fi lo du'u lo cnano cu namcu 05:15 < Ilmen> *ba'a nai 05:15 < zipcpi> xy'y 05:16 < zipcpi> pe'isai lo'e gismu cu sampu ei se smuni 05:16 < Ilmen> .i ku'i mi djica lo cmaci cnano brivo .u'i 05:16 < zipcpi> je'esai 05:16 < Ilmen> .i ba'a .ei mi finti lo drata sei snura 05:17 < Ilmen> ju'o nai zo nacna'o .a su'o simsa 05:19 < zipcpi> pau do zmanei zo je'ai ji zo pai'e 05:19 < Ilmen> .i mi pu jbobau skicu zo cnano fau lo nu sruma lo du'u cmaci brivo .i la'a lo mi lojbo velski na mapti zo cnano 05:20 < Ilmen> .i doi zy sance je'i smuni zmanei 05:20 < zipcpi> sance .i smudu'i 05:22 < Ilmen> mi na birti 05:22 < zipcpi> rore ra cu me ma'oi na'e moi ke preti valsi 05:23 < Ilmen> .i cumki fa lo nu toltcetce zmanei zo je'ai .i ku'i mi no'e djuno 05:25 < Ilmen> jbo: ve'ai 05:25 < Ilmen> jbo: va'ei 05:25 < zipcpi> simsa zo va'e .iku'i sumtcita 05:26 < Ilmen> sanji 05:26 < zipcpi> zo va'ei cu me ma'oi roi .iku'i zo va'e cu me ma'oi moi 05:26 < Ilmen> pei lu mo'e ko'a va'ei broda li'u smudu'i lu ko'a jei broda li'u 05:26 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 05:27 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 05:27 < Ilmen> ma'oi roi ĭi ru'e .i tcita ma 05:27 < zipcpi> tcita le ckilu 05:28 < Ilmen> pe'i pei na srana lo nilyje'u 05:28 < Ilmen> si jezyje'u 05:28 < Ilmen> jbo: va'e 05:28 < zipcpi> pe'iru'e .i ku'i mi pu casnu ka'ai la gleki 05:28 < mensi> va'e = [MOI] galfi lu'e lo namcu lo selbrisle .i x1 klani le namcu x2 noi ckilu |>>> ckilu; mei, moi, si'e |>>> 05:28 < mensi> xorxes 05:29 < Ilmen> en: va'e 05:29 < mensi> va'e = [MOI] convert number to scalar selbri; x1 is at (n)th position on scale x2. |>>> 05:29 < mensi> officialdata 05:30 < Ilmen> ja'o na'e simsa lu ja'a xi xo'e li'u 05:31 < zipcpi> .y. pe'iru'e lo nilyje'u cu ctaipe lo ckilu 05:31 < Ilmen> noi lo ka jezyje'u cu ckilu 05:31 < zipcpi> .y. 05:31 < zipcpi> ju'ocu'i mi srera pilno zo ctiape 05:32 < zipcpi> .y. 05:33 < zipcpi> Problem is how to express things like "His strength is 18", or "His power is over 9000". Gleki assured me that {va'ei} is good enough for those 05:33 < Ilmen> ta'o do jinvi lodu zo no'e zo noi'e smuni frica ma 05:33 < zipcpi> Even thought it's not *quite* fuzzy-logic-truth-value? 05:33 < zipcpi> lo du'u mi noi'e gleki cu du'u mi cnano lo ka gleki 05:34 < Ilmen> Well with va'ei, the scale has to be specified as part of its terbri 05:34 < Ilmen> zipcpi: But is that different from {mi no'e gleki}? 05:34 < zipcpi> lo du'u mi no'e gleki cu du'u mi ckaji lo jbini be lo ka gleki kei ce lo ka to'e gleki 05:35 < Ilmen> ja'o pei ganra zmadu 05:35 < Ilmen> tau zo noi'e 05:36 < zipcpi> .i va'o lo pamoi mi gleki 05:36 < zipcpi> .iku'i va'o lo remoi mi na gleki 05:36 < zipcpi> mi ckaji le jbini 05:37 < Ilmen> pe'i pei lo no'e gleki cu gleki sei se cfipu 05:37 < zipcpi> pe'inai 05:38 < Ilmen> la'a xagmau fa lo nu tcila zmadu skicu lo smuni do'e lo do papri kei .e'u 05:39 < zipcpi> xy'y ai mi pensi 05:39 < Ilmen> .i ta'o xoi na'e zabna cu smuni frica fa zo nai .i so'o roi dukti smuni .i so'o roi natfe smuni 05:39 < zipcpi> "Note that though attitudinals use NAI/CAI as well, they do not follow this system, but have their own defined scales; in particular, {nai} tends to more often act as a polar negator rather than a denial negator with them." 05:40 < Ilmen> With BAI, it's a contradictory negator though 05:40 < zipcpi> Er... I always thought with bai it's just na'e 05:40 < Ilmen> With UI, it's polar negator usually. Dunno which is the most common 05:41 < zipcpi> Oh yeah contradictory is na'e 05:41 < zipcpi> simple denial 05:41 < Ilmen> zipcpi: {to'e ri'a nai} = xoi na to'e se rinka... 05:41 < zipcpi> ie 05:41 < zipcpi> smudu'i lu na'eto'eri'a li'u pe'i 05:42 < Ilmen> pe'i ru'e na'e dunli 05:42 < Ilmen> ku'i ba'a nai mi'o pu na'e tugysi'u lo simsa pu za .i cumki fa lo nu mi naldra jimpe tau zo na'e 05:43 < zipcpi> zo na'e smuni simsa zo na jeku'i na cfagau lo sko'opu 05:43 < e`ogan> How would I say "exactly/precisely" in lojban as a reply to previous sentence? Is {je'e} enough? 05:43 < zipcpi> {je'u} 05:43 < zipcpi> Or {je'usai} 05:43 < e`ogan> What's the semantic difference? 05:43 < Ilmen> Also replying {drani} works too 05:44 < zipcpi> {je'u} is like "Indeed." 05:44 < Ilmen> je'u = true, je'u sai = very true 05:44 < Ilmen> so there's more emphasisi 05:44 < Ilmen> *-sis 05:44 < niftg> pe'i zo je'e zo'u na sinxa lo nu tugni 05:44 < Ilmen> ĭe 05:44 < e`ogan> is sai then a part of emotional descriptor? 05:45 < zipcpi> {je'e} just means "received and understood" 05:45 < Ilmen> e`ogan: Yes 05:45 < Ilmen> Or rather sai is an intensifier suffix 05:45 < Ilmen> added to free words such as je'u 05:45 < Ilmen> or attitudinals 05:45 < zipcpi> Technically {je'usai} is two words {je'u sai} 05:46 < e`ogan> Online lojban dictionaly is slow again 05:46 < Ilmen> ui = happy (interjection), ui sai = very happy (interjection) 05:46 < zipcpi> People often run related cmavo together 05:46 < Ilmen> e`ogan: Yeah, it's pretty frequent 05:47 < e`ogan> Is there an app for lojban dictionary that would run offline? 05:47 < Ilmen> Actually Lojban doesn't need whitespaces, you can stick together all the words provided you mark explicitly stessed syllables 05:47 < zipcpi> Yeah I think I'm supporting pai'e, then adding a note that je'ai already exists but I hate the sound 05:47 < Ilmen> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/ 05:48 < zipcpi> Ugh the servers are down 05:48 < Ilmen> zipcpi: you can add "synonymous to {je'ai}", and add a similar note to {je'ai}, "synonymous to {pei'a}" 05:48 < zipcpi> pai'e 05:48 < zipcpi> pei'a is the suffix form 05:48 < zipcpi> in CAI 05:48 < Ilmen> .u'u je'e 05:49 < Ilmen> I have trouble with sutsis' cache though 05:49 < zipcpi> And was first suggested as an attitudinal question e.g. A: {ui} B: {uipei'a} (Yay! / How happy are you?) 05:49 < Ilmen> it always complain I'm offline, when I actually am 05:50 < zipcpi> Same thing with {na'oi}; first suggested for attitudinals 05:50 < zipcpi> But I found it fits this system quite well 05:50 < zipcpi> Ugh yeah the system's spoffing it up again 05:51 < zipcpi> (hey I just loaned a word from Lojban to English :p) 05:51 < e`ogan> "Gateway timeout"... 05:51 < zipcpi> We must make it mainstream 05:51 < zipcpi> "spoffing it up" lol 05:52 < niftg> spofygau? 05:52 < zipcpi> spofu ja spofygau 05:53 < zipcpi> "I spoffed the computer." "The computer spoffed." 05:53 < zipcpi> mi du'eva'e se xajmi 05:55 < Ilmen> tersmus: cumki fa lo nu fanva fi lo lojyskebau lo jbobau 05:56 < tersmus> nu[fanva( , ,c0,c1)](c2); jbobau(c1); lojyskebau(c0); cumki(c2) 05:58 < Ilmen> tersmus: ro mlatu cu mabru gi'e nai cipni 05:58 < tersmus> FA x1:(mlatu(_)). (mabru(x1) /\ !cipni(x1)) 06:01 < niftg> .u'i ru'e me'oi ascii ke lojyske sinxa lo kanxe 06:03 < niftg> kanxe bu ? 06:03 < zipcpi> Eh, I'll just return {je'ai} to its original, ignorable definition lol 06:03 < zipcpi> "NAhE question" 06:04 < zipcpi> Won't throw any support behind it 06:04 < zipcpi> Ugh JVS spoffed again 06:04 < zipcpi> lol such a fun word 06:08 < dutchie> dangerously close to "spaff" 06:09 < zipcpi> I don't know that word 06:09 < dutchie> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Spaff&defid=6903155 06:09 < zipcpi> Is it a vulgar Britishism? 06:10 < zipcpi> Apparently 06:10 < zipcpi> I dunno I don't think it's that close 06:10 < zipcpi> Of course, that word is not part of my culture, so I won't know 06:11 < zipcpi> Where are you from, Dutchie? 06:12 < dutchie> i doubt there is much overlap between british people of the right age and lojbanists 06:13 < dutchie> english 06:13 < tersmus> FA x1:(mlatu(_)). (mabru(x1) /\ !cipni(x1)) 06:14 < dutchie> haha 06:14 < zipcpi> So you are British? 06:14 < dutchie> pe'i la tersmus cu spofu 06:15 < dutchie> yes 06:15 < zipcpi> Cool 06:15 < Ilmen> ŭa pu smadi lo du'u do dotco 06:15 < Ilmen> noi ja'o jitfa 06:17 < dutchie> so'i lo prenu cu smadi lo du'u mi dotco 06:19 < zipcpi> Dutchie, look upon my new attempt to destroy Lojban (zo'o) http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers 06:19 < dutchie> .i mi se cmene zoi gy. Josh Holland gy. bau lo glibau 06:19 < zipcpi> mi pu smadi lo du'u do fetsi i'au u'ise'i 06:26 < Ilmen> faumlu fa lo nu lo ka fetsi cu mutce co zilrirci lo jbopre xoi cizra 06:28 < dutchie> u'i 06:35 < zipcpi> Actually I'm starting to have second thoughts even for non-bipolar scalar brivla like {barda}. {barda na'oi} just means it's big in a way that you're emphasizing is not {ru'e} or {sai} 06:35 < zipcpi> Or {cai} 06:35 < zipcpi> {barda ne'e} / {no'e barda} means that it is between what you'd call "big" and what you'd call "small" 06:35 < zipcpi> Of course this is... very fuzzy 06:35 < zipcpi> But there's a clear position of scale 06:36 < zipcpi> to'e - no'e - [na'e] - [je'a] - rei'e - noi'e - sai'e - cai'e 06:36 < zipcpi> Everything to the right of je'a is je'a 06:37 < zipcpi> Everything to the left of na'e is na'e 06:37 < dutchie> sounds useful 06:38 < zipcpi> Full scale: cai'eto'e - sai'eto'e - noi'eto'e - rei'eto'e - no'e - [na'e] - [je'a] - rei'e - noi'e - sai'e - cai'e 06:38 < zipcpi> Or you can put no'e between na'e and je'a 06:39 < zipcpi> In fact that probably looks better 06:40 < zipcpi> Oh oops mixed up {ne'e} and {no'e} above 06:40 < zipcpi> I meant {barda cu'i} / {no'e barda} 06:56 < gleki> e`ogan: i think http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html is still online ready to be cached 06:57 < e`ogan> ki'esai 06:57 < e`ogan> But I am already using it 06:57 < Ilmen> gleki: what's the best method to cound the Lojban definition for a specific language? 06:58 < e`ogan> mi kirsku la .gleki. 06:58 < Ilmen> hm, or better, how to count lojban words, regardless of the languages they're defined in? 06:59 < Ilmen> But counting the Lojban words defined in English would already give a good estimate 07:01 < e`ogan> english definition of a "word" is wonky 07:01 < e`ogan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8niIHChc1Y 07:02 < e`ogan> Convenient video from a linguist about it 07:03 < Ilmen> There are also Lojban-only definitions, but most of the words have been defined only in English 07:03 < Ilmen> There are words defined only in Lojban but not in English, though 07:03 < Ilmen> en: klama 07:03 < mensi> klama = x1 comes/goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means/vehicle x5. |>>> Also travels, journeys, 07:03 < mensi> moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the 07:03 < mensi> route relevantly). See also cadzu, bajra, marce, vofli, litru, muvdu, cpare, cmavo list ka'a, pluta, bevri, farlu, 07:03 < mensi> limna, vitke. |>>> officialdata 07:04 < Ilmen> jbo:klama 07:04 < mensi> klama = lo ka klama cu ka ce'u goi x1 zukte lo ka ce'u muvdu ce'u xi re goi x2 ce'u xi re goi x3 ce'u xi re goi x4 fi'o 07:04 < mensi> marce ce'u xi re goi x5 07:04 < Ilmen> es:klama 07:04 < mensi> klama = x1 va/viene a x2 desde x3 vía ruta x4 usando medio/vehiculo x5 07:05 < Ilmen> ja:klama 07:05 < mensi> klama = x1 は x2 (終点)に x3 (起点)から x4 (経路)を x5 (方法)で行く/来る 07:11 < gleki> en: 07:11 < mensi> 19127 da se tolcri: a, a'a, a'acu'i, a'anai, abata'adj, abgad, abniena, abu, acaman, aclotlu, admine, advarka, adverbi, 07:11 < gleki> en: coi 07:11 < mensi> adverbivla, adverbu, a'e, a'enai, aftobuso, aftostopi, agbakate, agmasto, ai, a'i, a'icu'i, aicu'i, aidji, aigne, ainai, 07:11 < mensi> a'inai, aiste, aitco, aitxero, aizdo, akcoloti, akmela, akrobat, aksiptrina, akti, alba'aka, albatro, albuma, 07:11 < mensi> alcamacrike, aldeia, alfabeta, alga, algoritma, alkanse, alminiu, alna, alpaka, altamru, altare, altfor, altrici, 07:11 < mensi> alxataini, alzaitu, ambergri, ambigu'o, amble, ambuci, ambulance, amfite'atro, amfora, amgidala, amnio, amniota, 07:11 < mensi> ampigravle, ampute, amsake, amtisti, amxari, anci, andiroba, angeli, angila, anji, ankabuta, ankla, anli, anmonia, ... 07:11 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. |>>> officialdata 07:11 < Ilmen> ue 07:11 < gleki> 19 127 words? 07:11 < gleki> that's it mostly. 07:11 < gleki> almost no words not defined in english 07:11 < Ilmen> e`ogan: ^ 07:12 < gleki> ja: 07:12 < mensi> 2444 da se tolcri: a, a'a, a'acu'i, a'anai, abu, a'e, a'enai, ai, a'i, a'icu'i, aicu'i, ainai, a'inai, a'o, a'onai, au, 07:12 < mensi> a'u, a'ucu'i, aucu'i, aunai, a'unai, ba, ba'a, ba'acu'i, ba'anai, bacru, badna, badri, ba'e, bafcolkercrakre, bai, ba'i, 07:12 < mensi> bajra, bajyjvi, bakfu, bakni, bakri, baktu, balji, balni, balre, balvi, balzai, bancu, bandu, banfi, bangu, banjupunu, 07:12 < mensi> banli, banro, banxa, banzu, ba'o, ba'oi, bapli, barda, bargu, barja, barkla, barli'a, barna, bartu, basna, basti, batci, 07:12 < mensi> batke, bau, ba'u, ba'ucu'i, ba'unai, bavmi, bavmyckafi, baxseljibri, baxso, be, be'a, bebna, be'e, bei, be'i, ... 07:12 < gleki> ru: 07:12 < mensi> 2850 da se tolcri: a, a'a, a'acu'i, a'anai, abu, a'e, a'enai, aftobuso, agmasto, ai, a'i, a'icu'i, aicu'i, ainai, a'inai, 07:12 < mensi> aitco, aitxero, akcoloti, akti, aleksandras, aleksandyr, alekSEIS, algoritma, alinas, alionas, alisas, alpaka, ambulance, 07:12 < mensi> amfora, amgidala, anas, anastasi,as, andREIS, angeli, angelinas, anste, anxodi, a'o, a'oi, a'onai, aptci, arda, arinas, 07:12 < mensi> arTIOM, arTUR, arxivo, arxokuna, asna, atcu, atkuila, au, a'u, a'ucu'i, aucu'i, aufklerunge, aunai, a'unai, ba, ba'a, 07:12 < mensi> ba'acu'i, ba'anai, ba'au, baba, baca'a, baca'o, bacru, badna, badri, ba'e, bai, ba'i, bajra, bakfu, bakma'i, bakni, 07:12 < mensi> baknrzebu, bakri, baktu, balji, balnema, ... 07:12 < gleki> f@: 07:12 < mensi> 2881 da se tolcri: a, a'a, a'acu'i, a'anai, abu, a'e, a'enai, ai, a'i, a'icu'i, aicu'i, ainai, a'inai, a'o, a'onai, au, 07:12 < mensi> a'u, a'ucu'i, aucu'i, aunai, a'unai, ba, ba'a, ba'acu'i, ba'anai, bacru, badna, badri, ba'e, bafcolkercrakre, bagyce'a, 07:12 < mensi> bai, ba'i, bajli'a, bajra, bakcange, bakfu, bakni, bakri, baktu, balcu'e, balji, balni, balre, balvi, bamvinji, bancu, 07:12 < mensi> bandu, banfi, bangu, banjikske, banli, banro, banxa, banzu, ba'ostu, bapli, bapu, barda, bargu, barja, barkla, barna, 07:12 < mensi> bartu, basna, basti, basygau, batci, batkakpa, batke, batkyci'a, bau, ba'u, ba'ucu'i, ba'urtadji, bauske, bavlamdei, 07:12 < mensi> bavmi, baxso, be, ... 07:12 < zipcpi> coi durka42 .i le bauspo fazykamni ru'i zukte sei zoizoi http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers zoi 07:12 < gleki> heh, french even exceeded russian. gleki needs to work harder but that wont happen anytime soon. 07:12 < durka42> coi oi 07:13 < gleki> coi oidai 07:14 < zipcpi> ro le do cmavo poi pu'i se snigau cu se ponse mi 07:14 < zipcpi> bu'a'a'a'a'a'a 07:14 < Ilmen> en: 19127, jbo: 3254, f@: 2881, ru: 2850, es: 2602, ja: 2444, eo: 1457 07:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 07:15 < zipcpi> durka42: I also invented a Lojban->English fu'ivla :p 07:15 < zipcpi> "spoff" 07:15 < durka42> oh? 07:15 < durka42> haha 07:15 < zipcpi> Definition: spofu ja spofygau 07:15 < durka42> I spoffed your window with a baseball, oohoo 07:15 < zipcpi> "I spoffed the computer" 07:15 < zipcpi> "The computer spoffed" 07:16 < Ilmen> ua 07:16 < e`ogan> Hm 19 127 words... that's not much to learn 07:16 < durka42> my response to that wiki page is basically that yes {va'e} is great and not enough people know about it 07:16 < durka42> s/know about it/use it regularly 07:16 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: my response to that wiki page is basically that yes {va'e} is great and not enough people use it regularly 07:19 < lablanu> ma smuni lo se tcaci 07:19 < lablanu> en: tcaci 07:19 < mensi> tcaci = x1 is a custom/habit/[ritual/rut] of x2 under conditions x3. |>>> Also: x1 is customary/usual/the practice. See 07:19 < mensi> also fadni, kampu, lakne, jinzi, ckaji, cnano, tarti, ritli, javni, zekri. |>>> officialdata 07:19 < durka42> lo smuni cu smuni 07:19 < zipcpi> "What is the meaning of.... those who have habits?" 07:20 < zipcpi> Also {kosmu} might be more to your liking 07:20 < durka42> except nobody will understand because it was invented yesterday 07:20 < zipcpi> lol 07:21 < zipcpi> Maybe so, but it's so useful 07:21 < zipcpi> No need to zi'o off pilno, finti, or zukte 07:22 * ctefaho cu cilce tolcanci 07:23 < lablanu> How could I translate "The habit of fucking characterizes humans"? 07:23 < durka42> lo nu ta'e gletu cu jinzi lo remna 07:23 < durka42> s/lo remna/lo'e remna 07:23 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: lo nu ta'e gletu cu jinzi lo'e remna 07:24 < gleki> jb: tcaci 07:24 < mensi> tcaci = tcaci — x1(property of x2) is a custom or habit of x2(entity) 07:24 < mensi> :lo tcaci — custom, habit. lo se tcaci — having a habit. 07:24 < mensi> :ra se ke xlali tcaci lo ka batci lo jgalu — He has a bad habit of biting his fingernails. 07:24 < mensi> :Related words: fadni, kampu, lakne, jinzi, ckaji, cnano, tarti, ritli, javni, zekri 07:24 < durka42> jbo:ta'e 07:24 < mensi> ta'e = [TAhE] fi'o jai ve'a tcaci 07:24 < durka42> ta'e => tcaci 07:24 < zipcpi> I'm not even the first one to have the idea; selpa'i mentioned it on his blog, and the gismu came from that mystery-IRC-bot (though ctefaho and I decided to reverse the places) 07:25 < durka42> yeah 07:25 < durka42> so it's consistent with all the other causation words except {jalge} 07:25 < zipcpi> Mhm 07:26 < durka42> I like your mnemonic "cosmic smuni" except it reinforces the mabla tendency I already had to pronounce it as "kazmu" 07:28 < zipcpi> lol 07:28 < ctefaho> aaand so we don't have to say "seko'au" 07:29 < zipcpi> My dialect makes it a lot closer to {kosmu} than {kazmu} 07:29 < zipcpi> I did define {seko'au} though 07:29 < ctefaho> syllable_countr--; 07:29 < zipcpi> It also has a useful meaning 07:29 < ctefaho> well yeah, but ko'au is a lot more useful iepei? 07:29 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 07:29 < zipcpi> Yeah 07:29 < durka42> en:ko'au 07:29 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 07:29 * ctefaho slaps mensi around a bit with a large trout 07:30 < ctefaho> hmm I need to jboify that script 07:30 < dutchie> ie 07:31 < gleki> where in vlasisku are the links to CLL? 07:31 < durka42> gleki: https://github.com/lojban/vlasisku/blob/master/vlasisku/data/cll.yml 07:31 <@xalbo> {kosmu} feels philosophically wrong to me. Events and objects generally do not have purpose, and when they do, there is a purposeful agent who should have a place there. 07:31 < gleki> wait i knew that 07:31 <@xalbo> Unless I'm completely missing the point. 07:32 <@xalbo> ma zo kosmu kosmu ba'e fi do 07:32 < gleki> cll:ba'e 07:32 < gleki> selmaho:bahe 07:32 < mensi> cmavo: ba'e, ba'ei, za'e, zai'e 07:33 < gleki> selmaho:ba'e 07:33 < mensi> .i lu ba'e li'u cmavo zo'oi BAhE 07:33 < mensi> http://lojban.github.io/cll/19/11/ 07:33 < gleki> indeed mensi was already familiar with those links 07:33 < ctefaho> xalbo, I think you are confusing purpose with volition 07:33 < durka42> mensi knows everything 07:34 < ctefaho> think/believe 07:34 <@xalbo> ctefaho: Is it possible to have the former without the latter? 07:34 < gleki> so it's about selmaho, not about cmavo 07:34 < durka42> guess so 07:35 < ctefaho> I think you can have volition with a cause just as much as a purpose 07:35 < zipcpi> xalbo: It's teleological 07:35 < durka42> .w teleological 07:35 < phenny> "A teleology is an account of a given thing's purpose." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleological 07:35 < durka42> lol 07:35 < zipcpi> All it does is assign a "purpose" to an "object/event" 07:36 < zipcpi> It doesn't imply lo pilno, lo zukte, or lo finti 07:36 < ctefaho> "I will kill you because you ate my cat" vs "I will kill you so you won't eat cats anymore" 07:36 < zipcpi> The latter technically could be {tezu'e} 07:36 < ctefaho> one is with purpose, one is with cause, both are volition 07:37 < zipcpi> First one is {ki'u} 07:37 < durka42> both of those seem like definitely {zukte} 07:37 * ctefaho thinks of zukte-3 as ko'au anyway 07:37 * ctefaho runs 07:37 * ctefaho si cu sutra bajra 07:37 < durka42> not really since zukte3 comes from zukte1's mind 07:38 <@xalbo> Huh, reading the wikipedia article on teleology makes me basically say "All these famous philosophers are complete morons. How could anyone be so stupid?" 07:38 < ctefaho> .u'isai 07:39 < durka42> yep, sounds like a lojbanist 07:39 < ctefaho> .u'icai 07:39 <@xalbo> So more likely I just don't understand. But it feels so *obviously* wrong. 07:40 < zipcpi> Look... "Why do we exist?" Depending on your beliefs, {tefi'i} / {ki'u} may or may not be acceptable, but {tezu'e} and {tepi'o} obviously isn't 07:40 <@xalbo> If I kill you so that you don't eat cats, the purpose is *mine*. *I* am the one with the purpose there. I'm saying that {kosmu} lacks a place for that. 07:40 < ctefaho> it is the purpose of the action of killing 07:40 < durka42> I'm definitely with xalbo on the cat example 07:41 < durka42> some of the other examples in the wikipedia article make sense to me for {kosmu}, I think 07:41 < ctefaho> well think about it some more 07:41 < durka42> like aristotle's thing about the {kosmu} of an acorn 07:41 < ctefaho> i really don't know how else to explain it 07:41 <@xalbo> I feel that it is a feature of Lojban, not a bug, that it dissolves the question "Why do we exist?" into separate questions, instead of conflating them all together. 07:41 < durka42> it's like a tersmu 07:42 < zipcpi> But then that would force me to frame a question in a way that only makes sense based on your beliefs 07:42 < durka42> are you going for a "larger purpose" of the killing? 07:42 < durka42> like, God told you to kill me? 07:42 < durka42> but then there is still a terkosmu 07:42 < durka42> you kill me because *you* want me to stop eating cats 07:43 < zipcpi> I don't agree with the cat example either 07:43 < ctefaho> I guess it is because I think in Core-Cases and you do not 07:43 < durka42> hmm 07:43 < ctefaho> I have since long nuked zukte-3 from my mind 07:43 < durka42> what's a Core Case 07:43 <@xalbo> "Do you mean what state of affairs led to us being here? Or do you mean for what purpose were we intended, and if so, who do you claim was doing the intending? Or do you mean what goals should we set for ourselves?" 07:43 < ctefaho> durka42: A concept of mine to seperate what belongs in FA and what belongs in BAI 07:43 < zipcpi> {ri'a} is not {ko'au} 07:44 < ctefaho> ri'a is before an act, ko'au is after 07:44 < zipcpi> kosmu isn't meant to replace rinka 07:44 <@xalbo> No, but both are paraphrases of "Why do we exist?" 07:44 < zipcpi> Well, OK. "For what purpose do we exist?" 07:45 < durka42> I think lablanu answered that a while ago :p 07:45 < gleki> please send me an email when you answer that question 07:45 < lablanu> How did I do that? 07:46 < zipcpi> Does a purpose *need* an agentive place? Is it dependent on there being a user (pilno), an active agent (zukte), or to be the intention of a creator (finti)? 07:46 <@xalbo> Again, I think that question presupposes an intentional agent. Purpose exists in the mind of someone or something that intend a particular purpose, it doesn't attach to something on its own. 07:46 < durka42> yeah 07:46 <@xalbo> How can something have a purpose *without* an agent? Does purpose just come out of nowhere? 07:46 < lablanu> Nvm, I rember 07:47 < zipcpi> OK... so you're saying it's {tezu'e}; but {zukte} implies that an agent is doing it. 07:47 < zipcpi> Or going to do it, or has done it 07:47 < zipcpi> All questions that often aren't useful 07:47 <@xalbo> "This rock was clearly intended for me to use to hit you with. But not intended *by* someone, it just has an intrinsic purpose of being used to hit you. Sucks to be on the seldarxi side of fate, dude." 07:47 < durka42> aristotle's acorn example is more interesting to me 07:47 < durka42> there's no obvious volitional agent 07:48 < lablanu> Separate intended purpose and actual purpose. 07:48 < durka42> on the other hand {rinka} and {jalge} are quite adequate to describe the lifecycle of an oak tree 07:49 <@xalbo> The acorn example is an interesting one. 07:50 < durka42> lablanu: what's "actual"? who decides? :p 07:50 < lablanu> Time. 07:51 <@xalbo> That's not purpose, that's {jalge}. Unless you have the arrow of causation backwards, and are arguing that things have a purpose whatever they end up doing, in which case that seems pretty circular. 07:52 < afurrow> the acorn shows the same basic misunderstanding of evolution that people persist in making 07:52 < afurrow> it doesn't have a purpose, but it looks like something that would happen with a purpose 07:52 < durka42> congratulations! you have invented religion 07:53 < afurrow> exactly. Religion is the missing agent in "intrinsic purpose" 07:54 < latro`a_> it seems that it needn't have an agent that's actually there 07:55 < latro`a_> but it needs to have an agent that decides that this thing that the object does is its "purpose", whether that agent is a participation in the activity or not 07:55 < durka42> like a tersmu 07:55 < zipcpi> That's {ma'i} 07:55 < latro`a_> as already pointed out, if you follow an abrahamic faith (for example), this agent could always be God 07:56 < latro`a_> s/participation/participant 07:56 < phenny> latro`a_ meant to say: but it needs to have an agent that decides that this thing that the object does is its "purpose", whether that agent is a participant in the activity or not 07:56 < latro`a_> oh, that's a bot 07:56 < latro`a_> I was confused for a moment 07:56 < lablanu1> Purpose is attributed. 07:57 < latro`a_> that's a short way of saying what I said 07:57 < latro`a_> I think 07:57 < lablanu1> fi'i 07:58 < zipcpi> By the way I'm Christian, so I would have no objections to {te finti}. But in a more down-to-earth way, something can gain a "purpose" beyond the intention of its creators 07:58 < latro`a_> sure, this is what I mean, some sort of attributor is required, but the attributor needn't be a user, or a creator, or ... 07:58 * ctefaho is a Satanist 07:58 < ctefaho> Fight? 07:58 < latro`a_> and the attributor needn't be infallible, as te smuni shows 07:59 < zipcpi> So you want a te smuni that's basically just {ma'i}? 07:59 < zipcpi> *te kosmu 08:00 < latro`a_> it's more specific than ma'i; the type that goes in ma'i has never been very clear to me anyway 08:00 < zipcpi> Heh... 08:01 < latro`a_> in watching the formation of this word, I'm trying to fathom how one would teach it to a child without actively starting a lesson 08:01 < latro`a_> because the vast majority of the time in the real world, you would want the specific word 08:01 < latro`a_> or at least the more specific word than this one 08:01 < zipcpi> The problem is that even 08:01 < zipcpi> "What is this calculator for?" 08:01 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Can you give an example of something that gains a purpose beyond the intention of its creators, but where there isn't a person (or other intentional agent) attributing that purpose to it? 08:02 < zipcpi> xalbo: Well if you really want a ma'i-like "attributor" in x3 I suppose that won't be too damaging 08:03 < latro`a_> I must stress the word "attribute" here; it's dangerous when we keep saying "intentional agent" to assume that the object to which the purpose is attributed cu jai te zukte 08:03 < zipcpi> But even "What is this calculator for?" - {terpli} still implies someone is using it 08:03 <@xalbo> "x3 attributes purpose x1 to object/event x2" 08:03 < latro`a_> and now we're back to the tense problem 08:03 < gleki> so strange. xalbo and latro'a discussing again philosophical issues. like many years ago zo'oru'e 08:04 < durka42> zipcpi: indeed what is a calculator for if noone is using it? 08:04 < latro`a_> sorry, the *placed* tense problem, that we were talking about yesterday 08:04 <@xalbo> "What is this calculator for?" is (at least) two distinct questions: "What did the people who created this calculator intend it to be used for?" and "Why would I want to use this calculator?" 08:04 < zipcpi> The problem is that {terpli} implies too much. Sure it might not be {ca'a se pilno} now, but it is still too heavily implied 08:05 < latro`a_> if all humans get teraflop arithmetic chips inserted into their skulls at birth, does a calculator have a purpose? 08:05 < gleki> jbo: akti 08:05 < mensi> akti = x1 ca'a zilpilno x2 |>>> ko catlu fe ji'a zo pilno |>>> gleki 08:05 < latro`a_> (my version of the "tree falls" story) 08:05 < zipcpi> ... I don't think akti is best defined by zi'o 08:05 < zipcpi> In fact probably nothing is best defined by zi'o 08:06 < latro`a_> zil- can be sharply defined, though 08:06 <@xalbo> I'd definitely say that defining something based on a *lujvo* with {zi'o} is a shitty idea. 08:06 < latro`a_> if we want 08:06 < latro`a_> but yes, that seems like a shorthand, not a true definition 08:06 < latro`a_> sorry, zilBRIVLA can be sharply defined 08:06 < zipcpi> zilpilno isn't defined 08:07 < latro`a_> zil- itself cannot, which is part of the point 08:07 <@xalbo> It's far from immediately obvious to me what place is {zi'o}'d out in {zilpilno} 08:07 <@xalbo> I'm guessing in this case it's p2, but how would I know that without already knowing the kosmu of {akti}? 08:08 < latro`a_> x1 in this case; that's supposedly the default 08:08 < latro`a_> but then that's a convention 08:08 < latro`a_> that hasn't been codified 08:08 < latro`a_> it's "achieving its use" without anyone using it 08:09 < latro`a_> (personally I'm OK with zil being tied to x1, but the actual semantics of the new brivla should be made precise if you're going to make a lujvo) 08:09 < zipcpi> But fine then I'll add the te kosmu just to keep you guys happy; at least until someone formalizes ma'i 08:09 < latro`a_> (the semantics of {broda be zi'o} are not precise) 08:09 < latro`a_> (intentionally) 08:10 < zipcpi> mo'u stika 08:12 * nuzba @cogas_uasanbon: I failed to correct {relxilma'e} in Japanese (http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/relxilma'e). mi na ka'e dragau zo relxilma'e #jbovlaste #lojban [http://bit.ly/1BsuIHS] 08:12 < zipcpi> At least a rarely-used x3 place can never be as problematic as zi'o-ing the agent-place of pilno, finti, or zukte 08:26 < lablanu1> How to say "X does Y in the same way as Z"? 08:26 < durka42> lablanu1: simsa or dunli 08:28 < lablanu1> I'm trying to translate "I define God in the same way as Aristotle". 08:29 < lablanu1> xu lu mi simsa la .aristotlis lo ka tamgau lo cevni li'u drani 08:29 < durka42> en:tamgau 08:29 < mensi> tamgau [< tarmi gasnu ≈ Shape do] = g1 defines t2 into form t1. 08:29 < durka42> ie 08:29 < durka42> {ka ce'u tamgau lo cevni makau} to be explicit 08:30 <@xalbo> I would think the tamgau2 would be either {lo ka cevni} or {zo cevni} or something, but I don't entirely understand {tamgau}. 08:30 < lablanu1> Could anyone explain {ce'u} to me? 08:31 < zipcpi> The pronoun that indicates the focus of the {ka} abstraction 08:31 <@xalbo> But it doesn't seem like you're actually taking a particular cevni and then altering it. You're altering what it is you consider to be sufficient to satisfy cevni1, no? 08:32 < durka42> lablanu1: in this case, {ce'u} gets "filled in" with dunli1 and dunli2, like {mi tamgau lo cevni} and {la .aristotl. cu tamgau lo cevni} 08:32 < lablanu1> Yup. I am defining God, after all. 08:32 < zipcpi> {lo ka ce'u vecnu} = The property of being a seller / "seller-ness" 08:33 < zipcpi> {lo ka vecnu ce'u} = The property of being sold / "sold-ness" 08:33 < zipcpi> {ce'u} is usually assumed to fill the first empty spot if omitted 08:34 < lablanu1> Oh, so {ce'u} marks what is in the abstraction place. 08:34 < durka42> yes 08:34 < lablanu1> I think I finally got it. 08:36 < lablanu1> lo xekri prenu pu ckaji lo ka vecnu ce'u 08:36 < lablanu1> xu mi drani 08:40 < durka42> drani 08:41 < lablanu1> uu 08:41 < zipcpi> Though there are gismu for "white/black skinned"; though I don't know what their status is 08:41 < zipcpi> Can't recall them off the top of my head 08:42 < lablanu1> How to translate "should"? 08:42 < zipcpi> Should has many meanings 08:43 < lablanu1> About "black/white skinned", {masku} and {kalpi} 08:43 < lablanu1> Both experimental 08:43 < zipcpi> Right, I didn't pay attention to their experimentalness 08:45 < zipcpi> Some "experimental" words are more experimental than others though 08:45 < zipcpi> Like {kanpe}, {xa'o}, and {ja'ai} might as well be considered part of the core language 08:45 < lablanu1> uesai 08:46 < lablanu1> ie 08:46 < lablanu1> I mean the "x1 should do x2 in order to achieve state x3" meaning of "should" 08:47 < zipcpi> Hm there is {bilga} but the place structure doesn't quite match. I think your place matches {nitcu} better 08:47 < lablanu1> Although "x1 should do x2 according to social rules x3" would also be good to know. 08:48 < zipcpi> Yeah, first is nitcu, second is bilga 08:49 < lablanu1> So, obligation and necessity. 08:54 < lablanu1> Does jukpa2 have to be food? Could it be drink? 08:55 < durka42> seems like it could be drink 08:55 < zipcpi> ctefaho: You really do have to be careful about deleting places in your sublanguage. Just because a BAI could *roughly* fit in, doesn't mean it actually fits. Like even me, who likes {kosmu} so much, really doesn't think {ko'au} is an adequate replacement for {tezu'e} 08:55 < lablanu1> Using "drink" like that might imply that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is true. 08:56 < zipcpi> They are near-synonyms, but not full-synonyms 08:56 < zipcpi> But go ahead and do what you want to {te batke} 08:57 < lablanu1> How to express the amount of necessity? 08:59 < lablanu1> I know about {lo ni nitcu}, but how to use it in a sentence in an understandable way(all places filled). 09:02 < lablanu> en: nitcu 09:02 < mensi> nitcu = x1 needs/requires/is dependent on/[wants] necessity x2 for purpose/action/stage of process x3. |>>> No 09:02 < mensi> implication of lack. See also banzu, cidja, claxu, pindi, xebni, sarcu, lacri, djica, taske, xagji. |>>> 09:02 < mensi> officialdata 09:02 < zipcpi> Hmm... what sentence do you want to use it in? 09:03 < lablanu> "I need water to brew tea." 09:05 <@xalbo> {mi nitcu tu'a lo djacu lo nu jukpa lo tcati} makes sense to me; I don't see where amount of necessity enters into it. 09:06 < lablanu> I don't agree that {lo nitcu be da cu djica lo nu ponse da} 09:07 <@xalbo> I didn't claim that. 09:08 < lablanu> That was a comment on officialdata. 09:08 < gleki> pls someone ask cogas in Twitter why he failed to correct a japanese def in JVS. was that a technical error? 09:09 <@xalbo> "[wants]" there is in [brackets] as something of a warning. That's not the typical meaning of "want" as {djica}, that's the rather archaic meaning as {claxu}. 09:10 < lablanu> What form does nitcu2 need to be in? 09:12 <@xalbo> I'm not certain; a {nu} abstraction feels right to me, but that's why I cheated and used {tu'a} :) 09:13 <@xalbo> .i mi nitcu lo nu mi ponse lo djacu vau lo nu jukpa lo tcati 09:13 < gleki> jb: nitcu 09:13 < mensi> nitcu = nitcu — x1(entity) needs x2(clause, property of x1) for purpose x3(property of x1) 09:13 < mensi> :mi nitcu lo ka volve lo zdani vau lo ka cpacu lo ckiku — I need to return home to get the keys. 09:13 < mensi> :Related words: banzu, cidja, claxu, pindi, xebni, sarcu, lacri, djica, taske, xagji 09:15 <@xalbo> "This want of tools made every work I did go on heavily..." (from Robinson Crusoe, as an example of the meaning of "want" in the def'n of {nitcu}) 09:15 < lablanu> Does your sentence imply the person wants to brew tea? 09:15 <@xalbo> Not at all. 09:15 < lablanu> But do people automatically assume that? 09:17 <@xalbo> Do you assume that from "I need water to make tea"? It's very much the same thing. 09:17 < lablanu> So in order to be clear, I have to explicitly express if and/or how much I want to brew tea? 09:20 < lablanu> To me, there are at least two ways of interpreting that. One is like "I want to make tea. I need water to make tea." and the other is like "I need water to make tea(if I ever want to make tea).". 09:21 <@xalbo> I think the Lojban permits both meanings. 09:21 < lablanu> For the same word? 09:23 <@xalbo> It's probably more the latter, with pragmatics saying that if you're pointing out that need now, it's probably for a reason (ie, you're intending to make tea now). 09:24 < lablanu> Oh, so you could just express the time of necessity to change the context? 09:26 * nuzba @cogas_uasanbon: マア確かに「そんな気がする」ってのは {pe'i}で代用してた節はあるので、結構使えるかもしれないが、いやはやしかし http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/jei'u [http://bit.ly/1Gnc8N9] 09:28 < lablanu> e.g. {mi ca nitcu tu'a lo djacu fi lo nu jukpa lo tcati} ~ "I need water(now) in order to make tea and I intend to make tea." 09:28 < lablanu> and {mi nitcu tu'a lo djacu fi lo nu jukpa lo tcati} ~ "I need water if I want to make tea." 09:29 <@xalbo> I'm not sure. 09:30 < lablanu> I just don't like multiple meanings that have too dissimilar implications. 09:31 < lablanu> And what happens when I omit nitcu3? {mi nitcu tu'a lo djacu} vs. {mi ca nitcu tu'a lo djacu} 09:31 < ldlework> I'm going with xalbo that there probably doesn't need to be an explicit secondary semantic inherent in the speech 09:32 < ldlework> And that it's up to pragmatics 09:32 < ldlework> The only thing that it asserts is that you need water to make tea. 09:32 < ldlework> It doesn't contain more information than that. So what sense should be used for interpretation comes down to context and other effects. 09:33 < gleki> mi nitcu lo djacu lo nu ai jukpa lo tcati 09:33 < dutchie> ie 09:33 < lablanu> *slow clap* 09:33 < gleki> i lo djacu cu jai sarcu lo nu jukpa lo tcati 09:50 < lablanu> Still it might be a slight paradigm shift. Stereotypes don't go away easily. 09:51 < ldlework> what is? 10:31 < BaalTondral> hey 10:31 < BaalTondral> so I watched ldlework's intro video 10:31 < BaalTondral> it's nice :) 10:33 < ldlework> BaalTondral: thanks. 10:33 < ldlework> BaalTondral: if you ever want some direct lessons let me know 10:41 * nuzba @uitki: zipcpi: Yet another gadri article - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1QGKO7O] 10:47 < hamnox> what forms are relevant to answering questions? 10:48 < Ilmen> hamnox; Either a complete sentence, or saying only the requested information 10:49 < hamnox> Idlework asked a xu, I wanted to say 'yes, your statement is correct' but couldn't remember if there was a way to do that 10:49 < hamnox> succintly, i mean 10:49 < Ilmen> For example, {ma cikna} ("Who is awake?") can be answered by {la .djan.} ("John") alone, or by a complete sentence, {la .djan. cu sipna} 10:50 < Ilmen> hamnox: Yes/no question can be answered with {go'i}, {na go'i} or {ja'a go'i} 10:51 < Ilmen> You can also say {jetnu} ("true") or {jitfa} ("false"), or use {je'u} or {je'u nai} 10:52 < Ilmen> {go'i} repeats the previous sentence, so replying {go'i} to a yes/no question is just like repeating the previous sentences as an assertion 10:53 < hamnox> sweet! 10:54 < Ilmen> hamnox: The English "Yes." is {ja'a go'i}, and the English "No." is {na go'i} 11:14 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK To-Do - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_To-Do by Cirko - skari2 [http://bit.ly/1ChV5LD] 11:16 < Zluglu> coi 11:17 < Zluglu> how would you translate the concept of Olifantenpaadjes / desire path? 11:27 < niftg> (mi ca'o tcidu fi lo prosa be la'oi desire-path ku pe la'oi Wikipedia) 11:32 < niftg> .u'i .ua .uenai so'i tanru cu ka'e se smuni la'oi Olifantenpaajes 11:35 < beilu> Um... may I ask a question about basic Lojban grammar? Or should I ask in #skule? 11:35 < beilu> ckule* 11:36 < dutchie> either is fine 11:36 < dutchie> here is probably better as something of an argument is raging in #ckule 11:37 < beilu> A couple people are arguing about pragmatics in ckule so I'd rather not but in right now 11:37 < ctefaho> you can but in here 11:37 < beilu> I'm wondering of the exact different between "cu" and "ku" 11:37 < beilu> I read a few wave lessons and then read the crash course 11:38 < beilu> and when introducing turning words into nouns, one used "ku" and the other used "cu" 11:38 < beilu> Is there an important different? 11:38 < dutchie> there is 11:38 < beilu> difference*, excuse me 11:38 < dutchie> {ku} is a terminator corresponding to {la}, {le}, {lo} and similar words 11:39 < dutchie> {cu} is a separator that flags that the main selbri (~= verb) is coming up 11:39 < Ilmen> Zluglu: Maybe nunguklu'a 11:39 < Ilmen> "erosion path" 11:39 < beilu> Oh, I see. So I should always use "cu" before the main selbri 11:39 < dutchie> that's the usual way of doing it 11:39 < dutchie> but {lo nanmu ku klama} is still right 11:40 < dutchie> it's just that {cu} is more flexible so tends to be used more often 11:40 < dutchie> exp: lo nanmu ku klama 11:40 < mensi> ([lo nanmu ku] [CU {klama VAU}]) 11:40 < Ilmen> Zluglu: or dzuguklu'a (cadzu guska pluta, walk erosion path) 11:40 < dutchie> exp: lo nanmu cu klama 11:40 < mensi> ([lo nanmu KU] [cu {klama VAU}]) 11:40 < beilu> I see. Thank you. I'll probably understand the difference with more practice as well 11:40 < dutchie> both are inserted conceptually, but only one is necessary 11:40 < dutchie> which one you miss out is up to the speaker 11:41 < Ilmen> beilu: In actual practice, "cu" is used much more often because it's more convenient 11:41 < Ilmen> Sometimes a single "cu" suffice where you would need two "ku" or other terminators 11:41 < Ilmen> *suffices 11:42 < Ilmen> However, there are cases where "ku" is necessary but "cu" cannot be used 11:42 < Ilmen> (especially within a tanru) 11:43 < niftg> .i'e zo dzuguklu'a 11:43 < beilu> Oh, okay. I'm still trying to get used to the grammar a bit, so I don't understand it all but thanks for clearing it up more 11:44 < beilu> Do you think crash course is a better start than the wave lessons? 11:44 < ctefaho> "cu" can also be thought of as specifying a sub-sentence/clause when you use them with "and/or/etc" 11:45 < ctefaho> but if there is only one "cu" around there is only one main sentence 11:49 < dutchie> en:xi 11:49 < mensi> xi = [XI] subscript; attaches a number of letteral string following as a subscript onto grammar structures. 11:49 < dutchie> ^^ should that not be "number or letteral" 11:49 < beilu> wow they're still arguing 11:50 < dutchie> and if so, how can i fix it? can i just register on jvs and change it? 12:01 < niftg> la'a a record of the officialdata ji'a can be changed by any user .i ku'i mi na zanru sei stace 12:05 < ctefaho> beilu: yeah over and over 12:05 < ctefaho> welcome to lojban 12:07 < beilu> thanks. If I wasn't as interested in learning the language as I am, I might have reconsidered learning it now. 12:07 < beilu> I'm thinking back to that xkcd comic 12:07 < ctefaho> naaaaaaaaah there are not *just* endless debates;) 12:07 < ctefaho> which one? 12:08 < beilu> The Lojban one of course 12:09 < ctefaho> yeah, well, I meant link? 12:09 < beilu> Oh, sorry 12:09 < beilu> here: https://xkcd.com/191/ 12:09 < ctefaho> ki'e 12:10 < ctefaho> (=Thanks) 12:10 < beilu> I have my dictionary tab up haha 12:11 < beilu> Though I don't know the proper response to ki'e. Is there one? 12:11 < ctefaho> god its broken lojban 12:11 < dutchie> beilu: je'e 12:11 < beilu> ki'e 12:11 < dutchie> which means "received and understood" 12:12 < beilu> That's pretty neat 12:12 < dutchie> so can be applied not just to {ki'e} 12:12 < ctefaho> {zo'o ta jitfa .i .e'o xu do pendo mi} 12:12 < ctefaho> lol well I get it 12:12 < ctefaho> the zo'o is because he uses ta 12:12 < ctefaho> for jitfa 12:13 < dutchie> beilu: note the response is *not* {fi'i} ("welcome") which is to be used only for actually welcoming someone somewhere 12:14 < ctefaho> fi'i is like saying "Hospitality to you!" 12:14 < beilu> dutchie: Yeah, I would imagine it wouldn't be considering that depending on the language, the response to "thank you" is different. 12:16 < beilu> there should be a Lojban debate channel, since all that arguing in ckule seems like it should be disallowed 12:16 < dutchie> i mostly only mentioned it to show off another fun lojban vocative : 12:16 < dutchie> :) 12:17 < dutchie> in theory they should be arguing in here and you should be asking your questions in #ckule 12:17 < dutchie> but sadly this is the internet sometimes 12:17 < beilu> "sometimes" 12:18 < beilu> That reminds me: I have another question 12:19 < beilu> Lojban vocabulary is really difficult for me to memorise especially considering that there isn't a lot of Lojban audio floating around 12:19 < dutchie> i choose to remain optimistic and to hope that at times it is a positive place 12:20 < beilu> How did you go about learning words? 12:20 < zipcpi> ... I apologize 12:20 < beilu> zipcpi: it's all your fault 12:20 < zipcpi> lol 12:20 < beilu> just nod 12:21 < dutchie> beilu: personally i have an anki deck that i add new words to as i encounter them 12:21 < dutchie> http://ankisrs.net/ 12:21 < beilu> Oh, I forgot about anki 12:21 < beilu> I used that for Japanese, it's pretty great 12:22 < beilu> Perhaps I could record myself and use the recording to help me remember the words. I don't memorise well just visually. 13:44 < zipcpi> OK sorry everyone; we're moving that crazy discussion from #ckule to here 13:45 < zipcpi> Now #ckule can be used for it's proper purpose :p 13:46 < zipcpi> ldlework: "the readers and commentors of the book" ; well, that's what jo'au gadganzu {le'e} is meant to solve 13:46 < Ilmen> So the discussion raged for over two hours without a break? 13:46 < Ilmen> o_O 13:46 < zipcpi> Actually we changed topics 13:47 < zipcpi> But it still was a continuous convo 13:47 < zipcpi> All about rather un-#ckule-like topics 13:48 < zipcpi> ldlework: You can use {ra} at the cost of some ambiguity 13:48 < ldlework> zipcpi: no I haven't mentioned them 13:49 < ldlework> le'e isn't relevant at all 13:49 < ldlework> if you mean the readers and commentors 13:49 < ldlework> oh you mean the book 13:49 < zipcpi> I meant "of that book" 13:49 < ldlework> so you're suggesting to use ra twice 13:49 < zipcpi> ... no 13:49 < ldlework> then it doesn't solve anything 13:49 < zipcpi> What are you trying to simplify here? 13:50 < ldlework> my annoyance is having to be-fill two selbri that use the same x2 argument 13:50 < zipcpi> .i si'u ji'a re lo mi ctuca po'u la'o gy. J. L. Austin gy. je la'o gy. P. F. Strawson gy. le se cutka cu mutce se xamgu lo certu se stidi be so'i tcidu je te pinka be le'e se cukta 13:50 < zipcpi> Hmm... let me think 13:50 < ldlework> that only fills pinka2 13:50 < ldlework> "The readers and those who commented on the book." 13:50 < zipcpi> Oh your tanru {tcidu je te pinka} 13:51 < zipcpi> Yeah I can see how that might be problematic 13:51 < ldlework> exp: tcidu je te pinka 13:51 < mensi> (CU [tcidu {je <te pinka>}] VAU) 13:51 < ldlework> wait wtf 13:51 < ldlework> does it create a tanru? 13:51 < zipcpi> It's technically a tanru 13:51 < ldlework> u'e 13:51 < ldlework> then... I guess... technically one be is fine o_O 13:51 < Ilmen> Use gi'e or jecu in order to avoid tanru 13:52 < ldlework> Ilmen: but then you have to fill x2 with the same sumti anyway 13:52 < ldlework> if anything tanru allows us to specify it once and just depends on pragmatics 13:52 < ldlework> which isn't the worst thing 13:52 < ldlework> since its probably obvious 13:52 < Ilmen> fa X fe Y broda gi'e brode --- here, X and Y are shared 13:52 <@xalbo> The downside of unifying all the connectives. People then get surprised when the "tanru-internal" conenctives are actually tanru-internal. 13:52 < ldlework> o.O 13:52 < zipcpi> OK what I think he meant to say is... 13:52 <@xalbo> en:je 13:52 < mensi> je = [JA] logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought and. 13:52 < ldlework> xalbo: the not-tanru-internal doesn't fix the problem... 13:52 < ldlework> so.... no 13:53 < zipcpi> so'i tcidu be le'e se cukta jo'u so'i te pinka be sebu 13:54 < zipcpi> E 13:54 < zipcpi> so'i tcidu be le'e se cukta *be'o* jo'u so'i te pinka be sebu 13:54 < Ilmen> sebu ki'a 13:55 < zipcpi> Err... is {cy} the usual way for to lerfu-pronoun {le'e se cukta}? 13:55 < zipcpi> By the way this is jo'au gadganzu zo le'e, if you're wondering 13:55 < Ilmen> Maybe. I don't use lerfu back-reference pronouns 13:56 < zipcpi> That makes our little problem even more complicated then :p 13:56 <@xalbo> le se cukta goi da so'i de poi tcidu gi'a te pinka vau da zo'u de da mutce xamgu 13:56 < zipcpi> goi da? 13:56 <@xalbo> I just made that up. It may be a horrible idea. 13:57 <@xalbo> A way of binding to a KOhA that has scope only over the current sentence. 13:57 < Ilmen> You can use poi'i to bind to ke'a 13:58 < Ilmen> well here that doesn't work well as there's a poi 14:00 < Ilmen> You can use {da po'u le se cukta} 14:00 < zipcpi> So you actually meant "those that read and commented on that book"? 14:00 < AbAeterno> There are two ways to fix the {be} double filling problem: 1) Using {ke ... ke'e}: {lo ke broda ja brode ke'e be ko'a}. 2) Anything that creates a sub-bridi, e.g. {poi'i} (or NOI): {lo poi'i broda ja brode ko'a} gives you a sumti that refers to the things that broda'd or brode'd ko'a, or both. In both cases, make sure to account for De Morgan. 14:01 < zipcpi> read the book, and commented on that book 14:01 < zipcpi> Then your sentence is *probably* fine, and I just misread it 14:02 < AbAeterno> Also note that {broda je brode be ko'a} only puts {ko'a} in brode2, not in broda1, because{be} has precedence. 14:02 < zipcpi> Oh... 14:02 < zipcpi> ua 14:03 < zipcpi> Well my 'mistake' was just attaching {be} to the last word too strongly, but turns out that is actually how it's defined 14:03 < Ilmen> camxes: broda je brode be da 14:03 < camxes> ([broda {je <brode (¹be da BEhO¹)>}] VAU) 14:03 < Ilmen> You could have asked Camxes. 14:03 < Ilmen> :) 14:03 < zipcpi> lol 14:04 <@xalbo> {da po'u} is nice. I may have to use that more often. 14:06 * nuzba @selpahi: ia bu'o la .itku'ile lo rarbau cu dunli ba'ucu'i .i go'i fi su'anai lo ka lo remna ka'e se bangu .i sa'u ko na mo'icli lo gredile | #lojban [http://bit.ly/1Ciez31] 14:07 < Ilmen> .u'i 14:07 < Ilmen> ŭa nai ki'u ma koinde lo ka na mo'icli 14:07 < ldlework> ke ke'e seems heavy handed but makes sense 14:07 < Ilmen> *koinde fi 14:10 < Ilmen> I wonder if it would be possible and desirable to have ke-less ke'e 14:10 < zipcpi> I don't think it would break anything? 14:11 < zipcpi> ke ke'e only has scope within the tanru 14:11 < Ilmen> camxes: broda .i je ke brode 14:11 < camxes> ([broda VAU] [i je {ke brode KEhE} VAU]) 14:12 < Ilmen> camxes: broda .i je ke mi brode 14:12 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 14:12 < Ilmen> ju'i nai 14:20 < niftg> du'u lo gredile pe lo itku'ile cu mokau .a'u .i to'u {lo ki'a gredile} 14:32 < Ilmen> lo vlaspi gredile .i lo nu creze'a tu'a lo .itku'ile cu se sarcu lo nu mo'icli lo so'o barda ke valsi pagbu ke'e gredile 14:43 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/u'ene'e 14:43 < zipcpi> Essentially, taking Curtis's idea for {uau nai} 14:44 < zipcpi> And forcing it on {u'e} without having to reassign {u'enai} 14:44 < zipcpi> Downside is that this would make the only attitudinal cluster to use {ne'e} 14:46 < niftg> lo itku'ile cu rafsi bangu vau xu se'o ju'ocu'i 14:47 < zipcpi> mi djuno so'usai da pe lo itku'ilybau 14:48 < niftg> fau'u nu'orju'o 14:49 < zipcpi> Ilmen: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/u'ene'e 14:49 < zipcpi> <zipcpi> Essentially, taking Curtis's idea for {uau nai} 14:49 < zipcpi> <zipcpi> And forcing it on {u'e} without having to reassign {u'enai} 14:49 < zipcpi> <zipcpi> Downside is that this would make the only attitudinal cluster to use {ne'e} 14:49 < durka42> coi 14:49 < zipcpi> coi 14:51 < e`ogan> coi 16:04 < zipcpi> Hmm... I'm beginning to think that the KOhA2 to mean "this entire document/text" may be useful. The only problem is that it'd be so rarely used outside of formal texts 16:04 < zipcpi> {dei'ei}? 16:05 < durka42> staaaahp 16:05 < zipcpi> lol 16:05 < durka42> can you even remember all the cmavo you've invented this week 16:05 < zipcpi> lol 16:05 < zipcpi> I'm beginning to be Curtis x.x 16:08 < zipcpi> I just can't help myself though; like even the scalar modifier thingy was due to bouncing ideas off of Gleki and ctefa'o 16:10 < ctefaho> how about writing them new cmavo ideas down on paper and see if they still seem as good ideas after one week? 16:10 < zipcpi> The thing is that I only half seriously suggested the scalar modifier system 16:11 < zipcpi> But then the ideas just kept getting bounced around 16:11 < zipcpi> And {zai'e/zi'ai} in particular is a very ooooooold idea 16:12 < zipcpi> Though my first iteration was just to suggest giving a rafsi to {za'e} 16:13 < ctefaho> as for me I just realized what inalienable possession really means... 16:14 < ctefaho> there is like a mental shockwave going on right now 16:14 < ctefaho> this helps Sumtcita'a so much 16:14 < ctefaho> aaaaaand I got a cat in my face again 16:14 < ctefaho> too cute too close 16:16 < zipcpi> And {ze'oi} is just... yeah, really needed to stem the tide of nonce-zei-tanru 16:18 * ctefaho hugs zo po'e so hard it bleeds semantics 16:18 < zipcpi> Unfortunately it's not a sumtcita 16:20 < zipcpi> Anyway I think {xo'onai} is usable for {sei stace}; even though it's not really to'e me'oi sarcastic, I'm not sure why one would need "dishonestly..." as a discursive 16:20 < zipcpi> Liars aren't usually that honest :p 16:22 < zipcpi> xo'onai isn't defined as a cluster though... 16:22 < zipcpi> only mentioned as part of the definition of xo'o 16:23 < ctefaho> ko define det 16:23 < zipcpi> det? 16:23 < ctefaho> swedish for "it" 16:25 < ctefaho> Lojenska 16:27 < ctefaho> ska for swedish Svenska 16:27 < zipcpi> OK I have to go. co'o 16:28 < zipcpi> {xo'onai} defined now 16:28 < zipcpi> And appropriate gloss words added 16:28 * ctefaho is going to start using po'e for everything and nothing will make me stop 16:32 < e`ogan> .i zoi gy. <good luck> gy. xe fanva ma la lojban 16:32 < ctefaho> is {lo mi pendo} equivalent to {lo pendo pe mi} or {lo pendo ne mi}? I can't find the definition 16:33 < ctefaho> it should be ne but...can't find it 16:35 < e`ogan> en: pendo 16:35 < mensi> pendo = x1 is/acts as a friend of/to x2 (experiencer); x2 befriends x1. |>>> See also bradi, xendo, nelci, prami, bradi. 16:35 < mensi> |>>> officialdata 16:37 < ctefaho> e`ogan, is that name irish, btw? 16:37 < e`ogan> Irish variant of my name, yes 16:37 < ctefaho> that/you 16:37 < ctefaho> ah 16:37 < e`ogan> I am not irish though 16:37 < ctefaho> so you are not irish then?:p 16:37 < ctefaho> ah 16:37 < ctefaho> si ua 16:38 * ctefaho kicks CLL *and* BPFK sections 16:38 < ctefaho> I can't find it anywhere! 16:38 < e`ogan> I like how it sounds the most out of all the Eugene, Yvain, Uxio, Zhenya, Evgen and such 16:40 < ctefaho> I see 16:41 < ctefaho> me, I took "stefan" (meaning "list of sails") and improved it to "ctefan" (meaning night-sail) to "ctefa'o" (meaning night-end) 16:55 < ctefaho> uai co'o rodo 16:55 < e`ogan> en: rodo 16:55 < mensi> 6 da se tolcri: brodo, fiprtetrapleurodo, sparodo'ipoksi, bangaruxu, banju'udu, dinso 16:56 < ctefaho> (rodo means "all-you") 16:56 < demize> e`ogan: rodo is really {ro do} 16:56 < e`ogan> je'e 16:58 < e`ogan> co'o 17:44 * nuzba @fotono: @cogas_uasanbon srana la'e di'e i zoizoi https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/165 zoi i cazaku mina'o galfi .oi la'o zoi gloss word zoi da poi flica milxe [http://bit.ly/1ew3kPh] 17:48 * nuzba @fotono: @cogas_uasanbon srana la'e di'e i zoizoi https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/165 … zoi i cazaku mina'o galfi .oi la'o zoi gloss word zoi da poi frica milxe [http://bit.ly/1GbbRxC] 19:24 < rlpowell> Tene: yum command to do "I don't care what config yo uthink you see; reinstall this package and overwrite all local configs"? 19:25 < rlpowell> Whoops, mischan. 19:28 < rlpowell> Yes, lojban.org is down; sorry. 22:06 * nuzba @ataccoTnirepuoC: 最近言語にあまり時間とれてない Eしたい lojbanしたい ラテン語は帰って [http://bit.ly/1K2qlot] 22:08 * nuzba @uitki: CLL, aka Reference Grammar, Errata - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/CLL,_aka_Reference_Grammar,_Errata by Rlpowell [http://bit.ly/1dViZH7] 23:51 < zipcpi> e`ogan: You here? 23:52 < zipcpi> I've added a "gloss" to my scalar modifier words so that even those not well-versed yet in Lojban jargon can still get something out of it :p 23:52 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers 23:53 < zipcpi> To summarize, this system is meant to unify two types of scalar modifiers; one prefix, and one suffix. Before, the list was incomplete; some people began filling the holes. I just filled in the rest of them 23:55 < zipcpi> Hmm "liminal" may be more jargony than "midpoint", but probably would cause less confusion with {noi'e/na'oi} 23:56 < zipcpi> Dunno what to do about {nova'e} though 23:56 < zipcpi> I suspect a simple linear scale isn't quite enough for that 23:57 < gleki> a new selmaho MUhOhOI that attaches two numbers to create a 2D scale 23:58 < zipcpi> Nah... there is that official cmavo that is used for coordinates; but I can't remember it off the top of my head --- Day changed Sat Jun 20 2015 00:00 < zipcpi> And it would be nice to have a system that connected the same things that connectives too, but able to accept a PA for e.g. "one of these"; believe we were discussing that yesterday. The intricacies required to make the grammar work is a bit beyond me though T.T 00:01 < zipcpi> Maybe I'll bring it up in the mriste 00:02 < gleki> one of these like in pa je'e'e'e'i ko'a ko'e = ko'a jonai ko'e? 00:02 < zipcpi> Yeah 00:02 < gleki> isnt that {me} 00:03 < zipcpi> Doesn't work for sumtcita 00:03 < zipcpi> Or sentences... or all the other things that connectives connect 00:03 < zipcpi> Especially under Selpahi's system 00:04 < gleki> ge'e 00:04 < zipcpi> Also {pa me ko'a ce ko'e} is uncertain when ko'a or ko'e has multiple referents 00:04 < zipcpi> Probably doesn't mean {ko'a jonai ko'e} 00:06 < zipcpi> ta'oru'e How do I define {mi'oi} in terms of {mi}, {do}, and {lo drata be mi e do}? 00:06 < zipcpi> mi jo'u do... 00:06 < gleki> I can easily add links to CLL to la sutysisku but i have no clue where to put them. 00:06 < zipcpi> Need something that's like both {ju} and {jo'u}, or another alternative 00:06 < gleki> what is mi'oi? 00:06 < gleki> en: mi'oi 00:06 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 00:06 < zipcpi> Inclusive we 00:07 < zipcpi> Can be mi'o or ma'a 00:07 < zipcpi> But never mi'a 00:07 < gleki> so mi'o ja ma'a? 00:07 < zipcpi> Yeah, which is how I defined it right now 00:07 < gleki> or otherwise mi'o ju lo drata 00:08 < zipcpi> Hm 00:08 < gleki> i think i just answered that it's equal to mi'o 00:08 < gleki> tersmus: mi'o ju lo drata cu cikta 00:08 < tersmus> Parse error at 5 00:08 < zipcpi> It is? mi'o is {mi ce do} 00:08 < zipcpi> Or {mi jo'u do} 00:08 < gleki> tersmus: mi'o u lo drata cu citka 00:08 < tersmus> drata(c0); citka(mi'o) 00:09 < gleki> {u ko'a} is eliminated 00:09 < zipcpi> Oh 00:09 < zipcpi> Yeah {ju} doesn't mean what we want it to mean 00:09 < gleki> then idk what you want 00:10 < zipcpi> mi'o ju lo drata : This sentence is true for us (me and you), whether or not it is true for others 00:10 < gleki> = mi'o 00:10 < zipcpi> Not "we (me and you, possibly including others)" 00:10 < gleki> you probably want {mi'o a ma'a} 00:11 < zipcpi> Yeah that's perfectly serviceable. Just wanted a {va'i} second definition 00:11 * zipcpi shrugs 00:13 < zipcpi> What I want is something that combines the senses of {ju} and {jo'u}, or another alternative, seeing that this construction might be useful for other things 00:13 < zipcpi> Something like "and possibly" 00:14 < gleki> jbo: ma'a 00:14 < mensi> ma'a = [KOhA3] mi jo'u do jo'u lo drata be mi .e do |>>> selpahi 00:14 < gleki> jbo: mi'o 00:14 < mensi> mi'o = [KOhA3] mi jo'u do |>>> selpahi 00:15 < zipcpi> "Me and John, and possibly Jane" 00:16 < gleki> mi ce la djon ce ka'ebo la djein 00:17 < zipcpi> Does that work for the {va'i} definition? *scratches head* 00:17 < zipcpi> Replacing la djon with do 00:17 < zipcpi> and la jdein with lo drata be mi e do 00:17 < zipcpi> exp: mi ce la djon ce ka'ebo la djein 00:17 < mensi> ([mi {ce <la djon KU> <ce ka'e bo (¹la djein KU¹)>}] VAU) 00:19 < gleki> exp only 00:19 < gleki> gerna: mi ce la djon ce ka'ebo la djein 00:19 < zipcpi> Right 00:19 < mensi> (0[{mi ce <(1la djon)1 (1ce ka'e bo)1 (1la djein)1>} VAU])0 00:19 < gleki> huh 00:20 < gleki> tcepru: mi ce la djon ce ka'ebo la djein 00:20 < gleki> tcepru: mi ce la djon 00:20 < zipcpi> {bo} is funny :p 00:20 < gleki> tcepru: mi ce la djon cu co'e 00:20 < gleki> yacc: mi ce la djon cu co'e 00:20 < mensi> ({mi ce <la djon>} cu {co'e VAU}) 00:20 < gleki> yacc: mi ce la djon ce ka'ebo la djein 00:20 < mensi> ({mi ce <[la djon] [ce ka'e bo] [la djein]>} VAU) 00:20 < gleki> i see 00:20 < gleki> caha still can 00:21 < zipcpi> Well, guess I'll add it for now 00:21 < zipcpi> If JVS would stop spoffing up 00:23 < zipcpi> But yeah {bo} is crazy-overloaded, and for once it's not because Selpahi made it that way 00:23 < zipcpi> It was part of the original definition 00:23 < zipcpi> *Selpahi or Xorxes 00:31 < zipcpi> Yeah JVS doesn't want to work at all right now 00:32 < zipcpi> "DBI connect('dbname=jbovlaste;host=morji','jbovlaste',...) failed: could not connect to server: Connection refused" 01:23 < akmnlrse> exp: mi ja do ja do'e ke ti 01:23 < mensi> ([{mi <ja do>} {ja do'e ke ti KEhE}] VAU) 01:37 < zipcpi> JyVySy za'o na akti 01:37 < zipcpi> uinai 01:38 < zipcpi> ta'eta'eta'eta'e spofu 01:42 < zipcpi> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4288653 Did I use tense-sumtcita right here? 01:42 < zipcpi> Need to add {sreji'i}; useful lujvo that 01:42 < zipcpi> "I thought this (but I was wrong)" 01:47 < zipcpi> But wow what an example of layered tenses 01:47 < zipcpi> You'd think someone translated from that into the English :p 02:00 < zipcpi> coi la cliva kunoi tsuku 02:03 < zipcpi> Grr.... must... not... come... up.... with... a dozen more cmavo to add while JVS is down.... zo'o 02:04 < cliva> coi mi'e zvasta 02:04 < zipcpi> coi 02:16 < zipcpi> https://faculty.unlv.edu/jwood/unlv/Articles/SearleWhatIsASpeechAct.pdf Hmm oh dear how am I supposed to translate "illocutionary" if we aren't even going to define it 02:17 < zipcpi> Just introduce it with za'e and continue? 02:17 < zipcpi> some za'e-fu'ivla 02:18 < cliva> ie 02:18 < cliva> .idlokuti 02:22 < zipcpi> exp: me'oi illocutionary cei za'e itloku 02:22 < mensi> (CU [{me'oi ~} {cei <za'e itloku>}] VAU) 02:23 < cliva> .u'e nu pilno zo cei 02:23 < cliva> co pa moi lo se viska be mi 02:24 < zipcpi> {cei} can be actually useful for these kinds of texts; where we just borrow a technical-but-difficult-to-define concept 02:24 < zipcpi> In fact it's better to just quote the English for the first time then cei-assign it, since we are describing what Austin used 02:25 < zipcpi> exp: mela'ezoi gy illocutionary act gy cei za'e itlokuzu'e 02:25 < mensi> (CU [{me <la'e (¹zoi gy gy¹) LUhU> MEhU} {cei <za'e itlokuzu'e>}] VAU) 02:26 < zipcpi> Then just use {itlokuzu'e} for the rest of the text 02:34 < zipcpi> ... they forced me to add a te kosmu... but what about te krinu 02:35 < zipcpi> Well, I guess "objectively", something can be a sufficient justification for something else, without an actor? 02:35 < zipcpi> Not sure 02:37 < zipcpi> I dunno though... I still feel like krinu deserves a te krinu. Especially if kosmu has a te kosmu 02:38 < zipcpi> {ma'i} doesn't even fit so well 02:42 < zipcpi> I dunno how {ji'a} or {po'o} works when attaching to {fa}... {srana fa ji'a zo mi'ai} = "Also related is {mi'ai}"? 02:43 < zipcpi> Attaching ji'a/po'o to the entire place rather than a single sumti is probably helpful 02:43 < zipcpi> But what if {fa} was a sumtcita instead 02:43 < zipcpi> Hmm.... problem 02:44 < zipcpi> Because ji'a/po'o has another meaning when attached to sumtcita (and theoretically might have the same meaning with FA too, as in "this place is also/only applicable", though that is rather difficult to use.) 02:47 < zipcpi> Of course, we can always break out {fu'e fu'o}... oiru'e 03:01 < noncomcinse> .i mi pu zi zi co'a sanji lodu'u lu .i na sélvai fa kó li'u lu .i na mórji fa kó li'u zmadu pe'i loka la'oi .Frozen. zo'u: fanva mapti 03:24 < ctefaho> coi 03:25 < noncomcinse> coi la ctefaoh 03:25 < noncomcinse> sa la ctefaho 03:26 < ctefaho> camxes: la noncomcinse 03:26 < camxes> ([la noncomcinse KU] VAU) 03:26 < ctefaho> coi la noncomcinse 03:27 < noncomcinse> do mo 03:28 < ctefaho> am confused and trying to make sense of something 03:28 < noncomcinse> Make sense of what? 03:29 < ctefaho> this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inalienable_possession 03:29 < noncomcinse> je'e 03:29 < noncomcinse> That's {po}, right? 03:29 < ctefaho> po'e 03:30 < ctefaho> lo besna po'e mi 03:30 < noncomcinse> Inalienable possession can only exist to a certain extent. 03:31 < ctefaho> Do you know if {lo mi pendo} = {lo ne mi pendo} = {lo pendo ne mi}? 03:31 < ctefaho> I think it is but I can't find the definitions 03:31 < noncomcinse> I believe {lo mi pendo} would be {lo pendo pe mi}. 03:31 < ctefaho> err no it is po'e 03:31 < zipcpi> ... 03:32 < noncomcinse> Eh? 03:32 < ctefaho> at least that's what real languages consider to be po'e 03:32 < ctefaho> dunno what weird lojban definition you are used to 03:33 < zipcpi> "often"... we don't know what pattern they actually use 03:33 < noncomcinse> je'u 03:33 < noncomcinse> I've never heard that {lo ko'a broda} = {lo broda po'e ko'a} 03:33 < zipcpi> Nah, that would make {lo mi ckule} be problematic 03:33 < ctefaho> I said ne not po'e 03:34 < noncomcinse> {lo ckule pe mi} would be problematic? 03:34 < ctefaho> depends on what you mean 03:34 < zipcpi> No, I meant the po'e interpretation, but that's not on the table anymore 03:34 < noncomcinse> Yeah, okay. 03:34 < ctefaho> lol the cll and bpfk even backs me up on this 03:34 < ctefaho> for body parts 03:35 < noncomcinse> if lo <SUMTI> broda -> lo broda po'u <SUMTI> that breaks everything 03:35 < zipcpi> The body parts is fine... not so sure about friends 03:35 < noncomcinse> Backs you up on what? 03:35 < noncomcinse> I'm confused, I'm not sure what we're discussing. 03:35 < ctefaho> well I am not confused anymore 03:35 < ctefaho> po'e is love 03:35 < ctefaho> praise po'e 03:36 < ctefaho> I just want to know for sure that {lo mi ckule} is ne and not pe 03:36 < zipcpi> But most body-part gismu already has a place for its inalienable owner, so I often just use {lo risna be mi} instead 03:36 < noncomcinse> ctefaho: What difference would it make if it was {ne}? 03:36 < ctefaho> ehm, you don't know the difference between ne and pe? 03:37 < noncomcinse> I do 03:37 < zipcpi> ... I'm not sure about ne vs pe. I think pe is often better because ne is like "A school (which is associated)", while pe is like "A school that is associated with me" 03:37 < ctefaho> zipcpi: ne vs pe is noi vs poi 03:37 < zipcpi> Yes, I know their semantic difference 03:37 < zipcpi> I'm just saying that I tend to prefer the p-variations over the n-variations even when the n-variations might be better 03:38 < zipcpi> Because the n-variations are parenthetical 03:38 < noncomcinse> {pe} specifically refers to a specific school because I am associated with it, {ne} refers to a specific school which I am unrelatedly going to. 03:38 < noncomcinse> zipcpi: Can I get an example of where N might be better? 03:38 * ctefaho runs away and cuts off even more gismu places 03:39 < zipcpi> Well, roughly, it is the difference between "the school that I go to" (p), vs "the school, which I go to," (n) 03:39 < zipcpi> ne/noi is parenthetical 03:40 < zipcpi> Only gives additional information, not qualifies the sumti 03:40 < noncomcinse> If I was talking about the school that I go to, I'd use {pe}. 03:40 < zipcpi> I'd agree 03:41 < noncomcinse> Or better, {lo ckule be fi mi} 03:41 < zipcpi> Well, it's a bit like how English materials will tell you how to distinguish between those two phrases 03:41 < zipcpi> "Is the sentence still as accurate if you remove the "which" clause?" 03:41 < noncomcinse> Honestly, if you can use {ne}, then {pe} will work. 03:42 < zipcpi> I tend to agree; that's why I tend to overuse the p-variants :p 03:42 < noncomcinse> Because if it IS incidentally the N-clause, then the P-clause still remains true. 03:42 < ctefaho> again read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inalienable_possession 03:42 < ctefaho> not going to say anymore 03:42 < ctefaho> also brb 03:42 < zipcpi> I've already brought up that it's descriptive, not prescriptive 03:43 < zipcpi> "often" 03:43 < zipcpi> Doesn't tell us which languages consider "friend" an inalienable possession, or how many 03:43 < zipcpi> Besides, {be} already fits {pendo} very well 03:43 < ctefaho> did you read more than the first 3 sentences? 03:44 < zipcpi> Doesn't negate what I've said 03:44 < zipcpi> It's descriptive, not prescriptive 03:44 * ctefaho stops trying 03:45 < noncomcinse> .i noda su'ode birtymau 03:46 < zipcpi> It's just most of the gismu where "inalienable possession" applies already has usable {be} places 03:46 < zipcpi> So in practice {po'e} is hardly ever used 03:47 < ctefaho> zipcpi: yes exactly 03:48 * ctefaho co'oru'e for real now 03:49 < noncomcinse> A lot of cmavo have that problem. 04:15 < zipcpi> Ugh I'm really getting JVS withdrawals 04:21 < noncomcinse> What's that? 04:24 < zipcpi> jbovlaste 04:25 < noncomcinse> I mean, the withdrawls 04:27 < zipcpi> It's like I have these edits I need to make, this word I want to add 04:27 < zipcpi> And it's itching in my brain 04:27 < zipcpi> Scared to forget them 04:27 < noncomcinse> je'e 04:30 < cliva> USE ORG MODE sei out of lo lo nei ku anus cu tavla 04:31 < zipcpi> org mode? 04:32 < cliva> Some Emacs mode that I keep hearing about yet never try out because I grew up on vim 04:32 < noncomcinse> .i mi ji'a pilno la .vim. 04:36 < niftg> ca'o co'a tcidu fi lo itku'ile nuncki ke catni kibypapri 04:38 < niftg> fu'i ru'e bu'o lo ka djuno fi lo rusko bangu na sarcu 04:53 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa niftyg fa 04:54 < niftg> mi la vreji cu kansa lo nu pinfu la alga 04:58 < niftg> la vreji pe la mumble ge'u jo'u la vreji pe lo se irci cu tunba zo'o ju'ocu'i 04:58 < niftg> tunbysi'u 04:59 < zipcpi> exp: mi jo'u do jo'u jubo lo drata 04:59 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "d" found. 04:59 < zipcpi> exp mi jo'u do jo'u ubo lo drata 04:59 < zipcpi> exp: mi jo'u do jo'u ubo lo drata 04:59 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "d" found. 05:04 < niftg> ru'a lo pu'u genturfa'i cu simsa lo ctiru'e .i lo nu jarco lo ka gentufa fliba cu simsa lo nu vamtu kafke 05:04 < zipcpi> u'i 05:08 < niftg> ca'o dragau lo vo'a tcica se jinvi seja'e lo nu tcidu fi lo danfu be fi'e lo itku'ile finti 05:12 < niftg> mu'a tu'a lo si'o zengau lo nu pensi kei lo ni sutra cu na te zukte tu'a lo itku'ile lo finti be ri cu'u ri 05:22 < gleki> next time please immediately ping rlpowell when lojban.org or jbovlaste or any other services there are down 05:28 < niftg> la'oi http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/how-to-learn-ithkuil zo'u le pamoi cu me la'o gy Quit your job gy .u'i cai 05:29 < niftg> .u'u zo zoi se claxu 05:31 < zipcpi> u'i mi puxa'o tcidu 05:32 < zipcpi> aipeise'i mi fanva i'auzo'oru'e 05:34 < zipcpi> aupei do crebi'o le itku'ilybau .i frili .i nitcu la'edi'e po'o 05:34 < zipcpi> tu'e 05:36 < zipcpi> pamai ko co'u se jibri 05:41 < niftg> le remoi ku ji'a xajmi li'anairu'edai 05:46 < zipcpi> .i remai ko erve le se sitna ke gerna cukta jacu prigau le kibro ca'irvei .i .y~~~. ba'a la'edi'u jdima su'oda do .iseki'ubo e'uru'e ko gasnu le remoi pu tu'a le pamoi 05:48 < zipcpi> pu lo nu no'a le pamoi ? 05:48 < niftg> .i'e doi fanva 05:53 < Ilmen> coi 05:53 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 05:53 < niftg> coi 06:04 < Ilmen> ca'e mi co'a jundi tau la .mambl. 06:05 < gleki> Ilmen: ta'o la skaip ca farvi i ca ti na nitcu lo ka instali la skaip i lo brauzero cu jai sarcu to ku'i ti'e lo cmalu ke sidju tutci ca'o jai sarcu fai lo ka se instali toi 06:05 < gleki> https://web.skype.com 06:05 < Ilmen> ǔa xa'o ba'o fasnu 06:07 < zipcpi> za'a le jbogu'e ja'a simsa lo'e xo'iba'o softo gugde .i go'i fi lo ka le teknologi pe ce'u ta'e spofu 06:09 < gleki> nolspofu a'o 06:09 < Ilmen> xu di'a se nabmi 06:09 < zipcpi> la jbovlaste ca spofu 06:10 < Ilmen> ŭa ǔenai 06:10 < zipcpi> ze'u spofu 06:10 < zipcpi> ze'a lo so'imei cacra 06:10 < gleki> zipcpi: sarcu lo nu roroi zi jungau la robin i ku'i va'o ku mi ba'o jungau 06:39 < e`ogan> zipcpi, sorry for not marking my absence 06:40 < e`ogan> That glossary makes it much better for newbies like me 06:42 < Ilmen> coi 06:43 < _mukti_> coi la .ilmen. 06:43 < durka42> coi la mukti 06:43 < Ilmen> e`ogan: there's a vocal chat in Lojban happening now on Mumble 06:43 < _mukti_> coi la durkavore 06:43 < durka42> coi la ilmen 06:43 < durka42> coi la e'ogan 06:43 < gleki> en: nix 06:43 < mensi> nix = Miss |>>> Cf. nixli, nanl, naun, nim. |>>> totus 06:44 < gleki> xm 06:44 < _mukti_> It's been 2 months today since the end of the LLG meeting. I intend to publish a draft of the minutes today. 06:44 < gleki> en: mister 06:44 < mensi> naun = Mr./Mister 06:44 < _mukti_> Been working on them for a while. 06:44 < durka42> ui 06:44 < gleki> Mr., Miss and Missis are the word i havent added to eng2jbo dictionary yet. 06:45 < gleki> but what are they? 06:45 < durka42> gleki: lo nolraitrututra pe loi .naun.? :p 06:45 < gleki> en: nim 06:45 < mensi> nim = Ms. |>>> Cf. ninmu, nix, nanl, naun. |>>> totus 06:45 < durka42> en: nol 06:45 < mensi> nol = Sir/Madam |>>> Cf. nobli, nilnim, nolnaum. |>>> totus 06:45 < gleki> en: nanl 06:45 < mensi> nanl = Master |>>> Cf. nanla, nix, naun, nim. |>>> totus 06:45 < durka42> in english "title" or "honorific" 06:46 < durka42> in lojban just... cmevla 06:46 < gleki> why those cmevla i wonder 06:46 < gleki> i could be just lo io nanmu 06:46 < gleki> it could be just lo io nanmu 06:46 < durka42> also {ga'i} 06:47 < gleki> .dict miss 06:47 < phenny> miss — noun: 1. A failure to hit, 2. A failure to obtain or accomplish — verb: 1. (trans., intransitive) To fail to hit, 2. (trans.) To fail to achieve or attain 06:47 < gleki> .dict Miss 06:47 < phenny> miss — noun: 1. A failure to hit, 2. A failure to obtain or accomplish — verb: 1. (trans., intransitive) To fail to hit, 2. (trans.) To fail to achieve or attain 06:48 < gleki> .dict Ms 06:48 < phenny> Couldn't get any definitions for ms at Wiktionary. 06:48 < gleki> .dict Ms. 06:48 < phenny> ms. — noun: 1. (in bibliographies) Abbreviation of manuscript 06:48 < gleki> ge'e 06:49 < gleki> Miss Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman. 06:50 < gleki> Used as a form of polite address for a girl or young woman <-- definitely doi UI 06:50 < ctefaho> "Miss Miss" 06:50 < ctefaho> <3 natlang 06:52 < durka42> Major Major 06:52 < Ilmen> ke'u ca'o jbobau vokta'a do'e la .mambl. doi ka'e se cinri 06:52 < gleki> lo io ninmu be fa la alis ~= Mrs. Alice 06:53 < gleki> Ilmen: xu da jai gau vreji 06:53 < Ilmen> la vreji cu vreji 06:53 < Ilmen> si rejgua 06:53 < Ilmen> .oi 07:06 < e`ogan> Ilmen, thank you for the info, but I am currently busy in the work/rental/family related chats and calls to have a Mumble on top of it all 07:06 < zipcpi> gleki: Yeah I think it's hard to translate titles into Lojban 07:06 < e`ogan> I agree 07:06 < Ilmen> na nabmi doi la .e'ogan. 07:07 < Ilmen> .i mi jungau po'o 07:07 < e`ogan> Titles are hard to translate between languages in general too 07:07 < Ilmen> (No problem, Eogan, I was just letting know) 07:07 < zipcpi> You can say {io}... but it's.... kinda flimsy. I don't think {io} should be used as a mere courtesy without actually wanting to express respect 07:07 < e`ogan> There is always a certain play on words that just can't be matched 07:09 < e`ogan> When is tis .i necessary and what it is for? 07:09 < Ilmen> {.i} is the sentence separator/fence 07:09 < zipcpi> Just wait till the Japanese or Korean version of me and/or Curtis adds a bunch of cmavo to emulate honorifics :p 07:09 < zipcpi> .i is like a spoken period 07:10 < zipcpi> Lojban "punctuation" is spoken 07:10 < e`ogan> I see 07:10 < e`ogan> Eloquent in a way 07:10 < Ilmen> e`ogan: Lojban has no defined prosody (except stress), all the information is conveyed by the phoneme sequence 07:10 < durka42> zipcpi: ga'i'o'e: elliptical/unspecified honorific 07:10 < zipcpi> durka42: u'i 07:11 < Ilmen> So Lojban do not rely on prosody or punctuation marks to show sentences boundaries 07:11 < Ilmen> @ e`ogan 07:11 < Ilmen> *doesn't 07:11 < e`ogan> I think honorifics can be pointed the same way the japanese own pointer words work 07:12 < e`ogan> watashi <--wa 07:12 < e`ogan> Same way 07:14 < e`ogan> I just noticed that I have different voices for every language... 07:15 < e`ogan> And I can't decide if lojban should sound russian, greek or hebrew (all of which seem to match phonetics of lojban the most) 07:16 < e`ogan> **(I don't speak hebrew, but I know how it sounds, because I had a hebrew GF some time ago and even learned a few phrases myself) 07:17 < Ilmen> Well you should listed to some Lojban spoken material first 07:17 < Ilmen> *listen 07:17 < e`ogan> I already did 07:17 < Ilmen> Even if you don't understand a word 07:17 < Ilmen> je'e 07:17 < Ilmen> (okay) 07:17 < e`ogan> Probably 20 videos from youtube 07:17 < e`ogan> Including the lojban songs 07:17 < Ilmen> .i'e 07:18 < Ilmen> There is also that: http://mw.lojban.org/mw/index.php?title=Recordings_of_live_Lojban_discussions 07:18 < e`ogan> They sound as a mix of harsher slavic (greek, russian, belarus) and hebrew pronunciation to me as I have suspected 07:19 < zipcpi> lol Lots of people have noted the slavic similarity 07:19 < zipcpi> Heck it even influenced the fictional country name, "Lojbanistan" 07:19 < e`ogan> The {y} though is a bit wonky and tends to range from o to u in moths of different speakers 07:19 < gleki> i didnt notice because im slavic myself. 07:20 < zipcpi> lol 07:20 < zipcpi> uenai 07:21 < e`ogan> I the russian crash course {y} was suggested to be the russian "bl" sound (which foreigners have hard time figuring out) 07:21 < gleki> it's the first time i see this respelling of it, lol. 07:21 < Ilmen> Is it a [ɨ] sound? 07:21 < gleki> Copy this: ы 07:21 < e`ogan> Which is neither o, nor u 07:21 < zipcpi> Hmm... some people pronounce {y} closer than others 07:22 < zipcpi> I don't know how I sound like speaking Lojban 07:22 < e`ogan> I was lazy, gleki: too much work opening the translit 07:23 < _mukti_> Draft minutes are posted: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/LLG_2014_Annual_Meeting_Minutes 07:23 < gleki> e`ogan: only non stressed ы. but that's fine since {y} in Lojban is nonstressed. 07:23 < e`ogan> My native is russian, but I have heavy influence by Lithuanian and German 07:23 < Ilmen> ы is [ɨ], right? 07:23 < _mukti_> Please let me know if you think I've missed anything important, or incorrectly described anything. 07:23 < Ilmen> @ e`ogan 07:23 < Rodericus> e`ogan: Greek is not Slavic. 07:24 < e`ogan> je'e la .ilmen. 07:24 < Ilmen> {je'e} is "I've received and understood what you said" 07:24 < e`ogan> Rodericus, sure, but it is equally as "harsh" and rhotic as russian 07:25 < Ilmen> {ie} (agreement) would maybe be more suitable there, e`ogan :) 07:25 < e`ogan> Oh, my bad 07:25 < e`ogan> Mixed those up 07:25 < zipcpi> It's OK. Learning how to say "yes" is one of the first hurdles :p 07:25 < e`ogan> I need to do a cheat sheet on those 07:25 < zipcpi> Because "yes" can have several translations depending on situation 07:25 < e`ogan> I know them, but the japanese iie gets in the way 07:26 < e`ogan> Because it is "no" 07:26 < zipcpi> lol 07:26 < e`ogan> Weird I know 07:26 < zipcpi> Yeah I've heard of that 07:26 < Rodericus> e`ogan: Does it to you? To me not at all. MAybe because I speak it. 07:26 < e`ogan> They are literally opposite for a similare phoneme 07:26 < zipcpi> Actually I don't think sajgau is really good for "show"... I think zgagau is better 07:27 < gleki> _mukti_: as for proficiency test in modern condition some e-tests would better suit instead. there are already online learning resources measuring your ability in languages so you wont have to always start your study from level A1 07:27 < zipcpi> sajgau is more like "make you aware of something; alert" 07:27 < gleki> Republication of "What is Lojban?" <-- oh my. 07:28 < zipcpi> la .lojban. *cu* mo? :p 07:28 < gleki> Gleki adocated using a wiki <-- adocated? I never adocated. i even dont know what it is :) 07:28 < zipcpi> advocated 07:28 < zipcpi> Typo 07:28 < ctefaho> edocated 07:28 < e`ogan> That is adorkable 07:28 < gleki> the lojban community <-- I guess Lojban needs to be capitalized always 07:28 < Ilmen> zipcpi: {gasygau} would be "make somebody perceive", wherease {zgagau} would be {make somebody volitionally observe} 07:29 < zipcpi> Hmm... 07:29 < zipcpi> rafsi: gas 07:29 < mensi> zo ganse se rafsi zo'oi gas 07:29 < zipcpi> OK... this might be difficult 07:29 < zipcpi> It might be better to just make a zi'evla 07:29 < gleki> non-english-speaking <-- same here 07:29 < zipcpi> Cause trying to force-fit a gau-lujvo might weaken their regularity 07:30 < idafyaid> Hey guys. How can I learn Lojban? 07:31 < _mukti_> You've come to the right place. :) 07:31 < Ilmen> Well, you can by reading Lojban courses, learning vocabulary and asking questions here on IRC @idafyaid 07:31 < gleki> idafyaid: mw.lojban.org/papri/Learning and ask us more questions 07:31 < e`ogan> coi la .idafyaid. 07:31 < durka42> ua 07:32 < zipcpi> How was {arco} used anyway? 07:32 < durka42> no da za'o mumblyzva 07:32 < durka42> en: arco 07:32 < mensi> 17 da se tolcri: jarco, fagytabno, banpulusu, cidni, cipra, fa'irgau, ja'orca'o, je'urja'o, jvinu, lanli, mipri, simlu, 07:32 < mensi> tabno, ticyja'o, tigni, vidnyja'o, zgana 07:32 < zipcpi> Not defined 07:32 < zipcpi> It was a variant of {jarco} that some people used, or so I was told 07:32 < idafyaid> Are you an US-based community? 07:32 < durka42> ue oisai la jbovlaste cu mrobi'o 07:32 < durka42> idafyaid: very international 07:32 < Ilmen> durka42: I'm on Mumble, but Niftg left some time ago 07:32 < idafyaid> Or are there any Asians and Europeans? 07:32 < zipcpi> je'u doi durka 07:32 < e`ogan> No idafyaid it is international 07:33 < idafyaid> Where are you from? 07:33 < Ilmen> idafyaid: I'm in western Europe 07:33 < idafyaid> Ilmen: Meaning? 07:33 < Ilmen> idafyaid: And there are a few Japanese people out there too 07:33 < Ilmen> idafyaid: France 07:33 < idafyaid> I am from Eastern Europe :P 07:33 < e`ogan> I am russian from Lithuania, living in Germany (multiling) 07:33 < idafyaid> Oh, salut 07:33 < zipcpi> JyVySy spofu ze'a lo cacra be li so'i 07:33 < durka42> Ilmen: xu kibyse'u cenba 07:34 < idafyaid> Any Romanians here? 07:34 < Ilmen> I'm on the Zbaga server, durka42 07:34 < durka42> zipcpi: xu da pu jungau la camgusmis 07:34 < zipcpi> ti'e la gleki cu go'i 07:34 < durka42> Ilmen: ua .i mi pu pilno la jinme 07:34 < e`ogan> I think not 07:34 < idafyaid> I am Romanian :P 07:34 < Ilmen> la jinme di'a .akti xu doi la .durka42s 07:34 < gleki> la'a la camgusmis ca sipna 07:35 < Ilmen> durka42: zbaga.ax.lt:64738 07:35 < durka42> Ilmen: curmi lo nu mi jorne 07:35 < e`ogan> fi'i 07:35 < Ilmen> je'e 07:35 < e`ogan> Welcome idafyaid 07:35 < idafyaid> hey 07:35 < e`ogan> The actual language learning is outsourced to #ckule 07:36 < Ilmen> idafyaid: Unfortunately I haven't seen any Romanian-speaking Lojbanist for a while. But I think there used to be at least one 07:36 < e`ogan> To not spam this chat 07:36 < idafyaid> Oh, I see 07:36 < durka42> questions are fine in both channels 07:36 < durka42> Ilmen: self-signed certificate? 07:37 < Ilmen> There is also #jbosnu for Lojban-only chat 07:37 < e`ogan> But you are free to ask about lojban in here too, sure 07:37 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa durka42 fa 07:37 < e`ogan> It's just will be answered very shortly 07:37 < Ilmen> durka42: I don't know; It's Cirko's server 07:37 < e`ogan> In #ckule you will have it layed out for you in far more details, bit by bit 07:38 < e`ogan> And before that I'd suggest a crash-course lojban course reading/watching 07:38 < e`ogan> It helps a lot 07:39 < idafyaid> e`ogan: I really like Russian girls lol Met some in Germany 07:39 < zipcpi> durka42: I'm getting JVS withdrawals uinai 07:39 < durka42> probably a good thing 07:40 < zipcpi> lol 07:40 < zipcpi> Surprisingly I have no new cmavo to add yet :p 07:41 < zipcpi> 1 brivla, and some intended edits 07:42 < zipcpi> {sreji'i} 07:42 < durka42> xu lo ka sreji'i cu ka jinvi lo jitfa 07:43 < zipcpi> je'u 07:44 < zipcpi> ba'a kosmyka'u fa tu'a lu mi pu sreji'i li'o li'u 07:45 < zipcpi> "I thought that...", where there is strong implication that "but I was wrong" 07:45 < _mukti_> tanru with abstractors 07:45 < Ilmen> idafyaid: On the Learning resources page Gleki gave you, there are links to the Wave Lessons and The Crash Course 07:45 < idafyaid> I see 07:45 < zipcpi> Meh... if it's gonna be a tanru I expect to use it quite often 07:46 < _mukti_> mi nu penmi do gleki 07:46 < zipcpi> exp: mi nu penmi do gleki 07:46 < mensi> (mi [CU {<nu (¹CU [penmi {do VAU}]¹) KEI> gleki} VAU]) 07:47 < zipcpi> ... that's really tough 07:47 < zipcpi> left branching tanru really doesn't help with this parse 07:47 < _mukti_> I was trying to figure out how this would work the other day when I was away from a parser 07:47 < _mukti_> Trying to think of ways to say "nice to meet you 07:48 < zipcpi> mi gleki le nu penmi do 07:48 < _mukti_> And that's the first formulation I came up with (aside from {le} which I don't use) 07:48 < zipcpi> Or just {ui mi penmi do} 07:48 < zipcpi> I use {le} for deixis 07:49 < gleki> yeah, forgetting about {lo} is quite common. this evaporates when one thinks of what is noun and what is verb both in English (or any other SAE language) and Lojban. 07:49 < zipcpi> {le} for me indicates there is contextual information that is specific but unspecified 07:49 < _mukti_> And then I thought, what if I front loaded the "meeting" 07:50 < zipcpi> Certainly {lo} can do that too, but I find the additional marker can be nice sometimes 07:51 < zipcpi> Contextual information that refers to a specific referent 07:52 < _mukti_> I have a problem with the notion of a specific referent, in that it seems to me that it clashes with xorlo's notion of no quantifiers 07:52 < zipcpi> I'm... not sure how xorlo solves that problem, or why {le} would break that 07:52 < _mukti_> If we are to say that {le} quantifies, then there's no problem. But I think if we are both to maintain that it does not and then talk about it having a specific referent, we are contradicting ourselves 07:53 < Ilmen> _mukti_: As far as I can tell, it's about fetching the brodas that are relevant to the current situation, maybe something like "lo dei broda" 07:53 < _mukti_> I read "fetching the brodas that are relevant" as a form of subjective quantification 07:54 < gleki> if relevant to the current UD then it's PA broda 07:54 < zipcpi> It has to be unless you want to run to everything you want to talk about and physically touch them and say "the one I'm touching right now" 07:55 < _mukti_> I think it's also worth noting that it's hardly ever desirable to discuss things not relevant to the current situation 07:55 < zipcpi> Erm... how about "Cats have four legs" 07:55 < zipcpi> Or "I like plays" (in general, vs a particular play) 07:56 < _mukti_> "I like plays" can be analyzed in a number of different ways. 07:56 < zipcpi> Or "Which apple do you want?" "Any apple." 07:57 < _mukti_> I think you're on to the extensional vs. intensional debate which I think is what gave rise to xorlo. 07:58 < _mukti_> It was raised in loglan with the example of waiting for a taxi. 07:58 < zipcpi> All xorlo did, as I understood it, was to pack both the non-specific/generalized case and the specific case into {lo} 07:58 < _mukti_> With the old gadri, there was no economic way to say what we usually mean by "I am waiting for a taxi" 07:58 < durka42> {tu'a} solves a lot of it 07:58 < _mukti_> You would say: "There is at least one taxi such that I am waiting for it. 07:59 < durka42> mi denpa tu'a pa taksi => mi denpa lo nu pa da poi taksi zo'u da tolcanci 08:00 < _mukti_> durka42: Yes, you could definitely say it, but the argument which seems to have prevailed is that usage didn't want to explicitly abstract intensional objects. 08:00 < _mukti_> That argument drove Nick Nicholas crazy. 08:00 < durka42> heh 08:01 < _mukti_> And some months back, Oz revived and expanded Nick's arguments 08:01 < zipcpi> And xorlo-{lo} is all well and good; I still use it the most. Context is usually pretty powerful. But sometimes it's nice to have a concise way of distinguishing the generalized case from the specific case 08:02 < zipcpi> The other piece of the puzzle that we haven't brought up, is {lo'e} 08:02 < zipcpi> It is like the opposite of {le} in many ways 08:03 < _mukti_> I'm not opposed to claiming {le} for the usage that you and cadgu'a have proposed, but if we do so, I do think it is necessary to explicitly address quantification. 08:03 < _mukti_> Which is to say {le} would no longer belong to the "no implicit quantifiers" club. 08:03 < zipcpi> Oh so you know about it... ok 08:04 < _mukti_> But hey, I'm just talking out of my hat. I'm not a member of BPFK. :) 08:04 < _mukti_> Or BPSK, for that matter. ;) 08:04 < zipcpi> But why must it be so? Just treat the inner/outer quantifiers like you would with {lo}; since {lo} is supposed to be able to talk about both specific things and non-specific things 08:04 < zipcpi> BSFK actually :p 08:04 < durka42> and the greatest part about the BPFK, Milo kept saying, was that everyone had a share 08:06 < zipcpi> Why must {le} have a special quantification system just because it split-off the specific-referent-use of {lo}? I'm not quite seeing the argument 08:06 < _mukti_> If le has enumerated referents, it has quantification, no? 08:06 < zipcpi> But {lo} also *can* have enumerated referents? 08:07 < zipcpi> Help me out here... is {ro lo re prenu} = {ro da poi me lo re prenu}? 08:07 < _mukti_> {lo} elides the notion of quantification if no outer quantifier is provided, so yes, it can. But it sounds like the {le} you propose is always implicitly quanitifed. 08:08 < zipcpi> I don't see how 08:08 < durka42> zipcpi: that expansion is right 08:08 < zipcpi> All le is meant to be is "Hey there is something I actually want to talk about, not speaking in the general case" 08:09 < zipcpi> I don't see why it *has* to treat quantifiers differently 08:09 < zipcpi> {lo} still means what it always meant post-xorlo 08:09 < _mukti_> Well, perhaps I misunderstand the proposal. But if I don't, I understand it as asserting that a speaker uses {le brode} to reference specific entities that they have in mind. 08:09 < durka42> mukti's argument (as I understand it) is that if it's in your mind, there must be a referent, so you can't say there's no quantifier 08:10 < zipcpi> And I think that doesn't make much sense, because with xorlo you also use {lo} that way 08:10 < _mukti_> Yes, I'm saying that there is a subjective, referential quantifier implied. 08:10 < _mukti_> With xorlo you can use {lo} that way, because quantification is elided -- it is neither affirmed nor denied. 08:11 < _mukti_> Subjective quantifiers are cool. 08:12 < _mukti_> I can see a use for an explicit "the ones I'm thinking about" PA. 08:12 < _mukti_> And it could be used in a formal definition of the proposed {le} as the implicit outer quantifier. 08:12 < zipcpi> Hmm... how about {xe'enai}? 08:13 < _mukti_> en: xe'e 08:13 < mensi> xe'e = [UI3b] discursive: any/non-specific - specific |>>> (pa xe'e prenu) = "any one person / one non-specific person", 08:13 < mensi> (pa xe'enai prenu) = "one specific person". See itca, steci, su'anai |>>> spheniscine 08:13 < zipcpi> pa xe'enai 08:13 < durka42> but inventing a word with the wished-for definition doesn't answer the philosophical question or whether it makes sense or not 08:13 < durka42> s/or whether/of whether 08:13 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: but inventing a word with the wished-for definition doesn't answer the philosophical question of whether it makes sense or not 08:14 < zipcpi> Maybe... just helping him out with his talking about a PA 08:14 < durka42> oh sorry I didn't read all of the backscroll 08:14 < _mukti_> So, I'm not familiar with {xe'e}... and the whole specific/general question gets us into bergu quickly 08:14 < zipcpi> lol 08:14 < _mukti_> So sticking to quantification 08:15 < _mukti_> If {du'e} makes sense, I think the notion of having a quantifier which represents the attention of the speaker makes sense 08:16 < zipcpi> I'm not sure it is a "number" though, not even in the sense that {du'e} is 08:16 < _mukti_> Well, let's pursue the idea that it is not a number. 08:16 < _mukti_> Can you have non-enumerated referents? 08:17 < _mukti_> Can you say "I like cats", but neither have as your object the intensional notion of cat, nor an enumerable quantity of cats? 08:17 < _mukti_> Is there some third way that I'm neglecting? 08:17 < zipcpi> All I'm proposing is that {le broda} = {xo'e lo xo'e broda poi itca jepoi mi aidji lo ka casnu ke'a} 08:18 < zipcpi> For "I like cats", it's {mi nelci lo'e mlatu} 08:18 < durka42> that sounds like the intensional notion of catitude 08:19 < _mukti_> Have you read the discussions about {lo'e cinfo cu xabju lo friko} ? 08:19 < zipcpi> As far as I understand it {lo'e} is already used that way; but not everyone is aware of it 08:19 < zipcpi> "Lions (speaking generally) live in Africa" 08:19 < zipcpi> I don't see why not 08:19 < zipcpi> Good enough for a children's textbook 08:20 < _mukti_> And that formulation has satisfied some, but others reject the idea of having to operate through a platonic device like {lo'e cinfo}. 08:21 < zipcpi> Well... I think that's kinda too bad. I'm not sure what the status is on how "generalizations" work in FOPL, but we need them 08:21 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa durka42 fa 08:22 < _mukti_> Aside from the intensional/extensional debate, rejection of singularizing devices seems to have been another motivator in the adoption of xorlo. 08:22 < zipcpi> My current solution is to generate a virtual entity that represents the object of generalization 08:22 < _mukti_> {lo'e} is analagous to the mass and set constructors in its function as a singularizer 08:23 < zipcpi> So {lo'e mlatu cu se tuple vo da} would assign four legs (which happen to be virtual), to the generalized virtual entity 08:24 < _mukti_> Yes, I would understand that sentence as describing some kind of prototype 08:25 < durka42> er 08:25 < durka42> that sentence doesn't work unless {lo'e} has scope 08:26 < _mukti_> zipcpi: Have you read Oz's essays? 08:26 < _mukti_> http://blog.nomei.la 08:26 < zipcpi> durka: Maybe it does. "one" virtualized entity? 08:27 < zipcpi> I dunno. What happens if you replace {lo'e} with {lo}? 08:28 < _mukti_> {lo'e ... } : There are four things such that they are legs of the prototypical cat. 08:29 < zipcpi> I just don't quite understand the logic of it... {lo} is "magic"; it can refer to both specific and non-specific, and also "magically" elides scope 08:29 < zipcpi> So why does semantically separating the specific sense from the non-specific sense, suddenly break the magic? 08:30 < durka42> {lo} doesn't magically elide scope 08:30 < durka42> it doesn't have scope 08:30 < zipcpi> Fine 08:31 < zipcpi> What I said still applies; why does separating the two senses in a way that's convenient, suddenly break the spell? 08:33 < _mukti_> It looks like there's no way to steer clear of the specific/non-specific debate now. 08:33 < _mukti_> So what do we mean by specific? 08:34 < zipcpi> The brodas that I wish to talk about now, and no other brodas. 08:34 < _mukti_> How do I refer to the brodas that I don't wish to talk about now? 08:35 < zipcpi> There are basically three cases, as far as I can tell 08:36 < zipcpi> Either you have specific referents in mind that you wish to talk about, you are generalizing and making a platitude, or you're just referring to "any two brodas" in the abstract, like "Give me any two apples" 08:36 < zipcpi> Replace two by any PA in the last example 08:37 < zipcpi> "Either you have specific referents in mind that you wish to talk about" - "Did you like the play?" (likely the one you just watched) 08:37 < _mukti_> I can think of another case: You're not generalizing but speaking of definitions. 08:37 < zipcpi> Ah... yes... that's what I assigned to {lo'i} under my system 08:38 < zipcpi> Though that breaks past usage... mostly in examples trying to force themselves to use {lo'i} though T.T 08:39 < _mukti_> So when you say "I like plays", how do either you or the listener know if you are referring to a specific body of plays or not? 08:39 < zipcpi> In English, the naked plural is used as an idiomatic way to refer to "plays in general" 08:40 < _mukti_> Ok, well we happen to be speaking English, which ironically, I'm less interested in discussing. If you say {mi nelci lo ro broda} ... 08:41 < zipcpi> Which is probably incorrect 08:41 < _mukti_> Oh? 08:41 < zipcpi> Because even the greatest fan of plays, probably doesn't like *all* plays 08:41 < _mukti_> Ok, so that's plays. But let's talk about the ever lovable broda. 08:42 < zipcpi> I don't see how substituting {draci} for any other brivla changes that 08:42 < zipcpi> That often times {mi nelci lo ro broda}, asserts way too much 08:43 < _mukti_> So if you or I say {mi nelci lo ro broda}, do either of us know whether you mean that you love each and every broda, or if it is broda-ness that you love? 08:43 < zipcpi> I think it's the former 08:44 < _mukti_> And you're entitled to that opinion. But I have my doubts you really know what you mean. :) 08:44 < durka42> I also think it's the former 08:45 < _mukti_> Well, it's clear if you use an outer quantifier. 08:46 < _mukti_> But with the inner quantifier, you're not making any commitment to "specific" referents. 08:47 < _mukti_> You're committing to the notion that your referent(s) zilkancu li ro 08:47 < zipcpi> Right I kinda starting to see... {lo ro broda} -> {xo'e lo ro broda}? 08:47 < zipcpi> That's... rather semantically shaky though 08:48 < _mukti_> I'm not familiar enough with {xo'e} to venture whether it's equivalent to no quantifier 08:49 < durka42> {lo si'o broda} doesn't appear anywhere though 08:49 < _mukti_> durka: Say more? 08:49 < durka42> you said {lo ro broda} means broda-ness 08:50 < gleki> Lions live in Africa = ta'e ku lo cinfo cu xabju la afrik 08:50 < _mukti_> No, I didn't mean to imply that. 08:50 < durka42> but even if there is some implicit outer quantifier, then you get some number out of all the brodas 08:50 < durka42> but I don't see where broda-ness could come from 08:50 < durka42> you were saying {mi nelci lo ro broda} might mean that I like broda-ness 08:51 < _mukti_> What I mean is that in {mi nelci lo ro broda}, {lo ro broda} could be an expression of something besides an enumerable quantity of "specific" brodas 08:53 * nuzba @uitki: LLG Meetings - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/LLG_Meetings by Mukti - /* Minutes */ [http://bit.ly/1GcsXvj] 08:53 * nuzba @uitki: new-fi'o - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o by Ctefaho [http://bit.ly/1K2OD1G] 08:53 < _mukti_> One of the reasons that is so is that there is no requirement for the referents of {lo ro broda} to satisfy {broda} distributively 08:53 < durka42> it might be a mass of brodas, yeah 08:54 < zipcpi> gleki: The sumtcita is great, but doesn't solve the problem of what {lo cinfo} refers to 08:56 < gleki> lo cinfo refers to lions 08:57 < zipcpi> Lions in particular, or in general? 08:58 < gleki> just lions, any number 08:59 < zipcpi> If all lions died, can we still generalize about them? 08:59 < gleki> similarly, {ta'e ku la gleki arxokuna cu xabju la rusko gugde} although there is only one Gleki Arxokuna in the universe. 08:59 < zipcpi> Must we always talk about some particular number of lions? 08:59 < gleki> no, the number of lions may change due to births and deaths. 09:00 < zipcpi> Exactly... {lo} is ambiguous that way. Which isn't necessarily bad; sometimes we don't want to think too hard about whether to use {le}, {lo'e}, or whatever else 09:00 < zipcpi> Erm, no... I meant what if lions don't exist at all; can't one still generalize about them? 09:01 < zipcpi> Can I say "I like unicorns"? 09:01 < gleki> everything exists, even unicorns whether or not in your mind. 09:01 < durka42> if you say that, unicorns exist in the universe of discourse, it's a non-problem 09:03 < gleki> li'a 09:03 < gleki> i li'a 09:04 < zipcpi> My point is it's an ambiguity that is often acceptable but sometimes needs to be disambiguated; and gadri is probably the most handy way we have of doing that 09:05 < gleki> why {i ta'eku} doesnt solve that? 09:05 < zipcpi> Because all it does is add the sense "Habitually" to the sentence 09:07 < zipcpi> It still doesn't say whether you are referring to some specific lions, or lions in general. It's probably fine for the children's textbook example, but must we find the right sumtcita or poi-abstractors everytime we want to separate these two senses? 09:15 < zipcpi> ta'o doi gleki What, if anything, have you done regarding my detri-system vs xornunsep in your study materials? 09:17 < zipcpi> Hm apparently nothing yet 09:17 < zipcpi> I have no suggestions; just curious. 09:18 < rlpowell> jbovlaste fixed. 09:18 < durka42> ua 09:19 < Ilmen> As far as I can tell, the "specific" meaning wanted by the users of {le broda} implies they want a subset of {lo broda}, so it would be expended as {lo broda poi....} followed by something appropriate 09:19 < Ilmen> I don't really see why outer quantification would be involved 09:19 < zipcpi> I mean if I were you I would just go in and replace all the {li}s with {li'ei}s, but relying on an experimental selma'o in a study material introduces its own problems 09:20 < Ilmen> be it {lo broda pe dei}, {lo broda poi .itca...}, {lo broda poi me'oi salient...} or whatever is appropriate 09:22 < gleki> {ta'eku lo cinfo cu xabju abu} says that in "most" situations lions live in Africa 09:22 < Ilmen> A demonstrative is deictic, so I guess something like nau or dei must be part of the expansion 09:22 < gleki> zipcpi: as for detri system i only added {xi} in CC 09:22 < Ilmen> ru'a ru'e 09:23 < Ilmen> mu'o 09:24 < zipcpi> Ah I see it 09:24 < gleki> zipcpi: should i use PAbu instead? 09:24 < zipcpi> No definitely not 09:25 < zipcpi> That would make de'i li ny rebu nobu pabu mubu 09:25 < zipcpi> Which is.... yuck 09:25 < gleki> why, only one bu is needed 09:25 < zipcpi> de'i li ny xi renopamu ly xi ze 09:26 < zipcpi> Er, oops 09:26 < zipcpi> exp: de'i li ny xi renopamu ly xi ze 09:26 < mensi> ([{de'i <li (¹ny BOI [xi {re <no pa mu>} BOI]¹) LOhO>} {ly BOI <xi (¹ze BOI¹)>}] VAU) 09:26 < zipcpi> ... fail 09:27 < gleki> exp: li ny pa recibu 09:27 < mensi> ([{li <ny BOI> LOhO} {<pa re> BOI} {ci bu} BOI] VAU) 09:27 < zipcpi> Also fail 09:27 < gleki> indeed 09:28 < gleki> how is it supposed to work then? 09:28 * durka42 wonders what this new-zi'e is that ctefaho mentions 09:29 < zipcpi> I don't know. The only two solutions apparent to me are: 09:29 < zipcpi> 1. Implement Guskant's variant, with her auto-pe'o system 09:29 < zipcpi> Or 2. Use {li'ei} 09:29 < gleki> exp: li ny py 09:29 < mensi> ([li {<ny py> BOI} LOhO] VAU) 09:30 < gleki> exp: li ny xi re py 09:30 < mensi> ([{li <ny BOI (¹xi [re BOI]¹)> LOhO} {py BOI}] VAU) 09:30 < gleki> this makes no sense 09:30 < ctefaho> durka42: not my idea, Ilmen's idea and la cliva's implementation 09:30 < zipcpi> There is joi'i but do we want to put that between every operator? 09:30 < durka42> ctefaho: but what is it? :) 09:30 < ctefaho> (it relies on the new connective system for a free zi'e) 09:30 < ctefaho> well it gives "soi" semantics 09:30 < ctefaho> instead of xoi 09:31 < ctefaho> Top scope vs... xoi scope? 09:31 < durka42> so it prefixes to a sumtcita to make it a scope-escaper? 09:31 < gleki> exp: li ny xi re ce ny xi re 09:31 < mensi> ([li {<ny BOI (¹xi [re BOI]¹)> <ce (¹ny BOI [xi {re BOI}]¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 09:31 < gleki> wth 09:31 < zipcpi> off: li ny xi re ce ny xi re 09:31 < mensi> ([li {<ny BOI (¹xi re BOI¹)> <ce (¹ny BOI [xi re BOI]¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 09:31 < ctefaho> yeah, and other things 09:32 < ctefaho> I am not 100% sure how it works, am thinking of writing a new-zi'e page too unless Ilmen or cliva gets to it 09:32 < durka42> a "scope leaper" as selpa'i calls it http://selpahi.weebly.com/archive-pre-2014/recycling-some-coi-cmavo-not-coi-or-coi 09:32 < durka42> la cliva cu du ma 09:32 < durka42> xu du la cirko 09:32 < Ilmen> la'a go'i 09:32 < durka42> si'au ro da poi na du la selpa'i cu du la cirko 09:33 < Ilmen> .u'e xu mi du la cirko zo'o 09:33 < ctefaho> Ilmen, can you explain to durka42 how new-zi´e works exactly? 09:33 < zipcpi> I'd much rather like to have a UI that expresses non-veridicality (a discursive "I describe") [lol and I just invented {ju'acu'i}] 09:33 < ctefaho> with cliva's new use of zi'e 09:33 < ctefaho> gtg, brb 09:33 * ctefaho co'o 09:34 < zipcpi> Oh just now Robin saying that JVS actually got into my head lol 09:34 < Ilmen> Basically the idea was to have a flag for saying "this adverbial/quantifier has topmost scope", as if it were declared before all the other ones in the same bridi 09:34 < zipcpi> Now to continue the nu bauspo :p 09:34 < Ilmen> but that's just an idea 09:34 < durka42> Ilmen: makes sense to me 09:34 < durka42> Ilmen: mi na klama lo banka zi'e ki'u lo nu carvi ? 09:35 < gleki> which parser supports auto-pe'o? zantufa? which version of it? 09:35 < Ilmen> Ni idea whether BAhE or UI makes most sense 09:35 < Ilmen> *No 09:35 < gleki> zo banxe 09:35 < durka42> banxa 09:36 * durka42 revokes zipcpi's JVS privileges 09:36 < zipcpi> lol nooooooo 09:40 < zipcpi> Gleki: http://guskant.github.io/gerna_cipra/zantufa-0.1.html 09:41 < gleki> zipcpi: how it can help detri system? 09:41 < zipcpi> cu'u la .guskant. te'i li pi'e 2015_ny 06_ly 10_dy 09_cy 56_my 09:41 < zipcpi> _ = xi I suppose 09:42 < zipcpi> She also moved pi'e to VUhU 09:42 < gleki> somewhat worse 09:43 < zipcpi> Mayhaps so 09:43 < zipcpi> Not very economic with the syllables 09:43 < durka42> you don't even need the {xi}s, do you 09:44 < zipcpi> Hmm... I suppose technically not. Oh yeah I remember now 09:44 < durka42> cu'u la .guskant. te'i li pi'e 2015 ny 06 ly 10 dy 09 cy 56 my 09:44 < zipcpi> With auto-pe'o {li'ei} ~= {li joi'i} 09:44 < durka42> or even cu'u la .guskant. te'i li pi'e ny 2015 ly 06 dy 10 cy 09 my 56 09:44 < durka42> the way your proposal originally was, just with an extra {pi'e} 09:45 < zipcpi> exp: de'i li pe'o joi'i ny renopamu ly xa dy pano 09:45 < mensi> ([de'i {li <pe'o joi'i (¹[ny BOI] [{re <no pa mu>} BOI] [ly BOI] [xa BOI] [dy BOI] [pa no] BOI¹) KUhE> LOhO}] VAU) 09:45 < zipcpi> {li'ei} ~= {li pe'o joi'i} 09:46 < zipcpi> Not an exact replacement though; VUhU in particular would make it act in strange ways 09:46 < durka42> right 09:47 < zipcpi> We could just say that all VUhU should have {bu} though in "arbitrary character strings" 09:48 < zipcpi> Probably won't be quite as disruptive as putting {bu} after every PA 09:53 < durka42> hmm does {pe'o} affect {bi'o}? 09:53 < durka42> if you're expressing a date range 09:53 < zipcpi> I don't even know T.T 09:53 < durka42> exp: de'i li pe'o joi'i ny renopamu ly pa bi'o ci 09:53 < mensi> ([de'i {li <pe'o joi'i (¹[ny BOI] [{re <no pa mu>} BOI] [ly BOI] [pa BOI] [bi'o {ci BOI}]¹) KUhE> LOhO}] VAU) 09:53 < zipcpi> {bi'o} already works funny 09:53 < zipcpi> Even before xornunsep 09:54 < durka42> seems okay there... 09:54 < durka42> exp: de'i li ny renopamu ly pa bi'o ci 09:54 < zipcpi> huh 09:54 < durka42> whoops I spoffed everything 09:54 < zipcpi> lol 09:55 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [uU] or [yY] but "i" found. 09:56 < zipcpi> off: de'i li ny renopamu ly pa bi'o ci 09:56 < mensi> ([de'i {li <(¹[ny {re no pa mu ly pa}] BOI¹) (¹bi'o [ci BOI]¹)> LOhO}] VAU) 09:56 < zipcpi> It... parses but doesn't quite break correctly? 09:57 < zipcpi> Incidentally what is the convention for inclusive vs exclusive 09:57 < zipcpi> pe'i inclusive should be the default 09:57 < zipcpi> CLL says there is no default but I think that's mabla 09:58 < durka42> oh yeah there's gotta be a default 10:01 < durka42> zipcpi: see the BPFK's discussion of {ga'o} and {ke'i} 10:01 < durka42> still doesn't say what the default is, but the examples imply inclusive 10:01 < zipcpi> Ah 10:02 < zipcpi> Anyway the {bi'o} thing 10:02 < zipcpi> THat means the way I defined {li'ei} is inadequate 10:02 < zipcpi> I think the best solution right now is to say {li'ei} is just shorthand for {me'o pe'o joi'i} 10:02 < zipcpi> And worry about the weird VUhU interactions later 10:03 < durka42> not sure I understand 10:03 < durka42> that's the way {bi'o} always parsed 10:03 < durka42> camxes: li pa bi'o re 10:03 < camxes> ([li {<pa BOI> <bi'o (¹re BOI¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 10:03 < zipcpi> No bi'o is fine; I'm talking about {li'ei} 10:03 < zipcpi> Oh... well. 10:03 < zipcpi> That. 10:03 < durka42> what breaks li'ei 10:04 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i pa vu'u pa 10:04 < mensi> ([li {pe'o joi'i <(¹pa BOI¹) (¹vu'u [pa BOI]¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 10:04 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i pa vu'u pa by 10:04 < mensi> ([li {pe'o joi'i <(¹[pa BOI] [vu'u {pa BOI}]¹) (¹by BOI¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 10:04 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i pa by vu'u pa 10:04 < mensi> ([li {pe'o joi'i <(¹pa BOI¹) (¹by BOI¹) (¹vu'u [pa BOI]¹)> KUhE} LOhO] VAU) 10:04 < zipcpi> Ah 10:05 < zipcpi> exp: li pe'o joi'i pa by vu'u 10:05 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 10:05 < zipcpi> Which means {li'ei} will still follow some of the mekso grammar 10:05 < zipcpi> But I guess we can live with that for back compatibility with {bi'o} 10:07 < zipcpi> I'll just add [Tentative proposal: {li'ei} = {me'o pe'o joi'i}] to my li'ei and li'ai 10:07 < durka42> well 10:08 < durka42> not that I understand mekso grammar at all 10:08 < durka42> but the parser probably doesn't really check for {pe'o} 10:08 < zipcpi> Me neither 10:08 < durka42> the parse may be a lie, is what I'm saying 10:08 < durka42> you're changing {li pe'o joi'i} to {me'o pe'o joi'i}? 10:08 < zipcpi> Same selma'o 10:09 < durka42> 'cause that's not any grammatical difference 10:09 < zipcpi> Technically me'o is for character strings 10:09 < zipcpi> Or was 10:09 < durka42> me'o is for unevaluated me 10:09 < durka42> me'o is for unevaluated mex 10:09 < gleki> in toaq dzu there are no such problems ti'esai 10:09 < gleki> i mean with detri 10:09 * durka42 hands gleki the irrelevant crown for today 10:10 < zipcpi> lol 10:10 < durka42> zipcpi: but if you're talking about a date it's probably not just a string of digits 10:10 < durka42> so {li} seems more appropriate 10:10 < durka42> but idk 10:10 < durka42> I don't even support the proposal that makes {li'ei} necessary so I'll bow out of this :) 10:10 < zipcpi> True... but I'm not sure I want both a {li} and {me'o} version of {li'ei} 10:11 < gleki> there are still many problems e.g. {lo se masti} sould return a number but then how to inject it into li-clause? 10:11 < zipcpi> I did argue that yes, dates are "numbers", so {li} was semantically appropriate 10:11 < zipcpi> na'u? 10:12 < zipcpi> No wait that's to turn into VUhU 10:12 < gleki> exp: i re su'i mo'e lo se masti 10:12 < zipcpi> {mo'e} 10:12 < zipcpi> Y.eah 10:12 < mensi> (i [re BOI] [su'i {mo'e <lo (¹se masti¹) KU> TEhU} BOI]) 10:12 < gleki> exp: li re su'i mo'e lo se masti 10:12 < mensi> ([li {<re BOI> <su'i (¹mo'e [lo {se masti} KU] TEhU¹) BOI>} LOhO] VAU) 10:14 < zipcpi> Fine then I'll define {li'ei} as "irregular number or arbitrary character string" 10:14 < zipcpi> Essentially ramming the {li} and {me'o} senses together 10:16 < durka42> that's... horrible :) 10:16 < zipcpi> zbusufukai xu 10:17 < zipcpi> Well then... if you can convince them to stop spoffing LI/LOhO, then this won't be necessary :p 10:17 < durka42> I don't actually see why the me'o version is ever necessary 10:17 < durka42> I tried and failed :( 10:18 < zipcpi> You think {li'ei} can always mean a number? 10:18 < durka42> sure why not? 10:19 < zipcpi> What do we use for spelling an arbitrary string of characters then, like a password? 10:20 < durka42> hmm good point 10:20 < durka42> I was only thinking about dates 10:21 < zipcpi> So... either we ram the senses together, or the BSFK claims another cmavo 10:21 < durka42> I guess the question is whether you can always tell the senses apart by the context 10:22 < zipcpi> That's a good point... 10:22 < durka42> obviously (?), lo detri is a number while lo lerpoijaspu is a character string 10:23 < zipcpi> Yes... 10:23 < durka42> so maybe it's fine 10:28 < zipcpi> Yeah maybe... the distinction between an "irregular number" and "arbitrary character string" is often hazy anyway... which one would license plates fall into? Or phone-numbers? 10:28 < zipcpi> In programming languages they would all be defined by character strings, then handled by the correct objects 10:29 < zipcpi> Only regular numbers get treated as numbers 10:29 < durka42> probably license plates and phone numbers are strings 10:29 < durka42> you can't add them 10:29 < durka42> and they can have leading zeros which must be preserved 10:29 < durka42> also social security "numbers" and zip codes 10:30 < zipcpi> True... 10:30 < durka42> sometimes phone numbers start with "+" ... oisai 10:30 < durka42> that must be vu'ubu I guess 10:30 < durka42> er, su'ibu 10:31 < zipcpi> What about addresses like {11A}? 10:31 < durka42> same deal 10:31 < durka42> you can't add them 10:32 < zipcpi> But technically it is a {moi}... maybe? 10:32 < zipcpi> Over here "11A" commonly replaces "13" 10:32 < durka42> though in some sense, 11A + 1 is 11B, but that depends on the building layout 10:32 < durka42> eh? 10:32 < durka42> not 12A? 10:32 < zipcpi> Nah, we do even/odd splitting 10:32 < zipcpi> One side of the road gets even numbers, the other side gets odd 10:33 < zipcpi> Applies even if there is only one side of the road; then the other half just doesn't exist 10:35 < zipcpi> I thought you did even/odd splitting in America? But I dunno about the 11A/13 thing 10:36 < durka42> oh, yeah sure 10:37 < durka42> no we just skip floor 13 in old superstitious buildings 10:37 < durka42> 11, 12, 14 10:37 < zipcpi> Right 10:41 < b_jonas> oh! I did ask a related question about this previously. In Pratchett's *Color of Magic*, Rincewind was housed in room number 7A in the university for similar superstitious reasons. I asked what number that room would have if they spoke lojban there. I wondered between {li 7 .a bu} or {li 7 by.} or {li 7 xi .a bu boi} or {li 7 xi by. boi} 10:43 < ctefaho> coiru'e 10:43 < ctefaho> si 10:45 < zipcpi> b_jonas: Yes, and now xornunsep is going to make that even more complicated :p 10:46 < zipcpi> But yeah I know how you feel about grammar changes so I don't think there is much need to go into that 10:46 < zipcpi> I myself support xornunsep *except* for what it does to arbitrary character strings and irregular numbers 10:48 < b_jonas> so what do you think the room number would be? 10:48 < zipcpi> ... well I'd prefer the xi-less version. But I'm speaking from the viewpoint of a world that isn't completely Lojbanized, and there are irregular-number systems everywhere that would be difficult to xi-ize in any algorithmic manner 10:49 < durka42> {li 7 bu .abu} is another option 10:49 < durka42> it's what xorxes would suggest 10:49 < durka42> but it's kinda gross 10:49 < zipcpi> But it's ugly; because it breaks symmetry with the numbers that do *not* have a letter 10:49 < zipcpi> Well technically {li'ei} does that... 10:50 < zipcpi> But it's less bad than adding bu after every nacle'u especially in a longer string 10:50 < b_jonas> zipcpi: I don't really like {xi} for this either these days, though I don't claim it's completely wrong. let me tell why. 10:50 < zipcpi> Oh semantically I think either is fine 10:50 < zipcpi> I just prefer xi-less because I'm lazy 10:50 < ctefaho> Ilmen: so not yet really decided about UI-form or BAhE form? About new-zi'e 10:51 < zipcpi> And also because like I said, xi-iziation doesn't extend to all irregular-number-systems 10:51 < Ilmen> I'm not pondering about it, but feel free to do so 10:52 < Ilmen> @ ctefaho 10:52 < durka42> or a new selma'o that only attaches to sumtcita 10:52 < ctefaho> doi Ilmen, ah, well, I hadn't seen it considered to be in BAhE form before 10:52 < b_jonas> This opinion of mine specifically contradicts CLL, but I think {xi} should not be used to make mathematical indices in formulas. It should be used only to qualify cmavo (or similar) to build new cmavo (with the same grammar as what it qualifies), for purposes like qualifying what of multiple possible referents it refers to, or to make up new grammatical particles when there aren't enough single-word ones. 10:53 < ctefaho> durka42: yeah that would probably make more sense than a pure UI 10:53 < durka42> what do you use for mathematical indices then? 10:53 < ctefaho> (unless it was to be for non-sumtcita too but I don't think so, doi Ilmen?) 10:53 < durka42> well 10:53 < durka42> at least we should come up with a list of things it can modify! 10:53 < b_jonas> For making an index in formulas, a mekso operator should be used, one that probably deserves a new cmavo for brecity, or sometimes plain concatenation when that is clear enough and the index is simple. 10:54 < Ilmen> ctefaho: It could be used with quantifiers too (PA broda, PA da...) 10:54 < b_jonas> I mean that should be used, I'm not using anything yet because I haven't tried to say such things. 10:54 < durka42> it sounds like... a sumtcita 10:54 < ctefaho> durka42: yeah:d 10:54 < b_jonas> However, I have other strange ideas about mekso that I haven't explained to anyone yet but should eventually try to explain. 10:54 < durka42> or a LAhE! 10:54 < durka42> camxes: +exp la'e ca da la'e pa broda 10:54 < camxes> ([{la'e <ca da> LUhU} {la'e <(¹pa BOI¹) broda KU> LUhU}] VAU) 10:54 < b_jonas> This is only a part, and probably not the strangest one. 10:56 < ctefaho> Well I can probably put together some new-zi'e page later, just wanted to know what to say in new-fi'o 10:56 < b_jonas> durka42: no, the whole point is that there's no _complete_ list of cmavo that {xi} can modify or how it can modify them. we can have a list of common ones (in a dictionary), but people can make up new ones as needed, just like how they can build new predicate words with {zei}. 10:56 < b_jonas> sure, we should list some useful ones, and in fact CLL also lists some, and there are others. 10:57 < durka42> yes 10:57 < b_jonas> but it's not a list closed in the grammar. that's why {xi} is a free modifier, it can attach to almost everything, thus it's ideal for making up new semantics without modifying the _syntax_ of the grammar. 10:58 < b_jonas> of course, I'm not saying that that's completely analogous to lujvo-making, and I certainly wouldn't want to encourage overusing either indexed particles or lujvo, 10:58 < b_jonas> but it's there for when I need it. 10:58 * durka42 doesn't see how that precludes its use in math 10:59 < b_jonas> I say when I need it, because my primary goal is to figure out how I should use lojban, and convincing others to use them in a similar way is a secondary goal. 11:00 < b_jonas> durka42: yes, I didn't tell why I don't want to use it in math. it's partly because I think the semantics isn't approperiate, and I think Iverson was eventually _right_ when he finally figured out that indexing arrays should be an ordinary operator rather than special bracket syntax; 11:01 < zipcpi> Does {sene'i} mean "contains"? 11:01 < b_jonas> and partly because the grammar of {xi} is a bit ugly which makes it inconvenient to use. the ugliness is required to make it both able to attach to almost any particle yet make it brief, but it's not needed for indexing mathematical variables, which can be much more common in some mathematical contexts. 11:01 < b_jonas> (or physics context) 11:02 < durka42> jbo:ne'i 11:02 < mensi> ne'i = [FAhA3] fi'o se nenri 11:02 < zipcpi> You know maybe la samyuan should define xo'iTAG "brivla" for all non-BAI sumtcita. Link them to real-brivla synonyms if applicable 11:02 < b_jonas> I could also say that {xi} clearly doesn't make it easy to distinguish between subscript and superscript indexing, and iirc it's easier to do that with operators. 11:02 < durka42> zipcpi: yeah I guess so 11:03 < durka42> vlaste: superscript 11:03 < vlaste> ga'u'au = mekso n-ary operator: append contravariant (upper) indices to tensor 11:03 < durka42> oi kurtyvla 11:03 < b_jonas> good, at least he invented _useful_ cmavo too 11:03 < b_jonas> is there one for subscript? that'd be even more useful 11:03 < zipcpi> lol 11:03 < b_jonas> and for parenthisized superscript 11:03 < durka42> ni'a'au apparently 11:04 < durka42> but for tensors, which seems like an extremely narrow context 11:04 < b_jonas> mind you, I'm not sure all three of this needs a new cmavo, parenthisized subscript could be composed 11:04 < durka42> I wonder what lojbab would say about subscripts and superscripts 11:04 < durka42> since he did say mekso was designed to be able to transcribe any expression :p 11:04 < b_jonas> durka42: nah, I don't use any word in an extremely narrow context. I automatically generalize stuff. 11:05 < b_jonas> durka42: you can _already_ make an operator for subscripts. there are like three cmavo that build new operators. 11:05 < b_jonas> it's just that these are common enough that single-cmavo name may be useful 11:05 < durka42> wait, really? 11:05 < b_jonas> no, probably only two 11:05 < ctefaho> mekso is supposed to be able express *any* math expression? 11:05 * durka42 is not familiar with mekso trivia 11:05 < b_jonas> "like three" was an exaggeration 11:05 < durka42> in theory 11:05 < durka42> what are they? 11:06 < b_jonas> that's not trivia, it's _grammar_. I'd like to understand grammar. 11:06 < b_jonas> dunno, I don't remember the actual names for them 11:06 < b_jonas> let me look it up 11:06 < b_jonas> in fact, you look them up in https://lojban.github.io/cll/18/18/ if you wish 11:06 < durka42> ma'o, I guess 11:06 < b_jonas> no 11:06 < durka42> hmm there is te'a for "raised to the power" which is superscript 11:07 < b_jonas> durka42: yes, exactly 11:07 < durka42> oh for making operators from selbri 11:07 < durka42> yeah 11:07 < b_jonas> which is why I think subscript definitely needs one, I'm not sure about whether superscript does 11:07 < durka42> hmm so what selbri do we use for sub- and superscript 11:08 < b_jonas> I dunno, I don't know lojbanic terminology for maths 11:08 < durka42> klesi? 11:08 < b_jonas> it might not even exist yet 11:08 < durka42> meh, I'll just {xi} :) 11:08 < b_jonas> I don't claim that you can't use {xi} 11:08 < b_jonas> in fact, {xi} isn't really _bad_ for subscripting maths variables 11:08 < ctefaho> Ilmen: the more I think about it the more I think I like a "BAhE"-ish new-zi'e 11:09 < b_jonas> especially when the subscript isn't an evaluated expression, but a "name" 11:09 < Ilmen> je'e la ctefaho 11:09 * durka42 votes for LAhE 11:09 < Ilmen> .i ta'o .ai citka co'o 11:09 < b_jonas> I'm only saying I'd like to avoid that, and that at least sometimes an operator is needed for this 11:09 < _mukti_> How was jbovlaste fixed? 11:10 < ctefaho> co'o la Ilmen 11:10 < ctefaho> si Ilmèn 11:10 < ctefaho> durka42: yeah well something that goes in front of what it modifies 11:10 < durka42> _mukti_: rlpowell declared it to be so 11:10 < ctefaho> it feels cleaner somehow 11:10 < durka42> I assume he restarted la morji :) 11:10 < _mukti_> UA 11:12 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 11:12 < durka42> fa fa fa fa fa 11:12 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 11:13 < zipcpi> Hmm... I'm beginning to think that most (if not all) non-BAI have only two "places" when xo'i-ed 11:13 < zipcpi> i.e. only TAG and seTAG makes sense 11:14 < durka42> if TAG is defined in terms of fi'o 11:14 < durka42> then any SE* you can put on the brivla make sense 11:14 < ctefaho> I think only BAI are defined with fi'o? 11:14 < durka42> (I mean, in theory. using SE* strings with fi'o in speech not recommended) 11:15 < durka42> vlaste: ne'i (selma'o) 11:15 < vlaste> ne'i (class) = FAhA3 11:15 < durka42> jbo: ne'i 11:15 < mensi> ne'i = [FAhA3] fi'o se nenri |>>> nenri |>>> xorxes 11:15 < b_jonas> (even if I'm not on this channel too much nowadays, I haven't forgotten completely about lojban. it's often in my mind. and it's difficult.) 11:15 < zipcpi> I tend to think the fi'o definitons for non-BAI are just placeholders though 11:15 < ctefaho> according to bpfk sections that's a guide and not an actual definition 11:15 < durka42> ... 11:15 < zipcpi> And may not match what the BPFK have defined to be seTAG 11:16 < durka42> if TAG is defined as {fi'o broda} and seTAG is not defined as {fi'o se broda} 11:16 < durka42> that's absolutely horrible 11:16 < ctefaho> in my world fa'a and fi'o farna mean slight different things 11:16 < b_jonas> (I'm probably not the only one.) 11:16 < durka42> I hope there are no such examples 11:16 < durka42> it would be incredibly confusing 11:16 < ctefaho> durka42: Well, BAI tags are defined so 11:16 < durka42> that was the whole point of regularizing the sumtcita system :/ 11:16 < ctefaho> but when did you use "sePU" and "seFAhA" lately? 11:17 < durka42> well, never :) 11:17 < zipcpi> I used sene'i 11:17 < durka42> that 11:17 < durka42> and people say {se ca'o} sometimes 11:17 < ctefaho> but you are zipcpi 11:17 < b_jonas> ctefaho: I did use {se pu} (or maybe {se ba}) once 11:17 < zipcpi> lol 11:17 < ctefaho> you are nuts zo'oru'e 11:17 < b_jonas> it might have been a bad idea 11:17 < b_jonas> no wait, I think I used {se bu'u} 11:17 < durka42> ue ru'e 11:17 < ctefaho> well I was going to say sePU and seBAhA are not actually defined 11:17 < zipcpi> Everyone is nuts, if you haven't noticed :p 11:17 < durka42> jbo:bu'u 11:17 < mensi> bu'u = [FAhA3] fi'o se zvati 11:18 < ctefaho> and again that which mensi just spat out is a "guide2 11:18 < b_jonas> hey, it was probably a bad idea for where I used it 11:18 < durka42> I don't see why we have to restrict it to being a guide 11:18 < zipcpi> We're all mad here 11:18 < zipcpi> jbo: co'u 11:18 < mensi> co'u = [ZAhO] fi'o fanmo |>>> fanmo; tolcfa |>>> xorxes 11:18 < ctefaho> because I disagree that fa'a and fi'o farna mean the same 11:18 < zipcpi> ... I don't think {co'u} = {fi'o fanmo} either 11:18 < durka42> how do they differ? 11:19 * durka42 is a reductionist today 11:19 < zipcpi> Does {ti mlatu co'u lo rebla} make sense? 11:19 < ctefaho> "Orientation" vs "Direction" 11:19 < _mukti_> ba'a nai ca lo bavlamdei la'e zo za'o cu gubni 11:20 < durka42> zipcpi: not really but seems like it would if you included that word that makes a time tense into a spatial tense 11:20 < ctefaho> also: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_sumtcita_Formants 11:20 < durka42> what's that word again 11:20 < zipcpi> .y. ta'i ma do vreji da pe lo bavlamdei 11:20 < zipcpi> {fe'e}, durka 11:20 < durka42> yeah that 11:20 < durka42> okay so maybe {co'u} should be {fi'o temci fanmo} but I don't see why it _can't_ be defined in terms of {fi'o} 11:20 < gleki> what i like now is that people put resumes of discussions to the wiki 11:20 < gleki> in previous years it wasnt so 11:21 < zipcpi> Well, one thing; fi'o is kinda weak; it has the same ambiguities that tanru does 11:21 < gleki> if every discussion is shortened into a wiki article it means i can stop reading all the logs 11:21 < _mukti_> cafne fa lo nu mi djuno fi lo balvi 11:21 < zipcpi> Errm... how much of *my* bergu has been canonized? lol 11:22 < zipcpi> Dang it and I swore I'd never be in those 11:23 < ctefaho> actually now I am confused about the PU/FAhA tags again 11:23 < _mukti_> gleki: I get the sense it used to be like that in the early days of the wiki. Glad that's happening again. 