

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 1912

> Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:
> > Should something like {co,i} return an error, or should it be
> > allowed but parsed just like {coi}?
> An error, I'd say; it's an attempt to change pronunciation.

Possible comma rules would be:

(1) Allow commas anywhere at all. They don't affect anything.

(2) Allow commas anywhere except in the middle of a diphthong.
So for example the the name {i,ain} is illegal, because
{iain} must parse as {ia,in}.

(3) Allow commas anywhere in names, but nowhere else.

(4) Allow commas only at permissible syllable boundaries.

(5) ...

The problem with (4) is that then we have to define what the
permissible syllable boundaries are. (4) might even be the same
as (2). Is {brod,a} allowed? Is {b,roda} allowed? Is {b,r,o,d,a}

Also, should multiple commas be allowed, as in
{b,,r,,o,,d,,a}? They could be used to show
slow and careful pronunciation, for example.

I'm inclined to go with (1) at the moment, as I don't see any
reasonable restriction rule. I don't think we want the comma
rules to be the main part of the morphology algorithm, which
is what would happen if we imposed complicated (and quite
unnecessary) syllable rules.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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