

Wiki page BPFK Section: Grammatical Pro-sumti changed

posts: 1912

> Umm, what does "outer quantifiers are always
> distributive" mean?

That they count the individuals that satisfy a given predication
each by themself. So, for example:

ci lo bidju poi cpana le jubme cu grake li panono
Exactly three of the beads on the table weigh 100 grams.

That says that for exactly three beads on the table, it can be said,
of each individually, that it weighs 100 grams. It does not say that
three beads together weigh 100 grams. That would be:

lo ci bidju poi cpana le jubme cu grake li panono
Three beads on the table weigh 100 grams.

> Distribution is a feature of
> predicate argument places.

Many predicate argument places allow both distributive and
non-distributive readings.

> Do you mean that the
> sortal predicate place in which an outer
> quantifer variable goes is always distributive?
> That is clearly not right ("All those surrounding
> the building wore green hats").

ro lo sruri be le dinju cu dasni lo crino mapku
Each of those surrounding the building wore a green hat.

> That it is
> individual rather than plural quantification?

Yes, that's what I mean.

PA sumti = PA da poi ke'a me sumti

where {da} is an individual variable.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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