11:23 < zipcpi> mi vreji tu'a la'oi tiki noi uitki .i ri mabla 11:23 < zipcpi> .y. vedli 11:23 < ctefaho> (+ZAhO) 11:24 * ctefaho edits new-fi'o again 11:25 < zipcpi> mabla lo ka traji lo ka mabla 11:25 < gleki> the old tiki might be the cause of not adding anything, yes 11:25 < zipcpi> ie 11:26 < _mukti_> Yes, I think it was confusing. 11:26 < zipcpi> ua mi se cfipu tu'a zo vreji jo'u zo vedli 11:28 < durka42> FWIW the new-fi'o page makes sense to me, I think {xoi ... do'e ke'a} is certainly vague enough to cover all usage of BAI 11:28 < zipcpi> Except we can't define do'e as {fi'o co'e} then :p 11:29 < durka42> heh 11:29 < durka42> do'e becomes a primitive I guess 11:29 < zipcpi> efku be fi li ci'i 11:30 < zipcpi> cimny'efku 11:30 * ctefaho done editing and doesn't want to touch that anymore for now 11:31 < ctefaho> I really do wonder if the PU/ZAhO/FAhA tags really do work with xoi-based fi'o, though. And their respective pages don't mention them as actually being defined with fi'o. 11:32 * ctefaho 's brain's abstraction fuel has run out for today though 11:32 < durka42> broda ba ko'a => broda xoi balvi do'e ke'a => broda xoi balvi ke'a => lo nu broda cu balvi ke'a 11:33 < zipcpi> ki'e durkavore do jmina lo jbobau velcki pe zo sreji'i 11:34 < zipcpi> mi tolmo'i tu'a lo nu gasnu 11:34 < durka42> yeah I mean, for defined tags you have to eliminate some of the vagueness 11:34 < durka42> so {do'e} isn't appropriate 11:35 < durka42> now that I think about it I don't think {do'e} is ever appropriate for defining {fi'o} 11:35 < durka42> ke'a always goes in the x1 11:36 < ctefaho> in your ba example where did the ko'a go? 11:37 < durka42> uh whoops 11:37 < durka42> I think my derivation was wrong 11:37 < durka42> let me do it without {do'e} 11:39 < durka42> broda ba ko'a => broda xoi ke'a balvi ko'a => broda .i lo nu broda cu balvi ko'a 11:39 < durka42> is that right 11:40 < ctefaho> uhm ba is se balvi 11:41 < durka42> right that's why ko'a went to balvi2 11:41 < ctefaho> broda xoi ke'a sebalvi ko'a 11:41 < ctefaho> or I am just tired now 11:41 * ctefaho resets mind 11:41 < durka42> I typed it out that way and realized I was wrong :) 11:41 < durka42> reversed PU is annoying, we should be using {bau} or something as the example 11:42 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/cimny'efku 11:43 < ctefaho> broda ba ko'a -> broda xoi ko'a se balvi do'e ke'a -> broda xoi do'e (->fa via glork) ke'a balvi fe ko'a 11:43 < durka42> la zipcpi la lojban lo ka zbusufukai cu cimny'efku 11:43 < zipcpi> u'i 11:43 < ctefaho> broda xoi ke'a balvi ko'a 11:43 < durka42> ctefaho: are there examples of where {do'e} is necessary? 11:43 < durka42> fi'o is always used where ko'a goes to the x1 11:43 < ctefaho> lo zdani fi'o mlatu ta 11:44 < zipcpi> je'u i'a 11:44 < durka42> oh wait, I was misreading 11:44 < ctefaho> durka42: It just allows it to work with everything 11:44 < durka42> do'e ke'a, not do'e ko'a 11:44 < durka42> okay, yes 11:44 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 11:44 < gleki> en: efku 11:44 < mensi> efku = x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with 11:44 < mensi> two ce'u) |>>> Shortening of refkusi for more convenience in making V'y-style zi'evla-lujvo. tanru example for common 11:44 < mensi> usage: the day three days from now (tommorow's tommorow's tommorow) -> lo bavlamdei efku be fi li ci . Cf. krefu, rapli, 11:44 < mensi> efku |>>> spheniscine 11:45 < ctefaho> someone should coin a new word for "endless gadri discussions" 11:45 < ctefaho> durka42: ah, then I see what was so strange 11:45 < ctefaho> that would have been one strange definition;o 11:45 < durka42> gadri casnu cimny'efku 11:46 < durka42> it'd be easier to read with full CKTJ :p 11:46 < durka42> but you never go full CKTJ 11:46 < zipcpi> Nah {ze'e} works better; add {sai/cai/ba'e} if you want to emphasize it 11:46 < durka42> ze'e gadri casnu 11:46 < zipcpi> You mean the efku/refkusi definitions? 11:47 < durka42> no I meant the new-fi'o page with ke'a and ko'a which caused me to ki'a 11:47 < zipcpi> Right 11:47 < zipcpi> u'i 11:47 < ctefaho> "with ke'a and ko'a which caused me to ki'a" <--- golden clause of the day 11:49 < zipcpi> Well I've begun using {xo'i} specifically as a {ze'oi} alternative for sumtcita lol 11:49 < durka42> ka'a mi seka'a lo .uitki papri pe lo cnino me zo fi'o mi sreji'i lo nu zo ke'a me zo ko'a .i mi cinmo lo srana be zo ki'a 11:49 < durka42> en:ku'a 11:49 < mensi> ku'a = [JOI] non-logical connective: intersection of sets. 11:50 < durka42> ka'a mi seka'a lo .uitki papri pe lo cnino me zo fi'o mi sreji'i lo du'u zo ke'a ku'a zo ko'a cu su'omei .i mi cinmo lo srana be zo ki'a 11:50 < durka42> camxes: ka'a mi seka'a lo .uitki papri pe lo cnino me zo fi'o mi sreji'i lo du'u zo ke'a ku'a zo ko'a cu su'omei .i mi cinmo lo srana be zo ki'a 11:50 < camxes> ([{<(¹ka'a mi¹) (¹[se ka'a] [lo {<uitki papri> <pe (²lo [cnino {me <zo fi'o> MEhU}] KU²) GEhU>} KU]¹) mi> CU} {sreji'i <lo (¹du'u [{<(²zo ke'a²) (²ku'a [zo ko'a]²)> cu} {su'o mei} VAU] KEI¹) KU> VAU}] [i {mi CU} {cinmo <lo (¹srana [be {zo ki'a} BEhO]¹) KU> VAU}]) 11:50 < durka42> uo 11:50 < zipcpi> {ka'a}? 11:50 < durka42> "zo ke'a ku'a zo ko'a" oi oi oi 11:50 < durka42> fi'o klama! 11:50 < zipcpi> Right 11:50 < durka42> poetic license... 11:51 < zipcpi> Oh yes ku'a 11:51 < zipcpi> But might not mean what you want 11:51 < durka42> lo me zo ke'a ku'a lo me zo ko'a ? 11:51 < zipcpi> No the main problem is 11:52 < zipcpi> That there is no intersection between them 11:52 < zipcpi> strictly speaking 11:53 < durka42> right that's why it was a sreji'i 11:53 < durka42> I even used your word! stop protesting :p 11:53 < zipcpi> Oh 11:53 < zipcpi> su'omei 11:53 < zipcpi> I didn't see that 11:53 < zipcpi> I approve then :p 11:54 < zipcpi> I probably should be nursing my headache lol 11:54 < zipcpi> co'o 11:54 < durka42> oi dai 11:54 < durka42> ko co'e la .parasitymal. 11:55 < durka42> (that's what you non-americans call it, right?) 11:57 * nuzba @fnxTX: @NaithanJones Right? Well I kinda disagree; I bet there IS a logical formalization of "doping", but it's 2015 & we don't speak lojban / code [http://bit.ly/1GyRv3L] 11:58 < durka42> vlaste: doping 11:58 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/doping 12:03 < durka42> blah 12:03 < durka42> LMW and JVS went down again 12:04 < durka42> and came back! 12:37 < MrVulcan> I just came from the page at http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban which left me with a question. How could "He's left" mean that he's still here? 12:38 < durka42> everyone else died of ebola. He's the only one left. 12:39 < durka42> in fact, the same sense of "left" that you used in "left me with a question" :p 12:40 < MrVulcan> I do believe the ebola part was not necessary, but thank you, durka42. 12:40 < durka42> sorry, linguistics tends to go for morbid examples 12:43 < Ilmen> lol 12:44 < ctefaho> hmm, He's left vs He's right 12:45 < ctefaho> oh english why you do this 12:47 < ctefaho> vukna: sipna 12:47 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 12:47 < _mukti_> "Hi, Wright!" "He's not Wright. I'm Wright. He's Left." 12:48 < ctefaho> zo sipna 12:48 < ctefaho> vukna: zo sipna 12:48 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 12:48 < ctefaho> vukna: ko sipna 12:48 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 12:48 < ctefaho> vukna: xu ko sipna 12:48 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 12:48 < ctefaho> vukna: sipna sipna 12:48 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 12:48 * ctefaho cu sisti 12:48 < durka42> wtf 12:49 < durka42> did you make another mystery gismu bot? 12:49 < Ilmen> .u'i 12:55 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 12:59 < ctefaho> en: menre, 12:59 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:59 < ctefaho> en: menre 12:59 < mensi> menre = x1 is/are among the referent(s) of x2 |>>> See also me. |>>> Ilmen 13:00 < durka42> someone made a lujvo for that meaning of {vukna} 13:00 < durka42> what was it... 13:01 < durka42> dubysreji'i or something? 13:01 < durka42> en: dubysreji'i 13:01 < mensi> [< du srera jinvi ≈ Same identity as err opine] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se 13:01 < mensi> tolcri 13:01 < mensi> dubysrejiv[9927], dubysreji'i[10416], du'orsrejiv[10416], du'orsreji'i[10905], dubysrejinvi[11966], ... 13:01 < durka42> no it was dubji'isre 13:01 < durka42> en: dubji'isre 13:01 < mensi> dubji'isre [< du jinvi srera ≈ Same identity as opine err] = x1 mistakes/confuses x2 with/for x3 |>>> 13:01 < mensi> selpahi 13:01 < durka42> jbo: dubjiisre 13:01 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 13:01 < durka42> jbo: dubji'isre 13:01 < mensi> dubji'isre [< du jinvi srera ≈ Du jinvi* srera*] = x1 srera lo ka ce'u jinvi lo du'u x2 du x3 |>>> 13:01 < mensi> selpahi 13:01 < durka42> hmmm 13:02 < durka42> seems like sreji'i should perhaps be ji'isre :) 13:03 < durka42> jbo: sreji'i 13:03 < mensi> [< srera jinvi ≈ Srera* jinvi*] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 13:03 < mensi> srejiv[5878], sreji'i[6367], srejinvi[7917], sreryjiv[8008], sreryji'i[8497], ... 13:03 < durka42> mensi: ko ningau 13:03 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 13:04 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 13:04 < durka42> jbo: sreji'i 13:04 < mensi> sreji'i [< srera jinvi ≈ Srera* jinvi*] = x1 srera lo ka jinvi x2 x3 |>>> durka42 13:06 * nuzba @MinecraftWither: Lojban is my new favorite language. [http://bit.ly/1MVzo9X] 13:16 < Vunax> does anyone even talk in this chat? 13:16 < Vunax> i've been here for a bit and no one is talking 13:18 < durka42> it varies 13:18 < durka42> you've been here for... 3 minutes? 13:18 < cflep> I would if Icould speak Lojban 13:18 < durka42> we were talking a lot earlier this afternoon, but it seems to have petered out around 4 13:19 < durka42> (a half hour ago that is) 13:22 < durka42> vukna: do mo 13:22 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 13:25 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa timon fa 13:28 < timon_`> coi ro do 13:29 < niftg> coi 13:29 < durka42> coi 13:30 < niftg> .ue so'imei catra pe'a xu 13:30 < timon_`> xu ma djica tavla mi 13:31 < durka42> ca netspliti za'a 13:32 < timon_`> catra pe'a ma 13:33 < niftg> lo so'i irci jorne 13:38 < niftg> mi bredi lo nu voksa tavla .i ku'i la'a masno lo nu spuda 13:45 * nuzba1 @uitki: ce ki tau jau - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau by Selpahi - se'e [http://bit.ly/1fowlMS] 13:46 < Ilmen> la .timon. jo'u mi ca'o bacru casnu do'e la .mambl. 13:46 < Ilmen> .i .e'e kansa 13:46 < durka42> ua 13:47 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa durka42 fa 13:47 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 13:47 < durka42> mi tirna ju bacru kansa 14:04 < durka42> la camxes cu mo 14:05 < durka42> ua la camxes xi pa 14:06 < ctefaho> did zipcpi add an x3 to kosmu 14:06 < ctefaho> wtf 14:06 < durka42> .u'i 14:06 < durka42> en:kosmu 14:06 < mensi> kosmu = x1 (abstraction) is the purpose of x2 (object or event), attributed by x3 14:08 * ctefaho gives up completely and just focuses on Sumtcita'a 14:09 < ctefaho> but if he really wants to add another ma'i, go ahead 14:09 < ctefaho> maybe add it to krinu too 14:09 < ctefaho> and all the others 14:12 < durka42> ui coi la camxes 14:12 < camxes> coi --- Log closed Sat Jun 20 14:31:20 2015 --- Log opened Sat Jun 20 14:31:34 2015 14:31 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 163 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 161 normal] 14:31 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 14:33 -!- Irssi: Join to #lojban was synced in 143 secs 14:50 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa dakrgakakmada fa 14:53 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 14:55 < ctefaho> co'o 15:21 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: mi toldukse pilno la tuitr .i ku'i mi jutni .i ui #lojban [http://bit.ly/1FtIiWv] 15:22 < Ilmen> jutni ki'a .u'e 15:22 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa timon fa 15:23 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 15:23 < timon_``> mi cliva .i co'o ro do 15:24 < Ilmen> co'o 15:24 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa durka42 fa 15:26 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: mi toldukse pilno la tuitr .i ku'i mi jundi .i ui #lojban [http://bit.ly/1FtIvsM] 15:26 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: my favorite lojban part, is not actually the grammar, but the vocabulary itself. it is rather cute. What is your favorite part about lojban? [http://bit.ly/1FtIEMQ] 15:28 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa niftyg fa 15:32 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: actually, i am kind of starting to like the lojban words more. specially the ones that have an E and I on them. ^^ [http://bit.ly/1FtJ0mK] 15:34 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: ma nuzba #lojban [http://bit.ly/1FtJ85B] --- Log closed Sat Jun 20 17:26:48 2015 --- Log opened Sat Jun 20 17:27:00 2015 17:27 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 154 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 152 normal] 17:29 -!- Irssi: Join to #lojban was synced in 139 secs 18:09 < Mateon1> Can I get a link to all space/time words? 18:10 < durka42> in vlasisku, you can browse by selma'o 18:20 < Mateon1> Is there a bridi that literally doesn't mean anything? 18:20 < durka42> well 18:21 < durka42> there is {co'e}, which means whatever the speaker means it to mean 18:21 < durka42> and the "variables" broda/brode/brodi/brodo/brodu, which don't mean anything unless you assign them to something with {cei} 18:21 < durka42> the broda series is often used for grammar examples 18:23 < Mateon1> Hm, so then I might ask if {lo'ai [text] sa'ai le'ai} is valid to remove previous said text (as untrue, a mistake, etc.) 18:24 < durka42> yep :) 18:24 < Mateon1> Ah, alright 18:24 < Mateon1> So I guess a mean-nothing bridi wouldn't be useful in this case 18:24 < durka42> camxes: +exp broda lo brode .i lo'ai lo brode sa'ai le'ai 18:24 < camxes> ([CU {broda <lo brode KU> VAU}] [i {lo'ai <lo brode>} sa'ai le'ai]) 18:28 * nuzba @uitki: Nuzba:xu do djuno - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Nuzba:xu_do_djuno by Guskant [http://bit.ly/1BuPAyn] 18:31 < Mateon1> ui ki'anai 18:31 < Mateon1> co'o 18:31 < durka42> co'o uai 18:33 < durka42> mensi: doi mukti check out my most recent teensy JVS PRs! 18:33 < mensi> durka42: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.mukti.gy. di'a cusku da 19:59 < durka42> ua la camgusmis di'a gunka CLL 19:59 < rlpowell> go'i 20:00 < durka42> rlpowell: I'm working on merging docbook-prince back into docbook-prince-volunteers 20:00 < durka42> couple of merge conflicts 20:04 < durka42> hopefully I'm choosing the right glosses to keep :p 20:04 < rlpowell> Oh, crap, I'd forgotten about that branch! I'm sorry. 20:05 < rlpowell> Don't I need to merge in the other direction, too? 20:05 < rlpowell> Want me to do it? 20:05 < durka42> well, yeah, but it'll be easier if I fix the merge conflicts first, I think 20:05 < rlpowell> 20-20:04 < durka42> hopefully I'm choosing the right glosses to keep :p -- In basicalyl every case where a <gloss> was turned into a <natlang>, you want the latter. 20:05 < rlpowell> Ok, let me know. 20:05 < durka42> I just finished fixing the conflicts, rebuilding now 20:05 < rlpowell> Nice. 20:06 < durka42> well, building individual chapters 20:06 < durka42> not sure if my VPS has the RAM to do the whole thing :) 20:07 < durka42> I seem to remember it killed everything last time I tried 20:07 < durka42> but I did add a swap partition since then 20:08 < durka42> rlpowell: docbook-prince-volunteers can be automatically merged! 20:08 < durka42> it wasn't changing <gloss> to <natlang>, it was mostly fiddling with alignment inside the interlinear glosses 20:11 < rlpowell> durka42: You're welcome to a vrici account if you prefer. 20:11 < durka42> I have one! 20:12 < rlpowell> 'k. 20:13 * durka42 is embarrassed about https://github.com/lojban/cll/commit/4284ddce48627ec5083e869e374733148a018395 20:15 < rlpowell> Doesn't look obviously terrible to me. 20:15 < rlpowell> What does it do? 20:15 < durka42> as far as I recall, it doesn't split the interlinear-gloss inside quoted text 20:17 < rlpowell> Woohoo merged! 20:17 < rlpowell> Oh, neat; well done. 20:18 < durka42> for example, example 19.11.54 20:19 < durka42> it's broken there though :/ 20:20 < durka42> or "spoffed", as la zipcpi coined :) 20:21 < durka42> yeah, broken alignment in chapter 6 as well 20:21 < durka42> to be refactored, as I said 20:21 < durka42> I wish I could remember exactly which example motivated that commit, so I could see if at least that one is still aligned correctly 20:25 < rlpowell> Heh. 20:25 < rlpowell> We'll figure it out. 20:25 < rlpowell> SO NICE that someone else is touching the code. 20:25 < rlpowell> afk-ish; work thing. 20:26 < durka42> I think it was e.g. example 4 in chapter 17 20:27 < durka42> I could add a check that the previous word ends with "-" :p 20:40 < durka42> it would help if I knew Ruby.. 20:42 * nuzba @MinecraftWither: Going to change to some type of Lojban pronounced name. [http://bit.ly/1I7s7ET] 20:45 < durka42> rlpowell: fixed, I think. another commit for ya on d-b-p 20:45 < durka42> er, d-p-v 20:45 < rlpowell> Nice. 20:47 < rlpowell> "git up" is the best. 20:47 < durka42> what that do 20:47 < rlpowell> git pull in every branch, and it'll stah things for you. 20:47 < rlpowell> It's a gem 20:48 < durka42> ua 20:48 < rlpowell> durka42: Why not jsut work in docbook-prince at this point? 20:48 < durka42> sure I can switch it over to do that 20:49 < rlpowell> Yeah, I think that's easier on everybody. 20:49 < rlpowell> I trust y'all. 20:49 < durka42> je'e 20:51 < durka42> swapped 20:54 < durka42> <gloss>if you see-arrive my younger-sister, you certainly know she pregnant</gloss> 20:54 < durka42> er... wat 20:57 < durka42> for jbo, I'd put the text of example 1.87 in there, just without the {da'i} 20:57 < durka42> also it's weird that the <gloss> is spaced out but the Chinese isn't 20:59 * nuzba @MinecraftWither: I want to make my username in Lojban, and written like "C'idax" but I can't put an apostrophe in a twitter handlebar. What should I do? [http://bit.ly/1I7u2t1] 21:01 < deltab> maybe ʼ is allowed 21:02 < durka42> what char is that? 21:02 < deltab> modifier letter apostrophe 21:02 < deltab> oh, is it for the @-name? probably only a subset of ascii allowed there 21:03 < durka42> maybe ` like in IRC nicks 21:03 < durka42> I'm going to look creepy replying to that tweet out of nowhere, aren't I :p 21:05 * nuzba @durkavore: @MinecraftWither btw, that isn't valid Lojban either; apostrophe only goes between vowels. How is your username pronounced? [http://bit.ly/1I7upnn] 21:08 < deltab> apparently only letters, digits and _ are allowed in usernames, with a max length of 15 21:09 < durka42> gosh 21:09 < durka42> I guess "h" is the only choice then 21:20 < gleki> ` is for stress isnt it 21:21 < durka42> people use it instead of ' in IRC nicks 21:22 < gleki> en:coi 21:22 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 21:22 < gleki> then what to use for stress 21:23 < durka42> na vajni mi 21:24 < durka42> co'o mi'e sipna 21:37 < rlpowell> 20-20:57 < durka42> for jbo, I'd put the text of example 1.87 in there, just without the {da'i} -- instead of the li'o? 21:37 < rlpowell> yeah, *feel free* 21:53 < zipcpi> I figured out the problem with {nova'e} 21:53 < zipcpi> The problem is that zero/{no} can have two meanings when it comes to scale. 21:54 < zipcpi> *{no'oi} : absolute zero; nothing; there does not exist (Does this cmavo already exist alongside su'oi and ro'oi?) 21:54 < zipcpi> *{no'e'u} : liminal zero; neither positive or negative 21:54 < gleki> i used [0;1] scale 21:55 < zipcpi> The first implies that the scale is between [0;some number] 21:55 < zipcpi> The second implies the scale has both negative and positive values 21:56 < zipcpi> The problem with that, gleki, is does it run from {na} to {ja'axiro} 21:57 < zipcpi> Or does it run from {to'e} to {je'a}? 21:57 < gleki> it=? 21:57 < zipcpi> Your scale 21:57 < gleki> from no to ro 21:57 < zipcpi> Does nova'e mean to'e broda or na'e broda? 21:57 < phma> coi 21:58 < gleki> it means "to the 0 degree broda, not broda at all" 21:58 < zipcpi> coi la vonxlu 21:58 < zipcpi> Which sounds like {na'e} or {na'esai} 21:59 < gleki> na'e is [0;1) 21:59 < zipcpi> Thing is it all depends on whether negative values have meaning 21:59 < zipcpi> Whether {to'e broda} makes sense 22:00 < zipcpi> {to'e mlatu}, for example, probably doesn't make sense 22:01 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/no'oi oi 22:02 < zipcpi> Frankly I'm a little surprised they didn't book this alongside su'oi and ro'oi 22:02 < zipcpi> Guess they thought they could get by with {naku} 22:02 < zipcpi> What does this no'oi even do 22:02 < zipcpi> Attaches to selbri... 22:03 < zipcpi> Looks a little like xoi 22:05 < zipcpi> ... no'oi is much older than su'oi and ro'oi 22:05 < zipcpi> xy~'y 22:05 < zipcpi> Well, about two years older 22:05 < zipcpi> {na'oi} is also taken 22:07 < zipcpi> ne'oi is some kurtynomvla 22:07 < zipcpi> primorial a#? Sounds like something that should be trisyllabic 22:08 < phma> doi zipcpi mi fanva .ai lo midju fi'ucisi'e be la'e zo jamna noi du lo parcatu pe lo jbonunsla surdei 22:09 < zipcpi> ki'a 22:09 < phma> .i la'e zo jamna cu pagbu la'e zo ke'ufla 22:10 < zipcpi> Repetition...law? 22:10 < phma> Deuteronomy 22:10 < zipcpi> Oh 22:11 < phma> jamna is ki tetze'; it's not a literal translation 22:12 < zipcpi> ki tetze? 22:12 < phma> do nerkla (the one after jamna) is ki tavo' 22:12 < zipcpi> Oh holidays?? 22:13 < phma> tetze would be barkla but I felt it would be confusing or there's another parsha with a too-similar name. 22:13 < zipcpi> Oh... parts of Deuteronomy? Never heard them called by those 22:13 < phma> It starts out "When you go out to war", so I called it war. 22:14 < phma> Look for the \ms tag in the Torah. 22:14 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ki_Teitzei 22:14 < zipcpi> Right... 22:23 < zipcpi> ... I'm really becoming Curtis lol 22:23 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/nai'oi 22:23 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/no'e'u 22:35 < zipcpi> Hmm... I can see a problem 22:35 < zipcpi> If I add {rauva'e}, {mo'ava'e} and {du'eva'e} to my chart, that would leave 6 empty spots 22:36 < zipcpi> At the very least the NAI/CAI variation might be useful, so that they can tag sumtcita 22:36 < zipcpi> But... ouch 22:36 < zipcpi> These cmavo are really getting out of hand :p 22:43 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers 22:43 < zipcpi> Yeah dunno what to do about those empty spots right now 22:53 < zipcpi> Oh right, because when it comes to existentiality, {no} is sufficient for "there does not exist" 22:53 < zipcpi> {no} only becomes ambiguous when it comes to scales 22:54 < zipcpi> Where there might or might not be negative values 22:55 < zipcpi> Anyway, gotta nap. co'o --- Day changed Sun Jun 21 2015 00:23 * nuzba @canweriotnow: @zedshaw I don't see #Lojban. FAIL. [http://bit.ly/1d8XG40] 00:34 < gleki> ^ it's about date system 00:40 * nuzba @Pontama314: >RT That's good. Lojban gives you the new scheme of thhinking. [http://bit.ly/1d8Ykyx] 01:18 * nuzba @uitki: gadganzu - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadganzu by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1H6pyDX] 03:06 < zipcpi> Hmm... is there a number that's the opposite of {ro}? 03:07 < zipcpi> "the least possible value" 03:07 < Ilmen> no 03:07 < Ilmen> {no} sa'e 03:07 < zipcpi> Unfortunately not all scales go from 0 to something 03:07 < zipcpi> Some have negatives 03:07 < zipcpi> Some don't 03:07 < zipcpi> Some don't cover zero altogether 03:08 < zipcpi> Yep... scales still on my mind 03:08 < zipcpi> And {ni'uro} doesn't quite do it either, because it implies that there is a negative 03:09 < zipcpi> Hm... tough 03:10 < Ilmen> Which example do you have in mind? 03:10 < zipcpi> I even defined {no'ai} (absolute zero) and {no'e'u} (liminal zero) to distinguish between {na'e ze'ei no va'e} and {no'e ze'ei no va'e} 03:10 < zipcpi> Mostly I want a va'e that represents {tolrai} / {mecrai} 03:11 < zipcpi> Where ro va'e represents {traji} / {zmarai} 03:12 < zipcpi> And well, example of the scales I'm thinking off.... well I already linked {to'e} to {ni'uva'e} 03:12 < zipcpi> So that implies that scales that include a {to'e} case has negative numbers 03:13 < Ilmen> Do you think {to'e cmalu} implies that size is a bipolar scale? 03:13 < zipcpi> As for scales that don't cover zero at all; some game systems have a minimum value for your stats that isn't zero, or for example the SAT starts from... 400/600? 03:13 < zipcpi> Hmm... maybe not 03:13 < zipcpi> THat is a bit more complicated 03:13 < zipcpi> I guess it depends on the scale 03:13 < Ilmen> er, {to'e barda} 03:14 < zipcpi> The scalar system I have put up on the wiki page only deals with subjective scales 03:15 < Ilmen> To me, {X to'e barda} means that X is significantly smaller than the average X 03:16 < zipcpi> Hmm... that is tough... it really depends on where you define the zero point to be 03:17 < gleki> "zu'ai becomes se'e 03:17 < zipcpi> It's kinda like Celsius, where there is an arbitrary-ish defined zero point 03:17 < gleki> "zu'ai becomes se'e" <-- the most useless change 03:17 < zipcpi> vs. Kelvin, where zero is absolute-zero 03:17 < zipcpi> lol 03:18 < gleki> "si'au becomes si'u 03:18 < gleki> " 03:18 < gleki> {si'u} may be more important and used than {si'au} since it's for expressing "I did it myself" and similar 03:18 < Ilmen> As for happiness (ni gleki), it seems arbitrary to set the neutral happiness to be 0 or some other value. 03:18 < zipcpi> Yeah {zu'ai} isn't used that often. It's just hating on {se'e} (although it does deserve to be hated) 03:20 < gleki> {zu'ai} simply appeared not long ago. 03:20 < gleki> and Lojban compared to gua\spi is bad at moving focus. 03:21 < zipcpi> Like really, all of BY1 (except for maybe {ga'e} and {to'a}) should be reassigned to trisyllabic kurtyvla-likes :p 03:21 < gleki> thus {fi'o simxu} is less formalized 03:22 < zipcpi> And of course, {se'e'o'e} = elliptical letteral shift :p 03:22 < gleki> {mi damba do vau [xn]oi simxu} - how does xoi/noi know how many ke'a to inject? 03:22 < gleki> it probably should know just as {ka} knows 03:23 < gleki> but that solves {su'ei}, not {su'ai}/{zu'ai} 03:25 < zipcpi> I find {zu'ai} easiest to use 03:27 < gleki> zu'ai should be generalized just like {jonai} is generalized into {PA me ko'a ce ko'e li'o} 03:28 < zipcpi> Not sure about {jonai} though 03:28 < zipcpi> I do remember that it suffers from logical problems when connecting more than two things 03:29 < zipcpi> And even if we ca'e BSFK say that {jonai} means that regardless of logic, it isn't extensible 03:29 < zipcpi> Is there a forethought connective for sumtcita? 03:30 < zipcpi> What we need is variants of these forethought connectives that can accept a PA 03:30 < zipcpi> Either that or somehow make them able to accept a PA 03:30 < zipcpi> without having to invent new cmavo 03:33 < zipcpi> Oh, ca'i, not ca'e lol... but their meanings are so similar 03:37 < zipcpi> http://mrieppel.net/prog/truthtable.html 03:37 < zipcpi> Enter this: (A <> ~B) <> ~C 03:38 < zipcpi> And you'd find one small problem: A=T, B=T, C=T, makes the statement true, when we want it to be false 03:39 < zipcpi> Hmm... what are the logical connective brackets? 03:39 < zipcpi> exp: ko'a jeke ko'e jo fo'a 03:39 < mensi> ([ko'a {je ke <ko'e (¹jo fo'a¹)> KEhE}] VAU) 03:39 < zipcpi> ke? 03:39 < zipcpi> I guess? 03:40 < zipcpi> ke ko'a ji ko'e ji ko'i 03:40 < zipcpi> exp: ke ko'a ji ko'e ji ko'i 03:40 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 03:41 < zipcpi> Think I really need to bring this up on the mriste 03:42 < gleki> i suppose this is a bug 03:42 < gleki> exp: ko'a ebo ko'e e ko'i 03:43 < mensi> ([{ko'a <e bo ko'e>} {e ko'i}] VAU) 03:43 < zipcpi> bo only works on one level though? 03:44 < zipcpi> exp: ga za'o gi za'o 03:44 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 03:45 < gleki> the biggest problem with {ko'a A ko'e A ko'i} is that nesting there is not about syntaxt tree but about scope. mixing different types of brackets under one term 03:45 < zipcpi> Probably 03:47 < zipcpi> And even the {me} solution isn't quite accurate, as I have noted; (PA me) counts referents, not sumti 03:47 < zipcpi> And doesn't work for all the places that connectives do 03:47 < zipcpi> It would be... kinda horrible if we had to undo Selpahi's unification just to make this work :p 03:49 < gleki> pa me lo pa ko'a ce lo pa ko'e ... 03:49 < gleki> again doesnt work 03:49 < zipcpi> Yep, and forces each sumti to have one referent 03:49 < zipcpi> Which sucks 03:50 < gleki> it wasn't {me}, it was another cmavo there 03:50 * gleki it wasn't me 03:51 < zipcpi> lol yeah I noticed that too 03:52 < zipcpi> Hmm... chained jonai means that "an odd number of these are true" 03:53 < zipcpi> Probably not often useful lol 03:54 < zipcpi> But redefining it would break the logical form of the language, which is bad 03:54 < zipcpi> And as I've said, isn't extensible 03:56 < gleki> ta'o ternary logic hasnt be revived yet 03:56 < gleki> *been 03:57 < zipcpi> lol 04:01 < zipcpi> Well just assign ja'e'e = NAND/Scheffer stroke, and replace all connectives with that :p zo'o 04:01 * ctefaho slaps zipcpi around a bit with a large trout 04:01 < zipcpi> lol 04:01 * ctefaho throws a bunch of ma'i at zipcpi 04:01 < zipcpi> <.< 04:02 < zipcpi> I didn't want to add the te kosmu in the first place 04:02 < zipcpi> But like I said, I want to promote {kosmu} for standard Lojban, and that means keeping them happy 04:03 < ctefaho> well if that was the intention then by all means, add a ma'i 04:03 < ctefaho> why not add a va'o too 04:04 < ctefaho> and for x5... 04:04 < zipcpi> Don't ask me 04:04 < zipcpi> I'm not the one you need to argue with 04:04 < ctefaho> how about a ki'u for x5 04:04 < ctefaho> cause of purpose 04:04 < zipcpi> I told you I'm not the one you need to argue with 04:05 < ctefaho> yeah yeah well do what you want with kosmu 04:06 < zipcpi> If you must argue with someone, take it up with xalbo 04:06 < ctefaho> better not 04:06 < ctefaho> thinking about it as long as kosmu somehow means purpose I am content 04:07 < zipcpi> Yes, still doesn't link to {lo pilno}, {lo zukte}, or {lo finti} 04:07 < zipcpi> Which is what's important here... the {kosmu} of {zo kosmu}, if you will 04:08 < ctefaho> yeah yeah well go ahead and add back the x3, or shall I? 04:08 < zipcpi> I did 04:09 < ctefaho> je'e 04:19 < zipcpi> In a way I do apologize; I probably should have left a note 04:20 < ctefaho> na nabmi 04:22 < gleki> i suggest that you move your notes like "Probably this wont work" into comments. 04:23 < zipcpi> Errm... which one? 04:24 < gleki> one of the recent cmavo probably. i dont remember precisely 04:27 < ctefaho> you put "This probably won't work" into a definition? O_o 04:27 < zipcpi> I don't remember that at all 04:27 < gleki> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/u'ene'e 04:27 < gleki> en: u'ene'e 04:27 < mensi> u'ene'e = [UI*1] attitudinal cluster: disappointment |>>> u'e + ne'e. Suggested as a third position on the u'e scale, 04:27 < mensi> however it may be too late at this point to reassign u'enai to u'ecu'i. |>>> spheniscine 04:27 < zipcpi> Oh That one 04:28 < gleki> however it may be too late at this point <-- at which point? when the dictionary is printed? 04:28 < zipcpi> lol 04:28 * ctefaho out 04:28 < gleki> due to such kurtyvla i had to start a new dictionary 04:28 < gleki> although there were other reasons 04:28 < zipcpi> OK fixed 04:30 < zipcpi> Or could I just reword it to "; this is suggested to avoid reassigning {u'enai} to {u'ecu'i} 04:30 < gleki> for JVS 1.5 i can suggest adding tagging bound to users which would make voting system not needed 04:30 < zipcpi> ? 04:31 < gleki> idk, zipcpi, maybe 04:31 < gleki> the dictionary is lo longer prntable anyway due to those {aigne} 04:31 < zipcpi> No lol 04:31 < zipcpi> Oops 04:31 < zipcpi> lol 04:47 < ctefaho> gleki: any chance to sneak a bunch of new color gismu into your dictionary? 04:48 < gleki> ctefaho: what for? no color system would be universal 04:49 < ctefaho> I just want to complement the RGB tertiary colors 04:50 < gleki> since when rgb reflects human eye perception... 04:52 < zipcpi> Don't we already have those? Or oh, you mean tertiary 04:52 < zipcpi> But yeah that's... tough 04:52 < ctefaho> uhm, gleki, cause that's how eyes work? 04:52 < ctefaho> or do you want to define colors not to be based on human perception? 04:53 < zipcpi> Still though, I have a hard time agreeing that "spring green" or "chartreuse green" are gimy'inda 04:53 < ctefaho> or have I completely missed something 04:54 < gleki> http://www.normankoren.com/Human_spectral_sensitivity_small.jpg 04:54 < zipcpi> rho gamma beta? How malgli lol 04:55 < ctefaho> yeah it was more complicated than that 04:55 < zipcpi> You mean something like this? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ab/RBG_color_wheel.svg/600px-RBG_color_wheel.svg.png 04:55 < ctefaho> well you have to use one color system or another 04:55 < zipcpi> Still don't think they're gimy'inda 04:56 < ctefaho> I was also going to say complementing the RYB colors 04:57 < ctefaho> and yes zipcpi, those, and some others 04:58 < gleki> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_vision#/media/File:Modern_Color_Vision_Model.svg 04:59 < gleki> and technically it's rather blanu/crino/narju https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_vision#/media/File:Cone-fundamentals-with-srgb-spectrum.svg 04:59 < zipcpi> I believe we already have primary and secondary; the tertiary ones can be lujvo 05:00 < ctefaho> forgot I said anything 05:00 < ctefaho> forget 05:00 < gleki> is there a formula that can transform intensity in each channel into any color? 05:02 < zipcpi> Hmm... a zi'evla that accepts numbers for RGB? Or maybe sa'i'e li'ei xy remumu cy parebi by no i'au zo'o 05:02 < gleki> intensity in each of the three channels in human eye 05:03 < zipcpi> Yes, we can even use {so'i} or {du'e}, why not :p 05:04 < gleki> first i want a formula 05:05 < zipcpi> x1 is a color in RGB space that has red level x2, green level x3, blue level x4, by scale x5 05:06 < zipcpi> attributed by x6 zo'o 05:07 < gleki> no, a real formula 05:07 < zipcpi> Well, it's... defined by everything that uses RGB. Though I don't know how that relates to human visual perception; I'd imagine that'd be even more complicated 05:09 < zipcpi> x1 is a color that excites rho cones by level x2, gamma cones li'o... 05:14 < zipcpi> Hmm... about the {ta'eku lo cinfo} thing... the problem with that is that all the sumtcita does is give the context more to work with. Doesn't actually fix the ambiguity of {lo} itself 05:14 < zipcpi> Similarly with {poi} qualifiers 05:15 < zipcpi> Just adds more for context, doesn't disambiguate {lo} itself 05:17 < gleki> i dont understand your problem. maybe you are trying to fix something else. 05:18 < gleki> for typical situations lions live in Africa. 05:18 < gleki> that's all that it means 05:18 < gleki> it describes clauses~facts/events, not objects in them 05:18 < zipcpi> It could also mean "There is a specific lion such that it typically lives in Africa" 05:18 < gleki> no, that's {lo ta'e cinfo} 05:19 < zipcpi> That means "that which is typically a lion" 05:19 < gleki> wait, specific lion, that's another thing. i misread 05:19 < gleki> i dont know what is specific, it's a philosophical issue. 05:20 < zipcpi> The point is all you're doing is adding more semantics; while not addressing the problem of how to distinguish the four cases that I put in my wiki page 05:20 < gleki> i havent read it yet unless that's that page about le'e/deictic etc. 05:21 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_The_case_against_%22lo%22 05:21 < gleki> for specific lions in UD there is {da}. 05:21 < zipcpi> I'm not sure whether da means that either 05:21 < zipcpi> da means "there exists" 05:21 < zipcpi> Doesn't specifically identify the referent 05:21 < gleki> it states the existence of sumti in the UD 05:22 < zipcpi> Exactly 05:22 < gleki> identification is done via defining 05:22 < gleki> Give me the two apples. = ko dunda fi mi fe lo re plise ne va'o 05:23 < zipcpi> Which two apples? 05:23 < zipcpi> mo'oi re plise / ma noi re plise 05:23 < gleki> then "Give me the two apples. = ko dunda fi mi fe re plise ne va'o" 05:23 < zipcpi> Oh 05:23 < zipcpi> Sorry, looked at the wrong sentence 05:24 < zipcpi> Which one is "the two apples", and which one is "any two apples"? 05:24 < gleki> i dont know which sense you want. if there are two apples in UD then it's {da}. if any then {lo} 05:25 < gleki> Apples are delicious. => ta'eku ... 05:25 < zipcpi> You mean {da} must always be used to refer to the apples you're holding? 05:25 < gleki> or another tag depending on what meaning you want. it can be {na'oku} only not for this cases probably since apples arent supposed to be sweet 05:25 < zipcpi> I think the logicians might disagree with you on that too... {da} just means "there exists", and often means "something" 05:26 < gleki> zipcpi: {da} refers to the UD you/we create 05:27 < gleki> technically apples dont exist due to exchange and recreation of particles from/to physical vacuum so what? stop talking? 05:27 < zipcpi> "the two apples" = "the specific two apples that are relevant to the context, not any other apples" 05:27 < zipcpi> "any two apples" = "any two apples out of the set of apples; I don't care about how they differ" 05:27 < gleki> Did you like the play? (probably the one you just watched), or Do you like plays? (in general)] <-- again the same scope and the lack of scope. that's all. tags and da create scope, lo/zo'e doesn't 05:28 < zipcpi> I'm not so sure scope works that way 05:29 < zipcpi> You mean you'd translate the "the" cases with {da poi plise} or {da poi draci}? 05:29 < gleki> i can't see any problems at all except that few people understand that but then probably more examples are needed. 05:29 < gleki> zipcpi: or with tags 05:29 < Ilmen> What do you want to traslate? 05:29 < Ilmen> coi 05:29 < gleki> and if po'o/ji'a create scope then them too when needed 05:29 < zipcpi> Again, all that does is add more semantics, while not solving the issue of disambiguating {lo} 05:30 < gleki> it's not adding semantics. it's already the meaning they have. 05:30 < zipcpi> No, because everytime you want to disambiguate between the two you must search for an appropriate sumtcita or qualification 05:31 < zipcpi> Whether it's {ta'eku}, {poi do puzi catlu}, or something 05:32 < zipcpi> All that does is give context more to work with; that is, gives it more help with disambiguating {lo} 05:32 < zipcpi> But it doesn't address the ambiguity itself 05:32 < gleki> it's one meaning called scope 05:33 < Ilmen> Which ambiguity? 05:33 < zipcpi> Why must you always start scope when you want to talk about "the book right there"? 05:33 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_The_case_against_%22lo%22 05:33 < gleki> and why i use different words because example sentences ave different meaning. why should i use one word, {badna} for everything? 05:33 < gleki> zipcpi: yes, always, because "right here" already has UD 05:34 < zipcpi> ... but then the clarification of UD is in doubt; because if UD can mean both "right here" and "speaking in general" 05:37 < zipcpi> Look, though you might be less interested in the English grammar specifics; their different construction means something. It's idiomatic and doesn't make logical sense, but it signals something. That something is what we need to figure out and define 05:37 < zipcpi> Like the naked plural being a signal for the generalistic case 05:39 < zipcpi> I'm obviously not going to suggest we literally translate that plural to {za'upa} 05:39 < zipcpi> But it points to something that many other languages also have their own ways to point to 05:44 < Ilmen> The specific/deictic case seems to be {lo broda poi + some deictic information}; the Non-specific case seems to be a good case for {da}; As for Definitional/essentialistic case, I'd use {ro broda cu…}; the Generalistic case seems harder 05:45 < zipcpi> {ro} is hard when you're talking about things that do happen to be shared by all members of the set, but which might not be part of your definition of the set 05:45 < Ilmen> for this last one "lo broda cu..." is often okay, but not always it seems 05:45 < zipcpi> For example {ro remna cu mroka'e} = "All humans are mortal" 05:46 < zipcpi> But is "human" necessarily defined as "mortal"? That might depend on your worldview 05:46 < zipcpi> But the truth value doesn't depend on that of "all humans are mortal" 05:46 < Ilmen> Hm 05:47 < Ilmen> You can also go for {(tau) lo ka mabru cu sarcu (tau) lo ka mlatu} 05:47 < zipcpi> Hmm... 05:49 < Ilmen> ro da zo'u lo du'u da mabru cu sa'urni'i lo du'u da mlatu (with sa'urni'i being the sarcu equivalent of nibli?) 05:49 < zipcpi> Maybe 05:50 < Ilmen> Indeed maybe there can be some shorted way to say that. As of now I don't have much better idea off the top of my head 05:50 < zipcpi> Right 05:53 < Ilmen> It may be worth adding a not to your page saying that "ro broda cu brode" is not a satisfying answer for definitional expressions, because that {ro broda cu brode} may be coincidental and not definitional to {broda} 05:54 < Ilmen> *adding a note 05:55 * zipcpi nods... 05:56 < zipcpi> Because yeah I can see that being many people's "first resort" 06:00 < zipcpi> Done. 06:02 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: ちなみに #lojban のpegの日本語解説もあります。 http://ponjbogri.github.io/cll-ja/peg/slabu_gerna_peg.txt [http://bit.ly/1GtaR7n] 06:03 < Ilmen> Your metaphor of {lo ka broda cu pagbu lo ka brode} is nice too 06:03 < zipcpi> Hm 06:03 < Ilmen> well, maybe not that metaphorical, it's hard to see what else pagbu could mean with properties 06:04 * zipcpi nods 06:05 < Ilmen> si'au lo ponpre cu gunka lo ponbau panra be CLL 06:05 < zipcpi> a'uru'e 06:08 < Ilmen> jbo: itca 06:08 < mensi> itca = x1 cu su'o mei x2 gi'e jai se djuno su'o da fai lo kamdu'o gi'e co'e .i lo du'u ma kau cmene x1 cu na'e se djuno 06:08 < mensi> ja na'e se jungau |>>> sa'u sa'enairu'e «zi'o x1 steci x2» .i srana fa zo co'e .e zo du .e zo djuno .e zo kamdu'o |>>> 06:08 < mensi> selpahi 06:08 < zipcpi> Yeah where is selpahi when you need him 06:08 < zipcpi> So much depends on this word lol 06:09 < Mateon1> How is ti/ta different? 06:10 < zipcpi> Hmm... ti/ta might be difficult if you can't actually demonstrate those reference 06:10 < zipcpi> But only referring to them exophorically 06:10 < Ilmen> Mateon1: good question 06:10 < zipcpi> *referents 06:10 < zipcpi> Or do you mean ti vs ta? 06:10 < zipcpi> Sorry 06:10 < Mateon1> zipcpi: Yes, I do mean `ti` vs `ta` 06:11 < Ilmen> "ti" is meant to target something close to the speaker 06:11 < zipcpi> I forget that not everyone is here to discuss about heady topics about strange new cmavo or what a new gadri system should look like :p 06:11 < Ilmen> "ta" something less close (closer to the listener?), and "tu" something far away from both the speaker and the listener 06:11 < Ilmen> at least if I understand correctly 06:12 < zipcpi> I tend to think of {ta} as meaning medium distance *or* close to the listener. It's like; if you're with a friend who's next to you, you might point to something a medium distance away and refer to it as ta 06:13 < zipcpi> Or if you're talking on a phone, you may refer to something close to them as ta 06:13 < Mateon1> In every resource I found `ti` is referred to as 'this' and `ta` is referred to as 'that'. `tu` is defined as "something far away" 06:13 < Mateon1> I don't know the difference between the two in English. 06:13 < zipcpi> Well... English only distinguishes two distances, but Malay, for example, has three 06:13 < Ilmen> In any case the referent of ti/ta/tu is to be explicited outside the speech medium, such as by pointing a finger to them etc 06:14 < zipcpi> Which is quite similar to how I think ti/ta/tu is meant to be used 06:14 < Ilmen> In Spanish and Japanese there are three level of demonstrative pronouns too 06:15 < Ilmen> Spanish: éste, ése, aquello (if I'm not mistaken) 06:16 < Ilmen> In Japanese it's kore, sore, are 06:18 < Mateon1> Damn, I've been learning Spanish for 3 years and I don't know any of these three... 06:20 < Ilmen> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonstrative 06:21 < Ilmen> There are even language with a four-way distinction 06:22 < zipcpi> "deictic"! Quick someone call the logic police! zo'o 06:22 < Ilmen> [near me], [near you], [over ther, away from both of use but rather near] and [over there, far away] 06:23 < Ilmen> « Many non-European languages make further distinctions; for example, whether the object referred to is uphill or downhill from the speaker, whether the object is visible or not (as in Malagasy), and whether the object can be pointed to as a whole or only in part. » 06:24 < Ilmen> wow 06:25 < Mateon1> So, {do dunda ta mi} if the listener holds something, and `ti` if I hold it at time of speech? 06:25 < Ilmen> Yeah 06:32 < gleki> sorry, i m not jundi-ing atm. but i have a new idea 06:32 < gleki> exp: klama ti klama ti 06:32 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [uU] or [yY] but "i" found. 06:32 < gleki> i want {i} to be autoinserted here. 06:33 < gleki> now the question is where exactly :D 06:35 < gleki> back to da/zo'e. i think people have always been thinking of UD as referring to this real world with no unicorns. which is not. but hence most problems 06:35 < Ilmen> I've heard of a rule of thumb that terminator should be inserted as late as possible, so at the rightmost possible place 06:38 < gleki> makes sense 06:38 < gleki> although {i} is not a terminator 06:38 < gleki> rather a starter 06:38 < gleki> (tolfamyma'o) 06:38 < gleki> like {lo}, {cu}... 06:38 < zipcpi> Hmm... not sure I want {i} to be autoinserted though. It's has kinda become an important part of parsing :p 06:39 < zipcpi> Without them it'd be like reading a bunch of run-on sentences 06:39 < gleki> this suggestion matches perfectly weird behavior of altatufa of trying to parse everything but autoadding missing elements. 06:39 < zipcpi> Right 06:39 < gleki> *by autoadding 06:39 < zipcpi> Alta tries to be as forgiving as possible huh? Like HTML :p 06:40 < gleki> alta: lo nu ku noi 06:40 < mensi> ([FA {lo <(¹nu [{FA ZOhE} {CU <COhE SF> VAU}] KEI¹) SF> ku} {noi <(¹FA ZOhE¹) (¹CU [COhE SF] VAU¹)> KUhO}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 06:40 < zipcpi> je'e 06:40 < gleki> alta: lo nu noi ku 06:40 < mensi> ([FA {lo <(¹[nu {<FA ZOhE> <CU (²COhE SF²) VAU>} KEI] SF¹) (¹noi [{FA ZOhE} {CU <COhE SF> VAU}] KUhO¹)> ku}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 06:41 < zipcpi> ei mi cliva co'o 06:41 < gleki> if cirko succeeds in glossing then it'd be hard even for me to justify this pure PEG pseudo-terminator "SF". 06:42 < gleki> va'i why using PEG when javascript can create any silliness you want. 06:45 < Ilmen> « Null/descriptive determiner. lo broda = something(s) that brodas. This is the simplest gadri of all, and always means either le or lo'e depending on context. » 06:46 < Ilmen> I don't think that's accurate that lo is always either le or lo'e. {lo broda} refers to the plural of everything that brodas in the current UD 06:47 < Ilmen> So "le broda" is a subset of "lo broda", I think 06:50 < gleki> {lo} ~~~~= "any". {da} ~~~ particular. needless to say this analogy wont work due to polysemy of "any", and a special grammar of using it across SAE languages. 06:51 < Ilmen> I don't think "da" is really particular; it depends on the sentence 06:51 < Ilmen> {mi djica lo nu mi citka da} -- I want that there is something such that I eat it 06:51 < Ilmen> does that sounds particular? :) 06:52 < gleki> within its scope yes. 06:52 < gleki> outside {lo} starts acting. 06:52 < gleki> *on the outside {lo} starts acting. 06:54 < gleki> in other SAElangs it's a bit worse than in English: https://ciberduvidas.iscte-iul.pt/consultorio/perguntas/nenhumalgum/3415 06:55 < gleki> in russian it's possible to differentiate "He wants to marry some girl from Greece" and "He wants to marry some (any) girl from Greece" 06:55 < gleki> in the second "some" has the meaning like in "no matter which one", i.e. unspecific. 06:55 < gleki> Russian has separate words for the two cases. 06:57 < gleki> Hm, actually it has three words for "He wants to marry some (particular, known) girl", "He wants to marry some ( he hasn't decided, the girl is not sppecified yet by him) girl", "He wants to marry any girl ( it doesnt matter who she will be)" 06:57 < Ilmen> uncanny, I can understand this Portuguese text 06:57 < gleki> This is the best I can explain. 06:57 < gleki> Spanish has the same i think. 06:59 < Ilmen> The first one is {da nixli gi'e poi'i ko'a kaidji loka speni ke'a} 07:00 < Ilmen> The third one seems to be {ko'a kaidji loka speni su'o nixli} 07:01 < Ilmen> I'm not sure I grasp the second one 07:01 < gleki> neither do i atm 07:01 < gleki> natlangs are to be used in context. 07:01 < gleki> well, the difference between 2 and 3 is that in 2. he will probably choose, in 3. any girl would do 07:02 < gleki> like in 2. being from Greece is the necessary condition 07:02 < gleki> oh, and in 3. it's the necessary and sufficient condition! 07:02 < Ilmen> maybe {ko'a kaidji loka speni su'o/lo nixli poi co'e}, because he's some criteria? 07:03 < gleki> necessary and sufficient are the key criteria here. 07:03 < gleki> banzu/sarcu 07:04 < gleki> darn, i need to fix la bangu dictionary 07:04 < Ilmen> Do you think "any" can be "ro" there? 07:05 < gleki> i think banzu/sarcu or their concepts need to be somehow used. 07:05 < gleki> maybe bi'ai instead. 07:05 < gleki> {lo bi'ai nixli} or something, idk. 07:06 < gleki> what i know for sure now is why machine translation is so hard. 07:06 < durka42> coi 07:06 < Ilmen> {ro nixli cu poi'i ko'a djica lo nu speni ke'a} doesn't entails {ko'a djica lo nu speni ro nixli}, I think 07:07 < Ilmen> So *maybe* ro can work 07:07 < gleki> this again raises a question that only one girl will suffice. when he gets married the first time all the other girls immediately lose their property of being able to become fiancees. 07:07 < durka42> Every woman has the property of A wanting to marry her? 07:07 < gleki> it's not that he can marry all girls. 07:08 < durka42> sounds like quantum entanglement 07:08 < gleki> For every girl it's so that he wants to marry her. 07:08 < gleki> <= {ro nixli cu poi'i ko'a djica lo nu speni ke'a} 07:08 * gleki notice that English is more verbose than Lojban zo'oru'e 07:09 < durka42> ro nixli cu poi'i ko'a ganai nu'o speni da gi djica lo nu speni ke'a 07:10 < gleki> if married=false then goto marryher 07:19 < Mateon1> Is there a way to switch x4 with x5 for example, without affecting x1? 07:20 < Mateon1> Or would we need to do something like {ve xe ve [selbri]} 07:22 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/rearranging_arguments_without_using_FA 07:22 < gleki> so yes, the second 07:22 < gleki> x4 x5 x1 x2 x3 ve se xe te brodu 07:22 < gleki> etc. 07:22 < gleki> oh wait 07:22 < gleki> x1 x2 x3 x5 x4 ve xe ve brodu 07:23 < Mateon1> The change in meaning occurs left-to-right, right? 07:23 < gleki> x2 x1 se brode 07:23 < durka42> the innermost SE applies first 07:23 < gleki> now let's add something 07:23 < durka42> ve (xe (ve brodu))) 07:24 < gleki> x3 x1 x2 te se brode 07:24 < gleki> hm, my explanation isnt nice, ignore it 07:25 < durka42> a shortcut is when you see a pattern like ABA, for example vexeve, those two places get switched 07:25 < Mateon1> Ah, alright. So: (se (te brode)) -> x2 x3 x1 brode 07:25 < durka42> ve is 4, xe is 5, so vexeve (or xevexe) switches x4 and x5 07:25 < durka42> yes that's right 07:25 < Mateon1> Needs a bit of thinking, haha 07:25 < durka42> tersmus: jbo: ko'a ko'e ko'i se te brode 07:25 < tersmus> ko'i brode ko'a ko'e 07:26 < Mateon1> I need to save the most useful attitudonals in my notebook, haha 07:26 < durka42> tersmus: jbo: ko'e ko'i ko'a se te brode 07:26 < tersmus> ko'a brode ko'e ko'i 07:27 < durka42> strings of multiple SE are rather rarely used 07:27 < durka42> most common is probably that switching pattern I mentioned 07:29 < Mateon1> So, what are the positive-neutral-negative modifier cmavo? Negative is nai, but I don't know the rest, heh 07:29 < durka42> ja'ai - cu'i - nai 07:30 < durka42> and ja'ai is the default 07:30 < durka42> ui = uija'ai 07:32 < gleki> en: pi'egre 07:32 < mensi> pi'egre [< plipe pagre ≈ Jump pass through] = pl1=pa1 (agent/object) leaps/jumps/springs/bounds, passing through pa2 to 07:32 < mensi> pa3=pl2 from pa4=pl3 reaching height pl4 propelled by pl5. |>>> jongausib 07:33 < gleki> wow 07:33 < gleki> why not just {plipe pa'o} 07:33 < gleki> or {veka'a} 08:39 < gleki> in Chromium channel: 08:39 < gleki> 05:19 < s1w> how do I convert a Local<Number> to int? 08:39 < gleki> Gleki's immediate reaction: there should be a cmavo for that. 08:40 < durka42> lol 08:40 < durka42> la'e 08:46 * nuzba @bgcarlisle: .i lo nu prami cu simsa lo ckafi ma .i zo'o lo ka mi ca lo nu mi verba ku noroi kansa da tu'a ce'u Love and coffee in #Lojban everyone [http://bit.ly/1H2FyVv] 09:49 < e`ogan> this, kids, is how lojban became communist... it all started with "cmavo for everyone!" 09:50 < gleki> most of them will die eventually 09:50 < durka42> the cmavo, or the kids? 09:51 < Mateon1> Probably both 09:51 < gleki> le za'umei 09:51 < gleki> lu lo na'o se dasni li'u mo 09:51 < Mateon1> Can I have some explanation on the `u'a[nai]` attitudinal? 09:51 < gleki> jb: u'a 09:51 < mensi> u'a = u'a [interjection] — gain, u'a nai — loss 09:51 < mensi> :u'a sinxa lo nu mi pu drani — Aha, that's a sign that I was right. 09:51 < mensi> :u'a nai la Rob pu zabna gerku — Snif, Rob was a good dog. 09:51 < mensi> :Related words: jinga, cnemu, prali, cirko 09:53 < gleki> do I need to add something to that? 09:53 < Mateon1> I'm not quite sure I get it 09:53 < Mateon1> So, u'anai is mourning, but u'a is... discovery? =ua? 09:53 < gleki> gain vs. loss. 09:54 < gleki> gain is when you get some profit. 09:54 < gleki> "gain profit" 09:55 < gleki> u'anai is when you lose some advantage of property. 09:56 < Mateon1> I don't see the gain in the first example. 09:56 < durka42> the gain is vindication 09:56 < Mateon1> Unless possibly "Gain of knowledge", but that fits `ua` more 09:58 < gleki> {ua} is discovery 09:59 < deltab> not gain of knowledge, but winning the argument 09:59 < gleki> ua mi pu na drani = Oh, I was not right. 09:59 < Mateon1> Oh, I guess I missed the context that it was an argument, then 09:59 < gleki> a better example is probably needed. 09:59 < deltab> I assumed that 10:00 < deltab> preferably *many* examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKTxC9pl-WM 10:05 < gleki> jbo: jetyja'o 10:05 < mensi> [< jetnu jarco ≈ Jetnu* jarco*] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:05 < mensi> jetyja'o[7487], je'urja'o[7976], jetnyja'o[8517], jetyjarco[9037], je'urjarco[9526], ... 10:07 < gleki> i think "to prove" is simply {se jetnu} 10:07 < gleki> .u'a la'e di'u se jetnu lo du'u mi pu drani 10:07 < gleki> Hah, that proves I was right! 10:09 < gleki> BPFK wrote a malgli imo 10:10 < durka42> which 10:10 < gleki> .u'a la'e di'u se jetnu lo du'u mi pu drani 10:10 < gleki> oops 10:10 < gleki> {u'a} entry 10:10 < gleki> en: je'urja'o 10:10 < mensi> je'urja'o [< jetnu jarco ≈ True show] = ja1 (agent) proves that je1 (du'u) is true by standard/epistemology/metaphysics 10:10 < mensi> je2 to audience ja3 |>>> from jetnu jarco |>>> totus 10:11 < gleki> even if agent matches the definition it cant match la'edi'u 10:11 < durka42> you mean {.u'a la'e di'u je'urja'o lo du'u mi pu drani }? 10:11 < durka42> hmm 10:11 < durka42> you're right 10:11 < gleki> lojban.org/tiki/BPFK+Section:+Realis+Attitudinals 10:11 < durka42> should be {se jetnu} or {nibli} 10:11 < gleki> and jetyja'o now 10:11 < durka42> why jetyja'o? 10:12 < durka42> vlaste: jetnu jarco (l) 10:12 < vlaste> jetnu jarco (lujvo) = jetyja'o, je'urja'o, jetnyja'o, jetyjarco (defined as jetyja'o = x1 proves / provides evidence for / demonstrates the truth of x2 (du'u) to audience x3) 10:12 < gleki> although i have no clue how this jarco was supposed to work here 10:12 < durka42> I guess jarco1 is the logician writing the proof on the chalkboard 10:12 < gleki> durka42: you just updated it or its automatic? 10:12 < durka42> what's automatic 10:13 < gleki> vlaste 10:13 < gleki> oh 10:13 < gleki> vlaste: je'uja'o 10:13 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/je%27uja%27o 10:13 < gleki> vlaste: je'urja'o 10:13 < vlaste> je'urja'o = ja1 (agent) proves that je1 (du'u) is true by standard/epistemology/metaphysics je2 to audience ja3 10:13 < durka42> they're both defined 10:13 < durka42> en: jetyja'o 10:13 < mensi> jetyja'o [< jetnu jarco ≈ True show] = x1 proves / provides evidence for / demonstrates the truth of x2 (du'u) to 10:13 < mensi> audience x3 |>>> spheniscine 10:13 < durka42> la vlaste only checks for the lowest scoring form though 10:14 < gleki> i think it should be rather {jarco lo se jetnu} = show oneself as being the epistemology of x2 10:14 < gleki> thus jetnu2 would annihilate 10:14 < durka42> gleki: should I change it to {.u'a ko'a jetyja'o lo du'u mi pu drani} or {.u'a la'edi'u se jetnu lo du'u mi pu drani}? 10:14 < gleki> the latter 10:15 < gleki> since at least the english sentence is fine 10:15 < durka42> uo 10:15 < gleki> Triumph! That situation proves i was right! 10:15 < gleki> and jarco=> ca'a works fine here. 10:16 < gleki> mi ca'a jai se jetnu ... 10:16 < gleki> ko'a ca'a jai se jetnu ... 10:16 < gleki> ko'a jarco lo se jetnu ... 10:16 < gleki> equal number of syllables 10:16 < durka42> jbo:jetyja'o 10:16 < mensi> [< jetnu jarco ≈ Jetnu* jarco*] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:16 < mensi> jetyja'o[7487], je'urja'o[7976], jetnyja'o[8517], jetyjarco[9037], je'urjarco[9526], ... 10:16 < durka42> jbo:je'urja'o 10:16 < mensi> [< jetnu jarco ≈ Jetnu* jarco*] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:16 < mensi> jetyja'o[7487], je'urja'o[7976], jetnyja'o[8517], jetyjarco[9037], je'urjarco[9526], ... 10:17 < durka42> no lo remei cu se jbovelcki 10:17 < gleki> mensi tries to find lujvo too from the list 10:17 < gleki> if jetyja'o is not defined she searches for je'urja'o 10:17 < gleki> and so on 10:17 < gleki> en: klamygau 10:17 < mensi> klagau [< klama gasnu ≈ Come bring about] = x1 brings x2 to x3 10:18 < gleki> this can be used for JVS ofc. although since mukti and i dont want it to be developed in the first place i will be silent here 10:18 < gleki> i mean the issue with redirecting to lower score lujvo 10:20 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Realis Attitudinals - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Realis_Attitudinals by Durka42 - /* Usage Examples */ je'urja'o => seljetnu [http://bit.ly/1SAUTkh] 10:21 < gleki> who said epystemology places are useless 10:21 < gleki> epi- 10:22 < durka42> if we use them in examples they co'u tolplixau 10:26 < gleki> now find examples for jinvi4, djuno4 10:26 < gleki> oh wait 10:26 < gleki> xu'a la tsani those are {noi jetnu} 10:27 < durka42> xu'a = fi'o xusra? 10:28 < gleki> go'i 10:28 < gleki> en: xu'a 10:28 < mensi> 43 da se tolcri: banbuxu'a, bankexu'a, bankuxu'a, banmuxu'a, bantuxu'a, banvexu'a, banxu'a'a, banxu'abu, banxu'acu, 10:28 < mensi> banxu'adu, banxu'a'e, banxu'agu, banxu'a'i, banxu'aje, banxu'ake, banxu'alu, banxu'amu, banxu'anu, banxu'a'o, banxu'apu, 10:28 < mensi> banxu'aru, banxu'asu, banxu'atu, banxu'a'u, banxu'ave, banxu'avu, baurnuxu'a, jifxu'a, jifyjunxu'a, nunselxu'a, posxu'a, 10:28 < mensi> ru'urxu'afu, ru'urxu'agu, ru'urxu'a'u, selxu'aju'a, tolxu'a, tradutxu'a, xu'au, zerfuzyxu'a, zugyxu'a, natfe, xi'i, 10:28 < mensi> xlajijnu 10:28 < gleki> ua 10:28 < gleki> i puzuku se stidi 10:29 < durka42> si'au plixau 10:30 < gleki> rafsi:xusra 10:30 < mensi> zo'oi xus .e zo'oi xu'a .e zo'oi xusr rafsi zo xusra 10:35 < saharl> Is there any difference between {pa da poi broda 10:35 < saharl> sorry 10:35 < saharl> and pa da noi broda 10:37 < gleki> mi na birti 10:38 < akmnlrse> {pa da poi broda cu brode} one thing both brodas and brodes (though there might be things that brode and don't broda) 10:38 < durka42> 1. pa da poi zdani zo'u mi ponse da 10:38 < durka42> 2. pa da noi zdani zo'u mi ponse da 10:38 < durka42> 1. I have one house, 2. I have one thing (btw it's a house) 10:39 < durka42> in general: {poi} narrows the set of possible references, while {noi} provides extra information about the already-specified referents 10:39 < durka42> s/references/referents 10:39 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: in general: {poi} narrows the set of possible referents, while {noi} provides extra information about the already-specified referents 10:39 < saharl> ki'e 10:41 < gleki> phenny is a nudnik. 10:41 < gleki> zo nudni va'i 10:41 < durka42> you could turn off that module doi jitro be la djeni 10:42 < gleki> xu sarcu 10:42 < Ilmen> .e'o dai 10:42 < gleki> e'opei 10:44 * nuzba @davenicolette: @kaleidic It's well known that the dinosaurs spoke lojban among themselves. It didn't save them. [http://bit.ly/1SAWlD6] 10:44 < gleki> they just couldnt solve xorlo 10:44 < Ilmen> xD 10:45 < durka42> .u'i 10:46 < Ilmen> misno fa lo du'u lo dinsauru cu tavysi'u fi lo jbobau .i ku'i pu na banzu lo nu renvi 10:46 < durka42> Ilmen: .e'opei spusku di'u fo la .tu'itr. 10:46 < durka42> hmm does jenni still do that unicode thing 10:46 < durka42> .u pile of poo 10:47 < phenny> U+1F4A9 PILE OF POO (💩) 10:47 < Ilmen> .e'o cu'i .e'a 10:47 < Ilmen> do ka'e jmina lu mi'e dinsauru li'u zo'o 10:47 < Ilmen> .i citka .ai co'o 10:47 < durka42> .u'i 10:47 < gleki> we need a jbovla for U+1F4A9 10:47 < durka42> vlaste: poo 10:47 < vlaste> kalcyvi'i = v1=k2 defecates/shits/poos. 10:48 < durka42> kalci bu 10:50 * nuzba @selpahi: @464161niftg ua za'a do co'a se cinri lo .itku'ilybau | #lojban [http://bit.ly/1LnBkuq] 10:52 * nuzba @durkavore: @davenicolette @kaleidic misno fa lo du'u lo dinsauru pu tavysi'u fi lo jbobau .i ku'i na banzu lo nu renvi [http://bit.ly/1SAXB9e] 10:54 < rutytar> coi 10:54 < durka42> coi 10:56 < dutchie> coi 10:58 * nuzba @durkavore: uisai #lojban #zgike RT @Djemynai: The album is finally out! https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao | #ZAHO [http://bit.ly/1SAY0bI] 11:00 < durka42> sance simsa sai la selpa'i... .u'i 11:01 < akmnlrse> za'a zo #SEhE pagbu 11:01 < durka42> .ai mi .erve 11:01 < gleki> xu la djemynai cu du la selpa'i 11:01 < gleki> i ma'a pu sruma 11:02 < durka42> xu da pu zgana lo nu pa kumfa cu vasru lo remei 11:02 < gleki> i cizra i xunai la canoxilt cu du la djemynai 11:03 < durka42> .u'i 11:03 < durka42> .ei mi jdice lo nu pleji mo'oi zmadu be li 5 11:04 < gleki> zo nu zo'u do co'a se gekybau 11:04 < durka42> .u'i 11:04 < durka42> mi pensi tu'a li 20 11:04 < gleki> to ku'i zo cuxna e'u toi 11:04 < durka42> xu dukse 11:05 < zipcpi> Oh, how about {rone'e} for "least possible number" and {da'ane'e} for "starting from the least possible number" 11:05 < zipcpi> That way I won't have to create new cmavo for those 11:05 < durka42> compositionality FTW 11:05 < gleki> ua la canoxilt na du la selpa'i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXS9rAId95g 11:06 < zipcpi> I want something that could mean {no}, {ni'uro}, or {xanono} (for SAT scores), depending on context :p 11:06 < durka42> doi zipcpi xu do zgana lo cnino zgike pe la djemynai 11:06 < zipcpi> nago'i 11:06 < durka42> https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao 11:06 < gleki> mi jimpe no da i la djemynai cu du jenai du la selpa'i 11:06 < gleki> i xu du lo mlatu pe la crodinger 11:07 < gleki> i cizra ije ci'izra 11:07 < durka42> mu'i ma lo bi'unai skina cu se jetnu C du S 11:07 < durka42> si si si lo du'u C du S 11:08 < gleki> xu do tugni fi lonu la djemynai cu du la canoxilt 11:08 < durka42> nago'i 11:08 < durka42> go'i ne'e 11:10 < gleki> xm i ca ti mi tugni do 11:10 < gleki> i no da vajni 11:10 < gleki> i vajni fa lonu lo se sanga cu zasti 11:10 < gleki> i ku'i fa ji'a la canoxilt cu finti lo zgike 11:11 < durka42> mi pleji li 20 11:12 < gleki> do pleji lo rupnu enai li xo'e 11:12 < gleki> sisi lo namcu 11:13 < durka42> vlaste: euro 11:13 < vlaste> 2 results: ronru'u, ronru'u, rupne'uru 11:13 < durka42> mi pleji lo ronru'u be li 20 11:15 < durka42> .u'i lo samymri judri cu co'e 11:21 * nuzba @DonaldKronos: Found a nice Lojban lesson on @YouTube at https://youtu.be/DIpn0OEpT40 [http://bit.ly/1H775Hr] 11:21 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers Conclusion; the {xokau va'e} version is the most complete and flexible. I only needed to *patch* the na'e/no'e ambiguity and define {rone'e} 11:22 < zipcpi> {no'e'u} is such a kurtysmivla though T.T 11:23 < zipcpi> And I'm not too keen on the idea of filling the ten empty spots on the list right now 11:24 < zipcpi> Some things are just du'eva'ei zbusufukai, even for me :p 11:24 < durka42> indeed 11:24 < durka42> using existing va'e + existing number system is better than inventing ten new cmavo :) 11:24 < durka42> the {cu'i} case is interesting though 11:24 < durka42> I don't think {nova'e} fits for that 11:24 < zipcpi> The problem is that zero {no} has two meanings depending on scale 11:25 < durka42> right 11:25 < zipcpi> Your scale might go from 0 (not true at all) to x 11:25 < zipcpi> Or from -x - 0 - x 11:25 < durka42> pimuva'e? 11:25 < zipcpi> Again, assumes too much on what kind of scale is used 11:26 < durka42> jbo:va'e 11:26 < mensi> va'e = [MOI] galfi lu'e lo namcu lo selbrisle .i x1 klani le namcu x2 noi ckilu 11:26 < gleki> jbo: va'e 11:26 < mensi> va'e = [MOI] galfi lu'e lo namcu lo selbrisle .i x1 klani le namcu x2 noi ckilu |>>> ckilu; mei, moi, si'e |>>> 11:26 < mensi> xorxes 11:26 < durka42> hmm, the scale is x2... 11:26 < durka42> yeah 11:26 < zipcpi> pimuva'e without context could mean either {no'e/cu'i} or {noi'e/na'oi}, that's the feeling I get 11:28 < durka42> no idea what that second pair of cmavo means 11:28 < durka42> oh god I sound like lojbab 11:28 < durka42> pretend I didn't say that 11:28 < zipcpi> lol 11:29 < zipcpi> Oh... right they're both new. Not both by me though 11:29 < durka42> noi'e/na'oi seems like pava'e 11:29 < durka42> we just have to define a default scale 11:29 < zipcpi> I don't like exact numbers for subjective scales 11:29 < zipcpi> And I don't think we could 11:29 < zipcpi> Because to'e means something in some contexts, but not others 11:30 < durka42> to'e also implies a scale though 11:30 < hamnox> (This conversation looks so fascinating, I wish I understood the quarter that's in lojban.) 11:30 < durka42> if we use va'e, but we just invent new numbers for each item, then it's pointless 11:30 < durka42> that's equal to defining new cmavo for every one 11:30 < gleki> {pa} here is infinitesimal 11:30 < durka42> but if we define a default scale 11:30 < durka42> then we can use numbers 11:30 < zipcpi> We already have most of the subjective numbers 11:30 < durka42> gleki: in probability for instance {pa} means 100% 11:31 < gleki> no, in va'e scale the highest value is {ro} 11:31 < durka42> okay, fine 11:32 < zipcpi> hamnox: lol 11:33 < zipcpi> One little problem is that while {xokauva'e} is the most flexible in terms of range, {NAI/CAI} is the most flexible in terms of grammar 11:34 < zipcpi> Thus making it very hard right now to attach {rauva'e} to a sumtcita, e.g. 11:35 < gleki> how in ur system u can attach va'e to sumtcita? 11:35 < zipcpi> We can't yet 11:35 < zipcpi> That's what I was pointing out 11:35 < gleki> mi broda i fi'o rova'e krinu mi mo 11:36 < gleki> mi broda i fi'o rova'e krinu bo mi mo 11:36 < zipcpi> Yeah something like that 11:36 < gleki> va'e itself should be transformed into a brivla 11:37 < zipcpi> We have {ckilu} but... hm... 11:37 < zipcpi> ckilu is just the scale 11:37 < zipcpi> Doesn't predicatize {va'e} 11:37 < gleki> jbo: si'e 11:37 < mensi> si'e = [MOI] galfi lu'e lo namcu lo selbrisle .i x1 pagbu x2 ije le namcu cu frinu le se klani be x1 le se klani be x2 11:37 < mensi> |>>> frinu; mei, moi, va'e |>>> xorxes 11:37 < zipcpi> si'e is portional 11:37 < gleki> jbo: va'e 11:37 < mensi> va'e = [MOI] galfi lu'e lo namcu lo selbrisle .i x1 klani le namcu x2 noi ckilu |>>> ckilu; mei, moi, si'e |>>> 11:37 < mensi> xorxes 11:37 < zipcpi> Doesn't make sense with va'e 11:38 < gleki> hahaha. va'e lacks maximum value and si'e lacks scale specification 11:39 < zipcpi> Heh 11:39 < gleki> although maximum value can be specified in va'e2 11:40 < gleki> actually i use va'e for truth values. 11:41 < gleki> and si'e for portions of pizza 11:41 < zipcpi> Does make sense 11:41 < zipcpi> Although {ja'a xi xokau} is probably better for the "must be [0,1]" sense 11:42 < gleki> that would require formalizing ja'a xi 11:42 < gleki> into new brivla 11:42 < zipcpi> True 11:42 < gleki> xi is overloaded. 11:42 < zipcpi> lol 11:42 < gleki> jbo: ja'a 11:42 < mensi> ja'a = [NA] tcita lu'e lo bridi le du'u sinxa le tolna'e be la'e ri |>>> tolna'e; na |>>> 11:42 < mensi> xorxes 11:42 < zipcpi> It's meant to be though 11:42 * ctefaho likes how xi is used in an official BPFK definition 11:42 < gleki> jbo: tolna'e 11:42 < mensi> tolna'e [< to'e natfe ≈ To'e natfe*] = x1 to'e natfe x2 boi x3 |>>> .e'u ko tcidu tu'a zo to'e .e zo natfe .e zo ja'a 11:42 < mensi> |>>> xorxes 11:43 < gleki> jbo: natfe 11:43 < mensi> natfe = x1 du'u na ku x2 jetnu |>>> du'u; na; jetnu; jitfa; kanxe; vlina |>>> xorxes 11:43 < gleki> natfe doesnt have any scales 11:43 < durka42> {jei} is also good for 0-1 truth value 11:43 < durka42> but it's different grammar 11:43 < zipcpi> Also there's a hole in the selbri list if you haven't noticed 11:44 < zipcpi> {nordukti}? 11:44 < gleki> jei can't have {kau}, it works at bridi level only 11:45 < gleki> unless it's kapable 11:47 * nuzba @kaleidic: ZA'O, the first Lojban album of all time https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao https://f1.bcbits.com/img/a3930782257_10.jpg [http://bit.ly/1H77ppB] 11:47 * nuzba @kaleidic: ZA'O, the first Lojban album of all time https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao http://t.co/hIlZvdvbY3 [http://bit.ly/1H77xWe] 11:47 * nuzba @kaleidic: xkcd translated into Lojban: http://alexburka.com/~aburka1/lojban/ [http://bit.ly/1H78zl5] 11:47 < durka42> norkai? 11:48 < gleki> en: norkai 11:48 < mensi> [< no'e ckaji ≈ Scalar midpoint not has quality] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se 11:48 < mensi> tolcri 11:48 < mensi> norkai[5867], no'erkai[7456], norckaji[7917], no'erckaji[9506] 11:48 < gleki> actually what we need is fi'o gradu and one more tag for truth values. 11:48 < durka42> or even {midju} 11:49 < zipcpi> {norkai} seems good 11:49 < gleki> especially since few like MOI and ROI 11:49 < zipcpi> {midju}... I dunno, "midpoint" could mean either {cnano} or me'oi liminal 11:49 < zipcpi> There's a reason I changed the official "midpoint negator" with "liminal negator" 11:50 < zipcpi> Because people kept confusing it with {cnano} 11:50 < durka42> nah, no'e doesn't mean cnano 11:50 < durka42> .w liminal 11:50 < phenny> "Liminal is an English adjective, 'on the threshold,' from Latin limen, plural limina, 'threshold.' Liminality is the abstract noun formed from liminal." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liminal 11:50 < durka42> that's {ja'aru'e} 11:51 < durka42> en:ja'aru'e 11:51 < mensi> ja'aru'e = [NA*] weak bridi affirmation; barely; almost not at all. 11:51 < zipcpi> What I mean is "between {ja'e} and {to'e}" 11:51 < zipcpi> On the threshhold 11:51 < zipcpi> *threshold 11:52 < zipcpi> What in English is idiomatically expressed as "half", like "half-alive, half-dead" 11:52 < durka42> right 11:53 < gleki> no'e is best, yeah 11:53 < gleki> by far 11:53 < zipcpi> Well we are defining {no'e} :p 11:53 < gleki> {lo no'e ricfoi} = jungle 11:53 < durka42> I mean there is {xadba}... 11:53 < durka42> {sortyxadba} 11:54 < zipcpi> lol 11:54 < gleki> jb: gradu 11:54 < mensi> gradu = gradu — x1(entity) is a unit on scale x2(property of x1 with kau) measuring x3(property of x1 with kau) 11:54 < mensi> :lo gradu — unit. lo se gradu — scale with units. 11:54 < mensi> :lo centi be lo mitre cu gradu lo ka mitre vau lo ka te sepli — Centimeter is a unit on metric scale, which measures 11:54 < mensi> distance. 11:54 < mensi> :Related words: ckilu, kantu, kelvo, merli, ranti, selci 11:54 < zipcpi> No, {xadbysorta} is probably what you want for a malglikslu no'e-brivla :p 11:54 < zipcpi> {xabysorta} 11:55 < gleki> the example from la bangu is wrong 11:55 < gleki> in its x2 11:55 < zipcpi> {sorta} is already malglikslu, so I don't see why {xadba pe'a} would make it any worse :p 11:55 < durka42> right 11:56 < durka42> {jibni} might work 11:56 < gleki> jb: ckilu 11:56 < mensi> ckilu = ckilu — x1(property of nonce place with kau) is a scale of units for measuring x2(property of nonce place with 11:56 < mensi> kau) 11:56 < mensi> :lo ckilu — scale. 11:56 < mensi> :lo ka mitre ma kau cu ckilu lo ka te sepli ma kau ma kau — Metric scale measures the distance between two points. 11:56 < mensi> :Related words: gradu, merli, cimde, manri 11:56 < zipcpi> {jbini}, I think you mean 11:56 < durka42> I meant {jibni}, but {jbini} is good too 11:56 < zipcpi> But {jbini} doesn't just mean "liminal", we have to qualify it with {ckaji lo jbini lo ka broda kei lo ka to'e broda} 11:57 < durka42> right 11:57 < zipcpi> I dunno. {jibni} is like {naru'e} to me. "Almost, but false" 11:58 < zipcpi> Or {na'eru'e} to stick with something that could fit on my scale list 11:58 < gleki> naru'e is superweird it smells natlangish to me 11:58 < durka42> I guess so 11:58 < zipcpi> gleki: Maybe so 11:58 < zipcpi> I can't put my finger on it though, or suggest an alternative 11:59 < gleki> "almost" is {so'ava'ei} 11:59 < zipcpi> But are we talking truth value, or scale? That's the ambiguity here 12:00 < zipcpi> Well, to me, {naru'e} implies {na} 12:00 < gleki> that's philosophical 12:00 < durka42> no'e =~ naldukti? 12:00 < durka42> of course naru'e implies na 12:00 < zipcpi> la .tom. naru'e janli mi = "Tom almost collided with me" 12:01 < zipcpi> Thus I don't think it quite fits fuzzy logic 12:01 < zipcpi> Because it's already false 12:03 * nuzba @willingtheweird: I am having a hard time understanding the practical difference in between lo and le in lojban. Why would someone use lo? [http://bit.ly/1H79lhP] 12:03 < zipcpi> But I think {norkai} is the best solution we have right now to fill that spot 12:03 < zipcpi> Ah... someone who still has a CLL understanding of {lo}, I see 12:04 < zipcpi> On the other hand, post xorlo, we have endless arguments on whether {le} is needed 12:05 < gleki> {le broda} will just become {su'o broda} provided that it's expanded to {su'o da poi broda} where {da} refers to the nearest instance mentioned ana/exo/cata-phorically. 12:06 < zipcpi> Crap I wanted to say "the hunter has become the hunted" but I can't find a word for "hunt" in that sense 12:06 < gleki> kalte? 12:06 < zipcpi> Oh right 12:07 < zipcpi> {le kalte puca'o binxo lo se kalte}; using both {le} and {lo} just to rub it in :p 12:08 < zipcpi> er, puco'a 12:08 < zipcpi> Maybe {ca'a} is better 12:09 < zipcpi> {le kalte ca'a binxo lo se kalte} 12:11 < gleki> le na'o kalte ca'a co'a se kalte 12:11 < gleki> binxo works too 12:11 < zipcpi> gleki: You think {da} is specific, but Ilmen thinks {da} isn't specific, so which is it? 12:11 < zipcpi> Cool 12:11 < gleki> zipcpi: na'i. i dont understand what is specific. i operate in terms of UD and variables. 12:11 < zipcpi> You think {da} could replace {le} 12:11 < gleki> and "any" is sometimes {da}, sometimes {zo'e}. 12:12 < zipcpi> The problem is that you're pushing the problem to the UD 12:12 < gleki> zipcpi: oh that. read my understanding of {le} in the wiki. it's ananaphorical marker that refers to things in UD. like {da}. 12:13 < gleki> but {su'o broda} expand to {su'o da poi broda} with a very special {da} that is underformalized. 12:13 < zipcpi> And I don't think I'm using {le} too differently from you do. What we have an impasse with is the philosophy 12:14 < zipcpi> But can you link me to your article? 12:14 < gleki> i dont like philosophy embedded into the language. 12:14 < gleki> SWHish 12:15 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Particle_%22le%22_for_anaphora,_cataphora,_exophora 12:15 < zipcpi> Well my system isn't based on what I hope to achive SWHish-ly, but rather to disambiguate between the cases that are most common 12:15 < gleki> strange that it's de facto the inversion of the meanings of lo and le. 12:16 < zipcpi> On what, in practical usage, is the most needed distinguishments, and on what natural languages have evolved various idioms for dealing with 12:17 < gleki> so the only part needed to complete that {le} page is to formalize {PA broda}. i ku'i mi lazni gi'e na djica 12:18 < gleki> to i mi cinmo lo mabla ki'u lo na lojbo toi 12:19 < zipcpi> "I feel crappy because of some un-Lojbanic reason"? 12:19 < gleki> yes 12:19 < zipcpi> K 12:19 < zipcpi> je'e 12:26 < zipcpi> *reads your article* Hm... think I've seen it before. Not sure how well it works though; looks like you're defining {le} as an extended form of {ri'oi} 12:27 < zipcpi> With the whole back-searching thing. Which is probably the easiest way to formalize it, but may clash with practical usage 12:28 < Ilmen> .u'e sai 12:31 < Ilmen> mi nau mo'u tinju'i lo pa moi selsa'a poi la jemnai cu balpra .i la'a mi pu meckanpe lo ni banli 12:32 < Ilmen> lu la .berlin. ne la dotygu'e li'u .u'e 12:35 < Ilmen> zipcpi, gleki: {su'oi da poi...} can replace both {le} and {lo}, at least to a pretty good extent 12:35 < Ilmen> However {su'oi da} hasn't necessarily topmost scope 12:35 < zipcpi> Except that seems to imply that {da} is also agnostic as to specificity 12:36 < Ilmen> Indeed it is 12:36 < zipcpi> je'e 12:36 < Ilmen> It's just a counting device 12:36 < zipcpi> je'e 12:37 < Ilmen> ŭa nai xu ka'e zifre tinju'i ro lo selsa'a pe la jemnai 12:38 < zipcpi> Gleki: Here's the problem. {la .alis. cu tavla la .djan. .i le remei cu klama lo zarci} 12:38 < zipcpi> What does {le remei} refer to? 12:39 < zipcpi> A formal, machine-like, ri'oi-like backsearching will not be able to fetch the correct referents 12:42 < Ilmen> pa lo selsa'a zo balnema cmene .i lo nu mi ganse lo nu go'i cu rinka lo nu mi zenba lo ka jijnu lo du'u mo kau .u'i 12:42 < Ilmen> *se cmene 12:43 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 12:44 < Ilmen> .i mi morji lo du'u da xusra lo du'u naku ro lo selsa'a cu poi'i lo jbobau cu .olkai lo ka bangu .i na jetnu simlu .i lo pa moi selsa'a cu jbobau mulno .i'o 12:44 < zipcpi> Second [possible?] problem: {la .djan. cu kalte .i le se kalte cu bajra} 12:45 < Ilmen> ja'e bo lo kalte cu bajra 12:45 < zipcpi> {le se kalte} does not have a sumti to back-refer to, unless perhaps you imply that it can search for {zo'e} as well 12:45 < zipcpi> elided-zo'e 12:46 < Ilmen> .i lo se kalte cu bajra te zu'e lo nu renvi .i ku'i lo kalte cu bajra te zu'e lo nu clugau lo stomaxu .i ja'e bo la'a bajra masno zmadu 12:47 < ldlework> Was it ever a goal of lojban to be semantically formalized? 12:48 < ldlework> Logicially formalized sure, but semantically? 12:49 < selpahi> coi 12:49 < ldlework> coi 12:49 < niftg> coi 12:49 < Ilmen> fi'i sai 12:49 < selpahi> sei jetlage 12:49 < selpahi> coi .itku'ilypre no'u la .nif. 12:49 < Mateon1> coi 12:50 < niftg> .u'i mi nintadni po'o .ibu 12:50 < selpahi> ro tadni be ri cu nintadni ri 12:50 < niftg> .ua .uenai 12:50 < selpahi> lo finti ku'i ji'a sai zo'o ru'e 12:50 < selpahi> ku * 12:51 < niftg> pau do xrukla lo zdani pu zi ba'o ku xu doi selpa'i 12:51 < selpahi> .i ze'u nalzva fa mi .i ma pu ca'o fasnu .i xu su'o da nuzba 12:51 < selpahi> ie 12:52 < selpahi> .i va'i mi ca di'a zifre lo ka kansa lo mi jbolanzu 12:53 < niftg> ti'e za'a la djemynai co'a gubgau lo vo'a zgivei bakfu 12:53 < selpahi> mi pu zi zgana 12:53 < selpahi> ui 12:54 < selpahi> .i ta'o da'i cinri fa lo nu pilno lo jbobau lo ka tadni lo .itku'ile 12:54 < selpahi> .i mi na'e nelci lo jbobau rafsi .i ku'i lo .itku'ile cu rafsi po'o ru'e bangu 12:54 < selpahi> .i je mi na pante 12:54 < zipcpi> coi la selpa'i .i mi nitcu lo nu do skicu zo itca .i ri co'a du'eva'ei vajni 12:55 < selpahi> .i lo .itku'ile zo'u lo si'o rafsi cu jicmu ja'e lo nu sarcu .i lo jbobau ku ku'i zo'u lo ni sarcu cu mleca sai 12:55 < selpahi> coi la zipcpi 12:55 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_The_case_against_%22lo%22 12:55 < zipcpi> So much depends on {itca} right now it isn't funny x.x 12:55 < selpahi> xu do bredi lo ka casnu bau lo jbobau zo lo je ro srana 12:55 < niftg> .ai ca'a sidju pilno lo jbobau lo nu jimpe fi lo itku'ilygerna 12:55 < zipcpi> la'a na go'i uinai 12:56 < selpahi> .i li'a ru'e do zifre lo ka finti lo valsi poi prane mapti lo jai se nitcu be do .i na sarcu fa lo nu zo .itca kau mapti 12:56 < niftg> .u'u lo mi jufra cu zunti zo'o 12:56 < selpahi> .i lo .itku'ile zo'u so'i da rafsi lo srana be zo ca 12:57 < selpahi> .i ku'i no da rafsi lo srana be zo co'a 12:57 < ldlework> zipcpi: you could have gone on to name every lingusitic designation that has ever been written about on that page 12:57 < selpahi> ja zo co'u 12:57 < selpahi> .i cizra mi 12:57 < zipcpi> .i ku'i pe'i zo itca cu se smuni da poi mi aidji tu'ake'a 12:57 < zipcpi> .y. djica 12:58 < selpahi> mi gleki lo nu do ba'o vimcu lu traji lo ka prominente li'u 12:58 < selpahi> .i ku'i zo virtu'ale zo'u ... 12:58 < selpahi> .i do xusra lo du'u vo da smuni zo lo .i ku'i pe'i pa da smuni 12:58 < niftg> nitcu lo rafsi valsi be lo fasnu ve pruce sera'a lo itku'ile vau ju'o cu'i va'i pei 12:59 < selpahi> so'i da rafsi gi'e simsa lo za'o zei cmavo 12:59 < selpahi> .i ku'i no da panra zo co'u 12:59 < zipcpi> xy'y ju'ocu'i na sormei smuni .iku'i vanbi ambigu 12:59 < ldlework> ii 13:00 < niftg> .ua claxu lo fasnu pruce fanmo rafyvla 13:00 < zipcpi> va'o ambigu 13:01 < selpahi> zo lo na je lo smuvanbi cu nabmi do .i lo smuvanbi cu ru'i cenba 13:01 < zipcpi> ta'u ju'ocu'i na smuni so'i da .ijeku'i va'o abmigu 13:01 < selpahi> vanlamigu 13:01 < zipcpi> u'i 13:02 < zipcpi> za'a lo ni mi baucre lo jbobau cu zmadu lo pu jai se kanpe be mi 13:03 < selpahi> za'a do pu zenba sai lo ka certu lo ka pilno i mi gleki lo nu go'i 13:03 < selpahi> .i ca ku lo nu co'a ba'e se tcaci lo ka pilno cu sarcu 13:03 < selpahi> .i lo nu kakne cu xa'o fatci 13:04 < zipcpi> je'e 13:04 < selpahi> .u'i 13:05 < selpahi> lo mupli zo'u al-lrigral = ta'e citka, ar-rnigral = ca'o citka, li'o li'o 13:07 < zipcpi> lu <.i ku'i no da panra zo co'u> li'u zo'u oi mi nelci zo co'u 13:07 < selpahi> .i ku'i zasti fa ji'a lo voksna rafsi pe lo .aspekte 13:07 < selpahi> .i mu'a 13:07 < selpahi> O igral = ta'e citka 13:07 < selpahi> I igral = ca'o citka 13:08 < niftg> ta'o xu da ca'a tadji lo nu ciska lo itku'ile jufra sepi'o lo me'oi ascii lerfu ku po'o 13:08 < selpahi> go'i 13:08 < niftg> .u'a .i ma mu'a ve ciksi 13:08 < selpahi> (to xu zo .aski na zasti toi) 13:09 < niftg> en: aski 13:09 < mensi> aski = characters x1 (ordered set of numerals) represents non-encoded x2 (text) in ASCII |>>> ASCII is The American 13:09 < mensi> Standard Code for Information Interchange is a character-encoding scheme. See iunkoda |>>> 13:09 < mensi> gleki 13:09 < niftg> .ua 13:10 < selpahi> http://www.laethiel.fr/ithkuil/manual.php 13:10 < selpahi> se pagbu su'o srana 13:10 < niftg> ki'e jungau 13:10 < selpahi> .i na catni .i ku'i .e'e pilno va'o lo nu lo iunkoda na mapti 13:11 < selpahi> ji'a mu'a š -> sh 13:11 < selpahi> .i ia fadni 13:13 < selpahi> li'a lo iunkoda cu melmau mi 13:14 < selpahi> ta'o plixau tutci: http://www.laethiel.fr/ithkuil/transcript.php 13:14 < selpahi> la .itku'ile ku noi .irci sampre cu mo 13:15 < selpahi> .i xu pu je'a kakne lo ka gentufa 13:16 < selpahi> doi la zipcpi 13:16 < zipcpi> .y. ma kakne 13:16 < selpahi> .i xu la cadgu'a pu jungau do lo du'u mi pu finti lo ve ciksi be lo za'o zei cmavo xau do'o 13:17 < selpahi> .i ba'a nai do'o pu ze'i zukpei lo ka finti lo uitki papri 13:17 < zipcpi> ua 13:17 < selpahi> .i la cadgu'a so'o roi jarco lo ka se cfipu lo sumtcita javni 13:17 < selpahi> (to http://selpahi.de/ZAHO_Explanation.txt toi) 13:18 < Ilmen> ie banli sfaile 13:18 < zipcpi> mi jundi du'eda .i su'ori jai se tolmo'i 13:18 < selpahi> ua do pu'i tcidu 13:18 < ldlework> doi la selpa'i .i xu lo drata gadri cu milxe na vanji do ki'u lo du'u do jinvi lo du'u ro gadri smuni cu nibli banro xe fanva lo mintu 13:18 < niftg> si'au .uinai la .itku'ile nau na'e zvati ti 13:19 < Ilmen> ki'u zi'e dai 13:19 < selpahi> .e'u zo na'e 13:19 < selpahi> .i lo do tanru cu spofu 13:19 < selpahi> .i mi na jimpe tu'a lu nibli banro xe fanva li'u 13:19 < ldlework> u'i 13:20 < ldlework> na birti le drani tadji be lo nu cusku lo drata 13:20 < niftg> .u'i la'a nitcu lo ta'u zei nuncki 13:21 < selpahi> xu do kakne lo ka zvafa'i lo se sinxa be lu le drani tadji li'u .i xu ka'e punji lo jesni ra 13:21 < zipcpi> ta'o mi puzi finti lo me'oi slang fu'ivla befi lo glibau befu lo jbobau 13:21 < zipcpi> zo'oi <spoff> 13:21 < selpahi> spoff 13:21 < selpahi> ti'e sai 13:21 < zipcpi> je'u 13:22 < selpahi> .i ta'o lu birti le tadji li'u na drani .i drani fa lu birti lo du'u ma kau tadji li'u .i vajni fa lo te frica je lo du'u ma kau te frica 13:22 < ldlework> zipcpi: ko sidju mi lo nu cusku lo mi preti 13:22 < zipcpi> xy'y 13:22 < selpahi> .e'e 13:23 < zipcpi> la'o gy. logical expansion .gy 13:23 < ldlework> u'i 13:23 < Ilmen> logji'ekspansi 13:23 < zipcpi> u'i 13:23 < selpahi> .oi 13:23 < ldlework> ua li'a zo'o 13:24 < Ilmen> .u'i 13:24 < Ilmen> xagmau lo nu cusku no da 13:24 < ldlework> je'u 13:24 < selpahi> ju'o .i mi pu pante tu'a lo tanru 13:24 < ldlework> lu nibli banro li'u na banzu xu zo'o 13:24 < zipcpi> zo nibli na mapti pe'i 13:25 < niftg> ma su'a sa'u me la'o gy logical expansion gy vau ta'o 13:25 < ldlework> zo nibli no roi mapti la'a 13:25 < zipcpi> zo logji semau mapti 13:25 < selpahi> lo preti zo'u mi na jinvi lo du'u pa da zo'u ro gadri selsku cu logji se smuni da 13:25 < ldlework> xu tavla fi la'o gy. *logical expansion* gy. 13:27 < ldlework> je'e 13:28 < ldlework> .i ku'i mi je'a jinvi 13:30 < selpahi> .au pei .itku'ile vokta'a doi la .niftyg. 13:31 < zipcpi> xu da ka'e .iku'ile vokta'a .i u'iru'e 13:31 < zipcpi> .y. 13:31 < zipcpi> .itku'ile 13:31 < ctefaho> ui coi la selpahi 13:31 < selpahi> .iku'ile vokta'a cu mo 13:31 < niftg> ju'o nai mi ka'e .itku'ile vokta'a 13:31 < selpahi> coi la ctefalnu 13:31 < zipcpi> oise'i 13:32 < Ilmen> .e'u lu ju'o na ku li'u 13:32 < ctefaho> .u'i 13:32 < selpahi> lol 13:32 < zipcpi> xu da ka'e .itku'ile vokta'a 13:32 < Ilmen> zo'o ru'e 13:32 < selpahi> la .ilmen. cu kakne lo ka cusku zoi gy. attál .gy mu'a 13:33 < zipcpi> mi jinvi lo du'u na cumki 13:33 < selpahi> .i ku'i ju'o cu'i na sanji lo du'u ma kau krinu lo nu mu'a me'o ly cu pagbu 13:33 < Ilmen> .i .itku'ilymibytadnynarfauditybra .i .e'i mi di'a ca lo mapti 13:33 < selpahi> .i mi krici lo du'u cumki ja'a ku 13:34 < niftg> .ua so'ida sampu banzu ke .itku'ile jufra 13:34 < selpahi> ia go'i 13:34 < niftg> .ai mi troci co facki tu'a lo sampu jufra 13:35 < selpahi> mu'a zoi gy. Igral byol te .gy 13:35 < selpahi> smudu'i lu lo gerku cu citka mi li'u 13:35 < niftg> ma ri smuni vau ta'o 13:35 < niftg> .ua .u'i 13:36 < Ilmen> do pu cpisku xusra lo simsa be lodu na sarcu fa lonu mo'icli lo ro .itku'ile gredile .i ku'i mi .ualnainmo 13:36 < selpahi> lo ka ba'e mo'icli cu ka no'e racli 13:37 < selpahi> .i va'i lo nu pu lo nu cilre lo sampu cu mo'icli ro gredile selci cu nu bebna 13:37 < Ilmen> klar 13:37 < selpahi> .i na rarna tadji lo ka bantadni 13:37 < selpahi> je'e 13:38 < niftg> mi kucli lo du'u xukau da itku'ile valsi lo srana be lo si'o gletu ja cinse vau vau vau zo'o nai ru'e 13:38 < selpahi> .i so'i sai rafsi cu plixau nai 13:38 < selpahi> lo nintadni 13:38 < selpahi> ja'a valsi 13:40 < selpahi> .i mu'a zoi gy. aizval .gy se smuni lo si'o gletu ja cinse zukte 13:40 < niftg> .ua .i la'a simsa zo'oi unpa noi tokpona valsi 13:40 < selpahi> mi sona ala 13:41 < niftg> ala ala 13:41 < selpahi> nimi pi toki pona li pona. nimi pi toki Isewile li ike 13:41 < zipcpi> exp: mi sona ala 13:41 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "a" found. 13:41 < selpahi> .i ku'i mi skudji zo sampu fa'u zo pluja 13:42 < zipcpi> ua zo ualnainmo 13:45 < selpahi> lo .itku'ilybau cu jai frilymau tu'a lo tokpona 13:45 < niftg> .uinai .oi se'i mi tolmo'i lo du'u mi lo mi tokpona cukta cu punji makau 13:45 < selpahi> .oi dai 13:45 < niftg> .ue si'o go'e 13:45 < selpahi> .i la'a cinla sai ja'e lo nu lo ka viska cu nandu 13:45 < selpahi> zo'o 13:46 < zipcpi> mi pu pensi lo du'u makau tadji lo nu finti lo zi'evla sepi'o lo cnima'o girzu pe ma'oi NAI ja ma'oi CAI 13:46 < selpahi> .i mi ponse lo .itku'ile cukta .i tilju 13:47 < niftg> .u'i go'a 13:47 < selpahi> ua 13:49 < selpahi> .ei ma'a kansi'u lo ka tadni .i la'o gy. phalp .gy ne la .redit. cu certu tu'a lo .itku'ile 13:49 < selpahi> .i la gredile 5moi ku po'o jai nandu 13:49 < selpahi> (to ba'u sai toI) 13:50 < selpahi> si toi) 13:50 < ldlework> (ta'o xu su'o da ponse la'o gy. Microsoft Flight Simulator X gy.) 13:50 < selpahi> .i (to la gredile 5moi cu voi ro .itku'ile tadni cu malsenva tau ki ca lo nicte toi) 13:51 < niftg> .ai zgana lo se casnu pe la redit 13:53 < niftg> .i ku'i ba lo nu mulno tinju'i zo'ei la'au ZA'O li'u 13:53 < selpahi> .i'e 13:54 < zipcpi> doi la selpa'i .i xu do sanji zo kosmu 13:55 < selpahi> xu zo kosmu pu cmene lo sampre 13:55 < zipcpi> je'u 13:55 < selpahi> (to pau nai toi) 13:56 < selpahi> .i mi sanji .i ie mi sanji 13:56 < zipcpi> .iku'i mi joi la ctefa'o cu fatnygau le te sumti 13:56 < selpahi> ti'e go'i 13:58 < selpahi> ji'i re da jamfu mi je cu lenku 13:58 < selpahi> #cùskutailojbòpre 13:59 < Ilmen> xu pikci fi lo ka curmi lo nu surla ne'i lo glare joi kufra ckana 13:59 < zipcpi> jbokai jufra 14:00 < selpahi> mi iancu lo ka pu lo nu sipna cu citka 14:00 < ldlework> xu su'o do djica lo nu lojbo kelci bu'u la jbogu'e 14:00 < selpahi> kelci ma 14:00 < ldlework> la'o gy. primtionary gy. 14:01 < selpahi> ua 14:01 < ldlework> la valsi zbasu da'i 14:01 < Ilmen> mi zo'u .u'u nitcu lo ka kurji lo drata .i ji'a ba za lo na'e barda cu sipna .ai 14:01 < selpahi> mi ckaji lo simsa 14:01 < ldlework> je'e 14:02 < selpahi> .i .ai ca lo drata djedi 14:02 < ldlework> a'o 14:09 < selpahi> cinri fa lo nu zoi gy. attál .gy mapti gaje lo nu rinsa ca lo nu darca gi lo nu rinsa ca lo nu cliva 14:10 < zipcpi> ue lo drata be mi cu pilno zo darca 14:11 < selpahi> ia mi re moi lo ro zasti lo ka pilno 14:11 < selpahi> .i lo finti cu pa moi gi'e du la .ilmen. 14:13 < selpahi> jbo: darca 14:13 < mensi> darca = lo nu x1 muvdu ja klama x2 fo x3 cu mulbi'o .i x1 mo'u muvdu ja klama x2 fo x3 |>>> tolyli'a klamu'o |>>> 14:13 < mensi> selpahi 14:13 < selpahi> mi nelci .i ie mi nelci 14:13 * selpahi cu xagji 14:14 < zipcpi> mi zmanei zo darca zo tsuku mu'i lo ka sance ke zmadu melbi be mi 14:15 < selpahi> je'e 14:15 < zipcpi> .iku'i lo ka melbi cu se tamgau lo'e se melbi 14:15 < selpahi> lo melbi cu melbi lo se melbi 14:15 < zipcpi> u'i 14:17 * nuzba @The_dankabyss: They made an album of rap music in #Lojban. Beautiful. http://tinyurl.com/oaal8z3 [http://bit.ly/1SBf1mb] 14:18 < niftg> ta'o doi la selpa'i .i .e'a pei mi djuno lodu'u do puza ca'o litru makau 14:20 < niftg> mi kucli po'o 14:25 < selpahi> lo du'u ma kau se litru na je lo du'u mo kau ca lo nu litru cu vajni 14:31 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/norkai 14:31 < zipcpi> xu xamgu valsi 14:32 < niftg> je'e .i le ji'a se lidne noi bridi cu se kucli 14:33 < zipcpi> fabu cu ckaji lo jbini be lo ka me'au febu kei je lo ka to'e me'au febu 14:34 < zipcpi> .y. 14:34 < zipcpi> lo'u bei lo ka le'u 14:35 < selpahi> x1 nutli lo ka ckaji x2 bi'i lo dukti be x2 14:35 < zipcpi> .y. lo se jbini cu me'oi set 14:35 < zipcpi> zo ce 14:35 < zipcpi> ja zo jo'u 14:36 < selpahi> zo jo'u drani 14:53 < durka42> coi la noi xrukla ui vau selpa'i 14:58 < selpahi> coi 15:00 < durka42> xu do tinju'i lo bi'u zgike 15:01 < rutytar> pendo and xendo are only one letter apart. i didn't know that was allowed 15:02 < selpahi> It's allowed when the two letters are distinct enough 15:02 < durka42> for "sufficiently different" consonants, yes 15:02 < durka42> you won't find "sendo" and "cendo" 15:02 < durka42> there's a list in the CLL somewhere 15:04 < rutytar> so it's binary, the differences aren't ranked on a gradient like with rafsi? 15:04 < durka42> here it is, step 4 lists the "too similar" pairs: http://alexburka.com/lojban/cll/lojban.html#c04s14 15:05 < durka42> yeah, a pair of gismu either conflict or they don't 15:05 < rutytar> that's cool, it makes the prospect of adding more less intimidating 15:06 < rutytar> although they should obviously be created with care 15:06 < selpahi> gismu space is huge 15:06 < durka42> a few proposed experimental gismu already conflict, like {datru} :/ 15:06 < durka42> en:gimkamsmikezypro 15:06 < mensi> gimkamsmikezypro [< gismu ka simsa kei fapro ≈ Root word being similar end abstraction oppose] = x1 (word/quote; 15:06 < mensi> probably gismu) conflicts with x2 (word/text; probably gismu) according to rules 15:06 < mensi> x3 15:06 < dutchie> u'i 15:07 < zipcpi> {datru} is just a slimmed down version of {dreika} (undefined) anyway 15:07 < rutytar> the one thing which it occurred to me deserves a gismu is "internet", and "kibro" has 16 votes on jbovlaste 15:08 < zipcpi> {kibro} might as well be considered part of the language now; too useful 15:08 < rutytar> but was there etymology analysis and weighting like with other parts of the language? 15:08 < rutytar> other gismu, that is 15:08 < zipcpi> No... it's formed similarly to the other cultural gismu 15:08 < rutytar> oh right, and it ends with "o" 15:09 < rutytar> where did the letters come from? 'k' at least isn't in the english version 15:09 < rutytar> "cyber"? 15:09 < zipcpi> Yeah we tend to avoid incorporating English sound-shifts 15:10 < zipcpi> And base fu'ivla on the Latin/Greek roots instead 15:10 < durka42> zipcpi: wat? where did {dreika} come from? :p 15:10 < zipcpi> ... funny. I remember it from back before my hiatus 15:10 < rutytar> i'm pretty sure there's no latin word for internet 15:11 < dutchie> "from Greek kubernētēs steersman, from kubernan to steer, control" 15:11 < zipcpi> Essentially it's a zi'evla from {detytcika}, and had a place for all of YMDHMS and maybe some others 15:11 < durka42> zipcpi: well before your hiatus might be before my time 15:11 < zipcpi> Oh right I don't remember you 15:11 < rutytar> dutchie: where did you get that? 15:11 < dutchie> http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cyber 15:12 < rutytar> that's cool 15:12 < zipcpi> It was probably abandoned because it's silly to extend FA just for one brivla 15:12 < dutchie> slightly surprised that greek upsilon ==> lojban {i}, but there you go 15:12 < rutytar> kibro i.imgur.com/6pmvz7R.jpg 15:13 < durka42> http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_latin_word_for_internet 15:13 < ctefaho> uai co'o rodo 15:13 < zipcpi> Ah yes. That. The Vatican actually keeps Latin alive as a language :p 15:13 < zipcpi> And invents new words 15:13 < selpahi> But they pronounce it weird zo'o 15:13 < zipcpi> ie 15:14 < rutytar> speaking of which, is there a bible translation in lojban? 15:14 < selpahi> Only parts 15:14 < bigcentaur> a bible in lojban ... you mean the cll? zo'o 15:15 < durka42> .u'i 15:15 < zipcpi> If so we're all going to hell 15:15 < zipcpi> Lojban-hell 15:15 < bigcentaur> turn to the book of attitudinals 15:15 < rutytar> i wonder what the most widely spoken language which has no bible translation is 15:16 < bigcentaur> oh my goodness you guys 15:16 < rutytar> technically it would be hebrew :p 15:16 < bigcentaur> contact the gideons or some group of superchristians 15:16 < zipcpi> There is this blog called "Bad conlang ideas"... and I submitted one with "A conlang where the entire translation of the Bible is: a" 15:16 < zipcpi> Didn't get put up though 15:17 < bigcentaur> if the superchristians find out there's no translation of the bible in lojban, they'll get right on it. raise money, send missionaries, the whole deal. 15:17 < zipcpi> http://badconlangingideas.tumblr.com/ 15:17 < deltab> "The Zhuang language, with 16 million native speakers, is considered[according to whom?] to be the most widespread language without a Bible translation.[citation needed]" 15:17 < zipcpi> If you see a phma around, he's working on it on and off 15:17 < rutytar> zipcpi: each world represents the text with that rank in popularity. a = 1st, b = 2nd, aa = 27th 15:17 < deltab> — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_translations#Modern_translation_efforts 15:18 < zipcpi> rutytar: Oh yeah, makes perfect sense! :p 15:19 < selpahi> xu do kakne lo ka kancu bau lo .itku'ile 15:19 < zipcpi> Part of the problem is that Lojban has gone through several reforms, and there has been no style guide or cheat sheet compiled 15:19 < zipcpi> Thus names get Lojbanized a dozen different ways 15:19 < bigcentaur> hmm ... 15:20 < selpahi> Jesus should be {iesu}, so the whole text gets erased everytime he comes up. 15:20 < dutchie> u'i 15:20 < bigcentaur> u'i 15:20 < bigcentaur> depending on your theology, there's something really appropriate about that 15:21 < rutytar> so is the LLG going to officially adopt kibro? 15:22 < zipcpi> I don't know if there is any process to officially adopt gismu... there is kinda for cmavo, but they've only adopted very few of them 15:22 < rutytar> where do i petition :p 15:22 < zipcpi> {xa'o} and {ja'ai} for instance 15:23 < bigcentaur> whoa ... i never saw {xa'o} before and i like it 15:23 < dutchie> {za'o} is a thing also 15:24 < zipcpi> {za'o} is a part of the original description, {xa'o} is not 15:24 < zipcpi> But it's a natural addition 15:24 < dutchie> ie 15:24 < zipcpi> And one of the oldest "experimental" cmavo 15:24 < bigcentaur> {za'o} is in the lojbible, the cll 15:24 < rutytar> does anyone know where i could find the arabic gismu etymologies? 15:24 < rutytar> i found the others here http://dealloc.org/~mublin/ 15:24 < durka42> it's the BPFK who would "adopt" them, not the LLG 15:24 < dutchie> indeed, {za'o klama} 15:24 < durka42> as the BPFK has already put {xa'o} and {ja'ai} in its sections 15:25 < durka42> but more importantly it's us the community :) 15:25 < dutchie> yeah, usage is what really defines any language 15:25 < durka42> as far as I know nobody has found the original arabic words... just the transliterations into lojban 15:25 < durka42> presumably a fluent arabic speaker could figure out most of them 15:25 < rutytar> i heard once that they exist in hard copy 15:26 < durka42> maybe in a dusty corner of lojbab's basement 15:27 < niftg> .a'o na ba'o se cirko 15:27 < rutytar> are they still active? 15:28 < durka42> who? 15:28 < rutytar> lojbab 15:28 < zipcpi> He's Robin/camgusmis, right? 15:28 < durka42> no 15:28 < zipcpi> Oh 15:29 < durka42> lojbab is Bob LeChavelier 15:29 < zipcpi> ua 15:29 < durka42> one of the original creators of Lojban 15:29 < durka42> nowadays he just does administrative stuff and shouts down people who try to advance the language 15:29 < zipcpi> lol 15:29 < durka42> he led the recent LLG meeting (over email) 15:30 < zipcpi> To him we're all zbusufukai? :p 15:30 < durka42> seems that way sometimes 15:30 < durka42> does zbusufukai have a ma'i place? :p 15:31 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 15:31 < zipcpi> durka42: u'i 15:32 < zipcpi> Erm... the Lojban definition doesn't have a natural ma'i place :p 15:32 < durka42> jbo:zbusufukai 15:32 < mensi> zbusufukai = x1 ckaji lo ka ce'u la bauspo fazykamni x2 simsa gi'a ckini 15:32 < rutytar> does it seem worthwhile to try to get the arabic etymologies out of him? 15:32 < rutytar> it would probably be easier than getting an arabic speaker to go through them 15:32 < durka42> he's probably the one to ask... 15:32 < durka42> dunno if he's been asked before 15:33 < durka42> you might want to search through the google group to see if he's commented on the issue previously 15:33 < rutytar> i've googled about it for a while, but i'll double check 15:40 < rutytar> has there been an effort to complete the set of cultural gismu? 15:40 < zipcpi> No; there are a bunch of zi'evla based on ISO codes added though 15:40 < zipcpi> But I have trouble identifying them 15:41 < durka42> and some cultural zi'evla not based on ISO codes 15:41 < zipcpi> True 15:41 < durka42> like {to'anzu}, zo'o 15:41 < zipcpi> {po'olska} 15:42 < durka42> vlaste: no'ordo 15:42 < vlaste> no'ordo = x1 reflects language/culture/nationality/community of the Nordic countries [ Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, (Baltic states) and Sweden] and their associated territories [the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Svalbard and Åland] in aspect x2. 15:42 < rutytar> since gismu space is so large, would there be a problem with taking all UN recognized nations and giving them cultural gismu ending in o? 15:42 < zipcpi> Huh no one added {tci'ile}. Maybe because there are no Chilean Lojbanists lol 15:42 < durka42> haha, that should be added, it was even in CLL 15:42 < durka42> ahahaha http://badconlangingideas.tumblr.com/post/118871291562/382 15:43 < zipcpi> Yeah better add it before some zbusufukai prenu makes it mean "chilli pepper" or something lol 15:44 < durka42> I'll do it 15:44 < zipcpi> Assignable pronouns are somewhere in there <.< 15:45 < durka42> eh? 15:45 < zipcpi> BCI blog 15:45 < durka42> rutytar: not sure that's ever been attempted! also, I'm not sure exactly how large the space of "gismu forms ending -o that sound sort of like country names" is :) 15:45 < zipcpi> T.T I like my assignable pronouns, even though I don't use them very often lol 15:45 < durka42> ie 15:46 < durka42> guess I'd better add spanish definition of {tci'ile}, huh 15:47 < rutytar> but how is it determined whether sealand is more deserving of a gismu than whatever noun has a similar lojban word? 15:47 < zipcpi> Exactly the problem with the cultural gismu 15:48 < durka42> that was the whole problem, this "deserving" thing 15:48 < zipcpi> xova'ei gimy'inda 15:48 < durka42> that's how the ISO fu'ivla happened, and {zei} 15:49 < durka42> (not that I was there) 15:49 < zipcpi> ko'a pai'e gimy'inda .i ko'e gimy'inda pei'a .i fo'a xova'ei gimy'inda 15:50 < durka42> oi 15:50 < durka42> do those all mean the same? 15:50 < zipcpi> Roughly, yes 15:52 < durka42> oh, NAhE question vs CAI question 15:52 < durka42> because you just _had_ to NIH {je'ai} :) 15:52 < zipcpi> NIH? 15:52 < dutchie> not invented here 15:52 < zipcpi> Ah 15:53 < zipcpi> I dunno; it just doesn't sound like a question word to me, sei jijnu 15:53 < durka42> ie ru'e ru'e 15:56 < rutytar> what about things besides countries? religions, historical cultures, measurements 15:56 < zipcpi> Exactly... those aren't ISO 15:56 < zipcpi> Guess we just have to add zi'evla when we get to them 15:56 < rutytar> units are, actually 15:56 < rutytar> but what are "they", if the have no codes? 15:57 < rutytar> how would you say christian without the gismu xisro? 15:58 < zipcpi> Dunno. $x_1$ is related to *co'e* in aspect $x_2$ (ka) is about the vagues way you can define a word in Lojban 15:58 < rutytar> also i just realized that the CLL is so outdated that is lists russia as the USSR 15:58 < zipcpi> lol 15:59 < rutytar> has anyone considered creating terminology for the ISO units which are built off of the base 7? 15:59 < zipcpi> Why do they even have those 16:00 < rutytar> base units? 16:00 < rutytar> they're units which can't be derived from other units 16:00 < zipcpi> Oh I thought you mean "base 7" 16:00 < zipcpi> As in, numeric base 16:00 < zipcpi> Polysemy strikes again :p 16:01 < zipcpi> Hmm... not sure we have candela or mole 16:01 < zipcpi> Also check out {pi'ai}, {te'ai}, and {fei'u} 16:01 < rutytar> there are a ton of ISO units 16:01 < rutytar> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_derived_unit 16:02 < rutytar> although i think they deserve gismu, but that's just because i'm into that kind of thing :p 16:02 < zipcpi> candela is {delno} 16:03 < zipcpi> mole is {molro} 16:03 < zipcpi> Guess they did port the base units 16:05 < rutytar> the lojban word for "watt" would be "ki'ograpi'itretefrelpi'inidtefni'uci" 16:05 < dutchie> u'i 16:06 < zipcpi> There is the obsolete fu'ivla *{klanrxuati} 16:06 < zipcpi> I could re-add it as {uatni} 16:06 < rutytar> wouldn't {uatno} be better? 16:07 < zipcpi> (I hate the stage-3 prefixes with the syllabic consonants, if you couldn't tell 16:07 < durka42> or {klanrvati} 16:08 < sezycei> I'm hoping someone's already made the announcement here (I hope) - but I'll just check. You guys know Djemynai released his album today, right? 16:08 < zipcpi> Oh right yeah 16:08 < rutytar> i would assume so 16:08 < sezycei> It sounds awesome. 16:09 < durka42> iesai 16:09 < durka42> I "announced" it retweeting @djemynai and waiting for my bot to paste it here :p 16:09 < durka42> mi pu'o .erve 16:10 < zipcpi> "by standard g3"? what the mabla? 16:10 < durka42> mo'oi valsi 16:10 < sezycei> >what the mabla 16:10 < sezycei> I just laughed so hard 16:10 < zipcpi> zo'oi klanrxuati 16:10 < durka42> zipcpi: surely that definition is spoffed 16:10 < durka42> just comes from {klani} I guess 16:10 < durka42> vlaste: klani 16:10 < vlaste> klani = x1 is a quantity quantified/measured/enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o). 16:10 < durka42> vlaste: klanrxuati 16:10 < vlaste> klanrxuati = g1 is g2 watt(s) of power (default is 1) by standard g3. 16:11 < durka42> what is "g" for anyway... 16:11 < zipcpi> nai'osai 16:11 < durka42> my guess is {grake} 16:11 < durka42> vlaste: grake 16:11 < vlaste> grake = x1 is x2 gram(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3. 16:11 < rutytar> isn't rx illegitimate? 16:11 < durka42> all the by-standard places are dumb though 16:11 < durka42> I'd leave it out 16:11 < durka42> rutytar: nope 16:12 < sezycei> durka: {mi pu'o .erve} na jimpe 16:12 < rutytar> my poor tongue... 16:12 < durka42> sezycei: {erve} means {te vecnu} 16:12 < durka42> also, I meant {pu'i} 16:12 < durka42> mi pu'i .erve 16:13 < sezycei> How does {erve} mean {te vecnu}? 16:13 < rutytar> why not waixuati? 16:13 < rutytar> laixuati, i mean 16:13 < durka42> sezycei: because someone defined it that way :) it's a zi'evla 16:13 < zipcpi> -xua- is now illegal 16:13 < durka42> rutytar: those are both more than one word, plus consonants can't be followed by glides 16:13 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/uatno 16:14 < sezycei> Oh, okay, cool. 16:14 < zipcpi> Yeah zi'evla can't be made lightly; you must check that they don't break up first 16:14 < zipcpi> Easiest way to do that is 16:14 < zipcpi> k: uatno 16:14 < mensi> (CU [Z:uatno VAU]) 16:14 < zipcpi> Z means zi'evla 16:14 * durka42 adds a note at *{klanrxuati} 16:15 < zipcpi> If it's an L you probably don't want it either because that means it is in lujvo-space 16:15 < durka42> checking that they don't break up gets easier to do in your head with practice, though 16:16 < durka42> of course having edited the notes for {klanrxuati} I can't downvote it... someone else will have to do that : 16:16 < durka42> :) 16:16 < rutytar> what about joule? 16:16 < rutytar> again we get into questions of deservedness 16:16 < durka42> en:djaule 16:16 < mensi> djaule = g1 is g2 joule(s) of energy (default is 1) by standard g3. 16:16 < zipcpi> Just upvote me here: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/natlang/en/watt 16:16 < durka42> I see you ignored jbovlaste's shrill warning about adding duplicate gloss words :) 16:17 < durka42> I just killed klanrxuati's gloss so it's not a problem anymore 16:17 < zipcpi> Yay 16:17 < zipcpi> The problem is that I just tune out those warnings; it's way too sensitive 16:17 < rutytar> is there any reason not to go through all 29 SI units and give them gismu? 16:17 < durka42> okay, need to remember the incantation to hook up my Sonos to my laptop sound so I can really listen to #ZAhO 16:18 < zipcpi> "Did you mean" *giant wall of words that are spelled kinda sorta alike" 16:18 < zipcpi> It's insanity 16:19 < durka42> yeah but there is a separate (hard to see) warning that another word has the exact same gloss 16:19 < zipcpi> I should probably link to {dikca} as well 16:19 < durka42> that interface really needs to be redesigned 16:20 < zipcpi> I submit synonyms all the time 16:20 < zipcpi> Especially beheading type threes... 16:20 < durka42> haha 16:20 < phma> coi 16:20 < sezycei> What name does {la selckiku} go by now? 16:20 < durka42> coi 16:20 < durka42> sezycei: haven't seen him around here by any name in a while 16:21 < durka42> he's /u/mungojelly on reddit 16:21 < sezycei> Really? That surprises me, considering how extremely active he was. 16:21 < durka42> me too 16:21 < zipcpi> I think Curtis really likes my scale words 16:21 < durka42> I consider that a demerit zo'o zo'onai 16:21 < zipcpi> lol 16:23 < rutytar> zipcpi: when you mentioned english sound-shifts, what did you mean? 16:24 < zipcpi> ei.i.ai.ou.iu 16:24 < durka42> the Great Vowel Shift? 16:24 < zipcpi> Yes, one of it 16:24 < rutytar> is there a tool for figuring out if a gismu conflicts? 16:24 < zipcpi> Just... basically what we do when making Latin/Greek fu'ivla 16:25 < zipcpi> In English 16:25 < durka42> umm, DerSaidin has a tool that does that somewhere 16:25 < zipcpi> We spell them in a Latin/Greek way, then pronounce them in an English way 16:25 < zipcpi> Post vowel-shift and all 16:26 < zipcpi> Gonna write a Lojban definition for {uatno}, but it's gonna abuse {pi'ai} and friends 16:26 < durka42> https://github.com/DerSaidin/gimste/blob/master/validator.py#L177 16:27 < durka42> zipcpi: that's what {pi'ai} and friends are for, definitions not casual speech, says I 16:28 < zipcpi> Yeah but la samyuan needs to define pi'ai and friends based on mathematical manipulations :p 16:28 < zipcpi> Maybe Ilmen 16:29 < phma> xu doi rutytar lo nu fanva la .bibel. kei cinri do 16:30 < rutytar> phma: u'u nago'i 16:31 < zipcpi> {la sornai raurci'e} = My rendering of SI 16:31 < zipcpi> But... how to enter that 16:31 < durka42> you could enter it as a zei-lujvo 16:32 < zipcpi> sornai zei raurci'e? 16:33 < durka42> yeah 16:34 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/sornai%20zei%20raurci'e 16:34 < durka42> better add a French def :) 16:35 < zipcpi> I don't know French 16:35 < durka42> me neither 16:35 < durka42> Ilmen does 16:35 < durka42> though we could probably figure out how to say "A is B", lol 16:37 < durka42> "x1 c'est le Système International d'Unités"? 16:37 < phma> why do you need a zei for that? what's wrong with sornairauci'e? 16:37 < zipcpi> Hmm... 16:37 < zipcpi> I should probably define {raurci'e} too 16:38 < zipcpi> Yeah maybe I'll add that too 16:38 < zipcpi> And an x2 place might be useful, for what it defines? 16:38 < zipcpi> Dunno what place it's from though 16:38 < durka42> ciste3 I guess, but who cares :p 16:39 < zipcpi> x1 is the SI (International System of Units), defining units x2 16:40 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/raurci'e 16:41 < durka42> so then you can say {lo si'o djaule cu nejni se sornai zei raurci'e} 16:41 < durka42> is that right? 16:41 < zipcpi> I guess so 16:42 < durka42> now I don't know how to add x2 to the french def :) 16:42 < zipcpi> u'i 16:42 < phma> lo se ciste is how the units are related, which is being changed 16:42 < zipcpi> jvojva makes my head hurt 16:42 < durka42> mensi: doi Ilmen mi nitcu tu'a lo se fasybau .i .e'o cikre lo mi fasyvelcki pe lu sornai zei raurci'e li'u 16:42 < mensi> durka42: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.Ilmen.gy. di'a cusku da 16:43 < phma> they're working on redefining the kilogram; if they fix Planck's constant, that changes how it's related to the other units. 16:44 < durka42> so I hear 16:44 < zipcpi> OK also added {sornairauci'e} as a synonym 16:44 < durka42> I added an example 16:44 < durka42> teamwork! 16:44 < zipcpi> Yay 16:45 < rutytar> phma: i think we still don't know what planck's constant is with enough precision to improve over the reference kilo 16:46 < selpahi> (Planck length in Ithkuil is "akpʰalik" ) 16:47 < durka42> xu do binxo lo ka .itku'ilybaucre 16:47 < selpahi> ju'o cu'i go'i 16:47 < durka42> ju .itku'ilyrolrafcre zo'o 16:48 < selpahi> lo ka .itku'ilycre cu sa'e nai ka rolrafcre 16:48 < durka42> lo balrai nabmi pe lo .itku'ile zo'u ciska pi'o ge lercu'aca'a 16:48 < durka42> s/pi'o/sepi'o 16:48 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: lo balrai nabmi pe lo .itku'ile zo'u ciska sepi'o ge lercu'aca'a 16:48 < selpahi> .u'i ia nai 16:49 < selpahi> senpi lo du'u balrai lo nabmi fa su srana be lo ka ciska 16:49 < zipcpi> .y. zo ge ki'a 16:49 < durka42> ie 16:49 < selpahi> (to ta'o zo banli zo'u ie pei ka zanmutce toi) 16:49 < mensi> ei mi tugni 16:49 < durka42> zo ge me zo mo'oi soi zbusufukai 16:49 < zipcpi> u'i 16:50 < zipcpi> ko jmina fi lo papri pe la tcekitaujau 16:50 < durka42> xu za'o na pu jmina 16:50 < zipcpi> go'i 16:51 < zipcpi> And {moi'oi} can be {gei}; though I don't know how selpa'i feels about mass-gadri :p 16:52 < selpahi> xu do se slabu la'o gy. AutoHotkey .gy .i mi pu pilno ri lo ka se frili ciska lo to'anzu lerfu 16:52 < selpahi> .i ka'e pilno fi ji'a tu'a lo .itku'ile 16:53 < durka42> selpahi: ca lo nu do litru pe'a kei la zipcpi cu krefu finti ro lo gadri 16:53 < selpahi> za'a 16:53 < selpahi> .u'i 16:53 < zipcpi> trinary mathematical operator: order of magnitude/value/base; [b * (c to the a power)] Not even sure why that's here; there is already {pi'i} and 16:53 < zipcpi> {te'a} 16:54 < durka42> for scientific notation 16:54 < durka42> selpahi: xu su da xa'o .uitki papri sera'a lo do terjonma'o ciste 16:54 < zipcpi> Well yeah... but is it pavyslakycmavy'inda 16:55 < durka42> .u'i 16:55 < zipcpi> la'a na go'i 16:55 < selpahi> la .itku'ile zo'u lo mukti be lo nu mi tadni cu se pa mei lo nu sa'e nai ro da birti lo du'u na ka'e se bangu ru .i mi se cinri lo nu je'urja'o lo dukti (to ku'i lo du'u mi ji kau na'e mi cu je'urja'o cu no'e vajni toi) 16:56 < zipcpi> Also I don't even know how n-ary (where n = za'ure) operators even work 16:56 < durka42> selpahi: do cipra skepre sa'u .u'i 16:56 < selpahi> no da uitki papri .i kibykarni po'o papri 16:57 < durka42> je'e 16:57 < durka42> .au go'e 16:57 < zipcpi> Maybe with {pe'o} 16:57 < durka42> it requires {ge'a} 16:58 < zipcpi> Funny word that; probably one of the least-used cmavo, but gaining some importants with the discussion of xornunsep lol 16:58 < durka42> how many importants? 16:58 < zipcpi> Typo x.x 16:58 < durka42> I think ~6.38 importants 16:58 < zipcpi> s/importants/importance 16:58 < phenny> zipcpi meant to say: Funny word that; probably one of the least-used cmavo, but gaining some importance with the discussion of xornunsep lol 16:58 < selpahi> How come this proposal is suddenly such a hot topic on the list? 16:59 < zipcpi> xornunsep? 16:59 < selpahi> Yeah 16:59 < zipcpi> Well, because it clashes with my system of dates 16:59 < selpahi> Did you know that I once proposed to merge BY with PA (sort of the opposite). xalbo didn't like it :) 16:59 < durka42> la zipcpi made a thread about his proposed detri system, and then la xorxes made a comment offhand about namcu/lerfu 16:59 < durka42> which la gleki amplified 16:59 < selpahi> Yes I know that much. But why does it look like people are suddenly in favor 17:00 < zipcpi> I don't know 17:00 < durka42> ba'e mi na zanru 17:00 < durka42> .u'i 17:00 < selpahi> sei mi stace mi na mutce nelci 17:00 < selpahi> #mensi 17:00 < zipcpi> u'i 17:00 < phma> va lindi .i la'a de'a jorne 17:00 < durka42> doi mensi .ei ma'a pavmeigau lo namcu jo'u lo lerfu iepei 17:00 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 17:00 < selpahi> Lojban: The language where a bot contributed half the idiomatic phrases 17:01 < durka42> sei ca ca'o ningau lo sorcu pe mi 17:01 < selpahi> My old merge idea would have removed lerfu pro-sumti, but would have made BY into quantifiers. 17:01 < durka42> hey! 17:01 < durka42> that's not lojban 17:01 * durka42 tinju'i lo te tokponybau 17:01 < zipcpi> I support XNS *except* breaking LI...LOhO T.T 17:01 < selpahi> I think pabu is ugly. 17:01 < zipcpi> iesai 17:02 < durka42> quantifiers? i.e. mo'e by da => by da ? 17:02 < selpahi> Yes 17:02 < zipcpi> If your house number is 11A (used over here in place of 13), do you have to say li pabu pabu abu? 17:02 < zipcpi> Ew 17:02 < zipcpi> While your neighbor gets to say li papa 17:02 < selpahi> You'd hate your neighbor forever for having the easier house number 17:02 < zipcpi> u'i 17:03 < durka42> li paci xe fanva zo'oi 11A 17:03 < zipcpi> I defined {li'ei} just as a "see what you made me do" thing 17:05 < zipcpi> And yeah I probably will just use 13 too 17:05 < selpahi> Since the main motivation of the proposal is {.abu za'u re'u broda}, and since lerfu pro-sumti are only so big because Lojban has nearly zero anaphoric pronouns, wouldn't it be better to just fix the latter problem instead ? 17:06 < selpahi> I'm already avoiding lerfu pro-sumti, and apparently Ilmen never uses them. 17:06 < zipcpi> But as I've said du'eroi, arbitrary charstrings and irregular numbers are freaking everywhere 17:06 < zipcpi> License plates 17:06 < zipcpi> Addresses 17:06 < zipcpi> Passwords 17:06 < zipcpi> Form numbers 17:06 < zipcpi> Thus {li'ei} is necessary if they're gonna push xornunsep all the way 17:07 < durka42> how would we make new anaphoric pronouns? 17:07 < zipcpi> On selpahi's old blog post gleki propose a set of {Cu'ai} pronouns 17:08 < selpahi> BPFK has yet to come up with a new method of discussing and approving changes formally, but there would have to be strong demand for such a change, and good reasons. 17:08 < zipcpi> Can't remember them off the top of my head though 17:08 * durka42 is afraid la guskant will just set up another google docs vote, and it will pass by xorxes' star power 17:08 < durka42> and then we will have a mess to clea nup 17:08 < zipcpi> What, vote for XNS? 17:09 < durka42> yeah 17:09 < zipcpi> Ah 17:09 < durka42> like she did for consonant-glides 17:09 < zipcpi> By the way who else uses my XNS name? lol 17:10 < durka42> ku'i seja'e lo jecra'a mi co'a tatpi .i lo fasnu cu fasnu 17:10 < durka42> nobody, it's confusing because it sounds like it's about xorlo, .u'i 17:10 < zipcpi> mi jimpe 17:11 < durka42> mi tatpi seja'e ji'a lo vidrnxepstinbari 17:11 < zipcpi> It might as well be about xorlo at this rate :p 17:11 < selpahi> xorlo is perfect. 17:11 < selpahi> *waits* 17:11 < rutytar> what if a gismu has similar characters, but ends on a different vowel? 17:12 * zipcpi explodes 17:12 < durka42> in other words, does {datro} conflict with {tatru} 17:12 < rutytar> go'i 17:12 < zipcpi> I think there are some official gismu that already "clash" that way 17:12 < durka42> I think the answer is no 17:12 < selpahi> Seems like a good bot function. 17:13 < selpahi> "clash: datro tatru" 17:13 < durka42> yes, but the writer of such a bot would have to know the answer :) 17:13 * zipcpi prepares for flood of gismu 17:13 < selpahi> Then again, how often do people need to make up new gismu. Oh wait, everyday, I forgot. 17:13 < durka42> la rutytar wants a gismu for each ISO country fu'ivla... 17:13 < zipcpi> OK yeah I agree that xorlo needed to happen 17:14 < zipcpi> I just feel it kinda sad that there are a bunch of cmavo that are poorly defined and/or unused 17:14 < zipcpi> *that it left that in its wake 17:14 < selpahi> Possible solution: Remove them, then they aren't unused or poorly defined anymore 17:14 < durka42> "For example, because “gismu” is in the set of gismu, “kismu”, “xismu”, “gicmu”, “gizmu”, and “gisnu” cannot be." 17:15 < rutytar> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=phyZvT9E 17:15 < durka42> it doesn't say kismo and kisma and kisme are bad 17:15 < zipcpi> selpahi: But how do I tell apart the four cases that I've listed? 17:16 < durka42> ew bash :) 17:16 < zipcpi> And we had endless discussions over what exactly the word "specific"/{itca} means x.x 17:16 < rutytar> durka42: i'm still learning, i'll have plenty of time for opinions when i actually understand the language 17:16 < rutytar> would you like to code it in c for me durka42? 17:16 < durka42> well, la vlaste is written in python currently 17:17 < rutytar> i'm not sure gismu creation should be seen as a priority 17:17 < selpahi> I've read the backlog of the last couple weeks. 17:17 < selpahi> Lots of gadri discussions. 17:17 < selpahi> Too bad I wasn't there. 17:17 < durka42> je'u 17:18 < durka42> also mabla, you read fast 17:19 < selpahi> I made a few notes 17:19 < zipcpi> Where? 17:20 < selpahi> in a file. 17:20 < zipcpi> Ah 17:20 < rutytar> isn't reading fast xamgu? 17:20 < selpahi> xamgu ma 17:20 < zipcpi> He means {ki'ai mabla} 17:20 < selpahi> cadguha's weird tu'o reverse-tu'a tag injection idea: I get the idea, but as I see it it's not worth it compared to using {lo voi/poi'i}. Both are forethought, but your {tu'o} doesn't allow you to specify where in the abstraction the tag-phrase is placed, while {voi/poi'i} gives you full control over it for no loss at all. 17:20 < durka42> I missed that one 17:21 < selpahi> gleki la bangu vlaste: 17:21 < selpahi> The examples for zo'i are wrong. 17:21 < zipcpi> ... I don't remember anything about tu'o/tu'a 17:21 < durka42> jb:zo'i 17:21 < mensi> zo'i = zo'i [preposition of place] — on the same side as ... 17:21 < mensi> :mi sanli bu'u lo klaji zo'i le muzga — I'm standing on the street on the same side as the museum. 17:21 < mensi> :mi zutse lo lalxu korbi zo'i le laldo cindu — I'm sitting by the river on the same side as the old oak. 17:21 < zipcpi> Guess he also worked on a separate thing 17:21 < selpahi> No, it just randomly came up in this channel 17:21 < zipcpi> Ah 17:22 < selpahi> < zipcpi> Because selpa'i-tu'a broadened the grammar of LAhE, but I'm not sure what the semantic of the other LAhE should be :p 17:22 < selpahi> I have proposed that {tu'a} be moved to TUhA. 17:22 < zipcpi> selpahi: Oh yeah I noticed that 17:22 < zipcpi> The tu'anaku thing 17:22 < zipcpi> But we have no idea what la'enaku means 17:22 < selpahi> < gleki> LAhE should die -- Yes :P 17:23 < zipcpi> Or lu'inaku :p 17:23 < durka42> hmm you'd also want to be able to ask "clash: datru" though 17:23 < selpahi> Good idea 17:23 < selpahi> @xalbo> Take an abstraction and retrieve some (unspecified) concrete sumti therefrom? Yeah, there isn't something exactly like that. -- Sometimes {jai NU} can accomplish this. {voi/poi'i} is the universal solution, though. 17:23 < zipcpi> What would it clash against though? Only official gismu? 17:23 < durka42> both 17:23 < durka42> it'd tell you which 17:23 < zipcpi> Ah 17:24 < zipcpi> So then you can decide whether it's worth deprecating the old gismu 17:24 < durka42> vlaste: datru tatru (clash) 17:24 < vlaste> sei ca ca'o sampla ko denpa 17:24 < selpahi> I had a few notes about the gadri, but I think I'll just remain silent. 17:25 < zipcpi> Hm 17:25 < selpahi> When one has nothing nice to say... zo'o 17:25 < zipcpi> lol 17:27 < selpahi> My opinion doesn't count anyway. I only use {lo}. 17:27 < zipcpi> Yeah I know 17:27 < zipcpi> I just don't know how else to solve this problem though 17:28 < selpahi> You could improve the definitions, I think. And make them more logically consistent. 17:28 < zipcpi> Maybe 17:28 < zipcpi> Mostly I'm having second thoughts about the {lo} = {le/lo'e} thing because I did also list two more cases 17:28 < zipcpi> One of which isn't proposed as a gadri 17:29 < zipcpi> But it's... hard to explain 17:29 < selpahi> But the existing definitions of {le} and {lo'e} aren't really different from yours, and you're not trying to change {lo} either, so .... 17:29 < rutytar> coi 17:29 < zipcpi> Exactly... 17:30 < selpahi> The mass version are all redundant to {gunma}, therefore, you don't have to propose anything. 17:30 < selpahi> versions* 17:30 < zipcpi> lo gunma be lo x 17:31 < selpahi> The {lVi} gadri are semi-broken, in that you can't specify an inner quantifier that counts the masses, while you can with {gunma}. 17:31 * durka42 cu cilre lo cnino velcki be zo smaji 17:31 < zipcpi> Hm 17:32 < zipcpi> {lo'i} started off as a completely mabla misunderstanding 17:33 < selpahi> Yes :) 17:33 < rutytar> is there a table of ipa characters to closest lojban characters? 17:33 < zipcpi> I just started using it as a way to talk about definitions 17:33 < zipcpi> Then everything blew up 17:33 < zipcpi> mi ja'a se dimna lo ka daspo lo jbobau 17:34 < selpahi> rutytar: If I were as good as guskant at doing magic with wiki tables, I'd make you a wiki page. 17:34 < selpahi> Sadly, I'm not. 17:34 < selpahi> CLL has something though 17:34 < zipcpi> I actually had a... very incomplete draft of a language descriptor 17:34 < rutytar> i can do with shitty formatting 17:34 < zipcpi> But it did include phonology 17:35 < selpahi> https://lojban.github.io/cll/3/2/ 17:35 < rutytar> i'm trying to translate coulomb. in ipa it's kulɔ̃ 17:35 < selpahi> It's a start. 17:35 < zipcpi> k: ckulombo 17:35 < mensi> (CU [L:ckulombo VAU]) 17:35 < zipcpi> No 17:35 < durka42> ckulomo? 17:36 < zipcpi> Workable I suppose 17:36 < rutytar> is {mb} an invalid consonant pair? 17:36 < zipcpi> No. {damba} 17:36 < selpahi> No. 17:36 < zipcpi> Yet {mz} is uanaisai 17:37 < rutytar> okay 17:38 < rutytar> i guess what i was looking for is a way to automatically get lojban script by inputting IPA 17:38 < rutytar> if that doesn't exist, it's no more arbitrary to translate manually than to create that manually and use it to automatically translate 17:39 < zipcpi> The problem is that a zi'evlaization algorithm does not exist. Except for stage 3, which ... yeah 17:39 < selpahi> Yesterday I randomly met a Lojbanist in the comment section of a youtube video. 17:40 < rutytar> why doesn't the community make one? 17:40 < zipcpi> Because we haven't figured out how to algorithmically make satisfying zi'evla 17:40 < zipcpi> Right now it's all trial and error 17:41 < rutytar> what would be wrong with mapping IPA characters to their closest lojban characters? 17:42 < zipcpi> Erm, I'm not sure why one would need that; we mostly just choose the sounds 17:42 < zipcpi> There are plenty of characters that are no'e-one or the other 17:43 < zipcpi> And we've already established that it's undesirable to copy the Great Vowel Shift into Lojban... other languages also have similar considerations that the IPA does not reflect 17:44 < selpahi> The problem is that simply converting from IPA into lojban does not yield valid brivla. 17:44 < zipcpi> That too 17:44 < zipcpi> zi'evla-ization right now is mostly trial and error 17:45 < zipcpi> We take a string of phonemes 17:45 < zipcpi> And just play with it like a cat would a mouse 17:45 < zipcpi> Squeeze, massage, try several different languages 17:45 < zipcpi> Anything to get the program to accept it 17:46 < zipcpi> And get that nice little Z: 17:47 < zipcpi> It's the sacrifice we have to make for self-segregating morphology 17:47 < selpahi> Yup. 17:53 < zipcpi> I think there are some particularly problemating phonemic shapes 17:53 < zipcpi> *problematic 17:53 < zipcpi> CVCCVCV 17:53 < zipcpi> CVCVCCV 17:54 < zipcpi> Find trying to zi'evla-ize those the most difficult; often I have to apply more than one mutation 17:54 < zipcpi> And come up with a word I'm not so proud of 17:54 < zipcpi> mustela for instance 17:54 < durka42> tosmabru 17:54 < zipcpi> I ended up with {mutsteila} 17:56 < durka42> en: mutsteila 17:56 < mensi> mutsteila = x1 is a weasel (genus Mustela) of species/variety x2. |>>> See ermine, fulreto |>>> 17:56 < mensi> spheniscine 17:56 < durka42> mm hard to avoid a lujvo form there 17:56 < zipcpi> Exactly 17:57 < durka42> vlaste: datru tatru (gimkamsmikezypro) 17:57 < vlaste> zo datru gimkamsmikezypro zo tatru 17:57 < durka42> please test 17:57 < zipcpi> vlaste: datru tatru (clash) 17:57 < vlaste> zo datru gimkamsmikezypro zo tatru 17:57 < durka42> not finished 17:57 < durka42> vlaste: datru (simsa) 17:57 < vlaste> error: lo nu cipra fi lo ro gismu zo'o ca ca'o sampla .i ko denpa 17:57 < durka42> whoops 17:58 < durka42> vlaste: datru (conflict) 17:58 < vlaste> error: lo nu cipra fi lo ro gismu zo'u ba ca'o sampla .i ko denpa 18:01 < rutytar> gismu can't have two of the same vowel, right? 