

Robin's gadri Proposal

posts: 1912

> > A botpi with no lid (or a farvi without stages) is like a patfu with
> > no children, a contradiction in terms.
> Sure, but developing something from scratch is different than both those
> things, is it not?

You are talking about English words here. If you are talking about
a relationship between a developer, a developed thing, and a
thing that the developed thing is developed from, then it's
a relationship between three objects. If not, then you are
talking about another relationship.

> It seems conceptually strange to me that I couldn't say "mi finti da",
> meaning "mi finti da fo zo'i" ("I made shit up") without expecting
> substantial confusion on the part of the listener.

That just means {finti} as defined has a more restricted range of
application than you would guess from the keyword. Lojban gismu
are bloated, that's not news.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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