

PEG Morphology Algorithm

On Friday 17 December 2004 21:22, wrote:
> Parsing Expression Grammars are just another formalism like Context
> Free Grammars. Once the grammar is written, there won't be any reason
> to write your own morphology parser. You'll take a parser generator
> for the desired language, and you'll run it on the grammar. It will
> produce code you don't have to test.
> If you're considering writing your own parsing code to duplicate the
> effect of what is described by the grammar, well, you can entertain
> yourself however you please. But don't ask the rest of us to suffer
> for it.

I've already written valfendi, and I did not do it to entertain myself.

..i toljundi do .ibabo mi'afra tu'a do
..ibabo damba do .ibabo do jinga'u la ma'atman.