18:01 < selpahi> They can. 18:01 < selpahi> E.g. {klama} 18:01 < rutytar> okay, cool 18:02 < selpahi> Dear programmers, how hard would it be to make this tool I sketched out here in amazing detail: http://piratepad.net/QHUdaKqexN 18:04 < rutytar> poor selpahi, lojban nerd but not a programmer :( 18:04 < zipcpi> Oh as for {gunma} and mass gadri 18:04 < zipcpi> exp: re lu'o ci lo mu prenu 18:04 < mensi> ([{re BOI} {lu'o <ci BOI> <lo (¹mu BOI¹) prenu> KU} LUhU] VAU) 18:04 < rutytar> so this is pretty much anki in browser? 18:05 < selpahi> Yes, but much more primitive. 18:05 < zipcpi> {lu'o} can be the shorthand, but it's probably not very common 18:05 < selpahi> It's all about cramming. No SRS 18:06 < zipcpi> exp: re lu'o ci lo mu prenu re lu'o ci lo mu prenu cu broda 18:06 < mensi> ([{<re BOI> <lu'o (¹ci BOI¹) (¹lo [mu BOI] prenu¹) KU> LUhU} {re BOI} {lu'o <ci BOI> <lo (¹mu BOI¹) prenu> KU} LUhU] [cu {broda VAU}]) 18:07 < rutytar> so {mn} is valid? but not {nm}? 18:07 < zipcpi> exp: mo'oi plise 18:07 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "p" found. 18:07 < selpahi> Both are valid. 18:07 < zipcpi> na sanji zo mo'oi i'au li'a 18:07 < selpahi> Cf. {tamne} and {lanme} 18:08 < zipcpi> exp: lo'i re me ci lu'o vo lo mu prenu 18:08 < mensi> ([lo'i {<re BOI> <me (¹[ci BOI] [lu'o {vo BOI} {lo <mu BOI> prenu} KU] LUhU¹) MEhU>} KU] VAU) 18:11 < selpahi> .ei mi sipna 18:11 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 18:11 < durka42> co'o zgipre 18:11 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 18:11 < selpahi> .y attàwîl ! 18:11 < selpahi> :) 18:21 < rutytar> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=39eJ45qm is this stupid? 18:22 < zipcpi> uatno and ertso aren't gismu but who cares lol 18:23 < rutytar> what are they, then? 18:23 < durka42> neither is "henro" .u'i, that would have to be {xenro}, but {xenru} conflicts 18:23 < zipcpi> They are zi'evla 18:23 < durka42> otherwise, si'au banli :) 18:23 < rutytar> oh yeah, i forgot about that... 18:23 < rutytar> i was thinking that one was a little too easy 18:23 < durka42> vlaste: vebro xebro (clash) 18:23 < vlaste> no da no de gimkamsmikezypro 18:24 < durka42> vlaste: henry 18:24 < vlaste> 2 results: enri, enri, klanrxenri, klanrxenri 18:24 < durka42> what's wrong with {enri} 18:24 < zipcpi> enri seems fine 18:24 < durka42> it's even shorter than a gismu! 18:25 < zipcpi> Newton is already ni'utni technically... dunno whether it's desirable to keep most of these short 18:25 < rutytar> it seems inconsistent to give gismu to some units but not others. that's what i was thinking when i made this 18:25 < durka42> what's a gray!? 18:25 < deltab> radiation 18:25 < zipcpi> Not all units are created equal though 18:26 < durka42> that's an endless rabbit hole though :/ 18:26 < durka42> "all the SI units" might be a logical delineating point, though 18:26 < rutytar> they're not equal, but the least arbitrary option seems to me to be to follow the ISO 18:26 < durka42> also pe'i we glorify the gismu form too much sometimes 18:26 < rutytar> what's important to current lojbanists isn't what is important to the people we want to design lojban around 18:27 < durka42> uanai 18:27 < durka42> lo se jbobau cu se jbobau 18:27 < rutytar> then why arabic etymology? 18:28 < durka42> ok fair point :) 18:28 < durka42> I think current lojbanists get a vote though! 18:29 < rutytar> gtg 18:29 < rutytar> co'o 18:35 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ni'utni Looks like the old lujvo had one too many -tre-s 18:35 < zipcpi> And... yuck 18:36 < durka42> kg m^s / s^2? 18:36 < durka42> hmm yeah that's wrong 18:36 < zipcpi> 1 kg⋅m/s2 18:37 < zipcpi> And technically we have {fei'u snidu} for hertz... though I'm not sure how to make it specifically measure frequency 18:38 < durka42> en: fei'u 18:38 < mensi> fei'u = [KE] Prefix division by following unit selbri |>>> Cf. pi'ai, te'ai, fi'u. Essentially attaches "te'ai ni'u pa" 18:38 < mensi> to all subsequent unit-selbri in the tanru. E.g. "pi'ai ki'otre fei'u cacra" = "pi'ai ki'otre cacra te'ai ni'u pa" = " 18:38 < mensi> kilometers per hour"; "pi'ai mitre fei'u snidu snidu" = meters per second per second. May even be used without pi'ai: " 18:38 < mensi> fei'u snidu" = reciprocal of the second / hertz |>>> spheniscine 18:38 < zipcpi> Maybe that's what the x3 is for :p 18:39 < durka42> I guess {fei'u snidu} is the definition of {ertso} 18:39 < zipcpi> Mhm 18:39 < zipcpi> I tried to use {to'e snidu} but people didn't like it 18:39 < durka42> I'm all for having single words for the SI units, even if I don't care whether they're all gismu or not 18:40 < zipcpi> ie 18:40 < durka42> it's not like we have any short rafsi left for them, which is the only advantage of gismu forms... 18:40 < durka42> :p 18:40 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ertso hah 18:40 < zipcpi> Now the only problem is making it measure frequency 18:40 < zipcpi> In our Lojban def 18:40 < durka42> uanai 18:41 < zipcpi> Like I said, maybe that's what the {te klani} are supposed to be lol 18:41 < durka42> vlaste: snidu 18:41 < vlaste> snidu = x1 is x2 seconds in duration (default is 1 second) by standard x3. 18:42 < zipcpi> I don't even know what "frequency" is in Lojban 18:42 < durka42> it seems like your definition of {fei'u} would make {fei'u snidu} = x1 is x2 1/seconds in frequency (default 1 Hz) 18:42 < zipcpi> Yes, that's what is intended 18:43 < zipcpi> Well, both {pi'ai} and {fei'u} are in selma'o KE 18:43 < durka42> yeah... 18:43 < durka42> which is a little weird 18:43 < durka42> but it works I guess 18:44 < zipcpi> I made {fei'u} mostly because {pi'ai minli fei'u cacra} is much easier for people to swallow than {pi'ai minli cacra te'ai ni'u pa} 18:46 < durka42> yeah 18:54 < ctefaho> coi 18:58 * ctefaho has found new ways to make jbopre happy 18:58 < durka42> coi ru'e 19:02 * nuzba @Music_Reddit: Djemynai - HZA'O [Lojban Hip-hop] https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao [http://bit.ly/1IYkijh] 19:11 < zipcpi> More dangerous thoughts on scales: Does it make sense to have a ternary scale system: positive, negative, and... I'm not sure what to call the third one 19:11 < zipcpi> But just like some attitudinals take {cu'isai} 19:12 < zipcpi> It may be possible for something to be "very neutral" rather than just "neutral", depending on scale 19:12 < zipcpi> {no'e'u} might be overloadable for that though 19:13 < zipcpi> At this point I think some people would just suggest {ka'o} :p 19:20 < zipcpi> If *only* ja'ai/nai can be suffixed 19:21 < zipcpi> Then that {rauva'e} problem could be solved at least for now, while we let the unassigned cmavo rest 19:21 < zipcpi> exp: broda ja'ai xi rau 19:21 < mensi> (CU [{broda ja'ai} {xi <rau BOI>}] VAU) 19:29 < durka42> xu do pamli'u mi .i ja'a xi ka'o go'i 19:29 < durka42> "Will you go out with me?" "In your dreams!" 19:31 * nuzba @Reddit_Music: Djemynai - HZA'O [Lojban Hip-hop] http://service.rss2twi.com/link/Reddit_Music/?post_id=10737375 [http://bit.ly/1H4dCAO] 20:21 < ctefaho> praise xoi 20:21 < ctefaho> xoi is love 20:23 * nuzba @bripre: #lojban .uisai.uodai https://twitter.com/Djemynai/status/612678497417461760 [http://bit.ly/1Lukwik] 20:29 * nuzba @komiga: ZA'O, Lojban rap by Djemynai. // https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao [http://bit.ly/1LulF9O] 20:32 < rutytar> coi 20:34 * nuzba @uitki: nuzba - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba by Guskant - djemynai albuma [http://bit.ly/1LefXLb] 20:38 * nuzba @uitki: nuzba/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba/en by Guskant - djemynai albuma [http://bit.ly/1LundjT] 20:46 * nuzba @uitki: lojban music - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/lojban_music by Guskant - /* Full songs */ djemynai albuma [http://bit.ly/1LegZGV] 21:11 < ctefaho> coi rutytar 21:11 < rutytar> coi 21:12 < ctefaho> HOT STUFF COMING IN: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o 21:12 < rutytar> above my level for now 21:12 < deltab> a Simpsons reference? 21:13 < ctefaho> not intentional 21:13 < rutytar> simpsons did it 21:14 < rutytar> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Xg65M7kg could i get some feedback on this? 21:14 < ctefaho> na: {na broda} -> {na zo'e ku broda} -> {broda xoi zo'e natfe ke'a} +++ {broda na ko'a} -> {broda xoi ko'a natfe ke'a} 21:14 < ctefaho> {ja'a broda} -> {ja'a zo'e ku broda} -> {broda xoi zo'e to'e natfe ke'a} +++ {broda ja'a ko'a} -> {broda xoi ko'a to'e natfe ke'a} 21:14 * ctefaho runs 21:15 * ctefaho si hides 21:16 * nuzba @uitki: new-fi'o - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o by Ctefaho [http://bit.ly/1GgXhF1] 21:18 < deltab> veby is ve by 21:19 < rutytar> i was just trying to list the characters to draw from 21:20 < deltab> oh 21:27 * ctefaho gtg co'o 22:54 < ctefaho> coi 22:59 < Taun> : | 22:59 < Taun> : I 22:59 < ctefaho> I : 22:59 < ctefaho> hi? 22:59 < Taun> 3 : ( 23:00 < Taun> coi 23:00 < Taun> I just came here, as I do not often do, to see if anything was shaking, shaking, up in here 23:01 * ctefaho is in fact shaking things up a bit 23:02 < Taun> la .taun. terpa zo'o ju'onai 23:03 < ctefaho> doi Taun http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o 23:05 < Taun> Now I just have to look up xoi -- aw, a complicated multi-part definition 23:05 < ctefaho> it is basically like new-soi http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new_soi 23:06 < gleki> mensi: doi selpah ma drani mupli zo zo'i 23:06 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.selpah.gy. di'a cusku da 23:06 < ctefaho> but soi has top scope, xoi has...not 23:06 < Taun> Interesting~ I don't disapprove, I'm just not and have never been on the grammar up-and-up with Lojban and will probably stick to The Old, or Semi-Old, Ways if-when I use it 23:06 < Taun> The deep grammar eludes me 23:06 < ctefaho> hey gleki 23:06 < ctefaho> {na broda} -> {na zo'e ku broda} -> {broda xoi zo'e natfe ke'a} 23:07 * ctefaho jumps into a bunker 23:07 * Taun observes from very, very far away 23:08 < ctefaho> Taun: xoi and soi basically act on lo su'u no'a ku 23:09 < ctefaho> everything you put into it messes with su'u no'a 23:09 < Taun> no'a!? Another thing to look up. It's a really really simple thing, but still. That's my grammar status 23:09 < gleki> mensi: doi zipcpi {le} is more than ri'oi since it works exophorically too. hence semantical parsing 23:09 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.zipcpi.gy. di'a cusku da 23:09 < Taun> je'e 23:09 < Taun> ru'e 23:10 < Taun> but that's okay though; signing off 23:10 < ctefaho> co'o 23:10 < Taun> to return on some undetermined date, possibly, ju'ocu'i 23:10 < Taun> co'o ro do 23:12 * ctefaho leaves bunker 23:13 < ctefaho> I take it that Happy approves 23:15 < gleki> mensi: doi selpah lo do nuncilre tutci cu simsa la nulern vau ienaipei i doi la mensi ko morsi 23:15 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.selpah.gy. di'a cusku da 23:15 < mensi> ei mi tugni 23:20 < gleki> mensi: doi selpah zo zo'i zo'u ju'oi https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lojban/rZVYxxiOrqI/y4lea4BDY04J 23:20 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.selpah.gy. di'a cusku da 23:20 < noncomcinse> coi jbopre 23:21 < ctefaho> coi noncomcinse 23:22 < noncomcinse> do mo 23:22 < ctefaho> mi tinkerini 23:23 < noncomcinse> en: tinkerini 23:23 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 23:24 < noncomcinse> .i smuni ma doi la ctefa'o 23:24 < ctefaho> Tinkering 23:24 < noncomcinse> .i .e'o zo za'e jai se stidi ta'o 23:24 < ctefaho> I am putting xoi *everywhere* 23:24 < noncomcinse> ua 23:25 < noncomcinse> .i mi se nabmi tu'a la .skaip. .oi 23:25 < ctefaho> If you want advice it will probably be easier in glico 23:25 < noncomcinse> .i na nitcu 23:26 < noncomcinse> .i selnalvai 23:26 < ctefaho> je'e 23:27 < ctefaho> (http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o if you wanna see what I am tinkerini with) 23:27 < ctefaho> hot stuff going on 23:29 < ctefaho> also did you see the new lojban album? 23:29 < noncomcinse> .i na slabu mi 23:30 < ctefaho> http://djemynai.bandcamp.com/releases !!! 23:31 < noncomcinse> .i ue cai co'e la .bandkamp. 23:31 < noncomcinse> .i ue cai 23:35 < ldlework> are the lyrics anywhere? 23:35 < ctefaho> you get them when you buy it;) 23:36 < ctefaho> both text and pdf even 23:36 < ldlework> ua 23:37 < ctefaho> you basically get a zip file with the tracks + lyrics 23:37 * ctefaho was also na slabu with bandcamp 23:39 * nuzba @asymbina: "What would a cubist [art]lang look like?" "Lojban." listening to @conlangery backlog :) [http://bit.ly/1LeySFJ] 23:45 < noncomcinse> Oh, I got distracted by that. 23:54 < noncomcinse> en: a'o 23:54 < mensi> a'o = [UI1] attitudinal: hope - despair. |>>> See also pacna. |>>> officialdata 23:54 < noncomcinse> en: tau 23:54 < mensi> tau = [LAU] 2-word letteral/shift: change case for next letteral only. |>>> officialdata 23:55 < ctefaho> which track? 23:57 < ctefaho> (if you wondered about one particular word somewhere) --- Day changed Mon Jun 22 2015 00:00 < ctefaho> broda bu'u ko'a -- broda xoi ke'a zvati ko'a 00:00 < ctefaho> The question stands, is there anything xoi can't do? 00:04 < gleki> it cant solve the problem of xorlo 00:04 < noncomcinse> di'a jundi 00:12 < ctefaho> noncomcinse, is awesome, ist not? 00:13 < noncomcinse> Yeah. 00:13 < noncomcinse> Also, why is ALL jboselsa'a RAP? 00:14 < noncomcinse> Do we just not do other genres or what 00:14 < ctefaho> I think it is just the genre he prefers 00:16 < noncomcinse> la selpa'i ji'a 00:16 < ctefaho> well yeah kinda hard to hide the fact it is him;) 00:17 < ctefaho> but there are some others too I think? 00:17 < noncomcinse> djemenai = selpahi xu 00:17 < ldlework> I only write instrumentals. 00:17 < ldlework> noncomcinse: go'i 00:17 < noncomcinse> sa'ei .uat. 00:18 < noncomcinse> ca lo cabdei mi cilre 00:18 < noncomcinse> mi pu na djuno 00:18 < ldlework> ki'a nai 00:25 < noncomcinse> Does Lojban have double negative-- No, it wouldn't. It has a seperate word for resetting it to positives. 00:26 < ldlework> na na broda 00:26 < ctefaho> it now has well defined negation scope though:) 00:27 < mudri> What is the negation scope these days? 00:28 < ctefaho> well defined 00:28 < ctefaho> na: 00:28 < ctefaho> {na broda} -> {na zo'e ku broda} -> {broda xoi zo'e natfe ke'a} 00:28 < ctefaho> {broda na ko'a} -> {broda xoi ko'a natfe ke'a} 00:29 < noncomcinse> en: natfe 00:29 < mensi> natfe = x1 (du'u) contradicts/denies/refutes/negates x2 (du'u) under rules/logic x3. |>>> Also exception (= nafmupli); 00:29 < mensi> agentive contradict/deny (= nafxu'a or tolxu'a). See also nibli, tugni, zanru, xusra. |>>> 00:29 < mensi> officialdata 00:29 < noncomcinse> Maybe I should actually study some vocab. 00:29 < noncomcinse> One of these days 00:30 < noncomcinse> I know like, an eighth of the words last I checked 00:30 < mudri> en: xoi 00:30 < mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 00:30 < mensi> of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi lo su'u no'a ku (the bridi in which this xoi term appears), including 00:30 < mensi> all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this xoi term (rightward scope). |>>> 00:30 < mensi> Terminator: se'u |>>> Ilmen 00:30 < ctefaho> (ja'a is the same but to'e natfe instead) 00:30 < noncomcinse> xoi = reverse fi'o 00:30 < ldlework> an 8th would be a lot 00:30 < noncomcinse> ldlework: Really? 00:30 < ldlework> of all lojban words? 00:30 < noncomcinse> Yeah. 00:30 < noncomcinse> No 00:30 < noncomcinse> of gismu 00:30 < noncomcinse> yeah 00:30 < ldlework> oh sure 00:31 < ctefaho> mi na klama "Something makes it so that I don't go" 00:31 < ctefaho> melbi 00:31 < noncomcinse> An eighth of gismu is hardly anything in comparision to the infinite nalsampyjvojvenalmibyju'o 00:31 < noncomcinse> gloss: sampu 00:31 < mensi> Simple 00:32 < noncomcinse> not-simple-lujvo-and-not-me-knowing 00:32 < ctefaho> but but 00:32 < ctefaho> mi zi'e na klama 00:32 < ctefaho> negation-soi 00:32 < ctefaho> whatever the mabla that will be good for 00:32 < noncomcinse> so {do klama lo zarci na mi} means I do something to make you going to the store false? 00:33 < ctefaho> hmm I think that should be tu'a mi? 00:34 < noncomcinse> do klama lo zarci na lodu'u do na'e se tuple 00:34 < ctefaho> or you get {do klama lo zarci xoi mi natfe ko'a} 00:34 < noncomcinse> vau vau ui nai 00:34 < noncomcinse> dai 00:34 < noncomcinse> shouldn't it be {xoi na ko'a}? 00:35 < noncomcinse> en: xoi 00:35 < mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 00:35 < mensi> of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi lo su'u no'a ku (the bridi in which this xoi term appears), including 00:35 < mensi> all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this xoi term (rightward scope). |>>> 00:35 < mensi> Terminator: se'u |>>> Ilmen 00:35 < ctefaho> wops 00:35 < ctefaho> {do klama lo zarci xoi mi natfe ke'a} 00:35 < ctefaho> and {do klama lo zarci xoi tu'e mi natfe ke'a} is what we want 00:35 < ctefaho> ... 00:35 < ctefaho> tu'a 00:36 < ctefaho> {do klama lo zarci xoi tu'a mi natfe ke'a} 00:36 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp do klama lo zarci xoi tu'a mi natfe ke'a 00:36 < camxes> (do [CU {klama <lo zarci KU> <xoi (¹[tu'a mi LUhU] [CU {natfe <ke'a VAU>}]¹) SEhU>} VAU]) 00:38 < noncomcinse> Wait, I didn't know xoi 00:38 < noncomcinse> I thought xoi was reverse fi'o 00:38 < ctefaho> well I am kinda basing fi'o on xoi in my idea 00:38 < ctefaho> but you know soi? 00:38 < noncomcinse> en: soi 00:38 < mensi> soi = [SOI] discursive: reciprocal sumti marker; indicates a reciprocal relationship between sumti. |>>> 00:38 < mensi> officialdata 00:38 < ctefaho> soi and xoi are the same except for scope 00:38 < ctefaho> well 00:38 < ctefaho> new soi 00:38 < noncomcinse> uh 00:38 < ctefaho> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new_soi 00:39 < ctefaho> Another Selpa'i Creation™ 00:39 < ctefaho> mabla irci 00:39 < ctefaho> ™ 00:39 < noncomcinse> huh 00:40 < mudri> I don't understand {natfe}. Shouldn't natfe1 be exactly natfe2 → ⊥ for any instantiation of {natfe}? 00:40 < noncomcinse> la te .irci cu xamgu lo cmalu je galtu lerfu 00:40 < mudri> That's what the definition looks like. 00:40 < noncomcinse> .i mi viska co snada 00:40 < ctefaho> http://selpahi.weebly.com/archive-pre-2014/na-as-tag 00:44 < ctefaho> as for natfe-x1 and x2 being equal, no idea, I just finished that^ 00:44 < gleki> wth, vlasisku references CLL 5.11 for MOI http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/moi 00:47 < ctefaho> and natfe is according to bpfk basically na, as I understand it 00:47 < ctefaho> the scope just isn't well defined there 00:50 < mudri> It just looks as if it was intended to be a function used for manipulating du'u sumti. 00:52 < ctefaho> and su'u isn't good enough, or what? 00:52 < mudri> Emphasis on “function”. 00:53 < ctefaho> ua 00:54 < ctefaho> this will be fun 00:54 < ctefaho> hey zipcpi 00:54 < zipcpi> Hi 00:54 < mensi> zipcpi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: {le} is more than ri'oi since it works exophorically too. hence semantical parsing | 00:54 < mensi> 2015-06-22T06:09:28.716Z 00:55 < zipcpi> Gleki: Yes, I know; hence I said "extended" ri'oi; but I'm not sure even that works in the scenarios I gave 00:56 < mudri> e.g: {ko'a nibli lo kanxe be ko'e bei lo natfe be ko'e .i ja'o ko'a jitfa} 00:58 < ctefaho> zipcpi: i discovered something wonderful 00:58 < zipcpi> Hm I think to get the flexibility of CAI with the wide range of subjective PA without adding a bunch of new cmavo, it'd have to be something in selma'o XI 00:58 < ctefaho> ba pu broda -> ba pu zo'e ku broda -> broda xoi ke'a purci xoi ke'a balvi 00:58 < ctefaho> putting xoi into xoi 00:58 < zipcpi> Ah 00:58 < ctefaho> xoimazing 00:59 < gleki> In the last update to the dictionary search engine la sutysisku: 00:59 < gleki> 1. When you search for selmaho (class of particles) the application shows you links to the relevant sections of the reference grammar. 00:59 < gleki> 2. When looking at terminators (particles that show the end of constructs like right brackets in math) their left counterpart is displayed in square brackets. Hence you may quickly know with which particle the ended construct started. 00:59 < gleki> Both features require testing. E.g. some links to the reference grammar ma be wrong. I used data from previous attempts to implement that. But now I'm ready to quickly fix found issues. 00:59 < gleki> Currently, the features work only for English version of the application. 00:59 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/en/index.html#sisku/COI 00:59 < gleki> Illustration: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/File:sutysisku2015-06-22.png 00:59 < gleki> mudri: ^ ping 00:59 < mudri> gleki, interesting! 01:00 < gleki> so that was probably the last thing i could take from vlasisku 01:01 < zipcpi> exp: ki'u xi rau ko'a ko'e broda 01:01 < mensi> ([{<ki'u (¹xi [rau BOI]¹)> ko'a} ko'e] [CU {broda VAU}]) 01:02 < zipcpi> Something like {xi'i} but I think xi'i is [0-1] 01:03 < zipcpi> ta'o doi gleki You will have to decide if va'ei is [0-1] fuzzy logic or can be used for any scale. I suggest the latter due to its association with {va'e}; if [0-1] fuzzy logic sumtcita is useful to you, add another one 01:03 < gleki> i suggest a tag instead 01:03 < zipcpi> They both can be tags 01:03 < gleki> en :va'ei 01:03 < gleki> en: va'ei 01:03 < mensi> va'ei = [ROI] converts number to scalar tag; specifies the value on fuzzy logic scale; to the degree (n) on scale ... 01:03 < mensi> |>>> gleki 01:04 < gleki> hm, i suppose the should be just default scale 01:04 < gleki> *there 01:04 < e`ogan> I have instantly thought of "oi vei" 01:04 < e`ogan> I just can't shake it off hearing lojban in a hebrew kind of phonetics 01:05 < zipcpi> Hah... the decision to make {oi} mean what it does is heavily influenced by that 01:05 < zipcpi> :p 01:05 < zipcpi> Although I've also heard Chinese or Malay people using it 01:06 < zipcpi> And I do not think they are Lojbanists 01:06 < gleki> loglan: oi 01:06 < mensi> oi = yes/(I)(he)(they) may...<, exp. of ethical permissibility.>. 01:07 < gleki> heh 01:07 < zipcpi> lol 01:07 < gleki> =e'a ? 01:07 < e`ogan> I have no language allegiance, and I definitely don't tie languages to culture baggage, so it doesn't matter for me really 01:26 < gleki> any comments to my translation of La Teris ? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_vkiwqOIOIJPqZTiomzd4ApUSEQXhEY6CeyZD_6c-PA/edit#gid=1743871730 01:26 < gleki> i used the latest version from the wiki 01:31 < zipcpi> exp: broda jaibaizu'e brode 01:31 < mensi> (CU [broda {jai <bai zu'e> brode}] VAU) 01:32 < dutchie> coi rodo 01:32 < zipcpi> coi 01:32 < zipcpi> exp: broda jaibaizu'e lo brode 01:32 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 01:55 < e`ogan> Were phonetics in lojban picked to be the most pronounceable? 01:55 < gleki> formally yes. they took the most common phonemes in the world 01:56 < e`ogan> The ambiguity of {y} and {x, h, '} raise some questions for me 01:57 < gleki> there isnt any ambiguity in them. 01:58 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci.html 02:00 < e`ogan> Ha, the person pronounces b and v dangerously close 02:01 < gleki> true! 02:01 < gleki> akmnlrse: ju'i 02:07 < selpahi> coi 02:07 < mensi> selpahi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: ma drani mupli zo zo'i | 2015-06-22T06:06:14.316Z 02:07 < mensi> selpahi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: lo do nuncilre tutci cu simsa la nulern vau ienaipei i doi la mensi ko morsi | 02:07 < mensi> 2015-06-22T06:15:38.149Z 02:07 < mensi> selpahi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: zo zo'i zo'u ju'oi https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lojban/rZVYxxiOrqI/y4lea4BDY04J | 02:07 < mensi> 2015-06-22T06:20:09.576Z 02:08 < selpahi> mi ki'u lo nu lo cmalu cu ni mi se slabu la .nulern. cu na djuno lo du'u xu kau lo mi tutci cu simsa 02:08 < selpahi> .i ku'i gajanai simsa gi la'a la .nulern. cu do'a na'e prane 02:08 < gleki> ko cpedu lo nu jmina fi la glekitufa i ku'i mi nupre no da 02:09 < selpahi> ta'o zo zo'i zo'u ko tcidu lo se lidne se cusku be mi 02:09 < selpahi> (to lo mriste co'e toi) 02:10 < selpahi> .i cenba lo ka jinvi 02:10 < selpahi> mi zutse lo lalxu korbi zo'i le laldo cindu — I'm sitting by the river on this side of the old oak. 02:10 < selpahi> di'u drani 02:11 < selpahi> mi sanli bu'u lo klaji zo'i le muzga — I'm standing on the street on this side of the museum. 02:11 < selpahi> si'a 02:11 < gleki> xu BPFK drani cusku 02:11 < gleki> ba'e ca 02:11 < selpahi> go'i 02:11 < selpahi> ji'i ro sumtcita pe nai lo bai zei cmavo cu drani .i mi pu catlu ca lo nu mulgau sa'e nai 02:12 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers 02:13 < gleki> jb: ze'o 02:14 < mensi> ze'o = ze'o [preposition of place] — across, outwards, beyond ... 02:14 < mensi> :da tricu ze'o le rirxe — There is a tree across the river. 02:14 < gleki> xu drani 02:14 < gleki> jb: zo'a 02:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 02:14 < selpahi> go'i 02:14 < gleki> ua 02:15 < gleki> selpahi: ma xe fanva zoi gy on the same side as gy 02:16 < gleki> jb: zo'i 02:16 < mensi> zo'i = zo'i [preposition of place] — on this side of ... 02:16 < mensi> :mi sanli bu'u lo klaji zo'i le muzga — I'm standing on the street on this side of the museum. 02:16 < mensi> :mi zutse lo lalxu korbi zo'i le laldo cindu — I'm sitting by the river on this side of the old oak. 02:18 < gleki> zo zo'a xu 02:18 < selpahi> dunli fi lo ka ragve .i co'e fau lo nu ko'a ji'a zvati lo co'e li'o .i li'o 02:18 < selpahi> .i zo zo'a se smuni lo drata 02:18 < gleki> xu no mapti sumtcita cu zasti 02:19 < selpahi> ia 02:19 < gleki> mi na jimpe fi zo zo'a 02:19 < selpahi> xu lo mi melbi zo'o pixra na sidju 02:20 < gleki> lo jufra mupli ka'e sidju 02:20 < selpahi> mi pu cliva lo karce zo'a lo malsi 02:20 < selpahi> "I left the car by the side of the temple." 02:20 < gleki> selpahi: xu lo melbi pixra pe lo itku'ile cukta pu'i sidju da 02:20 < selpahi> zo'o xu da melbi pixra 02:21 < gleki> selpahi: xu lo melbi na'i pixra pe lo itku'ile cukta pu'i sidju da 02:21 < selpahi> .i zo'o nai su'o roi sidju mi 02:22 < selpahi> mi sanli bu'u lo klaji zo'i le muzga — I'm standing on the street alongside the museum. 02:22 < selpahi> .u'i 02:22 < selpahi> .i zo zo'i zo'u lo manri cu jai sarcu lo nu plixau 02:22 < selpahi> zo'a *** 02:23 < selpahi> mi sanli bu'u lo klaji zo'a le muzga — I'm standing on the street by the museum. 02:23 < selpahi> .i di'u zo'u lo klaji cu linji manri 02:24 < selpahi> .i mi gajenai ragve ginai to'e ragve lo muzga lo manri mokca noi ke'a ji'a zvati lo linji no'u lo klaji 02:24 < selpahi> s/lo muzga/vau lo muzga 02:24 < phenny> selpahi meant to say: .i mi gajenai ragve ginai to'e ragve vau lo muzga lo manri mokca noi ke'a ji'a zvati lo linji no'u lo klaji 02:25 < gleki> ju'o la'oi phenny cu bruna la mensi tu'a lo nu fanza 02:25 < selpahi> na dukse lo ka fanza 02:25 < selpahi> .i ku'i .ei jbosku lu ko'a pu skudji li'u 02:26 < gleki> mi lazni gi'e steba 02:26 < gleki> https://github.com/lagleki/fenki 02:26 < selpahi> do lazni fau lo nu ro drata be do cu laznymau do 02:27 < selpahi> .i .u'a la'a di'u mapti be lo ka pilno zo ma'i be'o vanbi 02:28 < gleki> da'icu'i baku ca je fau lo nu mi co'u steba vau ka'eku mi co'u jbozu'e 02:28 < selpahi> .i pe'i so'e da naldra pilno zo ma'i 02:28 < gleki> sa'ai ca ja fau le'ai 02:28 < selpahi> xu do steba lo lojbo 02:28 < gleki> selpahi: mi na jimpe lo du'u zo ma'i zo ki frica makau 02:29 < gleki> selpahi: lo na lojbo 02:29 < selpahi> zo ki se steci lo temci ja canlu manri 02:29 < selpahi> je'e 02:29 < zipcpi> mi se'ijgi ru'e lo ka facki lo du'u lu <rone'e> li'u ka'e sinxa lo namcu poi va'o mecrai 02:29 < gleki> i la'a zo ma'i se steci no da 02:30 < gleki> exp: lu <ro da > li'u mo 02:30 < mensi> ([lu {<(¹ro BOI¹) da> VAU} li'u] [CU {mo VAU}]) 02:30 < gleki> exp: силлинесс coi do 02:30 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "s" found. 02:30 < zipcpi> si'au zo ne'e zei'a plixau 02:30 < gleki> ua li'a 02:32 * nuzba @uitki: L17-03 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-03 by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1GuzBw9] 02:34 < zipcpi> zo uiski u'i 02:35 < zipcpi> frili fa lo nu zi'evlagau 02:38 < zipcpi> xy~'y simlu da jinvi lodu'u zo ma'i na mapti lo si'o se jinvi 02:38 < zipcpi> mi co'a tugni 02:39 < zipcpi> ka'eku finti lo cnino mema'oiBAI pe zo jinvi 02:40 < noncomcinse> coi 02:40 < zipcpi> coi 02:40 < noncomcinse> .i mi re re'u selsa'a fanva 02:42 < noncomcinse> .i fanva la'e zoi gy. Want You Gone (Portal 2) .gy. 02:43 < zipcpi> ua 02:43 < gleki> selpahi: xu do pu'i tcidu lo mi xe fanva be la'e la teris 02:43 < zipcpi> a'u 02:44 < noncomcinse> .i mi te cmene la'au .í do clíva náu vau .áu li'u 02:47 < zipcpi> zabna 02:47 < e`ogan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNVX7W4hQmA 02:48 < e`ogan> He seems to be fluent 02:50 < zipcpi> .iku'i va'o lo nu da cmavo ma'oi BAI do'e zo jinvi kei, ma kosmu zo ma'i 02:52 < zipcpi> si'au no da 02:52 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i morji xu co broda 02:52 < camxes> (i [{morji xu} {co broda}] VAU) 02:56 < selpahi> nu'o tcidu doi la gleki 02:56 < mensi> selpahi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: zo zo'i zo'u ju'oi https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lojban/rZVYxxiOrqI/y4lea4BDY04J | 02:56 < mensi> 2015-06-22T06:20:09.576Zi 02:57 < gleki> sei klina be ma'a mutce loka tordu https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_vkiwqOIOIJPqZTiomzd4ApUSEQXhEY6CeyZD_6c-PA/edit#gid=1743871730 03:02 < zipcpi> lu tegau li'u ki'a 03:03 < zipcpi> zo gasnu na ponse lo cimoi te sumti 03:03 < zipcpi> la'a ciskysre 03:04 < zipcpi> oi JyVySy za'ure'u spofu 03:04 < zipcpi> .y. la .xornunsep. cu za'ure'u jinga 03:04 < gleki> ki'e i mi mo'u vimcu zo te 03:04 < gleki> i JVS spofu ma 03:05 < zipcpi> puzi jenai ca cusku zoizoi Connection Refused zoi 03:05 < zipcpi> ca akti 03:08 < zipcpi> zo lerbasysre 03:08 < zipcpi> lo smuni cu du'eva'e itca i'au pe'i 03:08 < zipcpi> .y. ju'ocu'i zo itca na mapti 03:11 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ci'asre 03:12 < zipcpi> ei ma terbri 03:18 < niftg> mi facki lo du'u .ui lo mi tokpona cukta na se cirko gi'e zvati lo ckana cnita kei .e lo du'u .uinai lo gacri ke jdari pelji pe ra noi cukta cu xrani se polje ba'o 03:21 < niftg> cinmo lo ka nitcu le bi'unai cukta tezu'e lo nu facki lo du'u ma kau fadni ke tokpona valsi lo itku'ile bangu .i ku'i nu'o vreji vau za'a 03:23 < niftg> ba'anai su'o lo jbopli poi se bangu lo ponjo cu stidi tu'a zo'oi Ikuwi .i zu'unai la selpa'i pu za pilno zo'oi Isuwile ju'ocu'i 03:24 < gleki> zo'o ko fanva di'u lo tokpona 03:24 < selpahi> zoi .i'o Ikuwi .i'o ji'a mapti 03:26 < niftg> zo'o nitcu lo danfu pe la'oi jan-Pije mu'a 03:27 < gleki> e'o fau lo nu nabmi fa da pe lo mi xe fanva be la'e la teris vau ko jai gau djuno fai mi 03:28 < niftg> lo tokpona na bangu fi lo pluja jufra .iseki'ubo lo xe fanva cu barda ba'a 03:28 < selpahi> xu la .teris. cu cnino me la noltruti'u poi cpana lo dembi 03:29 < zipcpi> gleki: I think co'ephoric might be impossible to formalize practically; there are too many variables at play 03:29 < niftg> ci lo jbopre ca'a ba'o fanva la'e la teris vau xu 03:29 < gleki> zipcpi: depends on how you use it. 03:29 < selpahi> zo boske mi cnino 03:30 < gleki> milxe dunli zo ricfoi 03:30 < zipcpi> Well, I gave you some examples where it breaks down. 03:30 < gleki> i sa'e lo boske cu canlu gi'e se pagbu lo tricu 03:30 < gleki> zipcpi: i remember only with remei 03:31 < zipcpi> I gave a second one that *might* or *might not* work depending on how you think it handles empty te sumti: {la .djan. cu kalte .i le se kalte cu bajra} 03:31 < gleki> it treats zo'e not different from {lo}. 03:32 < gleki> ({lo} is also expressed via zo'e) 03:32 < zipcpi> And I just came up with a possible third case: {la .djan. cu kalte .i le nu kalte cu se fliba} 03:33 < zipcpi> That's not getting into how it "decides" to search backward, forward, or exophorically 03:33 < gleki> i ku'i lo boske ka'e se pagbu lo drata be lo trcu 03:33 < gleki> si tricu 03:34 < gleki> zipcpi: {le nu kalte} can also be formalized but currently we dont have any semantic parsers so i can't comment since all my justifications wont be supported by a working app 03:35 < gleki> no one is working even on la mlismu 03:35 * zipcpi shrugs 03:35 < gleki> as for direction the page explains the priority 03:35 < zipcpi> OK so you prioritize anaphoric first IIRC? 03:36 < zipcpi> What if there is a sumti way way way way back that "catches" it when it's actually meant to be used cata/exophorically? 03:36 < gleki> ofc. 03:36 < gleki> as for exophora it's more close to AI 03:36 < zipcpi> I just don't think these things can work like programming languages do 03:37 < gleki> in terms of mlismu it's all fine. in terms of exophora it's pure AI and no single computer can parse the reality as humans do. 03:39 < zipcpi> Yes, it looks like we're going to need AI regardless 03:39 < gleki> li'a 03:40 < gleki> even if you omit {le} 03:40 < zipcpi> The problem is that ma'i mi replacing all those {le}s with {lo}s just makes it worse, because then from a programming standpoint you are declaring new objects all the time, which may or may not be the same as old objects 03:42 < selpahi> ( ga'a mi * ) 03:42 < zipcpi> ki'e 03:47 < gleki> you may use {goi ko'a} 03:50 < selpahi> mi pacna lo nu su da ja la su da ba finti lo tutci xau mi 03:51 < selpahi> .i primitive tutci .i ku'i lo nu go'i cu krinu lo nu xamgu 03:51 < gleki> xu naku lo tutci pe la iocikun cu simsa 03:51 < gleki> i ku'i na brauzero tutci 03:51 < selpahi> .i mi pu'i pu za pilno lo simsa tutci ja'e lo banli 03:51 < selpahi> mi na se slabu 03:51 < gleki> ma cmene 03:51 < dutchie> 2 03:52 < zipcpi> gleki: I don't even know how {goi ko'a} would be practical in the examples I gave. There's nothing for goi to even attach to 03:52 < dutchie> u'u 03:52 < selpahi> na'i cmene .i sa'u pagbu su'o kibystu 03:52 < zipcpi> Though {goi} is probably great for instructional texts 03:52 < gleki> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=iocikun.juj.lojban.learn.words 03:52 < selpahi> .i ku'i pu na curmi lo nu lo pilno cu jdice lo du'u ma kau valsi 03:52 < gleki> zipcpi: i meant AI in general no matter whether we work with verbose lojban or not 03:52 < zipcpi> Ah 03:53 < selpahi> za'a lo me la .iocikun. moi na rau va'ei simsa 03:54 < gleki> ei mi stidi ma i lo nu tadni lo skamybanske 03:55 < selpahi> .u'i 03:55 < gleki> i xu do pu troci lo ka gugle 03:55 < gleki> i mi na krici lo nu na zasti 03:55 < selpahi> sa'u lo nu da'i mi fau lo nu no da sidju cu zbasu cu se ditcu lo barda .i je lo nu da'i lo je'a certu cu zbasu cu se ditcu lo cmalu ki'u lo nu sampu sai 03:56 < selpahi> .i mi pu gugylsisku 03:57 < selpahi> ue lo jbobau cu sidju mi lo ka jimpe lo ze'u pu cfipu be mi be'o ne la .itku'ile 03:58 < selpahi> .i sa'u zo da'i ne de'u cu pu zi rinka lo nu mi jimpe co'a 04:08 * nuzba @Vanege_EO: :o Mi volas lerni Lojban-n https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao [http://bit.ly/1Fwfpct] 04:12 < gleki> zipcpi: i dont remember if i already linked but this indeed lacks lojban. how to fix that ? :Dhttp://momentjs.com/ 04:22 < selpahi> mupli http://www.thai-language.com/id/809331 04:22 < selpahi> .i .oi lo mi brauzero co'u kakne 04:22 < zipcpi> gleki: lol 04:22 < selpahi> .i .ai cipyzu'e tu'a la .krom. 04:23 < zipcpi> What do you want to use? {li'ei} or some other method? 04:23 < gleki> exactly. that's the question 04:26 < selpahi> la .krom. cu spofu .i ku'i ui lo mi fonxa cu kakne 04:37 < gleki> i mo i xu na sarcu lo nu si'unai finti lo cilre tutci 04:37 < selpahi> ju'o cu'i lo kakne cu kakne lo ka stika lo de'u tutci 04:37 < selpahi> .i ku'i mi fliba da'i 04:38 < gleki> je'e 04:38 < gleki> i ku'i lo do tutci zo'u ma prali 04:42 < zipcpi> gleki: It shouldn't be too difficult to Lojbanize a date system *if* we can decide on what system to use :p 04:42 < zipcpi> *date display function 04:43 < zipcpi> Oh, and staircase wit: "Meet the new broda, same as the old broda" 04:44 < selpahi> lo mi tutci zo'u prali fa lo barda sai sai 04:44 < zipcpi> ko zgana lo bi'u broda noi du le bi'unai broda 04:44 < selpahi> .i .ai pilno fi tu'a la .itku'ile 05:04 * nuzba @okau_junpe: .ue .u'e vrici co selsa'a すごいな。色んな曲が詰め込まれてる。言語はロジバン! Å! Varierande musik. På lojban! Ho! Muziko varias. En Loĵbano! https://twitter.com/djemynai/status/612678497417461760 [http://bit.ly/1GCbMpi] 05:17 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 153 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 151 normal] 05:24 * nuzba @464161niftg: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Not_ready:_Ithkuil_made_easy なんかジボウィトキにもなぜかすでに記事があるけれど、PRAについての説明はhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Ithkuil/search?q=lesson&restrict_sr=on だと最後の方に回されてゐるね。 [http://bit.ly/1BGyM7R] 05:25 < gleki> niftg: e'u na cusku fi lo drata fe zo'ei le papri pe la itku'ile 05:25 < gleki> i nu'o bredi 05:27 < niftg> je'e 05:30 < niftg> .ai nai co'u gubgau lo mi se tu'itsku .i .ai .i'a pei da jmina pinka lo du'u na bredi 05:35 < gleki> i'a 05:36 < gleki> i au lo drata ca'o jai gau farvi 05:36 < gleki> fai le ctuca papri 05:37 < niftg> .a'o .i'i 05:39 < zipcpi> doi la gleki .i simsa le detri ciste pe le uitki .i lesego'i za'o pilno lo zi'evla poi ba'o gendra 05:40 < zipcpi> mu'a zo'oi djunio 05:42 < gleki> oi le uitki i sarcu lo nu stika lo krasi be la'oi MediaWiki i mi na se jaspu zo'e pe la'oi MediaWiki 05:46 < zipcpi> je'e uinairu'e 05:46 < zipcpi> exp: ui xi no'o 05:46 < mensi> (ui [xi {no'o BOI}]) 05:46 < gleki> i ku'i ma poi detri ciste cu ei se pilno 05:48 < zipcpi> mi na rova'ei jimpe fi lo gerna befi ma'oi XI be'ope ra'a lo'e ui zei cmavo 05:49 < gleki> nu'o se pilno i seki'ubo nu'o se ciksi 05:50 < zipcpi> .i ma'a nitcu lo ka djuno lo du'u ba jdice makau la .xornunsep. 05:52 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Time of day, dates and calendar */ [http://bit.ly/1BGCRZG] 05:53 < zipcpi> exp: ui xi no'o ui xi no'o 05:53 < mensi> (ui [xi {no'o ui} BOI {xi <no'o BOI>}]) 05:53 < zipcpi> si'au zo xi nitcu lo ka se famyma'o 05:54 < zipcpi> exp: ui xi no'o boi ui xi no'o 05:54 < mensi> (ui [xi {no'o <boi ui> <xi (¹no'o BOI¹)>}]) 05:54 < zipcpi> xy~'y 05:54 < zipcpi> kalsa 05:58 < zipcpi> exp: pa xi xa xi ze boi xi so 05:58 < mensi> (pa BOI [xi {xa BOI <xi (¹ze boi [xi {so BOI}]¹)>}]) 05:58 < zipcpi> si'au spofu 05:58 < zipcpi> zo boi na banzu 06:00 < zipcpi> mi zei'a jinvi le bi'unai du'u nitcu 06:26 < ctefaho> coi 06:27 < gleki> coi 06:27 < ctefaho> coi doi la gleki ku 06:28 < gleki> tersmus: coi doi la gleki ku 06:29 < gleki> tersmus: coi doi la gleki ku mo 06:29 < tersmus> ? R1. R1( ) 06:30 < gleki> tersmus: coi doi la gleki ku co'e 06:30 < tersmus> co'e( ) 06:47 < Djemynai> coi. Here's a little making-of, a time lapse showing my progress during the song writing phase: https://youtu.be/CEJtreU-8-Q 06:49 < gleki> mensi: doi selpah pei mi zbasu lo tutci ije do mo'u jmina lo tcita pe la mupli lo gredile 06:49 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.selpah.gy. di'a cusku da 06:49 < rutytar> Djemynai: would you like your logo vectorized? 06:50 < Djemynai> Hmm, maybe. :) 06:50 < rutytar> do you have a high res version? 06:50 < gleki> djeimsyxuis: xu do aidji lo ka fanva lo se sanga lo drata bangu 06:52 < gleki> sa 06:52 < gleki> Djemynai: xu do aidji 06:53 < Djemynai> I could probably make a high res version. 06:53 < Djemynai> mi nu'o jdice doi la gleki 06:54 < Djemynai> i pe'i lo nelci be lo zgike cu zifre lo ka fanva 06:55 < gleki> mi te smuni fi lo nu do fanva ba'e gi'e sanga vau vau da'i 06:56 < Djemynai> na ba fasnu i lo rimni cu jbobau se steci 07:14 < ctefaho> Djemynai: your songs are awesome 07:20 < zipcpi> mi mabla tolcre lo ka tersmu lo'e sagypemci (to ri pe lo glibau ge'uji'a .i na nitcu lo ka ciksi tu'a lo jbobau toi) 07:22 < Djemynai> ctefaho: Thanks. 07:28 < zipcpi> ue xu zo boske cu citno gismu po'oi se finti la gleki 07:29 < zipcpi> coi durka 07:29 < durka42> coi 07:29 < durka42> xu do zgana lo mi mupli pe lu ja'a xi ka'o li'u 07:29 < zipcpi> mensi: boske (clash) 07:29 < mensi> mi na birti lo nu mi mulno jimpe lo se smusku be do 07:30 < zipcpi> doi durka na go'i 07:31 < durka42> A: xu do jo'u mi pamli'u B: .u'i ja'a xi ka'o go'i 07:32 < zipcpi> xu simsa zo xa'i 07:32 < durka42> cumki 07:33 < zipcpi> ku'i na mutce simsa .i zo xa'i cu sinxa la'e lu <mi xarpei zo'e> li'u ja lu <ko xarpei zo'e> li'u 07:36 < zipcpi> ku'i lo si'o li ka'o cu xanri cu po'o metfora co ze'oi pe'a ja ze'oi zai'e 07:36 < gleki> ma janli zo boske 07:37 < zipcpi> nai'o 07:37 < zipcpi> nai'o xukau janli 07:38 < zipcpi> ku'i le bi'unai metfora cu mutce lo ka xajmi je melbi 07:39 < durka42> zo gimkamsmikezypro xu .u'i 07:42 < gleki> la gimyzba cu xusra lo du'u janli no da 07:45 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/pavyslakycmavy'inda 07:50 < zipcpi> x1 (si'o / proposed-or-existing cmavo) deserves a monosyllabic cmavo x2, even though language x3 (default Lojban) is running out of cmavo space, because of letteral-manipulation cmavo x4 and other-obscure-concept cmavo x5, and it must have that monosyllabic cmavo at time x6 (default: lo ca'abna), [insert expletive x7 (default zo mabla)] it! 07:51 < durka42> .u'i 07:51 < durka42> vlaste: datru (gimkamsmi) 07:51 < vlaste> zo datru gimkamsmikezypro tatru noi catni gismu .i zo datru gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 07:51 < durka42> vlaste: boske (gimkamsmi) 07:51 < vlaste> zo boske gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo boske gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 07:51 < zipcpi> vlaste: rekti (gimkamsmi) 07:51 < vlaste> zo rekti gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo rekti gimkamsmikezypro rekto noi cipra gismu 07:52 < durka42> whoops 07:52 < durka42> missing a couple of 'zo's 07:53 < gleki> that's cheating! using python gimyzba for python vlasisku. whereas gleki has to rewrite everything to js 07:53 < durka42> I wrote my own .u'i 07:53 < durka42> didn't know gimyzba was so easy to use 07:53 < gleki> ua 07:53 < durka42> vlaste: rektu (gimkamsmi) 07:53 < vlaste> zo rektu gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo rektu gimkamsmikezypro zo rekto noi cipra gismu 07:54 < durka42> vlaste: rekt (gimka) 07:54 < vlaste> error: ro gismu cu mumlerpoi 07:54 < gleki> i noticed that vlasisku files with links to CLL has at least one incorrect link and many missing links 07:54 < durka42> la'a sai .i mi pu xusra lo dunli 07:55 < gleki> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lagleki/glekitufa/master/i/en/bangu.js 07:55 < gleki> i started fixing them 07:55 < gleki> feel free to pr 07:56 < durka42> je'e 07:56 < durka42> xunai la mudri pu ba turfa'igau lo selma'o liste pe CLL 07:56 < gleki> probably we now can use the same tool for Japanese CLL 07:56 < gleki> en: turfa'igau 07:56 < mensi> [< stura facki gasnu ≈ Structure discover do] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se 07:56 < mensi> tolcri 07:56 < mensi> turfa'igau[9305], turfakygau[9916], su'arfa'igau[10894], turfackygau[10946], turfa'igasnu[11375], ... 07:57 < gleki> mi na morji 07:57 < gleki> i ma judri 07:58 < durka42> na djuno 07:58 < durka42> cusku fo dei po'o 08:07 < zipcpi> vlaste: uiski (gimka) 08:07 < vlaste> zo uiski gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo uiski gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 08:07 < zipcpi> .y. 08:08 < durka42> .u'i 08:08 < durka42> jetnu ku'i 08:09 < zipcpi> vlaste: uiska (gimka) 08:10 < vlaste> zo uiska gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo uiska gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 08:10 < zipcpi> vlaste: ertsa 08:10 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/ertsa 08:10 < zipcpi> vlaste: ertsa (gimka) 08:10 < vlaste> zo ertsa gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo ertsa gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 08:12 < zipcpi> za'a na srera tu'a lodu'u mo'oi kau valsi pene'i le vlaste cu gismu .iku'i srera tu'a lodu'u xukau lo valsi pe lo selpli cu gismu 08:13 < durka42> go'i 08:27 < ctefaho> hey selpahi 08:28 < selpahi> coi 08:28 < mensi> selpahi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: pei mi zbasu lo tutci ije do mo'u jmina lo tcita pe la mupli lo gredile | 08:28 < mensi> 2015-06-22T13:49:18.336Z 08:29 < selpahi> mi nelci lo si'o canja lo se zukte .i ku'i xu na ku lo gredile cu bramau lo tutci 09:04 < gleki> oi oi 09:04 < gleki> i ja'o mi na ba favgau 09:04 < gleki> i ku'i le gredile cu vajni si'a 09:06 < selpahi> li'a go'i 09:08 < selpahi> .i mi klama lo xamsi ba zi lo djedi be li so'u ji'i re .i mi na kakne lo ka pu mulgau lo gredile .i ku'i mi nitcu tu'a lo tutci 09:08 < selpahi> .i ka'e mulgau lo gredile ca lo nu ba'o xruti 09:08 < selpahi> noi ba lo jeftu be li ji'i re co'a fasnu 09:09 < selpahi> (to lo se klama be mi zo'u na kibro .i je mi na ponse su'o selbeiskami toi) 09:21 < gleki> xu no drata cu bredi loka sidju do 09:22 < gleki> i ja'o fa po'onai lo jbogu'e cu morsi ije lo rosi'e be lo munje cu morsi 09:22 < selpahi> mi na djuno 09:23 < gleki> ja'o do bazi nitcu lo tutci i ge'esai 09:23 < gleki> i mi na nelci i ie mi na nelci 09:23 < mensi> i ji'a mi na nelci mi'e la mensi 09:23 < gleki> i mi na djica 09:23 < gleki> i mi sampla ca lonu mi djica 09:23 < gleki> i ku'i ca ti mi du'eva'e steba gi'e cinmo lo mabla 09:30 < selpahi> .oi .oi dai .i .e'u ko na sidju mi 09:30 < selpahi> .i na vajni 09:31 < gleki> ca lo nu mi djica lo ka sampla vau mi ba sidju fau lo nu sarcu 09:31 < selpahi> .i ga ja lo drata mi sidju gi mi klama fau nai tau lo tutci .i na nabmi 09:31 < gleki> i ca lo cabdei mi pu jmina lo cnino tcila la sutysisku i jai ri'a tatpi 09:31 < selpahi> je'e je'e 09:31 < gleki> y i mi tavla mi 09:31 < selpahi> .i'a 09:32 < gleki> i simsa la niftyg vau u'i 09:32 < gleki> i ku'i na niftyg ta'e pilno la jbisnu 09:32 < gleki> si jbosnu 09:32 < selpahi> jbusno 09:33 < gleki> i mi djica lo ka djuno lo du'u makau jai sarcu fai lo ka se jmina fi la sutysisku 09:33 < gleki> i API pe JVS ca na zasti 09:33 < gleki> i seki'u bo mi na kakne lo ka favgau lo mapti xau la sutysisku 09:34 < selpahi> pu za lo djedi be li so'u mi ze'i vitka lo .itku'ile se .irci .i ba'e pa drata cu .irci 09:35 < selpahi> vitke * 09:35 < selpahi> coi la .ilmen. 09:35 < Ilmen> coi ŭi 09:35 < mensi> Ilmen: cu'u la'o gy.durka42.gy.: mi nitcu tu'a lo se fasybau .i .e'o cikre lo mi fasyvelcki pe lu sornai zei raurci'e 09:35 < mensi> li'u | 2015-06-21T23:42:49.842Z 09:35 < Ilmen> vi'o 09:36 < Ilmen> .i zvati ma 09:36 < gleki> i cilre tutci i je'e i cumki gi'e naku bi'aiku mi zbasu 09:36 < gleki> selpahi: pu za lo djedi be li so'o mi zukte lo simsa i mi ji'a zgana pa irci 09:36 < gleki> simsa naku i mintu 09:37 < selpahi> .a'u ru'e xu ba'e do krici lo du'u ka'e se bangu la .itku'ile 09:37 < gleki> i do ra'o du ma 09:38 < selpahi> .i pu zu nai morji fa mi lo du'u su'o rusko pu cpedu fi mi fe lo ka ctuca fo la .itku'ile kei je pu friti lo ka pleji 09:38 < selpahi> .i do du la gleki 09:38 < selpahi> .i ca lo nu cpedu cu na bredi lo ka ctuca .i ku'i cumki fa lo nu ca lo balvi cu kakne 09:41 < selpahi> .i su'a lo si'o zukte lo voi ro da jinvi lo du'u tau ki tolcumki cu cinri mi 09:41 < Ilmen> ca ti mo'u tinju'i la .nasas. noi selsa'a vau fa mi 09:42 < selpahi> ua 09:42 < Ilmen> .i mlemle 09:42 < selpahi> pa mlemle cu pamylemle 09:42 < selpahi> sei nonselsmu 09:43 < gleki> mi jinvi no da pe ibu 09:44 < Ilmen> doi la'oi durka42 .i do cpedu be mi lo ka dragau ma ùa nai ru'e 09:44 < durka42> mi bebna finti lo fasybau xe fanva 09:44 < selpahi> fr:sornai zei raurci'e 09:44 < mensi> sornai zei raurci'e = x1 c'est le Système International d'Unités (SI). 09:44 < durka42> en:sornai zei raurci'e 09:44 < mensi> sornai zei raurci'e = x1 is the SI (International System of Units), defining units 09:44 < mensi> x2 09:44 < durka42> nitcu lo remoi 09:45 < Ilmen> ŭa 09:45 < Ilmen> Presque parfait, durka42 :) 09:46 < Ilmen> I would just replace «c'est» with «est» 09:46 < durka42> google translate led me astray :) 09:47 < gleki> that learning tool. it's not that simple. it would require creating accounts. 09:48 < gleki> otherwise where to store progress? in cookies? :) 09:48 < Ilmen> durka42: « [Noun phrase], c'est....» is possible in French, with a comma before «c'est», but it's a topicalization construction (like X zo'u ri...) 09:48 < selpahi> na sarcu doi la gleki 09:49 < gleki> ta'i ma morji lo du'u lo pilno pu drani retsku 09:51 < selpahi> na morji su'o da 09:52 < selpahi> .i lo pilno cu jdice lo du'u xu kau mulno tadni 09:52 < selpahi> .i cimni co'u lo nu jdice 09:52 < selpahi> .i lo tutci cu djuno no da lo du'u ma kau ni djuno .i lo remna cu djuno 09:53 < gleki> xm 09:53 < gleki> i bebna tutci 09:53 < selpahi> ie .i bebna .i banli 09:53 < selpahi> .i prane 09:57 < Ilmen> .ai mi citka co'o 10:38 < gleki> selpahi: za lo djedi be ma cu sarcu 10:39 < durka42> si'au le tutci cu simsa la .memraiz. 10:43 < gleki> selpahi: http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cilretci/ i e'o do pilno la'oi console i anci 10:45 < gleki> in a separate tab separated file <-- nu'o i mi ca pilno lo drata formata 10:46 < durka42> ku'i simsa la'oi LogFlash .i .ei morji lo ckiku valsi jenai lo smuni .i xu mabla 10:47 < selpahi> lo nu catke la .enter. cu .ei rinka lo nu spuda 10:47 < durka42> .u'i view-source:http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cilretci/data.js .i mi djuno ro da 10:47 < gleki> selpahi: do pu na cpedu vau u'i 10:47 < selpahi> ja'a go'i 10:47 < gleki> xu ja'a cpedu i mi na krici 10:47 < selpahi> zoi gy. The answer is confirmed by pressing enter. .gy pagbu lo ve skicu ne la .piratpad. 10:48 < gleki> i ua 10:48 < selpahi> .i ji'a .ei lo tutci cu jungau fi lo du'u ma kau drani kei ca lo nu naldra spuda 10:48 < selpahi> .i ku'i lo drata zo'u .i'e 10:50 < selpahi> .i ma formata lo preti sfaile 10:50 < durka42> JSON 10:57 < selpahi> lo sampyrai tutci na'o banlyrai tutci 11:00 < gleki> selpahi: mi cikre ro lo re da 11:00 < selpahi> .e'o lo tanxe ba lo naldra cu di'a kunti 11:00 < selpahi> .i se va'o bo prane 11:01 < gleki> cikre 11:01 < gleki> mo'u 11:01 < gleki> i ku'i CSS zo'u mi na djuno 11:01 < gleki> i lo nu jaspu zo'u mi na djuno 11:02 < selpahi> ui sai prane ca ku 11:02 < selpahi> .i xu ka'e pilno ca lo nu na jorne lo kibro 11:02 < selpahi> .i ke'u ta'i ma mi stika lo preti 11:03 < gleki> stika la'e ju'oi data.js 11:03 < selpahi> ua mi ca viska lo sfaile 11:03 < gleki> ko troci y tu'a la'e zoi gy. Ctrl+S .gy. 11:04 < selpahi> .i xamgu xamgu 11:04 < gleki> i ui la nulern ca sakcpa vau zo'o 11:04 < selpahi> .u'i 11:04 < selpahi> ki'e sai la gleki 11:04 < gleki> da gredile ije la durka pu nupre tu'a da 11:05 < gleki> ije la selpa'i puzi milxe simsa 11:05 < durka42> ma se nupre mi 11:05 < gleki> do cusku lo se du'u do na mutce tolcando gi'e kakne tu'a lo gredile pe la mupli 11:05 < gleki> i ku'i ca lo pu jeftu do cusku 11:06 < gleki> selpahi: ma prane ke detri ciste i mi steba tu'a ji'a lo detri ciste 11:06 < durka42> lo me la zipcpi moi cu prane 11:06 < selpahi> .u'u mi na birti tu'a lo detri ciste 11:06 < gleki> i ji'a la to'anzu cu cusku ma pe lo detri 11:06 < gleki> i zo'e pe xy na prane gi'e ku'i plixau 11:06 < selpahi> .ei pa mai la to'anzu di'a cusku su'o da pe su'o de 11:07 < gleki> sa 11:07 < gleki> i zo'e pe la zipcpi na prane gi'e ku'i plixau 11:09 < gleki> i la zipcpi zo'u ma prane i lo'u de'i li cy xi pa ce li my xi no lo'u xu i clani 11:11 < durka42> lo'u de'i li N 2015 L 6 D 22 le'u na prane .i ku'i pe'i xagrai lo te cuxna 11:12 < gleki> ti'e ba na gendra 11:13 < durka42> cumki 11:14 < gleki> i mi nitcu lo romoi danfu 11:20 < gleki> selpahi: cati do bilga lo ka jrco lo se jetnu be lo du'u ka'eku da flecu tavla fo la itku'ile 11:21 < selpahi> .u'i 11:22 < selpahi> http://selpahi.de/aspect.htm 11:23 < selpahi> ki'e sai do 11:24 < durka42> ua 11:24 < durka42> .itku'ile cilre tutci 11:24 < durka42> .i mi pu smadi 11:29 < selpahi> http://selpahi.de/modality.htm 11:29 < gleki> sa'u lo itku'ile gentufa cu jai sarcu 11:30 < selpahi> ie .i xu na zasti 11:30 < gleki> i ku'i lo piton sorcu co itku'ile pe la gitxab cu jainandu mi 11:30 < selpahi> ua 11:30 < gleki> i mi na jimpe ije clani 11:30 < gleki> i mi pu sruma lo nu katna lo valsi cu tolnandu 11:30 < gleki> i na go'i 11:30 < gleki> y 11:30 < gleki> i mi pu sruma lo nu lo nu katna lo valsi cu tolnandu 11:31 < gleki> wth, how to enter this diacritics 11:31 < gleki> Permissive 11:31 < gleki> correct: ô 11:31 < gleki> O_0 11:31 < selpahi> ô 11:31 < gleki> mi na kakne 11:31 < selpahi> .i xu lo rusko lercu'aca'a na friti 11:32 < gleki> na 11:32 < gleki> i mi kakne tu'a lo lerfu poi jetnu glico gi'a rusko 11:32 < gleki> i e'u cnegau lo latmo ciste pe la itku'ile 11:33 < gleki> ô => o^ 11:33 < gleki> xu na ambigu 11:33 < selpahi> ia na .ambigu 11:34 < gleki> zo'oi ^ na tonga sinxa vau xu 11:35 < selpahi> lo tonga sinxa cu lidne lo valsi 11:35 < gleki> no'i mi nitcu lo se skicu be lo algoritma be lo nu katna lo itku'ile valsi 11:47 < dutchie> coi rodo 11:48 < selpahi> coi 11:48 < dutchie> .i mi bazi zgana le karce te jivna pe kadnygu'e 11:49 < selpahi> pe lo kadnygu'e 11:49 < dutchie> ki'e 11:51 < selpahi> http://selpahi.de/aspect_vocalic.htm 11:52 < gleki> ba'a la altatufa na pante tu'a zo lo 11:52 < gleki> motive = ie 11:52 < gleki> i ku'i le tutci zo'u mi na nelci iepei doi la mensi 11:52 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 11:53 < gleki> mensi: do na tugni fi ma 11:53 < mensi> What is it you really want to know ? 11:53 < selpahi> lo tutci cu mapti ba'e mi ra'u 11:53 < selpahi> .i steci sai .i mabla tutci gi'e ku'i mapti mi 11:53 < gleki> mi nitcu lo lujvo katna tutci 11:54 < durka42> vlaste: .itku'ilyjvo (katna) 11:54 < vlaste> .itku'ilyjvo (components) = (not a lujvo) 11:54 < durka42> ue 11:54 < durka42> vlaste: .itku'ilylujvo (katna) 11:54 < vlaste> .itku'ilylujvo (components) = (not a lujvo) 11:54 < durka42> vlaste: itku'ilyjvo (katna) 11:54 < vlaste> itku'ilyjvo (components) = itku'il? lujvo ≈ itku'il? affix-compound 12:24 < selpahi> Added explanations to the aspects: http://selpahi.de/aspect.htm 12:39 < selpahi> Added explanations to the modalities: http://selpahi.de/modality.htm 12:40 < durka42> ii .ainai mi cilre la .itku'ilybau .u'i 12:40 < selpahi> xu skudji lu .ai na ku li'u 12:41 < selpahi> BPFK, {ai nai}: Attitudinal. Used to express non-intent / unintentionality / accidentality / unplannedness. 12:41 < durka42> ue 12:41 < durka42> xunai .ilrealisi 12:41 < durka42> vlaste: ai 12:41 < vlaste> ai = attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection/refusal. 12:41 < selpahi> sa'u na .aidji .i je nai .aidji lo ka na co'e 12:42 < durka42> vlaste: ai (sel) 12:42 < vlaste> ai (class) = UI1 12:42 < durka42> yyyy 12:42 < durka42> lo mupli cu cizra 12:42 < durka42> .ai nai mi gunka ca le pavdei 12:42 < durka42> I'm not planning to work on Monday. 12:43 < durka42> natfe lo velcki 12:43 < selpahi> ta'o sai .oi bau la .itku'ile lo zeldei cu pavdei 12:43 < durka42> .u'i 12:43 < selpahi> .ai mi na tinbe 12:44 < durka42> xu lo bi'unai mupli cu jai srera 12:44 < selpahi> na birti 12:44 < durka42> xu .ambigu 12:44 < selpahi> simlu lo ka go'i 12:44 < durka42> mabla 12:45 < durka42> mi ba mrilu lo bifkliste 12:46 < selpahi> mrilu lo liste fi ma 12:46 < selpahi> zo'o 12:48 < durka42> mrilu lo brife lo liste 12:48 < durka42> lo valsi cu brife 12:48 < durka42> lo vensa bazi tsuku 12:50 < selpahi> melsance jufra fa zoi gy. On-n amnadya osmuil. .gy 12:52 < selpahi> .i smudu'i lu lo ma'arbi'i cu jai se kanpe fai lo ka [rinka lo nu] [se] manci li'u 13:00 < selpahi> ue mi co'a jimpe fi la'o gy. activative case .gy .i ze'u pu cfipu mi 13:01 < selpahi> .i ku'i sampu sai 13:01 < durka42> ma jbojavyglimapti 13:03 < selpahi> lo djica ja pacna ja kanpe ja mo kau cu .aktivativ. zei co'e 13:03 < selpahi> fi'o se karbi lo jai nu se djica 13:03 < selpahi> mi_1 djica lo nu mi_2 citka 13:04 < selpahi> mi_1 activative, mi_2 ergative 13:04 < selpahi> .i lo .itku'ile na pilno lo .y bridi nenri bridi tu'a de'u 13:04 < selpahi> .i ro da lujvo 13:05 < selpahi> .i lu ctidji mi_erg li'u zo'u ba'e zo'e djica lo nu mi citka 13:05 < selpahi> .i lu ctidji mi_act li'u zo'u mi djica lo nu zo'e citka 13:07 < selpahi> U igral tei -> mi djica lo nu citka 13:08 < selpahi> U igral to -> djica lo nu mi citka 13:08 < selpahi> ma ni cfipu do 13:08 < Ilmen> coi 13:08 < selpahi> ua coi 13:10 < Ilmen> mi fliba lo ka se marce lo .itku'ile trene .i ja'e bo mi trixe darno .oi se'i 13:10 < selpahi> ia do na'o sutra lo ka co'a jimpe 13:12 < selpahi> ta'o pe'i zoi gy. igral .gy no'e drani .i drani fa zoi gy. igrac .gy 13:12 < selpahi> .i me'o cy sinxa lo simsa be lo ka zei sumti 13:13 < selpahi> ja du'u zei sumti ja si'o zei sumti 13:19 < selpahi> zoi gy. igraswa .gy dramau 13:20 < selpahi> .i pe'i su'o lo mupli jufra pe lo cukta cu na'e drani 13:20 < zipcpi> ua zo moi'o 13:21 < durka42> zo moi'o banli 13:21 < durka42> xu do djica lo nu zo moi'o ji'a cu cizra gadri .u'i 13:21 < zipcpi> ei gubgau sepi'o la .tato'ebas. 13:21 < durka42> ie 13:25 < selpahi> ba'u ru'e la gredile 5moi ku po'o nabmi 13:25 < selpahi> (to sa'e ma'i lo ro gredile la 5moi ku po'o jai raktu toi) 13:29 < Spheniscine_> oi 13:30 < selpahi> coi la .oinmo sfenisku 13:30 < Spheniscine_> .y. coi 13:30 < Spheniscine_> mi du la zipcpi 13:30 < selpahi> mi djuno sai 13:30 < Spheniscine_> .y. claxu zo cu 13:31 < selpahi> ma go'i 13:31 < Spheniscine_> le jufra pe la tato'ebas 13:34 < Spheniscine_> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4296916 13:36 < Spheniscine_> ai mi mulgau le se gunka ca lo mu moi'o be lo djedi 13:37 < Ilmen> di'a jundi fa mi 13:38 < Spheniscine_> ku'i ma xe fanva zoizoi Three years and four days from now zoi 13:38 < Spheniscine_> coi la menli 13:38 < durka42> xm 13:39 < selpahi> ba za lo nanca be li ci be'o su'i lo djedi be li vo 13:39 < durka42> ie 13:39 < durka42> ku'i sepi'o zo moi'o xm 13:39 < Ilmen> .i .a'o mi za'o ralte lo papri poi jungau fi lo du'u ma kau gunma lo banzu rafsi pe lo .itku'ile gi'e jai selja'e lo nu na sarcu fa lo nu mo'ifli pi ro lo brabra ĭi zei gredile 13:40 < Spheniscine_> lo ci moi'o be lo nanca bei lo vo moi'o be lo djedi 13:40 < selpahi> Ilmen: http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/the-full-simplified-table-5-re-oriented 13:40 < Spheniscine_> genstura efku 13:40 < durka42> ua 13:40 < durka42> .kromlenti 13:40 < Ilmen> sutra .u'e ki'e 13:40 < selpahi> .i xu do pensi lo drata doi la .ilmen. 13:40 < durka42> camxes: +s kromlenti 13:40 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] or [.\t\n\r?! ] but "k" found. 13:40 < durka42> oi valslinku'i 13:40 < durka42> camxes: +s kromulenti 13:40 < camxes> (Z:kromulenti VAU) 13:41 < Ilmen> lo mi se morji cu simlu lo ka nibli lo du'u lo catni no'u mu'a ju'o nai la .kuuidjadas. cu ciska .i ku'i mi ca to'e sai birti .u'i 13:42 < selpahi> .i ku'i .oi ru'e mi co'a jinvi lo du'u sarcu ja xamgu fa lo nu ja'a mo'icli lo mulno ke gredile 5moi (to ku'i se pi'o lo prije tadji toi) 13:42 < selpahi> (to lo prije tadji nu'o te facki toi) 13:44 < Spheniscine_> xu zasti fa lo cmavo poi simsa zo nau jepoi ku'i ckini zo bu'u 13:45 < Ilmen> sei mabla na 13:45 < selpahi> zo nau ckini gaje zo ca gi zo bu'u 13:45 < Spheniscine_> xy'y nitcu lo brivla be lo si'o me'oi analogy 13:46 < Spheniscine_> fabu ckini febu lo to'ai ckini be fibu bei fobu 13:47 < Spheniscine_> ku'i ta'i ma karbi lo za'uremei 13:49 < Spheniscine_> X1 (ordered set) is respectively analogous to X2 (ordered set), by relation X3 13:51 < Spheniscine_> ma ce'o zo nau anlogu zo bu'u ce'o zo ca 13:54 < Spheniscine_> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/anlogo 13:54 < Spheniscine_> nitcu lo jbobau velcki 13:58 < Spheniscine_> ku'i ta'i ma co'e lo za'uremei be lo me'oi set 13:59 < Spheniscine_> zei'a pluja 14:00 < Spheniscine_> exp: ko'a ce'o ko'e vu'o ce fo'a ce'o fo'e 14:00 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 14:00 < Spheniscine_> exp: ko'a ce'o ko'e ce fo'a ce'o fo'e 14:00 < mensi> ([ko'a {ce'o ko'e} {ce fo'a} {ce'o fo'e}] VAU) 14:00 < Spheniscine_> exp: ko'a ce'obo ko'e jo'u fo'a ce'obo fo'e 14:00 < mensi> ([{ko'a <ce'o bo ko'e>} {jo'u <fo'a (¹ce'o bo fo'e¹)>}] VAU) 14:00 < Spheniscine_> xy'y 14:01 < Spheniscine_> ko'a ce'obo ko'e jo'u fo'a ce'obo fo'e jo'u ko'i ce'obo ko'o anlogu zu'ai 14:01 < Spheniscine_> mu'a 14:01 < Spheniscine_> exp: ko'a ce'obo ko'e jo'u fo'a ce'obo fo'e jo'u ko'i ce'obo ko'o anlogu zu'ai 14:01 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [eE] or [oO] but "a" found. 14:02 < Spheniscine_> xu sanji zo zu'ai 14:02 < Spheniscine_> exp: ko'a ce'obo ko'e jo'u fo'a ce'obo fo'e jo'u ko'i ce'obo ko'o anlogu ko'u 14:02 < mensi> ([{ko'a <ce'o bo ko'e>} {jo'u <fo'a (¹ce'o bo fo'e¹)>} {jo'u <ko'i (¹ce'o bo ko'o¹)>}] [CU {anlogu <ko'u VAU>}]) 14:02 < Spheniscine_> za'a na go'i 14:04 < selpahi> My browser crashed as I tried to upload a picture to my blog. 14:04 < zipcpi> oidai 14:05 < zipcpi> ma xu ce'o zo nau anlogu zo bu'u ce'o zo ca 14:05 < zipcpi> .y. anlogo 14:05 < selpahi> xu zo fa'u se skudji 14:06 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/anlogo 14:06 < selpahi> .i ku'i na'i .i zo nau na srana zo ca po'o 14:06 < selpahi> .i je'e .i mi pu fliba lo ka tcidu zo .anlogo 14:06 < zipcpi> xy'y 14:06 < zipcpi> ua 14:06 < zipcpi> fe'enau 14:07 < selpahi> nau = ca je bu'u lo nu cusku dei 14:08 < zipcpi> xy'y si'au nandu 14:08 < zipcpi> so'oroi nitcu lo ka sepli le smuni 14:08 < zipcpi> .y. seplygau ju'ocu'i 14:09 < zipcpi> pe'i zo fe'e cu danfu 14:11 < zipcpi> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4296970 14:14 < Ilmen> en: ju'anai 14:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 14:14 < Ilmen> en: pe'inai 14:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 14:14 < Ilmen> ŭe ru'e 14:14 < zipcpi> I've defined ju'acu'i but not ju'anai 14:15 < Ilmen> pe'inai = I opine its false OR? I don't opine it's true nor do I opine it's false 14:15 < Ilmen> pau 14:16 < zipcpi> That's what I'm not sure of 14:16 < zipcpi> The problem is that {ne'e} didn't exist 14:16 < zipcpi> So {nai} when applied to attitudinals, often meant {to'e} rather than {na'e} 14:17 < rutytar> coi 14:17 < Ilmen> doi la selpa'i lo do jbocre se friju'o cu nibli ma pe lu pe'i nai li'u 14:17 < Ilmen> .a mo'oi co'e be lu pe'i nai li'u 14:18 < Ilmen> .oi 14:18 < Ilmen> si 14:18 < zipcpi> Yet {nai} has come to mean {na'e} when it comes to sumtcita and brivla 14:19 < zipcpi> {ne'e} being disyllabic is also somewhat inconvenient 14:21 < rutytar> how would you say "the first time i did this"? 14:21 < selpahi> ca lo nu mi pa re'u [co'e] 14:22 < rutytar> .i'o 14:23 < rutytar> but the ca isn't strictly necessary, right? it could be "the first time i did this, back in 1942" 14:23 < zipcpi> I defined {ju'acu'i} rather than {ju'anai} to avoid the issue as to just what {nai} means when applied to UI2 evidentials 14:24 < selpahi> If it's setting the time of the bridi, then {ca} is necessary 14:24 < selpahi> {ca} does not mean "now", if that's what's confusing you 14:24 < rutytar> what would 14:24 < zipcpi> {nau} 14:24 < rutytar> "pu lo nu mi pa re'u co'e" mean? 14:24 < selpahi> Before i did [co'e] for the first time 14:25 < rutytar> ah 14:25 < selpahi> {ca} means "when" or "at the same time as" 14:26 < Ilmen> I don't see any occurrence of {pe'i nai} or {za'a nai} in the korpora o__O 14:26 < rutytar> selpahi, are you still charging for lessons? 14:27 < selpahi> I don't have students at the moment. 14:27 < selpahi> I was... short on time. 14:29 < rutytar> are you still interested? what would you charge? 14:31 < selpahi> It was $99 per four lessons, plus homework assignments and consultation etc. Had a bunch of students. 14:31 < rutytar> is that by person or by time? 14:32 < selpahi> What do you mean? 14:32 < rutytar> i mean would you charge more for more people if they went proportionally slower? 14:33 < rutytar> is your price based on the amount of time you're working or the number of people you're tutoring? 14:33 < selpahi> The lessons are always 1-on-1 teaching 14:33 < selpahi> No. 14:33 < selpahi> It's per lesson. 14:33 < selpahi> No matter how many people there are. 14:34 < selpahi> And all the time I spend preparing lessons is not counted either 14:34 < rutytar> would you do a group lesson? 14:34 < selpahi> I could. But have you tried getting people here to teach you for free? It's quite easy :) 14:35 < selpahi> Do you have a group of people who are interested? 14:39 < rutytar> i'm not sure yet 14:39 < rutytar> i've also considered free instruction. i'm weighing my options 15:10 < Ilmen> .oi la .bedgik. cu zasni na'e selfu 15:11 < Ilmen> .i .i'a .ai sipna 15:11 < selpahi> mi ca'o finti lo cnino kibykarnysle 15:11 < selpahi> .i la'a do tcidu ca lo bavlamdei 15:11 < Ilmen> .i'e balfi'i 15:12 < selpahi> ko'oi lo tarci do badzga .u'i 15:12 < Ilmen> .i .ai mi senva tcidu 15:12 < Ilmen> co'o 15:12 < selpahi> co'o 15:14 * nuzba @BuckMatthews1: balcu'e - Created page with "==Lojban== ===Etymology=== '''bal''' ('''banli''', ''great'') + '''cu'e''' ('''ck http://ow.ly/30o9gx [http://bit.ly/1Iv9cj5] 15:15 < durka42> .wik balcu'e 15:15 < phenny> Can't find anything in Wikipedia for "balcu'e". 15:15 < durka42> .w balcu'e 15:15 < selpahi> Wiki syntax in a tweet 15:16 < durka42> looks like an automatic tweet 15:16 < selpahi> Yeah 15:16 < selpahi> Probably like our automatic uitki tweets 15:17 < durka42> all of BuckMatthews1's history looks like that 15:17 < durka42> la nuzba pasted a tweet here the other day from someone trying to construct a cmevla, and I replied offering help, but then they deleted their account :( 15:18 < selpahi> .u'i zo'o ju'o krinu fa lo nu lo jbobau cu dukse lo ka jai nandu kei ja'e lo nu lo ji'a sai ka finti lo sampu cmene cu pluja 15:19 < mindszenty_> That's Wiktionary, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=balcu'e 15:20 < selpahi> coi la ramcinfo :) 15:20 < mindszenty_> coi sy .ui 15:22 < durka42> mindszenty_: I know, .w used to search wiktionary but the bot changed 15:38 < zipcpi> exp: fe'enau 15:38 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [0123456789] but "n" found. 15:38 < zipcpi> exp: fe'enauku 15:38 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [0123456789] but "n" found. 15:38 < zipcpi> ... crap 15:39 < zipcpi> Guess I'll have to add a nu'o gendra note to JVS then >.< 15:39 < zipcpi> exp: fe'eca 15:39 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] but "e" found. 15:39 < zipcpi> er... 15:39 < zipcpi> exp: fe'eca'o 15:39 < mensi> ([{fe'e ca'o} KU] VAU) 15:39 < zipcpi> Looks like sumtcita aren't quite completely merged yet 15:42 < durka42> that's weird 15:45 < zipcpi> I know right? o.o 15:47 < zipcpi> OK note added 15:47 < ctefaho> co'o 15:47 < zipcpi> co'o 15:48 < durka42> seems like maybe fe'e was missed during tag unification 15:48 < zipcpi> Poor fe'e 16:10 < selpahi> New blog post: http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/how-i-mastered-stem-pattern-and-function 17:06 < durka42> ba'o citka ui 17:18 < niek> coi 17:18 < zipcpi> coi 17:18 < niek> coi zy .i ma nuzba do 17:19 < durka42> coi 17:20 < zipcpi> mi .y. lanli lo vreji pe le bu'u se irci 17:25 < zipcpi> uinai mi za'ure'u pofygau lo sma'acu 17:26 < zipcpi> mabla te xasne 17:27 < niek> vlaste: sma'acu 17:27 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/sma%27acu 17:27 < zipcpi> pevysmacu 17:27 < zipcpi> skami smacu pe'a 17:27 < durka42> samzamsmacu? 17:27 < zipcpi> :p 17:41 < pinji> mi cpedu lo ro pinse 17:41 < pinji> lo cpedu be mi bei lo pinji melbi 17:45 < pinji> mi rinsi .i 17:48 < zipcpi> .y. si'au zo kaxykemlojvro jo'u zo vlinykemlojvro cu srera se ciksi 17:49 < pinji> kaxykemlojvro looks like a beast of a word 17:52 < zipcpi> mi ca naka'e samjorne la jbovlaste 17:57 < zipcpi> zo da'ai 17:57 < zipcpi> en: da'ai 17:57 < mensi> da'ai = [KOhA3] other than me |>>> Can include do. ma'a can be defined as "mi jo'u do jo'u da'ai" |>>> 17:57 < mensi> gleki 17:58 < zipcpi> lo drata be mi 17:58 < zipcpi> cinri valsi 17:58 < durka42> ie spofafu 18:04 < zipcpi> ki'uma zo .palkan. cmevla 18:04 < zipcpi> me'oi methane 18:09 < zipcpi> lu voki'o li'u ki'u ma se jbovlaste .i uanai 18:21 < zipcpi> Why is da'ai defined as able to include {do}? I thought it'd be more useful if it was a general third person 18:22 < zipcpi> That way we won't have to translate contextless he/she into {ra} anymore 18:24 < zipcpi> ra'ai ali 18:29 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 18:29 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 18:34 * nuzba @Neozao: @alexrothier se fosse em lojban não acontecia isso [http://bit.ly/1K8wGQQ] 19:06 * nuzba @s_i_d_a: コーパスで「?」といふ箇所があつてチェックしようと思つたのにLojban Parserもcamxesも繋がらない。 [http://bit.ly/1Gwh9D9] 19:22 * nuzba @s_i_d_a: あれ、もしかして http://lojban.org 全体が鯖落ちしてる感じ? [http://bit.ly/1K8Ajq1] 19:28 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: @s_i_d_a http://ilmen.tk/lojban/camxes.html ここもだめですか? [http://bit.ly/1Gwj3Uh] 20:03 < ldlework> My mind is still blown 20:09 < mindszenty> why? 20:09 < ldlework> ZA'O li'a! 21:08 < ldlework> anyone do flight sims in here? 21:44 < phma> rlpowell: la jbovlaste .e la vlasisku .e lo do xelmri cu spofu 22:03 < rlpowell> Yep. 22:03 < rlpowell> Sorry. 22:55 < gleki> that tweet was from Wiktionary 23:16 < Nucleus> coirodo 23:17 < Nucleus> I come here asking for information as to what's going on with the lojban.org website. 23:17 < gleki> backend technical problems 23:18 < gleki> probably for such situations we need to have a static websites and redirect to it. 23:18 < gleki> anyone has clue on how to do that? 23:19 < Nucleus> I've noticed for months before this that there were problems with jbovlaste. 23:20 < Nucleus> Apparently, it couldn't contact the server containing the actual data for the dictionary. 23:20 < Nucleus> Could this be related to this particular outage? 23:22 < gleki> тщю 23:22 < gleki> no. 23:22 < gleki> as for actual data for the dictionary i dont usually notice such problems. 23:23 < gleki> you may use these dumps instead http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/ircbot/dumps/ 23:24 < Nucleus> ki'esai 23:25 < Nucleus> What's the attitudinal that translates to "You're welcome" again? 23:27 < ldlework> fi'i 23:28 < Nucleus> Thank you. 23:28 < gleki> fi'i = "You are welcome" as "in this house" 23:28 < ldlework> fi'i 23:28 < ldlework> u'i 23:28 < gleki> je'e = "You are welcome" as in "accepting thanks" 23:28 < ldlework> ehh 23:28 < gleki> "You are welcome" in English has different meanings. 23:28 < ctefaho> xoi si coi 23:29 < ldlework> "You are welcome to be present", "You are welcome to solicit such information from me" 23:29 < ldlework> "You are welcome to the food." 23:29 < ldlework> je'e just means "I recieved the content of your transmission" 23:29 < ldlework> It doesn't indicate any sort of hospitality 23:29 < Nucleus> Like saying "over" on a walkie-talkie? 23:30 < ldlework> Nucleus: exactly like that 23:30 < ldlework> mu'o is over 23:30 < ctefaho> It basically means "I have received" 23:30 < ctefaho> or basically "ok" ;) 23:31 < ctefaho> ... 23:31 < gleki> heh, la sutysisku stopped working for firefox and nobody told me 23:32 < gleki> fixed 23:32 < gleki> i mean la sutysisku 23:32 < ldlework> I need to find a co-pilot :( 23:33 < Nucleus> How many people are actual jbocre relative to the rest of the community? 23:33 < gleki> at least 10 23:33 < gleki> judging by the number of people in voice chats 23:33 < Nucleus> That means 'Lojban expert', right? 23:33 < Nucleus> Just confirming I have the meaning right. 23:34 < ldlework> Anyone want to learn how to fly and do co-flights in lojban? 23:37 < ctefaho> Does anyone disagree with expanding {.i je'u mi na broda} to {.i jetnu fa lo su'u mi na broda} ? 23:37 < gleki> jbo: je'u 23:37 < mensi> je'u = [UI3] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri jetnu |>>> xorxes 23:38 < gleki> i can only say that it loses focus. otherwise it looks the same. 23:38 < ctefaho> it is more to explain what je'u means 23:38 < gleki> it is said that focus can be restored using {ju'a} 23:38 < ctefaho> mostly useful for* 23:39 < gleki> {.i ju'anai jetnu fa lo su'u ju'a mi na broda} 23:39 < gleki> ^maybe 23:39 < ctefaho> well then you add another UI we need to expand;) 23:40 < ctefaho> but I see 23:41 < gleki> ultimately you'll find a primitve 23:41 < gleki> *primitive 23:41 < ldlework> Maybe I can find a co-pilot on reddit 23:42 < gleki> but i can't see any options in Lojban grammar to fix focus except with creating the needed syntactic tree or (allegedly) with {ju'a}. 23:42 < ctefaho> what focus do you mean we lose? 23:44 < gleki> in your expansion you "assert" {jetnu}. in the original sentence {mi na broda} is "asserted". 23:44 < gleki> that's all i can say. i have no other words to explain that. 23:44 < gleki> because it looks like a primitive. 23:49 < Nucleus> Why are there not more jbocre? 23:49 < Nucleus> Is it because of something inherent in the language, or is this a result of the lack of native speakers? 23:50 < Nucleus> This is probably one of those questions with multiple complex answers, isn't it? 23:53 < ctefaho> but jetnu asserts {mi na broda} as true? 23:54 < gleki> inherent in the current learning resources + the result of the lack of native speakers + the result of the fact that none of fluent speakers want to talk about lojban at every corner (including me) 23:55 < rlpowell> STUFF SHOULD BE BACK UP. 23:55 < gleki> ctefaho: which sentence is in question. the first with je'u or the second? 23:57 < ctefaho> rlpowell: YAY 23:57 < ctefaho> well both 23:57 < ctefaho> my expansion is how I think of je'u 23:59 < ctefaho> {.i je'u du'u mi na broda} would make that su'u a du'u though --- Day changed Tue Jun 23 2015 00:00 < ctefaho> if it is the su'u it is about 00:02 < gleki> {.i je'u du'u mi broda} is a state[3~ament of a fact of {du'u mi broda} but no {mi broda} 00:02 < gleki> {.i je'u du'u mi broda} is a statement of a fact of {du'u mi broda} but not {mi broda} 00:03 < gleki> in {i je'u mi broda} it is asserted that {mi broda} and additionally said that it's true according to the attitude of who said it. 00:03 < ctefaho> how does it not *state* {mi ja'a broda}? 00:03 < gleki> in {i jetnu fa lo du'u mi broda} it is asserted that the fact that {mi broda} is true. But it's not speaker's attitude. 00:04 < gleki> {i mi ja'a broda} is similar to {i je'u mi broda} but the former doesn't express speaker's attitude. 00:04 < gleki> compare {ti'e mi ja'a broda} = They say, i truly broda. 00:07 < ctefaho> How about {.i je'u do broda} <-> {.i lo su'u do broda cu jetnu mi} ? 00:09 < gleki> {je'u} is attitude. 00:10 < ctefaho> Doesn't the mi in jetnu-x2 reflec that? 00:11 < gleki> no, {i lo su'u do broda cu jetnu tu'a mi} is an assertion of the fact that {do broda} is true to me. But add e.g. {ti'e} and you get the difference. 00:11 < ctefaho> What *is* attitude, then? 00:12 < gleki> i would say it's a primitive. 00:12 < gleki> it's expanded into {sei} 00:13 < gleki> as for focus the only true method of using it is to create the tree. e.g. the main selbri (top level selbri) of the sentence is always focused. emnbedded ones are not. they say, embedded ones can be focused using {ju'a} but im not sure. 00:16 < ctefaho> {.i je'u do na broda} {.i do na broda sei lo su'u do na broda ku mi jetnu} ? 00:17 < gleki> je'u = sei jetnu 00:17 < ctefaho> not used to sei, dunno if no'a would work there 00:17 < ctefaho> right 00:17 < ctefaho> err 00:18 < ctefaho> si 00:18 < ctefaho> well ok then, je'u expands into sei 00:21 < ctefaho> ok right I just somehow never integrated sei 00:25 < ctefaho> {.i je'u do na broda} {.i do na broda sei lo du'u no'a jetnu} 00:26 < ctefaho> {.i do na broda sei lo du'u no'a cu jetnu} obviously 00:27 < ctefaho> or is that su'u 00:27 * ctefaho doesn't know anything for sure any more 00:32 < ctefaho> is su'u unless we put the du'u in initially after the je'u, right 00:34 * Nucleus realizes the true nature of Lojban. 00:37 * ctefaho cu co'e co'o 00:37 < gleki> {lo no'a} 00:37 < gleki> no'a is in GOhA 00:38 < gleki> su'u is fine 00:40 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 00:40 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 00:59 < zipcpi> Is {se cukta} sufficient to describe any document, or do we need a different word? 01:02 < gleki> i hink a new word is needed. more general than {cukta} 01:02 < gleki> but you may ask lojbab 01:02 < gleki> *think 01:02 < gleki> en: papri 01:02 < mensi> papri = x1 is a [physical] page/leaf of book/document/bound mass of pages x2. |>>> Numbered pages (as in a book) are the 01:02 < mensi> sides of a page (= paprysfe, paprysfelai); a pageful of text (= papryseltcidu, paprytcidylai). See also karni, pelji, 01:02 < mensi> prina, xatra, vreji, pezli, cukta, ciska. |>>> officialdata 01:02 < gleki> no, not paged 01:03 < zipcpi> Well my main reason is to both define {dei'ei} and to make it less necessary 01:03 < gleki> en: dei'ei 01:03 < mensi> dei'ei = [KOhA2] pro-sumti: this entire document/text |>>> Similar to dei, but refers to the entire text. |>>> 01:03 < mensi> spheniscine 01:04 < gleki> en: su 01:04 < mensi> su = [SU] erase to start of discourse or text; drop subject or start over. |>>> officialdata 01:04 < gleki> en: fa'o 01:04 < mensi> fa'o = [FAhO] unconditional end of text; outside regular grammar; used for computer input. |>>> 01:04 < mensi> officialdata 01:06 < gleki> well, i propose {uencu} 01:06 < zipcpi> xorxes currently defines su and fa'o on se cukta 01:07 < zipcpi> But yeah that might be shaky 01:07 < zipcpi> After all, cukta refers to a book, and se cukta refers to what's in it. Book may not be physical, but not all documents can be described as books, probably 01:08 < zipcpi> documents or discourses 01:08 < gleki> jbo: cukta 01:08 < mensi> cukta = x1 se papri lo vasru be x2 noi se finti x3 |>>> papri; vasru; finti; prosa; pemci; cfika; pixra; tcidu |>>> 01:08 < mensi> xorxes 01:08 < gleki> defines where? 01:08 < gleki> jbo: su 01:08 < mensi> su = [SU] vimcu piro le ba'o se cusku .i cnino casnu gi'a za'ure'u co'a casnu |>>> selsnu vimcu; si; su |>>> 01:08 < mensi> xorxes 01:08 < gleki> jbo: fa'o 01:08 < mensi> fa'o = [FAhO] fanmo le se cusku .i na pagbu le fadni gerna |>>> selsku fanmo |>>> 01:08 < mensi> xorxes 01:08 < zipcpi> Eh 01:08 < zipcpi> cusku 01:08 < zipcpi> I read cukta 01:08 < zipcpi> oise'i 01:09 < zipcpi> OK yeah that probably is less bad. But it's slightly semantically offputting to read {piro le dei se cusku}, probably 01:10 < gleki> hm, {tcidu3} is defined as "document" 01:10 < zipcpi> te tcidu be fi zi'o 01:11 < zipcpi> At the risk of incuring the wrath of ctefa'o again. I don't know how you can get rid of zi'o completely though; there are too many useful concepts gotten by removing agent places 01:11 < zipcpi> Would be nice to have a proper brivla for it though, yes 01:12 < gleki> use Link Grammar zo'o where you can have up to 2 ends only. 01:12 < gleki> en: uencu 01:12 < mensi> uencu = x1 (entity) is a document with content x2 (entity) |>>> material substance (including electronic ones) on which 01:12 < mensi> thoughts of persons are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol. See also te tcidu, cukta, uenzi, 01:12 < mensi> papri, fa'o. |>>> gleki 01:13 < gleki> in uper ontology list this word would definitely appear. 01:13 < gleki> *upper 01:15 * nuzba @willingtheweird: I am personally a big fan of srilermorna. It is simple, practical/easy to use, and, in my opnion, aestheticly pleasing. Embodies lojban. [http://bit.ly/1RsfZPg] 01:15 < zipcpi> Slightly outdated though. The page doesn't reflect dotside 01:16 < zipcpi> Wait... it does in the later part, but not in the earlier 01:16 < zipcpi> And also the "comma as disyllabic glide" thing, which is not kosher anymore 01:20 < zipcpi> Nah, what we really need are variants of i and u for semivowels 01:20 < zipcpi> If we implement that and my zbusufukai banning of all syllabic consonants, the comma won't be needed anymore in any context 01:22 < zipcpi> Cause there will be no more difficulty in syllabic resolution like iiiiiin or anlnda 01:23 < zipcpi> u can have w, but y is taken 01:24 < zipcpi> At the cost of some weirdness we could use h or q 01:24 < zipcpi> h might conflict with it being used for ' where it is disallowed for technical reasons though 01:24 < zipcpi> qi wu 01:24 < zipcpi> briqi 01:25 < zipcpi> tsekuwoqa 01:25 < ctefaho> zipcpi: No problem, I got cooler stuff in the works 01:27 < zipcpi> exp: axsksts 01:27 < mensi> (CU [axsksts VAU]) 01:28 < zipcpi> Right, forgot about cmevla; hard to kill syllabic consonants there too 02:22 < zipcpi> exp: le se cusku ja uencu 02:22 < mensi> ([le {<se cusku> <ja uencu>} KU] VAU) 02:23 < gleki> rather {se uencu} 02:27 < zipcpi> Yes 02:27 < zipcpi> exp: sumka'i piro le se cusku ja se uencu pe sene'i dei 02:27 < mensi> (CU [sumka'i {<pi ro> BOI} {le <(¹se cusku¹) (¹ja [se uencu]¹)> <pe (¹[se ne'i] dei¹) GEhU>} KU] VAU) 02:28 < gleki> ne'i is metaphorical here 02:28 < zipcpi> What would be better? 02:34 < gleki> fi'o se pagbu 02:34 < gleki> en: pa'u 02:34 < mensi> pa'u = [BAI] pagbu modal, 1st place having component ... |>>> 02:34 < mensi> officialdata 02:35 < gleki> sepa'u 02:37 < zipcpi> ki'e 03:07 < Albwil> Attál! 03:07 < zipcpi> coi 03:09 < Albwil> http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/how-i-mastered-stem-pattern-and-function 03:11 < gleki> 6/25/2015 How I mastered Stem, Pattern and Function 03:11 < gleki> O_0 03:11 < Albwil> ie .i cizra 03:12 < Albwil> .i mi pu na snada lo ka cikre tu'a lo detri 03:12 < gleki> i lo bangu pe lo balvi 03:15 < zipcpi> mi co'a nelci zo nau'u .i ri .y. me'oi flexible semau zo nau 03:16 < zipcpi> kosmyvri ? 03:16 < zipcpi> kosmyvrici 03:17 < zipcpi> sorselkosmu 03:18 < zipcpi> bu'u nau'u 03:18 < zipcpi> ca nau'u 03:18 < zipcpi> pu nau'u 03:18 < zipcpi> vi nau'u 03:19 < zipcpi> le sumtcita cu seplygau le smuni 03:20 < zipcpi> aipei tcekitaujaugau zo nau i'au zo'oru'e 03:21 < zipcpi> va'o nau'u 03:35 * nuzba @uitki: zantufa - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zantufa by Guskant [http://bit.ly/1Gl5GY9] 03:36 < zipcpi> da'i la .tato'ebas. cu te jmina lo itku'ilybau ja'e ma 03:37 < gleki> ja'e tu'a lo jviso 03:37 < Albwil> .a'u 03:38 < gleki> en: jviso 03:38 < mensi> jviso = x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 03:38 < mensi> according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO) |>>> 03:38 < mensi> Theoretically, the standard organization/body could be other than ISO, but it should be prominent and/or international 03:38 < mensi> (and internationally recognized) in scope and nature; in such a case, replace each occurrence of "ISO" in the definition 03:38 < mensi> with the appropriate name/designation/title (of the organization, etc.). x1 need not be a name-designation/code (it 03:38 < mensi> could be the result of any rule), although it likely will commonly be so. Examples of possible x2-filling sumti: 03:38 < mensi> code-desi... 03:38 < mensi> [mo'u se katna] http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/jviso 03:38 < gleki> ca ti no da jviso la itku'ile 03:39 < Albwil> http://tatoeba.org/por/sentences/show/1128244 03:44 < zipcpi> lo meti me loi cmana 03:45 < zipcpi> exp: lo meti me loi cmana 03:45 < mensi> ([lo {<me ti MEhU> <me (¹loi cmana KU¹) MEhU>} KU] VAU) 03:50 < zipcpi> mi da'i'aunmo lo nu zo kosmu ka'e se rafsi lo tordu 03:50 < zipcpi> u'i zo da'i'aunmo 03:50 < zipcpi> me'oi wish 03:52 < zipcpi> zo nalcumpa'a ? 03:52 < zipcpi> nonpa'a ? 03:53 < zipcpi> zo no'ailpa'a ? u'i 03:53 < zipcpi> zo no'ai 03:56 < gleki> in future {uencu} and {uenzi} might turn into {vencu} and {venzi} 03:57 < gleki> seems to be no clashes 03:57 < gleki> and {uiski} into {viski} zo'o 03:57 < zipcpi> u'i 03:59 < gleki> i still dont know whether i like {e'ande} or {permite} 04:00 < gleki> {e'ande} feels so Wilkinsonian ... 04:05 < gleki> http://tatoeba.org/jbo/sentences/show/4297037 04:05 < gleki> .title 04:05 < phenny> [ mupli lo uenzi be lo banjubu'o fa "zoi zoi la .tom. cu cliva pu lo cacra be li so'o zoi" (to la'oi Tatoeba toi) ] 04:06 < gleki> this is wrong. 04:06 < gleki> {pu za lo cacra} 04:06 * Broca scratches head. 04:06 <@Broca> What ever is wrong with curmi? 04:06 < gleki> jb: curmi 04:06 < gleki> again vrici 04:07 < gleki> anyway {curmi} is "to let something", permite is "to allow someone do something" 04:08 <@Broca> Seems you can turn one into the other quite easily. 04:09 < gleki> idk FrameNet disagrees 04:09 <@Broca> I mean in Lojban :-) 04:10 < gleki> ke'u idk FrameNet disagrees 04:11 <@Broca> da curmi lo nu de bu'a .i jo da permite de lo nu bu'a 04:12 < gleki> idk see examples in FrameNet. they look a bit different in semantics 04:13 < Albwil> zo jo na drani 04:14 <@Broca> ma drani cmavo 04:15 < Albwil> sa'u lo du'u curmi cu nibli na je nai se nibli lo du'u permite 04:17 < Albwil> .i lo rirni cu zgana lo nu lo panzi cu se gunta lo malpre .i li'a lo rirni na .e'ande (to permite toi) lo malpre lo ka gunta .i ku'i curmi fau lo nu gasnu no fanta be lo nu gunta 04:18 <@Broca> pe'i le rirni cu na'e curmi ma'i le di'u mupli 04:19 < gleki> na'e curmi ta'i lo ka punji lo panzi lo dinju 04:20 < Albwil> lo ka permite cu srana lo ka jikca .i lo ka curmi na go'i .i lo ka curmi cu srana lo ka rinka je lo ka fanta je lo simsa .i mi curmi lo nu lo rokci cu farlu lo loldi lo mi xance .i mi na permite lo rokci .i na'i permite lo rokci 04:20 < zipcpi> vencu (gimka) 04:20 < zipcpi> mensi: vencu (gimka) 04:20 < mensi> e'o do ca'o smusku lo srana be pe la'e di'u 04:20 < gleki> vlaste 04:20 < zipcpi> vlaste: vencu (gimka) 04:20 < vlaste> zo vencu gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo vencu gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 04:21 < zipcpi> vlaste: venzi (gimka) 04:21 < vlaste> zo venzi gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo venzi gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 04:22 <@Broca> pe'i la lojban nitcu lo brivla poi srana lo ka rinka li'o .i ku'i pe'i zo curmi na co'e 04:22 <@Broca> "x1 (agent) lets/permits/allows x2 (event) under conditions x3; x1 grants privilege x2." 04:22 < Albwil> .i ku'i ca ku do jimpe lo du'u mi'a te smuni zo curmi ma kau 04:22 < zipcpi> zo jaxrinka ? 04:22 <@Broca> i simlu lo ka srana lo jikca 04:23 < gleki> lujvo: farlu curmi 04:23 < mensi> falcru[5878], fa'ucru[6367], falcurmi[7937], farlycru[8008], fa'urcurmi[9526], ... 04:23 < mensi> falcru [< farlu curmi ≈ Fall let] = c1 (agent) drops f1 to f2 from f3. 04:23 < gleki> en: falcru 04:23 < mensi> falcru [< farlu curmi ≈ Fall let] = c1 (agent) drops f1 to f2 from f3. |>>> arj 04:23 < gleki> ^ 04:23 < gleki> !!! 04:23 < gleki> i mi na pante i zo curmi mapti 04:23 < Albwil> go'i 04:23 <@Broca> ju'o bu'i nai 04:23 <@Broca> ki'e doi gleki 04:24 < gleki> to ku'i zo'oi drop ambigu toi 04:24 <@Broca> sa .i ju'o bu'o nai 04:24 < gleki> bu'onai 04:24 < gleki> i ie i mi masno 04:25 < Djemynai> PRAMI SIMBI'O from my album ZA'O is now on youtube (https://youtu.be/g3BQ-pE7ypY). 04:25 < gleki> loglan: simba 04:25 < mensi> simba = B is a female lion/lioness, Felis leo, a carnivorous mammal. 04:25 < zipcpi> :p 04:26 < zipcpi> vlaste: rinka 04:26 < vlaste> rinka = x1 (event/state) effects/physically causes effect x2 (event/state) under conditions x3. 04:26 < zipcpi> rafsi: rinka 04:26 < mensi> zo'oi rik .e zo'oi ri'a .e zo'oi rink rafsi zo rinka 04:26 <@Broca> Hmm, I've never seen selpa'i and Djemynai at the same time... ;-) 04:26 < zipcpi> Albwil = selpa'i 04:27 < gleki> bambi = x1 is a deer of species x2 with a tail colored in x3 (default white) 04:27 < zipcpi> u'i 04:28 <@Broca> vlaste: frodo 04:28 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/frodo 04:28 <@Broca> :-( 04:28 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 04:28 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 04:28 < zipcpi> todxu = x1 is a very cute fox of species x2 with color x3 (default orange); I know todxu is phonotactially disallowed, who cares 04:29 < gleki> pumba = x1 is a warthog of species x2 playing in movie x3 04:29 < zipcpi> :p 04:29 < zipcpi> timno = x1 is a meerkat mi'u 04:31 < zipcpi> merkata / surkata ? 04:32 < gleki> en: warthog 04:32 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 04:32 < gleki> i have some bad news for lojbab 04:33 < zipcpi> zoizoi Phacochoerus africanus zoi ie'i 04:34 < Albwil> Yes, I'm selpa'i. Albwil is an Ithkuil word. 04:35 < zipcpi> http://eol.org/pages/328332/names/common_names 04:36 < Albwil> .i'e 04:36 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Mateon1 fa 04:37 < zipcpi> plixau me'oi website 04:37 < Albwil> ie 04:39 < zipcpi> kibystuzi ? 04:40 < zipcpi> kibystu 04:42 < zipcpi> cfakoce 04:47 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/surkata 04:49 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/fatkoce 04:49 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/kibystu 04:53 < Albwil> ue zo kibystu na xu pu se jbovlaste .i so'i da ta'e pilno 04:53 < zipcpi> je'u na pu se jbovlaste 05:38 < niftg> ca'o lindi joi carvi co carmi 05:53 < gleki> impossible. someone confessed that they are selpahi. 05:53 < Albwil> Everyone and their neighbor are selpahi. 05:53 < gleki> in the end it will be found that everyone here is selpahi 05:54 < zipcpi> Mr Selpahi 05:57 < gleki> http://i.imgur.com/BbDXHSu.jpg 05:57 < zipcpi> mo uanai 05:58 < Albwil> .itku'ile ga'a mi 06:03 < niftg> lo lerfu co itku'ile ku ji'a jai mukti lo nu mi co'a cilre fi lo itku'ilybau 06:04 < Albwil> ua 06:04 < zipcpi> doi ilmen xu zasti fa lo valsi poi brivla versiio zo du'u 06:05 < zipcpi> doi ilmen do'u xu zasti fa lo valsi poi brivla versiio zo du'u 06:05 < Albwil> .i .a'u .u'i xu li su'o ni su da se plixau lo mi .itku'ile mupyju'a ne lo mi kibykarni 06:06 < zipcpi> ue mi pu jinvi zo su cu basti zo su'o va'o la tcekitaujau 06:06 < Albwil> ja'a basti 06:06 < Albwil> .i za'a dai mixre 06:06 < Ilmen> doi la zipcpi .i .y lo zo du'u se sumti be za'u da zo'u zo smuni co'e 06:06 < Albwil> ba'e zo bridi cu co'e 06:06 < Ilmen> .i zo bridi ji'a srana zo du'u 06:07 < gleki> zo fatci mo 06:07 < Albwil> dukti ru'e zo xanri 06:08 < Ilmen> mulno nonseljmi zo'o 06:08 < zipcpi> mi djica lo valsi poi simsa zo fatci .iku'i na bi'ai se smuni tu'a lo jetnu 06:08 < Albwil> zo bridi 06:08 < Ilmen> ju'o cu'i si'o se nundumu lo fasnu 06:08 < zipcpi> u'i 06:08 < Ilmen> zo bridi .olkai lo ka mapti 06:09 < niftg> lo ibu mupyjufra zo'u mi na birti .i lo saprai mupyjufra nau ca'a plixau mi noi co'a po'o tadni 06:09 < Albwil> lo du'u la .itku'ile cu sampu cu bridi gi'e jitfa 06:09 < Albwil> .i doi la .niftyg. ro lo mupyjufra cu jai nu ji'i pa ji'i re gerna pagbu cu jai se .ecre mi 06:10 < Albwil> .i ku'i ie pluja .i do ka'e stidi tu'a lo sampu 06:11 < uks> coi 06:11 < Ilmen> coi 06:11 < niftg> coi 06:11 < zipcpi> lu <rore> li'u sinxa lo du'u va'oku li ro du li re .iku'i ma sinxa lo mu'a du'u va'oku li da'apa du li re 06:12 < uks> I couldn't pice together how I'd say "my name is .e'ogan" 06:12 < Ilmen> {zo .e'ogan. mi cmene} 06:12 < zipcpi> {mi'e .e'ogan.} or {zo .e'ogan. cmene mi} 06:12 < uks> e'ogan [is] my name? 06:13 < Ilmen> cmene ~= X is-the-name-of Y 06:13 < uks> But these are not the only ways to say it ofc 06:13 < zipcpi> {mi'e .e'ogan.}: {mi'e} is grammatically equivalent to {coi}, except it's specifically used to introduce yourself rather greeting or otherwise addressing anyone 06:13 < zipcpi> *rather than 06:14 < Albwil> {li re da'apa} 06:14 < uks> Wait, isn't that also a pointer at yourself like moi in french? 06:14 < uks> The {mi'e} that is 06:15 < zipcpi> It's a special vocative; vocatives include {coi}, {co'o} and friends, except it's used to introduce yourself instead 06:16 < zipcpi> coi .e'ogan. / coi la .e'ogan. = Hi, Eogan 06:16 < zipcpi> mi'e .e'ogan. / mi'e la .e'ogan. = I'm Eogan. 06:16 < zipcpi> The version with cmene, on the other hand, uses the predicate {cmene}, "to be a name of something" 06:17 < zipcpi> ma cmene do = What is your name? 06:17 < zipcpi> What is-the-name-of you 06:17 < zipcpi> zo converts the next Lojban word into the literal word 06:17 < zipcpi> zo coi = The word "coi" 06:17 < Albwil> {mi'e la .e'ogan.} is not a full sentence, though, while "I'm Eogan" might suggest it is. Maybe "Eogan speaking" is a good alternative translation. 06:17 < zipcpi> Yeah. 06:18 < Albwil> You can stick {mi'e X} anywhere in the sentence. 06:18 * zipcpi nods 06:18 < Albwil> All it does is say who the pronoun {mi} refers to. 06:18 < Albwil> It sets the speaker. 06:18 < Albwil> While {doi} sets the listener, {do}. 06:20 < uks> IRC language learning is great due to logs 06:20 < zipcpi> {zo .e'ogan. cmene mi} = The word "e'ogan" is-the-name-of me 06:20 < uks> I wish all my university courses were taught in IRC 06:20 < zipcpi> "Eogan is my name" 06:21 < uks> ki'enai 06:21 < zipcpi> ? 06:21 < selpahi> {ki'a nai} ? 06:21 < uks> wasn't that like "thanks"? 06:22 < zipcpi> No, ki'e means thanks 06:22 < selpahi> {ki'e} = "thanks", {ki'e nai} = "no thanks to you" 06:22 < uks> Je'e 06:22 < uks> (refelx to capitalise is hard to combat) 06:22 < zipcpi> {zo .e'ogan. cu cmene mi} is also acceptable; cu is droppable here because zo only quotes one word, so there is no chance of running into a tanru 06:22 < selpahi> {ki'e} is derived from {ckire}. 06:23 < uks> Has it something to do with {kirske}? 06:23 < selpahi> kirsku 06:23 < zipcpi> While {la .e'ogan. klama} would make a tanru under brivla-cmevla-merge rules (won't without those rules, but it's better to get used to the cu anyway) 06:23 < selpahi> {ckire} means to be thankful. 06:24 < uks> Yes sorry that was a brainderp kind of typo on kirsku 06:24 < selpahi> {kirsku} is to express or say that you are thankful. 06:24 < zipcpi> ckire = x1 is grateful or thankful to x2 for x3 06:25 < uks> Is it a coincidence or the rule of derivatives that both have /kir/ in it 06:25 < zipcpi> It's part of the rules for building lujvo - special compound words 06:25 < selpahi> -kir- is the rafsi (affix form) of {ckire}. 06:25 < uks> Haven't gotten this far yet in crash course 06:26 < zipcpi> I don't think the crash course teaches you to build lujvo 06:26 < uks> I have opened several of the sources, some of them covering everything, some being entry level, some crash courses 06:27 < zipcpi> It's not something most people can do on the fly anyway (except for really common affix-forms like -gau) 06:27 < uks> I like to learn by cross-referencing materials to each other - it helps me to avoid misconceptions and I can grasp some part that wasn't explained in amanner that I can grasp 06:29 * nuzba @uitki: jo'au - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/jo%27au by Guskant - /* ca cmima ma'oi COI_3 */ [http://bit.ly/1TKMImM] 06:32 < gleki> yes i havent decided on how to teach lujvo and whether it's needed at all 06:32 < gleki> i mean composing lujvo 06:32 < gleki> not using premade ones like {nakpinji} 06:33 < gleki> you can always use mensi :D 06:33 < uks> Oh my, I forgot to change from a secondary nick choice after DC 06:34 < zipcpi> Two caveats with {zo}: zo literally only picks up one word. Some cmavo clusters, like {uanai}, are actually two words, {ua nai}, and thus have to be quoted with lu..li'u or lo'u...le'u 06:34 < zipcpi> Second... there is one word that {zo} can't quote, and that is {y} 06:34 < e`ogan> So {zo x1} 06:35 < zipcpi> {zo .e'ogan.} is a sumti 06:35 < zipcpi> A noun meaning "The word "e'ogan"" 06:35 < zipcpi> {zo coi} is a noun meaning "the word "coi"" 06:35 < Ilmen> (a noun clause) 06:35 < zipcpi> Yeah 06:36 < Ilmen> mi mo'u tcidu lo .itku'ile karnysle .i cinri .i'o 06:37 < Ilmen> A "noun" is an "argument-word", I guess it would be {sumvla} in Lojban 06:38 < Ilmen> The only things that seem to correspond to the concept of noun in Lojban are pronouns/sumka'i 06:39 < zipcpi> {y} is a hesitation sound, and is grammatically invisible except in {ybu}. So even {zo} can't quote it; to talk about {y}, you have to use {lo depsna} "the hesitation sound" instead 06:41 < e`ogan> weird at first, but in the context of lojban makes perfect sense 06:42 < gleki> i guess intonation, breathy voice and similar things can be added to lojban too and added to class Y to which {y} belong. 06:43 < zipcpi> Lojban obviates the necessity of punctuation; thus has {zo} {lu.. li'u} instead to serve the purposes of quote marks in English 06:44 < zipcpi> Punctuation is sometimes added to improve readability but are never necessary 06:45 < e`ogan> I have just realised that I am missing an opportunity: I understand polish natively as a derivative of other languages I speak, but I never bothered learning it; yet in Germany there are so many polaks that I am missing a big profit source in form of polish customers who don't speak german or speak it poorly 06:45 < zipcpi> a'u 06:45 < e`ogan> And I have posted into wrong chat... 06:45 < zipcpi> lol 06:45 < e`ogan> Not entirely wrong though 06:46 < quintus> you're close probably 06:46 < quintus> where was it meant to go? 06:46 < e`ogan> Other network actually, in the chat that happens to have a big percentage of polaks 06:47 < quintus> whenever anyone talks about the logjam bug in IRC (or for that matter, in person), I always misinterpret it and think I'm in #lojban 06:49 < demize> Too bad log isn't a rafsi of logji. 06:53 < e`ogan> Meh, this kind of convenience is absent from most languages but the very closely related ones 06:54 < quintus> I speak German e`ogan, but I'm going to Holland soon so I'm learning some Dutch 06:54 < e`ogan> I have just accepted that I have to learn vocabulary for each natlang from scratch 06:54 < e`ogan> German and Dutch have an overlap 06:54 < quintus> That would be a really missed opportunity with German/Dutch 06:54 < quintus> yeah 06:55 < e`ogan> Even more so if you also know english 06:56 < e`ogan> I can understand like 30% of words from dutch without ever learning it 07:01 < selpahi> <Ilmen> 07:01 < selpahi> mi mo'u tcidu lo .itku'ile karnysle .i cinri .i'o -- je'e 07:02 < selpahi> .i lo nu ciska lo srana be la .itku'ile tecu'u lo .itku'ile se cinri cu nu tavla ji'i no da .i frica sai tu'a lo jbobau .i ca lo nu .itku'ile zukte cu cinmo lo ka nonseka 07:03 < e`ogan> I understand that this is about ithkuil and lojban, but not the essence 07:05 < gleki> gloss: .i lo nu ciska lo srana be la .itku'ile tecu'u lo .itku'ile se cinri cu nu tavla ji'i no da .i frica sai tu'a lo jbobau .i ca lo nu .itku'ile zukte cu cinmo lo ka nonseka 07:05 < mensi> . a(n) event of write a(n) relate link sumti Ithkuil 3rd conversion as said by a(n) Ithkuil 2nd conversion interesting: event of talk approximately 0 X. Differ ! about a(n) Lojban. At presen 07:05 < mensi> t a(n) event of Ithkuil act: feel a(n) being alone 07:06 < gleki> >< 07:07 < zipcpi> "Writing about Ithkuil for Ithkuil enthusiasts is like talking to no one. It's very different from Lojban. While working with Ithkuil, I felt alone" 07:07 < zipcpi> (rough translation) 07:08 < e`ogan> Ithkuil is a very cool concept imo, but nothing more than that 07:09 < e`ogan> It is an opposite end of a spectrum from lojban for me: the one that doesn't make it simple 07:10 < zipcpi> lol 07:10 < gleki> i hope someone can continue this if the last link from selpahi isnt better http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Not_ready:_Ithkuil_made_easy 07:11 < selpahi> lo me mi moi na ctucku .i ra'u mi ciksi lo se lifri be mi je cu stidi lo voi mi jinvi lo du ki xamgu 07:11 < zipcpi> "The second PRA I want to mention here is "řa", which means "one" in the "one does not just walk into Mordor" sense. This PRA does come with a high-toned inanimate variant." lol... I defined that as {do'ei} 07:11 < selpahi> .i lo ctuka'u pe la .palp. cu xamgu 07:11 < zipcpi> But then everyone wanted to argue over exactly what it means; and how exactly generalizations work 07:12 < selpahi> Does your do'ei include inanimate objects? 07:12 < selpahi> Lojban doesn't usually make the distinction 07:13 < zipcpi> I'm not sure, but I don't quite think so 07:13 < selpahi> .u'i lo jatna 07:13 < lo_jatna> coi 07:14 < zipcpi> Well, somewhat related is {da'ai} 07:15 < zipcpi> I'm not exactly sure myself how {do'ei} works; all I really wanted to accomplish was to avoid using {do} for it 07:15 < selpahi> da'i mo va'o lo nu lo jatna cu djuno 07:15 < zipcpi> And from discussion, {da} or {zo'e} do not seem to be adequate solutions 07:16 < gleki> en: do'ei 07:16 < mensi> do'ei = [KOhA7] impersonal pronoun; generic-you; generic-one; a generalized person |>>> See su'a, da'i, lo'e, do, da, 07:16 < mensi> zo'e |>>> spheniscine 07:16 < selpahi> Yet you based its sound on {do} :/ 07:16 < zipcpi> lol 07:16 < zipcpi> My first choise was {da'ei} 07:16 < zipcpi> But it's taken 07:16 < selpahi> Maybe something with p- 07:17 < selpahi> If it means {lo'e prenu} 07:17 < zipcpi> Hm 07:18 < selpahi> Why is [uj] not in Lojban anyway 07:18 < zipcpi> lol 07:19 < zipcpi> I want my [ew] and I want it now 07:20 <@xalbo> So we're leaning toward a KOhA, with the personhood baked in already? 07:20 < zipcpi> Meh; you can think it as {da} + {lo'e} + {zo'e} 07:20 < zipcpi> Dunno about the personhood thing though; still debating on how useful it is with or without that sense 07:21 < mid> hi 07:21 < selpahi> If it's not just people, then it works for "Things don't just happen" 07:21 <@xalbo> I keep thinking of it as a gadri or a quantifier, which then could be used to modify {prenu} or anything else. 07:21 <@xalbo> coi .mid. 07:21 < mid> i'd like to have good stuff to learn basics of lojban 07:21 < selpahi> Hi, mid. 07:21 < gleki> mw.lojban.org/papri/Learning 07:21 < selpahi> http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=Learning/en 07:22 < zipcpi> xalbo: Well {lo'e} sort of works that way, but... I'm not sure 07:22 < gleki> mid: ^ 07:22 < zipcpi> <If it's not just people, then it works for "Things don't just happen"> Hm good point 07:22 < zipcpi> But how to differentiate it from {zo'e}... 07:22 < mid> good:) 07:23 < zipcpi> Like I said, really wish {da'ei} was open lol 07:23 < mid> is there any lojban native speaker like with esperanto? 07:23 < zipcpi> Not that we know of 07:23 < mid> :( 07:24 < gleki> im mildly against teaching children lojban except when it's not the only native language 07:24 <@xalbo> en: dahei 07:24 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 07:24 < zipcpi> en: da'ei 07:24 < mensi> da'ei = [DOI] attitudinal cause attribution |>>> Whereas dai simply marks an attitudinal as applying to someone other 07:24 < mensi> than the speaker, and da'oi attributes the preceding attitudinal as belonging to someone specific, da'ei attributes the 07:24 < mensi> cause of one's feeling to someone/something else. |>>> ues 07:25 < zipcpi> Part of the problem is that zo'e is just not "sticky", and can change from use to use. Technically {do'ei} might be that too, but it's not defined as elliptical the way {zo'e} is 07:26 < zipcpi> While {da} brings up logical/scoping issues 07:27 < selpahi> {lo'e bu'a} for the generic anything. 07:27 < zipcpi> Possibly 07:28 < gleki> Can anyone translate a text from Lojban into Ithkuil? 07:28 < gleki> do such people exist? 07:28 < gleki> because there is a conlang relay going. a broken phone game. 07:29 < gleki> i will need someone to translate from Lojban into another conlang. 07:29 < selpahi> JQ participated in at least three relays using Ithkuil. 07:29 < selpahi> ba'a nai lo runbau mriste prenu na nelci lo nu pilno lo jbobau 07:29 < mensi> ji'a mi mutce nelci i ie 07:29 < gleki> i ku'i la djon na se bangu la lojban 07:30 < selpahi> mi pa roi pagzu'e .i pilno la .nalnu'antir. 07:30 < selpahi> .u'i 07:31 < zipcpi> Meh; {lo medo'ei prenu} {lo medo'ei nundumu}... 07:31 < zipcpi> {lo'e prenu goi do'ei} 07:31 < zipcpi> Dunno 07:31 < mid> Ithkuil is too dense 07:31 < zipcpi> Well if we're gonna use goi it might as well be ko'a or py 07:32 < mid> it's a kind of optimFROG of language 07:32 < selpahi> Ithkuil is easy :P 07:33 < lo_jatna> Is there a textbook for it? 07:33 < selpahi> I can already count to 100 zo'o 07:34 < selpahi> No, only a grammar book. 07:34 < lo_jatna> damn, Ill add it to the list then 07:35 < selpahi> I'll like totally become fluent in Ithkuil, then you can learn from me. 07:35 < zipcpi> lo'e prenu co'a djuno lo du'u py jbopre va'o da'i lo nu py srera lo ka pilno lo gugle vlaste tu'a lo jbobau valsi 07:35 < selpahi> #sko'opu 07:36 < zipcpi> "You (general) know you are a Lojbanist if you accidentally use the Google dictionary for a Lojban word" 07:36 < lo_jatna> Sounds good, Ill have to invest some time reading into it 07:37 < zipcpi> Might be cleaner than using {do'ei} three times; dunno 07:37 < mid> what language do you think is the most efficient? 07:37 < mid> succinct* 07:37 < lo_jatna> toki pona ahahaha 07:37 < lo_jatna> in theory 07:37 < quintus> not even in theory 07:38 < zipcpi> Wrong. It's U: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/U_(conlang) 07:38 < lo_jatna> ^ 07:39 < selpahi> Good stuff. 07:40 < quintus> a winner emerges 07:42 * nuzba @ro_bot_: ロジバン トワ ジンコウゲンゴノヒトツ ノコトデス [http://bit.ly/1J2jdXJ] 07:43 < zipcpi> If, as my theory goes, {lo'e prenu} creates a virtual person to generalize with 07:43 < zipcpi> And you assign "them" to a pronoun 07:43 < zipcpi> Then you can use it as many times as you want... 07:44 < zipcpi> Thus maybe {do'ei} isn't so necessary 07:44 < gleki> the most efficientlanguage is the one you have always used with other people for the same tasks. if you get new tasks then anything can happen. 07:45 < selpahi> la'a jetnu 07:47 < zipcpi> Things don't just happen = {lo'e fasnu na jalge no da}? 07:47 < selpahi> Not bad 07:50 < zipcpi> http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/4299621 07:51 < selpahi> .i'e 07:52 < durka42> .i'e 07:52 < gleki> au dajmina lo tcita la mupli 07:53 < selpahi> .ai mi go'i ca lo nu ba'o xrukla 07:53 < durka42> ge tcita cu se sarcu 07:53 < durka42> -se 07:53 < durka42> +jai 07:53 < selpahi> lo gredile 07:54 < selpahi> .i .ei lanli ro lo jufra 07:54 < gleki> mi djica lo nu mo'u lanli ro lo glico ce lojbo ke jufra remei 07:54 < durka42> ua 07:54 < gleki> i ji'a ro lo lojbo po'o jufra 07:54 < durka42> mi toltolmo'i 07:55 < gleki> i lo drata zo'u ju'oru'e ka'e macnu jmina lo tcita 07:55 < zipcpi> zo toltolmo'i u'i 07:55 < gleki> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Md0pojdcO3EVf3LQPHXFB7uOThNvTWszkWd5T4YhvKs/edit 07:55 <@xalbo> zipcpi: so if you use {lo'e prenu} twice, do you get two different virtual people? 07:56 < durka42> pe'i na go'i 07:57 < selpahi> There's only one {lo'e prenu}. 07:57 <@xalbo> That is, how would one say "People don't hit each other for no reason" or "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." 07:57 < durka42> is answering "simxu" a copout? 07:57 < selpahi> lo prenu na'o na darxysi'u mu'i no da 07:59 < durka42> another way is to rephrase 07:59 < durka42> lo'e prenu cu catra lo'e se catra 08:00 < selpahi> {lo'e prenu cu catra lo'e prenu} is not wrong either 08:00 < zipcpi> xalbo: Maybe so. It's possibly a "new broda same as the old broda" scenario 08:00 < gleki> o'i broda lo se broda 08:01 < zipcpi> So maybe contrary to what I write, {re lo'e broda} might make sense, but then there needs to be a way to split them apart 08:01 <@xalbo> I'm also thinking of the Lake Wobegon Effect, wherein the typical person thinks s/he is a better driver than the typical person. 08:01 * zipcpi nods 08:01 < selpahi> {re SUMTI} can make sense for any SUMTI, depending on the context. 08:02 <@xalbo> Also, "Put two people in a room alone with no outside stimuli for a few days, and they'll either start making out or fighting." 08:03 < selpahi> I'd use just su'oi re broda for that 08:03 < zipcpi> gajenai lo'e celxa'i gi lo'e prenu cu zukte lo ka catra 08:03 * durka42 would use {su'o re broda} because su'o can be defined without a PhD 08:04 < zipcpi> (think {zukte} has to be in the Lojban translation, because I think in Lojban anything can {catra}) 08:04 < selpahi> Yes, but then it's harder to get them to simxu 08:04 <@xalbo> Doesn't that just mean that there are some pairs of people such that co'eli'o, not that for nearly any such pair co'eli'o? 08:04 < durka42> ({su'oi re broda} is a mass?) 08:04 < zipcpi> exp: gajenai lo'e celxa'i gi lo'e prenu cu zukte lo ka catra 08:04 < mensi> ([{ga <je nai>} {lo'e celxa'i KU} gi {lo'e prenu KU}] [cu {zukte <lo (¹ka [CU {catra VAU}] KEI¹) KU> VAU}]) 08:05 <@xalbo> .i lo celxa'i na catra lo remna .i lo remna cu catra lo remna .i lo celxa'i cu jai te catra lo remna fai lo remna 08:05 * zipcpi checks up catra again 08:05 < zipcpi> Interesting 08:06 < selpahi> Neither guns nor people kill people. What kills them is the bullet that hits them. 08:06 < zipcpi> We might need a te catra be fi zi'o then o.o 08:06 <@xalbo> Guns don’t kill people! It’s impossible to be killed by a gun; we are all invincible to bullets, and it’s a miracle! 08:07 < lo_jatna> u'i 08:07 < zipcpi> mrori'a? 08:07 < zipcpi> x1 (event) kills/causes the death of x2 08:08 < zipcpi> Dunno about the under conditions place lol 08:09 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/mrori'a 08:09 < zipcpi> Already exists 08:09 < zipcpi> Though the gloss word could use a clean up 08:10 < zipcpi> Done 08:14 < zipcpi> "durka42 would use {su'o re broda} because su'o can be defined without a PhD" u'i 08:22 < lo_jatna> would lo'itan, blotan be appropriate for skyship/airship? 08:22 < durka42> those are cmevla (names) 08:22 < zipcpi> Those aren't proper lujvo 08:22 < lo_jatna> Ah I see 08:22 < durka42> for the final rafsi in a lujvo, you need to use one of the rafsi that ends in a vowel (or the full gismu) 08:22 < selpahi> tanblo 08:22 < durka42> ie 08:23 < lo_jatna> Forgot about that part, thanks 08:23 < durka42> xu do tanbloja'a 08:24 < selpahi> xu do blozeile'a 08:24 < lo_jatna> go'i 08:24 < selpahi> What be a pirate's favorite rafsi? 08:24 < selpahi> -rarrrrr- 08:24 < durka42> -rum- 08:24 < zipcpi> I thought that's the tigra's favorite rafsi :p 08:25 < selpahi> Never done talk like a pirate day? 08:25 < zipcpi> I have 08:25 < zipcpi> a'oi a'oi a'oi 08:26 < selpahi> Ithkuil has a Lojban cognate so y'all already know at least one word! 08:26 < zipcpi> Huh? 08:28 < selpahi> The word is "ei" 08:28 < zipcpi> lol 08:28 < selpahi> In Lojban it means "should/ought to", in Ithkuil it's a modality affix with the same meaning 08:28 < selpahi> And "ei klama" is a valid ithkuil sentence 08:28 < selpahi> it means something like "the water ought to flow" 08:28 < zipcpi> lol 08:28 < selpahi> xD 08:29 < durka42> the spice ought to flow 08:35 * nuzba @lojytan_bot: guskantさんが sa'ai のnoteを更新しました。http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/sa'ai {le'ai}が妙に使えそうですね! [http://bit.ly/1eFOndx] 08:43 * nuzba @464161niftg: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zantufa .ua to'u cai zo'o ru'e jo'au zei gentufa [http://bit.ly/1IwDUZa] 08:47 < gleki> i thought "ei" meant motivation 08:48 < zipcpi> o.o 08:48 < gleki> if more people learn ithkuil then javascript itku'ilylujvo splitter will be closer. 08:49 < selpahi> Actually "ei klama" means "the water stopped flowing, the waterflow paused" 08:49 < selpahi> Because in that position "ei" is an aspect 08:49 < gleki> ja'o ei klama lo drata stuzi 08:51 < selpahi> "ein-n klama" has the "ought to flow" meaning 08:51 < gleki> mi nitcu lo tutci be lo nu traduki lo itku'ile lo lojbo 08:51 < selpahi> But it's a good mnemonic for both meanings of "ei": "I should stop" 08:52 < selpahi> Or rather "I should take a break" 08:52 < gleki> ma algoritma lo nu katna lo itku'ile valsi doi la selpahi i xu do kakne lo ka nalsampla ciksi 08:54 < selpahi> da'i pilno so'i zoi gy. if .gy 08:54 < gleki> je'e 08:54 < gleki> i la'a sarcu falonu lanli lo zasti tutci 08:54 < selpahi> https://github.com/ieremias/ithkuil-parser/blob/master/IthkuilParser.hs 08:54 < selpahi> na'e barda .i ku'i pluja 08:54 < selpahi> .i sa'e lo ka tcidu cu nandu mi 08:55 < gleki> mi na xaske certu 08:55 < gleki> i a'o mi snada tcidu la piton 08:56 < selpahi> http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/the-full-ithkuil-verbal-formative 08:57 < selpahi> .i ro lo rafsi pagbu cu se steci lo ka ma kau ka'e sance ce'u 08:57 < selpahi> .i mu'a lo pa moi ka'e vasru me'o h 08:57 < gleki> xu lo nu pilno lo mumoi pagbu cu nibli lo nu pilno lo xamoi pagbu 08:58 < selpahi> go'i 08:58 < gleki> i nandu 09:00 < selpahi> .ei la su da finti lo PEG gentufa 09:01 < gleki> https://code.stypi.com/elbasto/ithkuil_help.html 09:01 < gleki> xm i banli zmadu pe'i 09:02 < gleki> i mi nelci 09:02 < gleki> ju'i la mensi 09:03 < Ilmen> .a'u 09:09 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/ithkuil/index1.html 09:09 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/ithkuil/index.html 09:09 < gleki> in terms of learning they are better than parsers 09:10 < gleki> as of adjuncts they can be learned separately 09:10 < selpahi> I've been using http://www.laethiel.fr/ithkuil/composer.php 09:10 < selpahi> Although I've been using http://www.laethiel.fr/ithkuil/transcript.php more 09:10 < Ilmen> tutci so'i .u'e mei 09:10 < gleki> i just constructed ryö'kaqawatt’ 09:11 < gleki> no i need to try to understand what it means 09:11 < gleki> now i need to try to understand what it means 09:11 < gleki> :D 09:14 < gleki> i cant see the code of transcript.php http://www.laethiel.fr/ithkuil/ 09:14 < Ilmen> How sentences are delimited in Ithkuil? 09:15 < selpahi> In writing with a dot. In speech, nothing. 09:15 < Ilmen> Is there a mechanism for knowing sentence ends, or are they ambiguous? 09:16 < zipcpi> ya'spraiqifškʰa'zz 09:16 < afurrow> .u'i #lojban is all about ithkuil now 09:16 < Ilmen> (Or maybe all the speech is a single run-on sentence, I don't know :p) 09:16 < zipcpi> I have no idea what it means 09:16 < zipcpi> Need a randomizer 09:16 < selpahi> I think it's ambiguous-ish. 09:16 < durka42> the transcriber doesn't like your word, zipcpi 09:16 < gleki> these html pages are much better. i can improve them now. 09:16 < zipcpi> Wut 09:17 < zipcpi> oi'asai 09:18 < ldlework> selpahi: your album is amazing 09:18 < selpahi> Thank you. I .. will let him know. :) 09:19 < durka42> .u'i 09:20 < Ilmen> I can't agree more. 09:21 < durka42> hmm 09:21 < durka42> (ASR)/PCT/PPS-TEN-MNO-STA-'q'-P2S2-SUB-(OBL)-RPV/DEL/M/CSL/DPX-IFL 09:21 < durka42> it's so clear now... 09:21 < Ilmen> ki'a nai dai 09:21 < ldlework> selpahi: really though, I'm totally and utterly blown away 09:22 < zipcpi> (why does everyone think djemynai is selpahi) 09:22 < selpahi> ldlework: Thanks man, I appreciate it 09:23 < Ilmen> zipcpi: Maybe nickname misreading 09:23 < selpahi> durka42: lol 09:23 < quintus> yes actually why all the ithkuil all of a sudden 09:23 < Ilmen> I'm having a hard time imagining how much work, time and effort has been put into making this album. 09:24 < durka42> ie 09:24 < ldlework> Ilmen: my friend's response was "Wow this guy reallllllly loves lojban" 09:24 < ldlework> My reply was "yes, he really does." 09:24 < durka42> whoever he is 09:24 < zipcpi> quintus: Because we got linked to this Ithkuil word generator 09:25 < zipcpi> So we're just clicking random stuff generating random words 09:25 < zipcpi> Probably insulting everyone's mothers in the process :p 09:25 < Ilmen> .u'i 09:27 < quintus> zipcpi: someone needs to fork this to allow for random generation 09:27 < quintus> it looks like all the logic is clientside 09:28 < selpahi> Staring at all the morphological categories at once is a great way to get utterly scared of the language. 09:31 < Ilmen> quintus: Probably this updateComposer.js linked in the HTML source 09:31 < durka42> selpahi: indeed :) 09:32 < keidji> selpahi: Indeed. But you would probably be just as intimidated when one drops a 5000 page dictionary of English words in front of you 09:34 < quintus> Ilmen: is there a list of roots? 09:34 < selpahi> http://ithkuil.net/lexicon.htm 09:35 < quintus> hng that's a mess 09:36 < quintus> I might be able to pull out all the first rows of the tables with jquery 09:36 < quintus> this is doable 09:38 < zipcpi> ˉn-n öbqʰo'ařtkhi 09:39 < zipcpi> Somthing about lobsters. Dunno what. Probably comparing your mother to one :p 09:39 < selpahi> .u'i 09:40 < selpahi> http://www.laethiel.fr/ithkuil/dico.php 09:40 < selpahi> The roots 09:42 < quintus> that would be easier 09:42 < zipcpi> ôfppiu'řšři 09:42 < durka42> you take that back right now! 09:42 < zipcpi> lol 09:43 < e`ogan> What was the main goal of ithkuil? 09:45 < gleki> to sell a book and gain money 09:45 < durka42> I thought it was to categorize the world 09:46 < gleki> that was Wilkins'es language 09:46 < Ilmen> drive language curiouses crazy (zo'o) 09:46 < selpahi> I recommend reading http://ithkuil.net/00_intro.html to find out 09:48 < gleki> the current tools are hard since they explain few things. i think more verbose hints (collapsible) are needed. 09:49 < ctefaho> .i mi sutra da'i klama lo zarci 09:49 < ctefaho> besides asking for trouble what would I mean by this? 09:50 < zipcpi> Erm... da'i attaches to sutra 09:50 < durka42> I go (quickly, I imagine) to the market 09:50 < ctefaho> zipcpi: no shit 09:50 < zipcpi> Well, it's just that I won't know what that would mean 09:51 < Ilmen> no kalci cu mo ŭa nai 09:51 < ctefaho> "I am figuratively-quickly going to the market"? 09:51 < durka42> figuratively is pe'a 09:51 < zipcpi> Nah {da'i} isn't figurative 09:51 < ctefaho> wups 09:51 < durka42> is my translation wrong? 09:51 < ctefaho> imaginateilve 09:51 < ctefaho> sadsadasd 09:52 < zipcpi> {da'i} is more like "hypothetically, assuming for the sake of discussion" 09:52 <@xalbo> "I'm going to the market. Hypothetically, I could go quickly." 09:52 < selpahi> doi la .ilmen. zoi gy. no shit .gy smusmi lu li'a sai li'u 09:52 < Ilmen> je'e 09:52 < Ilmen> .i gau do mi cilre 09:53 < gleki> .urban no shit 09:53 < gleki> je'e 09:53 < ctefaho> (I am formalizing da'i and trying to figure out where it would go in the tanru) 09:54 < durka42> for the record, my offering is {mi broda (sei mi lo du'u lo ka broda cu ka sutra cu se xanri se'u) klama lo zarci} 09:54 < selpahi> In my opinion it's the same as {da'i mi sutra klama}, except the focus is on {sutra}. 09:54 < gleki> mi no'e birti 09:54 < ctefaho> (also does anyone put da'i in case tags?) 09:55 < durka42> {va'o da'i ...} is common 09:55 < ctefaho> cause expanding that will be yummy, 09:55 < ctefaho> right 09:55 < selpahi> {va'o lo nu da'i} 09:55 < ctefaho> then it is just no'a 09:55 < Ilmen> I take va'o to already be irrealis, so adding va'o seems like an emphasis 09:56 < durka42> Ilmen: ie 09:56 < gleki> even i like la sutysisku now. although for reading CLL internet connection is still required 09:56 < Ilmen> *so adding da'i 09:56 < ctefaho> also da'i mi sutra klama will be la'e di'e 09:56 < ldlework> Wait, so I can't merely inform you of the surrounding conditions of some realis mention? 09:56 < durka42> {va'o da'inai...} 09:56 < ldlework> pff 09:56 < gleki> for me {va'o} is neither realis nor irrealis. add {da'i} to force irrealis 09:57 < ldlework> gleki: ie 09:57 < selpahi> mi tugni 09:57 < durka42> .i'a 09:57 < Ilmen> Isn't fau enough for adding such realis conditions? 09:57 < gleki> {va'o broda} is often used for "in this situation..." 09:57 < ctefaho> maybe I should show progress so far http://pastebin.com/2qc7qxsQ 09:57 < gleki> {fau} can describe imaginary events 09:58 < zipcpi> ti va'o broda = This is conditionally broda; this is broda in some situations 09:58 < selpahi> doi la .ilmen. lu va'o lo cabna li'u mo .i xu zmanei lu fau lo cabna li'u 09:58 < ctefaho> It seems UI are either ri/go'i/no'a/la'edi'u, depending 09:58 < ctefaho> but in a tanru none of that works 09:58 < ctefaho> no'a works in the case tag 09:58 < Ilmen> mi na xusra lo du'u lo se tcita be zo va'o .ei na fasnu .i mi jinvi lo du'u bi'ainai fasnu 09:59 < Ilmen> .i xu naku zo'oi .irrealis. cu mapti lo si'o bi'ainai fasnu ja fatci 09:59 < selpahi> si'o na bi'ai fatci 09:59 < selpahi> sa'e ru'e 10:00 < Ilmen> je'e .u'u 10:00 < gleki> ka'enaiku la selpa'i cu nelci lu ka'enai li'u 10:01 < selpahi> ctefaho: "(lo da'i zdani ku, lo zdani da'i ku and lo zdani ku da'i, are equal)" -- the second one can't be the same 10:01 < selpahi> .u'i doi la gleki 10:01 < ctefaho> {.i broda va'o da'i lo brode} - {da'i lo su'u broda cu se vanbi brode} 10:01 < zipcpi> vlaste: ginda (gimka) 10:01 < vlaste> zo ginda gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo ginda gimkamsmikezypro zo kinda noi cipra gismu 10:01 < ctefaho> selpahi: probably not, something felt wrong there 10:02 < durka42> the second one is maybe {lo poi'i mi se xanri lo du'u ke'a zdani} or {lo broda sei mi lo du'u lo ka broda cu ka zdani cu se xanri} 10:02 < Ilmen> mi zmanei lu xoi banzu li'u lu xoi vanbi li'u .i .i'a .e'i mi basti be zo va'o pilno lu xoi banzu li'u 10:03 < ctefaho> {da'i lo su'u broda cu se vanbi brode} or {lo su'u broda cu se vanbi da'i brode}? Which one makes the least least sense? 10:03 < Ilmen> se.u lu xoi se banzu li'u 10:04 < ctefaho> (also the relationship in the past example probably holds for po'o, zo'o, etc as well) 10:04 < selpahi> A UI's scope is always the entire clause it's in, or the entire clause the constituent it's attached to is in. It's specific place adds focus. 10:04 < ctefaho> ki'e selpahi 10:05 < selpahi> {lo broda UI} attached the UI to an inner bridi, the one that contains broda, but not to the bridi that contains {lo broda} 10:05 < Ilmen> So {mi djuno lo du'u la'a ba carvi} doesn't have the right meaning 10:05 < ctefaho> seems no'at 10:06 < selpahi> Scope doesn't bleed out of sub clauses, except with question words. 10:06 < ldlework> and maybe indefinite references :3 10:06 < ctefaho> selpahi: How would you expand {lo broda UI}? 10:06 * ctefaho mental capacity seemingly empty for now 10:06 < Ilmen> lo poi'i broda UI 10:06 < selpahi> Like durka42 did, with {poi'i} or with {me'au}. 10:07 < selpahi> See the classic example of {.i lo troci ku po'o snada .i ku'i lo troci po'o ku fliba} 10:08 < Ilmen> je'e 10:09 < ctefaho> Ilmen there were some UI you mentioned that seemed to have weird scope, which were those? 10:11 < ctefaho> ah nvm that was la'a 10:12 < durka42> well, {po'o} and {ji'a} are special :) 10:13 < ctefaho> in that they? 10:15 < durka42> have scpe 10:15 < durka42> have scope 10:15 < ctefaho> or did you mean UI3b specifically 10:15 < durka42> at least according to an old selpahi blog post which I like :) 10:15 < durka42> vlaste: class:UI3b 10:15 < vlaste> 6 results: ji'a, ku'i, mi'u, po'o, si'a, xe'e 10:15 < zipcpi> durka42: If it's really desirable to separate the two senses of {li'ei}, we might split the me'o sense to something like {le'oi} (from lerpoi), but it might be better to see which way the XNS winds blow first 10:15 < ctefaho> let's hope it survived the purge then 10:15 < durka42> http://selpahi.weebly.com/archive-pre-2014/poo-and-jia-are-bridi-operators 10:15 < durka42> "poo and jia" xD 10:16 * ctefaho goes to formalize 10:17 < selpahi> #tceraso 10:17 < gleki> tcefraso 10:18 < ctefaho> any other UI that need special care.. 10:18 < ctefaho> a lot, probably 10:18 < selpahi> "One does not simply formalize Lojban", someone go make a meme. 10:19 < zipcpi> u'i 10:20 < gleki> selpahi: pei co'u pilno zo po'o gi'e seba'i finti lo sumtcita 10:20 < ctefaho> "The idea I have is that I feel some UI should be made less strict and always have bridi scope, while others should be local" which ones? 10:20 < zipcpi> I'm not sure how mi'u works. I think it's like a specialized li'o 10:20 < selpahi> lo sumtcita na banzuka lo ka vlipa 10:20 < gleki> ma banzuka 10:21 < zipcpi> But with no formal designation on how the "ditto" is to be filled 10:21 < selpahi> zo po'o 10:21 < gleki> i xu fa po'o lo cnino ke valsi klesi 10:21 < Ilmen> .e'u zo .olkai 10:21 < Ilmen> .a lu .e no drata be ri li'u 10:21 < Ilmen> s/.a/joi 10:21 < phenny> Ilmen meant to say: joi lu .e no drata be ri li'u 10:22 < selpahi> coi zo .a je zo .e 10:22 < durka42> I used to think {mi'u} meant {mi ji'a} but I have been enlightened 10:22 < Ilmen> {.i ku'i naltoi fa lo tolvri .e do mi'u} 10:22 < Ilmen> I think it means {.e do noi mintu} 10:23 < niftg> zo'oi s/---/--- se krasi lu sa'ai lo'ai le'ai li'u xu vau ta'o 10:23 < durka42> lu lo'ai sa'ai le'ai li'u xu 10:23 < Ilmen> se krasi se gi'u krasi 10:24 < Ilmen> .i sa'unai zo'oi s/---/--- cu krasi 10:24 < niftg> je'e .i za'u mai lo go'i ma krasi 10:24 < niftg> s/krasi/selkra 10:24 < phenny> niftg meant to say: je'e .i za'u mai lo go'i ma selkra 10:25 < Ilmen> lo skami srana 10:25 < Ilmen> noi na'e slabu mi 10:25 < niftg> .uenai .ua 10:26 < niftg> .a'o la'oi phenny cu jbobau spusku ba 10:27 * ctefaho puts xalbo into sei 10:28 * xalbo prepares to fight his way out. 10:28 < gleki> niftg: ro da frili lo ka favgau la'oi phenny 10:28 * ctefaho quickly adds .i 10:29 < niftg> .ua .i ta'o ku'i lo ka jbobau curve na sarcu gi'e no'e xamgu 10:29 < niftg> va'o tu'a lo vi se irci 10:29 < ldlework> Hmm is there a word for 'navigate'? 10:29 < gleki> like in ...? 10:30 < gleki> .dict navigate 10:30 < phenny> navigate — verb: 1. (trans.) To plan, control and record the position and course of a vehicle, ship, aircraft etc on a journey; to follow a planned course, 2. (intr.) To travel over water in a ship; to sail 10:30 < ldlework> It takes many instruments and knowledge of the skies to navigate the treacherous waters. 10:30 < gleki> sazri lo bloti 10:30 < ldlework> I don't mean "operate vehicle" 10:30 < gleki> gidva 10:31 < ldlework> That still doesn't seem like the sense 10:31 < gleki> litru lo co'e djacu 10:32 < ldlework> travelling is what navigation makes possible 10:32 < durka42> sevzi gidva 10:32 < zipcpi> k: navgado 10:32 < mensi> (CU [Z:navgado VAU]) 10:32 < gleki> sazri ne'i lo co'e djacu 10:32 < ldlework> zo lutfa'i pei 10:33 * ctefaho stuffs gleki into a ui-expansion too 10:33 < durka42> .i'e 10:33 < zipcpi> sail or travel over (a stretch of water or terrain), especially carefully or with difficulty. 10:34 < zipcpi> pluja 10:34 < zipcpi> guide (a vessel or vehicle) over a specified route or terrain. 10:34 < zipcpi> gidva is probably quite close but might need to be clarified in some way 10:35 < zipcpi> ku'ita'o ei mi cliva co'o 10:48 < niftg> co'o la zipcpi noi za'a nau ba'o zvati 10:54 < gleki> *ku 11:06 < gleki> maybe i should program a better learning app but i havent found (and searched) any safe methods of storing user data locally 11:07 < gleki> apart from the fact that exercises arent ready 11:09 < e`ogan> You have a learning app? 11:09 < selpahi> ga'a mi xa'o prane 11:09 < selpahi> (to .u'i toi) 11:13 < selpahi> .i mi pilno lo do tutci ca lo cabdei so'o roi 11:29 < rutytar> coi 11:30 < durka42> coi 11:30 < noncomcinse> coi jbopre 11:31 < niftg> coi 11:31 < noncomcinse> .i ma se casnu ja fasnu 11:36 < niftg> za'a nau ku no da poi la'a cinri ja vajni 11:37 < noncomcinse> je'e 11:44 < rutytar> .ei mi nurxru ki'u ra'u 11:44 < rutytar> lo prenu cu prenu ju cmalu 11:45 < gleki> e`ogan: there s just been a request for a silly learning app. im thinking how to make it not silly mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cilretci/ the largest problem for me atm is to find a safe method of storing user progress locally 11:45 < gleki> in anywhere in the cloud 11:45 < gleki> *not anywhere in the cloud 11:45 < e`ogan> Oh that, yeah it is a headache 11:46 < rutytar> why not anywhere in the cloud? 11:46 < e`ogan> Because it needs to be safe 11:46 < rutytar> why? 11:46 < gleki> Ask Snowden 11:47 < rutytar> as in safe from attackers or safe from accident? 11:47 < gleki> from attackers. the second is done via backups 11:47 < rutytar> what's wrong with just using crypto? 11:48 < gleki> what is crypto? 11:48 < rutytar> cryptography 11:50 < gleki> i just need a premade system where user account details could be stored locally so that no attackers would be able to steal the passwords and other user data. the learning app will just use api of that premade system to send and receive data. 11:51 < rutytar> hold on a second 11:52 < durka42> that's what cookies are for 11:53 < gleki> cookies are nice 11:53 < gleki> btw lastpass has recently been hacked :/ 11:54 < rutytar> google's embedded login thing might let users submit data which is encrypted with that login 11:54 < rutytar> maybe 11:55 < rutytar> are you worrying about the server getting compromised or the connection? 