

BPFK Section: Inexact Numbers

posts: 1912

> accuracy: saying clearly what is actually going
> on. If, as now, you are proposing changes
> (either new or precising previous vagueness or
> ambiguity) a clear statemtn of what the change is
> and some explanation of why a change is necessary
> and why this particular change is the way to go
> ("widespread usage" is not much help unless it
> also says why the users have chosen this deviance
> — especially true when the usage is largely that
> of the proposer). But problems which do need to
> be met count for something.

I don't think I'm proposing any changes here. This is what
CLL says:

Each of these numbers, plus ro, may be prefixed with pi (the decimal
point) in order to make a fractional form which represents part of a whole
rather than some elements of a totality. piro therefore means ''the whole

8.8) mi citka piro lei nanba
I eat the-whole-of the-mass-of bread

Similarly, piso'a means almost the whole of; and so on down to
piso'u, a tiny part of. These numbers are particularly appropriate with
masses, which are usually measured rather than counted, as Example 8.8 shows.

I don't think what I'm proposing deviates from that.

> clarity: at least avoiding vagueness and
> ambiguity, being as precise as possible and
> appropriate. An unemotional expression is often
> useful as well.

piPA sumti = lo piPA si'e be lo pa me sumti

seems clear enough to me. "A piPA fraction of one of the
referents of sumti". When sumti has a single referent,
this reduces to the CLL case: "A piPA fraction of the
referent of sumti.

> noncontroversial: if a change presupposes some
> other changes, they should be dealt with as well,
> so that each section begins pretty much from the
> basics (CLL in this case).

I wouldn't have thought this was going to be controversial.
It is not even really a change, just a generalization of CLL.

> coherence: the various parts should fit together
> without internal contradiction or garden-pathing.

All parts fit together as far as I can tell. You claim they
don't, but you don't explain how they don't.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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