

PEG Morphology Algorithm

Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:

> Well, mine too. Now is our time, so let's consider it. {iy} puts every
> fu'ivla (at least those that start with a consonant) on an equal footing.
> Just as with gismu, some are priviledged with shorter rafsi, but all
> have at least the long ones. Why not extend the same benefit to fu'ivla?

I'm not sure if Nora was able to prove that iy didn't work, or if she was
simply unable to prove that it did, but she's the person to ask.

When I'm stuck in something boring John Cowan
where reading would be impossible or (who loves Asimov too)
rude, I often set up math problems for
myself and solve them as a way to pass
the time. --John Jenkins