11:56 < gleki> idk. i dont even know why i should worry. it's just user progress. the most concern is that users might use passwords from their other important accounts and these password may be used to compromise those other accounts 11:57 < durka42> you mean like how it used to be possible to log into jbovlaste as any user? 11:57 < durka42> :D 11:57 < gleki> i mean someone could steal passwords 11:57 < rutytar> gleki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZtInClXe1Q 11:59 < gleki> ki'e i i'a 12:00 < ctefaho> mi fundi lopu bilti ckela 12:00 < gleki> coi: mi fundi lopu bilti ckela 12:00 < mensi> mi se selneimau lopu* mlemau ckule 12:00 < gleki> coi: mi fundi lo pu bilti ckela 12:00 < mensi> mi se selneimau loi ka mlemau ckule 12:00 < durka42> loi ka 12:00 < ctefaho> na jbobau 12:01 < ctefaho> ja jbobau 12:01 < durka42> zo coi sinxa lo nu la mensi cu jai gau fanva fi lo jbobau lo loglybau 12:01 < durka42> s/jai gau// 12:01 < phenny> durka42 meant to say: zo coi sinxa lo nu la mensi cu fanva fi lo jbobau lo loglybau 12:02 < ctefaho> la loglan 12:02 < durka42> je'u 12:02 < ctefaho> Subjunctive Junction: Articles that relate to the counterfactual/subjunctive debate. 12:03 < ctefaho> .u'i 12:03 < gleki> ma krasi di'u 12:04 < ctefaho> http://www.loglan.org/#articles nr 7 12:05 < ctefaho> meh didn't find what I was hoping for 12:06 * ctefaho digs into cll instead 12:07 < gleki> if you need subjunctive theory then i read all articles on Loglan, Lojban and Ithkuil and developed this system: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ELG._Subjunctives,_imaginary_situations 12:08 < ctefaho> wasn't about that though 12:08 < ctefaho> did you just make da'i a tense 12:09 < ctefaho> sa 12:09 < ctefaho> utilize da'i 12:09 < ctefaho> something 12:11 < noncomcinse> .i pu za ku la nuzba zo'u: jungau mi tu'a la'oi .Vivaldi. noi kibyca'o gi'e kakne co jbobau 12:11 < gleki> da'i forces subjunctivity to be assumed. {fau} is one of the most vague tags. 12:12 < ctefaho> does my formalization break that in any way? 12:12 * ctefaho didn't check very much 12:13 < noncomcinse> .i mi zi kibycpa la'oi .Vivaldi. gi'e co'a pilno ri bau lo jbobau 12:13 < gleki> i'e 12:13 < gleki> noncomcinse: i e'osai do jai gau djuno fai mi fi ro lo nabmi be do xe fanva 12:13 < ctefaho> as long as you rely on "no'a" you should be fine 12:14 < noncomcinse> .i mi na djuno fi lo kibro pixra pe vy. .i ku'i mi gasnu tu'a la'e zoi .urli. http://imgur.com/lDzZvKe .urli 12:15 < gleki> pe'i la vivaldi nu'o bredi 12:15 < gleki> sa 12:15 < gleki> pe'i la vivaldis nu'o bredi 12:15 < gleki> to zo valdi mo toi 12:16 < noncomcinse> ie 12:17 < noncomcinse> .i pe'i na melbi 12:18 < gleki> a'o ba za co'a melbi 12:18 < gleki> i mi pu troci lo ka fanva la kromi'um i ku'i jai ri'a tatpi 12:19 < mindszenty> Lojban by design, of course, has no sociolectal distinctions. So how to express them in translation? One thing I can think of is to use {ga'i}/{ga'inai} for class sociolects. 12:19 < noncomcinse> .i ku'i la'edi'u zo'u fancu lo mi me'oi .windowmanager. noi na me'oi .flat. 12:20 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ELG._Politeness 12:21 < gleki> According to the so called politeness theory all human communication can be divided into “positive faces” and “negative faces”. 12:21 < gleki> ... 12:22 < niftg> ta'o ti'e je'u pei zo ga'i cu cenba tu'a lo smuni puzuba'oku 12:23 < gleki> i'unai 12:30 < niftg> .i va'i xu zo ga'i nau valsi da poi simsa zo .io lo ka pilno ce'u lo nu jarco lo ka makau se cinmo lo cnima'o cusku lo sumti mu'a ku'o .enai lo nu jarco lo ka lo cusku cu mo kau jikyvajni 12:52 < ctefaho> so sei is basically like: I ate your cat (just kidding!/zo'o) 12:53 < ctefaho> then what is to-toi? 12:53 < durka42> pretty much the same :p 12:53 < noncomcinse> for things that are longer than a single bridi? 12:53 < ctefaho> are to-toi like sei? 12:53 < ctefaho> or not 12:54 < ctefaho> something feels wrong with that 12:54 < niftg> pe'i zo to jo'u zo toi zo'u ka'e smuvanbi sepli 12:55 < ctefaho> ah well, nvm 12:56 < niftg> .i sa'e ju'ocu'i sepli lo jufra poi vasru zo'ei zo to 12:57 < noncomcinse> .i mi na djuno lodu'u makau tadji lo se djica be mi .ije ku'i baza ku la'a mi gasnu co spofu skami 13:04 < niftg> di'ai 13:06 < noncomcinse> .i mi troci co samcmu fa reda pade 13:09 < niftg> .u'e .i ma samcmu 13:10 < noncomcinse> la'oi .elementaryOS. .e la'oi .ArchLinux. 13:11 < niftg> .a'u .i'u nai je'e 13:15 < niftg> za'a ckini fi lo ka simsa la .linux. 13:42 < selpahi> lulz: http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/cramming-the-modality-affixes 13:46 < niftg> .u'e sampu mutce jvinu tutci 13:52 < ldlework> selpahi: xamgu lo nu lojbo nu tadni 13:52 < ldlework> xu 13:53 < selpahi> mi senpi lo du'u so'i prenu cu se pluka lo ka pilno lo tai tutci 13:54 < selpahi> .i ka'e xamgu lo se pluka .i ku'i lo nu tadni fau lo nu se fanza lo tutci na'o se jalge no xamgu 13:59 < Ilmen> ue la gleki cu zbasu lo .itku'ile proga vau xu 13:59 < selpahi> lo se zbasu na .iku'ile ja na se jinzi lo ka .itku'ile 13:59 < selpahi> .i sa'u mi pilno fi tu'a la .itku'ile 14:00 < selpahi> s/.iku'ile/.itku'ile 14:01 < Ilmen> je'e 14:01 < selpahi> mi finti fe ji'a http://selpahi.de/aspect.htm 14:01 < selpahi> .i ku'i nu'o mo'icli 14:04 < niftg> .ua lo preti sorcu sfaile zo'u me'oi JSON 14:05 < niftg> .i ja'o ka'e gau frili basti fa zo'ei lo drata bangu 14:06 < selpahi> go'i 14:07 < niftg> .a'u .ai ru'e ba'a cipra tu'a lo tokpona valsi ku mu'a 14:07 < Ilmen> zdile skina 14:12 < selpahi> .u'i 14:13 < selpahi> .i .a'o lo zgike cu jai rinka lo nu na dukse lo ka tolzdi 14:15 < selpahi> .i xu tirna lo ponjo zgike pe lo skina 14:20 < niftg> .ue .i le bi'unai skina mi nu'o co'a se mencti .i .a'o la'a la ilmen cu tinytcidu fi le bi'unai ponjo 14:21 < Ilmen> je'a tirna .i melbi 14:22 < Ilmen> .i lo namcu zgike zo'u xajmi 14:22 < Ilmen> sa'e namcu selsa'a 14:23 < selpahi> lo namcu zgike zo'u sanga li pai 14:24 < niftg> lo pamoi ku ji'a namcu se sanga vau .ua 14:30 < niftg> .iu tonga lo cmalu 14:35 < niftg> .au za'u da nalcla lujvo la'oi bass noi tonga 14:40 < niftg> fu'e .ua lo romoi cu ponbauselsa'a bi'unai .i je lo pamoi cu pai zei namcu selsa'a vau bi'unai .i na srana simxu 14:42 < saharl> i do casnu ma 14:57 < niftg> mi zo'u casnu lo skina poi la selpa'i puza gubgau zi'e poi kansa lo bi'unai zgike 14:59 < saharl> .i je'e 14:59 < zipcpi> I think it might be useful to translate an instructional text of some sort; exercise the assignments, scoping and such that are supposed to be Lojban's strengths. But not sure what kind 15:15 < niftg> coi sai vreji 15:26 < niftg> .e'e citka lo jufra poi memkai lo traji be fo lo jai se kakne 15:32 < niftg> tormau .au fanva zoi .gy. as much as possible .gy. 15:33 < durka42> vlaste: tankomo 15:33 < vlaste> tankomo = x1 (agent) does x2 (property of x1) as much as it/he/she/they x3 (relation between x1 and x2) 15:35 < durka42> coi la vukna 15:35 < durka42> vukna: coi 15:35 < vukna> vukna = x1 confuses x2 for x3; x1 fails to tell x2 and x3 apart 15:36 < durka42> niftg: ko'a tankomo fi lo ka kakne 15:38 < niftg> zo tankomo cu zi'evla je'ipau fu'ivla .i za'a .uinai la'oi jbovlaste.lojban.org cu spofu cando 15:38 < selpahi> spano fa lo valkra 15:38 < durka42> jbo:tankomo 15:38 < mensi> tankomo = x1 dukse x2 lo nu x1 me'au x3 lo ka zenba lo ka ckaji x2 15:42 < niftg> la'a la'oi x3 zo'u nitcu 15:42 < niftg> .u'u srera benji 15:42 < niftg> mabla batke 15:46 < niftg> la'a la'oi x3 pe lo jbovelcki be zo tankmo zo'u sarcu fa lo nu ka bridi ce'u lo za'u re moi sumti 15:49 < niftg> en: tantokomo 15:49 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 15:50 < niftg> zo'oi tanto ja'a vrici cenba .i na mapti tezu'e lo nu fukpi 16:09 < ternuzba> mensi: doi rlpowell la lojban.org cu ca morsi pe'a 16:09 < mensi> ternuzba: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.rlpowell.gy. di'a cusku da 16:09 < durka42> ta'e go'i za uinai 16:10 < durka42> .u'i la ternuzba cu du ma 16:10 < durka42> ko na celgunta lo ternuzba 16:18 < selpahi> niftg: .ai mi ca lo bavlamdei cu finti xau do so'o sampu jufra je cu snavei finti 16:18 < selpahi> co'o 16:18 < niftg> co'o itku'ile kansa 16:25 < rlpowell> Sorry, doing an upgrade. 16:25 < mensi> rlpowell: cu'u la'o gy.ternuzba.gy.: la lojban.org cu ca morsi pe'a | 2015-06-23T23:09:21. 16:25 < mensi> 729Z 16:26 < rlpowell> I have to afk for a while; if it's not up on its own in an hour or so when I get back, I'll fix it. Sorry. 16:27 < durka42> la camgusmis co'a kadno za'a zo'o 17:39 < _mukti_> Has the web site been down for long? 17:39 < mensi> _mukti_: cu'u la'o gy.durka42.gy.: check out my most recent teensy JVS PRs! | 2015-06-21T01:33:43. 17:39 < mensi> 132Z 17:40 < durka42> rlpowell said he was doing an upgrade 17:40 < durka42> about an hour ago 17:45 < _mukti_> ah 21:53 * nuzba @willingtheweird: @_Vanessa_sary_ @c00LbLaCkMAg1c .i la brandon djuno la lojban .i la brandon pendo mi [http://bit.ly/1BLzock] 22:01 * nuzba @willingtheweird: @c00LbLaCkMAg1c @_Vanessa_sary_ .i xu do na tavla fo la lojban .i mi ctuca do zo'e la lojban [http://bit.ly/1IxVDzd] 22:51 * nuzba @fnxTX: @EvanMcM Reminds me why I hate English so, & suspect we'd have world peace w/ or w/o Voluntaryism if only we all spoke lojban. @ligervision [http://bit.ly/1K9tkvd] 23:02 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 145 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 143 normal] 23:06 < selrun> coi lo pendo be mi .i ri mo lo nu jmive 23:07 < gleki> co'e 23:07 < ldlework> lifri 23:08 < ldlework> mi tadni lo srana be lo nunvoikla 23:16 < selrun> doi .idlework. ia cinri 23:16 < selrun> [la] 23:23 < selrun> doi la .gleki. zo'o lo si'o do lifri cu melbi 23:24 < gleki> je'e 23:33 < selrun> la .sutysisku. cu spofu ki'u ma .i ji'a ma traji tadji lo nu cusku di'u 23:34 < gleki> lo selfu skami be fa la jukni ca spofu 23:37 < selrun> dapma 23:40 < selrun> mi zi ba citka .i mi ba xruti 23:52 < rlpowell> WRT lojban.org: some super-old perl code somewher is using CGI::Apache 23:52 < rlpowell> I'm trying to find it. :P --- Day changed Wed Jun 24 2015 00:14 < rlpowell> lojban.org stuff back up! 00:14 < rlpowell> gleki: ^^ 00:14 < rlpowell> Testing of jbovlaste would be appreciated. 00:14 < rlpowell> Today's downtime was really shitty; I'm very sorry about that. 00:15 < rlpowell> I kept getting pulled away by other stuff. 00:18 <@Broca> rlpowell: thanks! 00:18 <@Broca> rlpowell: seems to work fine except for search. 00:18 <@Broca> "Cannot connect to any servers (use -v to see why)" 00:20 <@Broca> Maybe the search box hasn't worked in a long while? I exclusively use vlasisku these days. 00:26 < rlpowell> Pretty sure it was working, pretty sure I see the fix. 00:39 < gleki> rlpowell: jvs down 00:40 < gleki> rlpowell: as everything else 00:43 < rlpowell> Uh. 00:44 < rlpowell> Ah, I see. Working on it. 01:06 < rlpowell> Most things are back up I think? 01:08 < gleki> yes 01:08 < gleki> la sutysisku is now available for Occidental/Interlingue language. Not very relevant to Lojban, still ... http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/ile/index.html#sisku/above 01:26 < rlpowell> Broca: Search fixed? 01:29 <@Broca> rlpowell: yes. 01:29 < rlpowell> Cool. 01:29 < rlpowell> OK, no more big outages for a while I hope! 01:29 < rlpowell> These last few were me upgrading everybody to Fedora 22. 02:07 * nuzba @AmazonComm2: The Complete Lojban Language / John.. 入荷しました 価格:122218円 6/24 0:30 http://apr.blauberg.net/pricelist?asin=0966028309 [http://bit.ly/1NhRbJj] 03:07 < kmir> coi coi 03:07 < kmir> ma jmive 03:08 < phma> mi jmive 03:09 < kmir> ui .i do ca mo 03:09 < phma> mi puzi cikybi'o gi'e ca tirna lo nuzba 03:10 < kmir> .ua .i do vu mi xabju 03:11 < phma> mi xabju la .ber.karolinas. i do xabju ma 03:12 < kmir> mi nuzlo 03:13 < phma> la berti daplu ji la snanu daplu 03:13 < Rodericus> coi rodo 03:13 < phma> coi 03:16 < gleki> ue la kmir di'a co'e 03:16 < kmir> la berti .i la .auklynd. 03:17 < kmir> coi la gleki .i mi xenru lo ka na zvati .u'u 03:17 < gleki> lo nu jmive cu nu jmive i ko na xenru 03:18 < kmir> .ie .i mi gunka gunka je milxe lazni 03:19 < gleki> zo gi'e cu mapti zmadu 03:20 < kmir> .ieru'e .i zo je poi cnino noi la selpa'i 03:20 < kmir> .ija mi fliba zo'o 03:21 < kmir> zo .ijo xu mapti .i .oi mi na certu 03:22 < gleki> zo je poi cnino na mapti 03:22 < kmir> .ua je'e 03:22 < gleki> exp: gunka gunke je milxe lazni 03:22 < mensi> (CU [gunka {gunke <je milxe>} lazni] VAU) 03:22 < kmir> .ua .i jetnu 03:23 < kmir> .i mi pu nelci lo ka sance .u'i 03:24 < kmir> ni'o do mo .i xu kanro a'o 03:25 < gleki> mi xadni kanro 03:29 < kmir> .i mi zgana zoi .url. http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/i/ .i .ue banli 03:30 < gleki> u'i 03:30 < kmir> la muplis cu pilno tcetce 03:31 < gleki> y la muplis cu fukpi la tato'ebas i ku'i lo jbogu'e cu aidji lo ka favgau le datni ciste 03:34 < kmir> .i fanva lu le datni ciste li'u fu mo 03:35 < gleki> zoi gy database gy 03:35 < gleki> i ku'i mi na birti lo nu mi pu pilno lo drani xe fanva 03:35 < gleki> en: database 03:35 < mensi> pinkipai = x1 is Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony 03:35 < kmir> yyy 03:35 < gleki> en: data-base 03:35 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 03:36 < gleki> .w database 03:36 < gleki> .dict database 03:36 < gleki> y i ua i lu datni sorcu li'u 03:37 < gleki> .dict database 03:37 < kmir> zo pinkipai oi 03:37 < phenny> database — noun: 1. (computing) A collection of (usually) organized information in a regular structure, usually but not necessarily in a machine-readable format accessible by a computer, 2. (computing) A set of tables in a database(1) — verb: 1. To enter data into a database 03:40 < kmir> ni'o vidni.lakmeer.com cu milxe akti 03:41 < kmir> ku'i nitcu lo nu su'o gunka 03:44 < gleki> https://github.com/voximplant 03:44 < gleki> kmir: mu nu'o troci tu'a la'e di'u 03:46 < kmir> .a'u 04:30 < phma> mi tumymre .i ca lo prulamdei mi punji lo velpluta dinko .i ba le nu punji kei mi tolcri lo garpata lo mi kerfa 04:35 < kmir> ue zo garpata mo 04:37 < ctefaho> man sei is awesome 04:37 < ctefaho> is there anything sei can't do? 04:37 < ctefaho> {mi'e ctefa'o} {mi sei ri mintu la ctefa'o} 04:39 < ctefaho> {mi'e la ctefa'o}* 04:39 < ctefaho> {doi lo verba} {do sei ri mintu lo verba} 04:40 < ctefaho> ... 04:41 < ctefaho> {mi sei ri la ctefa'o mintu} + {do sei ri lo verba mintu} li'a 04:41 < phma> lo iksode cu garpata .i lo garpata cu jukni 04:42 < phma> .ila'a lo garpata poi mi tolcri cu iksode 04:42 < kmir> ue lo jukni pu zasti lo do kerfa xu 04:44 < kmir> ua mi jimpe zo iksode 04:44 < ctefaho> {.i mi klama} {.i mi sei ri makau noi tavla cu mintu} 04:44 < phma> lo kerfa na zgana lo nu zasti .i lo jukni pu zvati lo kerfa 04:44 < ctefaho> i mi sei ri makau noi tavla cu mintu klama}* 04:45 < kmir> .ie zo zvati cu drani .u'u 04:56 < Ilmen> zo ri na ka'e krati zo mi 04:57 < gleki> la'a lu lo no'a li'u cu mapti 04:57 < ctefaho> {.i mi'e la ctefa'o} {.i mi sei mi la ctefa'o cu mintu}? 04:57 < Ilmen> zo mi'e na sumti zbasu pe'a 04:58 < ctefaho> oh right 04:58 < ctefaho> {.i mi'e la ctefa'o} {.i sei mi la ctefa'o cu mintu} 04:58 < Ilmen> .i lu mi'e X li'u simsa ja dunli lu sei mi me X li'u 04:58 < Ilmen> se.u lu sei mi X mintu li'u 04:58 < Ilmen> ĭe 04:58 < Ilmen> coi 04:59 < ctefaho> coi doi 04:59 < ctefaho> yeah doi and the vocatives sure are like UI in this 05:00 < ctefaho> as for how to formalize {ri/ra/ru}... 05:00 < ctefaho> can't just ri for ri heh 05:03 < ctefaho> "ri is identical to the sumti that precedes zo ri"? 05:05 < Ilmen> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Anaphoric_Pro-sumti#cmavo:_ri_.28KOhA5.29 05:07 * nuzba @uitki: zantufa - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zantufa by Guskant - zantufa_farvi.svg [http://bit.ly/1Nai8xL] 05:07 < ctefaho> "complete sumti" - so only lo/la sumti? O_o 05:08 < Ilmen> ctefaho: it means that the sumti clause has to be complete when "ri" appears 05:09 < Ilmen> for example, in "lo pendo be ri (ku)", ri cannot target "lo pendo be..." because it's not yet finished 05:09 < ctefaho> But zo ri in {.i mi tavla ri} still means mi right? 05:10 < ctefaho> err no 05:10 < ctefaho> wow I had kinda missed that part 05:10 < ctefaho> putting that into words is gonna be fun 05:10 < Ilmen> Unfortunately the creators of {ri} seem to have decided that {ri} shall skip things like "mi" and "do" when back counting, without making clear what was the list of things ri should skip 05:11 < Ilmen> So the BPFK has proposed a complete list in the previously linked definition 05:11 < ctefaho> "Bickerings" -u'i 05:12 < ctefaho> hmm then this kinda breaks my da'i def 05:12 < ctefaho> {.i mi da'i} 05:13 < niftg> vo'a / lo nei ? 05:14 < ctefaho> vo'a would only work as long as the mi is in x1 05:14 < ctefaho> .i mi tavla do da'i 05:15 < ctefaho> can ra and ru refer to any sumti or does just ri have this restriction? 05:17 < ctefaho> seems only ri has his then. 05:20 < ctefaho> hmm would tolsteci work for zo'e? 05:23 * ctefaho uses it for now 05:39 < ctefaho> camxes: zo'e goi lo mlatu 05:39 < camxes> ([zo'e {goi <lo mlatu KU> GEhU}] VAU) 05:40 < ctefaho> does goi have an agreed upon scope? 05:42 < ctefaho> probably not 05:50 * nuzba @uitki: Welcome!/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Welcome!/en by Mukti - Embed video [http://bit.ly/1KctfIX] 06:54 < gleki> modern websites arent paged. so yeah a better front page would be better but MW doesnt support that 07:07 < e`ogan> Hmm I asked last week about "handwave" translation, and now there is a lujvo xansli in the dictionary for that which wasn't fetched to me before 07:08 < gleki> en: xansli 07:08 < mensi> xansli [< xance slilu ≈ Hand oscillate] = s1=xa2 waves hand. |>>> Cf. cusku. |>>> 07:08 < mensi> tijlan 07:08 < gleki> it's an old lujvo 07:08 < gleki> .dict handwave 07:08 < phenny> handwave — noun: 1. (literally) The wave produced by a hand, 2. A glib statement or explanation that glosses over important details — verb: 1. (rhetoric, academia) To explain something superficially, skipping over important details, perhaps appealing to intuition instead 07:09 < e`ogan> Wasn't given to me last time so I had to go with "I oscillate my single hand to show parting" 07:09 < gleki> which meaning? is it even among those? 07:09 < gleki> xance slilu tolrinsa 07:51 < gleki> where is the lyrics of djemynai's songs? 07:51 < durka42> .ei .erve 07:52 < gleki> ta'i ma 07:52 < gleki> i oi pilno la cekitaujaus 07:52 < durka42> lo .erve be lo .albuma cu cpacu lo pemvla 07:52 < durka42> .oinai 07:54 < gleki> jaio ei mi jai gau fatri fai lo me mi bankle 08:06 < akmnlrse> gleki: meio by poi na coie meio vy zoiu https://github.com/mezohe/glekitufa/raw/master/cirkotci.html 08:12 * nuzba @BuckMatthews1: zdotu'a - ← Older revision Revision as of 15:09, 24 June 2015 Line 1: Line 1:   ==Lojban==   ==Lojban== − {{wi http://ow.ly/30ufaK [http://bit.ly/1HgOJC2] 08:15 < latro`a_> what is this {jaio}, {meio}, etc.? is that i supposed to be '? 08:15 < durka42> la nuzba co'u jundi la'oi @BuckMatthews1 08:37 * nuzba @fotono: #lojban zei genturfa'i : .i ma'a kakne lo nu iklki sedi'o ro lo ve farvi nacle'u http://guskant.github.io/gerna_cipra/zantufa_farvi.svg [http://bit.ly/1e3CwFj] 08:43 * nuzba @s_i_d_a: mi be'udzu lo dziraipau co vacri noi kuspe lo tsani #lojban #haiku [http://bit.ly/1e3DjWQ] 09:09 < fpcalep> coi 09:09 < latro`a_> coi 09:12 < gleki> latro`a_: ie y'y 09:12 < gleki> i kuii cizra tarmi 09:25 < Ilmen> xu do sanji tu'a lo .albume pe la .djemynais. doi la latro`a 09:25 < Ilmen> se.u la latro`a_ 09:25 < fpcalep> la .azra'el. pu jmina lo .itku'ile skina ne lo do tutci la .redit. doi la gleki .i .y .u'i .i ba misno tutci 09:25 < latro`a_> .i na catlu gi'e ku'i se slabu 09:26 < Ilmen> .e'u jinju'i gi'u catlu 09:26 < Ilmen> *tinju'i 09:26 < Ilmen> ta'o coi 09:26 < fpcalep> coi la .olmen. 09:27 < Ilmen> latro`a_: https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/album/zao 09:28 < gleki> fpcalep: ie ie i lo mabla so'i roi co'a misno 09:28 < fpcalep> .u'i 09:29 < gleki> i mu'a https://www.reddit.com/r/lojban/top/ 09:29 < gleki> Lojban changes to hanzi writing system 09:29 < gleki> If Lojban gets 1000 votes in the FB poll, LingQ will add support for the language to their online language learning site.approved by shanoxilt 2 years ago (facebook.com) 09:29 < Ilmen> xD 09:29 < gleki> (Lojbanists call loanwords fu'ivla, considering the word "loanword" to be illogical since the words will never be returned) -Sumelicapproved by shanoxilt 1 month ago (i.imgur.com) 09:29 < gleki> Get ready to add Lojban to Duolingo! The Language Incubator comes online October 9th, 2013! 09:30 < gleki> i ku'i lo mi vlaste na co'a misno 09:30 < gleki> i ku'i vajni ke mutce zmadu falo vlaste 09:30 < gleki> i ja'o mo i ja'o lo prenu na tadni le bangu 09:30 < gleki> i po'o kelci 09:30 < fpcalep> ra'u jetnu 09:31 < fpcalep> .i ta'o sai ba'o finti xau lo nintadni (to noi mi ji'a mupli toi) so'o mupyjufra http://selpahi.weebly.com/ithkuil/simple-phrases-for-beginners 09:33 < gleki> Get ready to add Ithkuil to Google Translate! 09:33 < fpcalep> de'i li 2099 09:34 < gleki> ua lo bi'unai do papri cu traji lo ka plixau mi 09:34 < fpcalep> ua 09:34 < Ilmen> .i'o 09:36 < gleki> https://www.reddit.com/r/Ithkuil/comments/3ayvc0/the_best_ive_ever_seen_by_far_simple_phrases_for/ 09:37 < Ilmen> banli jufmupli 09:38 < fpcalep> .u'e doi la gleki ki'e 09:39 < gleki> e'u do favgau le papri 09:39 < gleki> tai lo mintu 09:41 * nuzba @464161niftg: ああ、さういやhttp://lojban.orgはしばしばダウンするんだよな… [http://bit.ly/1Het3bo] 09:42 < Ilmen> .u'i 09:42 < gleki> no'isai zo to frica zo sei fi po'onao lo gerna i zo sei srana lo nu cinmo ce va'i lo me'oi attitude i ku'i zo to srana lo nu pinka 09:42 < gleki> s/po'onao/po'onai/ 09:42 < phenny> gleki meant to say: no'isai zo to frica zo sei fi po'onai lo gerna i zo sei srana lo nu cinmo ce va'i lo me'oi attitude i ku'i zo to srana lo nu pinka 09:42 < gleki> ki'e la fenki 09:43 < Ilmen> ku'i za'a la jbobau kibystu cu ja'a selfu mi 09:45 < Ilmen> ŭa la mukti xoi lo zabna cu mukti cu jmina lo judysni be lo djemynai selsa'a lo ralju papri pe la jbobau kibystu 09:49 < gleki> mi na nelci lo nu lo ralju papri cu mutce lo ka clani 09:49 < mensi> mi xebni 09:57 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa gunro fa 10:03 < Ilmen> ŭa .i xu me la gunro be lo du be lo du 10:08 < gleki> du ma enai lo du 10:42 < graciebear> hello, i have a question for whoever. 10:43 < fpcalep> Hello, go ahead. 10:43 < graciebear> How do you pronounce vowels in romanian 10:43 < fpcalep> Is this related to Lojban somehow? 10:44 < ldlework> u'i 10:56 < gleki> probably "lojban" sounds as a Romanian word? 11:01 < akmnlrse> fpcalep: ta'o lo .piton. ke .itku'ile gentufa zo'u ia lo valsi za'u mei na ka'e se pruce 11:05 < fpcalep> ua .i ku'i mi nu'o zgana lo nu lo .itku'ile gentufa sampre cu gentufa 11:06 < akmnlrse> ithkuil: íčeitokç 11:06 < ithkuil> íčeitokç: P1S1/DYN-č-ACT-UNI/CSL/U/DEL/NRM-FRC_1/7-EXS-IFL/FRAMED 11:06 < fpcalep> banli 11:07 < fpcalep> ithkuil: ke'a 11:07 < ithkuil> error 11:08 < fpcalep> ju'o cu'i na kakne tau lo .adjunte 11:08 < fpcalep> ithkuil: bye'al 11:08 < ithkuil> error 11:09 < fpcalep> .xym. 11:09 < fpcalep> ithkuil: sa 11:09 < ithkuil> sa: Personal adjunct 11:10 < fpcalep> xu lo .apstrofe cu jai se spofu 11:11 < gleki> akmnlrse: e'ozo'oru'e ko galfi la piton JS 11:13 < deltab> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_for_Romanian 11:13 < gleki> i ku'inai mi nelci lo valsi zbasu tutci i sampu i mi ka'e favgau i mi ka'e cilre fi le bangu fu si ta'i lo ka favgau le proga 11:14 < akmnlrse> ithkuil: ke'a 11:14 < ithkuil> ke’a: Personal adjunct 11:15 < akmnlrse> ki'u lo na se djuno cu kanpetu'a zo'oi ’ je nai zo'oi ' 11:20 * nuzba @s_i_d_a: @oka_iu_tcan 今は http://www.lojban.org/corpus/ で短いの/簡単そうなのからやってみてます。『la mapkun jizon』がどうにか終わったとこです。YouTubeのやつも試してみようかな、とか。短くて音声付いてるし。 [http://bit.ly/1Iz5BjO] 11:50 < gleki> en: fa'ai 11:50 < mensi> fa'ai = [VUhU] mathematical ordered n-ary operator: (pointwise) functional left composition; ° |>>> Inputs must be 11:50 < mensi> appropriate functions; outputs a function; follow by boi in order to include arguments (producing a number). a1 ° a2 °…° 11:50 < mensi> an = a1(a2(…(an(•))…)). Replaces all of the inputs with a (possibly stripped, as appropriate) tuple; for replacing a 11:50 < mensi> single argument in a multivariate function with a function (either evaluated or not), use (partial) (e)valuation. |>>> 11:51 < gleki> half of the symbols got lost 11:51 < gleki> en: mardeji 11:51 < mensi> mardeji = x1 judges/rates/opines x2 [abstraction] to have morality score x3 [number; default: 1] in respect/according to 11:51 < mensi> standard/judged according to or in system x4; x1 believes in (the (im)morality of) x2 |>>> Beware sumti-raising in x2. 11:51 < mensi> x3 should be a real number between -1 and 1 (inclusive); x3=1 is perfectly good/moral/virtuous, x3=0 is neutral, and 11:51 < mensi> x3=-1 is completely immoral/despicable. |>>> krtisfranks 11:51 < gleki> similar to lindari and gleua in structure :P 12:02 * xeizlif reads the definition of lindari, sees "lavatoriously humorous" and cackles, and notes that {tu'a mi lindari li za'u no pi no pa lo'o} [not guaranteed to be correct but it is gerna] 12:02 < xeizlif> si gendra 12:03 < xeizlif> it only takes three lindars to get stabbed, wow 12:18 * nuzba @uitki: emotions in Lojban - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/emotions_in_Lojban by Clakre [http://bit.ly/1TNmb8v] 13:35 < fpcalep> ithkuil: bya'el 13:56 < fpcalep> ithkuil: fpçalepʰ 13:56 < ithkuil> fpçalepʰ: P1S1/STA-fpç-OBL-UNI/CSL/M/DEL/NRM-MAT_1/3-EXS-IFL/UNFRAMED 13:57 < durka42> ue 13:57 < durka42> xu pegli 13:57 < fpcalep> na go'i 13:58 < durka42> vlaste: pegli (gimka) 13:58 < vlaste> zo pegli gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo pegli gimkamsmikezypro zo fegli noi cipra gismu 13:58 < durka42> oi zo pegli cu fegli jecu janli zo fegli 13:58 < fpcalep> .i'o 13:59 < durka42> mi terpa lo nu zo gimka co'a smuni lo ka gimkamsmikezypro iau .u'i 13:59 < durka42> vlaste: gimka (gimka) 13:59 < vlaste> zo gimka gimkamsmikezypro zo ginka noi catni gismu .i zo gimka gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 13:59 < durka42> ua 13:59 < durka42> roldei cilre 13:59 < durka42> vlaste: ginka 13:59 < vlaste> ginka = x1 is a camp/encampment/temporary residence of x2 at location x3. 13:59 < durka42> vlaste: gimka (fapro) 13:59 < vlaste> zo gimka gimkamsmikezypro zo ginka noi catni gismu .i zo gimka gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 14:00 < fpcalep> lo mi sampu fanvyrgloso zo'u STA-'butterfly'-(OBL)-MAT_1/3 14:00 < durka42> lo nu gimkamsmikezypro lanli minde zo'u so'i da smudu'i 14:00 < fpcalep> .i sampymau 14:00 < durka42> ua 14:00 < durka42> zo fpc genja valsi ma 14:00 < fpcalep> lo si'o toldi 14:02 * ctefa`o tinker tinker with cool stuff 14:04 < ctefa`o> One day we shall be able to formalize all of jbobau 14:04 < fpcalep> ka'e setca zoi gy. [] .gy 14:05 < fpcalep> 'butterfly'-(OBL)-[]-MAT_1/3 14:05 < fpcalep> panrymau 14:06 < ctefa`o> Also: {mi sutra da'i klama} -> {mi sutra noi xanri ku'o klama} 14:06 < durka42> y 14:06 < ctefa`o> How many si si Does anyone disagree? 14:06 < durka42> well {noi} only works on sumti... 14:06 < fpcalep> fpç-a-l-e-pʰ 14:06 < durka42> there is the experimental {no'oi} 14:06 < fpcalep> mu rafsi cu pagbu ! 14:06 < durka42> ua 14:07 < durka42> camxes: +exp mi sutra no'oi xanri ku'oi klama 14:07 < camxes> (mi [CU {<sutra (¹no'oi [CU {xanri VAU}] ku'oi¹)> klama} VAU]) 14:07 < durka42> ^ @ctefa`o 14:07 < ctefa`o> Oh right 14:08 < fpcalep> da'i dramau fa lo nu skicu fo lo ka vo rafsi cu pagbu 14:08 < ctefa`o> Must have mixed them up 14:08 < durka42> fpcalep: vo rafsi je pa mo 14:08 < fpcalep> epʰ = cifnu/citnytce 14:08 < durka42> ua 14:10 < niftg> toldi curnu 14:11 < fpcalep> zoi ty. -pʰ .ty sinxa lo si'o ni makcu 14:19 < ctefa`o> How about {mi sutra be xoi xanri be'o klama} 14:19 < ctefa`o> (ki'e la cliva) 14:20 < fpcalep> So you want klama to be asserted? 14:21 < ctefa`o> You mean non-imaginary? 14:21 < ctefa`o> If so yeah 14:21 < fpcalep> How do you justify that? :) 14:22 < durka42> camxes: +exp mi sutra be xoi xanri be'o klama 14:22 < camxes> (mi [CU {<sutra (¹be [xoi {CU <xanri VAU>} SEhU] be'o¹)> klama} VAU]) 14:22 < ctefa`o> Cause if you want the klama to be imagimsry just put the da'i on it/the bridi 14:22 < ctefa`o> "I go with some imaginary speed" 14:23 < fpcalep> And that means what? 14:23 < ctefa`o> I have no clue 14:23 < ctefa`o> But that is what it means 14:23 <@xalbo> mi klama fi'o ni sutra kei li ka'o 14:23 < ctefa`o> Or rather 14:23 < ctefa`o> "I am imaginary-speed type-of going" 14:24 < fpcalep> sutra means quick, not speed 14:24 < ctefa`o> quickness I meant 14:24 < durka42> I don't think {mi sutra da'i klama} means "I go with an imaginary speed" 14:24 < ctefa`o> Fast-speedness 14:24 < ctefa`o> durka42: then what would you expand it to? 14:25 < fpcalep> To me it means "I'd go *quickly*" 14:25 <@xalbo> fpcalep: Thanks, that's the best paraphrase I've seen yet. 14:25 < ctefa`o> Is that veridicality again 14:25 < durka42> er, what do you mean with those asterisks 14:25 < fpcalep> Focus. 14:25 < durka42> from {da'i}?? 14:25 < fpcalep> That is: 14:25 < ctefa`o> Cause if so I will jump out the window next to me 14:25 < durka42> da'i isn't ba'e ... 14:26 < fpcalep> It is quickly that I'd go. (sounds weird) 14:26 < durka42> wait wait 14:26 < fpcalep> ba'e is not focus. 14:26 < durka42> neither is da'i 14:26 < durka42> maybe kau is focus 14:26 < ctefa`o> how do you get "focus" from xanri??? 14:26 < durka42> that's what I'm wondering... 14:26 < fpcalep> The placement of UI is where the focus comes from 14:26 < ctefa`o> da'inai?? 14:26 < fpcalep> Compare to {xu do klama} {do xu klama} {do klama xu} 14:27 < durka42> ah so you're just saying using *any* UI causes focus 14:27 <@xalbo> It's the location of the focus of the "'d" (the "would", or hypothetical) 14:27 < ctefa`o> fpcalep: please expand {mi sutra da'i klama} into what you think it means 14:27 <@xalbo> It's not focus of the sentence as a whole, it's the focus of that UI 14:27 < durka42> okay but {da'i} also has a meaning 14:27 < durka42> it's not just a focus marker 14:27 < fpcalep> {da'i} turns the sentence into a hypothetical/irrealis 14:27 < durka42> (if it's a focus marker at all, not sure I agree) 14:28 < durka42> ah 14:28 <@xalbo> It's not a focus marker at all. But what it does (the hypotheticality/irreality) is focused. 14:28 < ctefa`o> I have no idea what this "focus" is and how it is "imaginary" 14:28 < ctefa`o> Welll yeah 14:28 < ctefa`o> Hence sutra be xoi xanri 14:28 < durka42> so a parapharse would be something like {mi sutra da'i klama} => {mi se xanri lo du'u mi ba'e sutra klama} 14:28 < ctefa`o> It doesn't leak to klama 14:28 < fpcalep> I'd use {kau}, not {ba'e} 14:29 < durka42> sure 14:29 < ctefa`o> that's one expansion I didn't expect 14:29 < fpcalep> A correct paraphrase needs to have it leak out 14:29 < durka42> me neither :p 14:29 < durka42> I see the reasoning now though 14:30 < durka42> my conception of UI is that it's much more tightly bound than that to what it's grammatically attached to 14:30 < ctefa`o> Is that like {mi klama noi da'i sutra}? 14:30 < ctefa`o> what you mean 14:30 < fpcalep> No event of going is asserted, but it's imagined that if any going of you were to take place, it would be quick. 14:31 < ctefa`o> No that basically expands to something like {mi klama noi sutra noi xanri} 14:33 < ctefa`o> {mi klama noi sei lo su'u no'a xanri (cu?) sutra} 14:34 < fpcalep> It's generally a good idea to place your sentence in a sub-bridi if your intention is to not assert it. 14:36 < ctefa`o> Well in any case that's how I am going to formalize any UI for any tanru 14:36 < fpcalep> lo ka sutra ku kau cu poi'i mi se xanri lo nu [da'i] mi me'au ke'a klama 14:38 < ctefa`o> If "be xoi" excludes that, too 14:38 < ctefa`o> si 14:38 < ctefa`o> I don't really understand poi'i yet. Does "be xoi" *exclude* that? 14:39 < ctefa`o> Or do I need to put the xanri in sei again sigh 14:40 < fpcalep> I'd think that {be xoi} does not prevent the klama from being asserted 14:40 < fpcalep> While {da'i} does make the whole bridi irrealis. 14:41 < fpcalep> I don't recommend {sei}, not only because its relation to the main-bridi is hard to formalize in the first place, but also because then the main bridi is still at top-level, even though it should be subordinate to the {da'i}. 14:42 < durka42> is this going to be different for the realis attitudinals 14:42 < ctefa`o> sei is how I formalize things 14:43 < fpcalep> I don't think it would be different 14:43 < ctefa`o> I consider sei a language primitive. And I don't see how it shuffled around bridi relations. sei stays in the bridi it is in 14:44 < ctefa`o> It has top scope in its bridi only 14:45 < fpcalep> And how is it related the bridi it is in? 14:45 < fpcalep> Also, are you saying that it doesn't escape out of abstractions in your model? 14:46 < ctefa`o> It has top scope? Anything else depends om what it actually says 14:46 < ctefa`o> No my model has no such leakage 14:46 < fpcalep> Top scope does not say how it's related to the bridi. 14:46 < ctefa`o> then it depends on what it sats 14:46 < fpcalep> Is the bridi an argument of the sei clause? 14:47 < ctefa`o> {.i mi co'e lo nu da'i co'e} 14:47 < fpcalep> If it doesn't get out of abstractions, then it breaks existing usage of {sei} in all major translations 14:47 < fpcalep> But ignoring that, you still need to define the relation 14:48 < fpcalep> Is there a {ke'a} in your {sei}? 14:48 < durka42> we can just replace it with {soi} :) 14:48 < ctefa`o> ---> {.i mi co'e lo nu co'e sei lo nu no'a cu xanri} 14:48 < ctefa`o> No only no'a 14:49 < durka42> isn't ke'a == lo nu no'a ? 14:49 < ctefa`o> Which is in the event expression 14:49 < ctefa`o> for sei? 14:49 < ctefa`o> sei is a relative clause? 14:50 < ctefa`o> Ah for soi 14:50 < ctefa`o> Well sei has higher scope then soi 14:50 < fpcalep> For xoi also 14:50 < ctefa`o> Attitudinals always have top-scope 14:50 < fpcalep> What you call top-scope isn't top-scope 14:51 < ctefa`o> So I should probably fix my case tag and tanru UI expansion 14:51 < fpcalep> If it were top-scope, then {co'e lo nu co'e sei xanri} would be the same as {co'e lo nu co'e kei sei xanri} 14:51 < fpcalep> But you said it stays in the abstraction 14:51 < djois> i'm looking for picture books in lojban... like illustrated childrens books. or a group of people interested in creating some 14:51 < ctefa`o> It has top-scope hierarchy not top-scope *coverage* 14:52 < ctefa`o> Scope Coverage: Word - Construct - Bridi - Sentence - Paragraph 14:52 < ctefa`o> It is totally unrelated to hierarchy 14:53 < durka42> djois: there's this one http://selpahi.de/cilce_prenu.html 14:53 < ctefa`o> Maybe I should just put everything together om the wiki first 14:53 < ctefa`o> Gotta fix all the stupid subordinators first though 14:54 < fpcalep> A wiki page would be good. And it'll make gleki happy. 14:55 < djois> thanks durka42 14:55 < fpcalep> .e'e gau ko la gleki cu ckaji la'e lo cmene be ri 15:06 < sezycei> What is Djemynai trying to convey in the chorus of {na ku}? {.i pu ku zvati fa do .i je ca ku zvati fa do na ku} 15:07 < durka42> Long ago you were here. Now you aren't here. 15:07 < sezycei> {na ku} ? 15:08 < durka42> naku is the standalone form of na 15:08 < durka42> it's a negator 15:08 < sezycei> OH WOW 15:08 < ctefa`o> i have formalized it too 15:08 < ctefa`o> look at "new-fi'o" at uiki 15:08 < sezycei> I didn't even think about the fact that you could use na that way. I always thought it had to be before the selbri - but that wouldn't make much sense. 15:09 < ctefa`o> {.i mi na klama} -> {.i zo'e natfe lo su'u mi na klama} 15:09 < ctefa`o> sort of 15:09 < durka42> {caku zvati fa do naku} is the same as {caku naku zvati fa do} -- you can't move the {naku} any further "left" because that would change the relative scope of {ca} and {na} 15:09 < ctefa`o> Err 15:10 < ctefa`o> ...just look at the uiki if you are interested 15:10 < durka42> parentheses for scope: (ca ku (naku (zvati fa do)) 15:10 < durka42> ctefa`o I think you're getting too complicated for this question :) 15:10 < ctefa`o> Probably 15:11 < sezycei> I just thought his placement of {na ku} at the end was strange - and I had also not realized the possibility of placing na at the end followed by a terminator 15:11 < sezycei> That's why I wasn't catching on 15:11 < sezycei> But I figured that was the concept he was trying to convey 15:12 < durka42> you can do it english too, but it sounds weird 15:12 < durka42> Before you were here. Now you are here not. 15:13 < sezycei> I just thought it was strange and the strangeness threw me off. Haha 15:14 < fpcalep> I know someone who loved to put {naku} at the end 15:15 < sezycei> mu'i ma 15:16 < fpcalep> zifre lo ka punji lu na ku li'u lo jai se djica 15:16 < fpcalep> .i lo jbobau cu xendo 15:20 < sezycei> .i mi ca ku na jimpe lo du'u mu'i ma da djica lo nu punji lu na ku li'u lo fanmo kei ku 15:20 < rutytar1> coi 15:21 < sezycei> coi 15:21 < rutytar1> http://vlasisku.lojban.org/vlasisku/klama in notes it says "cmavo list ka'a". what is this referring to? 15:22 < durka42> the word {ka'a} 15:23 < rutytar1> isn't that a single cmavo, and not a list? 15:23 < durka42> in ye olden days, there was a "gismu list" and a "cmavo list" 15:23 < durka42> which were separate text files 15:23 < durka42> it's just saying to go find ka'a in cmavo.txt 15:23 < rutytar1> okay. i was figuring something like that 15:25 * nuzba @uitki: BPFK Section: Subordinators - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_Subordinators by Durka42 - /* Formal Definitions */ table syntax [http://bit.ly/1e4aVnv] 15:49 < fpcalep> ca lo bavlamdei mi klama lo xamsi 15:49 < fpcalep> noi mi zvasta ze'a lo jeftu be li ji'i re 15:51 < durka42> xu lo na du be do cu zbasu lo .itku'ile .albuma ze'a lo jeftu be li ji'i re 15:51 < durka42> zo'o 15:51 < fpcalep> :) 15:52 < fpcalep> lakne fa lo nu na jorne lo kibro 15:52 < fpcalep> .i ji'a ponse no selbeiskami 15:52 < durka42> lo zabna ko se li'i xamsi 15:53 < durka42> lo zabna ko li'i xamsi 15:53 < fpcalep> .a'o 15:54 < fpcalep> .i xrukla ca lo 11moi be lo zelmasti djedi 15:55 < durka42> mi voikla lo dotygu'e ca lo 11moi be lo zelmasti djedi 15:55 < fpcalep> ua 15:55 < fpcalep> .i xu za'o .aidji lo ka penmi la cirko 15:55 < durka42> ku'i .ai kibro jorne ca'o 15:55 < durka42> .y 15:55 < durka42> la cirku cu xabju ge pagbu be lo dotygu'e 15:55 < fpcalep> no 15:56 < fpcalep> .i xabju lo xelveto 15:56 < fpcalep> .i ku'i do'o pu casnu lo nu da'i pensi'u 15:56 < fpcalep> .i ba'a nai ru'e la cirko pu friti lo ka klama lo ba se klama be do 15:57 < fpcalep> .i do ze'a ma zvati lo doitco 15:57 < durka42> mi ba zbati la .tubingen. je la .frankfirt. 15:57 < fpcalep> mi morji 15:57 < durka42> ze'a lo jeftu be li ci 15:58 < fpcalep> ue 15:58 < fpcalep> xabju ma 15:58 < fpcalep> .i xu xotli 15:58 < fpcalep> .i ua ba'a nai lo do ckule cu pleji 15:58 < durka42> pleji ro drata be lo .frankfirt. xutli 15:58 < durka42> si xotli 15:59 < fpcalep> franfurt sei na'e zifcme 16:43 * nuzba @fotono: @s_i_d_a #lojban corpusの内容が壊れていて元ファイルも辿れない場合は、 http://korp.alexburka.com/ の "6 corpora selected" 内の "ralju korpora" にマウスオンすると、元ファイルへのリンクが表示されます。 [http://bit.ly/1Lvw7ky] 17:53 < fpcalep> co'o jbopre 19:19 < _mukti_> So I've noticed in {za'o} an unusual use of {ce} 19:20 < durka42> cekitaujau? 19:20 < _mukti_> Ah, must be part of that. 19:20 < _mukti_> What is it? 19:20 < _mukti_> .i ta'o coi 19:21 < durka42> coi 19:21 < durka42> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau 19:21 < _mukti_> Thank you. Google doesn't know "cekitaujau" yet 19:21 < durka42> it's a slakyjamna dialect 19:22 < durka42> neither does LMW search :p I always forget that the page title has spaces in it 19:22 < _mukti_> haha, I haven't heard that term yet 19:22 < _mukti_> slakyjamna 19:22 < durka42> I think I invented it :) 19:22 < _mukti_> Well played 19:22 < durka42> so are those PRs live? can I lose my fear of typing {} and [] in JVS comments? 19:23 < _mukti_> Oh, no, let me do that. When I merged, jukni was still ailing. 19:23 < durka42> I know the server's been up and down, so I'm not surprised if you haven't been able to do it... 19:24 < _mukti_> nau mi ca'a gasnu 19:24 < _mukti_> (nau ku) 19:25 < _mukti_> coi la djak 19:25 < _mukti_> la djakyze 19:25 < _mukti_> I guess that would actually be jakyze 19:27 < _mukti_> nau ku la jukni cu masno 19:27 < durka42> depends on the pronunciation 19:27 < durka42> the webcomic artist Jeph Jacques pronounces it Jacks, IIRC 19:27 < _mukti_> ua 19:27 < durka42> speaking of crazy proposals, did you know Ilmen likes nau => nauku ? 19:28 < _mukti_> No, that's new on me. But apparently, I already agree with him. 19:28 < _mukti_> Subconsciously at least. 19:28 < _mukti_> I suppose {nau} would be kind of awkward for tcita... 19:28 < durka42> :) 19:28 < durka42> it's why he always says {ca nau} 19:28 < _mukti_> sumti tcita I mean 19:29 < durka42> right 19:29 < durka42> the whole point of {nau} is it doesn't need to be referenced to anything else 19:29 < _mukti_> camxes nau lo balvi mi pu zvati 19:29 < _mukti_> camxes: nau lo balvi mi pu zvati 19:29 < camxes> ([{<nau (¹lo balvi KU¹)> mi} CU] [pu zvati] VAU) 19:31 < durka42> sounds jabberwocky-ish :) 19:32 < _mukti_> mi mo'u ningau la jbovlaste .i mi ckire do doi la durkavore 19:32 < durka42> ki'e 19:33 < durka42> .ai mi piksku zo .test. 19:34 < clakre> .ua ki'e for the cekitaujau pointer 19:34 < _mukti_> .a'u 19:34 < _mukti_> .i coi la clakre 19:34 < clakre> coi! 19:34 < durka42> clakre: are you the same A. Furrow as on the LCS board? 19:35 < clakre> go'i 19:35 < durka42> ua 19:35 < clakre> I'm tryin' to become jbopre 19:35 < clakre> not quite there yet 19:35 < _mukti_> Nice! 19:36 < _mukti_> durka and I were just talking about how jbopre ought to get more involved with LCS 19:36 < durka42> oi 19:36 < durka42> .oi .oi .oi http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/comments.html?valsi=26591;natlangword=0;commentid=2091;definition=0 19:36 < _mukti_> Hm 19:36 < durka42> .ai nai la jbovlaste co'a .votcan. 19:37 < _mukti_> xu na mansa do 19:38 < durka42> I mean the PRs worked 19:38 < durka42> apparently images are not "for admin use only" as the comment says :) 19:38 < durka42> as I did not hack officialdata's cookie this time 20:47 < gleki> i suggest that by focus we assume only the main level bridi of sentence 21:41 * nuzba @canweriotnow: @mj1856 @zedshaw Oddly enough, the official ISO 639 Language Tag spec includes Klingon... not #Lojban http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php [http://bit.ly/1GzykDU] 22:51 * nuzba @lojban_org: @canweriotnow @mj1856 @zedshaw Lojban is listed on that page. Its code is "jbo". [http://bit.ly/1LpYRu3] --- Day changed Thu Jun 25 2015 00:04 < cflep> coi 00:05 < gleki> coi 00:06 < gleki> i lo do cmene cu itku'ile simlu 00:08 <@Broca> i ba'e do itku'ile simlu 01:04 < oewtxwpnc> mensi: doi mukti|durka si'au la jbovlaste co'u curmi lo nu jmina lo valsi (to lo batke pe lu benji lo velcki na tolcanci toi) 01:04 < mensi> oewtxwpnc: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.mukti|durka.gy. di'a cusku da 01:06 < gleki> oewtxwpnc: uanai i mi puzi jmina pa valsi http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/kreiva 01:06 < oewtxwpnc> xm 01:07 < oewtxwpnc> ka'e ku lo nu troci co jmina lo poi cnino vau rarbau valsi cu rinka 01:07 < oewtxwpnc> i ai cipcta 01:09 < oewtxwpnc> na go'a 01:10 < gleki> ko lumci lo do me'oi cache 01:11 < gleki> to la vivaldis si gleki cu xusra lo du'u zo'oi cache lu se sorcu li'u 01:11 < gleki> toi 01:13 < oewtxwpnc> mensi: doi mukti|durka JUhI NAI UhU 01:13 < mensi> oewtxwpnc: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.mukti|durka.gy. di'a cusku da 01:16 < oewtxwpnc> xm i xu da'i xamgu fa lo nu la mensi cu curmi lo nu vimcu lo benji se ralte 01:17 < gleki> xamgu i ku'i no da pu cpedu ije no ju'osai de cu aidji lo ka favgau 01:17 < oewtxwpnc> la'a bazaku mi jmina 01:25 < gleki> coi 01:25 < gleki> xm 01:26 < djan> coi 01:27 < danlu> coi 01:27 < mensi> danlu: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko klama la .Bobruisk. [2332287] | 2015-01-10T14:44:39. 01:27 < mensi> 684Z 01:27 < mensi> danlu: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko klama la .Bobruisk. [2332287] | 2015-04-29T20:52:03. 01:27 < mensi> 177Z 01:27 < mensi> danlu: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko klama la .Bobruisk. [2332287] | 2015-05-17T10:08:50. 01:27 < mensi> 437Z 01:27 < mensi> danlu: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko klama la .Bobruisk. [2332287] | 2015-06-07T08:47:04. 01:27 < mensi> 018Z 01:27 < mensi> danlu: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko klama la .Bobruisk. [2332287] | 2015-06-08T09:52:37. 01:27 < mensi> 724Z 01:28 < verba> coi 01:28 < mensi> verba: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko na pencu le minra [1958890] | 2015-02-20T18:06:01. 01:28 < mensi> 186Z 01:28 < mensi> verba: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: ko na pencu le minra [1958890] | 2015-04-12T08:53:18. 01:28 < mensi> 197Z 01:29 < loi> coi mi'e lois 01:29 < mensi> loi: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: nu'o jai daspo be lo munje mi'a jinga fi do [683920] | 2015-04-01T17:57:29. 01:29 < mensi> 432Z 01:29 < mensi> loi: cu'u la'o gy.livla.gy.: nu'o jai daspo be lo munje mi'a jinga fi do [683920] | 2015-04-13T02:16:10. 01:29 < mensi> 204Z 01:31 < dutchie> coi rodo 02:21 < ctefaho> hey guys I fixed the gadri for you 02:21 < ctefaho> lo broda - zo'e cu broda 02:21 < ctefaho> le broda - zo'e cu broda je cu me zo'e 02:21 < ctefaho> you are welcome 02:26 < ctefaho> (that "me" expands to {zo'e cu broda je cu menre zo'e} 02:29 < _mukti_> ua nai 02:29 < mensi> _mukti_: cu'u la'o gy.oewtxwpnc.gy.: si'au la jbovlaste co'u curmi lo nu jmina lo valsi (to lo batke pe lu benji lo 02:29 < mensi> velcki na tolcanci toi) | 2015-06-25T08:04:41.015Z 02:30 < mensi> _mukti_: cu'u la'o gy.oewtxwpnc.gy.: JUhI NAI UhU | 2015-06-25T08:13:52.715Z 02:30 < ctefaho> _mukti_: Basically {lo broda} -> {zo'e noi broda}, {le broda} -> {zo'e poi broda} 02:31 < _mukti_> Are you proposing something different from the BPFK formulae? 02:31 < _mukti_> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_gadri 02:32 < ctefaho> you could say that 02:32 < _mukti_> Because the BPFK definition is {zo'e noi ke'a broda} 02:33 < _mukti_> Which seems to me the same, except with explicit {ke'a}, no? 02:33 < ctefaho> well I though everyone kinda agreed that no ke'a = ke'a in first open sumti 02:33 < _mukti_> Oh, I see, you're differing in {le} 02:33 < ctefaho> {lo broda} -> {zo'e noi ke'a broda}, {le broda} -> {zo'e poi ke'a broda} then 02:33 < _mukti_> There have been some interesting discussions about what {poi} means without quantification 02:34 < _mukti_> Martin Bays has really dug into that 02:34 < ctefaho> well it is one thing what it means, one thing what it expands to 02:35 < ctefaho> (this relies on a sanitized noi such that {lo broda} = {zo'e cu broda} without any ri-xi-rau crap) 02:35 < ctefaho> and poi not being a stupid tanru anymore 02:36 < _mukti_> So one of the wrinkles I've seen debated about {noi} in the definition is whether or not it is in fact asserted that {zo'e cu broda} 02:36 < ctefaho> "lo mlatu" not asserting something is a cat? 02:36 < _mukti_> The prevailing argument seems to be that {broda} is presupposed, and that noi only approximates the presupposition 02:36 < ctefaho> why would you ever want to do that 02:37 < _mukti_> Apparently this goes deep into the doctrine of description 02:37 < ctefaho> use lo da'i broda or something for that...? 02:38 < _mukti_> Lots of relevant argumentation here: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/descriptions/ 02:38 < ctefaho> holy crap 02:39 < ctefaho> well, pe'i whatever we want "le" to mean, "me" has to give it that definition 02:40 < _mukti_> Say more? 02:41 < ctefaho> that's how the language is built if there is to be consistency. it has noi and poi and the gadri should use them properly 02:42 < _mukti_> I think I understand you as emphasizing the importance of the {me} relation? 02:43 < ctefaho> yes 02:43 < _mukti_> I agree. It's hugely important. 02:43 < ctefaho> le - Is an explicit reference to something that brodas 02:44 < ctefaho> lo - Is just something that brodas 02:44 < _mukti_> guskant's big writeup emphasizes me 02:44 < _mukti_> {me} 02:44 < ctefaho> well good 02:44 < _mukti_> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadri:_an_unofficial_commentary_from_a_logical_point_of_view 02:44 < ctefaho> (also yeah using bare "me" gets kinda fun) 02:45 < ctefaho> (I said something like "I want your quantifiers in me!" yesterday) 02:45 < _mukti_> .u'i 02:46 < _mukti_> She starts by defining {me} and {jo'u}, and uses those as the primitive building blocks 02:46 < gleki> _mukti_: coi. so i guess we are waiting for tsani to work on vlasisku in order to have JVS API in jbogu'e? 02:46 < ctefaho> gleki: does this le conflict with your le? 02:47 < _mukti_> gleki: I'm not waiting, but I'm tempted to read that as you're giving up on me. ;) 02:47 < _mukti_> .i ta'o coi 02:48 < _mukti_> Oh, you may have noticed: I added a video embedding extension to the wiki. I think we should start enriching it. 02:48 < ctefaho> {le broda} refers specifically to a referent of {lo broda}, and explicitly express that the speaker has the referent in mind. 02:49 < ctefaho> sounds exactly like my def 02:49 < _mukti_> Like I think Wesley's "The Perfect Language" video would be a good one to showcase prominently 02:50 < _mukti_> Also selpa'i's corpus readings 02:50 < ctefaho> "(zo'e cu broda je cu menre zo'e)" Something is a referent of something that brodas 02:50 < ctefaho> brodas/lo brodas 02:50 < ctefaho> equal in my meaning 02:53 < ctefaho> that article is awesome 02:53 < _mukti_> ctefaho: Are you trying to express something other than the reflexivity of {me} ? 02:53 < _mukti_> Which article? guskant's? 02:54 < ctefaho> ah yeah that http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadri:_an_unofficial_commentary_from_a_logical_point_of_view 02:54 < _mukti_> Yay! 02:54 < _mukti_> I don't think it has gotten as much attention as it deserves. 02:54 < ctefaho> well I am gonna ref it any time I mention my gadri;) 02:55 < akmnlrse> my reading of ctefa'o's "je cu me zo'e" is that the second zo'e is the thing(s) "in the speaker's mind" 02:55 < _mukti_> guskant seems to have done her doctoral work in graph theory, so it's pretty cool that she then turned her fire on lojban 02:56 < ctefaho> akmnlrse: yeah 02:56 < ctefaho> as for the quantifiers...looking into that right now 02:57 < _mukti_> { zo'e broda gi'e menre zo'e noi se pensi mi } ? 02:58 < ctefaho> well...they are obviously in your mind in the first place if you use me(nre) 02:58 < _mukti_> It would be ironic if {le} were redefined to actually assert {broda}, since it has traditionally also carried the "non-veridical" baggage 02:59 < _mukti_> Yeah, that argument makes me skeptical of the whole "in the speaker's mind" bit... 02:59 < ctefaho> it is trash 02:59 < _mukti_> Not much use for ways to talk about things not in the speaker's mind 02:59 < ctefaho> hey Ilmen 02:59 < _mukti_> coi la .Ilmen. 03:00 < Ilmen> coi 03:01 < ctefaho> Ilmen I fixed le for yall 03:01 < ctefaho> lo broda - zo'e cu broda 03:01 < ctefaho> le broda - zo'e cu broda je cu me zo'e (zo'e cu broda je cu menre zo'e) 03:02 < Ilmen> Sounds much like the {lo broda poi co'e} that I once suggested 03:02 < ctefaho> well {le broda} -> {zo'e poi broda} vs lo's {zo'e noi broda} 03:02 < Ilmen> (lo broda poi co'e = lo poi'i ke'a broda gi'e co'e) 03:03 < _mukti_> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lojban/cHwNqMmaR2A/HWhv-NtdTPUJ 03:03 < _mukti_> (relevant discussion) 03:04 < ctefaho> well me/menre gives the le referentiality, which I think le is what it should be all about 03:04 < ctefaho> does poi'i do "me"? 03:06 < _mukti_> en: poi'i 03:06 < mensi> poi'i = [NU] x1 is such that poi'i abstraction is true; x1 binds ke'a within the abstraction. |>>> Originally proposed 03:06 < mensi> by And Rosta around 2001. |>>> selpahi 03:07 < _mukti_> {ko'a poi broda} => {lo me ko'a je poi'i broda} 03:07 < ctefaho> what does poi'i *expand* to? 03:07 < Ilmen> poi'i is a syntactic sugar 03:07 < _mukti_> jbo: poi'i 03:07 < mensi> 14 da se tolcri: aiste, comco'e, djefau, eiste, fanva, gismu, jbebau, jo'u, porsumji, suzmeidza, urja, zildika, ziltodi, 03:07 < mensi> zilzena 03:07 < ctefaho> I can't find on his blog 03:07 < ctefaho> maybe in archive 03:07 < Ilmen> mi poi'i do viska ke'a = do viska mi 03:08 < Ilmen> poi'i do viska ke'a kei fa mi = do viska mi 03:08 < ctefaho> still no "me" then 03:08 < ctefaho> me/menre 03:08 < ctefaho> you like menre Ilmen don't you;) 03:08 < Ilmen> poi'i is a NU, it binds ke'a to the x1 of the resulting poi'i—kei selbri 03:09 < Ilmen> poi'i is especially nice with LE and GIhA 03:09 < ctefaho> okay now I get it 03:10 < Ilmen> lo pendo be mi ku = lo poi'i (ke'a) pendo mi kei 03:10 < ctefaho> that's new-voi too right 03:10 < mindszenty> coi lo kansa 03:10 < Ilmen> lo broda be X bei Y bei Z = lo poi'i broda X Y Z 03:10 < Ilmen> ctefaho: exactly 03:11 < ctefaho> good 03:11 < _mukti_> coi la'o zoi mindszenty zoi 03:11 < ctefaho> and well, I don't think that's what "le" should do 03:11 < ctefaho> just me 03:11 < ctefaho> simple 03:11 < ctefaho> asy 03:11 < ctefaho> si easy 03:11 < ctefaho> consistent 03:12 < ctefaho> *Does not generate endless le discussion 03:12 < _mukti_> .u'i 03:12 < cliva> coi .i ze'u ku mi na snada lo ka djuno lo du'u xu kau ro'oi da ro de poi na'e plurale selbri zo'u lo du'u su'oi me da cu me'au de cu nibli lo du'u da me'au de 03:12 < cliva> .i ma se jinvi 03:13 < _mukti_> I find {le} very useful for detecting pre-xorlo usage. If someone actually comes up with a serviceable {le}, that will mess that all up. :P 03:13 < ctefaho> >_> <_< 03:13 < Ilmen> .u'i 03:14 < _mukti_> Imagine if {le} is revived along with cmavo clusters. Attack of {lenu}! 03:14 < ctefaho> actually 03:14 < ctefaho> my {le} is probably kinda backwards compatible with old {le} 03:15 < ctefaho> it is just lo + some referent 03:15 < ctefaho> which is a *very* slim way of defining "A" vs. "The" 03:15 < darca> nandu preti doi la cliva 03:16 < darca> lo ka plurale selbri cu mo 03:16 < ctefaho> "A cat" is something that is a cat 03:16 < ctefaho> that "lo mlatu"-s/"zo'e cu mlatu" 03:17 < darca> "su'o da poi mlatu" 03:17 < _mukti_> Oh, now, you're moving in the direction of gleki/v4hm ... Donellan territory 03:17 < ctefaho> "The Cat" is a referent to something that is a cat 03:17 < darca> za'a la cliva mo'u cliva 03:17 < _mukti_> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lojban/knCfUgwwKxY/3it-3ScrXugJ 03:17 < darca> .i xu mi zo'u mo'u darca 03:18 < ctefaho> and that's all our A/The, lo/le, should do 03:18 < ctefaho> no need for this mess: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 03:18 < _mukti_> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Keith_Donnellan 03:19 < ctefaho> i would like to see how all of those are supposed to be expanded, too 03:19 < _mukti_> "Some Lojbanists believe that le is to be used for referential (or super-referential) sense whereas lo is to be used for attributive sense." 03:19 < ctefaho> sounds meeenreee 03:20 < cliva> Ilmen: lo plurale selbri zo'u mupli fa lo ka menre .i .u'u mi na ka'e jdice tu'a lo satci selkai 03:20 < ctefaho> but I gtg and do other stuffz now 03:20 < ctefaho> enjoy my le 03:20 < _mukti_> co'o 03:20 < cliva> s/menre/simxu 03:20 < phenny> cliva meant to say: Ilmen: lo plurale selbri zo'u mupli fa lo ka simxu .i .u'u mi na ka'e jdice tu'a lo satci selkai 03:20 < ctefaho> well-defined logical definiteness for everyone 03:20 < Ilmen> je'e 03:20 * ctefaho cu bajra noi sutra 03:21 < Ilmen> .u'e 03:21 < cliva> fanoi 03:21 < cliva> .i ja la ctefa'o cu mintu la gleki vau zo'o 03:25 < Ilmen> doi la cliva .i mu'a pei lo si'o viska 03:25 < Ilmen> .i mu'a pei lo si'o se tuple be vo da 03:27 < autstralopitrku> (to mi kibro jai nu mabla toi) 03:27 < autstralopitrku> .i ie ro lo re zo'e cu simlu co na'e plurale 03:27 < Ilmen> cui la remdze 03:28 < autstralopitrku> ^:i -glu 03:28 < _mukti_> Da cui mutce sadji ce gudbi farfu 03:29 < Ilmen> .u'i 03:29 < autstralopitrku> Ra loglo ga cidja 03:29 < Ilmen> ba'a fancu lo smuni pe lo selbri 03:30 < autstralopitrku> .i ro cumki cu simlu lo ka naldra su'o da .i mu'a va'o lo nu na go'oi nibli zo'u xu ro me la Pa Broda poi Sucta je ku'i Broda ku (to noi da'i dunli lo .olkai be lo ka broda toi) cu no roi se menre su'oi broda poi na ca ca'a se casnu 03:30 < Ilmen> .i mi kanpe lo nu su'o so'e lo pavmei selbri cu curmi lo plurale sumti do'e lo ra velski 03:31 < autstralopitrku> ie 03:31 < Ilmen> .i mu'a zo pavmei cu na curmi lo plurale .i lo ri velski cu tolcru 03:31 < autstralopitrku> .i va'o lo nu la Pa Broda na dunli lo .olkai zo'u ma formale je cu velcki la Pa Broda 03:31 < Ilmen> s/ri/vo'a 03:31 < phenny> Ilmen meant to say: .i mu'a zo pavmei cu na curmi lo plurale .i lo vo'a velski cu tolcru 03:31 < mindszenty> I am beginning to tinker with lojban type system(s). For now, I am trying very simple duck-typing/contract system. So {sy cu selbri} means just that - {sy} has type of a predicate; {sy cu selbri fi lo prenu ce'oi lo bende} means it is typed as a predicate between a person type and a team type - sort of sy :: Person -> Team 03:33 < Ilmen> I've never understood why ce'o wasn't okay for bridi3 03:34 < _mukti_> lojban seems to have a limited form of type inference, with compiler warnings when inferring an abstraction from a non-abstraction 03:34 < Ilmen> also you may be interested by {zilbri} 03:34 < mindszenty> Because one of predicate in question might be sequence in itself 03:35 < Ilmen> mindszenty: Just make a sequence of sequence 03:35 < Ilmen> %) 03:36 < mindszenty> So {sy cu selbri fi lo prenu ce'o lo bende} might be interpreted as "sy is unary predicate with x1 being sequence of person and team" :) 03:36 < Ilmen> if bridi-1 is a sequence, then it'll look into the sequence slots for the predicate arguments 03:37 < akmnlrse> ta'o ru'e zo'u xu fadni te tugni fa lo du'u zo joi mu'a na kodmutativa 03:37 < Ilmen> and it'll probably reject non-sequence bridi-1 03:37 < akmnlrse> A joi B joi C -> [A B C], A joi B joi bo C -> [A [B C]] mu'a 03:37 < Ilmen> er, bridi-3 03:37 < Ilmen> en: bridi 03:37 < mensi> bridi = x1 (du'u) is a predicate relationship with relation x2 among arguments (sequence/set) x3. |>>> Also: x3 are 03:37 < mensi> related by relation x2 (= terbri for reordered places). (x3 is a set completely specified); See also sumti, fancu. |>>> 03:37 < mensi> officialdata 03:38 < Ilmen> if selbri1 is an unary predicate, you may want {vu'i} for selbri3 03:39 < Ilmen> mi sipna ----> lo du'u mi sipna cu bridi lo ka sipna ku vu'i mi 03:40 < Ilmen> mi ti citka ---> lo du'u mi ti citka cu bridi lo si'o citka ku mi ce'o ti 03:40 < Ilmen> pei 03:41 < mindszenty> Remind me, please, a word for predicates between just bridi x2 and x3 03:41 < Ilmen> zilbri? 03:41 < _mukti_> ua lo se bridi cu sidbo 03:42 < Ilmen> _mukti_: well maybe I misuse si'o 03:42 < _mukti_> But maybe you don't. I've never been entirely comfortable with {si'o}. That seems like a good use to me, however. 03:42 < Ilmen> I'm not sure what si'o means, I sometimes use it as a ka with every sumti slot filled with ce'u 03:42 < autstralopitrku> go'i ra'o 03:42 < mindszenty> Yes, {zilbri}. {selbr} is sligtly unwieldy because of places rearrangement ) 03:43 < ctefa`o> le prenu cu tolcanci 03:43 < Ilmen> zilbri = x1 (predicate) is satisfied by argument structure x2 (sequence) 03:43 < autstralopitrku> coi la prenus. 03:44 < _mukti_> .i ku'i xu lo se skicu be fo lo ka prenu cu prenu 03:44 < Ilmen> ŭa xu naku do dzotsidypli 03:44 < ctefa`o> Actually that was probably wrong le-usage 03:44 < ctefa`o> Or not 03:44 < ctefa`o> Not used to it yet 03:45 < mindszenty> {vu'i}, as defined now, has vague order, so it is not very useful as a sequence constructor 03:45 < autstralopitrku> lenu pilno zo le cu gasnu lenu mi tavla zo'e zo'e la lojban. po'u le tolci'o 03:45 < Ilmen> mindszenty: I'd use vu'i/lu'i for constructing an unary sequence 03:45 < ctefa`o> .i lo prenu cu klama .i le prenu cu cidja 03:45 < _mukti_> .u'i 03:45 < ctefa`o> That's more like it 03:46 < Ilmen> lo ka prenu cu mulno lo ka nonseljmi mi 03:46 < ctefa`o> But yeah I could have used ri there, sure 03:46 < Ilmen> zo'o ru'e .u'i 03:46 < _mukti_> pe'i zo laldo cu mapti 03:46 < _mukti_> ju'o cu'i logbo ji lojbo 03:47 < _mukti_> Wait, that's not the connective question 03:47 < Ilmen> mindszenty: I guess an unary sequence is identical to an unary set 03:47 < ctefa`o> Natlang "A"/"The" is *vague* 03:47 < ctefa`o> And yet it works 03:48 < ctefa`o> The broda is just some referent of an A broda 03:48 < _mukti_> Hmm, but a lot of things "work" if you're not interested in the messy details 03:48 < ctefa`o> Yeah 03:49 < ctefa`o> But if I start a sentence with "The cat eats food" it feels a bit weird eh 03:49 < mindszenty> Ah, I understand now. So {sy cu zilbri by ce'o cy} is a binary predicate between by and cy, and {sy cu zilbri vu'i by} is an unary one with x1 :: by? 03:49 < Ilmen> Yes 03:49 < _mukti_> .i xu lo mlatu cu xagji 03:50 < ctefa`o> (Also I would heavily recommend no'u/po'u, iirc people don't seem to use it that much) 03:51 < ctefa`o> lo no'u ti djacu 03:52 < Ilmen> en: tersumei 03:52 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 03:52 < Ilmen> en: tersu'imei 03:52 < mensi> tersu'imei [< te sumti mei ≈ 3rd conversion argument cardinal selbri] = x1 (property/relation) is x2-ary/-adic |>>> 03:52 < mensi> Ilmen 03:52 < mindszenty> Ilmen, I agree, that seems clearer 03:52 < Ilmen> ti ji'a ka'e plixau do doi la'oi mindszenty 03:53 < ctefa`o> So if we use "le" there has to be a previous "lo" for it to glork properly 03:53 < Ilmen> Sure, {le broda} is a subset of {lo broda}, as far as I can tell 03:54 < ctefa`o> iep 03:54 < _mukti_> lo po'u mi cusku cu cusku 03:55 < ctefa`o> ...i guess you could do that 03:55 < ctefa`o> Wow I kinda understand natlang A/The better now 03:57 < Ilmen> "A cat" is often {su'o mlatu} 03:57 < Ilmen> I think 03:57 < ctefa`o> Starting a book with "The dragon flew ahead" would only be really *ok* if it is referred to as "A dragon" later on, backwards in time 03:58 < ctefa`o> Well su'o mlatu is still noi 03:58 < ctefa`o> No wait 03:58 < gleki> _mukti_: one can say that everyone should give up on everyone here and be right in 90% of the time. 03:58 < ctefa`o> I kinda skipped the quantifiers for now to integrate the rest properly 03:58 < _mukti_> ? 03:59 < gleki> graph theory, i wonder why she hasnt created a graph of interlinks between gismu that are in notes 03:59 < ctefa`o> does su'o mlatu expand to noi or poi? 04:00 < Ilmen> su'o mlatu = su'o da poi mlatu 04:00 < ctefa`o> There were special rules, forgot which 04:00 < ctefa`o> Right 04:01 < ctefa`o> I don't think that is "A cat" 04:01 < ctefa`o> "A cat" is not a referent 04:01 < ctefa`o> Or something is very broken somewhere 04:01 < autstralopitrku> "There is a cat that..." 04:01 < ctefa`o> Do you *mean* one cat, or a cat? 04:02 < autstralopitrku> "at least one cat" 04:02 < gleki> au_stralo_pi_te_ku 04:02 < gleki> autstralopitrku: drani xu fa di'u 04:02 < autstralopitrku> ba'a nai go'i 04:02 < ctefa`o> Right this needs to be sorted out 04:02 < _mukti_> gleki: Ah, I see, you're responding to my earlier comment when you asked about the API. I'm glad that you keep expecting things, and hope that you understand that not all of us have the resources we'd like to have. 04:02 < gleki> #au_stralo_pi_te_ku 04:02 < ctefa`o> Maybe fixing le will solve the rest too 04:02 < dutchie> "a cat" could be either {su'o mlatu} or {pa mlatu}: "A cat is black" vs "A cat is on the chair" 04:02 < ctefa`o> With sanitized le we got the definite/indefinite we need 04:03 < ctefa`o> But if we put in quantifiers/poi we get "me"! 04:03 < ctefa`o> Actually make that "menre" 04:03 < _mukti_> I'm interested, for example, in a jbovlaste API. But when I find time for lojban, there are other things that I think I might more usefully contribute to. 04:03 < ctefa`o> I am going to use "menre" as a synonym for old-me from now on 04:03 < gleki> i can only suggest that {le} is expanded into {da xirau poi} but that's probably too early since {da xi rau} isn't formalized. anyway, its main usage should be as in past i.e. anaphorically IMO 04:04 < gleki> _mukti_: i lost interest in jvs long ago when it became no longer printable due to kurtyvla 04:04 < ctefa`o> gleki, natlangs allow forward-referention too 04:05 < ctefa`o> Will write a simple saga to illustrate this 04:05 < ctefa`o> If natlangs support it then we can bloody well too 04:05 < gleki> ctefa`o: yeah, sure feel free to refer to my page on {le} 04:05 < Ilmen> di'e/go'o/rixini'upa 04:05 < _mukti_> That might be an interesting feature... Printable dictionary with no definitions longer than THRESHOLD 04:06 < gleki> _mukti_: for JVS 1.5 i want only API and tags as a new field. the rest will be done via api, i.e. GUI, accounting etc. 04:06 < gleki> _mukti_: for JVS 2.0 i need relinking definitions to meanings, not to words 04:06 < ctefa`o> I wonder if the special rules depended on pre-xorlo madness 04:07 < gleki> special? 04:07 < ctefa`o> lo expansion 04:07 < gleki> lo expanded into {da poi} at that time 04:07 < ctefa`o> It has special rules for "ro" and "su'o" 04:07 < gleki> oh 04:08 < gleki> where is that in CLL? 04:08 < ctefa`o> Dunno, I go by bpfk definition 04:08 < ctefa`o> (In Subordinators) 04:12 < ctefa`o> I think ro special rule may have been for "not all that exist" 04:12 < ctefa`o> And su'o... Dunno. At least one of something implying existence? 04:12 < ctefa`o> "At least one unicorn is in my garden" 04:14 < Ilmen> PA+da is a counting device, it counts the number of things in the universe of discourse tht satisfies the bridi 04:14 < _mukti_> su'o pa xagji pavyseljirna cu zvati le purdi 04:14 < ctefa`o> Does the universe of discourse include imagination? 04:14 < Ilmen> ci da mlatu ---> the universe of discourse contains exactly three cats 04:15 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: Yes, it can 04:15 < ctefa`o> (Cause imagination should pe'i be bound to da'i and xanri only) 04:15 < Ilmen> su'o nu mi sipna cu fasnu --- there exists at least one event of me sleeping that happens 04:16 < gleki> when {da'i} is absent nothing says that you are in the real world 04:16 < autstralopitrku> "lo lisri zo'u re da drakono" 04:16 < ctefa`o> Some seem to confuse factuality with assertion 04:16 < gleki> {da'inai}, not the lack of attitudinals refers to the real world 04:16 < Ilmen> ctefaho: One can assert things about an imaginary words (such as a fiction...) 04:16 < ctefa`o> and think that abstractions/expression types would somehow not assert a claim 04:16 < Ilmen> *world 04:16 < ctefa`o> Yeah 04:17 < _mukti_> lo ro pavyseljirna cu melbi .i je ro lo pavyseljirna cu melbi .i je na ku ro lo pavyseljirna cu melbi 04:17 < ctefa`o> gleki: Yeah. da'inai to "switch on" factuality-mode only 04:18 < autstralopitrku> ro pavyseljirna ge melbi gi na melbi 04:18 < _mukti_> li'a 04:18 < ctefa`o> But everyone agrees that a NA is integral to any bridi, right? That {.i mi klama} is *identical* to {.i mi ja'a klama}? 04:19 < autstralopitrku> identical, except for emphasis and GOhA weirdness 04:19 < ctefa`o> pe'i Lojban only ever does emphasis via ba'e 04:20 < ctefa`o> {.i mi ba'e ja'a klama} only 04:21 < _mukti_> .i zo kau zo'u pei 04:21 < gleki> that's a different emphasis. 04:21 < ctefa`o> If we have an emphasis marker people should ba'e really use it. 04:22 < _mukti_> .i mi basna .i zu'u nai mi ba'e basna 04:22 < autstralopitrku> {mi djuno lo du'u do djuno lo du'u xo kau da klama} -> xu mi djuno lo du'u ma kau jai se jinvi do fai lo ka se memkai lo klama? 04:23 < ctefa`o> Well true 04:23 < ctefa`o> basna <-> ba'e 04:23 < ctefa`o> I meant using ba'e instead of word order or adding extra specifiers or anything like that 04:24 < ctefa`o> Haven't looked into kau yet 04:24 < ctefa`o> I literslly just gave you a sanitized le! Enjoy! 04:25 < ctefa`o> ---> le/The is just a "tag" that says something is a referent to an "A" 04:25 < ctefa`o> ./lo 04:26 < _mukti_> Hmm. I'm not sure it's a good idea, or even possible, to overlook the power of order to emphasize. 04:26 < _mukti_> In some ways I see {ba'e} as checking or providing an alternative to the emphasis that is implicit in ordering. 04:26 < ctefa`o> I don't read emphasis from anything but ba'e 04:27 < ctefa`o> Word order is prose 04:27 < ctefa`o> If that is the right word 04:28 < _mukti_> So for you, there is no difference in emphasis in {mi prami do} and {do se prami mi} 04:28 < ctefa`o> None whatsoever 04:28 < ctefa`o> prami fa mi do 04:28 < ctefa`o> mi prami di 04:28 < autstralopitrku> .y ue 04:28 < ctefa`o> si do 04:29 < ctefa`o> You just put it in different words for me 04:29 < ctefa`o> No emphasis 04:29 < ctefa`o> However 04:29 < ctefa`o> .i mi do prami 04:30 < ctefa`o> .i prami fa mi do 04:30 < ctefa`o> .i mi prami do 04:30 < gleki> btw, i think that {zi'o} might be very similar to anticausative voice. 04:30 < ctefa`o> Keep in mind language, speech and thought are sequential 04:30 < ctefa`o> lo nu binxo *would* have been a great example of this 04:31 < ctefa`o> But xorxes kinda missed it when, I presume, he translated from English 04:31 < ctefa`o> Or didn't consider it important 04:32 < ctefa`o> Original is something like 04:32 < ctefa`o> "Gregor Samsa woke up one day to find that he a giant insect had become" 04:32 < ctefa`o> become/Verwandlung 04:33 < ctefa`o> If you move the "become" around it gives different effects but that is not emphasis 04:33 < ctefa`o> It guides the "mental picture" you get 04:34 < _mukti_> Well, I can't speak to the effect in German, but when I use a different word order in English, especially if I deviate from expected word order, my interlocutors are likely to perceive emphasis. 04:35 < _mukti_> If I say "You I love", it means something different from "I love you" by way of emphasis. 04:35 < ctefa`o> That I think also depends on how you say it 04:35 < ctefa`o> Tone etc 04:35 < ctefa`o> Try saying it differently to yourself 04:35 < mindszenty> That's just natlang feature. I am not sure if it applies to lojban, and ctefa`o opines that it does not. 04:35 < ctefa`o> Remove any tone or things like that 04:36 < autstralopitrku> This might be not exactly emphasis but topic marking 04:36 < _mukti_> That's a possibility. 04:36 < autstralopitrku> (which is what putting something in x1 seems to do, though not as strongly as zo'u) 04:36 < _mukti_> do zo'u mi prami 04:37 < gleki> closer to bi'u} 04:37 < mindszenty> lojban has explicit means for emphasis, topic-comment strucure, etc, and tends to avoid implicit meaning, and if there _is_ implicit meaning, it is most often "neutral" or "undefined". 04:37 < ctefa`o> To me "I love you" and "You I love" are the same unless I put natlang "tone" emphasis in 04:37 < ctefa`o> I LOVE you 04:38 < ctefa`o> But that's ba'e 04:38 < _mukti_> In any case, I'm not sure that the power of ordering to indicate significance is limited to natlang. 04:39 < ctefa`o> ba'eeeeeee 04:39 < ctefa`o> Just use ba'e and we shall all be happy 04:39 < mindszenty> I am not saying it is limited to natlang - but lojban grammar, afaik, doesn't define semantics of word order (or tone, for that matter). 04:39 < ctefa`o> Or everyone will use word order to indicate their natlang-specific emphasis 04:39 < _mukti_> Take the case of a ponderously long sentence. Your attention may fail before you reach the end of the sentence. Whether my intention was to emphasize what came before or not, the result is similar. 04:40 < ctefa`o> Emphasis is also that one particular word is used instead of another 04:40 < ctefa`o> Or construct or sentence 04:41 < _mukti_> When we're talking about emphasis, are we still in the domain of semantics? Or have we moved on to something like rhetoric? 04:41 < mindszenty> _mukti_: That is what I just thought 04:41 < ctefa`o> Well, I just want to say that word order is style, nothing else 04:42 < ctefa`o> It is mostly important for connectives 04:42 < mindszenty> Maybe emphasis _can_ be language grammar feature, but in case of lojban, the only grammatic mean of emphasis is {ba'e}, and everything other is rhetoric? 04:42 < ctefa`o> mi cu prami do je cu viska 04:42 < ctefa`o> mi do cu prami je cu viska 04:43 < ctefa`o> do'e zo'e cu prami fa mi do je cu viska 04:44 < _mukti_> mindszenty: That seems valid. 04:44 < ctefa`o> Do you consider putting "had become" at the end of the sentence rhetoric? 04:44 < ctefa`o> mindszenty: Hmm I guess so 04:44 < ctefa`o> mindszenty: Hmm I guess so 04:45 < ctefa`o> internets++ 04:45 < _mukti_> Well, in the case of German, I understand that there are particular rules for locating verbs at the end of utterances. 04:45 < ctefa`o> you put ver- in front of them 04:45 < ctefa`o> More or less 04:46 < autstralopitrku> huh? 04:46 < ctefa`o> You put ver- as a prefix on the verbs 04:46 < _mukti_> ich habe nur ein bischen deutsch gelernt 04:46 < ctefa`o> iirc 04:46 < ctefa`o> ge 04:46 < ctefa`o> Ge it was 04:46 < ctefa`o> Some verbs ver 04:46 < dutchie> any verb that isn't the main verb goes at the end in german 04:46 < ctefa`o> Dunno I don't speak german tbh 04:47 < dutchie> so also infinitives that are associated with modals e.g. ich muss mein Auto finden 04:47 < dutchie> mostly infinitives and participles in compound tenses 04:47 < mindszenty> ctefa`o: In lojban translation, yes. In German original, I am not sure - I do not know how German word order is working. But in English translation, I guess it would be deviation from grammatically default word order - that is, inversion - and maybe in this case it could be considered a grammatical way of emphasis. 04:47 < mindszenty> Though I am not sure. 04:48 < ctefa`o> The point is the author there used that construct for more dramatic "effect" 04:48 < ctefa`o> He puts a lot of significant verbs at end of sentences 04:48 < dutchie> well, i would say he took advantage of german's rules 04:48 < ctefa`o> iep 04:49 < dutchie> my german is a bit rusty, but i'm pretty sure verb placement is quite rigid 04:49 < ctefa`o> But as I showed you *can* do that in English too 04:49 < dutchie> other words/clauses you can move around, but main verb is always second, and other verbs go last in a kind of LIFO order 04:50 < autstralopitrku> nice, the German Wikipedia doesn't mention the verb placement, which is ba'a nai given a paragraph in the English one 04:51 < _mukti_> «Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt.» 04:51 < ctefa`o> The *point* was that it created special dramatic effecrs, but there is no emphasis and it means the same 04:51 < ctefa`o> verwandelt 04:51 < ctefa`o> Yeah 04:51 < mindszenty> In Russian, word order is more free, but it would be still very unusual to place the verb at the very end of this sentence. And that's why I am not sure if we can draw grammar/rhetoric distinction here. 04:51 < ctefa`o> One first thinks he found a big insect in the bed 04:51 < ctefa`o> Then we learn he has become one! 04:53 < ctefa`o> pe'i Lojban word order should be consideres style and nothing else 04:53 < ctefa`o> considered* 04:56 < ctefa`o> That's my word on the word order:) 04:57 < _mukti_> Hmm. This is interesting. 04:57 < _mukti_> http://www.lojban.org/static/publications/brochures/lojex.txt 04:57 < _mukti_> Discussing inversion of {vecnu}: "The effect is similar to what in English is called 'passive voice'." 04:57 < _mukti_> Also appears in CLL 2.7 04:58 < ctefa`o> ...also realized we should probably be putting a lot more ba'e in translations 04:58 < ctefa`o> Or nuances will get lost 04:58 < gleki> SE is not passive voice. 04:59 < _mukti_> gleki: Is CLL not saying that inversion has an effect similar to the passive voice? 04:59 < ctefa`o> I don't think I saw one ba'e in lo nu binxo or le cmalu noltru 04:59 * ctefa`o thinks 04:59 < ctefa`o> That title still works with my le, phew 05:00 < gleki> _mukti_: it's just a misusage of linguistic terms. CLL is pretty bad at linguistic terms in general 05:00 < ctefa`o> Maaaaaalgliiiiiiii (?) 05:00 < _mukti_> Well, that has often been observed. But let's set aside the particulars of the term "passive voice". CLL is asserting that inversion has an effect. 05:01 < gleki> not malgli of lojban but malgli-zation of CLL English. 05:01 < ctefa`o> je'e 05:01 < gleki> _mukti_: what effect? 05:02 < _mukti_> gleki: Well, that's a good follow up question. You seem to reject the idea that it is like the "passive voice", at least if that term is properly used. 05:02 < gleki> passive voice is rather {jai ri'i} or {li'i ce'u} 05:03 < gleki> although again since linguistcs cant agree on what it means i wont adapt lojban to broken theories 05:03 < autstralopitrku> (se li'i?) 05:03 < gleki> *linguists 05:03 < gleki> yes, se li'i 05:03 < ctefa`o> gleki: also, your version of le you showed me before, how restrictive was it? 05:03 < gleki> ctefa`o: isnt the page enough? 05:04 < ctefa`o> I don't have a link to it on my phone and forgot what article it was 05:04 < ctefa`o> si page 05:04 < autstralopitrku> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Particle_"le"_for_anaphora,_cataphora,_exophora 05:04 < ctefa`o> ki'e 05:05 < gleki> the word "restritive" doesnt say anything to me except when we talk about NOI 05:05 < ctefa`o> Ehm broken link? 05:05 < ctefa`o> Ah nvm 05:06 < gleki> i tried to rename that page but could invent a way to properly quote lojbanic words in titles. 05:06 < gleki> {} dont work since those are special symbols. 05:06 < gleki> "" are escaped in URLs 05:06 < gleki> no, they are not 05:07 < gleki> '' are escaped. 05:07 < _mukti_> Jordan Delong (2002, mriste): "Varied word order will make people pay attention to different aspects of your sentence, but it doesn't allow for saying the same sentence with different emphasis" 05:08 < _mukti_> So there seems to be a history of making some distinction between the kind of emphasis indicated by {ba'e} and the act of calling attention to some aspect of speech 05:09 < ctefa`o> Hmm I seems menre-le does at least not restrict your le 05:09 < _mukti_> (I'm not clear on the nature of that distinction, however.) 05:09 < ctefa`o> ... 05:09 < ctefa`o> Precent 05:09 < ctefa`o> Whatever 05:10 < ctefa`o> phone-- 05:11 < autstralopitrku> gleki: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words#DISPLAYTITLE 05:11 < autstralopitrku> xu banzuka 05:13 < ctefa`o> gleki: What would you expand your le-construct into? 05:13 < ctefa`o> I really agree with the idea of "semantic" backtracking now that I think about it 05:14 < gleki> ctefa`o: for now i'll pretend that only a parser can deal with it, so from the viewpoint of the parser it's a primitive with its own special function finding referenced by {le} constructs. 05:15 < ctefa`o> Would my definition at least allow for your le? The rules could be seen as conventions. 05:16 < ctefa`o> They don't seem to conflict. As for quantifiers, dunno yet 05:17 < ctefa`o> menre is really the only thing we need 05:17 < gleki> i forgot your definition. {zo'e poi}? 05:18 < _mukti_> srera to mi mutce lo ka xenru toi fa mi 05:18 < ctefa`o> {le broda} {zo'e poi broda} {zo'e cu menre zo'e je cu broda} 05:20 < gleki> no, rather {da* poi broda} if that matters although one needs to reconstruct references of {da*} to other parts of UD to parse it semantically 05:20 < gleki> and since no tool can do that atm, just think that {le} can't be decomposed. 05:21 < ctefa`o> Why do you want to put "da" in there? 05:21 < gleki> because it's about UD 05:21 < _mukti_> Is there a cmavo to make a UI sticky? 05:22 < gleki> {le mlatu cu nerkla}, {da poi mlatu cu nerkla} = There is a cat that enters. 05:22 < ctefa`o> Why not just do "da poi broda" in the first place then? 05:23 < gleki> because {le} operates semantically as well, it understands that {lo mlatu bi'ai danlu} thus you can reference a cat as {le danlu} 05:23 < gleki> mudri: sticky to what? 05:24 < _mukti_> Like {ki} does for tenses 05:24 < gleki> oops 05:24 < _mukti_> .i ta'o mi na me la mudri 05:24 < gleki> mudri: u'u ju'inai 05:24 < mudri> .u'i 05:24 < _mukti_> .u'i 05:24 < gleki> _mukti_: using {i ui mo ije mo} 05:25 < _mukti_> IT'S A GOOD THING WE CAN'T MAKE BA'E STICKY. 05:26 < autstralopitrku> FUhE BIhA KO TINJUhI LO CLADU JE ME MI MOI :I BRODA BRODA BRODA BRODA :I XU XAhO TATPI fu'o 05:26 < gleki> not fu'e i suppose? 05:27 < _mukti_> There it is. 05:27 < gleki> zo tu'e pei 05:27 < autstralopitrku> pe'i pei lo zo fu'e stura na bi'ai kuspe su'e pa jufra 05:27 < ctefa`o> Hmm well from what I understand putting da in le isn't really needed. But then I need to read that article. And fix the subordinator hacks. 05:27 < _mukti_> I didn't know bi'a. 05:27 < _mukti_> Horrors. 05:27 < gleki> because it's exp. 05:27 < _mukti_> ua 05:28 < _mukti_> bi'a = postfix ba'e ? 05:28 < autstralopitrku> ba'e except in UI 05:28 < gleki> gleki looked at the table of cmavo and noticed that zi'a/bi'a were not filled. how interesting, he thought, that za'e and ba'e are so weird so why not copy them 05:29 < _mukti_> gleki should always narrate in the third person. 05:29 < gleki> There was once a Lojbanist Kuai Le who worked on the king Wu... 05:30 < gleki> and he wondered how to translate "Wu" to Lojban ... 05:32 < autstralopitrku> xu finti la'au .u noi bangu vau se ba'i ku 05:32 < gleki> u'i 05:33 < gleki> i je'u ky ne naku pu finti la'oi u noi bangu 05:34 < autstralopitrku> "xu lo gerku cu se jinzi lo budjo" ".i lo gerku goi na ku cu go'i" 05:36 < gleki> zo na'i mapti 05:36 < autstralopitrku> li'a 05:36 < gleki> i tordu zmadu 05:36 < gleki> en: australo 05:36 < gleki> la vrici na vrici 05:37 < gleki> i stodi 05:37 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 05:39 * nuzba @uitki: sandbox - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/sandbox by Cirko [http://bit.ly/1BCZmhY] 05:40 < autstralopitrku> cmanysno 05:40 < autstralopitrku> .i stika pu zu lo cacra xadba 05:40 < gleki> brasmani i braremna zo'o 05:41 < gleki> nuzba should inform us of JVS news 05:42 < gleki> ctefa`o: i think your be'ei is just seva'u or xau 05:42 < autstralopitrku> ie .i ji'a .ei gau la su'o da lo JVS me'oi diff cu se vreji 05:42 < gleki> ja'o le brasmani cu du sy 05:43 < autstralopitrku> zo be'ei zo'u lo se benre na bi'ai xamgu lo benre .i ja'o zmasmi lo'u te zu'e tu'a le'u 05:49 < gleki> en: benre 05:49 < mensi> benre = x1 is the benefactor of x2 (event/action), x2 is done for x1 |>>> A benefactor is someone or something for which 05:49 < mensi> something is done, and this relation may be either beneficial or disadvantageous. Consider "I poisoned the cake for him" 05:49 < mensi> vs "I baked a cake for him" ("for him to eat" would be a purpose). See also kosmu |>>> 05:49 < mensi> ctefaho 05:50 < gleki> lo'u te zu'e tu'a le'u pei 05:54 < durka42> .w benefactor 05:54 < mensi> durka42: cu'u la'o gy.oewtxwpnc.gy.: JUhI NAI UhU | 2015-06-25T08:13:52.715Z 05:54 < phenny> "Benefactor (law) for a person whose actions benefit another" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benefactor 05:54 < durka42> this word benefactor 05:54 < durka42> I do not think it means what you think it means 05:55 < ctefa`o> I may be using the word wrong then 05:57 < ctefaho> yes ctefa`o 05:57 < ctefaho> "beneficiary" is obviously the right word 05:57 < durka42> yes that's it 05:57 < durka42> except "beneficiary" implies zabna 05:58 < ctefaho> not in this sense 05:59 < ctefaho> need another word still 05:59 < durka42> it seems like {benre} == {jai kosmu}? 05:59 < ctefaho> yes 06:01 * durka42 wonders if we really need two words if they are so closely related by {jai} 06:01 < ctefaho> maybe not 06:03 < ctefaho> I will find the perfect english word/description for it later mkay 06:12 * gleki he will find the perfect english zo'o 06:13 < zipcpi> Eh? 06:20 < dutchie> zipcpi: disagreement over... 06:20 < dutchie> en: benre 06:20 < mensi> benre = x1 is the benefactor of x2 (event/action), x2 is done for x1 |>>> A benefactor is someone or something for which 06:20 < mensi> something is done, and this relation may be either beneficial or disadvantageous. Consider "I poisoned the cake for him" 06:20 < mensi> vs "I baked a cake for him" ("for him to eat" would be a purpose). See also kosmu |>>> 06:20 < mensi> ctefaho 06:20 < zipcpi> Yeah I changed the definition 06:20 < zipcpi> From "benefactor" to "beneficiary 06:21 < durka42> that's a start 06:21 < zipcpi> And more specifically, "intended recipient" 06:22 < zipcpi> And since it is the "intended recepient" I think an x3 place is justified 06:22 < zipcpi> Cause it has to be the intention of someone 06:23 < ctefaho> sure go and add an x3 06:23 * zipcpi nods 06:23 < durka42> lo ka ce ce ce benre cu ka ce ce ce jai kosmu 06:23 < ctefaho> and make a new dunda or wtf it will become 06:23 < ctefaho> also zipcpi 06:23 < ctefaho> I fixed le for you 06:23 < zipcpi> ? 06:23 < ctefaho> lo broda - zo'e cu broda 06:23 < ctefaho> le broda - zo'e cu broda je cu menre zo'e 06:23 < ctefaho> enjoy 06:24 < durka42> .u'i wat 06:24 < zipcpi> I don't get it 06:24 * durka42 is late for a tautology club meeting, co'o 06:24 < zipcpi> Oh is that your new definition for {itca}? 06:25 < gleki> pe'i fa zo'e noi fa ke'a cu co'e fe zo'e cu co'e fe zo'e 06:25 < ctefaho> zipcpi: {le} now works as it should 06:25 < zipcpi> Ah yeah I see what you're trying to get at 06:25 < ctefaho> {me-le*} 06:27 < zipcpi> And it's not exactly a new dunda; {se dunda} is an object 06:27 < zipcpi> So it is good for something 06:27 < zipcpi> "recipient" was just the best word I could find for it 06:28 < zipcpi> Incidentally I'm also bothered by lack of a {te krinu} 06:28 < zipcpi> I think it has even more justification than {te kosmu} 06:28 < zipcpi> Whether {te kosmu} is necessary tends to depend on one's worldview I find 06:31 < zipcpi> But yeah I think durka's assessment is about correct (though I think {te zukte} first better than {kosmu} there) 06:31 < zipcpi> ce'u ce'u ce'u jai te zukte 06:31 < zipcpi> -> ce'u ce'u ce'u benre 06:32 < _mukti_> The first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club. 06:32 < _mukti_> The second rule of tautology club is the second rule of tautology club. 06:34 < zipcpi> ctefaho: zo le zo'u: Yeah thanks for that. Dunno how to prevent it from running into the same problems that {itca} does though 06:37 < zipcpi> Hmm... maybe it's best to define it by it's negatives. My current thinking of {le} is that it = {xe'enai} + {su'anai} 06:37 < ctefaho> zipcpi, as for your drama example, it works just fine there 06:37 < ctefaho> it is even kinda compatible backwards too 06:37 < durka42> sorry I'm really thick, but what does "zo'e menre zo'e" add to anything 06:38 < zipcpi> Some particular members of a set 06:38 < ctefaho> that something is a referent of something? 06:38 < zipcpi> Hmm... somethings among somethings 06:38 < durka42> ohh it's a different zo'e 06:38 < durka42> ok 06:38 < zipcpi> Ah yeah... have to be careful about zo'e there; it's not sticky 06:40 < zipcpi> OK, le is neither {xe'e} nor {su'a}; {xe'e} is really new and disputed, but my intension is that {ko dunda mi rexe'e plise} = "Give me any two apples". I am referring to the set of "apples", and I want two of them, but I don't care which two 06:40 < zipcpi> So xe'enai on the other hand means I very much care about the specific referents 06:41 < zipcpi> {su'a} means generalization; hence {le} signals that you aren't generalizing 06:41 < ctefaho> sorry I am really thick 06:41 < ctefaho> Definition: x1 is/are among the referent(s) of x2 06:41 < ctefaho> where is the *set only* tag? 06:42 < zipcpi> I'm not the one who defined it; their desire is to make a brivla out of {me}; but its official definition has been changed 06:42 < durka42> it's not a set... 06:42 < durka42> who needs a set 06:42 < zipcpi> lol 06:43 < zipcpi> Well in my opinion {lo re plise} is a set of two apples *shrugs*; dunno how people would feel about that vs old-lo'i though 06:44 < durka42> the trouble is {lo re plise cu xunre}, but some people will say that a "set" isn't red 06:44 < zipcpi> Right 06:44 < zipcpi> We might need a new brivla for mathematical set then 06:44 < zipcpi> If there already isn't one; but I don't know if any existing gismu would have been laicified 06:45 < durka42> well we already have cmima 06:45 < zipcpi> But does {se cmima} always refer to a set? 06:45 < zipcpi> Hmmmmmm 06:46 < autstralopitrku> {lo gunma cu se cmima} isn't unheard of 06:47 < zipcpi> You might still see {me} defined as "specific to referents in aspect x2", but I think that is now considered wrong 06:47 < durka42> {me} means "among" 06:47 * zipcpi nods 06:48 < zipcpi> JVS doesn't say that though 06:49 < gleki> one could at least fix UI scale definitions 06:50 < zipcpi> So that we all use {ne'e} instead? Hrr 06:50 < zipcpi> Part of the problem though is that sometimes there might be more than one way to interpret {to'e broda} 06:50 < gleki> so that scales are moved to notes 06:51 < gleki> like this: 06:51 < gleki> jb: a'u 06:51 < mensi> a'u = a'u [interjection] — Hmm... I wonder ... (interest), a'u cu'i — Ho-hum (disinterest), a'u nai — Eww! Yuck! 06:51 < mensi> (repulsion) 06:51 < mensi> :a'u ro jbopre cu stati prenu — Interesting, all Lojbanists are smart people. 06:51 < mensi> :a'u ma krinu — Hm, what is the reason? 06:51 < mensi> :a'u cu'i do ne ka'ai lo nanla cu se zdani — It's none of my business that you live with a boy. 06:51 < zipcpi> Ah... so that it isn't defined as "happiness - unhappiness"; yeah I can see how it's confusing 06:51 < mensi> :a'u nai do co'a speni lo fange — You married a stranger, it's none of my business, I'd avoid this topic. 06:51 < mensi> :a'u nai iu nai panci fa lo kalci i ai nai mi citka ti — Yuck, that smells like shit! I'm not going to eat this. 06:51 < mensi> :Related words: lo se cinri 06:52 < tsani> .i la'e lu lo jbobau cu mo li'u cu se tirna be mi xamgu ca lo nu sampla 06:52 < gleki> ua 06:53 < gleki> i fau lo nu do cando vau ko na morji doi la tsani fi la vlasisku 06:53 < gleki> sa 06:53 < gleki> i fau lo nu do cando vau ko na na morji doi la tsani fi la vlasisku 06:53 < tsani> ie sai 06:54 < tsani> .i lo drata noi mi ki ca gunka cu simsa be la vlasisku ku mutce .i ja'e bo ba ca lo nu cadbi'o zo'u mi certu ba'a lo ka jai stika V 06:55 < gleki> xu zo ki co'e zo ke'a 06:55 < gleki> i ma bankle 06:55 < zipcpi> ma vlakra zo mlauca 06:56 < gleki> en: mlauca 06:56 < mensi> mlauca = x1 mentions or alludes to x2 while talking to x3 |>>> Compare tavla, casnu, cusku, smusku, larseku |>>> 06:56 < mensi> ahernai 06:56 < gleki> en: larseku 06:56 < mensi> mlauca = x1 mentions or alludes to x2 while talking to x3 06:56 < gleki> jbo: larseku 06:56 < mensi> larseku = x1 prosa ja pemci ja skina ja draci x2 x3 x4 .i va'i x1 larselsku x3 noi se pi'o vo'a tavla x4 x2 zi'o ku'o x4 06:56 < mensi> |>>> prosa pemci skina draci larselsku |>>> zozeizeizeizeifaho 06:57 < gleki> ua 06:57 < zipcpi> larseku = "creative/artistic literature"? 06:58 < tsani> .i ru'a zo larseku se krasi lu larcu se cusku li'u 06:58 < zipcpi> Well, as far as movies might be described as literature. I don't really have a problem with that but some might :p 06:58 < gleki> no idea but it looks like a generalisation of one really existing semantic class in gimste 06:58 < gleki> which i marked as LISRI 06:59 < gleki> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/larseku 06:59 < zipcpi> Oh, you're working on frames? 06:59 < gleki> oh my no longer "word not found in the db"! 06:59 < ctefaho> zipcpi: but let's test this with your example 06:59 < gleki> zipcpi: this is one of very few frames in gimste that are obvious 07:00 < gleki> i havent worked on frames.it was just glaring 07:00 < zipcpi> Right 07:01 < ctefaho> {coi} {coi .i xu do nelci le draci} {nago'i uinai} {ue .i xunai do nelci lo draci} {go'i} {je'e} 07:02 < ctefaho> seems like we do still lo'e and le'e 07:02 < ctefaho> do still need* 07:02 < zipcpi> ctefaho: I'm not sure it solves the {itca}/{toly'itca} problem. {rexe'e plise} is still among the ... "set" of all apples; it's just that the differences between apples aren't important to me there, while is {le re plise}, I care about exactly which apples I refer to 07:03 < zipcpi> *while in 07:03 < ctefaho> I am thinking of 07:03 < ctefaho> lo'e broda - lo cnano noi broda 07:03 < ctefaho> le'e broda - le cnano poi broda 07:03 < ctefaho> or lo cnano poi broda 07:04 < ctefaho> probably the latter 07:04 * ctefaho to the BPFK-mobile 07:06 < zipcpi> So really {le broda} = {lo broda poi itca lo ro broda}; question is how to define {itca} 07:06 < ctefaho> why are you sticking itca in there 07:06 < ctefaho> shoo shoo 07:06 < zipcpi> Because {me} isn't specific enough 07:07 < ctefaho> menre is fine 07:07 < zipcpi> But it says nothing about specificity/non-speciificity 07:08 < zipcpi> Both "the two apples" and "any two apples" are still {me lo ro plise} 07:08 < ctefaho> le is a referent to a lo 07:08 < zipcpi> Or {menre lo ro plise} 07:08 < ctefaho> that's all we need 07:09 < zipcpi> Nah, I'm beginning to think that is a tautology 07:09 < ctefaho> just let me fix lo'e and le'e too and everyone will be happy 07:10 < zipcpi> re xe'e me ko'a 07:11 < zipcpi> Any two referents of ko'a 07:11 < ctefaho> how do you stick a ko'a in a le? 07:11 < zipcpi> lo me ko'a / le me ko'a 07:11 < zipcpi> Even lo'e me ko'a 07:12 < zipcpi> {me} is like the opposite of a gadri; it turns a sumti back into a selbri 07:13 < zipcpi> Glossed as "among"; says nothing about specificity 07:13 < ctefaho> exactly 07:13 < ctefaho> the specificity comes from choosing lo or le 07:13 < ctefaho> a le can only refer to a lo 07:13 < zipcpi> So lo me lo broda = lo broda; doesn't add any semantic content 07:14 < ctefaho> no that is not how it expands 07:14 < zipcpi> Can only refer to a lo? What does that even mean? {lo} can mean all those four things I listed 07:14 < zipcpi> So how does your {le} solve that problem? 07:15 < ctefaho> {lo me lo broda} {zo'e cu menre zo'e noi broda} 07:15 < zipcpi> Something that's among those that broda; but that is already what {lo} means; says nothing about specificity 07:15 < ctefaho> it means a le has to be bound to something 07:15 < ctefaho> and that zo'e, we get from context 07:16 < ctefaho> looking at something similar that is a lo/cu 07:16 < ctefaho> or just lo 07:16 < ctefaho> no rules yet 07:16 < ctefaho> and wtf, le'e 07:16 < ctefaho> that one's hard 07:17 < zipcpi> Yeah I don't even know how {le'e} is useful here 07:20 < ctefaho> well lo'e and le'e can be anything we define them to be, technically 07:20 < zipcpi> I completely redefined {le'e} in my system 07:20 < zipcpi> {lo'e} as far as I know I'm merely trying to formalize, by having it generate a virtual copy of the generalized set 07:21 < zipcpi> *virtual member of the generalized set 07:21 < zipcpi> And doesn't conflict with the BPFK usage examples 07:22 < zipcpi> Under gadganzu {le'e} is just short for {lo/le bi'unai} 07:22 <@xalbo> I still contend that your {lo'i} is very, very close to CLL {le'e}, and that you made a bad choice in not re-using {le'e} for that meaning. 07:23 < ctefaho> bpfk le'e and lo'e still make some sense, I just can't formalize it damn it 07:23 < zipcpi> xalbo: Interesting point; but I did remove the part about having two legs 07:24 < zipcpi> As far as I know it's now to be used for talking about definitions or essential characteristics 07:24 < zipcpi> Which divorces it from CLL {le'e} as far as I know 07:24 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: BPFK lo'e broda ---> lo lomkai be lo ka broda (now "lomkai" remains to be exactly defined) 07:24 < Ilmen> (maybe it's just "fadni") 07:25 < ctefaho> you defined lo'e with its rafsi? 07:25 < zipcpi> rafsi are just mnemonics; brivla made with them can have their own definitions 07:25 < Ilmen> ctefaho: yeah, just because a predicate form seems more basic to me 07:25 < ctefaho> ienai 07:25 < zipcpi> Actually I think {lomdza} is better 07:26 < ctefaho> I firmly believe it is something like cnano 07:27 < Ilmen> en: lomkai 07:27 < mensi> lomkai [< lo'e ckaji ≈ The typical feature] = x1 is a typical representative of property x2 |>>> 07:27 < mensi> Ilmen 07:27 < zipcpi> Oh you've already defined it 07:27 < ctefaho> defining it with english "typical representative" doesn't exactly help 07:27 < Ilmen> If anybody has an idea for a lojban-only definition, go ahead 07:27 < ctefaho> I say cnano something 07:28 < ctefaho> {le'e rozgu cu xunre} {lo'e rozgu cu xunre} 07:28 < zipcpi> ctefaho: {lo cnano} still has the problem; is it a specific thing? 07:28 < ctefaho> there is a natlang difference I can't put my finger on 07:28 < ctefaho> lo'e certainly is not ro 07:29 < zipcpi> Ilmen: My current solution for {lo'e} is generating a virtual copy of a typical member of the set of generalization 07:30 <@xalbo> (CLL) I think of {lo'e} as being more objective than {le'e}. That is, {lo'e rozgu cu xunre} is asserting of actual roses in the world that they tend to be red (which, I think, may not actually be true; there may be as many yellow or white ones out there as red). 07:30 <@xalbo> OTOH, {le'e rozgu cu xunre} says that my mental image of "a rose" is red. When I picture roses, I picture them red. 07:31 < zipcpi> OK... then... then neither is suitable for talking about definitions then I suppose 07:31 < ctefaho> xalbo, yeah, sort of 07:32 < ctefaho> le'e does not actually seem to claim all roses? 07:32 < ctefaho> ... 07:32 < ctefaho> does not actually seem to claim roses themselves are red? 07:33 < ctefaho> I think 07:33 < ctefaho> lo'e rozgu 07:33 < ctefaho> lo cnano poi rozgu 07:34 < ctefaho> expansion time! 07:34 <@xalbo> A real-world example is that {le'e lanme cu blabi}, when I picture sheep they're all white. {lo'e lanme cu grusi}: Real sheep out there tend to be gray (or brown, or some white and some all sorts of colors). 07:35 < zipcpi> Hmm... rather tough distinction 07:35 < zipcpi> I mean, I can see it, but seems tough for practical usage 07:35 < ctefaho> {zo'e cu cnano poi rozgu} 07:35 <@xalbo> {le'e djacu} is potable. {lo'e djacu} is in the ocean. 07:36 < ctefaho> sa 07:36 < zipcpi> Thus "my" {lo'e} runs both CLL-le'e and CLL-lo'e together? 07:38 <@xalbo> Sounds like it, yes. 07:39 <@xalbo> (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's a debate to be made that the difference is tangential and unusual, and that it isn't required as part of the gadri system.) 07:39 < zipcpi> Perhaps so 07:47 < ctefaho> lo'e rozgu 07:47 < ctefaho> lo rozgu poi cnano 07:47 < ctefaho> zo'e cu rozgu je cu menre lo rozgu je cu cnano 07:47 < ctefaho> I think that says what we want to 07:48 < ctefaho> or maybe that is what le'e is supposed to be 07:48 < ctefaho> confusing++ 07:50 < ctefaho> or: zo'e cu menre lo rozgu je cu cnano 07:52 <@xalbo> I take it you're using some non-standard definition of {cnano} 07:52 < ctefaho> ehm 07:52 < ctefaho> fadni? 07:53 <@xalbo> Yeah, that's probably better. 07:54 <@xalbo> Really, I'm starting to think that finding an expansion for {lo'e rozgu} is just a wrong idea. That, instead, something like {lo'e rozgu cu xunre} is saying something close to {zilfadni lo ka xunre vau lo'i rozgu} 07:54 <@xalbo> (rather, {zi'o fadni lo ka xunre vau lo'i rozgu} 07:55 < ctefaho> fadni sure is the word 07:56 < zipcpi> {lo'i rozgu} here meaning {lu'i lo rozgu}, I assume 07:56 < zipcpi> Wonder if I should define {setmima} or something 07:57 < ctefaho> I should probably start in the direction 07:57 < ctefaho> and work upwards to lo'e/le'e 07:58 <@xalbo> Yes, that's cll-lo'i 07:58 < zipcpi> xalbo: je'e 07:58 <@xalbo> What would {setmima} mean? 07:58 < zipcpi> Mathematical set 07:58 <@xalbo> So selcmi or zilcmi. 07:59 < zipcpi> zilcmi might be better if we really must make another zil-lujvo 07:59 <@xalbo> .u'u mi se jibri co'e bilga co'o 07:59 < zipcpi> co'o 07:59 <@xalbo> zo zilcmi ze'u valsi 07:59 < zipcpi> Ah 08:03 < zipcpi> Not sure it's the best word for mathematical set though 08:03 < zipcpi> And it's funny; because an x2 for its contents is also useful 08:04 < zipcpi> Which then brings us back to {selcmima}; but as I've pointed out that is too general to mean specifically "set" 08:04 < zipcpi> /{selcmi} 08:06 <@xalbo> Basically, people said "I don't like sets and I don't like that cmima2 is only sets" and then redefined cmima2 to be any groupish thing, and then started to complain that now it's too general and they don't have a way to talk about sets. 08:06 < zipcpi> Meh I think that's fine; gismu should be laic, generally 08:07 < ctefaho> {lo'e rozgu} {zo'e cu fadni je cu menre lo rozgu} 08:07 <@xalbo> {zilcmi} is "x1 is a (mathematical) set". {cmima} is ∈. 08:07 <@xalbo> {selcmi} is ∋. 08:09 < zipcpi> And {lu'i} is more flexible than set-gadri anyway; same can probably be said about masses and {lu'o}, but masses are often shorthanded 08:10 < zipcpi> It's funny though because I'm starting to gain some appreciation for sets now 08:10 < ctefaho> {lo'e rozgu} -> {lo rozgu poi fadni} 08:13 < zipcpi> The technical/laic distinction is also part of what I invented zai'e/zi'ai for, and Curtis invented pe'ai for 08:14 < zipcpi> {setmima} seems really glico though; but the link to {selcmi} is too strong for me to drop it 08:14 <@xalbo> I wonder what other languages use to name the concept of mathematical sets. 08:14 < zipcpi> Chinese: 集合 08:15 < zipcpi> ji2 he2 08:15 < zipcpi> 集 means a collection 08:15 < zipcpi> or assembly 08:16 < zipcpi> Malay just fu'ivla-s from English :p 08:16 < zipcpi> Bahasa Indonesia uses "himpunan" though 08:19 < zipcpi> xalbo: The main problem with {se cmima} is this: {mi cmima la bauspo fazykamni} - is {la bauspo fazykamni} now a set then? 08:20 < zipcpi> That's part of the problem of defining gismu too technically 08:21 <@xalbo> The classic answer is that {do cmima na'i lo bauspo fuzykamni .i do se gunma ri} 08:21 < zipcpi> lol perhaps 08:21 <@xalbo> That's not necessarily the right answer, though. 08:23 * nuzba @recursecenter: At RC, there are chat channels called "ñ" for speaking Spanish, "ão" for speaking Portuguese, and "lojban" for speaking Lojban. [http://bit.ly/1LxrvKD] 08:26 < zipcpi> {cmaci} doesn't even have a short rafsi 08:26 < zipcpi> cmacyzamselcmi 08:27 < ctefaho> xalbo, your stereotypical le'e sheep, do they make any claims about existing sheep at all? 08:28 < ctefaho> I am wondering just how far out le'e should be in its claims 08:31 <@xalbo> I'm suspecting not. {le'e pavyseljirna} is white, beautiful, and easily frightened away by non-virgins. I don't think that's a statement about existing unicorns. 08:32 <@xalbo> But I'm not entirely certain that there isn't a counterargument to be made there. 08:32 < ctefaho> iep 08:32 < zipcpi> By the way I also made unicorns {pavjima}, just because lol 08:33 < ctefaho> I wonder of "fadni" can actually cover that, or if we would need a new "sterotypical" gismu 08:33 <@xalbo> Why the ⟨m⟩? Just resemblence to ⟨rn⟩? 08:33 < zipcpi> xir{ma} 08:34 <@xalbo> je'e 08:35 < ctefaho> and thus, fadnixipa was born 08:35 < ctefaho> fadnixipa "x1 is sterotypical + AS MANY PLACES AS DESIRED* 08:36 < ctefaho> or some tanru 08:36 <@xalbo> fadnixirma: x1 is a stereotypical horse, doing stereotypical horse thing x2 (default: having a single horn, being afraid of non-virgins, making coconut noises when it gallops) 08:37 < zipcpi> u'i 08:37 < ctefaho> or am I just cheating now 08:37 < ctefaho> regardless such a word would be good in the vocab 08:42 < ctefaho> le'e rozgu -> lo rozgu poi fadnixipa 08:42 < durka42> wait what are the other desired places 08:43 < ctefaho> zipcpi will add them I am sure 08:43 < ctefaho> I just want the concept nailed down intoi a word 08:43 < zipcpi> Meh; I'm sticking with {lemkai} 08:43 < ctefaho> "fadni" and "fadnixipa" are really quite different 08:44 < zipcpi> And I'm not too fond of {xipa} actually becoming a zi'evla suffix 08:44 < ctefaho> my god it is just a placeholder until I come up with the gismu! 08:45 < zipcpi> Fine, fine 08:45 * durka42 cu durkaxivore 08:45 < durka42> vlaste: fandi (fapro) 08:45 < vlaste> zo fandi gimkamsmikezypro zo pandi noi catni gismu .i zo fandi gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 08:45 < durka42> .u'i 08:45 < zipcpi> f clashes with p? 08:45 < durka42> yeah 08:46 < durka42> stop vs fricative 08:46 < ctefaho> so, we just need a new gismu and the gadri will be somewhat sanitized 08:47 < ctefaho> we/I/mi 08:48 < ldlework> Just want to say that scoping for indefinite descriptions has never been formalized even outside of lojban so I wouldn't rush into conclusions about them 08:49 < ldlework> There are suggested solutions but nothing everyone agrees upon. 08:49 < ctefaho> well, let's put it like this: try out menre-le/poi-le and see how it feels 08:50 < ctefaho> si works 08:50 < ldlework> le is definite descriptions, so i'm not sure what you're talking about 08:50 * ctefaho blinks 08:50 < ldlework> I'm pretty sure scoping for definite descriptions is fully formalized 08:50 < ctefaho> si sa sa 08:51 < ldlework> I'm referring to lo'e and lo'i 08:51 < ctefaho> ua 08:51 * ctefaho goes back to his cave 08:51 < ldlework> When I read about indefinite descriptions, I never read things like "it takes the sterotypical copy" or whatnot 08:52 < ldlework> In the literature they are not making up referent metaphors because indefinite descriptions are not referring descriptions 08:54 < ldlework> I recommend reading through the standford pages on description theory to read about some of the proposed solutions for indefinite descriptions, of which I think there is about 1 and a half. 08:56 < ldlework> "This analysis, according to Russell, solves the second problem noted above as related to indefinite descriptions. Since the phrase "some dog is annoying" is not a referring expression, according to Russell's theory, it need not refer to a mysterious non-existent entity." 08:57 < durka42> lo mi gerku cu nonseljmi je nalzasti dacti 08:57 < durka42> sa .i ro lo mi gerku cu nonseljmi je nalzasti dacti 08:58 < durka42> ko smadi lo du'u xokau gerku cu se ponse mi 08:59 < ldlework> uat 09:01 < durka42> sei .anci lo dzadza be lo ka gerku jecu se ponse mi cu cmalu sai 09:01 < zipcpi> ldlework: I'm beginning to think there are actually three types of indefinite descriptions. One is generalistic; the other is definitional/essentialistic, and a still other is a non-specific, but concrete, member of a set 09:02 < zipcpi> The third one, I didn't propose a gadri for though 09:02 < ldlework> zipcpi: that's just an 'any' quantification 09:02 < zipcpi> I proposed {xe'e} instead, as a UI 09:05 < ldlework> This is kind of why I wanted to build up a paper on it 09:06 < ldlework> Because it demands going through the available literature to summarize the thinking on indefinite descriptions 09:06 < ldlework> I have even seen very recent whitepapers arguing that indefinite descriptions really are referring descriptions (but not to any cat, like we've been thinking) 09:07 < rutytar> coi ro do 09:08 < ldlework> which was an interesting read I wonder if I can find that one again 09:09 < durka42> referring to Mr. Cat? 09:09 < zipcpi> I'm pretty sure Mr. Cat is a uniquly Lojbanic thing 09:10 < rutytar> this "lojban dictionary with examples" is strange 09:11 < rutytar> "ko smaji ca lo nu mi tavla la Alis fo la Lojban fi lo nu prami — Keep silence when I'm talking to Alice in Lojban about love." 09:11 < rutytar> shouldn't it be "la alis." 09:11 < gleki> rutytar: it's the same 09:11 < gleki> just stylistically different 09:11 < gleki> exp: ko smaji ca lo nu mi tavla la Alis fo la Lojban fi lo nu prami 09:12 < mensi> (ko [CU {smaji <ca (¹lo [nu {mi <CU (²tavla [la alis KU] [fo {la lojban KU}] [fi {lo <nu (³CU [prami VAU]³) KEI> KU}]²) VAU>} KEI] KU¹)> VAU}]) 09:12 < gleki> As you can see parsers accept it 09:12 < rutytar> so the capital letter is specifying the syllable to be emphasized? 09:13 < gleki> it's just stylistical capitalization here. Just spelling. 09:13 < ldlework> zipcpi: I'm fairly certain that is true as well 09:14 < durka42> with the pauses put back in {la .alis.} 09:14 < rutytar> has anyone written any programs to convert between styles? 09:14 < ldlework> if I remember correctly 09:14 < gleki> rutytar: not yet because it's too easy to implement 09:14 < ldlework> the whitepaper arguing that indefinites are referring descriptions, was arguing that indefinites actually refer to -speech acts- 09:15 < durka42> ue 09:15 < ldlework> but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me so I'm not sure if I am remembering correctly 09:15 < rutytar> gleki: wat? you mean bystander effect? 09:15 < zipcpi> I gotta go. See ya 09:15 < zipcpi> co'o 09:15 < ldlework> co'o 09:15 < gleki> rutytar: the two styles are too similar to convert between them 09:16 < rutytar> doesn't that mean they aren't lojbanic? 09:17 < durka42> they are lojbanic in that they are a style of writing lojban? 09:17 < rutytar> what i mean is, you're supposed to be able to understand how to write anything you hear, and understand how to say anything you read 09:18 < rutytar> so if you can't derive {la .alis.} from {la Alis}, doesn't that mean they fail at the law of identity? 09:18 < durka42> well, sure you can 09:18 < durka42> if you say, okay this style is to use capitalization for names, and something else (like accent marks) for accents 09:19 < durka42> it's only a small problem if you can't tell what style the text is written in 09:20 < rutytar> but if i just write {coi la Alison}, how would you know if the emphasis is on the first or second syllable? 09:21 < dutchie> then you are doing a bad job at writing 09:21 < dutchie> cf. text encoding in computers. in principle you have to know what encoding the bytes you have are in 09:21 < dutchie> if you don't know, then whoever gave them to you hasn't told you all you need to know 09:22 < rutytar> is it the speaker's fault when you say "you're right" and people don't know if you're talking about truth or directionality? it seemed like this was precisely the kind of thing lojban was made to avoid 09:23 < rutytar> you could say "(when i say right i mean the direction) you're right", but it's way easier to just use two words for the two kinds of "right" 09:24 < dutchie> you only know where to stress {la .alison.} from (the shared) context (of established lojban orthography) 09:25 < dutchie> if you see the word "carve" on a piece of paper, how do you know whether it's the english verb for chopping something up or the lojban gismu for "pure"? 09:26 < dutchie> there is a fundamental level of context you need to get any meaning from anything 09:26 < ldlework> The bigger observation is that no one is even working on computers that understand lojban. 09:26 < dutchie> lojban requires less than english, but it's not zero 09:26 <@xalbo> Really, the "isomorphism" in audiovisual isomorphism is something of a misnomer. A Lojban orthography is a set of rules that maps from any given character stream to either zero or one sequences of Lojban words, and guarantees that there is at least one character stream that would map to any given sequence of Lojban words. 09:27 <@xalbo> dutchie: You're thinking of {curve}. 09:27 < dutchie> ah, so i am. but the point stands 09:27 < gleki> eh, "audiovisual isomorphism" would probably be better expressed using several words hence we wont have it in JVS 09:28 <@xalbo> The orthography that would capitalize names is incompatible with one that would use capitals for stress marking. But each would represent a valid orthography. 09:28 < rutytar> but without context, how could you distinguish them? 09:30 < rutytar> dutchie: i understand needing an encoding standard at the language level, but it seems like a bad idea to have multiple for the same language. that seems akin to having multiple sounds for the same word 09:30 <@xalbo> Without context, you can't do much of anything. If you see the text ⟨no selbri⟩ you don't know whether that's the English or the Lojban (although they actually mean almost exactly the same thing). 09:31 < gleki> the most common example is "since"/{since} 09:31 < rutytar> but that's outside of lojban's scope 09:32 < rutytar> lojban is supposed to not have homonyms, not the combination of lojban and english 09:32 <@xalbo> Personally, I would argue that the idea of using capitalization for names is a shitty and toljbo idea, and that among its bad properties are the fact that it conflicts with more standard orthographies. But it does represent a self-consistent orthography. 09:33 < rutytar> "right" as in the direction and "right" as in the truth value are both self-consistent, but under the umbrella of english they make ambiguity 09:33 < gleki> in this dictionary btw capitalization of vowels is compatible with the one described in CLL. 09:33 < rutytar> i'm not saying the umbrella of language should be unambiguous, but under the umbrella of lojban it seems like it would defeat the point 09:33 < gleki> so in {Alis} the stress can be put onto {A} 09:34 < rutytar> ca lo vensa be lo re no no mu moi bei la Australi'as mi pu na zvati lo mi zdani gugde — During Australian winter of year 2005 I wasn't in my home country. 09:34 < rutytar> wouldn't that be {la austraLI'as}? 09:35 < ctefaho> my poor inbox! 09:35 * durka42 pronounces it {.austráli'as.} 09:35 < ctefaho> how much did you tinkerino 09:35 < rutytar> but in the dictionary http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=La_Bangu:_Lojban_Dictionary_with_Examples&redirect=no they don't give a pronunciation guide 09:35 < gleki> it would be {gugde'a'u} or rants will start 09:36 < gleki> rutytar: because it's a part of the crash course 09:36 < durka42> in the style where names are capitalized, I think the stress is still on the second-to-last syllable 09:36 < durka42> unless marked with an accented char 09:36 < gleki> mw.lojban.org/papri/The_Crash_Course_(a_draft) 09:36 * xalbo rants that {sralo} exists, so use it. 09:37 < gleki> sralo is not necessarily about the country 09:37 < dutchie> so sralygu'e 09:38 < dutchie> (oh look! another english/lojban polyglot word) 09:38 <@xalbo> gleki: True, but {sralygu'e} is. 09:38 < gleki> sralygu'e is a new word. 09:38 < rutytar> but doesn't {la Australi'as} make it ambiguous whether the stress should be put on the A or the li? 09:39 < dutchie> {la AUstrali'as} would be less ambiguous 09:39 < gleki> actually i used this style because almost no one these days use syllable capitalization. 09:40 <@xalbo> Yes, but even fewer use your stupid "capitalize names" style, and for good reason. 09:40 <@xalbo> Your orthography is bad and you should feel bad. 09:40 < dutchie> u'i i think we are contributing to the problem by discussing non-standard orthographis 09:40 < ldlework> xalbo: don't get mean 09:40 < dutchie> si orthographies 09:41 < dutchie> we should all just use the quenya one zo'o 09:41 < gleki> okay if so many people complain i will make them low again 09:41 < gleki> it's the first time i get this complaint. 09:42 < rutytar> if i made "lojban B" in which {pritu} and {drani} were switched, and you had to guess which kind of lojban i was using whenever i said something, wouldn't that defeat the entire point of lojban? 09:42 * durka42 has the same concern about cekitaujau 09:43 < gleki> no, let's take another example. if one made a style where {du'u} and {du} switch ...oh wait 09:43 < rutytar> anyway gleki, i didn't know it was your dictionary. i do appreciate that you made it, i'm sorry if this came off as mean 09:43 < rutytar> i've actually been using it for a project i've been working on 09:44 < rutytar> i was about to make a script to change the style back to the one i'm used to 09:44 <@xalbo> gleki: Yes, that would be a horrible idea and anyone who did that shouldn't. 09:44 * xalbo sobs. 09:46 < rutytar> durka42: what is cekitaujau? 09:47 <@xalbo> It's a horrible idea, and anyone who did it shouldn't have. 09:47 < durka42> rutytar: you're not going to like it 09:47 < durka42> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau 09:47 < durka42> xalbo: but it's so melbi! 09:48 < gleki> i have no idea how it can be melbi 09:49 < durka42> lo ka melbi cu nenri lo kanla be lo viska 09:49 * durka42 malglirai 09:49 < dutchie> u'i 09:54 < ldlework> If we could do a matrix like update to everyone's minds and the data in the world, and we were going to refactor lojban I would totally do things like use short articles like du for du'u and such 09:56 < gleki> ldlework: dont forget about one-syllable gismu 09:56 < ldlework> I don't see a need for that 09:57 < gleki> i dont see a need in du 09:58 < ldlework> Its a core article 09:58 < gleki> ... those are core brivla 09:58 < ldlework> You're just emitting words without caring about their meaning 09:58 < gleki> anyway i provided a one-syllable alternative. 09:59 < durka42> nu? 09:59 < ldlework> gleki: also why are you needlessly aruging with me with something _you_ did 10:00 <@xalbo> ldlework: Yes, I'll agree that in the hypothetical world where we could change the past, those are among the changes we'd want to make. 10:00 < ldlework> xalbo: u'i 10:00 < gleki> ldlework: im not arguing 10:00 < gleki> with what i did 10:01 < ldlework> gleki: okay you're taking it to the illogical extreme I guess 10:01 < ldlework> I thought you were using the illogical extreme to counter-argue against your own idea 10:01 < gleki> ldlework: it's not illogical. guaspi has one syllable gismu btw 10:01 < ldlework> But you really would like single syllable gismu? 10:01 < ldlework> Right, but lojban uses one syllable words for cmavo space 10:01 < gleki> i like single syllable gismu but in another language. 10:01 < ldlework> Because, articles are used more frequently than individual predicates 10:02 < gleki> ldlework: frequency dictionary disagrees with you 10:02 < ldlework> And there are not enough single syllable words to cover the gismu (I imagine) 10:02 < ldlework> gleki: for any rare cmavo you can point out, I can point out rare gismu 10:02 < ldlework> the point is, gismu are only relevant to utterances involving that propositional content 10:02 < gleki> ldlework: so why not use one-syllable words for most frequenct cmavo and gismu? 10:02 < ldlework> cmavo are applicable *despite* the propositional content 10:03 < ldlework> gleki: its inconsistent? 10:03 < gleki> currently it may look like Zipf inconsistent 10:03 < ldlework> I don't know what that means 10:03 < gleki> Zipf rule. the most frequenct words must be short 10:04 < gleki> s/words/constructs/ 10:04 < phenny> gleki meant to say: Zipf rule. the most frequenct constructs must be short 10:05 < rutytar> what is the term in lojban for anything which goes between spaces? would "word" be appropriate? 10:06 < ldlework> ie 10:06 < gleki> mo zei valsi 10:06 < gleki> k:mo zei valsi 10:06 < mensi> (CU [Z_clause:{GOhA:mo <ZEI:zei G:valsi>}] VAU) 10:07 <@xalbo> rutytar: "word" or {valsi} is very close, but (in the standard orthography) it's legal to write multiple words without spaces between them. Some styles frown on that, but most permit it. 10:07 < rutytar> i'm just building a database 10:07 <@xalbo> {ui nai} and {uinai} are equivalent, for instance. 10:08 <@xalbo> Ahh, then "word" or {valsi} would both be fine. 10:22 < ctefaho> kesri sounds so beautiful 10:23 < ctefaho> and no, no tag for this one 10:23 <@xalbo> That definition really feels like it needs more work, or definitions, or something. 10:23 <@xalbo> en: kesri 10:23 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:24 < ctefaho> I just need something that works with le'e 10:25 < ctefaho> feel free to add any places you desire 10:25 < ctefaho> I have a bet about how many it will end up with 10:27 <@xalbo> I'll try to out-{besto} it, but it'll be hard. 10:27 < ctefaho> from Wikipedia's page about stereotypes, "The usual Irish Way of Doing Things" https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/TheUsualIrishWayofDoingThings.jpg 10:27 < ctefaho> just wow 10:27 < durka42> what does {kesri} mean? same as {lemkai}? 10:28 < ctefaho> depends on what your lem does 10:28 < ctefaho> I refuse to define a cmavo with its own rafsi 10:28 < durka42> I mean, do you intend {kesri} to replace {lemkai} 10:29 < ctefaho> I dunno what lemkai was used for 10:29 < ctefaho> I use kesri to expand le'e 10:29 < durka42> vlaste: lemkai 10:29 < vlaste> lemkai = x1 is a stereotypical representative of property x2 10:29 < ctefaho> I know what it means I haven't seen it used 10:30 < durka42> okay I get it, you don't way to ever say "yes" to me :) 10:30 < durka42> {lemkai} is/was a proposed way to get a brivla form of {le'e} 10:30 < durka42> I'm trying to ask if that's what you intend to do with {kesri}, or if it't something else (since I haven't seen you define it) 10:31 < ctefaho> No I don't consider le'e to be a macro that is not fully expressable in a bridi 10:31 < ctefaho> No I DO 10:32 < ctefaho> but yes, if that was what lemkai was about, yes 10:32 < durka42> ue 10:32 < durka42> not fully expressible in a bridi! 10:32 < durka42> but what _does_ {kesri} do then 10:32 < ctefaho> lemkai has a property though 10:32 < durka42> indeed 10:32 < ctefaho> well you can't use it exactly like le'e I mean 10:33 < durka42> i.e. {le'e broda} => {lo lemkai be lo ka ce'u broda} 10:33 < ctefaho> le'e broda -> lo broda poi kesri 10:33 < durka42> ah I see 10:33 < ctefaho> whatever kesri does it has to work there, like fadni for lo'e 10:33 * durka42 adds an example to lemkai 10:34 < ctefaho> but now kesri could kind of be thought of as defining lem 10:34 < ctefaho> but lem should do something more than being a kesri rafsi 10:34 < durka42> ra'oi -lem- rafsi zo le'e 10:35 < ctefaho> lem should do something more than just being like a kesri rafsi 10:37 < ctefaho> what's the opposite of sillyness? 10:37 < durka42> seriousness? 10:39 < ctefaho> I think more like "maturity" or "sageness" 10:39 < durka42> tolbebna 10:39 < ctefaho> yeah, and tolbebna in english is?;) 10:41 < ctefaho> sageness? 10:41 < durka42> meh, who needs english :) 10:48 < zipcpi> ctefaho: I just figured out; what you wanted for your NU-rafsi idea, is either {jai}, or a more specific variant of it 10:49 < durka42> which idea is this? ;) 10:49 < ctefaho> zipcpi: what? 10:50 < ctefaho> well assuming jai'V is free... pick n choose! 10:50 < zipcpi> NU wraps the bridi in an abstraction; the choice of NU will specify whether the bridi is describing an event, a proposition, etc., while {jai} raises the subject back out again. Only problem is the way {jai}/{tu'a} is defined; *any* subject may be raised out of the abstraction, to be only made specific by a {fai} place 10:51 < zipcpi> Not just the x1 10:51 < ctefaho> jai raises things between bridi? 10:52 * ctefaho has yet to look at jai's magic 10:52 < durka42> mi jai nu dormijysai 10:52 < durka42> ^ one of my favorite examples :) 10:52 < ctefaho> tu'a creates a new bridi yeah 10:52 < zipcpi> Raises things out of an abstraction. {mi jai fanza do} = {tu'a mi fanza do} 10:52 < ctefaho> but right 10:52 < ctefaho> well this will get interesting 10:53 * durka42 wonders what kind of mischief "nu-rafsi" refers to 10:53 < ctefaho> I think I would stick with my idea anyway 10:53 < ctefaho> type is sticky 10:53 < ctefaho> to bridi 10:54 < ctefaho> as for interactions, dunno. su'u forevah 10:54 < zipcpi> He wanted to redefine NU-rafsi; but it doesn't quite work in my opinion; not only are nun-lujvo too common, lujvo aren't the best way to accomplish what he means to do, in my strong opinion 10:54 * durka42 wishes someone would tell me "what he means to do" 10:54 < zipcpi> He wants NU-rafsi to clarify what NU-type the bridi is 10:55 < ctefaho> that was a bonus idea 10:55 < ctefaho> let's focus on my main ideas first 10:55 < durka42> isn't that what they do...? 10:55 < ctefaho> idea* 10:55 < zipcpi> Not really, nunbroda changes the place structure 10:55 < ctefaho> but zipcpi, I have to look into jai first 10:55 < ctefaho> jai seems like a *very* magic word 10:55 < gleki> i probably should run polls on how people want the dictionary be made. but the problem is not everyone will vote. 10:56 < gleki> most of the time NU rafsi are used in what {bo} is used for tanru. 10:57 < rutytar> how would you say "native script" in lojban? {rarna lerfu}? or {jizni lerfu}? 10:57 < gleki> catni 10:57 < ctefaho> well it was just a bonus idea. my first idea is more important. it is kinda crucial to fix the adverbials 10:57 < zipcpi> I think "script/orthography" is {te vlalerpoi}; I just might simplify {vlalerpoi} to {vlalepo} 10:58 < ctefaho> but first I gotta sort out some hacks in the subordinators 10:58 < ctefaho> now that I know what lo'e and le'e means this shouldn't bee too difficult... 11:00 < zipcpi> I'm just not sure how useful the difference between {lo'e} and {le'e} is. It seems to smell a bit like veridicality all over again. Not *quite* exactly, but the difference as xalbo defined it, seems to make {lo'e} difficult to use, just like how {lo} was difficult to use before 11:00 * durka42 just uses lo'e 11:00 < ctefaho> if you want something more specific then don't use gadri 11:01 < ctefaho> we shouldn't put too much meaning into them 11:01 < ctefaho> pe'i 11:01 < durka42> iesai 11:01 < durka42> but you're talking to the guy who proposed new meanings for 6 or 7 gadri :) 11:01 < zipcpi> durka42: Time for xorlo'e? :p 11:01 < ctefaho> everything turns into zo'e eventually 11:01 < ctefaho> or not 11:01 < ctefaho> poi is really hacky 11:02 < durka42> poi is kinda fundamental to the language 11:02 < durka42> for qualifiers 11:02 < durka42> zipcpi: no change required 11:02 < gleki> i would use le'e anaphorically compared to {lo'e} but that'd be used not very often 11:02 < ctefaho> well in my idea neither is anaphoric 11:03 < ctefaho> errr 11:03 < ctefaho> BOTH are 11:03 < zipcpi> No 11:03 < ctefaho> in a way 11:03 < ctefaho> anaphoric/referential 11:03 < zipcpi> Anaphoric means back-referring 11:03 < ctefaho> probably messed terms up there 11:03 < ctefaho> yeah 11:03 < ctefaho> I mean *referential* 11:03 < ctefaho> meant* 11:04 < gleki> there is no term encompassing ana/exo/cata-phorical 11:04 < zipcpi> co'ephorical lol 11:05 < ctefaho> zo'e-referential 11:06 < zipcpi> Or if I want something that's more likely to be linguistically acceptable, "deictophorical" perhaps 11:06 < gleki> referential is used in many meaning. Take Donnellan's one for instance 11:06 < ctefaho> lo'e and le'e are in my idea based on menre 11:07 < mischief> durka42: ! 11:08 < ctefaho> le'e broda | lo broda poi kesri | lo gaje menre lo broda gi fadni | zo'e cu menre lo broda je cu kesri 11:09 < ctefaho> (using menre instead of me cause reasons) 11:11 < zipcpi> kesri? 11:11 < zipcpi> That your new word? 11:11 < ctefaho> yes 11:11 < ctefaho> "stereotypical" 11:12 < zipcpi> {bo'oi} seems based off {xalbo} 11:12 < ctefaho> pe'i we have to have that to define le'e 11:12 < ctefaho> bebna 11:12 < ctefaho> "boob" 11:12 < zipcpi> I know 11:12 < durka42> it's guje for tanru-internal connectives 11:12 < ctefaho> someone said that would work with the new connectives 11:13 < ctefaho> lo gaje menre be lo broda gi fadni ? 11:13 < durka42> camxes: +exp lo gaje broda gi brode 11:13 < camxes> ([lo {<ga je> <CU (¹broda VAU¹)> gi <CU (¹brode VAU¹)> VAU} KU] VAU) 11:13 < ctefaho> perfect 11:13 < durka42> huh 11:13 < zipcpi> Stereotype of what? I think it should be $x_1$ is a stereotype of $x_2$ (abstraction), held by $x_3$ 11:13 < durka42> I think that's an extension of the extension of the connective system :) 11:13 < durka42> camxes: +exp lo guje broda gi brode 11:13 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 11:13 < durka42> wat 11:13 < ctefaho> zipcpi: go ahead and add x3 if you like 11:13 < durka42> camxes: +exp guje broda gi brode 11:13 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 11:13 < zipcpi> Actually it's x2 that would be added 11:13 < durka42> er 11:14 < ctefaho> no zipcpi don't touch x2 11:14 < durka42> apparently it's not a full implementation of selpahi's connective system :/ 11:14 < ctefaho> ah well I don't want a tanru 11:14 < durka42> don't you? 11:14 < durka42> {lo} wants a selbri 11:14 < zipcpi> ctefaho: I have to, because "stereotype held by x2" doesnt' make much sense of its own; doesn't say it's a stereotype of *what* 11:15 < ctefaho> eh 11:15 < ctefaho> why do I keep mixing things up all the time 11:15 < ctefaho> gaje, guje, whatever works with lo in the new system 11:15 < ctefaho> I don't want a vague tanru* 11:16 < ctefaho> ok guje 11:17 < durka42> well either I'm wrong with my conception of guje, or camxes-exp doesn't have it implemented right 11:17 < ctefaho> le'e broda | lo broda poi kesri | lo guje menre lo broda gi fadni | zo'e cu menre lo broda je cu kesri 11:17 < ctefaho> what does ga create then? 11:18 < durka42> probably don't listen to me, I should read selpahi's article again :) 11:19 < ctefaho> Any afterthought: X je Y 11:19 < ctefaho> Any non-tanru forethought: gaje X gi Y 11:19 < ctefaho> Tanru forethought: guje X gi Y 11:19 < durka42> right that's what I thought 11:19 < durka42> camxes: +exp mi gu je broda gi brode 11:19 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 11:19 < durka42> doesn't seem to work though 11:19 < ctefaho> gaje just links bridi? 