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[lojban-beginners] Re: (no subject)

On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 11:59:29AM -0600, melissa@fastanimals.com wrote:
> My understanding is that Lojban, like Loglan before it, has a goal of 
> making irrational statements impossible.

No. The idea is to make it obvious what you *said*, not necessarily
what you *meant*.

> I assume that I could make a statement that "green clouds sleep
> furiously," but that's semantics.  Purely syntactically, it should
> be impossible to make a statement which is valid yet senseless.

'Sense' isn't an applicable concept at the syntactic level. Besides,
preventing 'senseless' or irrational statements is impossible, and not
the goal of Lojban.

Rationality and 'sense' are entirely opinion.

Someone could say, for instance, "I'm going to kill you, because
you're black." You and I consider that an entirely irrational
statement, but if a hardcore KKK member hears it, it'll be as rational
to him as the statement "Its raining, you should carry an umbrella" is
to us.

Jay Kominek <jkominek@miranda.org>
Common sense is anything but common.