

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 1912

> It Would Be Nice for digits to be treated as PA, but that's not
> currently happening and I don't want to fix it right now.
> Morphology pass: text=( nonLojbanWord=( 123 ) )

I think this is all it takes:

cmavo <- !cmene !gismu !lujvo !fuhivla cmavo-form / digit

I made the change, and added comma* in front of the digit
definition, so that commas are allowed everywhere without
disrupting anything.

I thought about replacing:

stressed <- comma* AEIOU


stressed <- comma* áéíóú

and making the corresponding changes in the letter definitions,
and adding:

letter <- comma* A-Z

BY <- Y space-chars* BU / &cmavo ( j o h o / ... / x y / z y / letter )
&(spaces / consonant)

but I guess that would be too revolutionary for some people.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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