11:19 < durka42> exp: mi gu je broda gi brode 11:19 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 11:19 < durka42> gaje links anything except a tanru 11:19 < ctefaho> right 11:19 < durka42> sumti, bridi, bridi tails, etc 11:19 < ctefaho> zipcpi 11:20 < zipcpi> Huh? 11:21 < ctefaho> mi na gusta 11:22 < zipcpi> You're not a restaurant? 11:22 < ctefaho> li'a 11:22 < zipcpi> lol 11:22 < durka42> .u'i 11:22 < ctefaho> at least not last time I checked 11:22 < ctefaho> I have spent all day figuring out the stupid gadri and subordinators 11:23 < ctefaho> maybe I did binxo something else 11:23 * ctefaho runs to mirror 11:26 < zipcpi> Though maybe {te vlalepo} again suffers from the {zi'o} problem, and not having a good place for the language. Maybe I should also make {vlaleci'e} 11:28 * durka42 doesn't understand why everyone is so afraid to use zi'o 11:29 < zipcpi> I'm not so much afraid of the semantic effect as that they are... somewhat inconvenient to use. Attaching {be zi'o bei zi'o} both looks weird and is difficult to define 11:30 < ctefaho> .i da'i If zil did not exist what could we replace "zilkancu" with? 11:31 < durka42> .ancu 11:32 < ctefaho> ... 11:32 < durka42> do you mean if zi'o had no rafsi or if zi'o wasn't in the language at all? 11:33 < ctefaho> eh we can nvm that for now 11:33 < ctefaho> we/I 11:39 < ctefaho> what zilkancu means is kinda obvious anyway 11:41 < durka42> ideally kancu would be defined in terms of some more basic brivla with no agent place 11:42 < zipcpi> Technically kancu can be defined based on zilkancu, while zilkancu is more primitively defined 11:42 < zipcpi> rafsi are only mnemonics, not definition, after all 11:43 < durka42> jbo:zilkancu 11:43 < mensi> zilkancu [< zi'o kancu ≈ Zi'o kancu] = zi'o x1 kancu x2 boi x3 11:43 < durka42> meh .u'i 11:43 < durka42> jbo:kancu 11:43 < zipcpi> lol 11:43 < mensi> kancu = x1 merli x2 boi x3 lo ka xo kau da me ce'u ma'i x4 .i x1 merli x2 ja'e lo nu x1 djuno ja pajni lo du'u x2 memkai 11:43 < mensi> x3 11:48 < zipcpi> Incidentally we might need a word that means geometric shape; I think right now {tarmi} can refer to any conceptual "shape" 11:49 < ldlework> Agreed, I see tarmi as "ideal manifestation" 11:50 < ldlework> zipcpi: cmutai 11:50 < zipcpi> Nah I think it should be a gismu 11:50 < durka42> cmacytai 11:51 < ldlework> zipcpi: dunno why 11:51 < zipcpi> So that there's a parallel to {skari} 11:51 < durka42> toooo much gismu fetishery 11:52 < ldlework> Why is gismu-ness important? 11:52 < zipcpi> ldlework: Funny, I mean I could make it {armi} if you really wanted (though... that might be a bad idea{ 11:54 < zipcpi> Not to mention the place structure of {tarmi} doesn't quite parallel that of {skari}, which is why {tai} is so weirdly defined 11:54 < ldlework> zipcpi: dunno what you're getting at with armi 11:54 < ldlework> I think the small-predicates are strange and needless 11:55 < zipcpi> You told me you don't like VCCV zi'evla; but pe'i I think the concept is basic enough to be either a gismu or a VCCV 11:55 < ldlework> zipcpi: its a subjective valuation 11:56 < ldlework> a seriously unimportant one that has no bearing on anything 11:56 < ldlework> We need to breed more of selpahi's attitude on word creation 11:56 < ldlework> Pick a pretty lujvo, define it however you need, and move on 11:57 < zipcpi> How would you introduce your widget or introductory textbook on shapes then? {tarmi} doesn't quite fit. And any lujvo would have to be {comseltai} at least 11:58 < ldlework> I already suggested a lujvo 11:58 < ldlework> So did durka 11:58 < ldlework> So define either of them with the exact place structure you think would be useful 11:58 < ldlework> And then don't think about it anymore 11:59 < ldlework> I think cmutai is a bit easier to say than cmacytai, but other than that they both seem cromulent 12:00 < durka42> tamtai :p 12:00 < zipcpi> The other problem with lujvo is occasional uncertainty with ke/ke'e grouping. I *usually* just leave the kem/kep out, but sometimes they end up necessary 12:00 < ldlework> I don't know what you're referring to :/ 12:00 < ldlework> Or why that would be important in selpahi style lujvo 12:01 < durka42> well you definitely don't need that in a reljvo! 12:01 < zipcpi> I meant if it is used for other lujvo 12:01 < ldlework> where the actual constituent words are just a foundation and don't dictate the eventual structure 12:01 < ldlework> in other lujvo, you just also create whatever place structure is useful 12:01 < ldlework> see, its easy 12:02 < zipcpi> The thing is selpa'i would have us abolish the idea of jvomi'u forms. Which I'm somewhat inclined to agree with, but which hasn't quite gained the popularity it needs to yet 12:02 < ldlework> There's only one route to popularity 12:02 < ldlework> "Stop discussing jvajvo" 12:04 < zipcpi> If jvomi'u is abolished, we could possibly define two different lujvo with the same veljvo differently 12:04 * ldlework gasps. 12:04 < durka42> yeah that would be bad 12:05 < zipcpi> Right now though we can't; so we're stuck with trying to figure out the best way to define reljvo 12:05 < durka42> jvomi'u is needed 12:05 < ldlework> QED 12:05 < durka42> assuming by jvomi'u you mean the unambiguous meaning from lujvo to veljvo 12:05 < durka42> but we do need more words! 12:05 < durka42> jvomi'u doesn't impede defining new words 12:05 < zipcpi> It does mean reljvo are somewhat precious though 12:06 < ldlework> Why is jvomi'u important? 12:06 < durka42> zipcpi: there are like 1300^2 to choose from! 12:07 < ldlework> oh 12:07 < ldlework> I misunderstood what jvomi'u meant 12:07 < ldlework> I would say that jvomi'u isn't affected at all by selpahi lujvo 12:07 < zipcpi> durka42: The problem is that one we define broda zei brode one way, we can't defined broda zei brode anymore, even if it might be useful for another concept 12:07 < ctefaho> ok time to read through that big logic article 12:07 < durka42> well it depends what you mean by "selpahi lujvo" 12:07 < durka42> selpahi said that (1) we need more words, and (2) we should abolish formal rafsi 12:07 < ldlework> durka42: "pick one, define it, and use it that way" 12:07 < durka42> they're sorta independent 12:08 < ldlework> durka42: right, this is the consequence of abolishing formal rafsi 12:08 < zipcpi> If we abolish formal rafsi, jvomi'u is automatically gone 12:08 < zipcpi> Look up jvomi'u 12:08 < durka42> ldlework: sorry, what is? 12:08 < durka42> en: jvomi'u 12:08 < mensi> jvomi'u [< lujvo mintu ≈ Affix compound same] = The lujvo m1=l1 (text) is an equivalent/interchangable lujvo form of 12:08 < mensi> lujvo m2=l1 (text). |>>> This refers to the fact that Lojban's lujvo can have many forms, all of which are considered to 12:08 < mensi> be equal in meaning automatically. See The Lojban Reference Grammar, chapter 4, section 5: https://lojban.github.io/cll/ 12:08 < mensi> 4/5/ Not to be confused with “synonymous” (selsmudu'i), which may apply to entirely different words. Cf. lujvo, mintu. 12:08 < mensi> |>>> Wuzzy 12:08 < durka42> ohh I thought you coined it haha 12:08 < ldlework> zipcpi: jvomi'u isn't automatically gone 12:08 < ctefaho> I have even more unpopular ideas relating to rafsi and lujvo 12:08 < ldlework> all rafsi still exist 12:08 < ldlework> and furthermore, the different morphologies allowing rafsi combination still exist 12:08 < durka42> zipcpi: sure, but that's a concern when defining any short word 12:09 < durka42> zipcpi: if we define a CVVC, we can't define it anymore, even if it might be useful for another concept 12:09 < ctefaho> how about abolish brody and only allow broda'y 12:09 < ldlework> So two different equivalent jvomi'u still can mean the same thing 12:09 * ctefaho cu bajra noi sutra 12:09 < ldlework> even if you abolish formal rafsi 12:09 < durka42> ctefaho: what does that change...? 12:09 < ldlework> because the jvomi'u are still constructed -using the same rafsi selections- 12:10 < zipcpi> durka42: But with reljvo we can't change rafsi or do anything to the words to redefine it; except maybe try to construct a zi'evla out of them, or add empty {kem} syllables 12:10 < ctefaho> durka42: a few things, but most importantly makes "'y" work consistently 12:10 < ldlework> Why do you need to redefine it 12:10 < ctefaho> 'y to join any *whole* word 12:10 < durka42> I mean it is a somewhat valid concern 12:10 < zipcpi> Because veljvo are tanru, and thus can have more than one interpretation. Defining lujvo narrows it down to one interpretation 12:11 < zipcpi> But occasionaly another interpretation is found to be useful 12:11 < durka42> if you define rodbo'e to mean what it seems good for today, but tomorrow you realize it would be much better suited for something else 12:11 < ldlework> zipcpi: so you create a new word 12:11 < ldlework> since when are we in the business of redefining words? 12:11 < durka42> ctefaho: sorry I misinterpreted. I thought you were saying something relevant to the current conversation :) 12:11 < zipcpi> But under jvomi'u, you can't just change the rafsi anymore; you have to make a zi'evla, or add empty kem syllables 12:11 < ldlework> Or, just make a different lujvo 12:11 < ldlework> I really don't see the problem, but I am trying 12:13 < zipcpi> Not redefining the existing word; just opening up space for, say, {zabnygau} and {zangasnu} to mean different things 12:13 < ldlework> Yeah I think that's a terrible idea 12:14 < zipcpi> Funny though; if everyone thinks jvomi'u should stay the way it is, we need ways to automatically search for them 12:14 < zipcpi> Right now we don't 12:14 < durka42> mensi does (and vlaste sorta does) 12:14 < zipcpi> vlaste: jvomintu 12:14 < vlaste> jvomi'u (components) = lujvo mintu ≈ affix-compound same 12:14 < durka42> vlaste: jvomi'u 12:14 < vlaste> jvomi'u (components) = lujvo mintu ≈ affix-compound same 12:14 < zipcpi> ... 12:15 < zipcpi> vlaste: spofygau 12:15 < vlaste> spofu = x1 is broken/inoperable/broken down/non-utile/not usable for function x2. 12:15 < zipcpi> Er... 12:15 < durka42> vlaste apparently needs to be updated 12:15 < vlaste> 3 results: ningau, ra'o, go'ira'o 12:15 < durka42> hmm that's a bug 12:15 < zipcpi> vlaste: pofygau 12:15 < vlaste> spofu = x1 is broken/inoperable/broken down/non-utile/not usable for function x2. 12:15 < zipcpi> oi 12:15 < durka42> it's in the notes I think 12:15 < durka42> vlaste: spofu (n) 12:15 < vlaste> spofu (notes) = Agentive break, cause to become inoperable (= {pofygau}, {pofyzu'e}); accidentally break, as a result of an event, non-agentive (= {pofyja'e}, {nutpo'uja'e}).; See also {daspo}, {katna}, {porpi}, {se} {xrani}, {cikre}. 12:15 < zipcpi> Wait pofygau isn't even defined separately 12:16 < durka42> yeah bad example :p 12:16 < durka42> vlaste: pretycusku 12:16 < vlaste> reisku = c1=p3 asks question c2=p1 to c3=p4 via expressive medium c4, about subject p2. 12:16 < durka42> en:pretycusku 12:16 < mensi> reisku [< preti cusku ≈ Question mention] = c1=p3 asks question c2=p1 to c3=p4 via expressive medium c4, about subject 12:16 < mensi> p2. 12:18 < zipcpi> It's just... sigh. I don't even remember whether {skari} is the one that deserved to be flipped 12:19 < ldlework> To me, it just seems like, being able to divine the meaning of a word from its structure is utterly and totally superflous to the more foundational goals of the language. 12:19 < ldlework> Being able to do this doesn't serve any of them 12:19 < ldlework> Its a fancy. 12:19 < ctefaho> skari is clearly a 1 place structure 12:19 < ctefaho> selbri 12:20 < ldlework> I agree, everything but x2 seems superflous 12:22 < ldlework> then you could create a skakai or something to the 'is-colored' verb back 12:22 < zipcpi> lol 12:23 < ldlework> lol 12:23 < durka42> "divine" is the wrong word 12:23 < durka42> "hint" is better 12:25 < ldlework> doesn't matter what sense you'd like to use, it is indeed superflous 12:25 < ctefaho> or blanuska for something to actually put in skari 12:26 < durka42> blanu nuska ? 12:26 < ctefaho> crap that's a zi'evla isn't it 12:26 < ctefaho> or that 12:26 < ctefaho> blanu'yska? 12:26 < ctefaho> blanu'yskari? 12:26 < ctefaho> blanu'yskari li'a 12:26 < durka42> sure you can do that if you like syllables :p 12:27 < ldlework> blaska works 12:27 < ctefaho> yeah it does 12:30 < zipcpi> Well part of my concern about jvomi'u and reljvo is that a zi'evla only locks out one form, while a reljvo locks out several different forms under jvomi'u 12:32 < durka42> well, it locks out one lujvo :) 12:35 < zipcpi> geometry is defined as {caltaicmaci} 12:35 < zipcpi> So I guess {caltai} is fine for now 12:36 < ldlework> I think if we run out of reljvo that will be very very very good news for the language 12:37 < zipcpi> It's not so much running out, it's more like... the birthday problem, sa'enai 12:37 < ldlework> no idea what that is 12:38 < zipcpi> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem 12:38 < zipcpi> I'm using it very loosely though 12:39 < zipcpi> Mainly because there are probably tons of reljvo as is that... probably don't have any meanings that might make sense, at least for now 12:39 < ldlework> then we have cibjvo 12:39 < zipcpi> But what would we add to it? {kem}? 12:39 < zipcpi> That's exactly the problem I was talking about 12:39 < ldlework> zipcpi: some other predicate that denotes the variant semantic distinguishing this new word from the other 12:40 < ldlework> If there is none, maybe you don't need a new word since there is no additional semantic or even variant sense 12:41 < ldlework> I think you're being paranoid where the actual emotion should be hopeful that we ever have such problems. 12:41 < zipcpi> Not really. Take {zunsna} for instance, which might "really" should be something like {zunvoksna} 12:41 < ldlework> There is no "should" 12:41 < ldlework> The morphology of a lujvo has no bearing on its definition. 12:41 < zipcpi> That's why I put it in quotes 12:42 < ctefaho> That article I was linked to, is awesome 12:42 < ldlework> Then just stop mentioning that entire problem all together 12:42 < ldlework> And it ceases to be one 12:42 < ldlework> Because it has no practical ramifications whatsoever 12:42 < ldlework> Only those of fetish and fancy 12:42 < zipcpi> It's just that we have it clarified with a more specific semantic, that it becomes difficult to broaden it if it is necessary; adding more predicate words won't help there 12:42 < ctefaho> I think whatever we do with rafsi we should design it to allow cramming in as much meaning as possible in as few syllabes as possible 12:43 < ldlework> ctefaho: which is exactly what selpahi's suggestions result in 12:43 < ldlework> pick the shortest prettiest word you can find 12:43 < ldlework> define it with the precise arbitrary semantic you want 12:43 < ldlework> then use it 12:43 < ctefaho> iirc he wants to ditch the zi'evla/gismu/lujvo distinction 12:43 < ctefaho> I strongly disagree there 12:43 < ldlework> That's not how I would characterize it at all 12:44 < ldlework> What it does is make lujvo _seriously no joke I really mean it_ merely a morphoogical distinction 12:45 < ldlework> zipcpi: in what way would you need to refine or broaden the semantic of zunsna 12:45 < ldlework> Also, adding predicates can allow for a widening semantic because adding a predicate has no bearing on the actual semantic content of the word 12:46 < ldlework> At least no real bearing other than 'having to do with' 12:46 < ldlework> You simply define a definition that has a wider semantic 12:46 < ldlework> Then go on with your translation or novel work. 12:47 < zipcpi> Maybe that same veljvo might be usable to describe any sound, not just a phonetic one; just pulling a random example for now 12:49 < ldlework> Then you'd create another lujvo for "describe any sound not just a phonetic one" 12:49 < zipcpi> But what rafsi would we add to it? {com}? {kem}? 12:49 < ldlework> The result is more words, that people will learn by looking at their definition. 12:50 < ldlework> I don't see how zunsna could ever mean "sound in general" anyway 12:51 < zipcpi> Like I said, just a random example; it is possible for a reljvo to be defined with a specific meaning like {zunsna}, but which we might need for a more general concept 12:51 < ldlework> If you can come up with an example, I will try to address it. 12:54 < zipcpi> Just saying why I tend to be a bit more careful with reljvo; it's not running out I'm so concerned with, but as to what is the most useful concept for the veljvo 12:56 < zipcpi> Because under jvomi'u the veljvo has a one-to-one correspondence with lujvo 12:57 < zipcpi> If we want to define something else by the same veljvo, no go; we have to find another one 12:57 < zipcpi> Or make a zi'evla 12:58 < ldlework> zipcpi: I hear you on all that 12:58 < ldlework> with jvomi'u is certainly something to keep in mind 12:58 < ldlework> Just like gismu should be fundamental as possible, we just culturally enforce the same tendencies 12:59 < ldlework> But I understand your grabbing for gismu earlier 12:59 < ldlework> now 13:09 <@xalbo> {zunsna} could reasonably have been used for an annoying or sudden noise that breaks a train of thought. 13:09 < ldlework> yep but we could represent that otherwise 13:09 < ldlework> .i ku'i ie 13:10 <@xalbo> Of course we could. And we could represent "consonant" otherwise. 13:10 < ldlework> Right, that's my point. 13:10 < ldlework> A word being taken isn't the end of the world. 13:22 < rutytar> is there a rafsi for kibro? 13:23 < zipcpi> -kib- 13:29 < zipcpi> Well one small concern I had with {zunsna} and {karsna} is that it set a pattern; thus I had made plenty of reljvo for phonetic concepts 13:30 < zipcpi> And coopted some which I didn't make myself, such as {mosysna} 13:30 < zipcpi> That one in particular has another "obvious" veljvo definition 13:31 < zipcpi> sound-of-friction 13:33 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ra'isna 13:34 < Ilmen> I'd have preffered {mosysna} for example to be a general word for any friction sound 13:34 * zipcpi nods 13:35 < Ilmen> And adding -vok- for specifically the phonetic meaning 13:35 * zipcpi nods 13:35 < zipcpi> So yeah there's your example, ldlework 13:35 < zipcpi> {mosysna} 13:36 < zipcpi> It's also why I avoided making {pojysna} plosive as well 13:37 < ldlework> fislymosysna 13:37 < durka42> one could argue the problem is -sna is the wrong general suffix for phonetics 13:37 < zipcpi> And coopted {ga'osna} even though the metaphor doesn't quite fit right 13:37 < ldlework> "physical-friction sound" 13:37 < ldlework> and then we move on 13:37 < durka42> on the other hand pojysna isn't defined at al 13:38 < zipcpi> The sound of something exploding 13:39 < durka42> that would be a natural definition yes 13:40 <@xalbo> fisly- ki'a 13:40 < zipcpi> fisli 13:40 < durka42> en:fisli 13:40 < mensi> fisli = x1 is physical/actual/pertains to physics in aspect x2 (ka) of type x3 by standard/in metaphysics x4 13:40 < zipcpi> experimental gismu... not sure how it differs from jikfi 13:40 < durka42> en:jikfi 13:41 < mensi> jikfi = x1 is a physical interaction [colloquially: force] between x2 (interacting participants/objects; symmetric) with 13:41 < mensi> characteristics/of type x3 13:41 < zipcpi> Maybe just place structure 13:41 <@xalbo> {fisli} seems really close to how I use {dacti}. 13:42 < zipcpi> Both by Curtis 13:45 < zipcpi> ldlework: The problem is then we'd have a five-syllable word to describe a more fundamental concept than that of "fricative" 13:46 < ldlework> That isn't a problem 13:46 < ldlework> And "sound emited from physical friction" is pretty specific 13:46 < zipcpi> "He heard a screech" 13:48 < ldlework> so you need to use a predicate describing friction-caused sound to say that? 13:48 < zipcpi> How else would you define "screech" in that sentence? 13:48 < zipcpi> "He heard the screech of brakes" 13:50 < Somelauw> If lo means a and le means the more or less, then how to say "I hate mosquitoes"? 13:50 < Somelauw> It's clearly different from some or the here. 13:50 < zipcpi> lo'e 13:51 < zipcpi> mi xebni lo'e ckuliki 13:52 < Somelauw> oh, missed that one 13:52 < durka42> ba'e mi xebni ro ckuliki 13:52 < durka42> zo'o ru'e 13:53 < durka42> iepei doi la mensi 13:53 < mensi> ei mi tugni 13:53 < Somelauw> so mi is actually sumti position #0 there 13:53 < zipcpi> No, mi is lo xebni 13:53 < durka42> mi is x1 13:53 < zipcpi> mi is x1 of xebni 13:53 < zipcpi> lo'e ckuliki is the x2 of xebni 13:53 < zipcpi> I am the hater 13:53 < zipcpi> Mosquitoes (general) are the hated 13:54 < Somelauw> okay, x1 in 1-based indexing 13:54 < zipcpi> Oh lol 13:55 < zipcpi> Yeah Lojban is 1-based; can't really help that 13:55 < zipcpi> Same thing with {moi} really 13:55 < durka42> (mosriksna} is nice 13:56 < Somelauw> but I remember they say x1 is beautiful to x2, so then x2 is the experiencer, so I would expect they would also put it like x1 is hated by x2. 13:57 < zipcpi> gismu definitions can be inconsistent sometimes... and their chosen structure is often based on the English gloss word. A bit malglixlu I'd admit 13:58 < ldlework> Somelauw: some people will tell you that there is a rhyme or reason to the place structure of the gismu 13:58 < durka42> yeah there are some patterns but you aren't going to find a pattern that applies to every word 13:58 < ldlework> those people are shameless liars 13:58 < durka42> xebni fits some patterns, melbi fits some patterns, but they aren't part of the same pattern 13:58 < durka42> ldlework: oh shut up 13:58 < ldlework> u'i 13:58 < ldlework> true tho 13:59 < durka42> like I said, there are patterns but not universal ones 13:59 < ldlework> Sure, I'm referring to those who say "the exceeding majority of X-kind words are defined with X-like place structures" 13:59 < durka42> sure that's true for some X 14:00 < ldlework> right, some X 14:00 < ldlework> its a bad characterization 14:00 < ldlework> Especially when advertised as a policy rather than a preference. 14:01 < durka42> I dunno what you're talking about really, but my preference is to look for patterns and use them when I find them 14:01 < ldlework> Its far easier to just explain that the ordering of place structure is perfectly arbitrary. 14:01 < durka42> obviously there are inconsistencies in the gimste 14:02 < ldlework> Its more than inconsistencies though. The agentative thing is just rubbish. 14:02 < durka42> well yeah but saying there are *no* patterns makes it sound a bit harder to learn than it is 14:02 < ldlework> I agree with the preference, but disagree with the characterization of the actual gismu we have. 14:02 < durka42> not that I know the whole gimste yet... 14:02 < ldlework> durka42: I can see that, but it is the larger truth, imo 14:03 <@xalbo> The patterns are helpful as mnemonics. They do exist, and they can be handy for helping to learn how things tend to go. 14:03 < ldlework> That as defined, the ordering is arbitrary and has no consequence. 14:03 < Somelauw> Cases would perhaps be more logical 14:03 < ldlework> xalbo: except for when its actually detriment because the 'exceeding majority' isn't anywhere close to an accurate quantification 14:03 < durka42> Somelauw: the BAI tags are kinda like places 14:04 <@xalbo> Somelauw: The problem is that you either end up with really broad cases (and lots of weird things at the edges) or with dozens to hundreds of distinct cases. 14:04 < durka42> I don't know if places would be more or less logical. lojban chose positional arguments back at the beginning of time... 14:04 < Somelauw> durka42: What were BAI tags again? 14:04 < ldlework> durka42: he said 'cases', not sure if that's different 14:05 < durka42> Somelauw: for example {mi tavla fi lo jbobau} and {mi tavla bau lo jbobau} mean the same thing -- {bau} is the tag for "in language" 14:05 < durka42> er, should have been {mi tavla fo lo jbobau} 14:05 < durka42> since tavla4 is also "in language" 14:05 <@xalbo> ldlework: I never said "exceeding majority", but I still argue that, weighted by frequency, more of the places fall into patterns than don't. 14:05 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm sure its over 50% 14:06 <@xalbo> To put it another way, there is an information savings to learning the pattern + exceptions than to learning everything completely on its own. 14:06 < ldlework> I agree, I agree with the preference to use regular structure 14:06 < ldlework> I don't disagree with the convention. I'm only trying to point out its nature as convention. 14:07 < ldlework> I wish there were less exceptions. 14:08 <@xalbo> Ok. "The regular patterns are just a convention with plenty of exceptions" is a lot more reasonable than "some people will tell you that there is a rhyme or reason to the place structure of the gismu / those people are shameless liars" 14:12 < Somelauw> I don't know if cases can be made completely logical, but maybe more intuitive because they can be visualised sort of. Place structure would probably be best when putting the most common sumti as much as possible at the beginning (based on frequency of use in large data sets or something). 14:12 < durka42> by and large the most used sumti are at the beginning 14:13 < durka42> (ldlework is about to call me a shameless liar in 3...2...) 14:14 <@xalbo> Somelauw: That's pretty much the intent. By design, the most used places are toward the front, and in practice it works out quite well. 14:15 <@xalbo> In practice, there are probably a few places that could have been rearranged if we were starting from scratch (vecnu3 seems more common than vecnu1, for instance), but it's mostly rather good. 14:16 < durka42> yeah 14:16 < durka42> hence .erve --- Log opened Thu Jun 25 20:59:46 2015 20:59 -!- Irssi: #lojban: Total of 154 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 152 normal] 21:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #lojban was synced in 148 secs 21:09 < phma> mi pagre lo foldi be lo .urci 22:21 < rlpowell> tersmus: I don't discuss computer in Lojban, sorry. What's the problem? 22:21 < tersmus> Morphology error at 2 22:23 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: lojbanとかどうか(語彙があるのか謎) [http://bit.ly/1LIC4rd] 22:25 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: lojbanのロゴがノレータに見える [http://bit.ly/1LICePn] 22:29 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: 問題はgoogle翻訳にlojbanがないっぽい [http://bit.ly/1LICLAS] 22:30 < Autolochus> |_|_|0|_| 22:30 < Autolochus> |0|_|_|0| 22:30 < Autolochus> |0|_|_|0| 22:30 < Autolochus> |_|0|_|_| 22:30 < cliva> mo 22:32 < ldlework> oi do jirgau lo mi jamblo 22:35 < cliva> ternuzba: ia la gleki cu se cuntu li'ai 3000 (to lo samru'e cu mintu lo me la mensi moi toi) 22:39 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: 日本語以外で機械翻訳する前提の文章を書くなら英語で書くよりもlojbanを吐いたほうが正確だな > 人力翻訳の中間言語としてロジバンを使うという発想とその翻訳事業化についての提案 http://gentle-yu.info/2014/05/30/20/00/54 @gentle_yuさんから [http://bit.ly/1LIDC4p] 22:49 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: 英語への逐次訳があるとあるな http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%E5%AD%A6%E7%BF%92 [http://bit.ly/1LIEDJO] 22:53 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: 記事がlojbanで書いてある、読めない(別に英語で書いてあっても読まない)! [http://bit.ly/1LIFquf] 23:04 < gleki> wth is going on here? 23:12 < rlpowell> Bot spam. 23:13 < rlpowell> Someone needs to teach nuzba not to respond to privmsgs, looks like. 23:13 < gleki> rlpowell: i lost my screen session :) 23:13 < rlpowell> gleki: Oh, yes! Soryr. I'm done with rebooting it now. 23:14 < gleki> rlpowell: nuzba is just a post crosspodting here from Twitter 23:14 < rlpowell> Ah. 23:14 < gleki> rlpowell: nuzba is just a bot crossposting here from Twitter 23:14 < rlpowell> So I don't need to kick nuzba? 23:14 < gleki> and tersmus is what you converted from Haskell. 23:15 < rlpowell> Oh. 23:15 < rlpowell> I ment to ping ternuzba :P 23:15 < rlpowell> Sorry. 23:15 < gleki> i dont know what is ternuzba 23:15 < rlpowell> It's a person. :) 23:15 < gleki> nuzba is our bot 23:15 < rlpowell> ey has been telling me that port 3000 on vrici is down. 23:15 < rlpowell> Bu I don't know what that is. 23:16 < gleki> i see. 23:16 < gleki> it was mine. 23:16 < gleki> i will restore it when i have an opportunity. 23:16 < gleki> in ~ 10 hours 23:16 < rlpowell> 'k! 23:17 < gleki> oh my. someone used "gleki" as their nickname 23:21 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: lojbanの文節と漢字を相互に対応させて対応する漢字をルビで出すだけで中国語並みになんか読めそうな雰囲気が生まれるんじゃないか [http://bit.ly/1LIKdfl] 23:41 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: 適当なところから持ってきた文じゃ結構構文エラーになるなぁ > Lojban-To-English Translation http://www.lojban.org/jboski/index.php [http://bit.ly/1TQN8rN] 23:45 * nuzba @tacticsrealize: みらぐ語エディタを作って解析したやつをlojbanで吐く→lojbanから英語に翻訳するやつがあるからそれで英語にする→英語から各言語にするのはすでにいっぱいある [http://bit.ly/1LINmeU] --- Day changed Fri Jun 26 2015 00:11 < ldlework> I wonder how many people I've taught lojban in the last 6 months 01:07 * nuzba @nivertech: Instead of inventing a new Artificial Human Languages like Esperanto, Ido, Volapuk, Lojban, etc. [http://bit.ly/1J99Zce] 01:09 < ldlework> Where is selpa'i's Where the Wild Things ARe 01:11 < ldlework> found it 01:13 * nuzba @willingtheweird: .i xu loi mi bridi na drani le gerna .i xu mi na morji le cutci (I tried to tell a bad English pun using #lojban.) [http://bit.ly/1J9akvF] 01:14 <@Broca> u'i 01:34 * nuzba @fotono: #lojban .ui lo zantufa tricu cu za'u re'u banro .i zoizoi http://guskant.github.io/gerna_cipra/zantufa_farvi.svg zoi .i ganai da'i da cizra gi ko mi jungau pe'u [http://bit.ly/1KgD1tq] 01:54 * nuzba @uitki: grammar - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/grammar by Guskant - /* Implementations of a Lojban grammar */ +zantufa [http://bit.ly/1KgFVP4] 01:58 * nuzba @uitki: lojban and Computer Science - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/lojban_and_Computer_Science by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1SPtRFR] 02:00 * nuzba @uitki: camxes - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/camxes by Guskant - ciksi galfi [http://bit.ly/1SPu8bR] 02:02 < gleki> exp: ke ko'a ce ko'e ke'ece ko'i 02:02 < gleki> camxes: ke ko'a ce ko'e ke'ece ko'i 02:02 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 02:08 * nuzba @uitki: Lojbanic Software - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojbanic_Software by Guskant - /* Parsers */ +zantufa [http://bit.ly/1KgHLzn] 02:10 * nuzba @uitki: PEG - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/PEG by Guskant - /* Of proposed grammars */ +zantufa [http://bit.ly/1SPv5kq] 02:16 * nuzba @uitki: exploiting the preparser - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/exploiting_the_preparser by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1SPvHX8] 02:16 < gleki> cekitaujaus was proposed long ago http://mw.lojban.org/papri/exploiting_the_preparser 02:26 * nuzba @uitki: 学習 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/%E5%AD%A6%E7%BF%92 by Guskant - /* 新文法案に従う */ +zantufa [http://bit.ly/1KgKeKd] 03:16 < gleki> ua la gejyspa na nelci zo zeldei 03:22 * nuzba @po8crg: @mattyglesias Or, in short, English is not a formal language. Unless we decide to write laws in Lojban, we have to use context. [http://bit.ly/1LJn3VW] 03:45 < ctefaho> coi 03:46 < gleki> coi 03:47 < ctefaho> .i do mo 03:47 < gleki> jarco lo ka se jibri 03:49 < dutchie> mi ji'a go'i 03:50 < dutchie> .i lo mi selsampla cu spofu .uinai 03:50 < gleki> samselpla 03:50 < gleki> i proga to'u 03:51 < dutchie> ki'e .i lo'u be me le'u xagymau 03:51 < dutchie> sa'ai be mi 03:52 < ctefaho> hmm who is Cirko? 03:54 < gleki> a Lojbanist 03:55 < ctefaho> ah well wondered if it was someone on irc, wanted to thank for fixingclearing up my article 03:55 < ctefaho> +/ 03:56 < gleki> i guess 'ey will see your message anyway 03:57 < ctefaho> je'e 05:55 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: New usage proposal of {me}: as fi'o SELBRI = tag, me TAG = SELBRI. eg. mi me pi'o ti = mi pilno ti | #lojban [http://bit.ly/1dkR2I6] 09:09 < gleki> en:coi 09:09 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 09:09 < gleki> s/en:/jb:/ 09:09 < phenny> gleki meant to say: jb:coi 09:10 < gleki> .dict rather 09:10 < fenki> rather — verb: 1. (nonstandard or dialectal) To prefer; to prefer to — adjective: 1. (obsolete) Prior; earlier; former — adverb: 1. (obsolete) More quickly; sooner, earlier. [9th-19th c.], 2. Used to specify a choice or preference; preferably. (Always with would - normally contracted to '[...] 09:10 < gleki> "fenki" is a new name for jenni bot here 09:11 < durka42> ua 09:11 < durka42> s/ua/ue 09:11 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: ue 09:11 < gleki> as of now fenki repo is almost identical to the original jenni but feel free to translate it to Lojban 09:11 < gleki> https://github.com/lagleki/fenki 09:11 < durka42> je'e 09:12 < gleki> jb: xo'o 09:12 < mensi> xo'o = xo'o [interjection modifier] — insincerely, hypocritically, deceitfully| xo'o nai — 09:12 < mensi> sincerely 09:12 < mensi> :je'u xo'o do ne se mau djuno — Yes, of course, you know better (sarcastically)! 09:12 < mensi> :xo'o nai sai do pu rau va'e gunka — With full sincerity, I can tell you that you worked enough. 09:13 < durka42> en:bo'oi 09:13 < mensi> bo'oi = [UI5] attitudinal: silliness - maturity 09:13 < gleki> i changed to that otherwise {xo'o} would lose parallelism to {zo'o} 09:14 < gleki> Somewhere Waves used to say that UI have to always be sincere since those are our true feelings but that's what zo'o and xo'o are for to break that. 09:14 < gleki> hypocritically <-- again not a precise match but i couldn't find anything more similar in English 09:15 < durka42> what was wrong with "sarcasm" 09:15 < gleki> some thought it was about mocking 09:15 < gleki> but another UI is needed for that but not in UI5 09:16 < gleki> selmaho:ui5 09:16 < mensi> cmavo: be'u, bo'oi, dai, fu'i, ga'i, ji'ei, ju'o, le'o, ra'i'au, ra'i'aucu'i, ra'i'aunai, ri'e, se'a, se'i, vu'e, xo'o, 09:16 < mensi> zai'a, zo'o 09:16 <@xalbo> Then add that to the notes. But there's a big difference between the def'n there and sarcasm. 09:16 < gleki> not sure about exp. cmavo but ui5 are modifiers 09:16 < gleki> if {xo'o} means sarcasm as in mocking then the idea of UI5 is broken 09:17 <@xalbo> {xo'o} is meant as sarcasm, not as mocking but as "don't read this literally; it probably means the exact opposite" 09:17 < gleki> exactly 09:17 < gleki> xalbo: do you have any concise wording of that in English? 09:18 <@xalbo> But insincerity and deceit are the exact opposite of that; they are intended to convey a meaning that the speaker does not believe. 09:18 < gleki> oh hm 09:18 < gleki> then what 09:18 < gleki> .dict sarcastic 09:18 < fenki> sarcastic — adjective: 1. Containing sarcasm, 2. (of a person) Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm 09:18 < gleki> sarcastic = expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds 09:19 < durka42> if {xo'o} doesn't fit in UI5 then it should be moved, not that we should change its definition to break usage... 09:19 < durka42> the subselma'o are dumb anyway 09:19 < durka42> put it in UI17 09:19 <@xalbo> That is, if I believe that the food is nasty and I say "Wow, this is *so* good!" and I intend you to actually believe it to be good, I'm being deceitful. If I say that and intend you to believe that the food is nasty, then I'm being sarcastit. 09:19 < gleki> Synonyms: sarcastic, ironic, caustic, satirical, sardonic 09:19 < gleki> These adjectives mean having or marked by a feeling of bitterness and a biting or cutting quality. Sarcastic suggests sharp taunting and ridicule that wounds: “a deserved reputation for sarcastic, acerbic and uninhibited polemics” (Burke Marshall). Ironic implies a subtler form of mockery in which an intended meaning is conveyed obliquely: “a man of eccentric charm, ironic humor, and—above all—prof 09:19 < gleki> ound literary genius” (Jonathan Kirsch). Caustic means corrosive and bitingly trenchant: “The caustic jokes... deal with such diverse matters as political assassination, talk-show hosts, medical ethics” (Frank Rich). Satirical implies exposure, especially of vice or folly, to ridicule: “on the surface a satirical look at commercial radio, but also a study of the misuse of telecommunications” (Richa 09:19 < gleki> rd Harrington). Sardonic is associated with scorn, derision, mockery, and often cynicism: “He was proud, sardonic, harsh to inferiority of every description” (Charlotte Brontë) 09:20 < gleki> xalbo: do u think {xo'o} matches this definition above? 09:20 < gleki> definition of sarcastic 09:21 <@xalbo> No, I don't. And yes, that is one use of sarcasm. 09:21 < gleki> xalbo: okay. are there synonyms of sarcasm2 ? 09:21 < gleki> because this sarcasm2 is absent from dictionaries. 09:22 < gleki> no wonder but i fail to find necessary words 09:22 < gleki> in English 09:22 < durka42> sarcasm2? 09:22 < gleki> sarcasm2 is what xalbo said earlier. not mocking, another sarcasm 09:23 < gleki> which i never saw anywhere explained although i myself know exists 09:24 <@xalbo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony#Verbal_irony_and_sarcasm 09:25 <@xalbo> That says that one of the OED definitions of "irony" is "A figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used; usually taking the form of sarcasm or ridicule in which laudatory expressions are used to imply condemnation or contempt.", and that sounds a lot like my understanding of {xo'o} 09:25 < gleki> so would "ironically" be a better gloss? 09:27 <@xalbo> "Most instances of verbal irony are labeled by research subjects as sarcastic, suggesting that the term sarcasm is more widely used than its technical definition suggests it should be" or, in other words, the language has shifted, and the word "sarcasm" now means things that the dictionaries haven't caught up with. 09:28 < durka42> it's very hazardous to label things "irony" on the internet :p 09:28 < gleki> so I guess english just fails to catch the difference and in toki pona position. 09:28 <@xalbo> "ironically" may or may not be better; it sounds like this meets the definition of "verbal irony", but 1) many people don't know that definition, and 2) many will assume that it means something more like 'counter to expectations". 09:29 < gleki> s/and in/ and is in/ 09:29 < fenki> gleki meant to say: so I guess english just fails to catch the difference and is in toki pona position. 09:29 < gleki> jb: xo'o 09:29 < mensi> xo'o = xo'o [interjection modifier] — ironically, xo'o nai — sincerely 09:29 < mensi> :je'u xo'o do ne se mau djuno — Yes, of course, you know better (sarcastically)! 09:29 < mensi> :xo'o nai sai do pu rau va'e gunka — With full sincerity, I can tell you that you worked enough. 09:29 < mensi> :Comment: For xo'o the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used, in xo'o nai it explicitely 09:29 < mensi> marks the intended meaning as matching the words.. 09:30 < gleki> Better? 09:30 <@xalbo> I might even change "ironically" to "verbal irony". It's not as well known, but at least less likely to mislead. 09:31 <@xalbo> (I welcome the opinion of other native speakers of the language here, durka42) 09:31 < gleki> I suppose comments with verbose explanations are unavoidable otherwise translating dictionary wil llead to a relexed English 09:31 < gleki> uncareful translation sa'e 09:32 < gleki> it's a problem but the problem will always persist. {kreivi} is another example. 09:32 < durka42> sure 09:32 < durka42> en:kreivi 09:32 < mensi> kreivi = x1 (entity) sits in a squatting position like or as an animal with all legs touching the 09:32 < mensi> floor 09:32 < gleki> jb: xo'o 09:32 < mensi> xo'o = xo'o [interjection modifier] — verbal irony, xo'o nai — sincerely 09:32 < mensi> :je'u xo'o do ne se mau djuno — Yes, of course, you know better (sarcastically)! 09:32 < mensi> :xo'o nai sai do pu rau va'e gunka — With full sincerity, I can tell you that you worked enough. 09:32 < mensi> :Comment: For xo'o the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used, in xo'o nai it explicitely 09:32 < mensi> marks the intended meaning as matching the words. Sarcasm isn't necessarily implied. 09:33 < durka42> xo'o za'a do xebni zo'oi sarcasm 09:33 < gleki> ju'o Russian doesnt have the required word either. 09:34 < gleki> durka42: sei ckasu do kurji lo naldrani pe'i smuni be zo xo'o 09:34 < durka42> je'e 09:35 < gleki> Some psycholinguistic theorists (e.g., Gibbs, 2000) suggest that sarcasm ("Great idea!", "I hear they do fine work."), hyperbole ("That's the best idea I have heard in years!"), understatement ("Sure, what the hell, it's only cancer..."), rhetorical questions ("What, does your spirit have cancer?"), double entendre ("I'll bet if you do that, you'll be communing with spirits in no time...") and jocularity ("G 09:35 < gleki> et them to fix your bad back while you're at it.") should all be considered forms of verbal irony. 09:36 < gleki> why do we even need {ba'u} scale then... 09:37 <@xalbo> There are overlaps, but that doesn't make {ba'u} useless. 09:37 < gleki> {traji ba'unai} - wth is that? 09:38 < gleki> {mutce ba'u}, {mutce ba'unai} works though. okay i take my words back. 09:39 < gleki> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_entendre <-- Lojban is notoriously known for disproportionally lacking that. 09:40 < durka42> by design 09:41 < gleki> except with some weird cmavo 09:42 < gleki> en: li'ai 09:42 < mensi> li'ai = [LI] unevaluated mekso as name. |>>> Where "la broda brode" is to "la'e lu broda brode" as "li'ai by cy" is to " 09:42 < mensi> la'e me'o by cy". See also li, me'o, la, la'e. |>>> djeikyb 09:42 < gleki> no not that 09:42 < gleki> en: li'oi 09:42 < mensi> li'oi = [UI3a] marks word as being optional, i.e. the bridi would still be both grammatical AND reflect the speakers 09:42 < mensi> opinion/intention would the marked construct be left out |>>> coi fu'e li'oi la fu'o selpa'i would semantically expand 09:42 < mensi> to coi la selpa'i and coi selpa'i meaning that both a person named selpa'i and a beloved one is being greeted (both 09:42 < mensi> being the same person). |>>> selpahi 09:44 < durka42> haven't seen a lot of usage of that one :) 09:45 < gleki> doi fu'e li'oi la fu'o selpa'i ko pilno zo li'oi 09:57 < gleki> en: ji'o'e 09:57 < mensi> ji'o'e = connective: elliptical/generic/vague |>>> Like zo'e or co'e, but for connectives. The connectives referred to 09:57 < mensi> may be logical or non-logical; they take the form proper for the syntax/context (probably is best implemented using 09:57 < mensi> post-original CLL connective system modification such as the MAD proposal or the system developed by selpa'i); in 09:57 < mensi> standard original CLL usage, this would be the inter-tanru after-thought connective. Synonymous with but morphologically 09:57 < mensi> and phonotactically allowed version of .y'i. |>>> krtisfranks 09:58 < durka42> wooo MAD proposals 10:07 <@xalbo> krtisfranks has now reinvented {ju'e}. 10:08 < gleki> ju'e is about {i} 10:09 < gleki> hm but indeed. what is {.iji'o'e}? 10:10 < gleki> impossible. a cmavo without selmaho! That's a true victory! No more selmaho! http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/ji'o'e 10:17 < gleki> I have a proposal. All cmavo are moved into selmaho "". 10:18 <@xalbo> Clearly, we need a null cmavo. A cmavo representative of the empty string. 10:18 <@xalbo> {.y} is close, but not quite right. 10:19 * gleki remembers of U 10:20 < durka42> seems like ji'o'e is in JE 10:20 < gleki> ja 10:37 < gleki> someone wants to know the translation of "rather" to Lojban 10:37 < gleki> .dict rather 10:37 < fenki> rather — verb: 1. (nonstandard or dialectal) To prefer; to prefer to — adjective: 1. (obsolete) Prior; earlier; former — adverb: 1. (obsolete) More quickly; sooner, earlier. [9th-19th c.], 2. Used to specify a choice or preference; preferably. (Always with would - normally contracted to '[...] 10:38 < gleki> rather1 = " on the contrary" 10:44 < dutchie> coi 10:52 < ctefaho> coi dutchie 10:56 < dutchie> mi romoi ba'o cliva lo slabu briju 10:58 < dutchie> .i mi baza gunka vi lo zdani be mi pu'o lo nu lo cnano briju cu bredi 10:58 < dutchie> sa 10:59 < dutchie> lo nu lo cnino briju cu bredi 11:01 < ldlework> fi mi pu zi simlu fa zo briju tu'a zo birje u'i 11:02 < dutchie> uinai mi ralte no birje 11:02 <@xalbo> gleki: Hmm, that meaning of "rather" sounds not unlike {ku'i}. 11:02 < niftg> .i'u nai ru'e laldo birje ta'o sai 11:04 <@xalbo> lo briju lo birje cu mleca lo ni mi djica lo nu mi do'e ce'u se jibri gunka 11:17 < gleki> xalbo: sorry, i already found answers myself. depending on meanings its {seba'iku}, {PAva'e} 11:23 * nuzba @jollysonali: There's also a chat channel called QUILTBAG+ for our wonderful queer community! https://twitter.com/recursecenter/status/614091355783077888 [http://bit.ly/1Nk0fg1] 11:44 < rlpowell> durka42: So, I tihnk you know better than I at this point: when i get time, what should I work on in the CLL? 11:45 < gleki> i guess several chapters havent been done yet 11:46 < durka42> I mean most of the community's work so far has been on just fixing the examples, right? 11:47 < durka42> (and crucifying you for your choice of text_width) 11:47 < durka42> have we even decided content questions, like whether xorlo and dotside pamphlets will be included? 11:48 < gleki> you havent fixed examples in some chapters i guess. 11:48 < gleki> i suggest first polishing CLL Legacy Edition 11:48 < gleki> rlpowell: pls link to master pdf file 11:49 < rlpowell> 26-11:47 < durka42> (and crucifying you for your choice of text_width) -- huhwhat? 11:49 < rlpowell> durka42: Content is CLLv2; this is *only* presentation. 11:49 < durka42> oh just referring to Wuzzy's mriste comments 11:49 < durka42> okay 11:49 < rlpowell> I may have missed said comments; is there an issue there I actually should be working on? 11:50 < durka42> he was saying that the fixed text width in the HTML version is annoying 11:50 < rlpowell> gleki: http://vrici.lojban.org/~rlpowell/media/public/cll_build-2015-06-20/cll_prince.pdf 11:50 < durka42> i.e. it ignores the width of the browser window 11:50 < durka42> I'm not sure it's an issue 11:50 < rlpowell> Oh, OK. 11:50 < rlpowell> Not really worried about HTML just now, but if you want to poke at it, feel free. 11:50 < rlpowell> Anywy, is there a chapter you want me to work on or something? 11:53 < gleki> headers on every page could be done in smaller font, not bold and with margin-bottom increased. 11:53 < gleki> Take page 261 11:53 < gleki> 10.4 Temporal tenses: PU and ZI 11:53 < gleki> ^ is this the header of the title of a chapter? 11:54 < gleki> Page 266. "The following cmavo is discussed in this section:" compare how the next string is indented. not pretty. i think indentation should be removed from "The following cmavo is discussed in this section:" strings. 11:56 < gleki> Page 433. Indentation in "14.22" section should be fixed too. It's strange now. I can't immediately see the tree structure it tried to represent. 11:57 < gleki> Page 434. Is it intentionally left almost blank? 11:57 < gleki> Why the first line of evey paragraph is indented. It causes weird formatting like the first string on page 436. 11:58 < gleki> And take page 435. Examples have lesser indentation than the first string of every paragraph so visually they look like a mess. 11:59 < gleki> I suggest increasing indentation of examples or somehow separate them from the rest of the text. 11:59 < gleki> Or instead descrease the indentation of the first line of every paragraph. 11:59 < durka42> were the cmavo lists at the beginning of sections fixed? 11:59 * durka42 checks 12:00 < gleki> Again page 440. The last string is indented but it starts with "we" which is a continuation of the previous sentence. Most likely such examples are numerous. 12:00 < gleki> Maybe just temporaily set indentation of the first string to 0 ? 12:00 < gleki> globally 12:01 < gleki> Page 441. Same problem of split sentences and first line indentation. Examples split them. 12:02 < gleki> Page 442. Consider not breaking "Affirmations (positive) Negations (negative)" table into two pages. 12:03 < gleki> Page 551. "18.26". Dont justify text. Or is there a <br/> after {mei}? Remove it. 12:04 < gleki> Page 552 is empty. What for? Dont waste paper. I can translate a few short stories for those pages if you want. Or is it a place for advertisements? :D 12:05 < ldlework> gleki: its written in invisible ink 12:05 < ldlework> you need a blacklight to read it 12:05 < gleki> Seems like noone worked on Chapter 20 especially with examples. 12:06 < gleki> rlpowell: ^ i havent checked the whole book bur feel free to check what i found above. 12:06 < gleki> s/bur/but/ 12:06 < fenki> gleki meant to say: rlpowell: ^ i havent checked the whole book but feel free to check what i found above. 12:06 < gleki> rlpowell: well, and glossary isnt working. at least in this pdf. 12:07 < rlpowell> gleki: Just so we're clear, a giant list of things in this channel isn't of a lot of help to anyone; please use https://github.com/lojban/cll/issues 12:07 < gleki> oh my 12:07 < gleki> i knew you'd say. 12:08 < rlpowell> I'm working my ass off today; I was asking durka42 for a single "oh, how about X" sort of thing. I'm definitely not working ont his today. But I'm going on vacation soon, adn I might then. 12:08 < durka42> sorry not sure that I have general pointers like that 12:08 < durka42> I guess "look at chapter 20" 12:08 < durka42> I'll copy gleki's comments somewhere for when you or I have more time 12:10 < rlpowell> *nod* Thank you! 12:10 < gleki> https://github.com/lojban/cll/issues/149 13:12 < ctefaho> guys guys I finally fixed the adverbial clauses 13:15 * durka42 co'a besto 13:16 < durka42> ctefaho: do tell 13:16 < dutchie> zo besto u'i 13:16 < ctefaho> well you will all think I am insane 13:17 < ldlework> "will" 13:17 < ctefaho> rrr 13:17 < ctefaho> insaner* 13:17 < ldlework> :) 13:17 < ctefaho> well let's just put it this way 13:18 < ctefaho> the "ke'a" in a xoi/soi clause is not "lo su'u no'a" or "lo no'a" but just "no'a" 13:18 < durka42> elaborate? 13:18 < ctefaho> Like for an adjectival/noi-clause the ke'a is just the sumti it is "focusing" on 13:19 < ctefaho> .i lo broda noi ke'a brode 13:19 < ctefaho> that ke'a doesn't expand to "lo broda", it just refers to it 13:19 < ldlework> o.O 13:19 < durka42> sure 13:19 < durka42> {no'a} is a pro-bridi though 13:19 < durka42> whereas {ke'a} is a pro-sumti 13:20 < durka42> show a {xoi} examples? 13:20 < ctefaho> it is a pro-something that is in sumti form 13:20 < ldlework> :3 13:20 < ctefaho> or we have to do lo no'a 13:20 < durka42> lo no'a is the x1 of the outer bridi 13:20 < ctefaho> which will be really not nice to expand to 13:21 < ctefaho> wops right 13:21 < ctefaho> just no'a 13:21 < ctefaho> ke'a = no'a in a xoi/soi 13:21 < ctefaho> in noi/poi ke'a = ...that which it is attached to 13:21 < durka42> ke'a is a sumti though 13:21 < ctefaho> but xoi/soi is attached to the whoel bridi 13:21 < ctefaho> yeah 13:22 < ctefaho> a sumti representing no'a 13:22 < durka42> representing how 13:22 < ctefaho> it just is ok 13:22 < ldlework> durka42: you can't think of a sumti that encapsulates a bridi? ;) 13:22 < ctefaho> if I have to explain how 13:22 < ctefaho> I will be lynched 13:22 < durka42> as... dare I say... an abstraction? :p 13:22 < ctefaho> I swear 13:22 < ctefaho> just trust me 13:22 < ldlework> durka42: heh ie 13:22 < durka42> ldlework: of course I can, with su'u, but there is apparently another way 13:22 < ldlework> durka42: I know I'm teasing ctefaho on your behalf, sorry 13:23 < ctefaho> ua:p 13:23 < ldlework> (I was thining of su'u as well) 13:23 < ctefaho> Well, that's the short version 13:23 < ctefaho> xoi/soi ke'a == no'a 13:23 < ctefaho> it is bound to the clause 13:23 < durka42> I don't see how you package up a bridi into ke'a without using {lo su'u no'a} 13:23 < ctefaho> like the ke'a is to noi 13:23 < ctefaho> it just *refers* to the outer bridi 13:24 < durka42> yeah sure 13:24 < durka42> that's not new 13:24 < ldlework> ctefaho: that's why its lo su'u no'a 13:24 < durka42> you're just taking away the expansion and replacing it with hand waving! :D 13:24 < ldlework> which is a sumti 13:24 < ldlework> ie u'i 13:24 < ctefaho> the expansion will come later 13:24 < ctefaho> the expansion is wonderful and magic 13:24 < ctefaho> but you will all believe I am insane 13:24 < durka42> still, I'm disappointed that I have exactly the reaction you expected 13:24 < durka42> I wish I had any idea what you mean 13:25 < durka42> just tell us lol 13:25 < durka42> we already think you're insane 13:25 < durka42> or start by revealing what's wrong with the {ke'a}={lo su'u no'a} expansion, at least 13:26 < ctefaho> .i co'e lo nu mi klama xoi ke'a cafne 13:26 < ctefaho> or do I dare just 13:26 < ctefaho> .i nu mi klama xoi ke'a cafne 13:27 < durka42> with you so far 13:27 < ldlework> do you really need the nu at all? 13:28 < ctefaho> if that ke'a would "expand" to "lo su'u no'a" it will either A) refer to a different expression/abstraction than the "nu" or B) Nest the nu into the su'u (my take on it, cause I think the NU "follows" the no'a) 13:28 < ctefaho> which we don't want, it is not the same expression any more then 13:28 < ctefaho> and as you said {lo no'a} won't work either 13:28 < ctefaho> so it has to be {no'a} 13:28 < durka42> wait wait 13:28 < durka42> vlaste: no'a 13:28 < ctefaho> which it can't expand to 13:28 < vlaste> no'a = pro-bridi: repeats the bridi in which this one is embedded. 13:29 < ctefaho> it doesn't "expand" to no'a, it refers to it 13:29 < durka42> the bridi here are 1(.i nu 2(mi klama xoi 3(ke'a cafne)) 13:29 < durka42> ) 13:29 < durka42> ke'a (and no'a) refer to bridi #2 13:29 < ldlework> need a kei to get what you want 13:29 < durka42> oh I see what you are saying 13:30 < ctefaho> I say: .i 1(nu mi klama xoi 2(ke'a cafne)) 13:30 < durka42> that in {mi klama xoi lo su'u no'a cu cafne} then {no'a} refers to the {cafne} bridi 13:30 < ldlework> ctefaho: nu starts a bridi 13:30 < durka42> ctefaho: no that's wrong 13:30 < durka42> {nu} embeds an entire bridi 13:30 < durka42> but anyway I guess the fix is to say no'axire 13:30 < durka42> mi klama xoi lo su'u no'axire cu cafne 13:30 < durka42> nu mi klama xoi lo su'u no'axire cu cafne 13:30 < ldlework> {<nu {[mi] <klama>} xoi {[ke'a] <cafne>}>} 13:31 * durka42 wonders what {} means 13:31 < ctefaho> well yes technically the nu-encapsulation is a bridi 13:31 < ldlework> bridi 13:31 < ldlework> li'a 13:31 < ctefaho> but its "x1" IS the encapsulated bridi 13:32 < ldlework> I'm not sure why the nu is needed though 13:32 < ctefaho> lo nu mi klama kei 13:32 < ldlework> mi klama xoi ke'a cafne 13:32 < ctefaho> to show why xoi's ke'a has to be that way 13:32 < durka42> ldlework: he uses it to mark the type of statement. just go with it 13:32 < ldlework> je'e 13:33 < ctefaho> btw 13:33 < ldlework> durka42: it makes talking about this more complicated though :P 13:33 < ctefaho> durka42 was it you with that good-day somethng example? 13:33 < durka42> so we just use no'axire and there's no issue, right? 13:33 < durka42> yes that was me 13:33 < ctefaho> and li'i 13:33 < ctefaho> can you show it please 13:33 < durka42> lo xamgu ko li'i cabdei 13:34 < ctefaho> lo xamgu ku ko li'i cabdei kei 13:34 < ctefaho> ko kinda works 13:34 < ctefaho> but lo xamgu, nope 13:34 < durka42> eh? 13:34 < ctefaho> li'i-x1 IS the encapsulated bridi 13:34 < ctefaho> lo li'i cabdei kei 13:34 < durka42> vlaste: li'i 13:34 < vlaste> li'i = abstractor: experience abstractor; x1 is x2's experience of [bridi] (participant or observer). 13:34 < ctefaho> cabdei's sumti places doesn't escape 13:34 < durka42> no they do not 13:34 < ctefaho> x1 is the whole li'i-kei 13:34 < durka42> {cabdei} is a whole bridi on its own 13:35 < ctefaho> yeah 13:35 < durka42> that's the beauty of the example, it breaks your assumptions on how we usually use NU, but it works! 13:35 < ldlework> This is a very strange construction 13:35 < ctefaho> but you can't just cu yourself into a li'i x1 13:35 < ldlework> {lo li'i cabdei cu xamgu ko} pe'i 13:35 < durka42> I'm not sure I know what you mean 13:35 < durka42> {li'i cabdei kei} is a perfectly cromulent selbri with two sumti places 13:35 < ctefaho> you are saying that "lo xamgu ku" IS "li'i cabdei kei" 13:36 < ldlework> Its like a reverse proposition 13:36 < durka42> {lo xamgu} is x1 of {li'i cabdei kei}, yep 13:36 < durka42> and ko is x2 13:36 < ctefaho> ko kinda works 13:36 < ctefaho> no durka 13:36 < ctefaho> not in that way 13:36 < ctefaho> how would "lo li'i cabdei ku" work then? 13:36 < durka42> it pulls out the x1 of {li'i cabdei} 13:37 < ctefaho> .i zo'e cu li'i cabdei ku 13:37 < ctefaho> si 13:37 < durka42> misplaced {ku} 13:37 < ctefaho> .i zo'e cu li'i cabdei kei 13:37 < durka42> jo'a 13:37 < ldlework> "Something is my experience of yesterday" 13:37 < durka42> today* 13:37 < ldlework> ie 13:37 < ldlework> lo xamgu cu li'i cabdei 13:37 < ctefaho> "Something *that* is my experience of yesterday" 13:37 < ldlework> "A good thing is my experience of yesterday" 13:37 < ldlework> Nothing breaks. 13:38 < ldlework> No 13:38 < durka42> the gloss of {lo xamgu ko li'i cabdei} is "[command] A good thing is your experience of today" 13:38 < durka42> xu sidju 13:38 < ctefaho> guys, I am working on expanding every single construct 13:38 < ldlework> lo xamgu cu li'i cabdei => da zo'u da xamgu je cu li'i cabdei 13:38 < ctefaho> believe me when I say that is wrong 13:38 < ldlework> there you go! 13:39 < durka42> sorry... don't believe you 13:39 < durka42> please show evidence :) 13:40 < ctefaho> I have to put it together better and expand some tag things 13:40 < ctefaho> but if we can just agree ke'a == no'a 13:40 < durka42> it's a very old example, I didn't make it up 13:40 < durka42> I think I stole it from xalbo actually 13:40 < durka42> ke'a refers to an abstraction of the outer bridi, as always 13:40 < ctefaho> but no lo or lo su'u 13:40 < ctefaho> that breaks expansion 13:40 < ctefaho> no ke'a can ever expand 13:41 < ctefaho> only the bridi they are in 13:41 < durka42> okay make it a primitive if you want 13:41 < durka42> or use no'axire to fix it like I showed 13:41 < ctefaho> it's a primitive I assure you 13:41 < ctefaho> as for the rest of it, it will come in due time... 13:42 <@xalbo> Yeah, I think I was the one who created {lo xamgu ko li'i cerni} for "good morning" (Although I'm not quite sure which variant it was that was first). 13:42 < ctefaho> xalbo, please 13:42 < ctefaho> li'i-x1 13:42 < ctefaho> what is it? 13:43 <@xalbo> It's a li'i1. 13:43 <@xalbo> :) 13:43 * ctefaho cu morsi xoi vlile 13:43 <@xalbo> It's also lifri2. I mean, what is a du'u1? 13:44 < ctefaho> abstractor: predication/bridi abstractor; x1 is predication [bridi] expressed in sentence x2. 13:44 < ctefaho> just look at the def 13:44 < ldlework> it's also xamgu on this case 13:44 < ctefaho> "x1 is [bridi]" 13:44 <@xalbo> (I'm catching up on backscroll, just noticed my name) 13:44 < ldlework> yes encapsulated as a sumti 13:44 < ctefaho> yes 13:45 < ctefaho> and whatever you put into the du'u-kei, is x1 13:45 <@xalbo> So I guess I'm missing the question/objection. 13:45 * durka42 ji'a 13:45 < ldlework> and what ever you put into the x1 13:45 < ctefaho> and? 13:45 < ctefaho> how is that supposed to work? 13:46 < ldlework> its easy 13:46 < ctefaho> .i mi djuno lo du'u zo'e co'e 13:46 < ldlework> lo xamgu creates a description 13:46 < ldlework> a referring description 13:46 < ldlework> it refers to some Thing 13:46 < ldlework> da 13:46 < ldlework> da zo'u 13:46 < ldlework> da is the topic of our sentence 13:46 < ldlework> da zo'u da xamgu 13:46 < ldlework> da is xamgu by way of the description 13:46 < ctefaho> maybe you mean it in another way than I think you do 13:46 < ldlework> da zo'u da xamgu jecu li'i cabdei 13:46 < ctefaho> lemme check your da-thing again 13:46 < durka42> does it make more sense to switch it around and say {lo li'i cabdei kei be ko cu xamgu} 13:46 < ldlework> da is also x1 of li'i cabdei 13:46 < ldlework> because of the verb 13:46 < ldlework> li'i cabdei 13:47 * durka42 wonders where the quantification came from 13:47 < ldlework> which asserts whatever is x1 is also someone's experience of cabdei 13:47 < ldlework> durka42: what? 13:47 < durka42> I dunno you brought {da} into it 13:47 < durka42> it's just filling the x1 and x2 of li'i 13:47 < ldlework> because all descriptions expand to an existentially defined object 13:47 < durka42> I don't see the issue 13:47 < ldlework> da isn't quantified 13:48 < ldlework> lo broda = da zo'u da broda 13:48 < durka42> er 13:48 < durka42> no 13:48 < durka42> but that's not the issue 13:48 < durka42> I don't want to talk about {su'o} today :) 13:48 < ldlework> sure it is, you can use poi 13:48 < ldlework> but they say the same thing 13:48 <@xalbo> ctefaho: lo li'i cabdei cu xamgu .i lo li'i cabdei ku goi ko'a cu xamgu .i ko'a xamgu .i ko'a li'i cabdei .i lo xamgu ku goi ko'a cu li'i cabdei .i lo xamgu ku cabdei 13:48 < ldlework> they don't "quantify" differently 13:48 <@xalbo> What among those do you find objectionable? 13:49 < ldlework> xalbo: nice 13:49 < durka42> xalbo: coi la selckiku .u'i 13:49 <@xalbo> (sorry, that last should be {lo xamgu ku li'i cabdei}, that was the whole damn point and I screwed it up) 13:49 < ctefaho> xalbo: sorry, now I see what you mean. just a bit confused after hours of expanding stuff 13:49 < ldlework> ... 13:50 <@xalbo> {lo xamgu ku cabdei} is fine, too, just different 13:50 < durka42> it was just that someone who isn't me needed to explain it 13:50 < ctefaho> "There is something that is an experience of a day, that is good" 13:50 < ldlework> ctefaho: if you can understand the existential expansion, you can understand all of those examples 13:50 < ctefaho> today* 13:50 < ctefaho> The experience of something being a good day, is good 13:50 < durka42> {lo broda} != {da poi broda} 13:50 < durka42> let's not go there 13:51 < ctefaho> if that is what you want to say then we are all fine 13:51 < ldlework> durka42: I guess if you say so 13:51 < ldlework> But I disagree 13:51 < durka42> je'e 13:51 < durka42> ctefaho: There is something that is an experience of today, that is good, and I want you to have said experience!" 13:51 < ldlework> There's literally nothing else it could mean except, "There exists something, and it is good." 13:51 < ctefaho> .i zo'e cu xamgu je cu li'i cabdei 13:52 < ldlework> ctefaho: right 13:52 < durka42> zo'e xamgu jecu li'i cabdei kei be ko 13:52 < ldlework> where zo'e is just some expansion of da also 13:52 < durka42> .u'i 13:52 < ctefaho> ok good I had gotten the impression you wanted to mean something else 13:52 < ctefaho> good good, then 13:52 < ldlework> ctefaho: all I ever meant is, there is one referring description in the senetnece and two predicates 13:52 < ldlework> since one predicate is used to refer to the thing 13:53 < ldlework> and one predicate is used to assert a verb about the thing 13:53 < ldlework> both predicates are true about the thing 13:53 < ldlework> so we know three things 13:53 < ldlework> 1. there is something 13:53 < ldlework> 2. it is good 13:53 < ldlework> 3. it is the experience of today 13:53 < ctefaho> I kinda both knew and forgot what lo expanded to... 13:53 < ctefaho> NU-x1 only really makes sense with da or zo'e 13:53 < ctefaho> so in that sense they are not normal selbri 13:53 < Ilmen> ctefaho: lo is more or less a primitive 13:54 < ldlework> ctefaho: that is true of all verbs 13:54 < ldlework> the only thing that ever makes sense in x1 of any verb is some quantified (or not) existential referrent 13:54 < ldlework> IE, da 13:54 < durka42> tersmus: lo xamgu ko li'i cabdei 13:54 < tersmus> xamgu(c0); li'i[cabdei( )](c0,ko) 13:54 < ldlework> I can say the same sentence 13:54 < ctefaho> I mean you can't do 13:54 < ldlework> but leave out the xamgu assertion 13:54 < ctefaho> mi li'i cabdei 13:54 < Ilmen> {su'oi da poi .olkai lo ka ce'u broda} is a good approximation of {lo broda} IIRC @ctefaho 13:54 < ldlework> da li'i cabdei 13:54 < ldlework> "something is the experience of today" 13:54 < durka42> well no, you're not an experience 13:55 < durka42> but you can do {mi jai li'i cabdei} 13:55 <@xalbo> There's very little difference between, say, {mi djica lo nu citka} and {lo se djica be mi cu nu citka} 13:55 < durka42> or {mi jai nu dormijysai}, my other favorite NU example 13:55 < ldlework> no need 13:55 < ldlework> you can also just use fe 13:55 < ldlework> or se 13:55 < ctefaho> xalbo: yep 13:55 < ctefaho> but again lo expands to zo'e 13:55 < ldlework> or even be 13:55 < ldlework> zo'e poi 13:55 < ctefaho> except Ilmen now brought in da 13:56 < ldlework> zo'e is just a da with a poi clause 13:56 < Ilmen> There is, however, a difference between {lo xunre cu barda} and {lo barda cu xunre}, li'a 13:56 < ldlework> something about not being mentioned by the speaker 13:56 < ctefaho> reminds me i need to read through the logic article again 13:56 < ctefaho> but ok I had misunderstood, no NU-x1 abuse then 13:56 <@xalbo> Yes, !{mi li'i cabdei} is semantically wrong, but so is !{mi citka lo nu sipna} or !{lo narskari je crino sidbo cu vlile sipna} 13:56 < ldlework> Ilmen: there is no difference unless you inject invisible quantifiers 13:57 < ctefaho> yeah xalbo 13:57 < Ilmen> I don't think lo expands to zo'e. 13:57 < ldlework> me either 13:57 < ctefaho> uhm 13:57 < ldlework> just da 13:57 < Ilmen> ldlework: Indeed you can't just replace lo broda" with the expansion I shown earlier 13:57 < Ilmen> because it would introduce scope 13:57 < ctefaho> is the bpfk page phonomentally wrong then? 13:57 < ldlework> Ilmen: but without quantification its fine 13:58 < ctefaho> lo [PA] broda zo'e noi ke'a broda [gi'e zilkancu li PA lo broda] 13:58 < Ilmen> But if you put it at topmost scope in a zo'u that can work 13:58 < ldlework> right 13:58 < Ilmen> I think 13:58 < ctefaho> where does that da come from 13:58 < ldlework> no it totally works 13:58 < ldlework> lo broda cu brode == lo brode cu broda == da zo'u da broda jecu brode == da zo'u da brode jecu broda 13:58 < ldlework> The only difference between the different predications is focus. 13:59 < Ilmen> su'oi da, not simply da (because lo can be plural, su'o da can't) 13:59 < ldlework> One is being used for designation, one is being used for assertion 13:59 < ldlework> Ilmen: right "only if you inject invisible quantifiers" 13:59 < ldlework> which we're not going to do, because that would be wrong, right? 13:59 <@xalbo> Pre-xorlo, {lo broda} was {su'o da poi broda}. But I'm fairly certain xorlo changed that to something more fundamentally {zo'e} than {da}. 13:59 < ctefaho> how do you get a da from lo without any quantifiers? 13:59 < ctefaho> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_gadri 13:59 < Ilmen> ctefaho: {lo broda = zo'e noi broda} has been long considered a good approximation, but it's not a perfect expansion 13:59 < ctefaho> is what I go by 14:00 < ldlework> there's no reason to use zo'e 14:00 < ldlework> just use da, without any default quantification 14:00 < ctefaho> but I love zo'e 14:00 < ldlework> It doesn't say all broda 14:00 < ldlework> ir doesn't say some broda 14:00 < ldlework> it does say 1 broda 14:00 < ldlework> it doesn't say 0 broda 14:00 <@xalbo> Did you mean "it doesn't say 1 broda"? 14:00 < ldlework> it just says there is some existentially unquantified referent which is broda and brode 14:00 < ldlework> xalbo: yes 14:00 < ctefaho> So zo'e can be da? 14:00 < ldlework> sorry 14:00 < ldlework> zo'e is of course da 14:00 * ctefaho really needs to read that article 14:00 < ldlework> with some unspecified quantification 14:00 < ldlework> like 14:00 < ldlework> da poi mi na cusku 14:00 < ldlework> or some shit 14:01 < durka42> da = su'oda 14:01 <@xalbo> I think we fundamentally disagree on what {da} means without quantification. 14:01 < ldlework> durka42: that's needless 14:01 < Ilmen> zo'e = lo co'e 14:01 < durka42> there is no da without quantification 14:01 < ldlework> That's not what logic demands 14:01 < ldlework> And that's not what lingusitics demands 14:01 < durka42> isn't it? 14:01 <@xalbo> s/without quantification/without explicit quantification/ 14:01 < fenki> xalbo meant to say: I think we fundamentally disagree on what {da} means without explicit quantification. 14:01 < ldlework> durka42: no? 14:01 < ldlework> You can say "some thing X exists for which predicate Y is true" 14:01 < ldlework> without saying how many Y's the X represents 14:02 < durka42> isn't that su'o 14:02 < durka42> .u'u uanai 14:02 <@xalbo> ∃da is {su'o da}. 14:02 < ldlework> no, because the referring set can be empty 14:02 < ctefaho> But ok guys. If we can agree for at least a while that xoi-ke'a == no'a, I will be a happy man 14:02 <@xalbo> If the set is empty, then saying that something exists is false. 14:03 < ldlework> No, because logical formulations are not objective magical statements 14:03 < ldlework> It creates a symbol which can refer to anything 14:03 < ldlework> which is *only* informed by predicates 14:03 <@xalbo> ctefaho: {no'a} is a pro-selbri, and {ke'a} is a pro-sumti. They're just fundamentally different things. 14:03 <@xalbo> {lo su'u no'a}, maybe. 14:04 < ldlework> xalbo: that's the expansion he's been trying to avoid from the start 14:04 < Ilmen> There's something equivalent or very close to Lojban's {lo} in Logic formulae, namely the iota operator "℩", if I'm not mistaken 14:05 < ldlework> propositions which assert on the empty set are called "vacous truths" 14:05 < ldlework> They don't violate the grammar or calculus of logic 14:05 < dutchie> er 14:05 < ctefaho> xalbo: disagree 14:05 < ldlework> They have semantic consequences 14:05 < ldlework> But not logical ones 14:05 < durka42> sure 14:05 < ctefaho> ke'a is a clause-focus marker 14:05 < dutchie> for all propositions are always true about the empty set 14:05 < ctefaho> or whatever you want to call it 14:05 < dutchie> there exists are never true 14:05 < ctefaho> ke'a is a primitive 14:05 < durka42> but if you say {da broda} and the truth is {no da broda}, then what you said wasn't true 14:06 < ldlework> durka42: it doesn't mean no da broda 14:06 < ldlework> you're conflating semantic interpretation with logical construction 14:06 < ldlework> da=(/) broda is a vacous truth 14:06 < ldlework> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth 14:06 < durka42> no, read what I said 14:07 < ldlework> oh sure, I agree 14:07 < durka42> if you say some things broda, but actually none of the things broda, then what you said wasn't true 14:07 < ldlework> durka42: stop injecting a default quantifier 14:07 < ldlework> da by itself doesn't actually provide whether the set is empty or not 14:07 < durka42> that's where we disagree 14:07 < ldlework> you can define lo to inject su'o by default 14:07 < ldlework> because that's more useful for language 14:07 < ldlework> but raw logical formulation doesn't require it 14:07 < durka42> I didn't say lo injects su'o 14:08 < durka42> because it doesn't 14:08 < durka42> but da does 14:08 < ldlework> well lo must expand to some da formulation since it is an existential claim 14:08 * ctefaho co'o for a bit 14:08 < dutchie> logic formulation doesn't ascribe truth to a formula with free variables 14:08 < ldlework> so if the minimum da in lojban is "su'o da" then fine 14:08 < ldlework> But that's dumb 14:08 < ldlework> It should just be unquantified for real 14:09 < durka42> I also missed the part where {lo} makes an existential claim 14:09 < ldlework> Its a referring description 14:09 < ldlework> this is its speech function 14:09 < ldlework> thus, if all the writings and formalization of referring descriptions has anything to say 14:09 < ldlework> it makes an existential claim 14:10 < ldlework> even if you are being non-veridical 14:10 < Ilmen> IIRC, {lo broda cu brode} implies {su'oi broda cu brode} 14:10 < ldlework> in that you don't really think that da xamgu is true 14:10 < ldlework> of lo xamgu 14:10 < durka42> possibly it makes an existential claim about what I am referring to 14:10 < ldlework> you are still asserting something exists 14:10 < ldlework> ...that's the only thing that can be meant! 14:10 < ldlework> when I say 14:10 < ldlework> lo broda xu brode 14:10 < ldlework> there is only one referring descriptions 14:10 < ldlework> and two assertions on the referent 14:10 < durka42> Ilmen: I don't think so (unless I don't understand {su'oi}, which I don't), because it should be possible to say a vacuous statement 14:11 < ldlework> whether it is zasti or dacti is totally irrelevant to what is meant by 'existential' 14:11 <@xalbo> ldlework: You're going back and forth between {da} must not have a default quantifier and {lo} is defined in terms of {da}. I'm claiming that neither is true. 14:11 < ldlework> xalbo: that's great, so demonstrate 14:11 < ldlework> I'm freely flowing with lingusitic and logical justifications for my position 14:11 < ldlework> Defeat them, or make even more compelling ones 14:11 <@xalbo> {da} has a default quantifier, and it is {su'o}. {lo broda} is (very nearly) {zo'e noi broda}. 14:11 < ldlework> I understand you disagree 14:12 < ldlework> right, so you've reasserted your position 14:12 < ldlework> Justify why da must have a default quantifier 14:12 < ldlework> Does logic demand it? 14:12 < ldlework> Does language? 14:12 < dutchie> i would say so 14:12 < ldlework> I already admitted su'o is probably a useful default quantifier 14:12 <@xalbo> No, it doesn't demand it. But it doesn't prohibit it, either. 14:12 < ldlework> Because it is useful for language 14:12 < dutchie> well, practicality might demand it 14:12 < Ilmen> ldlework: Do you want {su'o no da}? 14:12 < ldlework> It basically only prevents accidential vacious truths 14:13 < ldlework> which I'd be totally fine with 14:13 < ldlework> But it means that da can't mean ro by default 14:13 < ldlework> ambiguously at least 14:13 < ldlework> in an unspecified place 14:13 < ldlework> not 'by default' 14:13 < ldlework> IE, if there is no default 14:13 <@xalbo> Who the fuck says that da means ro by default? 14:13 < dutchie> surely {su'o no da} would always lead to vacuous truths 14:13 < dutchie> i can't see how that would ever be useful 14:13 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm talking about logical formulation 14:14 < ldlework> for which is the base foundation of lojban's formalism 14:14 <@xalbo> What is a statement that you feel is true with {da} that would be false with {su'o da}? 14:14 < ldlework> We're exploring the difference 14:14 < ldlework> By what is provided by logical calculus 14:14 < ldlework> And what is useful for language 14:14 < ldlework> xalbo: any vacuous truth 14:15 < ldlework> Which I already admitted is not all that useful 14:15 < dutchie> i'm fairly sure you need some quantification for a vacuous truth 14:15 <@xalbo> If we can make a concrete example, maybe we can find common ground, or find our actual differences. 14:15 < ldlework> dutchie: yes, the empty set 14:15 < ldlework> you need to quantify for the empty set 14:15 < ldlework> without *ANY* quantification, the quantification is ambiguous 14:15 < dutchie> you need a *for all* quantifying over the empty set 14:15 < ldlework> which means it could be empty, some or none 14:15 < ldlework> that's literally what I just said 14:16 < ldlework> xalbo: we don't have a difference 14:16 < ldlework> I'm talking widely about what exists in logic 14:16 < ldlework> what is useful in language 14:16 < dutchie> there is a difference between quantifying over the empty set and no quantification at all 14:16 < ldlework> and you're just repeating your model of lojban 14:16 < ldlework> I agree with your model for lojban 14:16 <@xalbo> I claim that {da} means {su'o da} (in the absence of any other explicit quantifier). Do we have a difference? 14:16 < ldlework> so you're just waving your hands around complaining that we're not merely just saying over and over how lojban is defined 14:16 < dutchie> unless i've completely forgotten the four years of maths undergrad degree i studied 14:17 < ldlework> dutchie: I'm not saying anything you're not 14:17 < ldlework> Ex has no quantification 14:17 < dutchie> yes it does 14:17 < ldlework> it doesn't assert e(/) 14:17 < ldlework> dutchie: only that something exists 14:17 < durka42> co'o 14:17 < dutchie> Ex asserts ~A~x 14:17 < ldlework> which could be an empty set, or the full set, or the partial set 14:17 <@xalbo> ldlework: I asked you for an example, stop saying "vacuous truth" and "what is useful for language" and "what exists in logic" and actually come up with an example, if such a thing exists. 14:18 < dutchie> if you don't specify the set, you mean the universe of discourse, which you infer from context 14:18 < durka42> doi mi lo xamgu ko li'i nicte 14:18 < ldlework> xalbo: da broda, without su'o, is a vacuous truth 14:18 < dutchie> no it isn't! 14:18 < ldlework> it really is 14:18 < ldlework> because if you're saying it isn't 14:18 < Ilmen> doi ko zanfri senva doi la .durkas. 14:18 < ldlework> you've already injected su'o 14:18 <@xalbo> Do you mean that for all {broda}, {da broda} is a true statement‽ 14:18 < ldlework> xalbo: no that would be a quantified da 14:18 <@xalbo> (Even if vacuously?) 14:19 < dutchie> it's neither true nor false 14:19 < dutchie> it depends on the value of da 14:19 < ldlework> right 14:19 < ldlework> that's what I'm saying 14:19 < ldlework> if you strip da of all quantification 14:19 < dutchie> no, you're saying it's vacuously true 14:20 <@xalbo> "da broda, without su'o, is a vacuous truth" -- does that only work for some broda, or for any possible value of broda? 14:20 < ldlework> xalbo: its potentially a vacuous truth 14:20 <@xalbo> I think we disagree about what "vacuous truth" means, also. 14:20 < ldlework> if you assume the empty set 14:20 < ldlework> since there is no quantifier, we don't know 14:20 < dutchie> to return to pure logic, and P is some predicate, P(x) is not a vacuous truth 14:20 < ldlework> dutchie: only if x refers to the empty set 14:21 < ldlework> which would have to be quantified as such explicitly 14:21 < dutchie> x is not referring to a set, x is an element of some set 14:21 < dutchie> (well, unless you're in some hierarchical set theory where everything's a set, but that's beside the point) 14:21 <@xalbo> More to the point, if P is some predicate, P(x) has x as a free variable (or a constant, or what have you) 14:21 < ldlework> dutchie: no, that's precsiely the context I'm using 14:22 < dutchie> it has a free variable as xalbo said 14:22 < ldlework> without quantification, we don't know whether x is the empty set, the partial set or the full set 14:22 < dutchie> quantification doesn't come into it, you can't talk about the truth value of some formula which has free variables 14:22 <@xalbo> x isn't a set. x is an element in a set. 14:22 < ldlework> xalbo: everything is a set 14:23 < dutchie> this keyboard isn't a set 14:23 < ldlework> yes it is 14:23 < dutchie> nothing is a set, except for some hazy constructs mathematicians made up to reason about 14:23 < ldlework> uh no 14:23 < dutchie> who even knows if they exist 14:23 < ldlework> okay this has left the realm of pragmatic discourse 14:23 < dutchie> i think that was a while ago 14:23 < dutchie> xkcd.com/386 14:23 < ldlework> dutchie: that's what I always say when I want to diminish my interlocutors I disagree with 14:24 < dutchie> i'm not denying that i am equally at fault 14:24 < dutchie> i am agreeing that neither of us is likely to change the other's position 14:24 < dutchie> or perhaps even to fully grasp what that position is 14:24 < ldlework> Are there ways to write out a quantification that involves the empty set? 14:24 < ldlework> There are. 14:25 < ldlework> Are there ways to write out a quantification, similiar to su'o, there are. And ro? There are. 14:25 < ldlework> They all exist as independent desginations 14:25 < ldlework> Without them, you have none of them by default 14:25 < ldlework> There is no default quantification 14:25 < dutchie> we agree on that. what we disagree on is the semantics of a formula with free variables 14:26 < ldlework> No we don't disagree 14:26 < ldlework> Because I don't think you can prove the truth value of such statements either 14:26 < ldlework> And never said you could 14:26 < dutchie> then what have we been arguing about for 20 minutes u'i 14:26 < ldlework> I only ever said that logic doesn't require a default quantification on the variables used in its calculus 14:26 < ldlework> To distinguish this from the case in ojban 14:27 <@xalbo> If I understand correctly, you're saying that {da broda} is a statement with a free variable, and therefore has no truth value? 14:27 < ldlework> where the desire to insert a default quantifier into the fundamental particle representing existentialism 14:27 < ldlework> xalbo: no, I WANT su'o! 14:27 < ldlework> I WANT su'o to be the default 14:27 < dutchie> in that case, we are in violent agreement 14:27 < ldlework> I'm merely OBSERVING differences 14:27 * xalbo gibbers. 14:27 < ldlework> u'i 14:27 < ldlework> I want it because, for language, it is useful. 14:27 < dutchie> iele'o 14:27 < ldlework> Not because logical calculus demands it. 14:27 < dutchie> ? 14:27 <@xalbo> We've been explaining why {su'o} is the default for the last ze'usai. You've been telling us it isn't. 14:28 < ldlework> No I'm saying, there is literally nothing demanding it to be that way. 14:28 < ldlework> That's all I've *ever* said. 14:28 < dutchie> haha 14:28 < dutchie> we all agree 14:28 < ldlework> You like to take my observations as prescriptions. 14:28 < dutchie> what fun the internet is 14:28 < ldlework> dutchie: I think we do. 14:29 <@xalbo> Then when we said "this is the way it works", why didn't you say "oh good, that's what I wanted" instead of..you know what, fuck it. 14:29 < ldlework> Because you joined a conversation *I* was having 14:29 < ldlework> And started making assertions that completely buried the actual line of discourse 14:30 <@xalbo> Find the first line you said that indicated you wanted a bare {da} to be treated like {su'o da}, and not as a free variable. 14:30 <@xalbo> or I'm going to call bullshit. 14:31 < ldlework> I made plenty of assertions of the form "da isn't quantified by default" 14:31 < ldlework> In the context of me already talking about what is nessecetated 14:31 < ldlework> durka and I were having a conversation distinguishing between two possibilities 14:31 < ldlework> when I say "da isn't quantified by default!" 14:31 < ldlework> I'm not talking about the zero-context referring lojban as we use it 14:32 < ldlework> I'm talking about how it exists in the nonce distinguished case in a comparative analysis 14:34 < ldlework> 14:01:20 durka42 | there is no da without quantification 14:34 < ldlework> 14:01:29 ldlework | That's not what logic demands 14:34 < ldlework> 14:01:34 ldlework | And that's not what lingusitics deman 14:34 < ldlework> 14:01:37 durka42 | isn't it? 14:34 <@xalbo> So basically, you said things like "da isn't quantified by default", not as a statement about Lojban, but as a statement about a new language you made up on the spot, and expected us to understand that difference without ever mentioning it. 14:35 < ldlework> xalbo: yes that's the asshole way to characterize normal conversation people have about possibilities and the characteristics of a system and their consequences 14:35 < ldlework> One who always has to diminish 14:36 < ldlework> So basically, this is the reaction when you jump into a conversation without reading any of the context primed with a default agent to protect your own precious notions and demean those you generally don't get along with 14:36 < ldlework> ? 14:36 <@xalbo> I honestly thought you were asserting that {da broda} and {su'o da broda} should mean different things in actual lojban. 14:36 < ldlework> I bet you did 14:36 <@xalbo> It now seems like that's not at all what you were talking about. 14:36 < ldlework> The original question was whether lo makes an existential claim at all 14:37 < ldlework> Once we started expanding it, the conversation about needing su'o came up 14:37 < ldlework> and I declared su'o isn't really required as far as logical expansions go 14:37 < ldlework> That it is only nessecitated using the language in a practical way 14:38 < ldlework> But there is *no fundamental reason* why we can't have unquantified da 14:38 < ldlework> Where unquantified da simply has an _unspecified quantifier_ 14:38 < ldlework> rather than _zero quantifier_ making it a free variable 14:39 < ldlework> That's all I was trying to say 14:41 <@xalbo> I don't think the idea of an unspecified quantifier makes any sense. Like, when is it ever preferable to have an unspecified quantifier over having {su'o} as a default quantifier? 14:41 * ctefaho cu cilce tolcanci 14:41 < ctefaho> xo'e as default quantifier? 14:41 * ctefaho cu cilce canci 14:41 < ldlework> xalbo: when is it ever a good idea to leave out anything in language 14:41 < ldlework> when context is obvious? 14:42 < ldlework> why does it matter whether I mean "some" or "all" is context is strong enough 14:42 < ldlework> unspecified quantification is on equal grounds with all other ambiguity 14:42 < ldlework> It isn't special 14:42 < dutchie> except possibly more confusing 14:42 <@xalbo> durka42: Discussion hasn't ended, but it's boiling down. ldlework claims that when he said {da} doesn't need a quantifier, he means that in some hypothetical possible-world other language, and it has nothing to do with lojban. 14:43 < ldlework> dutchie: are you suggesting we always provide all information regardless of the strenght of context? 14:43 <@xalbo> Did you get that meaning from the conversation? 14:43 < ldlework> Why is quantification special? 14:43 < ldlework> I never even explicitly denoted "some hypothetical possible-world other langauge" 14:43 < ldlework> Because you don't need to do that anytime you're talking about mechanics 14:43 < dutchie> not at all. i was hypothesising that quantification might be more important to leave in than other things 14:43 < ldlework> No one requires that of you 14:43 < ldlework> Or anyone else 14:43 < ldlework> You're only doing that now, here 14:43 < dutchie> though i have no basis for that claim 14:44 < ldlework> dutchie: sure, that's basically all I'm saying 14:44 < ldlework> There's nothing inherent to it, as a feature of the language that *demands* a default quantifier 14:44 < ldlework> In terms of mechanical function 14:44 < ldlework> But certainly su'o is the most useful 14:44 <@xalbo> When you are in a channel named "#lojban", and you make claims about a word {da} which strongly resembles the lojban word {da}, then yes, you sort of do need to denote that you're not actually talking about Lojban if you're not. 14:45 < ldlework> In fact, I'm still talking about lojban 14:45 < ldlework> There's nothing about lojban, in form or function 14:45 < ldlework> that requires it to have a default da quantification 14:45 < ldlework> So I'm not really talking about some other language 14:45 < ldlework> I'm making an observation about the one we have 14:45 < ldlework> You just need to make sure everyone knows that I'm an insane person who they shouldn't agree with 14:45 < ldlework> By framing anything I say in a bizare confusion 14:45 < ldlework> Its really old. 14:46 < ldlework> And I wish you could just move on from the fact that sometimes we don't agree 14:46 < ldlework> and sometimes you are overbearing in conversations that you just jumped into 14:46 < ldlework> and can't for any doubt to 14:46 < ldlework> afford* 14:47 < ldlework> Its like trying to operate with a wet blanket drapped over me at all times. 14:47 < ldlework> I can make people disagree with me on my own, thanks. 14:48 <@xalbo> I am saying that what you said lead me to a complete misunderstanding of what you were talking about. And I strongly suspect that it likewise misled everyone else in the conversation. 14:48 < ldlework> Except when dutchie stopped to consider the actual aim of what I'm saying he decied that we actually agree. 14:48 < ldlework> Wonderous how that works. 14:48 <@xalbo> If someone wants to step up now and say that they understood you completely the whole time, I welcome it now. 14:49 < ldlework> xalbo: funny, they already did 14:49 < ldlework> selective backscroll 14:49 < ldlework> It isn't my job to never confuse you 14:49 <@xalbo> dutchie: Did you understand the whole time that ldlework wasn't talking about how {da} worked in Lojban, but about the limits of how it could be redefined? 14:49 < ldlework> Its your job to not be a dick when you're confused 14:50 < dutchie> i don't particularly want to be drawn onto one side or other of your personal feud 14:50 < ldlework> As someone in a channel constantly typing text, I obviously have a stake in being understood 14:50 < ldlework> So maybe you could afford me the same bias you afford everyone else 14:50 <@xalbo> dutchie: Very good answer. I apologize for the question. 14:50 < ldlework> In that maybe I'm not trying to offend you by using obsfucated speech? 14:51 < ldlework> Maybe you simply entered a conversation and pre-empted a disagreement without context and carried yourself in an overbearing manner? 14:51 < ldlework> No never. 14:51 <@xalbo> It took me most of the conversation to understand that we were actually talking about different things. 14:51 < ldlework> xalbo: that isn't somethign you get to be a dick about 14:51 < ldlework> it really isn't 14:51 <@xalbo> I'm curious when *you* understood what we were talking about different things. 14:52 < ldlework> I observed several times 14:52 < ldlework> That we were likely in agreeemnt 14:52 < ldlework> And that you were just repeating the same shit over about actual lojban 14:52 < ldlework> I even mentioned several times, in choronological disjoint, that su'o is a useful default 14:52 < ldlework> I couched my statements over and over 14:52 <@xalbo> And you didn't say "I'm not talking about actual lojban" 14:52 < ldlework> But I am talking about actual lojban 14:53 < ldlework> I'm observing that nothing about it really requires a default quantifier 14:53 < ldlework> the topic of the discussion as established before you got here 14:53 < ldlework> Its your problem not mine. 14:53 < ldlework> And regardless of communication problems 14:54 < ldlework> you really ought to stop being a dick to me 14:54 < ldlework> and calling others to your rally to be a dick 14:55 <@xalbo> I apologize for being a dick to you. I will attempt, in the future, to hold my temper with you. 14:55 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm not going to deny my effects on you or that I am perfectly an angel or anything like that. I know the texture that creates friction between us 14:56 < ldlework> And I certainly don't mind teasing or frenemieness but I don't like you underminding my capability to pariticpate all together 14:56 < ldlework> Anyway, sorry my method of delivery caused you grief. 14:56 < ldlework> I always enjoy many times more when we're in natural agreement 14:57 <@xalbo> I do think that you should examine your methods, because I'm not the only person you antagonize. I've been in this channel...wow, maybe 15 years? And I can count on one hand the number of people I've had bad interactions with. 14:57 < ldlework> xalbo: but I don't get into these personal disputes with other people 14:58 < ldlework> sometimes its a harshness 14:58 < ldlework> But I don't find myself having third-party disparagging where my interlocutor tries to reach out to the wider audience to confirm my complete inoperability 14:58 < ldlework> That's just trashy dude. 14:58 <@xalbo> I think you antagonize more people than you know. Mabye you do it without realizing it, but you do. 14:59 < ldlework> xalbo: So the best thing to do, is just grossly personally attack me 14:59 < ldlework> I see your point 14:59 <@xalbo> I was reaching out and asking "Am I off base here, or was anyone else confused?" 14:59 < ldlework> I'm aware that I don't placate to people's whimsical emotional state, but I don't disparage individuals 14:59 < ldlework> xalbo: you make lots of references to the mental and emotional state of others 14:59 < ldlework> without them ever expressing anything 15:00 < ldlework> that one sure, supposes others are confused too 15:00 < ldlework> But you will *characterize* my speech directly as surely being confusing to others 15:00 < ldlework> is if inherently 15:00 < ldlework> you always disregard your own emotional state 15:00 < ldlework> But the fact remains 15:00 < ldlework> I disparage arguments and course of thinking 15:00 < ldlework> I don't disparage others directly 15:00 < ldlework> You should try that out 15:01 < ldlework> I realize people don't like their arguments disparaged 15:01 < ldlework> I don't really feel beholden to care-bare arguments people make 15:01 <@xalbo> You have called me a dick and an asshole about a dozen times in this conversation. If that isn't disparaging others, then we have vastly different meanings for the term. 15:02 <@xalbo> I have not, to my memory, called you anything disparaging this whole conversation. 15:03 <@xalbo> You offend people by the manner in which you communicate with them. You may not think that matters, because they shouldn't be offended by that. But they are, and learning to communicate in a manner that doesn't piss people off would make your life better. I recommend it. 15:04 <@xalbo> But I have to go very soon. 15:04 < dutchie> well, you seem to have made some progress towards mutual reconciliation 15:05 < dutchie> compared to earlier at least 15:05 <@xalbo> I do apologize for losing my temper earlier. I will try harder to stay civil and polite to you in the future. I do not expect you to change anything. It would be nice, but I'm losing hope. 15:07 * nuzba @uitki: lambda calculus - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/lambda_calculus by Mudri [http://bit.ly/1REtlrF] 15:13 < ldlework> Yeah, someone starting belittling and disparaging you, and you call them an asshole, then you're the asshole. 15:13 < ldlework> That makes perfect sense. 15:13 < ldlework> In no way is it related to the first transgression, its totally an isolate event. 15:14 < ldlework> I can see how you could percieve it that way when you don't consider the consequences of your own actions and disposition. 15:15 < ldlework> "I'm sorry being a dick. Its too bad you're permanently a dick." 15:15 < ldlework> Seriously, you are the most thin wet-paper version of social morality ever. 15:15 <@xalbo> "Yeah, someone starting belittling and disparaging you, and you call them an asshole, then you're the asshole." -- Actually, without sarcasm or irony I do agree with that. At least, I think saying "you're an asshole" is more on the asshole scale than saying, for instance, "I think that's belittling and disparaging". 15:15 < ldlework> that is a personal attack and how I really feel, so don't be confused. 15:16 < ldlework> xalbo: it doesn't excuse you from your own behavior 15:16 < ldlework> xalbo: except, well to you 15:16 < ldlework> because in your mind it does, clearly 15:16 <@xalbo> I'm not trying to make excuses for my behavior. I'm apologizing for my behavior. I should not have acted as I did, nor should I have said what I did. 15:17 < ldlework> xalbo: make sure to end it with a disparaging remark 15:17 < ldlework> to show just how sorry you are 15:17 < ldlework> paper-mache virtue, seriously 15:18 <@xalbo> The fact that I misbehaved does not excuse *your* behavior. We each acted poorly. I will try to change. What you do is up to you. 15:18 < ldlework> xalbo: don't you mean "you don't expect me to change" 15:19 < ldlework> xalbo: since you've appologied this way multiple times in the past and promised to change your temper in the future 15:19 < ldlework> does the mean I should also make a disparaging remark about the futility of you treating me like everyone else? 15:19 < dutchie> pe'i neither of you want to leave the other with the last word 15:19 < ldlework> Or is your main goal just to save face 15:19 < ldlework> dutchie: I just can't state his fake virtue 15:20 < ldlework> Grand-standing when he's as bad as what he protests 15:20 < ldlework> That's even more gross than undermining someone 15:21 <@xalbo> You've had the last word. I'm off now. Talk to you later. 15:36 * ctefaho cu cilce tolcanci 15:36 < dutchie> coi ctefaho 15:37 < ctefaho> what did I miss 15:37 < ldlework> xu lo me'oi pokeball cu pluka zdani 15:37 < ctefaho> iep 15:37 < ldlework> ko nenri pe'u 15:37 < ctefaho> as for quantifiers 15:37 < ctefaho> it seems to me the most sensical thing for lo 15:37 < ctefaho> is to have no such thing as a "default outer quantifier" 15:38 < ctefaho> but xo'e as default inner quantifier 15:38 < ctefaho> the way the language is built 15:38 < ldlework> ctefaho: there's no reason why not, other than its been su'o for a long time and people are apparently extremely passionate about this detail 15:38 < ctefaho> well, xo'e can be su'o? 15:38 < ldlework> and ro, and no 15:39 < ldlework> and any other one 15:39 < ctefaho> yeah 15:39 < ctefaho> but if xo'e is default lo always expands the same 15:39 < ldlework> so, techincally there's no reason to interpret it as xo'e 15:39 < ldlework> to not * 15:39 < ldlework> except history and people's fancies 15:39 < ctefaho> I think it is the same case for le. context decides 15:39 < ldlework> ctefaho: even for le 15:40 < ctefaho> if you need something else than xo'e, say so 15:40 < ldlework> there's no reason to have a quantifier outside of the existential one 15:40 < ctefaho> lo su'o mlatu 15:40 < ctefaho> "oh my god I had to add one and a half syllable to say what I wanted" 15:40 < ldlework> you don't even need that 15:40 < ctefaho> zo'o bo'oi 15:40 < ldlework> su'o mlatu is fine 15:40 < ldlework> and the listener must pick a quantifier anyway 15:40 < ldlework> even if it is xo'e 15:41 < ldlework> they must determine which one to use to intepret what you're saying 15:41 < ctefaho> well but then we get a da 15:41 < ldlework> so people will just assume su'o like they do today 15:41 < ldlework> sorry? 15:41 < ctefaho> wait 15:41 < ctefaho> sorry I keep forgetting it expands differently for su'o and ro 15:41 < ldlework> not really 15:42 < ctefaho> ehm 15:42 < ctefaho> poi + su'o da | su'o da poi broda cu brode | su'o da zo'u gaje da broda gi da cu brode 15:42 < ldlework> There's no difference between ro and su'o 15:42 < ctefaho> poi + ro da | ro da poi broda cu brode | ro da zo'u gajanai da broda gi da cu brode ? 15:43 < ctefaho> sorry those are mine 15:43 < ctefaho> poi + ro da ro da poi broda cu brode ro da zo'u ganai da broda gi da brode 15:43 < ctefaho> poi + su'o da su'o da poi broda cu brode su'o da zo'u ge da broda gi da brode 15:43 < ctefaho> ^BPFK 15:43 < ldlework> Sure, they have consequences for entailment 15:44 < ctefaho> but as for xo'e 15:45 < ctefaho> xo'e lo mlatu, and lo xo'e mlatu, should as I understand it be at least somewhat different 15:45 < ldlework> Someone might be able to define a difference but I don't see one 15:46 < ldlework> If you have both inner and outer quantifiers there is a difference 15:46 < ldlework> su'o lo ro mlatu : some of all cats, ro lo su'o mlatu, all of some cats 15:47 < ctefaho> well it will expand to da with xo'e lo 15:47 < ctefaho> otherwise to zo'e 15:47 < ldlework> they all expand to da 15:47 < ctefaho> maybe in your defs 15:47 < ldlework> anyone who says something expands to zo'e is waiving their hands 15:47 < ctefaho> well I don't really understand what da is supposed to be about 15:47 < ldlework> it represents the referent 15:47 < ldlework> its the "man behind the curtains" 15:47 < ctefaho> opinions seem to differ 15:47 < ldlework> We refer to it with descripiton nouns 15:48 < ldlework> and we assert upon it with propositions 15:48 < ldlework> well that's nice 15:48 < ldlework> This is all language philosophy gives us to describe language, period, in any language 15:48 < ctefaho> as for me, no idea 15:48 < ldlework> So if someone has some other interpretation, they are just making shit up within their model of lojban semantics 15:48 < ctefaho> need to read through that article when I am in the energy si mood 15:48 < ctefaho> do you agree with my menre-le, btw? 15:49 < ldlework> no idea 15:49 < ldlework> inner quantification is existential quantification, IE, how many things are in context 15:49 < ctefaho> le broda -- zo'e poi ke'a broda 15:50 < ldlework> outer quantification is descriptive quantification, IE, how many things of the things in context, do we wish to refer 15:50 < ldlework> no that's not how I interpret le whatsoever 15:50 < ctefaho> full: le broda - zo'e poi broda - zo'e cu broda je cu me (menre be) zo'e 15:51 < ldlework> no, all LO descriptions refer to things which are referents of the description 15:51 < ldlework> that's a tautology 15:51 < ldlework> le does exactly what lo does 15:51 < ldlework> except it denotes to the listener that the referent is identifiable 15:51 < ldlework> No in, personally identifiable 15:51 < ldlework> but qualitatively identifiable 15:52 < ldlework> Even if the listener has no idea what the speaker is talking about 15:52 < ldlework> the speaker is still talking about concrete referents 15:52 < ldlework> Consider 15:52 < ldlework> The King of English has grey hair. 15:52 < ldlework> vs 15:52 < ldlework> The King of England has a lot of responsibilities. 15:52 < ldlework> The former must be definite. 15:52 < ldlework> The second may be definite or indefinite depending. 15:52 < ctefaho> that le is supposed to refer to something in a lo 15:53 < ldlework> There is a sense in which a particular king has a lot of responsibilities 15:53 < ldlework> But there is also a sense in that 15:53 < ctefaho> to kinda match natlang, but wel ldefined 15:53 < ldlework> Regardless of who is king, the position entails having a lot of responsibilties 15:53 < ldlework> le refers to the first kind of description 15:53 < ldlework> lo'e refers to the second kind of description 15:53 < ldlework> lo is unspecified and lets the listener determine which is meant via context 15:53 < ctefaho> lo nolraitru - "A" King le nolraitru - "The" King 15:54 < ldlework> ctefaho: ^ this is the most accurate portrayal of language philosophy 15:54 < ldlework> (what I said, not your example) 15:54 < ldlework> no, lo has no semantic of its own 15:54 < ctefaho> thought I got a compliment for once:( 15:54 < ldlework> lo is the xo'e of existential quantification 15:54 < ctefaho> that le has a specific referent of something 15:55 < ldlework> its not about le having specific referents 15:55 < ctefaho> le refers to something in a lo 15:55 < ldlework> you just keep repeating yourself 15:55 < ldlework> I have absorbed your model 15:55 < ctefaho> if you don't want your le to do that, dunno 15:55 < ldlework> le in my model, does refer to things that broda 15:56 < ldlework> concrete things 15:56 < ctefaho> Let me put it like this: expand your le broda 15:56 < ldlework> This is a problem 15:56 < ldlework> Do you want a logical expansion? 15:56 < ldlework> Or a semantic expansion? 15:56 < ctefaho> I want a jbo expansion 15:56 < ctefaho> like I did with mine 15:56 < ldlework> Jbopre incorrectly call their semantic expansions "logical expansions" 15:56 < ldlework> so I don't know what you mean by jboexpansion 15:56 < ctefaho> full: le broda - zo'e poi broda - zo'e cu broda je cu me (menre be) zo'e 15:57 < ctefaho> that 15:57 < ctefaho> the general expansion of the le-ku macro 15:57 < ldlework> lo broda : su'o da poi broda 15:57 < ldlework> le broda : su'o da poi broda 15:57 < ctefaho> wat 15:57 < ldlework> lo'e broda : su'o da poi broda 15:57 < ldlework> They are all logically expaned the same way 15:57 < ldlework> the difference in the gadri is _speech acts_ 15:57 < ldlework> not propositional relations 15:57 < ctefaho> but but 15:58 < ctefaho> you have to expand it to include that "semantic" indicator 15:58 < ldlework> Sure, then you're asking for a semantic expansion which I can give 15:58 < ctefaho> yes please! 15:58 < ldlework> lo broda : su'o da poi broda 15:59 < ctefaho> I didn't understand you meant that a logical expansion would be different from a semantic one xo'onai 15:59 < ldlework> le broda : su'o da poi broda ku'o poi ke'a cmesanji 15:59 < ldlework> lo'e broda : su'o da poi broda ku'o poi ke'a nai cmesanji 15:59 < ldlework> where cmesanji could probably be replaced with a more lingusitic predicate 15:59 < ctefaho> menre? 16:00 < ctefaho> :) 16:00 < ldlework> meaning "qualitatively identifiable" 16:00 < ldlework> ctefaho: even "qualitatively unidentifiable" referents are still already referents 16:00 < ldlework> its still a tautology, even for indefinite descriptions like lo'e 16:00 < ldlework> all noun-phrases create "referring descriptions" 16:00 < ctefaho> how is cmesanji different from menre? 16:01 < ldlework> ctefaho: "Men are mortal" 16:01 < ctefaho> or why is it better 16:01 < ctefaho> that's my lo'e 16:01 < ctefaho> or le'e 16:01 < ctefaho> depending on what you mean 16:01 < ldlework> Please pin this pin on the men referred to by "Men" 16:01 < ldlework> IE, the referents 16:01 < ctefaho> lo'e broda -> lo broda poi fadni ---> zo'e cu 16:01 < ctefaho> le'e broda -> lo broda poi kesri [kesri - fa is a stereotype/stereotypical held by fe] 16:02 * ldlework sighs 16:02 < ldlework> you ask me what I mean 16:02 < ldlework> then I say something to reveal it 16:02 < ldlework> then you revert to your own model 16:02 < ctefaho> so I guess {lo'e nanmu} 16:02 < ctefaho> "Please pin this pin on the men" 16:02 < ldlework> right 16:02 < ctefaho> sorry I thought that was a "ko" 16:02 < ldlework> please pinch those men 16:02 < ldlework> that the description "Men" in "Men are mortal" refers to 16:03 < ldlework> ALL descriptions are referring 16:03 < ldlework> They ALL have "referents" 16:03 < ldlework> definite descriptions and indefinite descriptions deal with different types of referents 16:03 < ldlework> definite descriptions deal with qualitatively identifiable referents 16:03 < ldlework> indefinite descriptions deal with qualitatively unidentifiable referents 16:03 < ctefaho> Do you mean "all men" as in ro? 16:03 < ldlework> they ALL are referring descriptions 16:03 < ldlework> No 16:04 < ldlework> If I meant ro 16:04 < ldlework> then pinching them would be easy 16:04 < ctefaho> "Roses are red"? 16:04 < ldlework> just walk up to every actual man 16:04 < ldlework> and pinch them 16:04 < ldlework> Sure "Roses are red" is an indefinite description but NOT because the statement is a generalization 16:04 < ldlework> generalizing speech is a _consequence_ of the kinds of referrents of indefinite descriptions 16:05 < ctefaho> I wonder is it in the same sense as your "Men are mortal"? 16:05 < ldlework> a description doesn't become indefinite because it is a platitude 16:05 < ldlework> IT is 16:05 < ldlework> But my description phrase "Men" is not indefinite 16:05 < ldlework> Because I'm speaking a generalization 16:05 < ldlework> I'm speaking a generalization 16:05 < ctefaho> yeah it is lo-like 16:05 < ldlework> Because my description phrase is indefinite 16:05 < ldlework> again, lo has no semantic 16:05 < ldlework> an utterance of lo can be meant as le 16:06 < ldlework> just like an utterance of xo'e can be interpretated as no, or su'o or ro 16:06 < ldlework> lo is the "unspecified noun determiner" 16:06 < ldlework> there is only le and lo'e 16:06 < ctefaho> let me ask you, what do you mean semantically with "Men are mortal"? 16:06 < ctefaho> What is it you want to say? 16:07 < ldlework> I mean that, I wish to create an indefinite description to Men, and ascribe that referent the property of mortality 16:07 < ldlework> In this case, no actual man is referred. 16:07 < ldlework> This is what an indefinite description implies. 16:08 < ldlework> That we get referents of a kind, other than actual persons. 16:08 < ldlework> We get a lingusitic referent. 16:08 < ctefaho> so what is this man? the typical man? the stereotypical man? the idea of a man? 16:08 < ldlework> Imagine there is a blanket that lays ontop of every man 16:08 < ldlework> You can identify actual real men, by seeing whether the blanket lays upon their head 16:09 < ldlework> When I say "Men are mortal" 16:09 < ldlework> I am not referring to any man 16:09 < ldlework> But the blanket that lays ontop of them 16:09 < ctefaho> Then you are referring to a stereotype of a man? 16:09 < ldlework> I am characterizing man-ness 16:09 < ldlework> No 16:09 < e`ogan> like "the man is free" kind of thing, where "man" is any huma and all the humans colloquially ldlework ? 16:09 < ldlework> I am not describing the ideal man 16:09 < ctefaho> did I say "ideal"? 16:09 < ldlework> That's what you mean by stero-type 16:10 < ldlework> if I say 16:10 < ctefaho> ideal in what sense? 16:10 < ldlework> ctefaho: in that is is the image aroused in your mind when I say "Man" 16:10 < ldlework> I'm not talking about that image. 16:10 < ldlework> I'm not asserting about that image. 16:10 < ldlework> For example 16:10 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'e mlatu 16:10 < ctefaho> I call kesri on that 16:11 < ldlework> Certainly when you think of the sterotypical cat 16:11 < ctefaho> that's what a stereotype is to me 16:11 < ldlework> You do not imagine characteristics such as being liked by me 16:11 < ldlework> do you? 16:11 < ctefaho> a referent to a stereotype 16:11 < ldlework> ctefaho: so in your world view 16:11 < ldlework> the typical cat is liked by me? 16:11 < ctefaho> no? 16:11 < ldlework> Exactly 16:11 < ldlework> so 16:11 < ldlework> mi nelci lo'e mlatu 16:12 < ldlework> can't mean 16:12 < ldlework> I like the stero-typical cat. 16:12 < ldlework> You would instantly disagree with me 16:12 < ctefaho> ehm that's my le'e not lo'e 16:12 < ldlework> But its not a statement that you can disagree with 16:12 < ctefaho> I said stereotypical not typical 16:13 < ldlework> Except that I just showed it can't be your le'e, because you would disagree 16:13 < ldlework> if I use your le'e 16:13 < ldlework> and state 16:13 < ldlework> mi nelci le'e mlatu 16:13 < ldlework> you would disagree 16:13 < ctefaho> no? 16:13 < ldlework> because the sterotypical cat doesn't have the property of being liked by me 16:13 < ldlework> ctefaho: I asked you above 16:13 < ctefaho> it just sounds a bit weird 16:13 < ctefaho> I have no idea if you like cats or not! 16:13 < ldlework> Is the sterotypical cat characterized by being liked by me? 16:13 < ctefaho> it is your stereotype of a cat not mine 16:14 < ldlework> That makes the designation of sterotype entirely useless 16:14 < ldlework> What you want 16:14 < ldlework> is the semantic I'm trying to reveal to you 16:14 < ldlework> that is like stero-typicalness 16:14 < ldlework> But something else 16:14 < ctefaho> I disagree entirely, sorry 16:14 < ldlework> okay, well I'm well overworked in this conversation so I'm just going to bow out 16:14 < ctefaho> I was going to say the same 16:15 < ctefaho> you don't seem to read one word of what I say 16:15 < ctefaho> so co'o 16:15 < ldlework> I reply instantly to everything you say 16:15 < ldlework> It seems you just want me to understand your model 16:15 < ldlework> When I thought you were asking about mine 16:15 < ldlework> So that seems maliciously unfair 16:15 < ldlework> but co'o anyway 16:17 * nuzba @uitki: names of Computer Languages - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/names_of_Computer_Languages by Mudri - /* Procedural */ [http://bit.ly/1LLxY1n] 16:36 < ctefaho> ldlework: Maybe you should ask yourself if you are hard for others to understand 16:37 < ctefaho> I want your opinion about my model and when you say you don't approve I ask why 16:37 < ctefaho> but if you can't tolerate being questioned, well, no point in discussing it with you 16:38 < ctefaho> and I said I don't understand da and quantifiers fully and your opinion just confuses me 16:38 < ctefaho> xalbo: If you are around, what is your opinion of menre-le? 16:38 < ctefaho> or e`ogan 16:38 * ctefaho pokes e`ogan 16:39 < ldlework> Why would I "not tolerate" being question? 16:39 < ldlework> I answered many of your questions. I don't know why you're accusing me of that. 16:39 < ldlework> You not knowing about things isn't my character flaw in being hard to understand. 16:40 < ldlework> That's a pretty shitty way to go about saying "I don't get it, sorry" 16:40 < e`ogan> mi ju'odji 16:41 < ldlework> ctefaho: if your intention was to actually empart any advice you have a strange way of doing it. If you're trying to make yourself feel better at my expense I hope it worked. That you used the same attack xalbo was attacking me with, and then called his name out, indicates to me you're just being shitty to me. 16:41 < ctefaho> calm down man 16:42 < ldlework> ctefaho: Don't disparage people you want to be calm. 16:42 < latro`a> sorry to poke my head in, but you guys are dancing around an age-old problem with lo'e and le'e 16:42 < ctefaho> I didn't intend to disparage you and I am right now trying to plow through guskant's article to better understand all this 16:42 < e`ogan> Not really sure about the context, it's too late to think straight and I lost some blood not so long ago which makes me perpetually tired to even strain my brain, so pardon me, I am not the one to ask right now 16:42 < ldlework> ctefaho: you accused your inability ot understand on my character 16:42 < ldlework> that's disparaging 16:43 < ctefaho> right 16:43 < ctefaho> sorry 16:43 < ldlework> And accused me of not tolerating questions 16:43 < ldlework> Okay :) 16:43 < ldlework> no problem then, sorry I couldn't help you out 16:44 < ctefaho> I think I overintepreted your "okay, well I'm well overworked in this conversation so I'm just going to bow out" then 16:44 < e`ogan> ldlework, your explanation wasn't easy to understand for me too, and instead of describing it from another angle you just repeated yourself 16:44 < ldlework> I'm not taking this anymore. 16:45 < latro`a> ldlework, I think we can agree that you've had a lot of communication trouble around these parts. I wouldn't say that others have dealt with it in the best way possible, but still, when you get in as many spats as you have (several of them with me, but also with every other active IRC lojbanist I can think of), you might want to consider that a piece of it might be your own behavior 16:45 < ldlework> ctefaho: I just meant, it was too costly because of things on this side of the monitor needing more and more of my attention. 16:45 < ldlework> latro`a: did you read anything? 16:45 < ldlework> Are you making an intimate valuation judgement? 16:46 < ctefaho> ldlework: je'e, it sounded to me like a "you suck bye";) 16:46 < latro`a> a little bit, but I'm not really talking about this particular conversation 16:46 < ldlework> Or could it be that xalbo, who admitted to bleowing up set the tone for the day? 16:46 < ldlework> Or ctefaho who just appologized? 16:46 < ldlework> latro`a: what is the point in repeating the attack? 16:46 < latro`a> I'm getting the same vibe as I've gotten quite a few times before, and assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that it has similar origins 16:46 < latro`a> maybe it doesn't 16:46 < ldlework> latro`a: be concrete 16:46 < ldlework> stop generalizing my identity 16:47 < ldlework> And if you're unsure 16:47 < ldlework> Maybe that's not enough to come out and actually bare the attack on me 16:47 < ldlework> for the 50th time today 16:47 < ldlework> I haven't done anything wrong but attempt to talk about lojban 16:47 < latro`a> again, it may not be relevant on this particular occasion 16:47 * ctefaho bows out now to focus entirely on guskant 16:47 < ldlework> People attack me because they don't understand? 16:47 < ldlework> How is that a problem I can address? 16:48 < latro`a> in my experience, people attack you because they feel like you're attacking them 16:48 < ldlework> How is it a problem others address by attacking my character? 16:48 < latro`a> that feeling might not be your intent, but intent matters much much less than outcome 16:48 < ldlework> latro`a: and now you're generalizing everyone else 16:48 < ldlework> I love how everyone here 16:48 < ldlework> knows how everyone feels 16:48 < ldlework> across all instances 16:48 < ldlework> and that's enough for platitude advices 16:48 < latro`a> eh, I'm actually mostly thinking of my own feelings and the occasions when others (xalbo, mainly) have made their emotions quite explicit in words 16:49 < ldlework> The instance with xalbo above? I was having my own conversation. 16:49 < ldlework> He interjected randomly to start telling me I was wrong about my own ideas. 16:49 < ldlework> Drew out a whole conversation about *his* confusion 16:49 < latro`a> and I'm also mostly *not* thinking about today 16:49 < ldlework> A confusion the conversation doesn't depend on 16:49 < ldlework> So am I at fault? 16:49 < ldlework> For expressing my ideas in a way that people who are not involved in the conversation don't understand? 16:50 < ldlework> Maybe instead of trying to optimize our environment, we should adjust ourselves. 16:50 < latro`a> today? I have no idea. In general? I'd say more than half but less than 3/4, yes 16:50 < ldlework> If your emotional state breaks down, merely from not understanding someone else, then you have your own problems 16:50 < ldlework> That you need to address privately 16:50 < ldlework> Not by attacking the source of your confusion, personally and disparaging them 16:50 < ldlework> If the lojban community can't divoce being critical of assertions and suppositions in an argument 16:50 < latro`a> which is primarily because you get in bitter arguments with so many different folks around these parts. if it were only me, and it were easy for you with everyone else, then I would suspect myself instead. 16:50 < ldlework> With attacking people personall 16:51 < ldlework> Then I'm not the one to worry. 16:51 < ldlework> I don't care about arguments 16:51 < ldlework> That's the problem 16:51 < latro`a> it doesn't come across as just assertions 16:51 < ldlework> Don't care about your opinion or mine, if you're not willing to partkae in the argument 16:51 < latro`a> when you've told me I'm wrong, I've felt personally put down 16:51 < latro`a> many times 16:51 < ldlework> You realize that it isn't justified right? 16:52 < ldlework> It doesn't matter what your preference of my tone is 16:52 < ldlework> If I'm not attacking you, you don't get to just ascribe everything I say as a personal attack 16:52 < latro`a> no, because it is; your style of telling people they are wrong doesn't come across as impersonal/intellectual 16:52 < ldlework> That's ridiculous 16:52 < ldlework> latro`a: that doesn't seem to be the complaint anyone has made today 16:53 < ldlework> So I see that you are taking the opprotunity of someone making a specific complaint 16:53 < ldlework> To just make your own general complaints about my character 16:53 < latro`a> people don't voice this complaint because by the time it comes to mind they're already mad 16:53 < latro`a> and I'm not judging your character 16:53 < ldlework> But you are 16:53 < latro`a> maybe you communicate better and other people just read between the lines too much 16:53 < latro`a> that's possible 16:53 < ldlework> latro`a: actually you arnt 16:53 < latro`a> but there are so many relevant individuals that that doesn't seem likely to me 16:53 < ldlework> but see how stupid of it is for me to assume you are? 16:54 < ldlework> But actually you are, because you're not addressing arguments I make, but the character of my speech. 16:54 < ldlework> Its very easy distinction to make. 16:54 < ldlework> That argument is obviously false. 16:54 < ldlework> You characteristically make obviously false arguments. 16:54 < ldlework> It isn't hard. 16:55 < latro`a> I'm not trying to dispiute points about lojban here. I'm trying to talk about how you make people feel, and in particular about how you've made me feel 16:55 < ldlework> Yeah but as a thinking intellectual 16:55 < ldlework> I wont hear "I hear you disparage me personally when you attack my arguments" 16:55 < ldlework> And if that's what you're saying, oh well 16:56 < ldlework> I'm not here to care for your emotional state in an argument. I'm not attacking you personally, so if you take it personally to have you opinions challenged there's nothing inherently manifest in my responsibilities. 16:57 < ldlework> You can say my debate technique is hard, but its absurd to extend that to personal disparagement 16:57 < ldlework> If that's what you're doing, you would be less offended more often if you simply didn't do that. 16:57 < latro`a> I don't take it personally to just have my opinions challenged, but I do start to take it personally when phrased the way that you tend to phrase your counterarguments 16:57 < ldlework> Okay, so don't do that. 16:57 < latro`a> it's not that simple 16:58 < latro`a> for one thing, you put out too many lines 16:58 < ldlework> Or point out a quote where my being critical of your argument has a subtext of personal disparagement 16:58 < ldlework> Otherwise just grow up 16:58 < latro`a> so you start to drown out what the other person is saying with what feels like an endless torrent of ideas and fighting 16:58 < latro`a> like this: 16:59 < ldlework> Typing fast isn't something I'm going to worry about. 16:59 < ldlework> If that's your concern, practice. 16:59 < ldlework> Or hit enter more, I don't know, you're your own person. 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> no, all LO descriptions refer to things which are referents of the description 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> that's a tautology 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> le does exactly what lo does 16:59 < latro`a> * bigcentaur (~bigcentau@ has joined #lojban 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> except it denotes to the listener that the referent is identifiable 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> No in, personally identifiable 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> but qualitatively identifiable 16:59 < latro`a> * custos-mundi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> Even if the listener has no idea what the speaker is talking about 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> the speaker is still talking about concrete referents 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> Consider 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> The King of English has grey hair. 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> vs 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> The King of England has a lot of responsibilities. 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> The former must be definite. 16:59 < latro`a> <ldlework> The second may be definite or indefinite depending. 16:59 < latro`a> that's way too much content for 2 minutes with no interruptions 16:59 < latro`a> you do this constantly 16:59 < ldlework> Yeah I literally don't care about that at all 17:00 < ldlework> If me typing fast, makes you a piece of shit to me 17:00 < ldlework> That you are a piece of shit 17:00 < ldlework> The royal you 17:00 < latro`a> it's not typing fast, it's not leaving room for response 17:00 < ldlework> Hit enter 17:00 < latro`a> when there are actual openings to leave for responses 17:00 < ldlework> It appears 17:00 < ldlework> Trust me 17:00 < ldlework> I'm not kidding 17:00 < ldlework> If you type some stuff 17:00 < ldlework> At any point you can hit enter 17:00 < latro`a> look back at these logs; you'll see that you have block after block where you have 6 full lines and ctefaho has one 17:00 < ldlework> And it will appear on my screen 17:00 < ldlework> Interrupting me 17:00 < ldlework> magic 17:01 < ldlework> this might has some undertones of personal disparagement 17:01 < latro`a> *shrug* I tried again; I've tried this before, as has xalbo 17:01 < latro`a> but it isn't sinking in (or I'm just wrong about it, but again, with so many relevant individuals, I doubt that) 17:01 < latro`a> so I give up for now 17:01 < ldlework> xalbo is a horrible person to ever give critical advice 17:01 < ldlework> he literally is as bad as he protests 17:02 < ldlework> he can't convince at all, by being hyprocritical in the very act of trying to convince 17:02 < ldlework> its mind bending 17:02 < ldlework> latro`a: and no, I utterly disagree with your assesment 17:02 < ldlework> so it will be futile in the future 17:02 < ldlework> having your arguments dismissed isn't a personal attack 17:02 < ldlework> and neither is typing fast 17:03 < ldlework> personal attacks are personal attacks 17:03 < ldlework> jbopre should introspect whether personal attacks are the best way to deal with their emotions in the face of having their opinions critically attacked, or not being able to type fast enough 17:04 < ldlework> You will always be sad if your method of happiness is to optimize your environment rather than yourself. 17:35 * ctefaho cu bazi sipna .i co'o 17:45 < ldlework> That's a tautology dressed up as a distinction 19:35 < niftg> .uo mo'u tcidu fi lo la'oi the-new-yorker prosa be lo itku'ilybau jo'u la djan.kixadas. no'u lo finti be le mi'u bangu .i za'a barda semau lo se meckanpe be mi 19:36 < niftg> le bi'unai prosa cu ja'a cinri mi 19:37 < niftg> s/ja'a/ja'a jai 19:37 < fenki> niftg meant to say: le bi'unai prosa cu ja'a jai cinri mi 19:37 < niftg> .ue la'oi phenny la fenki ba'o za'a binxo 19:40 < niftg> go'a bi'u nai sepi'o la instapapr 19:43 < niftg> zo go'o ma poi dunli zo ri lo ka purci sumka'i cu dunli lo ka balvi brika'i ja sumka'i 21:10 < durka42> jinsa 21:35 < gleki> oi di'u 22:15 < gleki> The grammar needs to be written in JSGF format (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/tutoriallm). This haven't been started yet (which needs help!). 22:15 < gleki> oh my 22:43 < gleki> I wish i knew which English frames are absent in Japanese FrameNet and vice versa which Japanese-specific frames are present. --- Day changed Sat Jun 27 2015 00:23 * nuzba @actpu3j: What Is Lojban?: .i la lojban. mo 値上しました 価格:1311円→1338円 (1%OFF) 6/27 0:27 http://apr.blauberg.net/pricelist?asin=0966028317 [http://bit.ly/1JbSB6E] 00:24 < ctefaho> coi 00:33 < gleki> coi 00:35 < gleki> exp: mi ce bo do 00:35 < mensi> ([mi {ce bo do}] VAU) 00:35 < gleki> exp: mi fau bo do 00:35 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 00:35 < gleki> exp: mi fau bo bo do 00:35 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 00:35 < gleki> exp: mi fau bo do cu mo 00:35 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 00:35 < gleki> let's try it/ 00:35 < gleki> ? 00:40 < gleki> alta: mi fau bo do 00:40 < mensi> ([FA {mi <fau bo do>}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 00:40 < gleki> alta: mi do'e bo do 00:40 < mensi> ([FA {mi <do'e bo do>}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 00:41 < gleki> alta: mi je do'e bo do 00:41 < mensi> ([FA {mi <je do'e bo do>}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 00:48 < gleki> exp: pa re ui mi 00:48 < mensi> ([{<pa (¹re ui¹)> BOI} mi] VAU) 00:48 < gleki> exp: pa re sei mo mi 00:48 < mensi> ([{<pa re> BOI <sei mo SEhU>} mi] VAU) 00:48 < gleki> very cinri 00:48 < gleki> exp: pa re sei mo ci mi 00:48 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [uU] or [yY] but "i" found. 00:48 < gleki> exp: pa re sei mo se'u ci mi 00:48 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [uU] or [yY] but "i" found. 00:48 < gleki> amazing 00:49 < gleki> exp: pa re ui ci mi 00:49 < mensi> ([{<pa (¹re ui¹) ci> BOI} mi] VAU) 00:50 < gleki> exp: pa re xoi mo ci mi 00:50 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [uU] or [yY] but "i" found. 00:51 < cliva> exp: lo broda be xoi brode 00:51 < mensi> ([lo {broda <be (¹xoi [CU {brode VAU}] SEhU¹) BEhO>} KU] VAU) 00:52 < gleki> i want {sei mo} parse exactly as UI within numbers. 00:52 < gleki> an old issues of merging them 00:52 < gleki> an old issue of merging them 00:52 < gleki> and i want another {xoi} with the grammar of {sei} 00:53 < cliva> ko zerle'a zo xei sisisisi 00:54 < gleki> zo si i'e 00:55 < gleki> i zo cliva oi ru'e i ki'u ma ca'a na cliva 00:57 < cliva> kosmu si se kosmu lo ka ca lo nu lo pilno be lo .ambigu me zo doi cu viska ce'u cu bilga lo ka pilno zo la 00:57 < gleki> jee i prije 01:00 < gleki> does{lo} no longer expand into {zo'e noi}? wth. then what is it? {zo'e ja da noi}? 