

BPFK Section: Grammatical Pro-sumti

posts: 2388

1>Well, before we decide what these things are, let's try to figure out how they interrelate. As far as I am concerned, beyond sentences (or maybe claims) and events (and even those are shaky) these things are all terra incognita. With at least three types of thesories about each (and half-a-dozen subtheories in each case), making an ontological claim seems premature (an maybe not even necessary for what we are about). What you describe is a propositional function, which we would write with {du'u} and a {ce'u}. One theory (I use it myself sometimes — but always feel bad about it later) is that this is the same as a property ({ka} and {ce'u}) but another holds that predicating a property of an object (concept) is different from applying a function to an argument. And further, functions are not obviously intensional and properties (but propositions too) are (identity failure). But you are right, that snow is white is true just in case snow is white (one of the certainties — aside
from the question whether it is propositions or claims that are true).

2> No, it would not. What you give is a claim about Joan, not about her beauty, which is (intensionally surely, but probably extensionally too) something else. {le ka la djon melbi cu mutce} though I feel the need to fill in at least one more place. They might eventually come to the same thing, but that would take some argument (which I certainly am not ready to engage in, given the problems I am having in these areas at the moment).

Jorge Llambías <> wrote:

1>I would say a property is a mapping from individuals to propositions.
The property P maps individual x into proposition Px. We say that
an individual x "has" property P when the proposition Px is true.
In Lojban, for an individual (or individuals) {ko'a} and a property
{lo ka ce'u broda}, we say that {ko'a ckaji lo ka ce'u broda} when
{lo du'u ko'a broda cu jetnu}, i.e. when {ko'a broda}.

> You can't
> (usefully) say Joan's being beautiful is extereme though you can say her
> beauty is (but someone might claim that is {lo ni la djon melbi}).

2>That would be {la djon mutce lo ka ce'u melbi}.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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