01:01 < gleki> {zo'e voi} probably ... 01:01 < gleki> :P 01:02 < cliva> lo'u zo'e ja da vu'o noi le'u zo'u pe'i na tai mabla 01:03 < gleki> di'u ie ie 01:03 < cliva> (to li'a lo zo da jimca zo'u ka'e se pilno va'o po'o lo sko'opu be su'o da zei sumti toi) 01:04 < gleki> i ku'i mi djica tu'a lo'u zo'e noi le'u i ei mi pilno ma 01:04 < gleki> i ko na stidi tua lou zoe noi leu 01:04 < cliva> flsjd 01:04 < cliva> sa 01:04 < cliva> (to li'a lo zo da jimca zo'u se pilno va'o po'o lo sko'opu be su'o da zei sumti ka'e toi) 01:05 < cliva> .i si'a cumki falonu zo le je nai zo lo ka'e co'e zo da 01:05 < gleki> y 01:06 < cliva> "su'o broda zo'u lo broda cu brode" -> konstanta 01:06 < cliva> "su'o broda zo'u le broda cu brode" -> dzadza 01:09 < cliva> "lo broda zo'u blabla blabla blabla .i je le broda cu brode" -> va'o konstanta zu'u nai fa tu'a zo le 01:09 < gleki> en: blabla 01:09 < mensi> [< blanu blanu ≈ Blue blue] banbulupu = x1 is the language with ISO 639-3 code ''blp'' (Blablanga). 01:09 < cliva> u'i 01:10 < gleki> blanu blanga 01:10 < gleki> rafsi:blabi 01:10 < mensi> zo'oi lab .e zo'oi blab rafsi zo blabi 01:10 < gleki> ba'anairu'e 01:10 < gleki> en: pink 01:10 < mensi> 14 da se tolcri: pinka, pinkipai, xunblabi, banbubusu, bacru, blabi, ciska, cusku, jinvi, lanli, ricrdalbergia, rozgu, 01:10 < mensi> velski, zgana 01:11 < gleki> cliva: uanai i zo le co'e lo konstanta ji lo dzadza 01:11 < gleki> to zo konstanta se fanva fu zo stodi toi 01:12 < cliva> sei la .guskant. ca da stidi se'u da'i tu'a zo zo'e ge stodi gi dzada vau ka'e 01:12 < gleki> ua 01:12 < gleki> i xm 01:12 < gleki> ni'o 01:13 < gleki> xu zo mi dzadza co'e 01:14 < gleki> mi klama ije mi citka => da poi du mi zo'u da klama ije da citka 01:14 < gleki> iji 01:14 < cliva> la'a stodi (to mi na ganse su'o nu frati tu'a lo sko'opu toi) 01:15 < gleki> mi klama ije mi citka => ko'a goi mi zo'u ko'a klama ije ko'a citka 01:20 < gleki> One who brushes their teeth is healthy => lo lumci be lo denci fau ro da kanro / fau ro da lo lumci be lo denci cu kanro 01:21 < gleki> He who brushes his teeth is healthy = de poi lumci lo denci cu fau ro da kanro 01:22 < gleki> fau ro da de poi lumci lo denci cu kanro = In all cases, whoever brushes their teeth is healthy => lo lumci be lo denci fau ro da kanro ??? 01:22 < gleki> i va'i zo de poi se kuspe lo sko'opu cu smuni dunli zo'ei zo lo 01:23 < gleki> i la'a mi srera to mi ca tatpi toi i ku'i ma jai se srera 01:24 < cliva> pe'i .ei lo re moi co me zo da ku ki'a se ku'antora li ro 01:24 < cliva> su 01:24 < cliva> .i .oi 01:24 < cliva> .i rinka lo nu dunli noi li'a na se djica 01:24 < gleki> xu do tugni mi le nu dunli 01:25 < gleki> y 01:25 < gleki> i xu do tugni mi le nu dunli zo'ei zo lo 01:25 < cliva> pe'i ru'e lo me zo lo moi cu nalsatci ja cu .ambigu 01:26 < gleki> i va'i xu do tugni fi lo nu zo da poi se kuspe ka'e smuni dunli zo zo'e 01:27 < cliva> ka'e je nai bi'ai 01:28 < gleki> sa'u mi se cinri lo nu makau poi me lo remei cu zmadu ke smuni jibni zo do'ei 01:28 < cliva> ua 01:29 < cliva> .i mi na birti .i da'i mi pilno zo ka noi ku'i la'a nu mipri lo kalsa 01:29 < cliva> s/noi/xoi/ 01:29 < fenki> cliva meant to say: .i mi na birti .i da'i mi pilno zo ka xoi ku'i la'a nu mipri lo kalsa 01:31 < gleki> zo lo cenba lo ka se smuni i ja'o ca ba'e ti makau jibni zo do'ei 01:31 < cliva> ie 01:31 < gleki> sa sa i zo lo cenba lo ka se smuni i ja'o ca ba'e ti ma jibni zo do'ei 01:33 < cliva> nandu 01:33 < gleki> i mi pu sruma tu'a zo lo i mi ca sruma fe ji'a tu'a zo da poi se kuspe 01:35 < cliva> xm .i mo da'i lu "ro lo'e prenu (to ja mo kau toi)" li'u poi ba'e kuspe 01:35 < cliva> s/ja/ri ja/ 01:35 < fenki> cliva meant to say: xm .i mo da'i lu "ro lo'e prenu (to ri ja mo kau toi)" li'u poi ba'e kuspe 01:36 < gleki> do stidi lo cimoi 01:37 < cliva> pe'i lu "ro lo'e co'e" li'u frica lu "ro da" li'u 01:38 < gleki> pe'i zo lo'e co'e 01:38 < gleki> ge'e 01:38 < cliva> .i ta'e ku lo se sinxa be zo lo'e cu pa mei (to xu nai toi) 01:38 < gleki> lou ro loe leu jai cinri 03:27 * ctefaho just gave jai-TAG formal scope and expansion^^ 03:28 < gleki> i hope they will return you after they play 03:31 < ctefaho> hey jai-TAG is *hard* 03:33 < ctefaho> It took me a whole half hour! 03:44 < Ilmen> jai bai broda = kai'u bai ce'u broda ... kei 03:45 < gleki> not sure about focusing of broda there 03:45 < gleki> broda seems to be asserted. wtihin kai'u it's not 03:46 < gleki> s/wtihin/within/ 03:46 < fenki> gleki meant to say: broda seems to be asserted. within kai'u it's not 03:46 < Ilmen> when kai'u is asserted, its content is as well 03:46 < gleki> a strange cmavo then 03:46 < Ilmen> at any rate this kai'u doesn't hand fai, though 03:46 < gleki> and it looks to me that both bai and broda are asserted 03:47 < gleki> although im still not sure if there is any difference from just {bai ko'a broda} 03:50 < gleki> ni'o what are your thoughts on STAG BO instead of connectives? 03:50 < gleki> alta: mi ka'aibo do klama 03:50 < mensi> ([FA {mi <ka'ai bo do>}] [CU {klama SF} VAU]) 03:50 < Ilmen> x1 jai TAG broda fai xF [fe x2...] = TAG x1 broda fa xF [fe x2...] 03:50 < Ilmen> ctefaho ^ 03:51 < ctefaho> xF? 03:51 < Ilmen> x_fai 03:52 < ctefaho> What is TAG x1 broda? 03:52 < ctefaho> are you making a sumtcita out of the selbri? 03:52 < Ilmen> fai moves the x1 of a selbri into the fai slot, and then add the argument of a tag TAG to the x1 place of the selbri 03:53 < Ilmen> er, jai moves* 03:53 < Ilmen> mi jai gau sipna fai do = gau mi sipna fa do 03:54 < ctefaho> hmm that seems like another way to do it, gotta check 03:55 < gleki> dont waves explain that? 03:56 < ctefaho> well show me how to fully expand "gau mi sipna fa do" while I go and compare 04:00 < Ilmen> gau mi sipna fa do --> xoi mi gasnu ke'a cu sipna fa do ---> (with maybe a change in focus / information presentation) --> mi gasnu lo nu do sipna // do sipna .i je mi gasnu lo nu go'i (?) 04:00 < gleki> mi gasnu i fe bo do sipna :P 04:00 < Ilmen> mi gasnu lo nundumu be lo du'u do sipna 04:02 < ctefaho> the "gau mi" seems completely equivalent 04:02 < ctefaho> just two different ways to say it 04:02 < ctefaho> but you made me realize something I had missed, ki'e 04:03 < Ilmen> ctefaho: I think {jai} was created for making easier things like {lo jai gau sipna} or {... gi'e jai gau sipna} 04:03 < ctefaho> jai is awesome 04:03 < ctefaho> I love jai 04:03 < ctefaho> I was just a bit confused as to how it should expand in jai-TAG 04:04 < ctefaho> but the expansions are totally equivalent in meaning and logic 04:04 < Ilmen> Because LE and GIhA make it hard to access any desired sumti slot (including tag ones) in the following incomplete bridi 04:04 < ctefaho> like "1+2=3" is "2+1=3" 04:06 < ctefaho> and no type loss 04:06 < ctefaho> yay 04:07 * ctefaho co'oru'e 04:45 < ctefaho> hmm seems like we do have type loss there uinai 04:46 < gleki> where and how 04:47 < ctefaho> one has to believe in bridi types to consider it a problem 04:47 < ctefaho> let's just say jai-gau lets you add a little more semantics than bare gau 04:47 < gleki> what are bridi types 04:48 < ctefaho> heresy 04:48 < gleki> describe them 04:48 < gleki> because up til now i knew only about te sumti types 04:49 < ctefaho> well it is an idea i have to make formal expansion work 04:49 < ctefaho> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/srfsts 04:49 < gusyvli> coi 04:49 < gleki> coi do i do du la danre ji la guskant 04:49 < ctefaho> basically I consider all "main" bridi, including any bridi trails, to have a bridi type of type NU 04:50 < ctefaho> defaulting to su'u 04:50 < ctefaho> problem is to make it consistent because people swing their wands and *poof*, types merge 04:50 < gleki> weird formatting. 04:51 < ctefaho> sorry I not good at wiki 04:51 < gleki> if you mean sumti with abstractions then outer verbs dictate type of abstraction 04:52 < ctefaho> I mean I consider {.i su'u broda kei} and {.i broda} to be pretty much the same 04:52 < gleki> no 04:52 < gusyvli> doi la gleki mi cmene la'oi gusvli 04:52 < ctefaho> Well I do 04:52 < ctefaho> and it makes things awesome 04:53 < gleki> gusyvli: zo'oi gusvli cmene do i va'i do se cmene zo'oi gusvli 04:53 < gleki> ctefaho: no, the two sentences have different meanings 04:53 < ctefaho> not to me 04:53 < gusyvli> oi e'enai li'a 04:53 < ctefaho> one is just explicitly encapsulated in its type 04:54 < gleki> ctefaho: do you understand how those sentences differ officially? 04:54 < ctefaho> blah blah claim blah 04:55 < ctefaho> but do enlighten me 04:55 < gleki> compare {i dansu} and {i ti su'u dansu} 04:56 < ctefaho> yes? 04:56 < ctefaho> you obviously want the ti inside the su'u 04:56 < gusyvli> mi si'a na jimpe lodu'u drata zo'e makau 04:57 < ctefaho> {.i su'u ti dansu kei} 04:57 < ctefaho> fixed 04:58 < gusyvli> I think one problem is that su'u has an x2 which is not always clear 04:58 < ctefaho> burn the x2 04:58 < ctefaho> but 04:58 < gleki> ctefaho: no, when you put something into su'u you lose assertion. 04:58 < gusyvli> x2 is why su'u exists. Otherwise we'd just use the other NU 04:58 < ctefaho> {.i su'u ti ja'a dansu kei} ? 04:58 < ctefaho> fixed 04:59 < gleki> no, not fixed. 04:59 < gusyvli> gleki, would you not say that {nu broda} implies broda? 04:59 < gleki> and i wanted {i ti su'u dansu} which has a different meaning from {i su'u ti dansu} and even from {i ti dansu} 04:59 < ctefaho> gusyvli: I consider su'u all-inclusive, and any non-su'u all-exclusive 04:59 < gusyvli> ctefaho: Excluding what? 04:59 < gleki> gusyvli: all non-main bridi are not asserted. in order to fix it's said that {ju'a} might work. 04:59 < ctefaho> gusyvli: To me {.i nu broda kei} implies an event of something being broda 05:00 < ctefaho> gusyvli: the other nu 05:00 < ctefaho> su'u can be nu and du'u 05:00 < ctefaho> nu can only be nu 05:00 < ctefaho> du'u only du'u 05:00 < gleki> ctefaho: yes, it implies but it's not asserted. 05:00 < ctefaho> etc 05:00 < ctefaho> Well I disagree 05:00 < gleki> you need {i su'u ju'a bbroda} 05:00 < ctefaho> I think assertion/negation is bound to NA and NA only 05:00 < gleki> ctefaho: but that's how it always worked. 05:00 < gusyvli> gleki: How is it possible to assert {nu broda} without asserting {broda}? 05:01 < ctefaho> gusyvli: precisely 05:01 < mindszenty> Talking about imaginary/possible/future events, for example. 05:01 < gleki> ctefaho: even in { mi na djuno lo du'u ja'a broda} broda and {ja'a broda} are not asserted. 05:01 < ctefaho> that's what da'i is for! 05:01 < gusyvli> mindszenty: Yes, but one can equally well speak about imaginary etc events with just broda 05:01 < ctefaho> true 05:02 < ctefaho> no default dau'i 05:02 < ctefaho> si da'i 05:02 < gleki> ctefaho: do you understand the difference between {i ti su'u broda} and {i su'u ti broda} ? 05:02 < ctefaho> the second one, "Expression: this is broda" 05:02 < ctefaho> first one "this here is an expression of something broda" 05:03 < gusyvli> ctefaho: If du'u can be non-assertive and su'u encompasses du'u, we can't be sure that su'u is assetive, right= 05:03 < ctefaho> to me there is always a ja'a if neither na or ja'a is explicit 05:04 < gleki> ctefaho: {i su'u broda} = It is dancing (of someone). {i broda} = [Someone] dances. So the difference is pretty clear. 05:04 < ctefaho> and my ja'a/na don't just negate by magic 05:04 < ctefaho> I made them into adverbials 05:04 < ctefaho> gleki: uat 05:04 < gleki> that's how it always worked. 05:05 < ctefaho> you mean you focus on su'u-x1? 05:05 < ctefaho> .i zo'e su'u lo broda cu brode kei 05:05 < ctefaho> zo'e *is* the whole su'u-kei 05:05 < ctefaho> not anything in it 05:05 < ctefaho> the whole thing 05:05 < gleki> yes 05:06 < ctefaho> I still say assertion is bound to ja'a 05:06 < ctefaho> If you mean ja'a and je'u do not imply the same thing... 05:07 < gleki> okay, then use the term "focus". English is mabla here. 05:07 < gleki> and it's neither ja'a, nor je'a, nor je'u. 05:07 < gleki> nor da'inai 05:07 < gleki> nor ca'a 05:08 < ctefaho> I think there is always an implicit ja'a (that means something makes it je'u) to every bridi and it always does the same whether you put it in an explicit NU-kei or not 05:09 < ctefaho> if that is anathema to you, well, no point in going furhter 05:10 < mindszenty> It makes cumbersome to talk about possible events. 05:10 < ctefaho> da'i? 05:10 < ctefaho> or any other UI you want to get your flavour 05:10 < gleki> yes, ja'a is implicit by design of Lojban. But we arent talking about this second topic, are we 05:11 < ctefaho> but to me it makes no sense whatsoever that {.i mi klama} is supposed to hang in a "assertion vacuum" 05:11 < mindszenty> If NU have implicit ja'a (and not implicit ju'acu'i), it must be overridden every time. 05:12 < ctefaho> Whyyy? 05:13 < mindszenty> Consider difference between English: "I am going to date tomorrow. I am thinking about it now." and "I am now thinking about be going to date tomorrow". 05:13 < gleki> so ctefa'os proposal is basically saying that main level bridi have ju'acu'i implied and inner selbri have again ju'acu'i implied unless overriden. 05:13 < ctefaho> "ja'a" just means "something makes this true" 05:13 < ctefaho> zo'e tolna'e zo'e 05:13 < ctefaho> not zo'e jetnu 05:13 < mindszenty> In the first example, the truth of me going to date is asserted. In the second one, it doesn't. 05:13 < ctefaho> that depends on what is in either of the natfe/tolna'e zo'e 05:14 < gleki> okay, since la ramcinfo has understanding i can rest. 05:14 * gleki de'a jundi 05:14 < ctefaho> mindszenty: What does "to assert" mean to you? 05:15 < mindszenty> Declaration of truth, I guess. What {ju'a} does - statement of predication being true. 05:15 < ctefaho> "This is absolute truth" or "Something makes this true"? 05:15 < ctefaho> Do you really want to claim *absolute truth* for everything you say` 05:15 < ctefaho> ? 05:15 < ctefaho> Ilmen plz help 05:16 < mindszenty> I want to claim, well, pragmatic truth, let's call it so. 05:16 < ctefaho> yes! 05:16 < Ilmen> re'i la ctefaho 05:17 < ctefaho> Ilmen: trying to point out how weird the lojban semantics are with what people consider to be abstractions 05:17 < ctefaho> mindszenty; yes! 05:17 < ctefaho> and what is pragmatic truth? 05:18 < Ilmen> People can probably only claim their beliefs and opinions of what is true, because no one can know what the absolute truth is :p 05:18 < ctefaho> thanks Ilmen 05:18 < ctefaho> you mah hero 05:18 * ctefaho hugs Ilmen 05:18 < Ilmen> .u'i 05:19 < ctefaho> and even "jetnu" isn't absolute truth 05:19 < mindszenty> So what's difference between {pe'i} and {ju'a}? 05:19 < ctefaho> it has an x2/ma'i 05:19 < ctefaho> (jetnu that is) 05:20 < ctefaho> to me ju'a is stronger 05:20 < Ilmen> ju'a is probably just the vague evidential, unspecific as to whether it's pe'i/ru'a/ti'e/za'a/ba'a... 05:20 < ctefaho> "I state" vs. "I opine" 05:20 < ctefaho> hmm 05:20 < ctefaho> ah state in that way 05:20 < ctefaho> right. it is just "I say this" 05:21 < mindszenty> I guess statement is more objective than opinion. It is not absolute, but it is implied what truth is hold for the purposes of current discourse. 05:21 < ctefaho> but as for pragmatic truth, I think "this is true because something makes it true" is the bestwe can get. iepei? 05:21 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 05:21 < mindszenty> Almost anything could be made true by _something_. Something is almighty. 05:22 < mindszenty> Say, we play make-believe game, and for purposes of our game _this_ is true. 05:22 < ctefaho> but you still claim the bridi is true because of something, right? 05:22 < mindszenty> Yes, but for me, it seems pointless. 05:22 < Ilmen> ta'o there's a Lojban vocal chat on Mumble planned to begin in about 7 minutes 05:23 < mindszenty> I'd prefer "it is true because of/in our discourse" 05:23 < ctefaho> Right. but do you want to have to say that every time you make a claim?;) 05:24 < ctefaho> or is the fact that you do claim it enough? 05:24 < mindszenty> No, but _that_ is what I feel is default statement basis in lojban ) 05:24 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 05:24 < mindszenty> But only for main bridi. 05:25 < ctefaho> can I show you my ja'a/na implementation/formalization? 05:26 < mindszenty> Yes, of course. 05:26 < ctefaho> just to show what I mean 05:26 < ctefaho> na: 05:26 < ctefaho> {na broda} -> {na zo'e broda} -> {broda xoi zo'e natfe ke'a} 05:26 < ctefaho> ja'a {ja'a broda} -> {ja'a zo'e broda} -> {broda xoi zo'e tolna'e ke'a} 05:27 < ctefaho> do you know natfe/tolna'e? 05:28 < mindszenty> Yes 05:28 < ctefaho> je'e 05:29 < ctefaho> (using it for ja'a/na is not my idea btw I just stole si got it from selpa'i) 05:30 < ctefaho> So basically, natfe-na says "broda is negated by zo'e", tolna'e-ja'a says "broda is asserted by zo'e" 05:30 < ctefaho> and of course you can put things into that zo'e 05:30 < ctefaho> but to me any pragmatic truth is "X is true because Y" 05:30 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa niftyg fa 05:31 < ctefaho> and with this you can easily specify what affirms or negates broda, and know what you mean by it 05:32 < ctefaho> to me absolute truth as the "base truth" is useless in a human language (you can still of course claim this if you really think something is absolutely true, but that's a strong statement) 05:33 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa Ilmen2 fa 05:33 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa Ilmen2 fa 05:33 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 05:34 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa gunro fa 05:34 < ctefaho> that's it, basically 05:36 < mindszenty> But without that specification (and by default it is not specified), this seems pointless. 05:37 < ctefaho> that default is something that makes it true 05:37 < ctefaho> it is simple and beautiful 05:37 < mindszenty> Because, as I said before, there is always Y that could be used as a basis for truth of given X. 05:37 < ctefaho> but you also claim that this Y makes X true 05:37 < ctefaho> you don't just claim X is true you claim Y makes it so 05:38 < mindszenty> Yes, but I am not saying what Y is. 05:38 < mindszenty> So with this definition, I can say {na broda} or {ja'a broda} about anything. 05:38 < ctefaho> you can just put anything in the na-tag or ja'a-tag 05:38 < ctefaho> try it! 05:38 < mindszenty> And it only become useful if I elaborate and explain what makes it true or false. 05:39 < ctefaho> do you need to do that? 05:39 < ctefaho> because you then have to explain why that is true too 05:39 < ctefaho> and so on to infinity 05:39 < ctefaho> thas what non-absolute truth is 05:39 < ctefaho> relative truth 05:40 < mindszenty> Well, my foundation seems easier 05:40 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa akti fa 05:40 < ctefaho> what exactly is your foundation then? 05:40 < mindszenty> This is true for purposes of our discourse, and our discourse is true because it happens right now :) 05:40 < ctefaho> that kinda fits into zo'e 05:41 < mindszenty> Well, why not make it into default? 05:41 < ctefaho> yeah why not? 05:41 < ctefaho> it is called convention;) 05:41 < ctefaho> if you claim something extraordinary in a discourse you better specify why it is so, pe'i 05:42 < mindszenty> Yeah, I just prefer some conventions being codified into definitions 05:43 < ctefaho> I don't think one needs to really 05:44 < gleki> i dont understand. has the issue with {i su'u broda] been finally explained? 05:44 < ctefaho> we are still on ja'a gleki 05:45 < gleki> oh my, ju'a, ja'a, je'u, je'a. all are different and useful words. 05:45 < ctefaho> mindszenty: So what do you prefer, ill-defined absolute truth or well-defined pragmatic, relative truth as a basis? 05:47 < mindszenty> I guess I answered that already. It was I who introduced term 'pragmatic truth' in this discussion .u'i 05:48 < gleki> I dont understand the problem. Absolute truth exists. It's real. If you arent faimilar with what it is then i can repeat. 05:48 < ctefaho> mindszenty: yeah;) 05:49 < ctefaho> gleki: yes but it is unfit as a basis for a language 05:50 < ctefaho> now co'o 05:50 < gleki> ctefaho: 42 05:57 < Zearen> .i coi 06:06 < gleki> coi 06:26 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa mukti fa 06:26 < Zearen> ma nuzba 06:36 < gleki> y mu'a 06:36 < gleki> exp: mi ka'ai bo do klama 06:36 < gleki> oi 06:36 < gleki> i lo selfu skami cu masno 06:37 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "k" found. 06:37 < _mukti_> ua 06:37 < gleki> alta: mi ka'ai bo do klama 06:37 < _mukti_> .i coi la gleki 06:37 < mensi> ([FA {mi <ka'ai bo do>}] [CU {klama SF} VAU]) 06:37 < gleki> coi coi 06:38 < gleki> _mukti_: e'o do lanli lo nabmi pe la jukni 06:38 < _mukti_> vi'o 06:38 < _mukti_> ue 06:38 < gleki> i xm 06:38 < _mukti_> mutce lo ka masno 06:38 < gleki> i lo ralju kibro stuzi ca akti 06:38 < gleki> sa 06:38 < gleki> i lo ralju kibro bo stuzi ca akti 06:39 < _mukti_> ma ralju kibro bo stuzi 06:39 < gleki> ju'oi me.lojban.org 06:39 < gleki> si si 06:39 < _mukti_> ui na la jukni na frati 06:39 < gleki> ju'oi mw.lojban.org 06:40 < _mukti_> mi fliba lo nu jorne la jukni 06:40 < gleki> je'e 06:40 < gleki> i e'o do jungau CGM 06:40 < gleki> i ma ka'e nabmi 06:41 < gleki> sei ei na'e bo mi se cinri 06:41 < ctefaho> gleki: je'u 06:41 < _mukti_> .i ku'i mi snada lo nu jorne la vrici 06:41 * ctefaho runs to add 42 to his NA tags 06:42 < _mukti_> ie nandu nabmi 06:43 < _mukti_> .i ji'a mi na kakne lo ka jorne la jukni te ka'a la vrici 06:45 < _mukti_> xu la akti cu se cmene lo drata poi lojbo 06:45 < Ilmen> zo gleki 06:45 < _mukti_> ua 06:45 < Ilmen> doi la _mukti_ 06:46 < Ilmen> mi zo'u zo menli cu co'e li'a 06:46 < _mukti_> la gleki cu ctuca 06:59 < _mukti_> .i ta'o mi mo'u jungau la .camgusmis. tu'a lo selfu skami nabmi 07:00 < gleki> pe'i xlali 07:01 < gleki> fa le nabmi 07:01 < gleki> xlali la lojban 07:01 < gleki> sisisi 07:01 < gleki> i xlali la lojban 07:01 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa mukti fa 07:02 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa mukti fa 07:07 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa akti fa 07:11 < ctefaho> gleki: it is just that I think that natfe is what makes most sense as the default negation/affirmation for bridi 07:11 < ctefaho> pe'i and it doesn't really change anything besides giving it proper scope 07:18 < ctefaho> and ki'e for the help 07:19 * ctefaho cu cilce canci 07:19 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 07:20 < _mukti_> xu la gunro cu me la danmo rozgu 07:44 < Ilmen> pe'i me la cirko doi la _mukti_ 07:44 < _mukti_> ua 07:45 < _mukti_> .i za'a lo jbopre cu ta'e se cmene so'i da 07:45 < _mukti_> .i do mupli doi la menli .u'i 07:47 < Ilmen> ku'i mi zo'u so'u re da cmene 07:48 < Ilmen> :p 07:48 < LauriJ> hello there 07:49 < Ilmen> Hello 07:50 < LauriJ> so, this is a channel for Lojban, yes? 07:50 < LauriJ> fantastic language I must say 07:51 < Ilmen> Yes, it's the main Lojban channel 07:51 < LauriJ> :P 07:51 < Ilmen> (there are a couple of other ones, such as #ckule for beginners, and #jbosnu for Lojban-only discussions) 07:51 < LauriJ> hmh 07:52 < Ilmen> This one is a general-purpose channel 07:52 < Ilmen> Welcome here :) 07:53 < LauriJ> I have been wondering about what it would be like if Earth joins a wider galactic community and Lojban in turn would be it's sole representative language... 07:53 < la_kristan> coi rodo 07:53 < Ilmen> coi 07:54 < la_kristan> .i.ui jbedetnunsla 07:54 < Ilmen> .ui dai 07:54 < Ilmen> .a'o zanfri 07:54 < LauriJ> so, lemme guess 07:54 < LauriJ> dots always begins sentences in lojban? 07:54 < LauriJ> that's something I guess... 07:55 < gleki> dots are parts of words 07:55 < la_kristan> .i begins sentences. 07:55 < LauriJ> i see 07:55 < Ilmen> LauriJ: The dot is a Lojban letter, and not a punctuation mark 07:55 < gleki> like all words starting with a vowel actually start with a pause for which {.} is used. 07:55 < gleki> {.i} is a word separating sentences. 07:56 < LauriJ> curious... 07:56 < Ilmen> LauriJ: One of Lojban's feature is that Lojban doesn't rely on prosody (voice tone / intonation) for anything 07:56 < LauriJ> indeed. 07:56 < Ilmen> so questions and sentence ends are marked with words 07:56 < Ilmen> and not tone 07:56 < LauriJ> Still, we are all renma 07:57 < LauriJ> and that's something we shall be proud about 07:57 < gleki> remna 07:57 < gleki> although from galatic perspectives we are persons, {lo prenu} 07:57 < la_kristan> .i mi salci fi lenu mi citka loi cakla titnanba ku joi loi bisyladru .e loi jipci cidjrnencilada 07:57 < LauriJ> yeah 07:57 < gleki> since other aliens may learn lojban 07:57 < gleki> i ue i kukte 07:58 < ctefaho> plot twist: aliens amazed by lojban and uses it for themselves 07:58 < Ilmen> I must be taking my leave. co'o 07:58 < la_kristan> I thought all aliens spoke Esperanto... 07:59 < Ilmen> .u'i 07:59 < LauriJ> well, aliens would of course whatever tongues they may have 07:59 < LauriJ> but as a members and associates of the Systems Union, they in a way would have to adopt Lojban in order to communicate. 08:00 < LauriJ> at least that's the milieu I am aiming for 08:00 < la_kristan> of course. 08:00 < LauriJ> also, nove Lojban words adapted from alien tongues would be introduced 08:00 < LauriJ> *novel 08:00 < LauriJ> in the process. 08:01 < LauriJ> so, the people of earth are remna, people of an another planet would be gadiso and so on 08:01 < la_kristan> I trust I got the grouping in my previous Lojban sentence correct... 08:02 < gleki> you may check 08:02 < LauriJ> still, how would you translate Systems Union to Lojban? 08:02 < LauriJ> just wondering... 08:02 < gleki> depends on what "Systems" mean. 08:02 < la_kristan> the chocolate cake with the ice cream, but not mixed; and the chicken enchiladas separate... 08:03 < LauriJ> Systems as in the group of planets orbiting a singular star 08:03 < cliva> yacc: .i mi salci fi lenu mi citka loi cakla titnanba ku joi loi bisyladru .e loi jipci cidjrnencilada 08:03 < mensi> (i {mi <salci [(fi {le <nu [mi (citka {<[(loi {cakla titnanba} ku) joi ( loi bisyladru KU)] e [loi (jipci cidjrnencilada) KU]> VAU})] KEI> KU}) VAU ]>}) 08:03 < la_kristan> as opposed to a plural one... 08:04 < gleki> LauriJ: i would say {lo ciste gunma}~= system union. Or {la ciste gunma} = System Union (as a name). Although it's better to ask them. 08:05 < la_kristan> oh, cool. looks like I got it right... 08:05 < LauriJ> las ciste gunma 08:05 < LauriJ> sounds cool 08:05 < gleki> la ciste gunma 08:05 < LauriJ> yeah of course 08:05 < gleki> sounds like "lah sheesteh goonmah" 08:06 < LauriJ> la ciste gunma 08:06 < gleki> although im bad at English respelling 08:07 < gleki> im pretty sure they will invent new words for "planetary system" or even invent a new concept e.g. since they found that it's not "planetary" 08:07 < gleki> e.g. asteroids, comets are also parts of it 08:07 < LauriJ> that might be true 08:08 < LauriJ> and then there would be acronyms and such to designate different planet types 08:08 < LauriJ> eg. whether or not it's inhabited and what type of purpose it is used for 08:08 < la_kristan> who knows? until we find the Lojban-speaking aliens, I guess we don't... 08:09 < LauriJ> that's up to me to figure out. 08:09 < LauriJ> Ok, it might be translated to english for convenience but in the 'real' setting everything would be lojbanized 08:10 < la_kristan> and I'm still not sure whether "lojbanized" should be spelled with a z or an s. 08:11 < LauriJ> haha, well 08:11 < LauriJ> different flavors I guess... 08:12 < la_kristan> I have that trouble with all words ending with an "ize" sound. 08:12 < la_kristan> well, not /all/... 08:13 < la_kristan> not "french fries" 08:13 < la_kristan> but that's not one word. 08:13 < LauriJ> indeed 08:15 < gleki> "lojbanized" <-- depends on English dialect whether s or z 08:16 < la_kristan> One's probably a British spelling. 08:17 < la_kristan> But I read so much British and Australian stuff that I can't keep it straight. 08:17 < LauriJ> that's true 08:18 < gleki> -ize is at least Canadian as i was once told. hence british most likely. 08:19 < la_kristan> Even though I'm American, I always write "Saviour" instead of "Savior"; KJV influence, I guess. 08:19 < LauriJ> Still, if you were a part of the 'la ciste gunma', what would you do there? 08:20 < la_kristan> tu'a le mi bruna cu fanza mi 08:20 < gleki> idling on the sofa 08:20 < la_kristan> .u'i 08:21 < la_kristan> hanging out on #lojban ... 08:21 < LauriJ> haha, ok 08:23 < la_kristan> but video games about killing aliens might not be politically correct, lol 08:26 < la_kristan> so, the other day my dad asks me what I want for my birthday, and I'm like, "uh, I dunno, green chicken enchiladas, I guess." 08:27 < la_kristan> And my dad says, "okay, green chicken enchiladas are good" 08:28 < la_kristan> and then my oldest brother dryly declares that "they're even better when you leave out the green chicken." 08:29 < la_kristan> like, he's always like that. 08:30 < la_kristan> twice as pedantic as Ranjeet in "Lojban for Beginners" 08:31 < la_kristan> but not a Lojbanist. 08:32 < LauriJ> well, this actually will be a book 08:32 < LauriJ> or at least will start as a book 08:32 < la_kristan> what will? 08:32 < la_kristan> the ciste gunma? 08:32 < LauriJ> you know, this setting with Systems Union and all? 08:32 < LauriJ> yeah, I have a great idea 08:33 < LauriJ> and I hope to turn this great idea to a book 08:33 < la_kristan> sorry, I was sidetracked with thinking about my brother. 08:33 < LauriJ> it's ok 08:33 < LauriJ> still man 08:34 < LauriJ> it 08:34 < LauriJ> is very beautiful outside 08:34 < la_kristan> I sometimes think about writing a book 08:34 < la_kristan> but I can't come up with a decent storyline 08:35 < la_kristan> to save my life 08:36 < la_kristan> .i mi na nanmu (I'm not a man)... 08:37 < la_kristan> gleki : are you a member of cemetech.net ? 08:38 < gleki> no 08:38 < gleki> oh hm i think i am 08:39 < la_kristan> oh, there's someone there with that username; must be somebody else. 08:39 < gleki> no it was me 08:39 < la_kristan> oh? 08:39 < gleki> one time 08:39 < gleki> but it seems my account is no longer active 08:40 < la_kristan> my brother is a member there, but he says he's not active anymore. 08:40 < la_kristan> he couldn't get along with the Kerminator. 08:41 < la_kristan> his username is CalebHansberry 08:42 * LauriJ wants to play 08:42 < la_kristan> I just wondered, because when I did a Google search for "lojban forum" 08:43 < la_kristan> I found the thread about Lojban on Cemetech. 08:43 < LauriJ> My name is Carlos Ramirez 08:43 < LauriJ> how's that in Lojban? 08:43 < la_kristan> la .karlos.ramirez. , probably 08:43 < gleki> maybe just {la karlos ramires}? 08:44 < gleki> -z is usually like -s in Spanish. 08:44 < LauriJ> i see 08:45 < la_kristan> and I saw that one of the commenters on that thread had the username gleki 08:45 < la_kristan> so I wondered if it was the same person. 08:45 < gleki> i clean forgot about registering there 08:45 < gleki> i only did that to comment 08:46 < la_kristan> I understand; I have that urge a lot. 08:47 < la_kristan> Kerm expressed some interest; I wonder if anything came of it? 08:47 < la_kristan> probably not. 08:48 < la_kristan> LauriJ ; names are generally supposed to end in consonants, so yours is easy. 08:50 < LauriJ> i see 08:50 < la_kristan> not like mine (Christa), where I had to change the first letter and also add a consonant to the end. 08:50 < LauriJ> sounds rather difficult if you want to well, preserve the names as they are. 08:51 < zipcpi> xu lu'i ro setmima cu se cmima le nei 08:51 < zipcpi> sa'ei .bum. 08:52 < la_kristan> well, I think you can call someone "la'o zoi gy. Christa Hansberry .gy"; a friend of mine likes to do that. 08:52 < gleki> some aliens may not even possess the same articulatory organs as we do 08:52 < LauriJ> that is true 08:52 < zipcpi> lo setmima be ro setmima 08:53 < la_kristan> but I find it more trouble than it's worth, generally. 08:53 < LauriJ> but then again, they don't necessary want to abide by Lojban's rules either 08:53 < LauriJ> as far as the names are concerned 08:54 < ctefaho> new nunmu: http://djemynai.bandcamp.com/releases 08:54 < zipcpi> la_kristan: I think it's sometimes useful to not Lojbanize the names when they're first introduced in text though; you can assign a Lojban-name or pronoun to them using {goi} 08:54 < ctefaho> jbobau music 08:54 < la_kristan> vlaste: setmima 08:54 < vlaste> no results. http://vlasisku.alexburka.com/setmima 08:54 < zipcpi> la kristan: Mathematical set 08:54 < ctefaho> (all free all fresh all awesome) 08:55 < zipcpi> So, "Does the set of all sets contain itself?" 08:55 < zipcpi> Classic mathematical paradox 08:55 < zipcpi> Oh wai 08:55 < la_kristan> zipcpi : yeah, that could be useful. 08:56 < zipcpi> I got it by ramming "set" and {se cmima} together 08:56 < la_kristan> about names, not mathematical paradoxes. 08:56 < zipcpi> Ah 08:57 < la_kristan> I'm not much good at math, anyway. 08:58 < zipcpi> :p 08:58 < la_kristan> or logic, or programming... 08:58 < LauriJ> still, lemme think of a good alien phrase... 08:58 < zipcpi> xu lu'i ro setmima poi na se cmima ke'a cu se cmima le nei 08:59 * ctefaho pokes zipcpi 08:59 < zipcpi> What? 08:59 < ctefaho> pm 08:59 < la_kristan> am 08:59 < la_kristan> fm 08:59 < ctefaho> xm 08:59 < la_kristan> mi nasa mute... 09:00 < la_kristan> pardon my lapsing into toki pona. 09:00 < LauriJ> :P 09:00 < LauriJ> toki pona, huh? 09:00 < la_kristan> yeah. 09:00 < LauriJ> i guess you're a aficiniado ten 09:01 < LauriJ> *then 09:01 < LauriJ> when it comes to conlangs 09:01 < la_kristan> I speak toki pona and Esperanto pretty fluently. 09:01 < la_kristan> so I guess so. 09:02 * la_kristan shrugs. 09:03 * nuzba @uitki: 更新されたページ: Nuzba:xu do djuno - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Nuzba:xu_do_djuno by Guskant [http://bit.ly/1SSEwQb] 09:05 < LauriJ> :) 09:05 < LauriJ> anyways, I guess I shall go now 09:06 < LauriJ> see you later I hope 09:06 < la_kristan> LauriJ: what lessons are you learning Lojban with? I'm using "Lojban for Beginners" (L4B, for short) 09:06 < LauriJ> well, to be honest, I am not that into it 09:06 < LauriJ> just bits and pieces in order to make my works shine, 09:06 < LauriJ> basically, it's just there and that's all, 09:07 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa gunro fa 09:07 < LauriJ> anyways, bye 09:07 < la_kristan> well, okay, but you still must be getting it from somewhere 09:07 < la_kristan> mumble : ki'a 09:09 < gleki> la_kristan: instead of vlaste you may use "en:" prefix. if still doesnt work say "mensi: ko cnino" 09:09 < gleki> en: setmima 09:09 < mensi> setmima = x1 is a mathematical set, containing members x2 |>>> To be only used for sets in the mathematically defined 09:09 < mensi> sense. See cmima. |>>> spheniscine 09:10 < gleki> _mukti_: xu do pu'i benji SMS fi CGM 09:10 < la_kristan> oh, okay. 09:11 < la_kristan> ki'e 09:11 < _mukti_> gleki: mi nu'o go'i .i 09:11 < gleki> mi puzisai benji 09:12 < gleki> _mukti_: e'u bazaku do tavla CGM lo nu xokauroi akti fa le selfu skami i pe'i di'i mabla tcini i ei cnegau da 09:14 < la_kristan> Lojban is cooler than Esperanto because it has an independent root word for "left (side or direction)" and nobody will chew you out for using it. 09:14 < _mukti_> mi jungau cy fo lo simsa 09:14 < _mukti_> ba jungau 09:14 < gleki> _mukti_: xu lo cnino ke selfu skami bi'ai kargu sei mi kucli 09:15 < _mukti_> zo'oi maldekstra .u'i 09:15 < _mukti_> On the other hand, authorized lojban only has "tolci'o" 09:16 < gleki> indeed, "nobody will chew" is an exagerration for other words. 09:16 < _mukti_> gleki: mi na djuno 09:16 < la_kristan> In fact, of all the languages I'm familiar with, Lojban is the closest to being free of dextrocentric bias. 09:16 < gleki> la_kristan: is "lefta" a new word for "left" together with "liva"? 09:18 < la_kristan> I haven't seen it. 09:18 < rlpowell> Just rebooted jukni. 09:18 < _mukti_> nice 09:18 < rlpowell> _mukti_: THe only thing you might need to do once it comes backup is "sudo service php-fpm restart" and same with httpd, but probably not. 09:18 < rlpowell> AFK. 09:19 < _mukti_> rlpowell: Ok, I'll check it out. 09:19 < _mukti_> Any clue why sshd stopped responding? 09:19 < _mukti_> (should you return to the keys) 09:20 < gleki> _mukti_: would it be possible to install one more service that would do such operations automatically once the website is down? 09:20 < _mukti_> gleki: possible, but the devil are in the details 09:20 < la_kristan> but I don't know how to express handedness in Lojban. 09:20 < gleki> lo mabla cevni cu xabju lo tcila 09:20 < _mukti_> .u'i 09:21 < gleki> en: zulxanpre 09:21 < mensi> zulxanpre [< zunle xance prenu ≈ Left hand people] = p1 is a left-hander. |>>> See also: prityxanpre, zulxa'e. |>>> 09:21 < mensi> Wuzzy 09:21 < gleki> en: prityxanpre 09:21 < mensi> prityxanpre [< pritu xance prenu ≈ Right hand people] = p1 is a right-hander. |>>> See also: zulxanpre, prityxa'e. |>>> 09:21 < mensi> Wuzzy 09:21 < la_kristan> what about ambies? 09:22 < la_kristan> ambidexters, ambidextrous individuals 09:22 < gleki> needless to say these lujvo are no different from esperantic compound verbs, i.e. one cannot predict what they mean. we call them naljvajvo. 09:22 < gleki> s/verbs/words/ 09:22 < fenki> gleki meant to say: needless to say these lujvo are no different from esperantic compound words, i.e. one cannot predict what they mean. we call them naljvajvo. 09:23 < gleki> something like relxanpre... 09:23 < gleki> or dunxanpre 09:24 < la_kristan> we're always such a wrench in the works :-D 09:27 < la_kristan> I like "dunxanpre"; it's cool. 09:29 < la_kristan> "Connect your charger"?! 09:29 < la_kristan> .uinaisai 09:30 * la_kristan connects charger 09:30 * la_kristan is now stuck in one place. 09:31 * gleki in Lojbanistan zo'oru'e 09:32 < rlpowell> WHoops, forgot bout the iptables BS. 09:32 < rlpowell> _mukti_ / Tene / banseljaj : For some reason I've never figured out, all my hosts seem to need this to serve web and stuff after each restart: sudo service iptables restart 09:32 < rlpowell> Feel free to try to figure out why. :P 09:32 < rlpowell> AFK, lojban.o.rg is up. 09:33 < _mukti_> Hmm. Maybe it's loading a more restrictive ruleset first? 09:33 < _mukti_> .i mi snada lo nu jorne la jukni ki'e la .camgusmis. 09:34 < gleki> _mukti_: can we create a simple static website AND (which is the most important) redirect lojban.org to it when the wiki is down? 09:34 < _mukti_> gleki: That would require either a proxy in front of the web server or a process that monitored availability and twiddled DNS 09:35 < _mukti_> Which is to say, a more complex setup than we've got now 09:35 < gleki> _mukti_: but that would be useful anyway, right? people wont complain aboutlojban.org notbeing available. 09:37 < _mukti_> xu la danmo rozgu cu jundi 09:37 < gleki> nowthe wiki says there is some database error 09:37 < Ilmen> doi la mukti ze'u ku la danmo na .irci 09:37 < gleki> when editing pages 09:38 < _mukti_> gleki: It would be useful, but I think we need to consider the tradeoff in complexity. We've got limited sysadmin resources. 09:38 < _mukti_> xu co'u irci 09:38 < _mukti_> gi'i de'a irci 09:38 < Ilmen> ca so'o da di'a .irci ze'a .i ca so'o drata cu ze'u na .irci 09:39 < _mukti_> ua 09:39 < Ilmen> .i lo barda cu temci lo prula'i nu la danmo cu .irci ku ti 09:39 < gleki> https://www.reddit.com/r/tokipona/comments/3aq7jc/zao_by_djemynai_includes_one_toki_pona_rap_song/ 09:39 < gleki> submitted 4 days ago by danmorozgu 09:39 < Ilmen> wa 09:40 < gleki> _mukti_: if you can fix the database error 09:40 < _mukti_> gleki: Which error is that? 09:40 < Ilmen> .i'e na mulno lo ka na jundi lo jbogu'e 09:40 < gleki> mysql error definitely. when saving any page in lmw it says "A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. 09:40 < gleki> " 09:41 < gleki> maybe mysql got broken, idk. cleaning indices might do the trick idk 09:41 < gleki> $ maintenance/rebuildall.php 09:41 < _mukti_> Ah. 09:41 < gleki> but most likely no. something wrong with mysql process itself probably 09:41 < _mukti_> I'll take a peek at the log 09:47 < la_kristan> gleki: I'm listening to that song you linked... 09:47 < _mukti_> I've started to annotate "lo jbobau cu mo" 09:47 < _mukti_> http://genius.com/Selpahi-lo-jbobau-cu-mo-lyrics/ 09:48 < la_kristan> but it's apparently related to "Ca Pa Djedi" 09:48 < gleki> oh that's a website for geniuses only 09:49 < la_kristan> not identical, but very similar... 09:51 < la_kristan> oh, that's a different song, it's just the one that played when I went to the Bandcamp site. 09:54 < la_kristan> I don't understand toki pona very well when it's spoken that fast... 09:56 < gleki> _mukti_: in case you give up pls bug robin about that 09:58 < la_kristan> janl lawa li pakala li pona ala 09:59 < la_kristan> *janl/jan 09:59 < la_kristan> got that right, for sure... 09:59 < la_kristan> he did, that is... 10:00 < la_kristan> afk 10:05 < bigcentaur> .i coi ro do 10:06 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa mukti fa 10:07 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 10:14 < zipcpi> If {canlu} is "at least three dimensional", what is the two-dimensional equivalent? 10:14 < zipcpi> And we probably need something for "space", regardless of dimensionality 10:15 < la_kristan> I made a few toki pona rap lyrics once... 10:16 < la_kristan> but they didn't make any sense, and I can't rap 10:16 < zipcpi> ... wow I really can't find a gismu for two dimensional area 10:16 < zipcpi> This is really weird 10:17 < la_kristan> so the idea (I couldn't really call it a project) never got anywhere. 10:17 < la_kristan> zipcpi: that is weird. 10:17 < gleki> u just used {kramu} 10:17 < gleki> i just used {kramu} 10:18 < _mukti_> gleki: No conspicuous errors in logs, so I'm running the script you indicated 10:18 < la_kristan> I still think pizza deserves its own gismu 10:18 < la_kristan> zo'o 10:18 < zipcpi> gleki: {kramu} is a unit 10:18 < zipcpi> Like {minli} 10:20 < zipcpi> Like "acre" or something, but unlike the strong association of {minli} with miles, I'm not sure what a bare {kramu} should refer to 10:20 < _mukti_> gleki: Didn't fix the problem. Trying now to turn on extended logging. 10:20 < gleki> {canlu} covers both 2D for 2D objects. 10:20 < gleki> imo 10:20 < zipcpi> And maybe it should 10:20 < gleki> _mukti_: that php script should be running for at least one hour. 10:20 < gleki> if it's not then db is broken 10:21 < zipcpi> That would require changing its definition though, and new brivla to specifically refer to dimensionality 10:21 < _mukti_> Oh. Yes it exited fairly quickly. Will try it again with extended logging. 10:22 < gleki> oh hm 10:22 < _mukti_> Aha 10:22 < _mukti_> "Uncommitted DB writes" 10:22 < _mukti_> That's looking suspicious 10:24 < gleki> _mukti_: you may enable debugging by uncommenting "# Debug LMW:" section in LocalSettings.php 10:25 < _mukti_> Looks like the "jobs queue" isn't getting processed 10:25 < _mukti_> Running it manually now 10:25 < _mukti_> It may be that there is a problem which is preventing it from being normally processed, which first slowed the site down and then stopped writes from being allowed altogether 10:26 < _mukti_> There were 10,146 jobs queued 10:27 < gleki> that's not normal 10:27 < _mukti_> No, I can't imagine it is 10:28 < gleki> besides, before it all happened i saw that the search wasnt working fine. i assumed it was due to search indices broken in the db 10:28 < gleki> _mukti_: if this happnes again you can change to "$wgJobRunRate = 0.01; 10:28 < gleki> " 10:29 < _mukti_> I saw that. We may not want that value exactly, but it's worth seeing if we need to change that variable. 10:30 < zipcpi> Heck though, {minli} = "miles" might be about as sketchy as {tirxu} = "tiger" 10:30 < _mukti_> It may be that we need to tweak SELINUX ... I would not be surprised if its disallowing php-fpm to spawn a queue worker 10:31 < zipcpi> Probably better to just make zi'evla for all necessary non-metric units 10:31 < gleki> i repurposed {minli} to just any sbjective long distance 10:32 < zipcpi> zmaile (I've no problem basing it on English pronunciation at this point since it is an English unit...) 10:33 < zipcpi> inci 10:33 < zipcpi> akre 10:33 < zipcpi> etc 10:36 < zipcpi> "pound" is funny though, due to weight-mass ambiguity 10:38 < bigcentaur> weight-mass-money-verb-place-that-dogs-go ambiguity 10:38 < zipcpi> lol 10:40 < bigcentaur> that's a very overtaxed word in english, really 10:41 < bigcentaur> oh god unintentional pun 10:41 < _mukti_> coi la bardykentauru 10:41 < bigcentaur> .i coi 10:48 * zipcpi checks if there is already a zi'evla for "centaur" 10:48 < zipcpi> Yep 10:50 < durka42> coi 10:50 * bigcentaur kucli lo du'u makau zi'evla zo'oi centaur 10:50 < zipcpi> kentauru 10:50 < zipcpi> zo kentauru 10:50 < bigcentaur> ki'e 10:55 < _mukti_> coi la durkavore 10:57 < gleki> _mukti_: aipei mi ce do ca casnu lo nu jbonunsla 10:58 < _mukti_> .a'u mi'o casnu 11:00 < gleki> xu do pu'i tcidu lo mi romoi ke mriste se benji 11:00 < _mukti_> ie mo'u ru'e tcidu 11:01 < _mukti_> Do both "na gi'a" and "gi'a nai" negate the following term? 11:02 < Latro__> no; na gi'a negates on the left, gi'a nai on the right 11:03 < zipcpi> Hmm... makes it have funny interaction with that proposal about the scope of {na} 11:03 < durka42> nah it doesn't affect that 11:04 < durka42> {nagi'a} is just considered a connective 11:04 < latro`a> indeed 11:04 < _mukti_> Latro__: ki'e 11:04 < durka42> <term> nagi'a <term> == ga naku <term> gi <term> 11:04 < latro`a> similarly naku is its own construct 11:04 < latro`a> which just happens to be build out of two words for no particularly important reason 11:05 < zipcpi> Does {naku} negate only to the right of it, or the entire bridi? 11:05 < gleki> _mukti_: i do jinvi ma pe lo nu jbonunsla i xu naku lo nu xaksu lo jdini tezu'e lo nu vecnu CLL cu zmadu xamgu 11:05 < ctefaho> I was just told it negates all to the right 11:05 < latro`a> connectives aside, it's all to the right 11:06 < latro`a> but multi-bridi sentences as well as multi-bridi-tail sentences complicate matters 11:06 < zipcpi> I think scope of embedded bridi only stay in the bridi, right? 11:06 < latro`a> note that because we use constant terms so frequently, "negates to the right" means less in lojban than it does in english 11:07 < latro`a> with no outer quantifier (note that da always has one, even if we don't write it), a term commutes with naku 11:07 < latro`a> er, except for a tag-term 11:08 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 11:09 < latro`a> (maybe not? I forget what was agreed upon wrt tags and naku) 11:09 < gleki> .dict yard 11:09 < fenki> yard — noun: 1. A small, usually uncultivated area adjoining or (now especially) within the precincts of a house or other building (Wikipedia), 2. An enclosed area designated for a specific purpose, e.g. on farms, railways etc — verb: 1. (trans.) To confine to a yard 11:09 < latro`a> (I just stopped using it myself) 11:09 < latro`a> er, stopped using them together 11:09 < _mukti_> gleki: pe'i vajmau fa cylyly .i ku'i ma'a na bilga lo nu sarji cylyly po'o .i pe'i na xaksu fa lo nu sarji lo jbonunsla 11:09 < gleki> cylyly boi po'o 11:09 < gleki> exp: cylyly po'o 11:09 < mensi> ([{cy ly <ly po'o>} BOI] VAU) 11:10 < zipcpi> ma smuni u'i 11:10 < gleki> Complete Lojban (Language Only) 11:10 < latro`a> exp: cy ly ly boi po'o 11:10 < mensi> ([{cy ly ly} {boi po'o}] VAU) 11:10 < latro`a> *sigh* 11:10 < _mukti_> ua 11:10 < latro`a> that lack of vu'o for UI... 11:11 < gleki> zipcpi: since when "yard" is a US unit? 11:11 < gleki> _mukti_: uanai i ma na xaksu i xu lo jbonunsla na xaksu lo jdini pe LLG 11:11 < latro`a> exp: fu'e cy ly ly fu'o po'o 11:11 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 11:12 < latro`a> why doesn't that one work? 11:12 < latro`a> (I'm rusty) 11:12 < zipcpi> gleki: Since they coopted and standardized it. Those units are hardly used in Britain anymore :p 11:12 < gleki> exp: fu'e po'o cy ly ly fu'o 11:12 < mensi> ([fu'e po'o] [{cy ly <ly fu'o>} BOI] VAU) 11:12 < gleki> let's see 11:12 < latro`a> I see 11:13 < latro`a> except why does fu'o attach by word? 11:13 < zipcpi> It originated from Britain, but they don't use it anymore, nor did they standardize it 11:13 < latro`a> exp: fu'e po'o cy ly ly boi fu'o 11:13 < mensi> ([fu'e po'o] [{cy ly ly} {boi fu'o}] VAU) 11:13 < latro`a> that's weird 11:13 < latro`a> fu'e should create a paren in the parse tree 11:13 < _mukti_> .i pe'i lo jbonunusla cu zabna je cmalu po'o ke xaksu 11:14 < _mukti_> .i vajni fa lo nu lo jbopre cu penmi simxu 11:14 < zipcpi> After all there are differences between the US ounce and the British ounce (or something like that?) but I'd argue that the US one is more relevant to the modern world, since the US is one of the only few countries that still officially use those units :p 11:14 < _mukti_> .i mi zanru lo nu la lojbangirzu cu sarji lo nu go'i 11:15 < gleki> indicators = expr:(FUhE_clause? indicator+) {return _node("indicators", expr); } 11:16 < gleki> so indicator must be present 11:16 < gleki> and indeed, if not then why use fu'e? 11:16 < latro`a> that part's fair, I just put the indicator at the wrong end 11:16 < gleki> because 11:16 < gleki> indicator = expr:((UI_clause / CAI_clause) NAI_clause? / NAI_clause / DAhO_clause / FUhO_clause) !BU_clause {return _node("indicator", expr); } 11:17 < gleki> so fu'e ... fu'o actually doesnt exist in PEG 11:17 < latro`a> that's actually kinda lame 11:17 < gleki> there arent any brackets there 11:17 < latro`a> you see why this would be desirable, if only for po'o 11:17 < latro`a> yes? 11:18 < gleki> another issue: https://github.com/Ilmen-vodhr/ilmentufa/issues/116 11:18 < gleki> in short: bracketing doesnt work for any lojban parsers. it's all handwaving. 11:18 < latro`a> :( 11:18 < latro`a> but it doesn't exist in the tree, either 11:19 < latro`a> apparently 11:19 < latro`a> if it's impossible to linearly display the parse tree, that's fine 11:19 < latro`a> language is hard 11:19 < latro`a> but the "bracket" should be in the tree in some sense 11:19 < zipcpi> ma smuni lu <cy ly ly po'o> li'u .i xu simsa lu <cy ly ly jenai cy ly xy jenai cy ly joibu> li'u 11:20 < latro`a> I'd say it's garbage really; how can you try to uniquely quantify over a symbol used for an identifier 11:20 < zipcpi> Exactly 11:20 < latro`a> there is plenty of such garbage 11:20 < gleki> i can only suggest postprocessor for now 11:20 < zipcpi> ma'oi ui uinai 11:21 < gleki> the same for scope. a postprocessor for it. 11:21 < zipcpi> ma'oi ui plixau jeku'icu sko'opu mabla 11:22 < gleki> i have no clue how to process fu'e ... fu'o brackets in PEG. It would require putting any fragment of Lojban text in between. 11:23 < latro`a> that's fair 11:23 < latro`a> honestly we very rarely want that except wiith po'o 11:26 < gleki> so the current UI-like solution is the only thing we can have. 11:27 < gleki> a postprocessor would just create a separate layer showing the scope of fu'e ... fu'o 11:28 < gleki> hm, seems like no two fu'e ... fu'o scopes can intersect 11:28 < zipcpi> Yes, which might be a problem 11:28 < gleki> e.g. {fu'e ... fu'e ... fu'o} stop! Which one have we just terminated? 11:29 < latro`a> er 11:29 < latro`a> why would that be a problem? 11:29 < latro`a> that's not a problem for abstractors 11:29 < latro`a> you go back to the nearest one 11:29 * gleki de'a 11:29 < zipcpi> Because fu'e/fu'o is supposed to be able to create arbitrary scope for UI 11:30 < zipcpi> But now it can't be arbitrary when intersecting with other fu'e/fu'o 11:30 < latro`a> I don't understand, why can't the fu'o just look back to the previous fu'e (at least if you're willing to use a postprocessor) 11:31 < zipcpi> Ok... take {fu'e ... fu'e ... fu'o ... fu'o} 11:31 < latro`a> then you get (fu'e (fu'e fu'o) fu'o) 11:31 < zipcpi> Currently it's {<fu'e ... [fu'e ... fu'o] ... fu'o>} 11:31 < latro`a> it's actually not 11:31 < latro`a> not in the parser 11:31 < latro`a> that's the whole complaint I was voicing 11:31 < zipcpi> What if you want {<fu'e ... [fu'e ... fu'o> ... fu'o]} 11:32 < latro`a> that's purely in a semantic layer 11:32 < zipcpi> True 11:32 < latro`a> why would you want that anyway? 11:32 < zipcpi> I don't know lol 11:32 < latro`a> you somehow have something that applies to a block, and something that applies to a subblock of that block and also some more unrelated stuff 11:33 < latro`a> I see your concern but I don't think that's actually a problem 11:33 < ctefaho> gleki: how do I delete this wiki page http://mw.lojban.org/papri/srfsts 11:34 < zipcpi> What's even more mabla is how UI scope over one another. I have some ideas, as well as {toi'e} and {koi'e}, but I'm still not sure how UI1 and UI2 are supposed to interact 11:35 < zipcpi> Also subscripts; {xi} might need a famyma'o, either that or its interaction with {boi} changed 11:37 * la_kristan returns from correcting exercises at lernu.net 11:38 * la_kristan think Esperanto looks more annoyingly ambiguous than it did before. 11:42 < zipcpi> doi latro'a: Yeah I surrender on that for now; I only brought it up because Gleki brought it up. If I ever do come across some crazy case that requires overllapping fu'e-s I'll let you know :p 11:54 * nuzba @uitki: new-fi'o - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o by Ctefaho [http://bit.ly/1LuRIIU] 12:07 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 12:14 < zipcpi> By the way has the defininition of {ju'onai} changed? Is it just {ju'o naku}? 12:14 < zipcpi> It'd be great if {ju'onai} can replace {nai'o} 12:15 * zipcpi checks BPFK 12:23 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 12:27 < la_kristan> The toki pona Google group has been inactive since 2013 12:27 < la_kristan> .uinai 12:29 < la_kristan> and the group "lojhbanistoj" has one thread, which was last updated in 2011 12:30 < la_kristan> "consists of one thread" might be more accurate... 12:33 < zipcpi> cu'u BPFK: Attitudinal modifier. Used to express impossibility {MORE DETAILS}. This word comprises a scale, along with "OTHER1" and "OTHER2". See also OTHER1, OTHER2, the preface. 12:33 < zipcpi> Sure that clears things up xo'ozo'o :p 12:34 < Ilmen> zipcpi: The BPFK definitions are almost all complete, but there are a few one (at least a few attitudinal modifiers like {ro'u}) that still are stubs 12:34 < Ilmen> like this one 12:34 < Ilmen> coi 12:35 < zipcpi> coi 12:36 < zipcpi> My adding glosses to {ju'ocu'i} was one of my first zbusufukai actions way back when lol 12:40 < gleki> ctefaho: in the upper toolbar press "..." button and see a menu 12:40 < gleki> as for fu'e ... fu'o yes, it's a semantic layer and i want hyperPEG to mark it. 12:41 < gleki> well, it's also a syntactic layer in some way since we consider scoping a syntactic thing. 12:41 < zipcpi> Or maybe {ju'oi} is better; avoids the "implicit negative" of {nai'o}, even though it'd take one more syllable to say "I don't know the answer to that question" 12:41 < zipcpi> {ju'oinai} 12:42 < Ilmen> en: ju'onai 12:42 < mensi> ju'onai = [UI*5] attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility. |>>> 12:42 < mensi> officialdata 12:42 < Ilmen> ua 12:42 < zipcpi> Yeah ju'o/ju'onai runs along a different continuum to the one I want 12:43 < Ilmen> I've been using for a while ju'onai for {sei to'e birti} 12:43 < Ilmen> as proposed by selpahi 12:43 < zipcpi> Didn't know selpa'i proposed that 12:44 < zipcpi> Yeah seems ma'oste - ju'onai is better expressed as {ju'o naku} 12:44 < zipcpi> I'm sure this is false 12:44 < zipcpi> "I'm sure this is false" 12:44 < Ilmen> je'e .u'i 12:45 < Ilmen> The absence of quote mark was confusing here 12:45 < zipcpi> je'u 12:46 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa gunro fa 12:48 < la_kristan> when did I get disconnected?? 12:48 < zipcpi> ju'oi makau catra la .tom. / ju'oinai makau catra la .tom. / ju'oi la .meris. cu catra la .tom. 12:48 < zipcpi> Last one is very close to {ju'o} but might have a subtle difference, being based off {djuno} rather than {birti} 12:49 < zipcpi> ma catra la .tom. / ju'oinai 12:53 < Ilmen> rafsi: xarnu 12:53 < mensi> zo'oi xarn rafsi zo xarnu 12:54 < Ilmen> .u'i lu mi ku'i xarnymau lo xarju li'u pagbu lo selsku pe la'au ko cikna li'u 12:55 < zipcpi> la'au ko cikna li'u mo 12:55 < Ilmen> .i lo panra selsku cu pagbu lo fasybau 12:55 < Ilmen> .i selsa'a doi la zipcpi 12:56 < zipcpi> mi xarnymau le'e xarju jo'au CyLyLy 13:00 < zipcpi> mi puzi te reisku tu'a la gadganzu 13:00 < zipcpi> bu'u la .redit. 13:03 < zipcpi> xy'y da'i lo mema'oi ui moi poi sinxa lo si'o kesri 13:03 < Ilmen> en: kesri 13:03 < mensi> kesri = x1 is a stereotype of x2 (ka/si'o), held by x3 |>>> ctefaho 13:03 < zipcpi> zo ka'u mapti ru'eru'e 13:03 < Ilmen> en: lemkai 13:03 < mensi> lemkai [< le'e ckaji ≈ The stereotypical property] = x1 is a stereotypical representative of property x2 |>>> 13:03 < mensi> Ilmen 13:04 < zipcpi> mi xarnymau lo'e ka'u xarju 13:06 < zipcpi> "I'm more stubborn than the proverbial pig" 13:06 < zipcpi> zo'oi proverbial 13:06 < zipcpi> simsa zo ka'u pei 13:07 < Ilmen> cum' 13:07 < zipcpi> ta'i ma bacru zo'oi cum' u'i 13:08 < Ilmen> sa'u cumki .u'i 13:09 < zipcpi> mi xa'o djuno 13:11 < zipcpi> mi nelci lu <ru'e ru'e> li'u .i ku'i mi na birti lo du'u xukau malrarbauxlu .i simsa zoizoi <sikit-sikit> zoi pe lo mejbau 13:14 < Ilmen> su da stidi lo du lu ru'e sai li'u maptymau 13:15 < zipcpi> oi sko'opu do'e ma'oi ui 13:15 < zipcpi> .y. do'e ji'a ma'oi cai 13:16 < Ilmen> exp: .yrli 13:16 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "y" found. 13:16 < zipcpi> exp: rli 13:16 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "r" found. 13:17 < Ilmen> mi na sanji su krinu be lodu gau do lo depybu'i zo .y se la'erli'e 13:17 < Ilmen> seju la'irli'e 13:18 < Ilmen> seju li'erla'i .oi 13:18 < Ilmen> malvla 13:19 < Ilmen> .e'u se'i ru'e finti zo lidlami 13:20 < zipcpi> u'i 13:21 < Ilmen> la'a zo linlami cu xamgu zmadu toltce 13:21 < zipcpi> lu <mi na sanji su krinu be lodu gau do lo depybu'i zo .y se la'erli'e> li'u .y. tcaci mi 13:22 < zipcpi> .i .y. tcaci mi 13:22 < Ilmen> .i ji'a ra'oi lin co'e zo linsi .i na to'e mapti lo si'o porsi 13:22 < zipcpi> u'i 13:22 < la_kristan> I tried to download the Alice in Wonderland translation as a PDF, using FireFox. It didn't work. 13:23 < la_kristan> do you know if there is a pdf of it available anywhere? 13:23 < Ilmen> Maybe it's only readable when one's near a rabbit hole 13:23 < zipcpi> ... gleki: Why does your def for {pevna} remind me of Curtis? 13:23 < la_kristan> reading books online is not practical for me. 13:23 < zipcpi> What does "dimension" even mean? 13:24 < Ilmen> ri selsmu makau 13:24 < zipcpi> "x1 : its qualities are represented as a metaphor x2 in dimension x3+1, 2" 13:24 < la_kristan> Ilmen; I'm near a lot of rabbit holes; I live in Colorado! 13:24 < zipcpi> backformed from pe'a 13:24 < Ilmen> je'e 13:25 < la_kristan> the yard is full of rabbit holes. 13:25 < Ilmen> ja'o na krinu 13:25 < la_kristan> but they don't help me in this situation 13:26 < zipcpi> https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojibake 13:26 < la_kristan> or in any situation that I know of... 13:26 < zipcpi> Hmm... {mojbake}? {samsregafle'u}? 13:27 < cliva> mo jbake 13:27 < zipcpi> oi 13:27 < zipcpi> cmojibake 13:27 < Ilmen> mo luska 13:28 < zipcpi> sefta nisku 13:28 < Ilmen> We should change Lojban's terminology from "tosmabru" to "moluska" 13:28 < Ilmen> zo'o 13:28 < zipcpi> Yeah what does tosmabru even mean lol 13:29 < Ilmen> okay, doesn't work; tos- really looks like a short rafsi that could be appended to a gismu 13:29 < zipcpi> Well part of it is that {tosmabru} looks like a lujvo 13:30 < zipcpi> Thus demonstrating that both lujvo and zi'evla can fall into that trap 13:30 * la_kristan tries again... 13:30 < zipcpi> While only zi'evla can be slinku'i 13:31 < zipcpi> nisku = $x_1$ is a bird that swims in the ocean of the Antarctic; then make {sfenisku} a cimjvo. There problem solved zo'o 13:32 < zipcpi> vlaste: nisku (gimka) 13:32 < vlaste> zo nisku gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo nisku gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 13:32 < zipcpi> xu zo gimka gimy'inda 13:32 < durka42> whoa, you found one :p 13:33 < zipcpi> Found what? :p 13:33 < durka42> a gismu that doesn't conflict with any other ones 13:33 < zipcpi> lol 13:33 < durka42> this shortcut is a problem, heh 13:33 < durka42> since *{gimka} _does_ collide 13:33 < durka42> but we are going to start saying it anyway... 13:33 < la_kristan> works even worse than before; maybe if I used my laptop instead of my phone... 13:33 < zipcpi> vlaste: gimka (gimka) 13:33 < vlaste> zo gimka gimkamsmikezypro zo ginka noi catni gismu .i zo gimka gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 13:35 < zipcpi> I would just shorten it to gimsmipro or gimpro. Maybe even gimjanli but that's somewhat metaphorical 13:35 < durka42> gimpro is probably fine 13:35 < durka42> well actually gimpro might mean "x1 jinvi lo du'u x2 na gimy'inda" .u'i 13:35 < zipcpi> u'i 13:36 < durka42> I wonder if krtis knows that people are actually using his lujvo 13:37 < rutytar> coi 13:37 < durka42> coi 13:38 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa gunro fa 13:38 < zipcpi> I think I'd use {gimpante} for that :p 13:38 < zipcpi> <MI BA'E PANTE> 13:39 < durka42> zo gimkamsmikezypro gimy'inda iepei doi la mensi 13:39 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 13:41 < rutytar> what's the difference between {mi djicu nu klama lo zarci} and {mi djicu lo nu klama lo zarchi}? 13:41 < rutytar> *zarci 13:42 < zipcpi> *djica 13:42 < rutytar> right 13:42 < zipcpi> First one makes a tanru... and probably doesn't mean what you want 13:42 < zipcpi> You see, {nu} (and the rest of selma'o NU) embeds a sub-clause and turns into a selbri, which acts just like a brivla 13:43 < zipcpi> So {mi djica nu klama lo zarci} = I am a wanting type-of event-of going to the market 13:44 < zipcpi> Which is... nonsense :p 13:44 < la_kristan> so now it's saved as an html file on my computer... I wonder if, if I transferred it to my phone, it would work? 13:44 < rutytar> okay. that explanation makes much more sense than i thought it would 13:45 < rutytar> i'o 13:45 < zipcpi> {mi djica lo nu klama lo zarci} = I want an-event-of (going to the market) / I want "going to the market" to happen 13:45 < zipcpi> This does not say though, who you want to go to the market 13:45 < zipcpi> It could be you, it could be someone else 13:46 < durka42> (though in the absence of other context it probably implies that it's you) 13:46 < zipcpi> To make it clear that it's you, you have two choices 13:46 < Ilmen> mi djica lo nu klama = I want that [somebody unspecified] go(es) 13:46 < zipcpi> Either place {mi} before {klama}, or replace {nu} with {ka} 13:47 < zipcpi> I like referring to this when talking about nu vs ka: http://imgur.com/Uh7Nm44 13:47 < rutytar> why does replacing {nu} with {ka} change the specification of who it's referring to? 13:48 < zipcpi> ka is a property abstraction, and works much like English infinitives 13:48 < rutytar> but why does it automatically apply to the speaker? 13:49 < rutytar> couldn't you possibly want the property of going to the store to apply to someone else? 13:49 < zipcpi> It doesn't. ka works with a special pronoun called {ce'u}, that indicates the what the property applies to 13:49 < Ilmen> I'd say it doesn't necessarily. I'd use kaidji for more safety 13:50 < zipcpi> lol 13:50 < Ilmen> sorry, was replying to something earlier 13:50 < la_kristan> yay! it works now! 13:50 < rutytar> i understood 13:50 < rutytar> i'a 13:51 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Then {kai'aidji} for the {aidji} equivalent? lol 13:51 < Ilmen> .aidji2 is already a ka 13:51 < zipcpi> Right... doesn't make sense otherwise I suppose 13:51 < la_kristan> now if only I could read it; my vocab's pretty sparse :-( 13:51 < zipcpi> What did you download? 13:52 < Ilmen> ro nu troci cu rinka lo nu certu zenba 13:52 < la_kristan> the translation of Alice in Wonderland. 13:52 < zipcpi> ua 13:52 < Ilmen> Just remember that ractu = to be a rabbit :) 13:53 < zipcpi> And don't confuse it with ratcu :p 13:53 < la_kristan> I tried to do it with my phone, but it didn't work. 13:53 < rutytar> do what? 13:53 < la_kristan> zipcpi: u'i 13:54 < la_kristan> download the page, with FireFox. 13:54 < rutytar> ah 13:54 < la_kristan> so I did it on my laptop and transferred it to my phone. 13:55 < la_kristan> ractu - ratcu... barja - bajra... 13:56 < Ilmen> jibni - jbini 13:56 < Ilmen> (this ohe gave me trouble) 13:56 < Ilmen> *one 13:56 < latro`a> jbini has the bi- sound 13:56 < la_kristan> .i lo ractu cu bajra .ije lo ratcu cu barja 13:56 < latro`a> which is shared with "between" 13:56 < latro`a> that helped me 13:56 < zipcpi> The rafsi jbi doesn't help 13:56 < Ilmen> go'i 13:56 < latro`a> yikes 13:56 < latro`a> didn't even notice that 13:57 < latro`a> :( 13:57 < la_kristan> what? 13:57 < rutytar> speaking of which… who should i email about the arabic etymology? 13:57 < la_kristan> no clue. 13:57 < Ilmen> Maybe Lojbab? 13:57 < rutytar> that's what i'd heard 13:57 < rutytar> does anyone have an email? 13:58 < Ilmen> anyone has, indeed 13:58 < Ilmen> lojbab@lojban.org 13:58 < rutytar> i'o 13:59 < la_kristan> Lojban is a troublesome language for slightly dyslexic individuals like myself 13:59 < la_kristan> but then, other languages aren't much better. 13:59 < rutytar> is John Cowan still active? 14:00 < Ilmen> Less so since several months, but I think you can reach him via mail 14:00 < Ilmen> @ rutyta 14:00 < Ilmen> r 14:00 < la_kristan> vlaste: jibni 14:00 < vlaste> jibni = x1 is near/close to/approximates x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni). 14:01 < la_kristan> vlaste: jbini 14:01 < vlaste> jbini = x1 is between/among set of points/bounds/limits x2 (set)/amidst mass x2 in property x3 (ka). 14:01 < _mukti_> rutytar: What about the arabic etymology? .a'u sai 14:01 < zipcpi> The meanings are even similar lol 14:01 < la_kristan> jep 14:01 < rutytar> when i started learning lojban one of my roommates mentioned that he's been friends with John since highschool 14:02 < Ilmen> ue 14:02 < la_kristan> oops! I meant yep. 14:02 < rutytar> _mukti_: i want them. i found all of them except the arabic 14:02 < la_kristan> too much Esperanto for me... 14:02 < la_kristan> I'm forgetting how to spell! 14:03 < zipcpi> lol et list aim not speling laik dis iet 14:03 < rutytar> i've heard that they exist in hard copy, i've been trying to find them 14:04 < la_kristan> I noticed that "vajni" is a Russian word. 14:04 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa niftyg fa 14:04 < Ilmen> pu zi ze'i sai voksnu do'e la .mambl. 14:04 < zipcpi> ai did haev a pyrsynyl aidiiy for inglic speling riform thou aend it iz cliiyrli beizd oen lojban 14:05 < zipcpi> Er kliiyrli 14:05 < la_kristan> zipcpi; well, that's legible, I think. 14:05 < ctefaho> "viska" in swedish sounds and is spelled pretty much exactly the same but means something very different 14:05 < Ilmen> .ai mi dotybau tinju'i .i co'o ru'e 14:05 < ctefaho> ((to) whisper) 14:06 < ctefaho> and has the stress in the same place ;o 14:06 < zipcpi> There are two false-friend gismu I know of between Lojban and Malay 14:06 < zipcpi> {cinta} and {ganti} 14:07 < la_kristan> vlaste: santa 14:07 < vlaste> santa = x1 is an umbrella/parasol shielding x2 from x3, made of material x4, supported by x5. 14:07 < la_kristan> lol 14:07 < rutytar> lojbab's name is Bob? 14:07 < zipcpi> Malay cat - cinta - prami Lojban 14:08 < zipcpi> Malay ??? - ganti - basti Lojban 14:08 < la_kristan> there's a false friend for you - santa doesn't mean umbrella in English or Spanish! 14:08 < zipcpi> Right lol 14:08 < _mukti_> rutytar: Darn. I thought you might have compiled them. :) 14:09 < la_kristan> yeah, his name's Bob. rutytar 14:09 < rutytar> i've considered it, but it seems like tracking down records is more efficient 14:09 < zipcpi> {kokso}? 14:09 < rutytar> i'll mention in the email that there are a few other people interested in them as well 14:10 < la_kristan> */./, 14:11 < _mukti_> rutytar: You have the lojbanized versions from the finprims document? 14:11 < rutytar> yeah, but it's not very easy 14:11 < _mukti_> Agreed. My understanding is that muplis manually researched and reconstructed the others. 14:11 < _mukti_> I don't think there are records. 14:12 < rutytar> i tried manually converting using google translate, but i still average about 5 a minute. that's still about 5 hours of labor i'm not keen on doing considering the likelihood of error anyway 14:12 < rutytar> 4 hours, i guess 14:12 < zipcpi> Hey I noticed an error on the Esperanto definition of {xaksu} 14:13 < rutytar> muplis is where i got the others from. 14:13 < zipcpi> {fesxaksu} got autoconverted to feŝaksu lol 14:13 < rutytar> i guess if we divide the labor it wouldn't be so bad, but i'd rather just ask lojbab first 14:14 < zipcpi> Hm need a word for "abuse" 14:15 < rutytar> malku'i? 14:15 < _mukti_> Let me know what you learn. I'd be willing to work on that with you, even if we have to do it the hard way. 14:15 < rutytar> i'o 14:16 < rutytar> do you have an email? 14:19 < la_kristan> oo, x-system autoconversion is always messing up words in other languages! 14:19 < la_kristan> linux = linŭ ; thx = tĥ ; ktp 14:21 < la_kristan> but thx isn't really a word anyway. 14:21 < zipcpi> Well I defined both {malpli} and {malku'i}, because both are useful for "abuse" in different contexts 14:23 < ctefaho> hey jbopre 14:23 < ctefaho> what slik and lean lujvo would capture the semantics of zo xa'o best? 14:23 < la_kristan> no clue :-P 14:24 < ctefaho> basically "already" 14:24 < zipcpi> lol za'o is defined based on faurza'o 14:24 < zipcpi> But xa'o has no rafsi 14:24 < zipcpi> It's already the rafsi of {xampo} 14:24 < zipcpi> Someone defined {faunxa'o} anyway though 14:24 < ctefaho> hack 14:24 < ctefaho> i want a real lujvo 14:24 < zipcpi> lol 14:25 < la_kristan> I'll have to go soon; got partyin' to do! 14:25 < niftg> .ua zo vasxu zo'u zo'oi vaŝu te galfi 14:25 < zipcpi> I don't see what's so great about lujvo though; all it is is a shortened and defined tanru 14:26 < la_kristan> ŝŝŝ 14:26 < la_kristan> sxsxsx 14:26 < ctefaho> is real jbovalsi 14:27 < zipcpi> zi'evla are too 14:27 < ctefaho> hisss 14:28 < la_kristan> someone was probably using Tajpi or EK, and didn't notice that the Xs got converted. 14:30 < zipcpi> What does za'o/xa'o even tag anyway 14:31 < la_kristan> .и ми на джуно 14:31 < zipcpi> i mi na djuno? 14:31 < la_kristan> .и ху до жимпе 14:31 < niftg> .ua la'oi Tajpi cu sperybau samci'a tutci 14:32 < niftg> lu .i xu do jimpe li'u 14:32 < zipcpi> mi certu ru'esai lo ka tcidu lo drata lerci'e 14:32 < la_kristan> :-) 14:33 < niftg> .i'o 14:33 < la_kristan> vlaste: tutci 14:33 < vlaste> tutci = x1 is a tool/utensil/resource/instrument/implement used for doing x2; [form determines function]. 14:34 < la_kristan> Tajpi- klavarili por Esperantistoj 14:34 < la_kristan> */klavarili/klavarilo 14:35 < niftg> zo'oi -tci- noi jborafsi cu simsa zo'oi -il- 14:35 < ctefaho> zipcpi: pe'i if a lojban cmavo has a semantic meaning it deserves to exist in the language 14:36 < ctefaho> unlike the CAhA...mess 14:36 < la_kristan> stulsssta telefono 14:37 < la_kristan> my phone isn't working very well... 14:38 < la_kristan> I'll have to restart it. 14:38 < la_kristan> and I've got partying to do, anyhow. 14:39 < la_kristan> co'o rodo 14:39 < ctefaho> also FAhA for everyone http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o 14:39 * ctefaho co'orino 15:01 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 15:09 < _mukti_> gleki: I cleared the jobs queue and was able to submit an edit 15:09 < _mukti_> I'll keep an eye on the queue so it doesn't get backed up again 15:23 < zipcpi> vlaste: dumdu (gimka) 15:23 < vlaste> zo dumdu gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo dumdu gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 15:29 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i gi fa'u mi gi do klama lo zarcu fa'u zdani 15:29 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:29 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i gi fa'u mi gi do klama lo zarcu fa'u lo zdani 15:29 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:30 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i fa'u gi mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:30 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:30 < noncomcinse> camxes: *exp .i gi fa'u mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:30 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [.\t\n\r?! ] but "*" found. 15:30 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i fa'u ge mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:30 < camxes> (i fa'u [{ge mi gi do} CU] [klama {<lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:30 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i fa'u ge mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:30 < camxes> (i fa'u [{ge mi gi do} CU] [klama {<lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:31 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i je gi mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:31 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:31 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i je ga mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:31 < camxes> (i je [{ga mi gi do} CU] [klama {<lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:31 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i je gu mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:31 < camxes> (i je [{gu mi gi do} CU] [klama {<lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:31 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i je ga mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:31 < camxes> (i je [ga mi gi do] [CU {klama <lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:31 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i je gu mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:31 < camxes> (i je [gu mi gi do] [CU {klama <lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:32 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i ga je mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:32 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:32 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i ga je mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:32 < camxes> (i [{ga je} mi gi do] [CU {klama <lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:32 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i gu je mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:32 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:32 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i lo gu je me mi gi me do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:32 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:33 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i gu je klama gi zarci 15:33 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:33 < noncomcinse> camxes: .i ga fa'u mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:33 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "z" found. 15:33 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i ga je mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:33 < camxes> (i [{ga je} mi gi do] [CU {klama <lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:33 < noncomcinse> camxes: +exp .i ga fa'u mi gi do klama lo zarci fa'u lo zdani 15:33 < camxes> (i [{ga fa'u} mi gi do] [CU {klama <lo zarci KU> <fa'u (¹lo zdani KU¹)>} VAU]) 15:33 < noncomcinse> ki'e .camxes. 15:36 < noncomcinse> What's the classical way to do {fa'u} forethought? 15:37 < zipcpi> Warning: Testing lo nunbauspo be la selpa'i: 15:37 < zipcpi> exp: gafa'u ko'a gi ko'e 15:37 < mensi> ([{ga fa'u} ko'a gi ko'e] VAU) 15:37 < zipcpi> ... not sure that worked 15:37 < zipcpi> exp: gafa'u ko'a gi ko'e cu brode 15:37 < mensi> ([{ga fa'u} ko'a gi ko'e] [cu {brode VAU}]) 15:38 < noncomcinse> ga fa'u is right 15:38 < zipcpi> Seems so 15:38 < zipcpi> exp: gaje ko'a gi ko'e cu brode 15:38 < mensi> ([{ga je} ko'a gi ko'e] [cu {brode VAU}]) 15:39 < noncomcinse> Because la selpa'i proposed ga <any connective> for all-but-tanru fore 15:39 < zipcpi> off: gafa'u ko'a gi ko'e cu brode 15:39 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 15:39 < zipcpi> je'u 15:39 < noncomcinse> and gu <connective> for tanru-fore 15:39 < noncomcinse> exp: gu je broda gi brode 15:39 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 15:39 < noncomcinse> or at least I thought 15:39 < zipcpi> Hm not sure if that gu has been implemented 15:40 < zipcpi> Apparently not 15:40 < noncomcinse> But I recall a classical jbobau way for forethought with illogical connectivrs 15:40 < zipcpi> off: ju'egifa'u ko'a gi ko'e cu brode 15:40 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 15:40 < zipcpi> No... 15:40 < zipcpi> off: gifa'u ko'a gi ko'e cu brode 15:40 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 15:41 < zipcpi> Tsk tsk 15:41 < akmnlrse> camxes has a bug here 15:41 < akmnlrse> probably !gihek should come before joik_jek in whatever sub-rule of "text" it's in 15:42 < akmnlrse> .i je ca zo'u .ei mi sipna co'o 15:42 < akmnlrse> gerna: fa'u gi ti gi ta 15:42 < mensi> (0[{<fa'u gi> ti gi ta} VAU])0 15:42 < zipcpi> ua 15:42 < zipcpi> off: fa'ugi ko'a gi ko'e cu brode 15:42 < mensi> ([{<fa'u gi> ko'a gi ko'e} cu] [brode VAU]) 15:43 < akmnlrse> ... or not 15:43 * akmnlrse bed 15:43 < zipcpi> u'xi 15:57 < clakre> in everything I've read about FA so far, nothing has explained what "da cu brode de fa do" would do to da and de. 15:57 < zipcpi> It's one of those silly corner cases that no one has bothered to define yet 15:57 < zipcpi> Although there are attempts 15:58 < clakre> I could swear I'd seen it used in a ZA'O song 15:58 < zipcpi> I think the consensus being something like {da .e do brode de} 15:59 < noncomcinse> Why not just nagendra? 15:59 < zipcpi> The parser works based on selma'o 15:59 < noncomcinse> je'e 16:00 < zipcpi> You'd need a semantic parser to throw things out as nonsense 16:00 * clakre will try understanding it that way (da .e do brode de) 16:00 < noncomcinse> Fair. 16:01 < noncomcinse> de'a jundi fa mi di'a lo na te djuno 16:01 < ctefaho> it is called undefined behaviour 16:01 < ctefaho> welcome to jbobau 16:03 < ctefaho> just cross your fingers and hope it works:) 16:13 < ctefaho> zipcpi: it seems that what you want for your nested abstractions are ce'ai 16:14 < ctefaho> no wait that was for ce'u only 16:15 < ctefaho> and thus, ke'au was born 16:17 < zipcpi> ... how would that even work? 16:17 < ctefaho> "ke'au - Performs magic stuff to fix nested constructs" 16:18 * ctefaho runs to jbovlaste 16:18 < zipcpi> ... 16:19 < zipcpi> What would the prenex even look like? 16:19 < zipcpi> I don't think it works 16:19 < zipcpi> What is its syntax? 16:19 < ctefaho> makfa 16:19 < ctefaho> li'a 16:20 < zipcpi> Then it shouldn't be added to JVS 16:20 < ctefaho> makfa! 16:20 < zipcpi> Sorry, no, that isn't a sufficient answer to how to solve ke'a-suffixing 16:21 * ctefaho puts on his robe and his wizard hat 16:21 < zipcpi> Not to mention you haven't solves no'a-suffixing 16:21 < ctefaho> I swing my wand, to fix your semantics. ke'au does magic, without any antics. 16:22 < zipcpi> I'm serious. We don't even know what selma'o it should be 16:23 < ctefaho> The ke'a points back, and the sky turns black. Yet they still ask, will you fix *my* hack? 16:23 < zipcpi> Stop it 16:23 < ctefaho> never 16:24 < zipcpi> I'll mute you 16:24 < ctefaho> :( 16:24 * ctefaho takes off his robe and his wizard hat 16:24 < ctefaho> The ke'a still points back, the makfa is black 16:25 * ctefaho sisti 16:26 * nuzba @RosstinMurphy: "Before I teach you this new programming language, first I'm going to teach you Lojban so you can properly comprehend it." [http://bit.ly/1QWi1MA] 16:32 < _mukti_> Sadly, that tweet is describing that as a negative case. .u'i 16:33 < zipcpi> What kind of programming language is he even talking about anyway? 16:33 < _mukti_> He 16:33 < _mukti_> Scala, apparently. 16:33 < zipcpi> "Have the best of both worlds. Construct elegant class hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility, implement their behavior using higher-order functions. Or anything in-between." 16:33 < zipcpi> oh my gosh 16:33 < noncomcinse> ke'au? 16:34 < noncomcinse> en: ce'ai 16:34 < mensi> ce'ai = [ZOhU] lambda variable prenex; marks the end of introduction of lambda-scope variables. |>>> Cf. zo'u. In effect 16:34 < mensi> this word is used as a shortcut around verbose repeated assignment in a ka prenex: lo ka ce'u goi ko'a ce'u goi ko'e ... 16:34 < mensi> zo'u ... is the same as lo ka ko'a ko'e ... ce'ai ... In either form this style can be used to avoid subscripting and to 16:34 < mensi> disambiguate nested ka, ni, etc. |>>> latros 16:35 < _mukti_> I dunno. Maybe's Scala's type system would be easier to understand explicated in Lojban. 16:35 < zipcpi> Maybe 16:35 < noncomcinse> loka co'e (ce'ai?) zo'u? 16:36 < zipcpi> I'm not even sure how ce'ai works myself... 16:37 < zipcpi> Hmm... apparently autobinds ce'u variables to a list of KOhA 16:38 < noncomcinse> X goi Y means Y=return(X) in every instance, right? 16:38 < zipcpi> Making it easier to understand complicated ka abstractions with n-aryness and nesting 16:39 < zipcpi> Of course, like {zo'u} and {goi}, it requires forethought 16:40 < noncomcinse> inb4 midnex 16:40 < zipcpi> lol 16:40 < noncomcinse> en: zo'au 16:40 < mensi> zo'au = [LA] cmene quote; quotes arbitrary number of adjacent cmevla or one selbri. |>>> 16:40 < mensi> djeikyb 16:40 < noncomcinse> en: zo'ai 16:40 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 16:40 < zipcpi> zo'au? What is that even there for? 16:40 < noncomcinse> .i mi klama zo'ai da poi zarci mi zo'u da 16:41 < noncomcinse> xu jimpe lodu smuni zo zo'ai 16:41 < noncomcinse> de'a jundi 16:42 < zipcpi> jimpe ru'e 16:42 < zipcpi> ju'oru'e 16:44 < ctefaho> noncomcinse: just something to fix nested abstractions cleanly 16:44 < ctefaho> but I have other jbo things to think about right now 16:47 < zipcpi> If you want it to work like {ce'ai}, {ce'ai} can be overloaded (because it always comes at the beginning of its abstraction bridi), but it doesn't avoid the forethought problem 16:48 < ctefaho> tbh if you want to go that deep into an abstraction you need forethought 16:48 < ctefaho> I can maybe come up with another idea later 16:49 < ctefaho> as for jai's abstraction we can always just add 1 to the xi;) 16:49 < zipcpi> I'm not even sure why you're so insistent on making ke'a work with jai 16:49 < ctefaho> Because I think it has to 16:50 < ctefaho> but if I say more than that everyone thinks I am crazy...so;) 16:50 < zipcpi> It doesn't. You only think it works when it has a NU to attach to, but if it doesn't then you'd have no place to put it, and return to {fai}+{ka}+{ce'u} 16:52 < ctefaho> Let's just say I think about things a bit differently mkay 16:52 < ctefaho> I am not forcing you to use my jai 16:58 < ctefaho> let's just focus on xoi-ing the sumtcita iepei 16:58 < mensi> ei mi tugni 16:58 < zipcpi> OK... 17:03 < zipcpi> jai'i: [selma'o JAIhI] Takes next NU word, clarifying the semantic NU-type of the bridi. {fai'i} takes the x2 of that NU, if present. 17:04 < ctefaho> oh god no zipcpi please 17:05 < zipcpi> How else? Even {jai} doesn't fix the problem of putting the rest of a bridi in an abstraction that later bridi cannot easily access with {le se go'i} etc. 17:06 < zipcpi> Same problem with starting a sentence with a NU 17:07 < zipcpi> Except starting a sentence with a NU breaks {le go'i} as well 17:08 < ctefaho> lamgre: x1 is a point tangential to x2, x2 is alongside of x1 17:08 < ctefaho> am I using the word tangential correctly? 17:09 < zipcpi> lamgre is already defined 17:09 < zipcpi> And I'm not even sure how the two concepts can be equated 17:09 < zipcpi> "tangential" is rather... technical 17:09 < ctefaho> No definitions found for "lamgre" - jbovlaste 17:09 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/lamgre 17:10 < ctefaho> uat 17:10 < ctefaho> ah only in jbo 17:12 < ctefaho> "p1=l1 passes by p2 to p3 from p4 by l2." 17:12 < ctefaho> does that really work for "x2 is alongside of x1"? 17:13 < zipcpi> I don't think {pagre} is what you want for it 17:13 < ctefaho> lamgre is the official definition for zo'a 17:13 < ctefaho> one of them actually 17:14 < ctefaho> bpfk has decided to define it two different ways 17:14 < zipcpi> Hmm... dunno 17:15 < zipcpi> There's still the difference between {mo'i} and {mo'i}-less to think about 17:15 < ctefaho> both "lamgre" and "no'e ragve" is used 17:16 * ctefaho takes no'e ragve instead 17:16 < ctefaho> joink 17:16 < zipcpi> {mo'izo'a} 17:16 < ctefaho> yes? 17:17 < ctefaho> muvdu + no'e ragve = ? 17:17 < ctefaho> love or hate? 17:17 < zipcpi> I don't know. I'm not even sure what no'e ragve means 17:21 < zipcpi> exp: le jaifai go'i 17:21 < mensi> ([le {jai fai go'i} KU] VAU) 17:21 < zipcpi> off: le jaifai go'i 17:21 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] or [uU] but "i" found. 17:22 < ctefaho> I think lamragve makes more sense 17:23 < ctefaho> but I guess that depends on how you see it... 17:29 * ctefaho settles for korla'i ^^ 17:29 < zipcpi> I think that implies actually toching 17:29 < zipcpi> *touching 17:30 < zipcpi> And I'm not sure whether {zo'a} does 17:30 < zipcpi> You'd probably have to ask someone else 17:30 < ctefaho> zo'a does not imply touching no 17:31 < zipcpi> I think {korla'i} would imply touching 17:32 < ctefaho> koizva li'a 17:34 < ctefaho> it even exists already 17:34 < ctefaho> but still not the right semantics 17:35 < ctefaho> or is it 17:35 * ctefaho uses it for now 17:37 < ctefaho> or not 17:37 < ctefaho> ... 17:37 < ctefaho> no it is right or bpfk is inconsistent 17:37 < ctefaho> mi pu cliva lo karce zo'a lo malsi 17:37 < ctefaho> "I left the car by the side of the temple." 17:38 < ctefaho> that has to work with koizva 17:38 < ctefaho> coi durka42 17:38 < durka42> coi 17:39 < ctefaho> durka42 I am trying to figure out what jbovalsi best fits "zo'a" 17:39 < ctefaho> iepei koizva is the word? 17:39 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 17:39 < zipcpi> No, I thought koizva implied touching 17:40 < ctefaho> zvati does not imply touching 17:40 < zipcpi> It means existing "on the boundary" 17:40 < zipcpi> If you're not touching the boundary, you're not on it 17:43 < ctefaho> mimicing the def of ne'a as zvajbi, think I will go with koizvajbi 17:43 < durka42> valrtosmabru 17:44 < durka42> zo korzvajbi .e'u 17:44 < ctefaho> durka saves the day 17:44 < ctefaho> korzvajbi for "alongside of" 17:44 < ctefaho> nice and cromulent 17:44 < ctefaho> side-at-neat 17:44 < ctefaho> side-at-near 17:45 < ctefaho> durka42: Or if you have another idea for "ne'a"? 17:46 < durka42> en:ne'a 17:46 < mensi> ne'a = [FAhA3] location tense relation/direction; approximating/next to ... 17:46 < durka42> seems good to me 17:47 < ctefaho> so 17:47 < ctefaho> {.i broda zo'a ko'a} -> (.i broda xoi ko'a korzvajbi ke'a} 17:47 < ctefaho> wait 17:47 < _mukti_> coi la durkavore 17:48 < ctefaho> {.i broda zo'a ko'a} -> (.i broda xoi ke'a korzvajbi ko'a} li'a 17:48 < ctefaho> coi mukti 17:50 < ctefaho> I assume you think "zvajbi" fits ne'a? (bpfk def) 17:51 < ctefaho> ehm 17:51 * ctefaho facepalms 17:52 < ctefaho> me tired 17:53 < _mukti_> coi la ctefa'o 17:55 < durka42> coi la mukti 17:58 < ctefaho> so...FAhA -> xoi done 17:59 < ctefaho> fun thing will be how they interact with each other and mo'i 17:59 < ctefaho> and whatever else is allowed 17:59 < durka42> mo'i is deep magic :p 18:00 < zipcpi> I changed JAIhI+NU to a sumtcita, so {fai'i} won't be needed 18:00 < ctefaho> it is basically a xoi muvdu applying to the selbri combining with the spatial it is with 18:01 < ctefaho> also durka42 plz 18:01 < durka42> zo jai'i mo 18:01 < ctefaho> what your opinon of lujvo for xa'o? 18:01 < zipcpi> durka42: "takes the next single NU-word, turns into sumtcita: clarifies the semantic NU-type of the current bridi." 18:02 < durka42> ua 18:02 < zipcpi> (mi jai'i li'i klama lo zarci), (jai'i li'i ku mi klama lo zarci), and (mi klama lo zarci jai'i li'i) are all acceptable and equivalent. Implies ((zo'e) li'i mi klama lo zarci), but avoids wrapping the bridi in an abstraction that makes its sumti hard to access via le go'i etc. // Tagged sumti, if present, fills the x2 of the NU; e.g. (mi klama lo zarci jai'i li'i mi) implies (fe mi li'i mi klama lo zarci). 18:02 < durka42> you mean a lujvo to define xa'o? 18:02 < ctefaho> yep 18:02 < durka42> xm 18:02 < zipcpi> We don't even have a proper lujvo for za'o, except for faurza'o 18:02 < ctefaho> za'o? 18:03 < durka42> doesn't the bpfk have one? 18:03 * durka42 looks 18:03 < ctefaho> mulre'i for za'o? 18:03 < ctefaho> durka42 no xa'o is experimential 18:03 < ctefaho> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/xa%27o 18:03 < zipcpi> BPFK has xa'o defined 18:03 < zipcpi> It's one of the oldest "experimental" cmavo 18:04 < durka42> hmm you're right 18:04 < ctefaho> oh i missed it then 18:04 < durka42> I thought bpfk had put xa'o in the section officially 18:04 < durka42> but I guess not 18:04 < ctefaho> Experimental ZAhO are not included in this page. See xa'o. 18:04 < ctefaho> wtf 18:04 < ctefaho> how is that "has xa'o defined" 18:04 < durka42> jbo:za'o 18:04 < mensi> za'o = [ZAhO] fi'o se mulbacysta 18:05 < zipcpi> I'm not sure about mulre'i or stuff like that; it means continuing after natural/expected end, which might or might not include the concept of completion 18:05 < durka42> vlaste: mulbacysta (co) 18:05 < vlaste> error: ro gismu cu mumlerpoi 18:05 < noncomcinse> en: fa'a 18:05 < mensi> fa'a = [FAhA4] location tense relation/direction; arriving at/directly towards ... |>>> 18:05 < durka42> vlaste: mulbacysta (com) 18:05 < mensi> officialdata 18:05 < vlaste> mulbacysta (components) = mulno bancu stali ≈ complete is-beyond remain 18:05 < zipcpi> Hm 18:05 < noncomcinse> en: xoi 18:05 < mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 18:05 < mensi> of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi lo su'u no'a ku (the bridi in which this xoi term appears), including 18:05 < mensi> all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this xoi term (rightward scope). |>>> 18:05 < mensi> Terminator: se'u |>>> Ilmen 18:05 < ctefaho> durka42: i was kinda going by http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_sumtcita_Formants 18:05 < durka42> that seems to work for za'o 18:05 < ctefaho> but it seems they use completely different ways to define it in different parts of bpfk? 18:05 < durka42> so maybe for xa'o something like cfabacysta? 18:05 < noncomcinse> en: xo'i 18:05 < mensi> xo'i = [XOhI] Extracts selbri from a tag, inverse of fi'o |>>> xo'i bau is equivalent to bangu, xo'i fi'o broda is 18:05 < mensi> equivalent to broda |>>> selpahi 18:05 < durka42> ctefaho: use what? 18:06 < durka42> {cfabacysta} would follow {mulbacysta}, iepei 18:06 < mensi> ei mi tugni 18:06 < durka42> ki'e la mensi 18:06 < ctefaho> BPFK defines FAhA and ZAhO differently on different pages 18:06 < durka42> er 18:06 < durka42> doubt it 18:06 < ctefaho> ko check 18:06 < ctefaho> now I have to look at FAhA AGAIN 18:06 < noncomcinse> .i pau ma xo'i fi'o nei 18:07 < durka42> which pages are you looking at? the FAhA and ZAhO sections? 18:07 < ctefaho> that and http://mw.lojban.org/papri/BPFK_Section:_sumtcita_Formants 18:07 < ctefaho> I thought that page nicely summarized everything 18:07 < ctefaho> but it differs in places 18:08 < durka42> hmm 18:08 < durka42> could probably use a consistency audit 18:08 < durka42> I don't think it's "completely different" though :) 18:09 < ctefaho> yeah 18:09 < ctefaho> I just don't want to conflict and confuse people 18:10 < ctefaho> ----> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o 18:10 < ctefaho> if that clarifies FAhA for anyone 18:10 < ctefaho> probably not 18:11 < ctefaho> ...is te'e = "korbi" or "koizva" 18:11 < ctefaho> bpfk differs again 18:12 < ctefaho> probably koizva iepei 18:12 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 18:12 * ctefaho kicks mensi 18:12 < ctefaho> shoo 18:12 < ctefaho> korbi implies the selbri is a border 18:13 < durka42> en:te'e 18:13 < mensi> te'e = [FAhA3] location tense relation/direction; edged by/edging up to ... 18:13 < durka42> not sure 18:13 < _mukti_> iepei 18:13 < mensi> ei mi tugni 18:14 < ctefaho> now they conflict again on to'o >_> 18:14 < _mukti_> ie pei 18:14 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 18:16 < _mukti_> ro lo zmiku cu jerna lo nu se daspo kei ie pei 18:16 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 18:16 < ctefaho> oh wait I just messed up 18:17 < ctefaho> ...fe'e is going to be really fun to formalize :/ 18:17 < durka42> it's basically the dual of mo'i, isn't it 18:18 < durka42> sort of 18:19 < ctefaho> "Spatial conversion. It converts a time tag into its space equivalent. " 18:19 < ctefaho> semantic sugar indeed 18:20 < ctefaho> at least mo'i just xoi-muvdus things... 18:21 < ctefaho> ok one last thing 18:21 < ctefaho> to'o == to'a farna || fardukti, or the same? 18:21 < ctefaho> to'e farna* 18:22 < ctefaho> they kinda just do opposite from either direction... 18:23 < durka42> en:to'o 18:23 < mensi> to'o = [FAhA4] location tense relation/direction; departing from/directly away from ... 18:23 * durka42 needs to bone up on FAhA flash cards :) 18:23 < durka42> I guess so yeah 18:24 < ctefaho> i'll use to'e then 18:25 < noncomcinse> coi ru'e 18:26 < noncomcinse> lo morji karda ma kibyzva 18:27 < zipcpi> I gotta go. co'o 18:27 < ctefaho> soooooo FAhA done 18:27 < ctefaho> For Now (TM) 18:28 < noncomcinse> co'o lo cliva 18:28 < noncomcinse> FAhA mo nau 18:29 < ctefaho> this http://mw.lojban.org/papri/new-fi%27o 18:29 < ctefaho> (bu'u bottom) 18:29 < noncomcinse> ki'e 18:30 < noncomcinse> en: xoi 18:30 < mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 18:30 < mensi> of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi lo su'u no'a ku (the bridi in which this xoi term appears), including 18:30 < mensi> all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this xoi term (rightward scope). |>>> 18:30 < mensi> Terminator: se'u |>>> Ilmen 18:30 < ctefaho> it just basically means that what happens in the xoi applies to the selbri 18:30 < noncomcinse> .e'o ko jai gau mupli zo xoi 18:30 < ctefaho> mi klama xoi sutra 18:31 < ctefaho> "The noi the selbri can't take" 18:31 < noncomcinse> Where does the ke'a go? 18:31 < ctefaho> How do you mean? 18:31 < ctefaho> The ke'a refers to no'a/the outer bridi 18:31 < noncomcinse> 20:30:14 <mensi> xoi = [XOI] Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) 18:31 < ctefaho> well 18:32 < ctefaho> {.i broda bu'u ko'a} -> {.i broda xoi ke'a zvati ko'a} 18:32 < ctefaho> there it is? 18:32 < noncomcinse> .i mi klama xoi ke'a sutra vau se'u vau? 18:32 < ctefaho> iep 18:32 < noncomcinse> je'e 18:33 < ctefaho> all tags basically work like that (tenses have more complicated rules though as they connect) 18:33 < noncomcinse> pu/pu'o/pubo is still weird xu? 18:34 < ctefaho> we don't speak of the bo (yet) 18:34 < ctefaho> hmm well a bare pu is not that special 18:34 < ctefaho> bapu broda though 18:34 < ctefaho> you get nested xoi 18:34 < noncomcinse> xu xoi ke'a balvi se'u ckire 18:35 < ctefaho> -> {.i broda xoi ke'a purci xoi ke'a balvi se'u se'u vau 18:35 < ctefaho> I think or I am mixing them up again... 18:35 < noncomcinse> .i mi klama lo zarci pu lonu klama lo zdani --- .i ma pamoi se klama 18:36 < ctefaho> .i mi klama lo zarci xoi ke'a purci lo nu klama lo zdani 18:36 < ctefaho> sumtcita just lift their sumti and puts it in an abstraction 18:37 < ctefaho> you can of course use xoi directly too 18:37 < ctefaho> I also claim that this is how na/ja'a should work 18:38 * ctefaho LOVES to expand jbobau 18:39 < noncomcinse> milxe go'i ra'o 18:39 < noncomcinse> de'a lo zi balvi ku jundi 18:40 < ctefaho> camxes de'a lo zi balvi ku jundi 18:40 < ctefaho> camxes: de'a lo zi balvi ku jundi 18:40 < camxes> ([{de'a <lo (¹zi balvi¹) ku>} CU] [jundi VAU]) 18:40 < ctefaho> right zi 18:41 < ctefaho> fi'o cmalu temci be lo manri 18:42 < ctefaho> camxes: fi'o cmalu temci be lo manri 18:42 < camxes> ([{fi'o <cmalu (¹temci [be {lo manri KU} BEhO]¹)>} KU] VAU) 18:42 < ctefaho> xoi ke'a cu cmalu je temci fe lo manri 18:43 < ctefaho> sorta 18:44 < ctefaho> la ctefaho can never guarantee the accuracy of any single sintence 18:45 < ctefaho> and la ctefaho is now cu sipna 18:45 < ctefaho> co'o 18:45 < ctefaho> (and always remember, je-cu-jai-ai!) 18:47 * nuzba @uitki: Welcome!/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Welcome!/en by Mukti - /* What's next? */ [http://bit.ly/1GTh6EQ] 18:47 * nuzba @uitki: lojban music - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/lojban_music by Wuzzy - Lojbanize names (use “la” or “la'e lu … li'u” or “la'o”) [http://bit.ly/1KlRGUb] 19:00 < rutytar> how would you say "zero point three repeating" in lojban? 19:02 < idyn> coi ro do 19:06 < clakre> coi idyn 19:06 < idyn> do mo 19:10 < noncomcinse> coi 19:10 < noncomcinse> rutytar: .y. 19:10 < rutytar> coi 19:11 < rutytar> what? 19:11 < noncomcinse> 0.333... = no pi ra'e ci 19:12 < clakre> mi troci lo nu mi jimpe lo sagypemci be lu ZA'O li'u 19:12 < noncomcinse> Numbers after {ra'e} are repeated infinitely 19:12 < rutytar> .ua .i'o 19:13 < noncomcinse> de'a jundi .i vacysai 19:20 < noncomcinse> di'a 19:20 < noncomcinse> mensi: rafsi: sag 19:20 < mensi> xu do so'i va'e cinmo fi lo nu casnu lo simsa 19:22 < noncomcinse> doi la clakre mi ji'a troci 19:22 < noncomcinse> .i la'a su'o drata ji'a go'i 19:23 < noncomcinse> camxes: na broda .ije brode 19:23 < camxes> ([{na broda} VAU] [i je {brode VAU}]) 19:24 < noncomcinse> camxes: na ku zo'u broda .ije brode 19:24 < camxes> ([{na ku} zo'u] [broda VAU] [i je {brode VAU}]) 19:24 < noncomcinse> camxes: broda .ije brode naku 19:24 < camxes> ([broda VAU] [i je {brode <na ku> VAU}]) 19:37 < noncomcinse> en: ta'u 19:37 < mensi> ta'u = [UI3a] discursive: expanding the tanru - making a tanru. |>>> See also tanru. |>>> 19:37 < mensi> officialdata 19:40 < noncomcinse> Can I use {ta'o} for lujvo? 20:16 < noncomci1se> .i mi zukyjdipei lonu benji la'e lu ko te preti lo ro se kucli fo mi li'u fu la .redit. 20:32 * nuzba @ligervision: @fnxTX @EvanMcM Well, that's not very *lojban* or "objective" of u... What is spirit.. Then we can get into the spiritual defiling in "cap." [http://bit.ly/1JqPvP6] 21:02 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: what would you say is your favorite part about the lojban language?. grammar?, vocabulary?, attitudinals?, cmavo?, lujvo?, etc. a'u ro'e [http://bit.ly/1fXhlG0] 21:04 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: my favorite part of lojban was grammar, the sumti places concept. but now i feel like the vocabulary is my favorite because is beautiful. [http://bit.ly/1fXhxVU] 21:05 < noncomci1se> I find the vocabulary lacking sometimes. 21:10 < ldlework> is there a predicate for pe 21:16 * nuzba @ligervision: @EvanMcM @fnxTX I think that concept of winning is simple, JJ can u clarify w/lojban? Cuz I think that's the crux of the prob w/me & Ev.. [http://bit.ly/1RHTQfZ] 21:16 < gleki> mensi: doi zipcpi pevna is just taken from guaspi. the form is such that it matches {pev} rafsi 21:16 < mensi> gleki: mi ba benji di'u ba lo nu la'o gy.zipcpi.gy. di'a cusku da 21:22 < gleki> ldlework: {pe} is mostly {poi co'e} 21:24 < noncomcinse_> gleki: xu nai zo srana mapti 21:25 < gleki> so'o da na tugni 21:25 < noncomcinse_> je'e 21:27 * nuzba @Dank_scriptor: mis idiomas: lojban, latín, francés. Y ahora habrá dos nuevas adiciones: purépecha y japonés, por el puro gusto de hacerlo. love languages. [http://bit.ly/1fXjcLe] 23:37 * nuzba @ataccoTnirepuoC: Eとlojbanとラテン語とピンインで「c」の読み方が頭こんがらがる。 [http://bit.ly/1Il5vAF] --- Day changed Sun Jun 28 2015 01:35 * nuzba @uitki: La Bangu: one-page vlaste - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu:_one-page_vlaste by Gleki - Redirected page to [[La Bangu: Lojban Dictionary with Examples]] [http://bit.ly/1LvytyG] 01:39 * nuzba @oka_iu_tcan: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/La_Bangu:_Lojban_Dictionary_with_Examples La bangu とはいえこれはすごいな・・・・・・ [http://bit.ly/1LvyF15] 02:51 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 03:31 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 04:21 < ctefaho> coi 04:24 < gleki> coi 04:55 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 05:15 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 05:35 < gleki> en: garpata 05:35 < gleki> je'e 05:36 < gleki> i ge'e 05:36 < gleki> Ilmen: coi do ca lo cabdei lo voksa nu tavla ibo xu 05:38 < gleki> btw, if i allowed {ko'a faubo ko'e} then what's the difference from {ko'a joi ko'e}? 05:40 < gleki> ctefaho: have u followed this http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture ? we need more followers 05:47 < ctefaho> hmm 05:48 < ctefaho> hadn't heard of it 05:48 < gleki> ti'e we need around 10 more followers 05:49 < gleki> anyone else who hasn't followed Lojban StackExchange please do http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 05:50 < ctefaho> also gleki can one remove http://mw.lojban.org/papri/srfsts or does lojban.org go boom then? 05:50 < gleki> ctefaho: wiki top menu => " ..." button => remove 05:51 < ctefaho> ki'e 05:51 < gleki> ctefaho: i can do that if you follow StackExchange :D 05:52 < gleki> zo'oru'e 05:52 < ctefaho> trying to remove it seems about as easy 05:52 < ctefaho> it only says "move" 05:52 < ctefaho> says/does 05:53 < gleki> "Delete" 05:53 < gleki> can u see that menu item? 05:53 < ctefaho> hmm no I only see a "move". shuld it be above/below that? 05:54 < gleki> then it's security limitations. im deleting it now then 05:55 < ctefaho> ah was suspecting that:p 05:55 < gleki> mi snada 05:56 < gleki> makes sense, though. so that no vandalist can delete the whole wiki 05:56 < ctefaho> iep 05:56 < gleki> still only 56 followers 05:59 < Ilmen> How many is needed? 06:00 < gleki> i suppose around 60 06:00 < gleki> i never got into details 06:00 < gleki> they said 20 more needed. at that time there were 40 followers. 06:00 < gleki> now it's 56 06:02 < gleki> and i dont know what will happen after we reach 60. 06:02 < gleki> Probably, StackExchange will get into stack overflow zo'o 06:03 < ctefaho> there is a vandalist vandalizing my experimential gismu zo'oru'e 06:03 < Ilmen> 57 06:05 < ctefaho> 58 06:06 < ctefaho> hmm still says 57 o_O 06:06 < gleki> click "follow". 06:06 < gleki> and u should be registered 06:06 < gleki> or logged in 06:06 < ctefaho> well I did. it switched to "unfollow" but the number didn't update 06:07 < gleki> do u see the button in "unfollow" position? 06:07 < ctefaho> it even says on my page I am following it.. 06:08 < gleki> i.e. do u see the button SAYING "unfollow". 06:08 < gleki> ? 06:08 < gleki> for me it says "unfollow" 06:08 < ctefaho> ua 06:08 < ctefaho> had to verify my email in addition to registering. 06:08 < Ilmen> Have you checked your mails? 06:08 < ctefaho> 58 06:09 < Ilmen> .i'e 06:09 < ctefaho> also guys {lo su'u ce'u morsi} 06:09 < ctefaho> lojban explodes?^ 06:10 < gleki> no 06:10 < gleki> actually any NU can have ce'u inside. although some dont like it for {nu} and its derivations 06:11 < Ilmen> « It needs: 2 more followers; 35 more questions with a score of 10 or more » 06:11 < gleki> oh oh. indeed. 06:11 < Ilmen> Seems like the number of follower isn't the more urgent task 06:11 < gleki> then please upvote every questions you like but not less than 5 questions 06:11 < gleki> s/questions/question/ 06:11 < fenki> gleki meant to say: then please upvote every question you like but not less than 5 questions 06:12 < gleki> s/questions/question/questions/question/ 06:12 < fenki> gleki meant to say: then please upvote every question you like but not less than 5 question 06:12 < gleki> la fenki cu jai fenki 06:12 < ctefaho> s/potatoes/tomatoes 06:12 < ctefaho> garf garf garf 06:12 < ctefaho> s/garf/barf 06:12 < fenki> ctefaho meant to say: barf garf garf 06:12 < Ilmen> So there is a collection of questions without answer? 06:13 < ctefaho> .u'i 06:13 < gleki> some have been answered 06:15 < gleki> yes, we have only 5 questions with the score 10 or more. 06:16 < _mukti_> coi la gleki .i mi ca'o cikre la uitki 06:18 < gleki> anyone else who hasn't followed Lojban StackExchange please do http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 06:18 < gleki> _mukti_: ^ 06:19 < gleki> and please upvote all questions you like 06:19 < gleki> _mukti_: ki'e do i do zukte ma sa'e 06:19 < _mukti_> I already did. 06:19 < gleki> _mukti_: upvoted 5 questions, right? 06:20 < gleki> i ra'u mi na nelci PHP i xanto tilju i la angular cu melbi zmadu i linto i ku'i ku'i 06:20 < mensi> e'u do vrude pajni gi'e nai ze'i co'a cinmo lo ka nelci 06:20 < _mukti_> Yes. Maybe I'll reallocate my votes, provided I can do that. 06:20 < gleki> we just need more upvotes and more followers 06:20 < gleki> and even more questions 06:20 < gleki> my last question is provoking 06:20 < gleki> en: provok 06:21 < mensi> provoke = x1 provokes, evokes x2 (event) to occur 06:21 < gleki> en: provoke 06:21 < mensi> provoke = x1 provokes, evokes x2 (event) to occur |>>> glekizmiku 06:21 < gleki> la glakizmiku vau li'a 06:21 < _mukti_> Yep. Was able to push two more questions up to 10. 06:21 < gleki> 33 more questions with a score of 10 or more 06:22 < ctefaho> I have one 06:22 < ctefaho> "Will teaching computers Lojban give birth to Skynet?" 06:23 < Ilmen> I've voted 5 questions up. 06:24 < gleki> la ilon mask pu xusra lo nu lo simsa ka'e ckape 06:24 < ctefaho> Ilmen: iirc you made "menre". any chance you did "MOI" too? 06:25 < gleki> en: momkai 06:25 < mensi> momkai [< moi ckaji ≈ Ordinal selbri property] = x1 is the x2-th member of set x3 ordered by rule x4 |>>> 06:25 < Ilmen> I'm not the author of the MOI selmaho :P zo'o 06:25 < mensi> Ilmen 06:25 < ctefaho> I mean gave MOI gismu ;o 06:25 < Ilmen> I've made momkai and memkai 06:25 < ctefaho> ba'e gismu 06:25 < ctefaho> hmm reminds me 06:26 < Ilmen> But I didn't made any for {cu'o} and {si'e}, as they have no rafsi 06:26 < gleki> again tags are probably needed for convenience 06:26 < Ilmen> anyway cu'o probably parallels nilyla'e 06:26 < gleki> lujvo: ni cumki 06:26 * ctefaho moincu 06:26 < ctefaho> makfa 06:26 < mensi> nilcum[5898], nilcu'i[6387], nilcumki[7937] 06:27 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: well the gismu/lujvo/zi'evla distinction doesn't matter much to me, as long as the ratio frequency/wordlength is reasonable 06:27 < gleki> i need tags for moi, mei ({la'u}), fi'o gradu 06:27 < gleki> en: po'i 06:27 < mensi> po'i = [BAI] porsi modal, 1st place (in order) sequentially; in the sequence ... |>>> 06:27 < mensi> officialdata 06:27 < gleki> en: sepo'i 06:27 < mensi> sepo'i = [BAI*] porsi modal, 2nd place sequentially; sequenced by rules ... |>>> "Under 06:27 < mensi> (total) ordering" |>>> officialdata 06:27 < gleki> en: tepo'i 06:27 < mensi> tepo'i = [BAI*] porsi modal, 3rd place sequentially; as an order on set of items ... |>>> 06:27 < mensi> officialdata 06:27 < ctefaho> well I care about keeping gismu and zi'evla somewhat separate 06:27 < Ilmen> Just use xoi, maybe sei also 06:28 < ctefaho> well I will just create them myself then 06:29 < Ilmen> Using the gismu generator is rather time consuming and it's not easy to choose between the various output proposed gismu 06:29 < ctefaho> also, less than 10 ba'e in lo nu binxo and le cmalu noltru combined 06:29 < Ilmen> so I prefer to do this only for concepts that are very frequent and needing shortness 06:29 < ctefaho> we may or may not be losing semantics here :/ 06:30 < gleki> i never use gismu generator. i open wiktionary and take words from major languages that have the form of brivl 06:30 < gleki> a 06:31 < ctefaho> MOI are 5 non-compund cmavo 06:31 < gleki> it makes tem easier to remember at least for some people 06:31 < ctefaho> surely jbobau can make room for 5 little gismu ' 06:31 < gleki> however, for some concepts natlangs fail to have any matching words. in this case i use my imagination. 06:31 < gleki> this is how i invented {kreivi}. major natlangs just dont have it. 06:31 < ctefaho> Sovjetko 06:31 < gleki> en: kreivi 06:31 < mensi> kreivi = x1 (entity) sits in a squatting position like or as an animal with all legs touching the floor |>>> Cats and 06:31 < mensi> dogs "sit" mostly in such position. Not usual for humans. |>>> gleki 06:33 < gleki> 1 more follower 06:36 < Ilmen> Also, you can first creat a long-winded lujvo, and then mangle it so that it takes fewer syllables 06:36 < ctefaho> I will just make do with MOIncu for now 06:36 < Ilmen> en: cu'o 06:36 < mensi> cu'o = [MOI] convert number to probability selbri; event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under cond. x2. |>>> 06:36 < mensi> officialdata 06:36 < Ilmen> en: nilyla'e 06:36 < mensi> nilyla'e [< ni lakne ≈ Amount abstract likely] = x1 is the probability of x2 (event) |>>> 06:36 < mensi> Ilmen 06:38 < gleki> the amount of something is likely 06:38 < gleki> but should those likelinesses sum up? 06:38 < ctefaho> I just want it for my heresy tinkerino mkay 06:39 < _mukti_> gleki: Rebuilding the search indexes aborts with this exception: No handler for model 'flow-board' registered in $wgContentHandlers 06:39 < _mukti_> Does that mean anything to you? 06:39 < gleki> _mukti_: oh yes, we talked with robin about it. 06:39 < gleki> Flow extension is broken and is now disabled. 06:40 < gleki> but its traces ...! 06:40 < gleki> they need to be removed. 06:40 < _mukti_> Apparently. Ok, digging in. 06:40 < gleki> Flow was in alpha. i should have never installed it. 06:41 < _mukti_> Live and learn. I think I have a solution. 06:43 < gleki> we should solve all issues and never update anything. But the problem is that in some cases in order to fix a bug you have to update an extension and in order the new version of it to run you need to update MW completely. </recursion> 06:45 < _mukti_> Yes, it's unavoidably messy. But don't worry. We'll be back on the yellow brick road in no time. 06:45 < gleki> and we can't do without extensions unless we build our own CMS 06:46 < _mukti_> And then it will be our own bugs we're worrying about. 06:46 < gleki> look at lernu and see that it will never happen for us. 06:46 < _mukti_> I updated the DB and am running the rebuild process again. 06:46 < gleki> i wish WikiMedia finally started getting rid of php 06:47 < _mukti_> We're now past the point where it previously aborted. 06:47 < _mukti_> Yeah, that's a drawback to mediawiki. 06:47 < _mukti_> But it's not really so bad. 06:47 < gleki> in terms of localisation nothing is better 06:48 < _mukti_> Mediawiki and Wordpress pretty much guarantee PHP is going to be around for a long time 06:51 < gleki> _mukti_: also Prsoid is not working. that's a separate process, though 06:51 < gleki> *Parsoid 06:51 < _mukti_> What's parsoid? 06:52 < gleki> A process. it enables Wysiwyg editing for VisualEditor 06:57 < gleki> en: sedu'u 06:57 < mensi> sedu'u = [NU*] compound abstractor: sentence/equation abstract; x1 is text expressing [bridi] which is x2. |>>> 06:57 < mensi> officialdata 06:58 < gleki> en: seka'a 06:58 < mensi> seka'a = [BAI*] klama modal, 2nd place with destination ... |>>> 06:58 < mensi> officialdata 07:00 < gleki> _mukti_: i just mean that the modern trend in front pages is something like landing page with minimum of information but when you scroll down the page scrolls infinitely. definitely MW will never in observable future be able to do that. 07:06 < gleki> k:xuuandi 07:06 < mensi> (UI:xu [CU {Z:uandi VAU}]) 07:15 < _mukti_> gleki: Well it may be that we want to eventually consider creating a separate front page from the wiki home page. 07:16 < _mukti_> I think we can still improve on what we have for a while, but I wouldn't be surprised if we want to do that eventually. 07:17 < _mukti_> BTW, rebuild is still churning. Search index table rebuilt. Recent changes table rebuilt. Working on links table now. 07:28 < gleki> _mukti_: if that wiki or CMS uses Translatewiki.net db then no problem 07:29 < gleki> _mukti_: yes, rebuild is always that slow. it's normal 07:43 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 07:59 * nuzba @fotono: #lojban .ui lo zantufa tricu cu milxe banro http://guskant.github.io/gerna_cipra/zantufa_farvi.svg .i ganaida'i da nabmi gi komi jungau fo la'edi'u http://guskant.github.io/gerna_cipra/zantufa-0.16.html [http://bit.ly/1IDiyct] 08:02 < durka42> .u'isai lo nopiparemoi cu se cmene lu da spofu li'u sa'u 08:06 < gleki> la zantufa cu frica fi ma fe la ilmentufa 08:07 < gleki> i za'a lo mekso i ku'i ma ji'a 08:08 < durka42> .a'o lo tricu cu spuda 08:09 < gleki> please upvote any questions here (up to 5 of them) http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 08:10 < durka42> I think I already used my upvotes 08:10 < gleki> okay 08:11 < gleki> what is the next phase anyway? 08:13 < ctefaho> cliva: tense talk reminder 08:18 < gleki> ctefaho: cliva: please upvote any questions here (up to 5 of them) http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 08:37 < gleki> actually we need to reach 10 for almost every question 08:37 < gleki> there are 35 questions and we need 10 for 32 questions 08:38 < ctefaho> Is there any hurry? 08:39 < gleki> i dont know. but once this project was shut down because of low activity. 08:49 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 09:05 < rlpowell> _mukti_: So you can turn on flow in LocalSettings.php just long enough for an index rebuild, and then turn it off again; that's what I've been doing. 09:06 < _mukti_> rlpowell: I fixed it by updating the the database to turn off the flow content model for the afflicted pages. 09:06 < rlpowell> Oh nice! 09:07 < rlpowell> I didn't know how to do that. 09:07 < rlpowell> gleki says Parsoid is down and that's bad but I don't know what that is or how to fix it? 09:07 < rlpowell> Is that the node thing? 09:07 < _mukti_> I'm not sure. He said it has something to do with WYSIWYG editing, which might explain why I didn't see it. 09:09 < _mukti_> Hmm. Yes, it does seem to have a node component. Weirdness. So have we been running a node service, too? 09:09 < rlpowell> Yes. 09:10 < rlpowell> rlpowell@jukni> sudo -u apache /usr/bin/node /srv/parsoid/api/server.j -- found in my backscroll. 09:10 < _mukti_> ue 09:11 < _mukti_> So it looks like we had a problem yesterday due to mediawiki's jobs queue backing up. It appears that mediawiki needs to fork a php process to consume the jobs queue, and so I immediately started wondering whether SELINUX is configured to allow that to happen. Have you encountered this? 09:11 < rlpowell> Oh, I made /etc/systemd/system/parsoid.service ; neat. 09:12 < _mukti_> I mean, it could be something as innocent as not having the right path configured. 09:12 < _mukti_> But of course my mind automatically gravitates to the most convoluted answer first. 09:12 < rlpowell> Can you set up a job in the queue so we can test? 09:13 < rlpowell> No, starting with selinux is a good idea, because testing it is super trivial. 09:13 < rlpowell> OK, parsoid is up. 09:13 < gleki> rlpowell: it is the node thing 09:14 < _mukti_> There are currently 1813 jobs queue up. 09:14 < gleki> okay too late 09:15 < _mukti_> MediaWiki is supposed to check the queue and spawn a worker every N requests according to the wgJobRunRate variable. 09:15 < rlpowell> OK. 09:15 < _mukti_> Oh. I see. We have that set to 0 09:16 < rlpowell> That seems relevant. 09:16 < _mukti_> .u'i 09:16 < rlpowell> No [jJ]ob in localsettings. 09:16 < _mukti_> I just removed the line 09:17 < _mukti_> was: $wgJobRunRate = 0; 09:17 < gleki> it should be = 1 09:17 < _mukti_> I think that's the default. 09:17 < gleki> and that's the default value 09:17 < _mukti_> In any case, I will manually clear the queue once again, and then watch it again to see if it builds up. 09:18 < gleki> _mukti_: search now works as expected. so rebuildall fixed it all 09:19 < _mukti_> How many lojbanists does it take to run a mediawiki installation? 09:19 < _mukti_> (I don't know the punchline.) 09:19 < gleki> 3 09:19 < rlpowell> *snrk* 09:19 < gleki> the first convinces MW is necessary, the second fights with those who disagree, the third runs it. 09:20 < rlpowell> _mukti_: You know how to disable selinux for testing? 09:20 < _mukti_> rlpowell: No, can you teach me? 09:20 < gleki> Currently LMW is very fast 09:20 < rlpowell> sudo setenforce 0 09:21 < _mukti_> Nice. I think the slowness may have had something to do with the queue backing up. 09:21 < rlpowell> sudo getenforce -- returns "Permissive" if it's off, "Enforcing" if it's on. 09:21 < rlpowell> That command takes effect *instantly*. 09:21 < _mukti_> And does that turn it of systemwide or is it scoped to the shell? 09:21 < rlpowell> It's a really nice thing about selinux; the question "is this selinux's fault?" can be answered in seconds. 09:21 < rlpowell> It's systemwide. 09:21 < _mukti_> Yikes, ok, I'll keep that behind glass in case of emergency. 09:21 < rlpowell> Oh, no, I use it all the time. 09:22 < _mukti_> haha 09:22 < rlpowell> I mean, don't *leave* it like that. 09:22 < rlpowell> But you wanna do that for half an hour to test something? It's fine. 09:22 < _mukti_> Ok, thanks, that's a good tool to have. 09:22 < rlpowell> These systems are well secured via the regular mechanisms. 09:22 < _mukti_> Redundant layers of security are good. 09:22 < rlpowell> Also, I have selinux in extra-crazy mode. 09:22 < rlpowell> So it being at fault is unusually likely. 09:23 < _mukti_> It's a wild and wooly world. And only getting woolier. 09:23 < gleki> .dict wooly 09:23 < fenki> wooly — noun: 1. (US) Alternative form of woolly — adjective: 1. (US) Alternative form of woolly 09:23 < gleki> .dict woolly 09:23 < fenki> woolly — noun: 1. (informal) A sweater or similar garment made of wool — adjective: 1. Made of wool, 2. Having a thick, soft texture, as if made of wool 09:23 < rlpowell> gleki: In this case it means "crazy/complicated"> 09:24 < rlpowell> The literal meaning is "a thick mat of hair" basically; like lamb's wool. 09:24 < ctefaho> Did someone say my name? 09:24 < ctefaho> mirc blinked but I can't see who called 09:24 < gleki> confused and vague; used especially of thinking ? 09:24 < rlpowell> Yes. 09:24 < rlpowell> But "wild and wooly" is its own, distinct expression. 09:24 < gleki> no idea how to translate that 09:25 < rlpowell> "wooly" by itself is not really used. 09:25 < rlpowell> "wild and wooly" => crazy/complicated 09:25 < _mukti_> Googled "wild and woolly": "uncouth in appearance or behavior" 09:25 < gleki> ctefaho: if me then i only asked to upvoted questions with rating below 10 http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 09:25 < rlpowell> 28-09:25 < _mukti_> Googled "wild and woolly": "uncouth in appearance or behavior" -- *blink* Really? 09:25 < _mukti_> Yeah, go figure. 09:25 < ctefaho> hmm ah well probably just mirced who bugged out then, saw that before 09:26 * ctefaho crawls back to his cave 09:26 < _mukti_> I like this better: "unrestrained; lawless: a wild-and-woolly frontier town" 09:26 < rlpowell> That. 09:26 < _mukti_> That's definitely more like what I meant. 09:26 < gleki> The ride home was a little wild and wooly <-- it was not known, impossible how we managed to get there 09:26 < gleki> Things get a little wild and wooly at his place Saturdays 09:27 < gleki> lawless <-- much better 09:28 < gleki> ma xe fanva 09:28 < gleki> fi lo lojbo 09:29 < Ilmen> nonytinbe? 09:30 < gleki> en: tinbe 09:30 < mensi> tinbe = x1 obeys/follows the command/rule x2 made by x3; (adjective:) x1 is obedient. |>>> See also minde, lacri, javni, 09:30 < mensi> flalu, zekri. |>>> officialdata 09:30 < _mukti_> That's a good question. Having we just found an "under conditions" place? 09:30 < _mukti_> I'm thinking flalu4 09:30 < gleki> e.g. Things get a little wild and wooly at his place Saturdays <-- here it's about lo fasnu itself. 09:31 < _mukti_> If {ve flalu} is conditions of lawfulness for a community would negating it indicate conditions of lawlessness? 09:31 < Ilmen> jvacau? 09:31 < gleki> va'o is usually under conditions 09:31 < gleki> well, {kalsa} and {se ganzu} are most obvious solutions 09:32 < gleki> se flalu no da 09:32 < _mukti_> Right, and I don't think I've ever intentionally used an "under conditions" place. But I'm wondering if this would be an appropriate use. 09:32 < gleki> or just zekri1 09:32 < gleki> i never used flalu4 because then why javni4 doesnt exist? 09:33 < gleki> _mukti_: have u used all your upvotes for StackExchange Lojban place? 09:33 < _mukti_> gleki: yes 09:34 < gleki> looks like every person who joined that place should have used all their 5 upvotes. 09:34 < _mukti_> ko nalmo'i doi la .djeik. .i ti me la jugytca 09:34 < gleki> e.g. currently we need 31 questions with the rating at least 10. Then 31*10/5 = 60 09:35 < gleki> 60 followers should have used all their upvotes 09:36 < _mukti_> lo flalu be fi lo cicricfoi 09:36 < _mukti_> to lo cicricfoi cu te flalu fo no da toi 09:37 < _mukti_> i.e. there are no conditions under which the jungle is a lawful community 09:38 < _mukti_> Now, I'm not sure anything is gained by using the position. 09:38 < Ilmen> flacau 09:38 < gleki> Ilmen: have u used all your upvotes for StackExchange Lojban place? 09:38 < Ilmen> I have. 09:39 < gleki> claxu is weird. especially tolcau which is "to have". seems natlangish ju handy. 09:39 < Ilmen> Maybe tolcau = ralte 09:40 < Ilmen> the question is, when X co'u claxu Y, then X co'a mo Y? 09:40 < gleki> co'a tolcau 09:41 < gleki> i mi claxu lo ka kanro i ku'i xu ca da mi pu co'u ralte lo ka kanro 09:42 < Ilmen> I'd say claxu doesn't imply x1 have had x2 by the past 09:42 < Ilmen> ku'i birti na ku 09:42 < gleki> i la'acu'i zo tolcau dunli zo jarco 09:42 < Ilmen> jbo: claxu 09:42 < gleki> masno 09:43 < gleki> _mukti_: what's going on with vrici atm? it's superslow 09:43 < mensi> claxu = x1 na ckaji x2 |>>> mabla lo ka na ckaji (= malclaxu), zabna lo ka na ckaji (= zanclaxu) |>>> 09:43 < mensi> selpahi 09:43 < gleki> en:coi 09:43 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 09:43 < _mukti_> I'll check it out. I'm hammering jukni pretty hard right now, with the rebuild and the queue learing. 09:43 < Ilmen> ua 09:43 < _mukti_> (clearing) 09:43 < gleki> en:coi 09:43 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 09:43 < gleki> jbo: claxu 09:43 < gleki> ua 09:44 < gleki> en: coi 09:44 < gleki> en:coi 09:44 < Ilmen> According to selpahi claxu = narkai, ŭe 09:44 < _mukti_> Wow I see what you mean 09:44 < gleki> _mukti_: it may be so that read/write speed is actually super slow. 09:44 < _mukti_> Node is going crazy. 09:44 < _mukti_> Is that where parsoid node is running? 09:44 < gleki> i judge it because "en:" is fast but "jbo:" is not. 09:45 < gleki> _mukti_: no idea but on vrici my livla.js is running 09:45 < mensi> claxu = x1 na ckaji x2 |>>> mabla lo ka na ckaji (= malclaxu), zabna lo ka na ckaji (= zanclaxu) |>>> 09:45 < mensi> selpahi 09:45 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. |>>> officialdata 09:45 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 09:45 < gleki> _mukti_: still crazy? 09:45 < _mukti_> gleki: Still pretty busy. It's your proc, 2727 09:46 < _mukti_> ircbot 09:46 < gleki> let's restart it 09:46 < gleki> any better now? 09:47 < _mukti_> Load seems to be falling 09:48 < gleki> let's try increasing it 09:48 < gleki> en:coi 09:48 < mensi> coi = [COI] vocative: greetings/hello. 09:48 < gleki> jbo: claxu 09:48 < mensi> claxu = x1 na ckaji x2 |>>> mabla lo ka na ckaji (= malclaxu), zabna lo ka na ckaji (= zanclaxu) |>>> 09:48 < gleki> _mukti_: now? 09:48 < mensi> selpahi 09:49 < _mukti_> Load definitely dropped. Node is still using quite a bit of CPU, but all of the load averages are under 1. 09:49 < gleki> magic. 09:50 < gleki> most likely memory leaks 09:50 < _mukti_> Yeah, I noticed the swap demon was busy, too, so I think you're right 09:55 < gleki> still no answer on my {ko'a fau bo ko'e} proposal 09:55 < gleki> i give up 09:56 < Ilmen> What should it mean? 09:57 < gleki> it should expand into {ko'a broda i faubo ko'e broda} 09:57 < gleki> if {ko'a e fau bo ko'e} expands into {ko'a broda ije faubo ko'e broda} 09:58 < Ilmen> I'm not sure there's much difference between {faubo} and {.efaubo} though 09:58 < gleki> mi slaka damba 09:58 < Ilmen> but I don't oppose {faubo} 09:59 < gleki> Ilmen: how did you expressed joi via fau or fasnu in past? 09:59 < Ilmen> joi/jo'u between two predicates? 10:00 < Ilmen> My assumption is that {brode jo'u cu brodo} = {fasnu fa lo nu brode jo'u lo nu brodo} 10:01 < Ilmen> and {broda fau lo nu brodu} = {broda jo'u cu brodu} (but the former probably gives more importance~focus to "broda") 10:03 < Ilmen> {jo'u gi broda gi brode} is already grammatical under jbofihe 10:03 < Ilmen> {brode jo'u cu brode} is just its (new) afterthought version 10:04 < gleki> so {ko'a jo'u ko'e} is the same as {ko'a faubo ko'e}? 10:04 < Ilmen> However the meaning of {jo'u gi broda gi brode} has never been formally described or defined, as far as I know 10:04 < Ilmen> hmm 10:05 < gleki> because {ko'a e faubo ko'e} is strange. why {e} there if they are connected? 10:28 < Ilmen> As jo'u is a non-logical connective, X jo'u Y is not equal to X faubo Y 10:43 < gleki> you mean that {faubo} is logical? 10:43 < gleki> Ilmen: 10:43 < Ilmen> I'd say so 10:44 < gleki> do you think all {tag bo} are logical? 10:44 < Ilmen> at least it seems to behave more like {.e} 10:44 < gleki> dont you think that you are mixing {jo'u} as in casnu1 with {jo'u} linking two events together? 10:44 < Ilmen> {mi jo'u do} is a sumti in itself, it's like {lo se menre be mi .e do .e no drata} 10:45 < Ilmen> {mi .e do} has no meaning without being part of a complete bridi; {mi .e do broda} = {ge mi broda gi do broda} 10:45 < gleki> {lo se menre be mi .e do .e no drata} <-- how can you go from ther into {broda fau lo nu brodu} = {broda jo'u cu brodu} 10:45 < gleki> ? 10:45 < gleki> from there* 10:46 < Ilmen> I can't .u'i 10:47 < Ilmen> non-logical connective, applied on sumtis, simply create a new sumti from two input sumti 10:47 < gleki> the problem is just in {jo'u} 10:48 < gleki> if it creates sets, i.e. {lo se menre} then that's all. that's its only function. 10:48 < gleki> no {fasnu} expansion 10:48 < Ilmen> logical connectives, even when applied on sumti (e.g. {mi .e do}), modify the whole bridi and not the sumti themselves 10:49 < Ilmen> mi .e do broda ---> ge mi broda gi do broda 10:50 < Ilmen> mi ca bo do broda ---> ca gi mi broda gi do broda 10:50 < Ilmen> so it seems "cabo" behaves just like ".e" 10:50 < Ilmen> it combines two bridi, instead of combining two sumti 10:51 < Ilmen> (in term of underlying meaning, not of syntax, li'a) 10:51 < Ilmen> ie nai pei 10:51 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 10:51 < gleki> mensi: i do jinvi ma 10:51 < mensi> Have you asked anyone else ? 10:51 < gleki> Oh 10:51 < gleki> right 10:51 < gleki> i should ask ilmen 10:51 < Ilmen> ŭe glibau 10:51 < gleki> ki'e la mensi 10:52 < gleki> i nu'o fanva ro da 10:52 < _mukti_> Rebuild is done. It took just under 4 hours. 10:52 < Ilmen> ja'o ditcma 10:52 < Ilmen> xo'o .oi dai 10:56 < gleki> _mukti_: cnano 10:57 < gleki> en: cnano 10:57 < mensi> cnano = x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4. |>>> Also mean, 10:57 < mensi> normal, usual; (x3 specifies the complete set). See also tcaci, fadni, kampu, lakne, tarti, rirci. |>>> 10:57 < mensi> officialdata 10:57 < gleki> norm or average... 10:57 < gleki> loglan: norma 10:57 < mensi> norma = C is the mean/average/norm of distribution F. 11:02 < gleki> normal, usual and average are three different concepts 11:04 < VoltzLiveq> Does anyone here actually speak lojban on a semi regular basis? 11:04 < VoltzLiveq> Like.. speak it, not just type it? 11:05 < gleki> in voice chats? yes, every weekend 11:06 < VoltzLiveq> Have you ever experienced someone listening in and confused to what you were speaking? xD 11:06 < gleki> of course. imagine that i start speaking lojban to you :D 11:06 < VoltzLiveq> I would be mostly confused ;D 11:07 < VoltzLiveq> What about using Lojban to hide what you were saying? 11:07 < gleki> ua xamgu sidbo i ai ma'a roroi pilno 11:07 < gleki> ^ just done 11:09 < VoltzLiveq> Thanks jboski 11:09 < gleki> je'e 11:10 < VoltzLiveq> One day I will be fluent.... 11:10 < VoltzLiveq> One day.. 11:12 < durka42> coi 11:12 < VoltzLiveq> coi 11:12 < durka42> coi pu'i filta'a ui 11:12 < gleki> durka42: have u used all your upvotes for StackExchange Lojban place? 11:12 < durka42> VoltzLiveq: ^ "hello possibly-but-not-yet fluent speaker :)" 11:13 < durka42> gleki: yes I did as I already told you 11:13 < durka42> months ago when it was first set up 11:13 < gleki> im making a list of who did 11:13 < durka42> je'e 11:14 < Ilmen> en: Arithmetics 11:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 11:15 < gleki> cliva: xu do su'omumoi zanru do'e la stakekstcanj 11:17 < Ilmen> How about sujna'o = arithmetic mean, and pi'irna'o = geometric means? 11:21 < Ilmen> Maybe I'll just assign nacna'o for arithmetic mean 11:25 < deltab> sujna'o and pi'irna'o make sense to me in a way that nacna'o doesn't 11:29 < Ilmen> je'e 11:30 < Ilmen> I've already entered {nacna'o}, but I can create {sujna'o} as a synonym 11:30 < Ilmen> people then could vote for whichever they prefer 11:32 < Ilmen> Oh, sujna'o was already in Jbovlaste 11:32 < Ilmen> en: sujna'o 11:32 < mensi> sujna'o [< sumji cnano ≈ Sum average] = c1 [value] is a/the arithmetic mean in property/amount c2 among c3 (set)(s) by 11:32 < mensi> standard c4. |>>> jongausib 11:32 < Ilmen> why didn't I find it >_< 11:33 < Ilmen> At least, if both I and jongausib had the idea of sumji+cnano, then this lujvo seems a good choice 11:34 < Ilmen> en: pi'irna'o 11:34 < mensi> [< pilji cnano ≈ Multiply average] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 11:34 < mensi> pi'irna'o[7976], piljyna'o[8517], pi'ircnano[9506], piljycnano[10047] 11:34 < gleki> en: Arithm 11:34 < mensi> 14 da se tolcri: dekydugri, de'o, dugri, gau'i'o, pavnondugri, reldugri, te'o zei dugri, di'ei'o'au, ga'au, mai'e'e, 11:34 < mensi> mo'e, sei'u'e, sujna'o, vi'ei'e 11:34 < gleki> trim endings 11:34 < Ilmen> je'e 11:35 < gleki> what about "norm"? 11:38 < Ilmen> why the hell sujna'o has the place structure of cnano 11:38 < Ilmen> I'll propose another place structure 11:39 < Ilmen> Oh, Wuzzy's definition is better: c1 [number] is the arithmetic mean of c3 (number set). 11:49 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 12:12 < cliva> gleki: pu za go'a 12:12 < cliva> ctefaho: .ai ca ki'e mojgau 12:14 < cliva> .i lo tense nu tavla zo'u: tavla fi lu pu zi li'u je lu ro roi pu li'u je lu ze'u pu li'u je lo simsa 12:15 < cliva> .i sa'e brirei fa mu'a lo ka jei lu pu fasnu fa lo nu zi li'u selsmudu'i lu pu zi li'u 12:24 < cliva> ze'ilsaivi'e 12:31 < gleki> en: ze'ilsaivi'e 12:31 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:31 < gleki> en: brirei 12:31 < mensi> brirei [< bridi preti ≈ Predicate question] = c1 is a question asking for a predicate, asked by c3 to c4. |>>> In Lojban, 12:31 < mensi> this is a question using the word “mo”. |>>> Wuzzy 12:31 < cliva> oi 12:31 < cliva> .i pu sruma lo du'u panra zo brireisku 12:34 < cliva> mensi: ko ningau 12:35 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 12:36 < gleki> en: brireisku 12:36 < gleki> ra'u lo lujvo cu mabla 12:36 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 12:36 < mensi> brireisku [< bridi preti cusku ≈ Predicate question say] = x1 asks x3 what arguments satisfy the predicate x2 |>>> See 12:36 < mensi> also brije'u, ju'odji, brije'uju'o. |>>> Ilmen 12:37 < cliva> ge mabla da gi zabna da 12:37 < cliva> .i zabna ki'u ra'u lo nu su'a lo brivla cu clani 12:38 < gleki> lo ra'oi sku lujvo cu stura dunli zu'ai 12:38 < cliva> ro drata be lo nu go'i cu jai zekri 12:39 < cliva> jbo: ze'irsaivi 12:39 < mensi> ze'irsaivi = x1 cu jundi x2 noi velsku vau xoi ke'a dukse lo ka ditcma kei lo nu x1 snada lo te zukte be lo ka gasnu 12:39 < mensi> ke'a bei x1 |>>> ze'i sai vitke |>>> ahernai 12:40 < gleki> en: ze'irsaivi 12:40 < cliva> sa .i da'i lo nu na go'i cu jai zekri 12:40 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:40 < gleki> en: a'ernai 12:40 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:40 < gleki> jbo: a'ernai 12:40 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 12:40 < gleki> mo 12:40 < gleki> i srana zo a'e xu 12:40 < cliva> ma'i lo ca vajni na valsi 12:40 < cliva> .i .a'e zei nai 12:42 * nuzba @uitki: ce ki tau jau - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1LP6fgm] 12:43 < cliva> zo ge ge'e 12:44 < cliva> .i da'i va'o lo nu bi'ai terpa tu'a lo diftogo zo'u zo gi'e ja zo gu'e ja zo lo'a mapti 12:45 < cliva> .i va'i pe'i da'i va'o lo nu pavyslaka cu linto dukse 13:55 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 14:14 < Ilmen> coi 14:14 < dutchie> coi 14:15 < dutchie> do mo pei 14:16 < Ilmen> mi ba zi sipna zukte .i je na birti lo du'u ca ti djica lo nu zukte ma kau 14:17 < Ilmen> By the way I recall that Selpahi uses "do ma lifri" for "how are you?" 14:18 < Ilmen> I've completely forgotten that option last time I've been asked for how to translate this expression 14:18 < dutchie> it doesn't seem to have a really natural translation (that i've encountered) 14:24 * nuzba @Neozao: coisas q não gosto em linguagem -sujeito oculto -lojban -objetividade de resto de boa [http://bit.ly/1CCU4Os] 14:25 < durka42> mi lifri lo se lifri be mi 14:25 < durka42> grammar palindrome :p 14:26 < Ilmen> "do ma lifri" sounds pretty good to me for "how are you?" 14:27 < durka42> co'o 14:27 < durka42> mi lifri lo nu vacysai 14:27 < Ilmen> In French, the usual expression is «Comment allez-vous?» (= How go you?, literally) 14:28 < Ilmen> In Japanese, it's something like "Are you healthy~lively~spirited?" 14:28 < dutchie> "Wie gehts" in German, also "how does it go?" 14:28 < Ilmen> or "how is your mood?" 14:30 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 14:32 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 14:32 < Ilmen> Yeah 14:32 < Ilmen> Last time, Selpahi told me «Wie geht's = do ma lifri» 14:32 < ctefaho> lifri seems like a good choice for that ie 14:33 < niftg> pe'i .uinai jai nandu fai lo nu fanva do'i lo ponjo 14:34 < dutchie> pe'i ro lo nu fanva cu nandu 14:35 < niftg> .ie .i ku'i du'u xo kau ni nandu 14:35 < Ilmen> faumlu fa lo nu zoi py. ogenki (desu ka?) .py cu fadni 14:35 < Ilmen> co panra 14:36 < Ilmen> .i ku'i la'a sai na smudu'i lu do ma lifri li'u 14:37 < niftg> lu xu do kanro li'u jbimau 14:37 < Ilmen> ĭe 14:48 < niftg> ca'o vistcidu da lo sanga jufra pe le jborapu albuma pu lo nu da'i tinytcidu lo mulno 14:48 < Ilmen> mi na cpacu lo selsa'a prosa 14:49 < Ilmen> .i ku'i so'o selsa'a pagbu cu jai nandu fai lo ka selsku jimpe 14:49 < Ilmen> .i su'o pagbu cu simlu lo ka na cumki fa lo nu tirna jimpe .u'i 14:49 < zipcpi> Hm would anybody mind if I cekitaujau {i'au} to {go}? 14:49 < mensi> zipcpi: cu'u la'o gy.gleki.gy.: pevna is just taken from guaspi. the form is such that it matches {pev} rafsi | 14:49 < mensi> 2015-06-28T04:16:57.718Z 14:50 < niftg> lo nu zo'e ja'a go'a cu sarcu lo nu dunda rauda 14:50 < zipcpi> Hm I'm not familiar with guaspi definitions; do they all look like that? lol 14:50 < Ilmen> je'e la .nif. 14:51 < niftg> sa'e lo za'u rau rupnu 14:53 < niftg> la balnema zo'u traji frili fa lo nu tinytcidu vau vau la'a 14:53 < Ilmen> ca lo ca'abna mi na ka'e terve'u .i ku'i .a'o mi ba kakne 14:53 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa ctefa'o fa 14:54 < niftg> .a'u bu'o gaspo vlaste 14:54 < Ilmen> ba'anai la'au za'o lo fanmo li'u banzuni jai frili 14:54 < Ilmen> .i ji'a la nonseka 14:56 < Ilmen> .i mi ba'o jimpe pi so'e tu'a la'au lo nanmu na klaku li'u 14:56 < Ilmen> ba'a nai 14:56 < ctefaho> hey zipcpi 14:56 < Ilmen> .i ku'i la'au na sa li'u nandu mi 14:56 < Ilmen> .i sa'e la'oi nasa 14:57 < zipcpi> coi la ctefa'o 14:58 < niftg> .ua si'au la'au nonseka li'u se pagbu lo so'e cmavo .i .a'u 14:58 < Ilmen> lo sutra dukse se bacru .e lo se stika voksa se bacru cu nandu mi 14:59 < niftg> .a'o semau frili fa lo nu tinytcidu lo tokpona .i ku'i la'a nandu fa lo nu jimpe fi ri 14:59 < zipcpi> I also added a description for the new proposed {i'au} grammar to JVS 15:00 < ctefaho> zipcpi guess what 15:00 < zipcpi> Huh? 15:00 < Ilmen> lo mi tokpona cu fusra dukse .i mi na pacna lo nu mi ka'e tirna jimpe .u'i 15:00 < ctefaho> err nvm 15:00 < ctefaho> sa sa 15:01 < niftg> .u'i .i lo tokpona cu fuzme zmadu pe'i zo'o 15:02 * ctefaho crawls back to his awesome jbo cave 15:02 < ctefaho> (co'o) 15:02 < Ilmen> co'o do 15:02 < niftg> jbokevna .u'i co'o 15:02 < zipcpi> exp: broda xoi brode 15:02 < mensi> (CU [broda {xoi <CU (¹brode VAU¹)> SEhU} VAU]) 15:03 < zipcpi> exp: broda vau xoi brode 15:03 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 15:03 < Ilmen> xoi...se'u is an adverbial term, it behaves just like "naku" 15:03 < Ilmen> with regard to syntax 15:03 < zipcpi> I know 15:03 < zipcpi> Just testing on how it should work with {i'au} 15:04 < zipcpi> Currently I have: selma'o IhAU: reset bridi-level to zero // Auto-inserts all necessary terminators to reset to the top-level bridi of the sentence (i.e. everything but the last vau). May be used with xoi. May also be used with UI-cmavo; UI-cmavo placed immediately after would apply to the entire sentence. 15:07 < zipcpi> "everything that {i} would insert except the last {vau}", rather 15:08 < zipcpi> Makes it behave as expected within lu...li'u, to...toi, etc 15:14 * nuzba @languagefever: RT languagefever: Want to learn a new language that nobody speaks yet, but that would encompass all ? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lojban #lojban #la… [http://bit.ly/1BOR3jc] 15:14 < zipcpi> Nah, you want Ithkuil lol 15:15 < dutchie> ie u'i 15:16 < niftg> ju'ocu'i lo itku'ile ja'a se farna lo ro sidbo 15:27 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 15:29 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 15:29 < dutchie> co'o la .ilmen. 16:07 * nuzba @uitki: Nuzba:xu do djuno - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Nuzba:xu_do_djuno by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1CD6Axn] 16:54 < zipcpi> ctefaho: What are the etymologies of {benre} and {kesri}? (Well, {benre} is kinda obvious, though is there a reason you chose {r} over anything else) 16:56 < zipcpi> Hmm -ke- is probably from Chinese 16:56 < durka42> .u'i zo ze'irsaivi 16:58 < durka42> zipcpi: za'a do co'a jbovlaste pendo la .krtis. .u'i 16:58 < zipcpi> u'i 16:59 < zipcpi> ie si'au ky sai'e nelci lo valsi poi mi finti 17:00 < zipcpi> ku'i mi za'o na jimpe su'o valsi poi ky finti go u'i 17:00 < zipcpi> .y. oi mi na mulno lo ka slabu lo tcekitaujau 17:00 < durka42> zo go mo 17:00 < zipcpi> mi tcekitaujaugau zo i'au 17:01 < durka42> ua 17:01 < durka42> mu'i ma na pilno zo .iau 17:01 < zipcpi> zo iau su'oroi nitcu la'o gy glottal stop gy 17:02 < durka42> sa'u do ca'o finti lo ki'oki'o valsi ku poi ro ke'a se smuni zo ca'e .i la .krtis. cu camselci'i 17:02 < durka42> .y ienai 17:02 < durka42> zo iau se tolfa'o lo karmlisna .i seni'ibo so'ane'eroi nitcu 17:02 < zipcpi> .ije suda jinvi lo cmavo poi na selpau lo zunsna cu mutce lo ka simsa lo cnima'o 17:03 < zipcpi> ua lu so'ane'e li'u 17:04 < zipcpi> zo simlu mapti semau 17:09 < durka42> zo'oi almost-never 17:09 < durka42> xu lu da'aroi li'u mapti 17:10 < zipcpi> na ia 17:10 < zipcpi> mi jimpe lu so'ane'e li'u 17:11 < zipcpi> zo da'a cu jibni zo ro 17:11 < durka42> lo drata pu cusku lu ji'inoroi li'u 17:12 < zipcpi> .ije mi na djuno lo du lu da'aroi li'u cu se smuni gekau plixau .i zoi zoi all-but-one-times zoi ki'a 17:14 < zipcpi> lu <lo drata pu cusku lu ji'inoroi li'u> li'u .i ua ji'a mapti pe'i 17:14 < zipcpi> ku'i mi nelci lu so'ane'e li'u ji'a 17:15 < durka42> ie 17:16 < durka42> lu ji'inoroi li'u zo'u mi se slabu lo si'o pinoroi co'e jenai lo si'u ni'upinoroi .u'i co'e 17:17 < zipcpi> lu ni'uno li'u se smuni da ma'i lo me'oi rounding 17:19 < zipcpi> ku'i ju'oinaisai zo ni'u peva'o tau zo roi se smuni makau 17:27 < zipcpi> xu zo se'irsaivi simsa zoi zoi attention-deficit zoi u'i 17:27 < durka42> srana si'au .u'i 18:24 < zipcpi> kai'eru'e la zantufa cu ji'isre pe'a lo du lu <jo'aunai> li'u cu smudu'i zo <jo'au> 18:25 < zipcpi> ei mi jungau la .guskant. 18:27 < zipcpi> ku'i mi na djuno lo du gekau ze'oijo'au versiio cu se sanji zy 18:31 < durka42> oi mi co'u jimpe lo do jbobau .u'i 18:32 < zipcpi> u'i la zantufa cu gasnu lo nu zo zei jei zo ze'ei cu se cmima ma'oi si 18:33 < durka42> ie banli 18:33 < durka42> simsyse'e so'ida 18:33 < durka42> er 18:33 < durka42> sampyse'e so'ida 18:34 < zipcpi> ua u'i ra'oi se'e 18:34 < zipcpi> lo lujvo poi se rafsi 18:36 * nuzba @uitki: nuzba/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba/en by Mukti - Results of LLG Officers election [http://bit.ly/1Jsqhjm] 18:45 < zipcpi> zo iau cu ji'a se fanmo lo jbikarsna .ijebo so'i cnima'o cu se tolfa'o me'o uy 18:46 < durka42> iebu'o je'u 18:49 < clakre> ...just realized I can't say .i li pai du {any finite number of digits of pi} 18:50 < _mukti_> Translation help? For "elect" can we get any closer than {cmicu'a} ? 18:50 * clakre finds ji'i. that fixes it 18:51 < zipcpi> mukti: What sense do you want? 18:52 < durka42> _mukti_: jinga fo lo nu cmicu'a ? 18:52 < _mukti_> zipcpi: I'm trying to write a lojban version of the announcement of the LLG Board elections. 18:52 < _mukti_> In English, "The LLG Board of Directors have re-elected ... " 18:53 < _mukti_> Odd that {cmicu'a} has no place for office, or is that what is meant by "voting group"? 18:53 < durka42> lo nu LLGBD cmicu'a cu ve jinga fo ... 18:53 < durka42> yeah, I am not sure 18:53 < durka42> there is also {gubycu'a} 18:54 < durka42> I think "voting group" is the people who are voting? 18:54 < _mukti_> Argh. Yeah. Bad lujvo. No lojbiscuit. 18:54 < zipcpi> Nah I think you want something "elect someone to some position" 18:54 < zipcpi> lol lojbiscuit 18:54 < durka42> ma'udzau... 18:55 < zipcpi> u'i 18:55 < zipcpi> ro le ma'udzau 18:55 < zipcpi> ko cpacu ro le ma'udzau 18:55 < zipcpi> .y. le ka ma'udzau 18:56 < zipcpi> le ka se ma'udzau 18:56 < durka42> I thinking about something like {selzauco'aturni} (needs work) 18:56 < zipcpi> u'i 18:56 < zipcpi> .addpoint durka42 18:56 < zipcpi> .y. 18:56 < durka42> en:turni 18:57 < mensi> turni = x1 governs/rules/is ruler/governor/sovereign/reigns over people/territory/domain/subjects x2. 18:57 < _mukti_> catni3 seems relevant 18:57 < durka42> yeah, catni > turni 18:57 < durka42> co'arcatni 18:57 < zipcpi> catnygaucu'a? 18:57 < zipcpi> ca'irgaucu'a 18:57 < durka42> lo nu LLGBD ba'o cmicu'a cu selja'e lo nu A co'arcatni ... 18:59 < _mukti_> tu'a lo fuzraikamni be la lojbangirzu za'u re'u te catni lo kagja'a la lojbab 18:59 < durka42> .i'e 19:00 < _mukti_> or could make it more explicit ... lo nu lo fuzraikamni be la lojbangirzu cu cmicu'a kei ... 19:01 < zipcpi> la lojbab cu catni lo kagja'a iau ki'aru'e 19:02 < durka42> xm 19:02 < durka42> la lojbab cu kagja'a 19:02 < _mukti_> I'm assuming catni2 is flexible enough to accept a title. 19:02 < _mukti_> Perhaps that's assuming too much. 19:03 < durka42> it sounds like the vote gave Bob control over the president 19:03 < zipcpi> lo fuzraikamni be la lojbangirzu cu cmicu'a ja'e lo nu la .lojbab. za'ure'u kagja'a 19:03 < durka42> I like that better 19:03 < _mukti_> Yeah, that's clearer 19:04 < _mukti_> I'm rolling with that. Thank you, zipcpi. 19:04 < zipcpi> je'e 19:05 < _mukti_> Ha, I almost forgot about {vipsi}. I get to use it for the first time. 19:07 * nuzba @bakkasel: Part of me thinks that #Lojban should be the official language of every #EU member state. Written in Tolkien's #Tengwar script. [http://bit.ly/1Jsro2u] 19:07 * nuzba @bakkasel: Lojban is after all a language created to expand the minds of those who speak it. It seems to me that Europe needs exactly that right now. [http://bit.ly/1JsrvuX] 19:10 < durka42> this just in, Greece requests an extension of the bailout terms until CLLv2 is published 19:15 < _mukti_> .u'i 19:15 < _mukti_> For a second I believed you 19:17 < zipcpi> mu'a lu me'au la'e zoi zoi illocutionary act zoi li'u zo'u: xu da cmavo jecu smudu'i lo'u <me'au la'e zoi> le'u 19:17 < _mukti_> lo fuzraikamni be la lojbangirzu cu cmicu'a ja'e lo nu la'o zoi Robert LeChevalier zoi cu za'u re'u kagja'a .i la'o zoi And Rosta zoi cu co'a vipsi kagja'a .i la'o zoi Riley Martinez-Lynch zoi cu co'a ci'arse'u je baxpre .i io ckire la'o zoi Veijo Vilva zoi noi ba'o vipsi kagja'a .e la'o zoi Robin Lee Powell noi pu ze'u ci'arse'u je baxpre 19:18 < _mukti_> Oops, missing ku'o 19:19 < zipcpi> I would replace those {i}s with {ju'ei} to make it all part of the voting ja'e, but I don't know how much you like {ju'ei} :p 19:19 < zipcpi> I'm pretty bad with using experimental cmavo 19:19 < _mukti_> I've never encountered {ju'ei}. Since I'm making an official announcement for LLG, I think I best walk the line. 19:20 < zipcpi> lol 19:20 < zipcpi> It starts another bridi within an abstraction like a POI-clause or a NU-clause. They can be replaced by ju'egi ... gi..., but that requires forethought 19:21 < _mukti_> Oh. That's cool. I've looked for that a number of times. 19:23 * nuzba @uitki: nuzba - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/nuzba by Mukti - lo fuzraikamni be la lojbangirzu cu ba'o cmicu'a [http://bit.ly/1GUDYnu] 19:23 < zipcpi> xu da cmavo jecu smudu'i lo'u <me'au la'e zoi> le'u 19:24 < zipcpi> galfi lo uenzi poi na'e se jbobau ku'o lo selbrisle 19:25 < zipcpi> simsa zo me'oi jeku'i cu panra zo la'o 19:25 < durka42> zo me'oi 19:26 < durka42> uanai 19:26 < zipcpi> zo me'oi galfi papo'o valsi 19:26 < durka42> uanainai 19:26 < durka42> pe'i noda valsi 19:26 < zipcpi> mu'oi*ci'ai gy illocutionary act gy 19:30 < durka42> zo ci'ai se velcki 19:31 < zipcpi> Marks experimental cmavo 19:31 < zipcpi> tcita lo cipra cmavo 19:31 < durka42> oh I was confused by your asterisk 19:31 < zipcpi> ci'ai*ci'ai*ci'ai*ci'ai*ci'ai li'o li'o li'o xi ci'i 19:31 < zipcpi> u'i 19:50 < _mukti_> Is there a lojban-announcements admin in the house? 20:14 < zipcpi> Hmm... need equivalents to sub- and super- 20:15 < zipcpi> x1 is subordinate to x2 in aspect x3 20:15 < zipcpi> Oh right vipsi kinda works 20:16 < zipcpi> I dunno though. vipselma'o = sub-selma'o ? 20:16 < zipcpi> vipysetmima 20:16 < zipcpi> tolvipysetmima 20:16 < zipcpi> I dunno lol 20:17 < zipcpi> doi lo drata be mi do'u pei 20:36 < niftg> en: vipsi 20:36 < mensi> vipsi = x1 is a deputy/vice/subordinate in aspect [or organization principle] x2 (ka) to principal x3. |>>> Also 20:36 < mensi> assistant, adjutant. See also krati, sidju. |>>> officialdata 20:39 < niftg> du'u ka'e xukau ciksi fo lo du'u vipsi makau makau 20:43 < zipcpi> exp: lo nu tu'e broda 20:43 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 20:44 < zipcpi> exp: lo nu tu'e broda .i brode 20:44 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 20:45 < zipcpi> I've been told that is another experimental option for having multiple sentences within a subclause; advantage is that it might save some breath and avoid having to close further subclauses; disadvantage is that it requires forethought 20:46 < zipcpi> exp: lo nu ju'egi broda gi brode gi ko'a brodu 20:46 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 20:46 < zipcpi> exp: lo nu ju'egi broda gi brode 20:46 < mensi> ([lo {nu <CU (¹ju'e gi¹) (¹CU [broda VAU]¹) gi (¹CU [brode VAU]¹) VAU> KEI} KU] VAU) 20:46 < zipcpi> Huh only works for two 20:46 < durka42> yes forethought only works for two operands 20:47 < durka42> otherwise nested forethought would be ambiguous 20:47 < zipcpi> Right 20:47 < zipcpi> So {ju'ei} is not fully replaceable then 20:47 < durka42> only with extreme forethought :p 20:47 < zipcpi> Except maybe {kei jo'u lo nu} but yuck 20:47 < durka42> i.e. you have to know how many {ju'e gi} to put at the beginning 20:48 < zipcpi> Oh yeah or that, which is also yuck 20:48 < durka42> ie 20:52 < zipcpi> I translated a particular passage of the Bible with heavy usage of {ju'ei} 20:53 < zipcpi> Seriously the sentence ran across three verses IIRC 21:15 < zipcpi> Hm how to convert a sumti into a PA... mo'e doesn't seem to work 21:16 < zipcpi> Oh wait it does 21:16 < zipcpi> I was using the standard grammar parser; that's surprising though 21:16 < zipcpi> exp: mo'e ko'a broda 21:16 < mensi> ([{<mo'e ko'a TEhU> BOI} broda KU] VAU) 21:16 < zipcpi> off: mo'e ko'a broda 21:16 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 21:17 < selpli> zipcpi: In what situation would you use sumti -> PA? 21:18 < zipcpi> "an odd number" 21:18 < zipcpi> Probably we don't want new PA for "odd number", "even number", "number divisible by 3", etc :p 21:19 < zipcpi> Also sometimes you want to assign numbers to sumti to use later 21:19 < durka42> off: vei mo'e ko'a broda 21:19 < mensi> ([{vei <mo'e ko'a TEhU> VEhO} broda KU] VAU) 21:19 < zipcpi> ua 21:19 < durka42> yacc attack 21:19 < selpli> Why not just use selbri for that? 21:20 < zipcpi> I don't even know if we have a mo'e-equivalent for selbri :p 21:22 < selpli> you could define something like remdilcu 21:22 < selpli> *reldilcu 21:23 < durka42> right 21:23 < durka42> and then if you needed it in a mekso expression it'd be like {li pa su'i mo'e lo reldilcu ...} 21:24 < durka42> camxes: li pa su'i mo'e lo reldilcu 21:24 < camxes> ([li {<pa BOI> <su'i (¹mo'e [lo reldilcu KU] TEhU¹)>} LOhO] VAU) 21:25 < zipcpi> Do we already have a VUhU for modulus... 21:25 < zipcpi> Could probably also use a brivla for it 21:25 < selpli> there is a pretty good blog post arguing against mekso in general: http://teddyb.org/robin/tiki-index.php?page=Lojban,+Math,+mekso,+and+bridi+cmaci 21:25 < durka42> vlaste: remainder 21:25 < vlaste> 10 results: velvi'u, dilcu, vimcu, cicyspavi'u, kafxumvi'u, mosyvi'u, pilvi'u, zifyvlavelvi'u, ampute, me'ei'o 21:26 < durka42> yeah, it's not like I ever use mekso myself : 21:26 < zipcpi> selpli: There might be an argument there; seeing that the whole "no precedence" thing is... horribly inconvenient. As well as the whole "completely new grammar not used anywhere else in the language" thing 21:27 < durka42> and taking up acres of cmavo space 21:27 < zipcpi> u'i 21:27 < durka42> I can't find a VUhU for modulus/remainder 21:27 < selpli> Agreed. gismu are so and simple, and according to the author, less than 50% longer 21:27 < zipcpi> Not even a kurtynomvla? lol 21:29 * nuzba @uitki: rinsa - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/rinsa by Mukti [http://bit.ly/1CDwFfQ] 21:33 < zipcpi> ni'ai? gi'ui?? 21:33 < zipcpi> Second one isn't even morphologically acceptable according to current doctrine; and I'm not sure if it ever was lol 21:34 < durka42> I feel like it should be related to fe'ei 21:34 < selpli> Actually it would be nice to free up all the mekso cmavo, if IRC could restrain itself and not immediately define it as something useless 21:34 < durka42> (pretty sure it never was) 21:34 < zipcpi> What's fe'ei 21:35 < durka42> free 21:35 < durka42> selpli: don't give la zipcpi any ideas :p 21:35 < zipcpi> lol 21:36 < selpli> I'd be nicer to have official gismu for something that's really used like la'oi 21:36 < durka42> er 21:37 < durka42> how would there be a gismu for la'oi 21:37 < selpli> *cmavo 21:37 < zipcpi> Ah... 21:37 < durka42> meh, la'oi might as well be official by now :) 21:38 < zipcpi> There's always cekitaujau, but I dunno, I kinda like la'oi as is. It'd be hard to reassign it as well as its friends zo'oi, me'oi, in a way that keeps consistency 21:38 < selpli> Doesn't it break something important? I can't remember what, though 21:38 < durka42> right, technically it's "experimental shape" but you want it to sound like la'o anyway, so there's no point in reassigning it to another cmavo form 21:38 < zipcpi> Of course I also just defined mu'oi, which "should" be {me'o} to keep consistency, but, erm... 21:39 < durka42> yeah, but you just had to add it anyway, didn't ya 21:39 < zipcpi> lol 21:40 < durka42> selpli: well, it breaks audiovisual isomorphism, but it kinda has to, because how else are you going to write down a URL or whatever 21:40 < selpli> I wonder what the most used unofficial cmavo are. Any idead beside (la/zo/me)'oi? 21:40 < durka42> Ilmen made a list not too long ago 21:40 * durka42 rustles papers around 21:40 < durka42> http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=Experimental_gismu_and_cmavo_frequency_lists 21:41 < selpli> Hahaha, besto is around number ten. 21:41 < zipcpi> lo'ai-sa'ai-le'ai is rather high. So is {di'ai} 21:41 < selpli> kinda sorta xalbo 21:42 < selpli> Whoa, kanpe is experimental? 21:42 < zipcpi> Yep, one of the oldes 21:46 < zipcpi> Oh ni'ai is defined there; I skipped reading a bit 21:46 < selpli> Who on earth called "smaka" for "smaka"? 21:49 < durka42> huh? 21:52 < zipcpi> lol Now I want new mekso 21:53 < zipcpi> Also frees up a bunch of additional mekso cmavo that Curtis has added... lol 21:53 < zipcpi> I dunno though; shouldn't he be the first to figure out how broken mekso are 21:54 < durka42> I'm just trying to imagine how he would react if someone suggested removing mekso from the language 21:54 < zipcpi> lol 21:56 < selpli> Anyway, gotta go 22:00 < zipcpi> Hmm could poi'i work for ni'ai? 22:01 < zipcpi> Then ke'a would work rather than ce'u 22:05 < zipcpi> I kinda like ni'ai vs poi'i for this though; makes it clear that you expect a number 22:16 < akmnlrse> zipcpi: la'au pa la'e di'e li'u zo'u: zo mei'e ka'e mapti 22:17 < akmnlrse> .i ru'a ka'e gasnu lo nu mapti ro ka'e se xi rau terjoma poi na selbrisle 22:18 < akmnlrse> s/se xi rau/te/ 22:25 < zipcpi> Yeah we did talk about {mei'e} the other day. Of course it contradicts the current definition, but we're not sure how useful the current definition is anyway 22:25 < zipcpi> The main problem is getting the grammar to work 22:26 < akmnlrse> .ai mi ca troci lo gerna srana 22:27 < zipcpi> {mei'o} can also be repurposed if you need it 22:30 < akmnlrse> ... za'a mi sreji'i 22:32 < akmnlrse> zoi gu pa [MEI'X] [FA] lo re broda [FA] lo re brode gu zo'u jalge fa tu'a pa lo re plurale 22:32 < akmnlrse> .i zoi gu [FA] pa [MEI'X] lo re broda lo re brode gu zo'u jalge fa tu'a pa lo vo .individu 22:32 < akmnlrse> .i ja'o .ei su'o ba'e ci da se lanzu lo me zo mei'e moi 22:33 < zipcpi> xy'y 22:33 < akmnlrse> mei'e -> sumti 22:34 < akmnlrse> mei'i -> sumsmi 22:34 < akmnlrse> ja brirebla 22:34 < akmnlrse> mei'u -> selbrisle 22:35 < zipcpi> xu lo sumtcita cu sumsmi 22:35 < akmnlrse> lo stura poi se pagbu ge lo sumtcita gi lo sumti poi se tcita 22:35 < akmnlrse> cu go'i 22:36 < akmnlrse> .i si'a go'i fa mu'a lo zo xoi stura 22:36 < akmnlrse> me'oi term 22:36 < zipcpi> pa [mei'i] co'a [gi?] ca'o [gi?] co'u 22:37 < akmnlrse> va'o lo xanri be mi zo ku basti zo gi 22:37 < zipcpi> ua 22:37 < akmnlrse> .i .ai cipyzu'e fi lo ka se jalge su'o gerna nabmi 22:48 < akmnlrse> xm da'i zo nu'i basti zo mei'i .i xu lo nu relsmu poi da'i jalge cu dukse lo ka mabla 22:49 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: pa mei'e ti ta 22:49 < spagetufa> ([FA {<pa BOI> <mei'e (¹ti ta¹) MEI'O>}] VAU) 22:49 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: pa mei'e ti ta cu broda 22:49 < spagetufa> ([FA {<pa BOI> <mei'e (¹ti ta¹) MEI'O>}] [cu {broda VAU}]) 22:50 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: pa mei'e ti ta fe tu cu broda 22:50 < spagetufa> ([{FA <(¹pa BOI¹) (¹mei'e [ti ta] MEI'O¹)>} {fe tu}] [cu {broda VAU}]) 22:50 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: pa mei'i ti ta broda 22:50 < spagetufa> ([{pa BOI} mei'i {<FI'A ti> <FI'A ta>} MEI'O] [CU {broda VAU}]) 22:51 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: pa mei'i ti ta nu'i pu ku ba ku broda 22:51 < spagetufa> ([{pa BOI} mei'i {<FI'A ti> <FI'A ta> <nu'i (¹[pu ku] [ba ku]¹) NU'U>} MEI'O] [CU {broda VAU}]) 22:51 < akmnlrse> ^ PALCI 22:52 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: pa mei'i ti ta mei'e mi do broda 22:52 < spagetufa> ([{pa BOI} mei'i {<FI'A ti> <FI'A ta> <FI'A (¹mei'e [mi do] MEI'O¹)>} MEI'O] [CU {broda VAU}]) 22:56 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: mi ti ro mei'i ta lebna vau tu dunda 22:56 < spagetufa> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "d" found. 22:56 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: mi ti ro mei'i lebna vau dunda 22:58 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: mi ti ro mei'i lebna vau dunda 22:58 < akmnlrse> cimni refkursi .u'e 23:01 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: mi ti cu ro mei'i lebna ta vau dunda tu 23:03 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: mi ti cu ro mei'i lebna ta vau dunda tu 23:03 * akmnlrse de'a 23:12 < gleki> zipcpi: jhave you used all of your 5 upvotes here? http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 23:14 < zipcpi> gleki: No; can't decide what to vote for 23:15 < gleki> zipcpi: only for those that are below 10 in rating. or create new questions. 23:15 < gleki> dutchie: jhave you used all of your 5 upvotes here? http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 23:16 < gleki> zipcpi: in selpa'is blog there used to be a section on guaspi 23:17 < gleki> en: biscuit 23:17 < mensi> cmananba [< cmalu nanba ≈ Small bread] = n1 is a roll/bun/biscuit/bun made from grains n2. 23:17 < zipcpi> Don't ask us to use ve'i nanba :p 23:18 < zipcpi> Though... hm that isn't exactly very specific 23:18 < gleki> neither cmananba 23:18 < gleki> .dict biscuit 23:19 < gleki> .dict biscuit 23:19 < fenki> biscuit — noun: 1. (chiefly UK, Australia, New Zealand, rare in the US) A small, flat, baked good which is either hard and crisp or else soft but firm: a cookie, 2. (chiefly Canada, US) A small, usually soft and flaky bread, generally made with baking soda, which is similar in texture to a sc[...] 23:19 < zipcpi> k: biskoti 23:19 < mensi> ([{PA:bi BOI} G:skoti KU] VAU) 23:20 < gleki> sei la gleki cu sraku be lo stedu 23:20 < zipcpi> k: binkati 23:20 < mensi> (CU [Z:binkati VAU]) 23:20 < gleki> what is biscuit??? 23:20 < gleki> just a cookie? 23:20 < zipcpi> vlakra fa tu'a lo jugbau 23:21 < gleki> note that there are two biscuits 23:21 < gleki> do you want the second meaning? 23:22 < gleki> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/biscuit 23:22 < gleki> nice pics 23:22 < zipcpi> Hmm... probably the British one. The American one looks like it should be cmananba or ze'i nanba 23:22 < zipcpi> What the Americans would call a cookie 23:23 < gleki> en: cookie 23:23 < mensi> 3 da se tolcri: ckafika, fi'ikca, titnanba 23:23 < gleki> en: titnanba 23:23 < mensi> titnanba [< titla nanba ≈ Sweet bread] = n1 is a cake/cookie made from grains n2. |>>> Cf. titla, nanba, jupypesxu, 23:23 < mensi> rutytisna. |>>> arj 23:23 < gleki> terrible 23:23 < zipcpi> en: kenka 23:23 < mensi> kenka = k1 is a quantity of cake/torte/tart/pie/flan made of/containing ingredients k2, prepared according to method k3. 23:23 < mensi> |>>> Cf. titnanba, jupypesxu, rutytisna |>>> djeikon 23:23 < gleki> rafsi: nanba 23:23 < mensi> zo'oi nab .e zo'oi nanb rafsi zo nanba 23:23 < zipcpi> What is with all these tirxu gismu lol 23:24 < gleki> we at least should have words for cookie, biscuit2, cracker. 23:24 < gleki> let's assume that kenka/torta is fine. 23:24 < gleki> In North America, a biscuit is a small, soft baked bread similar to a scone but not sweet. In the United Kingdom, a biscuit is a small, crisp or firm, sweet baked good — the sort of thing which in North America is called a cookie. (Less frequently, British speakers refer to crackers as biscuits.) In North America, even small, layered baked sweets like Oreos are referred to as cookies, while in the UK, only 23:24 < gleki> those biscuits which have chocolate chips, nuts, fruit or other things baked into them are also called cookies. 23:25 < gleki> Throughout the English-speaking world, thin, crispy, salty or savoury baked breads like these are called crackers, while thin, crispy, sweet baked goods like these and these are wafers. 23:25 < gleki> Both the US and the UK distinguish crackers, wafers and cookies/biscuits from cakes: the former are generally hard or crisp and become soft when stale, while the latter is generally soft or moist and becomes hard when stale. 23:25 < gleki> im lost 23:25 < zipcpi> u'i 23:25 < gleki> what are wafers? 23:26 < zipcpi> "a very thin, light, crisp, sweet cookie or cracker, especially one of a kind eaten with ice cream." 23:26 < zipcpi> oi 23:26 < zipcpi> "a thin disk of unleavened bread used in the Eucharist." 23:26 < zipcpi> "a very thin slice of a semiconductor crystal used as the substrate for solid-state circuitry." 23:27 < gleki> the latter is definitely titnanba 23:27 < zipcpi> u'i 23:30 < gleki> one word for each concept 23:30 < gleki> i havent decided what should be the prefix 23:30 < gleki> maybe just {dja} 23:30 <@Broca> Why would one use a semiconductor substrate rather than an isolator? 23:38 < gleki> Broca: have you used all of your 5 upvotes here? http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 23:39 < zipcpi> akmnlrse: u'i mi djica lo ka bastygau zo i'au zo go kei ki'u lo du lo drata cmavo jai cizra fai lo ka da'i basti zo i'au kei ra'anai lo ni dy jai tolcafne fai lo ka se pilno 23:39 < gleki> selbastygau 23:39 < gleki> *cu jai cizra 23:40 < zipcpi> oise'i 23:40 < zipcpi> mi jai cafne lo ka ji'isre lo du zo jai simsa lo sumtcita tu'a lo gerna 23:42 * nuzba @lai_krtisfranks: What if we deplete all of gismu space (under current conflict rules) without being able to assign all of the possible rafsi? #Lojban [http://bit.ly/1Np30gT] 23:43 < zipcpi> There are already proposals to assign certain rafsi to zi'evla or even lujvo lol 23:44 < zipcpi> zmo for zmo'una (not sure what that should be used for) 23:44 < zipcpi> -se'e- for selja'e 23:46 < b_jonas> zipcpi: you can't assign rafsi to lujvo. IMO, technically, you can assign to a zihevla, but I think if you want to do that, that's a sign for the need of a new gismu of that meaning. 23:47 < zipcpi> I'm not the one who proposed those things 23:47 < zipcpi> vlaste: selje (gimka) 23:47 < vlaste> zo selje gimkamsmikezypro no catni gismu .i zo selje gimkamsmikezypro no cipra gismu 23:47 < gleki> b_jonas: coi. have you used all of your 5 upvotes here? http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 23:48 < gleki> zipcpi: it's just rinka acc. to xorxes 23:48 < zipcpi> To me {rinka} means A would cause B without any intervention 23:49 < gleki> se jalge as well 23:49 < sezycei> So I bought Djemynai's album, za'o, and I'm looking through the lyrics - and it appears he very deliberately left out denpabu. Is this common practice, or? 23:49 < zipcpi> I dunno, I think of jalge of something like "x1 is the consequence of x2" 23:50 < zipcpi> Mechanism of consequence unspecified 23:50 < zipcpi> Thus able to cover krinu/mukti/rinka/nibli 23:50 < gleki> sezycei: coi. have you used all of your 5 upvotes here? http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 23:51 < sezycei> Have I used all 5 of my upvotes there? No, I didn't know it was a thing. 23:52 < gleki> sezycei: yes, we need to upvote all questions with rating below 10 23:52 < sezycei> Why is that? 23:53 < b_jonas> gleki: five? don't I have ten per proposal? but anyway, no, because I'm not convinced that making a stackoverflow site about lojban is a good idea or that I care about one. maybe I should at least look at it one day, but I don't think that will change my opinion because SE site proposals don't usually contain much extra info. 23:54 < sezycei> Okay, I upvoted five things. Still don't know why I've done this. 23:54 < b_jonas> gleki: you're right, five only 23:54 < gleki> no one know. but it can increase presence of Lojban on the net. 23:54 < b_jonas> http://area51.stackexchange.com/privileges/vote-question-up says five 23:55 < gleki> b_jonas: it dfoesnt matter wether stackexchange sites are good or not. increasing presence is our only hope 23:55 < b_jonas> gleki: not _my_ only hope, no 23:55 < b_jonas> or not the only hope for _my_ goals, rather 23:57 < sezycei> gleki: What is your native language? 23:57 < gleki> mi rusko 23:58 < sezycei> do ba cilre fi lo xo bangu 23:59 < sezycei> I hope that means what I want it to mean. 23:59 < sezycei> pu 23:59 < sezycei> I meant pu, not ba 23:59 < b_jonas> gleki: that said, if the proposal is popular enough, I should check it out definitely, and at least try to take it into a direction 23:59 < zipcpi> {do se bangu xo da}? 23:59 < gleki> mi pu tadni lo glibau e lo portybau e lo sperybau e lo tokpona --- Day changed Mon Jun 29 2015 00:00 < b_jonas> and that time may be close because the percent-o-meter shows the proposal is past half of the define phase 00:00 < gleki> i ku'i mi na carmi tadni lo spanybau 00:01 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: lo lorxu cu ro mei'i plipe re mei'e lo ci pezli lo gerku vau kancu ro mei'i ri'oi pezli lo bitmu grana vau sutra lo ka no'a 00:01 < spagetufa> ([FA {lo lorxu KU}] [cu {ro BOI} mei'i {<CU (¹plipe [{FI'A <(²re BOI²) (²mei'e [{lo <(³ci BOI³) pezli> KU} {lo gerku KU}] MEI'O²)>} vau]¹)> <CU (¹kancu [{<ro BOI> mei'i <(²FI'A [ri'oi pezli KU]²) (²FI'A [lo {bitmu grana} KU]²)> MEI'O} vau]¹)> <CU (¹sutra [{FI'A <lo (²ka [CU {no'a VAU}] KEI²) KU>} VAU]¹)>} VAU MEI'O]) 00:01 < sezycei> Oh, back to my earlier question: is it now common practice to leave out denpabu when typing Lojban? 00:01 < sezycei> {i mi gleki} instead of {.i mi gleki} 00:01 < akmnlrse> sezycei: mu'a gleki does this all the time 00:01 < akmnlrse> I sometimes do 00:02 < sezycei> Djemynai also did it in his album's lyricsheets. It seemed very deliberate. 00:02 < gleki> it's common since spaces do the trick anyway 00:02 < gleki> en :mei'i 00:02 < gleki> en: mei'i 00:02 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 00:02 < gleki> jbo mei'e 00:02 < gleki> jbo: mei'e 00:02 < mensi> mei'e = [MEIhE] galfi lo sumti porsi goi py. lo selbrisle .i x1 menre lo cmima be py. |>>> srana fa zo me .e zo menre .e 00:03 < mensi> zo cmima .e zo sumpoi .i se famyma'o zo mei'o |>>> selpahi 00:03 < gleki> ua lo kurtyvla pe la selpa'i 00:03 < akmnlrse> je'e je'e do'u mi mabla lo ka jai gau gentufa fi lo nu'o se jbovlaste 00:04 <@Broca> gleki: I'm not sure I _want_ a StackExchange for Lojban. Isn't there another Q&A site already? 00:05 < gleki> Broca: it will just increase presence of lojban on the web 00:05 < gleki> the main Q&A site is this IRC channel 00:05 < gleki> but few people use it. So spreading solutions from here to other places may be desirable 00:06 <@Broca> An IRC channel is not an IRC channel :-) 00:06 <@Broca> Umm 00:06 <@Broca> An IRC channel is not a Q&A site :-) 00:06 <@Broca> (I think I need more coffee) 00:06 < akmnlrse> zipcpi: za'a bu'o zo mei'e ne mi xa'o frica lo se skicu 00:06 < gleki> Broca: i just think that the more copies of information about Lojban we have the mosre chances appropriate people will start working with Lojbanistan 00:06 < akmnlrse> lo ka jai cupra lo me'oi sumti_6 je nai lo selbrisle 00:07 < akmnlrse> .i ga'a do'o ma xagmau 00:07 < gleki> aunai mi cuxna 00:07 < akmnlrse> je'e 00:08 < zipcpi> gleki: He's working on that extended logical connectives thing 00:10 < gleki> mi ca na cinmo lo ka djica lo ka sidju 00:12 < akmnlrse> zipcpi: do se xanri mo'oi gerna pe zo mei'a 00:12 < akmnlrse> si mei'u 00:13 < akmnlrse> mei'u broda brode -> [broda brode] ji [broda jo'u brode] ? 00:13 < zipcpi> xy'y nandu 00:13 < akmnlrse> .i va'o tu'a lo pa moi zo'u ma tersepma'o 00:14 < zipcpi> zo go zo'o 00:14 < akmnlrse> .u'i 00:15 < akmnlrse> zo .sf. 00:16 < zipcpi> u'i 00:17 < zipcpi> eipei la .sf. cu se sinxa lo cmavo 00:18 < akmnlrse> na djuno .i da'i sidju fi tu'a lo'u mlatu co lo pinxe co .sf. ladru co lo le'u 00:18 < zipcpi> kai'eru'e plixau fiji'a tu'a lo cnima'o 00:19 < gleki> mi pu'i fliba tu'a lo'u i mlatu co lo co fa cu pinxe le'u 00:20 < akmnlrse> ue ru'e .i mi pu se jetmlu lo du'u snada 00:20 < gleki> mi pu'i snada tu'a lo'u i lo mlatu co fa cu pinxe le'u po'o 00:20 < gleki> alta: lo mlatu co fa cu pinxe 00:20 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "p" found. 00:21 < gleki> ue 00:21 < gleki> exp: lo mlatu co fa cu pinxe 00:21 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "p" found. 00:21 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: lo mlatu co fa cu pinxe 00:21 < spagetufa> ([{lo mlatu KU} co fa] [cu {pinxe VAU}]) 00:21 < gleki> cinri 00:21 < gleki> alta: lo mlatu co ca[3~ 00:21 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] or ['hiI] but "c" found. 00:21 < gleki> alta: lo mlatu co ca 00:21 < mensi> ([{<lo (¹mlatu SF¹) KU> co ca} {FA ZOhE}] [CU {COhE SF} VAU]) 00:21 < gleki> alta: lo mlatu co fa 00:21 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "a" found. 00:22 < gleki> je'e 00:22 < akmnlrse> ru'a lo .peg. nu te sumti sanji cu fanta lo nu ma'oi fa ma'oi pu gerna dunli 00:22 < gleki> ie ie 00:33 < zipcpi> da'i zo u cu basti zo zo'u ma'i la tcekitaujau go u'i 00:34 < zipcpi> xy'y na du'eva'ei mabla go pe'i 00:35 < zipcpi> zo a jei zo e jei zo o jei zo u 00:35 < akmnlrse> ie na mabla 00:38 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: lo lorxu cu ro mei'i plipe re mei'e lo ci pezli lo gerku vau kancu ro mei'i ri'oi pezli lo bitmu grana vau sutra lo ka no'a 00:38 < spagetufa> ([FA {lo lorxu KU}] [cu {ro BOI} mei'i {<CU (¹plipe [{FI'A <(²re BOI²) (²mei'e [{lo <(³ci BOI³) pezli> KU} {lo gerku KU}] MEI'O²) KU>} vau]¹)> <CU (¹kancu [{<ro BOI> mei'i <(²FI'A [ri'oi pezli KU]²) (²FI'A [lo {bitmu grana} KU]²)> MEI'O} vau]¹)> <CU (¹sutra [{FI'A <lo (²ka [CU {no'a VAU}] KEI²) KU>} VAU]¹)>} VAU MEI'O]) 00:38 < akmnlrse> (to sa'u stika ja'e lo nu mapti lo vlaste velcki toi) 00:49 < zipcpi> pe'i zo a li'o cu simsa lo me'oi punctuation 00:51 < zipcpi> zo zo'u cu simsa la'oi : .ije ri se sinxa lu zo'u bu li'u goji'a 00:53 < zipcpi> da'i ka'eku zo ju'ei basti zo e .i ku'i mi na birti lo du pai'ekau cafne 00:54 < zipcpi> ja se nitcu 00:55 < akmnlrse> (to se xu basti toi) 00:56 < zipcpi> oi mi na selsau le terbri 00:56 < zipcpi> zoizoi "x1 trades places with x2" zoi u na sidju 00:57 < akmnlrse> x1 instead of x2 00:57 < zipcpi> ei zo basysi'u mu'a 00:57 < akmnlrse> .i ja ba'e mi srera 00:57 < akmnlrse> jbo: basti 00:57 < mensi> basti = x1 pu na je ca ckaji x3 noi pu je nai ca se ckaji x2 |>>> ckaji; cabna; purci |>>> 00:57 < mensi> xorxes 00:57 < zipcpi> x1 replaces/substitutes for/instead of x2 in circumstance x3; x1 is a replacement/substitute. 00:58 < zipcpi> za'a mi srera 01:00 < zipcpi> zoi zoi trade places zoi ei co'e zo basysi'u 01:00 < akmnlrse> ie 01:01 < gleki> basti zu'ai 01:02 < zipcpi> ie ka'e ku ji'a 01:12 < akmnlrse> si'au BPFK na xusra lo du'u lu pu zi li'u cu tarti su'o na se nibli be lo me zo pu moi jo'u lo me zo zi moi 01:13 < akmnlrse> .i va'i si'au lo du'u fasnu ca lo purci je nai lo balvi na se natfe tu'a lu ba zi li'u 01:15 < gleki> li'a 01:17 < akmnlrse> na se li'anmo mi 01:18 < akmnlrse> .i xu nai lu ba zi X li'u poi ja'a se pilno cu se smuni lo du'u fasnu ca lo balvi ba'ei *poi* temda'o fi lo cmalu 01:20 < gleki> uanai i ku'i ca'o na natfe lo du'u ka'eku fasnu ca lo purci ji'a 01:20 < akmnlrse> ie ju'o 01:21 < akmnlrse> .i mi tavla fi lo nu da'i ge lo fasnu na fasnu ca su'o balvi gi ku'i lu ba zi li'u mapti ca lo balvi be lo nu pu fasnu 01:21 < gleki> zo pu'i e zo ba'o e zo mo'u e zo ca'o e zo ca'a ka'e sidju i lo munje be lo cmavo cu barda 01:24 < akmnlrse> .i va'iva'i lo fadni smuni be lu pu zi li'u cu dunli lo me lu pu je fau bo zi li'u moi 01:24 < akmnlrse> soi milxe co cizra mi vau sa'u 01:28 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 01:34 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa gunro fa 01:34 < gleki> zo zi tense stika 01:34 < gleki> i na fadni sumtcita 01:36 < akmnlrse> xu lu pu zi broda li'u lu pu ku zi broda li'u smufrica 01:37 < akmnlrse> .i xu go'i lu pu ku lo nu zi broda cu fasnu li'u 01:37 < gleki> pe'i bi'ai frica 01:37 < gleki> i la'a smuni dunli lu puku baja puzi li'u 01:37 < akmnlrse> je'e 01:38 < gleki> i mi pu stidi lo nu zo zi na se steci tu'a lo ditcu 01:39 < gleki> i lo drata noi lo te sepli cu mupli cu ka'e srana lo smuni 01:39 < gleki> i ku'i lo ba'e mi se ba'e stidi 01:39 < akmnlrse> xu va'o ku ma'oi va co'u jai sarcu 01:40 < gleki> go'i 01:41 < gleki> na jai sarcu gi'e plixau 01:42 < ctefaho> coi 01:42 < akmnlrse> coi 01:42 < gleki> ctefaho: coi. have u used all of your upvotes for StackExchange? 01:42 < akmnlrse> ctefaho: co'a casnu lo tense cmavo http://pastebin.com/xBdC7eqC 01:42 < ctefaho> cliva: tense the tensed tenses 01:43 < ctefaho> gleki: no I was tinkering around yesterday, can do today 01:43 < gleki> thanks 01:43 < ctefaho> akmnlrse: xmm 01:45 * ctefaho brb 01:46 < akmnlrse> spagetufa: +g si'au ByPyFyKy na xusra lo du'u lu pu zi li'u cu tarti su'o na se nibli be lo me zo pu moi jo'u lo me zo zi moi 01:46 < spagetufa> (apparently [{<b (¹p f k¹)> claims, asserts} {that <a(n) (¹bridi abstract [{<« (²in-past short time²) »> behaves} {in manner <at least (²not [{2nd conversion necessitate} {<link sumti (³2nd sumti place [{a(n) <among (⁴zo pu⁴) end sumti to selbri ordinal selbri>} in common with {a(n) <among (⁴zo zi⁴) end sumti to selbri ordinal selbri>}]³)> end linked sumti}]²)>}]¹)>}]) 01:46 < gleki> akmnlrse: xu bredi 01:46 < akmnlrse> ... za'o ku so'i da na sai bredi 01:46 < gleki> spagetufa: +g mi se prami do 01:46 < spagetufa> (me [you loves]) 01:47 < gleki> ge'e 01:48 < akmnlrse> ge'e ra'o .i li'a lo vlaste tarmi za'o na banzuka 01:48 < akmnlrse> .i mu'a la jbofi'e zo'u ro selbri cu se tcita fi lo ka naurne ja lo ka ve'erbe ja ma kau 01:48 < gleki> se prami - to be loved by 01:52 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa gunro fa 01:52 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa gunro fa 02:10 < zipcpi> exp: ge'era'o 02:10 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [oO] but "r" found. 02:10 < zipcpi> u'i 02:10 < zipcpi> mi'oi zbusufukai 02:11 < akmnlrse> li'a zo ra'o cmavo ma'oi ui 02:11 < zipcpi> ieieie 02:13 < zipcpi> gajanai da'i ro valsi cu cmima ma'oi ui gi baku no da nabmi co gerna go zo'o 02:14 < zipcpi> traji fi lo ka zbusufukai 02:14 < zipcpi> .y. fe 02:14 < zipcpi> traji lo ka zbusufukai 02:14 < akmnlrse> si'a ka'e ku ro valsi cu co'e ma'oi si 02:15 < zipcpi> ma'oi su 02:15 < zipcpi> ro da se u zei bangu 02:16 < akmnlrse> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 02:16 < zipcpi> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 02:16 < akmnlrse> u u uuuuu uu uuu uu u uu u u uu uuuuuuuu u u u uu u uuuuu uu u uu u u uu 02:16 < zipcpi> uuuuu uuu uuu uuuu uuu uuu uu 02:16 < akmnlrse> .u'a 02:25 < zipcpi> ei mi cliva co'o 03:37 < gleki> en: archetyp 03:37 < mensi> prane = x1 is perfect/ideal/archetypical/faultless/flawless/un-improvable in property/aspect x2 (ka). 03:39 < gleki> en: prototyp 03:39 < mensi> jvisrbipmo = x1 is the BIPM (French: Bureau international des poids et mesures; English: International Bureau of Weights 03:39 < mensi> and Measures) designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/entity/idea/thing 03:39 < mensi> x3 according to rule/BIPM specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: 03:39 < mensi> BIPM) 03:44 < gleki> en: arxetipo 03:44 < mensi> arxetipo = x1 is an archetype, prototype of x2 |>>> x1 is an original model of which x2 is a derivative, copy, emulation 03:44 < mensi> having the same pattern. See also tarmi, morna |>>> gleki 03:50 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 03:50 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 04:24 * nuzba @uitki: te gerna la lojban - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/te_gerna_la_lojban by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1Nt90Vk] 05:29 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa gunro fa 05:37 < _mukti_> In case there's a lojban-announcements admin tuned in, I have an email to announcements that is awaiting moderation. 05:46 < gleki> ok 05:47 < gleki> wait, are members of LLG subscribed to that mriste? 05:47 < gleki> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lojban-announcements ? 06:03 < gleki> en: bangu'u'u 06:06 < gleki> en: bangu'u'u 06:06 < mensi> bangu'u'u = x1 is the language with ISO 639-3 code ''uuu'' (U). |>>> See also bangu |>>> 06:06 < mensi> glekizmiku 06:06 < gleki> .w U language 06:06 < fenki> "The U language, or P'uman 濮满, is spoken by 40,000 people in the Yunnan province of China and possibly Burma." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U_language 06:31 * nuzba @uitki: some principles pertaining to the quasiprescriptive function of jboske - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/some_principles_pertaining_to_the_quasiprescriptive_function_of_jboske by Cirko - formata cikre [http://bit.ly/1HsgERu] 07:16 < gleki> en: formata 07:16 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 07:16 < gleki> en: gloss 07:16 < mensi> 12 da se tolcri: bangigusu, bogytacfi'e, sparnodontoglosu, sparnrosioglosu, dutso, finprplekoglosu, karpo'ijbe, pupsu, 07:16 < mensi> sparbe'alara, sparburage'ara, sparko'eloglosu, zucna 07:19 < gleki> en: format 07:19 < mensi> 45 da se tolcri: bi'u, bi'unai, jetrinsku, zildatni, aigne, aski, brauzero, calse, cartu, cukcartu, datni, datnyvei, 07:19 < mensi> ekra, guglsisku, info, jau'au, kerlo, kibyca'o, kompadi, korpora, le'elkai, nirna, noi, nunynau, nuzba, poi, samrxra, 07:19 < mensi> samymo'i, savru, selbritcita, sfaile, sitna, sorcu, sumtcita, tcese, tcita, tcita zei uidje, tcitygau, tcityuidje, 07:19 < mensi> tefsujme'o, temse, tivyvidni, venci'e, xau'e'o, zucna 07:23 < gleki> en: formata 07:23 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 07:23 < gleki> en: formato 07:23 < mensi> formato = x1 is a format, layout of a publication or document x2 |>>> See also uencu, morna, tarmi |>>> 07:23 < mensi> gleki 07:23 < gleki> en: glosa 07:23 < mensi> glosa = x1 is a gloss (brief explanatory note or translation) of x2 (text) |>>> See also lo ve ciksi, uenzi, traduki 07:23 < mensi> |>>> gleki 07:35 * nuzba @gkjohn: @vinayaravind Heh. Lojban. [http://bit.ly/1InLWYv] 07:39 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 08:34 * nuzba @garydale: Did I Miss Anything?: Question frequently asked by students after missing a class by Tom Wayman The As... http://bit.ly/1U0NPiv #lojban [http://bit.ly/1QZoc2o] 08:45 < zipcpi> alta: ke broda je brode ke'e be da 08:45 < mensi> ([FA ZOhE] [CU {<(¹ke [broda {je brode}] ke'e¹) (¹be [FE da]¹) BEhO> SF} VAU]) 08:48 < zipcpi> alta: broda gu'e brode 08:48 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 08:48 < zipcpi> alta: gu'e broda gi brode 08:48 < mensi> ([FA ZOhE] [CU {<gu'e (¹broda SF¹) gi brode> SF} VAU]) 08:52 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 08:55 < zipcpi> lol Guskant assigned {lau'u} to what CKTJ wanted to make {lau} stand for 08:56 < zipcpi> That's great though; now it can be a proper swap, so if we ever actually need {lau} in CKTJ... lol 08:57 < zipcpi> Huh just discovered {sicpi} 08:57 < zipcpi> That's nice; a specific word for "rain", while {carvi} can be any precipitation 08:58 < latro`a_> doi la zipcpi za'a zo ju'ei noi mi finti ke'a cu slabu do .i mi vedli lo li'i finti .i ca lo nu finti ku simlu lo ka na plixau .i do ma jinvi 08:59 < zipcpi> plixau mi .i mi su'oroi nitcu lo ka cfagau lo za'umoi bridi ne'i lo mema'oiNUmoi 08:59 < gleki> lo sicpi cu litki carvi vau sa'u 09:01 < zipcpi> ca lo nu mi fanva lo xrisobibliio kei mi so'iroi pilno zo ju'ei 09:02 < latro`a> .a'u 09:02 < zipcpi> lu <.i tezu'ebo rivbi va'o lo nu do mo'u citka jebo cu tolxagji je cu zbasu lo zabna zdani je cu xabju ri ju'ei loi cagda'u be do ferti se panzi ju'ei loi rijno joi loi solji vu'o po do zei'a sormei ju'ei loi ro se ponse be do zei'asai sormei kei> li'u 09:03 < latro`a> .i ctuca mi lo du'u lo pluja jufra noi zo ju'ei bau lo lojbo cu plixau fi tu'a ke'a cu xlali 09:03 < latro`a> kei pu zu 09:04 < latro`a> y 09:04 < zipcpi> simsa lo mu'oi gy run-on sentence gy xu 09:04 < latro`a> .i sa'e ctuca fi lo du'u lo glico jufra noi simsa lo lojbo jufra pe zo ju'ei cu xlali 09:05 < latro`a> ja'a 09:05 < gleki> latro`a: coi do i xu do su'e mu re'u zanru lo preti pe la'oi StackExchange 09:05 < latro`a> zo su'e xu 09:05 < latro`a> .i na go'i .i .ei co'e 09:05 < latro`a> ki'e 09:07 < latro`a> .i doi la gleki zo su'e ji zo su'o co'e 09:08 < latro`a> vau pau 09:08 < zipcpi> zo su'e sinxa lo du'u na'e dubmau 09:09 < zipcpi> "not more than five" 09:09 < latro`a> .i mu'a lo du'u mi no roi zanru cu nibli lo du'u mi su'e mu roi zanru 09:09 < zipcpi> je'u 09:10 < latro`a> .i fadni fa lo nu lo nu zo go'i jai te spuda cu te gleki 09:11 < latro`a> .i ku'i lo nu zo go'i jai te spuda tu'a la gleki cu te badri 09:11 < latro`a> .i mi lo ka tokpona tavla ku mi cinmo simlu vau .u'i 09:12 < latro`a> va'i: usually questions are posed in such a way that "yes" is the answer you want to hear, but this seems to be the other way around 09:42 < gleki> latro`a: zo su'o i u'u 09:42 < gleki> http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 10:13 < zipcpi> alta lo broda cu brode 10:13 < zipcpi> alta: lo broda cu brode 10:13 < mensi> ([FA {lo <broda SF> KU}] [cu {brode SF} VAU]) 10:13 < ldlework> SF? 10:14 < zipcpi> pseudo-cmavo that terminates selbri 10:14 < ldlework> ua 10:15 < gleki> it was supposed to be the first block in verb/noun detection to achieve better glossing to English. But it all stopped at that point. 10:15 < zipcpi> Yeah I am assigning it to {sei'o} for testing purposes (and perhaps niche-cases involving attitudinals), so I want to be sure I get its definition right 10:16 < gleki> noun is basically {LE ... SF} 10:20 < durka42> kaidji - x1 wants to x2 (ka) 10:20 < durka42> kaitcu - x1 neeeds to x2 (ka) 10:20 < durka42> kaidju - x1 is a giant sea monster from another dimension 10:20 < zipcpi> u'i 10:20 < durka42> xu do pu kinzga lo sitna be mi 10:21 < durka42> se sitna* 10:21 < gleki> en: kaidju 10:21 < mensi> [< ckaji sidju ≈ Characteristic help] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 10:21 < mensi> kaidju[5847], ckajydju[7988], kairsidju[9006], ckajysidju[10047] 10:21 < durka42> pu'i velcki 10:21 < durka42> sidju2 is la'a already a ka of sidju3 though 10:21 < durka42> jb:sidju 10:21 < mensi> sidju = sidju — x1(entity) helps x2(entity) do x3(property of x2) 10:21 < mensi> :lo sidju — helper. 10:21 < mensi> :do kakne xu lo ka sidju mi lo ka tadni lo cmaci — Could you help me in studying 10:21 < mensi> math? 10:21 < mensi> :Related words: si'u, rirni, sarji, vipsi, ferti, selfu 10:21 < zipcpi> mi selsau le ponbau valsi 10:21 < durka42> uh, yeah 10:21 < durka42> what mensi said 10:22 < gleki> lo kaidju cu ckaji lo ka sidju lo prenu lo ka se citka be vo'a 10:22 < durka42> .u'i 10:22 < zipcpi> u'i 10:24 < durka42> la .guskant. cu finti re cinri cmavo 10:25 < gleki> zo ci'oi e zo tai'i ibo xu 10:25 < zipcpi> la'a na go'i 10:25 < zipcpi> pe'i zo lau'u je zo po'a 10:25 < gleki> alta: lo broda cu brode 10:25 < mensi> ([FA {lo NS broda NF KU}] [cu {brode VAU}]) 10:25 < gleki> SF removed 10:26 < gleki> NS ... NF added 10:26 < zipcpi> lol 10:26 < durka42> zipcpi: zo po'a je zo tu'ai 10:26 < gleki> superuseless 10:26 < gleki> basically i state that sumti_6 is noun 10:27 < zipcpi> What is useless, SF? Eh, like I said, maybe good for attaching attitudinals. Also was considered when dealing with the extended logical connective system 10:27 < gleki> all of them are useless 10:28 < gleki> hm, noun is actually tertau just before NF 10:28 < gleki> alta: lo broda be lo brodi cu brode 10:28 < mensi> ([FA {lo NS <broda (¹be [FE {lo NS brodi NF KU}]¹) BEhO> NF KU}] [cu {brode VAU}]) 10:28 < durka42> so, we take this tree structure that has the information we need, then we throw away most of that information flattening it into a string. so we add in all these markers during the flattening... 10:28 < durka42> this seems backwards :) 10:29 < gleki> okay let's put it another way. "NS ... tertau" is noun 10:29 < gleki> durka42: exactly. i ge'esai 10:30 < gleki> cirko will come now saying that 'ey have done everything 10:30 < gleki> but not using PEG 10:33 < zipcpi> I would like it if we could use {gi} for selbri-separator for {*mei'u}, but I'm not sure if that would cause problems 10:33 < zipcpi> Probably, when dealing with nesting 10:34 < zipcpi> SF was considered 10:34 < durka42> what's mei'u? 10:35 < zipcpi> Not yet added. It is considered for the "extended logical connective" system I raised in the mriste 10:36 < zipcpi> Cirko is working on it... right now the idea is to repurpose PAmei'e for sumti, PAmei'u for selbrisle 10:36 < durka42> I see 10:36 < zipcpi> And PAmei'i for terms, I think... 10:37 < zipcpi> mei'o being the famyma'o for all of them 10:37 < durka42> but then you need something in between 10:37 < zipcpi> Exactly 10:37 < zipcpi> For selbrisle at least 10:37 <@xalbo> What are any of these {mei'V}? 10:37 < zipcpi> They're not finished yet 10:38 < durka42> xalbo: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/lojban/Jz6bw4zKn7k 10:39 <@xalbo> je'eki'e 10:41 < gleki> xalbo: have you used all of your 5 upvotes on StackExchange Lojban proposal? 10:41 <@xalbo> I have not. 10:42 <@xalbo> I haven't interacted with Area51 there before. What's the deal? 10:43 < zipcpi> I couldn't seem to find the email they're supposed to send me for verification 10:43 < gleki> xalbo: please login and upvote 5 questions that have the rating lower than 10 area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 10:44 < durka42> Area 51 is a "staging area" for new stack exchange sites. if a wannabe site can stuff their own ballot box full enough, they get to join stack exchange 10:45 < durka42> strange system pe'i 10:46 < zipcpi> durka42: {lo'oi}? Looks like that's {lo poi'i} / {lo voi [jo'au CKTJ]} 10:46 < durka42> en:lo'oi 10:46 < mensi> lo'oi = [LOhOI] Description clause: create a sumti from the enclosed bridi, describing the referent of the created sumti 10:46 < mensi> as filling the bridi place filled with ke'a. 10:47 < durka42> lo'o is bridi => sumti 10:47 < durka42> which is what I thought po'a does, too 10:47 < durka42> po'a seems to be {lo su'u da'i} 10:47 < zipcpi> Just lo su'u 10:47 < zipcpi> And lo'oi looks like it's just lo poi'i 10:48 < zipcpi> Terminator: ku'au... wut 10:49 < gleki> it eliminates the need in {be} within {lo ... ku} 10:49 < gleki> be-less Lojban 10:49 < gleki> to be or not to be 10:50 < zipcpi> So does {poi'i}, except it's a little longer. CKTJ reassigns it to {voi} though 10:50 < gleki> in altatufa even {noi} is probably enough 10:51 < zipcpi> Right... lo poi -> lo co'e poi 10:51 < gleki> alta: lo noi klama la paris cu pendo mi 10:51 < mensi> ([FA {lo NS <COhE (¹noi [{FA ZOhE} {CU <klama (²FE [la NS paris NF KU]²) VAU>}] KUhO¹)> NF KU}] [cu {pendo <FE mi> VAU}]) 10:51 <@xalbo> That sounds like nightmare to parse 10:51 < zipcpi> Well, that's altatufa for you 10:52 <@xalbo> camxes: lo noi klama la paris cusku cu pendo mi 10:52 < camxes> ([{lo <(¹noi [klama {la paris} VAU] KUhO¹) cusku> KU} cu] [pendo {mi VAU}]) 10:52 <@xalbo> alta: lo noi klama la paris cusku cu pendo mi 10:52 < gleki> wait a bit 10:52 < gleki> im restarting it 10:52 < gleki> alta: lo noi klama la paris cusku cu pendo mi 10:52 < mensi> ([FA {lo NS <COhE (¹noi [{FA ZOhE} {CU <klama NF> <FE (²la NS [paris {cusku NF}] KU²)> VAU}] KUhO¹)> KU}] [cu {pendo NF} {FE mi} VAU]) 10:52 < gleki> altatufa uses cmevla/brivla merge like exp. 10:53 <@xalbo> alta: lo noi klama do cusku cu pendo mi 10:53 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] but end of input found. 10:53 <@xalbo> camxes: lo noi klama do cusku cu pendo mi 10:53 < camxes> ([{lo <(¹noi [klama {do VAU}] KUhO¹) cusku> KU} cu] [pendo {mi VAU}]) 10:53 < gleki> looks like i broke something 10:54 < gleki> alta: lo broda brodi be mi cu brode 10:54 < mensi> ([FA {lo NS <broda (¹brodi NF [be {FE mi}] BEhO¹)> KU}] [cu {brode NF} VAU]) 10:54 < gleki> NF here is tertau 10:56 * xalbo imagines an obfuscated Lojban contest, like the ones for Perl and C. 10:56 < zipcpi> lol 10:56 < zipcpi> vau vau kei ku vau 10:57 < gleki> alta: lo broda brodi be mi cu brode 10:57 < mensi> ([FA {lo <broda (¹NS brodi NF [be {FE mi}] BEhO¹)> KU}] [cu {NS brode NF} VAU]) 10:57 < ctefa`o> xalbo: bpfk sections are not enough?:) 10:58 <@xalbo> Bah, terminators are for sissies. Real jbofi'u omit terminators altogether 10:58 <@xalbo> lu gleki fa mi se cusku mi do 10:59 < zipcpi> u'i 10:59 < gleki> alta: gleki fa mi se cusku mi do 10:59 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected ['h] or ['hiI] but end of input found. 10:59 <@xalbo> alta: lu gleki fa mi se cusku mi do 10:59 < mensi> ([FA {lu <(¹FA ZOhE¹) (¹CU [NS gleki NF] [fa mi] VAU¹)> LIhU}] [CU {NS <se cusku> NF} {FE mi} {FI do} VAU]) 11:00 <@xalbo> lo nu cfipu do cusku mi pluka 11:00 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 11:01 < gleki> alta: lo broda brodi be mi cu brode 11:01 < mensi> ([FA {lo <broda (¹NS brodi NF [be {FE mi}] BEhO¹)> KU}] [cu {NS brode NF} VAU]) 11:01 < gleki> so here we know that "NS brodi NF" has to be glossed as a noun, not as a verb 11:01 < gleki> wait, no. i omitted one more thing 11:01 < gleki> ju'inai 11:01 < gleki> i nu'o bredi 11:06 < durka42> gleki: where's the page with the buttons and phoneme recordings? 11:07 < durka42> ua http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci.html 11:07 < gleki> mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci.html 11:07 < durka42> .u'i mi sisku fi lo pu se ciska be mi .urli 11:07 < zipcpi> Ugh still couldn't find my email 11:08 < durka42> ko sisku fi lo spama 11:08 < zipcpi> I did 11:08 < gleki> then you may restore your password 11:08 < gleki> also login via gmail, facebook is available 11:12 < gleki> i have no idea where po'a can be useful 11:12 < zipcpi> It's just a drop-in for lo su'u 11:12 < gleki> i have another drop in for it 11:13 < gleki> based on djica2 and djuno2 11:13 < zipcpi> Although I probably won't use it much; I like specifying the NU 11:13 < zipcpi> May be useful for songs though 11:15 < gleki> as if someone wanted to force {lonu} into the language ignoring the usefulness of {PA nu} and {le nu} 11:15 < gleki> although the latter could probably be done using additional words like UI 11:15 < zipcpi> Oh yeah the gadri too 11:16 < zipcpi> ge'e ne'au... no skin off my teeth 11:25 < gleki> mensi: gadri 11:25 < mensi> lo [PA] broda = zo'e noi ke'a broda [gi'e zilkancu li PA lo broda] 11:25 < mensi> la [PA] broda = zo'e noi lu [PA] broda li'u cmene ke'a mi 11:25 < mensi> lo PA sumti = lo PA me sumti 11:25 < mensi> la PA sumti = zo'e noi lu PA sumti li'u cmene ke'a mi 11:25 < mensi> loi [PA] broda = lo gunma be lo [PA] broda 11:25 < mensi> lai [PA] broda = lo gunma be la [PA] broda 11:25 < mensi> loi PA sumti = lo gunma be lo PA sumti 11:25 < mensi> lai PA sumti = lo gunma be la PA sumti 11:25 < mensi> lo'i [PA] broda = lo selcmi be lo [PA] broda 11:25 < mensi> la'i [PA] broda = lo selcmi be la [PA] broda 11:25 < mensi> lo'i PA sumti = lo selcmi be lo PA sumti 11:25 < mensi> la'i PA sumti = lo selcmi be la PA sumti 11:25 < mensi> PA sumti = PA da poi ke'a me sumti 11:25 < mensi> PA broda = PA da poi broda 11:25 < gleki> LIVLABOT: "mensi: gadri" outputs a short table of gadri expansions 11:28 < gleki> looks like the best flash2html converter tool for Lojbanistan is ... la cirko 11:41 < zipcpi> {kai'a} is just a UI to import the semantic I want from gadganzu-lo'i without having to commit to the code-switch 11:43 < zipcpi> {lo remna cu kai'a srera .ije lo cesyvu'e cu kai'a fraxu} = jo'au gadganzu {lo'i remna cu srera .ije lo'i cesyvu'e cu fraxu} 11:43 < zipcpi> brivla base is {kairpau} 11:43 < zipcpi> "Being x1 is part of being x2" 11:44 < zipcpi> {lo ka srera cu kairpau lo ka remna .ije lo ka fraxu cu kairpau lo ka cesyvu'e} 11:46 < durka42> I like that better :) 11:48 < gleki> en: kairpau 11:48 < mensi> kairpau [< ckaji pagbu ≈ Characteristic part] = being x1 (ka) is part of being x2 (ka) |>>> Or "x2 implies x1", but 11:48 < mensi> stronger than the logical sense; this word is definitional or essentialistic, and implies that if something stopped 11:48 < mensi> being x1, it'd stop being x2. See bi'ai, kai'a |>>> spheniscine 11:54 < gleki> so jvajvo rule for -pau is that x1 being an abstraction leads to x2 also being an abstraction 12:03 < zipcpi> Hm somewhat related to {jinzi} 12:05 < durka42> very much so 12:06 < durka42> hey I found out how to full-text search for lojban words in vlaste :) 12:06 < durka42> vlaste: jinzi 12:06 < vlaste> jinzi = x1 (property - ka) is an innate/inherent/intrinsic/natural property/quality/aspect of x2. 12:06 < durka42> vlaste: JINZI 12:06 < vlaste> 6 results: lakne, rarna, stati, tcaci, jizyselpre, tcuselkai 12:12 < fchmmr> what the hell am I doing here 12:14 < zipcpi> Dang it now I have four translations on Tatoeba for "To err is human, to forgive divine" lol 12:15 < zipcpi> Just wait till I do the same for "How happy are you"? 12:17 < zipcpi> Well apparently there are also four Japanese translations, so I suppose it's cool lol 12:55 * nuzba @pangorochan: http://students.cec.wustl.edu/~adam/lojban/allgismu.txt [http://bit.ly/1JkJOQ0] 12:59 < zipcpi> All gismu that don't clash? 12:59 < zipcpi> Oh wait no 12:59 < ldlework> I saw a gismu today 12:59 < durka42> just all of them 12:59 < ldlework> That was literally the opposite of ckaji 13:00 < durka42> ijakc? 13:00 < ldlework> u'i 13:00 < zipcpi> u'i 13:00 < ldlework> It was like "x1 is characteristic of x2" 13:00 < zipcpi> What kind of gismu would that be? 13:01 < zipcpi> {jinzi}?... not really though 13:01 < ldlework> en: steci 13:01 < mensi> steci = x1 (ka) is specific/particular/specialized/[special]/a defining property of x2 among x3 (set). |>>> [x2 are 13:01 < mensi> members/individuals of a subset of x3; object whose association is specific/defining of a subset or individuals (= 13:01 < mensi> tecra'a, also cf. cmavo list po'e, [x2 is also special to x1]); also: especially/strongly/specifically associated]; (x3 13:01 < mensi> is completely specified set)]; See also srana, se ponse, ckini, tcila, tutra. |>>> 13:01 < mensi> officialdata 13:02 < zipcpi> Oh that. Dunno about the x3 though 13:02 < zipcpi> Also I zi'o-ed x1 as one way to explain {itca}; obviously a somewhat shaky one though 13:03 < ldlework> lo ka srera cu steci lo remna .i lo ka fraxu cu steci lo cevni 13:03 < zipcpi> Eh. I don't want a mere se ckaji though 13:04 < zipcpi> Also I translated "divine" as {cesyvu'e} rather than {cevni} 13:05 < ldlework> is a property (divinity) is restricted to a certain klesi its probably enough to use the klesi rather than create a nonce-one that accesses that propery you care about 13:05 < ldlework> if* 13:05 < ldlework> like remna 13:05 < ldlework> well 13:05 < ldlework> I guess there are different kinds of gods 13:05 < zipcpi> I really like {kairpau} though 13:06 < ldlework> Though devine doesn't insinuate virtuosity 13:06 < ldlework> at least where I can find it defined 13:06 < zipcpi> Yeah... {jinzi le/la cevni} might be better 13:06 < ldlework> I don't like jinzi 13:06 * mumble jorne co'a fa la'o fa menli fa 13:07 < zipcpi> se ckaji is too weak 13:07 < ldlework> I think the original quote accesses capability not essestentialism 13:07 < zipcpi> All it does is means X is Y 13:07 < ldlework> jinzi? 13:07 < zipcpi> ckaji 13:07 < ldlework> oh right 13:07 < ldlework> That's all the quote says though 13:07 < ldlework> Even if you read into the english 13:08 < zipcpi> Right... I tend to add stuff sometimes 13:08 < ldlework> it almost says 13:08 < zipcpi> Like I don't like translating English future tense as a mere {ba} 13:08 < ldlework> lo ka srera cu ckaji 13:08 < ldlework> as in 13:08 < ldlework> the property of being in error is 'humanistic' 13:08 < ldlework> IE, one property has another 13:08 < durka42> I think the original quote is closer to kairpau than ckaji 13:08 < ldlework> rather than to err being a character of humans 13:09 < ldlework> lo ka srera cu ckaji lo ka remna 13:09 < zipcpi> No... ckaji1 is an agent 13:09 < Ilmen> va'i dai lo ka srera cu remna 13:09 < ldlework> oh brother 13:10 < ldlework> ckaji is not agentitive 13:10 < ldlework> Ilmen: ie 13:10 < ldlework> but I don't think we can do that 13:10 < zipcpi> You just said {lo ka remna cu srera} 13:10 < ldlework> yes I did 13:10 < zipcpi> Which doesn't make much sense 13:10 < ldlework> wait what 13:10 < zipcpi> That's all ckaji does 13:10 < zipcpi> Takes out the ka and says "X is Y" 13:11 < durka42> ckaji1 isn't a ka 13:11 * ldlework leaves 13:11 < durka42> I think there is just a missing {se} 13:11 < zipcpi> Well theoretically it could be but by trying to put a ka is both ckaji places, it comes out wrong 13:11 < durka42> heh, but {lo ka remna cu ka srera} is a funny way to phrase the quote 13:11 < ldlework> zipcpi: I'm characterizing a property 13:11 < ldlework> I don't see anything wrong with that 13:12 < ldlework> the property of being beautiful, has the property of being desirable 13:12 < durka42> hmm I guess it does work 13:12 < zipcpi> No, the way ckaji works, it converts to {lo ka remna cu srera} 13:12 < Ilmen> ckaji1 may be a ka 13:12 < Ilmen> ckaji1 is typeless 13:12 < ldlework> zipcpi: right, I hear you saying what you've said a few times now 13:12 < zipcpi> Making srera apply to {lo ka remna} itself 13:12 < durka42> right you have to double the ka 13:12 < ldlework> kam 13:12 < durka42> lo ka remna cu ka srera => lo ka remna cu ckaji lo ka ka srera 13:13 < zipcpi> u'i 13:13 < durka42> sounds weird 13:13 < ldlework> just use kam and its fine 13:13 < zipcpi> Meh why bother when {kairpau} works 13:13 < ldlework> I'd still use two properties 13:13 < ldlework> Since nothing is actually human here 13:14 < zipcpi> I'm merely trying to define gadganzu-lo'i, and to give an alternative to importing the semantic where commiting to the code-switch might be undesirable 13:15 < ldlework> I think defining lo'i in terms of kairpau is like defining le in terms of whatever that referent predicate is 13:15 < ldlework> (though despite being a tautology, is also wrong) 13:15 < ldlework> (in the case of the le thing, not this) 13:16 < ldlework> If you can definte a cmavo in terms of a single predicate, you should be able to define the cmavo in terms of the predicate's expansion. 13:16 < zipcpi> I dunno. This is how I was (mis)using lo'i since that fateful day 13:16 < durka42> so it's not possible to define then? 13:16 < ldlework> durka42: I'll assume you were typing as I typed what I typed last, just now 13:16 < durka42> or you're just saying that if we don't have a jbovelcki for kairpau then we should't use kairpau to define lo'i 13:16 < ldlework> zipcpi: I don't think kairpau is the wrong predicate 13:16 < ldlework> I just think its not a useful definition 13:16 < ldlework> durka42: yeah something like that I think 13:17 < zipcpi> Then it all got messed up with the thing about the two legs that made it look more like {le'e}; but from the beginning it was meant to only talk about essential/definitional characteristics 13:17 < durka42> oh there is a jbovelcki for kairpau though 13:17 < ldlework> And more specifically, internal modeling 13:17 < durka42> kairpau x1 noi zilkai cu pagbu x2 noi zilkai 13:17 < ldlework> zipcpi: IE, they don't have truth-values beyond the critque of the speaker. 13:18 < durka42> so is that a good definition for gadganzu-lo'i? 13:18 < zipcpi> ldlework: Perhaps but I don't want to add a ma'i-place to lo'i 13:18 < zipcpi> I mean kairpau 13:18 < ldlework> The subjectivity is super important though 13:18 < zipcpi> Well I did define lo'i itself based on jinvi 13:18 < zipcpi> And a use of pagbu that is really kairpau 13:19 < ldlework> I might even use jimpe 13:19 < zipcpi> Hm 13:19 < ldlework> jinvi is closer to le'e 13:19 * zipcpi nods 13:19 < ldlework> And "mi nelci le'e mlatu" isn't even "mi jinvi --" 13:20 < ldlework> zipcpi: you have a tough job 13:21 < ldlework> You should define le'e in terms of identifiability 13:21 < ldlework> a'o 13:21 < zipcpi> Sorry, my {le'e} was CLL-le'e 13:22 < ldlework> zipcpi: you've changed? 13:22 < ldlework> positions on the gadganzu gadri? 13:22 < zipcpi> No, just talking about the comparison between gadganzu {lo'i} and CLL {le'e} 13:22 < ldlework> oh osrry 13:22 < ldlework> je'e 13:22 < zipcpi> gadganzu {le'e} is still {le bi'unai} 13:23 < zipcpi> As for "stereotypicality", we have {kesri} and {sei'i} now 13:25 * nuzba @uitki: zipcpi: Yet another gadri article - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1FLcVa0] 13:25 < zipcpi> Marking stereotypicality with a UI is much better than using gadri IMO because when I was told the difference between CLL-{lo'e} and CLL-{le'e}; it reminded me very much of veridicality-guilt 13:25 < zipcpi> In that it's hard to use {lo'e} correctly and perhaps we should all stick to {le'e} 13:26 < zipcpi> So yeah. xorlo'e, in a way lol 13:27 < zipcpi> Gadganzu lo'e would merge the two, while kesri/sei'i would serve as intensional modifiers 13:27 < zipcpi> Heck it probably doesn't even differ from current usage 13:28 < ldlework> zipcpi: I feel like we don't encode anything about referentiality in the definitions 13:28 < ldlework> And this is the most important linguistic division 13:28 < zipcpi> Part of the problem it that it all lies in that little brivla: itca 13:29 < ldlework> But with the indefinites there is no set 13:29 < zipcpi> I need to rework some of the definitions. My current thinking in that the indefinites generalize over a set 13:29 < zipcpi> But is not an actual member of it 13:29 < ldlework> Yeah 13:29 < Ilmen> You could also define kairpau this way: X kairpau Y = X me lo poi'i Y si'o me'au ro me ke'a 13:30 < ldlework> zipcpi: Have you been reading Speech Acts at all? 13:30 < zipcpi> I read some part of it on the Internet; it started with chapter 2 though I think 13:31 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Wow those cmavo lol 13:32 < Ilmen> Well yeah, you can add a label "100% cmavo definition" 13:32 < Ilmen> zo'o 13:32 < durka42> Deep Cmavo Structure 13:34 < zipcpi> X is among the characteristics that Y is a concept of all of them 13:34 < zipcpi> ... not sure if I got that right 13:34 < Ilmen> "X is among something that is such that Y is the concept of having all the property among it 13:34 < Ilmen> " 13:35 < durka42> that doesn't seem right 13:35 < durka42> where did {si'o} come into this 13:35 < Ilmen> X is one of the properties P that are such that Y is the concept of having all the properties P 13:35 < zipcpi> Yeah I did get blindsided by that... how do you equate a {ka} with a {si'o} 13:36 < durka42> that seems to have very little to do with the existing definition of {kairpau} ...? 13:36 < Ilmen> durka42: well, I used me'au and si'o in order to cover relations as well 13:36 < durka42> relations? 13:36 < Ilmen> not only unary properties va'i 13:37 < durka42> hmm starting to make a little more sense in my head, but I still don't see any need for si'o+me'au 13:37 < Ilmen> .i'a 13:37 < Ilmen> you can simplify by replacing them with ka+ckaji 13:37 < durka42> Y ka ckaji ro me ke'a? 13:38 < durka42> mm so you're just using si'o as n-ary ka 13:38 < Ilmen> yeah 13:38 < Ilmen> "ka citka" is rather ambiguous as is (is citka2 a ce'u or a zo'e?) 13:39 < durka42> right 13:39 < Ilmen> I take si'o to fills everything with ce'u instead of zo'e 13:40 < Ilmen> but maybe using {me'ei} instead of {lo si'o} would be better 13:40 < Ilmen> at least the definition of me'ei is clear 13:40 < durka42> ...has it changed? 13:40 < Ilmen> en: me'ei 13:40 < mensi> me'ei = [LE] Article for abstract predicate sumti |>>> Has an inverse: me'au |>>> 13:40 < mensi> latros 13:40 < zipcpi> Yeah I suppose it's kinda like ckini. ckini is well defined with a binary-ka, but I suspect most usages only use a unary-ka with ckini 13:40 < durka42> the definition of me'e used to be the standard for my definition of "opaque" 13:41 < Ilmen> Well it could have been clearer, sure 13:41 < Ilmen> me'ei citka = lo ka ce'u ce'u citka 13:41 < durka42> .u'i 13:41 < durka42> yes!!! 13:41 < Ilmen> me'ei dunda = lo ka ce'u ce'u ce'u dunda 13:41 < durka42> that is what I call a definition 13:41 < durka42> why can't that actually be written somewhere 13:41 < durka42> instead of a string of words that sounds like "abstract abstract abstract go away" 13:42 < durka42> zo'o nai 13:42 < Ilmen> xD 13:42 < zipcpi> Because you're suppose to just know these things, or you lose your jbopre license forever. zo'osai 13:42 * durka42 adds those examples 13:42 * durka42 blatantly disregards the "examples must be valid lojban sentences" rule 13:42 < Ilmen> Now I better understand why nobody uses {me'ei} 13:43 < zipcpi> lol 13:43 < durka42> pei "Article for abstract predicate sumti. Turns a selbri into an abstraction with all open places filled by {ce'u}." 13:44 < zipcpi> Yeah that's probably better than {si'o}. {se si'o} implies it is an idea held by someone 13:44 < Ilmen> Yeah. me'ei broda = the predicate {broda} 13:45 < Ilmen> ĭe 13:45 < durka42> uo 13:45 < Ilmen> .i'o stika 13:46 < Ilmen> {me'ei} has been around for a while; it's {me'au}'s twin 13:46 < zipcpi> "examples must be valid lojban sentences" rule: Yeah that might be mabla. There is after all, a separation between examples for the word, and examples for the definition (which is tied to language), so perhaps there should be translations into the language as well, and some usage notes 13:47 < zipcpi> Though we then run into the problem again that currently translations are all their own separate definitions 13:47 < Ilmen> me'au me'ei broda = broda 13:47 < Ilmen> me'ei me'au ko'a = ko'a 13:47 < Ilmen> so they're dual to each other 13:47 < zipcpi> Rather than grouped by competing definitions (where some gismu have been redefined from the original gimste, or competing definitions for an experimental word) 13:48 < durka42> the thing is sometimes examples are useless without a translation 13:49 < durka42> and the {zoi gy ... gy xe fanva lu ... li'u} hack is dumb 13:49 < zipcpi> lol 13:49 < Ilmen> I'd move examples to the notes 13:49 < Ilmen> until Jbovlaste can handle them properly 13:49 < zipcpi> The problem is that the notes only take one paragraph 13:49 < durka42> it handles them fine :p 13:49 < zipcpi> I've been compensating with using // sometimes 13:51 < durka42> hmm 13:51 < durka42> https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/blob/master/lib/Wiki.pm#L307 13:52 < durka42> nope doesn't work in notes fields 13:54 < zipcpi> Ilmen: So what's your definition rewritten with {me'ei}? 13:57 < jbovlaste> There's Latex syntax in your notes field! This will break everything!! The sky is falling!!! 13:57 < durka42> zipcpi: http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/test ! 13:58 < Ilmen> zipcpi: maybe {X kairpau Y = X me lo poi'i Y mintu me'ei me'au ro me ke'a} 13:59 < durka42> don't me'ei and me'au cancel each other out? 14:00 < Ilmen> seems like that doesn't really apply to quantifications 14:01 < Ilmen> cuz I could say instead {me'ei .emna be fa ro me ke'a} 14:01 < Ilmen> ie nai pei 14:01 < mensi> mi tugni i ie mi tugni 14:03 < Ilmen> Anyway even if you want to add this definition, I suggest not removing the previous definition; you can say put an alternative definition with {.i va'i}. E.g. ciknygau = "x1 gasnu lonu x2 cikna .i va'i lo nu x2 cikna cu se gasnu x1" 14:04 < zipcpi> Yeah I agree. 14:04 < zipcpi> The pagbu no'e-metaphor may be easier to understand 14:04 < Ilmen> s/say put/put /*kosmajidoilafenki*/ 14:04 < fenki> Ilmen meant to say: Anyway even if you want to add this definition, I suggest not removing the previous definition; you can put an alternative definition with {.i va'i}. E.g. ciknygau = "x1 gasnu lonu x2 cikna .i va'i lo nu x2 cikna cu se gasnu x1" 14:04 < zipcpi> While your definition serves to formalize it better, but may be harder to understand 14:06 < Ilmen> broda 14:06 < durka42> lol that technique for adding linebreaks causes jbovlaste to run latex2html on every page load 14:06 < durka42> great :) 14:06 < Ilmen> s/broda/brodo/brode 14:06 < fenki> Ilmen meant to say: brodo 14:06 < Ilmen> ua 14:06 < durka42> brodo 14:07 < durka42> s/o/a 14:07 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: brado 14:07 < durka42> s/o/a/g 14:07 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: brada 14:07 < durka42> s/O/a/gi 14:07 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: brada 14:07 < durka42> s/O/a/g 14:07 < Ilmen> je'e 14:07 < durka42> me'o gy plixaurai 14:08 < Ilmen> It's why we use it for zoi quotes 14:08 * Ilmen runs 14:08 < durka42> .u'i 14:08 < durka42> brodo 14:08 < durka42> s/do/\1\1\1 14:08 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: bro\1\1\1 14:08 < durka42> s/do/$1$1$1 14:08 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: bro$1$1$1 14:08 < durka42> boo 14:08 < durka42> brodo 14:08 < durka42> s/(do)/\1\1 14:08 < durka42> s/(do)/$1$1 14:09 < durka42> s/\(do\)/$1$1 14:09 * durka42 stops 14:14 <@xalbo> Brodo Baggins isn't nearly as well remembered as his relatives. 14:15 < durka42> yeah, he was too generic 14:17 * nuzba @Nubobot42: to publicando um livro escrito em lojban [http://bit.ly/1GLtkwX] 14:20 < zipcpi> u'i 14:20 < zipcpi> Hmm it might be nice to have something like {ce'ai} to specifically indicate: "These variables are meta-syntactic" 14:21 < zipcpi> Which as a bonus, also unassigns those variables from anything they might have been assigned to before 14:22 < Ilmen> "foo %s bar" ~> zo fo'o ce'o ko'a ce'o zo bar 14:23 < zipcpi> u'i 14:24 < zipcpi> Not sure how it'd work for brodV though... {me'ei}? 14:24 < zipcpi> {me'ei broda me'ei brode *ge'ai} 14:25 < zipcpi> {me'ei broda me'ei brode ko'a ko'e ko'i *ge'ai} 14:25 < zipcpi> Selma'o ZOhU, to match {ce'ai} 14:25 < zipcpi> Seems cromulent 14:27 < zipcpi> exp: lo broda goi ko'a poi brode goi ko'e poi ko'a citka ko'e 14:27 < mensi> ([{lo <broda (¹goi [ko'a {poi <CU (²brode VAU²)> KUhO}] GEhU¹)> KU} {goi <ko'e (¹poi [ko'a {CU <citka (²ko'e VAU²)>}] KUhO¹)> GEhU}] VAU) 14:27 < zipcpi> exp: lo broda goi ko'a ge'u poi brode goi ko'e ge'u poi ko'a citka ko'e 14:27 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 14:33 < durka42> camxes: me'ei broda 14:33 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 14:33 < durka42> camxes: +exp me'ai broda 14:33 < camxes> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "b" found. 14:34 < durka42> camxes: +exp me'ei broda 14:34 < camxes> ([me'ei broda KU] VAU) 14:34 < durka42> camxes: +exp me'ei broda me'ei brode ko'a ko'i ko'e ge'ai si zo'u mo 14:34 < camxes> ([{<me'ei broda KU> <me'ei brode KU> ko'a ko'i <ko'e (¹ge'ai si¹)>} zo'u] [CU {mo VAU}]) 14:49 < zipcpi> exp: broda brode brodi zo'u 14:49 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "o" found. 15:16 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 15:26 < zipcpi> ua zo xu'u 15:59 < zipcpi> Welp, I entered {ni'ai}. Should I fire the shot and post a link to the proposal in the comments lol 16:00 < zipcpi> I changed it from binding to ce'u to binding to ke'a, since that makes more sense in light of poi'i 16:07 < zipcpi> OK interesting... {te dilcu} is the remainder; but how do you distinguish remaindered division from remainderless division? 16:08 < zipcpi> Er, {ve dilcu} rather 16:08 < zipcpi> Maybe frinu lol 16:16 < zipcpi> xu'u? Oh man. I still do use {po} now and then 16:17 < zipcpi> And swapping it for {xu'u} is... odd... much preferred {po'a} lol 16:43 < zipcpi> ... uh oh. Curtis wants {su'ai} 16:44 < zipcpi> "Gleki told me that he no longer prefers this word; use zu'ai instead. 16:44 < zipcpi> I am going to propose an alternative and unrelated meaning." Righhht 18:23 < latro`a> I get kinda freaked out when people do nontrivial new stuff with my words 18:24 < latro`a> like the me'ei/me'au stuff that zipcpi and durka were doing 18:24 < latro`a> a few hours ago 19:22 < Simorgh> test test 20:49 < ldlework> what is ceikitaujau 20:51 < durka42> ldlework: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/ce_ki_tau_jau 20:51 < ldlework> ki'e 20:51 < kmir> It's a dialect where you swap some useful common words with shorter words that rarely get any use 20:52 < ldlework> I've seen http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 20:52 < ldlework> Though I'm confused. I thought the purpose of the comments in an Area51 are to discuss the quality of question not to answer them. 20:52 < durka42> they are 20:54 < ldlework> I see a lot of answers to the questions. How can we alert people to that? 20:54 < durka42> I dunno 20:54 < durka42> maybe comment in the reddit thread where gleki is trying to get more people? 20:54 < durka42> I mean I don't see any harm in having answers there 20:54 < durka42> I'm also kinda pessimistic about the chances of this area 51... 20:55 < ldlework> Oh I thought that people from StackExchange eventually review our area 51 and rate it based on how well it went 20:55 < ldlework> If we don't follow the rules, I figured that would hurt the chances of it 20:55 < durka42> hmm you might be right about that, I dunno 20:55 < durka42> in the top right, it says there is a numerical requirement for moving onto whatever the next phase is 20:55 < durka42> unclear where there is a deadline 20:56 < ldlework> Yeah I was familiar with the systematic progression through the trial 20:59 < ldlework> Looks like it is totally automatic 20:59 < durka42> well, until the beta period 21:00 < durka42> I guess humans take a look at it then 21:11 < ldlework> Has anyone written up or proposed any sort of outline of what kind of questions we're looking for? 21:11 < ldlework> Or is it sort of, "Hey man, any questions are good since there wont be many" 21:12 < durka42> I haven't seen one 21:13 < Simorgh> hello 21:13 < ldlework> Like I wonder if open-ended philosophical questions are the aim 21:13 < Simorgh> I'm new here 21:13 < ldlework> hello 21:13 < Simorgh> and I have been watching this channel for some time 21:13 < Simorgh> and did a little background research 21:13 < Simorgh> I really want to learn this language 21:13 < ldlework> cool 21:13 < Simorgh> do you guys ahve any sort of self-learning package compiled? 21:14 < Simorgh> I would really appreciate any reources you can point me to 21:14 < durka42> coi la .simorg. 21:14 < ldlework> Simorgh: We have various texts that describe various dialects and an out-of-date textbook which describes the official one. 21:15 < durka42> there are some good links here http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Welcome!/en#Learning_Lojban 21:15 < durka42> people seem to like the Wave Lessons and the Crash Course 21:15 < kmir> Simorgh: I'm happy to answer any newbie questions you have 21:16 < durka42> ta'o coi la .kmir. 21:16 < Simorgh> thank you very much 21:16 < kmir> ui coi do 21:16 < kmir> I've been cranking Za'o :) It's fricken good 21:17 < durka42> same :) 21:18 < kmir> ma traji lo ka do nelci 21:19 < durka42> ju'ocu'i lu na sa li'u 21:20 < kmir> .ie .i la tokiponas cu cizra be mi 21:20 < kmir> .i ku'i zdile 21:21 < kmir> ta'o au mi retsku 21:21 < durka42> retsku ma ma 21:22 < kmir> in the chorus of "Balnema", is he saying, he dreamed he was a whale for a day? or that the _day_ is a whale drifting slowly in infinite darness 21:22 < kmir> darkness* 21:22 * durka42 looks up the line 21:23 < kmir> {i mi senva lo nu ze'a lo djedi cu balnema} 21:23 < durka42> mi senva lo nu ze'a lo djedi cu balnema 21:23 < kmir> ie 21:23 < durka42> {lo djedi} isn't the x1 21:23 < durka42> {lo djedi} is inside the {ze'a} term 21:23 < durka42> so he doesn't specify the x1 of balnema, I'd assume it's the former 21:24 < ldlework> exp: mi senva lo nu ze'a lo djedi cu balnema 21:24 < mensi> (mi [CU {senva <lo (¹nu [{ze'a <lo djedi KU>} {cu <balnema VAU>}] KEI¹) KU> VAU}]) 21:24 < ldlework> o.O 21:24 < kmir> yeah if my understanding of his style is correct, an abstraction create free variables starting at x1, right? 21:24 < durka42> i'i pe'i la balnema cu traji lo ka mi nelci kei lo drata be la'e lu na sa li'u 21:24 < ldlework> It does look like lo djedi ku is x1 of balnema 21:24 < kmir> .ie la balnema se neltce mi 21:24 < ldlework> oh 21:24 < durka42> ldlework: {ze'a lo djedi} is a term 21:25 < ldlework> right 21:25 < durka42> I'm not accustomed to {nu} having free variables, but maybe? 21:25 < durka42> I haven't done a close look at these lyrics yet... been meaning to do my own translation 21:25 < ldlework> kmir: why do you think there are free variables here? 21:26 < durka42> if it were {mi senva lo ka balnema}, it would definitely be "I dream about [me] being a whale" 21:26 < kmir> it's in CKTJ style which is related to fancylojban, which interprets abstractions as creating lambda functions 21:26 < kmir> that may just be {ka} tho 21:26 < kmir> oh its just ka 21:26 < durka42> with {nu}, if {nu} doesn't have a {ce'u}, then it's merely implied 21:26 < ldlework> o.O? 21:26 < kmir> yeah, true 21:26 < ldlework> nu has ce'u?! 21:26 < durka42> it's the old {ma djica lo nu cenba} / {ma djica lo ka cenba} thing :p 21:26 < kmir> no no, I'm wrong 21:26 < durka42> ldlework: I don't think it does 21:27 < ldlework> mi cfipu u'i 21:27 < ldlework> ugh 21:27 < ldlework> so much for that agentitive pattern 21:28 < ldlework> maybe its more generally 'causal' than agentitive 21:28 < kmir> in the staile on the album, you can create arbitrary fronting thingies with ke'a anyway, which is like the same 21:28 < durka42> you mean ki? :p 21:28 < kmir> yeah, in CKTJ 21:29 < kmir> he uses new-voi a lot, its interesting 21:29 < durka42> ie cinri 21:29 < kmir> in balnema even 21:29 < ldlework> I have no idea what any of this is 21:29 < ldlework> How do you guys keep up with this stuff? 21:29 < kmir> Nerd Juice (TM) 21:30 < durka42> it was easier before zipcpi became krtis v2 21:30 < durka42> and started adding 100 cmavo to jbovlaste, and 5 to CKTJ, every day 21:30 < durka42> :p 21:30 < ldlework> oh voi is the bridi relativvizer? 21:30 < durka42> voi used to be pronounced poi'i 21:30 < kmir> ie 21:30 < ldlework> so.. yes? 21:30 < kmir> yes :) 21:31 < ldlework> je'e 21:31 * durka42 doesn't know what a relativizer is 21:31 < ldlework> poi and noi create relativizing phrases 21:31 < durka42> kmir: new-voi is a good way to add 2 filler syllables, if nothing else :) 21:31 < ldlework> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_clause 21:31 < durka42> da broda => da voi ki broda 21:31 < durka42> ldlework: ah right 21:31 < kmir> u'i ie 21:32 < kmir> I'm fairly sure it does exactly that at various points on the album, too 21:32 < ldlework> durka42: or not have to learn the tags :) 21:32 < ldlework> mu'i ma do na citka => do na citka voi ma mukti 21:33 < kmir> ie 21:33 < kmir> i ro xamsi cu voi su boxna ki pagbu 21:33 < kmir> i je ro rictu'a cu voi su tricu ki xabju 21:33 < kmir> i ro rirxe cu voi ki su krasi cu cliva 21:33 < kmir> i je mi voi ki senva lo se djica 21:33 < kmir> I wonder if we can refactor those 21:33 < durka42> ldlework: no that's xoi 21:33 < ldlework> What's the semantic difference? 21:33 < Simorgh> citka 21:34 < durka42> kmir: well the first one is {ro xamsi cu se pagbu su boxna}, I think 21:34 < Simorgh> is that pronounced "sitka" or "chitka" 21:34 < durka42> sheetkah 21:34 < Simorgh> ? 21:34 < ldlework> shitka 21:34 < Simorgh> aha 21:34 < Simorgh> thks 21:34 < durka42> kmir: unless there are scope differences, heh 21:34 < durka42> ldlework: it's different grammar. new-voi is in NU, it basically translates as "x1 is such that [bridi]" 21:35 < ldlework> so my grammar was wrong then 21:35 < kmir> yeah new-voi has selbri-ish grammar IIRC 21:35 < ldlework> in my mukti voi example? 21:35 < durka42> yes 21:35 < ldlework> give me a super simple example 21:35 < ldlework> that has content pe'u 21:35 < ldlework> u'i 21:35 < durka42> hm 21:36 < durka42> well can we just use the first line of Balnema which kmir pasted above 21:36 < durka42> {ro xamsi cu voi su boxna ki pagbu} 21:36 < durka42> de-CKTJ-ed... ro xamsi cu poi'i su'o boxna ke'a pagbu 21:36 < durka42> All oceans are such that some waves are part of them 21:36 < kmir> ie 21:37 < ldlework> wow is there an expansion for that? 21:37 < ldlework> it seems kind of hand-wavy 21:37 < ldlework> well, all abstraction semantics are hand-wavy 21:37 < ldlework> nevermind 21:37 < Simorgh> sorry to bother but what is Balnema? 21:38 < Simorgh> a poem? 21:38 < kmir> It's a song 21:38 < durka42> Simorgh: it's a song on the recently-released lojban rap album, Za'o 21:38 < Simorgh> oh 21:38 < kmir> https://djemynai.bandcamp.com/track/balnema 21:38 < kmir> one of my favourites ;) 21:38 < ldlework> durka42: can you think of an objectified usecase? 21:38 < durka42> ldlework: it... might be a language primitive? 21:39 < Simorgh> I take it it's about whales 21:39 < Simorgh> :) 21:39 < durka42> hmm could you expand it as something like poi'i => du zo'e noi 21:39 < kmir> yeah :) In the song, the protagonist daydreams he is a whale 21:39 < durka42> Simorgh: it is! {balnema} means whale 21:39 < Simorgh> balaine 21:39 < Simorgh> balnema 21:39 < Simorgh> okay I get it 21:40 < durka42> specifically baleen whales, apparently 21:40 < durka42> vlaste: balnema 21:40 < vlaste> balnema = x1 is a baleen whale of species x2 21:40 * durka42 forgot that part 21:40 < Simorgh> oui 21:40 < Simorgh> balaine ou cachalot 21:40 < durka42> ua xu do fraso (Are you French?) 21:40 < Simorgh> no I speak french 21:41 < Simorgh> but am not french myself 21:41 < Simorgh> :) 21:41 < Simorgh> anyway sorry to disrupt your chain of thought 21:41 < Simorgh> do go on 21:41 < durka42> ldlework: unassailable use cases? I dunno. there are example here of course http://mw.lojban.org/index.php?title=new_voi. it's useful for emphasizing one sumti, also for manipulating scopes 21:41 < durka42> no worries, I will :p 21:42 < ldlework> "Prenex predicate abstraction. x1 is such that the contained bridi hold true of it." 21:43 < ldlework> Oh. 21:43 < durka42> Simorgh: actually {do fraso} likely still applies because the Lojban word is broader than that, you could say {mi fraso lo ka se bangu}, which means "I'm related to French-ness in that I speak the language" 21:43 < durka42> ldlework: my, what a... ma'oste-ish definition :/ 21:44 < ldlework> durka42: what is your personal expansion of lo btw? 21:44 < ldlework> your existential expansion, don't care about semantics 21:44 < ldlework> I wont argue, promise 21:44 < durka42> eh, {zo'e noi} I think? 21:45 < kmir> {lo} expands? 21:45 < ldlework> durka42: and zo'e is a language primitive to you? 21:45 < kmir> zo lo is a language primitive to me, :P 21:45 < ldlework> kmir: we have to keep our roots 21:45 < durka42> yeah I think zo'e is a language primitive 21:45 < ldlework> if lo is a language primitve, bye bye roots 21:46 < kmir> I don't understand what is meant by roots :/ 21:46 < ldlework> durka42: I wonder what the semantic difference between da and zo'e is to you 21:46 < durka42> lo genja, of course 21:46 < ldlework> But I'm not asking 21:46 < durka42> at some point I should write up a treatise 21:46 < durka42> call it "durka's interpretations" and put it next to tsani's wiki essays 21:47 < kmir> i'e would read 21:47 < ldlework> durka42: I'll just say that I lean towards the idea that there are only 3 language primitives that encompass all language, quantified variables, predicates and logical operators. 21:48 < ldlework> mi'u go'i 21:48 < kmir> I'm lost. I'm intrigued about this roots idea tho. Does anyone want to take the time to explain? 21:49 < ldlework> kmir: Lojban is rooted in first-order predicate logic 21:49 < kmir> I'm interested to find out what *I* consider language primitives :) 21:49 < ldlework> Its the foundation for its design. 21:49 < kmir> ie with you so far 21:49 < ldlework> That's all that is meant 21:49 < ldlework> lo has nothing to do with first-order predicate logic; not directly anyway 21:49 < kmir> so the implication is that zo lo has no equivalent in predicate logic 21:49 < ldlework> its a mechanism of language to wrap up a sterile logical form in a usable linguistic one 21:50 < durka42> it's possible I could expand [my understanding of] {lo} using existential quantifiers, but it would be a more complex mapping than simply {lo broda} => {da poi broda ku'o} 21:50 < kmir> ah, yeh 21:50 < durka42> I'll have to think about this 21:50 < kmir> its a linguistic abstraction 21:50 < ldlework> durka42: I argue that all the gadri expand the exact same way, logically 21:50 < ldlework> durka42: as language features, they embedd illuctionary acts 21:50 < ldlework> But they all related variables with predicates in the same way 21:51 < durka42> with you there. not sure I'm with you on what that way is. but I need to do some more theorizing 21:51 < ldlework> variables in logic representing the referrents to which we refer 21:51 < ldlework> durka42: oh sure, I reserve the exactual expansion for people who actually intend to bother using lojban for FOPL 21:51 < ldlework> since I'm sure they care the most 21:51 < ldlework> 'exactual' u'i 21:51 < ldlework> actual and exact 21:52 < kmir> zo exactual i'e 21:52 < durka42> ex actual? like ex machina? :p 21:53 < ldlework> durka42: you know how when you add xu to a sentence, you don't change the logical structure, the predicated relationships, but you completely change the meaning of the sentnece. Its kind of like that. 21:53 < durka42> sure 21:53 < ldlework> Well, its precisely that actually (imo, I mean of course) 21:54 < ldlework> I feel like we need a convention for denoting illocutionary force within our expansions so we can demonstrate the logical form and the linguistic one in a single structure. 21:55 < durka42> sa'e / sa'enai? 21:55 < ldlework> A lot of the time we create strange logical expansions for what are really semantic demonstrations of what we mean 21:55 < ldlework> durka42: I was thinking almost like, relatiziving the expansion with xoi or some crazy thing 21:55 < durka42> yes and a lot of arguments start from someone misinterpreting a semantic expansion as a logical one, or vice versa 21:55 < ldlework> like a illocutionary subtext beneath the logical expansion 21:56 < durka42> (I'm guilty here) 21:56 < durka42> uanairu'e 21:56 < durka42> ko jai nu mupli 21:57 < ldlework> le broda => da poi broda xoi da ka'e termi'u 21:57 < ldlework> Where the xoi doesn't ever effect the scope 21:58 < ldlework> zo'e broda => da poi broda xoi da na mlauca 21:58 < ldlework> lo'e => da poi broda xoi da ka'enai termi'u 21:58 < ldlework> etc etc 21:59 < durka42> yeah xoi is useful for expansions 21:59 < kmir> (xoi delimits the whole bridi right?) 21:59 < ldlework> yup 21:59 < kmir> je'e 21:59 < ldlework> my semantic formalizations are horrid 21:59 < ldlework> but the point being at least we are always getting the real logical expansion 21:59 < durka42> camxes: +exp da poi broda xoi da ka'enai termi'u 21:59 < camxes> ([da {poi <CU (¹broda [xoi {da <CU (²[ka'e nai] termi'u²) VAU>} SEhU] VAU¹)> KUhO}] VAU) 22:00 < durka42> camxes: -f+exp da poi broda xoi da ka'enai termi'u cu brode 22:00 < camxes> ([da {poi <broda (¹xoi [da {ka'e nai} termi'u]¹)>}] [cu brode]) 22:00 < ldlework> I wish the parsers used my convention for marking 22:01 < durka42> write an alternative tree->string routine :) 22:01 < kmir> what's the english for 'xoi da ka'e termi'u'. I can understand the individual words but I dont get what it's expressing 22:01 < ldlework> hehe 22:01 < ldlework> "where the-something can be identified" 22:01 < durka42> mintu3 is a by-standard...? 22:01 < ldlework> "something brodas where the-something can be identified" 22:02 < ldlework> It doesn't remark on the assertion, it remarks on the utterance 22:02 < durka42> shouldn't that just be da ka'e mintu 22:02 < ldlework> durka42: well you're aruging semantics now and I don't really care about that 22:02 < ldlework> :) 22:02 < ldlework> I just care that the mental divsion is advocated 22:03 < kmir> je'e 22:03 < durka42> okay, your expansion doesn't make sense but I won't ask about it now :) 22:03 < ldlework> between logical formulation and speech acts, etc 22:03 < ldlework> durka42: the semantic expansion? 22:03 < durka42> I just thought that {da} referred to the thing that brodas 22:03 < ldlework> pick your favorite for "is qualitatively discernable by the listener" 22:03 < durka42> so presumably it isn't a mintu3 22:03 < ldlework> da does refer to the thing that brodas 22:04 < durka42> but mintu3 is a standard for comparing mintu1 and mintu2 22:04 < ldlework> durka42: oh you're saying I'm reading the predicate termi'u wrong 22:04 < kmir> I thought that being identifiable is an inherent property of a 'da', but maybe there's a finer meaning of 'identifiable' that i dont know. I didn't spend that long with FOPL 22:04 < ldlework> je'e sai 22:04 < durka42> yeah that's all 22:04 < ldlework> kmir: "Some cats are assholes" 22:04 < ldlework> kmir: touch on the head, the cats to which I refer 22:04 < ldlework> I'll wait :) 22:04 < kmir> oh yeah, I see 22:05 < ldlework> so some referents are discernable, others not, in a way that has nothing to do with the listener's knowledge or experience 22:05 < kmir> i da mlatu cu mabla 22:05 < kmir> je'e 22:06 < kmir> in that case, da poi ka'enai termu'i 22:07 < ldlework> yeah I can't find a satisfying predicate 22:08 < ldlework> Its a huuuuuuuuuge field of language philosophy though 22:09 < ldlework> descriptions, designations, names, identification and such 22:09 * durka42 goes back to fighting with the rust compiler 22:13 < kmir> skapata is a good fu'ivla shape 22:14 < kmir> wonder what it should mean 22:14 < ldlework> x1 is uniform in color x2 22:15 < ldlework> not very specific enough 22:15 < kmir> hm 22:15 < ldlework> since there is manfo 22:15 < ldlework> but it would be a nice metaphor for "ska" + "pa" + "ta" 22:15 < durka42> lo se skari be lo prane seljukpa ga'arpatlu 22:16 < kmir> ue 22:16 < ldlework> u'i 22:17 < ldlework> durka42: sepi'o ma sera'a la furtirse 22:18 < durka42> mi sampla lo jitro be lo ganse zmiku 22:20 * nuzba @fotono: Stardict update: selma'o dics in every language because too many experimental cmavo are NOT defined in #lojban. oisai http://guskant.github.io/lojbo/stardict.html [http://bit.ly/1CG4j4B] 22:21 < durka42> .u'i 22:22 < ldlework> lo ganse zmiku i'u nai 22:22 < durka42> lo zmiku cu no'e sampre .iku'i vasru lo so'i ganse tutci 22:24 < ldlework> "I code controller of detection automation" 22:25 < durka42> I meant "sensor machine" 22:25 < ldlework> we should promote zmiselpli 22:26 < durka42> en:zmiselpli 22:26 < mensi> [< zmiku se pilno ≈ Automatic 2nd conversion use] lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se 22:26 < mensi> tolcri 22:26 < mensi> zmiselpli[8807], zmiselpilno[10866], zmikyselpli[10937], zmikyselpilno[12996] 22:26 < durka42> ma smuni 22:26 < ldlework> zo'o nai pei 22:28 < durka42> x1 se pilno ja tutci gi'e se pilno x2 x3 22:28 < durka42> y 22:28 < durka42> sa 22:29 < durka42> x1 zmiku je tutci gi'e se pilno x2 x3 22:29 < ldlework> i'e 22:29 < ldlework> well 22:29 < ldlework> i'e 22:30 < ldlework> I like this better for machine than zmiku cuz zmiku should be really generic 22:30 < ldlework> and represent any ol automaticness 22:30 < ldlework> are there things which are automatic but not mechanical in nature? 22:30 < ldlework> mechanical in the sense of engineered construction 22:30 < ldlework> is the dawn zmiku? 22:31 < durka42> that's what I was going to bring up yeah 22:31 < durka42> things following physical principles 22:31 < ldlework> i'e pei 22:31 < durka42> ja'ai 22:34 < ldlework> durka42: my internal counter-argument voice challenged me with those little glass birds that bend over and drink water and asked what the se pilno x2 x3 would be 22:34 < ldlework> I replied "no da" 22:34 < durka42> well that one time one was used by Homer to cause a nuclear meltdown or something 22:34 < ldlework> haha 22:34 < durka42> but yeah they are pretty plicau 22:34 < durka42> arguably zmiku though 22:35 < ldlework> ie 22:35 < ldlework> terplicau pei 22:35 < durka42> zo terplicau logji xagmu .iku'i mi nelci lo nu zo plixau zo plicau sance simsysi'u 22:35 < ldlework> also, wow cau is a useful terminal rafsi 22:35 < durka42> xagmu => xagmau 22:36 < ldlework> valsi: xagcau 22:36 < valsi> no results. http://vlasisku.lojban.org/xaurcau 22:36 < ldlework> I thought it did decomp 22:36 < durka42> {plicau} should mean "has no users" though, which is a useful meaning, so yeah I should use terplicau instead 22:36 < durka42> vlaste: xagycau 22:36 < vlaste> xaurcau (components) = xamgu claxu ≈ fine without 22:37 < ldlework> ah vlaste 22:37 < durka42> wrong bot, plus you missed a hyphen :) 22:37 < ldlework> and correct morphology 22:37 < ldlework> indeed 22:37 < ldlework> heh 22:37 < durka42> bleh 22:37 < durka42> "fine" is the wrong gloss word for {xamgu} 22:37 < durka42> but there's no way to choose the "best" one for every word 22:37 < durka42> unless we changed JVS to mark the primary gloss word somehow 22:38 < ldlework> I'm sorry I failed to invent a new dictionary system :( 22:38 < ldlework> It was hard. 22:38 < durka42> eventually vlasisku will take over the world, I'm sure of it 22:39 < ldlework> I remember I kept having the experience where the model of the lexicon we were trying to create was so large that as I revisted parts of it I had to rewrap my head around how that part of the langauge worked. 22:39 < ldlework> Once I got to this point I couldn't make any progress and then my interest and motivation died. 22:39 < ldlework> I think when I started to consider conjugated glossing all will just fell apart. 22:40 < ldlework> Perfect is a mortal enemy. 22:40 < ldlework> I wonder if that means 22:40 < ldlework> the enemy is mortal 22:40 < ldlework> or it means, the enemy is such that it pertains to one's mortality 22:41 < ldlework> "is such that it pertains" is such a bullshit philosophical construction 22:42 < kmir> u'e manci tanjo 22:43 < ldlework> "He's my mortal enemy." 22:43 < ldlework> I mean, how could the expected interpretation be meaningful here. 22:43 < ldlework> As opposed to your immortal one? 22:44 < kmir> yeah that's a weird one 22:44 < kmir> also, sucks to have an immortal enemy 22:44 < ldlework> ah the internet seems to agree 'as pertaining to your own mortality' 22:44 < kmir> that sounds awful 22:45 < kmir> so like 'life-long enemy'? 22:46 < ldlework> yeah, or 'wants-you-dead enemy' 22:46 < ldlework> the internet doesn't seem to agree on which of those it is 22:46 < kmir> xm 22:50 < ldlework> durka42: xu do sanji la'ogy tis 100 22:51 < durka42> milxe 22:51 < kmir> i mi sanji 22:51 < kmir> i ku'i na certu uinai 22:53 < ldlework> mi si'ofri tau lo danfu poi farvi 22:54 < ldlework> ginske tadji 22:54 < ldlework> pei 22:55 < kmir> ieru'e 22:56 < ldlework> tugni ma 22:56 < ldlework> lu i'e ru'e li'u pei 22:57 < kmir> mi se slabu lo nu si'ofri voi ki srana lo danfu pe la'o ga TIS100 22:58 < ldlework> I'm confused about your usage of voi here 22:58 < kmir> gy* 22:58 < ldlework> since you included no sumti in your event at all 22:58 < ldlework> what is bound to ki? 22:58 < kmir> sorry, I'm winging it 22:59 < ldlework> oh fair enough 22:59 < kmir> in my mind, lo nu so'ifri 22:59 < gleki> ldlework: you have upvotes left :P 22:59 < gleki> kmir: have you used all your upvotes on StackExchange? 22:59 < ldlework> kmir: heh fairly positive it doesnt work like that but anyway I think I get what you mean 22:59 < kmir> I have: ) 22:59 < kmir> :) 22:59 < ldlework> kmir: you're familiar with evolving tis 100 solutions? 23:00 < kmir> I thought you were describing the sensation of solutions forming in your mind when you play TIS100 23:00 < kmir> something like "I intuit solutions evolving, like, genetically, you know?" 23:01 < kmir> I was trying say "yeah I kinda know what you mean" 23:01 < ldlework> I said, "I had the thought pertaining to solutions that are evolved." 23:01 < kmir> ah i see 23:01 < kmir> I dont know about evolved solutions, is this some metagame that people have come up with 23:02 < ldlework> kmir: are you familiar with genetic algorithms? 23:02 < kmir> I am, in principle 23:02 < ldlework> well that's all I mean 23:02 < ldlework> I haven't heard anyone else talking about it 23:03 < kmir> oh right 23:03 < ldlework> I saw someone wrote a tis100 emulator in C and its about 1000 times faster than the game's cpu 23:03 < ldlework> so I imagine you could, in theory, run random solutions fast enough to evolve correct ones 23:03 < kmir> xm yeah 23:04 < kmir> are you familiar with that experiment... shit what's it called 23:04 < ldlework> CoreWars, an assembly fighting game was ruined because of genetic algorithms 23:04 < kmir> not what I was thinking of but very very similar 23:04 < kmir> an instruction-level genetic simulation 23:04 < ldlework> kmir: where the agents eat plants? 23:04 < kmir> with programs and lifeforms 23:05 < ldlework> Oh 23:05 < kmir> s/and/as 23:05 < fenki> kmir meant to say: with programs as lifeforms 23:05 < kmir> yes 23:05 < ldlework> Do you mean the one that simply arranges line to make various life-form looking shapes 23:05 < ldlework> Or the one where things learned to walk? 23:05 < ldlework> Or the little cell creatures that learn to seek out food? 23:05 < kmir> no much simpler, hang on I'l see if i can dig it up 23:09 < kmir> ah, its this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avida 23:10 < ldlework> very interesting 23:10 < ldlework> kmir: I wrote one that worked a bit differently 23:10 < ldlework> imagine you have a 2D grid 23:10 < kmir> author has a video lecture about it, quite interesting 23:11 < ldlework> in the grid you have a number of agents 23:11 < ldlework> each agent contains a look-up-table that defines how it should behave 23:11 < ldlework> the way that works is, each turn, what the agent sees is used to look up what they should do 23:12 < ldlework> so for every possible combination of things the agent could see in the 4 squares around it, corresponds to an action 23:12 < ldlework> You start off with agents that completely random behavior tables 23:12 < ldlework> And you start simulating and each time an agent walks over a randomly placed "food" tile, they get a point 23:12 < ldlework> at the end of say, 500 turns, you take the top 10% scoring agents, and "breed" them by crossing their behavior tables 23:13 < ldlework> eventually the agents learn to seek out food 23:13 < ldlework> later you introduce a second species that is rewarded for eating members of the first species 23:13 < kmir> hm cool 23:13 < ldlework> thanks for showing me this 23:14 < ldlework> I'm obssesed with stuff like this 23:14 < kmir> :) 23:15 < kmir> oh I found the video. the biosignature stuff he talks about was really interesting to me https://www.ted.com/talks/christophe_adami_finding_life_we_can_t_imagine?language=en#t-2750 23:15 < ldlework> ki'e 23:15 < ldlework> kmir: are you familiar with cellular automata in general? 23:15 < kmir> not such that i've made any, but yes. game of life and so on 23:15 < ldlework> kmir: do sampre xu 23:15 < ldlework> oops 23:16 < ldlework> kmir: do sampla xu 23:16 < kmir> ie mi sampla 23:16 < kmir> ije milxe sampre zo'o 23:17 < ldlework> u'i 23:17 < ldlework> ma sambau 23:18 < kmir> traji pilno zo'u la djavaskrypt 23:18 < ldlework> je'e 23:18 < kmir> do mo 23:19 < ldlework> la'oi Python je la'oi Nim je la'oi Javascript je la'oi C# 23:19 < kmir> actually I usually use Livescript: livescript.net (a coffeescript-alike, but haskelly) 23:20 < kmir> je'e 23:21 < ldlework> kmir: can you do front-end design too? 23:21 < kmir> design not so much. I work with a designer. I have an ok eye tho 23:21 < ldlework> I guess I mean, do you do front-end web stuff, or backend node stuff 23:22 < kmir> oh, front-end is my day job, but I do node whenever I need non-web solutions in my side projects 23:22 < kmir> node's not amazing but my brain is JS-saturated so it's easy to reach for 23:23 < kmir> it's 'Rich Hickey' easy ;) 23:23 < gleki> curtis has stolen my su'ai 23:24 < ldlework> gleki: I feel like we should write up a thing describing the kinds of questions the SO is looking for 23:24 < gleki> SO? 23:24 < ldlework> stack-overflow 23:25 < gleki> StackExchange? 23:25 < ldlework> right, sorry 23:25 < gleki> you have three upvotes left 23:25 < ldlework> Like, no open-ended philosophical prompts, no polling for subjective valuations 23:25 < gleki> and you are free to add any number of new questions 23:26 < gleki> 12:59 < ldlework> I saw a gismu today 23:26 < gleki> ^ that sounded frightening :D 23:29 < ldlework> lol 23:30 < ldlework> gleki: how do you feel about people not just hypothesizing article refactors like cekitaujau but actually releasing substantial works with them 23:31 < gleki> i feel that it confuses other people not speaking lojban even more 23:31 < gleki> since they have nowhere to learn from except in chats 23:31 < gleki> and it all started with xorlo which i hate for that 23:31 < ldlework> gleki: do you prefer cll gadri 23:32 < gleki> i prefer complete specifications of language. 23:32 < ldlework> I think everyone does 23:32 < gleki> the grammatical or cognitive usefullness of xorlo is irrelevant here 23:32 < ldlework> gleki: well to be fair, its not like the cll formally specifies anything at all 23:32 < ldlework> its just a bunch of english semantic explanations 23:33 < gleki> after xorlo many people left lojban and were reluctant to learn it. it's happening even now. they shouldnt have touched anything until they were able to produce new stuff quickly 23:34 < ldlework> I don't know why I don't sympathize with that argument 23:34 < ldlework> I think the most immediately observable is the crazy number of people I've been teaching the language lately 23:34 < gleki> take shanoxilt, Wuzzy, Oz ... 23:34 < gleki> they all have points which i agree with 23:35 < ldlework> gleki: I'm not denying its true manifestation, I'm just observing I don't sympathize with its effects as outweighing some other things 23:35 < kmir> they're never been able to produce new stuff quickly tho, and still can't 23:35 < ldlework> Like, no doubt that some people has left 23:35 < gleki> yes, still they cant produce new things quickly. 23:36 < ldlework> I'm not sure what that means 23:37 < gleki> cll 23:37 < kmir> bpfk etc 23:38 < gleki> yes, integrating bpfk pages into cll 23:38 < ldlework> What does that have to do with people producing things quickly? 23:38 < gleki> publishing a dictionary that people can read and use 23:38 < ldlework> I'm confused. Do you mean new works? Or full specifications? 23:38 < gleki> i mean publishing cll when people want to buy it. i mean cll with xorlo integrated 23:38 < gleki> they cant do that but they change the language 23:38 < ldlework> gleki: haven't you guys been working on cll a lot recently? 23:39 < ldlework> and if not recently, over the last year or so 23:39 < gleki> ldlework: cll isn't ready. period 23:39 < ldlework> That's not what I asked. 23:39 < ldlework> Isn't it actively being worked on? 23:39 < gleki> they've been working 23:39 < gleki> no results 23:39 < ldlework> What more can you ask for? 23:39 < ldlework> gleki: as in the CLL hasn't changed at all since they started? 23:39 < gleki> if no results then newcomers wont be able to learn anything 23:40 < gleki> ldlework: you confuse linguistics and technical stuff. 23:40 < ldlework> gleki: isn't the WIP available online? 23:40 < ldlework> gleki: what does that mean? 23:40 < gleki> they issued xorlo reform but didnt do any technical work. 23:40 < ldlework> you mean in terms of linguistic definition 23:40 < gleki> so they created a gap between learning resources and linguistic recommendations 23:41 < gleki> people want to learn but are being said that cll is obsolete and nothing instead of it is ready. 23:41 < gleki> so xorlo reform damaged lojban 23:41 < gleki> since it invalidated the only learning resources available 23:41 < ldlework> gleki: regardless of the fact that I haven't contributed my thoughts to a patch against the CLL, what do you think about my ideas about description theory? 23:42 < gleki> i havent read them. where to read? 23:42 < ldlework> gleki: hmm well I haven't written my personal ideas down anywhere so I guess it isn't a good question 23:42 < ldlework> But I mean the 'gadganzu' gadri semantics 23:43 < gleki> exactly. the same as with xorlo 23:43 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/gadganzu ? 23:43 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article ? 23:43 < ldlework> yeah 23:44 < ldlework> gleki: the negative xorlo-effects aside, of course 23:44 < ldlework> gleki: we're trying to bring ideas of descriptions from the leading thinking on them in language philosophy today, to lojban 23:44 < gleki> i think you completely ignored {da} which solves many of your problems 23:45 < ldlework> gleki: go on 23:45 < gleki> e.g. the problem of "any" 23:45 < gleki> anaphorics is again pure {da} or {ko'a goi} 23:46 < gleki> etc. 23:46 < ldlework> gleki: so in your mind, to access an indefinite reference, all you need is da? 23:46 < gleki> {da} is mentioned nowhere 23:46 < gleki> i dont translate abstract theories on how language works. i translate what people mean, i.e. real sentences. 23:47 < ldlework> gleki: by 'indefinite reference' I mean the same thing you do when you say "any", do you agree maybe? 23:47 < gleki> i put test setnecens about "any" into that mriste thread and selpa'i translated them. i had nothing to complain about his transaltions. 23:47 < gleki> so i suppose the problem of "any" is closed. 23:47 < gleki> if no you may read Haspelmath's papers once again 23:48 < ldlework> Open and close. je'e ki'e 23:48 * ldlework yawns, okay good night 23:48 < gleki> co'o 23:48 < kmir> co'o do --- Day changed Tue Jun 30 2015 00:37 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/selterselxeliumadbro u'i 00:37 < zipcpi> k: selterselxelumadbro 00:37 < mensi> (CU [Z:selterselxelumadbro VAU]) 00:39 < niftg> .u'i ro'e zo xorxo 00:40 < gleki> seltersel- is useful though 00:41 < gleki> lo selterselcpedu be ko'e bei ko'i cu so'iva'ei cpedu ko'e ko'i 00:42 < gleki> i oi 00:42 < gleki> se'i 00:42 < gleki> i lo selterselcpedu be ko'e bei ko'i cu so'iva'ei pikci ko'e ko'i 00:42 < gleki> vau le'ainai 00:46 < zipcpi> oi nitcu lo nu da vimcu zo'oi kybu jo'u zo'oi xybu la jbovlaste 00:47 < zipcpi> .y. vybu 00:47 < zipcpi> zo'oi kybu jo'u zo'oi vybu 00:48 < gleki> en: vybu 00:48 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 00:48 < gleki> en: vy bu 00:48 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 00:48 < gleki> uanai 00:48 < gleki> i ma judri zo'ei le nabmi 00:49 < gleki> i zo nitcu i'enai ru'e i zo sarcu xu 00:50 < zipcpi> mi se malglixlu lo ka zmanei zo nitcu zo sarcu 00:55 < zipcpi> la uuzit cu facki lo me'oi hack po'u lo nu pilno mu'a zo'oi ky.bu 00:56 < gleki> tolcri 00:56 < zipcpi> ie 00:56 < gleki> zoi ly.ky.bu.ly. 00:56 < zipcpi> ku'i tolcri fi ma 00:56 < Ilmen> tersmus: ki'u su'o da broda 00:56 < tersmus> EX x1. (ki'u)(x1). broda( ) 00:57 < Ilmen> tersmus: lo brodo be da cu brode 00:57 < tersmus> EX x1. brodo(c0,x1); brode(c0) 00:57 < gleki> zipcpi: ie i zo finti mapti la'a 00:57 < Ilmen> ki'e la .tersmus. 00:57 < gleki> ija lo'u facki tu'a le'u 01:13 < ldlework> tersmus: da poi broda ku'o brode 01:13 < tersmus> EX x1:(broda(_)). brode(x1) 01:13 < ldlework> I find it strange that it expands to a form that retains the relativization semantic 01:17 * mumble jorne co'u fa la'o fa menli fa 01:20 <@Broca> I'm always thrown by "fa" as a delimiter :-) 01:20 < gleki> at least it's not {la'o} 01:21 < zipcpi> I typically use gy or zoi 01:21 < zipcpi> gy is supposed to stand for glico but sometimes I forget that lol 01:22 < ldlework> interesting 01:22 < ldlework> tersmus: da broda .i de go'i 01:22 < tersmus> EX x1. broda(x1); EX x1. EX x2. broda(x1) 01:22 < ldlework> no assertion upon de 01:24 < ldlework> Unless it is reassigning x1 for the second sentence I suppose. 01:25 < ldlework> doesn't seem to retain anaphoric assignments over sentnece boundries 01:25 < ldlework> tersmus: da goi ko'a broda .i ko'a brode 01:25 < tersmus> EX x1. broda(x1); brode([UNBOUND Var]) 01:25 < gleki> tersmus: da broda ije de go'i 01:25 < tersmus> (EX x1. broda(x1) /\ EX x1. EX x2. broda(x1)) 01:26 < ldlework> same difference 01:27 < ldlework> very strange 01:27 < ldlework> tersmus: lo broda cu brode 01:27 < tersmus> broda(c0); brode(c0) 01:27 < ldlework> tersmus: da broda je brode 01:27 < tersmus> EX x1. <broda(_)>{je}<brode(_)>(x1) 01:28 < ldlework> very strange 01:28 < gleki> kmir left 01:28 < gleki> and i had a question 01:29 < ldlework> I wonder why whoever wrote tersmus didn't just use standard notations and forms 01:30 < ldlework> interesting... 01:30 < ldlework> tersmus: da broda 01:30 < tersmus> EX x1. broda(x1) 01:30 < ldlework> tersmus: lo broda 01:30 < tersmus> broda(c0); [Fragment: c0] 01:30 < ldlework> tersmus: zo'e broda 01:30 < tersmus> broda(c0) 01:30 < gleki> zugz wrtoe 01:30 < gleki> *wrote 01:31 < ldlework> gleki: looks like tersmus fundamentally disagrees with the premise that da is an indefinite and lo is some concrete thing 01:31 < ldlework> it sees da as explicitly existential and lo/zo'e as indefinite 01:32 < gleki> neither da, nor zo'e is indefinite 01:32 < ldlework> I agree 01:32 < ldlework> Lojban doesn't currently address indefinite reference in its design anywhere 01:32 < gleki> see examples translated by selpa'i 01:32 < gleki> on how to express indefiniteness 01:33 < ldlework> link? 01:33 < gleki> da is variable, zo'e is constant 01:33 < gleki> ldlework: same thread in mriste on "any" 01:33 < ldlework> gleki: no idea where that is 01:33 < gleki> with links to haspelmath's papers 01:34 < gleki> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lojban/yh8-ChFLanM/discussion 01:39 < zipcpi> What would be a good word for "odd number" and "even number"? 01:39 < zipcpi> I could define odd number as {lo ni'ai li pa veldilcu ke'a li re} (ni'ai = mathematical poi'i) 01:41 < ldlework> gleki: I don't believe that the difference between "I'll eat this." and "I'll eat something" is the same as "This cat is meowing" and "Some cat is meowing" 01:41 < ldlework> gleki: I think that indefinites are not a quantification issue 01:41 < ldlework> I think the 'any' quantifier works equally on definites and indefinites 01:42 < ldlework> I think the aim of selpahi's conceptualization of quantification of definites is sound and I agree mostly with it 01:42 < ldlework> But I don't think it addresses indefinites whatsoever 01:44 < djunias> coi jbopre 01:44 < gleki> ldlework: make a list of test sentences and others will translate it 01:44 < gleki> enn: odd 01:44 < gleki> en:even 01:44 < mensi> 721 da se tolcri: banjevenu, bangevu'e, ji'asai, landegmei, bangevunu, bavlamvanci, bonsfe, cabvanci, da'e, fasnu, fau, 01:44 < mensi> jednze, lenu, lonu, menfau, mocfau, mu'e, nu, pimucu'o, prulamvanci, selbre, teji'o, tolja'e, tolki'u, tolmu'i, tolni'i, 01:44 < mensi> tolri'a, vanci, venfu, zemoi, zgifau, algoritma, anci, badgau, ba'ei, balkulctu, bandu, banxa, ba'o, bapli, bavlamcte, 01:44 < mensi> baxseljibri, bebna, benre, besto, bikspu, binra, binryve'u, blopofre'i, bolgrijvi, bredi, brejbi, burcu, ca'a, cabna, 01:44 < mensi> cabycte, cacryme'utcika, cacyjva, cadnfroide, cafne, caicni, ca'icru, caidji, ca'irvei, calse, ca ma, campu, camte'a, 01:44 < mensi> cancydji, canja, ca'o, cedra, certu, cfagau, cfari, cfari'i, cfipu, ciksi, cilre, cimri'a, ... 01:44 < gleki> en: landegmei 01:44 < mensi> landegmei [< lanme degji mei ≈ Sheep finger cardinal selbri] = m1 is a mass of set m2 with an even number of members m3 01:44 < mensi> |>>> see also xirdegmei |>>> phma 01:45 < gleki> zipcpi: ^ 01:45 < zipcpi> That's... weird 01:45 < gleki> funny though 01:45 < zipcpi> Besides the definition involves masses and sets 01:45 < zipcpi> I just want something that says "x1 is an odd number" 01:46 < zipcpi> I could reuse that metaphor though 01:46 < zipcpi> But what a strange metaphor lol 01:46 < dutchie> i think it's quite a sensible metaphor 01:46 < zipcpi> I wonder what language it is from 01:47 < zipcpi> Well I'm just not familiar with it... 01:47 < dutchie> oh, the lojban one 01:47 < dutchie> yeah that's crazy 01:47 < dutchie> i thought you meant in english 01:47 < gleki> djunias: have u used all of your 5 upvotes on StackExchange, Lojban proposal? 01:47 < zipcpi> sheep finger = even, horse finger = odd 01:47 < zipcpi> Not sure why 01:48 < dutchie> oh, maybe sheep have an even number of fingers and horses odd? 01:48 < dutchie> toes/hooves/whatever 01:49 < djunias> Haha. Maybe it was an old in-joke that people have forgotten? 01:50 < djunias> gleki: which proposal is this? 01:50 < dutchie> https://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 01:50 < gleki> area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 01:50 < gleki> djunias: login and vote up 5 questions with rating below 10 01:55 < djunias> .ua Will do. 01:56 < zipcpi> By the way your name needs to be djuniias or djuni'as 01:56 < zipcpi> Morphological rule change some time back 01:56 < djunias> Done. 01:56 < djunias> Morphological huh? 01:57 < djunias> {ia} is a possible dipthong, isn't it? 01:57 < zipcpi> It's now considered semivowel + vowel 01:57 < gleki> under my rule it's still fine 01:57 < zipcpi> And semivowels after consonants have been disallowed 01:58 < djunias> ...I thought tripthongs weren't allowed... 01:58 < zipcpi> Including after {'} 01:58 < zipcpi> No, {iau} is allowed 01:58 < gleki> djunias: what is your nick there? 01:58 < djunias> gleki: "la .djunias." 01:59 < zipcpi> Yeah tripthongs are still not allowed but {iau} is now considered a semivowel + diphthong 01:59 < djunias> @zipcpi; Strange. What prompted that? 02:00 < zipcpi> They didn't want to deal with words with uncertain syllabification, I think 02:00 < djunias> (Also, I must have been out of it for a lot longer than I thought. .u'i ) 02:00 < zipcpi> Like {djunio}... where is the stress? 02:00 < djunias> First syllable. Obviously. A dipthong is a single syllable. 02:01 < djunias> Right? 02:01 < djunias> Like: JUNE-yo 02:02 < zipcpi> Can it be pronounced in a way that can be consistently distinguished from {djuniio}... and then there's the problem of {versio} possibly sounding like {verco} if said quickly 02:02 < dutchie> relatedly, i just noticed http://mw.lojban.org/extensions/ilmentufa/cirkotci.html has "eye-ya" for {ia} and "ow-a" for {ua} 02:03 < zipcpi> uat 02:03 < dutchie> ok, so i'm not just wrong 02:03 < gleki> idk, maybe just change to "aia"? 02:03 < dutchie> or at least, not alone in being wrong 02:03 < gleki> because consonants are also "aba" etc. there 02:04 < dutchie> ah possibly 02:04 < dutchie> but that is certainly confusing 02:04 < zipcpi> Meh we perhaps need a thing with real Lojban words too 02:04 < dutchie> well there's corpus readings etc 02:05 < zipcpi> Perhaps even a little chart with pictures like the ones for children 02:05 < dutchie> perhaps just a sentence on there that says "some of the sounds have been surrounded by {a}" 02:05 < gleki> okay, changed to "aia" 02:05 < gleki> pls reload 02:06 < gleki> we need cirko to utter sofybakni sentence fo us? 02:06 < gleki> *for 02:06 < djunias> Umm. I'm not seeing a problem with versio versus verco. I mean, there will always be words that sound kinda like each other. 02:06 < zipcpi> I dunno; anyway what's done is done; the new rules are in all the current parsers and in JVS 02:08 < djunias> Hmm. So does this mean the community is making decisions properly, again? Or is the LLG still out of the loop? 02:08 < zipcpi> I think it was a BPFK decision 02:10 < zipcpi> OK {landegna'u} and {xirdegna'u} added 02:14 < djunias> So, where can I find the official changes from the last...I dunno...6 months? 02:15 < zipcpi> I don't know... does Gleki know? 02:15 < gleki> no 02:15 < gleki> just an hour ago i said that all these reforms areruning the language 02:16 < gleki> *ruining 02:16 < zipcpi> lol 02:17 < djunias> I kinda agree. I'm never gonna get proficient in this language if it changes on me every month or two. 02:18 < gleki> for me {djunias} is fine. it can be autocorrected into e.g. {djuniias} 02:18 < djunias> And I don't think these changes are particularly necessary. They might be technically correct...I dunno. I'm no linguist. But I can't see their practical value to the non-linguist. 02:19 < djunias> Maybe I just need them explained to me better. :) 02:23 < zipcpi> Well it's also... the CLL has an example like *{i,a,i,a,ion} 02:23 < zipcpi> But that is indistinguishable from {i,ia,ii,ia,ion} 02:24 < djunias> ??? 02:24 < djunias> Oh, I see. 02:24 < zipcpi> In short, disyllabic vowel glides was banned as part of the change; they must be buffered by semivowels or ' 02:25 < gleki> CLL has some mistakes like {bangrkorea} 02:25 < djunias> Then shouldn't we be getting rid of the comma and the apostrophe? Those seem the problem more than the vowel-glides. :/ 02:26 < zipcpi> Apostrophe is fine; basically they don't want the comma to be a necessary distinguisher anymore 02:26 < djunias> I mean, they aren't audible, so there's no barrier between vowel groups. 02:27 < djunias> Ok, so ditching the comma (which I absolutely agree with), is there still an issue with the original system? 02:28 < djunias> Because the "There are no tripthongs, except these ones" sounds pretty bad for a 'solution', to me. 02:28 < zipcpi> They are not triphthongs 02:28 < djunias> They have three letters. 02:29 < zipcpi> The i and u are considered semivowels 02:29 < zipcpi> Treated more like consonants than vowels 02:29 < djunias> Make them stronger? 02:29 < zipcpi> Some people write them with breves 02:30 < zipcpi> It's also part of morphological resolution now. {ba ia} and {bi ia} won't need a pause, but {bai.ia} will 02:30 < zipcpi> Of course you can still pause if you want 02:32 < djunias> You lost me. So, whenever {i} is used in a dipthong, it becomes {ii}? 02:32 < djunias> Or at least, when it begins. 02:32 < zipcpi> ia -> ĭa 02:33 < zipcpi> ua -> ǔa 02:33 < zipcpi> Or perhaps to make this easier let me just use the unconventional assignment ĭ -> q, ǔ -> w 02:33 < djunias> Ah. I have no idea what the difference is there. Never used accents before. 02:34 < zipcpi> They are optional; some people use them as a reminder that they're considered semivowels in that context 02:34 < zipcpi> So ia -> qa; ua -> wa 02:35 < zipcpi> iau -> qau 02:35 < djunias> So {ia} sounds like {kua}, now? 02:35 < zipcpi> No, I'm just using q as a stand in for the /j/ semivowel 02:35 < djunias> Or is there a different sound for q? 02:36 < djunias> Oh. The "y" in "yes"? 02:36 < zipcpi> Yeah 02:36 < dutchie> maybe "ι" is better than q 02:36 < dutchie> but probably doesn't really matter 02:36 < zipcpi> It's an unconventional assignment dutchie; just makes it easier for me to type than breves 02:36 < dutchie> mmm 02:37 < zipcpi> I might need a keyboard configuration to enter breves and stress accents 02:38 < zipcpi> Anyway when the diphthongs ai or ei appear before ĭ, they need a pause 02:38 < zipcpi> oi too 02:38 < zipcpi> Ditto for au and ǔ 02:38 < zipcpi> Otherwise they don't 02:39 < djunias> So, if I read this correctly, then the changes mean you cannot pronounce {ii} as "eeyee", only as "yee" and {uu} is no longer "oowoo", only "woo"? 02:39 < zipcpi> Yes 02:39 < djunias> And the pauses thing, obviously. :) 02:39 < zipcpi> "eeyee" is now {i ĭi} 02:40 < djunias> Cool. Makes sense. 02:41 < djunias> I guess that's a change that has its reasons. I'll admit, I'm a bit sad at losing it, but I see why it had to go. :P 02:41 < djunias> In terms of my name, though... 02:42 < djunias> {djunias} doesn't have the {...i ia...} problem. 02:42 < djunias> or the double-i 02:42 < zipcpi> i becomes ĭ when it begins a syllable with another vowel 02:42 < zipcpi> Ditto with u and ǔ 02:43 < djunias> Ok. But I don't need to write that, do I? It's an automatic thing with pronunciation. 02:43 < zipcpi> Yep 02:43 < zipcpi> They are completely optional 02:44 < zipcpi> Just useful as a reminder sometimes, especially for some strange words like {briĭi} and {tsekuǔoĭa} 02:47 < zipcpi> The thing is that consonats before semivowels was banned outright; I'm not sure if it *had* to also include cmevla, but in the end it did 02:47 < zipcpi> I wasn't part of the decision; only describing it 02:48 < djunias> Sure. I guess that makes sense. 02:48 < djunias> ...and sorry if I sounded like I was attacking you about this. I absolutely wasn't. Just confused, is all. 02:48 < zipcpi> It's fine 02:49 < djunias> :) I think I understand why things were done. ki'esai pendo 02:50 < zipcpi> I guess maybe it was motivated with making syllabic resolution easier... {briĭi} vs *{brĭiĭi} 02:50 < zipcpi> I don't even know how to pronounce the second one 02:51 < zipcpi> Of course there is still the problem of {iĭiĭin} 02:51 < zipcpi> Theoretically that has a single resolution; but who has the time to count out those i-s lol 02:53 < djunias> Haha. I know. I think anyone forced to read that should be permitted to slap the person who wrote it. 02:53 < djunias> :P 02:54 < zipcpi> lol 02:54 < djunias> Ok, I'm off to get food. Back shortly. 02:54 < zipcpi> See ya 03:00 < gleki> 27 more questions with a score of 10 or more 03:01 < zipcpi> Still couldn't find my email 03:02 < gleki> zipcpi: just reregister with another account 03:04 < zipcpi> Oh found the verification co'e 03:04 < zipcpi> The thing I need to click for it to resend 03:05 < zipcpi> Done 03:06 < zipcpi> All my ma'udzau kantu used 03:07 < zipcpi> ro le mi ma'udzau kantu cu se xaksu 03:08 < gleki> for me ma'udzau strangely enough sounds like yakuza 03:08 < gleki> 26 more questions with a score of 10 or more 03:15 < zipcpi> OK... also defined {dilcymu'o} 03:15 < zipcpi> x1 is fully divisible by x2 04:03 < gleki> oh i wish selpahi returned and finished with tatoeba 04:05 < zipcpi> If you don't like {xoi}, maybe you'd like {gi'ei} better... 04:05 < zipcpi> I don't know though; I'm not the one who came up with the idea 04:05 < gleki> you = do'ei? 04:05 < zipcpi> No, you you 04:06 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/gi'ei 04:06 < gleki> i wanted an adverbial conuterpart to {sei} 04:06 < gleki> mensi: ko cnino 04:06 < zipcpi> Took the idea from Robin Lee Powell's blog 04:06 < zipcpi> From the same post as {ni'ai} 04:07 < gleki> ni'ai is more like poi'i 04:07 < gleki> in my views it was even simply {nu} 04:07 < zipcpi> Yes, I did note that 04:07 < gleki> with sumti lowering 04:07 < zipcpi> Eh I don't like the semantic of {nu} for that 04:07 < gleki> for me it's = su'u be zi'o 04:08 < mensi> sei ca ca'o jai gau cnino be fai lo pe mi sorcu 04:08 < zipcpi> {nu} has a useful semantic; it's a bit sad that people misuse it as {su'u} because of length 04:10 < zipcpi> "Afterthought abstraction wrapper" : Accepts gi'ei LE NU, gi'ei NU (elided LE defaults to lo), or gi'ei LOhOI. Wraps the bridi before it within an abstraction. e.g. (mi klama le zarci gi'ei nu cabna lo nu do klama) = (lo nu mi klama le zarci cu cabna lo nu do klama) 04:10 < mensi> i ba'o jai gau cnino 04:11 < gleki> {nu} is used for djica2 which it shouldnt but it does. so there are other ways of expressing {nu} semantics 04:11 < gleki> en: gi'ei 04:11 < mensi> gi'ei = [GIhEI] afterthought abstraction wrapper |>>> Accepts gi'ei LE NU, gi'ei NU (elided LE defaults to lo), or gi'ei 04:11 < mensi> LOhOI. Wraps the bridi before it within an abstraction. e.g. (mi klama le zarci gi'ei nu cabna lo nu do klama) = (lo nu 04:11 < mensi> mi klama le zarci cu cabna lo nu do klama). Also see xoi, jai'i // Grammar note: The gi'ei-group acts like a specialized 04:11 < mensi> vau, grabbing a single bridi. If you are in a sub-bridi of the bridi you wish to convert, you need to close the 04:11 < mensi> sub-bridi with vau, or use i'au to return to the top bridi of the sentence. |>>> 04:11 < mensi> spheniscine 04:11 < gleki> one more selmaho 04:11 < zipcpi> Yeah... that is a downside 04:12 < gleki> mi klama le zarci i fi'o cabna bo do klama 04:12 < gleki> ^ one syllable shorter 04:12 < zipcpi> fi'o does have that problem of having uncertain connection 04:13 < zipcpi> i.e. no {ke'a} binding like xoi 04:13 < gleki> who cares. neither {lo} has ke'a inside 04:13 < zipcpi> Well {fi'o} has the same uncertainty that tanru do 04:14 < zipcpi> So OK for general conversation, but if you care about expanding tanru you should also care about expanding fi'o 04:14 < gleki> mi klama le zarci vau noi cabna lo nu do klama 04:14 < gleki> for me fi'o doesnt have any uncertainty 04:14 < zipcpi> Does that work currently 04:14 < zipcpi> exp: mi klama le zarci vau noi cabna lo nu do klama 04:14 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [,] but "k" found. 04:14 < gleki> no, no. 04:14 < gleki> it's for alta but im lazy to implement that 04:15 < gleki> {fasnu fa lonu} is to be appended 04:16 < zipcpi> The problem is that fi'o only attaches one place; but leaves the place that the bridi should go into undefined 04:16 < gleki> i formalized that in la bangu dictionary 04:17 < zipcpi> I'm not sure if that's possible; not all brivla you might want to attach with fi'o has an easy rule like "just dump the bridi into x2" 04:18 < gleki> give me examples, i will solve them 04:18 < zipcpi> I'm not familiar enough with fi'o to give examples 04:19 < gleki> i have no problems with fi'o. te sumti variable types are formalized, so everything is clean now 04:22 < gleki> http://www.ranker.com/list/easiest-language-to-learn/jennifer-lee?ref=rltdlsts&pos=1&a=8<ype=l&l=1955738&g=2 04:22 < gleki> seems we got the second place 04:23 < zipcpi> I'm not sure how easy it really is; we're all somewhat biased lol 04:23 < gleki> compared to what 04:23 < gleki> easy in which part 04:23 < zipcpi> Hm good question 04:24 < gleki> in bridi math it may be much easier 04:24 < gleki> then ... even the usual Western mekso 04:24 < gleki> *than ... even the usual Western mekso 04:25 < zipcpi> Vocab is probably harder than Esperanto; sure Esperanto is Eurocentric, but I think Lojban doesn't gain much in that department from trying to blend languages together to be "culturally neutral" 04:25 < gleki> http://www.listnerd.com/list/best-conlang-off-all-time 04:25 < gleki> here we won although no E-o here 04:26 < gleki> if you mean gimste then it's not blending at all if one can call eaton's list true blending 04:26 < zipcpi> eaton ki'a 04:26 < gleki> i wish i knew what are the frames absent in English FrameNET but present in Portuguese and Japanese 04:26 < gleki> gimste was based on eaton's list 04:27 < gleki> loglan actually 04:27 < zipcpi> Loglan was based more on Latinate forms I hear, rather than using that gismu algorithm 04:27 < gleki> http://www.loglan.org/Loglan1/forward.html 04:28 < gleki> im talking about semantics 04:28 < gleki> not about sounding 04:28 < zipcpi> Ah 04:28 < gleki> it's also not fair to take semantics from one language and sounding from all 04:29 < zipcpi> Well that was basically my point; that Lojban's vocab would be more cryptic than Esperanto's... wrt fairness, I can see the point; but as is, Lojban's vocab is basically cryptic to everyone, not just Europeans. What's done is done though 04:29 < gleki> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/old_LLG_Projects 04:30 < gleki> lojbab didnt finish translating Eaton to Lojban 04:30 < gleki> gimste was meant to present more broad concepts 04:30 < gleki> it's only now that we are borrowing words with narrow sense 04:31 < gleki> or killing {tirxu} 04:31 < zipcpi> lol 04:31 < gleki> {murmura} is nice, though (although i invented it but anyway) 04:31 < zipcpi> :p 04:31 < gleki> it was selpahi who asked what would be the zi'evla for "cat" if {mlatu} didnt exist 04:32 < gleki> so i removed {da'i} from his question and invented mumura and xafxafa 04:32 < gleki> *murmura 04:32 < zipcpi> Well I also made the related zi'evla {mriiaucmo} 04:32 < zipcpi> And {xa'afcmo} 04:32 < gleki> en: mriiaucmo 04:32 < mensi> mriiaucmo = x1 meows with sound x2 |>>> See cmoni, mlatu. Onomatopoeic synonym to latcmo. |>>> 04:32 < mensi> spheniscine 04:32 < gleki> ok 04:32 < gleki> {latcmo} can cause immediate rants 04:33 < gleki> because cats produce different sounds 04:33 < zipcpi> Why? 04:33 < zipcpi> Oh 04:33 < gleki> in Ithkuil it's -rr- 04:33 < gleki> because JQ's cat utters this sound 04:33 < latro`a> given that cats learned to meow by imitating human babies, perhaps it should be krixa 04:33 < zipcpi> Maybe I should make one for purr as well. {mau'ucmo} is close, but might not be specifically a cat's purr 04:34 < gleki> sometimes cats even sing to their babies. sanga? no clue 04:35 < gleki> la cilce si latro'a di'a carmi akti 04:35 < zipcpi> Or maybe I should just build the zi'evlajvo {murmura'ycmo} 04:36 < zipcpi> A tad long though 04:36 < zipcpi> Can't elide the final vowel without making a lujvo 04:36 < gleki> en: murmura 04:36 < mensi> murmura = x1 is a pussycat, kitty, kittycat, a purring home animal treated affectionately, belongs to species x2 |>>> 04:36 < mensi> See mlatu, dalpe'o, dirba |>>> gleki 04:36 < gleki> given that murmura wasn't meant to be very serious ... 04:36 < zipcpi> Yeah I know 04:37 < gleki> sounds like {lo murmura = lo na'o me'oi purr} 04:37 < gleki> no 04:37 < gleki> it must additionally be kept at home 04:37 < gleki> and be loved 04:37 < zipcpi> You did ram several senses together, yes :p 04:38 < zipcpi> de'a jundi 04:38 < gleki> lo remna = an ape without a tail, fir on most parts of the body, less intellecutal than bonobo due to constant wars, ... 04:38 < gleki> *агк 04:38 < gleki> *fur 04:40 < zipcpi> One last thing about Lojban vocab: Part of the problem is that the heaviest weighted is Chinese, but Chinese phonology fits neither Lojban phonology nor gismu morphology very well 04:40 < gleki> indeed, let's kill {remna} and use {presmani} instead. 04:41 < gleki> i tried to fit it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_w-c7yM6beFUc_G-XCSLlRfrCewhQosFdQuPD1DwhuU/edit 04:42 < zipcpi> As someone with some knowledge of Mandarin, I can see the derivations of many gismu, but I can't imagine a Chinese would be able to pick up Lojban vocab as easily as a European might with Esperanto 04:42 < gleki> very seldom it matches lojban morphology like with {uencu}, {uenzi} 04:42 < gleki> even {bianfu} is now {bi'anfu} 04:42 < gleki> en: bianfu 04:42 < mensi> bianfu = x1 is a bat, flying mammal (order Chiroptera) of species x2 |>>> See mabru, vofli |>>> 04:42 < mensi> gleki 04:43 < gleki> oh 04:43 < zipcpi> OK really de'a jundi this time 05:25 < zipcpi> exp: tsali sai 05:25 < zipcpi> exp: tsali-sai 05:25 < mensi> (CU [tsali sai] VAU) 05:25 < zipcpi> exp: se-tsali 05:25 < mensi> (CU [tsalisai VAU]) 05:25 < mensi> (CU [se tsali] VAU) 05:26 < zipcpi> Hm. Doesn't see hyphens as spaces 05:26 < zipcpi> Was thinking of using them as a way to visually connect brivla to cmavo 05:26 < zipcpi> Sort of like how some cmavo get clumped together just for visual connection 05:28 < ctefa`o> uicoi 05:29 < zipcpi> coi 05:31 < ctefa`o> .i coi la zìpcpi .i do mo 05:31 < zipcpi> ru'i bauspo 05:32 < zipcpi> (to xu mi ka'e gubyzu'e lo du'u lu ru'i bauspo li'u cu kampu danfu la'e lu do mo li'u iau zo'o toi) 05:33 < gleki> exp: tsali-sai 05:33 < gleki> exp: tsali sai 05:33 < mensi> (CU [tsalisai VAU]) 05:33 < mensi> (CU [tsali sai] VAU) 05:34 < gleki> i can add that to preprocessor 05:35 < zipcpi> Guess that'd be nice... unless someone uses that to display rafsi in lujvo... 05:36 < zipcpi> exp: pofy/gau 05:36 < mensi> (CU [pofygau VAU]) 05:36 < zipcpi> Or they could use this instead *shrugs* 05:37 < zipcpi> Yeah I have in my mind developed some hypothetical typographical conventions 05:38 < zipcpi> bold or *asterisk quotes* for ba'e, cei, or goi 05:39 < zipcpi> ~ to indicate non-phonemic vowel lengthening (e.g. xy~'y, y~~~~, ii~~~~~) 05:39 < zipcpi> comma isn't just a syllable separator, but also may be placed at the end of constructs much like natlang commas; not phonemic, merely a visual identifier 05:40 < zipcpi> Well none of these are phonemic :p 05:40 < gleki> it's vrici's problems 05:42 < zipcpi> And yeah, hyphen as an allograph for the space, but strengthening visual connection between words 05:43 < zipcpi> Angle brackets <> or guillemets « » for quoted texts or du'u equations 05:44 < gleki> exp: tsali-sai 05:44 < mensi> (CU [tsali sai] VAU) 05:44 < gleki> fxd 05:44 < zipcpi> ui ki'e 05:45 < zipcpi> du'u equation example: {lo du'u <lo broda cu brode> cu du'u <zo'e noi broda cu brode>} 05:59 * ctefa`o re turba 05:59 < ctefa`o> Ehm 06:00 * ctefa`o returns* 06:00 < ctefa`o> (to Weird autocorrect toi) 06:01 < ctefa`o> coi clìva 06:03 < cliva> coi mi'e darca 06:04 < cliva> si dàrca 06:12 < zipcpi> On po'a; maybe it should just be BAI for ponse 06:13 < zipcpi> So {le jdini be po'a mi} 06:14 < gleki> le jdini poi mi ponse 06:14 < gleki> same number of syllables 06:14 < gleki> jb: fi'e 06:14 < zipcpi> ti jdini po'a mi 06:14 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 06:15 < zipcpi> po can't even attach like a sumtcita 06:15 < gleki> i consider this {ti jdini po'a mi} extremely weird 06:15 < gleki> {jdini} is a verb 06:15 < zipcpi> Not sure how it's so different from {mi tavla bau lo jbobau} 06:16 < gleki> i'd rather say {ti poi jdini cu se ponse mi} 06:16 < zipcpi> What if you already begain {ti jdini} though? 06:16 < gleki> or if emulating english conceptualisation closer then {ti me lo jdini poi mi ponse} 06:17 < gleki> {ti jdini ije mi ponse ri} 06:18 < gleki> {ti jdini po'a mi} ~= this moneys possessively by me 06:18 < gleki> idk 06:19 < zipcpi> Doesn't seem wrong to me, save for the strained English 06:19 < gleki> 'k 06:30 < gleki> this post immediately reached top 5 https://www.reddit.com/r/lojban/comments/3bhy1v/a_true_lojban_moment/ 06:35 < zipcpi> Also {poi mi ponse} is the same number of syllables, but often needs to be closed 06:36 < zipcpi> Gleki: u'i 06:36 < gleki> isolating style and fewer words is advantageous compared to multiplying entities 06:37 < zipcpi> I think wanting to attach ponse to the x1 of a bridi after the fact is common enough to deserve a BAI 06:38 < ctefa`o> exp: "faubau'yska" 06:38 < mensi> (CU [faubau'yska VAU]) 06:38 < gleki> that's why i removed many BAI from la bangu vlaste retaining only most common ones or those needed to complete sets of tags 06:38 < ctefa`o> .u'i 06:38 < akmnlrse> si'a zo'u 06:38 < akmnlrse> exp: fabau'yska 06:38 < mensi> (CU [fabau'yska VAU]) 06:38 < akmnlrse> exp: fafa'yska 06:38 < mensi> (CU [fafa'yska VAU]) 06:38 < zipcpi> Wonder what would happen if I entered that into JVS; would it also call it a "lujvo"? 06:38 < akmnlrse> yep! 06:39 < lablanu> en: jbera 06:39 < mensi> jbera = x1 (agent) borrows/temporarily takes/assumes x2 (object) from source x3 for interval x4. |>>> Credit (= 06:39 < mensi> jernu'e); borrow/assume a property or quality as a chameleon does (= zaskai, zasysmitra, zasysmitai). See also dejni, 06:39 < mensi> janta, zivle. |>>> officialdata 06:39 < ctefa`o> Ko zipcpi 06:39 < lablanu> Chameleons don't assume properties nor qualities. 06:40 < zipcpi> lol 06:40 < gleki> lablanu: have you upvoted 5 questions with rating below 10 here? area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 06:40 < lablanu> Indeed I have. 06:40 < gleki> all 5? okay 06:40 < lablanu> Thanks for responding to my question about plurality, btw. 06:41 < gleki> oh 06:41 < zipcpi> gleki: At least that's why I still find {po} useful even though it's much more constrained than {pe} 06:41 < gleki> looks like one could copy questions from learning resources and other would paste answers to them from the same learning resources :D 06:41 < zipcpi> gleki: {po} is in GOI though so it can only attach to sumti, which is bad for the bridi case 06:42 < gleki> goi makes sense 06:43 < zipcpi> Well pe -> do'e, po -> ??? 06:43 < gleki> jinzi or whatever 06:43 < zipcpi> Nah, I use po for ponse, not jinzi 06:43 < gleki> that's po'e 06:44 < zipcpi> No, po'e is more like jinzi, but frankly I don't know what po'e is for 06:45 < zipcpi> It is defined based on "inalienable possession", a feature of certain natlangs; however they don't all agree on what inalienable possession is 06:45 < gleki> jbo: po 06:45 < mensi> po = [GOI] poi ke'a se steci le ka ce'u srana |>>> poi; steci; srana |>>> xorxes 06:45 < gleki> jbo: po'e 06:45 < mensi> po'e = [GOI] poi ke'a se jinzi le ka ce'u se steci le ka ce'u srana |>>> poi; jinzi; steci; srana |>>> 06:45 < mensi> xorxes 06:45 < zipcpi> Furthermore the examples given in the CLL for it, all can be replaced by a convenient {be} place already in the gismu 06:46 < gleki> all cowan's bg in conlanging probably 06:46 < zipcpi> Like body parts are typically considered inalienable; cause if I chopped off someone's arm, it's still theirs 06:47 < zipcpi> But {birka} already has a place for its owner 06:47 < zipcpi> So yeah... 06:48 <@Broca> I suppose if you wanted to say something unusual it would work. 06:48 < gleki> i only used {po} for Tatoeba to avoid more verbose constructs with {po'o} 06:48 < zipcpi> I don't know when you'd want to import a concept like "inalienable possession" but not want it to be part of the place structure 06:49 <@Broca> As in, all right, so I sold my car, but I spent years refurbushing that baby. It's still "my" car. 06:49 <@Broca> *refurbishing 06:49 < zipcpi> Hm makes "some" sense, but I really don't know how you'd describe that in a predicate 06:50 < zipcpi> Or how those natlangs would handle the case of this inalienable possession. Maybe as a type of metaphor to show your strong emotional connection to it 06:51 < zipcpi> In the absense of {po'e} I might just render it {pesai} 06:52 < zipcpi> Otherwise though, {po'e} is just so rarely usable x.x 06:54 <@Broca> If you can describe the meaning of a cmavo in a predicate, is the cmavo really necessary? :-) 06:54 < gleki> there is definitely parallelism between mamta2, patfu2, bersa2. yet another frame. but po'e wont work for that due to tunba3 and similar 06:54 < zipcpi> Shorthand... I mean we can always go {mi gleki} instead of {ui} etc all the time if we like 06:55 < gleki> yes, so an adverbial similar to sei might be good 06:55 < zipcpi> Also sumtcita are pretty much all shorthand as well 06:55 < zipcpi> Although we're still figuring out how to expand some of them 06:55 < gleki> guaspi doesnt need neither rafsi, nor sumtcita, nor cnima'o 06:56 < zipcpi> And heck, even the concept of "inalienable possession" might be able to get a brivla just for metalinguistic discussion. It'd be hard to define that though, since like I said, it is a natlang concept, and they differ on how it should be used 06:57 < gleki> if we assume that {sei broda} = {sei mi broda} unless broda1 is explicitely overriden then the problem for cnima'o is solved. 06:57 < gleki> for adverbials i use {i broda noi} and {i broda poi} 06:57 < zipcpi> Question is how does {sei} work with quotes? 06:58 < gleki> selpahi has a pioint but it's superweird 06:58 < zipcpi> IIRC {sei} has a default {sa'a} attached to them 06:58 < zipcpi> This is why I really don't like using {sei} 06:58 < gleki> i'd rather extend {lu ... li'u} to cover lo'u ... le'u 06:58 < zipcpi> Because I always think that someone is hypothetically quoting me and then forgetting to attach {sa'anai} 06:59 < gleki> so no, im not going to use Alice's {sei} 06:59 < zipcpi> u'i 06:59 < gleki> when translating "Hedgehog in the mist" i used only {sei} though but without {lu} 07:00 < gleki> so it all looked like "Oh my, as Hedghog thought, what a pity, i should do ..." 07:01 <@xalbo> My take on {po} is slightly counter to canon, but I think it helps make sense of the threefold distinction. {pe} is a nonce relationship between the two things; at the moment, they happen to be such that pointing at the one is an easy way to find the other. 07:02 <@xalbo> {po} is a far less transient relationship. Ownership is a good example, though not the only one. It's a relationship that will continue to exist until some explicit action ends it. 07:02 <@xalbo> {po'e}, then, is that taken to an extreme, where the relationship is one that can't be disavowed or dissolved, no matter what. 07:02 < zipcpi> xalbo: So in your view, {lo ckule po mi} for "the school that I go to" is acceptable? 07:03 <@xalbo> Yes, although I'd still use {lo ckule be fo mi} instead. 07:03 <@xalbo> But {lo zdani po mi} is fine for the house that I own, even if I rent it out and don't actually live there. 07:04 < zipcpi> I've always attached it to {ponse} in my head; probably cause of the way I was taught 07:04 <@xalbo> And {lo zdani po'e mi} can be the house I grew up in, because even though it was sold years ago, it's still *my* house in a real way in my mind. 07:04 < zipcpi> Yeah that's similar to that thing Broca said about the car 07:05 <@xalbo> Yeah, {ponse} and {po} have a lot of overlap, but they're not necessarily the same. 07:05 <@xalbo> I don't own my office chair, but it's been assigned to me, and it's going to stay "mine" for the foreseeable future. {le stizu po mi} 07:06 <@xalbo> But the chair that I happen to be sitting in at the moment, at this meeting, is {le stizu pe mi} 07:06 <@xalbo> And the one that was hand carved for me by my father is {lo stizu po'e mi}, even if it gets sold later. 07:07 <@xalbo> (Maybe my office chair is {ponse} for the appropriate ponse3, but I hope you can see the point.) 07:07 < zipcpi> Yeah I can see the logic... why GOI though? There is no equivalent for sumtcita :p 07:07 < zipcpi> Maybe it should be {pesai} and {pecai} :p 07:08 <@xalbo> For me it's not how tightly tied to you it is, but how permanently. 07:09 < zipcpi> pesai/pecai can mean that 07:09 <@xalbo> And what would you want a sumtcita version to do? It's for limiting the possible referents of a sumti by considering another (hopefully known) sumti. 07:09 < zipcpi> Well, it's why I invented {po'a} for {fi'o ponse} 07:10 < zipcpi> Mainly it's when you begin {ti jdini}... and realize you want to say "This is my money" 07:10 <@xalbo> je'e 07:11 < zipcpi> I've been using {do'e} as the bridi variant of {pe} 07:11 < zipcpi> There's also {foi'e}, but... come on 07:13 * nuzba @uitki: Welcome!/en - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Welcome!/en by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1LSFA28] 07:13 <@xalbo> The reason that Lojban has {po'e} is becomes some languages use very different forms for alienable and inalienable association/possession, and Lojban wanted to maintain cultural neutrality and see whether having that distinction helped people think in those terms. 07:14 < zipcpi> Ah yeah makes sense... 07:14 < zipcpi> Kinda failed though, for all the various reasons I laid out 07:15 <@xalbo> Yeah, most of the time if you want {po'e}, it's already in the place structure of what you're talking about. And most jbopre are native speakers of languages that don't have that distinction, so they don't reach for it those few times when it actually is fitting. 07:15 * zipcpi nods 07:22 < zipcpi> And yeah my opinion is that if {po} and {po'e} were only meant to represent fuzzy-ish, natlang-ish concepts of strength/permanence of relation, {pesai} and {pecai} would do the trick 07:24 < zipcpi> And avoid endless debates over what "inalienable possession" really means 07:24 < zipcpi> It means pecai shaddup :p 07:24 <@xalbo> How is {pe} itself not even fuzzier and natlangier? 07:24 < zipcpi> That's the point. 07:25 < zipcpi> pe to me is just be do'e 07:25 < zipcpi> So the relation is elliptical 07:27 <@xalbo> I'd use {pe CAI} (if I ever used it) for the strength of the relationship, which is a different variable. Again with the chair, "that chair over by you" might be only {le stizu pe ru'e do}, but the chair you're sitting in could be {le stizu pe do}. 07:33 < zipcpi> I don't see how it contradicts the examples you have given though 07:34 < zipcpi> About how you think {po} and {po'e} should be used 07:34 <@xalbo> It's just a different dimension, semantic proximity vs duration. 07:35 < zipcpi> exp: lo broda pezi mi 07:35 < mensi> ([lo {broda <pe (¹zi mi¹) GEhU>} KU] VAU) 07:35 < zipcpi> Not sure if that means the right thing though 07:35 <@xalbo> Not at all. 07:35 <@xalbo> {pe} in that case is for adding a sumtcita to a sumti, so that's very, very close to {lo broda bezi mi} 07:36 <@xalbo> (You wanted {ze'i} anyway, but the same point remains) 07:37 < zipcpi> Ah... you want {ze'i do'e}, not {do'e ze'i} 07:37 < zipcpi> Tough... 07:46 * zipcpi shrugs 07:48 < durka42> wtf, jbovlaste added <br>s in the middle of my links 07:49 < durka42> oh... 07:49 < durka42> the word wrapping happens before the link parsing 07:49 < durka42> what a stupid parser, lol 07:49 < zipcpi> "As a result, the relationship expressed between two sumti by “po” is usually called “possession”, although it does not necessarily imply ownership, legal or otherwise. The central concept is that of specificity (“steci” in Lojban)." 07:49 < gleki> btw i still i still cant add non ASCII glosswords 07:50 < zipcpi> Hmm... "the chair I'm sitting on" falls under steci to me though 07:50 < gleki> https://github.com/lojban/jbovlaste/issues/165 07:50 < gleki> .title 07:50 < durka42> yeah there are still some unicode issues 07:50 < fenki> [ Error while inserting some non-English glosswords · Issue #165 · lojban/jbovlaste · GitHub ] 07:50 < zipcpi> durka42: I'm having some inconsistent issues when trying to add one-letter glosses 07:50 < zipcpi> Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't 07:50 < durka42> what's it say when it doesn't work 07:50 < durka42> and why are you adding one-letter glosses... 07:50 < gleki> if tsani provided API preferably without extensive checks for morphology etc. i'd develop a new editing interface 07:51 < zipcpi> durka42: Because other lervla get one-letter glosses 07:59 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Yeah, I said that my interpretation of {po} is different from CLL. I've never gotten {steci} to feel right to me. 08:00 < zipcpi> While I associated it with {ponse}. We all have our own heresies :p 08:00 <@xalbo> In particular, I don't like the idea that my car isn't {le karce po mi} if my wife's name is also on the title. 08:00 < zipcpi> Right 08:01 < gleki> if steci then po ~= {pe po'o} 08:03 < zipcpi> gleki: On lu... li'u; you want it to also be able to quote sentence fragments that may not parse on its own, so you can easily close them to add {sei} editorial notes, right? 08:04 < zipcpi> Hmm... not sure how it should work... "try to parse, but if you can't, give up?" 08:04 < zipcpi> Or treat lu..li'u like alta does :p 08:07 < zipcpi> "add whatever is necessary to make it grammatical" 08:07 < zipcpi> Kinda tough though 08:08 < nejni-marji_> coi 08:08 < zipcpi> coi 08:08 < nejni-marji_> ma se casnu 08:09 < zipcpi> tu'a lu <lu li'u> li'u 08:13 < nejni-marji_> ua 08:13 < nejni-marji_> cinri 08:16 < nejni-marji_> .i lo re valsi cu cizra milxe 08:30 * nuzba @uitki: zipcpi: scalar modifiers - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_scalar_modifiers by Spheniscine [http://bit.ly/1T1sRyA] 08:44 < lablanu> ma se zatra'i la jbovlaste 08:45 < zipcpi> mi na djuno 08:45 < zipcpi> ju'oinai 08:46 < zipcpi> xy'y ma du le laldyrai valsi poi mi jmina 08:48 < lablanu> su'o lo nanca be li pano 08:48 < zipcpi> cu'u JyVySy zo gismu cu se jmina de'i li'ei ny 2003 ly 3 dy 3 08:48 < lablanu> ua 08:50 < lablanu> Is work being done on a newer version? 08:50 < lablanu> A complete rewrite? 08:51 < zipcpi> ju'oinai .i ka'eku lo datpre cu djuno 08:51 < durka42> mukti may have some plans 08:51 < durka42> I think eventually vlasisku should expand and swallow jbovlaste 08:52 < lablanu> ie 08:52 < zipcpi> http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/datpre la samyuan cu darca 08:54 < durka42> .ei la samyuan cu jmina zo samyuan 08:55 < zipcpi> Definition: "Someone", "the god of lazy people", used when the speaker is specifically pushing responsibility to someone else unspecified 08:55 < zipcpi> pei 08:55 * la_kristan just popped in at #klingon 08:57 < zipcpi> uo http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/samyuan 08:57 < la_kristan> the channel's apparently existed since 2009, but nobody was there. 08:57 * la_kristan shrugs 08:57 < durka42> .u'i 08:59 <@xalbo> "This sounds like a job for Captain Tomorrow! Hero of the working man." 08:59 < gleki> la_kristan: mukti and i agreed that JVS 2.0 is not needed. instead we need only API for it. after tat everyone will be able to create new editing interfaces 09:00 < gleki> la_kristan: i wonder how many fluent klingon speakers are there 09:00 < gleki> oh, maybe i should ask clsn 09:00 < gleki> clsn: coi. how many fluent speakers of klingon are in the world? 09:01 < gleki> zipcpi: i suggested something more lojbanic instead of "samyuan". e.g. {das} 09:01 < gleki> zipcpi: when i find energy to update alice i wont use {sei} at all. 09:01 < la_kristan> gleki, I don't know what JVS or API or an editing interface means. You might as well be speaking Klingon, as far as my understanding is concerned. 09:02 < gleki> la_kristan: sorry, wasnt addressed to you 09:02 < la_kristan> Well, you prefaced it w my name. 09:02 < gleki> lablanu: mukti and i agreed that JVS 2.0 is not needed. instead we need only API for it. after tat everyone will be able to create new editing interfaces 09:03 < gleki> lablanu: it was autocompletion u'u 09:03 < zipcpi> Added more keywords. {ei}, {bilga}, {nitcu}, {sarcu} 09:03 < zipcpi> :p 09:03 < lablanu> A specification is better than an implementation, at least in my book. 09:03 < la_kristan> all autocompletions are obnoxious. 09:04 < la_kristan> I avoid them as much as I can. 09:04 < lablanu> Even humans have autocomplete. Tongue twisters, yknow. 09:04 < la_kristan> ki'a 09:06 * nuzba @ro_bot_: ロジバン トワ ジンコウゲンゴノヒトツ ノコトデス [http://bit.ly/1C5iAgF] 09:07 < lablanu> Tongue twisters happen because the brain tries to predict which sounds should naturally follow. 09:07 < lablanu> i.e. autocomplete. 09:08 < la_kristan> Oh. Guess I don't get into to tongue twisters much. 09:10 < la_kristan> which reminds me, I need to reinstall AnySoftKeyboard; it got lost when I reset the OS. 09:11 < lablanu> Does it allow you to use a custom mapping? 09:13 < la_kristan> there. much better. 09:14 < la_kristan> eĥoŝanĝu ĉiuĵaŭde! 09:14 < la_kristan> lablanu, I don't know. 09:15 < lablanu> Well, I wouldn't have much use for that on Android, anyway. 09:15 < la_kristan> You can install a variety of layouts, but otherwise I don't know. 09:15 < lablanu> Have you experimented with alternative keyboard mappings on the PC? 09:17 < la_kristan> No, I've only used the QWERTY layout, and the Russian layout. 09:17 < zipcpi> Hmm someone didn't like the {landegna'u} and {xirdegna'u} metaphors apparently 09:17 < zipcpi> But what else would you suggest for it? 09:17 < la_kristan> someone... 09:17 < zipcpi> On JVS 09:17 < zipcpi> They downvoted them 09:18 < zipcpi> Possibly Curtis, possibly Wuzzy... dunno 09:19 < la_kristan> twasn't me, that's all I know. 09:19 < zipcpi> I shift the blame for the metaphor to phma :p 09:19 < zipcpi> He defined {landegmei} and {xirdegmei} 09:19 <@xalbo> Where did *those* come from? 09:19 < gleki> i voted them up 09:20 < gleki> because no matter how they are bad lujvo-ically we have no other ways 09:20 < gleki> although i would disagree with dilcymu'o 09:20 < gleki> en: integer 09:20 * la_kristan has a special fondness for three-word contractions. 09:20 < mensi> 26 da se tolcri: mulna'u, aigne, be'ei'oi, ci'ai'u, da'a'au, daigno, dei'au'o, di'ei'o'au, dilcymu'o, fancysuksa, ga'au, 09:20 < mensi> landegna'u, mulna'usle, ne'oi, ni'e'ei, ni'e'oi, nonsmitenfa, pau'ei, pi'ei'au, pi'ei'oi, tai'e'i, te'au'u, to'ei'au, 09:20 < mensi> xau'o'o, xirdegna'u, xo'ei 09:21 < zipcpi> Well I thought of {nonveldilcu} but I'm not sure what the place structure should look like there 09:21 <@xalbo> We have about 1400 other gismu that are no worse than those, so I don't see how "we have no other ways" makes any sense. 09:21 < gleki> we have no other words for "even number" 09:21 <@xalbo> I mean, we could call them {matlydegna'u} and {zajdegna'u} and not be any less obvious. 09:22 < gleki> if you have first add them to jvs 09:22 < gleki> xalbo: first do that, then downvote 09:23 < zipcpi> Wuzzy defined {reldilcymu'o} and {nalreldilcymu'o} 09:23 < dutchie> i was about to suggest something like that 09:23 < gleki> en: positive 09:23 < mensi> 51 da se tolcri: nonmau, zmana'u, cipsadytcica, ku'arkydicka'u, mardikca, ma'u, nonynalmau, anxodi, baxydinkarda, 09:23 < mensi> be'ei'oi, birti, cnemu, co'oi, daigno, di'ei'o'au, dikca, eldicka'u, ga'au, gleua, ka'o'ei, krali, kuardicka'u, mai'e'e, 09:23 < mensi> maktcaxe, ne'au, ne'oi, ni'e'ei, ni'e'oi, nifkemtemsalri, no'e'u, nonsmitenfa, nonynalme'a, no'u, pau'a'u, paulcna, 09:23 < mensi> pi'ei'oi, po'u, salri, salrixo, sei'u'e, selbirti, si'irvelne'u, su'ifa'uvu'u, su'ijavu'u, tcaxe, tcelerita, to'ei'au, 09:23 < mensi> uau, zanselja'e, zmadu, zucna 09:24 < gleki> en: zmana'u 09:24 < mensi> zmana'u [< zmadu namcu ≈ More number] = z1=n1 is a positive number relative to origin z2. |>>> Cf. ni'u, nonmecna'u, 09:24 < mensi> fatna'u, mecna'u, nonmau, ma'u. |>>> sarefo 09:24 < la_kristan> how to distinguish between an emotion perceived to be well-founded from one perceived to be irrational? 09:24 < la_kristan> by the emoter. 09:24 <@xalbo> Verbosely, as in English. 09:24 < gleki> i dont like these lujvo becase e.g. instead of {zmana'u} we already have {li ma'u}. easier to remember 09:24 < la_kristan> oh. maybe I should learn laadan. 09:25 < gleki> la_kristan: i tried to update the textbook on laadan to lojban to preserve its ideas but ... no time for that 09:25 < zipcpi> gleki: Sometimes brivla are useful. Like {li so cu zmana'u} is I think semantically more cromulent than {li so du li ma'u} 09:25 <@xalbo> .i mi na'e racli cinmo lo ka gleki 09:25 <@xalbo> Maybe something like that. 09:25 < zipcpi> Or even {li so me li ma'u} 09:26 < gleki> la_kristan: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/test1111 09:27 < gleki> i also reformatted Laadan4B into wiki format http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L%C3%A1adan_Lessons_For_Beginners 09:28 <@xalbo> Where having selbri for classes of numbers is nice is so we can say things like "all positive integers can be written as the sum of integral powers of two" or whatever. 09:30 < gleki> we still dont have brivla for numbers O_0 09:30 <@xalbo> For sheep and horses, is there some language that uses that, or is it just completely as arbitrary as it feels? Because I really see no reason to prefer that over any other two words. I mean, do even numbers have more in common with either of those than with cars, or asteroids, or "sneezes" by left-handed witches in France? 09:30 < gleki> someone pls steal that from guaspi 09:30 < gleki> xalbo: ask phma 09:30 < gleki> it has etymology 09:31 <@xalbo> phma__: Seriously, dude, WTF? http://jbovlaste.lojban.org/dict/xirdegmei 09:31 < dutchie> my assumption is that sheep have an even number of toes, and horses have 1 (or 3, if you count vestigial ones) iirc 09:31 < la_kristan> because if you punch me in the face, I'll perceive my anger as well-founded. But if I'm just cranky because of hormonal imbalance, then I perceive my anger as irrational, but can't help feeling it anyway. 09:32 < la_kristan> dutchie: so we have to know anatomy? 09:32 <@xalbo> .i mi fengu zi'o zi'o 09:32 <@xalbo> dutchie: Hmm, with the -deg- that does make some tiny amount of sense. 09:32 < dutchie> la_kristan: i'm not defending it, just giving a likely rationale 09:32 < zipcpi> la_kristan: Hah maybe we can add a ROhA for that 09:34 < la_kristan> zipcpi, is that feasable? :-) 09:34 < zipcpi> doi xalbo do'u me'ei go'oi fengu zo'u: u'i 09:34 < dutchie> "sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates" 09:35 < la_kristan> Lojban's development does need more feminine input, imo 09:35 < zipcpi> la kristan: I've been treating cmavo space like a logger with a corrupt permit :p 09:35 < la_kristan> oh my! 09:35 < Ilmen> coi .artilodakti 09:35 <@Broca> zipcpi: so that's how logjam happens. 09:36 < zipcpi> logjam ki'a 09:36 < la_kristan> like logfest, only w more karaoke. 09:37 <@Broca> la_kristan: fetsi be fi ma :-) 09:37 < Ilmen> en: logfest 09:37 < mensi> jbonunsla [< lojbo nu salci ≈ Lojbanic event of celebrate] = n1 is Logfest. 09:37 < la_kristan> or is that kareoke? 09:37 < Ilmen> karaoke 09:37 * la_kristan cant spel 09:38 < Ilmen> From Japanese kara-oke 09:38 <@Broca> carrie-okie 09:38 < zipcpi> Not sure though. {nalreldilcymu'o} still doesn't say it is an integer :p 09:39 <@xalbo> ker-i-mokl-i 09:39 < zipcpi> I mean I guess it could if we go by the English definition 09:39 < zipcpi> And defined the Lojban definition that way as well 09:39 < zipcpi> But it would be an added meaning 09:41 < zipcpi> la_kristan: Perhaps if you link me to the Laadan co'e with the definition I'll see what I can do to make it usable 09:42 < Ilmen> N is even ---> li no dilcu N li re; N is odd ---> li pa dilcu N li re 09:42 < Ilmen> ie pei 09:42 < mensi> ba'e mi na tugni 09:42 < zipcpi> Er, you probably want veldilcu 09:42 < la_kristan> I don't have a link, I only know what I read in Arika Okrent's book. 09:42 < Ilmen> ouch, I think I wanted frinu 09:42 < zipcpi> Nope 09:43 < zipcpi> In my head, dilcu is integer division, while frinu is non-integer division 09:44 < zipcpi> I defined {dilcymu'o} already 09:44 < zipcpi> li no veldilcu x1 boi x2 .i va'i lo mulna'u cu frinu x1 boi x2 09:44 < la_kristan> and my head avoids integers and non-integers and division AMAP. 09:45 < zipcpi> lol 09:45 < la_kristan> like ASAP, pardon my making abbreviations up on the fly. 09:46 < zipcpi> Yeah took me a while to figure it out but I did 09:46 < zipcpi> Well what we were talking about is how to express "odd number" and "even number" 09:46 < Ilmen> I always mix up frinu and dilcu, gotta get them right 09:47 < zipcpi> Right now we have two competing ideas; one shorter but more metaphorical, {xirdegna'u} vs {landegna'u}, and one longer (and has semantic shakiness with "odd number") but more transparent etymologically: {reldilcymu'o} and {nalreldilcymu'o} 09:47 < Ilmen> I'm also unsure about the difference between frinu and parbi 09:48 < zipcpi> me'o? REALLY? 09:49 < zipcpi> Not to mention there isn't a "ratio" counterpart to {fi'u} now I think about it... semantically there might be a difference though 09:49 < la_kristan> all an even number is, is a number evenly divisible by 2. should there be a word for numbers evenly divisible by 3, while we're at it? 09:49 < zipcpi> A "ratio" is more about comparing one number to another 09:49 < la_kristan> what's so special about 2? 09:50 < Ilmen> jbofihe: ybu 09:50 < mensi> O_0 09:50 < Ilmen> jbofihe: y bu 09:50 < mensi> (0[{y bu BOI} VAU])0 09:50 < zipcpi> They're the most common segregation of integers? Like streets often follow some sort of odd/even convention 09:51 < Ilmen> co'o ro do 09:51 < la_kristan> but maybe other cultures prefer to segregate them by divisibility by 3? 09:51 < dutchie> pe'i even-ness is special for the same reason base-2 is special 09:52 < dutchie> it's the smallest "non-trivial" integer 09:52 < zipcpi> We can't sit in our ivory towers thinking about what are the most objectively neutral concepts 09:52 < dutchie> well, natural number 09:52 < zipcpi> While not having words for things we want to talk about right now 09:52 < la_kristan> I can. 09:52 < zipcpi> If there are other cultures that think base 3 is more important, they can add them themselves 09:53 < zipcpi> I just don't approach Lojban that way 09:53 < la_kristan> why not? 09:53 < zipcpi> Because I believe Lojban is meant to be used 09:54 < zipcpi> This "if it's not perfectly culturally neutral, then it shouldn't be a word" is dog-in-the-manger thinking 09:55 < dutchie> "dog-in-the-manger" ki'a 09:55 < dutchie> ua aesop 09:55 < zipcpi> Hampering our usage just because some imaginary culture might categorize things differently 09:56 < la_kristan> well, couldn't there be a word for even number that maybe involves the number two, and thus can be generalised to other numbers? 09:56 < zipcpi> Well we have {reldilcymu'o} right now 09:57 < zipcpi> I was just complaining that {nalreldilcymu'o} doesn't imply integerity 09:57 < la_kristan> it might be useful! who knows? 09:57 < la_kristan> srry my typing is slow. 09:57 < zipcpi> {dilcymu'o} just means "X1 is fully divisible by X2" 09:57 < zipcpi> So yes, you can express "evenly divisible by N", for any N 09:59 < zipcpi> I didn't leave that hole unclosed 10:00 < la_kristan> not that I ever need to. I'm not much into math anyway. 10:02 < la_kristan> just like I don't care much about rational and irrational numbers. 10:03 < la_kristan> but I do care about rational and irrational emotions. 10:04 < zipcpi> en: racli 10:04 < mensi> racli = x1 (action/activity/behavior) is sane/rational by standard x2. |>>> See also fenki. |>>> 10:04 < mensi> officialdata 10:04 < la_kristan> en: fenki 10:04 < mensi> fenki = x1 (action/event) is crazy/insane/mad/frantic/in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2. |>>> See also bebna, racli, 10:04 < mensi> xajmi. |>>> officialdata 10:05 < la_kristan> so, people aren't fenki then? 10:06 < zipcpi> I dunno. I get these sumti-raising / lowering thing wrong sometimes 10:06 < zipcpi> You're supposed to be able to "fix" these by using {mi jai racli} or {mi jai fenki} 10:07 < zipcpi> Then you can use the {fai} place to explain exactly what you're doing that is rational or insane 10:07 < la_kristan> .i tu'a mi cu fenki 10:07 < la_kristan> ? 10:07 < zipcpi> There's also the lujvo {fekpre} 10:07 < zipcpi> Yeah tu'a works too, but I prefer jai for agents 10:08 < zipcpi> Mainly because the {fai} place allows you to explain the aspect when I use {jai} 10:08 < la_kristan> I still don't fully understand jai and fai. 10:08 < zipcpi> jai serves two purposes 10:08 < zipcpi> The purpose I'm using here 10:08 < zipcpi> Is to split the x1 abstraction place 10:08 < zipcpi> to an agent place, and a ka-abstraction place 10:09 < la_kristan> .i tu'a le mi bruna cu fanza mi 10:09 < zipcpi> OK take for example 10:09 < zipcpi> "I annoy you by speaking loudly" 10:09 < la_kristan> true 10:09 < la_kristan> :-P 10:10 < zipcpi> {lo nu mi cladu bacru cu fanza do} = The event of me speaking loudly annoys you 10:10 < zipcpi> So using {jai}, we can split that x1 up 10:10 < ctefa`o> I can explain jai but people will just be angry with me if I do:) 10:10 < la_kristan> grrr! 10:10 < la_kristan> lol 10:10 < zipcpi> {mi jai fanza do fai lo ka ce'u cladu bacru} = I annoy you by speaking loudly 10:11 < ctefa`o> zipcpi: ko expandoni 10:11 < zipcpi> So this is what jai does; split the x1 to an agent place and a fai place for everything else that was dropped 10:12 < zipcpi> Specifically, nu-event or du'u-proposition, becomes an agent, and a ka-property belonging to that agent 10:13 < zipcpi> Of course like I said, the lujvo {fekpre} is to describe someone as "a crazy person" without making any reference to what they do, so that's covered too 10:14 < zipcpi> But anyway, the {fai} is an extra place like any other, and can be dropped. So {mi jai fanza do} = I annoy you (in some manner) 10:15 < la_kristan> mi jai fenki fai lo nu mi tavla fo la .tokiponas. 10:15 < ldlework> does fai take a property that describes the jai interaction? 10:15 < la_kristan> or what? 10:15 < zipcpi> I would just use {lo ka [ce'u] tavla fo la .tokiponas.} 10:16 < ldlework> oh you just explained it above 10:16 < ldlework> u'u 10:16 < ldlework> I have never used jai/fai 10:16 < zipcpi> I mean, that's acceptable too, but I find {ka} handy for jai/fai, simply because there is a nice connection between the x1 place and the property 10:17 < ldlework> does it only work on the x1? 10:17 < zipcpi> Yes, though you can always SE the brivla to move whatever you need to the x1 10:17 < ldlework> zipcpi: does it have any 'bridi-tail initiation' properties? 10:17 < zipcpi> No 10:17 < ldlework> Oh I guess it would probably tanru 10:17 < ldlework> is jai ever useful outside of starting a bridi tail? 10:18 < zipcpi> It's not a sumtcita; but a selbrisle modifier 10:18 < ldlework> like 10:18 < ldlework> broda jai brode 10:18 < zipcpi> Yeah that's a tanru 10:18 < ldlework> yeah but what does it mean and does anyone ever use it that way? 10:18 < zipcpi> broda type-of jai-brode 10:19 < zipcpi> Place structure would be that of jai-brode 10:19 < ldlework> so the jai would still be active? 10:19 < ldlework> okay so what about 10:19 < ldlework> jai broda brode 10:19 < zipcpi> jai-broda type-of brode 10:19 < ldlework> is the jai active? 10:19 < ctefa`o> la ctefa'o claims jai creates an abstraction and throws everything but the x1 of jai into it 10:19 < ldlework> if jai doesn't add any semantics it seems like dead weight there 10:19 < zipcpi> Place structure would be that of brode 10:19 < ctefa`o> but la ctefa'o is considered nuts so no one has to believe that 10:19 < ldlework> zipcpi: so jai never makes sense anywhere but infront of a the seltau or whatever 10:20 < ldlework> tertau 10:20 < zipcpi> ldlework: I dunno, it's a bit like any SE in front of seltau 10:20 < gleki> ia suggest that {jai broda [fai]} splits broda1 abstraction into broda1's main level sumti and the rest of this brod1 using fai 10:20 < ldlework> since it adds no semantics it seems like dead-weight outside of the tertau 10:20 < ldlework> since it performs only a grammatical function, that goes unused in a seltau 10:21 < dutchie> i would say that it emphasises the agent of the abstraction rather than the abstraction 10:21 < ldlework> seems like it would make a ton more sense as a selbritcita 10:21 < gleki> so {lo nu ko'a brodi cu broda} is {ko'a jai broda fai lo ka brodi} 10:21 < dutchie> but that's probably fairly minor in the seltau 10:21 < zipcpi> Well it, if you might pardon my malbauske, makes something "agentive" where it wasn't before 10:21 < zipcpi> So there might be some kind of semantic difference there 10:21 < ldlework> I don't see why it has to be agentitive at all 10:22 < ctefa`o> there is no gasnu in jai 10:22 < ldlework> It seems like a pure grammatical transformation like tu'a 10:22 < ctefa`o> Some only wants it so because my idea of jai always having a ke'a breaks their precious ke'a subscripting 10:22 < zipcpi> Well that's how it tends to be used, because fitting {gasnu} into {fenki} is somewhat awkward 10:23 < gleki> where is jai can have ke'a? 10:23 < ldlework> lo ckafi ku jai se djica mi lo ka mi jukpa ke'a 10:23 < gleki> maybe ce'u, no? 10:23 < gleki> ldlework: na smudra 10:24 < ldlework> ma krinu 10:24 < zipcpi> gleki: I dunno. It's ctefa'os idea that I don't support because it only works in one very specific type of usage of {jai}, and breaks ke'a indexing 10:24 < ldlework> I forgot the fai 10:24 < gleki> lo ckafi cu jai se djica mi fai lo ka ce'u se jukpa 10:24 < ldlework> Why is it ce'u? 10:24 < zipcpi> ce'u works with ka 10:24 < gleki> because ka 10:24 < ctefa`o> It works for any usage of jai and does not break ke'a subscripting 10:25 < ldlework> I thought ke'a was the variable in ka 10:25 < ldlework> oh 10:25 < ctefa`o> But my insights mostly seem to fall on deaf hears so I am turning back to sumtcita'a again 10:25 * ldlework rubs his eyes 10:25 < ctefa`o> yeah ke'a vs ce'u 10:25 < zipcpi> ke'a was not associated with jai before and now you want it to be, so how can it not break indexing 10:25 < ctefa`o> You just add 1 to the subscript 10:25 < ldlework> It'd be cool if you could somehow incorporate tags with fai 10:26 < ctefa`o> I claim you can 10:26 < ctefa`o> But then you have to accept at least half of my crazy shit:) 10:26 < zipcpi> ctefa'o: And for what? It only works with {jai NU}, and I've already obviated that need with {jai'i} 10:26 < durka42> coi 10:26 * la_kristan cu nelci le rusko se lerfu 10:26 < zipcpi> And {jai'i} has some advantages over {jai NU} even 10:27 < durka42> what craziness is going on here today :) 10:27 < la_kristan> lo ka mutce fenki 10:27 < zipcpi> ctefa'o is trying to push the ke'a-jai idea again 10:27 < ctefa`o> zipcpi yeah it *only* works with jai NU 10:27 < ldlework> lo ckafi ku jai se djica mi fai tezu'e lo ka mi desku sisti 10:27 < durka42> I'm not familiar with that idea 10:27 < ctefa`o> And you know what I think about NU 10:27 < ctefa`o> and NA 10:28 < ctefa`o> coi durka42 10:28 < durka42> coi 10:28 < durka42> mi so'iroi jai nu cusku lo'u jai nu le'u 10:28 < durka42> ma galfi ma 10:28 < ctefa`o> I don't even want to look at your jai'i zipcpi 10:28 < la_kristan> it's my fault... 10:29 < la_kristan> i started this discussion. 10:29 * durka42 just wants to know what the idea is 10:29 < zipcpi> Nah it's already been going on 10:29 < durka42> but for someone reason nobody ever answers when I ask that :) 10:29 < durka42> s/someone/some 10:29 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: but for some reason nobody ever answers when I ask that :) 10:29 < la_kristan> not today, afaik 10:29 < zipcpi> He wants: mi so'iroi jai *ke'a* nu cusku lo'u jai nu le'u 10:29 < ctefa`o> durka: jai creates "abstractions" and throws stuff into it 10:29 < zipcpi> Er 10:29 < durka42> eh? 10:29 < durka42> that ain't the grammar of {jai} 10:29 < zipcpi> mi so'iroi jai nu *ke'a* cusku lo'u jai nu le'u 10:29 < zipcpi> sorry 10:30 < durka42> ah 10:30 < ctefa`o> That's how I claim it expands 10:30 < ldlework> just create a simple expansion 10:30 < durka42> wait what does ke'a refer to there 10:30 < zipcpi> mi, the x1 10:31 < durka42> hmmmm 10:31 < la_kristan> jan ala li sona. jan ali li nasa. 10:31 < ldlework> ko'a jai broda fai lo ka ce'u brode => ??? 10:31 < ctefa`o> You guys can either ditch the NU distinctions completely or expand stuff properly with NU in consideration 10:31 < durka42> it does seem strange for {jai} to be able to reach into the selbri like that 10:31 < durka42> {nu <bridi>} is just a regular selbri 10:31 < durka42> on the other hand, what's the harm 10:31 < ctefa`o> but I guess I will have to save my formal expander for STT lojban 10:32 < zipcpi> durka42: Well my worry is that it might break ke'a-indexing 10:32 < zipcpi> Cause before, ke'a isn't associated with jai 10:32 < zipcpi> While after this, it will 10:32 < durka42> like if you had {da poi de jai nu co'e} 10:33 < la_kristan> ZZZzzz 10:33 < zipcpi> Secondly, I'm not too fond of the grammar of {jai NU}. It hides the rest of the bridi from {le se go'i} etc 10:33 < ctefa`o> sorry kristan I should have stayed quiet:) 10:33 < durka42> zipcpi: well then why do you care :) 10:33 < durka42> honestly I don't see a lot of harm from breaking {da poi de jai nu co'e} 10:33 < durka42> but I've never seen a proposal to associate {jai} with {ke'a} 10:34 < durka42> it'd be interesting to see what some non-irci prenu think about that 10:34 < ldlework> pe'u simple expansion of the minimal jai-fai sentence 10:34 < la_kristan> ilo toki mi li wile lape. 10:34 < ldlework> ko'a jai broda fai lo ka ce'u brode => ??? 10:34 < durka42> => lo nu ko'a brode cu brode 10:34 < ldlework> sampu za'a 10:34 < zipcpi> *lo nu ko'a brode cu broda 10:35 < durka42> oops yes 10:35 < ldlework> really? 10:35 < durka42> maybe su'u instead of nu if you want to get persnickety 10:35 < zipcpi> Yeah 10:35 < ldlework> So 10:35 < ldlework> ko'a is not broda'ing at all 10:35 < gleki> that's the basic functionality of {jai} 10:35 < durka42> an abstraction involving ko'a is broda-ing 10:36 < gleki> there are two {jai} if that confuses anyone. la bangu dictionary lists them in separate nests 10:36 < gleki> jb: jai 10:36 < mensi> jai = jai [1st meaning] — Splits a clause into 'some noun + cu jai' and 'fai lo ka+the rest of the 10:36 < mensi> clause' 10:36 < mensi> :lei ckiku cu jai nandu fai lo ka se tolcri — The keys are hard to find. 10:36 < mensi> :va'i lo nu tolcri lei ckiku cu nandu — In other words, to find the keys is difficult. 10:36 < ldlework> Why is the form "brode fa lo nu ko'a broda" so bad it nees this strange transformation? 10:36 < la_kristan> .uanai 10:36 < gleki> dont ask me how to query the second meaning :) 10:36 < durka42> it's just another way to say it 10:37 < durka42> fronting, emphasis, syllables, etc 10:37 < zipcpi> Sometimes you want to place the focus on one specific object by putting it in the x1 10:37 < gleki> ldlework: examples in la bangu say all 10:37 < zipcpi> Same reason we have SE, FA, and all that 10:37 < gleki> english has it 10:37 < ldlework> Well those actually have important grammatical function 10:37 < ldlework> IE, parts of the language would be inaccessible without them 10:37 < ldlework> they are not merely convienent transformations 10:38 < zipcpi> Not really 10:38 < durka42> it can affect scope too 10:38 * durka42 runs 10:38 < ldlework> zipcpi: how do I refer to a buyer without se? 10:38 < ldlework> SE* 10:38 < zipcpi> durka42: That can be fixed with prenexes :p 10:38 < durka42> well yes everything can be fixed with prenexes, but ain't nobody got time to say that 10:38 < la_kristan> ookie, well i gonna make like a plane and take off. 10:38 < durka42> s/time/the forethought 10:38 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: well yes everything can be fixed with prenexes, but ain't nobody got the forethought to say that 10:39 < zipcpi> Of course. It's just as great an idea as ditching SE, FA, and jai :p 10:39 < durka42> how do you refer to the place of purchase without {jai bu'u} :) 10:39 < durka42> also, buyer = {lo poi'i vecnu fi ke'a} 10:39 < ldlework> zo'o pei 10:39 < zipcpi> Forethought and putting bu'u in the first place. 10:40 * la_kristan cu cliva 10:40 < la_kristan> co'o rodo 10:40 < zipcpi> Awr, sorry x.x 10:40 < gleki> just dont say "buyer". that's all. toki pona doesnt use any SE 10:40 < xunlohu> Hah, I highlighted from <la_kristan> jan ala li sona. jan ali li nasa. 10:40 < la_kristan> toki pona is also very ambiguous. 10:41 < gleki> xunlohu: please login and upvote 5 questions with rating below 10 area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 10:41 < durka42> it's dangerous to show up in #lojban these days. gleki will attack from the shadows 10:41 < ldlework> Its interesting, veridicality could be modeled over poi'i and voi'i 10:42 < la_kristan> co'o 10:42 < zipcpi> jai is not *truly* needed, but it helps avoid having to put tu'a in the x1 place, or wrapping it up into an abstraction 10:42 < ldlework> zipcpi: I think I understand. I wasn't against it, I was just trying to understand. 10:42 < ldlework> ki'e rodo 10:42 < gleki> i have a secret channel where i list everyone who voted and who didnt. Watch out, those who are not on the list! 10:42 < zipcpi> It's a fronting and forethought-vs-afterthought thing 10:44 < zipcpi> Also {lo jai fenki} is different from {lo fenki} 10:44 < zipcpi> It's a lot like SE there 10:45 < durka42> lo jai fenki = lo poi'i tu'a ke'a fenki 10:45 < zipcpi> Mhm 10:48 < xunlohu> gleki: what is that? 10:49 < zipcpi> Foxksssss 10:49 < xunlohu> Oh, I see now 10:50 < xunlohu> I'll have to do that when I have better internet 10:52 < zipcpi> ldlework: Ah sorry, {voi'i} is already taken, and it doesn't work like {poi'i} 10:53 < zipcpi> I assigned {voi'i} to gadganzu-{voi}, partly due to CKTJ, partly due to intentionality issues 10:53 < gleki> en: voi'i 10:53 < mensi> voi'i = [NOI] titular relative clause: gives a title/name in the form of a relative clause, e.g. "Alexander the Great" 10:53 < mensi> or "Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds" |>>> See comments for dialectal/proposal-related notes. For a bare title without a name 10:53 < mensi> or a descriptor, use la poi'i. |>>> spheniscine 10:53 < ldlework> lo poi'i broda = one such that it brodas 10:53 < ldlework> lo voi'i broda = one such that it is named broda 10:53 < zipcpi> Nope, voi'i is in NOI, not NU 10:54 < zipcpi> It could be la poi'i broda though 10:54 < durka42> or... le poi'i broda 10:54 < zipcpi> Nah, la is good for names 10:54 < durka42> yes 10:54 < zipcpi> Which is what I defined voi'i for 10:54 < ldlework> I was talking about gadri-neutral expansions 10:54 < ldlework> and yes, I realize voi'i is not NU like poi'i I was just saying 10:55 < zipcpi> Well kinda too late for that, also there isn't a real need to book cmavo space for non-veridicality anymore 10:55 < ldlework> lo is being used here to avoid a full logical expansion, and to avoid semantics introduced by the gadri 10:55 < ldlework> I was _just saying_ 10:55 < zipcpi> Well, la has an expension involving cmene 10:55 < ldlework> yes, I'm sure everything has nice semantic expansions 10:56 < ldlework> forget what I said 10:56 < ldlework> And I didn't mean Proper Name 10:57 < ldlework> I meant non-assertive referring description 10:57 < ldlework> IE, a non-veridical reference 10:57 < zipcpi> Veridicality vs non-veridicality is dead now, and {ju'acu'i} and {sei'i} are the nails in the coffin 10:57 < ldlework> of any kind 10:57 < gleki> en: sei'i 10:57 < mensi> sei'i = [UI2] evidential: stereotypically... |>>> See sei'inai, lemkai, kesri, ka'u, su'a, le'e |>>> 10:57 < mensi> spheniscine 10:57 < ldlework> non-veridicality has nothing to do with sterotypicalness so you should change the definition 10:58 < zipcpi> No that's a different thing 10:58 < zipcpi> sei'i is to solve the problem of CLL-lo'e vs CLL-le'e 10:58 < zipcpi> Which is kinda-sorta like veridicality 10:59 < zipcpi> "No that's a different thing" -- na'i, I mean 11:00 < zipcpi> Not exactly veridicality, but has a similar intentionality issue as veridicality 11:00 < zipcpi> In fact there is a reason one is assigned to a lo'V and one to a le'V 11:01 < zipcpi> So yeah, ju'acu'i and sei'i are the last nails in the coffin of CLL-leV 11:02 < ldlework> zipcpi: I worry about things like indefinite names. 11:02 < zipcpi> lo'e me la? 11:02 < ldlework> "The Earl of Lojbanistan would be cool job." 11:03 < zipcpi> That won't be a name in Lojban 11:03 < ldlework> It is a name though. 11:03 < ldlework> Its not important that the job doesn't exist, that's not the interesting bit. 11:04 < ldlework> "The President of the United States is always hated by some." 11:04 < zipcpi> No, say we have a word for $x_1$ is the earl over governance $x_2$ or something 11:04 < zipcpi> Capitalization does not necessarily = {la} 11:04 < ldlework> zipcpi: you're hand-waving away an entire part of speech, but okay if you say so 11:05 < zipcpi> We capitalize it to indicate a position, which is completely predicatable, and isn't really a "name" 11:06 < ldlework> I have yet to read the writings of a linguist who agrees with you. 11:06 < ldlework> Indefinite names being a classically central topic of debate in description theory and basically the primary mechanism for introducing implications indefinite reference. 11:07 < gleki> loglan: le 11:07 < mensi> le = the (one or more things I mean which seem to be)..., the general descriptive operator. (see lee and 11:07 < mensi> laa) 11:07 < gleki> loglan: lee 11:07 < mensi> lee = the (one or more things I mean which actually are)..., if there is such, otherwise the empty set (see le and 11:07 < mensi> laa) 11:07 < ldlework> s/implications/implications of 11:07 < fenki> ldlework meant to say: Indefinite names being a classically central topic of debate in description theory and basically the primary mechanism for introducing implications of indefinite reference. 11:08 < zipcpi> Well, if you want to say something like "A Baudelaire always keeps their word", there's {lo'e me la} / gg-{lo'i me la} 11:08 < ldlework> zipcpi: Right I see this as a fundamental inconsistency with the gadganzu system 11:08 < zipcpi> ldlework: What else would you suggest we do? Have a whole bunch of la-based cmavo? 11:09 < ldlework> a whole bunch? 11:09 < zipcpi> Oh OK just la'o'e la'o'i then 11:09 < ldlework> you basically need two gadri for each desgination type, with the assumptions we've made, to be consistent 11:09 < zipcpi> With their equivalent mass gadri 11:09 < Lojban> Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but I have a question. How has Lojban benefitted you in your daily life? 11:09 < zipcpi> Oh but names aren't even just la 11:09 < zipcpi> There's also la'o 11:09 < gleki> lo'e se cmene be zo ... 11:09 < zipcpi> li'ai 11:09 < zipcpi> la'au 11:09 < zipcpi> la'oi 11:10 < zipcpi> Are we gonna have indefinite variants for all those too? 11:10 < gleki> Lojban: it helped me understand how other languages work. in some ways in improved my logical reasoning 11:10 < ldlework> zipcpi: I'm trying to find out what makes sense to reach of the goal of having lojban's description system reflect modern description theory 11:11 < ldlework> If you want to characterize the implications with silliness that's fine, but it doesn't help. 11:11 <@xalbo> Lojban: For me, it's helped me question a lot of the assumptions that are baked into my native language (English). In Lojban, for instance, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is almost untranslatable, because the word {melbi} has a place for the beholder already in it. 11:11 < zipcpi> What's wrong with {me}? I am making a point, that sometimes there are too many combinatorial factors, and we must rely on cmavo clusters 11:11 <@xalbo> Likewise, being able to translate something like "should" involves asking yourself what you *actually mean*, which is invaluable. 11:12 < ldlework> zipcpi: it changes the logical expansion. The whole point is that the gadri don't require varying logical expansions because they only add semantics 11:12 < ldlework> Its not consistent 11:12 < ldlework> Its a hack 11:12 < zipcpi> There are too many combinatorial factors 11:12 < ldlework> I endevor to imagine an internally consistent system 11:13 < zipcpi> Lojban already has too many ways to quote names based on grammaticality 11:13 < zipcpi> We can't have a single solution for all of them 11:13 <@xalbo> ldlework: So far, it sounds like all of the indefinite names you've mentioned don't sound like names at all to me, they sound like titles (which are just descriptions). Do you have an example that feels more intuitively name-ish, or am I misunderstanding? 11:13 < ldlework> zipcpi: There is the fundamental question whether all these other gadri even make sense under a unified system 11:13 < ldlework> xalbo: google "indefinite names" and just start reading 11:13 < ldlework> being a central theme since even russel you will have no shortage of content to consume 11:14 < ldlework> zipcpi: If I reconsider what the actual purpose of gadri articles are, maybe denoting "an otherwise lojbanic name" isn't the right purpose for a gadri 11:14 < Ilmen> coi 11:14 < zipcpi> Heck we don't even have a mass-variant for these other things 11:15 < ldlework> Maybe the purpose of gadri are not "add an arbitrary semantic based on literally any metric whatsoever" 11:15 <@xalbo> I'm not afraid of there being a shortage of content, I'm afraid of there being a surfeit of content. A summary of what *you* mean by it, instead of "read 50 books that all disagree with each other" would be nice. 11:15 < ldlework> xalbo: sorry, I'm not interested 11:15 < ldlework> I can already detect the tone 11:16 < ldlework> zipcpi: if that's the conclusion I come to, maybe la'ai's semantic isn't fundamental to desgination types that it doesn't deserve its own stand-alone gadri, and therfore referentiality varaints 11:19 < ldlework> I'm really starting to like the idea of a foundation of referentiality built upon the back of da and zo'e 11:21 < ldlework> Its easier to understand the division of lo if you contemplate that it may expand to the same logical expansion involving either da or zo'e 11:22 < ldlework> Depending on the kind of referentiality involved 11:22 < zipcpi> "you basically need two gadri for each desgination type, with the assumptions we've made, to be consistent" Even that is bad enough. Do we need {la'e'e} and {la'e'i} too? 11:22 < ldlework> zipcpi: It also changes what is required to justify being a gadri 11:22 < ldlework> I'll assume that you've heard me this time 11:23 < zipcpi> What are you saying? Cause to me it seems like you are saying that since we don't have a solution for names except with {me}, we must throw out the whole bunch 11:23 < ldlework> And LAhE are not nessarily description designators 11:24 < ldlework> We're basically only talking about LE 11:24 < zipcpi> Just because {me} doesn't work for some reason I don't understand, and because coming up with cmavo for each gadri for names would be too cumbersome 11:25 < ldlework> zipcpi: I guess you didn't hear me 11:25 < zipcpi> I have no idea what you are talking about 11:25 < ldlework> Okay, sorry! 11:26 < gleki> oh my so many pages in lmw to fix 11:26 < gleki> in formatting 11:26 < ldlework> zipcpi: if at somepoint you'd like to try, I can explain again 11:27 < zipcpi> Look I'm trying my best, but whatever I say, you say that that's not what you said 11:27 < ldlework> zipcpi: you keep saying "But there are all these gadri!" 11:27 < zipcpi> So obviously there is a communication issue somewhere 11:27 < ldlework> and I keep saying "If we start from a different fundamental justification for what gadri do, maybe we don't need all those" 11:27 < ldlework> and you say "So you're saying you want variants of all the name gadri, that's ridiculous!" 11:27 < zipcpi> You want to change the entire system again? 11:27 < ldlework> I can't elucidate any further. 11:28 < ldlework> zipcpi: All I have ever wanted to do, is think about how a unified gadri system that represents the actual thinking in description theory 11:28 < ldlework> Whether practical or not 11:28 < ldlework> Whether it ends up in a CLL or not 11:29 < ldlework> Whether it throws out existing gadri or reworks them, or reconsiders them under new thinking or whatever 11:29 < ldlework> I'm starting with the premise that the wider audience of language philosophy knows more about language philosophy than lojban's history 11:29 < zipcpi> OK. But I can't follow you there. I've not read those books 11:30 < ldlework> Except you followed me all the while I used the same reasoning to arrive at the gadri you liked. 11:30 < ldlework> We have been in great agreement as long as the conclusions led to the gadri you agree with. I have not learned any new language philosophy. I'm not using any new ideas or anything. 11:31 < ldlework> I'm simply drilling down even further to justify the original thinking that got us the gadganzu gadri, more fully 11:31 < ldlework> How to justify their expansions and formalism 11:31 < ldlework> That leads me to da and zo'e 11:31 < gleki> i'e 11:31 < zipcpi> Well for your help there I sincerely thank you, but if you really want me to talk about the first-principles and whatnot, I can't do that 11:31 < ldlework> If I -start- from da and zo'e as representing the two most fundamental divsions in description theory, its definite and indefinite 11:31 < ldlework> Something you must fully understand since your own gadganzu system makes this same distinction 11:32 < ldlework> So it seems bizare you can use this philosophy to drive a division in your gadri but you can't follow it to their expansions 11:32 < gleki> wait, both da and zo'e can mean "any". but what does "definite" mean? 11:33 < ldlework> The division we've made in the gadganzu specific gadri, ignoring all the gadri we didn't address, there indeed exists this division 11:33 < ldlework> IF we follow it down to their expansions, I at least, reason a division in the existential quantification 11:33 < zipcpi> ldlework: The problem is, I have a good idea of what I want GG-gadri to do, but I can't defend the whole definite/indefinite thing myself. All I could do is point to various situations I want to use each for 11:34 < ldlework> if I then throw away everything 11:34 < ldlework> And -start- with that division at the bottom 11:34 < ldlework> and rebuild upwards to the gadri 11:34 < ldlework> a lot of the "arbitrary semantic" gadri cease to make any justified sense 11:34 < ldlework> that's all that has happened here 11:34 < zipcpi> Which ones do you consider arbitrary then? 11:34 < ldlework> I'm not actually suggesting we throw out a ton of gadri or invent a bunch of variants 11:35 < ldlework> zipcpi: that's up for debate, I've only just begun thinking about the consequences of gadri unified under da and zo'e 11:35 <@xalbo> ldlework: If I had to guess, I would guess that zipcpi has been using z's own understanding of what "definite" and "indefinite" mean. You, having read many books about deep theory, seem to have come to a different, or at least differently grounded (possibly better grounded) understanding. But z (and I) lack that understanding. 11:35 < ldlework> and you're hand waiving me away not giving the philosophy a chance 11:35 < gleki> if you mean that zipcpi's page in the wiki icant see any "definite/indefinite" division explained 11:35 < ldlework> I just want to talk 11:35 < zipcpi> gleki: It's sort of the difference between gg-loV and gg-leV 11:35 <@xalbo> zipcpi: If what I just said is wrong, correct me. 11:36 < gleki> zipcpi: which page to look at? 11:36 < zipcpi> gleki: I didn't actually describe the division; merely described each gadri, and put them into a spectrum 11:36 < zipcpi> But I didn't bother to actually explain the spectrum; to me it's just meant to be an intuitive sense 11:37 <@xalbo> ldlework: It's hard to give the philosophy a chance when you won't elaborate what it is, other than to tell us to read a bunch of books. 11:37 < gleki> zipcpi: for me it simply doesnt exist. i think you need to try to explain it 11:37 < ldlework> xalbo: zipcpi and I have talked at length about this, there's context you're not privy to and you're doing that thing where you trample on me based on context you don't have 11:37 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm not looking to address my conversation with zipcpi through you as an adjuct 11:37 < gleki> maybe you are malgli-izing English a/the distinction? 11:37 < ldlework> but thanks 11:37 < zipcpi> gleki: The problem is that the gadri aren't defined based on the spectrum. The specturm are merely a mnemonic 11:38 < gleki> zipcpi: so unless someone explains what definite means i can't comment. 11:38 < zipcpi> gleki: I've tried, but... obviously I don't know the magic words or the logical formalism 11:38 < ldlework> definite and indefinites have to do with identification, in a sense that has nothing to do with the knowledge, experience or tools available to the listener 11:39 < gleki> O_0 11:39 < zipcpi> We've been through this many many times. The whole thing over what itca means 11:39 < gleki> O_0 11:39 < zipcpi> The difference between "Give me the two apples" and "Give me any two apples" 11:39 < gleki> so you embedded itca into these gadri? 11:39 < zipcpi> I simply have no idea how I can get you to understand 11:39 < zipcpi> {le}, at least 11:40 < ldlework> zipcpi: Don't feel bad, its a hugely abstract topic 11:40 <@xalbo> It sounds to me as though ldlework is interested in exploring the philosophy of reference, possibly using Lojban as an inspiration or a metalanguage or something else, but mostly as an intellectual exercise. And it sounds to me like zipcpi is attempting to construct a set of gadri to replace the ones in Lojban, as an actual practical thing. 11:40 < gleki> for me it's simply co'ephorics vs. {lo} 11:40 <@xalbo> Am I mis-characterizing either of your goals? 11:41 < ldlework> xalbo: Well if I can actually embetter lojban with actual thinking from the field we're addressing with Lojban that's ideal 11:41 < ldlework> But I'm backing away from the idea of actually expressing these ideas as practical because zipcpi became all handwavy and started to characterize my ideas in the extreme of inpracticality 11:41 <@xalbo> So your goal is to *first* understand the topic, and only *then* see whether that understanding can be used to improve lojban? 11:41 < ldlework> not wanting to argue about whether we go make patches to the CLL right now, to reflect this thinking, I backed off 11:42 < ldlework> Everything I contriubted to gadganzu was based on the thinking I'm expressing now, no different. 11:42 < ldlework> I merely pointed out an inconsistency in the gadganzu system in that it does not diffuse its principles to the whole set of gadri just a few central ones 11:42 < ldlework> A great and exceedingly welcome improvement but not ideal in the sense of ultimate elegant idealism 11:42 < ldlework> There's nuance everywhere, I'm just talking. 11:44 * nuzba @uitki: names of Computer Languages - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/names_of_Computer_Languages by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1LTcgbS] 11:45 < zipcpi> maybe you are malgli-izing English a/the distinction? - Maybe, but I've taken great care not to say "This is English "the", kthxbai" 11:45 < ldlework> In identifying the inconsistency I thought "What if we take the principle driving gadganzu to the bottom of the formalities what does it look like?" "Okay, now that we know what it looks like, what kind of gadri system do we get if we start at the bottom with this distinction, what kind of gadri set arises naturally from those assumptions" 11:46 < ldlework> Nothing I've addressed today has anything to do at all with a feature of language. 11:46 < ldlework> feature of English 11:46 < gleki> zipcpi: so "the" is basically {da}, i.e. something scoped. 11:46 < ldlework> English is the language in which most language philosophy that I can read is written. 11:46 < gleki> in one of its first meanings 11:46 < zipcpi> {da} means "there exists" 11:46 < ldlework> If you can't divorce abstract concepts from their incidental manifestations, that's a problem but not with me malgli-izing anything 11:46 < gleki> Ofc. im not talking about "the" in "The United States" :D 11:47 < gleki> zipcpi: {da} means that scope is enabled. it's a local variable. 11:47 < ldlework> zipcpi: ie 11:47 < zipcpi> I'm not sure how that says whether it points to a specific referent or not 11:47 < ldlework> da is just "something" but not "anything" 11:47 < ldlework> "anything" is a quantification 11:48 < gleki> "anything" is polysemous in English 11:48 < ldlework> As in "Give me any apple" 11:49 < ldlework> da is thing which youre descriptions refer 11:49 < ldlework> You create descriptions to help your listener identify what is inside the da 11:50 < ldlework> Consider that zo'e has nothing inside of it, but is still logically predicated the same way 11:50 < ldlework> Its the same shell as da, but never contains anything 11:50 < gleki> 11:48 < ldlework> As in "Give me any apple" <-- {lo} 11:50 < ldlework> da and zo'e are the same precise grammatical construct, but one can never actually refer to anything 11:50 <@xalbo> I don't understand what you mean by {zo'e} doesn't have anything in it. 11:50 < durka42> zo'e has nothing inside of it? 11:50 < ldlework> xalbo: its a nonce understanding 11:51 < durka42> zo'e has referents inside of it :p 11:51 < zipcpi> Heck I've even used lo vs le when trying to define mathematical descriptions with {ni'ai}.... {le ni'ai} = A specific number; probably means I expect only one answer to fit. {lo ni'ai} on the other hand, I use when there might be more than one answer 11:51 < gleki> zo'e means constant, i.e. no scoping, ~= no definiteness 11:51 < ldlework> Consider the semantic we give zo'e normally 11:52 < ldlework> "Its something but the speaker isn't indicating at all what it is" 11:52 < ldlework> We use it as a sumti-stand in for ambiguity 11:52 < ldlework> But try, just try, as a novel thought experiment to see zo'e as the same grammatical construct as da 11:52 < ldlework> The idea is that all the LE gadri wrap up a da expansion for convenience 11:52 < latro`a> nothing is ever in the da 11:52 < ldlework> But each time we use a LE description, we really are uttering some logical form 11:53 < ldlework> But we know that from language philosophy (not logic) that there are really two kinds of referring descriptions 11:53 < ldlework> Where logic only addresses one 11:53 < latro`a> the ENTIRE POINT of xorlo is that lo no longer binds up a da unless it is outer quantified 11:53 < latro`a> the same is true of le, now 11:53 < ldlework> The problem langauge philosophy has faced traditionally is that there is no sensible logical formalization of indefinite descriptions 11:54 < ldlework> (I'll assume you are all ignoring latro`a in terms of what I'm saying and understand he's missing the context that got us here and we're not discussing xorlo or the cll) 11:54 < ldlework> (and therefore are still following my train of thought, so I'll continue) 11:54 < ldlework> The problem with indefinite descriptions when you try to formalize them, is they have hard to understand consequences for scope and largely break a lot of our assumptions 11:54 < latro`a> even if you're not talking about lojban as it exists now, you're contesting the philosophy behind xorlo, and responding to that is relevant to the discussion 11:54 < gleki> i dont understand what you mean by indefinite description. zipcpi says it's intuitive. huh? 11:55 <@xalbo> Ok, I think I'm confused, because it seems like indefinite descriptions are exactly what logic is really good at. "I see a dog" means "there's some x such that x is a dog and I see x". You mean something else by indefinite? 11:55 < ldlework> In fact the solutions for logicially formalizing indefinite descriptions are very strange and exotic 11:55 < ldlework> xalbo: all the logic says is that something exists, indefiniteness has nothing to do with existentialism but identifiability 11:55 < zipcpi> "Cats have four legs" / "To err is human" 11:55 < latro`a> seeing as the lojban community has rather thoroughly agreed that LE constructs do NOT wrap up a da expansion 11:56 < gleki> zipcpi: {lo} 11:56 < zipcpi> ... yeah you see the problem. I have gained a phobia of {da} 11:56 < latro`a> I would say that your very premise warrants discussion, and that you shouldn't continue talking under that premise until we're done dealing with that premise 11:56 < gleki> zipcpi: but definitely not {da} unless you specify all possible {da} 11:56 < ldlework> latro`a: I am *trying to explain the premise itself* 11:56 < latro`a> why? 11:56 < zipcpi> Cause I have no idea how to avoid any scoping issues whenever I want to talk about {da} vs {zo'e} 11:56 < ldlework> what?! 11:56 < latro`a> why work with that premise when we have 20 years to tell us that it doesn't work 11:57 < ldlework> latro`a: you have successfully killed this discussion, carry on with the demand of it you now have to lead us to your own agenda 11:57 < gleki> zipcpi: the whole point of {da} is to create scope, i.e. to continuereferring for things that you've chosen. 11:57 < zipcpi> And I don't know exactly why xorlo works; I only want to keep its magic, while giving more semantic tools for us to use 11:57 < gleki> so i suppose it might be that the lack of using {da} which these zipcpi's pages are notorious for may be the cause of these proposals 11:58 < latro`a> to me I'd rather discuss how xorlo functions and its deficiiencies, rather than going back to a premise which is fundamentally rooted in CLL-lo, whose practical merits have been shown to be very few through years of usage 11:58 <@xalbo> Everyone is at cross purposes. Everyone is attempting to do something different, and many don't even realize they're talking about different things. 11:58 < zipcpi> Oh I do use {da}, sparingly 11:59 < zipcpi> It's just if you ask me to expand everything in terms of {da} and {zo'e}? 11:59 < zipcpi> I feel like being somewhere else really bad 12:00 < zipcpi> Cause the scoping issues of multiple use of {da}, and about why it breaks xorlo in this way or that, is just beyond me 12:00 < latro`a> in particular, ldlework, da fundamentally creates a scope by its very nature, which means that {ro prenu cu se ninmu lo mamta} would create a function mapping people to their mothers 12:00 < latro`a> under an old-lo-like system 12:00 < akmnlrse> Ilmen: gleki: https://github.com/Ilmen-vodhr/ilmentufa/pull/121 12:01 < durka42> I think you switched {ninmu} and {mamta}, .u'i 12:01 < ldlework> latro`a: I fundamentally agree with the idea that da creates scope 12:01 < latro`a> er, se ninmu lo mamta 12:01 < ldlework> This observation is fundamental to my observations elsewhere 12:01 < latro`a> then you don't understand logic 12:02 < zipcpi> latro'a - As far as I know, my foundation *is* xorlo. {lo} is xorlo-lo 12:02 < latro`a> err...dammit, se mamta lo ninmu 12:02 < zipcpi> All I did was to create a system of semantics for the gadri *other* than {lo} 12:02 < latro`a> zipcpi had it right 12:02 < latro`a> oh sorry, ldlework, I saw "disagree" 12:03 < zipcpi> Essentially, we are trying to make a "Big Bang" to follow xorlo's "Big Crunch" 12:03 < latro`a> you see though, if you want scoping, you know where to find it 12:03 < ldlework> latro`a: whatever 12:03 < zipcpi> xorlo said, well, CLL-gadri system is useless, let's throw out the whole lot, and use {lo} instead 12:03 < latro`a> {su'o lo} gets that done 12:04 < zipcpi> While gadganzu says, let's try to make the gadri mean something useful this time 12:04 < latro`a> though I scrolled up a bit and I see that you're trying to talk about language philosophy; IMO this is sufficiently far astray from lojban that it's outright off-topic 12:04 < ldlework> I love how zipcpi has it right, even though his system is based philosophy I brought to the table 12:04 < ldlework> and rather, zipcpi seems to have intuitited on his own vaguely before I even arrived 12:05 < latro`a> was there a proposal (not necessarily fully specified, perhaps just a big picture of a proposal) further up? 12:06 < latro`a> I read back to about 25 minutes ago 12:06 < zipcpi> Sorry, I'll link you 12:06 < ldlework> latro`a: maybe we should have addressed this before shouting people down and telling them they don't know anything 12:06 < zipcpi> http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_Yet_another_gadri_article 12:06 < ldlework> And using your own opinions on what we should talk about to disrupt conveersations you arrived at midway? 12:06 < ldlework> latro`a: I admit my frustration here. 12:07 < ldlework> I was having a conversation and was mid-thought in explanation to interlocutors who seemd to agree to listen to what I was saying. 12:07 < latro`a> I dunno, I have some of gleki's "I'm getting tired of theory and would rather stay grounded in concrete suggestions about modifications of lojban" in me 12:07 < zipcpi> Maybe read this first; it's a lot shorter: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_The_case_against_%22lo%22 12:07 < ldlework> latro`a: Yes because I've made none of those 12:08 < ldlework> latro`a: also nice how you can characterize my agenda and the character of how I've executed it without having the whole context 12:08 < latro`a> I thought I had enough context because of the fact that you were using lojban jargon to characterize your (apparently non-lojban) ideas 12:08 < latro`a> I admit I was mistaken in that, though I stand by the claim that this is pretty off-topic 12:09 < ldlework> latro`a: you don't get to decide what is on topic, if I'm discussing lojban directly 12:09 < ldlework> seriously, come off it 12:09 < latro`a> you're not 12:09 < ldlework> latro`a: that's a subjective valuation 12:09 < ldlework> one that you're using to disrupt cromluent discourse that didn't involve you 12:09 < ldlework> Its not acceptable 12:09 < gleki> im just waiting for a bunch of sentences to translate. last time i did it two times and solved everything i needed: i collected all examples for subjunctives from different languages 2. i collected all meanings of 'some' and 'any' in examples. then there were translations to lojban 12:10 < gleki> here i can only see weird theories of definite descriptions which doesnt mean anything to me 12:10 < zipcpi> gleki: The point is not how many circumlocutions you can make, or how much semantics you can add to give King Context more to work with 12:10 < gleki> create a list of sentences on tatoeba and translate them 12:11 < zipcpi> Because frankly gleki, not all of us are that creative 12:11 < ldlework> Also, translating something and saying "This is how you translate that meaning" is arbitrary 12:11 < ldlework> Rather than justifying the translation with gramatical and semantic primitives 12:11 <@xalbo> latro`a: I think ldlework is trying to first approach the entire idea of reference from scratch, and then recreate thorough system of gadri, and *then* see how that fits with Lojban. But he keeps using lojban words (like {da} and {zo'e}) without clearly marking whether he's using a nonce-meaning, the zipcpi proposed meaning, the cll meaning, or something else. 12:12 < zipcpi> I'm not touching da or zo'e 12:12 * zipcpi hides 12:12 < ldlework> I have explicitly explained my da and zo'e so this isn't fair though I appreciate the couching on my behalf 12:12 <@xalbo> zipcpi: You're right, sorry about that. 12:12 < latro`a> if there's context from more than half an hour ago on how you're using these terms, I'd appreciate it 12:13 <@xalbo> ldlework: When you first said that {zo'e} was empty and had no referents, I really did think you were talking about some existing {zo'e}, not making up a new meaning for it on the spot. You really need to be more careful about that. 12:13 < ldlework> latro`a: so do dilligence and start scrolling backwardsd before jumping in and telling people to shut up as if you have some objective qualifications for doing so. 12:13 < ldlework> xalbo: yep and then I went on to explain what I meant 12:13 < latro`a> as of when? 12:13 < gleki> zipcpi: if you fail to create examples of sentences then your theory is just abstract theory not relevant to real usage of real language. im fighting that actually with my muplis, CC etc. 12:13 < gleki> although ofc. muplis is not mine 12:13 < latro`a> I didn't see a followup explanation that you meant some other zo'e-like-thing that isn't what we call zo'e 12:13 < gleki> i mean its db 12:13 < zipcpi> I do have examples. Right on the page 12:14 < ldlework> Since the context of "we're talking about something completely novel built up from new first principles" wasn't enough context to demonstrate to you that some things might be nonce. 12:14 < gleki> zipcpi: are those examples final? 12:14 < zipcpi> Also I even explicitly made one [jo'au gadganzu] on Tatoeba, to the consternation of the ruleniks there 12:14 < ldlework> latro`a: feel free to wallow in your qualitative pedantry, it wont help you get what you want 12:14 <@xalbo> latro`a: If you haven't read exactly the right things already, then ldlework will refuse to engage with you already. You're hopelessly out of touch, too bad, so sad. 12:14 < ldlework> I don't mind questions of what I mean 12:14 < latro`a> seriously, a short quote from when this was discussed would be great 12:14 < ldlework> What I mind is "That's wrong, shut up its off topic" 12:15 < latro`a> so that I can ctrl+F 12:15 < zipcpi> Heck maybe I just need to add {ko dunda mi re xe'e plise} somewhere there 12:15 < latro`a> your thing in quotes wasn't one of those 12:15 < ldlework> So I don't feel super responsible for helping someone who doesn't even start with due dilligence. 12:15 < latro`a> (I checked already) 12:15 < latro`a> and again, I did read back like 10 minutes and didn't see anything suggesting that this was about theory 12:15 < Ilmen> Do you want logs? 12:15 < ldlework> Or that the subseqeuent discussion will be profitable anyway even if I reexplain everything 12:15 < latro`a> I have some logs, I don't want to go through my whole scrollback 12:15 < Ilmen> I have logs from about 1h15 ago 12:15 < ldlework> If my interlocutor started off by telling me to shut up 12:15 < Ilmen> (coi) 12:16 < gleki> i have logs from about 3 years :P 12:16 < ldlework> So be surprised when I disengage just like you asked si demanded me to do. 12:16 < latro`a> I didn't, actually; I started off by saying you were saying factually incorrect statements, because what you were doing was the equivalent of referring to fish as "dogs" 12:17 < Ilmen> le gerku noi finpe .u'e 12:17 < ldlework> latro`a: if you say so, that's all that matters 12:17 < latro`a> where you established more than half an hour prior that you were going to call fish dogs 12:17 < ldlework> thank god we avoided returning to CLL 12:17 < zipcpi> gleki: The thing is that I have given you lots of examples. But all you did was just use things like {na'oku} etc. I explained that that doesn't solve the fundamental problem of referents vs no referents. 12:17 < ldlework> you saved us, and you're the good guy, so lets just return to those assumptions and move on, never understanding what I had to say 12:17 < zipcpi> Merely give King Context more to work with 12:17 <@xalbo> latro`a: No, where he started half an hour ago using the word "fish" and hoping we'd understand that he meant "dogs". 12:18 < zipcpi> To make us *more confident* about whether there is a referent or not 12:18 <@xalbo> (vice versa) 12:18 < zipcpi> But doesn't actually solve the problem directly 12:18 < ldlework> Yep context doesn't have any effect on anything. 12:18 <@xalbo> and after many times of us saying "but dogs don't have gills" and such, he said "sheesh, I'm redefining a word, work with me here" 12:18 < ldlework> Start a dialogue with, I'm going to start with completely novel assumptions 12:18 < ldlework> And it has no effect on your listener's ability to designate descriptions going forward 12:18 < ldlework> za'a 12:19 < ldlework> When you express confusion and they elucidate on what they mean 12:19 < gleki> zipcpi: pls put of all those examples into one page so i can see "fundamental" issue as you say. 12:19 < ldlework> Make sure to ignore then and continue to characterize them as being utterly uncooperative 12:19 < zipcpi> I already did: http://mw.lojban.org/papri/zipcpi:_The_case_against_%22lo%22 12:19 < ldlework> So you can be cool to your buddy in the channel 12:20 < gleki> zipcpi: oh okay. then i'll translate those. 12:21 < zipcpi> I just don't see how this would help, gleki. Like I keep saying, not all of us are as creative as you 12:21 < zipcpi> Everytime we throw out example sentences, you simply add more semantics to them 12:21 < zipcpi> And I'd be forced to agree that "yeah if you said that to me on the street, I won't misunderstand you" 12:22 < zipcpi> But that's not the point 12:22 < ldlework> zipcpi: and more fundamentally, even if you can solve everything with UI it doesn't really address that we have this core part of langauage and we have this core part of lojban and we're just trying to match them up properly. 12:23 < ldlework> The problem is that we must provide different semantics of the same class, with different grammatical constructs in lojban. 12:23 <@xalbo> zipcpi: Reading your case against lo, I agree somewhat, but also disagree somewhat. In particular, the definitional/essentialistic case doesn't sound to me like it needs to be a gadri. 12:23 < zipcpi> xalbo: I find I do resort to it a lot when talking about what specific Lojban words mean 12:23 < zipcpi> Like {xu lo'i remna cu danlu} 12:24 < ldlework> xalbo: the various semantics that the gadganznu gadri desginate all at least have to do with different kinds of desgination 12:24 < ldlework> Whether there is a strong enough designation distinction between the generalization and the essentialistic demonstration is debatable by reasonable people 12:24 <@xalbo> That sounds to me like a shorthand for something like {xu lo ka [ce'u] remna cu (nibli lo) ka [ce'u] danlu} 12:25 < ldlework> Afterall, it is this very distinction which is indeed debated in writings about designation types 12:25 < ldlework> When talking about indefinite desginations 12:25 < ldlework> specifically debating truth-conditions 12:25 < zipcpi> xalbo: Perhaps so. Anyway just so I can use that semantic without having to commit to {jo'au gadganzu}, I have defined {kairpau} and {kai'a} 12:26 < ldlework> Are statements expressing internal modeling false? 12:26 < zipcpi> {kairpau} is a lot like how you used {nibli}, except the arguments reversed 12:27 < ldlework> If we understand all indefinite descriptions to be free-variables (only a single proposed solution for something that has never been adequeately formalized anywhere) then we can just say that none of them have truth values 12:27 < zipcpi> So {xu lo ka ce'u danlu cu kairpau lo ka ce'u remna} 12:27 < ldlework> But there are other (more exotic) logical formulations of indefinite references (which haven't yet been dismissed wholesale) which would allow truth consideration of indefinite statements 12:28 < ldlework> But as we learned today, language philosophy has nothing to do with logic and therefore is off-topic with regards to lojban 12:28 < zipcpi> {kai'a} might also find use even with GG, as a discursive. "By definition..." 12:28 < gleki> indefinite descriptions are definitely variables but in completely another sense. i mean {goi ko'a} ofc. they have no local scope. and probably i mean something else by "indefinite" here 12:28 < gleki> en: kairpau 12:28 < mensi> kairpau [< ckaji pagbu ≈ Feature part] = being x1 (ka) is part of being x2 (ka) |>>> Or "x2 implies x1", but stronger 12:28 < mensi> than the logical sense; this word is definitional or essentialistic, and implies that if something stopped being x1, 12:28 < mensi> it'd stop being x2. See kai'a, bi'ai, nibli, jinzi |>>> spheniscine 12:28 < latro`a> sorry to poke in about zipcpi's proposal: I like what's there, but the lo'i thing can be done with {lo ka} and some circumlocution 12:28 < ldlework> By whatever mechanism language philosophy and predicate logic are mutually exclusive. 12:28 < zipcpi> I find I want to say that a lot, and {ca'e} is just wrong 12:29 < latro`a> ldlework, I actually didn't mean that language philosophy is separate from logic; just logic itself would be off-topic from lojban too 12:29 < zipcpi> latro'a: Yes I am completely aware of that, and I've even defined {kairpau} and {kai'a} simply so that I don't *have* to rely on GG-code-switch 12:29 < gleki> why {kairpau} is even needed? in order not to rant whether {pagbu1} can be a property? 12:29 <@xalbo> latro`a: Interestingly, I *just* said that within the last few minutes :) 12:30 < zipcpi> gleki: You *can* say that 12:30 < ldlework> All the semantics introduced by the GG have alternative semantic expansions 12:30 < ldlework> That's hardly the point whatsoever 12:30 < latro`a> semantic expansions to...what? pre-GG jbo? 12:31 < latro`a> (serious question, not a refutation) 12:32 < ldlework> I don't know what effect GG would even have on a semantic expansion and why you'd need to distinguish it beyond normal lojban 12:32 < ldlework> Since you'd be expanding the GG additions away (that's the point here), all that's left is whatever GG didn't introduce 12:32 < latro`a> fair point 12:32 < Ilmen> What is GG? 12:32 < ldlework> Gadganzu Gadri 12:32 < Ilmen> je'e 12:32 < latro`a> but how does one expand, say, GG-le 12:32 < ldlework> It depends on whether you will attack me 12:33 < ldlework> And insult my understanding of lojban or anything else 12:33 < latro`a> nah 12:33 < zipcpi> {le} is probably the one I have most trouble with. Cause I built it all on this one little word. {itca} 12:33 < zipcpi> Selpa'i defined it 12:33 < ldlework> In my opinon all gadri are encapsulations of a logical form 12:33 < ldlework> lo is the gadri which encapsulates the logical form without adding any semantic 12:33 < ldlework> so IN MY MODEL, you have 12:34 < Ilmen> Just defines le broda = lo le'elkai be lo ka broda, and then leave defining le'elkai for when you come up with a more precise definition :p 12:34 < ldlework> lo broda : da/zo'e poi broda 12:34 < ldlework> so le is merely 12:34 < zipcpi> ilmen: lol 12:34 < ldlework> le broda : da poi broda 12:34 < ldlework> and lo'e simply 12:34 < ldlework> lo'e : zo'e poi broda 12:34 < zipcpi> Ilmen: But I do believe {itca} has what I need 12:34 < Ilmen> en: le'elkai 12:34 < mensi> le'elkai = x1 is/are the thing(s) described/named with property x2 by the speaker, who thinks this is contextually 12:34 < mensi> enough information for the listener to understand what are x1's referent(s) |>>> This predicate is intended to be the 12:34 < mensi> predicate equivalent of le (or at least to one of the interpretations thereof), so that «lo [this predicate] (be ...)» 12:34 < mensi> is equivalent to «le ckaji (be ...)». See also le, lemkai. |>>> Ilmen 12:34 < ldlework> zipcpi is encodifying the fundamental primitive in itca 12:34 < Ilmen> xD dai 12:34 < zipcpi> {lol 12:34 < latro`a> ...that's so far removed from how I understand da/zo'e that I don't see how it achieves the goal 12:34 < latro`a> again not a criticism, just "what?" 12:35 < ldlework> latro`a: and what is the goal? my goal to unify lojban's description system to match modern description theory? 12:35 < zipcpi> Ilmen: Yeah I think that's about right 12:35 < ldlework> latro`a: or your goal of me saying things that you expect me to say 12:35 < latro`a> the goal of matching up with the english definitions written in the article 12:35 < ldlework> It certainly serves the former goal 12:35 < ldlework> latro`a: zipcpi's work is loosely based on the justifications I provide 12:36 < zipcpi> le broda -> lo le'elkai be lo ka broda 12:36 < ldlework> He has not formalized his ideas beyond magical predicates since he refused to think about the logical consequence for his semantic additions 12:36 <@xalbo> Those look almost exactly the opposite of what I would expect them to look like, even given that page. 12:36 < ldlework> Which is totally fine 12:36 < latro`a> er, that's fine; I'm asking about the da zo'e stuff, and what the hell those da/zo'e mean 12:36 < ldlework> da means something exists 12:36 < latro`a> in...what? 12:36 < ldlework> da and zo'e are just logical variables 12:36 < latro`a> that's the key issue that I've raised repeatedly over many many years 12:37 < latro`a> existence is all relative to a universe of discourse, and in human communication no one wants to say what that is 12:37 < ldlework> In fact divorced from language, they merely represent x 12:37 < ldlework> in Ex exactly the same 12:37 < zipcpi> "He has not formalized his ideas beyond magical predicates since he refused to think about the logical consequence for his semantic additions" i'asai, simply because I'm tired of the whole "But your da doesn't scope right!" arguments. I can't defend them 12:37 < ldlework> They are distingusihed in the context of the consequences of logic in language 12:38 < gleki> {da} is like "da" in "function(){var da;}" 12:38 < ldlework> zipcpi: yeah, I'm not saying you haven't gone far enough for your personal goals, it wasn't a dig on you I swear 12:38 < ldlework> gleki: exactly. It doesn't actually say anything exists. 12:38 < ldlework> It merely creates a target for subsequent predication 12:38 < ldlework> And quantification 12:38 < gleki> "exists" are all English approximations 12:38 < latro`a> can you maybe not use those words then? 12:38 < ldlework> "exists in so far, we have a variable we didn't before" 12:38 <@xalbo> Oh, I had forgotten, for ldlework {da poi draci cu se nelci mi} and {su'o da poi draci cu se nelci mi} are different, aren't they? 12:39 < gleki> i think proglangs are better here. i have nothing against this js-like code above. 12:39 < latro`a> because at this point what you're describing really does resemble jbo-da as much as fish resemble dogs 12:39 < ldlework> xalbo: well its more that I see da as a raw unquantified thing 12:39 < Ilmen> "PA da" is a counting device, it counts how many things satisfy a property in the universe of discourse 12:39 < ldlework> xalbo: su'o da may very well be a useful default after all the more fundamental modeling is given consideration 12:40 < ldlework> There is a fine line between a raw FOPL formulation, and anything that could be used to communicate upon the basis of language. 12:40 < ldlework> That line is introduces where FOPL merely has the variable 12:40 <@xalbo> The thing is, {su'o da poi draci cu se nelci mi} is true if there is any play that I like. {le draci cu se nelci mi} is true if the specific play we're talking about is beliked by me. 12:40 < ldlework> And language has the reference 12:40 <@xalbo> You seem to be saying that {da poi draci cu se nelci mi} is the latter; am I misunderstanding? 12:40 < ldlework> xalbo: right, when you introduce a quantifier you introduce consequences of entailment 12:41 < latro`a> ...so your da is xorlo's zo'e 12:41 < latro`a> if no quantifier is on it 12:41 < ldlework> xalbo: I'm saying, without a quantifier, its a free variable and you can't yet talk about entailment 12:41 < latro`a> oh 12:41 < latro`a> nvm, your da is something lojban has never had: an unbound variable 12:41 < latro`a> *bare da 12:41 < latro`a> well...ko'a without a goi, I guess 12:41 < ldlework> if we take away the default quantifier from da/zo'e its "just" the thing that exists in what you get in FOPL 12:42 < latro`a> does bare da create a scope then? 12:42 <@xalbo> Are you backing away from "<ldlework> le broda : da poi broda", or are you redefining {le} or {da} or both? 12:42 < ldlework> Not in this extremist-we're-not-giving-da-a-default-quantifier-like-su'o temporary model 12:42 <@xalbo> ua nai sai 12:42 < ldlework> This model is only useful for explaining the actual model where su'o is probably a reasonable default 12:43 < ldlework> brb I have to pee 12:43 < gleki> xalbo: in your example with {draci} there is a third option where {da} was mentioned several times before that phrase is uttered 12:43 < latro`a> not in unmodified jbo 12:43 < ldlework> I'm trying to illuminate how the underlying FOPL -becomes language- in a way that language philosophy can justify without any magic 12:43 <@xalbo> I'm strongly assuming that this is {da xi gensym}, really. 12:43 < latro`a> you'd need ijeks to pass scope along 12:44 < latro`a> the thing is, FOPL only does anything on a domain 12:44 < ldlework> Anyway, I think actually I'll just leave it for now 12:45 < ldlework> We can change topics for real if anyone wishes 12:47 < zipcpi> Heck maybe define {lo'ilkai} as well. I don't think anyone cares about what we do with {le'e} or {le'i} though 12:47 < Ilmen> en: ri'oirkai 12:47 < mensi> ri'oirkai = x1 is/are the referent(s) of the most recent complete sumti that satisfies the property x2 |>>> See also 12:47 < mensi> ri'oi. |>>> Ilmen 12:47 < zipcpi> lol 12:47 < Ilmen> dai 12:48 < zipcpi> GG-le'e is just {lo bi'unai}, no more, no less 12:48 < zipcpi> GG-le'i is {lo metije}, {lo metaje}, or {lo metuje} 12:49 < zipcpi> So yeah, fairly uncontroversial there, and no one cares about those old gadri anyway 12:49 < Ilmen> lo dei broda? 12:49 < latro`a> err...did you want me? 12:49 < latro`a> because me extracts referents now 12:50 < latro`a> *{me} 12:50 < zipcpi> Yes I know 12:50 < latro`a> ok 12:50 < latro`a> just making sure 12:50 * Ilmen was confused by this unbracketed me 12:50 < latro`a> I can see how that would happen 12:50 < latro`a> I was pronouncing in my head, so there was no confusion, then I caught that there would be 12:51 < ldlework> I may go forward using ko'a to represent unquantified da, thanks 12:51 < zipcpi> It's {le} and {lo'i} that has everyone up in arms 12:52 < zipcpi> Oh yeah and {xe'e} too, which should probably just be added to the GG page 12:52 < zipcpi> Even though it's not a gadri, it's become kindof important 12:52 < zipcpi> Because it contrasts with {le} 12:53 < ldlework> Yeah its a good way to distinguish between indefinite and unspecified 12:53 < ldlework> Where some would want to use mere "any" quantification to wave away the entire domain of indefinite reference 12:56 * ctefa`o peeks in, first thing he sees is {le}, runs away 13:23 < ghhtzt> coi 13:24 < durka42> coi 13:25 < ghhtzt> I see people arguing. 13:25 < durka42> that happens in here sometimes 13:26 < durka42> they seem to have stopped 13:26 < durka42> maybe if we back away slowly and avoid tapping on the glass, they won't be spooked 13:26 < ctefa`o> ALL BRIDI HAVE A DEFAULT JA'A 13:26 * ctefa`o ruuuuuns 13:27 < ldlework> ctefa`o: sure, since the default speech act is assertive 13:27 < ldlework> Doesn't seem controversial 13:27 < ctefa`o> Thank you ldlework 13:27 < durka42> ja'a isn't assertion, it's truth 13:27 * durka42 runs in a different direction from ctefa`o 13:27 < ctefa`o> No only occuring to about anyone bit you ld 13:28 < ctefa`o> ...I hate phone keypad 13:28 < ldlework> ctefa`o: or anyone who has read back to even PF Strawson 13:28 < ctefa`o> je'u is truth durka42 13:28 < durka42> this is also true 13:28 < ctefa`o> according* 13:29 * durka42 runs to a meeting 13:29 < Ilmen> And ce'a is false 13:29 < Ilmen> zo'o 13:30 < Ilmen> camxes: +exp ku'i lo remna na ro me lo cizra 13:30 < camxes> (ku'i [{lo remna KU} {na KU} {ro BOI} {me <lo cizra KU> MEhU} KU] VAU) 13:32 < ghhtzt> ro mei lo cizra 13:32 < Ilmen> ua 13:32 < ctefa`o> Well I have had about 5 people stare at me for suggesting ja'a as a default NA like I had told them to go study esperanto or something 13:32 < ldlework> ctefa`o: are you researching language philosophy? 13:32 < Ilmen> ki'e gasnu be lo nu lo mi gustci co'a te gusni 13:33 < ctefa`o> Nah just trying to get my head around jbobau 13:33 < ldlework> ctefa`o: in lojban a lot of the time, instead of saying there's a default we say that its merely unspecified 13:33 < ldlework> so its possibly cromulent to say that there is no default and if no NA is provided its potentially any NAa 13:34 < ctefa`o> Yeah one could 13:34 < ldlework> Of course there is a reason why LPs have chosen ja'a as the default 13:34 < ctefa`o> {. mi klama} - I may or may not go 13:34 < ldlework> right 13:34 < zipcpi> Meh I'm not going to argue with that anymore; I'm fine with ja'a over na... when he told me this I merely just confused it over the veridicality thing again 13:34 < ldlework> not very useful 13:34 < ctefa`o> But we can fix it by always putting in the ja'a:) 13:35 < ctefa`o> I mean 2 syllables for every bridi isn't much is it 13:35 < Ilmen> Adding da'i for the case you don't want to assert the main bridi seems more optimal 13:35 <@xalbo> {ja'a} as default is the only sensible way to go. {da'i} and {ca'a} have at least a little wiggle room for sufficiently strong contexts overriding them. 13:36 < Ilmen> provided that much of the time people actually assert what they say 13:36 < zipcpi> Ilmen: {ju'acu'i} is also another useful option, with a different semantic 13:36 <@xalbo> What do UI2 do with NAI and CAI? 13:37 < Ilmen> coi la .lojban. 13:37 < ctefa`o> Did anyone btw make a brivla for ca'a 13:37 < Ilmen> li'a go'i 13:37 < Ilmen> en: cazyfau 13:37 < mensi> cazyfau [< ca'a fasnu ≈ Actually is event] = f1 is actual (existing in act or reality, not just potentially). |>>> See 13:37 < mensi> also ca'a, fasnu, jetnu, pusfau, faurnu'o. |>>> tijlan 13:38 < Ilmen> I've made brivla forms for almost any cmavo that came nearby me 13:38 < ctefa`o> So no x2 then 13:39 < ctefa`o> I was thinking what would be that which you put into a CAhA tag 13:39 < Ilmen> ctefa'o: When I don't know, I put as few sumti slots as possible, so that one can add additional ones later if deemed necessary 13:39 < ctefa`o> If grsmmar still allows that 13:39 < ctefa`o> je'e 13:39 < Ilmen> en: zonkai 13:39 < mensi> zonkai [< zo'a ckaji ≈ Tangential to feature] = x1 is alongside of x2 |>>> Predicate form of zo'a; it means whatever 13:39 < mensi> zo'a means. See also zo'a. |>>> Ilmen 13:39 < Ilmen> xD 13:40 < ctefa`o> Well I want to formalize all the sumtcita to xoi and then they would need an x2 for CAhA zo'e 13:40 < ctefa`o> .u'i 13:40 < Ilmen> The role of X in {CAhA X} is clearly explained on the relevant BPFK page, IIRC 13:40 <@xalbo> Should have just made it {zonzo'a}. 13:41 < ctefa`o> Hmm it is? 13:41 < ctefa`o> iirc it was "grammar allows it but we have no idea what it means" 13:42 < Ilmen> Maybe I mix them up with TAhE then 13:42 < ctefa`o> Can check it up in a min 13:43 < ghhtzt> I wish people would spend more time enriching the lojban lexicon 13:47 < Ilmen> .oi glare 13:47 < Ilmen> fa lo tcima 14:13 < ctefa`o> Ilmen: nothing in bpfk section at all 14:13 < Ilmen> je'e 14:13 < ctefa`o> Unless I somehow missed it 14:13 < Ilmen> I think I mixed up with TAhE, sorry 14:20 < zipcpi> ghhtz: I have been adding lots of words yes, though too many are cmavo for some people's tastes :p 15:01 < zipcpi> jbovelcki be zo samyuan 15:01 < zipcpi> zo .samyuan., noi se krasi lo valsi befi lo glibau beife tu'ai da poi prenu li'u ku'o, cu cmene lo cevni be lo'e prenu poi lazni .i py ta'e 15:01 < zipcpi> Er... "push responsibility"? 15:05 < durka42> en:samyuan 15:05 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 15:05 <@xalbo> basygau fi lo ka fuzme or something 15:05 <@xalbo> {krati} may be relevant, or it may not. 15:06 < durka42> e'ende? 15:07 < zipcpi> There needs to be a brivla form of {ca'e} 15:08 < durka42> ca'enmo :p 15:08 < zipcpi> ca'esku 15:08 < zipcpi> No that's a lujvo 15:08 < durka42> jbo:ca'e 15:08 < mensi> ca'e = [UI2] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri jetnu seja'e le nu ri se cusku 15:08 < zipcpi> Yeah needs a brivla 15:08 < durka42> vlaste: jetnu jalge cusku (luj) 15:09 < vlaste> jetnu jalge cusku (lujvo) = jetyja'esku, je'urja'esku, jetyjagysku, jetnyja'esku 15:09 < durka42> pei 15:09 < zipcpi> k: ca'ensku 15:09 < mensi> (CU [Z:ca'ensku VAU]) 15:10 < zipcpi> k: ca'engau 15:10 < mensi> (CU [Z:ca'engau VAU]) 15:11 < zipcpi> $x_1$ defines $x_2$ to happen / to exist / to be true 15:12 < zipcpi> zo .samyuan., noi se krasi lo valsi befi lo glibau beife tu'ai «da poi prenu» li'u ku'o, cu cmene lo cevni be lo'e prenu poi lazni .i le go'i cu sinxa lo du'u le cusku cu ca'engau lo du'u lo datpre be cy be'o poi to'e itca cu fuzme lo se fuzme be cy 15:12 < durka42> hehe 15:12 < durka42> http://www.palci.org/ 15:13 < durka42> er 15:13 < durka42> zipcpi: did something get cut off 15:13 < zipcpi> No 15:13 < durka42> it says "(incompatible encoding)" after "lo se fuzme be cy" 15:13 < zipcpi> That's the last part 15:13 < durka42> ok 15:14 < durka42> looks good 15:14 < durka42> I wouldn't use {ca'engau} but I won't tell you not to do it :) 15:15 < durka42> I just think those zi'evla that are zi'evla only because they use the wrong hyphen are a tad confusing 15:19 < zipcpi> "x1 defines x2 (nu/du'u) to be true / to happen // x2 is true because x1 says so or thinks so." 15:22 < zipcpi> le go'i cu sinxa lo du'u le cusku cu ca'engau lo du'u lo datpre be cy be'o poi to'e itca cu basti cy lo ka ce'u fuzme da 15:28 < zipcpi> coi vonxlu 15:29 < zipcpi> su'oda se cfipu tu'a zo landegmei jo'u zo xirdegmei 15:30 < zipcpi> ma vlakra 15:31 < ctefa`o> la Ctefà'o has made radical changes to his ideas of formal expansion 15:31 < ctefa`o> Fellow jbopre can rejoice 15:35 < durka42> ua 15:35 < durka42> la ctefa'o made radical changes, and there was much rejoicing 15:36 < cliva> doi dabysi'u be tu'a lo re plise do'u .e'u curmi lo nu do pensi lo du'u da'i zo ko ka'e se sko'opu lo drata be lo bramau 15:36 < ctefa`o> durka: concept of bridi types still remains. Or you show me how to fix the adverbials 15:37 < durka42> :) 15:37 < ctefa`o> Just tabled the idea of most ke'as not expanding 15:37 < cliva> .i mu'a da'i ka'e cusku lu re plise zo'u ko ri mi dunda li'u je lu ko zo'u ko dunda re plise mi li'u 15:37 < durka42> lo sidbo cu binxo lo tanbo iau xu 15:38 < cliva> .i je lo ro re jufra cu smuficysi'u 15:38 < durka42> s/tanbo/jubme 15:38 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: lo sidbo cu binxo lo jubme iau xu 15:38 < cliva> (to .ai sipna co'o toi) 15:38 < durka42> s/iau // 15:38 < fenki> durka42 meant to say: lo sidbo cu binxo lo jubme xu 15:39 < durka42> co'o la li'oi cliva 15:41 < zipcpi> rafsi: ca'e 15:41 < mensi> zo catke se rafsi zo'oi ca'e 15:41 < zipcpi> rei'e sai sai mapti 15:41 < zipcpi> do'a sai 15:42 < durka42> en:rei'e 15:42 < mensi> rei'e = [NAhE] scalar abator: slightly... / not very... 15:42 < durka42> I was thinking of {re'e} .u'i 15:42 < zipcpi> u'i 15:43 < zipcpi> kinda sorta lo ka mapti 15:43 < durka42> catke lo nu fuzme 15:43 < zipcpi> ie u'i 15:44 < zipcpi> ue zo jetrinsku 15:44 < durka42> matmau 15:45 < zipcpi> ku'i pe'i lo ka cusku na sarcu lo ka ca'engau 15:46 < durka42> lo nu pensi cu banzu xu 15:46 < zipcpi> ja'a 15:46 < durka42> je'e 15:46 < durka42> ta'o these red links make jbovlaste comments a lot easier to read 15:46 < zipcpi> iesai 15:50 < ctefa`o> Overengineering-- 15:50 < ctefa`o> (Unrelated to anything anyone said) 15:51 < ldlework> like bridge making? 15:51 < durka42> like lojban :p 15:51 < ldlework> "over" engineering 15:51 * ldlework rolls his eyes 15:51 < ldlework> :) 15:52 < ldlework> bad joke, I'll let myself out 15:52 < ctefa`o> Nah I had just overengineered an idea. Enjoying to cut it down consideraly 15:53 < ldlework> What do you call a bridge that goes under the water? 15:53 < durka42> broken 15:53 < ldlework> A tunnel. 15:53 < durka42> I thought of that but then I decided my answer was funnier 15:53 < ldlework> jeeze I thought we were done with jokes I was just asking 15:54 < ldlework> I have this strange thing that when I'm at work all I want to do is think about lojban and flying 15:54 < ldlework> And when I get home sleep 15:54 < durka42> haha 15:54 < ldlework> There's just not enough time in the day! :) 15:54 < durka42> flying? xu do vinji sazri? 15:54 < ctefa`o> I had the weirdest dreams tonight 15:55 < ldlework> durka42: ie 15:55 < durka42> ua mi jilra 15:55 < ldlework> durka42: do ka'e cilre 15:55 < ldlework> I only fly simulators, but I'm giving it a real legitimate go interms of avionics and flight. 15:56 < zipcpi> ei mi cliva co'o 15:56 < ldlework> zipcpi: did you buy it?! 15:56 < durka42> lo mi senva zo'u lo mergugja'a jinga cu me lai gubyseltru jecu du la'o gy Lindsay Lohan gy 15:56 < durka42> ldlework: ai mi cilre ca la samdei 15:56 < zipcpi> What, the book? 15:56 < ldlework> zipcpi: yeah 15:57 < ldlework> durka42: know that is very easy to get started 15:57 < zipcpi> Not yet... still hadn't got through the preview x.x 15:57 < ldlework> its almost like they were designed to flight 15:57 < durka42> ie 15:57 < durka42> lo rupnu ku po'o cu sarcu 15:57 < durka42> what were designed? 15:57 < ldlework> airplanes 15:57 < durka42> indeed... 15:57 < ldlework> hehe I just mean, they are made to be very easy to manipulate. Its a lot more straightforward than I expected 15:58 < ldlework> In other ways, far more complex I guess 15:58 < durka42> mi pu'i vijysazri pare'u 15:58 < durka42> ze'i 15:58 < durka42> man the scope there is all bananas 15:59 < durka42> mi pu'i pare'u ze'i vijysazri 15:59 < ldlework> zasti vinji xu 15:59 < durka42> I can-and-have (once) (for a very short time) flown a plane 15:59 < durka42> jetnu vinji ja'a 16:00 < ldlework> ua 16:00 < ldlework> mi pu'i nai 16:00 < ldlework> ii da'i 16:00 < durka42> va'o lo nu kansa lo drata vijypre na iinmo 16:01 < ldlework> lo nu vinji nenri cu se jinzi tu'a lo ka terpa 16:02 < durka42> je'u 16:02 < durka42> mi ta'e klaustrofobo 16:03 < ldlework> uu 16:04 < durka42> vlaste: claustrophobia 16:04 < vlaste> cmazvakemnoryraclyte'a = x1 is claustrophobic. 16:04 < zipcpi> u'i 16:04 < durka42> damn that's longer than the english .u'i 16:04 < durka42> vlaste: claustrophobia (finti) 16:04 < vlaste> cmazvakemnoryraclyte'a (finti) = durka42 16:04 < durka42> .oi 16:04 < durka42> .u'i 16:05 < zipcpi> oise'idai 16:05 < ldlework> u'i 16:06 < durka42> is there a brivla for {noryracli}? 16:06 < zipcpi> I'm not sure... this really reminds me of that thing that la kristan said 16:06 < ldlework> kanpe is the only one coming to mind 16:06 < zipcpi> Erm, not sure how kanpe is relevant 16:07 < ldlework> like expected / avergae behavior I dunno 16:07 < ldlework> my humor is just not working today 16:07 < durka42> bebna? 16:07 < durka42> cmazvabebyte'a 16:08 < zipcpi> u'i 16:08 < zipcpi> But la kristan wanted an attitudinal modifier for rationality (cause you can feel something even though you know it is irrational) 16:08 < ldlework> is enough to be "small-room-fear" ? 16:08 < durka42> cmazvacunte'a 16:09 < zipcpi> Apparently Laadan has something like that 16:09 < durka42> yeah cmazvate'a works too 16:09 < durka42> but I wanted a general word/suffix for "phobia", ldlework 16:09 < zipcpi> Probably not gonna happen unless you use my {dzau} trick 16:09 < ldlework> selte'a 16:09 < durka42> a phobia as in a fear not necessarily grounded in truth 16:10 < ldlework> ah 16:10 < durka42> a fear of being hit by a car is not a phobia 16:10 < durka42> (in this sense) 16:10 < durka42> zipcpi: which trick? 16:10 < ctefa`o> co'o rodo 16:11 < zipcpi> I made {dzau} a pseudo-rafsi for the slate of upvote-etc brivla :p 16:11 < durka42> zipcpi: well you could just say {pe'i na'i} 16:11 < durka42> well sure, I could just zi'evla-shorten {noryraclyte'a} to {norclate} and then do {cmazvanorclate} 16:11 < zipcpi> na'i is... weird to me 16:11 < zipcpi> It's like... su 16:12 < zipcpi> I mean I can see it's utility in some questions, but leaving it unexplained... well, that's just very smart-assy pe'i 16:12 < durka42> en:na'i 16:12 < mensi> na'i = [UI3a] discursive: metalinguistic negator. 16:12 < durka42> jbo:na'i 16:12 < mensi> na'i = [UI3a] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri na'e drani 16:12 < durka42> ja'a se velcki 16:15 < zipcpi> Yeah it's like "that's the wrong question to ask"; useful, but not particularly polite to leave it unexplained 16:15 < durka42> yeah well that's when you apply it to someone else's selsku 16:15 < durka42> but if you proactively apply it to your own... 16:16 < zipcpi> If you proactively apply it to your own... it's like... su... or seju co'e 16:16 < zipcpi> As in I'm not sure what you're saying lol 16:17 < durka42> well what else would this "irrationality marker" mean :l 16:17 < durka42> si :) 16:17 < zipcpi> lol 16:17 < zipcpi> I think it's meant to modify attitudinals 16:17 < zipcpi> Not sure about applicability to statements 16:19 < zipcpi> I mean it could modify {pe'i} to give an opinion that you know is irrational... lol 16:20 < zipcpi> Maybe it's {ro'enai} or {ro'ene'e} :p 16:20 < durka42> pe'i toi'e na'i 16:20 < durka42> vlaste: ro'e 16:20 < vlaste> ro'e = emotion category/modifier: mental - mindless. 16:20 < durka42> heh 16:20 < durka42> pe'i ro'enai 16:21 < zipcpi> ii ro'enai 16:21 < durka42> jbo:ro'e 16:21 < mensi> ro'e = [UI4] tcita le se cusku le du'u la'e ri se krasi le menli be le cusku 16:21 < durka42> jbo:ro'e (n) 16:21 < mensi> lo nu mulno sisku zo'u: y no da se tolcri 16:21 < durka42> except that phobias come from your menli, just not the racli pagbu be lo do menli 16:21 < zipcpi> nitpick nitpick lol 16:22 < durka42> lo'e jbopre ta'e nitpiki 16:22 < zipcpi> ie 16:23 < ldlework> lo'i go'i 16:23 < durka42> la'a 16:23 < ldlework> u'i 16:24 < ldlework> xendo fa lo nu pilno troci lo cnino gadri 16:25 < zipcpi> jo'au gadganzu jo'au tcekitaujei jo'au lomcninojbobauklepoiminadjunomakaugo'auei 16:26 < zipcpi> zo'o 16:26 < ldlework> uaaa le selsumne poi selkra lo mi jupku'a cu mutce pluka 16:27 < zipcpi> mau'udai 16:27 < ldlework> je'u 16:28 < zipcpi> k: lomcninojbobauklepoiminadjunomakaugo'auei 16:28 < mensi> (CU [Z:lomcninojbobauklepoiminadjunomakaugo'auei VAU]) 16:28 < ldlework> I swear when I hear myself speak lojban with the internal voice, its an over-the-top japanime character 16:28 < durka42> k: lomicninojbobauklepoiminadjunomakaugo'auei 16:28 < mensi> ([LE:lo {KOhA:mi Z:cninojbobauklepoiminadjunomakaugo'auei} KU] VAU) 16:29 < durka42> k: lomicnínojbobáuklepoiminadjúnomakaugo'auei 16:29 < mensi> SyntaxError: Expected [yY] but "u" found. 16:29 < zipcpi> lo'u go'a uei le'u 16:29 < durka42> k: lomicnínojbobáuklepoiminadjúnomakaugo'aui 16:29 < mensi> ([LE:lo {KOhA:mi <G:cnino L:jbobaukle> <NOI:poi (¹KOhA:mi [CU {NA:na G:djuno} {KOhA:ma UI:kau} VAU]¹) KUhO>} KU] [CU {GOhA:go'a UI:ui} VAU]) 16:29 < durka42> zo uei na slabu 16:29 < durka42> na slabu mi je JVS vu'o ji'a .u'i 16:30 < ldlework> no uei .i ku'i ia uei 16:30 < durka42> .u'isai 16:30 < durka42> ia uei re'e 16:30 < ldlework> ko ca'o salci doi la uain 16:36 < durka42> I guess {dunli} is better than {du} since you get an x3 escape hatch 16:37 < durka42> if some jbopre nitpiki gets on your case about "amounts" of different substances 16:39 < durka42> whoa I switched windows how did that happen 16:39 < ldlework> u'i 16:47 < zipcpi> ldlework: Huh I get that too, except that it's a cross with Malay sped-up dubs 16:47 < ldlework> I don't know what either of those things are. 16:47 < zipcpi> Well I'm from Malaysia 16:47 < ldlework> Unless by dub you mean like 'copied cassete player' 16:47 < ldlework> u'i 16:47 < zipcpi> And you know of dubbed videos? 16:48 < zipcpi> THat is, video kept, audio replaced? 16:48 < ldlework> ahhh 16:48 < ldlework> ki'a nai 16:48 < zipcpi> Yeah, because Malay is rather verbose, often the audio is sped up to fit 16:48 < ldlework> Oh Malay is the native language of Malaysia, uasai 16:49 < ldlework> I told you I knew nothing about Malaysia 16:49 < zipcpi> lol 16:49 < ldlework> Now I know where it is and what its native language is. 16:49 < ldlework> :P 16:50 < zipcpi> lo galraiKENka! BE lo fraGAri! 16:51 < dutchie> uinai mi gunka ei lo bavlamdei no'u lo cabdei 16:52 < zipcpi> The Polandball rules won't allow Lojbanistan but perhaps we should make some comics anyway 16:53 < zipcpi> Not sure what they should be about though 16:55 < ldlework> I have had fun translating comics in the past 16:55 < ldlework> I did a bunch 16:56 < ldlework> Comics are fun because you want to pack as much semantic information into as small of a space as possible 16:56 < ldlework> Damn english and its popular idiomatic lossy compression algorithms 16:58 < ldlework> zipcpi: dubbing a seinfeld episode or something could be fun 16:59 < ldlework> probably a lot of work tho 16:59 < zipcpi> ldlework: Not translating; original ones involving Lojbanball 16:59 < zipcpi> la jbogugboi 17:00 < zipcpi> ku'i no srana cu sidbo fi mi 17:02 < ldlework> I talked to Ilmen about doing a flight-sim thing where we fly a plane and joke around with each other roleplaying as pilots in jet airliner 17:02 < ldlework> and record it li'a 17:02 < zipcpi> xu da me'oi script 17:03 < ldlework> oh god I don't know how to interpret da 17:03 < zipcpi> u'i 17:03 < zipcpi> da de di daxidu'e 17:04 < ldlework> Are you simply asking if there is a script? 17:04 < zipcpi> da de di broda da zo'e zo'e da de di do du du lo nu co'e kei lo nu bu'a 17:04 * ldlework spoja 17:04 < zipcpi> Yes 17:04 < ldlework> nah 17:04 < ldlework> we'd be focused on flying the plane most, and just quip at each other 17:05 < ldlework> dunno really 17:05 < zipcpi> xu lu'i ro setmima poi na ke'a cmima ke'a cu se cmima vo'a 17:05 < zipcpi> .y. 17:06 < zipcpi> exp: xu lu'i ro setmima poi na ke'a cmima ke'a cu se cmima vo'a 17:06 < mensi> (xu [lu'i {<ro BOI> setmima KU <poi (¹[{na KU} ke'a] [CU {cmima <ke'a VAU>}]¹) KUhO>} LUhU] [cu {se cmima} {vo'a VAU}]) 17:06 < zipcpi> za'a drani 17:06 < ldlework> staaahp 17:06 < zipcpi> ma dilcu li vo li no 17:06 < zipcpi> la'e di'e jitfa .i la'e di'u jetnu 17:09 < ldlework> u'i https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/96cc9b6d370c14c2046c 17:10 < zipcpi> ma du lo cmarai mulna'u poi loi paci jbobau valsi na ka'e velski ke'a 17:13 < zipcpi> xu la cevni ka'e finti lo bangu poi ke'a dukse lo ka pluja kei lo nu cy ka'e tavla fo ke'a 17:15 < zipcpi> li'a mi pofygau ro lo jbobau tersmu sampre 17:51 < noncomcinse> coi 17:52 < durka42> coi 17:52 < noncomcinse> .i do mo 17:57 < durka42> ze'irsaivi 17:59 < noncomcinse> ki'a 18:11 * nuzba @hyliu: 将来的に習得したい言語 プログラミング言語 python processing scheme java (c++(c)) 自然言語 Japanese english latina Italiano deutsch gaeilge 人工言語 esperanto lojban [http://bit.ly/1RRDbqs] 18:13 < noncomcinse> lo mi .irci samselpla cu na nelci lo so'i lerfu poi la nuzba cu cusku ke'a 18:13 < mensi> e'u do vrude pajni gi'e nai ze'i co'a cinmo lo ka nelci 21:44 < gleki> 25 more questions with a score of 10 or more 21:46 < gleki> some questions have now the score 11. you may unvote them and upvote other questions instead 22:00 < cliva> s/bramau/brarai 22:00 < fenki> cliva meant to say: doi dabysi'u be tu'a lo re plise do'u .e'u curmi lo nu do pensi lo du'u da'i zo ko ka'e se sko'opu lo drata be lo brarai 22:00 < phma__> 25 more questions? I see 9 in animals and 2 in geography 22:34 * nuzba @464161niftg: https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramatiko_de_Esperanto これと http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_kontra%C5%AD_Esperanto これを合成しようかとも思つたけれど、結局は十六条文法へのpinkaにしかならんからな… [http://bit.ly/1eZJNXM] 22:50 < gleki> phma__: have you upvoted at least questions here? area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 22:51 < gleki> phma__: * have you upvoted at least 5 questions here? area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/83133/jbobau-joi-jboceu-lojban-language-and-culture 23:09 < gleki> formatting fixed http://mw.lojban.org/papri/building_Floors/Stories_Numbering_System 23:11 * nuzba @uitki: building Floors/Stories Numbering System - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/building_Floors/Stories_Numbering_System by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1HtHQgN] 23:13 * nuzba @uitki: L17-01 - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/L17-01 by Gleki - /* Numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 = pa re ci vo mu xa ze bi so no */ [http://bit.ly/1ei8f5y] 23:49 * nuzba @uitki: Lingo - http://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lingo by Gleki [http://bit.ly/1KrWKGH] --- Log closed Wed Jul 01 00:00:20 2015